,- -, tJj?' IfcjSJSV ..-.. - - .- -' " 7ti, " T". J. I- W "-W?" ?. jv Vspv - i; i $KNr r3 "TA L rs?4i 3.'-7 yr'X , -. 3. '; f-mmmmmy: ? . . . v. $- ,r -$- -. .; ?'-f-c . & . . - i'Ts-. ?KKi- , ft VT4 i . , 1 f - .-.?" . i-ss i4u- BmwmBxll.?1 i' S. jy?g,"-!in:-f .":-; - .-zV-.-'-r.' mmBWr2iaiMiHtiBMBfri5J'IW4MaBmWanBe ? migaBmBmmmWPW-,ffi-.-TjS - " J teirJvF' . -? ' vJ SMS m.MBNf Mr IV CejBMB 'mf-JK-'tmw'UmmmmV rasst. .-?, 'JS'- .-'-.i - " . J-. -"-. ri uummm nar -n ! j-c-ttts rw ----j-- &y2rpi atet TajleVs. striae ia eeraetaatF. V - TwsfnTeralle far Me at McNUt eV GaluWl Bay aerate aaa ile of Deyo sad ti-iye alMBCT. Anew liae ef aietare etoeMiars at r. V. Tajler. LSeiWfeug is located ia Chey- The Wat iUMt powder aad ij peat at Dares. - If jm vast the Wat hej the V bite -far sale bj F. V. Taylor. Key Hetehiasoa has erected a fee feaee araasd aiareaidcace. Deje will aell jea aaekiae oil cheeper thaa aay eae Bare. New njiUiaerj geeds at Mra. S. R. XeBride, ia the New York Store. Dc wet fail tc call aad see my stock cf wild shades. F. V.Taylob, Jeha Craft adds his Basse to the Great Family Weekly. Maay thaaks. By all aaaas go to Deyo for toilet saps, pertaaiei, aad iae toilet arti clea. Hate far asea. hoys, aad ekildrea. Fall stock aU complete. McNitt db Galaaha. Largest stock of Mothers Friead Shirt waist's ia the city at McXitt db Galaaha. All car bkb goods aow ia stock ready for fall easterners. MeNitt dc Galasha. Bead the Mam's Hon. Iadiaaepo lis, Iadiaaa. The great rcligioas pa per of the age. There will be ao fair this year in Webster eeaaty, awiag to the short age of craps. The Nebraska aad Kaasas Farst LaaaGe. waat all the good farm baas they caa get. tf Oar prices oa dry goods, aotioas, boots aad ahoes are the rery lowest at the New York Store. Aaythiag ia the liae of f arnitarc carpets, wiadaw shades, etc., at lowest prices at F. V. Taylor's. The New York Store is headqaar ters for boots aad shoes. Best goods, aad lowest prices gaaraateed. If yoa arc goiag to bay a carpet roa will care atoacj aad get the best by calliag oa F. Y. Taylor. De WiU a Colic aad Cholera Care, Is always safe aad always smre. We recoamead it C. L. Cottiag. Loaas aiada Itoaw ra tes of iateres by the Nebraska as Kaasas Fam Loaa Co. Moaey ready as sooa as papers arc aigaed. tf Feat'aerly dcAalts are still selliag Tiaegar aad traatalar jaice. Call aad aee theai. Good cider viaegar for 25 coats per galloa. fe Witt's Little Early Bisers. Beet; little pill for Dyspepsia, Soar Sttemaehc JSa4 Urcsta. sola Dy U. it. Cottiag. The Braggist. Saai Teaiple, oae of oar atost tbor oagh deaMcrats, says he caa't staad NeKoighaa. Saai doesa't go aiaeh -oa people of Tarioas faiths. Childreaa ahoes, ladies shoe ladies slippers, aad seas boots aad shoes at prices that caa't be beat At the New York Store. If yoa desire yoar watches, clocks, aad jewelry repaired by aa expert head learc theai with T. . Peaaaa ia Cettiag's Brag Store. 52tf Cefias wood cloth aad aetalic cas kets of the best grades aad lowest prices. IateUigeat care of the dead a specialty by F V Taylor. To keep the beard frost taraiag gray aad thas preveat the appearaaee of age, ace Backiaghaat's Bye for the Whiskers, the beat dye amide a If yoawaat weaTia; doae call oa Wa. Haffsaaa, Bed Cload or leave orders at ChacSehaff ait's. Allkiad of carpet weaTiag deae oa short ao ticc My fall stock of ailliaery goods is aow ia. Hate aad boaaete ia all the latest styles at the bwest prices att Mrs. S. B. McBride's. New York Store. De Wittfe Little Early Bisers. Best Liver Fill ever amade Care Coasti patioa every tine. Neae eqaaL Use them aow. For sale at C. L. Cottiag. TheDraggMt. The aaea who are keepiag Bed l71oad back do a relish the idea of ,, haviac the eoaaty seat BMved. They are bagiaaiac to aee that is is a poor rale that will act work both ways. If yoa waat yoar aaaae, asoaograa, enbJcei of aay ledge, or aay other de aiga aciaiag oa year wateh, it will be uokly aad artistically doae by leave Mg it with'T K.PoaasaaatCettirg'a drag store UBtf Thore is, oae asedieiae that will tteiy. wa reier tcve- WtU'a CeKe aa Cholera Care for all Ne delay' aa ao fatlare. We sell L L. t-attiag, the DraggiK. De Witt's CWic aad Cholera Care believe it a safe aad ral table Its goad caToete are at ease ia cases of Cbaleta aad aiailar aaa plaiats. laid tyC. L. Catttax the If the wstah factory shoaJd fail, jaat lay it to oaoTor two ahroaie poo ple wkohaoa f oaght every eatorpriaa .aBsVa "aaaav awoBByBM PraTw alaaawwsajwa, bbbj Xvwav ,Cload la Maw fatare iaaae, shoaM fail we ahsJl take Ija . shawtag "'wp'- thaae who it beak, aad we. shal act either. It is ightaa- nucn ai &iSc---ni-22P JW" f'Vf' v-T v V&S -'ti;fmmmmmmimwr,m m m- ".r;v M mmmmmTtm-' 'fc?.JT:"e 1ST ,-' .w -'& -- - -i ,, w.