The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 22, 1890, Image 1

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snmsW State. .., - isms nasanmasaiiBSBssBSBBni an rut hria aa laah - -- -TW- - --
T am sBanmf Bil a n zj-. ansnajanasjaav sunaanan. . . . 'w ..- . w-. .. ampn tt leta spnta. sswMaaaret
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I 1 sn hawnshaadlinr. " - ' !- - J -L "-w-s, wa maw taa nammmajraaaaaa. itanrf
hllafnsn- .U M. Ftt Catstv . naiaaiB.oi tht lJaUy-ejnM, Tiaiim. wasammnit praar a- Asnsmjsv Mat afar? PnBhst Ommnnmak. - . aTrrlVV.r T WJ l. I,a
aTt-ama - . -. . ... . . jt? ? "- . v - t aanjBmmawnwaBm.BWSR,jm a-sim-ai s- - " ss't. i. -r -
aamasnVCatlar tmm -"-- 7-" rr tL m """ mmmmm' Mm Tit 1 Jmtsjie-s a.nmma satna jm um -- . . j . " "- - Vta
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BnWsnsnT BANKj Tat nasaimirt suiatfni ia ham. .Jtt9mlmp. Oa mstim tan v - ... iiaian li II 1 11m 11 f- "--- - a3 aajs
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mnF siwa. 1 a, t ... . t. . Maas;vBnmsiawnmnmm . nmmmmijiamM. --- -- .. - .- f! w.. wwma
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u Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty," and One Dollar a year is
JK A- ytSTlZL ft mmmlMmw m
We hTe the flaml llae T
MhMl laklcta la the cltjr.
We have the largest flve aad
tea eeat tablet yea ever aw.
If jraa waat slates ar schaal
haatu eall at Cattlac's.
Yaa eaa save amwjr ajr et-
tlag year palate aaa1 alls af a.
la wall paper we are leaalac
theai all tat aaaatlty aTstaek, la
aeaatjr af aattera, la law price
whleh hi the great peiat la these
days, aasl la the aaraalas that
yaa eaa always flad aiaa
relataats. Call aaa see as.
Repaallcaa State Ticket.
For Governor,
L. D. KICH AKDS ef Itodfe.
For LlesteBUit Goveraor,
T. T. MAJORS oT KfflUha.
ForSecreUry of State.
J. C. ALLEN of Ked Willow.
For Auditor,
THOS. 11. BENTON' of Lancaster.
J. E. HILL of Gage.
For Attoraev-General.
GEoKUK 1L UASTlNGSof Saline.
For Commlsuloner Public Lands and Buildings'
.GEO. B. HUMPHREY of Caster.
Far Superintendent of Public Instructlaa,
A. K. GOUDY of Webster.
Caaaresalaaal Ticket.
For Congress,
Scaalerlal Ticket.
For Senator,
S. C. BAIRD of Nuckolls county.
Flaat Ticket.
For Float Representative,
M . tf , WARNER.
Caaaty Ticket.
For Representative,
For County Attorney,
Prof Daum and wife are in the city.
The B. AM. are painting the eating
JohnlwShiroy, of Mindeawas in the
city this week.
Mrs J. F. Winters is home from her
extended visit east
A.Gonover has returned from Hot
Springs, South Dakota.
Mark Warner has been nominated for
float representative.
Charley and Jake Reigle are in the west
searching for locations.
Luther Benson will lecture on temper
ance in Bed Cloud, Sept 1G sad 17.
You should get Jud Bailey to tell you
his water melon story. It's thrilling.
JohnTomlinson has secured his horses
that were taken from him by the Iowa
Frank Kuehn has opened a livery stable
in the ban lately occupied by Will
Dwight Jones house was robbed the
other day of a coat and vest and a $L05
in money.
Mrs. Minnie (Wilson) Gates, of Ohio is
in the city, called here by the death of her
mother, Mrs Wilson.
J H Bailey will make you a farm loan
at 8 per cent straight and no delay. Can
you do better?
Hon. J. H. Powers, candidate for gov
ernor on the independent ticket was in
Red Cloud this week.
Mrs J C Kennedy, is in the city. Her
m n j " . " m
qhuhw m bow moated m
when she goes soon.
W. A. McAvoy has purchased his part
ners interest and is now manning the
city livery stable himself.
Hon. I. D. Chaabsrhn of StronMonrg,
and others will address the labor meet
ing in this city on the 1st
Frank Kasha and A B Pierce bars ad-
ojsdtnmr names to the Great Family
Weatiystaos our last issue.
