The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 05, 1890, Image 2

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ftt mnwmnn nmanmmmnan
M-MMiS -t
' A. C HOMER, PuMtslw.
TmcitE are bow eighteen thoaaaad
striking miners im Belgium.
Thr price of flour im Emg land hi ad--vaaced
four skilliags and aixpeaee im
the past month.
Okistkak Buboes, past grand coav
nwnder of the Kuighta Teaiplar of Cal
ifornia, died at Saa Fraacisoo recently.
A bio deal is oa whereby the Kea
tacky Uaioa railroad will be merged i
to the East Tennessee, Virgiaia AGeor
gia system.
Complaints are geaeral ia Western
cities of tho large aumber of uaaeces
sary officials holdiag oa like baraacles
i-TMumr tiawa.
A MouxTAnr of pure salt has been dis
fteamninaaaaa aaarsh aear the river
Tcchaj.ia- Louisiana, too far from all
BBipfGiglacUitiestobe of use to the
commercial world.
The Australian wise, which was ex
pected to Had a great market ia Europe,
wilkJwTato jvait until they caa get
oeTwOT-tt-Australia fit for casks.
All that they have injures its flavor.
$ cabled to a -prophecy
inBarper's Magazine
faariSM. xniaareamer
that in the year 3000 men
abb, to attach an ear tabs' to a
ooBTersauons two duct
' WTeral gold mines
inoBeration in the immediate vicinity
of WasblajrtoBCi4r.'BBd.a new deposit
has bebn discorag at Frest Glen, a
smaH:place-a.few miles from the city.
TLiaxnerghqXound the deposit says
flffntaTcry rich and well worth de-
f'TS-. s -i . , , . . ., ..
; uuatemaiaB jtunisior at vau vivjr
BiooavB that General Ease ta, hav-
Sjur Bf uaadto ratify. .tho peace protocol
laVnlbipd her. forces to again
koswSalvador, but the diplomatic
corns rati uestod Jour more days truce to
try to aad-Bcb General Ezeta to sign the
v?3 !m p..
frfTBSvtWarid's Fair- directors held a the 36th. and by a viva toco
TsajaaiaVslared .Washington park their
ijmin6 if Ittould be secured. A res
dM!on!waspBBed'dec1aring that a site
BUferild'notBo decidod upon until a few
days bofaroTft'o meeting of tho National
Cpmrnisslpn. THo ,dato ,was fixed for
beplemobr "j. "
Tiir Stato Department is in apparent
ignoraqM t (the jthrcateaed revolution
in Hawau. Assistant Secretary Whar
ton said that the dopartment had re
ceived absolutely-no information fore
shadowing political trouble on the
iftl&nds. The Navv Department is in
nothing official
his eiglRy-urst birthday at his summer
house aTffciYjjrly, Mass., 'recently in a
very quiet manner. Speaking of his
birthday;1o staid: "This is my oighty
firs'f and kind of an off year. I realize
1 am not as vigorous as thirty or forty
years ago, flue liip ,is enjoyable and
pleasant to nio'still.""
Lk Pakis prints tho following: "Nego
tiations between France and the United
States relative to tbo American tar.ff
are approaching a favorable conclusion.
Tho Washington Government will re
mo vo tho duly ron works of French art
and France will remove the prohibition
against American pork." Tho state
ment of Le Paris could not bo verified
byAmcrioan.,6cnators. '
Thk London Chronicle advocates mi
gration from tho congested districts in
Ireland to-asto lands which only re
quire to'bO reclaimed. and cultivated in
order to afford, a subsistence for tbe
surplus population It exhorts tho
Government to take immediate act'on
and Bot to wait until the people are en
feebled by hunger. All truo patriots,
whethajr homo rulers or not, it says, can
joantpAhiB hamanentask.
At Hoben Ems, in tho Austrian Tyrol,
a carriage became detached from attain
at tho .ton.; of a steep grado and ran
back with "great rapidlty. At a cer
tain point in tbo descent, where a
curvo occurs, tbe carriage was thrown
from tbe track and dashed over a prec
ipice. Fivof the occupants were killed
outright an I a-, number of others were
seriously injur!.' iTbaoxactcanse of tho
train breaking nart was not learned.
Tub Boston Commercial Bulletin an
nounces that an agent for English cap
italists has been negotiating with a
via to the purchase ot tho --menhaden
lervjliasias ia this ountry. A cer-
tafc In iMTi aTTpil-1 apnn jT the raon-
haieauULa the JtJnicd JHatcs repre-
Beatiag himself as acting for a syndi
cate. A comparison of notes shows that
a price has been given him on every es
tablishment from" Buzzard's Bay to the
The master of the sailing ship Linnot,
which vessel arrived at Singapore on
the 18th ofaTuno, reported that whea off
thef sfafaj ttl ynr'n the ship was
going "slowly through tho water, one of
the seamen accidentally fell overboard.
Every effort wasmade to get at the
man, but bofqre tbo. 'boat could reach
him aBuatber of albatrosses had
pounced'npan tbe man's head, and with
their ponderous beaks literally picked
tbe unfortunate fellow's head to pieces.
ffctho proposition for a
; tSaaatwber to November,
CongrossraaB,KaadjMaid there was just
one reoesarlBitpsr which he would
I tt JaavEdmunds weald amend
'provide for "a recess
19 -to JtaiCB, 4 he
tha support
eoaatry" ia
said Mr.Blaad,
adjourns aad. the
.a"fl. - AB.-X V
awmrbver it
'ham beaa enrolled
vJbKtraUa, in view
-oity Is without
dimly lighted.
tramc coatia-
aaaies areem
x., Tho, wharf
hshayo struck.
wlZealaad aad
atalHtaiaad by
oSeera of five of
Company ataastera
liBBtmaBmjaBrw Jaha KcAdaau. ot
aVBam LAarBa
MstShag Aak., was convicted of
oaawMiafnEaV Bad .'aBteaced to. fiva.
M-. Tha
ttta moantalaa
W?? ? :
1 as
aartiea. As-
. "
WOald BB
.amne k W, r aj f
Bis -xvavvi ww
from aBelriBBBBB
of tlV WnBmBBB&tfha
mm an il aaami amnmmnsew
vvflLsssBBBB taBBBBlM "
or i liiaamnsaawaair two
-j jrii j vaaaan
The niaBBBBBBBBaBlaaea
aes. TUaBBaBBBBnVaaai
QnrJa.Ja, .partly
aoa-EIioB The
4nVaBV afBHffJB
yaw1aaaMBMaaat-. Tha- cam waa
aaVa vakMiffm awyar, .aad ,waa worth were
am' ijmas "bsiUii afetaoaa
mmi namw m aBBaarhBM
"" 'm '" "i T mr
&rJ " BjSaaBaB-
Sr?liiT; &-h'fiatf
-?'Sr ;'.. ''5i"",- - .- i, ... ,... z - '
:5w . assvx. ?-jaWi.?s--i ..'v.n".vir.', -,, , -s. ,. .., -.' -wr " r
7-Lja3aaiii, f -i . t- - :. :'--&mm
a-laaeZ:: -gJEg1eg-ir - - -,'
VRWfl HI? TOTO! Wlimr
'" VX J II I J ! t
GlMlMd Bj TwlBgimph and UmSL
TBa Seaata oa ta Md transacvd ho trasl
Beaolatloas of respeet were offered
to the late feaator Beck, ealnf les delivered
ty Senators Blackburn, IagalU, Carlittto,
Kvarts, Plaiab. Vest aad otbera. sad the
Senate adjoaraed.... After reatlae haeiaees
la the llosee the Lard bill was taken ap aad
a lively debate earned. When a vote was
Anally reaehd oa the passage of the MB
the reeak was yeas. 111; nay, etao
jaoraaL The lleaee then adjourned.
