,v ri. "'' 4 i . ". "! . Jt BR. .1 T Itli. T- "i." . i.. -i . -r1- i v- ".v c z?tr?j- --Cst&K'"'ltnt- . . f t i ! A Lwswanai "V-- ."' i-fjs'.-fJmm a."-. w - - visr - - w I mm Klm "TTaHk. SK-.-T'b. !' IM 'Vlfe I .? ir-S ..V" ir- e &.--? HaKrct -3 .--- -in-"n'va-fc . r -s-..4 -c,iJ 5'.?a?:i.'sV-S.-..-:t-.vM ' - ' sre-ii rTkMi.tr, iT II Bl Tii.i 1- i.il : .-.. CiP ecassmui xsupii , mi -W . r4.V5r.: -". i-3 i Beset powder SJB Ut j '.. E "S -.-J-.- - .,. i--W 3 Vraiiej was ia te hK part ef the state tlw week. nr . - -- ' If yea wsut the acei hav the White 1 r sale kjf F. TjTajlerT Mis" BmT Vaigk has' returnee Luae f rea Wr risk ia JiHbom. Dt Mt fulto all smI mcmj auck f wiadn wkji . F. V. Tatloe. Bja)laMgU Dey fr toilet soaps, perfsaef, aad f ae toilet arti elcs. Hats for atea. bovs. aid eliildrea. all stock all eMiplete. McNitt Galaska. l Bead tke Baa's Hon. Iodiaarpo- n?, Iaiiaaa. Tke great religioas pa per of tke age. Tke Nekrsks aad Kansas Fam LaaaCo. waat all tke good farm laaas thej eaa get. tf Aavtkiag ia tke liBe of laraitare carpets, wiadew skades, etc., at lowest prices at K. V . Taylor's. If yoa are goiag to bay a carpet yoawill sare BMaey aBd get the best by calliag oa F. V. Taylor. What's the meter with baviai; a kaittiag factory ia Red Cload. "A stitch ia tiate aigkt save aiae." Nr. Webber, aa old Bed Cloud boy was ia tke city last week, oa his way east frost Dearer to receive a fortune. Loans ma4e ltoaw ra tea of iatcres by tke Nebraska A Kansas Fam Loan Co. Moaey ready as soon as papers are aigaed. tf Feataerlj Amlti are still selling viaegar aad traatalar jaice. Call and see theat. Good cider viaegar for 25 ceatsper galloa. M. B. Beatley, who has been so joaraiag ia Soath Dakota, for two or three aoatks where he has large aion led interests, has retaraed hone. TheaMtker of Mrs. Wsa. Gatep, Mrs. B. G. Sattoa, died tke other day at the ripe aid ag of 83 years. She had lived la Nebraska eight yean, De Witt's Little Early Bisers. Best Liver Pill ever aiade Care Con sti pe tiea every tiae. Neae equal. Use thea bow. For sale at C. L. Cotting. The Draggist. If yoa waat yoar aaaet monogram, eablea of any lodge, or any other de siga cattiag oa yoar watch, it will be quickly aad artistically doae by leave iag it witk T. . Penman at Cottirg's drag store 52tf It was A. D. Grcea iBetead of Ed. Greea tkat.got tke position in Ken tucky aader Mr. Daacky . Our infor mant was aistakca. We make the correetioa ckeerfally in justice lo our young friead. l'U CHiBKtook a quiet little drive oat to Hcary Maurer's farm the other day, and we must say that HeBry has oacof the ai cast farms, aader ordi- aary circuastaaccs, that we have seen ia Webster coaaty. We recommend Dc Witt's Colic aad Cholera Care because we belicye it a - safe aad reliable remedy. Its good effects arc showa at once in cases of Cholera Morbus aad similar com plaints. Sold by C. L. Catting the draggist. The farmers are gettiag tired in this country of being run to death by "a lot of reckless hunters aad fishcr- mea, as well they Bay, for hundreds ef dellara have been lost by them, by trtics shootiag stock aad aot having the manhood to settle for it. Every farmer should have tresspass BOtices published aad a few prosecutions would stop these reckless hunters. "Doe" Boyatoa, of Illinois (B. & M. conductor) reports a aiaature cy elece aa his fara Bear this city the other day that shook kis windmill to 'aeh a degree that tke castings gave way. If "Doc" kada't just arrived from tke gnat cyclase country (Uli-aois)-we should kave thought that he feac hoea vmitiBg ia Ksasas, as we J acareely aver have aay wiad ia Ho krarka, yaw kaew, aad eycloaes don't grow aa, wiadaills ia God's country .;-? .twr . k.. L. Vl immA .m that Mias flauaak Icon, feraerly a teaehec ia Tkayei aoaaty, has bcea aaaa aoaaiaal of tka Irst ward sckoo. a Bad Clewd, Nebraska. The school board of tkat oity is to be congratu lated aa tht) aeleeaoa of so efficient a taaaaar.far tlw position. Taylor county kaa acadaeei a great aaay gaad taaakars aad it always gives aa Bteasare U loan of aae who is gettiag U the fraat. Bedferd, la. Times Iadcfaadeat. I aakiag brisk at ay yard eastwf Cloud, aay oae waatiag far faaadatioaa or chim- aevs. will do wall to aall aa me be fare baviac eJatwhore. Priam enable. FbxdK. Plumb, Will XaigVs tWraagk-breel jack ktfaaavad to Btckardsoa, feed i the balance 2-4t Baiattag et4v8kaa Yard.- Al drsviac naddaaateh shawld s-kira Jaka jBawUey'a tesaas. w aa aU laad at tka kaaiaaaa aaaAsasa aaBL--rr mle bara; whare aeau isaaii & . t. k ah - '- m aloW aaaaaaai Jt-lawfg JPaayysaU. - vr S Paaaayaaw-av avaVaafP (naaWr. aara aad kawse ?. UardaawJrfhrai ,'..vi-i tcawjsvBwwi " Xl k. -ei . at Jn CawaaM -aTaaaV aaaBBvamV LatMB'i T-- saasi' :.,lj. "i -- Ci . --ly at M , Tfltaa ITlraWL iTPt miiT uw-yw mmm a ww wipwrnwiaiaaaa f?"? raawaBir aaaaaa mm a vaaarai aaai aajaaj m aaar. aaaaaaaana- 'jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaajaaaaaaaaaaaB " 7, Mllllt MSSY SSr J.H,ai-aT..,. fwii 1 gtStfega, law: SSJntjSm.w? irTiyaBaS JCTltMSsaa jjilitaels a WM&&&Fi. . s s .. v JaBaTlliiC1fj,,a-aeBaM alteauaaea Motttyrnlae. SJ."' t??ik 17TZTlX2r2?T',T"LjZl2i mmSmMMmmMmmm ir. timtan ML;; iSaSaWaanT" ' "LL!fjH-Bn f nawfeirtoTtkft OSStSalisa. JM.TTlLUU snlMlltlJ T aSllll I ililaT CCCaa, '"railiaM JSPmmuSVuXmSmmTmS LmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmW' MummeamaTto sHsaasaBia af.tha tyenttrntYaeeepsiiiii s ttmaiaV esnna rshaa-m. DFaeatt, ' annsIsraayeaKM tsBBBBBBH ySHSm LaimaBBaBBtnW j ! tamamref W4mmmwWm)lfE2mM a..F. nalij. M.mnmnr. gjaeV ajMas-l imiaami tmm wm "aaaBaaRa!sa !f,'yif FaaBBBBBBFaBBjBSSx ajaajB SJSBaBBSMSaBBaiBBBBBaBS mMjam'i4al aWBaaaVBadaBBI Saadl 1B.SB awaVVBawl aaal aaSaaa aaHaSt tlaa aaa2atfaBa Uadaa B aal si fcJ aHjaMB ' MHBlaaaf aMaaaar SEaS, ft t Sm, wm MmmmmmmmmwAw&mwWmmmwMwMmmmmmmmm - YaaaafaaaBaT ia 'Baaaaaaa-3L4 woasoMoeBMiaatBBV af MaaBBBBBr mm mw . - bbbbbbt-aBW.aBBBaajiaBTaBaiaBaau: -, aBBBaBaBaBaaaB siaaesmeB amamaaajanSBBBmBX anaM x--. '-r.jT .