SgiZ , V iSK Si rT :Z ;- it -;- -V-fTr.;sil:-T:'ifit's5--.l. . ' r-5w. Cf 5 f "- " " .Vl IT" r 1j . -. -&?-,r. f s .i iwwiMwiiwwr??:a sarer' jew j .leav si , -?-s? a-----------------------------------------------. . li i , ... ,..--. -mc ------------------------- . - ..-....- .. ,. ... . - ..jTsm-- -saVT.-;:4fiVy2: " gfTaVftTTaiwATT? "rdSlmtmWKPmmmWmmWmummmmmmmmmT aMSSSfaVTy.:-: . r -tscSCAwI nam muBxmKvmsnBjBBBBnmuBBBgBBBBBBBBnsB ssT-r' -v JC-HL3T-&f max mamaY mnsBnjsBjssmmmnsBBsnjsmmmcmmmmiannnns - .-.. -' - . jMrw.2..i9i? . sjp. r3T BBmnrK3asswnnmsaaansaaannaaaaiaaaaK gg"ffPllflllPk . s&$ - --.. . .reS"!g t, . . Si-af v, ,i t,, mi ,ifcBy,, , ""- liiiii--- r"T ' InniiOi m Dsmsaratte state eaavea ?! -'OSaMHBiMlL SHKMHCA. ."c. . : LjSBg ImBMtmeatfatBwUailedBtefaiiteete rjgwgW!!?y'!llffg- T ; j-!r--i4vg.-.. r. '.. , n . . ammnammmje - , gill Eun'i 11 lion! it asw H mt ne ip M-iiawimTiiiMWipw -i.,i .. - miil''f TTVy .1 I ...I jrawiiMUiiHwriiwi eosseesa see - ... a-as'V .;v '"' " '''- .eeaeataS!RB;Tmmur j.. -"r-: ."L1 . - .- I $&&?- V5 cuwMEimjpblMiEHT. ' " ttOtMMMiMr ? Mh coMiimMt aw-aa-sea at arSSffiaar-'fSsS ;-:.-RW.e .. mm" v ,- . c.--- - .. :, temiMMwrttew-. iim doty Hmi IX, aaaes to 1wUmmimm aM.-ttnit ;:. lmmmlsi - mm. tMNnrr etelrma. H . - - . T4w. tI tm tk tmrmMt rVam .? "JP" "T-T'"1'''"1. fi!!'"--!KS2 5ilab. 52252- fAMii Onnr. Ma.. A l Ml Miriri A5T TB'WOIM AtlftBtte nUW9f "-.T T . . "? "" ? y. .:r.ITZZ-iwIL:i--:wii '. fWOyWMI UmwU... It.71.U FMMft . " . 1- . . wim. ------ -- - i riar Mfcinfc fc BAia. ww i-nui twww.. , '.humh mwhtk Amaw. ' .. ' i . - - laaiaafarv.aBa MMitnBMimtoCkioMO. ;' Mjeiwtgi!Mfifc!iirif ,-jy - 7 : . TT-. TgTgg; if!C?"A?ffl'BS KES: :!tsr: MiaMi i T-Vi" "T. "TT - i )' mmtm mtmwm. -r- " - -: . - "i z ..7?V ..-- - - ".M . kMMVJfJCUlM HIM ! ! laill ai KK I ..: A . ' ---.T- H TTMIliB " J ' BBILHB MKW IBTIB 'V.iMBWMl -. -JVKjiiBV M 4V MVnVHZ. - I ' --. "-. . A. -A I Iftmia liaas kava of ta laa fraWat ntM to iffataa, toaaaSafitira JmtwAi. 8aaakrit at taa Wilaoa CoUaca, BMaaay. haa iertakea to caeck tke Tlgoreaa Ialiaa oraajaat tor iaataviag araataa'a atatas bylectariaf agataat "faiale edaeattoa aal social reforau. Iuxiax Noktov, "Ma Nordka, the opera aiagar, baa broagat aait agaiast Georga Lewis Gowar, brotaarof Fra A, Gower, aat lato'aasaaaa, to re ooTer SltHtft wafek she elaiau beloags to aar aasbaad's estate. Evkbt passeager eoadaetor oa tke LoaisTille. St Loais A Texas road has beea diMBissed aad the places of the discharged ea have beea filled by pro aaotiag freight ooadactora Uo ezplaaa tloa has beea aiade by the offcials ef theliae. It is expected that the Treasary De parteoeat will sooa hare om haad a sap ply of the saw silver motes of each de BominaUoa of from $1 to 91,et saS cieat to meet all reasoaable demands, aad they will be promptly distribated to the sab-treasurers. Thr solicitor of Mrs. OTShea, ia tbe O'Shea-Paraell divorce salt; has with drawa from the case. This is the second time that Mrs. O'Shea has lost her legal support The withdrawal is said to be due to Mrs. O'Shea's persistent refusal to bring a cross suit against O'Shea. Nrws has beea received of the death of Warren J. Harris aad Fraak Gates, missionaries at Sierra Leoae, Africa, of fever, July 9. Harris was a sob of Gea eral Harris, of Augusta, Me., and their departure from St Paul, Mine., last winter for Africa was widely noted. Both were young men. Tin House Committee oa Indian Af fairs has.ordered favorable reports upon bills to ratify aad ooafirat agreemeats made ia May aad Jane last with the Sac aad Fox Indians and tbe Iowa tribe of Indians ia the Territory of Oklahoma, fcand also directing the payment to EL W. Ayers of 623,016 out of the Chickasaw Iadian trust fund. Tiie collector of customs at New York has been instructed to extend the usual courtesies in the passage of persoaal baggage to the Comte de Paris and .his son. the Due d'Orleans, upon their ar rival about the end of next month. This action is based upon the 'feallant services of tho Comto de Paris during the war of tho rebellion." A census of wolvos has been taken in Russia. They amount to 170,000, accord ing to tbe enumerators. They commit great havoc among the sheep and pigs,' and during tbe past year 203 human be ings have been devoured by thorn. The prico of a wolfs head is fixed by the Government at 10 roubles. About 80, 000 of them were killed last year. In England, out of 12,000 certificated masters ia elementary schools last year 9,000 received more than $500 a year, 1,500 between $1,000 aad $2,000. Many have residences provided. Of 16,000 cer tificated ladles 4.000 receive $500. Still there are many receiving very small sums; 28,000 receive less than $500 a year; 18.000 less than $375 a year, and 13,000 about $250 a year: Tub recent rebellious condition of several of tho English crack military organizations is discovered by official inquiry to have been -inspired by Social ists, who ia considerable numbers have obtalaed aa entrance into the ranks of the homo regiments and made many converts among the men with whom they became associated. The discon tent is spreading and constantly making itself maaifest ia unexpected quarters. A VTSPATcn from La Libertad says: Negotiations ia favor of peace are pro groaslag and aa honorable solution of the problem for Salvador is expected. Salvaderiaa troops are holdiag their positions ready to march oa Guatemala at a momeat's aotice. Hoaduraa, Nic aragua aad Costa Rica have not yet recognized Geaeral Ezeta's government bat it is expected that they will do so ia a few days. Negotiations to that ead are ia progress. D. B. MAnxm, geaeral passenger ,ageatof the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chi cago 4b 8t Louis railway, has beea ar rested oa a charge made by tbe later State Commerce Commission of a viola tioa of law. The charge is that for the purpose of iaf aeaciag a party of teach ers to go to the Natioaal Edacatioaal ooaveatioa at Saa Fraaclaoo over the road he represented he gave free traasportatioa to L. W. Day. superia teadeat of the Cleveland (a) schools, and to Mr. aad Mrs. N. G Stewart, also of Cleveland. Captaik Ebskikk of the steamer St PAaL which has arrived fromOaaalaska aays Victoria poachers this year have secured aa,aso seal sidas. ia coase- qaeace the North Americaa Commercial Company which leases the seal rookeries from the Goverameat finds its take this year reicad-a&.S?C'Jls. "It is merely of aO years, said he, "whea the seals will aaemae extiact' It was reported at Oaaalaskn that there were flfty-three aoaehhsg vessels at "Saad Polatea their way to Besrlag asa. So far set a Wagfe attempt has heea' mUe ahe coatrahaad bed to the faas,Bat oa of a ttua. JtaaT Aaato Cutaiaj sUattor of the Ute BeywardCiitarB ia tomarrr.B r. taeao aility ef Balaav MiesCaUiag is al ia' pi eaattoM aad wf, Bareae -aa aha is ia Hew TafataaWWaalaMB.lsBt .r.