IB the Feaate ea the th when the Tariff
hill was taken ap Senator Aldrleh asked
-aaaalaMMt eoaaeat to ff x a date for eloalag
debate oa the biU and taking a vote Sena
tor Goraiaa.oa behalf of the Democrat, vlr
taaUy agreed with Mr. AWrlca, aad ex
pressed a wmiagneM to enter Into some
awtaal agreement, bat Senator Plumb held
that the Tariff bill was of too great
Importance to b harried throagh aad
objected to the areseat coaslderatloa of the
matter of limitation of debate, aad it went
ver. The lead ore paragraph of the Tariff
bill was dlscsesed at leagth. and after ap
pointing a committee to attend the faaeral
of Bepreeentative Watson the Senate ad
journed The conference report on the
Stindry Civil bill wu agreed to in the Home
Mr. O'Neill announced the andden death of
Benresentative Watson, of l'ennaytvaaia.
aad offered resolution, which were adopted.
A committee wa appointed to attend the
funeral and the House adjourned.
TBa Senate on the 2tth agreed, byananl
moan consent, to the memorandum of Sen
ator Aldrich la regard to limitation of de
bate on the Tariff bllL Tho conference re
port oa the Faadry Civil bill brought oat a
loagdlscaaslon bntwaa finally agreed to and
the Tariff bill resumed, the lead ore para
graph being under consideration. Senator
Flatnb's amendment to reduce the duty on
lead ore vn rejected, Mr. Plumb being the
only Republican who voted for reduction.
The Bunar schedule was reaebed and the
Senate adjonraed The Hoase spent the
eatlre day In filibustering oa the Lard bill.
Much confusion prevailed, aad all efforts to
aecare a quorum having failed, the House
finally adjoaraed.
Whin the Senate met oa the 37tb Senator
lamb's resolution to forbid the sale of
Honors In the Senate wing of the Capitol
came up and n long debate followed, during
which it wan showa that Senators now did
not drink near as much as Senators did fifty
or seventy yean ago, and for at leapt two
years no Senator bad appeared on the floor
Jatoxlaated. The resolution was anally
seat to the Committee on Rules, and the
Tariff bill debated until adjournment.... The
House got into uproarious disorder over the
attempt to pass the Lard bill, duriag which
Mr. Cannoa. of Illinois, had a personal tilt
with Mr. MeAdoo, of Kew Jersey, and Messrs.
Wilson, of Washington, and Beckwith. of
New Jersey, came to blows. During t he up
roar a quorum disappeared, and as nothing
could be done the House adjourned.
THE entire day In tho Senate on the 28th
was devoted to consideration of tho Tariff
bill... .Tho House passed the Lard bill by a
vote of 126 to 3L a quorum betas; counted.
Many members then bad something to say
in personal explanation of the riotous pro
cecdmgs of tho day before and the bill
constituting eight hours a dny's work In tbv
Government service was passed. No othrr
business of public importance was trans
acted and tin Houso adjourned
In the eenatc n the TXh Senator Vlair
presented a memorial nf the V men's Na
tional Industrial Lcjikuo for the suppres
sion and punishment of tho "armed assas
sin, known as tbc I'inkcrton detectives,"
which was referred, fcvnator Kdmunds of
fered a concurrent resolution, which went
over, for an adjournment from September
19 to November 10. Th j Tariff bil- w.w then
considered until adjournment The dny in
the Houso was occupied in Committee of
tho Who t: on prlvile claims. Among the
bills passed was tb'it known as the Oiuirbt h
Southern War llnims bill. Tbo bill carries
:proprlation of 15 '.0.000. At the evening
session pension bills were considered.
Count Viu.anova, accompanied by a
guide and porters, recently started to
make the ascent of Mont Blanc. Noth
ing has been heard of the party since
and it is foared all havo perished.
Conoiiessmax Duxxei.i. has been re
nominated by tho Republicans of tho
First Minnesota district
Thk Republicans of tho Fourth Cali
fornia district havo renominated Con
gressman Morrow by acclamation. Ho
positively declines tho honor.
Wisconsin Democrats havo nominated
Goorgo W. Pock, mayor of Milwaukee,
for Governor. The resolutions espec
ially denounced tho Bennett Educa
tional law.
Coi.onei. W11.UAM A PniM.iPS, of Sa
lina, has boon nominated for Congress
by tbo Fifth Kansas Republicans in
place of John A. Andorson. Phillips
was born at Paisley, Scotland, in 1826.
Thk Farmers' Congress in sossion at
Council Bluffs, Iowa, voted to moot in
Missouri next year.
Idaho Democrats have nominated E
A Sherwin, of Shoshone, for Secretary
or State,
Tins situation in tho Argentine Re
public is reported to beimprovingdaily,
confidence in tbe Government being
The Second district of West Virginia
Democrats havo renominated William
L. Wilson.
The Ninth district Democratic Con
gressional convention at Temple, Tex.,
renominated Roger Q. Mills by acclama
tion. President Bakrimas has ratified the
treaty of peace with Salvador.
At the request ot tho Secretary of tho
Interior Governor Wolfloy, of Arizona,
has resigned. ,r
The National Greenback convention
met at Indianapolis, Ind., with Colonel
Jones in the chair. Steps were taken
looking to a thorough reorganization of
the party for the campaign of 1892.
The President of Salvador has
thanked Spam for its efforts to restore
peace in Central America.
Senator Plumb has Introduced an
amendment to be proposed to the Tariff
bill to tako hides, raw or uncured,
whether dry, salted or pickled, off tho
free list and to mako them dutiable at
one cent a pound.
Congressman Caxxon has been re
nominated by the Illinois Fifteenth
district Republicans.
The Oklahoma Legislature was un
able to organize on tho 2Sth for want of
a quorum.
Ax expedition, comprising infantry,
cavalry and artillery, has started from
Calonda, Benguela, to punish the King
of Bibelacd for outrages on Portuguese
Die Mekrili. E Gates has accepted
tho presidency of Amherst College.
North Carolina Republicans nom
inated Hon. Charles Price, present
United States district attorney, for
Chief Justice.
Michigan Republicans have nomi
nated James M. Turner, of Lansing, for
Claude Matthews was chosen by
Indiana Democrats for Secretary of
Governor Mellette, ot South Da
kota, has been renominated by the Re
publican convention.
Four thousand cases of small-pox are
reported at Pcrnambuco.
McVicker's Theater. Chicago, waa
destroyed by firo on the 26th. Loss,
000; insurance, 8100,000. Suspected
f Tbb total count of the population ot
SM state oi Idaho as made by the Cen
sus Bureau is 84,229. In 1880 the popu
latioa wa 82,610,
Rhode Islaxd's poauUtloa. S4S.S4S:
increase 8,8, or 24.88 par cent
The city of Perugia, Italy, aad the
surrouadlng country have heea visited
by a tornado. Four churches ia the
city were.blowB dowa aad maay houses
wreoked. A large aumber of per
were lajarei. The oommaae of
atanaa waa devastated by the storm.
-. Tbbc raveaae cutter Sash ia at t
Paul's island, Behriag sea. Saa ia Bot
asaking any aeuaraa, Bat ia simply or
dariag tha sealers oat ot Behriag sea
a threat of aaisara. Ia every
tha aealeas have Itft.