-: .. g,rr,t.K. T "".y - . , -wr. --- -i , ? " if SS" "!-- M SBaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-aa-aa -. i .m . lW"fia!!sfrf!!, J: " !?h.agasj fsifsmseaTasaimTBVr a , Will 1 1 bus r I an n m 11 1 1 ? iga.nnaBieaweant aw ox tnismessni . ."f""--.- r:-T:!P-. . -- - lanl laiai tlrf"lknnMea finiaHii tea leal name mil ul 1 Jara rH: aaJatiii f amaaa--a-ia-t aii aaatw ansa na nawaj S11 adeeget va aBBwaraaBaBBtf'W " 5j?W4 ti 5 fJK.it t-a-SyT fif"; .WBMltfv ar iiA.hH !- r? --lz ,j i . - O'woeveralw Ualasha'a Bay- aaiata aaa oile save .aoaey. Anewlina of picture aauldiBgs at F. V." Taylors.. v Peyal will sell yoa msehiae oil cheaper than any one aare. f 'The W, C. T. U. eeaveatiM will be keld ia BIm Hill Aug 27 and 2& ' ' LargetA stock af Mothers Friead Skirt waist's ia tke city at McNitt Galdeka. ' ' All oar aen gaoda aew ia stack rand for fall castoaers. McMitt V Galaaha. N. E. Miller, of Oberlin KaBsaa was visitiag his brother J. L last Saturday oaaaaaday. De Witt s Colic and Cholera Cure, Is always safe and always sure. We recomaead it C. L. Cottiog. To keep the beard from turning gray and thus prevent the sppearance of age, u&e Buckingham's Dye for the Whisker", the best dye made Silver medal holders from Bladen, Cowlcs, Guide Bock, Bed Cloud aad Blae liill will contest Tuesday even ing for the gold mvdal. De Witt's Little Early Bisers. Best, little Dill for Dvspepsia, Sour Stomache. Bad Breath. Sold by C. L. Cotting. The Druggist. If you desire your watches, clocks, and jewelry repaired by an expert hand leave them with T. E. Peuaaa in Cottiog's Drag Store. 52tf Coffins wood cloth and aetalic cas kets of the best grades and lowest prices. Intelligent care of the dead a specialty by F V Taylor. There will be a meeting of the local non-partisan league, next Tuesday eve ning at the office of Judge Trunkey at 8 p. a . A O Bkro, Prcs. The "King's Daughters" of the Baptist church will give an ic3 cream social Friday evening in the conrt house grove. All are cordial invited. If you want weaving done call on Wm. Huffman, Bed 'Cloud or leave orders at Cbas. Schaffait's. All kind of carpet weaving done on short no tice. There is one medicine that will core immediately. We refer to De Witt's Colic and Cholera Cure for all summer complaints. No delay' no disappointment, no failure. We sell it; C. L. Cotting, the Druggist. Aycr's Sarsaparilla by purifyiag and enriching the blood, improves the appetite aids the assimilative process, strengthen? the nerves, and invigor ates the system. It is, therefore, the best and most thoroughly reliable al ternative that can'bo found for old and young. Ayer's Hair Vigor restores color and vitality to weak and gray hair. Through its healing and cleansing qualities, it prevents the accumula tion of dandruff and ernes sll scalp diseases. The best hair-dressing ever made, and by far the most economi cal. (The members of Epworth League will give a musical and literary enter tainment at the 31. E. church next Tuesdsy evening, Aug 2G. Admiss ion ten cents. In addition, a cake and ice cream festival will be given in the -court house grove. Proceeds to go toward a new organ. Come all and enjoy an evening of pleasant en tertainment Methodist church. The pastor of this church being in nttendenoe at the camp meeting at Deweese. The pulpit was filled morning and evening by Mrs M E Roberts of Lincoln, in the morning she gave a brief, but interesting history of the origin and work done by the womans home missionary society of this church, and in connection there with the aims and objects of the "mothers jewels home" located at lone, iNebr. This m to be a national home for homeless children. The property they now have at York is all paid for, but a larger building is needed and over six thousand dollars is now in the trersuary for that purpose. The whole amount required is to be raised by the children and theit friends buying bricks at ten cents each. Mrs R topic for the evening was "christian courage," based upon Uods command to Joshua, "be strong and of a good cour age." Her words were very attentively listened to and deeply appreciated by the large audience present Oa Monday Mrs R organised a society of small children called "mothers jewels one of larger children known as, "home missionary band" and a "womans home missionary society" with twenty one charter members, all these societies were properly officered and instructed in the grand word and posibilitiea before them. JX X. DKUW.t. Tke aanualeoaveatioB of the later State Temperance Uaioa will he keld at Bokaaaa's Hall ia tke city of Lia cola, Nebraska, oa September 9, 1890, begiaiag at 10 o'clock a. a. Tkis coa veatioa will be a delegate aad aass coaveatioa. The convention is called for tke purpose of electing cmcers for the ensuing year; to take such action aa may be deemed best to aid ia earry iag the prohibitory aaendmeni to tke coBstitatioa of Nebraska and to trans act such other business as aay coae Before the ceaveatioB. The basis of delegate represeatatioa is aa follows: Each state shall be eatitled ta oae delegate for eack 50,600 iakakitaats tube selected by the viee-prerideat aad coirespoadiag seeetary of their re apeetive states, aad in addit'ou there to four of the elective esicrs of each etata taaperaace orgaaiaatioa shaU be by virtue of their ofiecs, delegates ta aay aeetiag af tke uaioa. Ia aiditwa to tke delegates aatker- uei.aa kepreeeat, all asrseas ia favor af tke adaatiea, af the Prakibitory Aasadacat to tka aoastitatiaa af Ne krfiars, axe eordially invited ta be pre sent atthisaeeting. Tke states eatitled to represeala ia tha .aaaveauaa are.iowa. PiiV --TFSBennnnnB-;- " .'-. . "--s5i;v" . ISVHHHHW ' " 73 - w. wn. . - mi, ' ff ?-. I5fi!": nf Jfe) O tl aar i. -" -- . b.alii.i..i. - 1-- r- - . . .- -- n : - -. -- - i . - -;--- ' "j.1 j . .. .vr .... -bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbi --- - a KBSSaf am aTlMJhaaot anTffni Wtkadfhasad of : BaaaVaas, ajyavmmBwmBsiy jaar rj-w g..