The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 13, 1890, Image 7

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PmvMofM tif lha ailtee Mill Am
Vpnm fly the Hone ItrauUleaa taarwa.
AHl.MOTCI, Juno A. Fvllowlaf U
tkntcxtot th Silver bill agm-dupon
J thu Hcpubllcan caucus and aubatl.
Ut-d yesterday In thulium for tbt bill
already pending
Hellrnarie.1 by Iti cnlc and llnnia of '
Trrt-rnitle of ii,p I'niiwj Mate f I
J,i.ofS!.l,?r,':..,r,,,i,,,,fcV Tn" !h.
eecrvtary of the Trraaury I brreby illrvrtet
lopurrh.ti from time in tune .liver bullion
to the aggregate amount el worth
of flaaautcr la.aoti monlli, at ttie tuaikn
price therrof, not mrnj tig j;j JJ grain of
pure ellver. Ktul to Ittiio In pa) nient fi r audi 1
putrlu of llrrr 1ml. Ion trenury note vt '
Ike t'nltnl flit t ho prepared li the lee
retary uttlmTrraaury lu audi form ami of
audi tlrnouilnatluna, not lr tliu M nor (
more triad 11.0 0, a he may preecrlhe, ami a '
aura aumi'lcnt to parry into rrfrct tlir pro-
vlalons cf thl an it lirrrliy aiirctirlati.l Mr. Koyvr, Mr. and Mr. J. II. !Ub
outcif anytuonry InttiMrraaury not ohr. ' wk and throo children, Wllllo t'hln.
l5 pir"rUtrJ
rVa a. That tha trr.nurr note lni In
arronlaiit'e w, ia nrovitlun of thl arl
liatt l riMlwimntite mi ilrinaml, In ettln, at
the trramryof llir t llitut Male or at thn '
ifllrr of any ltrtiit tri'Hinrvr of lhi I
tlnlttil Mate, nhil whm o rrlr'mi'l may
lie reliiril, lint ti 1 artHli or lr m unit
if auch iiut.k altall tn iiutMinJUnr at any ,
time Hum tie ro.t of the nil 1 r liullli 11 tlieii
lilil Inttiutrcjaury utchr.l t) n.M note, .
and urh treaaury nntra aliall Im a legal ten. '
tier In aytui lit of all !'(., puMlc ami lit !
vale, rinpt whrn otiiprwat.ripivly tliu.
Uleil In the eontruct, nml thalibn rrei' lle
for ciimiii, ti anil nil puhlic iltir, ami
lirn ao recelTert may ho irliieil, ami uch
note when hehl hy any Nnlinual haiiklnK '
aatix'latloii limy lm iiinitti ) a a part of It
lawful reerTe,i nvliet,llut upon dcitiamt
of the Imlilrr ol any of tlin l.ur) notra
herein prol.liil, Mm r-crrrtary of tho Trea
nry may at hl tllacri'tlnn amt umlnr aurli I
n'KilNtlnii hn ihall trrM'rltii'. rt haiige
foraurh notra an amount of alarrr hulllun
which ahull Ihi upul In valur at the marhr-t
prl. theretitiin the ilay of etelianuetolhs ,
amount of aurli note proitiliit.
Hee. X 111 it the Nrri tary of the Trraury
aliall coin auch portion cf the nlv, r tiulllon
purcbaaet! under the provlalona of thl aH
aa may he neeery to pro lile for the re
In; from urh colnan alull be accouutnl
tor anil palil Inlu the trraaury.
Vc. 4. I hat tho liver bulllim purelie.
timlrr the proTlalanaor thNurt luol lr ub
)'t't to the riUlrellient of rtlllni law anil
the ri utiWtloti of Hi m lit irvlo- govtru
inaT the Niethoil of ilrli ruilnlmi th aaintitit
:if pute llvfr eontalne.1 ami tin ainnunl of
t hatra or drilurt en, If any, to bt uiaile. 'Hint o muehof the ait f ltirtinry
J". IV.J. entltleil nn art to nuthutl thn
tilliiiif of llm nlnliitiilit ll-r ilnllur urn! In
nature It legnl teinlrr eliarmter." at re. j
iUlre ta monthly piiittir nml coltuueof
aVr.r '",U ,,vnr,1,,",1V;i"' "' '"" .V"":
fj,iw,rr) nor 111 ie than i,in,iin woitli of ,
allTer Imlllon. la hereby repti iwl.
Kec.C That whenever th- tn.itael prle of
alltrir u deterinlneil In piiriiitirt of re J
t Ion 1 of thla act 111 for ITI r. grain of pure '
alivur It ahall iMlawful forlbiKianrrof any 1
alltrer bullion to ilepo,(t th.. .an... at any
rolnaan mint of the I'nlttM latp to ho '
... (,..! Int... lai.rfar.t .1,01,.,. ,. 1,1.