. 3,
..'TK. -(
o-'- -.
Tokay, Ilaagary. taa celebrated
. - - . -. il. aaJ HVb ailu ra
Kepw r wiw mrm j
seriously bsraed raaeatly. oaly thirtoaa
Boaaea remalniag.
jx view oi van tact m a us ui mw
soveral States aad Territories together
with what purported to be their re
spective populations has been published
aad accredited to the Associated Preaa,
Mr. Porter, the Saperiateadeat of Cea
sus, desires it stated that bo such list
has aeea famished to or seat out by
the Associated Press aad that such pub
lication is uaaathoriaed.
Thk much-advertised chemical syadi
cate of Europe has collapsed, the large
merchants haviag withdrawa.
Whiijc blowiag ap a pontoon bridge
atXiooga, Russia, daring military ma
neuvers elevea soldiers were killed by
a premature explosion.
Disb KiKKNiN aad wire aaa miss neiw
Collins were drowned aear Caldwell, a.
reeeatiy by the sudden rising of a creek.
Thk United States ship Charlestoa
has been ordered back to Honolulu to
protect American interests in the Ha
waiian islands.
Tiir new United States war ship San
Francisco on its first trial trip from
Santa Barbara made an average of over
19K knots per hour in a four-hour run.
Tkx cars and an engino of a Now
York Central fast freight were ruined
and the engineer and fireman injured in
a wreck near Fairport, N. Y., the other
Sevkn aldermen of Blddcford, Ma,
have been arrested for connivance in
violating United States Election laws.
The Adriatic has been swept by
storm. Many vessels and their crews
were lost
A nuKf. was fought near Bolfort,
France, between Lieutenants Millot and
Barutik. Lieutenant Millot received a
severe slash on the arm. Several largo
blood vessels were opened and tho
wound will probably prove fatal.
Immrnsk imports of certain lines of
goods continuo at New York in antici
pation of tariff changes.
Thk now count of the St Paul Pioneer
Press building shows no persons living
thore. The first, or padded, count
enumerated 110.
Dunixo tho races at Oskaloosa. Iowa,
fire broke out in tho grand stand whore
6,000 people were congregated. The
entire structure was a total ruin. Tbe
loss was $15,000. Tbe occupants of tbe
stand escaped without injury.
The population of Pittsburgh is 238,
473, an increase of 82.084, and of Alle
gheny City 104,967, an increaso of 36,285.
Ax English syndicate is reported to
bo seeking to purchase four of the
largest factories in Rhodo Island. Sen
ator Brice, of Ohio, is said to bo inter
ested. A xumuku of boys were playing on
tho field near Hcmmerstein, Prussia,
formerly used for military maneuvers,
when thoy found some cartridges and
thrust them into a bonfire to hear them
explode A frightful 8orics of explo
sions occurred and seven of the boys
wero so badly injured by tho flying
fragments that they died soon after
ward. The Senate agreed to tho conference
report on the resolution to apply tho
unexpended balance of 40,000 from tho
Mississippi flood sufferers for rolioving
reported destitution in Oklahoma The
resolution was sent to tho President
Thomas G. Boyle, of Allegheny City,
Pa., was drowned in tho surf at Atlantic
City. N. J., recently. Ho was a promi
nent business man, his father being
president of tho National Insuranco
Company, of Alleghony.
The leading horticulturists of tho
United States, at a meoting in Chicago,
took steps toward appropriate repre
sentation at tho World's Fair.
Fifteen Chinamen havo arrived by
steamer at Victoria, B. C, from San
Francisco, wiicro thoy havo boon re
fused a landing. Thoy say they will
work their way across the sound into
Washington and thonco south to their
original destination in San Francisco.
Thr switchmon'sstriko at tho Chicago
stock yards ended on tho 29th.
Bomiis havo been exploded in tho city
of Trioste, Austria. A boy who tried to
extinguish a burning fuse was killed.
Barrunpia, the Guatemalan revolu
tionist who was on board an American
steamer, was killed recently by officers.
Captain Pitts, tbe commander, said he
would give up the refugee, upon which
Barrundia opened flro with his revolver
on tho officers and was in turn shot dead.
Tiir abandonment of tho Hot Springs,
Ark., military reservation has been
TititKR cable cars collided in the Wash
ington street tunnel in Chicago early
the other morning and all were badly
wrecked. Frank Metzger, an express
agent of St Paul, was killed.
Business failures (Dun's report) for
the seven days ended August 28 num
bered 189, compared with 192 the pre
vious week and 311 tho corresponding
week of last year. Business was re
ported good, though money continued
The Senate on the 33th again took up
the Tariff lull, Mr. Allison taking occa
sion to express certain modified views.
Tbo Houso passed a bill amending tbo
Alton Contract Labor law; also a bill to
adjust laborer's accounts under the
Eiglit-Uour law.
SrEAKKR Daniels, of the Oklahoma
Legislature, was prostrated by heat at
Guthrie on the 30th. - Governor Stools
message spoke of the effect of the pro
tracted drought in addition to the con
ventional subjects.
Ax attempt is being made by certain
members of the peerage to purify tho
British aristocracy.
Tiiui-.e monks and a boy wore killed
by bandits, supposed for money, noar
Narni. Italy, recently.
General JounRRT. the noted Boer
leador, declares tho nativos of Africa
are being ruined by liquor.
An attempt aas mado to burn Senator
Stanford's stables at the Palo Alto
ranch, near Monlo Park, Cal., recently.
Tho Chinese watchmen frustrated the
It is not thought likely Congress caa
adjourn before October.
Clearing house returns for tho week
ended Angu6t SO showed an avsrae in
crease of 6.7 compared with tho corre
sponding woek of last year. In Now
York the increase was 0.2.
The London Stock Exchange was act
ive and prices buoyant during tho week
ended August SO, Tho Continental
bourses showed firmness.
The Patriarch of Armenia has with
drawn his resignation, the Sultan hav
ing promised redress.
There is a general failure in the crops
in the district of the Saguenay ia Que
bec. Tho failure is duo to dry weather
and frosts. Many families ate prepar
ing to emigrate to tho United States to
obtain employment in the cotton fact
ories. Maby Elizabeth Coolet, wife af
Judge T. M. Cooley of the Iater-Stata
Commerce Commissioa, died at Abb Ar
bor, Mich., reeeatiy.
M. Dr Gibbs, tho Kasaiaa Miaister ot
Foreign Affairs, recetviag several dip
lomats, expressed himself as completely
satisfied with tha resalt of the receat
iatervicw betweea tha Czar aad Emaerar
Fifty soldiers attar. bad to taw garri
aoa at Glogoa. Prussiaa Stlaaia, are suf
fering from iatueasa. '
The Mast furnace men ef Eaglaad
have decided to support their Scotch
brethrea who are Kinking far an in
crease ia tha srsges paid far Saama
work, -
At Fallortea tha other day Miss
Grace Edgiatea had a aarrow escape
from death. While working a steam
waahiag machiae aha poured gasoline
lato bolliag water, which caused it to
igalte, and burned her arm and fore
head in a paiafal maaaer.
The aew elevator at Hay Spriaga,
with a capacity of 15,SfX bushels, ia com
pleted aad opaaed for baaiaess.
Thomas Patchex, who stabbed aad
killed Charles Heatoa at Long Piae,
July 4, haa beea arrested for marder
and his case will come ap ia the Browa
Coaaty district court ia September.