-.. Jkz Mamammm .ftpSnnYwXeea? d?ht-TFrlor auBMrauafrjaamiwiaktBUBwa leawaal haaayHfc. r Mrs. Maria. Wifaoa, of Mika Wi aad froa earth to Thursday, Aug. ft, z w -- caaaad froa a ill ii i iliariass nT His stoaarii irnirn tt iedntadicaJakilL Mrs. Wihmmwas born J . -. : . . . n m im nnlehmr. VL. Man 9. VHV, BBQ was married October, 1858, aad here six years ago. Sbe was i imahl ladv. aavd. br her mtmim mA InWdlv nature aado her fthA trismA all who had the nlsasaro, of her acquaintance, aad her death will mum a vaeascv in bar household that timA an wit feolace. aad a arrief that mui not be nooneOed. She was a ber of the oongregational church of thin mtv ami wan m. true and oonmstentenna- tian lady. The grief atmcken husband and children have the sympathy of all in their greatest affliction. The funeral took place on Monday morning at Cowles at 9 o'clock in the presence of a huge concourse of friends and relations. The great exponent of free trade Hon. Roger Q Mills, will address the "unterri- nad" at Sunerior on the 36th. so it is stated, at the congressional convention nf democrats. We cant iust understand why the Colonel is imported to Nebraska as we nave men wno are equal ta we oc casion in Nebraska. Don't forget that the farmers and K. of L. wiU celebrate "Labor Day" on Sept 1, in this city. It will be a grand day and there will be a good many hundred people here. Good speakers will be here and a grand good time will be tne quenoe. Mayor's Pilaaaallaw. Whereas, it has been made known to me that dogs are afflicted with Hydro phobia and are running at large, thereby endangering the lives and property of our citizens. Therefore. I. A. S. Marsh, mayor of the city of Red Cloud, in accordance with ordinance do hereby proclaim that from and after Monday, August 25th, 1890, any and all dogs running at large with out a substantial muzzle fastened over the mouth, shall be shot by the city mar shal or officers under his charge. In witness whereof I have signed my name and caused the seal of said city to beamxed. Dated this August 19, 1KW. A. . Marsh, Mayor. Attest: Thomah J. Ward, City Clerk. Attheloat repablicaa coaveatioa of the 46th district, M. H. Warner received the uaanaaous support of the convention, aad was aomiaated oa the firs t formal ballot receiving the full vote of Adams and Webster counties. Praclausmtlo). WiiKRKAft, A joint resolution was adop ted by the legislature of the state of Ne braska, at tlie twenty-first session thereof and approved February 1Mb, A. J. !we, proposiBg an aiaemnaeni to tne constuu tion f said state, and that said anend- Bient shall read as follows to-wit: Section 1: Tliat at the general election to be held on the Tuesday succeeding the first Monday of Nov-mner, A. J). 1890, there "hall be submitted to the electors of this state for approval or re: JectJon an amendment to the constitution. of tills state in words as follows. MThe maacfactive, rale and keeping for sale of intoxicating llmiors as a leverage are for ever prohibited In this state, ad the legislature shall provide by law for the enforcement of this provision." And there shall also at mid election be separately submitted to the electors of this state for their approval or rejection aa amend ment to tho constitution of the state in words as follows: "The manufacture, sale aad keeping for sale of Intoxicating Ihiuors as a beverage shall be licensed and regulated brlaw. Section S: At such election, on lliebaf Iot of -each elector voting for ri proposed amendments to the constitution, snail be written or printed the words: "For pro posed amendment to tlie constitution, iro liibitiug tho manufacture, sale and kee ing for sale of iiitoxicatiug liquors as a beverage." or "Against the proposed amend ment to the constitution prohibiting tlie manufacture, sale and keeping for sale of in toxlcatiucliUrsasa beverage." There shall also lie written or printed nn the ballot of each elector voting for tlie proposed amendment to the constitu tion, the words: "For proposed amend mene to the constitution that tlie buuih: facture, sale and keepiug for sale of in toxleating liuuors as a lieverage in this state sliall be licensed or rerouted br law," or "Against said proposed amendment to the constitution that the manufacture, sale and keeping tor sale of intoxicating liquors as a beverage shall bo licensed aad regulated bylaw." HeClon 3: If cither of the said propos ed amendments shall be approved by a maiority of the electors voting at the said election, then it shall constitute section twenty seven 27J of article l of the constitution of this state. Therefore, I, John M. Thayer, Governer of the state of Prbraska, do hereby give notice in accordance with section one II article aftcen I5 of the consti tution and the provLslnns of the act en titled Maa act to provide the manner of nroposineall amendments to the constitution and submitting the same to the electors of the state." Approved February 13th, A. I. 1877 that said proposed amt-iiiiiint will bo sub mitted to the qualified voters of this state for approval or rejection at 'ho general election to be held on the 4th day l November, A. I). ISO. In witness whereof 1 hereunto set my hand, and cause to be affixed the great seal of the State of Nebraska. IHrne at Uncoln this JSth day of July, A. 1. 1890. ana the -Mth year of tho state, aad of the independence of tho United States the one hundred fifteenth. By the Kovernor. JOHN M . THAYER. ItKK JAMIH It. COWnKHIA, Seal. Secretary of State. Articles mT Aajrccaaeail. Made and entered Into this 6th day ef Jane ism by and between .t. w . mini, -fellas uarber, K. M. Marti". J. A. Tulle) s, K. B. Smith. K. b rwinB, n. r. .vizer. c;na. n. roiier, ana w. k. rbaney. witnesselh that the said parties have and do hereby aawetate themselves together pursuant to ana unuer an act at tne legmauire of the state of Nebraska entitled an act for the revising, consolidating awl preparinc a general code fur the territory of Nebraska approved Ja.iuray SUh, 1836 and the various acts amend atory of tlie same under the name ef the Nation al Watch Company of Bed Cloud Nebraska for tne purpose ot eagagiiig in the business of manufacturing aad selling watches and mater ial tor maaing waicnes, 1. The business of the corporation shall be that of manufacturingand eelling watches and material for making watches. 