The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 19, 1890, Image 1

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    ye - tfE$$8ig
sfg- 'Tv"SSSKt1fm5?P5r' 7'7?eBBBBBBBl
" . ,
P?C- v .1
" "
&" Kyss
5?3?- -?-'-r4
-SvT" .
. 'JwbbRR.bV.- . we223HHKaafcKMflfitflHBSEHldHa .ii!RRRV. iBlZZZa,, n--.. . -
Tt "asBRRf-
TmmmWmfrtS2Ji- "bbRRRRRbbbbRRRRbb' BaRarr TBBWfflTBKifP'' .--lsJsaKjI-,-'!. ...
'" "--"HiriirTmaBaRRRTR . . M iBiile'EaQZ-- iai .
' SIkSIkBHB mmm&n5S?gmmmm? 19 ,PaRraRrafiiRlwf laRW rW j -
EsBHSkE3? bbbbbW bbb. Bn BsBRRRa'SItffiiBBBBR'. Bk Rm rb ?BKSsSP,?l'-:tei!T. m". C'rav
-- iw
1 "
By A. C. Hosmer.
.Either in Stiff or
McNitt &
They have their
F. N. Richardson, Prop, Red Cloud.
We have more Lay and more corn, more oats, and more
bam (all of which we purchased when prioee were ay
down) than any firm in town, there we R prepared 2 ve
U lower R8te than any firm between the 2 oceans, Boarding
by the day, week or month. We do not brag of our horse
manship. Stock in our care shows their keeping, Call on
us at the dW reliable barn back of Postoffice andjbe con
vinced that what we tell yon is true.
Hacker & Parker,
R. V.SniREr, Pres. Hrmrt CLARKS,Yiee-PrM. L. H. Fort, Cukier
Ellis L Shirrt, AMitUat Caskicr
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
CAPITAI,. - $75,000 .
Transact a geseral bamkiag buiRtw, Wj sr4 tU mmtj warraala, alax
ceanty, predict and acheol sltstriet bo4b. Bmy b1 mII fwtigi , xakftaf
Jas. McNenj. J. A.Tmlley 0. W. Umian. .B. V. Skim-
John & Shiraj.
uewrj mark.
PAID UP atPJJJL.ffionon
r- -1 " - - w - .. '.
K .- r.LJTT!?T!"'' i ij j wannBnrnwlwaa Shakaaair
rJ?- macamae' "- "' a .JJ t, - : .. . -" ..aBaBmBBna an. -nma
Wr Ssn"!1 y tTTJ sommn,-J "t11J- - aid slsaa aiKriaiaa. silaA SZYSIf fmmtn
l'i. enanMaownfahawSEf 2SBJ!a! aa Wiiaweamavymraams saw efastonR. , . '.jA. .r.ti'r;. j l- J., - - :J j ' .---- Tl-r . Jw Jmmaa
kg-'- Mm ..i-I- r,"-- imm mwmm. - tr t. p,;m hm iwp, .WBnnaiMI ' TrT.:T.' ""'Ml.. VaJBBSnBBBm UH OH BM. 9 " '.it
E& " v. yniewBtandaji iteAj m .ji,xij mm-Mi .-j t.?jj!'-" S -i- - j - - '"" aJiMit bbxk ffcai -TTIti'i,-?-??? JBUBnnwinBBBnBjrjBjaBBaBMaaBfcj,"-
mri " vaamanaamggEgrsTSL -... . - ... t-a ,.. . ( . r-.- ,mi-.-zj ftr --.,..:.---- waaniliaasi aal sailaa aalalmt anuanai rRsasjaaaBavaaaasmaaaaaaalmaB
-! -1 li.
Crusher, go to
V-. -
Fall Scock all in-
B. F. HtfhlMC
A. J.
K ay
w ar ' y rm
BTCtM aamsmHarma f
smgd ms mar , mmmmma ( mmmmR , mmnnnmajnms nana ammmma mms.
" Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty," and One Dollar a year is
Red Cloud,
fMw -
BepaMlcaa Male Ticket.
Per Gtcumi.
I-1. RICH ABDS m Voire.
For LlntwMBt tioreraer.
T. T. MAJOK8otNewdMk
For Secretary of Mate,
J. C. ALLEN of Ked Willow.
For Audi tw
1 1IOS. II. BENTON of LaaeiMter.
For Treasurer.
J. K. HILL of Gage. .
For Attoraev-GeMral.
UBoXUB H. UASTlNUltof Saline.
For CeanlMtoaer FaMIe IjumI and BaUdlaes'
GEO. . HUMFHRKV otCmter.
