The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 29, 1890, Image 1

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    r:.-rl,'5:. .. -'- ' VsaaaaaaaavaBUBT3arasBBBBfaBtBa .- - uf3iARf
Law. --i:i3.;s' s.34 " - - ,-r-- .i-iimbijf '--Ty-r r 'ataataMWKamatTafiv i -1 .
B?Sil?-1!aa(aBBBaik- ' r ? K4:
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u Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty," and One Dollar a year is the Price of The Chief.
6y A. C. Hosmer.
Red Cloud, Webster County, Neb., Friday, August 29, 1890.
Vol. 18. No. 5.
,' xiaHHHEEaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
3 rf
aa LHS'U.-Lyt"' -- v !:.-!.
-"aw vM-.m.iwnr- '
bb . aTeasssssF .::
.iir .. .aaMnBBam .-' M " .
. .ai
Either in Stiff or
McNitt &
k; -
lEhey have their
Mowers, Rakes,
The Best
Call at mj Mce la Kcd
F. N. Richardson, Prop, Red Cloud.
We have more hay and more oon, more oate, and more
bam (all of which we purchased when prices were ay
down) than any firm in town, there4 we R prepared 2 give
U lower R8te than any firm between the 2 oceans, Boaimng
by the day, week or month. We do not brag of our horse
manship. Stock in our care shows their keeping, Call on
us at the old reliable barn back of Postomoe and Joe con
vinced that what we tell you is true.
Hacker &
Smikbt, Bras.
Hbjirt CLAmKS,YiM-Pn.
llu L Sbubt, ,
s . n . . ""r"m " --- ar " . bui aauai mununanmnnnmi mamamamF a waaaaakaanak mmm - a s jt t '" . mmm mmmmw--, t ;- -35", i
Red Cloud,
b-Aiaamcfei majorat nauKinr
AU rlL.-, .F- . ..
kW E '-..- - . -"- - - i
stfj.atnmiy, pteiaet and wheal
J&55W . ' f
V?-?Z3g - St'
;5- Jai. MW ,
E-.72Tj?s T-""J
r. ? .- -BuAaasts, . w.JjinaasT. -"'. v.pnsret. i.- .---- - -- 1.-3 r---- ip?ap zrrr-7,'-z-r--, tt.-. a " '.'.- ---- r -? -aaaaaw, anamaauaaaaa .aaa- ;-. sK&sSrtSrr- &l, . ' - ... '..L , -3aa1
. - J'-;..;'- '-
-. - -
-- A'--
Crusher, go to
Fall Scock all in-
Oils, &c.
Goods in Market.
ClMkUT jrav
D. Pmt, OMkkr
- 76,000
LfsTw WaVstVnfa Now ie the time to act alliance members or whatslss, should HUaJtaT. ZyS '- Z tLstaZT tTt 7 TJsaaarsaTTBeaA
lflrllHP kZZa 1 fully unbn4sndthatUkaiammta - 1- ! ?. . CBCaosn. g? Jfgf yl .?? , j? JTaaJaaaaT nsVVnaa
aflal sTVyjl m. I. The prohibition amendment a becom-1 friend today and lua bean, sa asv aaa hi U " fhc mm " rhwsd on nam ,. ay as joy tao wsaaaga of prosnsflai? slDsaaaaaaaV- .mi.w'' ?,
a waaaesaMowtteonrt A elaar ismm as. Ik fa smbmhsmi "' .- . -- - . sBBsaMfsaMsafaoafiasaar"-v m:- a
. i h.i a- ..- saa an eavma asaa aaa Bassamtaa an-iew r.-r rr-r - s--f . --- -- ... - - - --- tasaasv. araan lasasnaei aaaenaaai awanaWaaavxaaaaaaaaaaiaaanaHk -j- aa
smasxaas. aav aaa aaa aoaai ami earn., aasc zta-a.- r r-A-.-- --?- axsKamaaaaaaa. x w- ,-f?: c-.-"t-.-j, -..- i' a -waa.-jwraaaswexrsraaa -.-v --.'--rr -ra -wvwa-rinowavasaaaBnsmF aaaanaaa-' -- ai
aliaSaSaa. kasaW - W J M --- tA.-. ?"""? "V "Til.VTvT,"c"" ' ft' 'BllIIB'WVnra S.fai -.-' - . -J- '.-- a-.-aaaaa mmmymMmWWmmmWWmmmmmmmmmmm .', BJ
aisvnea.saaaa, ay aaa auti aatasra wxaMnar havaasKmgh.ansaaasto ofam -r-jMI . . . ZiJr- Jaoxlasasa-ven'sHBaaa aaa ' :.r? t&S&il aw a "!' afsaaa rlaa ' -- 9&MRtKW&mmw9W9m99M .. -3L