2. TheaaMmatofeapital stock of said cor poraUon shall lie $Mu.S9 aad shall insist af MM shares of $38, each. X The whole amount of the capital Keek of said company has been subscribed and the amount actually paid in is 90Cjno with f lLSMaa fallows: as per cent when the factory hnUdinr is complete and equiped with machinery aad TS per cent of the amount each month thereafter until the whole amount is fully paid ta. 4. The husiaess of aild eerperatten shaU he earried en U the city of Ked Cloud ia the coaaty of Webster and state ef Nebraska. S The board of durctors ot said company shaUcoasWof fve members all of whom f-haube stockkoMers of sad company aad for the rstyear ahaH he composed of the faUewmg named sea ceniiemeH: j. w. unra,- s. B. Smitb. YShlrey.K. M. Martin, and C. H. Fetter. illemen: K. s. Theiadeetedi ef said canmatiaa shan at aavtime exceed iffsaa w aae aawrti ef Its capital stack. 7. 8ad earMMwtlon ahaH ctraue ntaety aiae years snlesa sooner termtaawd aecerdiac tethebwsef the state of Nebraaka. laMMbBteay whereof taesaities hereto aab rrihd their semes and aax their seals re sptxhvc the day and year shove wilnka. J.W.Hardn?eal) K.J&'falj R-It.Fan,(8eal) MysmviBB tana, Kvmwaar uuacojy hoarse, oa an atWaavranuiaaiB .. ... . .... ,rl . - -. ...... - - - atwairmrw esesslnang waeream .Welmlar Alaaeaeye. nniuislaBi iU anmsry uM ia Uton and tar said ana he sBaa i ito . mwt er B-h sac a SSiSSSSmmStStSSu ' H.'-rT-V ssamay jjiiisaBj tsmi tiniaeeeansmea J. W. aa4fAwwHefseeaaarfeiofsec Saad Ut-S t-" t. "rr ipSSSfSLSlJfSSfh MKmaamMmmmtR01B&: fslewiafr K. B.WaKh,-t a FaOhm. B. rlfnaer. C. - an4aBf eeateniiorlaiBgd Waalsttew' jSmmZelSSTSnSTm WJTJMMmmmmBmMWV5m ! at lawr as-tcl BlCacv ha- 1 -mat Sat tat taaraaawfaa- uwaa- wtu 1 aT ,la W -, ""P. a".nae SSBH M SBBTalSlNaVBaaaaMBBBa lawMan; SP. Jias,"..af, fwa aa, aaa aa aw aaKaaaaaai. t a aaax. irnaMLJam Bana. a mr BaaaaBBai-BBBJBKBV aBMaiBiBvBl - 1B1y- -. . .... , tB?m-- gaS.. y.aiamay, nyXnssnm, asbbk a wC-aanfJaaBaaa SaaiaaaasaBaaMaBBaa ..-j-,--.. ."''.". ?. ..i?J msmmz . j. .--: . LM ft?- - tiim' A JZi-x-i z::'? dnvef sals, the Tka art aae mac Mi tax ef the year USf amst t rM-tccamd m the lam deed. .MOB. By . Beam. Ageac. ac A. M . W right ami Marker J. Shhiey I wH no tify yon that I hare mm-ehased from the coun ty treasater of Webster county. Neb., en the t4thdajrofOecemher,taM,a: nrVrate tax sale the folhmlBg described real estatejo-wit: The awUof thene?4-9ecS54wn 4-ragt, containing m acres assessed In the aamef of A, M. Wright aadMacker. J. Shlrler. and sold for the delin- qnent taxes of the year tag. amounting to 84.05. aad if not redeemed on the lh dar ef Decean ber.tSNi I will make application for a treasur er's tax deed. M. Bavw, By I rJaum, Agent. 03. A. M. Wright and hackey J. Shirley I will no tify you that I have purchased from the county treasurer ef Webster county. Neb., on th I4ih day of llecember,lsm,at private tix sale, the following deserit ed real estate to-wit :TTm nwU of the uwJi sec 2S-twn 4-nur 9. centaliiing-aJ ncresassesved in the names of A. M. Wrhtht aad Maekey J.Sbirley.andsoldferthe delimiuent taxes for the year 1887, amounting to S4.84 aad if not redeemed on the 14th day of December, isss, I will make application for a treasurer's tax deed. U. Baux. By L.Baum, Agent. S3 A. M. Wright and Maekey J. Shirley I will no tify you that I have purchased from the countv treasurer of Webster county, Xeb., on the 14th day of December, 1888. at private tax sale, the following described real estate to-wit TheswJ oftheneU sec 25-twa 4- rag 9. containing 40 acres assessed in the names or A. M. Wrh-ht and Maekey. J. Shirley, and sold for the delinquent taxes of the year 1887, amounting to $531 sad if not reoeemeu on ine mn say ot ueeemueri will make application for a treasurer's tax dead. M. rlAtix, By L. Baum. Agent. S2. Orlando Wickwlre and CMiver and Sylvester McCali, you are ncreny notised that on the 14th day ni necemncr, iws, tne undersigned, M Baum. purchasnl the following laud to-wit The ne 1-4 ot the nw 1-4 see 14 twn 1 rng It con taining 40 acrex. amount S&51, In Webster county, Weu., wuica land was taxed for the yea 18W in the name of Orlando Wickwlre. Hal land was purchased from the treasurer of Wei ster county. Neb., at private tax sale for the de linquent taxes inereon, tor tne saw yearig,. The time for redemption of said MM will ex- plre on tlie 14th day of December 1880. Unless aald land is leocemedoa or before the I4th dav ef December 18, the said M. Baum will apply to the treasurer of said Webster countv, Neb.. ior a new ui sain mimi. laieu Kei vioua Neb , this 1st day of Aug. 1830. M. IIacm By L. Baum, Agent. i F.n.Hmp. you arc hereby notlled that oa the 14th day of December 1888, the undersigned M. Batim. purchased the following Utwi tn.it- The swl-4 of sec twa 2 rag to containing to S4-lWacres, Amount SI2.88. in Webster county. Neb., which land was taxed for the year 1887 In the name of F. K. Gump, said land was pur- cnascu inn uw ucasurcr 01 fveosier COUCty Neb., at private tax sale for the dsllnnuent tax es thereon for tlie year 1887. ilie time for re demption of said land, will expire on the 14th of December 1890, the said M. Baum tri'l apply to the treasurer of Webster countv. Keb.for a deed of said land. Dated Ked Cl6ul Neb. this isi oar oi Aug. isw. ai. Baum. By L. Baum, Agent. t Orlando Wkkwire and Oliver and Sylvesteh McCali, you are lierey notified that on tbei. day of December lH, the undersigned M: Haum niorcnasca tne following land to-wit