The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 13, 1890, Image 5

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J7r $r cirf p
. C. llaftXKB, .
rid.?, Jane IS, .
r.nterr.1 at it i. lit Offi. In Hml I lot7xpti.,
mall matirrot la st-corM n.u' '
Absolutely Pur.
t1il iiuwilrr nrer varlr
Martrl l put
tlrrtiKtli ami wlmlrsonirtirss, mot rroMitulral
tluui llu ordinary kin.1 ami eannot I. sol.t III
.i.nilT.mH mill III imilllllHIrS 01 low Irsl SllOtf
wrlght hIiiiii nr liliatr imwilnr.. nM otilj
Wall street. N. Y. Oltv.
oTTij imhti:nn.
Wi hmt Ihe nHrHt'ofdrnulH
Ikr Hrical toxin W'tttrr In Ihr cll
strid wr ahull rwnllniir In Icttd.
Oar nrw drink llitMa)ii
HrtttlM' llfTlHOM "KMslHrr)
VlncgHr," "I't'Hrhra tnri CrvNin"
MHd "CtltH'ttlMtf.."
Il um rcmcHtlM'r IIimI .'tilt.
Ing'a Hlrd Mr4 rstntMln no mil
Ivt tr other foul ced.
Nllrfc) Vly I'tiper Hnd lurr In
neel I'ciwdera hit now In aewaem.
Wf ktkw Ihr urai.
We nrr selling f 'ntejtirl nnd
llnmmiH'ka, ('henna
ijawftlrr'a Dii'llHHr) for :!.
tiring m jour prcarrlnllona.
Wr will Nil thrm nrrurnlrli
nnd erne ou awtine).
irr.nn or i.t:rrmt.
Mm H M Martin and daughter,
Mabel, arc visiting in 1 It i not m.
For all kinds of fine job work at
very low prices call at this office.
ho not fail to call and sec my stock
of window shade. V. V. Taylor.
11. A. Handy will give you the low
cat figures of anyone In town on lum
ber. Our old friend C C Cooa, is uite
aick at bin residence ia lisrlcld town
ship. Mrs Fannie Potts and Marj A Khia
kle are guest at tbeir father resi
dence at present.
The Nebraska and Kansas Farm
Li an Co. want all the good farm
loan they can get. tf
II K Orchard his his new house
J tainted. W e hope our old friend will
ive maav ycara to enjoy il.
Loans made at low rates of interest
by tbe Nebraska e. Kausaa Far Loan
Co. Money ready aa soosi as papers
are signed, tf
Deyo is giving away to ladiet earn
plea of his special odors, we can safely
say tbey are the Inest perfumes we
ever 'moled."
Feataerly Aults are still selling
vinegar and trantular juice. Call and
sec them. 5ooJ cider vinegar for -5
cents per gallon.
Wonder what kind of meat that
was that the young fellow hid in a
basket ia one ice cooler last Sunday
it must have been very eiMieretiugr
We would call the attention of the
towr-ihip read avemer to the bad con
diUon of l be north approach to the
river bridge. It ought to be kept in
good condilien.
Mrs Jam I'aal. Camborne, Hag.
renews her subscription Ui the firm
Familv Weekly. Kven the people
in Kagland caa'l do without the great
distributer of news.
The card arc out for the marriage
June !.". nf ocr woiihy tonng friend
Mr A I' llnward to Mix Minnie Keek
of Olis Cidorailo, la advaart of lhe(gl men for the oftee of asrar
event TltK Cllltr wisKes the yeang, Jiurirjr the rata storm Ts.Ja
couple much happiacss. night, I'r llartirreil wet called mil
(Jo lt Moaday, May, 5, Miss l.- south and iacomiag home tbe daik
IW JJcKeeby, departed this life, af-j net was so lot esse thai be aad his
Itt a paiaful illaea of nearly eight horse were Icait for a tin tad could
weeks duration. The 'antral xei-(Bot and tbr.r war ho.nve oatil mora-
cites took place at the reeldeaee ofjing broke TL dKir (t ieto a
her lather JUatardey meralag, at tew , read that bad beta faei p aad t -
o'elock, a large oere tsi sympe
thttiBS friend following her remain
lo their l reeling juee.
i;nv Msn.