w a av ' ap aaaxai rBBBBB aiBBBaaBBiar-Br- bbbbbe "t, BarBBBBi-. aaaav . aBBBBaaaa . -v- -v -.- ti- aaa aaa kaaa BBBBaaaaa . ahacaBaa an- sat a - - . r . aBakaaaaaiataB ah .aka a . aaL . & ia. . .a. m -i jjaaaai
.Bkaaiaatfkaaitaaaa a? wmwmmmmr aw aaa aw.ama av j r r-mp avoaawssauBwenanvaBssr ew-aasa '-T-r-,--r.-, "-' -. t-z nssxo-i- - .- r "s-i-i.a-aiii iMmmmmTwmmmLUmWmmwummmmmmwmmmmmw aaa
aVlWMlaTOHBS Z" -hm - . a -. '.im ..;- p -.ti .---- .i Z?.T"r4-"'r ,y aaraaL- A aamr MJaaaaa, rsMgfaaa T - - I--,---.' ; , mmVimmmWmmW9l9Mm9l9m9milf -JBM
w " ' f" -'--s rm&72J!!!l&ia'' -. jy" - Ql3Ml,t&lmm Mjsaj ssamsea-aaawaajejt, aapajai .'jMsy"""'.'. ?y5f"f . - - aafat-SaslaV; -f'' - -" sSNmav-waanalSSS 'saa
conuvc pemTEBa.
We have Ike flaett llae
taaleto la the clljr.
We have ihelargeM ve aad
tea eeat taMet yea ever taw.
If yea waat late ar aehaal
call at Camas's.
Yaa eaa save aMejr ay get
tlaf yaar aalau aaa alto af as.
la wall paper we are leaalag
them all la aaalltjr r slack, la
aeaatjr af aatteras, la law prices
which to the treat palat la these
aays, aaa la the aargalas that
yaa eaa always flaa aaiea
rebaaats. Call aa4 see as.
Rcpakllcaa State Ticket.
Fr Qwrenor,
L. I. KICH ABDS eX Dodm.
Pr Llwtetuwt Gorenier,
T. T. MAJORS of Negate.
ForSecrcUry of State,
J. C. ALLEN of ited Willow.
For Auditor.
TH08. 11. BKNTOX of iAuauter.
J. K. HILL of Gage.
For AttorBey-Geaeral.
For CoaalMlaaer FuMtc Lands and Baidrnn
GEO. R. HUMPHREY of Custer.
For Superintendent of Public Instruction,
A. K. GOUOY of Webster.
Caagresaleaal Ticket.
N V HARLAN of York
Seaaterlal Ticket.
For Senator,
8. C. BAIRI) of Nuckolls countr.
Flaat Ticket.
For Float Representative,
N. ti. WARNER.
Caaaty Ticket.
For Representative.
For County Attorney,
I aai glvlag a aaasl hat aieal
farlSceata. JDStahl.
John Dickereoa is home from Iowa.
Fidelia Schaffoit is home from the
Joe Rickarda, of Beatrice is in the
Jake and Charley lieigle are in Color
ado. Miss Era J. King is home from Col
Walter Jones, of Orefron is . in the
city visiting ha old friends.
The people of Bed Cloud can now
make it or break it Which shall it be!
Dr. Robert Damerell, who has been
very sick is, we are pleased to learn, con
valescing. Smith 4b Huckins tent meeting will
ooaunence on Monday, Sept. 1, and will
continue one week.
Mrs. Dr. Damerell has returned home
from Denver, called here by the serious
illness of her husband."
J W Robinson, of the Franklin Repub
lican, was a pleasant caller thw week at
the "Big Injun'a" headquarters.
One of our reverend gentlemen, while
at a picnic the other day, made a flying
leap in mid air ana broke a dash board
in hie hurry to pick himself up.
The temperance mass meeting under
the auspices of the W C T U will be held
Sunday evening at the Baptist church,
Rev. J. D. Pubs, D. D. will preach touch
ing upon the pending amendment ques
tion. Will our people do their duty in re
gard to the watch factory. With a move
ment on foot to move the county seat we
must be up and doing or we shall be
heavy losers. What will you do citizens?