Tne wh oi iae nw n ami tne se 1-4 or the nw M 8e?J1i-;w.n ,?TOL " containing tasaeres. amount $8.71, in Webster county. jeb. which land was taxed for the year 1887. in the name of Orlando Wick wire. Said land wes purchased from the treasurer of Webster county. Ni-b at private tax sale for the delinquent taxes thereon, for tho said year 1887. The time for redemption of said land will expire on the 14th day of December 1890 and nnless said land is redeemed on or before the 14th day of Decem ber 1889 the said M. Kaum will apply to the treasurer of said Webster countv, Keb.for a deed or said land. Dated Red Cloud Neb. this 1st dav of Aug. mm. M. Baum, By L. Baum, Agent. Isabelle J. Jackson and Carl Ista Helton and others, you are hereby notlled that on the nth day ot December 188s the undersigned L. muni Purchased the following laiifT tn.wi. The sel-t of the tie 1-4 of sec 11 twn 4 rng 9 in wensiercouniy wen. which land was taxed for the year 1837 in the name of Isabello J. Jack son and Carlista Helton anl others. Tim ian.i was purchased from the treasurer of Webster county. Neb., at private lax sale for taxes de linquent thereon for the year 1887, containing 40 acres. The time for redemption of said land' will expire on December 12th, isoo, and tinle3 redeemed on or before the above date, the said I Baum will apply to tlie treasurer of said Webster county. Neb., for a deed of said land Amount S6.I5. Dated Red Cloud. Xeh.. thu i. day of Aug. 1800. i Baum. Isabelle J. .lackson. Carlista Helton an nti,. ers. you are hereby notified that on the 12th day or December 1888, the undersigned L. naum iNirrhased the fo)Iowincla"d tnwli? Tho &. u of the nel-tseclltwn 4 rng o. containing 49 acres in Welister countv-. Neb. Amount So. 19. which land was taxed for the vear 187 in the names of Isabelle .1 Jackson and Carlita. iioitAa and others. The land was purchased f.-om th treasurer of Webster county. Neb., at private tax sale for the taxes dcilnmiert ihonmi tm tho year 1887. The time for redemption wilt ex pire on Decemlier 13th 1880 and unless said land is redeemed on nr before the above date, the said I Baum will apply to the treasurer of said Webster count v. Neb., for advnt nf aiii iinH Dated at Red Cload, Neb.. Ang. 1st I8. L. BAUM, Issbelie J Jackson, Vtrlita Helton and oth ers, you are hereby notified that en tho 12th day of December, 1888, the undersigned, L. muun. purchased the following land towlt: The neM of tho ne 1-4 see it twn 4 rag 9 containing a acres in Webster county. Neb. Amount S7 35. Which land was taxed for the year 1887 in the names of Isabelic .1 Jackson, Carlista Helton and others. The laml was purchased from the treasurer of Webster county Neb., at private tax sale for the taxes delinquent thereon for tlie vear 1887. The time for redemption of said nn December l-ith. law aiut u. land will expire on ess saiu tanu is reticemeit on or before the above date, tlie said l Baum will apply to the treasurer of said Webster countv. Neb., for a deed of said land. Dated at Ked Cloud, Neb.. Aug. 1st 1890. L.MUM. Isabelle J Jackson, Carlista Helton and oth ers, you are hereby notified that oa the 12th dy if Decemlier. 188, tlie undersigned I,. naum purchased the following land towit : The sw 1-t of tlie nel-4 sec 11 twn 4 rng 9 containing IS .5rf2..,n . Webster countr. Neb, Amount 98.19. nhieh land was taxed for the year 1887 in the names of Ifabcilc J Jackson, Carlista Ilelton and otliers. The land was purchased from th treasurer of Webster enuntv. V4i t ----- - - - --- - private tax sale for the taxes flHinnu.nt tbMw. on for the year 1887. The time for redemption of said land will expire on December iStli, Imss, and unless said lsnd is redeemed on or before the above date the said L. naum will apply to the treasurer of the said Webster county. Neb for a deed of raid land. Dated at Bed load Neb.. Aug. 1st 1890. L HAUM lValic?e la IVwa-BlrsleleMt alaiafs. ?fem- Nancv K. Wells, Plaintiffs, 1 B. MatiIdaV(irice, Daniel U.Urice. 1 First National Bank I E. A. troUne leather exectrix. I e. b. urmsoy. trustee. 1 w.j. nowoen. Farmers & Merchants Bkg.Co, K. A. Handy. ,DfendaHts. Avery nanter Co. I Atdtman. MHIer ft Co. I AjL. Fauk assignee of Pariin, I Orendorf & Martin. j RK.Oimsby.tras-5,W. J. BowiIcn,K.A Handy. Avery Planter Co. and Aaltman. Mil' er Ceu. non-resideat defendants, yoa will take notice that on the Isth day ef August, ism. the Pteintiff herein aled her petition In the Dis trict eentt of Websier Coaaty, Neb., agaiast said defendants aad others, tlw object aad prayu-of which Is to foreclose a ejeWn mert IP executed by defeedaatsB. aMMils Grice aa4 Daniel U.Oricetc John Moore aadbyUm duly mtmii d to ptalntJg. upon the nw!i of see AtawMblps, rag 11, Webstet in lj. Ke the natment of for the smm of eras with tatcreat attached. Dated October 3d. MM, ! MTjble Oi Stilt r l.t ilbr tfca uerear. Teas mere fa new dee an netaaad mmm and mortgage, the mm ' . " T---fc w car waica man w,tn iste prays leraeecreetnat io par tee same. seMsmtmrrth Y are reaalrad to aaswr U erhefare Monday ae Stadayef Vvjtaaaaasaaak aaanaaaaBaaajBaja &VS. - -- M'.1 T-1 "B f . "T i?7J?i!'r??5?2:i.?i'r. S'fe' aaaBaafaaBa.aaaT aaaaaaa .V'' r: - -." -s-'"Tr v-,j--w-.- bbbbbbk i.r. Baatmna aaaaanv aaaaaBaaau . . , ?.,w,-. .-..-- mat !,,;-1. n ,m mmrttrT2&tU nKHAtwmM asa i.,ruii esnpBnaBssafsimhui . mmmmmg far aassi icWsaater aaaaif, Xg&2iESfmt2SS2 MeK saal ! W-laa. Msh MM ameasaana.asaTgrriaari was tanadli ana rear 1M7 in she aaae samara wbi wmtrn wpr; jtw jwi Atmmmm tairf.5v .T-. . ?.w,4a:Buunr' Bjsum,mmaissnts irL tsssc Aaaat. :' - & .; s.a.- tr. lleh.,M aeHate -. VraufcJavaaLI wH BaHr 'saaiBaalilhava pfBaaaaatasxaaa pmiiwartfismiaeHiwjajisiaM saaaaaakaaf.saiilaasl -TZISSEZrZEmmiBEZSZi SffiHp saamiswisT lrt sf ristrsr aa-swia sac a roaesuaaiaa or hafais ff If TffflT'frn veaTawaaswaaS M kaai. tMaaaw ma ieS7wJVaw QaaL Ksuc ef to9t0m.mljMm& Hi ITjT tsam. atjmaamrs .