Itenrflt, aa pruvhled la the
i-t of January
IK. in 17.
hnc. ;. That upon the puagn of till art
the balance ataudlug with th Treasurer ol I
the llnlle.1 M..t. to Dm te.pritltr rrtitllla
tif Nation! bankafnr ilrponlta maile to re I
ttrem the circulating aolva of auch bank. I
anil all .lepoalla tlirreafler receive,! for like
i?'ir, ,,,.., .' .,- .-. M, t ,ii. n.'i..iijf
I mlaerllaneou rperlpt , ami lha Irva.
JnltulAiate li" -lrem from
Ihd general cTli In tlieB
rulatlng mile of aaltl l,-tfTT-wJriilch may
route Into hi poae.lou aiibjert to m
tlrtnptlon; anil upon tho ferllrlcale of the
Comptroller t f the Currrnoy that ucli noire
have been receive.) by him ami th.l they
have been ileatroyeil ami Hint no new note
Will he laturj In their place reimbursement
of their amount hall nmle tii thn
Trraaiuer, uaitrr auch rtgulatlon a the
r-rcreljry of th' Tieaury tuiiy prraerlbe,
from apiiroprlallone lieicby crtatcil, to be
known a "National bmik note ntlomptlon
account." tut thoprov lionof ibl art hill
not apply to the ilepoll rrcelvnl umler
aeetlon tif the nit of June X f-'l, requiring
very National bank to krep In law ml
raomy wltli the lreeunrif the Unllt-l
Mate a aiim t-.iial to per cent, of It clicu.
lation.tobe hi-M anil u.e.l for the rrilemp.
lion of lie circulating note, anil the balance
remaining of therpolt nnovertil at the
rlne of each iwtmtli lie repurti-il on the
monthly public latrtnent a ilrbt of lb
lllilleil Male heating no Inlrie.l.
Krc. H, lhat thla act hall tk rdrct thirty
daystrom and after Ita pa.o-e.
Many rrwelowara WUI Have to Walt Tie
July l-llre-at laereae nt Allnwairee.
WAaillMtiToX, Juueft. It la aUtr-d al
th PnMltMt omce that the deflclemcy la
thn amount of funda In the hand of thu
ilffereut prnalon afcM. which ha rv
ulted In thn announcement by thn
ajrvnt at Indlanapoll that a larjrn nunc
Iwrof peual'oner will b comjielletl to
wait until July 1 Mr tfce payment of
Ihelr penalona, haa Wen catied by the.
unusually larjro uumbcr u( allowancea
tnatle by thn I'enalon Ofllco under the
Ttrtwnt AdmlnUtratlon and ivartlctilarly
alnro Ittineral Itaum'a term bepin.
The ir real amount of allowance haa
ben largely In oriffinal fae. Thern ntK-iini away ami Uiree net nfwaUr
have iM-en lued aln'ad 7.0)0 more orlfc" '-:'", -' hi realdence. drltinf hi fam
Inal n-'lulon than were laaue.1 durlna "7 h" "I'lr ""-y. Thn lltflitiilrif
thn lat flac-ai year. 1
Another drain upon tho appropriation,
it I ald, wat tho act of March 1, 1I,
which lncreael to ITJ wr month alt
penalona for total riliabttlty reoulrinjr
the aid and attethlance. of another yr j
, j,
of a
win. I lie numiter oi laewi can
law tnd InroUc the eirndlturo
larpe amount of money
Th final payment by the pen.lon
airent will not ly complctcl until about
June 20, and thoae who have not been
...i.i , t.t tltn will 1 comr-rlled Ui
wait only a few day until the approprl
atlon for the next flacal year become
avalUble July I.
f'rawfrl'a ('anaaUalaw.
ToricKA. Kan., June . A Youcher
s,.m at Q?e QO K. l..n leatiMt l.v lha
.1.1 ,..,.v m. .- . .. . -. -. .., . -- ,
Stato Auditor toni-Uovrrnor Samuel J. I
Crawford, hUt Apent of Kama at
Watbtnirton, belntr 10 jrr renL of i per
rent- of the net aale of public land Im I
Kar.itat. Thla wat Mr. rrawford' com-
mi!on on extra aenool land which h ,
cUltscd frtnn the UovemmenL
. .. ?" '' CL ,
M, fXI. !., -h. ".-.,
after midnight Frank Scfcaffrr.a de;-r-
ate younft" criminal, bad Jnt finltbed
lrurplrltln thu Ilmwit tlork, on rV
lVtcr treU ana nurteM ooww inn tvair-
iy whf n Ihvb I.yona. th notM rm-
Vt known a "Irtanond IW.
,. art'i at U loot aat tajra. w a-nrav
Khaffrr Immediately wfctfjW t W-j
tcirer and fireU thre? tatvv iwtw
ravrvd Lyon left 1T. l '
,,,! u mark aod tha tblrt erw.hej
lr.w bit '',,aUJ?0?' f'T.1 'IvJ
.- rttraed out araiaat two poaer
ct T ,J retained In tha t5.rt. '
Tit Tew a eat aVtliaw, Waa., Wl4 ttwt
Mr a yeaa m4 Maay Klttaa a4 lejaeaa
ntarat la law.