(Jo and See It. A Handy.
H V Shirey is home fjoai the east.
New baby carriages at F, V. Tsy.
Latest stylet in carpet at F. V
Taylor. '
Our friend Hradbrnok lis put in
city water.
Follow the crowd and go to Mrs. K
A new line of picture mouldings at
. . tayiors.
For the latest styles in dry gooJs go
o .Mrs. i. .ewliouse.
If you want the best buy the vYhlte
ior saie ty t. V. Taylor,
The street sprinkler again sprink
Icth the streets with wet water.
Call and seo H. A. Handy for prices
before building as he will make It to
your interest.
For the latest and cheapest beaded
wrs.s and dress goods, call on Mrf .
F. Ncwhousc.
(in .iinl II A. IIhimIv for )our
"en-en door-, .- ln will i y, a
pri'-fiit with evi'ry one,
Anything in tho lino of furniture
carpets, window shades, etc., at lowest
prices at F. V. Taylor's.
Mr. Milton Hates, of Clinton, III!
nois, is a guest of tho editor of TllR
ClIlKl' and family this week.
it you arc going to buy a carpet
you will save money and get the
best by calling on F. V.Taylor.
Tho imported Alabastin, sold by
I)oyo ia tho finest wall finish made.
Can be put on wood, stone, or plaster.
Deyo is selling moro Wall paper,
better wall paper, nicer wall paper,
an I cheaper than any firm in the
II ( Knight stayed all night in tbe
city the other night II (I is the hand
some and talcntrd editor of tho Camp
bell Press.
Tho small boy in putting in hit
time hauling out channel cat these
days from the placid waters of the
8 II Kitcr has tradtd his Walnut
ctocl farm for II II Simons residence
property in this city. Mr K will soon
move to the city.
Arc wc going to have a grind lib,
of July this fourth? Hope our peo
pie will get to the front on tho fourth
of July question.
Win Wilson of McCouk, cngiaear
has been changed from the west end
of tho II & M to tho run between lied
Clptd and McCook.
Hilly (Jill.ert has startci a Illuo
Tank line wagon and propotct to sell
gasoline ana kerosuna to our people.
Wo wish him success.
H. A. Hiindy will sell yuu u screen
door n i-1 !t'.i ii tho neat ono and
gii; ou u I'oiupleto set of spring lun
ges mul IhhiLs besides,
Street Commissioner has been en
gaged in lowering the street crossing
so that they are passible. Ho seems
to know his business.
II. A. Ilrtliily will sell ynu screen
ioirx complete with spiing hinges mid
hiMik forsmne price n other denier
thnrge you for the door alone
If you want weaving done call oa
Wm. Huffman, lied Cloud or leave
orders at Cbas. Sehaffnit's. All kind
of carpet weaving dune on short no
tice. Just received tho latest styles in
beaded wraps, ssttens, white goods,
Swiss embroideries, flouncing, hair
oraamcats, laces and all sorts of trim
mings. Mrs. F. Newhousc.
The water rotnmisiioner should
have tlm siandpipu (leaned out at
oace, the water is icry impure and
needs improving. In tbe present
condition it is unhealthy for family
The circus has ennn and gone, and
we must say that it war one of the
best circuses that we have ever at
tended any where and the equal of
Sells or Hamulus. Th show pleas
ed our people very much.
Harvey Vincent our ablo city en
gineer informed TliK Cuur this week
that he pumper 0,000 gallons of
water cicry evening from four o'clock
to nine p iu That is the anioui.t our
tsoplf use nn the Iswna every four
ours. Hed Cloud ought to be damp
John Hsrkley has purnbssrd Tay
or a may line, aaa win iticslicr
opCMtn it. John wish- lo aj that
be will br pleased lo lo draymg at
tbe old time nrice and aill hi pleas
ed to secure tbo work of our -i.fil-asuridg
them that be will aim i treat
all fairly and hoanrably
The board i-f supervisors are in
lion this week a an equalizing hoard.