- a.Hwa - , - sr bbW a saaA aa ajasaaai MmJ Bwju.BaaB.juaaa. - a, ). TT fJai-rr BlskmnataiaT amt ataxia SMtlMtOBthe laaaajaar ww aaaamvsjf BSBBWaaamBsaBBfarw aaaaj waarjuh w r p I wW tifyyae tm I asjM paiawp ipfmtte laat, ska BBiwsiaasi aas Mfh nr of Drecc.MW.atatraMtax amaaaVaTaaaTaata)atfavl?fl.V MaaaaVL laVWKt swCVajat aaBaBjaaaaai aws aava amaawsjm i srssaw wv anaaaa aaaaskaaai saTaaaj uawHWyaaaaaj, aaaaa aj laaw aaaajBBBaBraja aMKtoMLa.aa41f aamT aa aJasBafaaasBw aaaa aWaaaaan iraaanrers tax rent ptainua actwlae m MaxctK.Wsixs. Chris ntealre ana AacM L rank: Tee are By Kaley barker. Ally 's. In uhjr aaiajhwttlaMtawtho ism day of Diutm mm . mm ammm ibm tArf m Jk.. ma BeessmsxSBne. aaeanaarmvs i- - . ;-. - fi " r -. - - &: . w -a- w . . A: ;. . ama-r-J. .!.-- A - J y zm.m m -iaavBaaraaaMisMyiaaL "-- T-T-T3-rg?T- . jmP....j - - - . .. i tk. ajaaK I.- im sawwMaj awMaamtha 8M 4,twa.S, nff, ef W tax sale Isr tara, ae ferisar. The time fer wM expire De Amri slate the aaaly for aeeedef Datai Ainjnet 11, lSBB, at Rei aLBar-t leant. S MUler: Toa are herehy eeti- lttii deyef . ItLiaaa the feaen lag Mna tawM; Fart swjtf ef he swef see.at, twn 2, res; 11, eentain- X seres, a Webster eoenty. Noh. tain ma. Whieh land waa taxed for the year 1887, ha the anmeof Jaeeb L. The mad was nnrehssei of the tienanrer ef Webster eoanty, Neb., nt pri vate .tax sal, for taxes Minqneat there on, for the year 1887. The time for re- emptiea of ssid tana wiH eznire Decem ber 14th, 1 WO, aad a-leas said land is re deemed on or before the shore date, the i. aid If. Beam wD! apply for a deed of said land. Dated Angsst 11, 1H90, at Red Cloud, Neb. M. Baum, Bj L. Basra, Agent s Bed Cwnd Milliiur Co., Red Cload Nat ional Bank aad H. C. Scott receiver: Yon are hereby notif ed that oa the 14th day of December, 1888, the nndersijfned M. Baum pnrehased the following land towit: Part of lot 8, see 10, twn 1, tog 11, eon Mining 12 30 100 acres in Webster eoanty, neb. Which land was taxed for the year 1886 and 1887, in the name of the Red Cloud Milling co. The land was parches ed from the treasurer of Webster coaaty, aebw at private tax sale, for taxea delin qnent thereon, for the years 1886 and 1887 amounting to 3 84 KM). The time for redemption of aid land will expire on December 14th, 1890, and nnleas redeemed on or before the above date, the said M. Banm will apply to the treasurer of Web ster county, aeb., for a deed of said land. Dated August 11, 18110, at Red Cloud, eh. m. Baum, By L. Banm, Agent. 3 Gardner m. storey: Yon are hereby no tilled that oa the 14th day of December, 1888, the undersigned at Banm purchased the following land towit: Tho snd,hrided n of the ne, of the se if of see i, twn 4, rag 10, containing SO acres in Webster eoanty, neb., whieh land was taxed for the year 1887, in the name of Gardner x. orey. The hind was pnrehased from the treasurer of Webster, neb., at private tax sale for the taxes, aeliaqnent thereon for the year 1887. Amount $3 64 loo. The time for redemption of aid land will expire on December 14th, 1890, and nnless redeemed on or before the above shite, the said at Banm will apply for a deed ot said landx Dated August 11th, at Red Cload, neb. V f. Bauds, By L. Beam, Agent. 3 Thadcus Arnold: Yon are hereby noti fled thaWOB the 14th day o? December, 1888, the undersigned It Baum pnrehased the following land towit: The ne 1 4 of the se 1 4, see 2, twn 3, rng 10, cont siting 40 acres in Webster county, neb., amount ing to fa 72 100, whieh land was taxed for the year 1887 in the name of Thadens Arnold v The land was pnrehased from the trees arer of Webster county, neb., at privateilax sale, for the taxes delinquent thereon, for the year 1887. The time for redemption of ssid land will expire De eember 14th, 1890, ane unless said land is redeemed on or before ths shore date, the said at Banm will apply for a deed of said land. Dated Angust 11th, 1890, at Red Cload, sfeb. K, Baum, By L. Banm, Agent. 3 Thadens Arnold: Yon are hereby no.i tied that on the 14th day of December, 1888, the undersigned X Banm purchased the following land towit: The nw 1 4 of the se 1 4, see 2, twn 3, rng 10, eontaining 40 acres in Webster eonnty, neb., amonnt ing to 6 4 100, which land was taxed for the year 1887 in the name of Thadens Arnold. ThJ land was purchased from thetreasarerof Webster county, ash., at private tax sale for the taxes delinquent thereon, for the year 1887. The time for redemption of said land will expire on De eember 14th, 1890, and anises redeemed on or before the above date the said M. Banm will apply for a deed of said land . Dated August 11th, 1890. at Red cloud, Neb. M. Baum, By L. Banm, Agent. 3 Thadens Arnold: Yon are hereby noti fied that on the 14th day of December, 1888 the undersigned M. Banm pnrehased the following land towit: Thesw 1 4 of the se 1 4 see 2, twn 3, rng 10, eontaining 40 aeres in Webster eonnty, Neb., smonut ing to 6 4 100, whieh land waa taxed for the year 1887, in tho name of Thadens Ar nold. The land was pnrehased from the treasurer of Webster eoanty, Neb., at pri Tate tax sale for the taxes delinquent thereon for ths year 1887. The time for redemption of said land will expire Decern ber 14th, 1890, and nnless redeemed on or before that date the said M. Banm will apply for a deed of said land. Dated Ang wit 11th, 1890. af . Back, By L. Banm Aent. 3 Thadens Arnold: Yon ar hereby notiled that on the 14th day of December. Iw. tlie un dersigned M Baum purchased the following land towlt: The se 1-4 'of the se 1-4 sec 2 twn 3 rng le containing 48 acres in Webster eonnty. Neb., amounting to S8 4S-1SS. which land was taxed for the year 1887, In the name of Tharie is Arnold. The land was mrrhaaed from the treasurer or Webster county. Neb., at private fax sale fer the taxes deliaiuent thereon for the year 1887. The lime for ri-:emption of said land will evpire Deremlterl4tb, tsaiand unles redeemed on or l-efore that date tlie said M. Banm w i:l apply for a deed of said land. Dated AllCUSt II. 18M. M. UAt'M. By L. Baum Ageat, 3 Harah Jane Bailer: Yon are herehy notified that on the 14th day ef December. 