Omaha, Neb., June 3L Th ruttt f
Tueaday nlht' atorm at llrdhaw
wertr full a ltd a at flrat reported.
tho cyclono atrlkln: the place about
930 o'clock, almoat completely drtnol
Uhltvjr every bulldmff. Inatantly Vllllntr
.j . ... , .1
I ho killed arc. Mr llenncr. thr-
clilldnn of John Shaw, a young on ot
J A. Ilrututor
Atnonjr the ltiJimM art1! J A. llrura
i't, artu broken; Mr. Urutnvy and tao
duf;ht-rs Mr. CuthaU and fmllr,
Mm. M. Willuma, an unknown mil
-rant Will.,
f, ,, , .
, ,. '"' '"
IVjnw'y, Mr. and Mr.
family, Dr. Mooro, Mr and
1". M. and T. Colby. J N tHW. Wllllo
lli'ath, Mn. Thouiaa, Mr. I'barle Mil
lor, Mr. V. hiln. Mr. Shaw, father
of John Mi. aw, la tiil.ln.
Tho roar of tho whirlwind w thn
flrt notice the terrified jmoIi' bad. and
whenever jHivtlblo thoy sought place of
tafety. Hut few, how in or, had more
than tltuo to cIomi thu Uuvira ot thnlf
Thirty tulniito after the aturm truck
tho town thn from a clear Vy
hono out ni;aln.
Not a bulldlni; wn left atandttif.
Kery btialneaa houwi waa wreokeil and
the principal alreet wa lllrtl with
ruin, while their contenla were ' al
tered hroadcaat otrrr the fralrie. The
deH)t waa cruihed Into klndlln wotai
and all but one car waa rtokisl Tttla,
which cbancttl to bo loaded with tvk,
wa blown to York, a illalanco of nla
tulle, without leavlnff the track
Thlrly-lhn jwron were In Iho hotel
lurlnp the blow. Tho roof wa lorn off
ind tho ilnn tiirllv cannl in nml tho
". "
Seven men wero lu a hall over a atort
and reuintiiiHl there until the blow mhi
out. The hall and tor are a mat of
ruin, but not a man un hurt.
tint' mau'a family wa an veil by cine
In If to a heavy ho burner.
Another child clutiir to a amall ireo
lu the ynnl and it hold and avod her
A Kiiiuii Kiittletnent near llradxhaw
i atruck and tho report I thitt nlno
poraoii worn killed there ntltritfht.
The phyalclan ay that. In all. twelro
, , 1 , . . ,1 ,
:.r dead. elKht mortally woundetl Mid
rhp IweiUy-onn hurt more or lea
Tilt: Nrntivi 1M low v.
-jt Mhm;h, luwn, Jtltin .V Urent
dillllttp. Va IllllloUd Uain tho tow II of
,, , , . , ... ,
I ndTWO..l, 0(U. JVraU Willi Ut-atOll
In I'utlawntlainlo t'ounty TueMlay ulfUt
by rain, and yealt.rday morning about
I, It fk'l.taib l ttaullllt.l ,.raflf lllkl fll.wra
., , .. . ., , ,.
' . overllowtyl Hat
ani:a ami an vne country in wie ticiii'
lty waa oterllowe.1. The aildden awoll'
lntf f t, cr,,,,k j, tljoURlll tt have liecn
caiiM'd by a clnudbumt near Xcolavc
terday mortilnc, but owlnir to mil and
ha ctrkLcleirr-tph cnmmtinlcalloua Im1uk cut oft
eiact fai'V can not 1m aaceruitivl
At I'tidrrwootl alxiut thirty-live re !
dencea In tho low landa were wrecked
I by witter and a ninny famlllea rondertMl
homolea. I Wo mile of tho Milwaukoo
track were tvahtd away and that part
nf town traveraetl by the Milwaukee and
Itock Nland road la aubmorifcd under
fifteen feel of water. No Uvea worn
hut, lint there wero very many narrow
oca)' by realdenU of tho flooded dla
trlct. At Wealon the aatue creek over,
flowed It bank and tho city waa
flooded to a depth of five foot through
out. Thlaocuurn-d alniut five o'clock In
tho miirnlnf and mi auddcu waa It
that tho topln aro firm In the It-llnf
that a clnudburat occurred near that
HinU Thirteen houvea wero wrecked
and fifty more or le damaired. Therw
waa no lo of life.
A fat aite'k train on the IlllnoU On
trul plunged ll to a waalmut at Arkley
with aeten car loavda of cattle, titer a
hundred heal were killed.
Thn alorai aUmt Adair waa the wont
evnr known them. Tha wind blew r
hurricane and thn rain fell In hlliidlnr
aheeta. DurlnaT thn night tlinr wr
three different atortna from aa many
polnta of the com pa. Corn waa latdly
waahetl out and orcharda and garden
rulne.1 In many place. Many window
lljfhtt were hniken by ball.