-----.- ---';. aekaowledged at aerhosae,- Her , fatare -g-x---- t-" - f tk SA1 izrr Tb?z? t iia aaoat mm f oraMi wan ehafrsaaerAmerican sairaasaas -fa haahaad, . -i i -- --.M ; --i. -" !'. ,'HPB,MP"J5is ?"1"r1 NATiraa e( Taa eae of the Careliae yia- iarayT "stnsnaraf aa' toaaratitd saaaaaaaaaaaaj aaaajBBnaanjBj SBmaanaaaamjapm saaapsv- wmenavem slAaanBnaBsama'.aanf ' 'fjama'Pt SsaMmamfsBBaBT aaMBatsBBBBBBB "VfsBWaayMBBsVeTaw w " mmbw1 . OffpvTsTaBvVam . KTsTStuPfPaa waiah was at work eattiag weadjsla aad toiaaveavea ! II ii iHll f - .-. - .. .i - j--y.-.-r..v?--. .. : - "T "?"?? smsmw-ns, mtsi 1 1 siiii,iw. wmr sa passiwr .OtUlty, AaV, XwOMUT. SRRSf IRlSSIRgslS CC 1IWH JaaSasbM mm ersma - '- - 'OMaAav . - i - mm ,, r. . .. '. ' . a - ' u. - ii t - "- - " -"- -.-- r.'.-- viV - .. - i . m Z i. . ." - i. ... -2 a mmm ma.-a- mi .. ,a . - . 1 . - Z J : . .C aBBBBBBBl LaBBBBaBBBBt-BlBBBBBBBBa. BBBBBBBBB BW K BbbbbbbbbbBbbbbbbb- BbbBW v BH BbBBBW SBBBBf SBmBBBBBBISBBBBBBm BBBSBm BBaBBBBBBBBBBa. k BmakJSakaSBl a---. aaBtamkSlaSB baBBm ST BBmS.Ski SBBW BVXaBkai aBkaBKaBS BBBB BVSBBBB BBBBiaBk BBW aSBBVSBkmaBSki bbbBbBSBbBI BBBBB B BMW SI -aBBSBaBB. Bmamm .aBkaaaaal aB . 1T B1 7 - af B1 - . r rJi"--r7-4EZ: ' n-"m'" "--" .rm- PS" msna, -sas, r.u - aw wmattmmwm - -- V--J - masa sa am m. swiy mj ytmrs sjssv. Omvin taKlfH R dHteMSasT fe ffiltmffnt wS-S!! T nSaarivweissby ri;iiigg of 'Tmaw was resismtly,Mvic tssav ttsrmeTcaZI'tiw jjjjt gj !L5. -MtVin7i V JJjJ t ?efjil"iSSy- ysmd te reogniae Kaeta m Prrtetemsl ?cratni biiljiimi imJay daw sasamMt - asnA'aJassat !&. "yAVm'l? iy SSiTSRtSmmMmm Smimjr"om ... .:.miNMwNwr tmiiwi ! la, int immm -waafcii maw -gy'Vfaacs1 gsayyasa i:rr',.r":-T-J w t T IdMMMMitMlk BaAdrvCtarKaaL Th ifia.. Mai.Au jrf a. Kimm MT'T''mX irC SSZSa I , .awar " " I Ommm. - - " , -.'., --T T 4OT mMWmmm WWVIWmVVa aaas. ayaayv A-aaBaVaaj a vaaaaaaaaaMjajF'.i flPraamvi f - : laaaatwaa-FaarMa la timur mwf . S. - 'laaiant'ii ''"ll'lflwr " um MiM m ' ta Jl.iiMf- Aj. I 1 " -- --- -. - 'mii ate ea the nth aaawa the am la retake aataaanarats aaaies to TaraM atotiaUM Scatter Eda ta saotlea far a rhaaa M tae rales a m tof haH aaaato oa the Tariff bill, which waslaM.oathe tsMs aa orecrai priatei. teaatof Mali's' raiolatloa ehsasjia ths rals was also laid oa the tuble. The TarW bill wm then debated antil ad- the tla-plato seholals bsias a- Meratloa....Ths House pasMd a Joint rssolation rxteadinclo AaxastAths approprlatloat for the rapport of the Gov eraBMat A rssolation was adopted for the arrest of abseat msmbsra, The prcceediags of the Hoase were aalaiportaBt, tbe attend aaeebelax light Taa Seaate oa tbe 13th agreed to tbe Hoase aaMadawats to the bill to adopt m. alatloas to preveat coIIIsIobs st ses. After a short executive session the resolution offered by Seaatr.r Kdmandu to limit debate oa the Tariff bill wss ref:rrad to tbe Com mittee oa Kales Seaater Blair resolotlon weat the sbsjs war. fleaatcw Qaiy's reo latlea prevMias; that only the Tariff bill. Kiver aad Harbor bill aad Appro, priatloa Mils should be considered the pre seat sesstoa aad for a vote oa the Tariff bill Aaaast 38. and Fenator Hoar's sawadmeat to include the Federal Election bill, alto weat to the same committee After passlaa; the Joint resolatioa extending: l appropriation for the support of tbe Gov. sraaaeat to Aantt 29 the Tariff bill was far ther debated aad tbe House bill manias; ap propriations for addltioaal clerical help in the Pension Once passed.. ..The Hoa screed to the conference report oa the For tlacatloa bilL Inability to hold a quorum on aa appeal from the Speaker's decision resulted la aa adjuaranieat Wan the Senate met oa the llth Mr. Plumb reported the Joint resolution appro priating; money for the Oklahom-i destitute aad k was passed. The Tariff bill wa then taken up, Mr. Vert's motion to redare the dutyoa tln-platebeing-under consideration. 8rastor Plumb rigorously opposi d the pro posed duty on tin-plate, as he was not will ing to tax every tla cap. coffee pot and tia dish to protect some manufacturer whom?ght ev ntually with to go Into tbe business. Although Congn-ss entered oa a sea that bad no shore in offering a bounty. yet If such aa industry had to be fosu-red it were better a hen tbe time tame to nay a bounty than to Impose a duty at prts?nt The amendment of Senator V st was reject ed. Senators Davis and Plumb voting with tbe Democrats. Pending further net ion th Seaate sdjoarned.... Soon after assembling the House was left withoat a quorum and adjourned without transacting any business. Whkw the fenate met on tho 15th Senator Quay made aa explanation as to the re port that he bad made dUparag'ng allusion to Speaker Beed In tbe recent Republican caucua. He denied having made such re mark. Tbe Senate then by a vote of 36 to 8 decided to consider the River and Harbor bill aad the eatlre day was taken up ia con sidering the blII....Tiio House hidalively tlme over tbe coafereaee report oa the In. dlaa bill. but Anally agre-d to It The bill kaowa as the Nat McKay b II was then taken ap and tbe House got Into a tangle, which continued until adj-uirnmeat rKBSOKAI. AKD fOLITICAI. Robert G. Restkoldh, a Walcott fac tioalst has been nominated by tho Del aware Democrats for Governor. The Supremo Court of South Dakota has decided in a test case that the State Prohibitory law covers original pack age cases. It is reported that a 'band of Russo Armeaian volunteers mounted and well armed, has appeared atErzeroum and is recruiting adherents fast The report has caused a panic among the Turkish authorities. President Harkisox has signed the Original Package bill and the State reg ulation or prohibition of liquor dealing can now bo enforced. The Senate Post-office Committee has reported favorably on the Antl-Lottory bilL CoixMncii Markhah has been nomin ated for Governor of California by the Republicans. Ceuiah is reported to have run through 9500,000,000 while acting as President of the Argentine Republic. Joel U. Mayes and David Rowe have been nominated for Chief and Vice Chief by tbe Downing party and George W. JJenjre and Robert Bunch bv the National ticket The many rumors