,s uul I hi yesr ur sur-ervisors
ifc.,,1 that tbe attestors
in many la-
sunre hare potd to do thtir duly
and be knocked out tbe asemnU
in bad shape If there is one iblag
that our people ought to do is to elect
fr he eald mad a isw rcd the eUy
light went tvet assd W it left in b
dark t wander. Iltrwestr no harm
r.M miA
or Ihr Red lemd INilsllr rlMl
A Uraaa SarrtM,
0 last Friday night the second an -
nusl commenoement nercisct of the
Kd Cloud public schools Itwk plaer
at the oprrs house, to a very iatg
audlcRce. The opera house was very
liaely decorated with nice lowers,
ornament, etc., and "IHlKC festooned
ia cvergreea bung directly over the
class. The eiercisei were opened by
appropriate music-from the male quar
tet, Messrs, A. I.. Funk, Vic Fulton,
I.. 1. Albright and C K. Taggarl,
followed by prayer by Kev. C. fLTsg
gart. After prayer the audience was
entertained with a duel by the Misses
Otie Smith and (Jcrtie I'oad. Fob
lowing the duel, came the oration of
Joha Tulleys, oa "Self Advertising,"
Theoratiea was a well written argu
ment and showed that Johanle was
thoroughly conversant with his sub
jeel, and the advice, if folloeed gen
erally would be a great boon to those
men who think advertising doesn't
pay, John is one of our brightest
young students and will make his wsy
to fame.
followed with an oration on "New
Times demand new Measurers and
new men," The youag nun handled
his subjeet with ease and convinced
his listeners with the faet that be was
a close student and a close observer
of the needs of the times. Alex is
making rapid strides In tbe educa
tional line and in yesisto come will
show what close application to study
in early childviood will do for those
who improve tho opportunity.
After more inusia by the following
ladies, the Missis Addle Heigle, Hurl
butt, lloward, Hrakefeld. Spanogle,
lirown, Sherman, Schalfnit and Camp
bell, which was highly appreciated,
trested the audience to a fine oration
on "Superstition vs. Investigation,"
which wss a master piece of oratory.
The young lady handled tho subjeet
with thai skill that showed at oner
her knowledge of and lamilisrily with
both history and classics of ancient
and modern times. Her line ef
theught was well carved out and a
great surprise to her many friends.
At tbe close of the various orations
and more music. Prof, (loudv in a few
wall chosen words introduced the "fu
ture governor,'3' MrT James (Jllhstn,
wliojw tils usual happy vein enter
taiaed the audicaee for twenty min
utes with some very practical thought
bearing upon educational matters
After his speech which was both in
teresting and instraetive, the dlpln
hiss war distributed aad Prof, Wnu
dy thanked tb audience for their
presence and tba ontoitalnment wss
closed oy a snag by tiie .mi yesr
class and tho benediction followed.
TllR CllIRi' congratulates tbn class of
''.10 on their able efforts ss show on
this occasion and wishes them a pless
snt future as they make the first step
into the life that Is before them, end
our advice will bo to thew lo keep on,
as th7 have started out and success
will surely crown their efforts.
We wiine.x hereto nn ablrrt of
each ess.iv,
If alrllalHC.
Ill) olinTulins
To advertise is to make known.
Self advertising is making yourself
known, so, if a man wishes to become
known he must advertise. Tha
comes the question how shall we ed
vertlse? nhal! he wia his way lo sue
crss by bis real er arpsrent merits?
Shall he puff himself into ualmpor
taacc and rrclead to be what he is
not or shall be take honesty a bis
motto aad thus raise by slow degree.
The lstr though it may be) lie safer
wsy is less apt to lead to success. A
msn should blow his own trumpet
aad the louder and longer he ean
blow tbe deeper Impression be will
make and the trumpet he uses should
be male of brae aad the more brass
it coalaia aad the more vigoroeslr
it I blown tbe l;udr it will sound,
F.very man starting (a business ask
himself sbsll I aim lo be rather than
seem lo be qualiled for my business.