A Iterman fanner northweat of Adair,
ho' rreldence and outbuilding- am
located on thn low tamle. loat alii brail
I of pood hojra by drowning III barn,
1 ........ 1 1 t . ..-!. I ...
linn trio, owy niavA itnu leiic.. wrr
waa very riv Id and continuou and 4U
much dma?o Thn tee?raph wire
wero badly down, thn linn repairer hav
Ins twenty break to clovt (petwoen
Adair and Atlantic
John Cook, llvlnjj Juat eat of faey,
hail a !!,V) aUlllon drnane. in thn
I Middle river and came near )lna hi
, own life. That dream wa a wldet
I a'"5 &'' The trm all our thai
l(lntJ did jrreat dtnitre and it la only
"urprluT bat no Uvea were UmV
I'eopJo very jrennrally Uuk t Tate and
"rT.n. Iowa, June VA
P11 at r lM PUr s t
A aebfol hnuan three- mile outh waa
atruck by the ttorm and completely de-rnollth'-d.
The teacher, Ml Mary
,.is. ... ...7 - -., trttw-m imij
.Smith, wa bvily Injured and in pupil
fatally Injured. Xlaa rrritth may jwm1'
bly recover.
rwveral farm fcouve and nttaneront
outbulldinet wern blown away The
numlor of p'pl' Injured la eetlusauM
at lanty,
l-iKr.. K r),Joei.-ACercw -lal
.iw- ...MaiMaln! I a aieafklae rila.
ramenptn thU Joe-altty Te4ay alfbt
aliout nfn j'clock and fntlna.-d antll
aUrut ten o'c!-lr yete-rdy mcrolnf
ft ta tt a I . aC.aVal t.laat t Jm BV a f V I M - m -
. T -. ,, ... , j w .,. w.wm w na.,1
AaA tfcp wbf,Jt uaB tfj4 mtf
?-,,,. ho .tu-MM tti cwecre-nUnt
rft.lw., it tv,w .mbUti,B 0.11,-.
wlJ. efcU of !w., -ef. U
rMal tiatn lab- in lb afterti i
lhf. Ur ,.b,,,i. A Trlt.r.-wa
hjrVwk, WM Wxmu 1txjm bu bk ,
badly UferM. The pmtvM. Utl( U
, ... ... . , .m ".
V J '""
I A raar la aa fVM Mill la w
If ta'a Ptwaett tjaart.
Hut tha old rim ran make wooden
thora. III worth any man' while to
a atoli him at work, lit aelie a block
' of yellow poplar a Km I a fot lone
(our Incdiea a Mo an J an Inch and a lull
thick, real onn end on a rho
....-, . . -w- ...... . .... .-.. .. .-'.'p
block, and with a harp batchr-t iloltly
aahlon thi amsl Into a olr, with rude
hrI, a hollow whero the hall of tho
. fiHit ko' nd anolhrr at the- hank. Ho
j ca fashion a jalr of thco ouch aolr
In lr than ton nilnulon, and he dooan'l
if in lu hurt, rlthor- They nitut U.
trlmuutl and nuHtthel lmtoro tho
. upper art put on. The upper that jtm
on thn wvHxlen tolea are of two aort.
Sonio art cut hljth, llkn lcel hit,
i and, Indeed, are crA They are, of
cvure, rudely tatnuM leather, and n
tialltxl on to tho oli' with Mrou,; tarVv
On the tKtltont of the aole are nallel
trliif leather atuddod with Ub nallv '
Tim aotca arti alo Uitiutilcil. Thet
lu-e am uiflj and unilnly, but Hi; lit,
and, to the axmttomo.l wearer, not tin
comfortable. They fetch TJ a pair, am! .
are atdd In cnalderahln iUintlllei.
I A alutpler anil lighter hiw I made
by nailing on to the wooden ole low u
er that ronio Jutt at)ill to tho tutep
In the front and little aNtio thn herl
lHhlnd, Tho leather for thean I
1.iiiimhI br placlnv' It while wet uihui a '
11 liiarvtil with the nuure that are to
appear In thn taniilrti; Theao ate of
.....pie del,,,, j:.n ao.nMv mote than
half a doten rldfo Juat IhMow the In
alep, Theatt aro the chcawt aaUit
I They hrliiif only M'ii a pair, and at
tlmea perhap lc,
I Thn Rabot tiu'ii familiar In picture nf
1 eaant life I that all of wool It look
like a Utile canoe You may ce thelu j
by the acorn In Mlllet'a picture Tin
aro made from (treat blivka of jellow
( (Hiplar. The blvk la riral trimmed Into ,
rude aoiiiblanco of a ahiw, and then i
mmimh1 out with odd, lontr hnudled In
atrumenlN whoo hlaile nro aharp and
) CrvMiked, after acrecent-hatNl cuahlotl
of atamped leather I formed ncrot the I
Inatop, Ihcao Ihk aro aomellme
worn with a wlpof atraw at the heel
to protect the fo,iU They are evcetsl.