Now is the time to act
The prohibition amendment is becom
favorable every day.
people become more thoroughly familiar
with the cause, they are dropping over
to its support Let the good work go
iorwara untu every vestige a wiped out
The board should have the school
house yard fixed up, it is an absolute dis
grace touiepubuc Ureattall
era iook elegant and are scattered
The board of education ousht to have
in such matters.
W understand that the board in the
district for district 27. he
Mrs lids Hafman Snath, to
the tall and winter term at thai
win Bsakestraad success of the
sad tnere m DTODoaum over tho nsnoi. 1 a personal aaiaworyourownioeauaaii--7--nr Tsr:a?y-7 nwi:. k2.i ' . neV'ssmnurmummmummmna ij
; xeamaav oanncs tor auancx z.i aaai - ai ' " v .j mmmmmr. fl ----- -' j .u. 'unuaBaBaaaaaBsmF " -.?
mmm . A... jm . 7 A r -m . .. m m- -m ' " -"'A -w v.v amv m v ' . - -"'...e
as-2rssisss s.-.-ns -.--. ssrcrruir &tjz trsr. tzzi r- sisrssm a
?Z. i. a...-, ,. .a, ....-, ..,. ... L - raamaaaie. l-pf ZZT2ZZ C.LGaaaaa. Z&mm-miMmmm& .. C '
w - . - " Z - i . - wwvwaa va BmvSSW"" mmmm-mmmmmmw KP'mBBBBBBBBI UBKSXSXSXSXSBBL. Z-Mmr mmmmmmWmmW9mmmmmWmmmmmmmmmmmWmmWWammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmJi?iKr ?Z
law "MfciT IfurS-i is nil ! llin ---- - - . r - "-"-. vmysiBiBni smobw paeaneew JM- - mmmwmmmmWmimmmwmmmmmwmm''i z
vaap iafkttMaki2. -'--m -- -i-'' - - - --.-v? - i " ,r. assaa sasaaaffw sanar esl veaeh hlasd aaai aWasfc. stssmsmsmv mm amam " mTr . ay-asaaiaaa aaa.exsnamaaxaaaaaal -rv-jr:i- l
arw". xssca: iniwwuaaw ataa. saa Beaxaaae tasaaaaaai stseasaaaanv --.t-.- t "z. 7zi m. aumssmmaasffes, aaaw t-A-- - .- -. .j- -. ? a2VsaBssaaaaaBavM
aaaasmd. A isaUMBMi msmsb ka m. -- - - - "-.--:.--- BsavaaaaBBBmnrsxaaeaam mmmmmzmm w$w- 1.---X- wai at Jmm9 m aasawy gpaaa aMa&a aaa !B7eaaaaaBamasWsasleaa -33
f fA?"B,B QB"JW.1F v seaajsa asjtv ess. XTNasraflaosassaas; mmmtimmm'm ilmmu sm-j . -"r""-' -x.awa isaamar aava ai . -.. .-. - y. , i-1 mmmmmmmmmrm9Mtm7aBm99M,mmm f?- JM
a -. m. i -- -H--HJL-- . --a -- ---- ... - - - -- --- - tBBwsassjoa wsasasj. assmaa maar bow -. easaaasaa ajaMMa-K aw--aaavKaHia- wmpaammpws'BKnwaiiS' .-t------
saeBaaaiwaaaiaiear mat aaane aaaa sassaeaoiieassssg amaaas saawam --"- - .-- - -- -: atsTKaaaaaslaaB. jb. r" .- ms; eaan aweanjajmjajgajiajaj :ijm
. . - - Zz'zJ'.t awaSSaasa' aaaaaeaav sa SX Saat aaaaai wywa aaa. aV. s. . . v - - - AjKaAas m -ma aarw -.. .Jan
aasaa.' HBaaasiMvsaaaaKa aAaaavaaiaTBaMBaM wia a aa aaav bvvb r - ia aBsr aaaaasSaaa ai- aaaaaSaaaBaaM nsaaaapawxoaaaaaassaaspawaaaaaarsaaaaai , 7 &a
The democrats of the 24 congres
sional district have andersee! Me
Kdigsaa's nomination, recently mads
by the independent party, and new
he stands on two plstfems. One a
free whisky party and the other in
the opposite direction . Just how ths
Judge will be able to straddle the two
platforms with his declaration that he
is far prohibition, will he a feat that
the voters of the big 2d will anxiously
await to see him aoeoaplish. A can
didate for congress ess not serve twr.
masters. McKeighan as the candi
date of the alliance is all rixht, or
McKeighan as the candidate' of de
mocracy is all right, but MeKsighaa
as the esndidste of both parties,
whose cardinal principles are widely
different cannot expect to draw votes
enough from the republican party to
elect him, as republicans are not us
ually found picking democratic chest
nuts out of the fire. The democratic
plan was a good one, but is too trans
parent to eenseal its identity. Get
ting McKeighan nominated by the
independent party was a scheme
worthy of the gods, end then csllings
democratic jamboree and endorsing
him, was a good scheme, that might
have been all right had not the secret
been let out that that war the game.
val af tke Caaaty Seat.
