The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 29, 1890, Image 2

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mxd ajam) cmntw.
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i v-- w-w. .--- --: n-w - :- - e - .
awanrx thoeswatf five huadred miners
em strike ia Belgians oa the Mi.
rHoe betweeB AMtnlla
iaexpectoi to
wm nftjM to Mcvritr U fMt
travel acroes tke Atlaatte, Cbaeeety
Depew says it gives hist sere eeaeerm
terldeiaacabfroBi kis boss to the
steiirtiadock tkaa it does to cress the
Dayis DAI.TOX, aa Aaiericaa, has ae
coMBHshed the feat of -swiamias; the
EaciUh ehaaael, fzom GrUaex to Folke
atoae, oa klaback, imSiiatm. fie fla
isheA stroaf. A boat acted as pilot to
Ssgm still reaaaias oa the grouad la
the YoseaUto xegioa. Maay atouatalas
Is) the flistraa are still Avecei tweaty
feet deep, aad the result is that the
BMltias; saow keeps the streaais fall
aad. the waterfalls are saperb.
Two haadred thoosaad Itallaas are
mowliTiaf iaBaeaosAyres. Freeitime
tojiaee theaatiTeiahabitaatsspecalate
o4he wveatts which might arise is case
these MfcfOt'atraagers skeeld aader
take to assert tlwIraaUoBBllty aad take
poaiessioa of the city.
.Wnuajc Sbacat isaboat to start on a
yackHag crsfse to the Levaat aad the
Crimea, aad he wUl also visit Taagier,
Syracuse, Ckmstaatiaople, Sebastopol,
Balaklava aad Malta la order to get
material and local coloring for the novel
oa which he is engaged.
Osiobv coRiplaias that Washington
cast this year 8,443 votes aad the cen
sus gives her a population of 839,000,
while Oregon cast this year 73,400 votes
aad is given a population of but 242,242.
Oregon naturally protests vigorously
agaiast ceasus blunders and insists upon
a recount
Rev. Geokge Schwartz, of Joffcrson
ville, Ini, who died a few days ago,
was probably the oldest minister in the
State. He remembered seeing the first
steamboat on the Ohio river in 1825. Ills
wife was a daughter of John Frye, who
kad obtalaed a patent from the British
Crown for a large part of Lawrence
County, Ky.
Cohoressmax W. W. Morrow has do
cliaed the nomination forCongressman-at-largo
for California tendered him by
Ike Bepublicaa convention, doubting
the authority of the convention to make
the nomination, in view of the fact that
Congress has not yet authorized the new
apportionment of. the State under the
recent census.
Arer a wrangle lasting until nearly
midnight tho directors of the World's
Fair adjourned again without definitely
selecting a site for the groat Exposition.
The meeting, it was expected on all
aides, would bo a declsivo one, but at
adjournment tho question of location
was left more open than it had been at
any tlmo for weeks past
Some one has invented an electric
mouse trap. It consists of a metallio
cage containing cheese. The mice nat
urally approach it for tho purpose of in
vestigation, but the instant they touch
the wires an electric current strikes
them dead. Tho same system might be
applied to counting room safes for the
discouragement of burglars.
Grkeral Caklos Ezkta, Provisional
President of Salvador, has received a
telegram from Dr. Galindo, confi
dential agent of Salvador, now in
Guatemala, saying that tho terms of a
treaty ot peace bad been arranged, and
that the treaty was most favorable to
Salvador. All the points demanded by
Escta kad been conceded by the Guate
malan Government
James Jeffrey Bociir will undoubt
edly be selected as editor of the Boston
Pilot as successor to the late John Boyle
O'BeiUy. Mr.4Bocbe is now one of tho
editors of tho paper and be and Mr.
O'Reilly were tho staunchest friends
and co-workers. Archbishop Williams,
it is understood, will purchase Mr.
O'Reillys interest in tbe paper, thus
giving him absolute control.
Iv the agreement by which Heligo
land is ceded to Germany young Kaiser
William, who by tbe careful and delib
erate conclusion of the United States of
Germany, is tho German Emperor and
not the Emperor of Germany, appears
as the "Emperor of Germany." Tho
vse of this titlo In the English counter
part of tho deed was insisted upon by
the German Foreign Office, although it
is entirely contrary to the intention of
the Gecmaa. nation. -
i '
iCaRXEarNoRDHOFT. directing tbe
Washington end of the Near York Herald,
and wko retires to Southern California
ea. naif pay for llfe,?by tho grace of Mr.
Bennett, is the son of a German soldier
who fought under Blucher. After an
experience oa the sea Mr. Nordhoff be
gan newspaper life in the West; whence
he went to New York to serve under the
Harpers, and later to take the maaag
iag.edttorskip of the Evening Post by
invitation ef its editor, tbe poet; Wil
Uam CaUea Bryant
The Committee on Commerce recently
heard an argument by Representative
CDoaneU, of Michigan, ia favor of tho
bills to allow" railroad 'companies to
grant privileges under tho Inter-State
Commerce law to commercial travelers.
Mr. 0Donnell said that this class of
travelers numbered over. S50,aea men,
including some of the brightest and
it active business men in the country.
ha Mgsd the committee to take
cMc upon erne of the pending
Wto.ler their relief.
TmaflMrgia State Alliance has ad
journed at Attentat Tkeatestimportaat
c4at indorsing the platform eftheNa
tioami Alliance Adopted at the St Louis
conTaabkaifta barries with it, of
oouiaet.tha jBaJmaepa ladetuumeat ef
the auk tsWrnyjlasj. which ia one of
the prahlahtar platform.
m ewsmrsktp , or.
Cotton- Wgring
m the AlMaace eoverinc ef
cotton aaianlSalTsll' Thlsls oarrria
oat the fight e3ehsarlst year.
Jva4aonmf kasAed a decision at
Jamestown.. D., c original packages
whlek applies to both the Dakotas. The
. that of the State against John
Bergrea, wko dealt in orfriaal oackarea
at Valley City, M.D. The cemnlalat
taathaeU lienor in violation of
tae new rraaiMtory law, and a
lng eraer waa asked- lee. Jadjre
jsoms taat tae law when
ancoasUtatloaaL The Jadga deciieed
the claim .that the law in
alinll.fsrHha reimam that the acts
ceaailaraedef were committed prior to
tanaaasga of tae wueaw, bill hy Cea-
thatLtew eata no figure
. 'i3l-.
m Plain.
U his deeiaion. that ha weald
iterstfmWl when a law ia
hte Uvalviacthst paaht.
- . .a. .i. m a -. . sz. . - i . -- w - rm - r"- - r r--rr' arm k i- mm . m. k mm m h - . a rm ib bb hbs . rmj h wl -a bi Si . vaitMBHdaa.A.