For SuperiBteadeatof Public IaMrueUoa,
A. K. GOUOY of Webster.
CeMgreaaieum Ticket.
For Congress,
Seaatmrlal Ticket.
For Senator.
8.C. BAIRDof Nuckolls county.
Fleat Ticket.
For Float Representative,
Coiialjr Ticket.
For Representative.
ForCpunty Attorney,
Mrs. L. M. Vance is visiting
rkearney. with the parents of
The Kearney Enterprise and Journ
al hare consolidated, and hereafter
will be one organ.
Other dealers will give you ccl
creek coal, but R A Handy will fiire
you genuine oanon city eoal .
The state republican ticket from
bottom to top is coaposed of good
en and all will be' elected.
J. A. figcCliatoc, and Floyd Rey
nolds haye added their names to the
big book of the Great Faaily Weekly,
for all which they receive our thanks.
J. W. Edgertoa, the independent
candidate for attorney general spoke
la this city on last Saturday to a
coed siied audience.. Mr.-KdgetUa.
litalikrvngtor the men on his ticket
akes a fair speech, leaving out the
deaagoguery usual with that class of
The followiag tniaisters hvre been
appointed by the Methodist coafer
ance, for Webster county.
Red Cloud, Rev. E. J. Randall.
Inavale, J. P. MoVey.
Guide Rock, A. J. Marsh.
Cowles, E. L. Wolf.
Blue Hill, O. L. Burbank.
A telecraa was received here on
Tuesday, that Graat Ludlow, formerly
editor of the defunct Helmet, had
been drowaed. No particulars were
givea. Graa, while.he might have
had hia faults, deserved a better fate.
His aged pareats, aad frieads, have
the sympathy of our eitiieas ia their
The parties who are ia the habit of
breaking me signal wire running
from the engine house to the fre de
partment, will fad it costly faa if
their identity is discovered. As of
ten aa twice a night, the wire has
been separated by some oae. If the
Earties desire to be let off easy they
ad better let the wire alone, as the
fne fzed for the offence is heavy.
A. J. Welch, well known here, and
formerly ticket agent, and holding
the name position at MeCook, has re
signed, aad goes to Kentucky, where
ht has secured a better positiea.
Tbr ChibF hope to tee Art superin
tendent or general uaaseager agent
of the Kentucky road before long, at
he is one of the best railroad men,, we
ever knew. In fact he is a perfect
geatlemaa, aad kaews his basiaeas.
Our best wish U him, fa aaeeese.
The Ancient Order of United work
men of this eity, ta oae of the best
aad BMaiaraftrsasiva egaainatieao ia
the eity. The lodge has a large
membership esmpeeed of ear heat
eitiaeaa, and the aeaaa of ineuranee
that it gives, is a measure worthy ef
the eeaeideratiea of every maa who
has a family. The rate in very low
aad theee who have ao insaranss,
should a4 hesitate, ia fast it ia a
datv that every maa owes hia family,
a awvide a way waareby hia family
will have msaas at usast whoa aa
beyond aha aower ia aid!
lathe A. O. V. W. yea iadl
aha aaaiaat. ehaaaaat aad BMatiaaahla
life aeaaaaav nay
aay easae.'wjia
iaehaa asada
iaVa faM taataa
woald be vaeiagayiaat a maa atsa.ia
aadhaabaaaHwtraa flnaai af taa
maftal saaisty ia
Webster County, Neb., Friday, September
U. & Gt Retort, Af 7 "
Fraai the EaTete East.
The Vermont poet, Joha G. 8axe. oaoe
said, that Vermont was formed for
merry women, maple sugar, and horses,
and that
The Irat are strone.
The last are fleet.
The second aad third eseeednutly sweet.
And all are extremely hard to beat.
All of which we found to be true while
in that state;
Lamerito county, ia a beautiful place
to spend the summer months, being sit
uated among the Green mountains, there
are mountains to the right of us, and
mountains to the left of us, Ac
We enjoyed going out in the morning
to see them with their heads ia the
clouds. It is always cool and and com
fortable here in the summer, but I much
prefer the Nebraska winters.
They hare deep snow, which lasts
sometimes till May.
It rained nearly all the time -we were
in the state, but we found the people
warm hearted and generous, and ready
to do anything for our pleasure. At one
old homestead near St Albans, we had
a gathering of relatives, there were 35 of
us. Oneold aunt of mine D7 years old,
another 1 1, and from that the cousins
ranged downwards to one year old. Wa
left Vermont with regret promising to
go back some future day. From there
we went to northern New York, to m:
old home, which I had not seen for
years. Some of my relatives lire there
now. but as soon as I went into the
I found people who knew me, and 1
began to find old school mates aaa
friends who are as warmhearted in ago
as they were in their youth. I went to
church on Sunday, and at the close, the
people crowded around to speak to' me.
and even those who did not remember
me, wanted to shake hands with mew
because my father and mother were
theis friends.