Those who aim to be qualif r4 gener
ally aim too hitch and althwagb a lew
of lb em get along fairly well u
make what suay be called bus'nta
sucecsa, wbilo thoae who setm to be
qua lifted puAiag lhemlae up ami
won make a fair basin- record ant
um few succeed beyond their csc
UllOS) a a
Taking by ty wiran as sa'yllfl, a
bread man will succ'cd ia ant busi
ness Take a wis who ha failed, b
baa failed l.ply Wrga he Is l'o
honot arxf j;rij, be att'ftdt
a-hurch Mauri' than b atUed Ui hi
bwtinrss, he givr u l hi brebfs
nd father lastilutinpa wbto b Md
!l bi capitalist his lniiar ,
T t-if irslf ny is tbe adfles I'f'
1 1 rally jznsta by etry one ('fli
aHavied) nsjtl slt-Hsngh this way
a..ll...a a .xlf Inia.iJ it laMt..! 11
,-- tla .1
morailita they are taM lr Ihe t-wss
I . ' . ... . '
kl An rso ll. .4f Ball lhW
. . .1 . ..
toe to -3 a a wb9 list u 40 ai
work well, bat this I didt4lr
' MltUk oa bis part for whlbr kr U
lukie mack wt.s he might be dft-
, ay.tkl nvste bewtleis
asa.l ia lkiLtlltckir W4bl
sorter lt ti s Ul, ts IMilrt'si.bMwai. h am . - manaaw
Jstr i trfun are laaxbsd a4fc4
eaue he has Ix-gun to cmw like a
chanticleer before he Is half through
while a jester who says the mt wit
ty things but has not the self u
ranee to arl himself aright, he l
often wore pittied than laughed si. It
It n it euouL-h lo haie real abilities
'alone one mini hate- the self ur
ance m eri ins eisuus iriote Hie
CtlMlO. It i n tint a
arktng dog Is (.rlier than s tlrrt.tnf 1
.-. .h . , ..
(ton, then a mis ruul bark not sleep
The Stolen ucsm who prajed lhal
he might hate a better opinion of
himself was not lr out of the way be
thought if he had a belter opinion of
himself other would alio hae a bet
ter opinion of him Then put joar
self torwatd if you would be known
Look up, not down if you would rise
to prominence,
Nrw Tlwsrs sVsissa Slew Wvaawrea
4 Sir w ).
I' j Alts l-ill)
The human family alwaya ptogre
sing The tfmrs are dilTerenl and dr
maud new men in the el.angrd eoiidl
linns Our places could not bo tilled
by men of a injmlicd jor ago. Mm
must bo in training now for future
Men are always lead; for the new
demands, Columbus for his time, I. In
coin for his time, Alfied the On at
for bl lime, each one hail been tulh
ed by bis surroundings and br the
demand made upon tt I ess so lhal he
was especially titled for ihr fulfilment
of the duties Imposed upon him in Ihe
ciilical times In which he Kurd
Them aio In unconscious training
today those who, wben an cittiimll
nary demand Is made ujoti them will
be ready, fullj tquippe.l for the hour,
The boys ef today are the, traders
of the future, and often thf so today
least promislnc are tomorrow the men
to whom all nun tool
None, foresight and moral ower
arc the rhaiaeteristles of gnat men
Ihe bo)a who lake adtatitagn of ncry
oportunlty lo miiance iu ihrsn qual
Ineslions are uur future loaders
The subject Irrals of measure as
well as of men, now conditions r
quire new laws and obt Isws sro ro
pcalrd or fall Into disuse Seeauso the
thus lnc changed ul ihclr change
of demand makes new laws necessary.
The men sod tho aieasutoa of today
are prsetlosl, witness Selh Low, pros
ident of Columbia eollrgr, he la neith
er trachtr, lawyer, nor scientist, but
an able writer and a man nf business,
and of grrat executive ability Hoys
and girls should not maVo the mis
take lo think lhal they are golne lo
school to prepare for life iheir school
days sro a part of their life and they
must remember that the well per
f mined duty ol iho day Is a prcpsra
lion for tho duties of the nest day,
that eaeh weeks work well don pre
pares for Iho west work work, and
that this year Is prepsration for tl
year, whether In school, In the shop
or 011 the faun
All our dulle well done day br
day makes us iho new men demsndsd
by the uw times to come.