. '
WsamtkeSesatomet en the ma aetet
QaayfaveaetievefaJs tatontlea e ask the
aemte to eomaMer his resowtlM oaTsna
aateraay Is ralatloa to stulavM to he eea
Utorad, and the Saaato thea row4e4 to
eoamaw ute Deacieaey am, wSleh
various aaeadmrnito waa ymmt. A
Mtlea. (Sraatf by senator laath
aiUimlt tha rate f liwrs la
acaaie wing ec tae capital weac ever aaa
the TkriS bJtl waa takaa aa. a wa aeaa
aaato aw eeaatltatmgLiaeala, Vah ,aaeH
ff aatry.vaa.atreed ta..t.Taa Heaa aaase
asveral Mils aa then task a ifca ssanmt
etoattoa eaaa ol Caah w agataat Macaaa,
ef Mlaalestoet, aad areioad at Utt oC Mar.
aa mnvmK mamacr. ne Baaato km
Maiias Lieeota, Mae., a sett ef aatry
woe etaer aaamaaa waa traaa
IV tea Seaate en the h Mr. PlaaiVs res
olatloa forbidding the tale or drlakiaxef
llqaon la the Seaate wla of tke Capital
came ap, aad 8eaator Batter atored to ex
lead the rcntrietloa to committee rooauL
The reeolatloa waat orer. Tke Tarlf bill
waa thea debated aatll adjournment.... At'
ter a long dlscasaloa la the House on a ref
lation dclnlax the order of baslaeaa the
Senate Aarlealtaral bill was takes ap aad
passed, o other baslaess was traaarted.
Waaa tae Seaate met oa the J&ta Senator
Qaays reeolatloa deslgaatlag- leglstatiTe
baslaess for the session easae ap as ike res;
alar order aad Mr. Blair apoke Sftalnst It
aad fa favor eflnelad lag tke Election. bQU
Senator Kdaaaad also spoke agaiast the
reaolatloa. During bis speeek tbe koar of
twelre o'clock arrived aad tke Tariff MI!
wastakea ap but sees laid aside, and tke
Moase amendateata to tbe Agricultural Col
lege aad tke Meat laapeetloa bills coaearrrd
la After disposing of routine bat laesa tbe
Moase took ap tke Seaate Meat lasaeetloa
bill, wklch, after soate.debate, passed. Tbe
bill data lag lard was takea ap aad tke
Moase sosa adjourned.
Ih tke Seaate oa tbe 21st Mr. Mamb's reao
latloa la regard to tbe sale aaaV drinking of
Hqaors la the Capitol building again went
orer. The lariB bill was tbea takea ap and
considered until adfoarnnent.... At tbe ex
piratloa of the moralng hour tbe House
proceeded to tbe consideration ot tbe bill
defining lard, wb'cb was debated until to
cess. At tbe evening sessloa peasioa bills
ware considered.
la the Senate oa tbe 22d tbe Tariff bill was
farther discussed 'until tbe lead ore para
graph waa reached when the Seaate ad
journed.... Tbe House agreed to the confer
ence report oa tbe bill for aa Increase of tbe
clerical force In tbe Pension Office, aad dis
agreed to the Senate amendments to tbe
River aad Harbor bill. No other buslaesof
laportaaoe was traasscted.
Advices from Uruguay state that tho
Minister of Finance insists upon re
signing and that the other Ministers
will follow bis example. Tho balance
sheet of tho National Bank shows that
J50.000.000 has been lost
At the Democratic convention in tho
Pennsylvania Twenty-sixth district A.
L. Tildcn was nominated for Congross.
Hon. W. L. Scott was the first choico of
the convention, but declined tho nomi
Presidf.nt Harkisox has appointed
the representatives of tho various de
partments of the Government in tho
World's Fair board. Assistant Agricult
ural Secretary Willits is chairman.
Advices from Buenos Ayre state that
there are gravo fears there of a fresh
revolution. A number Of officrs of the
army have been dismissed. Tho Gov
ernor of Cordova has resigned and the
Provincial Bank is closed.
President Haiirisox arrived at Cape
May on the 20tli. Mrs. Harrison and
Mrs. McKee, with the baby, met him
and he was at once escorted to the cot
tago at tho Point, where a quiet family
celebration of the President's fifty-seventh
birthday was held.
The State Department has received a
telegram from Minister Mizner saying
that tho good offices and mediation of
the United States have been accepted
by both Guatemala and Salvador.
Mayor E. 11 Pond, of San Francisco,
has been nominated for Governor by
California Democrats.
Philadelphia Prohibitionists have
nominated Charles W. Miller for Gov
ernor. OkmanDioxa is reported to havo ap
peared at Tokar, Upper Egypt at the
head of a formidable army of dervishes.
The Union Labor party of the First
Arkansas district, has indorsed Con
gressman Featherstone for another
Br tho wreck of a construction train
twelve miles south of Trinidad, Col., re
cently seven men were killed and four
teen Injured.
A disastrous accident occurred on
tho Old Colony railroad, near Qulncy,
Mass., on the 19th. The engine left tho
track and plunged into tho embank
ment Fifteen passengers suffered a
frightful death by scalding steam. Many
were Injured.
A virulent case of Asiatic cholera
has appeared in London. The patient
was Robert Leigh, a seaman just landed
by the steamer Argyll from Calcutta.
Margaret Solomon a full-blood Wy
andotte Indian.dicd at Upper Sandusky,
O., recently. She was said to bo tho
last of her race in that locality.
A DeIjAWahr &. Hudsox freight train
was derailed near Port Henry, N. Y., by
a misplaced switch. Tbe engineer,
Frank Carrier, and Brakcman Fred
Terry were killed and Fireman Parks
probably fatally injured.
The London Daily News learns that
the situation in Armenia is daily be
coming more deplorable. A wholesale
massacre ot Christians has occurred at
Moosh and similar outrages are reported
from other places.
A mlvku vein five feet thick is re
ported to have been found near Lake
Miranda, north of Duluth, Minn.
The Census Office announces the pop
ulation of a number of cities as follows:
Milwaukee. Wis., 203,979, increase in
ten years 88,392 or 76.40 per cent; Alle
gheny City. Pa., 104.967, increase in ten
years 25,285 or 37.41 percent; Seattle,
Wash., 43.914. Incrcaso 40,881; Tacoma,
Wash., 35,858, increase 34,760; Emporia,
Kan., 7,550, increase 8,919 or 63.03 per
cent; Arkansas City, Kan., 8,354. in
crease 7,842; Fort Scott, Kan., 11,337,
increase 6,465 or 120.35 per ccBt
A small sloop owaed by John Hart
man, of Irondale, Wash., has been
seized by British Columbia authorities
oasuspicioa of being used for smug-ffltaff-
Bon Pope, a magistrate of Harlan
County, Ky., was shot aad fatally
wouaded by John Scott Leonard Scott
is also implicated. The trouble arose
over the killing or an ox, tke property
of Pope. The Scotts belong to tke
Howard faction.
the .New Jersey Steel & Iron Com
pany of Treason, N. J., kas won tke
strike with its men, who returned de
feated. The steam barge Monitor foundered
in Lake Michigan the other night dur
iagagale. The people on board twelve
persoas-got iato a small boat aad all
were saved after a terrible experience.