Tub other day Coraelius Mermaaa
waa fouad banging in his granary, ia
Doaglaa Couaty. He was quite wealthy
aad had resided ia tbe couaty twenty
A misplaced switch caased aa acci
deatoa tbe B. k, M. road aear Mai
leas tha otherday which resulted Ja the
daatb'Mliss Myrtlo Wilgus, daughter
of a farmer residing near that place;
John Wymore, section foreman, and an
unknown tramp. Six of tho trainmen
were injured.
A freight train went through a cul
vert about a mile east of Grand Island
tha other day, wrecking the engine aad
several loaded box cars. The engineer
and fireman jumpod, the engineer break
ing his anklo. The wreck was caused
by unknown parties removing pieces
from a rail, and was undoubtedly a
scheme to wreck the east-bound passen
ger train, which passed over it safely.
A day or two later a rail was displaced
a short distance west of Grand Island,
with a view of wrecking the fast mail
train. A tramp, who said ho saw a roan
displacing a rail, gave tho station agent
information which prevented the wreck.
While recently hunting pearls O. II.
Miskimcn, of Oakdalc, found a human
skull in the Elkborn river, about ono
milo up stream from the mouth of Cedar
creek. By tho appearance of tho skuu
it had been in tho river about live years.
George Ostbxiierk, a brakcraan on
tho Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Val
loy railroad, was killed at Scribner tbo
other morning by being run over by a
freight car. Ho was literally cut to
Ezekiah Ronr, sixty-fivo years old,
living with his son-in-law, Henry Coff
man, five miles south of Clay Center,
hanged bimsolf in tbo barn tho other
Pat Mears, tho woll-known contract
or, while lately at work on tho Rock
Island grado east ot Lincoln, received a
terrible wound that will probably result
in his death. Ho was passing by ono of
tho big scraping machines when tho
handle flow back, striking him in tho
groin and burying itself in tbe flesh.
There was littlo hopo of his recovery.
A youno man by tho name of Jamison
recently dived from a bridgo near Arca
dia and received in juries which resulted
in his death.
Ix a fit of rago the other night Henry
Mohcr, of Lincoln, shot his wifo fatally,
because she objected to his squandering
his monoy for 1 quor and neglecting his
wifo and six children. He was jailed.
E. B. Smith's livery barn at Lcxing
ton was dostroyed by firo tho other day
and twenty-oight horses perished.
A. J. Welch, a woll-known fanno-
living Jwolve miles westof Hay Springs,
recently went to town with a load of
hogs, and on bis return homo bis team
ran away and throw him out Ho was
found next day under tho wagon box
about tbreo miles from home with his
neck broken. He leaves a largo family.
The wifo of County Attornoy O. P.
Warner, of Grant County, recently died
on tho tram very suddenly while on her
way to Mullen, accompanied by Mr.
Warnor from Whitman. She had been
a sufferer from heart disease for many
The Madison County teachers have
formed a reading circle in accordance
with tbo State reading organization.
There are about sixty members in tho
county, tho best showing any county
has yet made.
The annual camp meoting and con
ference of tho Seventh-Day Advontists
will bo held In York, Septembor 9 to 16.
The Prohibitionists of tho second dis
trict havo nominated L. B. Palmer, of
Adams County, for Congress.
Rev. E IL Ciiapin, of Lincoln, has
been nominated for Congress by tho Pro
hibitionists of tho First district
William Chambers was found dead
near Arnold, Custer County, the other
day, shot through tbe head. It was evi
dently suicide. Despondency, caused
by delicate hoalth and failure of crops,
supposed to be tho cause.
Some time ago J. J. Brown, vice-president
of tho Farmers' Bank of Broken
Bow, went to St Joseph, Ma, on busi
ness. Shortly afterward h:s family re
ceived word that he had arrived, and
then all correspondence ceased. A week
passed before his family became alarmed
at not hearing further from him, and a
telegram of inquiry was sent, but no
trace of him could be found.
Seven prisoners in the county jail at
Auburn made a desperate attempt to es
capo the other day, but tho vigilance of
the sheriff frustrated their design.
J. G. Roberts, a B. AM. engineer
living at Plattsmoutb, is threatened
with serious trouble becauso he gave
two first mortgages on tho same lot of
goods to different parties.
A max named Hayncs fell into a cel
lar through a trap door in tho store of
Mr. Perkins, at Grant where he was
employed as Bight watch, and received
injuriea which will cripple him for life.
Ho has brought suit aea.nst Perkins for
Sixty couples of Indians were married
tho other day at tho Winnebago Indian
reservation, about eighteen miles north
ot Bancroft, by County Judge Downs, of
Pender. It was necessary that they
should be married under the civil regu
lations of the United States to entitle
them to the annuity from the Govern
ment Standing Bbab and his followers
have just returaed to Niobrara from la
dian Territory to take up their allot
ments on tho Ponca reserve. They left
last spring with a view of remaining,
but by the influence of missionaries aad
squaw men they were persuaded to re
turn. The citizens of Logan County reeeatiy
held a meeting to devise meaas to ia
duce the Kearney & Black Hills rail
road to extend their line westward from
Callaway this fall.
The Northwest Nebraska Yeteraas'
Association will hold its fourth reunion
aad eacampmeat oa tbc .fair grounds in
Crawford October 1, 2 and S.
Six business hoaaes at Arapahoe were
burned at an early hour tho other morn
ing. Loss, about a,aWL
The Chadron roller mill is again in
active operaatioB.
A stock company is beiag formed at
Paader to build a hotel costing S7.5M.
Richard Mbbkb reeeatiy drove law
Crete with a lead ef hog whea tha
team ran away, threw him aat aad
A ma aamed Hansen, emplayedat
tha Crete aurserien, was drowned ia tha
Hae the other day.
Tbe ail past at Seward will at
ead tha eacampmaat at Grand Island
in a body.
laBneaafaapaaliMatavw nearly
the azmtaaca af TBarJasr
st A---1- aha aftaar dav. Ha
aaeaad in aat
by a neifhber hraasfg iatt
. (
. ISsawTatkv - . .
- , fc - 3"-'
' . . ,WV'- s. - ., ' - .
.w-:: rjjjrLik."3!6 Atsrt?.vt-i5-rti'?r;
tSfrf-"-- ';r?7rr..:',-j-aA' 'Vrn-aj
- Sf j. -IrM L-J. ". .V L. IrfU. Tjr m IW..: Mr - 77T-1
Tha StmU Department Awaiting
Forth AdTiooB.
ftiSJ! BVfwiB BrtiEa Mv Bswat
mwalsrsa m Lwsl AatBorUi
Bscwjtary Kajrard's tasa
Washington, Sept 1. Tha State De
partmeat haa taken measures to secure
fall particulars of the shooting of Gen
eral Barraadia oa board aa American
vessel lying in the port of San Jose,
by officers af the Guatemalan Govern
ment, aad until tbe exact facte and clr
aumstaaoea connected with the affair
are known, it does not care to express
any opinion of the case or of the course
of Minister Miznor.
A case involving tho identical prin
ciple with that ot Gonoral Barrundia
.occurred in Nicaragua ia 1885, aad ia
that case Secretary Bayard informed
our Minister to Central America that
the Nicaraguan Government had a rigbt
to take a man wanted from on board an
American merchant vessel, provided she
were in Nicaraguan waters.