aaasrallilaa , iMtrslUallaN
lit W Ills l.'sll.M
Atllrtimsil .lln lis froM.t t as stt1
IIimi, t till ItitH IsIhiiIm In )
I Man !! rf) imiImI n II. la (-('slim ,4 )a
hsiiIIi'i '-llll. ( .
arai faiU-lla I'll II. MWIKI SlMSIIIlia
UlTSlMs.! Sist li fast, ftll ". tin! tf'Sl Srtl
(ia Unlit M,ll ti l4ipMI4'.lt Ms Mliit,
uialm-ai ll slain llMa,J ,4 laU laiaal
Uaulaat . la fujlifoiil UlfM M-Ul'lllW ( I !'
Of HISla-'Tfarin,
11au la-aiali s na.lrtl siltllli Will a.,1 ,a.
)litllinla llIJaitasl-riais,laM
soil t-xiVMStlt"'. Hull) aVb-l afrf, al.i.1. Ha
llrtfl " III ' MN'wf 111 M
rHni orta-aUlt aria lillalt illi4 (yl iw.1
t-ff ilia-amasM M llaaxaffalt atav lUllsal lata
His mialaal al aH4a-htll, kalln IU
-- vea inaH aa"ii rrwfpi wwm s7 a j t r a
Ik sf wtMti Ia IIm-hIU i4 llisana ait-li
l-llMilsll. ItiiM aMfatli.As4 ! ra a I
" aa)sl LmM aaalBSat laaai a bla-al u laii a Aaah a a
atst l'li asltall alma- V ait' Sa.4 H l
taluk isaul Uhssm .: l'tit tlMs 4
MH.if k immi 4 lia- M-a aka
n-vl sta.1 laaaft Itaaa kr H"HimiM hrui
II i ItaaaaitViuiaHlfg-it- aa- IKalsl ai,4 la
atslli lll ba l-aJ slkatM iw a4l
lkMMilaMl ts ajrav
AM larr lass aualilial 0l.-, In M.I
a lw-luas l)a Swa a.l:tlMi II 6aat
til alt faua aair W-atalilii ax ifi tl bj
4srt)Vi- Is vtM.rnttM 'Mrt l.tal U
kit- la.ikll-U l ai-avWl, Itial )a a. I--la-t
llt4'( asllnlfataaa, lla(i (a-sl II bla
Ilal4rk Iwklwf Im Iblf traa 'illtaaaaa .
n 4 lit flilral at.tats'a4 liaxiat WI
1141 alaii'lsiil t-l M,ifHl as aw l-fvtail
avr-1. Tlaa-t !lfta' i(tlilia. liwa,
Ml It t luUIWUIanl tkaaaaa4
IM-ll-dfc SM aa-al sl, lfaailaa kwl
alaaalli H Orf lla-W 4 liHtPai
Isirl. it rMarMltha S4 lull la,ll l'aa
laatial ht tinmirl
isivfjaaf -, I f U"
fifllaracrM Hf4 a lj- 4ik ri fftlU
). I laa nlwfh lai 14 lt1ll 't""l tll
ll li aia "tut tut ' IU
lata lia.alfa.4a (ill tlalit ala It IwwavS
U a( .4 ! Ia ilavrib a inair irf 4 as
nail, All IK IJ l'4 Ma l
sws r stilt aa4 va li Itw Wy1 tt l
aMI aawawtisl lil lipa-f ai.oV.4 isaaasla
Il ik aJStial Vs tfi la lVaja
4 llaa twffi M ail ttw iH wlkaati
llasl i 1 tat4a i iraa ayUti(
ta'M4a4aat iKa a alllUlt Isials
il lull l-aa-Ml fS-l ) aair law a,4
l latavatlfSl II aflt'' MlatsMwu, l-A
altlla-ai la ff4 a4 rll( ( Jla S-avt
4 lb aal l-r4 I- aaiia'aa- tsaw
! aaaalM I ttt a ta fat la4 iKa waaVa 4aa
l-a slUi II a four Uia4 UW' l.-r-a
sial ja- M-ly-a; a H-- t UfU a
la la aJ li 4 IM- aM laa
ia, ra tat nuaSi fwil a-a ta- S'fv-a 4
tiava sal- ISl lvl SMHIIlUli),'
jVaijas alataiKlttl'l fko rfa.4 IU aa-
t4tm,rf aa4 Pi Sa. Sasavtaa rtli J'
tA PI Sa. Saalvf aa n't f' 14- gtn
4 m M SarS ( (aaaaaaf U Uai, at
t li trt 1 aVmaaaa M li 4
aa '!