The labor organisations of Chicago are
king arraagemeats for a grand labor
congress in that city during tke World's
Fair. All sects ef labor orders are in
Ta Treasury Department has
Bottle hy customs omclals at Negates,
Aria., of the retention at that place ef
six Chinamen snaaesed te
smuggled acroes the border.
The potato iiaaase ia sacra slag with
alarmQtg rapidity;ia thesoanthern por
tion of County Down. Ireland. Iaall
parte ef Anasagh the blight has
Demure a foreeamarck ef
regiment, from Biheutadt
l?t aaasrtell front sansteakav
aad aevea tee
propertteas. waAaanledAagaatgX mJvereaeeeiate. amamwef amrs. . . - ' - ' KL ' y li-WW-" I . '"-'.'' anailTaiea liaal - '- - -- --- swat' snmht aW iiMZss.. m&w& ZFttZSiEW" I
were killed
by thetor-
aadeat Wlrkssharra, Pa.
CoaerarOaraaur Frtk, of
has geae to Searis, Priaee
lslaad. to iaveatigate the eireai
coaaectod with the seiaare ef tiW Gle
eeetor achoeaer WiUle Irvii " Hhia va
sel' was reeeatly awtaal ky Collaetor
Foley ky reason ef refaatag to
to sea waea ordered.
Tmr Tilbery (
strike haa
a victory
At Conway. Waleva boat
eight asrsoas waa swamped la tha river
asm an its not
eeecial and than- expedite all elaiaas far
aenaleas by parties sow living in Okla
homa. This action ia taken ia order to
relieve aa far aa passible the destitute
condition of maay elaimaats ia that
The Thoasand lslaad Park Hotel, St
Lawrence river, burned recently. Loss,
$150, aoa.
McCoskey, the maa arrested for eaaa
plicity in the OtterviUe (Ma) train rob
bery, was released, a complete vindica
tion being made.
A dispatch from Erseroum to the
London Daily News says the Turkish
Government is supplying the Kurds
with Martini rifles. The Christians
have cut the telegraph wires. Four
Armenians who had made themselves
objectionable to the authorities were
strangled in prison.
B. H. Cooke & Co., of Nashville,
Tenn., one of tho largest clothing
houses in the South, established twenty-five
years ago, have made aa assign
ment Tbe liabilities are about ftOt,
000, assets f 140,000.
A tool called a track jack was tho
cause of the recent accident on the Old
Colony road. Tbe man working it was
unaware of the approach of tho ill-fated
Jerry Cleveland was murdered near
Hay ward, Wis., recently. He was worth
about 840,000 and was killed for his
During a storm at Philadelphia the
walls of tbe street car stables of the
Twelfth Street Passenger Bailway Com
pany fell in. Fivo men and twenty
borses were killed, bevcral persona
were also seriously hurt
At Whitestone, near Now York; a
boating party ot three men and three
women was upsett Only ono woman
was rescued.
A tornado went through Mason
County, Tex., recently, demolishing
buildings and killing cattle. No per
sons were killed.
Barnuh & Bailey's circus train was
wrecked at Shelbyville, on the Grand
Rapids & Indiana railway, by the break
lug of a drawbar. .Martin Foley, of St
Louis, was killed and two others badly
The "Blue Grass Palace" was opened
atCreston, Iowa, on the 21st by Gov
ernor Boies.
The engineers, firemen and brakemen
at tho Union stock yards, Chicago,
struck for higher wages on tbe 22d.
Much inconvenience was caused to tbe
packing houses, etc
A TERitiiiLE accident happened on the
gravity railway at Reading, Pa., on tho
22d. After a car containing eighteen
passengers had been pulled to the top
it suddenly started down, going at
eighty miles an hour and dashing over
an embankment Four persons were
killed and the rest were seriously in
jured. In the canton of Vaud, Switzerland,
recently, a cyclone occasioned great
damage and the los$ of 150 lives.
Geouge Early and Bird Woods, two
of the four negroes accused of setting
fire to Rocky Mount, Va., were executed
in that town on the 22d. The other two,
Annie Woods and William Brown, will
be hanged September 9.
Juikie Be a en has entered an order in
tho Supreme Court at New York discon
tinuing the action brought by Colonel
William Dudley to recover damages
from George Jones, treasurer of the
Times Publishing Company, for alleged
libel in publishing the alleged "blocks
of five" letter. Tho order was entered
by consent of counsel..
Tub mountain desperado. Joe Dama
ron, a ringleader in the French-Ever-sole
war of Kentucky, has been captured
and is in tho Perry County jaiL
Cholera is spreading in Valencia and
Toledo. There are several suspicious
cases in Madrid.
Business failures (Dun's report) for
the seven days ended August 21 num
bered 192, compared with 197 tho previ
ous week and 206 the corresponding
week of last year. General business
was good, notwithstanding tbe press
ure in money at New York.
Mr. Wedb refused the offer of tho
State Board of Arbitration to consider
tho New York Central strike. Powderly
accepted it on behalf of the strikers.
Palo Alto trotted a mllo at Chicago
oa.tbe22d in 2:13.
Cle a king houso returns for the weok
ended August 23 showed an average in
crease of 20.1 compared with the corre
spond ng week of lsst year. la New
York tho increase was 15. L
The yardmen of the Delaware ft Had
son struck at Albany. N. Y., oa the 83d,
refusing to receive or deliver New York
Central freight
Railuoad Federation officials met at
Terre Haute, Ind., to consider tho strike
on the New York Central.
The negroes of Mississippi will send
a committee of three to Oklahoma Ter
ritory to investigate aad report the
prospects of that country, aad if a satis
factory report is made over 300 will imi
grato at once.
The liritish war ship Buzzard has ar
rived in Canada from Jamaica with
nineteen cases of yellow fever on board.
Ono of the crew died. Five are still
prostrated with the fever, but the other
thirteen havo recovered.
Three br.cklayers were fatally aad
four other mea badly hurt by taefall of
a scaffolding sixty-five feet dowaw fur
nace stack In Baltimore, Md.
Several cases of leprosy are reported
atEaglisktown.N. B,
The roraatns of tke late Jokn Erics
son, the inventor, were conveyed to tke
United States warship Baltimore nt
New York on the 23d for' shipmentto
Europe. The occasion waa readered
memorable by a demonstration of army
aad aavy forces aad Swedish societies.
The Seaate oa tke 23d devoted tke
day to eulogies oa tke Ute Senator
Beck. After an explanation of his war
record by Mr. Tarsaey tha House took
ap tae Lara bill, which failed to
for waat of a quorum.
