srae .vv "J 3s it---: k. -i -v- 'v. 1V aBBBBBBW5PT T'.i&sV-"' -P '4i- s 7fc"' Try'"n w-?0 .IL ?-s? mwj w mr . i,i 2 4 31 eivi &' 21 s H ;t bJ . 3i rtl . & ? 'f !!! t" il I lif h i r ,Mi J"" V . . (V ". JAlBVXi,i tkei LIJL,GaBlNBMCt,Slk Ayes Pills, Cte ilW IT-wrf rr c " r . BT","""B',",m""'", Am'I??1 ji '5? I MSftpaiion, Hf.wt ww4 fta aaMmi.-J-wwe KStfaVftwrnla. mmTiF' "TAwMw wmm awwaet. for ynnKt B'aMfcTaBa famsm ems of IhHIilSE S 1 im taw trtftKAgrt ggf ? "fm't aslaa? them iw y fM"y man ittti mi awataia Mb witesTeotwal cathartic" 3 J -JaamlCBatLwUTiUeKy i)tttaaanpattaB wasest as saw wwwaww P SiMMMNvttat P Mir X am ia aaeauaa kaaHk. S Z 1; jsrftnTsnsv1?? Ja . T AMMHMliallmlVMIHMVMJK SssW wsBasaaaw IWf UMiMM ieT t -w ---- I: I i.r. BMin. . Pn Prrirts i Mia. t. 19. IM FHakqr.SMjt. 19, ! attheraatoaeaia BMCtoKet) HIM class for 1 ceaf tJBMaM!. Harcjtmr arescriptioas Ucd at Dcjm. LateH stjfea carpets at F. V Tajlat'a. Twa arattik far oac at McNUt & GaUaha'a Baj paUU aaa ailc of Deyo and A sea Um of akUrc Bumlaiags at F. IT. Taylart. . Tko Wit iaaeet powder ad ij paper at Bajaa. If yarn wait the beet bay the White fer tele hyF.V. Taylor. Deye will aell joa Machine oil cheaper thaa aay oae dare. New Mittiaery aaods at Mrs. S. B. HeBride, ia the New York Store. Da at fail to call aad see ay stock at wiadaw shadee. F. V. Taylor. By all aeaas go to Dejo for toilet tape, perfaaet, aad iae toilet arti alee. Hats far bmb. boyi, and children. Fail stack all aoaplete. McNitt Oalaaha. Ltrgeat stock of Mothers Friend Shirt waieVaia the city at McNitt ' Gakaha. All oar aa goods now in stock ready for fall cmitoaers. McNitt & Oalatha. Tm Nebraska aad Kaasas Fam LnaaGp. want all the good fara leaai they aaa get. tf Oar prices oa dry goods, notions, beols aad shoes are the very lowest at the New Yerk Stare. Wa aell the best $1,50 lsdics shoe that baa erer beea placed oa the Mar ket at the New York store. Anything ia the liae of f nraitare earpeta, window shades, etc., at lowest ffiaas at F. Y. Taylor's. Aa New York Store is headquar ters far boots aad shoes. Best goods, aad lowest prices gaaraateed. If yea are going to bay a carpet vMtvill Bare aoaev aad set the Vest bf aaUiag oa F. Y. Taylor. De Wat a Celic aad Cholera Care, Is always safe aad always sare. We reeeauMnd it C. L. Cotting. Loans Bade Itaaw ra tes of inter es Stbe Nebraska A Kansas Fara Loan . Xaejay raadf as soea as papers ti Da Witt's Little Early Btsers little pUl far Dyspepsia, Soar Ulaaaihi Baa Meet, eoia by u. Mj. Certiag. ThaDraggist. CbMdfeas shies, ladies shoe ladies aHaaerf, aad aeas boots aad abase at prices that caa't be beat At the New York Store. If yam desire year watches, clocks, sad jewelry repaired by aa expert head km them with T. E. Peaaaa ia Cettiag's Drag Sure. 52tf Coins waad eleth aad aetalic cas kets of the best grades and lowest prices. Iatallkeat care of the dead iapeaiaay by FY Taylor. To keep the beard I roa taralag gray aad tbaa aceveat the aaaearaaee of asje, aM Baekiaeaa's Dye for the Whiahess, the beet dye aade If yaawaatweaTiat: deae call oa Wa. Hafaan. Bad 'dead or leare atwaraatClmSabaffait's. All kind aoaeoa saort no- Mv fall stook of wiffiaery goods is sjc hsaasta ia ail tne IsAaat awtlsa at the lawast 'prices at. Mrs. & S. MoaVidey New York IfmjwwishtoaeaTohasea shoe far Tear boy er girl that will etaad the woar aad tear of every day usage sJhm m mode of anaast leather through- gTmTer waWamTa araa i wJaJawaBWJa aswawanra' aTwaiapa Usl at the Mow York store. Do Witt's Oelfe aad , Cava haaaaae we believe it a sale sad rslwhlo remedy. Iu good . once ia oners of Chssma sfmbaa aad aanilar 8oU k? C L. Catting the OsHlsm CaW aawaaa ne aalteva It a .atmwaannnnV- r7TZm TT-Tr.'- ZT" .., 4siaiaMafantwslrsill lilalnlia awa -ad mi aa iialmmia am aw fawaaa a Jwsi I. S tmasahs sfsesef irlmasaaaaa WaawaawaawwTmT- II U C..! aaffsna an anawnnt anea ia eases ef rnnnnnm1nnnV)nnnanW IwXmwwhlaasl maa tanai far wafamm n wewx. imwi was sw.awaa MaiiaHhsi. mswam mm nwm, , ay. sf a .ssmaa aaawin jmasy fan , aj ,Jtu M mU ii adawataL fwii If iL L Csttina? the asnBrVannnnBnnnnnnnnnnnnnnW """ xmamanfniijiainns smiaaaiiwtsmywtrrsn assawajwaf.m sm h. -w?Jyr-,L r - tM. ,,, aaaiam sm i iwea ssmaasm rw avtasmwana, ant n. wemma aawma. awaT . - v wnwa. Owl ef Villi vsaaaBjj sans nVmVvnrwwnmnnnnnnnnnnnr trssasater sn? Wamstseewssatv 3Ma sa aari wa. TWtmwwrfadwsaasMBef said mail snal amawsamt lamrSJwHBew aawwme mm tea 'asdBaaaw IstmBeaW farsss smMs mssmmTmwiaaimmaalfsBwammBaSkHa M3 ' W - fcanfiat Hj warn tax asie f-r tW taxes IMi pfal ZXTJklLn 'JSfmSKlJt It! aaUm inunTipTJ P &&-!? mttxlt3Stmuf7ff-' 'fff -f 1-- ' IlTATE S'- -il --es -. j- nnwsn-t wmraanfajelanyaac MW. TW tisastsr wta,seVtsr7aw5sf ssat lasst- rnsmAn? gmjawMmciUanaeai tiiJiig SawSaasJr.iawwa. Iwsy.wwm tafjl-LVjtfSg t C, WswiaiwwwiafasHiU aa4 imaer- lilfe ' wiimaliiBamMlaaiwwlexsiiiDiism am.H.waa. - , n.nat. SSa-nwaatwrn c sngr 4fat--,'''j'" at ta as asC . aaCnm W " nna naamm VAsVaC Vwatasn - at . w . flV , BKBVaWJawa9wwa w lr aw JPwwl Jawwsaswmmp nmmmaj, ymsLaaaaj aammj "! f0 MflHM 0al waVa nwstnVanaswl wJMBwwawT smwasl Mamnahmnrnmn faar mmmnmmmT i fnf ff ..n. Z7a HnnaaaanV C iMafMn. twnffl nlnwn nnnn nnnmsal xnfl nnnnnnn Vnnl i i j. Wnnwaafl awtnt wsfalwTaTa te Imwaxt wsnw nwTsxwnfwnVat wsmPwanninwr &9 W laawawaaaL., JaSSSR. tiL JONI Jaaslwppnf "" njt "mC" - K LamBSHammnannBnnnnmV' mna n mnrnnmnmnBfiBla jBgBBBBbBBBsaBBBBBBBBBBh. BBBBBraBaaw anani anaBBBBan) ti& nanawnT mmnmnaW nwrnsajnasB nasma-K Yr m AmmmAHBBft7ajmB JgnaMnmnnaBannnnm Ba nL mnam mnnnnmnnm nnnV mannvlnnTflnnn nnnnnfnr nnnnnwnnnnnmnt nnnnnnnT wwwamnna wnTaVffnTwy wmwsnw nBw? nwrnwaaV aniwBwwamm M Afp aMmmriK asa ?ii a8 nP H wanT EdfjWjPa4PBt '(r,??,. Ceavrwj mwflHnTjaswaBBBwwwj" -. -v nnnnTF 4w A t anr nt m w "a" awam anrscanannpw -m m mj zm mt .rI.MU Am n m tf-z amiMhn. DBaB mmAwa nj BBAB flHi Hh HiV am nasaanaarmy mwaansnnnnT mnamr mnnnnt mnnnr mmv mnnnnnnnnnnnnFt sc ?