ThA cso wa that of Joso Gomez. In
a letter dated Guatemala. February 10,
1885. Minister Hall informed Secretary
Frelinhuysen that he had been inforrnod
that the Guatemalan Government pro
posed to take from on board tho Pacific
Mail steamer Honduras, then lying in
San Juan del Sur. a passenger named
Gomez, in transit for Panama, but
wanted in Nicaragua to answer a cbarjje
of boing Implicated in a recent insurrec
tion in tbat country. Minister Hall
said that he had directed our Consul at
Managua to inform the Nlcarajruan Gov
ernment that Vur Government has never
consented, and will novor consent.
to tbe removal from an American vessol
in a foreign port of any passenger in
transit much less if tho offense is po
litical." The captain of tbe vessel did
not givo up tbe man and sailed out of
port without securing proper cloaranco
papers. Ho nas tried and convicted for
this by tho Nicaraguan authorities.
Tbe case came before tbo State Depart
ment in this way and it held that Min
ister Hall bad not acted according to
law. In his letter to the Minister,
which Is dated March 12. IBM, Secretary
Bayard says:
"It appears tbat Gomez voluntarily
took passage on tbo vessel, knowing
tbat it would enter on route a Nicara
guan port
"It may be safely nflirmed tbat when
a merchant vessol of ono country visits
tho ports of another for the purposo of
trado it owes temporary allegianco and
is amenablo to tho jurlsdict on of that
country and is subject to the laws which
govern tho port it visits so long as it re
mains, unless It is otherwiso provided
by treaty. Any exemption or immunity
from jurisdiction must bo derived from
tho consent of tbat country."
It is said tbat cases havo frequently
occurred in which revolutionists and
others wanted for offenses of ono charac
ter or another have Iteoti seized by tho
Hawaiian government, while tho British
merchant ships and Great Britain had
not protested, thus establishing diplo
mat c precedents. Had tho vessel been
a man-of-war, Barrundia would not have
boon subject to tbo jurisdiction, as war
vessels carry every where tho jurisdiction
of tho country whose flag thoy fly. The
Barrundia affair differs from the others
in that tho man was shot but tho right
to soizc boing conceded tbo right to kill
if resistance is mado is an old established
principle of law.
The principal criticism mado in diplo
matic circlesof Minister Mizner's course
Is that of unnecessary interference. It
is suggested tbat bo might havo simply
stated to tho Guatemalans that tbey
bad seized the man at their own risk.
But on this point it is thought well to
await knowledge of exactly what tbv
Minister said and did bo fore pronounc
ing judgmont upon his conduct
ProtMMjr IliMiniril.
Louisville. Ky., Sopt 1. Captain
Gaitber, who has been in command
of tho troops givng protection to
Judgo Lilly's court at Hazard, has
reached Winchester with sixteen pris
oners. Among them are B. F. French,
J. G Eversolo and George W. Ever
sole, leaders in tho Fronch-Ever-sole
feud which has caused continuous
trouble and danger in that section for
many years. Theso loaders will be hold
without bafl for trial at Winchester.
Tho judgo of the Winchester court has
the reputation of hating murderers con
victed and hanged. There are nine
others who have been engaged in the
feud now at Winchester.
Vnrtlrred for Ills Wage.
Omaha. Neb., Sept l.Ole Sittlctrcck,
a Swedish cooper, was found dead under
the Eleventh street viaduct with his
skull crushed. A bloody club was found
near the body. He Is supposed to have
been murdered for bis money, as be re
ceived his pay on Saturday and had no
money when found.
The funeral of William Walters, whe
was lynched at Mayview, Mo , for the
murder of Mr. Parker, occurred at
Lexington, Rev. I. N. Triplott perform
ing the services. Tho colored people
generally wore In the procession. Walt
ers was but sixteen years and tbreo
months olL t
It ia reported that an English syndi
cate, headed by G. C. Morgan, has se
cured an option on all the leading silver
mines near Aspen, CoL Tho figures are
placed at the enormous amount of 827,
000.00a Speaker Daniels, of tbe Oklahoma
Legislature, was prostrated by heat at
Guthrie on tho 30th. Governor Steele's
message spoke of tbe effect of tbe pro
tracted drought in addition to the con
ventional subjects.
Clearing house returns for tbo week
ended August 30 showed an average in
crease of fi.7 compared with the cotTe
sponding week of last year. Ia New
York tbo increase was 0.2.
Forest fires at Cottonwood canyon,
Mont, have destroyed a vast amount of
valuable timber, having worked along
the entire length of tbo canyon aad
high up the mountains on cither siie.
Chief Justice Morton, of the Massa
chusetts Supreme Court, has tendered
his resignation, prompted by failiag
The new stainc of Lafayette, a gift of
Fraace to tho Uaited States, which haa
arrived at New York on the steamship
La Normaadie, is ia thirty pieces,
tweaty-tve of which are marble aad
During a recent fire at Seattla, Wash..
Jamaa Leamaa leaped dowa from the
third story of abubiiag. a distance af
thirty foot, with., his wife ia hia arm.
raped atrieaa injury.
Over &Mt,ttn pound af weed have
Uymadfram Great Fall, Mast,
Ob street work Seattla
tha vaar ended Jaae Si
John Eraatdt, who died to
.r?L5 :t - . -- .x.
asessssr ia st asanwr. viww wmsvws
MkM MaBMs.i.Z . . - .. a
aBsisrsuia . i ika aavstfatt mm wmmamm nc is tfj.4 .
waa the father ftf CaBftntnr . j,.
." - &3Ss&- Z2r. - tV !- . ... ; " V -
T " T .. - ..'- .t "
The State Prohibition Convention
mat at Lincoln at 3:9a p. m. on tbe 37th
aad organised by choosing A C Wolf
eabarger chairman aad H. & BUtea
header and George H. Gibson secreta
ries. After appointing the usual
mltteeeand hearinr several add
the coaveation took a recess until eight
At the eveaing session Mrs. Clara
Hotmaa, president of the Womaa'a
Christian Temperaace Ualon. made aa
address aad aa adjournment was taken
until nine o'clock next morning.
second D.vr.
When tho convention assembled, tha
committee on resolutions reported aad
tho report was adopted. Thea a lively
discussion arose over the question aa to
whether or not a State ticket should be
placed ia the field.
It was finally decided to place a ticket
in tho field. Nominations wore then
declared in order.
John Dale, of Douglas, nominated Dr.
R L Paine, of Lancaster, for Governor.
Mr. Paine declined.
Soveral other names were presented,
all of whom declined.
Tbe nomination of Dr. B L Palno
was insisted on and be wa chosen as
candidate for Governor by a unanimous
vote. Tho nominee is a pract'clng phy
sician, and has resided in Lincoln twelve
years, no is iniriy-nvo year wu
was formerly a Republican.
Mr. Bittenbender nominated Goorgo
W. Woodby. the colored minister of
Omaha, for Lieutenant-Governor. Tho
nomination was made unanimous.
Charle.s Watts, of Omaha, was chosen
as candidate for Secretary of State.
A Fitch, Jr., of Merrick, was nomi
nated for Auditor.
H. W. Hardy, of Lancaster, was nom
inated for State Trexsurer.
Judge F. P. Wigton. of Madison, was
named for Attornej'-Genoral.
C Oleson. of Dawson, received tho
nomination for Land Commissioner.
Mrs. M. IL Morgan, of Alma, was
named for Superintendent of Public In
struction. The following is tho platform adopted:
We declare ahrrnce to thr princlplrs
nunclatcl ty the National Inhibition Con
vention at Inuianarolls in ISSi
Constitutional and statutory prohibition
In State and Nation of the manufacture and
sale of alcoholic beverage Is the most vital
i4tte1rforc the American people and the
first step toward securing; re-forms.