The Democratic Conrremluasl
veatioa at Palestine, Tex., oa tha SSM
ballot aomiaated John B. Long for Con
gress. A letter frsta Honolulu reports that
Count Seekeayi kas been murdered by
bis servants la the South Saa
He was at the head of the
which waa exploring tha
tone to
Da. BunTSEL.
priest under
to eomply with tha
the Ptoaagaajda.
active asm
At least
presented a veeselef L9J9 -V. "J3m ill I He at Mtoaral Point. Wte. at Mi V aaaswaaai ae rasmeaa edsmver WIMia gnead ftjr amtonh. ksa httbeneaanssmWw h-L
awe atawasas SBjasjajans . ?? TS?r iz-. m. - Wmt a.aKk urstMa m fcA&aJj n aganajsnnp eassnss. saavaawanaassasaaaaaneat seav. sum annaaasa aBnjBV swsBsiMSkat
assumed Lnalia hasskg ahaaga darisw the Paatoea atorkesa. Tk amiw heea a P -.-.- 5? -?. . .7 TaSmia. Aaav m-The asmhr bTsamaa Cartv as, Asm. m2fi aaaa amnMsnJe el. esL .... .sK
saaamawtaaam BBaanaTSBh gwanMBBaaaBBBaBBWst--1 smnmasshsn "aBafv- hiZa , m -T . . E ' "" Jam 1bbWMbHHpbbb hsmWaV aMaamWE IsnWaT SSsnTaawV wjee . an m . TJ e. " ' m m Tl " -fiarT e -, T-'frT WamagMaaaaaaaaaaam- ULjr
m TR??Pmts5s."!' AMbbI aVwsaBWeul' ' sssnah WswaWaT avvVaaaS amsflaf. smsHsatsaf aaWasvVM aasal ,AMnlBaSJtfi5Kn-BM k -- muWaanTr VmsTB .faaaWamswrv Jpmaw QanuaaWaV JaVav 'BBWK&WUUB9KBBKUBBB. aBBBBaaaatn. .BBBBBBBBBBW'aaaaBBBkBBBBaaaaBBBBBm , t
Tkauaf .-is?-xiLit- j - Jr-.- -- - - . . -- --r- .-,-, ..jg aswamwaam.aswMBaaasy.e r rr - -:- ?arTr -.- - --. gjgawaaBany. . aj ' yammsBnsmi, anmrnes
H AtEftwba.fer i
A 4i T
saaj hy earryfag a Mtete'artPaetle asaa
m the pay roll and' divMUsg with him
ma pay ha drew. " &?; -"
at Ftsmaat tha ether
a sartons aecMeat
ft yeaag maa warned MeUlag. HeTwith
Iyfaf iar the grass wamag
AswEUK,-eighteee years o&b
I - "-
atLweeutly killed-by th cajnrat Lin-
Ue was one
mat West from He
ago aad baa aeither relatteeser.frleads.
The omelet count of the coushs of tha
First listrtaTshows a total population
of.396.96t The population byceua'tW
is aa follows!. Douglaa, 1561.979; Saray.
U'SSt; Saunders, 21.5W; Ca 24,19;
Laacaster, 75,446; Otoe. 24.822; age,
96,989; Johnson. 19,288; Nemaha. 12.942;
Pawnee, lu, 97; Menardiow.4LBV The
population,. of Omaha J 139,245; Liacoln,
55.073; Beatrice, 13:829; Nebraska City,
11.006; Plattsmoutb, 8.458; South Omaha,
Ed. Newman reeeatly killed his wife
at North Platte and then committed
suicide. The only cause known for the
deed is that tho woman went to a shon
the night previous against tho wishes
of her husband. Newman was s youns
man of violent disposition and wa
thought by some to have been of un
sound mind, from tbe fact that he once
attempted to poison himself. Mrs.
Newman left a daughter nino years old
who is left friendless.
The corn crop Is almost a failure ia
Dundy County, and already o'd corn is
selling at seventy cents per buthel.
IT is said that tho apple crop of Ne
braska' will fall far short of what it was
last year. In and around Nebraska City
so many apples wcro raised last' season
that it was hard to get rid of them.
This year they are so scarce a to be not
equal to the home demand.
About eighty farmers of May wood.
Frontier County, met recently to make
arrangements for shipping in feed.
Maay of them say they must have feed
for their bogs or they will bn compelled
to sell st low prices or let them starve.
It is said that a petition signed by
over four hundred of the farmers of Per
kins County will shortly bo presented
to the bankers and money loaners of
that county in which they ask that an
extension of eighteen months bo given
tbem on their notes, and that tho rate of
interest In tbe future bo not greater
than seven per cent per annum.
The best yield of oats yet reported by
a arpy County farmer Is thirty-two
bushels per acre. The average is not
better than twenty-five bushels, but the
crop is of excellent quality.
It has been decided to have a special
sugar beet exhibit at tho State fair to
be held at Grand Island. Steps have
been taken to mako it ono of the largest
and most prominent agricultural ex
hibits presented.
A young man named Ralph McCash
land was crushed to death by tho caving
in of a sewer pipe trench at Grand Island
tho othor afternoon. A man named Pat
Golding was also badly injured.
During a lato storm at Orleans tho
now Swedish church was blown down.
A number ot windmills and small out
buildings were also destroyed. The
church was dedicated only a few weeks
A young man by tbo namo of Wood
mansce, who says his fatbor is postmas
ter at Pleasant Hill, Ma. was recently
shot in the leg, while breaking into a
store at Omaha.
The Short Line surveyors havo cross
sectioned for twenty miles west of
O'NoiU and Contractor Scullen is on the
ground with men and material for push
ing forward tbe grading. It is under
stood track will be laid 100 miles west
of O'Neil before winter.
Hogs havo recently beon coming into
Culberston at a rapid rate. Tbo farmers
were becoming frightened at the pros
pect of a failure of the corn crop aad
were trying to save all the corn possible.
The section of country surrounding
Norfolk has been especially fortunate
in the matter of crops this year. Wheat
has yielded well and the quality is good;
oats have not done so well, but vield
and quality are much better than other
sections of tho State, while corn is fully
up to the average.
The Arcadia broom factory has com
menced operations again.
The four-year-old boy of John Renos,
living near Weigand, was reeeatly
maimed for life. His father had goae
out to mow a lot of high weeds near the
houso aad unknown to the father the
little fellow followed him soon after,
hiding in tho weeds. The mower came
through where tbe child was standing
and lwroro tho father could stop the
team the s'ckle had dpae its work.
Valley County has been favored by
some good rains lately. Farmers In the
valley expect to gather a full crop of
core this year, but in the hills it is not
a? good. Old corn can hardly be bought
for 59 cents a bushel.