that President Bar rillas, of Guatemala, bad been deposed have been proven to bo false. The new Silver law went into effect on the 13th. The Senate has confirmed the nomi nation of S. M. Eaton as postmaster at New Orleans. The President returned to Washing ton oa the 13th from his trip to the Grand Army encampment at Boston. The election passed off quietly in the Chickasaw Nation on tho IStb. The full bloods and squaw men voted at dif ferent polling places and thus the threat ened bloodshed was averted. The con test will be carried to the United States courts. The Democrats of West Virginia have renominated Judge D. J. Lucas for tho Supreme Beach by acclamation. Tint Republicaa Congressional Com mittee has completed its organization by electing Thomas II. Carter, of Mon tana secretary, aad Edward C. Oi'Brien, of New York, treasurer. After Septem ber 1 Bon. James S. Clarkson, of Iowa, will participate actively in the maaage meat of tbe campaiga as the representa tive of the Republicaa Natioaal Com mittee. The South Australia Legislature has voted want of confidence ia the Mia istry. James Stephen Hooo has beea nom inated for Governor of Texas by the. Democrats. Tub Emperor of Germaay started for Russia oa the 14th He took with him a grand hunting chariot as a preseat Ho the Csar. Congressman Cnier was reaomiaated for Congress by acclamatioa by the Democrats of the Third Georgia dis trict The PresideBt has seat to the Sea ate the following aomiaatioas: Justice Abram X. Parker, of New York, to he Aasistaat Attorney-General, as pro vided by act of Coagress approved July 11, 18M; J. A. Williams, of Arkansas, to be Halted States District Jadge for the Eaatera district of Arkansas; Wil liam Grisses, of Oklahoma, to be mar shal ef the Ualted States for the Terri tory of Oklahoma Ekrx Pasha denies that he is aader coatractwith Germaay, bat declares his preseat journey into the interior pf Af rica merely a private adveatare. -- la the haaiaeat session, of the Weasea'a Relief Corps Mrs. McHeary, of Iewa, electe jiatleaal ul .T-JIZ' Eliiaheth A. Taraer, ef CwjirswAaad Stoax Iadtaaa ia the rfaajkltyaf Lakeof atW ?c waa a drwakea riet at the-lroa SBfelBv Cmmmtwl AUT faawfl 1Beare Uherers tost said killed At a meetlat Trade it was ieelded to to aticage, 8t Paul elites to sat forth- the ee of the port of Quebec for grata saiaateats. Rockwkix A Cas great taaaery. War rea. Pa., has heea destroyed -by Ire. Loss, f lM,aso. The hides ware saved. .The next iatoraatioaal coagress of CoagregatioaaUste haa beea Ixed for Loadoa, July 13, 1891, to last a week. The cholera is reported to be decreas ing at Jeddah aad Mecca. In a colliaioa betweea freight trains aear Danville, Ky.. the other night two men were killed aad much damage doae. The graad Jury at Hazard, Ky., found two indictments for murder agaiast the Fugetts. It is believed that forty more indictments will be found for murder, aad that at least twenty-five hangings will be the result Five persons have died at Nicolaeff, Russia, from a disease supposed to be Asiatic cholera. Elerea cases of the disease have beea reported there so far. The Porte has beea asked to quarantine all arrivals from places oa the Black sea. " Mart L. Watoox, of Schweiafurth's "heaven" at Rockford, I1L, gave birth toagirlbaby. Schweinfurth claims that the Weldoa womaa was with child by the Holy Ghost The commuaity was reported indignant James Fitzpatrick, president of tho Inter-State Base-Ball League aad city treasurer of Terre Haute, lad., is charged with being a defaulter ia the last two years for 9,400. A special to the Los Aageles, Cat, Times from Azusa, says: "Beatley, the editor of the News, was taken out by aa armed body of men aad tarred and feathered for publishing aa article re flecting on the conduct of C E Frazier whilo teacher of a grammar school." Smampox Is causing many deaths in the ranks of the Guatemalan army on the Salvadoriaa frontier. Twenty-five thousand barrels of whisky were burned ia a fire at the Barkbouse distMery, Louisville, Ky., on the 14th. The loss was heavy, tho property destroyed being valued at 9800,000. Many lives havo been lost by an over flow of the river Ganges in India. There was a had explosion-recently at the Kendal soap factory, Providence, R. I. Fire broko out aad acids were blown over a number of men. - Information has been received of the murder in tbe Soudan by Arabs of F. M. Gates, E Kingmaa and John E. Jader quist Presbyterian missionaries, who left the United States in May last Business failures (Dun's report) for tho seven days ended August 14 num- .bered 197, compared with 308 tbe pre vious week and SIS the corresponding week of last year. There was a terrible cloudburst at Colorado Springs, CoL, recently. A man and woman were swept away and drowned. The damsge to the city and vicinity amouatod to $200,000. Cholera has appeared at Cairo, Egypt Unknown miscreants placed ties on the. B. & O, track twenty miles from Pittsburgh, Pa., and wrecked aa excur sion train. Two engineers and a tramp were killed. Br the explosion of a centrifugal ex tractor ia the cleansing room of the Tillit silk mills at Pottsville, Pa., a girl was killed and a young msa fatally ia jured. The spring wheat crop of the North west is estimated at 93,000,000 bushels 50,000,000 in the Dakota and 43,000,000 in Minnesota. Alfred Ltjdinoton and George D. Rossitu, two Pinkerton policemen from Philadelphia oa duty at Albany, N. Y.. were killed by a passenger train while walking on the track. The memorial to Daguerre, presented by tho National Photographers' Asso ciation, was recently anvailed by Secre tary Noble ia the rotunda of the Nation al Museum at Washington. TnB population of tbe State of Dela ware is 167,871. The populatioa ia 1880 was 146,008. The increase, therefore, has beea 31363, or 14.50 per cent The populatioa of Providence, R. L, is 132,043 agaiast 104,887 in 1889, aa in crease of 27,186, or 25.93 per cent ADDIT IMAI. stteYAXCssaeV T.:k senate oa tho 16th passed the River and Harbor bill. The House passed tho Anti-Lottery bill without a d.ssenting vote. No quorum was pres eat but as ao oae seemed williag to raise the point the bill passed withoat question. Oklahoma Republicans aomiaated Hon. John W. Miles of -Kingfisher at Representative at iarge to succeed Hoa. M. W. Reynolds, deceased. A labor clay bank ia a brickyard aear Borden town, N. J., caved ia re oeatly, killing three men aad severely hurting a negro named Collies. Clkarixo house retaras for the week eaded August 