PMCochraaehas made the -big and
only" aaapv Urn week by n big iron dol
aw for anouier years su
anould all fselnrondof
ttw cnnitaljcity.
aaaaai annaffani bk aaai w
m the
sostrinuninmirt hatha - -"- ""- " " mm. anawven nttt week have saaiH s vers th ism at haniaeaa. ftiaiL. t.I men
i MB BT.-tl mijKf ity.3P '"mmP -? f
Red Cloud, Webster County, Neb., Friday, August 22,
snBnBnBnBnBnsnBni sBmsnvnsnBnBnBnBnTsV
A BBnBnBnBnBnBnsnP " ansnBnBnBnBnBnBkssn
ssnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnsV I sBnsnBnBnsWSBnsI
2 '
Ihe watch factory is an assirea
thing. Mr. Hurd will go east next
week to purchase machinery for the
factory and on his icturn will bring
his family to Ked Cloud to live.
Contract for the building will be let,
and everybody will be happy.
The democratic party openly pro
aoances itself for free whisky.
Bed Cloud has too many '-Jack the
Kickers," for the good of the eity.
The Kearney Enterprise has lopped
for ''Bum, Bojrgea and Fire water.
There are now 19 states west of the
Mississippi and 25 cast. Soon the
great river will be the dividing point
of the great sisterhood of states.
Unr democratic friend, ot Ihe Hast
ings Demrerat, B. B, Wahlqnist has
been nominated for state anditor on
the democrat ticket Baring his pol
itics and party, there is not a more
competent msn in the rtate to ill that
ofice than Mr. Wahlqnirt Person
ally Tub Cuisr would not feel bad
shoald he be successful.
Ges. Powers, caadidate far gorsr
-tuor ob the independent ticket, wiu
peak in Blue Hill, on Saturday,
Aug. 30, also Cbas. Maberry, candi
date for secretary of state. Mr. Cra
dotk, state secretary of the K. of L.
will speak in Bed Cloud, Ang. 26tkf
1890. All three of the geotleaai
are good speakers and will entertain
the people in good shspe.
Will our people come to the front
snd take their lots ia the watab fas
tory addition. Fix up for yonr lota
boys, and less have the factory .Bed
Cleud must get to the front in some
manner. To depend iolcly en agri
cultural products will never build np
Bed Cloud. Now is the time to get
there. It the watch factor ygees other
factories will come, and ia time we
will be another Pittsburg if we rustle.
Will yon do it? '
The people of the 2d'cougrcsional
district, and especially the republi
cans, arc beginning to find out that
they have one of the cleanest and
most pure men in the person of Mr
Harlan, that has ever been nominated
for congress. He is anti-monopolist,
pure and unadulterated, and a man,
that if elected the people will not be
ashamed of. The alliance people sad
all others should investigate these
statements, and they will find them to
be correct. The Ciiikf is for Harlan,
a man whose public and private record
is nasssailsble.
The alliance cause is one that
shonld thoroughly interest every far
mer in the country (outside of poli
ties) if kept ap to a degree of excel
leaee that it was iateaded to be. Tht
farmer needs a society that will do him
good, where the question of farming
in all its branches can be thoroughly
discussed. Any mutusl benefit asto
eiatitn ot this kiad mill help the la
mere to rise 10 a Luther plane. Noth
ing worthy of not hss been aeeem
plished ia the sgricaltartl world that
would materially benefit the farmers
that has not been known for 5 years,
and therefore, advancement ia that
direetiea has not been as rapid aa it
shonld hare beea, but the alliaace or
kiadred assoeistioas if carried on
right shonld do much towards gaining;
that all importaat end . Let the good
work go forward.
AtBeClond. SaUrdey.Amr-
2p.m. The peoples' orator. Vea-
isrVoido,wiU discuss tho prindnlns tad
npKtacalnoUcvof the Farmers Vnmnea,
Knights of Labor, and the proaossd
n redress of esstamr
AU ci
iberaof the Aulianeo and K. of
nmastocosnaawnar n redress oftsasnaa . --- -- . - .. - .
In liii asmhaai-i all iwalinra aad rST-7? ... --,,,,- .
sm members of tbe AUIitnet and K. of y.Tr-f--'f "! "-"
t - . . ai saaasaai ms aviaar warn w BaaaV-
JU. amsrstttd fen nans aad last smvtrnv - -- -- i - . .:. .:. . .. ,
rm - - - - j:.i mmsZ - - ! m mm mmmt OKani mmmKm9WW n Nil aaa ta aw
- hiah wiiBHir mmwmm h - - m - - - - k . i mm ' iw wot a .