-$ 4 m, " j .waaar-vi, - t m-v n- inagnMil aawam-l-aasm Maa a a ia mnA-a-as--aV-r-alJ '-rawnwran-arr . fSjmamwwvawwwawl ssjamn- - amapwsmmjIimsnBtSBBwmwB eaVW samsw ssmsm. awamiwaawwy wwwaawwy w an - w - ""Sswswj t$!r -: rvrwtEr v M '3Bffigj?Bg g r WDSrer- KaSWSSJ , - ". .jr..2 . -- -., '---. . s KSSAiSSSgt JA r.,T-nVwmr-; II III I nnw..-JWa ' 'l n .QE2fflSs mr'm&r :myiM-: : - -SJKHSS Warm oaya and eool cvmings A" heavy frost Bloada aorH'tHj: Go to R A llaady for genuine e il ea city coal. SB lie is sole am at Merc. The street sprink'cr is doing soae good work' these days. Dick Akeraan, a lcatinc gram dealer of Cnapbcll was on oar streets IWrdncsday. J 11 Railey will make yon a fata loan at S per cent straight aad de lay, can yon jAo better. ftf We wink to have ihc nch froni all parts of the coaatry. Correrondenis will please take aotice. Tlir rdilnr f thiH iiancr uud faa- lly, are in Lincoln tins week, iae paper is in charge of the deril. -J H Bailey will wake yon a fara loan at 8 pri cent straight and no de lay, can you do bolter. 6tf John May. one of oar leading far mers and stock raiser of Webster county was doing' business in Red Cloud Wednesday. RVSbircy and family of Red Cloud, visited the family of his broth- Minden Gazette. James M Meford, living ia Gar held township has, though the efforts r j Vartr Jr. had his tension ia- cressed to double its former aaoaat. Loyd Fiaxure, a little sevea ysar old boy arrived ia the city from Sil oam Springs, Ark., aaking the trip alone. He is a relative of Fd Smiths. De Witt's Little Early Risers Best Liver Pill ever aade Care Coasti- patioa every time. Keae equal, use them now. For sale at C. L. Cotting. The Druggist. Plumb has tbe nerve to say that he is a practical printer. Jadgiagfrom what tipeciaeas of work we have ao ticed, ws woald say he was leaning his first lesson. The state fair is in fall blast at Lincoln, and it is a good oae notwith standing the general droath. So will the Webster couaty fair be. Don't forget the dates, Sept. 30, Oct. 1, 2 3, Genuine canon city coal. . . . $7,50 Coal creek canon coal 7,00 Other cool 0,50 Eastern hard coal 11,50 delivered in your bin by R A Handy until Oct. 1st If yoa want yoar name, monogram, emblem of any lodge, or any other de sign cutting on your watch, it will be quickly and artistically done by leave ing it with T. . Penman at Cottirg's drug store. 52tf There is one medicine that will cure immediately. We refer to De Witt's Colic and Cholera Care for all summer complaints. No delay' no disappointment, no failure. We sell it; C. L. Cotting, the Druggist. i ow Reply la C. F. 8." Mr.CF.S. If the editor of the Chief will allow mo a little spwe I will say a few words in reply to your article in The Chief of Aug. 29, on the subject of "woman Buffrase." Altbouffhin ad dition to being illogical, some portions of your article are almost too shallow and silly to merit n reply. I feel that tho mihiect ia of sufficient imnortanco to justify me in giving it a little airing. I am a woman and frankly admit that wo men are becoming enthusiastic in their advocacy of equal auffrago, but I claim that they are intelligently so, and that their zeal is not without a knowledge of what they are talking about. We are nota set of office seekers, and political speakers as you insinuate, si though some of our sex have held impor tant omces to which they have been nominated and elected by men, offices which they have filled with credit to themselves, and to the entire satisfaction of the people whom they were elected to serve, an example of which we have in our own county, and I have yet to hear that one of them have ever betrayed a pub lic trust. I our statement that they man ic grand speeches long since made by our forefathers is as iatee as it w harmless. They have no need to mimic grand speeches, long since made, but those of our sex who are lectures and political speakers and there are many such, are fully able to make good and sensible speeches cm the live issues of tbe day and by competent and unprejudiced minds are the acknowledged equals of good speakers of the sterner sex. That we are not alone in this great work of reform I need only quote your own statement that great orators, lectur ers and men of renown" are on our side You need not trouble yourself to prove by statistics, that there are hundreds of bad women in tho world, for that is too painfully true and is one of tho strongest arguments in favor of equal suffrage, and I have no doubt that, statistics hon estly aud fairly collected would show that there are as many hundreds of bad men as of women and I have no doubt that a great majority of the particular class of bad women to whom 1 auppose you allude, are more sinned against than ainning, and are made bad chiefly by the men who should have been their pro tectors instead of being their despouers. When we can have the saloons banish ed from the land, tho most proline source of womans' ruin and shame will be stopped and for this purpose more than any other, do wo ask that the privilege of exercising our inherent rights be granted lis, one of which m to cost our ballot8 for God, and homo and native land. I do not wish to argue this question with you, but I insist that you lay aside, if possible, your prejudices aad candidly consider this matter soberly and intelli gently, and then amVyoursstt whether mothers, wives, and eaters have not as much right and greater need thaa aaa tocaBttheirbaUotaforthatrbwn protec tion. Notwithstanding tout exnnaaed wfch to the contrary, I hope yoa may live to ace um umo wneawomea will have equal chances with men to protect thomsahres. Io we are rot satisfied, and will not bo unui wo nave redrew of oar grier but we havo ao desire to "step into men's shoos,' thwy would not it . and from force of habit might tako ua whore wewowusKiatobeaeea. EY you far tho aaaanly maiediotion hi at us in yoar ckmnar remark. 