16 showed aa average la- crease of 1S.3 compared with the corre spond:ag week t last yearv la New York the increase was 14.9. The London Stock Exchaage de veloped uaexpected streagth dariag the week ceded August 16. Besncsswas also actiro oa the Coatiacalal bourses. The last note of Lord Salisbury on the Behriag saa dispute expresses a wish to seed the whole matter to impartial arbi trators. The Duanell print works at Paw tacket R. L, have heea destroyed by Ire. Loss, 1369,999. At Albany, N. Y., oa the 17th there was considerable rlotiag over the New York Ceatral strike. Piakertoa mea ased their weapons oa the crowd, woaadiajr a womaa aad two hoys. Oae of the Piak ertoas was almost lynched by the ia ceased people. The stables of the Lyea brewery la Harlem. N. Y., were baraed receatly. The leas was 9175,999. Ferty-lve horses oatof the 1st ia thestabtes The brewery waa saved. Tax ArgeaUae Goverameat to pat a tax oa tobacco. The geld pre mium there is 16a, itr the breakiag ef a acaffold aa a aew baildiag ia St Patorsharg. I leiwhtwerkmea were killed aad eight eight lajared. ec aaa aw ef lafaverefe Aiasn Lawbwjmcbv aaa ef aha 191 . tm ftewaee. H4L1MJm IVrkias-.. 1M1MMX Hawsaac;. Dakets'.l. IMzea..... Inert.-... - IjUZjaTSS r..-in.... Mm.i m Um.U7.y ftlatte r UMMLIlae) l.t7.eSLsMriMlrvr..i US1.7M.9S iJMMajmmmtwnfw Doasjlas... Dandy..... svw ...... wiiimora... Franklin... Free tier.... Faraas..... tisge -. Garnet A... Urant Uosper..... fflssll Itamlttoa.. Harlsn.. .. Hayes...... Hitchcock. Holt Jlowanl .. . JIker...T Jefferson .. LM Rieb' imjMk Mrk... MUZZ4S S7S.M(.7& nllae 2JSXZXI ijnavui SSI.CI.Z2 SIT.OSIM IKO.waii i u?jauas 1.SSI ZU 74 i.iei.sTaal ztt.iaass 2.471.778 M ISW.fiM.7i 779.IW70 I.3J.iSI.M a.Est.wt.5 l7.-.iCQ8 2.7I,M7.M ai.7at 2,S 9.771 ZSftvarrarpy. Ltn.77.H SsHMMlers. MX. ... Law sst a i.i,m st St-wartt... daSt.SU 7attrraain. ZAKgnsj hrriUan. 1W.TZS1 tantHi... SZk9tH Scittltlnff a.uu.tx'r.'. hayrr... 3 s!lc .WThomas l..Jii..s. WThnrstea. ; Valley.. 1.7J,1X.I!U wasa-ara Wavae... Webiter.. iVhrrlt-r.. York t Hi. KW.31 lwi.w! i.:cmx 2.7Is".Ii Mlarellaaenn. The annual convention of tho Inter State Temperance Union will bo bcld at Bobanan's Hall, ia Lincoln, on Sep tember 'J, beginning at 10 o'clock x m. The States entitled to representation ia this convention aro Iowa. Kansas, North Dakota and Nebraska Kach State is entitled to a delegate for every 50,000 inhabitants and in addition four of tho electivo officers of each State temperance organization shall be, by virtue of their office, delegates to any meeting of the Union. The other night Mrs. William Wagon er, living six miles north of Tuciiuisob, tried to commit suicide by cutting hct throat with a butcher knifo. Tbe rea son was temporary insanity caused by recent confinement. Willie, a twelve-year-old son of Georgo Hollyor, was recently drowned while bathing in the Big Blue river, two miles north of Barnoston. Lightning recently struck a house oc cupied by a Mr. Hammond, threo miles northwest of Nehawka, instantly killing a young man named Wilkinson, lately from Knox County, Mo., and Miss Josie Hoback, of Avoca. The Democrats of tho Third district recently mot in convention at Columbus and nominated William IL Thompson, of Grand Island, for Congress. Some troublo occurred over the school election in South Omaha last spring and tho contest was taken into court and de cided in favor of the contestant Fun ston. The sitting member, Carroll, re fused to give up his seat Four mem bers sided with Funston and President Parsons and one other with Carroll. The Funston crowd refuses to act with Carroll, and Parsons refuses to give offi cial cognizance to acts of his opponents. As a result tho teachers salaries for last year are not yet paid, nor aro any bills, though there is plenty of monoy in tho treasury. No teachers havo been elected and President Parsons has locked up the school buildings. Early on tho morning of tho 15th, Charles Piatt, a farm hand that bad been discharged several years ago, sud denly appeared at the residence of Farmer Town, near Kennard, and with out warning shot Mr. Town dead and then fatally wounded his young daugh ter Hattie. Pratt then fled but was soon arrested and jailed at Blair. Dur ing the night a mob assaulted the jail, took the prisoner out and banged him. The Odd Fellows conclave for tho Stales of Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas and Missouri ended a two days' session at Plattsmouth on the 13tb. Large dele gation's were present from all four States. Omaha was selected as the placo for holding tho conclave next year and the following officers were elected: Presi dent J. W. Humphreys, of Shenandoah, Ia, vice-president Louis Beatman, of Council Bluffs, la.; secretary, C. A.-Patterson, of Omaha At Chapman tbe other night Etta, daughter of E. Couger, eighteen years old, was shot in the ankle by her brother while he was loading a shotgun. Ampu tation was rendered necessary. A correspondent at Wakefield says that whilo workmen wore recently grad ing on one of the streets of that town they unearthed the skeletons of a large number of human beings, both adults and children. The skeletons were found almost entire and lying about two feet beneath tbo surfaco of the street In dications were that they had lain there from fifty to one hundred years. One jaw-bone was found perfect with twelve tscth on each side, showing that its possessor must have had a full set of forty-eight teeth and been a giant The Clay County fair will be held September 16 to 19. The Kearney County fair will be held at Minden September 2 to 6. The other day Mr. and Mrs. James Lake, an aged couple living about two miles east of Newman's Grove, Platte County, while attempting to cross the track In front of a special traia. were struck by tbe engine aad instantly killed. The scheme for a canal from the Dis mal river to Broken Bow is again being agitated ia order to provide work for those who have lost, their crops by drought Mrs. Christen, the wife of a farmer living near Graad Island suicided tho other day by banging herself to a door knob. Her soa was drowned aot loag since and she was also suffering from the result of aa accideat by a raaaway which brought oa despondency, aad led to self-destructioa. The fair usually held st Arnold. Cas ter Couaty, aanually, will aet he held this year oa accouat of the poor vege table crops. W. W. Wiley, of Pierce, was recently struck by lightaiag aad iastaatly killed dariag a heavy shower. He waa ridiag oa a load of wheat at the time, hat the team aad wagoa were aatajared. The aew school house at the soldiers hoase, near Graad Islaad. wan severely wrecked by a late storm, aad will have to be torndowa aad rebuilt Lincoln hss secared the'fraachiseof the def aact Des Moiaee base-ball dab. The aew piaaiag mill at Kearaey baraed the other ateraiag. Fally ia eared. The ire waa evieeatly the work ef aa.iaceadiary. Frank AtNswoaTH. bookkeeper far J. J. Brown, Haher : Co., sewer eaa tractors at Kearaey, whea receatly aotilea that ha weald he afM99 check Atshbtt miteaasvtkwf -Jesnragsl at Hamasm far tie beouartng te Daa Qgcav .