Pay ha ateal ClnasL
At a meeting ef Alliance men and
Knights ef Laser, Aug. 16, Mr. E.
Psrkrs was made chairman of mcetiag
and Wm. ArneM, eeey. Mr. J. L.
Miller, Geerga llntton and Ed Met
calf, committee en credentials,
Moved: That eaeh member of al
liaanes er K. ef L he allowed to vote
in this mestiag.
Movd: That a committee of
three be appoiatad on pro)rjm for la
bor day. Carried.
Moved and seconded, that Mr.
Wm. Visscher, Ed. Metealf and Mr.
Dunkin be committee on program.
Carried. Committee reported, pro
gram adopted.
Moved and seconded, thst Mr.
Shiakle be marshal and E. Parkes,
Moved and seconded, that a com
mittee of f ve he appointed to prepare
grennd for pieaie. fi. Young, (ten.
H. Sanderson, George Hat ten, Ed.
Metealf and Shiakle were sppoiated.
Moved: That the chair appoint a
committee ef Ivs speakers, three fioi
the alliaaee and two from the K. of
L. Heaehin and J. L. Miller, K. of
L; Neteelf, Gather and Hntton, al
liana. Move list a committee of ive
he appointed t manage table. Dan
kin, Wm. Arnold, Get. Hntton, W.
Visscher and Beanehamp.
Moved: That every body bring a
basket fall of grab.
Committee on mnsie, Ed. Young,
Hntton and Visscher.
Everybody it cordially invited.
Moved, the miaates and program be
adopted and n copy famished esch
paper ia the toaaty.
Wm. Arnold, Secy.
Ed. Parkbs, Prat.
1st Meet at the coast house grove at is
o'clock a, at.
3d. Form ntoeessisa on Seward street to
march sooth tesad Ave, these east to Web
ster street, theme north to B. B. Smith's resi
dence, then west to Seward street, then south
to eetMt hawse.
X FTeessaton nested hy r.and
t. After arm tag at court hawse square. lea
ner. S. 1 JS at. m. nmsle hyCacad Martial Sand.
C Hpssilng and nmsfe far the rest of the day.
7. Mr. Shinnte was chowa marshal of the day.
mm. raimes, assssawi.
W. Visacnxn, 1
F. iHWKijr. Com.
R.MsTcALr, )
iy la
Committee ta speakers II. A.
Dykes, J. N. Matt aad Hirsm Hayes.
Grounds W. W. Davis George
Feltonaad Thomas Watson .
Finance John Crawford, Lafc Hale
aad Allen Miiener.
Musie E.O.Gerard Sim- Holmes
aadL. Porter.
Program D. P. Me Larea J. M.
Helm aad Wm, Baker.
President of the day J. Danton .
Msrshsl, C H Coleman Atst. Marshal
J. D. Cradj.
No providential hindnace the fol-
lowiag sneakers will positively be pre
sent to address the thonssads that are
sure to gsther on that day in Lulls
beautiful grove, fonr tnd one half
miles north of Lebanon to hear the
polities! truths ef the csmpsign dis
cussed: Hon. Wm. Baker Hoa. W A
McKeighaa, Hen. O L. Smith Mrs.
Anna L Diggs editress of the Topeka
Advocate' J. W. Amis snd Dr. John
B. Dykes. Snb-AUiancessre requested
to come delegation with their baa
ners and mottoes.
Db.H. A-Dykes, Seey.
J. A. Wriobt, Chm.
Cam? Lnsoout Ntn, acq. 7, UOo.
AOOOffsnassnT ssO sMVsttatM mv aBnsmnsOVaMaMBBnWn
the ispittsalntivai of tht W. R C. of
Nebratkn aad Ksasna. hi attendance at
the Inter State reunion met at their
headquarters ata. m. Aug, 7 for tht
purpott of bringing before the disTsrtnt
corns tht sdviasbility of forming an In-
tor State Reunion tsnecation. mmilar to
thatof thtG AR. Mrs M E Hoffman of
RedOoad,wnt elected president aad
Tht prtsident stated tho ob
ject of tht milting aad all members
tbssngui njvor of orgaaiittioa
snasttaonarajimiat from tht
tf tbt OAK. It
to hold a milium: hi tat
of tormina a
mnmasttftat C
--- --- --
orsmniasMta, al cant ia tat matjiit
iiimni aang lbs lata flhils TTianina nt
mttita w9l bo .asthssd bythtiniiliat
iatasmtottssitlamtsa. ACbmsnitttt
on rtsolssmmt ant tascted aad tht M-
smiwiij sBBsnasmi nBvjanmnaasmr Jiaanss
-r ' - - T -V T! I My fttt m ta its native heath at4inasmtnssmd snsav Aan ZI
uaent. mmiimnhi j. -- - ..--
the Price of The Chief.