1 nab- Hy l-JlaBBa,Atan. T -T - . awmmsTssatmnTT otTIwSmv " ."' J . wwamaaaanianm. aani ' -' l ' " ""' T? t-VS?tj TtBaaehsuhl ajalltljnaaanfhsiamjwyw! nmamw af sTb1ii iTrr'N'afprVeass .aVCa3ra.r-manTi ami aay. vmd Wam riSrWnajf Aanaamt nw Jmm3Lmm. xST T BMBBimmi 1SW amy aw amsmmawrt urevaahar Issa.tfcsaswAsmamssln naam saw- sax - aw aa aawatasawawawsisSwaaar , . rJ awaaaaawafawaamsHaT'abaC - K -.. ,. ... . - v1 . . z ywa. 1 ?g,l''il jwi JJIF- af' .a mw gmsswsjFsrwiiwissmsw; anaawanTSai Aasw. i f,w?,ayaBJaBasmaamaxaa mnafmp iBWwmaawataamaaai nu nsmm naamnsawn fsawsithfeawwlBa; mad sawn, ratt af tae ths rear smr. llmnaas awiwamssswa sf asaf ammsrms'si bbbww aoaawamBaaaae nnj dap sf AanasC asmshe " . aw9wnaVannBnwmam M awa Wawat awan awTawwiA ma awes wi wcawwcwwarjjewwwiwasi assae awsr, ssaassa a swam wag smssy nw II-rart.jrjrra at aaa (WH SnVwS 5L TTSSr "lifS am stslBm aaajj 1 a sai awjay rfg. jmmmrcwmatmmmm s l - a- h invKn w w w l nmwmimm. wnstanim wn wm- BHBBaisws.Maiaaw ammam eataa ssnnnnann jannannnnwrnawa aHjsar saw, ansma aasaam wx aasaswas aT aa 1 ih thw imm aaaaaaaaa ijv. rm iaBapahHif hb aaaaa aMh m-a . n. tl. - , i l"r mmmmmmakmmmnmrnnmssi -- - TT m miaewawmiwmwsww . . . - - aBBaraBSsaassamy iwawrwsrsswsii aiv saw easy smBHBBWBBBBnaksmmmn Baam am warn . mCjSacaw lam taking order for sanaiaa.Osa on eiy cost ih let of tw loan or more at $7.50 p-r ion eVlvered in tour bin, eastern hard coal, at $11.5 coal creek cannon el at $7.0i other roal $6.50. thor prices are coed aatil Oct. 1, after which coal will raise, II am giving my enawaaers in tagc of the eat ia f reiiht rates, which lasts onlv to Oet.JI, aad would like yoar orders placed befwre Sept. lftb and would garanieo yoa frst ewas roal. I have the ezelasivo sals of ration city roal ia Red Cloud, aa 4m not believi others when they say that they can give yoa eaaea city coal, faff they caa not grt it R. A llAXBT. Try a pair !. at the New Wrtk na Wrlcat la CM. If a nriee caa be placed on pain -MotWa Friend' is worth its woicbt in gold as an alleviator. Mr witaousTerod more in ten minaai with either of bor other two chikinm ttfaa nhodid altogeth er with tor laatajffag ptovioaajyaad four bottW of "Mother's rnoiKL" it m n Mossing to any one expecting to bo come a mother, nays a cuatoeaor of mine. Hekdexhok Daxe, Druggist, Carmi, Il, Write the Bmdnold Bogumtor Co.: At lanta, Ga, for further paxticalara. Sold by C L.Gotting and all druggists- Dray Uae. People .who desire drsyiag dene with promptness and dispatch shoald always hire Joha Barkley's teams. Jsha is aa old haad at the basiasss aad will do yoar work well. Terms reasonable. 1-tf aaeMa Paanale atagnlalar. Should be used by tho yoaag woman she who saffara from nay disorder, pocu liatoher sex and at change of life is a powerful tonic: benefits all who am it write Tho BradnoldReg. Go. Atlanta, Ga. for particulars. By C L Cotting, aad all Druggists. latlaB Matlee. The partaership heretofore ciiftiag aad kaowa as the firm of Bailey aad Crone is this day disolved by pataal consent, the basiaess hereafter being conducted by J II Bailey. Red Cload, Aag. 25, 1890. J II BAILBT. C B Cbonb. Waatesl. Wanted, to trade several desirable pieces of town property, for horses aad cattle. H W GuLMFOlD. Waatesl. Two good farm hands, by GW Fran cis, 4 miles North East of Gowk. GWFrakcih. Brick Yard. ' I sm aow mskiag brick at my yard east of Red Cload, aay oas wanting good brick for foundations or ehim nevs, will do well to call oa ae be fore baviae elsewhere. Prices reas on able- Feed K. Plumb. PalatSbaHft. Carriage, sign aad house paiatiag Hard wood finish, graiaiag. etc, Shoo opposite Piatt's Luaber Yard. Al work guaranteed. C. MYERS. Miles' Nerve am Liver Fills. A iaatmrtaait dlaaovarv. Thar set sm the Uvea, atomaeh and hawala though the nerves, a new principal, xaey apaemy imrm hillioauneaui. bad taate. torolal liver piles and constipation. Splendid for men woman and children. Smallest, miMsst urest. 80 doses for 25 eeats. ee at 0. L. Cotting. Mysteriaas Plswppeawaaee. Mrs. Joha A. Clarke was a great sufferer froa ladieestioa sad sick headaehe. She left her hoae last Saturday to buy a bottle of DeWitfs 'Little Early Risers, took a dose aad her headaehe disappeared as myster iously as it eame. Try them; sold by C. L. Cottiag. Notice ta Teachers. Notice is hereby givea that I will exaaiae all persons who aay desire to offer themselves as eaadidates for teachers ofthe pablie schools of this county, at Red Cload oa the third Ssturaay of each moath. Eva J. Kino, Couaty Sapt.' Blaek Biaek silk lace mitts. Black silk gloves. Blaek silk laee. Black silk velvet ribboa. Black silk velvet. Black kid gloves. Black hose. Black dress goods. Black dress battoas. nice ones, at the New York Store. Don't forget that H B 8iaaOBa, keeps nothing bat the best gasoline and sene and is selling it at the same If area that others do, inferior goons. Eh wag on traverses every street dally and no respeetfaOy soliettoyourMtreaage guar anteeiug satisfaction. Try htm. Notice, I have two quarter sections of the finest farming land ia eouthera Colorado containing 160 acres each, located hi tho "Great San Luis Valley" where a failure in crops a never known. I will sou or both of those farsss very cawaaw xntmmxx, uottmgs arag TAKE NOTICE. Ta waoai It amy eaaeeti Eliza Crouch and Hoary Waller. Administrator: Yon are hereby notf. fied that oa the 14th day of Deoombor 1S88 the undersigned II. Beam pur. chased tho following land towit: The nw 1-4 of these 1-4 sac 20, twa 3. rag 10, containing 40" acres lavvelatar couaty. Neb., which land was taxed tar the year 188? in the mm of Elixa Crouch. Said land from iho treasurer of Webster county. llebw, at private tax sale for the taxes dehaqueat thereon for the year 1887 amounting to5 31-100. The tinman? redemption of wud land will expire aa December 14, ISpn, aaa deemed on or before that ansa the hf.Beum will apply lor a deed of saml land. De4ed Anjcustll, lAM. M. hUca. WnrmaTlar m- sn .J-1- - aj u i ryg ; -- " . ...TTgrgT'. r ".?.