The schedules of the population re
turns from the city of Lincoln are being
examined at the Census Office in Wash
ington with a view to ascertaining
whether the charges that the census re
turns were padded aro true.
The whole number of cattle beta
pastured north of Bancroft on the res
ervation is aot far from 49,990 bead.
A terrirle cxplosioa occurred at the
new gasworks ia Lincoln the other
evening, which resulted in the instant
death of Charles Dceneea aad Colum
bus Msgand, and the permanent maim
ing of Henry Lading. Decncen was the
eagineer, aad it is said that he turaed
a stream of cold water iato bis hot boil
er sad tha catastrophe waa caused
thereby. i
A little sen of JaliuaSchroeder. while
recently out horseback ridiag at Boom
er, was thrown and' his foot caught to
the stirrup. The hoase ran about a
quarter of a mile before he was caught
and the boy released, The little fellow
died- ia a short time.
Ax eight-year-eld daughter of Miehael
Sallivaawaa reeeatly burned to death
at Omaha while buitdiag a fire In the
kitckea stove.
The ninth annual fair of the Dixon
County Agricultural Society will he
held at Poaca, ifeptember 16, 17 and 11
The premiams offered ea live-stock
by the Custer County Agricultural So
ciety this fall amount to fl.949.
ThbT engineers for the Sioux City
Northwestern are surveying' in the
neighborhood of Harrington.
crop ia the vtciaity ef ley-
boms will be muck better than
Wilux Kaorsa;
saaCewnty. while Utely taiijhaga j
.. Zm: i..-- M ?
fM y- .'
swerBk ume
to sheet aa
wda. '"- thsrgad at neetile with forgery. .- ' "T" eeaasawraaaaaaasv i i am s w-
- - TT . - " - -- ' - --- jr !.. " -- rBBBBBaw'
expedittoa """". ayaangaaaaf aeaa lriitt ltoatoy. belteved to have beea "!- . aweur amaasm rateasv . AFntal lie.
- .-, einVt"---- ----. - - - " -i - - ' . auMSnWBi SavsavMaainT BBawaMaASaenasnUm mm ------ ; " - m
aaWasaatojaf a'aWa WIIW Iwaa.aasTSaauastoSjghatoaar1 RW SU f .B isstaq ; ssasavw snwaaaiee annr easns eeaawaanasai HSWaW asanasa na Lan, fifiaajaji aaasBsmad manT nm? aajam .sspaaa) Sesmssaa
ran asi tha. tatrlyears af aattto'aaal' hsaavasr Sua -. . . - - - ?" -, -- Baaswasssmtoaaaaa - SIsaaaT assm aase na.' 'k. ,. . ."3" trSSSSSSSSTm
Mo.. Aug. .--Friday
hag a hay anteeed Webb urMpsaaiag tarn
aaUaa attrthwest ef here, when a degree
by ham carrying tha tog of a haase
Beta etaasad over tha fence) iato aha
field asm bnrted tha lag.
Neighbors ataaammaaasl hy tha hay,
aadgathetedattheTheeaasfarm. Mrs.
said that aha aad korhushaaa
trouble Moadav aad after fa-
taralag Monday night Thomas gat an
at of bed aad went ant of tha
aad she had aot aaea him alaea.
stoutly denied all knowledge
A caaeral searck of tha fi
- f
aad resulted la tha fiadiagef tha
ef Thomas burled out ia tha laid
la a soak aad his arms aad legs ia the
thick busk near the house aad his body
waa foe ad buried Bear where the Ira
had been bailt
The murderer or murderess had at
tempted te bura the body aad the parte
fouad were literally roasted. Tae place
of attempted cremation was fouad aad
the murdered man's knife and two
aiekels were found In the ashes.
Charlie Thomas waa oae of a coloay
of negroes which came to this couaty
from Kentucky scvoral years ago. He
was an industrious and thrifty negro,
his little farm and home showing that
he cared well for his family, consisting
of wife aad four children, two boys
two girls, all pretty well grown.
Tha Xcaa City Mill Bnrard Wllk Great
ta th Cumsnaally.
Ness City, Kan., Aug. J5. The Nesa
City sugar mill was destroyed by fire at
two o'clock Satusday morning.
When the fire was first discovered the
building, a large three-story, seemed to
be on lire all over and nothing what
ever could be done to check the flames.
It was the work of an incendiary, as
no fire had been in tbo building for
months, except in the boiler house,
which is situated twenty foet south of
the main building. As the wind was
from the south the boiler house escaped
This mill was tho largest In tho State
and had a capacity of 300 tons daily.
The machinery alone cost $100,000, and
the total loss will reach SIM). 000. It
was insured for about $60,000.
Tho mill was built last year and was
expected to start up in two weeks.
Thousands of acres of cano almost ma
tured will havo to bo cut and used for
feed. Sixty thousand dollars of a bonus
was voted by the pcoplo and these bonds
will havo to lie paid, while no benefit
whatever will be realized therefrom.
Tbo destruction of tho mill will prac
tically cripple a numlxir of citizens.
Tho loss on cane to farmers will bo
light as most of it was planted by the
sugar company.
A I'rrlpitetie 'niany Fighting- With the
Huntington, W. Va., Aug. 25. At a
performance given by the "Sunny
South" theatrical company at Ceredo
last Friday night ono man was shot and
over a dozen wore badly beaten up.
whilo the floating theater in which tho
troiiblo occurred was badly wrecked.
The trouble was inaugurated by a
number of tough young men, who per
sisted in insulting the people upon the
stage, and during tbe second act threo
of tho actors left tho stage with clubs and
attacked several of thc.r tormentors. Tho
three were at onco overpowered by the
audienco and cruelly beaten. Tho re
mainder of the company wont to their
assistance when .some ono turned out
the lights. Pandemonium at onco broke
loose and every man began an onslaught
oa bis neighbor in tho dark, whilo
women screamed and men called for
Tho police arrived and deputized a
number of citizens to aid in quelling
the riot, but this only mado matters
worse, and soon revolver shots boganr to
echo around tbo hall. Finally the
crowd charged on to tho stage after tho
neoing performers, wbo were uncere
moniously flung into tho river, where
they were stoned in tbe darkness.
Every one of tho polico and show pco
plo were badly wounded by stones, and
tbe condition of several is serious.
KevelaUea la Hawaii.
Seattle, Wash., Aug. 25. The
cruiser Charleston, with Admiral Brown,
which has just reached hero, brings the
nows from Honolulu that a revolution
was impending when tbe vessel loft
less than two weeks ago and has un
doubtedly broken out by this time. Tho
leading spirits were those wbo had been
pardoned for their connection with tho
movement of a month or two ago. Ad
miral Brown says that tbe revolution
ists wore exceedingly strong and if the
trouble which was impending has really
reached its climax in an outbreak. King
Kalakaua may to-day bo prisoner or
possibly deposed.