If firaf viaifc in f ha nttnnafaw Sn
my father and mother lie buried thafira
and I found more aaaple there that I hai
known, than
up into the A
places that! had
wilderness, was
houses, churches and
paper offloa, la
printea the
will vnut aa
there are
ing rocks
the forest, and tafaaise of the rushing
saw milk, which turn out about 100,000
feet or lumber every day. The many
places of summer resort were tilled with
people from the cities, who were hunt
ing, fishing, exploring, aad baring a good
time generally.
We are now at this writing at Pots
dam, N. Y. where we arrived just in
time for the fair. Cattle and hogs are
aotasgoodaain Nebr. the horses are
finer, potatoes are excellent, and other
Togetables, not as large ae with us, but
better for cooking purposed
They had a very suoossnf ul balooB as
cension, a man went up with the balloon
and came down with a parachute, and it
was a very exciting performance.
I find that my brother's wife in the
president of the Relief Coras here, aad
mthenW.RGwomaathatl hare
metauos I left Boston.
The W.R. a have a teat on the fair
ground, where they eerve
to the hungry.
I have met a number of their
berawhoare fine, intellectual
and great workers in the cauaa. W ax.
pact to be home soon.
& B. KftlOHT.
Rteeertatleaa af Keaaect.
At joint meeting of Line township
Alliance and Humel Alliance on the 13th
instant, the following preamble and reso
lutions were unanimously adopted oa
the death of Cornelius A. Rooeacrans. has pleased the Divine
Ruler of the universe to remove from our
midst our well beloved brother, Gorael
iusA Rosenerana, therefore be it
Resolved, that by bin death, the
Alliance has lost a useful member, aad
the wife and children a dutiful husband
and a kind aad hvina father, and hiU
we deplore bin death wa ahall ever strive
to emulate his maay virtues. Aad be it
Resolved, that a copy of these reaolu aadbe aablsdiedmthwRedCkiadCaup,
weonaar evwy Argue, aaa she Ail
he aataad unoa tha memfe
L. AHassoxh.
Wy. Van Dncay
- T.Scttow. J
have trieiAyemPUaamtifyte their af.
aey aa laetaaRMy lamiiilaa; the
it, wiiaeai mjary te
jsvexyvaaar m ta
anyaBBaaaue. we waatijk
ounasBBBBBn. ann anBBna 1 2-'
mnnmnnv .. m j . . l BFU
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmm jj-
surraRaaaammmmma,' vnrv nmmmrmmmmu
hcnfafBTaRsPiBa, aad outcrop-(with
oraRaBamjjBae slopes, besides
a mammmaa
iimiimiii mmaas inmni sins sua
bbbbbbbbb mai tmRnB mmtilBm 7 aS
ffWBBRBBBramRf BBBBBBBB 'maBBBBBt UahanBb naaaa1 m nj . m aB
! Jgf! JBayatataia laaa that wS
MbbbbbbbK BbbbbbbbbM
MiafiLli waaaaTS a7 dff
mavaaaamalaasmmtoamata taam II
JfcSlg,-0 "r ii rn
aaaaaasagrr. That m mm ;aaw ZTaS
CM. leaf's Lcclarc.
Cel. Loag, the famous leeturer, oa
the subject of temperance, held forth
in oar eity, several eveaings last
week to crowded houses. The beauty
about his remarks, is the fact, that he
succeed in drawing all classes to
hear him talk aa his argumeats are
handled in a gentlemanly way and
with sueh force as to bring conviction
to the most skeptical of men who hold
to the high licence ldrss. His talks
on social purity, were terns of thought
that aad aot been tuny appreciated
until taea by maay who bad aever
givea the subject mueh attention, in
fact his whole argameat ia the tern'
aeraaee iiae was oae rich aad rare
treat, such as our people have had
few opportunities to listen to for
many years. If there were more men
of Co!. Loag's kind, the world woald
ha much better, aad the whisky traff
ic woald have fewer admirers. We
hope he may come this wsy sgaia be
fore loag.