The Chief received the following bill
on Tuesday evening, evidently, printed
at the Blue Hill Leader office.
All persons in favor of calling n :
: special election to re-locate the county j
: seat of Webster county, aro requested j
: to meet at the opera house, in Blue :
: Hill, Nebraska, on
i latwaay,at 1 P. at, Atf. 30, IMC :
: For the purpose of organization.
. a
Now just what this moans, we do not
know, but we have heard it intimated
under cover that there was a scheme on
foot to move the county seat to Cowles.
but we have never believed that it would
amount to much, but the above would
seem to indicate that such might be the
case. Such a thing would absolutely be
suicidal to the interests of Red Cloud.
Take away the county eeat and what
would our city amountrto. Certain it ia
that those people who -have landed in
terests in Red Cloud had better get to
gether and see about nipping this matter
in the bud, there is no use of trying to
treat the matter lightly, because wo
believe it is a well conceived plan to
wrest the county seat from Rod Cloud
because a few of her citizens have al
ways fought everything that would help
KedUIoudto become a good city.
business mens and citizens
should be called at once.
The Caacrcsslaaal laesttaa.
TiiKCiuFPhas not talked much re
cently on the congressional question,
either one wsy or the other. As to the
two candidates we have known both for
a number of years, Mr. McKeighan by
personal acquaintance and Mr. Harlan by
personal and state reputation, and we
have no hesitancy in recommending Mr.
Harlan to our readers as the man mora
able to fill the important position of con
gressman of the two, that he ia a thor
oughbred anti-mooopolist goes without
saying, in fact he was elected speaker of
thehouseof representatives of the state
by the ajiti-monopolists, and men who
were known to be directly opposed to
corporations, trusts and UKmopoliea, ho
filled his position ably and the records
show that his voice was always for the
people. It will not be our purpose to
bearateMr. McKeighan, hie record is
made and he must stand upon it but it
is our purpose to say that Mr. Harlan
si man, who, it elected to congress, will
always be found on the side of the peo
ple just as firm as Mr. McKeighan could,
or would, and for that reason, republi
cans should be alow to cast their votes
and influence with the democratic party,
for that ia what it means, should Mc
Keighan go to congress. Mr. McKeigh
an'a influence in congress would be very
little as compared with Harlan's and
could not possibly command the
ence that Harlan could; and
would be unable to bring about
legislation. The Chief wand has
the friend of the laborer, the poor
the mechanic Ac, from the simple
on that our path lava alone? the sams
ged route as theirs, and hence we say to
oar inenuB, uai DSiore you may
up your mind to vote tne
ticket it will be well for you to
gate fully Mr. Harlan record in
to the loyaltr and interest that ho
displayed m the past towards the work
ing man. We say ha record is good on
that subject and republicans, whether
alliance members or whatsai
fulry understand that ho is as m
mend today and
the state of Nebraska.
men, and you will ruirymeas up
miaatnas iianan a me man to I
right your wrongs of whatsoever astern,
and by sending him to nongraa you will
have accompbahed an act that will re
m a lastinar benefit to the laboring
es. Dortgowildonsidoissasslmt act
aparaoaai manor of your ownlo
of. Investigation will put von
right track, sad that wiH be found aiakf
sswars so na nanii ash.
of. invaftagataoa will put you oatael..r:"T:"' "' " : .-. -, . "" ntonsaaaaaaaaFaaanVMZ. -
" Pa lr ! --- Aammimm - USW OS BSB VSSUa. aSV 9Wm WanSSaW . TT. m m wm m' aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW ' x '
TTfcst mm Mi Wiin m im sal -- "P"' . wJ1"rT - m.- , mm "-l banlgaW. 8as left her assae Um - splsawjsaar . -
's own ep aieasea are as tao aas- mV twmaassaa sad sasasaaii aLobU svMa far feaaaenssas ar easav ;rr v asmaw saa wmg gPAaaBsms"aBf aVsa
ayswmaes ia am isas exeaaamvm. sa ass owamiuaei osa amaa as van uassaaaj J m Z 1 mrrT - ----- - - mm mim asVaWawJs .aa-'f .-?
anaooL -..... . - . jsja l m orahle. nuatLFtran. asaaaaas eaaaaoased aw ajfssaf 99 9)nmWmm aasfAsaataaV
The Red Cloud schools
Eld. Jones occupied the M.E. church
pulpit Sunday last It was quarterly
Mrs. I
Humphrey and
are visiting with her
R K. Or-
chard of Inavale.