Iti?ly Hh'hl and warm, hut try. '
lltlT on lonit Journey. They make a'
treat clatter on barn floor. Tht'i fetch
fi a pair
Salxilt for women and children are
aomettmea flnlahnl with brl?hlt'oloril
tenthcr, Much are IrlmmtM down ao a i
to la. very lltfl.t and colliforUblo. 'lliry I
fetch higher prior than tho everyday I
aalmta for men. tull" aa carefully
lnadn ant thn wiatlnn hm.i n.,l lbn I
main aro inn win.ien ahma tiemi on Hot j
alajro by clof dancer. ,
There ar only a few ealxil. maker In '
N'nw Viirk'aml noarl v all f It, no, ...
-now tor, an! nearly all or tlioui nr
I rinrhmen altnoat unacquainted wlthi
l.'ucllah. Thern may la- a few Herman a. !
bot'luakoraon the KaatMldo, The wearer
of aaUita aro tonally French Mop)e anil
(formftna. and thoao of the aort who rt
fuao aaalmtlatn with the native (aipii,
latlon. A fear Ire-cream maker and
other iteraoitawhoan work ntulrea them !
i.i .i.,.l (n Am i.n... u-.. ..i. .i-t.'
toatamUndaMiipplacoawearaalHit. I
can!, tho water cloea nt oak throuifli
tho tlili wooden atile. They are m
Hlfbter, lot, than tiuatly ttout a
or IhhjI ot leather. HaU)t are aoldom
eMM4d for aalo oiitablu the Prenrh
jiiarteror thn Herman tenemenl-liouxi
rt'iflon. and fven there they are lltuo
worn on thn atreeu
Now and then nnn en an old woman
with all'wooilnn aalxjl clattering alont,
Wooatcr or lllei'ckiir alteela, but thn
yntinirer etipe, who ktiow morn alHitit
thncualom of thn country and earn le
for the Old World, would not m een In
puhlic with aalaita. I'erha) Ihertiarn a
many waarwia of aabott In New York
now aa there wem one hundred and fifty
ynara ago. but they furtn a much amaller
perrentas" of the jMipulntlon. and are
much lea familiar to thn jrcieral pub
Un. Thn huvlneaa of aabol making wat
once uultet a tnatteir nf cmr.. .n.1 ..!!.
...... ,.r . .!... -.!... V.. .....
, .7 '. """
man in a mouaaiui na ater teeti a
or thn ahop of a aabot'tnakrr N, V.
Tk IMwereare.
Vounf Ktaylayie--Ve, I'm trettlnf
alotiif very well. Mia Knitly, In fact.
I'm flourlahlntf Ilka a green ly ire,
Kmlly Tliern'a a dlf?ernce Uawenn
you and bay lr, thoufh, Mr. Mtay
Ntaylattv -Why, what do you tnean
I'.nilly -a bay tree leave latn In the
aprlnif, but you leave late all lha year j
'round I.I r hU
l. All I r-t hipping te ll
l tt
i .
t m
' M
Hul'fcrr' . 4 ti
tlltrtui In t
lV)-r.u....-U. b.,.y ..
ttril AT-n. 1 1. ;
Sit. 1 bant l't
criR-..,. i ,
tUtfr-Si. .... i,w
i un: -an. 7 . , ii
ruji, ir .k . t i
1 hti . I m
H.tT-n.i-i iu
III niU-Vil.rrniMif . u
t lll:l (all ertew ... t m
l.tit.K- Kntr. ... -
IIACO -IIim ...
Mmld.t.. . , t t
teJe ) it e
ivtai;i.. ,, ri
' T ll'l
CATThK-'klifplng .irrr ,.,
I llNl.tMft Heer .
; IKMia-retktag. .
i Mli:t r'r to (Ux .. .
' tum -r't.i.a. ,
Mlf;T-?la i r-1
aiuv.v. i
, iT-..t I
HfT7li:-Cra.fT .
l'Kei ... .. . ... .
rTll.K-.t.lp9.ia M-. . ,
lllf'Mkl al l.(pa(
. Hit ri'-i air n f aW
I tfl B. Kot .. .1
vHi;T- I lei
m. -
Kv r.V
rATTI f Vew.e. t fela
ri'-ti. ifm Ik.iw. , . ,
. it r, --.. tt ,.. i t-i . . ....
fMt(K . I . . .
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l h
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1 t
II Ml at
ie e
t V w
I tt -
t n
t', I
v '
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tt "
t tn
a V
- il
II tl
M t t
Ml V I
t va r
it r. '
I vv
t fV
Ml- 4ivtt, . ,-
eHftj AH fa ttltltweiy.
Orrat art It etervtwd ta tha riilrn
of vreic of th autnmer 1-onnM. and the
flower lAnnrta at triumph nl Horal '
gracr and tautf Thn noartt atr o(
h'MtliUv with kian Iratr attd
thorn InlrrtnluM, and an ujtii ltn '
(vftrr I maklnif hrrtvll tatnotit by hr
dlaptay c( rorr Ujur and Umnrl !