- fc '- s -, m , , . Sts-t&'sr - IV -,rfl irhtiday of the aMOtiaw ef the Nabnoka trettiag horse breeders as- seeutiea opeaed aader very favorable ojjjaaaMtaaoss,- weather lae large aaaieaoe, saa gooa track. Tbooe aseetiaga are better each year. The fret race oathc fprograat was-aatake for foals of 1890, half aile haato two ia three aad waa wea by Keotertoa aad Tolleth's bay colt, Charles F. The surters ia this race were Koster aoa aad Telleta's. Charles F. by Beth P 1411 E Pyle's Bardell by Charles vUTtj 00000 DL Sabia's Coaaselletts, by vVUHUff 2132 4234 Charles Swift Cos. Glia- aa, by Dark Night 7 54 H T" Jeaes' Eaaa L. by Jriatte ............. jo.OZ Jas. Zibbeirs Fallertea Boy byShadoIaadOaward.... 76 5 AV Jewell's Ida Earl, by XVea TM drawa E D Gaald Bay Goldea, by Shaadelaad Oaward drawa Tine 1:44 1:37 1:33 1.36. Ia this race Charles F lower ed the yearliag record. Stake No. 2 for Nebraska feels of 1888 waa won by K Pyleo' Eddie Haves by Casile Cafrey who dis taaced his feld tiae 2.46 Stake No. 11 for 2:30 Pacers woa by Geo. L Maxwell's bay aare, Flossie Beed ia straight heats. Geo. L. Maxwell's Flossie - Beed by Meabriao Abdal- lah Geo. H. Bailey's Great West era, by Satan Frank M Dailev'a Billy Mc Craekea, by llaabletoaiaa Meabriao J W Mercer's Wapsie L. by W v apB16 oo Tiae 2:28 2:29 2:30 Stake No. 12 foals of 1885 A J Hale's Idavaa, by Earl Goald aad Millers Egbertia, y gbert. ......... Tiae 2:26. y 8ECORD DAY Frst race was woa by Kate Cafrey by Charles Cafrey aad owned by Mr. Edi vaad Pyle, of Haabolt, Nebr., aad is aa exteasive breeder, and is rapidly coaiag to the froat rack. E Pyle's Kate Caffrev by vMHXCj Kestaan aad Tolleth Moa crief, by Belaoat E P Faller's MeCregyr Wilkes by Robert McCre- !? ! McBobioson's Johay Boggs. 111 322 243 434 11 22 511 ldis 2 dis 3 dis 4222 G M Packard's Frame, by Hector Wilkes Time 2:42 2:37 2:43 2.46. Next esae stskc No. ' 7 for 2:40 stallioas which ass easy victory for Mr A J Hales fiae stallion Idavaa by Earl daa Thorndale sire of EdwinThorne 2:16 and Earl sired by Priaceps Sire of Traiket 2:14. He was ably dtivea by Mr Hart. A J Hale's Idavan ? W Zibbells Platas, by E Pyle's McFarUad, by zataaaTv G W Beaaett's Appaaoose, by Egbert. Biehaae tilde's Trcatoa, by Shaaker Tiae: 2:394 2:26 11 2 dis 3 dis 4 dis 5 dis Stskc No. 8 for pacing foals of 1888 was won by Goald and Miller's Fred K by Shadelaad Oaward E Pyle's Gaabo, by Cafrey Tiae: 2:51 2:51 la stake No. 10 Fatality foals of 1888. E Pyle's Eddie Hayes; by Charles Cafrey, had a walkover. Tiae 2:59 11 22 THIRD HAT. Stake No H for foals of 1888, E. Pyle's Eddie Hays by Ifhss. CaaTrey ........... Ed. D. Goald'a Woodliac by Natwood .......-.... Wa. A. G. Cobba CaL Boyal by T. Frsak ............ Tiae 2.39 2:42 Stake No. 4 for Nebraska foals of 1887 EPylcs Kate Cafrey by Cass. Caxrey H W Braadoa's Kitty Vera by Talavera B. L. Sabia's Sabia Coaa- scllor by Coaascllor Tiae 2:34 Stake No. 6 for foals of 1886. E. Pyle's Bobbie P, by Chas. Cafrey. Uaioa stock fans Dick Dia- ple by Peoria O. W. Pickard Diasb by Flaco J. H. Kestcrsoa Battler Wykes by Forward Tiae 2:37 2:32 2:33 Stake No. 9 for stallioas. 11 22 dis dis dis 111 2 2 dis 3 dis drawa Wa.A. G. Cobb's Bysoa Sheraaa by Saturn Twia city stock fans Tiae 2:31 2:341 2:324. 111 222 FOURTH DAT. Slake for 2:30 class trettiag. W. J. Eaigh's Lycargas by Aberdeea .......... 31211 M. CBobiasea'a Kiag af the West by Uaadallah...l 212 2 . Pylea MeFariaad by Chas. lSariey . ...... ......2 oo o dis Tiae 2:30 2:37 2:32 2:322:31. Coaaolatiaa stake far 2:40 stallioas. Richard Wildes' Treats by DwTaaoaECsTa aaaaaa 1211 S. O. Beyaaad'a Gladiator byLakolaad Abdalkh... 2133 G. V. KeaceU's - byBcbert.... 2322 Jas. W. Ziabell's Platas by Vawojiws , Tiae 2:42 2:4 2:4S 2:45. 3:twelaas,$3ft gaaraateed . . parse Marra J. Joaea' Freddie C. 3f l....i. , ....1 1521 s Diaah by 3 2 1 32 CPyles Hariy Barly by TXiiXSS -? :jg2it5" Gea. Washiafrtea. . J. . .4 4 2 4dr Swab Sea's Joe; by ' gaeoa's Maabriao. . , ifac 4dr I Char. 8wift's Maad B: : by vraaywaasi. . . ... . .. H. I. Bonae.ts Haadlight by 8. B. Laasaat. . . . . . tiae 2:362 39 2:41 2:38 2:39. CoasolatiM stake for 3 ye-r oMs. H. W. BraBdea'sKittyVera by Tallavera ....31211 Keatereoa Tottoth'a Moa- eriefby Belssoat .1 2 12 2 M. C , Kebiasoa's Johaiy Baggs by KiBg of the D. L. Sabia's Sabia Coaaoel lor by Goaasellor Tiae 3:46, 2:50 2:46r 2:56 2:414 Thas eaded oao of the oessfal aoctiags of the Nebraska breeders aaseciatioas. Sack year there are acre ealrias, bettor bred aaiaals aad faster tiae. The year liag aad two vear old state record has beca redaccd at this aee tiag. Ly ear gas by Aberdeea's daa by Alaoat awaed by W. J. Eaigh of Bod Cload showed whatgood breediag aad a good head eoald do by wiaaiag the 2:30 trot easily. He is a good gaited yoaag horse.aad oaght to trot a aile track ia 2:20. Nebraska state prohibitioa convec tion, Liacola Nebr. Aag. 27 28 1890, BAH will sell tickets. Liacola aad retara oae fare aad a third, dates of sale Aag. 26 27, liait retara to Aug. 30th. Douglas eoaaty fair Oaaha, Nebr. Sept 14, 1890. Bouad trip tickets will be sold to Oaaha, Sept. 1 4th iaclasive at rate of oae fare plas 50 ceato for adaisstoa good to return aatil aad iaeladiag Sept 5th. State fair Liacola Nebr. Sept 5 12th 1890. Tickets to Liacola aad retara iaeladiag oae adaissioa to the fair will be sold