J. McCartney sad John Boaach hare
the "Bier Injun' hanor. because of
itsaostiosatoourpils. Thanks,
a. - . . w . - - .
Mr. Valdo's spasch on last Saturday
was quite well attended by the laboring
classes and was fully appreciated.
Don't forget labor day next Monday.
The boys will have a big time. Every
body come and bring a basket full of
C B. Crone has sold his interest in the
abstract oSos of Bailey A Crone, to J. H.
Bailey, who will hereafter assume the
control of the
The dogs of Red Cloud and the mayor
are having a tusssl this week, and the
small boy is having lots of fun in roping
in toe dogs at cents each.
The Salem (Kan.) Argus has suspend
ed publication caused from a contraction
of business. The Argus was a good pa
per and we are sorry to hear of its dowa
feU. Fred Frees, John Hotoomb and Z.
Baraaiwere unfortunate enough to lose
several head of veattle on last Friday
by a B. A M train running over them
ear Antboy. -
W. M. Visscher is a great scepic ar
tietandisnow savaged ia decorating
the soeaery for the London Dramatic Co.
Mr. V. would do credit to men who make
the business a specialty.
People who have pugilistic ideas should
beware of the snake editor of the Great
Family Weekly, as that gentleman killed
one the other evening over three feet
loaf, and hadat bean drinking either.
The people who have held out against
every enterprise that has been inclined
to come to Ked Cloud will now nave a
chance to bold out awhile for themselves
ii tney ao not steep inetr eyes in good
Young folks composing the Epworth
League of the M. E. church gave an in
teresting entertainment Tuesday evening
and afterwarda entertained the people
with an ice cream social in the court
house park.
Editor Wslquist of the Hastings Dem
ocrat ought to murder the Omaha Dem
ocrat man for publishing such a states
prison moainsT picture of mm. urdtna-
rially Walquiet is a good looking fellow.
but the picture, whew! He'd hare to
have a striped suit to match it
Hon. S. C Baird, our next state sens
tor, made The Chief a pleaaant call the
other day. Mr. Baird is a very pleasant
and intelligent gentleman, and boa from
his earliest recollection lived on n farm,
and still maintains his place among; the
agncuiiunete. m w si. equare, upngnt,
honorable man, and n true friend of the
farming and laboring class.
Frank Potter, a young man recently
from umana nas been snowing us coun
try people how to do things in city style.
The other morning Frank waa showing
the boys how to kill a chicken with n re
volver. He shot at it three times and
then chased It down nndtwieted offits
neck in order to kill it and casual
ly remsrked, "see what a good msrksmss
can dowhea be wants to."
Thaexodus of drouth-stricken suffer
era front Western Nebraska and Colorado
still continues and there a scarcely an
hour during the day in, which there is
not from
one to hali-a-docen emigrant
asang through our streets, on
way, as soma of them say to "Hod's
country." On the wagon sheet of an
emigrant wagon which passed through
Red Cloud yesterday was rather inartw
tienlly painted in large black letters the
foUowingrnessgant but expressive rhyme:
Mn God wo trusted.
In Colorado wa basted.''
instituted at the Ore-
bill school house,
August 2& Was. Crabttl was elected
president; Root Rounds, vice-president;
J. Bean, secretary. The league adjourn
ed to meet September 13. The amend
meat question was warmly discussed at
The Dickson school house league meet-
idjourned to meet at tneaeme
to organise, Saturday
A meeting has been called to
a noa-partaan saannsasat league, at Ia
dian creek school boons, September 9, at
8 o'clock. A. B. Pikbce. Com.
heador tLS for eaa nam, How
far high, does it nay the msrahsl,
m as get par head?