, wvi. ,'' NI1T m N H, ,," .
' rntotnrr rwm, cs and arw NnMtTl, I
and trlphwT aant, not ono or t 1
V'. -.-. .... . .11 .t.V- . I .1 .
but U at Iratt, t l-o at alt llrtrl, a 1
t rhi lnelr lnn I out ol alt that I
Udrrnf of rralWtto bliHm and riu
trimniv would rnulr nothing' hol I
, of .rUn fortitude Tulle, ilvt and '
Cower l) fottn ouie of the n,lrl,
Other are of leave and vine enlli,
atlll ullirr bow a creamy ni tkf .
flower to t alntte the hair like a crown '
-gfrat Tt' rte, prj of rhetn tl
hlimin, )es full blown litlnil-plliW '
rtes or mo buds lth maidenhair
fefn. et They Kk like a delicious (
ooru bunch of June Mewerti put tip
on the head, Ihi-j hpe and moil tutt
fully drr- II at 11m N Y IVt
lt lll HtltlM,w4.
Ilie N-t irMiniit-ml a ,iil mihn-c
fan rur I a pimtii et In ! tuul, p
lid the ntiwt xtif.-lerj Invmlw uital n
for a limllttne I It (,i rftivt. , ,t
Hmlttr lilo hi tup, ia,U ) lr
Hull, ft lm tuv. K , ha l'i ul tttttt
hkI r(Ti I In malt) tb od Inilau t It
lil ul other livvltittietul Un till ll
h ever jtlme wtial I eir'tl el It. If
iw for thill ami fever it iut- a tvftalu
( ly aiul lAimplrUll a walei tUeuftie It. rt.
In nianj hwalttu-a it l.a hmxl lu.. U.r
, SM 'SjAl
ba runl tnenv to n l.ett' nulutne,!.,! nit
Tih.1 whaia'trc, and Ihcu It lietrr prvliiT
the after crtr, I uulnilie fltxiuriitlj 1m ci,
the ) .trni, auch liwiiv In l .lo,i.ib
tieade.-tie, dlri) rnlin rlc tt I et, a
iwrenu b- elite ul It lu pl.e ef mimll.e
they w rtrr Mfletta,l pie t r It
Tub eprlnc lav of the hen I hf-?rc '
Ihrotrn Into tliw tOltorlid watte Imt.rt
ftlidt a plct on the cxlllor ,Vi i
It. town llrrwll
A autw IVvtltetaweo,
Not Ih'Untnnroutly. II I true, but n a
ahlt kM.' et time, peru nf abltbu
l.ablt ate at. from the l.rlHI' nl I. h a
iltkorticiil liter I itbln of inlU'tli.c by
llottetlcl rll.imath Pllt. I an alill lilllt i
nielli me ami nprieit of the ftll rwnk
The lolli In the rlfbt aide klot llilwiif h the
tlKllt xbellliter, the alt e btoaila. he, iipillHit,in and aflrvn hue of llw
kill aiernl4lr) Irliiov..! i hl cwttlliable'lutlte of lone to Win i, fan n an it
Hull ullit ib.'v.lloll
To utr tour bead aUite wt.r
m tlillii: but WHtrr In your atolnaoh I
ton I r,iirtlpt
tl'a, t..l... ..,.,,.111.. I.. itl. l fc.
p,,,,,,.,,!,,, V (,T ami air ImVf ti It
litmir value, ami jrt Jay lloubl. tf famUh
li'tr In lli-tleet, weubl fHw all M wlth
'"r I'1"1 "' ,,,rt 'erilier, and think It tA.
Uau ,,f B,, ,,,,, Mr ,,. ,u,Uft, t,(
all value If yuur .)!. ml futli.f Malaria
J0' "" m Pt mieiW lew it... of
Hhalleobeiter Alilldnlew 111 make ji-u tr
.,,,,,,,,,.. .,mi.Ui ahtliprl'ttpai t
I'mi'tire can't He, but he flrur unit ea
' 'rnltey In 1nn..l all eutlatual aitlilr
lloaUm 'I iali 'L
To II.m t el4,
Honda, hi e amt revet. In rru llinet
trm i fTivtnall) , )rt iuti when nnlllp r
bUlmi. ur when the ,jwt iiit m
allirlh, tn l-'imaiirtitli cit haMltinl t.n
mX,UilA,Ut mtn U . and liter
t.,aiMiibf a.tltiiv,t ittti.iiL.- r
I them, ue ft) rui of "lg
. . .....
i iinini a lawiuit i trying (
even lor dlellilerld .fUe lo bear
IlingbainpWiii Hi pliblliaii
(MHM tin rrvta t hinr tit me rhvrti
luniiln Jiiniii )t! me no !-! io
UitUca nf Minltb 'I ..Jin Hjrup made In r
eoilml and ui-ll. an '' , N r lit
It la nut auiircat a vt under, c.iu.i U) tl,r.k. en uiatit pnopl are tlllUrate lt
body waa trtru that way Tela Hilling,
11148 CtTiaan 't aa It a IbjuM and la
takitu ItiUrnally, and aw u dim Uy on the
hbfel atwt uiucwua nr (. it Ik) teiu,
Wrluafor teatlmor.lal, fr-i Mauufa ttiifl
by r. J, Cuaat t tVi , TUlo, O,
It rowel hata lawn a wlewajwtlfbt waa
waa Aral put lu aia;awu.ait by hla felUt
Tata tlUa.