We are opposad to any law that In any
way Iricatlzr the truffle of Intoxication:
liquor as u beverage.
Wo Invite tho attention of the people ot
Nrtirnck to the Inct that tho Prohibition
party stands today in the mMst f the
i;riMtet cr sis In the history of our State a
the only rliiunplon of the homes In their
contest with tho organized lltjuor monopoly
of Mate nnd Nation, and wo lier'l.y pled:o
our vote nnd the earnest effort of our
party organization to its adoption.
Nucltty. -n should bo deprived of tho right
of frum hisc !. reason of srx.
I he General Government should own and
operate the railroad and trlegraph systems
ot tho Nation and furnish transportation at
Every soldier, sailor and marine of the
lute civil war merits Mini should ricoUc
Just service pension.
The election of President, Vlc. President
and United Mates Senators should be by di
rect vote of the people.
Tho Australian system c f voting should be
nlopted In NVlirask.
We fuvor a reduction In thu number of
hours ot labcr.
All trusts and combinations organised to
n .str.iln nnd Improperly control commerce
rhuuld bo prohibited and all corporations
should be controlled bv the Government In
tho Interest of the whole people.
Itecorfnlzing that the Honor trauV. In Itself
:i soulless monopoly. Is tho grentrst foe to
the laboring clnsne and an ever present
menace to their homes, we earnestly and
cordially invite all laboring men to Join us
111 the attempt to throttle their most mitllg
nnnl enemy.
We heartily approve the plan of canvass
Inaugurated by tho Xatlonnl Woman's
Christian Temperance Union superintend
ent of l kIhIuIImi. nnd t'i petitions for e
1 uring National constitutional prohibition.
Kecognlxlng the W. C. T. 1. ns powerltil
ullirs In the grand rtnt salnst thu Ihjuor
Iralllc, we pledge them assistance.
Me recommend it general temperance re
vival in all the churches In Nebraska aa tbe
moat efficient means to unify the Christian
vote In the interest of the p ndlng prohibit
orv a iiendtnen'.
e urge upon our Mate central committee
tho Inauguration f h school district cam
paign. Wa petition tho hoard of directors of the
Coliimblun fair, to be held at Chicago In lk9l,
to proliiLIt the stle and nsj of Intoxicating
Honor as a beverage on the grounds of the
Tho following wero chosen as mom
tiers of tho State Central Committee:
Adams, Ir. II. P. Fitch; Antelope. James
II. Vary; Manner, J. . Itovey, Monnc. Kdwln
r'armer; lb x Untie, It v. A.Gordon. Itiiffalo,
A !. George. Mutter. George P. Keynold;
Kurt, J. Will Miller; Cass. Arlington O Ash
ley; Chase. A. Krlttell; Clay. George ecoM;
Colfax. N. II M,ore; Cumin. John Lnn
gren; Custer. Isaac Mcrch mt; Dakota. J. TV.
tlogjn; Itawaon. C oiesn; Dixon. Jo--eph
shields; Dodge. Allen Marshall;
lou;las. J. Phlpps Koe. Mrs G.
W. Clatk nnd Anthony Johnson;
Dunby. It if. Ha) wood; Y II more. II. G Clay
. .mb; Franklin. II. Whltmnre; Frontier. P.
-. Ma'her; Gage. A. I- Green ; Gosper. J. O
p-r.yn; lla'l. C. D. F.rrine; Hamilton. M.J.
teterson; Harlan, A- M. I-affcrty: Holt, M ft.
Lowery; Howard. Mrs. M.C Kendall. Jrffer-
on, Peter Specnbttrg: Johnson. I ft. Par
ker: Kearney, C A. Matln: Klmbnll, Mrs.
K. M. J. Cooley; Knok. A. McGIH. Lancaster.
Dr e. H.King. Lincoln, t lorn Mj lander.
I.gan, James Meall. Millson, Dr. II. J.
Co:; Merrick. James Stephen; Jine-.
Martin. J. Prwer; Nemaha, ft.
V. Mulr; Nnckolls. U. A. Thompson;
otoe, William minders; Pawnee,
.. t. Wright, Perkins John McKensle;
Pierce. Mrs. 8. O. Upton; Phelpa. C ft. Mrsd.
1 y; Platte. J. IL Cram: Polk. J P. Iteatd.
Ited Willow, A. Wiley; kit hardonf smu-i
Lichty; Saline. Trsyer; Sarpy.
James VcOinley; JannJer. C K. Smith,
cot! Bluffs. Metk; fteward.
i.eorge Terwllllger; Sheridsn. George Mill
man; Thayer. S. IL Yt ung; Thurston. Mr
Ketta TV. Drury; Valley. C. W. Palmer,
Washlnvton. C. C Crowell; Wayne. William
Golst; Webster. W. W. Hogate; York. T. ft.
Nibraska Hmker Mtsalag.
St. JosF.riL Ma. Aug. 30. J. J. Browa,
vice-president of the Fanners' Bank, of
Hrokea Bow. Neb., started for this city
ten days ago on business connected with
his bank and the St. Joseph Loan it
Trust Co-npany. Shortly afterward his
family received word tbat be had ar
rived here and then all correspondeaon
ceased. A week passed before his fam
ily became alarmed at not bearing
further from him, and a telegram was
then scat to the St. Joseph Trust Com
pany, asking them to look him up. A
careful search was madshut no trace of
him could be found.
Itwa Tilt Atteasj
IUEASAxr II ill. Ma, Aug. 3ft. About
three o'clock yesterday morning fro
was discovered ia the Crist rasideace ia
old town. The alarm was given aad ev
ery effort put forth to save it, aa Crist
was supposed to be ia it Later be was
fouad unconscious in an orchard near
the bouse, with two wounds in bis 'da.
Investigation showed that be bad set
tbe bouse on fire aad then attempted
suicide. His wife bad left bias aad
sued for divorce, aad this, with stroag
drink, was tbe caase. He will raeovac
He m a carpenter, aad If ty-etvea
aid. He is under arrest,
AtTBlH Wmr
TnoT.Kan., Aug. at P. L. rbsea.aditaw
af tbe Troy Tisaea, waa armaiad Isatavaar
Ja for criminal libel aa Seaiael X.
Joanaaa, a KepaWieaa eandidata far
State Traaaarec. Tbo articaa in aba
Thana stated that Jofcaaaft waa a aaaa
aler. a drska aad a lilsjrtifta.
rive etc
CurrftioK. Maw
nip i '-- f af tba MTasearl WaJaa Lima
(t. fsaa( ata. ftee wa:
ad owing ta
aerial waa a teeal laat, Tkafra
--w a.
-. . -a
rvrwCwfwsJaMsMrt MtmijrtOsm
T mm Msiitim ft 1 1 ly Msngin Mr a
OnaasA. Mo.. Aug. 1ft A borribl.
uarder took nlae at Mayview, a await
town seven mllaa east of lata city, aarly
yesterday moralag . Tha facta are about
aa follows:
Will Water, aa elf htoea-vear-old cal
arcd bey, weat to tba store af Mr. 2. W.