is worth ite
gold as an
Iavustwaha hath aiwaw a iisasr-a worm its weight m irsamcol - - r" ."w T ssnjwmsas sffp-aBBBBBaaajiiaaBnarmji -j
. 7 XrrZZ2' JS. .T ' ?"- Wanted, to indo acvenl sWireUs) aai ItsI sa Wis ism " a4!aVnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaWaB I
MP JOa "ii '- . , T. "'. TT.WT . , .. --... .. . f ,. rflaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJa- 1
,wvMUMnB MBiHiaaMw- Miaa wa ipuj, iwr ! . . a . . .i " smnunmnmmnmnmmnmunsnfniaai
s&jfeAsej'if-1 iie, raw GuLuro. 2 2E2tiA"!22z iMLmWlmmiX M
wdLwT?'m?r " 1 m m mT.-7-?- ofaaaaaaaaaaaaa! mmJ 1
tmtmmmmwammj mm mmf&mimg to aw- Waauteol. i7-zzTLz- m.ZmmTTT mmmm mmw gflWaVaaaaaaaaaTVaaM- 1
sasanor, eaya a coswssner, ox -...ii t ... . - - . na.s. -. -. a. . . . . TisTssas waaaaaaaaaaaaaa''
aaaa, tsjo good farm nanus, qrUWnav anofaaaaiinatnarsaaaaaea sata w vrmW .asaaaaaaaaaaa) M 9a
isssssv uh ss sswssssr pssrHBooxmL ansa . - . sjBjTaaaawMBmwmamnnsBmmv
- - - . . - m. xsnralasaaBB mmtmmmimmmmm auBBBBi -. gaaaaasHaa
' 'tt- rT . . - Mm --- a ALa.. . . aaaaaaaaaaasdnsaaaaaaaaW JiM
' a mmtm wmmtm mmm mm. m b " wmmm mm. wmwm wa mmrn mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmr via
VBWIT XOTIS it couzsroifOxirTi
aaa laifvreollBat Itease Vroan
1 MtUM tsWCeanly.
Putting up bay seems to be the eid
er of tbc day.
Mis Zee sad her grand daughter
Addir. wil go back to their home in
St Loaia in a few days.
S3kool Distr.ct No. 00 hare em
ployed John Crabb to teach the com
ing winter. Mr Crabb is a good
The rain has caused the pastures to
look green.
School District X . 73 are goiag
to fx up the school house before they
commence their term of school of
fear monthi.
Leroy Myers has built a new barn
which very aunh improves the looks
of hisplsec.
By the wsy. what has become of
road boss.
Remember Lulls grove September
Another tine rain Monday.
Mra Orchard returned Monday to her
home in Odel. Neb.
Venier Voldo spoke on the issue of the
day to a crowded house Friday evening.
The Bladen school will commence on
Monday Sept. lHt with Mr. Hunter as
Mr Henry and family spent a few days
with his sister Mrs C F Kehler.
Mrs Kimmel and her sister, Miss Zel
ler are spending a week or two with their
parents in Washington, Kansas.
The Alliance picnic held in Kuths
grove the 19th, was well sttended and
were entertained by speaking, dancing,
and refreshments.
Mr and Mrs Richards who have been
spendinir the summer with their daught
er, Mrs Larrax, returned to their home
in Virginia.
W H Hoffman, James Burden, and L
H Boyd, left Saturday for a pleasure trip
to Atchison, St Joseph, and Kansas City
tbey expect to be gone a bout a week or
C E Shalhammer who haa been spend
ingthesummor in Texas, returned to
Bladen last Thurmlsy, He reports every
thing lovely in the itunny south.
TneDemorest contest Saturday eve
ning was well sttended and the audience
was entertained by good speaking by
the young ladies and music by Brewer
string band. The medal was awarded to
Mies Bertie Woodsido. S .
Wlltow Creek.
Miss Mabel Skiles began her second
term of school at Pleasant Hill the 11th
of this month, Hhe ia one of the best
teachers in tho county.
Mrs M C Jackson is very Hick with
symptons of typhoid fever.
Willie Frazier is down with typhoid
fever, but is some better.
Grandpa Norris has been sick six
weeks with fever end an aboeas in his
side, it was opened yesterday and he is
resting a little easier to day.
Clara Norris has the regular old fash
toned typnoid rerer, and it nas run over
twenty one days the fever is still run
ning high but she ie n little better other'
ACBua has been chilling but is a lit
tie better.
MrSapps agoing east the first of nest
MissEffaAilamaon will teach
ia the Blackwell school bouse. Begia
So many of the people of this
and vicinity are going away, that
balance are talking of giving the place
sacs: to toe Indians outlet us
to your farm.
George Tennel is thrashing for the
farmers in this vicinity, ho uaderstsads
his business.