---tt -v-jt-7tt -rrr--.z r- ubw asaawityas-ww; lacaawaaeaw wawwr rssmarsa awwssmta awa.CAa.1 M T am as m . jj ." !r ""' "iw - wlam-isaww,iwi.iiii z T-y - - .. .. r ' . wamatstxim Isasah s awe 111 asrr.B - - ------ - flHHIBanaa M'MM. M m. ! . - - -r- - Hi ia---- - - - - - . dHaBnanswi . m. & wm b rrm. ' HiHi Passion and Isaissi Ctea- tea: Toaaro haraby aaraoitf.1 laml towtt: The aX octfca nwU ami she aKofftboawIf of see 4, twa S, rag osataainglao aacos U Wakstor osaaty, tUb. Aaaoaat tMTf-MO. Hakfc ami taxoi for t ho year 1SW ia tho nmaa of Crastou. Tfeo maa waa par 1 tho Uiaantsr of Waaoaor eami- ty, Ka.v at private tax sale foe taxes eTn- isesaaforiasT. Tnovaao tav ipaoaof sfMlami wM oxptro ltsn. iaa, ana mams omasa aonty for 'a aooi of Oatoi Afurast 11, lttw, at Rei nLaUvw BjL. Agent. S Jaosnfe Miner: Tsaareheraoy sdumtontlw lit way or lata, the undersigned 11. Baum purahassd thefonewmg land towit: Fart awlf of hsswMof, twuz, rag 11, sentaln ing pastes, ia Webster eoawty. Neb. Amount $1 22-100. Which land was taxed for tho year 1887, in the namoof Jacob L. IfJner. The land waa pnreanaed of the treaanrcr of Webster county. Neb., at pri vats tax sale, for taxes dsUnqusut there on, for the year 1887. Thstime for dsmptiee of said land wMl expire her 14th, 1890, and names said laud fere deemsd oa or before the above date, the laid M . Baum wfil apply for a deed of said land. Dated August 11, 1880, at Red Cloud, Neb. II. Baum, By h. Baam, Agent. 8 Bed Ooari Milling Co., Red Cloud Nat kmalBank and H.C. Scott receiver: Yon are hersby notiled that on the 14th day of December, 1888, the undersigned M. Baum purchased the following land towit: Part of lot 8, see 10, twa 1, rag 11, eon mining 12 SO 100 aerss in Webster county, neb. Which land was taxed for the year 1888 and 1887, in the name of the Bad Cloud BrJMing on. The land waa purehaa ed from the treasurer of Webster county, nebn at private tax sals, for taxes delia uuent thereon, for the years 1888 and 1807 amounting to as at loo. Tne time for redemption of said land will expire oa December 14th, 1880, and unless redeemed oa or before the above date, the said If. Baum wUl apply to the treasurer of Web star county, aebt for adesd of said land. Dated August 11, 1880, at Bed Cloud, neb. ur.Ba.ow, By L. Baum, Agent. 8 Gardner nx, norey: Ton are hereby no tiled that oa the 14th day of Daeember, 1888, the undersigned m Baum purenased the following land towit: The undivided aHfof the ne&of the self of sect, two 4, rug 10, containing 20 acres in Webster county, neb., which land waa taxed for the year 1887, ia the name of Gardner w. norey. Iho land waa purchased f rom the treasurer of Webster, nets nt private tax sale for the taxes delinquent thereon for the year 1887. Amount $8 64 100. The time for redemption of said land will expire on December 14th, 1890, and unless redeemed on or before the above date, tne said X. Baum will apply for a deed ot said laud. Dated August 11th, at Bed Cloud, sb. ev Bium, By L. Baum, Agent. 8 Thadeus Arnold: You are hereby noti fed that on tho 14th day o" Deet.mber; 1888, the undersigned If. Baum purchased the following land towit: The ne 1 4 of the Be 1 4, see 2, twn 8, rug 10, eontaiting 40 acres in Webster coanty, neb amount ing to $20 72 100, which land was taxed for the year 1887 in the name of Thadeus Arnold. The land was purchased fro the treasurer of Webster county, neb., at private tax sale, for the taxes delinquent thereon, for the year 1887. The time for redemption of said land will expire De eember 14th, 1880, and unless said land is redeemed on or before the above date, the said X. Baum will apply for a deed of said land. Dated August 11th, 1890, at Red Cloud, aTeb. M. Baum, By L. Baum, Agent. 8 Thadeus Arnold: You are hersby no.i ted that on the 14th day of December, 1888, the undersigned V Baum purehated the following land towit: The aw 1 4 of the so 1 4, see 2, twn 8, rug 10, containing 40 acres in Webster county, neb., amount ing to 6 4 100, which land waa taxed for the year 1887 iu the name of Thadeus Arnold. Thj land was purchased from the treasarer of Webster county, neb., at private tax sale for the taxes delinquent thereon, for the year 1887. The time for redemption of said land will expire on De eember lftb, 1890, and unless redeemed on or before the above date the said M. Baum will apply for a dsed of said land. Dated August 11th, 1890. at Red cloud, Neb. M. Bauk, By L. Baum, Agent. 3 Eliza Crouch and Henry Waller, ad ministrator: Yoa are hereby notified that on December 14, 1888 the under- signed M Baum purchased the follow ing land tewit: The so 1-4 of tho no 1-4 sec 20, twn 3, rag 10, containing 40 acres in Webster couaty, Neb:, which lend was taxed for the year 1887 in tho name of Eliza Crouch. Said land was purchased from the treasurer of Webster county, Neb, at private tax salu for the taxes delinquent thereon for theyear 1887 amounting to $4 38 iuu. ine time lorreaempuon oisata land will expire December 1 . 1890 and unless redeemed on or before that date the said M Baum will apply (or a deed of said land, Dated Autost 11. 