18. the un dersigned M. Rama iwn-hased th- following land towlt: Part of the ne 1-4 of thesw 1-4 sec 2 twn 1 rng II coutainlag.S acre ia ajehster emiBty. Neb,, amc iMtlBg to S4 44-MS, which land was taxed for the year D7 la the name of Xaran Jaae nailer. The land was purchased from the treasurer of Webster eouaty. Neb., at private tax sale for the taxes drllnneent thereon, for the year ia7. The time for redemption will ex pire December Itth. 18SS. aad antes redeemed en er before that da e the said M. naam will ar- pryioraneeeei sara hum. ueieu August 11, 18SS. M. KAUM. ny L naum. Agent, Sarah ARor4cieaaedH L Maefcias: Tea are hereby noUSed tses en the 14th day ef Decem lier. last, the uedetssraed W laam pnrehased the fellewlng Uad towit. The a 1-2 af the ne i-i see 3 twn x rng w eeniataiag si js-mb acres la Webstar eoeatr. oeety, Nebr, wniea iaed was taxed for the year IST7 hi the ef Sarah A Hob- kins. taid land waa mtrrhased from the nreref Webster ceeaty, Neb., at ptivate tax sale fer the taxes delMHnteat thereon for the yea- iwr. aamertleg tea ss-Ma ihe thee for redemption ef aaid land wiU expire Iecember 14th lsa,aed wales redeemed se or before that date the said M mum will apply fer a deed ef aid least. Dated August ll.iwe. M ravm. ayLBeum,Axeet. Catherine. Henry and James weCumaH W E Jaekeaa AcwtaMrater Veaare here V a aae lea dav ef Decern towit.' LaC aeel2twalrsaTMeen- U'aiac a acres In Weseter eeeaty. Keb, wMrh Iaadwataxe4fatjaywiew ta taeaaaseof framthetnaaweer of Wceater eaarty. Ne. a BriTsaaaxsste far the taxes daMaaaest there ea far the year aw anameatas; to a ta-na. ihe taae fer rt iimatiin of mU med HI -Btre ea Dxuaiber I em. tsa, aad ithw re deeafdeaerBajarenta(daetBesaMl at seem wttaeary fara tax deed of aaM husd. Dated ABBBatll. ISSS. Ji RAVM. ay bnaem. Agent. s -- m a-w-a ?aBBBBaiaBl BBplT BBBBBBVfaaBBBBBK BBKaBBBL BBBiaBrBK. BraBBTTK aBBI HBBk BBi BB1 Bl BB1 mt Am B Maf tho StMw'iaf these M awdfara. pb m as aar m iwa x. reg 1 1 eaaaj In Weantareaaaa. U aBfk ..M. . ."i .. ...-. ..w BHxaai aar aaa lair lbvt- ia wawawsac neM mad rem Mm asmnm of 1 at private at sale fer thniisn far taeyear in; Me. The thee for redtmi as weeefer eaeet the taxea lef rrdemaHoaofsaid U enajw inssman mm. wssiand uw ess that data the saM M. efSBM laJtaL rtaftMl - . . wm 11.MBBV w ..A aaaa, agews. Craach and lfsnrv v Adetihistralm: You are hrhv ftid thstrnj tke 14th 4ar of Decei laai tke noilersigned u. ILtura rnseea the foUowiag land towit: w it of the ra 1-4 sec 30, ta 3. iv. eoiiiaiatrtf 40 acres ia Wei coaaty, Ifeb.. whieh land was Uxt Uta year 1887 in the name of tTouch. 8nid land wis pnrciia iroea ne treasurer ot Webster cow et at private tax sale for the 1 ae'iaqueat thereon lor the year II amounting o U5 31-100. The time redemption ofnid land will expire vecemner 14, iaw, and nnless deemed on or before that date M. Baum will apply for a deed of 1 lanil. Dated Aueust 11, 1890. M.BaumJ ISy L ifatum, Agent. Pracla tlSMS. Whrkbas. A joint resolution vras ten ny tne ieguiaturr f the tatr of : nraua, ac tne tweniy-Drst sesslou titer ami approved aiarch aotli. A. D. is proposing an amendment to Srtiou II teen (Mi of Article Mix ) or the on tutlnn of said stale; that vi.t vtlon ameiHiea Man rru as lollows. Uvwlt .-ectlonl: That section thirteen (ia of tide six (S) or the constitution of the Nt of Nebraska be amended mi as to read as I lows: Section ,i: Tlie Julees of thi Mipn-: court shall each r.reive a salary ot tl ty-flve huiidml dollars I ," I jir aim n i" JHiiKCS oi ine ilisltlct rou slum receive a s-Uao' of three thui Hiiii noiiars ij.huj per an mini, ai tne vi wry or earn nUall lv iaut!ei tcrly. hecUon 2: 1-ich rson votlna In fi vr or Hits atiicudiiu-i.t lmH have t ten oi printed uon this tullot the follow ing: "ror the proposal aiurnliuent to th roiiMiitiuon. reiaiiH 10 ine viiarr o juilges of the supreme a-d itlstrlo coiirt." Tlierefore, I, John M. Taayer. pv ernor of the state of Nebraska, do hereby give notice, in accordance with section oue 11 article rlfleeii 111 ol tlie constitution, and Mm provisions of an acteutitled: "An act to provide the manner o? proposing all amendments to tin con stitution and submitting the same to the electors of the state." Apprmnl Febru ary 13th, A. I. , lsTT. that said rrnpootl ameudment will le submitted U theiual- ined voters of this statu for approval or rejection, at the p'Ueral election to tv held on the llth day ot Novcmler, A. I. 18A). In witness whertsif I hove hereunto set my hand and canted to be afrixed the great seal of the state ol Xeliraka Done at Unrolii, this -jcth day of Julv A. D. lHt, and the twenty-rourlh year of ine Maie, ana oi ine imueiMience ot the United States tlie one bundled ntlis-nth. By the ;overner. JOHN M. rilAYKK. HKjMAMUf K.Cownaav, Hrat. Secretary of State. t-am 5iallcc. To whom it may concern : The special commissionex npiointHl to view nnd report unon a certain icti tion duly sijftieil anu fileil with thecoun tywlerkof said county, asking thnt a certain public road bo located an follows: Commencing at tho south went corner of section one (1) town one (1) rango eleven (11) west of sixth () principal meridian, in Webster county, Nebraska, and running thence east on said section line &j90 feet var. 12 :U)-lU)feetto the lie- Eublicnn river in said Webster county No raska, hns reportcsl favorably uiwii tho opening of saidroad. All objections thereto or claims for damages must bo filed in the ofltce of the county clerk of said county on or before- noon of Thurs day the 9th day of October A I) 1890, or said road will be established without re ference thereto. Dated, this 8th day of August A D 189D. ,4 II. D. ItA.NXKY, County Clerk. e)flrc. Hamilton Loan & Trust Co., plaintiff. vs. Dallas P. Newcomer and Iowa New comer, Defendants. Dallus P. Newcomer and Iowa New comer will take notice thnt on the 4th, day of August 1890, the plaintiff herein fileil its petition in the district court of Webster county, Nebraska, sgairmt the above named defendant, tho object and prayer of which are to fordone a certain mortgage executed by tho said defendant to tho plaintiff upon tho hoiitli half of section eleven (11) town three (.'