WW irons it coiusrofisirn
Caetdpy aad ItMertMilras lieann arwaa
all crilasM tr ihrCwaaly.
Walaat Crrrk.
Geo. lleedy has sold his cattle, Sam
lleatou getting part and Chas. Hun
tur the rvt.
The latvat ''gag" in lienville is
"ou'Sjake aie ikwk of a nigger."
Dennis was at a loss to kaow skat it
meaat aad was told to ask Hall aad
had a hammer thrown at his head ia
There's a phonagraph in Isavale
which in aasal tones r.-wsrks each
ftae you give the crank a turn, "I
nouiinnte Mr. Parkes "
The Plienix Iasnraace Co. is to be
congratulated. The school house in
District 69 waa insured with this com
pany and in the young tornado which
we had early in the summer wss
badly wreached aad twisted to the ex
tent of $200 as reported by oae of
the most competeat builders in Bed
Cloud. The company was notiled
aad through their Bed Clend agent
refused to psy sny damage claiming
that the house wss not injured and
the school board were told that if they
wasted anything to sne for it. In
surance (in some cases) is a good deal
like mstrimoay. Mighty uncertain.
Dcaais learns with surprise snd
pleasure that there is a man in lua
vale whose mission in life is to lift ap
the fallca aad bind np the weaads of
the bleeding. As they say in Pina
fore, 'It is greatly to his credit,
For he himself has said it"
That he is a Samaritan, etc. Ta, ta,
' G . W. Kaight is doing the "wild1
west" set in Boton, the town where
yon have to set down to get a drink.
School in District 3 has beea post
poned until September 1st, owing to
the "funny wotk" of certain parties
whose vico is always for war, be
tweea battles, sort of guerillas ss it
Jimmy lisle i prepsriag to shake
tht dust of Nebraska from off his
fe.t Evidently Jimmy hss yet to
learn that "the rolling stoae aever
gets fat."
U. G. Knight wss down a few days
sgo tendiag drugstore in Ins fathers
abscne. We si ways smile when we
see U. G. behind the prescription
II. H. Bode hss folded his tent like
the Arab and silently store away but
be not afraid, Dennis is still with you
snd "Bodie" will return in the
Who in thunder is Pcaaut Teddy
Billv Irons is busily engaged in
circulating prohibition literature.
William toesn't get 1100 a night, in
fact doesn't get anf thing but be rus
tles jus', the same.
John BobtasQU hss just f aished a
aew bridge on Baffalo ereek at the
Dowes crossing. It is a daisv sad
didat cost more than the assessed vsl
uatioa of the towaship either.
Alf McCall is up to his eyes in
work. This is haying season aad yen
can ride on a mowing machine.
Bill Binkle went to Kensss City
last week aad saw oae of the new riv
er ra'lita which he took for a
schooner, snway he is slways talk
ing abon. those big schooners aad it
mast be the packets he meaas.
John Zsde says this is n tarn paiga
of principle aad not boodle and refus
es to he held ap. Deaais weald sug
gest thst this will be a camptign ef
experience aad jadgiag hy the Hart
thst his been made the farmers are
going tt t,ct ihe exaerieaee. If ever
a leader was seeded he is needed ia
Nehtaska today. If the Alliance ex
pects tt wia this fa'l, hath it the word.
As t success Dennit sug
gests that it week he a good idea tt
pat men ef inf tenet aad brains ia
the tftcisl patitieas ef each subordi
nate alliance. Mea mart aver whose
sympathy with the allianre is practi
cal tad att thstiat'tti, aha art gtitg
tt vote as they talk and who havsat
been delegates tt ttavtatitat tf tht
eld partita.