1S90. M BAUM, ny L naum Agent. Eliza Crouch and Henry Waller.' ad ministrator: You are hereby notified thstoa the 14th day of December the undersigned If naum purchased to following land towit: Tbe ne 1 4 of these 1 4sec 20, twn 3, rag 10 .con taining 40 acres i- Webster coanty, Neb., which laird was taxed for the year 1887 ia the name of Eliza Crouch. Said land was purchased from the treasurer of Webster county, Heb at private tax sale for tho taxes delin quent thereon for the yosr 1887, amounting tola 91 100. The time fot redemption of said land will expire on December 14th, 1880, and unless re deeded on or bolero that date the said M Beam will anply or deed of said land. Dated Augost 11, 1890. Mbavm. sy L naum Agent 3 Oaikertae. Heat aad ! anConaaHaad Wl fata aanaflmlalaii star Yea are hereby B0tisUurtataemeauefDeeeaaber. MB, line tenew- -lAtt 4 tttwalraarm lamaiaW( Ns aVanmTw wnMCtl tsxedfsrtheyarlS7la the sc UsnwanTmBBaP: nMOMaannnaL 9M41 snanTam nnt M private tax mm asrfhe taxes smaasmeat there aa for the war IftC smsaasassT te ta-ms. ihc wms ssr iiskaspMsa sf asM ami wttt ex- XSnunt btLmsbb.Ai EsUafJrsach Tea ate ailMilwmt aatao mPapafamWamp AoBarw VwasB Vawalaw stre aa Decerns r ism, ism. ana nsams n Meaaedea srheaaretsaassaitBwaaiarM aawm nticay nannsa.maasm.tna ism the Tear 1M7. warn tar ff Ins iilii aria ex. sat saaiaat weary w.wew aam wr.jaw ' aay si Bum pa rr.iass. iseaamarssmsw swam wreeaDiiiamln lab lammiaalMi lallkfcad ain amaii , iwmsaTawswaiaawiwj; , awawMaaa flW aW na-Asas awawmmtar lasnnB namawSwam nawawnrwvaam kaaMHa ma"-'T - . m . . m - 4m asmlaal fafa aanaaaSBSaT sfwnnnna'ar XanasTnnnmn. f tnaawt. asnaaasnT BV awmnvfawnwV OsTaTw-a aawlmaBB j asBsnBw tliSsisjSfr zS uji SSf .SSfcSislS Ijaki ami. ss jswaar eawmy. j tw 2 S isaswi u tjftiaL nmnnmmmjb mwlmmnna Banv (Taaaai atokiaaai waa msmsmaMt mm that asamiiaaama'BSis ? amasasamataBths first aaswaal awsk i ananmni nnfmaasl nmm aamaa rsv I triaam u at Wesassr easmty. Ben,, at sstva c . .. y fliik Mr af WM. A. P. imw, -: j ..- s t . a amama mamma mamwr aawawasammaaaam mmi aam; mLmmm mamma mmnmm amrm mmrnn mmrmmmmarmmmmmi mnmmn mm armmm mmmr - z. -. : r "- . - . w- - -w . . a. HrwkiaiaMiiHMBMaBBBniai wwm wmmwK. wr mmm .-.... . - r . -r- -- r- mmmmmm ubhib w tt-j -r.- r-g Tz-j-. -- - ,r t. ' iian i iwaMal naaaaeevaiiiij sm nil sv m.m Mtwtw wutmm ubl ' - m as saw1 smine.mJai aamn am ssmly, ssr a deed ef m tne ag.irt.ase il aawstamssasawmma:m ?? ... .. atm iWms- hamd nas y- - - aTw ranaaaai JUVHb: aww anvn m ii!tMaMiafearflkMiaW laaa. tsuiaaw HUH W Wv HMi V1D V B , ' mv Si rami I Maam f1?? mo ialMriac nmaTiirK: ThaMt-Taf tne OBl-sec2rm C the srmja law t SaloxhtehlaaalnM tascifiartke WW, In ttw bum wt ThaateJa I ana naMK4 from the AraoM. The I mmrwoCW r, Xekw at arlTato inatvost aar tuna far rcrtraaaajeti n( mM cr iaa. iaa aaa maf OMtUt tOeMMlll. Safawsiwa. Dams M.SUL'M. 3 111,1 Yeaamncreta' anawMtaaarotiiiiimlir. 1m. the io at. naam aaraaaawi w iiwnw hmolaartt ran sural raw it em janenaawr. fna raftaftnanei-ssctheaw. i t o aarea ta weiaMer aMl-a.whldi fmni WW to She aaja of Xarau nam hi ofW !ty.Beu at tlate SiHasamt thei. far tax iBHaurHS7. ThettamiacrcdrmptlaawUlex- a4reOaeeaaaHWlsUiaas.aMliMUcs n ea er betore that da'sche said M. mu:m m alTtaraoeeaei asta Oaled Attxuat U. BL.MAVH. ny Lnaan 3 sad II L Hookies: Teuare ftarahA that e the 1Kb day f Deceaa- ber.iaaa.tae saMJanfeard m hmw Mreaasea tan fsnaalsa; laml towtt. The a W ef the ae MsseStwaXraaTisconuiMMKSiaa-He acres la Webster eeaartv, Nebr. teak bud was tated for Ibe year ran la tbe asme of Kara a Hef alaa. Aid mad was parekaaed from the traaa. areref Wesster esuaty. Neb., at pi Irate lax ale far the taxes dellaqurat tbetroa for iae rear inrrr. smsaatlnr tn ft ft irr iae Uaw for Kdemattaa ef aaMlhwl win exaife Iteenaerr lith laaaad antestreSeraaed ea or before last date tae raid Mfsuaa will a4y (or a deed ef asM laad. Dated Aaawat 1I.I88S. M raom. ny L Baam. Aseat. 3 Ckria Blanks aad Aacll L Faak: Yoa are BerebyaobSedUuteatbe 1Mb day of Deeena acrtbe aaderahmed M taw purchased the fenewlee; laad towit. The n 1-3 ef the aw M arc sttwaSraaM eaatalalaa: asaereaia Webster esuaty, Web. atari rate U aale for the delia- aaebt laxra thereea for the rear liW7. sjaoaat lag te Wl st-na. The Uaw for redeaiMioa ef aam laad will eip4re Uerenber, ism, aad tuttes reaeamU an er before that date the said M aaea win aealy (era deed t( said Uad. Dated Aanawll.lBle. It. maum ay L naam, Aajeat. 3 B. r. KeHenc. I wttl aetify yen that I hare irem uwiwaaty Treasurer of wee aler esuaty. Neb., tbe taatewlac eesrnbed real. estate, tsrlt: The west sari of lot 5, see 11, twa l.nnceatalalwgMaOHS acres. Aaaeaa ed la the aaaw ef B. P. KeHesx aad aoM for the dettojaemtaieaforiaai.iNS7at prlrate tax aale sneaaUaaj te at Pseeaiatr IMh.ima aad Haot redeemed a taeltth day of Decesiber. UBS, I wMl make ssottcalloa for a treasurer's tax deed. II. Baum. ny u naam, Agent. as Frsak Jarem. I wtH a dlfr rou that I hare aaerhaaM froa the enaatv t rrasut iwr nt WtMtr eeaaty, Nefcw oa the Ikh day of Deeejaber. Iw, at prlrate tax sale the foUealasrdearrlbed real- estatete-wtt: Part of scfc of the sw!i sec as twa Mac 11. eontalalaac 2 ts-msUi acres, sastas edta the asaaeef Frank Jaroaa. aad aold far thedeaaqaeBttaxef the year wa. aawuaUas tsfsiss.aadlf act rtSermed ea the ith day afliersasber.ian.1 win awke applicatlea for a treasurer's tax deed. x.Baum ByL.nama.Anmt. w. , Geprxe W. Bsker, MarlsaHterey aad ethers. I wtl aetify yen that Ihare purehaaml froas the the ntoJaypt S Jatu!"