With all of the bombast displsjed
by the independent candidate for con
gress "that he will be the next con
gressman for the second district" it
must be evident to every well discip
lined mind, shat ho is losing votes
every day, as his record becomes
more fully known to the people of
the district. The people of the 2nd
district want a maa ia eoagross whom
they caa rest assured will be able to
represeat them ia a manner that will
bring about needed legislation . This
MeKeighan can never do, when be
has said his little tariff speech that
will be all that he can say or do.
Then some one will say didn't you
used to live in Webster county, Ne
braska, and wasn't you judge then,
snd didn't you make a failnre in
that position, and haven't you been
an agitator all of your life, Ac, Ac?
aad Mao can't make a denial aad
will aaawcr yes. That will he sud
eient to knock his inf uenco out. A
man to represent the people in con
gress should be a peison who is a
, a great thinker, a friend of
pie, aa honest straightforward
usl beings who will do his
fearlessly and above board, and
a maa is Mr. Harlaa . The peo-
thoaM aat vote for just any per-
if bat alsald aim to pick oat a
waexM mof t f tted for the plaea
aWMaoftLe treent day is,
stead of picking out men whose
partiealsrly Its them for the
d responsible position of Icgis-
oota oar national ana state
ve bodies, we piek oat mea
some ism. with nothing to back
it, or some agitator whose educatioa is
lacking, ar some moated msa because
he can bav his way easier, aever look
lag at tho great aad important point
of his qaalif catioa far the ofice. Jt
has beea aaythiag io get there, ia
stead of electing a mn because he is
felly able aad competent to discharge
the important duti- of making just
aad equitable laws for the whole peo
ple. The people have degenerated in
their wild career after political sroils
and naturally have lost sight of the
greatest aad most important factor,
that a maa ahoald be emiaeatly.quali
fed to represent the people ia every
particular when elicted to represent
them in congress. A congress com
posed of men of braias is whst is
aeeded more thaa anything else ia
these days. With that kind of mea
ia congress to eaaet our laws, we
would have bat little cause ta be dis
aeateated, as most of them woald be
jast and backed by wisdom sad hon
esty of purpose. Thea let's elect Mr.
Harlan, as he is the embedimeat of
all these.
Hoa. N. V. Harlaa, ear aezt caa
gressmaa, was ia the eity Taesday,
aBd a large namber of oar peeple
called on him. While here he made
haadreds of frieadt. amoag thes
who had lateaded te vrte for Me
Keighan. Mr. Harlaa is aa haaest
straightforward maa, a friead ef the
poor aad dowa troddea, a geaaiae
aati-moaepolist, aad if elected to
eoagress will art oat his sentiments.
As the time aaareeehes far the eoa-
iag elaetioa his chances grew better.
Iavestigate his record, sad yea will
fad hiaaeleaa maa. How ia tka
record af the ether maa? Step ard
taiafc before yea decide to veto far a
democrat, ia the persea ef Mr. Mc-
atr.JUrUawui ee sea
ae stamp
everywaere. S fair aeaesi eai
ef hia
an his
L asma fMBM waHs Be
lii57aaaMal fta -mi .la
a eT't RBaBRrT,,?:
CeaaiMiHi they are Inmost ia amir
fRaaaaTaai1 aaBsal tvW fRaaffi W909 M avT eats' fsfaav
maBBsar' " BmBBBasRaaV. V&Bv- 'VfeBBB fete ana
BbbbsbbsWIbbbbbbbbbbbbbV afmmnaaanmaB BBB-kAW hh aRaBBBB bbsbsbbbbbbbbI
the Price of The Chief.
19, 1890.
Clareaee Lewis starts Sept. SSad to
Nebraska City, te attoad the state ia
stitnte for the Sliad, altheagh he ie
not blind a deformity of the ejea
compells him to study with the cade
of bis fingers. He has beea Io col
lege three or foar terms and is aaite
an eipert at reading.
Still a great "T sick folks ia
this viciaity. all some better at G read
pa Norris.'
The rains did not last very loag
after the break ia the loag drought.
A few of the creetites atteaded the
laborers picaie last Meaday.
Mr. Meashang has his aew- hoase
eaclosed, Mr. Verill aad Merrill, of
Gaide Rock' did the work.
Mrs. S. Braaer en.i Mrs. Kd Lew
is started for Nebraska City the 8th.
Mrs Lewis teak the traia at Red
Cloud, aad Mrs. Braaer at Gaide
Rock they will go ia Laws, at John
son, aad thea ge te th City where
they expect" te visit, aad dry. aad eta
A. C. Boa, aad I. Coayae have
made a corn cutter that is ran by
hones that can cut mora corn in oae
day than eight mea caa cat alaae.