() range ten (10) west. To Kccure tho payment of ten certain promissory note dnkd September 127th 1889 for the sum of six teen dollars each and duo and livable C, 12, 18, 21. :i0. :, 42, 48, 51, and Ol months and .1 days after date respectively, and there is now duo and payable upon said notes and mortgage tho sum of ?10 with ten per cent interest from April 1st 1890, and plaintiff prays that said prem ises may be decreed to be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said iti tion on or before the 22d day of Septem ber 1890. Dated, August 7th, 1890. ILuiit.Tox Loax dc Trust Co. By Hart man A Dryden, its attorneys. IU LrcaM illcr. In the district eosrt of Webster county, Nebraska: Albert C. Baraham, Lysaoder W. Tnllejs aadJameaN. Brown, (copartners as Baraham, Talleys sad Company, plain tiffs, vs. Caroline E. Clark. Rufoa K. Clark, Madison Ktaley and I. W. Tulleys, Trustee, de fendants, MOTtcx to son aaniDKNT DsrsnxAHT. To Madison Blaley, non resident defend ent: Yon are hereby notified that there is now on ftls in the office of the clerk of the district eoart in aad for Webstar Co.. Nebraska, the petition of the above named plaintiffs claiming of the defendants above named the foreckware of a mortg age dated September 1st. DJ86, to seeer peymeat of promissory notes in the seat of $300 made by Caroline E and Rafaa K. Clarke to the plaintiffs oa the- sec tion 21, township oae, north range 9 west of the ath p. m., ia Webster coaaty. Nob, upon which mortgage there is now dec flsO with, 2.V) taxes, $30 attorneys fees provided by said mortgage aad eosta. Yen are else notiled that there is on Me ia the oatee of the clerk of said eoart the cross petition ia Mid cease of L. W. Tal leys, trustee, etaimiag against the pUia tiffsaadhtaeedvfeBdaata.tho foreetoeere at mat eeed given by said Caroline E aad BsfasK Dark to L. W. TaUeye, tnmtee.te secure payment oia eoapea bond in the earn ef fioaa dta8eptember 1st. 1e, to Clarenee K. Heaea, apoa whieh there k sewdaetheeaas ef $31S, witk iataeest at 10 per eext from Bepteaher 1, lt1; aaid treat seed eenvres fer eke above stated the property aeen Said ereea pctiUee also etaime $M at- a fees, provided a Mia eeswl sad lead fz.eofor extsadiag aeetrasi ef tiatoasMleeetoef aeit. YeearareaaiiW to appearand a-r acid petities) and ereea pststien ea er be fere Monday the 1Mb day ef Beptcaibar. lsaa Deaed Aegeet 54k. laa. aUJKNaUaf, TTJLLEY8 k. CO. L. W.ToBv.T A, Creeeet, Set C-A r : iv ft. iit -Ji- -.i t' . SMteef ttHafar. .-?. ...- -. y.-jiL iO 7 t-o-FJT: cjirM t- ijS s irBr c vi;t-- S-CIj1- ay fr-A'' v-fl-is m . a-tm. M. BBasmBaBBBBnanBBBaaaaBaMaap ifei, sCirimn Am .C J 1WV a. -a.1 iatiL -"-7"' .TI .. '.- nC T. UW- .'Tii -r JJS. -V v "I - " ' -J-" .-. c- . jt'BbVBbl .-rC-trv .aaB." -T a . t cxs t . ' - ,- anT53.r'5--aW"J'1 . laIYiLi.-1- 'laaaii' 101115 taaraaj .JT.r3pvaa-, . aaanji mm'A-m- ' Ja? -. QaaaafMlkm fflMnl fj VMS afmit ; aaa aaanc aja -- mm a, a. .as x -t- r - " r a-.-a. - aam ' aai aa " , . rf - 5 i i -wy . atjtBBaf 1 BWB K)IVEl.v Lower than aiiy Fort Abstract lu U. TORT, Naacurtr. $ liUaveiat 1 to all LaMHk iu WrbeW County, Aix:uniUly faxl u ettuKr ,m aae truaaauv aeeaMMruvadu A mjaleit had tea year h. atrarteaeaam AM 8 L. II. FORT rty Livery , Feed I McAVOY & irst-class Rigs ardihir bv unv or week, crond liav'nnd dA 3 O J J ---j- ...v. .wvu for teams. Come and see us. ED CLCtJDt - NEBRASKA. NEBRASKA & KANSAS. ABM LOAN CO., 5 1 PAID UP aiPJ'JJLJoO,000. NKNKY LOAMKbl !!2? ?m im ra.ka And eiT m apprwrcM jr ffed Cloud, Nob. FnncirJ i iARNER & I PROPitiSTORS or all Tifc m a w af e . Jowt received our ftu a Cafton made pior bikkj for 1.S5, btwt over I went out of led CIoimI for the ilouey v sse a ladies iaa 4aacol,ahutteB shee, also ia feat for 1.75. Kvert aanaatee. Fer thiWrea's sheca we hare the atanlsrd hrakJ Little Giant aad abo the Wavcrljr etkwl aaae. The are tka beet ia the world,, Kismine our stock Imfara aareksata4feewBere. V. KKKrH YMK In B Sty at prices that urniture in want of anythnj in his line MMi 5h Uoo i mm- SfMh toun -in OUCaW ITeVeJA rra as Cothp Klesaeti D. inotfle. .rt Real )AX Bf '-JX. . . 3&3F -f -JV-7 vasr laTT ia auanara r-, ?3 ittK fss c jg'aF- 1 r--- -.... vt - . ,.i r lafJLrli'lli'j?:" 2X"-'-. t----: ii"J 5- ' " . 3- v tt ? -C5: A . ',' yird in the worid Co., Red Clowd, ! Tlileal xiuriUK. BMM tHr4wt f A " Mivtrs WHSnl ' Masuuib, Ked Cteaw, Nek and Sale Stab, '-. a :aalManjfAaaw. bmb sjaaaa p j ' .i-. - w.. ,. 'aaaaajp Mia. raaa, ' mmXWrt- mW MaB aaaBaal'' aaaaal' "! aajajBaBBt aaaaaBB RIPPLE, Props, and Good Teams. JJ. ATOTIT, 1las.PraMeal ' esaasBMaw a a mVVBT4BasVaweVv Kansda. Monet famished m btmo tl aaa intereet payahlc ia Keel a,lti.i AlfMtny, Nw York. WOLFANGEl?, large ntock of Spring (toad & riiiaNT l.lNXfr jAl can afford to buy Z Mile T. H t Patent - C x o j- ForMi by O. Tsa OaMjaf, ? ate sjrxmmmm vmjk im,- m m m Ammm. aam BBaafaBBa l' .JsaaWawal "aaaaaV aaaaaaaaaaamaaW Baaaaaaaar LLLLLLw a " amaraaw maaaaamaw aal-aaT amaaaaT YbbT bbbI aaiBBBaaBBai 'mmmmmmw: " WBBBaBBBBaaVBaBBaBBaKBBB FaaaBBaBBaBBBBja. WI "Pic. .1 naar : BfTUMt, ' ;Vj"eaaafj' Mb mmM - --s aaaaaHBBSaaiataMSaBMWMaeaaa S t -v LaawvaraWaaM V ' :'J aaafateanaanlBBmt ff'mfA KSSKjBBwaf- .""- BaaaaaBBBWiTaBaBBBrBBaTBBaaB t - BBBBBBBBBBBawKaaaV aVBaWaaMeaVaBa aTaeatgaTaaaesjjrsat . 5 .$. : - TsamwessssssmaBi-r: . - i aaknBBkaaaaBBBaBaaBaBBBB.--a4V;3 . -". Z aaaaja MaafyaaaaaFx - InUplnaflaaa'InttnaW ;''y 'aaaaBweMaaiaa Ktf v'-. -. 'M tseamr 1at4 W K n r V . MM.J- 1FT. . BBV . -. . BBBBBBB1 mV - v? .t , .- - ajaBPFeneaV aaaaaaBBBBBBBjBBT Ti m " J Si- ' BH . l abrj BBBBBhV- &A 1 a l. V. ' -. "g$ig4jy - '-H&.- i ' "R- -:- -j EsatttaFl