! tmmIL A n aale. the tbUewbatdeactlheil real eatate. The ssK-sse a-twa S-raa: Ml coaUlalaa; lm acwa, aaarsaed m tbe names of Geo. W. Baker MMlMwlonWorn;aaslasMrsr tae oellaqarat IS fU ?5r ,Z i0?5u,.te u-3- not reemaesl an the lh day of llecmfcer. lws 1 win amhe ass Mrattsn for a treaaurer's tax By LBaasa. Agent. so. AM.WrlaMaadataricMr J. Khlrl iiim. tlrjr yoa that Ihare aajrehasea frcwa the eoaa- oo the tax aale io-wlt: Tbe awH ef the nsH-see 4wn yp9, routalalaR as acres aasesaea in iae ejrorjt, m. wrle '4 If STrlrlit aaa aucacTt J. oamey, aaa sold for the iitlti M BOM lor IDA tlrlln. qaeat taxes of the year law. smmBtiac to ., salfastresleeaMmtheiath rtay of Decem ber. lam I wUl makeapsUcatlon for a treasur ar'staxdsea. u. Bavm. BrL.Baum.Afeal. ar. A. M. Wright aad ftackeyJ. Slilrley I mill no- iiiy you uiax i aare jHircitasfd rrom the county treasurer of Webster county. Xcb on the iifa 2WUe?"5St',?88,lt pn tax aale. the fouViwIag described real estate to-wlt: TaenwU of tne nwHwotwn 4-rna; 9. coataiiiintrsa R"ir"?!2?., "ew?o a. m. nriKDi sad Maeaey J.Hhlrky.aadsoldfortbe deirafiueat tsxes for the year 187, amounting to 4.M and fnot .redeemed oa the llth day of December, laaa, I will auke application for a treasurer's tax acru, , fJAUX. By I Bawa,Aseat. ' .M- ll'TFVaM er Wrley I will no tlfy you that I have purebaaeil from the constv "Hs"1 w easier county, ieu., oa the 14th fodowlacdewribed real estate to-wit Taeaw4 iaeaei see -js-iwa rags rouUlsing 46 ffrei!,e?il,.B.toe "wesof A. M. Wrkdit and Mschey. J. 8hlrley. sad sold for the delinquent tsxes the yesr isb7, asaoantlng tos.9t sad If Mnwrncu un uie mn aay ec jiccemberl wiu BMwe appueaiioB ror a treasurer's tax By L. Baam. Agent. &. urMMo wieawire snd tMirer and Sylvester mcvwi. 5uuaivacrcny BOHRCUinMoathC llth t?r SSSSPiB' .'J?. 'Jr "rslsBed. M. Baum. Mwchsstd tbe followim: laad to-wK: xae ae mm iae aw m see 14 twa 1 mil con- ,","!f A'a&Jl!l"mi 5-5, " wsbster esuaty. Neb., which laad was taxed for the year le7 ia the na .of Urlaado Wlckwlre. syesi from the tmmtror nf WK. '. Neb., at arirato ta mmi fau tiu a-- ST'!,f5e",5ereo,, orwe saw yearimT. aftM4ayMeetsbrr iwm Ualesi said laad laredeeaaed on or before the 14th day sflembc lias, tte sW M. Baam win amdy to the trmwrei of said Webster comity, Xc1. . for a deed of said land. Dated Red Cload By I Baam, Agent. i .F.fcGwamyittaare hereby notiled that on ft" J") P"-.'. the aaderaigiied BLBaaaa,BamnsaedtheraUewiBe: land toVwK: The aw 1-4 of seeStWB'irac ta rantiai f SSL 2?w,t,.,"'! Webster coSaty, Neb., which laad was taxed for the year 1887 latheaasseaf F.K. Rama, aahl laad was ur the.f25lJ,e.,,e8?!eJ wr eounty ebif5lIl,,e tax mn for the dllsaeat tax 255SB"LDr J yJnir..,w- faeforre iSSHS Jgt L laml U nptre on the 14th of the Ueasarer af WebsW comity, nebllor s ST2. . 5"? mmr 1J,wen oa vmrnt Neb. this I" J1 AV, 10 ret Ann. ism. sf. Badx. nyu i. Agent. 1 Uiyyea that I have aarehasMl im th ... 22XK2X'2!!S!mW &' tenowiei -" " . . iwu Mmi; lie nei 01 ine wss sum on the lata riav at thwh. t u TmLT"mVrS 5,leJ., "7ear isa7 amoaatlng QmM redeesssftfoa the 14th day ol December ism I will ssake annlieatioji for. BlT2!rASS- "-"B0-- Mj3?ioW,ek,l!re lvtT aasl 8ylvesteh 9KCl&tt2E&nI antinssl that oa tae iu, day sf December urf, the aiiderslgaed M: Baam rarehased the foUowlsg wad to-wK Jhe w!ef the aw 1-4 and the m Maf Um aw HJ5i,r? '-RE." a" mare. Webster coanty. web. which laad mm taxed far the year 17. la the mmeof OrhmdeWleawlre. Maid laad wes Nrchased frem i the treasarer of Webster couaty. web. at private tax sale for the deHmiaent raxes mereea.rortae.asM year im?. The time far Idlnl treasarer af aafct Webster muir c . deed M said laad. listed Red Clead Neh. this Kl!-!? ' M- BauwT ny kBaam, Ageac fsabelle J. Jacksanaad CariiaU lleHoa and ether, yea an hereby aettted that ea the Uth day at Ptrtmkir Ism the awferskmed L. naam pmrhased the feaswiag bum tswtt The as 1-4 sf the ae Met see II twa 4 rag s is Webster cieaty Neb. which mad ra taxed hr ssr m iBeBswmeffiasaeneJ. Jack- J ataw-. Tti tm fram the ticamwpr at -- - '.Neav.maetTafetsx sale for taxes de- isr iae year um. eeatalslas aemstiea efssMmasI stwwBBs) aWnY Bnaa tt. f- Baam Webster to the treasarer efasM Bated Bad Clsaa. Neh.. this 1st IVBacn. J.JatkaasurarBata BeJtsa sad sth- rhsAeataerahday Bt-dtawtt: ifmsnri ef the as ru see 11 twa 4 rag t fsamistas: m taxed ssr the year law ta j it irrasarer at weasier coaarjr, xeb.. ia jaajr ot oessaaMr, ima, at prlrate me lonsariaar aeaerllmai real Mfmtr rcwemvums at ama maa wiii expire on the 14th dsyef December ismsadnaleas said mad Is redeeased oa er before the 14th day of Deceav ser ism iae sass bl. naam win ysar sen sad Cawhata neltaa aaa vba ma i mmammmmmm ... ,b tr uhht. jcbibm& wi .... amsaawerm wessser eaaawr. wssl, m pnvam y t?iw - rarrmr -J7j rsr.-rz. -ami aw .-svaFawawsws aaaswsam r. i. mrmln far Ihn lama iaifi aaiTTrfc i i in M " I "-"fe - "'' i"rr.iTTJ -j "'"? w - - - - tw. w .. mr , i i m . " r - .jgtfV. sjimannnnwmaaBmnmmaaBBBjjgBgBB (Plfat nahlhmtmn Aug. 1880) In the dhnrmt court of the atato of No- faraahm in and for Webstar ooaaty. Tho Aaglo-AmsrioaB land, mortgage k agency company, umima, n corpora tion, plaiatnT, vs. Joha U Fatten. Anaa Fatten, dona CroweO, & G. AogiabaagtuOiaries m, Hamea.LREdiemsa, Hoary Cook, Aastt U Faak, W. T. AuM, 8oiner, BJcharnson aVfJogQeo. D. GoldcD. Red OoodNatmaal Bank, Norwrwiaa Mow nnmpsay, Wymaa Kior, W. w. Megary. FraakV. Taylor, Joseph Graves and XatinsnlliPanATrust Company, De ToM. REdtesaaa and W. W. Megary. defendants ia tho above entitled cause: You are hereby notified that there w now on file in the ofhco of the Clerk of tho District Court of tbe state of Nebras ka, ia and for Webster county, a chan cery petition of tho plaintiff against you impleaded with the other defendants named in tho title of said cause, praying that the court may find the amount due tho plaintiff upon one real esUto mort gage bond for the sum of $700. dated July 1st, 1887, secured by mortgage made by the defendant John I latten and Anna Patten to the Concordia Loan A Trust Company and now owned by the plaintiff, upon the following described real property, situated in the county of Webster and state of Nebraska, to-wit: tho south-west quarter of the northeast quarter and the south half of the north west quarter and tho south half of sec tion thirty-one (31), township two ('2) north, range nine (0) west of the 0th p. m.; that a decree be entered by the court in said cause foreclosing said mort gage against you and your co-defendanta; that the above described