- i
"IfHrtrTai. Will b elt
hi t.'rearln a
I fO, rt.kkvl. I'. to any na In IM I' H ft
l' , to any ( In IM I
I'anaala, Uevlaay plt. uiu rlpt .f aft
IWibbla' V.bvIHe rip wra.-twr Itr 111
hi aiiveie on iiri-.nare arouini eawen uar
A Tina nfvti aalia
a a "l, ?et r-'A
1l ttudl vgtit
r-'A m
7it 1 aa aiotHy
Miebun Cvuiler
llJ tnirgatlta rtneilt- are faelrltlav
way to tie g'tilJe a t.ii td anlbl (Te.l el
tarur'a Utll M.r I'lll If ii
Uo'ii, ttwry wilt twttatnl' pleaa)wu.
" a man t fait.oti t wwht eoi "
Uat atery mtm In ti.e itrjntr; wl U, 4r 1
mit! wlUi him at a lx. I
Cn4 all U. Une- l-,r . blJ.1 J knw
Whet u,k y4 rrlh (d rren mvt rt riot a bit i Oi.'.t,
H rabdi lf lut' Yi.rte. fen. '
Ta n,a wlo iix fUtpu Vj aiid
deei'4 lu 1H l ..tnfullra l..f nii
' UtudalM U Wtoklt-Ar,4 't ,
- -a
(ir a H'.lphWr rV't a gwl rta
hlr f'tr eif N l)arf.
Hill a Hair m1 W'Mtmrt li.rih.nii
TTnriarlr!! O" t rH tn Ufk ft
Jea hr ehalr ,t it J'Maufro
Voe ran'l Mi lialag r t erj
enable.! tr4r wtletltti-plf'tt ittftf
i t:utr- l..tu lrr Itti Ityo
A ttrttn aklala
a arw3n.l Ut ria
lire? naeVeat Im t.a bt rUt
u4; rf ( a'an V ty drugrlft.
! t
Tao 0ttKsru"At ,.,( t,f k taawa
. a-! W fc jith VI K - IVl
A r'rr Ortf (4te at fitf Tv
!J1I"SM.. 'll 1
Tutt's Pills
W ' if mm favMa
ffawtavartf rw
ttfwia. lttJMUM, StClf
Uaa1tvrkAt atiilawwaavaaxAv
a .. .. ' . m.
fmm avtt amiawaaew ate-iMav.; vrwj at
tw avaXwewl vwawal yaw Ma
awealMfleek. awaaili Kmmmu
1 eaaatawt aeaay twarallaai
old nrxmTWHUi.
N ?rwv.t:-' ira
I UP 1
Illustrative Art Always Attracts Attention.
Hereto It SHtM ta
a tltfMMef) Mltta, MllNII
tl hHt W 'fatlf U tM
ke Ut Mat let la
uerXaa. I I a t4laka
1 roi&aMf.ii
lllathfttiaa, wa
aaf Ma
IN wtlwJ
4 ( It rt)i'4,
MwMMf 1 1
nt rt 4talM lallttMlkaa la a iifittaatiakw
taaea, tl aad Ml"- a rt
tavtllaa la etlUtit Ie4w M
laoweeta IIm ! fatklaa CwH, Mkw h Ml lawkH' a4 pilliMl'l
fimewla, Oat t tafl WLaalBlBlBlBaW t4" Nlwll Cawt
kt U laauaWa a rMl llkt
Ut. coitfitatatta, cMa . aTawwtw5 , ayN4f a4 tttwtt
It , a alt ltt l ltrt aaavaw IM twtw ) waM ! I all aa'tt law
ilf la Caatlt a4 Mat(t llthllt ww laefatl attl ta ntaaw) aw
wtiaia Utf pwparllv at Uat la tar. tbj ktea a ttawH twrtatlla tJ tm
tallake li lrltlrali MUia aataaavwl
waaalllal lallial lttat, iaaUa l tfH
I aaf aarat.. la
lkl at4 I la
wr (Minuet
ta .. rttaata tel'tH yawe aet'tn
a.Mklf, lw1fil. Htfwalrflaej d
- lllH
la t.ttlat. Itrtl lie Mai ) ! U ax4, t, at )' Mtae ta aVf i
n. n.
170 nwetat
a t wetavt eiat at kua I
tl a rt w.tni etkttt i iKtitiwi I
lit t t atattt iimiwiii, Mt I
plNM trktlV rH
t t4Mt ILIItf I lawelitu, A iwle M a
t.4.1 u IM tifc4 It ha Im VL
II It an iem,M, t4 aVVa
To Rostore Tone
ml trttiigth
to ttt HyaUm whtn
WbiiknHl by
left Or I p.
or Miy other
Ayer's Sarsaparllla
Is poalllvaly
0t thai BKiT.