Dewaio katws ef several allitaett
that might try this shoe tajast far
"If this is trttsta make the
My fttt it ta kt attire heath
j ntase k Dennis.
the church and posterity all implore ut
to think and act wiasiy and righUy white
we vote. Finance ia the nest auptaat
question and in vain ao far have we wait
ed for justice through the grand old
parties. A batter Batacml system
usuce 10 ine laoonag cmsssi
.ad at the nest election thi
at of
h tht
sirand old parties, or n aew
cal elesnente ia inevitabte. It is
or hoped that they are incapable ef re
There is to be a ta
at the school house oa C
tweea Sanfords aad Tenants oa Thurs
day night next all are invited. Come out
neighbors let us take counsel of
other. V. D. M.
Weather cooler.
There will be some intersatimr
ia town next Saturday.
Jamee Hlsheslse went U Diller Nebr.
where he will work at his trade.
John Springer commenced hie actum)
Monday in the Wheatland Diet
Miss Bertie Woodeide spent several
lays with friends at Blue HUT
Ice cream will be served every Hatur
day afternoon at the bank of Bladen par
lors. Wm Woodeide started Thursday on
business to his former heme ia VL
Harvey Sprinter, who haa been work
ing in the Black Hills returned to Bltdea
a few days ago.
The ice cream festival last Tuesday
evening did not call out a very large at
tendance. L B Thome and familv spent a few
days at Juniata the fore pert of the week.
Mr Hunter of Guide Rock who has
been engaged to teach the Bladen schools
wss in town Tuesday trying to find aa
empty house.
Miss Milliner carried off the silver
medal at the last content
Braver Creek.
The recent rains have revired the com
to some extent The feed is sko greatly
improved in the pastures, and the pros
pect is good for more rain.
rail plowing sad seed sowing is the
ottior or the day. many or theft
sowing rye for kte fall and early
Charles llathawsy is working for
Hugh Hunter.
liick Johnson w preparing Ut
trip to other climes in search of a
location for another season,
Dick Scott sold his school quarter to
John RandalL
Mr Beaver and son ia-law, T C Raytoa.
have sold their crop interest to II W
Bsrcus. ami will depart for Iowa soon.
Merrick Hathaway will soon depart for
Burt countv to look out a location for
himself and pareete.
Miaa Mary Forker will teach a six
months term of school at the Hathaway
school houae beginning Nor. 10th.
Miss Mary Ilathtwa is effected heme
from Burt county oa a visit enon.
Ben Ross and family have moved la
Davenport where they will make their
future home.
Mr Heeds son in lew. Mr Bird from
Kansas i looking up a location ia theee
Grand Fatlier Norris it rwry lew at
this writing, hie daughter Clara is seme
Mr. O. Ferly started to Illinois rtetar-l
day with a carload ef stack s
John, son of TG
few days sae from
and he reports crops very
Grands Norris t
Clara, are very sick
Ed Lewis.
Chast eouaty far n while an
health is very pior aad aha wfl
lew weeks Irwtmtat tff Dr.
Red Ckmd end Uma they ge to
several or use an
;aam as they
Mrs Bkakeys hahy is vary
jarsoma nrnam aaasef
f1? hett-tf MTslse
Pa Jfctf Mil ma. mmh a
ittama. -Tr - t .
ta . JT- m ? . .
it it iwettytarhr Wt tS jSaJaaS
It has beea very venrdnr mmtsf a
smaaarta tfmfkeflMi aaWskii
Mra. Jeha A. OmU ami a jpaaA
saffster frtm iaanlita aai aUk
aadstts. 9mm km Kama laat
it J
, 'V.
t- ,
Vol. 18. No. 4.
MstiaeaiaaBa aa
k, Aug. SB la Sm
areteef eaa fere mat
teg. ftsanstt Neb.,
Fur this
a third will
ef sale Aug. Wit 3B
- Vi
aaa) BBMoen reuaiea, at mtsay eaiAaa.
lsto3llia,wUl8s1randlrif) tWtete
atrateefeaefhreaadahhiaL Uala e
sale Aug. IB te'JS Umhmiv garni tt It-
turn until and inchnntg Aaa. 9s. wB,
lifai MHBM SM MrtWaVMflS vS
animal ewad In thirty
fonts sauttevy
eM hv L. . Dave
jj. "a j a-mtmmMmwmmm
New Yorit
r iCJ?
Boots and
S' '
Latest Style
Call and
& Carting law tl-
hemtaae .
mtealsa he Waat.-
Thte neeer i.tef'"
tragaatf aaBtaaaa
mmtmmmmmmmm " . fj
- itW'Mmz. - ' 0'-:
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