Mrs Blsnkeys baby is better. Dr Joha-
son thinks a lightsurgical onaratioa, sad
it will be entirely cured. Wo are glad to
ass tao 11 ttle tning get well as it has been
a constant little sufferer all summer.
asanas rental ategaftaser.
Should be used by tho youas
aha who suffers from any disora
liatober sex and at change of Ufa
aw4SBnsnsssn1 AMeia at mt !
avwaisai mmmm sejaaurawanw ax araw sauna- la
write Tho Bradfield Reg. Co. Atlanta, Ga.
tor particulars, By C L Cottiag. aad all
The partaership heretefere extetiag
and kaowa as the Im of Bailey and
Crone is this dsy diselved by mstaal
eensent, the business hereafter being
conducted by J II Bailey.
Red plead, Aug. 25, 1890
J II Bajlct.
C B Caosrt.
raarnaAiBTrirwr. -m mm asH 1 smawi -m asMa - - - - -- - la bw awnauL. mnmunmunmunmunmuhvawananaaua. -
Rsaasat af al ia
ABsouneiar puns
Dear reader wo are
living in n
matawnua bbbl bubbj
neo,ueer taveauoas oauy
aunt our eyes, tho once auu-reloue wond
ers of fbreiga cUavas have lost or are fast
losing their attractions to mankind, yet
we have other thiaaa to amuse an, thtecs
which hold us apeU-bouad and amnasd,
and the greatest of writers sad critics
just simply look idly oa; not kaowieg
what to say, and not dariag to any nay
thing, for fear of publio ooailsmnatina,
some say. Oh! well it ia uaslsss to try to
stops thing beoomiag ao uaanissoua.
Now right there is the point is it uaaai
atoua, who is caueiag wosaaa suferaga
to beooaie popular? it is the womea
themselves, and ssen say nothing for
fesr of provoking their ill will. It amy
be that tho married mea do not dare say
anything against it and aiagla msa
might kwe their sweet heart by speak
ing their mind freely, is that right?
should men permit aa evil to thrive for
a thrilling cause? there ie bat
sad that is ao!
I do not think of woesan as a slave
no far from it but a woman ia a
and when (od Almighty created this
world sad its inhabitants ho made a
place for every thing, and by his own
word declared woman to be n "help meet
for man, and how rediculotte it is to see
a woman tusking or trying to auske politi
cal speakers, they are not satisfied to
abide by the laws auide for our glorious
union, no! but like Urea in the wheat
must grow; only to choke and kill that
which is good.
Women are now mocking nmns handi
work on every side, they imitate our army
and mimic our noble heroes who have
lain down their livee that our natsa
should enjoy liberty ami equality, tafy
mimic grand speeches long siaos made
by our forefathers, sad bow have gut
ao far a to adofit men's apparel, for
shame, Oh man where art thou? What
art thou? to allow such a thing to exist
There is reason in all things as wall as
hounds to all things. Womea ehoeld have
a voice in school elections bscaase that
w of great interest to them aad there
they msy do great good by traialag
youthful aiinda in the way they should
go. But how disgusting to see wives sad
sisters go to the polle as if msa had not
tho ability to control political affairs, I
call uiion you. Husbands aad fathers.
why should we, who are ntensupataajd to
be capable of engineering our political af
fairs, allow such a diabolical state of af
fairs to exist? Why, I say must wosaaa
net both in the capacity of oflce seekers
snd domestic overseers?
You, my brother, sre accountable for
this, for it ia now in your hands aad ia
your power to trevent it set then, once
and for all act wiaely aad well, ami by
J oae uaan imous vote forever crush wosaaa
suffersge, crush it while ia the bad, do
aot tolerate a thing which will grow aad
and eventually extinguah the lamp of
mans life.
I am not dear reader a -woman hater"
yet to aee each traasactioas makes me
shudder for the welfare of the future
generations, sad prompts ia my heart a
uestreo aaeacn a tniag irom which no
good will come. At Nr-t whan I heard
womaa suffersge talked of I sarasstly
hoped that I would never eee its form,
but ao, I am doomed to witness Ms
growth and partial exieteaea, ret I will
not blaacfa if I mast light it I wiU surely
Now my brothers be aoaest with your'
selves do not cooly tolerate thie thing,
thiakiag it is for the good of the govern,
swat or do you penait it lisisaas you
are aot strong eaougn 10 reata
pleas. If the farmer I only
tftinK more deeply end snore
ir too tetter, l have no awsar ga
only I do pfty your pitible e
One more point then I will -wit the flehl
and. if permitted, return to the aothiag
neasfromvtoaenlsBVBaff. Grant orators, lectures, aad man of
reaoua endeavor to prove that all tho
good organizations aad eslaUishassate
owethekesistsaesto woaaaswarfc of
charity. I adaut thaleoeae woasea her
doe a great deal of good hi teksasaasr:
why! pray ssxmld ts?iie? bat esa they
tho into uuthors aad iasthralota of moral
laws? no! aad farther nana if ear af m
10 agree taat eair aaai
M ..a . a, J
I WHtan
a aBX.