PrcpartMl by
Dr. J. O. Aytr A Co.,
Low til, 1
mMt m
llat.t f
ateia.ta !.. I aa-,tM4. ..e it
a4 et4
t bmiti
trtilaMU frf etna le fc. i .
ti liw fc.. taa -t i.iih a) . mgt
K latftalNn ' V ' " r,
ww w rJal ,t HH,W kwe t4 4
Ua aaaaa . a at. .
" p ;" w ww at ' p
r tttni am
t-t r le vea tt, I, m Wa
. !)
ail. Liw Tmlt
I r. leJ t.-. fl
i . .(.. ? (..(, ....L
I 4 r.(
- V at
tMt CtJ.t
,4 l4H4(Mf a.
(! tVt) M- t-aw4-M
Veaet u far W
. . y.
r r riJ'yw UVK 4
" vtarf.k7i;wf' VJ . ,. fl
tal f bKtl tarfi' Mate la- tV Uttf
(reeee ti 'oM .
a iAJ I I-T I M d IV.i'r-.???!":
aTataVaTataataataw '
ttfctfetf rttav - ev ..
I ) a M. k t
k , a MI
I M. Ia.e' .e.entrf
' ' w
r tw '. tha, a W
letMleii ,. k e et.iee.t,
a r.a ft mm e v
au. aaaaaaw a saaw
' lKWglo
, PATENTS ! iSmiiKi'&i
j ,,,,, -. "'
art aaX4 I
antnt, H )J
M ta Ma
laetetttM 4 tH ft fta
f H tM twitMI lntaH ! ,
a)at tvteM a)laa Cava a4 taeta r.
B 4 aa) 'tl4H,
rwww awi i )- ratal rtvaTlV
M alt. aatuNf
awwtMH MtUl antta alt. aMet
141, wa ta tlf e
w tl A lktb, M I
m ta ( ta
"l'M ! tt.
nteaet, flttlea. III
eat i"iiil ael .. etft, as
a a ea jnitaan ! a ,
t H tail ta tnil fa, aaw
IA1AMUH lt r4 U w aaataa
..u ikuu . ai!WI b iL,
, f I) ( .', .,, r
keral.ra w awtg
M 1 aVe.
So Vhrmiml
fc ae ewefa, )
anai a-l-v t. .oal
V a m a aae eaav
tati aa aaaika ekBaaariaakaaai
wj ej faaffaaaev aawearvaTaifeaBj
,M. tt-mt0k
i aeaxaeOe . 1- i
.. i-. : . Tr
- lata,
aw) tf ) eeaef w
TVtkMi ft
t.ii.u.,i.i,,l i Utet. tVeee etaVaataw
reea, feeM.j aVMHi, flH'xMjittt
eaeKMl, Cetee tellew.lli, lW' UB
ww . . wat, aew w
Wai ... V '4 M t.e ..awetatita tl
V'.rtliitM MeoWfC
ikM.a,4 ana)e
M , ewe
aw t . itw t '. rStmi
arfw tvvHwMf 4a.t
t - leeawew
ea I'M .! ejaf.
1. . araaaWaK
T . ,
e efa e-w .' VJOL?? Vl5."
i j.,,e . rtti, avaaa.
"w aaif Umnm !. ( ,im.i.4
VMk faejeaiaai '.ana i. f
n4 aea am r Mr t.M.WM.1 fafkaa,
ft. . tMa,e talMM, J tw-L
Wlt aTfc.. e lawtUMI, .
aare ewt .. ea .
Batata wveatrtrtx wetaiaetea, ta, ;,
r'arM)4wvot cTt
l w..a...a.m tMat
I f
Hawfj WtMnr y f tMMw atPa.
Q f rt 4a4kftft fttaWW,t MM
t9f rtf ' aw-W twaM
W wtt btm4 flv-f - p awaate ftjgp, aaTa
J aW taw aw tii yaa afcaTa,rf 0Wmmfm hm
V - f 0aMf M
f Mf f WaVtM T avtat-tat
ttel aaaaaai ,
. eM4t m
tteat m tv4 la aa a
M "t aal. ewaawv I.
.... .MtMpt .k
aatt.e e..4.
tkimtU wwfft (A II
2f',a.,rwa4 WA..
e iea aa, awl..aua.
"o .. M, .a,aa
tv ea. wl tym taa
a .
..,.e .
t t
H ra t 4iataii.
f " -. f ! a,iie.a
. .. .. . . .-- . I.:': J'.'"."T
A .a . UlMriiM .Mn. u..
tl .1. .a'a.. f M pa."je
IM., aVa,
awae eete . aaHaa
a !
faHll III1
I ," V!- l w4llaPf9
rew ) eaee
" a -
k ) I lt ee.