ItaaaMflal v mot lOarWJT V -Ukrt-lU-V'jtl
HilH llsii frt a aVma-aaa M
irJasjail ! ! Sll tA aa. la ta
fialataOaisa ajf lrl l afVt'aai jaaf1
fVl aatvta ia tU ,a UaiVt, iVl a sSa
a4 laat rtm r ta laifat s laaai U WvSt
laaslia lf IWtUMWIfi atlaUaa)aaa(4
aj la "l4tv Hrx aiaaar tmit0t
laiiaraVl.aiMaaf ai4 Uaaaiiaaf v4 la
a-vt Kva.7j4-at tUvt as aaat si(ir
!- Kjlalwi, at 4 4kaaa4 a-Mk asua
aJlUVial i-Vtf., k.a?Tar pa ffaal ati a
-taLaUst - IsaM 4sa r"
IS.H a", - ! TMI M
aaat aas4 iff4 af ak In la-at
rata - Vti l
t aarLat t.a-4l M4 Maa ar
ft sa , al
m aawrwi-aw iiraii iwp m am
uuwll -swi m Va
tffWltat-tt-a W U-W, avs
1 al M Stsaa 14SS '
Laax aUaalMa Mr l-4Ssa Ua ta1a a
HI MMM kaX a Hm,
t,-a kHt JaaSa- k H svtaSf
. TVs 1 t -aa. ka tiw-t kaavn-J ur rHn
uiJ tMifl m a Ssfytar kit ii L Aala iH.. Luaa
ht be iff j t.i, .(a a- B IWfykisU aaVUass)ft kit trHU
J Ia klsal"' tsa a tffnm , ijk aiaM t
it in a I a. j r !( aa( ) U IftH." Sa a4aM
It tHaa . Iiali 'uaipaat.. W av -4
Uf k ssta-sai. 1,1 tin a 4-akai was a f 4
- Jii . sde va aay aaiav
Wierit r's
4rtL aTaa.
m oi nimis ipmiii, a,i
Boys and
l.sirajr Ih k Is erlrrl trmm. Wr .. felH Urn aw? H
ws.IHb7V W tMMM IWrf
Summer Wear I
.. Wll.l. !. I. IMIIWJ I'NMAI. HIM TM la T
Women's l9Iioew
I wrstrll sesld esttla )! we iMirelHI
Some Splendid Bargains Left in Medium
Priced Shoes and Slipjcrs
I t III I A w lei err ibrew.
llikl M at1Nua,t allh Ul Im f4
laW In !' fataaal a IM ll"t a4 MlWaM
). naia-MMW-Mlf lax haitW laS
4,mmM atiriaa saaall laa sat ((!
Hut a Is-M Ik a(asiaM e anaiaai saaaVI
fJI lla III a,.a-. la aSMiliaaiilaaai laajs a
SflNliiaa ai Ilia auit.l Vxlil lia l a, M kaaaa
In Ik III Miiial l.f kat aaawf a)lrii faa
ahali iMr'MS4 1)1 Hflto 4h.'