property be sold under said decree; that the proceeds of such sale be applied toward tho payment of the amount due the plaintiff upon said bond, with interest and tho casta of fore closure, and that any right, title, lien or interest owned or claimed by you, or either of you, or any of your, co-defendants, in or to said premises be adjudged to be junior and inferior to the plaintiffs mortgage lien thereon. You are hereby further notitied that you are required to answer aaid petition of tbe plaintiff on or before the tith day ot October, A. D. 1890, and that, it you fail to answer tho same on or before said day, the facta and allegations contained in aaid petition will be taken aa true and judgment and decree rendered as there in prayed for, D. H. Ettiex, 54 Attorney for Plaintiff. Prmrlnnnllnn. Whrbbas, A Joint resolution was sio ted by the legislature of the state or Ne braska, at the tweaty-lrat session thereof, aad apsroved March asth, A.D. isss. arapoalaa: an amendmeat to Section Thir teen (13) ef Article Hlx 6) ot the consti tution or said state; that said section as ameaded shall read as follows, to-wlt : fectloal: That section thirteen () of ar ticle six () of the constitution of the state of Nebraska be ameaded mi as to read as fol lows: Heetion 13: The ludres of tho supreme court sluUI each receive a salary of Uilr- tv-lve hundred dollars axami iwr annum aad the Judges of the district court shall receive a salary of three thous and dollars (t3.CUBj pit annum, and tho salary of each shall be a)abie mar terlr. Hectloa S: Kach person voting In fa vor of this amendmeitt shall Iiate writ ten oi printed uHn tills ballot the follow- For the proposed amendment to the constitution, relating to the salary of. Judges of the supreme and district court. Therefore. I, John St. Tnaycr, gov ernor of tbe state of Nebraska, do hereby give notice. In accordance with section one 11 article ifteen IS of the constitution, and tha provisions of an act entitled: "An act to provide tbe manner of proposing all amendments to the con stitution and submitting the same to the electors of the state." Approved Febru ary 13th. A. I.. 177. that said protiosed amendment will be submitted to theuual- iled voters of this state for approval or approva rejection, at tbe general election to be held oa the 14th day ot November, A. D. ism. In witness whereof I hove hereunto set my hand and tMUsed to be altUeil the great seal of the state ot Nebraska. Done at Lincoln, this 'J6th day of July A. D. IK?, and the twenty-fourth year of the state, and of the fudciirndence of tbe United HUtesthc one bundled Adornta. By the tiovernsr. JOHN at. ril AYKK. IlRJUAMIN K.fOWURRV, Skai. Secretary of Slate. i-3m K lice. In District Court in and eoaaty, Nebraska . for Webster PraMia f! riraltli. nlaintiW . s. Mar j L. Stoddard, Harrison A. Stoddard and Fmncjs M. Vromnn, Dvfoii danta. The defer dante Mary I KtinMnrd mid Harrison A. Stoddard will tako notice, that on the irat day of September, 18!M), Francis C. Grable, the plaiatiff in the above entitled actios, filed his petition in the District Coart cf Webster county, Ne braska, against the above named defen dants; the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortjjnjre executed by the defendant Francis M. Vroman, apoa the south half of the southeast qaarter and lots 7 aad 8, ia section 12, township one, range 11, according to the government sanrey in Wsbster coanty, Nebraska, to secare the payment of three certain promissory notes, dated the ase ond day of Karen, 1889, for ths sam of to0 each, dae and payable ia one, two aad three years, respectively from date there of, made by Francis X. Vroman to D. D Hair, and by said M air duly aasigaed transferred aad delivered to the plaiatiff herein before dae; that there is now dae anon said notes and mortgage the sam of f 15, for which sam with interest from this date puiatia? prays for a decree that defendants be raqaired to pay ths same, or that said prsmises may be sold I o satis f y the amount foaad dae. Toa are required to answer aaid psti tfoa on or before the 13th day October, 1890. Dated September 1st, 1890. CUt Faxacts C. Gbabuc, By Sheppard k. Black, his Atteraeys Netlee is hereby tivea. that aader aad by vir! taeef aa irseref sale Isaacs' from theoevceof L.ILrrert. Clerk of the INstrlct Coart of tbe Khjwth Jadlelal Dwtrtct, wtthta aad for Web strr eeaatv, aebraska. asoa a seeree is aa ae Ufec pendraL thereia. whereia. Joaesh E. Bail ey taataiatil.aaaaKatBst Jehs T, BoMasea aad Martha U KoMbssb, Defeadasts. I shall atfer faraaataaMtevea4ue. to the hicbrat bieoer fee cash m haad at the east sow of tbe eoarthaase. at Bed ChwS, ta asM Webster eawaty. N'ebrasfca, (that aelaa the place where the hwt term efsaMcawrt was boUea. eathe atw star wfSept. A. ft. lw, mte'ewflt a. be. ef said day. the falwwisc aVsertstd iMweerty ts-wtt: The aeeth aaM af the aoathwest qaarter ef steUeafoar ta tewa- shtamreeserthli raaajeatse westef .. m Weaster eeaaty. ICebraaka. . Vivea aader ary tawSthaayef AuzmMAu. lam O.C.Taaa.DefWtr. D. H. ETTisw. nslatiS 'a attoraey. ..... -. -. taaaaaaVraadbTTW' twaf aw stwBraf saw award from the saw af LHratt. Clerk af the Pwtrkt Owrt ef ttw ITJSmm 4WBCBM liwaili. vixan ww iw w a kuii BC The ew J. H. RAILEY Abstracters, Real Estate and Farm Loan Agenti Red Cloud, Nebraska. Abstract of title furnished accurately and promptly. SattaftvctSon Ouara'eed. KMKn bond THE TRADERS LUMBER CO. WILL MAKK- POSITIVELY Lower than any yard in the v.rl ! Fort Abstract Co., Bed Cloud, L. R PORT, Mwr. Abstracts of Title Furnished to all Lauds iu Webster Comity. Aminitclv and ON SHORT HOIIUK. Ila.lm. h,.l fau ara iiMlrn la rotltttV Mrart Uiok- In ia Utc, wo guarant All orders aua rMatuy, aa4 apprsTvta, red. ai L. II. City Livery, Feed and Sale Stable W. A. McAVOY, Props. First-class Rigs and Good