Mrs. McFeters, daughter of I. Bra
baker is stopping a while with her
relatives of this place, her hasbaad
and children arc oa their way to Paw
nee this state.
A heavy frost on the 8th .
Dr. Joaasoa, of Cowles, sad Dr.
Isom, of Blue Hill, performed a very
painful but necessary eperatioa oa
Mrs. Blaakeva bsby the 30th, ef Aat;.
It is now well.
Last Friday evening was a happy
event in the hoaseheld el M. C.
Jscksoo. his daaghter Flora, was
gladly surprised oa her 18th birth
day. 59 youag people took sapper
with her sad eajoyed themselves till
2 o'clock in the morning.
Ms. Blankey's mother, and sister
from Franklin, are visiting her this
Mr. George Baker, ear eascieet
veterinary surgeon, was thrown from a
wagon Monday and two ribs aad eaa
arm broken.
Charley Lewis split hi s big toe
open Friday.
We received a letter from Mrs.
Van Dyke of Atwood, Rawlins ceaa
ty. She says every thing is a fail
ure, aearly all the mea gaae elsewhere
to huat work, aad those who stay
will have to have aid. She aasd ta
live here.
far 1ft
First ice of the
Temperance meetiag at tha
school hoase.
Satarday Bight, KM Stacker, made
a spzeeh that waa well received aad
highly eomplimeated. Also Bre.
Beaa made aa address. Several
joiaed the Icagae, oae a deaioerat, se
it acems that the wire pullers will act
be able deliver the thiakiag demo
crats over to the ram power at the
polls. The corrupt league ef dema
gogues with that power ought to be
regarded aa an iuau(t te the maaheed
ef every temperance democrat Tha
society adjouraed ta eeaveac ia two
weeks at 8 p m. T. D. M.
Luther Btasea, the faaveua tcav
peranee lecturer eatertaiaed ear aee
ple this week with some f ae temaer-
aace lectures. Mr. Bcasoa saews
fally bow to handle the sabject aad
keeps his aadteacea spell aeaae.
Be wmm ia time. Tea nave tee saaay
ayluarsfoTceeanjoaaajleeBlaf. Use
Bag's Hair Rsaewsr. taaeaat pispsratabB
out to ear taam. Try it.
ItiaMteeiahing hew rapidly lee feeble
aaa debilitated geia streagte aad viger
baa taking Ayr's gajnaasrass. Fee
what ar eailad iiilmi eew nsaatlta
tieaa.n nothing tat has erevefl seeCse-
tive aa this
ia Diet 14 Tajosder
H. Fisher vke-sraa i Jsat aaa&UFma
After utteaa tat
sasaiiwifwad te a
Seat. asth. at eeaak at wama
am cwwniany mviiea mi
aFsRa yaWaWaywaly rRbvwV
A aoa-aartiaaa
ntarr. - - - - - -, bw i t irammRk. m aRRL. laumw. I
etaataBgrnaaaatx it mmm "- . mm"- 9mmmi9 J
aaaaivawaaaaiawaBaanwaBaBaaaaawBaaava w . X BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW
attiaLted to the oaasa lasaaa maad AaasajiA.Bi.aBs. ..
eBBfiaamBnnaua aanaaaBr Lt aBpaaFBBwaaF aaa wawWBi aaavaBBBBBBnaav anaw ee eaaa'V mmm aaBVBdBl PVaRRaRBRRRW BsBRwa jasjBFTi WVAWVbHI BRRRVaTRRRul
a ) j ai m ma sLa vasBBBBam aaVJaBFasBSBT - .swa epaBawj aaaaBaaBaajpia-
of eoeaaaesSS fvoaaasaaNnldaVa. -- ' """'f' Iiibb iiillSaaw - aaat '"jaa
RLRfTgau.Fiia'liit nfasssaTs Sail stAaTtjam to Tgg tar
saammaasHlj piia. seat ajaaw anal hjehr mmmmtrmm
Hsa. Jan. Gilhaaa arOL lastaaa ea she TlmZlZmttmn&mi tmXSUSimmiltXSmmm9
antattaaaamanhiilhiasiiR Ifcjiaytmi
Wasnat Grask m r.a it Taasaay caaav mmnwigmmy tjmjajlai aaRmaaafamJRBR
T m BBBVBaBBBhsmBBBSBBBIBBaBm faBBSBBT mBBBS aBBBBawai BBaasaatav saaBaaam
tw Niri v-i., kit,. 2?2riS!a: afiaaa a33a3n
BBBBBBRiaT maaTesI BBRRRasaa VwatMaRataY tfWSVV aPaV am-aaBBBBBBaaBm afcanm atBRT.mRaRat aaRRat- RaR dfaa-aajBmmi -.. 4aaaeaanmsammaaasa I
are ta pay taa aatt, ahlih 1m ii agaSaMsn!&aaa enaaftaaa . mx-m muTTr ' I U
aBvafeffawmw aaaaaa wbbbbbbb mmmay mrw ami aaaBmammananammanma fdammaa nBRasRl Vmaaa frm mmmm m . aaa faaaaa. ., a maBBRRaaBBBaasai ' - -T" g if
"" ' , T ""aPJB"A i . '''RAvaBaBaaBBjbjBaj .