-.? fiftta) irrmm Seat 'ffxav Ceawty xcelteRt A wot wa. rssMy.driviac d tofeagiasr to she aedasdaaai. discovered by a w41 dJever eight w , Kajmas Onnr, Ma, Aag. IS. express Ko. S, due from 8t Least ia Kansas City at 7:19 iaeveame la five Miaates late. It apby highwayMea at Ottof vtue thie ef the Paeile Cxareas Comeaay ef every thiawvaleehle thereto Whea the: waia passed Tiptoe at 1:99 that meralaff twe paaafngsrt wheat treetedaeatteattoa hoarded it aad far aboeV eight miles rode betweea the froatead of the mail car aad the tea der. As the traia was flying down grade west of Syracuse at a flf ty-mlle rate the robbers climbed over the tender aad he fore the eagiaeer aad fireman kaew that they were to eatertaia unoeremoaloas callers they were covered with pistols that looked to them to be four feet loag. The robbers had ao sooaer satisfied themselves that they were ia commaad of the situation than they proceeded to unfold their little scheme to the engi neer. Frank Drayer is known to be a cool-headed and reliable engineer with all the nerve required to fill such a po sition, but when the spokesman of the twain remarked: "We waat this traia stopped at Ottorrille water tank, Drayer merely nodded assent He knew that he was la for it aad so did tbe fireman, who sooa after gently asked his guard iaa to stand apart from him sufflcleat distaace to permit him to shovel some coal iato tho fire box. Tbe robber very generously ac ceded to his request and when the coal had beea shoveled again stood the fireman up ia the corner of tbe cab and set him to looking into the muzzle of a 44-caliber revolver for the remaindor of the run to Ottervillo water tank. Ar riving there tho train was stopped ac cording to instructions and tho engineer aad fireman were ordered to get down. With guns bcld against their hearts by the robbors, tho engincmen were marched down along tbo train until tbey camo to the side door of the ex press and baggage car, whon ho who had ordered tho train stopped said to the engineer "Now you call the bag gage re aster to open the side door, lie knows your voice and will open it quick er for you than for me. Just then five more masked men, armed with double-barreled shotguns aad Winchesters, joined the crowd, snd at the samo tlmo, in response to Engi neer Drayer's call, tho baggagomaster slid tho side door open and looked into a double-barreled shotgun that had been so arranged that ho need not stir to get a good v ew of It Soveral others hold their guns at the messenger and baggagomaster and tbe engineer was al lowed to stand noar by and see tho work done. The fireman had beon re leased and was, when mot by Conductor Al Marsh, doing his very best to get back to tho sleeping car before shooting, which ho regarded as being a nocessary adjunct commenced. At this juncture a nimble sort of fel low sprang into the car and tbo nearest man with a gun informed Messenger Sam Avery that his active partner wanted to look through tho safe and that it must be oponed at once. The messenger produced the keys and a mo ment later the band of robbers were in undisputed possession of all thoy asked for. Accounts of the amount of money and valuables secured by tho robbers differ, but it is believed that tho loss to tho express company will foot up at least 950,000 and perhaps as much as $75,000. A number of packages oft jewelry is included in that amount and tho fact that they contained a large number of watches, all of which are registered, is believed will yet fur nish a clew'to tho identity of tho thieves. They stayed but a moment after that all vanquishing in tho darknoss as sud denly as they appeared, leaving the traia men to wonder how it happenod. It was done so quickly and so cloverly that the passengers aboard the train suspected nothing and even tbe conductor would not have been surprised at tho delay but for tho fact that Ottervillo tank was not a regular stopping place for his train. Tbe robbers had planned their work carefully and executed it in the most artistic and faultless manner. When the train rolled into Ottervillo it was pitch dark and a light rain was falling. A stout breeze was blowing across the prairies and altogether it was tho best aight imaginable for industrious high waymen to get in their work. Otter ville was where tho Younger boys robbed a train in 1873. Strirkra With raralysU. Little Rock, Ark., Aug. 16. Rev. Andrew Hunter was stricken with par alysis at Cotton Plant and is bow lying in a critical condition. Mr. Hunter was preaching a sermon and was in tbe midst of a powerful exordium whea his utter ances became labored aad he suddenly stopped, saying: "My work is done. Mr. Hunter is one of tbe most distin guished Methodist ministers in tbe Southwest and may justly claim to be the father of Arkansas Methodism, he having been engaged la ministerial work for more than half a century. Ho was elected to tbo United States Seaate at the close of the war, but never took his seat He is over seventy years of The UaiveraUy of Colorado, at Beei der, haa a faculty of twenty-one profes sors aad lecturers. The attendance last year reached nearly two hundred, aaa at the recent coMtacncaient sevea sta deata. including two women, who re ceived the degree of R A., were grada atod. Aa eagle aad a ram had a desperate fight aear Port Jervie, N. Y a few days ago. The eagle attempted to carry off a lamb whea tbe ram weat to ita assist aace. The bird was severely Injured by a blow from 'the ram's head, aad it waa killed by a farmer, who was at tracted to the spot ' A carioas aamsthetie need by the Chiaeee has receatly beea ssade kaowa. It ia eetataed by placiag a frog in a jar ef Soar aad irritating it by aroddiag it fJader these circumstaaces it exadea a liquid which forms a paste with the tear. This paste, dissolved ia water,, haa well-saarked aamsthetie properties. After the finger has heea imateraed ia the liquid