Mtssenrl Prcaa Association.
Hannibal, Ma, Aug. 24. The new
officers of the Missouri Press Associstion
are as follows: President, J. West Good
win, of the Sedalia Bazoo; first vice
president Bev. W. II. Williams, editor
of the Central Baptist St Louis; second
vice-president D. Fisher, editor of the
Farmiagton Times; third vice-presi-deat
Sam Keller, editor of the Lebaaoa
Republican; recording secretary, J. W.
Jacks, editor of tho Montgomery City
Standard; corresponding secretary, Wal
ter Williams, editor of the Columbia
Herald; treasurer. W. I Thomas, editor
af the School and Home. St Louis.
A curious fasbloa of tke public wear
lag night-gowns in England, is recount
ed in Walker's "Historical Memoirs
(1661) of tbe Irish Bar." "Among many
etker ridiculous fashions that prevail
M this coua try slace tke reign of Queen
Anna is that of the ladies wearing bed
gowns ia the streets about forty years
sgo." Tbe ladtee who followed the
faskioa were ridiculed and insulted, but
refused to ignore the "latest fashion,"
battheoaly expedieat that proved ef
fectual was to prevail oa an unfortunate
wemaa who baa beea condemned for a
marder, to appear at the place of exe
eattoa ia a bed gown.
Maay parents are apt to consider their
daaghtera worth their weight ia gold,
hat a Scotch geatlemaa estimated his
twe daughters' value at evea a higher
rata than this, bequeathing to each her
weight ia-avLaetes. The elder saeess te
have heea thlaaer than her sister, fat
she got only 51,069. while the yeeager
received 37.344.
A persraitoa ivory ot Mrs. Fremont
la her yeath, a valued memento ef Gen
eral Iremont's, waa placed ea his breast
at his death aad buried with him.
G ColmesniL nt ana
gestae Consul at Semes, la
a Seattle with
waa ex- neiaM aamSea nasMl ea te aMMsiiaisnwstasaeisjiiiiimi . iefwnfmHM aeaaWaHtteaa sj T I'l liilimili f i i sWnwa
tae Va off
e'eteex, a
the top of
Tate eeaseseed about thirty mlautea.
Oa the top ef tha menatata there is a
high atone tower, where the final
gore are allowed to alight to enjoy law
aaraerv far thirty mtlea
away whilo tha aaaaeagera were aaUTea
heard. The diatsare to the point af
stertiaVM five miles aad it is estimated
that this waa covered hy tha runaway
ear ia about three mlautea, the ear at
teiaiBg a fearful speed, estimated at
eighty miles aa hour. It remaiaedear
the track to the foet of the plaae, aad
went around all tho curves, while tha
passengers shrieked la their fright
aad several jumped off. Whea the car
reached the atatioa at the foot of
tha plaae it jumped the track aad relied
dowa n fifty foot embankment where It
lsaded.upaidedown, with the passengers
imprisoned inside. The greatest-excitement
prevailed and soon a large
crowd cathered. Doctors and ambu
lances were sent for and the dead and
injured removed. Four were takon out
dead. Theso were: Charles Rettow,
aged fifty-five, conductor; Edgar M.
Levan, an attorney of thi city, aged
about forty; Miss Rosa Pfolfter, a young
lady of this city, and Miss Harriet Ilia
kle. of Philadelphia. The following
will die: Mrs. Hiram Schtttler and
Mrs. A. W. II. Schimel.
The injured are: Sallie Bye and
Mary Guthrie of Wilmington, both
badly hurt: Willie Schimel of this city,
both legs broken; Miss Katio Human,
seriously hurt about the head, not ex
pected to live; Misses Bessie and Katie
Kclloy, nieces of Miss Houian, both
badly injured; Cornelius Haalon of At
lentown, suffering from concussion of
tbo brain; Mrs. Cornelius llanlon, of
Allentown, badly cut aad bruised; Miss
Weller of Allentown, badly hart about
the head and chest; Mrs. Smith of AK
lentown, skull fractured; Mrs. Cooper
of Allentown, cut in left temple aad
about the oye and her baby also se
verely Injured.
Mrs. Sen it tier and Mrs. Cooper with
her baby In her arms jumped from the
car during its descent and were found
by Harry Brown, of Philadelphia, who
had leaped from the car sour, after it
started on its wild run, but escaped
without injury.
Tho grado to the summit is very heavy
and the doscent of the cars is always
rapid. There is a raviao at tho place of
starting and just before this is reached
on the down grado there isa sharp curvo,
at tbo point tbe accident occurred, tbe
men losing control of tho car. Tbe
road was built at a cost of aad
had been in operation slnco May.
Norman B. Willshor, of this city, who
was standing at tho foot of tho piano
when tbo car canio dashing down tho
mountain, gives a graphic story of tbe
accldont Ho says that he first heard a
distant roar, as if thunder, and looked
up and saw tho car coming down the
mountain, but sticking to the tracks, at
tbe rate of about a milo in forty-five
seconds. Ho bad barely time to recover
himself whon the car, liko a flash of
lightning, dashed past the station
and down the embankment fifty
feot below, lie was the first on the
ground and found tho car turned upsido
down and the passengers all thrown into
a confused mass, and that with the as
sistance of others who arrived oa the
ground he helped to carry out tbo dead
and injured. Thuro were about a duzun
of the latter with broken limbs and bat
tered heads and their clothing covered
with blood. As tho car full the united
shrieks of twenty voices added terror to
the scene.
Superintendent Dochart gives as the
cause of tho accident tbe refusal of tbo
brako to work properly. It was a now
brake and wasbelngexperimented witb.
A great many people visited the scene
of the accldont during tho afternoon.
The car wan splintered into kindling
wood and the escape of a single passen
ger is miraculous.
and ICeelevers at tbe I'alee IMerfc
Tares, Ihirase, VeOat
Ciiicaco, Aug. 2i All tho firemen
and engineers employed by the Union
Stockyards Switching Associstion went
on a strike for higher wages this mora-
At noon forty engines, each having
two men as a crew, were lying idle at
tbe Forty-seventh street ysnls.
Ia consequence of the strike 199
switchmen are also idle.
As the association does all tbe switch
ing for the immense packing houses at
tbe yards, sll work at the peckiag
bouses is at a standstill Tbe tracks
are filled with Immense trains of fresh
meat which were destined for outside
The reasons for the strike are: Tha
firemen receive sixteen sad one-half
cents aa hour and the engineers twenty-eight
cents. Tbe Urease a waat
twenty cents and tbe engineers thirty
cents. The nen also desire the Sunday
work regulated.
The demands were this morning made
to G. T. Williams, secretary of tbe
stock yards company. The men refesed
his request to go to work until their de
maads could be considered aad struck
at once.