Q.' C. TaaL asamj)v aacmaT. ata -j2aCSt -- aRaHibfl- X.-
. a mmta bVb hims aaaa BBaaaBa mm- mJ mkEamSltmmm at CrSRBRy. " "' MWUmWmWtMi Al
aavM r. avaa aaa aaaaac mam aaaaa . a. m.amaaBiaaBmiwaBRa -JaaSamm'' - 'aimahnaaf f
satataRBf,talfca amvRaa, Wcassia. k --BBm--miMB- j. - --z lJIIbbbJIWsv -" -, j' f
aa. - - 'imiFmmFmmmmm Wm9m'!WmmWtmWj)mWmWtmT Bg --
--. -.- mmmmmwmwmWmmwm :. eMaawaamaaBBaHaBBBri . 1,
maUBw hAkdB BU.BaaB- aaBBBBkaam aVaaawani BaBaanaaBi aaBaaaaaBBaaW Ohm -TZ -" BB t'm - SB mBaVTBaBSaT'C' t- B -i5rT-c iWaBajmmBBamaBB? .OmBBBBBmBBBBBBF BBBBBmr, - B - ?BV"
Taa aal saaK amaaaa asaa aaaan. aaavlasaMlaBVaBma aaRRaW-'Baa &-& - - " - -magF Tms&i-r 3k-
.k. . -f---. r- - '. '?-'. mmimfmmmrmrfmmmJmrmmmmmft - a .JaaRBBBBRRRaW-X :f-" 'ft J
aaam BRWaaRBaBal aajBamamaBBr maamj cbb. aB,maaaBBaajBBm emmmmhaj aa-BBv ay -jbujb . '-efu- . , MmwPmfmmmmfmWtKm j. Cw--1 mT '-" feavl
- tetFrnRflaay RaVJ ssrV m tyaWaTeaff YsbrV OMM.aRf ajsRsM WTfTT - &i 'af v K4
em t ' tX 'aBaam, ' " . m TZ? aWaWJW BBwaaa-BPwaaMBBBBB7 .WBBaaaBBBBBaaBBBBBI . sWt'aBaf Si-5 XJ J-& . Z. aLam ' - M M X- J
-M 'gBBaBhaBa Bf aBBBBaBBaW RRRRf ajnaBaBaBBl aaaBanl - cjafkBuwjBTaaB s - - '-.", mj' 'B ? JT ' aa, . -.1m &tL afe MPZ. aaRBB '& KV" Vv 'Tit '-, mWMZ bBbR " ATL. , "J M BVd
maRBBst WUmW-M WWmW-mm vVeRRafal BJRsYcrV BBBBBBaRRRRRRBt mmAt. m m-mmmmim bRRW at aw ' . J " "C - dRWaBaBaa.BafBLamaaaaA ' . V af BH
aalaVAaft - - Tataf w aw B L W m m , T " iT '" '.mT 2 BTaf,JTMTfc7 BmmmZt"mW RRRRRRlRRRRKBRRmBRBrw .LbbRBbbRRRRRRRRRRRRRB
ZiMZEZ-MZZmTi rf- R T&T -' '" :7 r " ' t -" r - - - - 't -StT - ' mrr- -X fV?i '3-' vJ"f ' J&&mLmmmmmmmmWkmm
M w rk kvMatnrs (
as in raverr-ant
FVtvuary ta.
bmwH teaR read aa InRoa aat
Hrcttan It That at Mm
w Sr kel4 em the Taaadav
UN erst Meawbr of .Not
imsl then haM l
Hrraars C thl afaSt fc
Mr aeptawal r r
a aha SMMStBitMM
Jaetjan an
af Into stt
wrda a fcaiaa, 1h
for Ml d
latoateaitac lUtw
rter atuhiMtad ta into
d Um
iftiMatw saan
rrorlda ay law lor tha
saan awa at
I' iVutbVvT eamOai
at ink Mate
for thsir aaataial as rJrtlse aaaawad
aarat u tha raaaUtallaa af th alata ta
varda aa hUs: Tha aaiBMlartur. ak
and kclac fur sate af lahntaaltaa Hqmt
aa a stra ahaN he Ucaaaad aad rcuUtod
iVruan t:
tot af rarh
At aaa
rarrtiae, an
nastd aajaei
ntsMhnt aha
to wa
UtfciM. M-
aad kti-
lac far aala af lata
ha"ra aa a
arvaratr. ar -aamiaattaa atasi
SMBt ta the eaaatitMttan pA
aRsBaslaasIJf aantw maav Bta?ftHIC "Be
IWtidg IlkP
aw -nf la.
letiaattus Uiamasa hcveraaa."