Teams. Boarding by day or week, good hay and feed for teams. Come and see us. RED CLOUD. - NEBRASKA. WARNER & I'RorRiKTons or Ulill Boot We have just received our Urge stock of NEW We ell a custom made plor shoe for 1.25, best went out of Red Cloud for the money We have also a ladies fine doagol;abattoa sitae, she in gnat for $1.75. Kvcrj pair wanantcd. For children's aaeea ne hare tfce standard branda the Little Giant and abo the Warerly school shoe. TI.cic arc the best in the world. Kiamiae oar stock before parehaatag elsewhere. Wetster Street liver;, hi ui Sale U. Frank A Kuehn. Prop FIRST-CLASS RIGS A SPECIALTY Boarding by the day, week, cr month at reiaonaale rates. Fanner are invited to ntop at our bam when in the city. SiKHjial attention paid to their trade. Price for single feeding, an low aa anywhere in the city. Don't for get the place. I'rwrlaMMllwM. Wiirbkas, A Joint rvv4inlon wa ailup. tel by I lie IrsliUtun) of tli; state of r. lintska, at lite taeuly-Hrtt slon thermf aul amtrovetl Febniary 131 h, A. !. , lirofxniiMt sn amemlmriit to Die rnntltu lion f alt ulatr, nml tliat salil anieiiil aaent shall rcal as follown to-wlt Sertloa I: Tliat at llt pnirral rlrrtlon to be lirlil on the TikviImv siufrrdlns the llrst Moiiiltov of .Vorm!wr, A. I IS98, there hall In siihtnitleil to the electors of this lab for approval or le jection an JUoemHwrnt Ut tlic ronMltiilloo. n tl.l at. ! .... ... m rt Manufacture, sale sim! aerpln for ssln off intnilcaliiis liiors as a iTteraj- are f'r- ever tirolilbited In this UU art titol lexislafure shall irorlV by Uw for te eniorremeni or mis proTllon." Anl tlx-re aiim tlM-re aaaawwl. aUUi laj snail alse at h! ofrctJon br submltbHl to the elertors of for their amtrova! or relertUw aaent to the cotuJfti!lon of Um words as follows: "Th raaniifjrtwre. wk- aad keeHBjc for sale af tntottratlaa: K'juors as a beverage shall be Ikenseil ai4 rrf uUtr bylaw. Section 2: At such et-rtlon. ea thebst let of each riector vntlns fur Ierritinwa ameadmeuta to the eatMUtatbta, ahaH be wrtttes er Minted tbe aords "For rr. nosnl aatesklaseat to the eunsMtntfr-a. pn Rlbitliat tho asaaufarturr, sale aal keep Ins for sale of Intnilcaiiua luriwn as a beveracr. or "Acalntt the profM aasend la tae eatMHiiuuon HntMbtttfur Um I manufacture, aale aad aeestne f"i tosleaUHwIlrfW'rasas beverage." There atoll saw be writfa ror saw of m- "T HBVl on the ballot ef eah eWtor totiet far the irneoaea asaesdmrat to the coWa Uon, the words: "Yx proposed smwsmI' mens te the eoastitwtioa that the saaaa; facture, sale aa4 keeptaz far sale af la ttnleallRZ Honors as a bevera la this state shall be Hreanrd er rwalata t by lew," nr " italil iniimi il tu-M4awftt to the eaasUtsUoa that the swinfartwr. al i and aeestac for sale er IrstoadCaBtiswg llrtajawT f aamawjl maadl awawasalmlawat . Bwsarwj asaaeBB amjsBsBBswsrmt i as a beveraaje shall be v hrtaw." HecleB 3: If either of the said ed asu'Sifwrs saail m appreved by a Majority of -Ce ebxtwra rude at the aaM election, thea It ahaM aaastitaU. anttwa tweWjr evea 27J ef artiele (lef the roarAMallsw f this state. Therefore, f . Jsha ML Thayer, t; an raw of ths stsla ef BiSraska. de hrrwy five aotice la aeaaraaaes wWs sestwa ae II) srtJcat Ifleea MI af the eaaasl tatioa aad the prertdaai af the set w trtfcd I -aa art to smaare ef state. Apaeeved raeraary lxa, A. I. wW that said j ri mi I aanaaw'sd ta fee raw Naed te the iwallaed vtdees ef Shis state fw apereval er rejsetwa at the aiweat ewsUe teWhehlsBtbeSihdsy af 2tsWearwar. A. It. lawtcaew as haad. mmi af Mas aaawari wwwW ww wE awsatdsapaj wms daysf Jary. A.U stale, aad f rhe INawsUwea Kytawftwar. BasuAatur M. Cow JOHS M.TMATCa. T. lBAU eri Iff. nui aaMaatarttOM. oar fAr vttui 4oSUr aa4 BlrJ srsallea FORT MANAOKa, Hcd Clouil, Neb. WOLFANGER, Good tjver a-sJBRADriELDS J" Ut -f , M ,- .1 J L "M mfttfrt IF TA1 . "'NccMAsicc or Lire w GWfri wja M v - ' -tam " TL.7tt7l aTUAWl MTOi n0, Miles T. Hayes' Patent - Collar ! Btd Clood, BMk-j UaiMi afcop. m? BanBanaa i tore oc Tim A?M aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaPaK rflUaBBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawBaV 'BaWSWaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBanBBW 'Taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarmm Y:aaa.aaaaaaaaaaaHwawaaS aBnBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB t -JuXfAyBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr 1 TaaaaaaaaarmaaaaaaaaaaaaaV VBBmBVamBBnananamBi 'Hlsmm.mH .- VrM SWVanBBBBBBBBBBBBk -- vW & JmasaananananaaaV . 1 cBaJ BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW f' inTmBKwnBnBnBnBBnBV ''dBBBBBBBBBBBB ' UrriTanBanananBa'fl BnBBnBnBnBnBBH 1 Ji3aamaananBB,V rEBBnBBWBWBWBWBaV "AfBTaBnanananTfT sasaaaaaaaaaaaaar m- anaanananananama y- ? jPBansBdmT -----HaffK . i'asaWaW' .' J P r?- - . ' " ". 4V9. "V -T -.- Si 5iS ' v f t -r i3!..7y-. t r f taJr -- i)5- - fT5tfr.rU TafcTrV J - - Zp': J! iJ A- r Z! "V rr s J r44 BS . jbt .'' nnnSiwafe-rr.-'Xie-S 'fe JJLr?SX2;.iSeS3.,5 . .' V'Z,-. '& . , ' .. . .X A-. .3&iZ .tZ&g. nnnaawaSwir.: --- . c -;,n3?'&f!S33kr,Sl - - -iSS?4fB SiR5SS3a&K&35 . ,-. - j5r -. Sr - TL " . -SS3ir WX.C'y.'F?. Z&k&-&. : n Y'TTsWi Wl ' nnnnnnnnnaa2i5i '' .SuT -:?JMZWmP?iimf&i teS&aagtia -?r H .v '&rdkt.Z'Zi :.-l2- 3tl &$&&iiZ&-&&??? nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnEnnBnmnn-L FS"Vijam. .-icsscmji-. ., -,t,k rf . - --wrr. . - -tB- vw" iirr"vc- ,?-5r4tv----r?j-i ..t-av -vrs- ras-Kw, l - -? . .& ... "C - -. . . i.ri ri&jjL-wfr.? K.a fas'T'ir '- rw?at e .f-.. , i-x j .-'-, ;. sriSJBT- -p-.-.-'- i,---an' - annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnWnnTirnnTniriRirftiT iTiTWtinnlnTairr 1 1 m "TT -a-w----. a-- -,r .....---a.. -. - -. .. - miwaiw-, MTTT m i"l rnaTT nnaTiTliirrtnr ninnrT -MIT 1tt ii TsTtr. Tt'Ii 's-r --- " te ..w -' wfc .Jt. w. .--i-W 3 .,,,,,,,,,,-