Mea te m WRv
Lkavkxwortic, Kan., Aug. 2X. Henry
Hardin, a colored well digger, aset with
aa satlmely end yesterday moralng.
He had beea digging a well oa a farm at
ihe edge of the city that had been sunk
about sixty-five feet snd was being
walled up. Oa goii.g down to fin
ish - the well yesterday morning
Ilardia immediately became fslnt on
account of the gas or damp that bad ac
cumulated and be signaled to be drawn
up The signal was promptly obeyed.
Just as he reached the toe hie hands
slipped from the rope sad he fell back
late the well, striking the sides oa
going down snd was killed instantly.
Washixotox, Aug. XL The Director
of the Mint has authorised tha euper
iateadeat ef the mint at Philadelphia
to make advances oa stiver bars as seen
as received, ia order to relieve tha
stnageacy ia tae aew lerk aseaey
WAsaTjratos, Aug. XL Tbe
ales ef the pepulattoa returns fi
city ef Lincoln, eh.
InedattheCaeaa OaVe with the view
' MtasnV -
pifMJUJJsl'HIA 9Y0fttt I
- , v- I
lag tha i
ear shade at It Twelfth i
The killed
aad wile;
sad Csarlea Haass, dri
jnred ware: Heary Jaeehy
scalp weuad; Chartoa Brow), aged I
iml rmaacanx bath arms aad
hrakea;Jaatea J: Martin, driver, haek
erashed and hurt Internally; Beary
Trod wetter. atokUmaa, atrahx.Cyiag
debris; a sea of August Paul, ana brekea
aad injured internally, aa aahaawahey
struck by timbers. Of the Injured
afaWMTs JaFttwwwWwP- HwaTal WmW asW emnssi
hurt that their recovery la
very doubtful.
John Christie, seed etohteea yaara, a
horse caaarer. was le
" w -. i
which became frlghteaed
thunder aad dashed lato
just as the roof ML Christie followed,
and as he has aot slace heea see, ha la
believed to have beea killed.
A White Leeter
Kansas City. Mo., Aug. 9J. Tha
deep mystery surrounding the death ef
joung Arthur J. Albright whose body
was found In a deserted brick Mha with
a bullet hole througu the hear) early
Wednesday morning, bid.. fair to hS)
soon solved. Yesterday a" etonf" wit
struck at the coroner's inquest that
seems to throw llgh oa tha affair.
The police are aow lookiag for a youag
aaMaJasmiWawtyrearyoaal ef age
whe wears a blue lltofoyt.4njftet Al
brTfkwaaaaen to-'afc cetepaaV of tkU
maa aad a tight skinned young negro
byleveral persons' lateTueaday after
noon. It is supposed that these two
men know something of the clreum
stances that led to Albright's death. Ia
fact the police suspect them.
The white maa Is described aa belag
about 5 feet ? laches ia height He
wore a black slouch hat his face waa
clean shaven and his blue Norfolk waa
much the worse for wear. Several
people declare that this naaa IntofjaaBj
a frequenter ia the aeighborheed
of Fourth street aad Broadway fot
tho past six months. No one knows ble
business, but he has frequently heea
secaja tho company ot atraagemaa
who were spoadlng.aueney Uviahljnr afe
was aever hatwa; to have! ally, Rftteiy
Tho night previous to tho finding af
Albright's body, all three were. in houses
of ill-fatuo in the vicinity and several
women havo Identified Albright aa one
in iuk iiiuii iiiiuiiittKai'ijr. if-. , ,gg JCCTt
A rrelght CrathM lel th htmmpmr eff m
Mail Trata.
Kansas Citt, Ma, .Aug. M. -The
Missouri, Kansas A Texas mall pulled
out of the Union Depot last eight be
tween two sections of a beavlly-loaded
froigbt that had been delsyed In the
yards over limit
When near Paola, a station about
forty-three miles south of here oa tbe
Fort Scott road, tbo pawtenger stopped
until the first section of the freight
might bo sidetracked toallow it to peas.
A trainman was seat hack 'to tag tha
second section of tbe freight but com
ing on at great speed on a down grade,
Kngineer Woodward in eharge of the
freight could aot stop his train and
crashed into tbo rear sleeper of the
Pullman Conductor Camp, who Is well
known in this city, was instantly killed,
being ia tha rear of the eneckv The ea
gineer sad firemen el the freight leaped
from the cab. Kagraeer Woodward was
seriously injured by Ma' fall and a brake
man, whose name is unknown, is proba
bly fatally injured. The passengers es
caped in an almost miraculous maaaer.
Tbo loss to the comaaay wilt aot be
. -,
Lawuksck, Kaa., Aug. W. Yester
day afternoon 399 ef the largest prop
erty owners ef this eity waea asurartesl by
being served with the following notice:
Ton are horse? aXta that tbe feUewJee?
Scritr4 preeertv situate la tae eHjr ef
lwrmne.,CuoteollesansA aatttote ef
Kssssa. as-arte: fist nV.n ea-naneeas, te
longs tesna is tawprosayt safrstetenw4V
jnr tamta ra. Phai iragmr en Measleaia
KWraa4taysaestsaslai tssamam.
ate yissssslee tbereof. We. aa their aeee
aa4 ty their elrwrtioe and aetberllv a-
man4 the IssssselaM eoaatsslea eithe saasa
Rioos a Navise. Altera! a4 Aseete
Prior to the war Jerome K KUdter re
sided la Lawreace aad wash large prep
erty owner. Whaa he eaUred tha Cea
federata anrvtee ls srssertr was aaa
flacatedlaai eesnjas tbe pteaSew ef a
traitor. The law sTorhlea; that aeh
trsnsfeia hU geed only during the Ufa
of tbe traitor, llis heirs reeeatly caasa
iato full pu am as Isa ef hiaesteto aad
have begua suit for the recovery ef hie
property fa this eltr. The lead aad
buiMlags ea itareeeUaseted to ha worth
hslf a million dollars.
8a.v AnroaiOL Tex.. -A ear. xz. A
cyclone struck Mseen. the seetef Maeea
Couaty. a town wmote frees the rail
way and tetegraah ttumtay, meat areas
northwest to southwest and tilth ai
trfj thing it struck. Its path waa
699 yards wide ami about a mile te the
east ef the town. Trees, fodder aad
- wTgoTpsnniewMiswussaanaij. i
Some beeato'- waea 7 llihsl barf
there was aalsaa af iafe. V Mae V eabUe f
were hilled. The ateliBial -Chureh
was struck by ligktoiag. Theeycteae
was followed by a raia wklch faU ha
saeeu tor twelve
ana teterae lor SesMeatoP
lshed here, aid eaW tee asm
he liiise. a gala ef
It to
alleged ea all sides that tha
et beea eaVtentJy,
ait tae prsmiaeat
tory cease rsmalsJate aTi
aata Fe Conaty
felly ,999 hetow
whole fesBlliea betog
Thaa ft la set
Bpawnsw mnaj BBjBeuuny ssnni'
asnnj sasss jawwnar '-
aaaaa) ajsanjaa arnaa) annaan3'
Chartos 8avera enaawaaasw.
vatv Tha 9a-
Wear fj sal i a,
jaasaa snaS -v sma .
p if at mad Fresa hia stssaaa taw
aanhndism to aMaamtmen
emaaba retoraa mm she heat adrift
be the r aaWasd he. awemaaswaan. rsateeaisti n n a aaaaaasaaal
ererteehed bv aha - sM
aamm -sh.