There ahall atw ha arittrn wr wlalrd
on tha ballet ef each rlrcter oUn tar
tua ynifiowd aawaaawat i Um ntRrfiiu
Uon, Ut word, -rur aroasrt ajacitd
niaaa ta the onattllutioa that tlx uuhu.
fartHfr, aal aad aeeplac for ! uf la
tuitoatmf lltiuun aaa sanerac In ihU atala
nan be lWard or rrruUUsl t Um,"
ar "Aaaluat aaM pronged ajaenitaarnt !
the ruaaUUiUa that the ataaafarturr, ml
and herata f.r ml at lHiuslratin iim
aa a brverace ahall be llcraard aad recaialed
by law."
MeCton 1: If Hthrr ef the askl tx.
w nwwiiwmi snail oe aptrtrJ uy
mmnmij ei ie tmen tmiac "
cectlou. then It ahall caaetitute arrtloa (
anven 37) of article I J of tha ftm.utuilo of
Therrfure. I. Joha M. Thayrr. tloirn
t the atatr of frlraaha. hrrrbr
give niitlre In acronlnre with arcttua
one II aiti;l Sneca (IS id (he nall
tiithm and Hit rovMKi of the art n
Uttod m art U rutlile the manaer of
trtnalag all amrHrtaaenU la the rtmUtutlun
and sHhwiiUlnff tueaaate to the -! ,4 tbf
mtmtMk a minrA ftT-...... I.I. . l
that aald immoatd
fw.T. wwv9vmtw 4, w. '
mittrd tu the itudiSed voter f Uila atafe rnr
aatenasaent win be aw
apiirovai or nrjertmn at the artx-raj rlrctiaw
tone held aa the iihdy ef Nwratwe. A. IK
In witness whareaf I hereunto art mi hant.
and cnua ta be aAied tha creat aeal d the
Mate of Nebnuka. Itua at TliMvia Uda Bh
dayefJarjr. A. I. twa and th9thf rar dthe
state, aad af the Indetyndeae at the I'nHed
tBsHH nee" MN: RallvtllvV BiaaavJaa
Jtjrthetlavereor. JOIIM H TIIAYKB.
Rbbjamib K. Cowrtaai.v.
HSA L. rveretarr af Mate.
WHSBBAa, A J"iHt reaulutlun waa (
ted lijr ihe letialatnre of the Ute of.Ve
hraafca, at the tweaty-rirst arMlow thermr.
and aBarwred March aath. A. I. law.
tirnpoalmc an amendnteat ta Sectka Ihlr
teen (I3i t Article mi of tke eaau
tutlen af aald atate; that aaM aecttow aa
anwadaj ahall read aa follow, uvwlt
Mrttoet: Thatarciloa thlrtern W) of ar
ticle all (S) ef Ihe rouUtnthn of the atato
ef Mibrashii he aracaJwl ao aa to read aa tot-
U: Tha Jaaaei af ih
a eaah reerire a aalart
ty-Sve handrnl deBar ftamsl pee
ia iwaasa ar ta a Manet
ravetre a aalerv af
a aahwy
as each sanH ne lasenhia j'
vaaJna la f
vr ef
ahaH have wrhv
Tmr the
to the
to the
af the
fast ef
hereby aire
lardawH, wMhl
UJ artM
a. aad ah
rTtll iMi 9m
ttttaa. mm! aa4f wmwUimm vf mm
wrtrnua: mAm mrX immfmUU tat , tr
t?f t H wrtilwisif ta Hm mm-
ailtaafBaiBai aaj aaBJaaBaaBBtlaadt aaVan aaaiJBBaa mm imaw
awnawaaeena eBWBBu bbbbbbbwbbj svubk aaar mmennar " bbbbt
w'aVlfal'tl tyf llM 0aBl
arr lath, A. !.. MV7.
to the.
aapMral m
aava aaBJaW
I'e'Ja'W'aJi, al tll sTVw)fBawa afamnfaaVea lA
held the lath day ef Xeeaahr. A. I.