Sept. 4 12th incla sive retara liait Sept 13th at oae way fare plas 50 coats. Special traia will leave Bed Cload for Liacola via Wyoaore Tharsday Sept 11th at 4.45 a. a. rctaraiag to Bed CI Cload, leave Lincoln 7 p. a. Sioaz City core palace, Sert 25 to Oct. 11th iaclasive. Boaad trip tiokets will be sold to Sioux City at rate of oae fare. Tickets oa sale Sept 24 to Oct. 11th iaclasive good to retara aatil aad iaeladiag Oct 12. Heights of Labor celebratioa, Lie coin, Nebr. Sept. 1, 1890. Bound trip ticket will be sold at rate of oae fare aad a third, dates of sale Sept 1, liaited to return Sept 2d. Nebraska eoaaty fairs, for the coun ty fairs caaaeratcd below. Boaad trip tickets will be sold at statioas within a distance of 75 aile at rate of one fare and a third, tickets on sale one dsy in advaaco of the coaaeace acnt of the fair, ap to aad inclading the last day of the fare, retara liait day followiag close of the fair. Adaas couaty fare, Hastiags Sept 2 I iaclasive. Franklin eoanty fair, Frsaklia Sept 2426 iaclasive. , Furnas county fair, Beaver City, dept. 16 18 iBblasivc Kearney eoanty fair, Minden Sept. 2326 inclusive. Nuckolls eoaaty fair, Nelsoa Sep-. 30 to Oct 2d iaclasive. Thayer county fair, Hebroa Sept. 1720 iaelasivc. A Conovkb, Agt Black Goods. Buck silk Isce aitto. Blsek silk gloves. Black silk lace. Blaek silk velvet ribboa. Black silk velvet .Black kid gloves. Blaek hose. Blaek dress goods. Blaek dress battoas, nici ones, at the New York Store. Doa't forget that H B Biaoas, keeps aothjag bat the best gasoliae aad kero sene aad is selliagit at the same agates that others do, iaferior goods. Bis wsg oa traverses every street dally aad he respectfully aoHefUyoarpatroasge gaar aateeiag saUsfaatioa. Try him. Notice I have two quarter sections of the finest farming land in Southern Colorado containing 100 acres each, located in the "Great San Luie Valley" where a failure in crops a never known. 1 will sell or both of these farms very cheap. TE Penbuw, Gottinga drug store. Notice to dsuata. -(First publication Aug. 29 1800) In the district court of the state of Ne braska in and for Webster county. The Anglo- American bad, aaortgago k agency company, united, a corpora tion, plaintiff, vs. John I Patten, Anna Fatten, John Crowell, B. G. Auginbaugh, Charles M, Haines, M. B. EdJeman. Henry Cook, Ancil LiFunlcW.T. Auld, Somer, Richardson k Co,Geo. D. Golden, Red Cloud National Bank, Ncsiregian Plow companr, WyaanKiar, W. W. Magary, Frank V.Taylor, Joseph Graves and National Loan k Trust Company, De- ienaanta. To M. B. Edleaaa and W. W. Megary, defondanto in the above entitled cause: You are hereby notified that there ia aow on tile in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of the atate of Nebres ka, in and for Webster county, a chaa cety petition of thophuntuT against yoa impleaded witn toe. other defendants named in the title of said cease, prariac that the court may find the amount daa Uie plaintiff upon one real cage bond for the man of 9300, Jaty 1st, lSsT.aeeured by mortgag bythedeeodantoJohn Ii. Patt Anna Patten to tha Qmcordia Loan A Truat Company aadaowowaad bytha fwinun, upon too following iiasti maa I?l property, aitaated in the eoaaty of Webater and state of Norirasha, to-wit: thn snath wort nam la at the aath east quarter and the eowth half of tha north west quarter and tha aoath half ofaee- tton tnirty-oao (31), towaahip two (2) ""anwBuae iwi west or taaotsip. M thati a docres i bo catered by the you aad yoar be MM fct k mm, be i oftlaaaaoaat band, with mb Yoa aval S.-fe yoa are rati r, A. IX-: estate aort- deted m akaaaaaaaBBBBaawawaajo) tg- , ot WXm liail Si' 'et ShT aSa n tSS5 aFaaaaavaaf oa waaB waJwalvBBafaa aTaaawaarJi aaTaalvMB . aaaaavapTfawM - ' ill m I t. i. AAa-v . k- M aftAt AhA4 lV Al ill. -r aatJal bVVIVffJQT TWWtWMJ WmM M JM. .faaaV tBb UaMi wW. aaBBaa. aasBaaaV aaeam aeaBaV aaBBBaa aaBaaBarJaV saawwX aaaaaat apBBal cap PwaaaW wavVrXS. aaaaaaa aaaaMB i: laa as -mm avaarat wmmmm. drawa '. aaM' a tsa-lasasarrriiMiBiag ia" ana --- - ---- - - laatawa c ata warn sac asasaaria: wu? mm V JasUaa aa aaa)aaaaas a as iraaaaasaiaa. -:. .? BHaaaaMoua. aaia aaa Baasaaz iaTaaap aaanjiaaK yrar fwaajaaa a was , aroTaaa lilinnaiiat 1 IMi arafWae.' AM taato naaaiat H AA MH mMmMKm 'b mmmKmKW - tar ---'- aaMMml ar aMaiMi laMMM. mmmmm KJVaataa tamm aiakftW amS Mammmmar-mwmmwmmm aCaaaaaaaa waoaaawaja aWABH ""II - J g aaaajajsaaj aaawa yni U wkw. - ' CaCai. Vak. oaaaaBH smw awjaaja aasTTaawaaf aas. acBJtaaar Jaama Ibvv CB ahaCS VlBCwaaa,- wwweaa aaTawaWavJwawFal arawa MaBaiaaeats ta the aaaaotatlaa. aaatt at vrMca ar ariateC taeara: -Far ara aoaaal asMBaaaMat ta aaa oaaatttatloa. pia Caltiax tha aiaaafaKani. aria aai kita aost sac jsa ar aaw of laiaiiwinaa aaaanr ja a BMat'l the eaaatlfatioa aiaMhaitag.the Mrieatsax Boasts aa a bevefaaau There ahaa alee he written ar arialai oa the ballet of each elector vatuaj far the aroeoara aanaliinat ta the ceaettta tfoa. the wares: "Far ynamd aateaO eae to the eeaatttattoa that the auaa: teetare, tale aa4 