far a few Miautes it caa he cat to the'hoae withoat aay aaia heiag felt Philadelphia Iaqeirer. The heaea ef sosse prehistoric giaate have heea aaearthed aear Aaaietoa. Ala. Oae e the thick hwaea was sixty- talrty-feer fackaa ia kave lately faUof abeat Edward Grebe, iteaariaa,- waa te de es kaviag died at tbe age ef Ita. Mdea Tratk kaa leaked m Mr. GrabVs lwaard, wake shew that if ka dM atiaia-tkat'heaorahle age.kemaet bis father waa tbo ttalRarmfN la Boyd's Opera Heaaa at Omaha! the ltth aad by Boa. Jeha A. McShaaeJ Bees J. X Massage, of Crete, with ef Douglas, Well Gatowood, of Dai taries. ea eredeatiaU the ceaveatiea took eemmittee retaraed it t the eeiy eoatost was f The report ef the cesaMlttoe wi adopted, aad the temporary ergaalzati permaaeat Oa BteaVea, the chair was direct to aaaatat a committee or are oa reeeUtloas, aad he appelated Messrs. Gaaaea. of Douglas; Ames, of Laacas ter; Blakeley, of Cheyenne: Bowlbey, of Saline, aad Filbee. of Cedar. After some confusion nominations for Governor were declared ia order. The aames of James E. Boyd, Joha U. Shervia aad Charles Brown were pro seated to the convention, aad upon a ballot Boyd received 440 votes; Shervia, 109; Brown, 92, and 11 votes were scat tered. Oa motloa of Mr. Shervia the nomination of Boyd was made unani mous, Mr. Boyd was presented to the con vention aad ia a brief speech accepted the aomlaation. For Lieutenant-Governor Messrs. Alexander Bear, of Madison Coun ty, aad J. R. Burks were placed in nomination, and tho first ballot resulted. Bear, 579; Burks, 156, and Mr. Bear's nomination was made unani mous. Messrs. F. W. Spraguo. of Rushvllle. aud F. M. Crow, of Adams, were placed in nomination for Secretary of Slate, and upon a ballot Mr. Sprague received 470 votes and Crow 44. Mr. Sprague's nomination was made unanimous. Two ballots were had for Auditor, the second resulting in 310 votes for K. It Wahlqulst of Hastings: 154 for C W. Poole, of Johnson; 69 for M. P. Holland, of Custer, and 28 for C IK Casper. Mr. Wahlqulst was declared the nominee. W. II. Cushing, of Plattsmouth, was nominated for Treasurer; John U. Big gins, of Grand Island, Attorney-General; Jacob Gigler, of Imperial, Com missioner of Public Lands, and C IX Rakestraw, of Nebraska City, Superin tendent of Instruction. THE rLATTOUM.. The Democratic party of Nebraska, la State convention assemliled, declare Ita fealty to tho century-old principles of lt founders and emphatically lalorsetani re affirms tho ptatform ot the National Demo, rratlc party at St. Loula ia 149. ato wiiirh were nominated Grover Clu voland, of New York, for l'realdent and Allan G. Thurman, of Ohio, for Vicc-lrealdenL The party take occasion to espreis Us admiration for the honesty. coarae and good fslth of tiroYer Cleveland In his manly and strafghtforwsrd Kg-tit aft-alrit those principle eaunclatud by tbe Republican party which Democrats believe to be sub versive of liberty snd Injurious to the agri cultural Interest. The Democracy of Nebrak.t does act be lieve In tariffs upon the necessities of life, and scouts in deluttve sad hypocritical the plan of siding tbo firmer to pay off the ever-increasing burden of ! mortgages by increasing; the tax upon his clothintr. wool, tin p ates an I cockery. wntl drn uncea the hypocrUy of tbe Kept! id lean platform of this Stste In Maying that "wo favors irvlslon of the tariff In the interest ot the producir and laborer," while the majority of the National House of IC?pres ntat Te Is gSirjcinir free speech In tho of tin manufacturers, out of whom "tho fat was fried" in ItMi. and for the purpose of pan na; the measure which footer trusts, roinlnnrs and mimnpo lies; which strangle commerce and destroys ship bulldlna;; which Increase taxes whilst it reduces tbe rwventie; impose additional burdens upon tbe laborer and t.irmrr. whl n It confessedly falls to open n .niaiaet for a single busiiel ot wheat or a single b4rrcl of pork. The Democratic party lis ever been tho friend of the farmer snd laborer, sad p edge Itself on sll questions of mortgages, usury, rsilrosd discriminations, txtortlonste freight rates and kindred ubjct. an I par tlcular.y in favor ol nairiugent umy law to lilt, so far as It haa constitutional power, the burdens front the wearied shoulders of those who toll. The Kepubl ran party patronizingly In this Slat i by Its platform "recognises the right of labor to organ Hi for It s proi ret Ion ;" the Deaiocrrtlc purty, stsndlng upon Its whole history. do more. It encourage the masse to orgsnlxu and under th law to flgbt capitalistic encroachments by wide spread nrgantxition and pntlent sacrifice. Tbe resolution denounce the ml. appro, prist I n of the public land by the Repub lican parly by giving them to railroads; de plores tne revival of section il issues In the pssssgo of the Force bill by thn llouf; p tys a tribute to the Midlers, an 1 favor t e pen sioning of every needy ami deserving vet ersn sad providing f r the widows ant or phans; favors the Australian syteni ot voting; fsvors the election t.f Unit d r-tste Senators by the people; declare. In favor ef the free coinage of shver, aad concludes by declaring: We are opposed to all trusts formed for tbe purpose of ineresslag tbe cost of the CO turnout let of life, snd believe the reduc-, tion of the present lalgultou tnr f tobt the best means to destroy and Impede their growth. We roandlr denounce the maintenance ot tbe State militia as aa expensive Republican laxnry of no bensSt la any respect, and ce msnd Its Immediate repesl by the seat Legislature. Tbe Democratic party as a record ot op. position to a I aamptuiry legislation. It does not believe that the social i.stjMs of tl-e people are proper subjects Coastllu tloaal provls on. High license snd loesl option, however, have beea tried la Nebraska aad have given satisfsctlea to a majority ef tbe people, a b? tweea them and prohibits a the Demo, eratic party is unreseivedly ia favor ef the farmer, and attention Is hereby celled to tbe hypocrisy of tfc-j Republicaa party, which, having caused tbe aaestleas to be submitted to s popalsr vote, thereby ST creating ua;rniisr, isjsrisg ousin ansettlisg vslues run depreslng trade. purposely dodged be Issas la iheisstcwa vest Ion snd neglect, d to say wh re it coeld be found s party oa these nusstleas la the ceasing election. POINTS ABOUT rEOFLC Mr. WirxtAatlX Howruav is expected I spend next winter in Roaton. Mrs. CixTKUkXD's collection of dla- monds Is estimated to be worth at as ,a. Mrs, Gladstost always attends lags of Parliament whe eftber kor hnv btu or ber so Herbert is te apeak. Mrs. L-xajo Jaxporo recevitly paid lit fcr Ifty aseau cards for on of her sweUdiaaers. Tbenaipef tbe Ualted States waa ssamped in silver on the back ef the cards. Tajc Berlin T 1 1 lmm I the" Gaild, la making Priaee Bksasarck itehoa-vrary Rtaater. declared him te bo 'GVrsaaay's greatest artistic locksmith, who smsw tke key that apt Red tbo Jock of the KytWaaer aad hialsd H te the Kmpa ror. William L" Tromas Hart, a reaideat of A lia. who is eighth ia la. are at ft aesve a abater Joaa, is tbo Rcareat Uttear relative of tbe great pesH. It is a aa fact that tbere aw ao direct aam of yapaleoa, Welilagtea. Waahhag- taa, er Sir Waiter SeeL ef Tills baa laaaml a eireelar te tka -faaailfal aumia ef tka werld.'" apkasw jaytttearpkiliayapksfaaiaaw fa pfaaa aw atteaa awaltfafc Typ- of fasasfa x-iL-- - j- -i. . - c-. v fc s 9smte'isj7VrmsnBBBBBjsakumnmfamum r ' V--Vb- . ; n v."