Parker about tour o'clock aad aa waa ted
to buy ansae goods. Mr. Parker aaaatd
tba treat dour. Juas at Ule iaasaaco
another colored man psssrd taaaasra
and iftaalred ef Will tba causa of bin
aarly aarekaaiag. He aaaarerad tbat be
waa goiag to take la tba Hlfginevilte
About eight e'eleek ansae ana wwal
lato tba atom teaaewrlaia why Mr. Park
er did aot show ap aad waa ftarrttad
to fiad him cold in daatb. witk bU tkraft
cut from ear to ear. beside a deep gaak
ia the bead and n broken collar bona.
Wbea tbe report wa given out a
posse began a earcb aad at this bear
tbe murdciar has not been arrested. It
Is tbe general Impression tbat when tba
rascal is found tbat be will be baagrd
to tbe nearest llntb. as Mr. Parker waa
a qulot and much respected goatlentaa,
The murder wa evideatly committed
with a view ot robbery, but aotklftg
missed from tbe room.
In the pocket of a vest of Mr. Parklaa
which buns? on tbe wall wa $39 in cur
rency and in a shot sack oa a akalf waft
some S40 or f 50 in silver.
If there waa any money 1ft tba drasrar
tho murderer took It, a the comblaa
tion on tho drawer waa broken.
Later Tho negro wa found near
Mayvlow late last alght and lynched
He acknowledged tbe murder and pro
duced a corn knife wltb which tba mur
der was committed.
llWll!.tVI!.UE, Ma, Aug. 30. Illff
villo had not calmed down from the ei
citement created by tbe new of tbe
murder at Mayvlow when the towft wen
wild again over tho murder of A..aV Big
gins, of this place, by V. M. telta, alan,
of Illgglnsvllle.
Early last evening W. M. FelU wan
to the hotel kept by A. H. Hlggtn. aad
almost without warning stabbed him to
tha heart. Volte thea lad. Blgglft
lived about forty raiautea H
Tha jaurder was tboteaalt of a quar
rel tbat took place between tbo two at
tho fair grounds here yesterday after
noon, lligglns wa receiver of tlcketa
at tho fair ground and a quarrel oc
curred between blm and Kelts which re
sulted in tbo cowardly murder of tftft
old gentleman.
Felts is an employe of Dooley A Son,
livery stable keepers of this city.
Captain lligglns Is a brother of Col
onol II. J. lligglns, the father of tbo
city. Ho was seventy-four years old
and a woll known andres peeled cltlson.
A ComWeatloe In its Interest eT (Ik
Cltr e'nr the capital Tehee Ctsergw,
(Jt'Tiiuia, Olt, Aug. 3.-i-Tbo IgUla
ture was orgaaiavd yetterday .merftlng
by a combination of tho 1emix;rau and
Alliance member with tho aid of the
three Hepubllcan mwubcri from Okla
homa City.
In the Council Hon. CJeorgo W. Oold
cnshlre. Alliance momber from I'aynft
County, was chosen as president by a
vote of 7 to o, defeating W. A. McCart
ney, Republican, of Kingfisher County.
In the lower house there wa a bitter
tight all morning, but it soon developed
that tho Democratic-Alliance combine
bad 14 votes to II for the Kopablican.
A legal question as tolho right to or
ganize without tho proper certiflcatee
from Governor Steelo was brought
up. The Coventor had refused
to Issue theso certificates oa tha
greund that membership of tbe House
was not completed as A. M. Carson, the
recently elected delegate at large, waa
without credential. Finally J. C Poet,
Temporary Spanker, adjourned tbe eva
sion till two o'clock p. m.. the Demo
crats thinking it policy not to question
his right to do this.
In tho afternoon N. A. Daalels, an
Alliance member from Canadlaa Couaty
and a former reaideat of lawa, waa
elected Speaker of the House.
After organising both house ad
jouraed until to-day.
The Oklahoma City laaublleaaa, who
voted for the Alllanea men and gave
them the majority.' claim tbat tbey did
no because of a promise to favor Okla
homa City for capital of tbe Territory.
fleas as? the Xstlsssel
are WsHMI, dew RaewMaaW
St. Josr.rH. Ma, Aug. 8ft. I aland J.
Webb. .f Tepeka.'Kaa-, waT ebtetad
Commander-ln-Cblef of tbe Sons of Vet
eran. Tbe appeal of ex-Commender-ln-hlaf
Walter S. Pays, of Ohio, fraas tba Had
ing of the court martial was treated
very indifferently when brought before
the encampment, a tba delegates re
fused to take any IsHlaar omvlt. Payne
employed aa atanraey aad ftfat hlavfrft
Kaasaa CHy to a Ualtto;aftM iif
Ibillp to lasue a maadaatee to compel
tbe National eacampmeat to abow cause
wby ha should aot be graated a trial by
hi peer.
Tbe committee reckoned ap tba
polats made by-tbe eompatlag eoai
paaie la tba avW drilL ,Tftatr raport
gives St Paallaer eeni,,Dteatnr ti
aad Spriftgfiakl f.15 Tba aritea are rMft.
aad Nem
At aight a'ball aad receWtien wa tea-
dared the members of tbe Ladle' Aid
Society, who wero attwading tba ea
campmeat The
MtsnrKAroua. Miaa.. Aaa H. Tha
Mlnnenpotia KxaoaiUea af m araa
ope-.ted to-day with a meaatar straet
parade and speeches by tlevaraor Mar
riam and other. Tha machiaaryat tha
Eaposit.'oa baildiag. howavar, had ftat
beea aufSe ently tested, aad wbea
Governor Merriam touched tha alaetrle
button which set the wheel ia motleft,
oae of tba cmnderona wheels burst with
terrific force. One af the flytaf ftftaaa
track Kieetrietaa Arthar bV la MM
bead, iaflietlaw ft fajffhtfal 'woaaal Ma
waa uben ta kte: taoat Jaffa aat yat
kaown whether hia iajariaa ara fatiaL
Tacoma, Watfcv, Aug. M.
ventioftof Daasocsmsfa ela
mittee oa aaaala
thai tha obleat ef aba
foetar tha lvantl ftf
Deeiocratfe elsb aad saciattea tftroagh-
ost the HUtaac waaaiagtea aad
their active aa aaeraUaft ba
lag Jefferaeaian ariaalalts af
t Tbe
ergaabmtieft reported a
by-laws atmtlar ta
tiOeef thsx
araek Baeiat j of
teawft ' "j fr '
ha tha ftana.
aweaww- aaaftk
AamalatUft, Tha ewhsUi ! maft nar aeea
Pnracar. O. Aaa ftft fuegs M. t " T -
ImabW. mraaerly fMaas. M. T.. hi bjrMTaww. aba sajftnaat far aba
mh employ af tha aTbgh Tanlaalea Caaa TiMw' wia aad aM aVaateet-
aa r.a&A. s.a 14 i. . aejaV tfte). ftagjjgM. fjaeass asssAsAna
ewey w ss rw "mn aeaa -. - mwwm
ftamaa bv ffaaamVaif a wtias Waest wBbWTJT taa aejft eraaI famatf mi
mwarlawnaaan. am mamlt aaaaw aaaVtaws aamftnv ftfta aftaa aaaftaesnsA.
m "si m m seawa pna a sneseyew.
ftm ewajr am laaaa fat awawmsti ftmeana,
Caacaaa Aaa flft Ito CManma Oaal 5STi55L?L .eamajaalft aaaac
.,. ..... . g M K -ftseeit. w a -- - -a
a-waaana aaaft aftswftamiftmftaanftT aaa reaeee eamas aajLvU 9afa
paMHHvukBMsa aa ftw tfta ftsftaaa nwnw ftV aftan.
a. rc?-r s sv i , -r rs 2a
&&&&&L?: '& r "3 '-- z' Af?v ' - r36tfrJMmm
. SL - ? Sas! ,L-jgr ? j; i-rft -. -. ,r fc. . . TS-OST. .3
Tkn Th aowjiaew a,
fs rwrsw .