heeaJaie for aale ef ta toxleatuxHqaots aaa aemage fa this state Khan be MceascC ar rerabMat by law." ar -Axalcat saM yroanasC saieaaieat ta the eeastttattBa that tl.e auuHMTaetare. sale aad keeafax for rie of latoxkattag lraaars asabeveraiceshallbe Uceaaed aaC regalated ey uw. - tfee'toa 3: If either of the aaM Breast ed st Bihar ata shall be anrored by a anjortty ef the electors vutfag at the aaM eiecttoa. then it ahaH eoaatitate seetioa tweaty sevea 37 of article I of the roastkatioa of thiastate. Therefore. I, Joha M. Thayer, Goveraer of the state of nebraska, Co brreby give notice ia accordance with seetioa eae 111 article aneea i& et iae eeasn tutioa and the provisions of the act ea titled Maa act to provide the auaner ef proposing all amendaaents to the eoastitntioa andsttbnittiBKtbeaaBwto the electors of the state." Approved Febraanr 13th, A. D. 1857 that saM propose! ajaeaasarM win oe hv itted to II Mec ntttliled voters ef this atate for approval or rejection at tne Renerai eweuoa reicetlon at the to He held oa toe tin cay of Hovea heMoatbetlhday ef Koveasber, A. 1. ISSfl. Ia witness whereof I hereante set nta set nr haad. udmuetoSB ftMxed taa neat i jrreat seal of the Btate of Nebraska. Doae at Liiweiatais aath dayof July. A.D. isad. aad the Mth year ef the state, and ef the ludependenee of the United States the oae hundred Sfteeath. By the (lerernor. JOHN M. THAYER. BJOrJAMI H. COWDMLT. 8sau Secretary of State. Articles of AgrecaaeMt, Made and entered into this 5th day of June 18W by aad between a. W. fluid, fiitaa Uarber. R. M. Martin, J. A. Tidleya. E. B. 8mith, K. D, KuttoB, B. P. Mizer, Chas. II. l'otter, aad . IC Gbaney, witnesaeth that the saM turtles have and do hereby assoeaUe themselves together pursuant to and under an act of the legislature of the state of Nebraska entitled an act for the unuaacniiwtxi an actiur hic latinie and preparing a ceneral ritenr of Nebraska approved i aad the various acts amend- revising-, consolldatlns; and, eeoe ior we ierrv JajiiravSSth.lftS6 atorv of the sane under the name of the Nation al Watch Company of Red Cloud Nebraska for the purpose of ei ng in the business of manuiactuniHcana ng waiciiesanu mater ial tor makinz watches. 1. The business of the corporation shall be that of manufacturing and selling watches aad material for making watches. 2. The amount of capital stock of said cor poration shall be fiaijMS and shall consist ef &M0 shares otfSO, each. 3. The whole amount of the capital Mock of said companr has been subscribed and the amount actually paid la Is Sttjooo with f tunas follows: as per cent when the factory building is complete and equiped with machinery and S per cent or the amount each month thereafter until the whole amount is fully pid in. 4. The business of a lid corporation shall be carried oa at the city of Red Cloud lu the county of Webster and state of Nebraska. 5 The board of directors of said company shall consist of Ave members ail of whom shall be stockholders of said company and for the Srstyear shall be composed of the followiug named gentlemen: .i. W. Hurd. K. IJ. Hmith. K. V 8blrey.lt. M.Martin, and C H. Potter. 6. The indebtedness of said corporation shall not at any time exceed ? or one fourth of its capital stock. 7. Sa'd corporation shall continue ninety nine years unless sooner terminated according to the laws of the state of Nebraska. In testimony whereof the parties hereto sub scribed their names aad affix their seals re spectively the day and year above written, 4. W.IInrd,Ceal) Kilas Garber, (Seal) It. M. Martin, (Seal) Chat, If. Potter, (Seal) k.b. nmuu,(Neai) B.B.KuKon,(Seal) J. A.Tullevs,(Scal) B. P. Mizer. (Seal) G. K. Chancy, (Seal 8Ute of Nebraska iM Webster Couuty.fS On this 5th day of June A D 1898 before ne the undersigned, a notary pubUctwlthiu and for said county personally came the above named J. W. Hurd, Silas Garber. K. M. Martin, J. A. TuUeys E. B. Smith, R. B. Fulton, B. F. Mizer, C. ft. Potter, and G. R. Chancy, known to me to be uie meuucai persons wno executed: iae above and foregoing instrument and each of them ac knowledged the execution of the same to be his free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes thereiu set forth. Seal J. Ii; B4ILBV. Notary Public. Notice to !VoHKcaMcBit Dcfei drats. Naacr K. Wells, Flalatiffs, "1 vs. It. Matilda crice, I ItaalelU. (irlce, Fint Natloaal Bank I K. A. CaroUae Cather exectrix. I K. 8. Onashy, trustee. i n---...