- --f ; 'V'St -HsiRsHsmml MtSftWUiX II1)1 SfWKHSKKBM I flK .ssMgh m--LttmWtkf AtmmMt WglKgglmWmt afsHaViBVJH sS ""em. fJJammmms S"JBym)amnsnmr mmmmmmmmmmmmmnssmm f, tawBBjaXW emnnnnnnnnnnnnnnmnni. fMBtt. tfean. fjSAaavJejBBH m jKjiiJlSllB iatrim-aMto-- '''?' ft snnnnL mnsBBrnsPPPisnnsnsmiF WaWnaaas, asvssj-Vi , - A j-nT 'aLnnnnnnnnnsnnnnl K snlsnnnnnnnnnnnnnmm -P VSAsasBsnask jtasamsjw dfeefft anhnnnnnfsnnnnnnmm "u Wsawsw vsnaVe""! wswsma"WW nameWss a ssaWg WBHnm B 2snfcm-l 'aWa.ranWsmPafssnBWBBP mkm smsnT'ai smj si ami im" - - - --'- ' sn 'smanams! LLLm """""CTi. """asJs"BB;"s"sf aHsVVsTa7' WsnaW 'f-. ' s i " smf in '--- Jas,i--tBi sntWnl nsnnnnnmm snnnnmnm ajfjahj imnm kA-A'mm9mmmm9mmZ' m-i VamaMasHnaf m99t0WtmW9L WtKLm" WtmWmWLt flLfl H eas wJrsVajVsaV Vb94sVspsvB fAJtSnl.snmW- - "" - m -" m'riBa mmmmmml il an ' - '' - . - . vrsm --- tfbsaykmj-eustBsmmmsVnsnm sman menhsm .snntnnnnnnnVs smmmmmmmmmmflsnni H smswA.jBTasmnCT ,--J ' WftiHf j af.fjJAsssJmsm. -fssssssfna Ajkaffs .JjbbI Lnnna 3LnHntf asnnnnnnnnmnnnnMBnnfc ' laWis"JaWr HsasTrwamVaV tV"" VgaPW MwsH InnmT TRr ?P"gasmwJes -Ppans-snnajsmaamnssssssa mnmr annW-si ' stk.snL - . " m .a. b& a a. f (LM esnnnnmnnsnna amsaaBBBaemsS snnm assni aaamwSnT' Sjajsjsmsspssl Sj IkW) (isfsmlt "" ?b rss-nsvsmn " JlfcawaU snlaants ' aw-"l WnnnnnnnnnwVBnnnnnntnnnnnnmV snetanfsnkta snmmmi -baBsnsavM snemmms HsMbwVsbbBsbMbI Vsnnmnm 'inannnnnnlaBrVBnmnB IHKaJHfll awPWPHm-" J)wswJawBJmJ WFrnrnm- VYwaWBHjr J Wf snetlssiaassns U Isnllsasll I fcmT m. sjbg. b. annnnnnnmB ' ssananam mssswBswannasmmnBBBBBi njBBBBjenaBTSjm mnannmmj namamr c'asmnrk sasnnnnnml aT -.- . - ' - . - "," k-' aTsTmV Jtai -slaV - M .s jl - - - snnnnnnnnns annnMnW ' aW Vttnft n snenmfsnnnnnnnttBnnnw AamffsnRsV "- W 9mW9mW9K'Wm WVf"? nH ?MMmti (Sas St! TZI litfWitel VssjAVne. asla- mB iTiTffaiTTtillTnm kwawSRsiy Iteassbaty TPSdf sn4 V sBsnH - -rmaisw Tm 71 srNtnnffsnnnnnnnVwft IsnnffmTsMm vSjfUb asnnnnmW ssssnnBns am lBSJS. HIAflBM- ssssmusB sneMsnenV anV snnnnnannmnnnfsnnaB. fsmBsmwamsnTu smjgmanpmnmj sssuBBBsnm. ammanusssj w-fmmm subbbb BaHl) illMWhlBW U PM4-J saMMHd IwVtesPnat aUn M 4k Si'J"JJ &JSVk&p!?JP9lr frSs"Mswtaai -wnrt 1 l !sm tannnnnnmnB V'snmnmnWsVsB1 Vasnmms BkB4nnnnnnnmT atmr snetlW) WW'BsaBaa"JnTW BJflaanVVBBnm wVap aWfVfVU loWV tisnB vS unHij hs bad tbo Hr "MnatlbHii a ba Tminm qK IsTTT, trrrrri TrI Tm h nTmViT rt?- tusswy sataaro aia o'ssWh hs 4i.snnnns Ji vVnsv sananasv :nssama sft tasa TMRlVw msS iMrWflsSg aaw "Hate sjasasj msmmt tsmmmswVnBlsmiBswmmBTsmBmlBsi " " fawsj. lswtlntfllRV WVtenmsnnnnWs swUaTmss4fBBBBBBaB ssusssasr ermmrmmnsBssr mnnamn assnsssj mnsn .Vtmsasssansbia) smrma aar thm sssrsnm njfnrwsss ssMwrasMPasv aissw roll ts iff pirn las l)Mlsmt me dead 47u. a Spe thero t t S4 failure Mil, bwt present of good to try by Una distribu f so much m iwd it abouM U rimim bered th aamlry am smrhh ova d been so There h 'at, sgnSRaod Ir cbswiby dv me oi itasaXM. M4 l-sels4Ug the vast teby who, ho say la war, an wr stroasj rifht it tlmo to our -t their widows Ho showed aRkwmrd easjdltlts sw the efforts to Sheridan and that there ah tngton a met: to the mrmor carry out thins ed the appoint five. The address fa ommltteo of Rsjsvwd ariba fro quent expressioni lJf-I. The report of kins, of Detroit, General Taylor, next prcsenttnL labislpbU The report of Q John Taylor, of Phi entirely of figures. officials In account It gave: aWsrwwl Ha VaVw )Araa4Army. CssH balance, August SI Receipts from sale ef an Receipts from capita ta Interest on Ualted Mat deposits... Total to be accounted f Tho expcntlltun h Ss.'i..W, of which fl. tor tne purcnaso or su 513.40 fur incidsnuK h etc. Another table gave the follows: Cash balaaee on hand. Due by departments.. lit sal Ualted States bond sees 11 Total Tbo Grant monument fund to havo beea lncreowMtl by fy theaat encampment and to no tof 11,144 as. llOSTOX, Aug. 14. At tho aessioa of the Graad Army Knc the officers were elected, tin poaitions going to tho Kastln pu aa it la chUased by some, of give tho encampmeat te the WV sueceasive vears Detroit in WA ka la 183 aad Chicago ia 193. Tke roll waa called aad rrpn Uvea or each sute aaa an optKir to asms their chelae far Cemnan! Chief. California presented th of Colonel Hmedber. a re H red o of the regular army, who lost leg at tke WUderaesa It claltted that a m Western S1 never bad a CommaadetMn-Chlrf. I ncctlcut nominated Colonel Wheel G. Veasey, of Vermont, and Maine onded tbe nomination. At the menlli of Colonel Veaaey'a aame then? great eathHsiasm. Indiana gam 1 support to General Alvln P. llovejr. t did Ohio, with a department of 44, members, Warner Miller spokn fur New York la behalf ef Yesse-y. Aa aooa as tho roll was called Colonel Smedberg asceaded the platform aad gracefully withdrew his aame. tenral Hovey pursuing a similar cours" This actioR waa greeted with great applauaa, aad by a unanimous vote A?la! Veasey waa ikilawd elaated as Cote-mander-lR-blef.s Wbaa ka appsaiad there waa a good, deal ef eatltuslastR. He aecepted the kaaor Irr brief Keit ia order waa the aelectioa of a aadidate for Sea I or Vk--Comaa4er-la-Ckief. aad It belag eeaaider'i that the oalee out ef courtesy belonged te Maasaebaaetta, tke matter waa 1-ft te tke delegates from that State. The aaaseef Ktekard r.TobiawMpraraUa aa tkeuaaatmeaa ekotce. TkeAduUa. Geaaral cast eae vote for Mr. Tobt a sad ka atMwpted aW fkaaltiea. George F. Creamer, of Baltimore, was Jaaier Viee-Csaim aader. an Dbtreit waa se tec ted as tke plaos of tiag for tke aest S 9 Alrart. X. V.. Aac 14. It ported tkal aa order kad heea rxivl afteraaea evderlag th f reasea eat oa tke Smm York CeaUsl A Hadsea River read fret, bat Chief Sergeant Jeha Rated, wke la tke lesvlw ef the rsthsrh.iid ef Liasanalve Kir ssea ia tkis vkrlaily. meet empfcatkal2f dented last aJgkft tke ram or that th Ire ax a weald ge eat aa tke Ceatral The switch la fretekt work yesterday ef aay that tbey de Wrvwoeev L T., Aac. 14V A jeet arrived after traeellRg IflwajiiaR . f ik.i rpwmtwm ' M I M mm WSaV mmwSVsanH rsa Off US SSMM '4-r Uaasa a .plswrmsjssjmsajhaR V-Wral Orant To a rwaorsCllml.a, ckeaea Jaaier Viee-Csaim aader. ami """T . awMf 'W"?T '!?. fZ: eacamamiat- -f---------bBb t tfRsaV a.aaaaBVa SV BaaBMawav. kere yrsfassUy afteraaea evweriag tb L.ti-asL aWTy . ".TTTa.. .. read. -at taBBBnt b" - aw tke Imw IWaaaaie Me-",a .ami '. MJIL'EZZZZ- T, yareaaarlaamaw etresXU "--J- "I"- -ml' 'WFTr Mrunmai.BBsvneJaa "'" r fa fseassBsjasssB. aet kwaw tReaaessv ssensi. bbbbb-rymtf -r-, -nV-- . as.