tiUai,tl SOasaiallMt ei f,i W-aal, TV la
lanaaiaaaM) in IS it, II ram naa aanaf a
liiaa 4li I aifaal(Uitrll.lM
la II I. II rasa
H Ultmi atOaall, na4al
, af Mil Ms
.til III ! alllS .altaa bl mtif
4-alllli aai aiaaWI, lk'fty4 IS sa4
itaallf.r li Uaa slataaj .a)
ttaaak 11 .awl s4ak alll. 4 lla ai;ka-i
U,lkisl nlaacvatA. ).a a 4 aSfSlla-f
4alaMvti4t at lital l- aW w IM- slaSSa
L aa,Ma a Saul afllil ail a a4llm M, Htm
laaailM saalsat l e N rll -Hla4a aaf
Snttlt IH lla kllll flala4 1tl a-M
iillaU l4 amlla-f I II aaaUialas, kjslM4f
that II a a, W a aaalf y04 tk
J-Wlaal !. l-r tKit la., fsai Mtal
al aa,Oa nMf ia r a a.assa atN) St
4 saasi taJ liaa lla oil at la "a
a4aSa HtM laailaBtla4St 1444
aa aaaata iMaStBrltsM assM la SMaal
4 u asal W' "taa last saastSaM aatsaikat
MMaaV7t ksi a44l taaHst M Wat
laaaaWaU 11 U'asa I4-.4M TssftaSafaa
las r tV It1aia4 isa4 laa
laaan rkal alia l- iff ISJJ llA
,lmfif al ll jsaalcj 44M Utatl
,i t,U (tvas taksl aaxl faN laws
a4 it M tsaa-a fast 4 Immtt Is, S4
41a tail laaaalhaf asal M4ia1f al4 I a
laai( Italia all aalKa-allftfa U4-
a.l aaa4 HaHWf laa saM ,
a(aaa4. la. Ali-V. sa4 II
s ; rfll
Ha 41 M 44i
lUn a laiM, SsaW!
sr afaa. Was Mttat
w) a r ward Mas,
Fcr tsttrtl mqalb Mt4, e ef
iiur mtrtbsnt ha htd in hi employ
s ) msn whom h had every fa
qa Is Ulist wss a eltsigbt f'fwad
ycunjr frlli A fw wsehs age Ue
ir in till sn'rflty Uaa t gw
, and Bftsll; lbs Uskeye Mli
fjtid sfur Ike plllfsilap had
lUs'laStsd lo titsr ll'W, lltjnsvsr
ib sstrcksnt a Ulld la U ln
istat with the yag 4 lUs4
nf t4icg kl the waf f the lev
all'fwsd kiss n mske tspatsUoa end
Icatc wildest Uliag tH4, It ) e
vrv bsi vtftff lri a i ' Ma Ut
stM vtl ia lif by btavwaUt; a p4lt
liaUf. btM( lf I'l It WilhlM alt
Mafata lbi (" Citi tU tll" by ftwf
U;ad hi HUt 4 tlta '-UlfiriaSr
Ut , Ut IMS SMrTUkta M hi
itl'Mtt tl ss.1!! U-i wsttiUjf in all
t,tg ta'W
I '
atsrtesr'a travel
I A i" lib liw vf lbr til;
ia )al I tWl .. Saranj III -'Mlf
a tt a .a, 11 ..a. 11 .. - ..Mi
!- (a l taw tvf ts lb t ml
lbs! ibi il i Hi 'M.U-i sulk. )
tivtt(t lb tsiartbsl M lb" I't
itsw n tifs asvl Itttl bafi-tr lb
lAi l- A lb" H f"Ht hv4 vl
,',SMbaas-tvtl'l I ftsW SNrltfy til
' ' tar ramS MStfSS'srI ! ftmWiHt lt
t . a ' , " a
aall Hi si IL.aillkalkc tn loVr! II IK
Islsaast U Sr 4aW I !. Sl() if J I"
nf'faa hmlJ M t
irtt U fve t fl b-$Hh-lf
U lb J.-fallt f taMlsgW ai
arv i(Ma af wpwi by lka M ft
kstltaSa- ailvft l jfJSBaM fm 14 14
rlWll. l'lflkaJ .laa faJth, raU
A. ,Mm, Mk
HsM a Saa,-U la. ll Mal Va J fix a.aa
(M aai, laa . laal t1aaw4) flans laa aaall
H li lsaUkliMNawa,, Ikt lsa wi all
mi a. it asllwf,IS a aaai a ilakl las
fc. V
1J!C-- lH-asal
Now York
MwdJ lie e-rwwd n
Dry 0(MNlf
Hoot and
8hM5 Store
lkmt GwMnIh,
Ltitcst Stylet
3PPWflTSff,tlST'W w
Call an I sec- utv.
CIiuh. StrutrTnit,
New Yfifk Store
Moon Ulocka