In wHacaa whereat I fanee tonnnl
my head aad aanaad to he aAaed
creat seal of the atato ef X
aea at ua'asa.tnss wm aa r JBty
A. I. Isss, aad the tweatrfwarNi year f
tha atato, and af Ih
Mas Uatsed ajasses She ana
af Ih fa leaeaawaaw f
By ih eraav. MM St. fHATKB.
sawawiv R.(Viwaer.
(Saut) Waefwsaryafatat. ia
nwttfvasv'fjBR RvnwVfMBm.
hjT7 attan. ajajBar aadbyvlr-
aWaw eaj aasaaaaay; aWuRafej amVBspsa ew"8arJ baaa BRaRaRag (P
LMFart. ?rh atSh IMawkt Caart efta
Heath Jadirtal Dtalrkt, wtfhHi aad far Weto
star rwaaatVi Wjaaaaa aaae a deere m aa
Uaa neadlag. ttirtaa. whareto. The aew s
fJBM aatvawav aeearw GaaMyaerh
aad aealajt ftearr W. Baaa aad farv J
dwe. ta tha hlgheet htdder far caah ha haed,at
to aaM Webator eatr. Seheeaka. (that hata
I whereto tha tost tor eatd asast
tea the
9mt ..
atSe'etoeh a.a.ef eatd day. the
erSasd atusartr taHi The aad
iaeaalea sii () to towaahto eaa 111 nart.
nm (It) Nt efafs a. aa. in Wehw
h raah I. ;ttwa waaaV ate haad H
sna day t Aar-t.. A. I. ISM.
C A.
U. R. CHassrr. rtslathTa AUanwf.
at adMfk.
A. 1. ta.
m nmn
iWm f arid Ulr. aad Shat aaM
Seat. 9. LRLrari, dark cth tatartet Oawrt af she bUJIbII aMCasBsaUCBw. asshat aascJ
m"eBT"""" wawammmj T"" -a , a- - BBBBBRawa BBBsWafwsasrHpa aramaaVwaa BWeBWBwanW
way. eaawaaam, wmm i auu jawwwa N
PsawaBRaRaaygVa aawafaafeBBi) VJaRwafVaaa rJSV SmaaRvmsRe smawaTav f
saTraanaajMS) (BnaBrwaraSad) ate selbv . . --.
BbbRW BBBbal MBaBmataaai aaBaanaBk W. - - anBaaal VeaBU 1 bRRRbI I BTf aaaa AVS BA
miJnm.9? np ffkmaaai bbbbbbbbbb b aaa Yailam
aal -niT waaaBneBamnBB.a.w-BBann BmRRRRal f I
WHmmmWmtmiLM.m.i9m. RRRRRRfRRRRRa! !
Vol. 18. No. 0.
New York
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Boots and
Shoe Store
Best Goods,
Latest Styles
Moon Block.
i f,ad 1
aad eaeaa vaanatMitd M
m aea ty
aTBammmj amj semamfaRma assmawmv
w. U asBiaaVAav
,- " - -fftaf '-5' ; "
W. L. aaeetas aha an asm
wmwaad. aaal 1T9J&
aa)d arte iaaad ea bedfaaa
rtaaaRRRRRRRRa aBRaal it
2dsR ato7aaWeaed Wett. a Sa ea aaa
. ta, rttWrriZTZZ M
SflB Wwmm9mmmwm 9mmm H $ 4
amaT BBaw aBBBBBBBaaaVBaBBwBam aBaaaBaafeaaalBa -
aaar P PSmBfrnama amaaRV mmmmmnyaR, enaaaw
WW aavBaa m , mmmnmrmm BbbSB.
awcySySRe sWyhvajayAa SbbrbTJ
BRjT aawsBRBa glMeV 90 4)
mMgi.rrt Hm-Brf
BBaanaKS-jv " i- ,-z'-murzSi . r v. w - f t r rr. .-t.- -m . j -.'.! zLt na7 a . i- .-j-. t aw . ..- -t i a i'ii sir- marBwcBrv-i . w T-,"S-- .-.--,'- - . i "& .waaaaFnvai jm. -mimm -m-r. waaaawi-i
: . .-i..
4r-'- ;$&ps- -'Tiff? i& Y- - :q &&, ;
ttZlf&ZtS' 'i
Jw :Si- 5rTZ3'p,rT .:mPPaBBlBBammmmmmmmmmmmBBBiBBy
. -..- wy'-jb., vM.e-. -.. . r . ,