Ht. Josgrtr. Ma, An. 2T.- Svr be
fore In the history of the order of JVin
of Veterans h such great effort)
beea put forth to secure lh attend
ance of th rank and nle at m Na
tional encampment of the order. In
addition to prevlon arrival the follow
leg arehere: M. V O'ltrLn.
of Omaha; Camp XI of Tcumh. NK. In
command of CapUln C. M- Shaw With
them came Vast Colonel Applest f
tbe Nebraska division. At s . itin
headquarter train hearing- Comnjnitfr-la-Ckief
ttriffln and the KaUro mejfj',
ben of the staff. Little 4 ba'.'.nrj M
Premoat camp Na I1 of Indian's pnlis
relied late the Union I' pot on the l!nr
Uagteav IJster In the day an addition
at aumber of Illinois Uiys reehM M.
Joseph, and the New Jersey dl
galea came In on the train frm h-l
quartern Camp 1.J of Kin City r.l
KiagClly pst(. A. R.. arrived on th
Chicegn Hurlinc ten A Vfnincy. At the
same time the Slth crnel band r
rived over the (trend Island, and was i
enea made headqMarters bend, with dutj
at CampCriffln. Nearly every cmr in
Nortbweat Missouri U repreinll. an I
there will be large arrivals from etery
other portion of the State.
The Ladles. Aid Jucity delegates tn
in tbe city In force and will begin th
foarik aaaual meeting tely. Th.
oaicars preeent are Mrs. Klla L Jon.
National president, AlUntna. 1.: Mr.
Sophia McKltaln, National treasurer.
St IauI; Mrs Ada L Shannon. chl
of SUIT. 1'hlladelpbia; MJs Ada !Uy.
memUr of the National council, and
Mlsa Fleming, National Inspector. Chi
cago. Of the Missouri camps which em
camps so and 7. of St Umla, reachel the
city this morning. Camp tla. ut hai
nah. Ma. and tho tSrand Army men .-f
Andrew County, arrlve.1 on the "Mapln
laf route" at eight o'cUs-k. Camp 13?
of Mary vllle. and tho t J rand Army m
jot that ptaoa arrived at soven t'ple4
IchI by the Maryvllb csirnet
Tbe great parade totik pi are at tbreo
o'clock in the afternoon and It Is est'
mated that lO.OOO men were In lino. Tl
parade wa madeupof Smuf Veterans,
O. A. K. memlter. and members ot the
various secret organliatJons of the ulty
Iletarwrlluw f TfcU Welt K Hrs..l
Hw-itJ"s"' leeerMtlsrisH
CMtrAtio. Aug -7 .McVlcker's Thea
ter I In ruins. Kvery thing In the audi
torlum that last night prvented nvmm
if brightness and color Is tieday nolb
ing but a mass of biaek debris.
Flames hurst from debris Imneath tbe
theater shortly after thn-o o'eb-uk this
morning. Tliey had evidently sjmvl
throughout th en tiro baeemettt for m
aotiner had the llremen attempted tet
tlngtilah the tin? ott tho est side of tb
building than flame- were srsn to Wu
from tbo rear and the Interior slmul
taneensly hurst Into a blam
When tho firo burned through th
flooring the drferien on. lli lower
boles Ignited, and frtn the parquet i.
the nxf the flame were rapidly ear
rleL Tlio oil seenery and the deoor
tlons that were made of Inflaiuutabio
material berml flerroly that nolit
Ing could check It- Almost l-efore th
firemen realliei that the flr hail
reacheil the top of the strueluro a o
ume of flame Issued from the nif with
a roar, and Immediately afterward lb
roif fell with a crash. A number of
firemen who wero In tho auditorium
ran for their lives. One of tbetn eas
raughland probably fatally hurl, hut
1 wa rescued by his companions. Thr-
other men were le severely hurt
The flro burned Ilercely almut thre
hour. The walls r-mln aUndlng, but
tho Interior is gutted. The flreim-ii
were nucceKsfiil In keej-Jng tho flamr
from the front of the building ami the
Office there wen not hurl by the fire
Tbe damage to the theater and ron
tenia, which also ronslslrHl of th"
ace aery belonging te the Minandiah
Company. I esllmatl at gjoo.ooti. Tbo
loan I covered with aa insurarirn of
only tlf..
How the are ntarUM Is shrouded in
mystery. There are suspleion of in
cend iarism. Tba theater Mb rebuUt
at once and aa quickly aa puflbic.
Werft ef Ike rsmferesw A -mprnrnf
the reeMe Leeea rlwer.
WaswISoto, Aug.'J7.--Aa agreement
ha finally beea reached by the hund rj
Civil bill confereeetipon the jieragrsfhs
relatlag to the Irrigation and pubiie
lands survey tbe sole ub)ct of ds
pate between the two house fur sverl
week a For tho Hrvey Mf the pub r
laad tbe llcttee approftrlated rjoo.oi.
the Senate tnrreael the amount b, The conferee died it at
The fsenate amendment appropriating
fa,aat U additional clerk hire in the
4av of KurveymMJervral la alricWen
ftftja. For the tonagraphtc survey, for
vkdth tha Maftaa aaeropriated fjaa.fa
aid tha Heftate Rtev.aas. the conferee
agesed upon iaeo. One-half of thU
am ia to he ea needed west f the loOth
aeridlaa ef longitude. The He use item
aamroariaUag fTie;eft0 for the lrrigatlrm
aarvay 1 atrtekeft out. Aa spproprla
tiaftef ftia.ata Im engraving map of
array U lacnaul tf7aaa.
1aaft4ef diffrwma between the twa
hsvaaaa am a ta tao repeal of the U
of Iff, providlag for tbe withdrawal of
nubile landa from eatry, which th
Senate laateted uaasa. The eoferM
recommend a m
Oeeaan. lad., A eg. 97. Saturday night
at tha negro aeMlamsat about fourteen
miles north of ham Ham WlJeow. a tv
gro, went to the hoMn of Mm. Mather.
a yoaag widow whom be bad beea im
aavtaaiag ta marry him fee the pant two
wabft aad call lag bar ta the 4mr aakl
bar If aha weald aat have fcbsu L'poe
bar fnfaaal he draw hia revolver and
wen her Ureagh tho heart, killing- her
fantaatly. He thea alaead the revolver
WhU head aad flr-C fatally wwaadlsg
raaeelf. Mm Maehera waa tha widow
af tha man wh a fhrar weeks age wa
la the aewk TwMh aaakalfe
KHiea ay isa
fjtATKsrwearrM. Kaa. Aug. r, A de-
track aadar aba haarsMam ear A
e saeweae n i eswesnr wssbbbb mjmmnss emwaj myaj,
tha wrarklaa; af
r aeaca
ile want af bbweitv. Heth
railed dowa a twalva feet mbeak
Of tha twelve yamsagu ba the
f. f. Martin, af Arhaaea Oir,
abut the thighe; W, O.
AHea. af Arkaa City, hart abewt the
ae94e4eVaT llnW wjiat- aMNaVMFSf 4rT
hrekeft aad laaa aat. aad
p, J -
.-sVv Z'
mm -
m? . iJaKT cit m-1" s.1eaET j3v-
'-t ,;