- W. J. Bowden, f DafeBdants. ranaersc atcrcnasts BSg.uo, R. A. Haady. Avery Planter Co. Aultasaa, Miller & Co. A. L.Funk aasixiiee of Parlia, Orettdorf ft Martin, m. 8. Oiatsby, trustee. W. J. Bowdeit. K. A Handy, Avery Planter Co. and Aultaaw, Mih er Co.. aoa-resklent defeadaats, yoa will take nouce that oa the lath day of AagaU. iws, the ttlalBluT herein Sled her petition to the Dis trict court of Webster County, Neb., against said defendants and others, the abieet and praytrof which Is to foreclosea certain mort SMe executed by defendants B. Matilda Grice and Daniel U.Grlcctc John Moore aad by hint duly asetened to plaintiff, upon the nwi of sec shtewaships, rat; 11, Webstei couaty, Keb., to secure the payment of oae eoupou ararticaice aote for the aum of fsa with Interest coupons attached. Dated October 3d, Ism, aad due-aad payable Octobsr lit after the date thereof. That there ia aow due aaaa saM aote aad eeaaons aad mortcace. the'sma of 1.12 for Which sum with intaia nUlUV r wmcb sun win latei prays for a decree that defeadaats he required to mt the same, or that said premises maybe soia o aausry iae amount found due. Yea are required ta answer said petition aa er before Monday the 29th day of September - .. . H AXCV K. WSLLS. By Kaley & Barker. Atty's. SheiiaTa Sale. Notice is hereby Riven, that under aad by vwS weoiaaoraercHsaie issuea rrom iae f L. 11. Fort. Clerk of Uie District Court af the Eiahth Judicial District, wlthia aad far Wab- strr couaty, Nebraska, upon a decree fa aa ae- penoinsT, laereia, waereia, Josepa k. naH- ey Is Mali aad Mart wainua, aaa acaiast jobb t, Koatasea artha 1 Kobinson. Defendants. ishaH ofer for sale at nuMie vendue, to the hhthest bidder for cash in hand at the east door of the court bouse, at Red Cloud, la said Webster county, Nebraska, (that aeiac the place where the hut term of said court waa boMea. eathe swill stay r Sept. A. . Iww, etsa'eleek a. m. ef said. day. the followlaK desertbed property to-wit:' The snath half of the southwest quarter at atetlea four la town ship three aerta Is raaae nine west of c p. m. ia Webster county, Nebraska. Glvea aader my haad this snh day af Aagast A. D. isa. C. A Teauttherif. O. C. Taax. Deputy. D. II. Ettikbt. riaiatiS s Attorney. Had Notice Is hereby glvea, that aader aad by tut- taeef aa raisBieaswea ireas iae LHFart.' taerk of the Dfatrlct Caurt af the KtgJaalehtf District, wKhmaadfer Web Mbtb CMaaaTewa JaVaBaaXaaV SaVaanl aa M0M fal aaml awC iBbbbT aawCaVaaa WaaaTCIaa IBB HarW Metamaje aaeurKj Oa aSTmsam ash to haad. at .at RedCuad. m sam weaaaar eowatr, Neanaxa, naat i riMtmlldfauiwlmeintaelaBttenaafsaM was aaaaaai aa the 9Mbi aWy oTSemt. a. nK IN as a'cssek a. m. af nasi day, the faBawias armed araperty te-wtt: Theaortaeaat an ef aaatlsa atx S) a leu aahiB aaa 11 nan iaaae i hi H a west efanc a. ahfi , Aeataaaa. uivea aaaerary aaaa A.U. una. o.c: G. m. catasBT. naiatirs . XattseMaarel iBTTlr- asef aaatear etaamwsmSfroa I. H. Pact, Oerk af dm Dmlrtct felaMINJTICK. aWaVaak Crsstia aad Isalsri Ctaa a: TeaaafahTaMailaat oataa lilhoayaf hMaitawM: ThaaHaftaaawM i X of aba wmli jm ses. 4, twa 2, mo aoraa ia wi I tSiTC-ICO fa taoyoar imt in taa aaa of afaaelisasariref Wsaater seen- tf, Vsa., atativate tax sale for taxes aV oamferiseT. TaattaM tor afasMlaml wat expire Oa- lmm, leVsVaad ealese sakt land fcs hafare ftaa abevi data the wsl aaalyfar a deed of Dated Aagast 11, 18tO, at led U.BXVM ByL.Baam,Agaat. a Jama L. MiMer : Yoa are hereby aoti ied that oa tha 14th dayof Dasambar, laat, the aaisrsigaad U. Baam pareaaasd the foBowmg land tswit: Part swj of the awU of see. at, twa 3, rag H, eontaia iag X acres, ia Webster eoaaty. Hob, it as zJ-ioo. waiea and waa uxed for the year 1137, in taa aameof Jacob L. Malar. The bad was purchased of tha traaaarar of Webster eoaaty, Neb., at pri vate tax sale, for taxea deiiiKaeat there on, for taa year 1S87. The time for re damptien of said laad will expire Decem ber lttb, 1890, aad aalam said land tare deemed on or before the above data, the taJdM. Baam will apply for a deed of said tend. Dated Aagast 11. 1890, at Red Ctoad, Neb. af. Barn, By L. Baam, Agent. 3 Bed Cloud Muling Co., Bed Cload Nat tonal Beak aad H.O. Scott receiver: Yoa are hereby Botiled that eathe 14th day of December, 1888, the aadersigaed M. Baam parehased the followiag laad towit: Part of lot 8, aee 10, twa 1, rag 11, eoa taiaiag 12 30 100 acres in Webster eoaaty, neb. Which land waa taxed for the year 1886 and 1887, in the name of the Red Cload Bulling oo. The land waa purebas ad from the treasurer of Webster eoanty, neb., at private tax sale, for taxes delia qaeat thereon, for the years 1886 aad 1887 amounting to S3 84 100. The time for redemption of said land will expire on December 14th, 1890, and aaless redeemed on or before the above date, the acid M. Baam will apply to the treasurer of Web star eoaaty, aeb for a deed efaaid laad. Dated Aagast 11, 1890, at Red Cload, neb. ar. Baubt, By L. Baam, Agent. 3 Gardner ur, storey: You are hereby ao tilled that on the 14th day of December, 1888, the aadersigaed m Baam parcnased tha foUowiag laad towit: The undivided m of the neji, of the eLf of see 9, twa 4, rag 10, containing 20 acrea in Webster eoanty, neb., which land was taxed for the year 1887, in the name of Gardner at norey. The land was parehased from the treasurer of Webster, aeb., at private tax sale for the taxes delinquent thereon for the year 1887. Amount $3 64 100. The time for redemption of said laad will expire oa December 14th, 1890, and unless redeemed on or before the above date, the said &t Baam will apply for a deed ot said land. Dated Aagast 11th, at Red Cloud, aeb. at Bavm, By L.Banm,Ageat 3 , Thadeus Araold: Yoa are hereby noti led that on the 14th day o? December, 1888, the undersigned ht Baam purchased the following land towit: The ne 1 4 of the se 1 4f sec 2, twn 3, rng 10, contaicing 40 acres in Webster eoanty. Neb., amount ing to $20 72 100, which land .was taxed for the year 1887 in the name of Tbadeas Arnold. The land was purchased from the treasurer of Webster eoanty, neb., at private tax sale, for the taxes delinquent thereon, for the year 1887. The time for redemption of said land will expire De eember 14th, 1890, and unless said land is redeemed on or before the above date, the said af. Baom will apply for n deed of said land. Dated Aagast 11th. 1890, at Red Cloud, aeb. t- Badid, By L. Baam, Agent. 3 Thadeos Arnold: Yoa are hereby no.i ied that on the 14th day of December, 1888, tha undersigned M Baam parehased the following land towit: Thenw 1 4 of the as 1 4, aee 2, twn 3, rag 10, containing 40 acres in Webster county, neb., amount ing to 6 4 100, which land was taxed for the yetir 1887 in the name of Thadeus Arnold. Thi land was purchased from the treasurer of Webster county, aeb., at private tax sale for the taxes delinquent thereon, for the year 1887. The time for redemption of said land will expire on De camber 14th, 1890, aad unless redeemed on or before the above date the said M. Baam will apply for a deed of aaid laad. Dated Aagast 11th, 1890. at Red cload, Neb. M. Bauh, By L. Baam, Ageat. 3 Tbadeas Araold: Yoa are hereby noti led that oa the 14th day of December, 1888 the aadersigaed M . Baam purchased the foUowiag laad towit: The aw 1 4 of the se 1 4 sec 2, twn 3, rng 10, containing 40 acres m Webster county, Neb., amoaut iag to 6 4 100, which laad was taxed for the year 1887, in the name of Thadeas Ar nold. The laad waa parehased from the treasurer of Webster eoaaty, Neb., at pri vate tax sale for the taxes delinquent thereon for the year 1887. The time for redemption of aaid laad will expire Decern ber 14th, 1890, aad aaless redeemed on or before that date the said M. Baam will apply for a deed of said laad. Dated Aag ast 11th, 1890. M. Bauw, By L. Baam Agent. 3 Thadeus Arnold: You ar hereby notlBrd that oa the 14th day of December, lW. theua dersixaed M. Baam purchased the foHowliar laa towit: The se 1-4 af the se 1-1 see 2 twa 3 rag tSroatalnriig a acres la Webster couaty. Neb., ameuntlag ta s 13-iee, which land was taxed for the year WW, ta the name et Thadeus Araold. The laad was eurehased from the treasurer of Webster county. Neb., at private tax sale for the taxes delinquent thereon fur the year 1887. The time for reaemattea af said mad will expire December 14th, law aad unless redeemed oa or before that date the said M. Baam will apply for a 4eed of said laad. Dated 1 Aucuatiuiaw. m.hacm. ByL. BeamAxeat, 3 aaaa Jaae Bailer: Yoa are hereby notiSed that eathe 14th day af December, lass, the mi acrsataad M. aaam aareaascS tke feUowimc maatmnc nn iae ae 14 ei iae sw 1-4 sec 3 twa 1 rac 11 ceataialag t acres la Webster ceaaty. Neb,, ameaatlag toS444-HS.wMch laad was taxed for the year la? la tae aame of Harsh jaae mHey. The maal was aurchated from the treasurer of Webster enaaty. Neb., at arfrate tax sale far the taxee deHnaMrat thereea, for the year 1S87. The tune far redemptloa will ex aire December lth. lass, aad aatesa rsCremed oa ar before that dalethe aaM M. aaam will ai- piy lora acca 01 saai laaa. imsca abkhsc 11, lass. BL fuvm. nr I aaam, AaeaU 3 SandiAHeaaJaaaadHLsfaafcias: Teaare hereby aaUaed Bast an the lth day af llecem ber.ltes.the aadaTilaaed M mhmb areaastd taefotlowiaslaad towK, The a 1-2 ( the ae MestwaSrarHeaatalamrslsaias acres ih arebater eoaaty. Bear, which mad was taxed for the year larrta the aame ofKarah A Hoa kJas. bald mad was aarchssed from thetrcaa arerof Wehater eeaaty. Neb., at private tax saw far Umtaxas aeJiaaacaf therraa far the year isg.amsaBMaataat as-isa The time tor aaasfaaaatdMaaaaiwBl aeXTvadesdaf said laad. Dated AjsjtwA II. Isi. Msuaaj. arL BaamuAjMsa. a Csxherfae. Hear aad Ja w aaeaamiac r-- mzrjMT-:-. . ir -r teaBseM tar Let 4i UtatagSSi fear: saat rlara taxi Tea llMl SMI -rhaswt-4 iaevaacss,iwa3.i awaaVaaaaVwV APOg waW vaavasmna alSka B.Bkm aad ahMrmaad an a MSB day ay at fartaf Mkiuiaasaiaaiibaf lhasa S4 aad a ta a m ut at sac a Mi . iwatl ms aares la Wahalie roaaty. BeCU watch urautam a SMt. aaM i mad waa a ae traaaaaar a wsamar eeaasjr. nea.. a arhrate tax aula taeeatamraeraar m Thethnefarrai awtM hwd mm that date tee saM M. aaam lafudrferauaedef aaM had. Bated Aar ttTsea. auvn. ayUaam.Axa. 3 Ettas Creech and Henry Waaler. AdminietraUH: Yea are hereby nnti M that oa the 14th dar of Deeasaber lSSt tha ondcraigwed II. lUum rmr chaead tha Wtowiag Mod towit: The nw 1-4 of these 1-4 see 20, twa 3. rng 10, eaataiaiaa; aa acres ia Webster eoaaty. Neb., which laad was taxed for tha year 1887 in the name of EHsa Craven. Said land waa purchased from the treasurer of Webster county, Neb., at private tax sale for the taxes dcliaqnenfc thereon lor the year 1887 amounting to $5 31-100. The tiaie for redemption of said land will expire on December 14, 1890, and unless re deemed on or before that date the M. Baom will apply for a deed of said land. Dated August 11,1890. M. Baum, By L Baum, Agent. "Mast. Whkrk.. A Joint rraolution was aoo ted by the leirislatnre ef tho state ef Ne braska, at the twenty-Srst srssloB thereof, and approved March aath. A. I. lw, proposlni; an amendment to Section Thir teen (13) ef Article- Hl () of the consti tution of said state; that saM sevtiea as amended shall read a follows, to-wit : fectionl: That seetioa thirteen (!3 of ar ticle six (C) efUm ennstitutioa of the sUtc of Nebraska be ameaded no as to read as lot lows: section 13: The Judecs of the supreme court shall each receive a salary of ihlr-ty-STe hundreil dollars JtWenl jmr annum and the Judges of the district court sluill receive a salary of three thoiia and dollars $3,009 per annum, and the salary ef each shall to payable iuar terly. Detiloa 3: Kach iiersun voting in fe ver of this amcmlmeiit liall lutve writ ten ot printed uon litis ballot the follow ie": "For the proposed amendment to the constitution, relating to Uie salary of Judges of the supreme aid district court." Tlierelore, I, John M. Tkayrr. pv ernor of the state of Xrhnuk.1, do hereby give notice, in arcordanre with section one 11 article Hfteeii 15 of the constitution, and tha provisions of au act entitled :MAn act to provide the manner of propositi;: all amendments to tho con stitution and submitting the same to the electors of the state." Approved Febru ary Utli. A, l., 1X77. that said proposed amendment will ho submitted to theouaJ. iSed voters of this slate for approval or rejection, at tho Keucral election to to held oa the 14th day of November. A. I. 189S. lu witness whereof 1 hove hereunto set my hand and caused to to affiled the great seal of the state ot Nebraska. Done at Lincoln, this 'JT4h dny of July A. 1. 18H9, and Uie twenty-fourth year of the state, aad of the iiidVieiulc!H-c t the United Slates tho one hundred filtivnth. Uythetiovcraer. JUHNM. rilAYKU. BUfJAMUf K. Cowdkbv. Sksl Secretary of State. i-3ra Woilcc. To whom it may concern : The special oommiaBioner apfiointod to view and report upon a cortam (peti tion duly signed ami filed with the coun ty clerk of said county, asking that a certain public road be located as followw: Commencing at the south west corner of tiection ono (1) town one (1) range eleven (11) west of sixth (G) principal meridian, in Webster county, Nebraska, and running thence cast on said section line 8590 feet var. 12 .'MMOOfeetto tho K- Eublican river in said Webster county No raska, has reported favorably upon tho opening of saidroad. All objectioim thereto or claims for damages must be tiled in the office of the county clerk of said county on or before noon of Thurs day tho 9th day of October A D 1S90, or said road will be established without re ference thereto. Dated, this 8th day of August A D 1800. 3-4 H. D. Ran met. County Clerk. iVe)llrr. Hamilton Loan k Trust Co plaintiff, vs. Dallas P. Newcomer and Iowa New comer, Defendants. Dsllus P. Newcomer and Iowa New comer will take notice that on the 4th, dsy of August 18W, the plaintiff herein tiled ita petition in the district court of Webster county, Nebraska, against the above named defendants, the object and prayer of which are to forcloae a certain mortgageexecuted by the said defendants to the nlaintifT unon the south half of section eleven (11) town three (3) range ten (10) west. To secure the payment of ten certain promissory note dated September Z7th 1889 for the aum of six teen dollars each and due and payable & 12, 18, 24. 30. 30, 42, 48. 'A. and 00 months and 3 days after date respectively, and there ia now due and payable upon said notes and mortgage the sum of 1G0 with ten per cent interest from April 1st 1890, and plaintiff prays that aaid prem ises may be decreed to be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer aaid peti tion on or before the 22d day of Septem ber 1890. Dated, August 7th, 1890. Hamilton Loa k Trust Co. By Hartman k Drydon, its attorneys. 3-4 jCffam WeHlcc. Ia the district eoart of Weaater eoaaty, Nebraska: Albert C. Barakam, Lysaader W. TaMeys aaaJaraeaN. Brewa, (copartners aa Barakam, TaUeys aadCompaay, alaka- tis, vs. Caroliae E. Clark, Rates K. Clark, Madisoa Dtaley aad L. W. Tulle j, Trastee, aV feadaats, KOTICB TO BOB BBSJDKT BaTBBtABT. To Madisoa Staley, aoa reskleat defead eat: Yoa are hereby aotif ed that there Is now oa fie ia the oawe of. the alerk of the district eoart ia aad for Wsaater Co., Nebraska, the petition of the above pfaiauas cUtmiag of the above aamed the forerloaare of a martg age dated September 1st. leM, to seeara payment of promissory notes ta the asm of $Mt0 asade by Caroiiaa E aad Kafas K. Clarke to tha pwiatwTs oa the soc tios 31, township one, aorta range t wast of tbeSth p.m., ia Webster eoaaty, Neb, apon which mortgage there is aow daa $180 with, B2S0 taxes, $.10 attorneys feaa provided by said mortgage aad aost. Yon are also aotiied that there ia oa ale ia the oasea of the clerk of said eoart the cross petition ta id cease of L. W. Tat leys, trastee. eiaimiag against the aiaia tjgs aad hisaodef eadaata, tha favaaleeare atraatdosd given by aaid Caroiiaa K aad ftnfasK Gkvk ta L. W. Tnaeys, trastee. to sari aayasaatofaeoaaoa bond ia the eass of $on daaaafBea4awaor 1st, lBSa. aCMraaamlLIiaaaa,aaonwaJeh there is aow daa the smm of $31i, with astseaat at 10 war east front Beatamhor 1, last; Said traet dead eenvaf s far tho above stated the property above BaJd arose aositioa awe ataisM torneys feaa, pioviatd in said treat deed 83.0 for ext title aad seotaef aaM. Yeaarai B faro Monday taa Uta day of isao. Dated Aagnat Sta, !.- BUBjfaUM,TrjLLtnrgACa L. W. Tamrrs, Trwstaa. a set of aha w of sees aad H mass aad aanaf ssea S CSLl TJt& D F! hi. Y aatehetaaw aetata that WwsfJat4aaafara lw"4 anew awAeWjOTWaaanammmT atBMMmi ma tewM. j. i. iailit, BAILEY tR Abstracters, Rell and Firm Loan Red Cloud, Neihasra. Abstract of title farubliod tawarataly and proi SatlnUctioii 0Jtrnce(I. tlQ,t0l) boinl THE TRADERS LUMBER CO. WIU- fl 1 af POSITIVELY Lower thanny yard in the world Fort Abstract L. n. KOT, Isler. Abstract ot Title ForninhrHl to all Lands in Webirter County, Awumtly and ON SHORT lforicis. Haviaj; few! trn yean cirirac ia Ipi4 ImmIib Is iKd ktt B , AU orders sllcd pnmtstty. aal atHiroved, A City Livery, Feed and Sale Stable W. A. McAVOY, Props, First-class Bigs and Good Teams. Boarding by d;y or week, good hay and feed for teams. Come and see us. RED CLf HJD. - NEBRASKA. H. OLARKS lYaatdaat. Albany, N.TJ. A. TULLBY. Vlca-Prealilont Robt. V. SaUmaTT. Traurer. NEBRASKA & KANSAS. FARM ILOAN CO PAID UP MPI'lALJSOfiOQ. MONBY LOANBO. On improved farms in Nebraska m Kaaeas. Moaav furnihtl m anr.i uk Hccurity is approved Jfriuctfiel asMl interest kavalde in ltd Ctuml Ked Cloud, Nb. WAKNEK & I'llOPUIKTORS UK nil M We have jiwt received our large tdoek of NEW Cioodr, We sell a ciiBtom made plor shoe for 1.25, bent ever went out of Ked Cloud for the money We have also a ladies fiae doagoljsbuttoa shoe, also ia goat far $1.75. Kvery pair wsnsatcd. For ehildrea's shoes ae have the standard Brands the Little Gisat sad aluo the Warerlj school shoe. TUese sre the best ia the world. Kiaatiac oar stock before parchssisg cliewhere. EMORY Eliza Crouch and Henry Waller, ad ministrator: You are hereby notified that on December 14, l8gM tho under signed M llatim purchased the follow ing land tewit: The se 1-4 cf the ne 1-4 sec 20, twn 3, rng 10, containing 40 acres in Webster couaty. Neb:, which land was taxed for the year 187 in the name of Eiixa Crouch. Hatd latd was purchased from the treasurer of Webster county. Neb. at private tax salt for the taxes delinquent thereoa for tbeyear 1887 amounting to $4 3 100. The time for redemption of said land will expire December H, I W0 and unless redeemed on or before that date the said H Beam will apply i'or a deed of said land. Dated Aaaust II. IStO. . M VMM, y L waum Agent. Elise Crouch and Hunry WTillcr, ad mintetrator: You are hereby notified that oa the 14th day of December the underaiajnetl M aaam purchased te following land towit: The ne I 4 of the se 14 sec 20. twn 3, rng 10 f con taining 40 acres m Webster eoanty, Neb., which lard waa taxed for the year 1887 ia the name of Cltzs Croach. Said laad was purchased from tae treasurer of Wehater eoaaty, Hek. at pri rate tax sale for the taxes eVIm quent thereon for the year IS7. amoanting tofaai 100. The flatfm rrdemption of said laad will expire an December 14th, I8B0, and unless re dee"" e on or tielora that dt the aaid M Kaurn will anply or a docd of tnid land. Dated AttgtsH U, laf. M havm. hj L luum Agent. , 3 ' DE WITTS f asysptpafi aacMr1yrv snsMg"siav, aavwr mtmmr Vs Taave. LITTLEsKSCL BWHAr&mSfftme HPIWI.-fJMPaaml iAJRLY-fttiitas aklftjr FRAZER r Mrwiia ' wm aa rm mmm vaSM .' rshl 'aasasiaaaa m9- " -' . tntAzm. ,i- 'mm Safi -- .-. & Suva ': TV -a f---! Estate iii fr. J-nE"5'J t . s--i'; 2ZZ," nSi V. 3' v -,k :5. fi -?:. ' T -AKK h4 aODafiVl? " jh jfTr m filkltecl Cloud, t4 th? mt rroti!rlo ct ef JiU . Yoar fvr oSMu.i tr Um B! aa4aHrovea, AAareas ar all w L. II. FOKT Makaukr, Red Cloud, N'ct. oa tt Allmny, N?w York. WOiFAJVGEK, lira 1 m afl raaAaa ""MMJ hJ 13 t 1 1 . i - -v '-JJG a-i-aA--. X.rZL3HKl Miles T. Hayes' Patent - Collar ! For twlri by J. O. BUTUCR KcmI Cloutl, Buckeye Haiue altop. lADTrexos atunta.ca .V. D. B. Spanttieir - - -' PO- Real Estate - 4-W- AITD LOAIf 0?& " -,-i-t. s,sr5-&sv 'f ' r-' -FjDi . V & 4 -.as . jj i.j - - i'-iV t e-Tc . r . ffiT S& $v& "&mr FmWSLrZ BaaawaBaj . eaSiMHBhh .? .s r. -;? m hi s-1 $ A, V k JWJr!" 23213 samavm-Ks. ""- a &-&-Jl H.Baiarrstaa by . . i S4 mm " V ? .r.i )j!gZplV- A Car B A asml:aBiaBtaaa "is-;-- .T - i,-(t i" m. '. -t-s:-. 'fVS S-W- t5B?TaVJ -.fe .rmsM SR l? - & -VBT .4 Gtt-tt-8&&l-r"-& i2Ka b "fei. 'C-jri' -S'Jmki . r "i . TTH?i.T. Wk .Xw iji,Wfe:rJI -5K.'7&A1t-: .'3-f &3ps MC-gOf9' J& r39fcSB? -i Lfv'iftf-irf.v- jrTmmmmmmmmaamWmmrmWi ?--J r.,&tftMjii, 4am&-' g -