- fL. - kBBBBBf Sruv fr, BrS SBBBBBSBB, a mWW S W.i M aSva. 4rtT ffeai Btoaaaall isjaafa tkal kiajw wen " '" ' .TTmmBB;i W ml L Z Q 1 BiiiBeli in rlil -- ---?-- t-tiif asseew Bt fa ef 4WaR t?-J satTswtjsvrrpwMisBB BmBBremswe -... --'"- aBaaav. . ss - aaa JaBaBBBai stllttea were eaiy sawveatedy fae an- t f3 -T fr WRar Myrd, who ee aisraaad Ike dbv ., -, am ' mmwd Kg t-teassmswv fraaikiatd whl lea tkat affar aaasedte- mPVmfti0 -Wr -"" va Tkcrasaltef tke vasm-waat taa lav . Z??ZtLmZ 1 C yrd.R Isr Faal. aad fa far awrrte, lav KimzfSTlHT9L llff'aJ' -JM rated aver tkear Waataaewi sad Isteaa Alva raJtway, mTriaMW' &l ti-fad H .'-. . . .. a- a. sweaa-aaee afafaas-raJsaVMnt aWassRaRr mmmm aaav aa ipaaasa eaa RaaawajR m) RRamaa rw w m bbbb &$ mBaBaBBB wmmmWifMimmm. ' . A W - .jWP amv ... a . aBB. Mt ... a BBBrsR BnBBBaJ BBSTVI-' jBBBPW 'sBJHaaaav ." "5. bBbAaBBBBBBBI BR BaBBT aaBBa BBBV BaBBBSBBBn . a 4Jc - aBeaBaal aaavL. jr - m ,m ' .aaaaa, aaMa amaav mmm aaaaaH .. & bBSBP0RR4bT BaBRRBRRa RaaRm a.aa BaBaBSV AV"' L.aaaBSSSJ tTTT. - rvfr RaML . .ammyx ..Kjssbbbbbbb ?T-rvrLBz!'Br ruianslT amWBaBaBaBaBaBwaVaar aBeBBR''R4BBaBfafa.lwMa esaRwRR as caiesvswv J.-r; Akl afaamBBBmaaRaw Ram aRse faamR RBmave ?vaa im lHaBtlt'- " '"fH "" SS'SBBBBBBF BaBBBBBB rBSBVSBBBTBaaBaeS "aBBBBBBBB- m t -. aj aaaBaaW 3f' .V ' ra. "- a- " f Bal BRRamBa4jajpaRaajgfag(B anaaay pay aaanB-aBB. . 'r i m .S-j&..rf . , CaTC i ssam atA smfi' -rnsk- .aasj ssniwe nam rvssnsBm wss ajsn piaww wwm riT " sa sm isesmsss -' nasi ssns --- sasssmaa aft mma sneBanx A'nPlsuan. .Bwas aFJPmT SWvJ PaTSBTmajannr nrMnanaam samnnmL mjrnami yngssmnan wfy.a-BR-BamJ wfJaarrW ass9eRVwav tke laa reetateat ef maay eg- afaaai will aad respset t ram tke creeds al g ftka way. taalPARARR. laevaa; Aug. laV Tbe fraadeMpar- a A. R. iniiiilin yeetasday, fa wUhr 4aR hmr teak pari aad wb-sfcaaa jver ais kears paaafac a gtvea pwiaL A Mass ef eater woloaeaod taa ef Hr4r reete akvt atralaa ef maste aa4 IlaBawaaJaf-R awaMw "aae aet fa ka fesgettea, Th RraRdlag mtmmt was Coaimsa4Tr-la-Chtef tseaeral R. .- Al ga Tbe dofwtasoate marched ia the atdar ef tkelr isgaalaaMa. with tho see wall aa of Maaaarkuastte, akteH aa tka deaarteeat eaterteialag tUevw Iteta wm gtvea tke eglrema left ef thw Uaa, Tka deaartarsate la tka seder la wklek they paraded, with their earn. maaeVap. are aa feUesnu lUfaafa W. L IKatfa; Wtataasla, IL r. MryaaK Psaasflvania, J. V. ta-aal sea; Okie, IT H PewMar, Jtew York, lOeyd OariMaa; CeeaecKent. J. C. Xsw Jersey, A. M, Matthw; J. U. AadaraatK CaUleraia, A. J. N. r. iksvUi (re, Theataa CsanrawelU iaa aaa eanv awanmamjmpwt M. rV Melt: Vlnriaia. J. N. tteslUt Marjlaad. O. R, Urshsm: . hraaka, JT. M. tlarhessK Mlehbraa, 'aa v pastesaj iewa, m. i Mliia; lRJtaaa, i. ttsWRMsad: Celnrade aad Wyaarfag, IV;- Melaea; Kaasas, I. I. CetUea; Itelawate, MaatHel IewU: Mlaasaefa, J. C Cemptea: Mlesouri. U tuaatar; thjsf aa. J, K. Varaey: Kea titshr, M. Mfatea: Want Virginia, W. a Walter, tteeth Dakeis, K. T. Uaglsy; " wwR-RaRBsnPaBJwaPap SrbwB afTsWSRwVa f-Ve aaTRs WaWaW4 Arkaaata, A. a Ifealert Hew Maateis A. M. Wklteaajbi Utah. Henry TswaaaaM, C W. Mattea; Loaialaaa i a T. rfedgee: rterbia. IVI t Tasaa, A. K. Taller? & r. fWrie; Make, W. T. leiVey; sW ffs V-aeaYWaPR "w'all"pfa Pft ftifs MasrttfliaR9V He If ttttlaWr srW0vn-tl ft P. WfaaklK ladU Torrt- tery aad 0lakma, j HmmkmV IaM. laaeaa laaliiiiA fartTgWat tka llae were a asaltitada 9t atea ef XaMeaal reeete' At the rwafawlac etead la Cepetey aSaSieai SaU tOaS alt SlaSStaal aad Vise rrasKist ef tbe Ualted Hieee rVaatttea Tracy. KoMa RM Kuslu Misaam, mrtaaThsw aasTtasTO rmV ltii i a i . slRWwtMMlsW VspV BaFslaaW. VVsnTVasaBaawsBai .ev '. 1 MaMHk JtaaaaVta. sUtaaa Islsaa. iwW MwMMH aakSiBamau.aa (eseskieh . itmvwasswii. ansa evas, saft-assnsaMss wvwr 2j tA m of Mala, I'lM'Esaa ad Mew Mamp Xabire, VenMM. Mfaia lataad. Rasi it aad tuff, f tea low at 0ver- snt ier Itei ajgase sess. Ike taRVRadl H.a.-.lJ. M ia sisw v.w n !'f:tsePreTisleaal M laa nsa 'aaaaaaiar iswvsaaaaw aavy yaaa nd ef fan Warrrn, CMteeter psrd, ' 4lL0Uw CMMVr' tesalii C-rsa. FV aPVn Raajp4 swa-tfV WwMaMWMM Vf t W .a A Weaaat.lseile.Cetaja. -'"a" i -rtfPAllATptfl MAINL KrRUMTaa, Aug. Ia. - Late rrtday lioaa tfts Main tlapartmaat re k fpets fcalatsr Miaaar a tategrMa Raam-aldlNRIad MMrtanT Hal iairlaa a faaU flaJOSaaaa' taaB RagiRaa aaaMwRW .pRgeevvy M aRaRj, a. S. a- . . fc a M m mtj -' a m 4. saasek. " ag-'V'Sy ssbwtssw bssbbbbbsi msi rspaaaBBTJ at aajvaamr, saa ffaaaoswas sesHla4at ptecitea ef Ufa Cawaal Mk4 ,&, an-n Hte tkawwltil MaatlAaaaaBa- lameHaaaaa SMHti eaaaSeaaaa.-- TesK it tea aswasHrt rsaieed ward fB Mtv Mapjar Iaf wm lag it ikal jr Rbe PrefM sat liiwiRmiiatefMvadag? :B kedls-a eares Ike tJefatwr faftte A ate lie day B"?Hfe ''' ffaaa, aiatft-' tslaaul kad taafa a .-.-., mi aavS aaa, " - md SSaaai uaitea annm wm tat wasai wane was r- , .tam alaTT. a rwnrwaaam sm M-'-esssBnm jssw- klflU B WellaaBe n BaBaB. WSaS SeeSaBBV BaBBS wWkad aiaB aiCT fa aarteae ataad ee waB r f :fc(M faMasawe preef. ItspB gfa iiaMHiit sessagsd aafM' ) fct Tkf la, fage sws)toeK,'K a aaamedi Mnti . sfai. faal fba fuasp. eeetetBBaa! tsBBtaaAasBsnl aasd a -" ?wkr ZZL - m i-P'J.-'y. aa-aa-aa IJ!'. - BBBBB aBWBMSK WSJ BBB aaBBBai rmnntv aBwsBSBmm raanaea na aae --TW ,. rram,BB4BB.BaV. ffar ' - -J -i.-"-". a ' aWSWaBBBBa - mBBLa BBBSBBBBK, I Tk .- 7 -- -- -- eaBaBaam .aam.a'-'' J if ' aaaaaat aavfaaaaaMsv 'bbbsi m,:av., -W - JTT-V M aaV -, -BBBBW Ea-Bsf - Bmmmtm AtftflM Mflaaei ?" WLLLLw latfrnmrnmBaBml mzzZZZZ aBmrl 7r - -? BasaVB bar ssmseal ISTSHBBBB laaksana