J 1 - . r -m
miwm 07 wmhoi woanas.
to vow av etatiatine thM ' --- tS
t nr tlma saaaamatf mftism a 11 a is m el - aaa
Katsra m
At a ref,sJer mettiap ef the
laid Alliaaee heM Ave It. It
teaslt en that we wcahi aot altew haat
iag er killiag game af nay kind, aa
ear premises withentfsnaaaisa,
this date Any parties fsasd
passing an said srrmisss wiH 1
areeseitsd aeeordiag la the lav.
Jay M Para, IW
JoM M Kanjiin. Stay.
fsrd's saaUsrv LsUsa. Tale
eehlbfL.ll. Devo draagtst, Bed
New York
U. 4. CWl
i' " S
- Saat:
j&-&agsmY4 1
-fe.,- . STr1 TZf.S. J J
wa mMm
.ieBaBBriABBa-tar r-'. :r,
4T--i. '-..T!- f aiSrjfe-?-. .Z'-
am bt aa aw var aBS-aBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaasjr-pat v.- ' j-
''- vEbbbbbbbbbb1
. -M'VM
Latest Styles
Call and see us,
New York Stote.
Moon Block
j i.--w-irsar j- ;.
-ft.r--r viti sm
HZ. a''--H-. .
TA&Z&IX i?, rSX-ii al
&,Ti;-X wltts."
BTBV BBB -aaa - . p -sBaV. Waa WBBBP S a " ' J3 ' ' " - - ' ar ai aavaaaMB arWBa' Waav SBBaiBaBBBBBaT aaanVaBBBBBB aBBVjAaaaaBBBBBBBBVaTaBVeTBaWW waB-aaaB; amawam BJB amaa aaaBBBa, aa aaBBaaBBBV BBBBBt " . - . aSTat . -i - . 1 . BBanani BBaWaBaaa aaaaa BT Ba vBBBF BB B - v- BY 'I ' ,iv vwlr.I-iaaBBA: iCUBBna. 9BW-L. a a, V. -49aahatSBBBBBl
.afeaakvg aaBaW&aaaBBW '5' ' BavT- BBr tf HaBaBBBMBBaaBBl a- - - ah - m .a- ai-4 a- - 7Tp ' Ti. v BaaF aaaBBBBi ajay afmiVmVaaBaa Tr. . -- . aa avp aaaaw-aw' - vavaBv am. "jj ja nBUBaaaat3 Baaaa ai aV al j jaj '' BaaaaaT BaaaaaaaS maaaaBABBaSBat MbBl aaaaaaBaBaHaai t aBaaaklJ a "7g- ..kf THSansJBBaaa BBBBBW aaaaV !? wHaSaBJ
SB- -- ,. . - 1 ,- - . -w ST. BaaVmrnma nH BB BbB Aa-BBaBaaaB FV aHV'VBBBBBBBBBSBBI A BbBB. ...aaaBBBaaBaaBVl.BVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlBBBBBBS' BBK BH BB vBBBBBBBBM . aBBBt Bl ' !.,- ' B. PaaBBaBV-BBB BBBBBBB1 ,B' ' - - Wi a"!- - BBV . I BB 7T i.-.T V? J3BOr... . ' ' - HC S- I UnT-BBBBBB
-itft. VV-v
j' -
cS-? WtA,- -WTVL?r " -i- -t VL"- 1 . ' " f-Ci '". - - -S-T? H-Sj IS - - -. fc" Jv ' ?-"-:,-, - .-. .- lav aJ-'L. -I.T'- KSc v.wjsF:- ' .,,.. - . " -F"i.Sf J JP -f aWaW maava aSS WBBBI BWBBWa ' 'aN:VBW .Via BxaBBB- -V . ----, -; "-lC5Swl---7aa BBVa." " V-iaxmaVflBBaBBBBm BBnBsBaaa-aaa-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-aM