1MKU. Aw.
JghtUran.1 MtrW4
BBM that thn Sw Y
waa now no lonr on
Besnoty. f.t n th, wkj4.
Mm oranlctirtii.
vary resourr n thn mi
srallsa ef rail rnt r mete J
tha Tender hilt vtAm. At 'si.
Mto Intimation S that x-vu
ejstl ha declared. NodeAi
he ehteiaed. Mwever t
ajaw Yeast Aug. St Gesrl M
T. V. Powderly will ar
alt the true Kalghu ot Vs,
L - - .V ",.. t II I
Elver railroad end upon the Vand
connecting linea. In the ihvunjr -will
state the causes of the tnl
to obtain a praccfot
t ef the difficulties aad notitr
" every member of the I ,
ef the executive boarJ of
Kalghte of !.abor to prosecute th
ngaiast the CeutraMledaoe IUi ,
Company to the bitter end. At th t.
time it is made known that Gram! v,
tee Sargent ban callrti a meetlnc '
eeuncll of the Fedora t.
Khift!oye for Saturday,
Wk at alee s m.. In the city of .
Haute, Ind.
Nrw York, Aug. at At r so o
last eveaiag Mr. Powdrrtj rallrl
VlePreeMeat Webb. He asked W
to permit an investigation a to the
lenity hetweea tha Central ani
mea. Powderly said he did
meaa arbitration but IutouIj;
Webb said there was nothing '
vesUgste. Powderly then went r
St Cloud Hotel to report Artr,na
lato hour said the situation look..
riaaaV The supreme council of ilr ' '
aratioav he said, was within an
calL To order a general strike th
preme council, which I romju .
three member of each of tho ft. .
gaalsatlons forming it mint sni
sad vote unanimously.
AUIAMr. N. Y.. Aug. ;. The ( I a
her of Commerce has MHt a jirit--'
the mayor asralnit the rutptoymont
the railroad of 1'lnkerton dounutt
All Is quiet hem. A strong (kiIico a,
Piakertoa guard is still n
talned. Tho railroad jojdo u
the freight blockade U jfArti
raised. The strikers' tmllotln y t
the mea cotitinue rouftdent Jn
llatton, the 1'inkerton guard chnr;
aheotlnir of the boy 1K
Dwyer, waived exatuiuatlun and
held for the grand jury. The lad
a precarious condition.
BevereJ Mm Arrl'4 raw mi.i iu
Trete nteeeevjr tie 4 tR Numih-.i
PACinc, Ma. Aug. 21 The hunt .'-
tho Missouri l'4cltU? train rubier
drawing te a clotu.
Three arrests wero made yulordj
Two wero at Washington. aUiut i'U
Billcs west of here, and one horn.
The latter hat been Idoiitlliti a t'
leader of thn two men who cliiuld ot -the
tender of tho engine war tho t(
vllle water tank at two o'clock lant u
day morning and cotrrtxl Kngln '
Dreyerandthe fireman with revoU'
and commanded them te atop.
One of the men at Washington I l
lleved to be the smaller of the two- tl -one
who weskenrd at a critical Jtmcluit
aad aeeded a cautioning from hl u. i
The man who wan bent Identified n
the leader of tho ganj give his nauu
as James McConkoy and says be la from
Wichlte Kails and VinlU, 1. T. Ho aj
ha came from the latter named place in
the last tea days.
atHto St. I. Watherwe r
BwafeSd9aaa "Fane
4)KteuaseiA Crrv, Ok., Aug. at ltn
at night as K. I Weatherman and tu
eompaaloaa were passing on the pub! c
hlghwny the residence of A, K Cij-r
living oa Deep fork, five mile east ot
Kdmond, they were fired upon by tVj
or with a double-barrlel shotgun
Weetbermaa'e companions find H dlf
ferent directions snd naturally sp-l
that he weald fellow. They went to
hie beue end Waited alt eight for him
Whea daylight came they set out to
seareh fur htm. aad shout 500 yrd
frees the scene ef the sheeting fotin 1
him dead. Coeper surrendered to tho
aatherittee and an tnfuest was held ow
tha rematas ef the deed maa. Th'
trouble originated some time ago over
ffjaelf. Wrathermaa wen n young.
UBBMrrted man.
icasma Aug Ji-Tse rarmera' fcn
99aw awyst Keparts received from atut
tlW eerrespoedenU In theaprlng wa-t
belt todieate that the crop ef iw.
tbaagh less thaw that ef last year j
probably tesa ate bushels, U Utter, a
sasjaaiity aa4 yield, thaa could ht
tlctpeted la view of the adver"
uadawiwhkh It has bm-n
Kelirsahwasm the rakeis will
mea as g l - a a .
"- aw. nsaaiy wueaeis
fewa wUl shew a lees of
bushels and hf lafe,
sheet Ldsmam Tha area harvested In
these States is frees t to 5 per eeat le
thaa last year,, save to Mtoaeeate, where
tha faags harvested la eeUsseted te be
19 aar eeat greater thaa that of lm
Omr m Maxicev Aug. 3L The re
aart thai pence had beea arraagM
tweea Gsmtemala aad Xea ftelvader,
rsailluisg that a hatsse hea ten es
aeetod te take elaaw yeeserday. esiwd
great serpriee beta, Msaasehee from
thefreatter of Usatoajala aad Mesk
aay that Mea W has melninletl eoa.
fawto aeatrailty sad bee Bet Secfe!
toisfmassagiema. AH
te tor tha - t
f rem her U niton and see-
a freas aatertawChW
from Guatemala
Met, Asm. Bl Aa s.
by usAsjewsj parttee to
Wsrwy SsbMf 4M
VfTamat ax Xv
The guard bed tort the torn
a charivari fatrto. aad Wis
eaiprvte wean am the
1 oaeea nrtahusd
set fiee te It Thee
salad armed
SS -' 3'Fia w"Wrrvlwsm4ie aad veifewataaiymuKClAyip ?fZZ&&Y 1lZ&'- 'MM- r -' ?TT Tft f9J9j9jaaaai Banana apaajs-snesa sa ... -- ;- .--tjtsws zu2UZz . ' Jryiymsy Lassi-mA. -J JlMF1
Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa iSVmmt ' 7tmmmWmKSMm ,: