VC" ip ' t rv t, a I ; K $' tl R ' mi 1st ? ? frrf '"" &W .1. C. KM, I'mprlet rrMMurJM) IS, lit. t'eatral MMltle flftwilHf . The Keaablieaa ceatral cotmiittee will Met at the court hoase in lied Cleat, Batarlay, Jaae 21, at 2 pas, 1890 a fall attendance isdealred. D B Sfakoolk, t'hfe. r Pnliua. There hae beea nmo talk ia regard It tbe,osUioa of T Ciilir ai re ceraYihe alliaaec, Tu Cnur la a reaaMiaaa aaaer, bat Irat laat aid all tkt tiae, Mr eaeajlee U tka eoatrar, tkia paper ia for rigatiag the wage of tke laborer, the aaethanio, the far awr, or wheat er he May bo, against 11m rleh ad powerful awaopollcs wkteh are trflag !' their froa heel upoa the aeekp of the lesa fortunate. We are ao deaugogae, but bollevo in alleviating aa far aa ia in our power to do tke wrongs of tho downtroddtn and oppressed of whatever party or creed they may belong. Thero aro tea who aro now eagaged ia try! op to work the allianoo oa political groiindH for their personal advancement, bat Til Cnur hae ao eoaldcnco ia such political intriguera and Im positive that tho alliance people will havo but little to do with such poople. Firm nets and a rigid demand for thoir right independently of all partus will do much for thnso who havo been hauled around lo, theao many yeara, at the merey of all powerful tuonopo liea ef thia and othor landM. Tur. Cintr doea not believe in landlordism but doea believe that tho laboring people ahould bo placed nearer on an equality with the rich. Our con greeeaea will do do well to under stand theae facta aa soon aa posiblo . We meat have lawa that will givo the farmer and in fact all laborers, an even chance with those who havo sqaeeaed theit ill-gotten millions from the (oilier masses. Tiir Ciniv is in favor of any aoelety or orgaaita- tlea that will tend towarda tbat end whether it be under the aamo of alii aaae. Knights of Labor, or what not. A ! aaatrlaleaaeat. Tho publin schools nru closed, ituil we believe that tho uioxt sucucssful torat over held in Kud Cloud, that is with thu most beneficial results to scholars, teachers mid parent. Ims been tho last term, under the supvrin .tendency of Prof, A. K. tlnudy. Tim Thu school hus been under better discipline than ever, and them is no use ia trvinu to deny tho fuel that without good regulation tho eclmol work in of but little force. I'aiially people grumble ut the Hiiperinteiident mm luacncr. mv,t lureiiui in an times that they uru hired by the peo ple and by tho people, to get the best work out of thu children ami to give them tho advantage that thu law eon templates. Kvrry tax payer is inter t'stcd in having tho best school that is poesiblo to bo obtained, mid such can not be secured unless efficient teachers are hired. Tho mt of education did well in employing IW. tloinly during tho last ar-honl year, and wo earnestly hope that his 'valuable .-n-r. vires may be obtained for the next term. It would bu itupnimilili) for one person lo please all of tiu patron of tho public schools and do his duty, we presume, but that depends on, largely whether the parent is interested in hav ing children obey the rules of the school, uud thus while Nccitriug an education loam good manner uud good discipline, which is extent ial and n very necessary adjunct to u young person about to mingle in the eomplu. affair of the world. The I'iiht on behalf of itmtelf, hopes that Piofosxor (ioudy will be ictaiucd by tho board for ensuing term, us he' has been u faithful worker in his dnilv -elmol work. SBBHHS---"" "-a One of the latest discoveries ia that all editors are damned Omaha Ho. publican. Moat of tho ediioi of thi country are not ia tho hahit of dicuisiog their future atatc, it being too deto. nttiou hard to make a living without worrying one's mind over hades. LtwaoaM In UortMan. Prof. Ilion II. Culver U.S. formerly instructor at the Stalo University and more recently graduate student of Modern Languagea, at tho Bavarian Hojal Uaivcraity at Munich, Germany give private lessons in German. For CirticUlara call on hiui at room No. I building or enouire ol either KM Perkins or Frank Parker. References. Prof A K Goudy, Mr. Wm Pucker. Kva J King. win H-. m All acalp aad skin diseases, daud ruff, falljng of the hair, gray tr faded tiir, may be cured by using that na re'a ;ruo remedy. Ilall'a hair renew- r. " . - CleaBM nwr breath nnd rrgulato your weweta witk DeWAt'e little rally ritr. ttoMwy Cottiag. DnWiH'a little ea'rly risers. lUt i f eiafc keadaehe aud eoar elomaeh Mi by Cwtting. RURAL RUMBLINGS. wwit xoni it Gouxiroystmi Uipymn4mitPMtmKUmn Prom all etcllene of ikel'oMMr. WhIhhI Crrck. At Init I sot animthcr ehans tu no lo Red flood, pnp heddent Ma far n long limn hlmeeff m mnm ties bin wntchen ir him party closs bat n fa dase no sho tak sister nnd thu twins and wont tn sea Granny, for a weak visit, alio sed leaving me nt nonm to neip pap onion, nuu mjiu ns xt watch the settm hens Es sane ci ehe wna gon pap toald me how tn tarn a hand spring enny way, ne terneu one nnu i saw how he don It, pap sod that It wax a mltey mean man thot wonnt let hos wlfo go and sea her fonks woance In n while and when we got to Inavnle on onr way tn Red Cloud Jim Vance sed thesaim thing pap wanted Jim tn go nlotg nnd eed he wad pay that old election bet lint Jim eed there was to menny hens wntohln him nlnt it fanny mam left ns to watch the hens, nnd Missus vnnco left the nens in watch Jim. After we got tn Rod tilond found It party hard to watch pap, I oud stay at hoam and knap track of the hens osier bat I hnd my I on him moist of tho tlmo. I snw n thnudorlu dig fello nnd pup nod hello Minions, I nsked pep if thnt wax Hlmple Himon that my etoary book telle nbout pnp grinned nml od sumthiii I did dent understand. Wu run nerose n lot nv felloe thnt wax tnnkln nliens, Mlitnr Hid thot writes far Tiik L'urtr frnm Judson wmb thnre nnd he wax sning "the farmers nlnt prepnring thoiiiaelvca for the otnnl ted pOHitlons thny nre eo mine to rmcnpy" Pnp dldnt ketoh on nnd sed "tho farmer nlnt goln np are thny" nom uv them Inf fed, nnd Mr Hid told pnp ho wax n damp fool, that is pnp wax nnd tlioe tv.plaincd what he inriit, pnp toald Mr Hid he wax off that is Hid wax off nnd then went on to sn that the farmers wn propnirin them selves wllkboeth foot, that nln Mack Fnl- toH ioiiied the alien ho wonr n bllod shirt every day, Ham Sentou hnd hix hnre cut Alf McUiill wnx golu tu get liU baggy painted, Orn l'lttu-v wonr elonr etoe itll tho time, John Htodilnrd used Idgger wurdi then enny wun, floury (lilhnm wild dent talk n pne frnm tho It It nnlom thny gov hhn a return fiaas, nnd ns for himseir. imp wlin nuoiuer iiionur (,rnetlcn he end hold his plnoont the bnr nil day long with Judge On, or any othor mini, and then Mr Rid did ware nnd told pop ho was dam dist. Wh ntC Jedgn MuKengaii on the etrent, 1'np nnd blni outer be party gmln fret ds wen the Jeilgo won makiu tariff eimaehna. rnpONktliim tu eum nn In snnthin bnt the J edge dldnt hoer him 1 guess, enny wny lie went larln acros I lie r treat, the Judge did, eoinmetnt lotu hhaik linnus wun n runner. I geee ho mm a farmer, hix clone wn pnbthed, I guuKi the indgunoHe hfcoim uv neoide. I nnu hint nhnlkin hands with every man he met. l'ap kinder chuckled to hiiiiNolf nnd hum med "Jordan ntn n hard mail tn travel" and "the roeky road tu Dublin." Wee went round to eee Una's Jpe ngon but he lied n Inlin tmok and wnxint on dwk , Tap wna sorry tu hw r It. Mr. !ett nhn amug nndaskt pnp wot wux the beet kind nv bait to go llnhiu with. Tap slenred Mm over to the kornor and started In go in bnt fieaUr got mnd nnd then pap eortn bnokedont. They Ihnnked it over nnd pnn happened tn remember Hint Iiiter hed a tlsh pond and sed, the b klm) of bait yon can use on your lUh wonle h a rntlroad pass, it never fates on cm. Kd Highland eum along nn pnp nskt hiui ef it wnxxtit. so. Kd sinned to grin nnd nearly h wallowed ftunHiln be mOA chewin, I nsked pnp wot Kd was ehewto n lurd nnd pnp sed it was n cud ho hod left over from Initt faul nnd if lie riiould awnllow It itwoaldklll him it wax no bitter. (Joh. Tap went round tu gll Minvod. He nat donn In aehnre nnd the man tied n toul nrotind neck nnd put sum eope on liln fane nnd then grabbed pnp by the topnot with wun hand and held an open rabwr ijoft liken bnsetiall bntwltli the other nod eerf kinder suddlnt like "do yon tier faith iu llod,"pap managed tu gaep "liord yes.'1 THo barber neileved pap I gee, nnd pap skinned out nnd never stopped till be got to the eorner wnere they sell ball. The barber yelled after lilw bi cum bak bnt pap hollared that belied pteoly uv faith in (iol but dem little Iu a ers4V lisrbr. John Sucker winketl nt pup end nodded hlx bed but imp wmhhuit hov it llu bna ent forgot thu time John vrur out elee ehnneeriug last faul and nhot wun uv mint' tnrkeya nnd tuk t nronud lo the doiinfthnn psity fur the preecher, u Melh odintwnn, preecher 1 moen, et thai, l'ap saya there nut to be little homier iwun iimong demoornts. I 'up mid unkle Jory Noble got lu tanking nbout ekool In di triet 0, unkle got mint and left imp I atked pnp why mil the Methodinlit Aniv ut lite could aotililfr, win lliay enny lietler than inf l'ap wed hecim, but they donut hevhnf as uuioh fui.. Ity thia time pnp began tu tauk funny nud rd lets buy the iouii aim teiK ii noam ror Hie children lo play with. I cd thats bally. W went around tu the man Diet pap iz thinks he onim it and pap offered him itfo for the whool ohuteln match but thu :rnu wild- dent talk it, I wanted pap to effer him no seiite but he wudduiit du It nnd com menced to rim tho toundowu and the man II red u and eed ynv atruek the "rung Juno him" thl time to iiinuky with. We Matted honm, then, and whou wu gut tu Inahorii pap Mopped tn tauk r,liw ftionwtth Peck In Kddy. Thny bid it purty hot aud thu tleekiu lliully i;ot pop totiwu t, Kiel heven bed a flue climate. Nodout bu! it HrnuH ho which way the wind blohethe utiter vlaco lu-d the beM society. We then UH4 hoam eceo tint while pnp wux taukltig with Ihr deekiu suraeeii of a gun look won ot ku on tier weHgon and w hadtlent ku tut when nnf IhIw ewhel ami we cl,e out but pap boa bin (a uuial democtntlc rallies nnd dont mini eU thing. We got hoam sit rile end wut usiilil nnd eorry tu Hud mam bed got tiwrk nd britf granny with' her. I diew a vale here Kind rceder drop a tctr for pnp nud I1TMX IHtNIS. ItlHVItlO. Wanted by tke fumm, a steady rain for -IS hours. The pmall ijraiu i raM saviu Hid tho corn is very bnukwnrd, Mr lloldrege is taking the census in thi prooitif t. iroiif. ha somi5 out in a mw road cart. i Mr Kriivon has moved into the house where Mr. Morris lived. Mrs Turkiucton from Alma and the editor of tlutCamabcll I'res. I' G. Knight are spendias a few days wun tioir folks U W Knight, Mr iiantcr shipped six and Mr. Richardson Ive ear loada of stock f rem thia place Sunday. It was quarterly meeting at thin place Saturday aad Sunday there was a large attendance from tho different appointments on thia charge the P. K, waa preacnt both day a. Mrs Potra waa the guest ol Mra. Walcott, Sunday school closed lat Friday. Jcmiaii. lateYcN. Lanta of Jllut! Hill waa in town on Monday. Mr and Mra W K Thorno Saturday at Hastings, A lecture every evening thia spent week and some eveniaga two. Charlea Williama went lo Omaha on Monday of thia week. School cloaca Friday with a picnic at W K Thome's grovo. W If Hoffman has a new roard eart Dladon takea the cako for carta. Quite a number of our eitiicna at tended tho circus at Illuo Hill Thurs- day. Mi Ira I II Hoyd wan visiting friends oi Hod Cloud a couple of days last wsck. Tho game of base ball played hero last Saturday between llladcn nnd Harmony, was easily won by tho lat ter. Mra W II Person who has been vis iting friends of this place returned to Kansas prior to going to Denver Col. their futuro homo. Last weak tho Congregational church received tho finishing touches of tho painters hands. Peter Martin of llluo Hill deing tho work. Win dow shades wero also put up which aro a groat improvement. Mr W K Thorno ban moved the large house which stood on south-went uartcr, teotion ft over to his plucu where it will bo remodlel and made into a line largo dwelling house, S - - Wlfrv'rfl4. Thu "I'cmorcst" silver medal con test at Mt. Hopo last Friday, May '20tb, was well attended and every one pleased at the result. The wis awarded Miss Matel Wright. Her well oxcoutcd declamation brought tears to many eyes. Wo think prohibition would gain the dav if all tho workers impressed their hear ers as she did. Sho well deserved the medal she won. Horn May 2 ill. to Mr. and Mrs. Jake Lacy a son. Usual weight. Dr. Johnson in attendance says all are doing well. Mra. Wilder ia rathor lost without tho company and assistance of her two eldest daughtera who have gone east. mm; mousnang nai a very narrow ciicapu from death by a horso that was frightened by tho (bander last I'riday. she bcoaino 'angled In tho robe and was thrown with aucb force against the wire fenee as to knock the ton wiro off and sho wont over on the other aido almost stripping tho clothes from her body. Tho rain was heaving down at tho time and she said sho waa almost frightened out of her wits. Mr- James Wilson and family start, ted wost tho tf7Hi of ay. Our creek folka all talk of Ncwoasile and ot Springs, Colorado. Mr. Adamson is going to try the incubator to batch chickens an they don't hnvo any huoocsh with the hen. Mr. Hon has sonm almost largo enough lo citt tbut was lutchcd by the incu bator. Mr. Godwin aud Mr. lon ,acy nrc both working like heaven no their nice and beautifully located farm. Mrs, It. I.. Lewis has built an ad dition to her house. Will daiikiion is now working on the railroad, We understand Mrs. Sapp ix a good dress-mnker. A. C. lion's hnuso is ncariu ; com pletion. Pirn. .1. lirubakcr is bouse cleaning. Will, Henry and Charley Hruhjikcr, (Mi a i Icy Jackson and Mr. Ilit.huiond htnrted west Juno 2nd tttirtlHit. Col. Wiggiu had the inNfoituiic to h.ive his li.irn burned l.i-t week. 'l"JoV liio i Miiiposfd to li.wo oi IgilMH'd Ili'MJ tje t'.iiclcH ii-e ol n pipe. Mr, (' C, Coon !vny -eiioitfl ill, ami hut little holes wcii- entertained of his ivpoei , Mr, Klniei WiNon it id si Miung hoiM gel his foot bidlv cut by getting tniigtk.j up in a M.ilk cutter Niu- day night' UV ,Hild aili-t him to tihil a s.ifcr hitching yi i;j such oc c.imoii in tin-fiitute. f i luumrcd one of our'vhiKd utautii" MJ) wu Itccomo a llcuedict. . , i, .... j . . . i - r,, i ihi r(i to l mo mi tuts week, Mr. Win, Clark In the proud uud huimv father of a brand new boy. W cure wry much in need of rain iu thi part of the county. Mr. .ioh ii llaxelbieker and family itfd tfjflirned from their vNil to IKv. .Mitliu lf. II , wo uiHieMaml, wauls to evli ii. .llMMIll I'MdeHHklHC CatNNle. U)ouhave to have undertaking lauds remcmWr jou can cot them at V. h. Ilsjncs without paying tu priori for ihc. Jlemcnibcr the place, cat ide of Wk'jr ft. at the old stand. Alllnnr rimtr. In nccordance with a resolution tlllHtfrtfl lltf llln fii .. A . v"" -j L.OIUIIV Alliance June twtailrm wiiinoanifoiuiccd later. The public nra conlinMy invited to attend. No pains wij i ,c spared to make the occa sion pie asnnt for all. By order of Com. I'RTRK II I LI.. Kll. 1'AHKKH, (J. A. Latham, T. II. ClARbAKt Com . akcii, Wi. Aiiyoi.ii, Sec. Com. A crazy individaal the county jail. bow oceapics h II Wallace haa gone to Ogdoa ins luiure nnmo. Hon. Jamea MeNeny waa ia Graad Inland lh week . Mra F M Call and daughter, of St. Louie aro tho guests ef It II Pitney, of Inavalo. Children's day at the Congregation al and Iiaptists churches waa very Hno last Sabbath. McAvoy and Hippie, C8 I'otter, W V Heal, and T O Wilder have had tho Great Family Weekly made good to their addross for 18!M). Thanks. About a fourth of Cathcrton peo ple wcro down from that usually quite principality mis weok, having a town ship survey fight, thus it is poople aro never sausneu. Tho Hov. Sam Small's lecture on tho amendment nucstinn last Wed- ncsdny evening, in tho Christian church, was excellent, Mr 8mall is a torciblo speaker and holds his aud ience well. Tho eity council should put in an additional pump for tho uo of the city water service. It in seriously needed, we now have an able council and thoy nhould see that tho pump is put in nt once. Now is the time for tho ladies to buy their lints at Youngs C O l Kmpnriuro thoy uro closing out their millinery stock and every thing must go within tho next (10 days to make room for tho new notion stock, call and you can't Help but buv anew bat for yourself or child, Younua COD Kmporium. Wtt'M little early rlsere nre little pills thnt do not gripe or cnuse pain munii,oay to taao, eaio. wold a uott lug. Ilmr Wftmt Nni-. I do not claim to havo tho unrest stock of gooda in the valley, but I-do Pisim inm i pan rpii gooda vbcapor man any otucr man ia tho aitv Haines the furniture man, cast aide of w ebster street, Ildd Cloud. 40-tf i . . Mrs. Innder Wright informs us that Miewaa cared of chronie conetipation b t.U.,l.i. II... 1- -i M.r. . .. ..'. 'v.. .,, n iiiiio nnrij risnrs. noiu uv i;or U,' , Itch, ninugw, and aprntohea oa human ot nnlmaU oared in thirty minatea by Wool ford'a sanitary Lotion. This never falla. Hold by L. II. Ueyo drngglat, Red Cloud. .Ullre Kvrvr HHft Liter Pills. An Important discovery. They act on tho IIvvj, etomnoh nud bowel though the norvrs. A new principal. They epeedly cure biltinuMittft, bnd tnete, torpid liver pllen and constipation. Hplendid for men woman nnd children. Hmallent, mlldeat Strust. ;0 doca for 'JA cents. Hatnplee Ireaaisi.fc, ttoniBji." ' ) e-H -fVw -r v 'tmr, ON! Come! When you want furniture go to W. L. Haines, llcmcmbcr he will not bo undersold. Kant aide of Webster St. at the old furniture eland. lurt' t'kniM t. I .nn now :ie.ciit for It. t. iValu & Con. (.ditiou ot the "Kueyclopcdia Urittauiea,' and can f urn hit." it ht tho extremely low price of 1.00 per vol limn in 'ii volumes, delivered twoeauh month. Call and sec it. C L. Cor. ti.mi. at UrirkViirsiT I am now making brick at my yard east of (led Cloud, any one wanting gliod brick for foundations or cjinj m) h, will do will to uall on mo be, lore buying elsewhere. Prioca reas on able. FhrdK. Pmtmii. HkcrlaTa Bale. t'ltilxriiiul tr It ItiiMtf nn order of tale Uuied h 1.11 Knit dtrkiil Hie rilwrlrt riNirtel the ifuliili iih-.iui In bo. (or WrtwUr nnit. li.t.k:t. ii-A.ii it ii t-ree In an Mrtlon h niltii:lln'iflii, wlui. in Pnini-li K. rajne It ii iiuilii hii.i IIII.OH W, I'u'.mii nixl Alum St. I'rniiMi I'e drleiulHiil I lmll eBer tor l (. llili huiet Iiilier eriJll ) luiid a( iille uiiliiii ul thii aii dmir of lfiii rutiit ioai el llil l li.ihl In .ii (iitiuty (llji,, bvlim the Warv ilierihe4t tnmm viU ciurt Ma holdeni mi the It III dm rjune. A. II. Ini J I I o'tliK-k P.M. ut ud.l Oit Hi-' IkIIhwIiiu ili-Hillril r'4l clHltot llnm".l half of the .mill rust I't.itli r anil llu- lorlli rni mtartrr ot I In- voilli im-I M" t.lcr .tml tli, of thr norlliwit aiuiirnt Mtllon lliltUlimr ill in luHii,lit Jlilcf 3lllitllr niiisntwthcllj) wrnl oflhn Jlucf Jl mirth U nniintwthcll; went oil iTh i. in. iu t-hrti-r rtinntv, NVhraifea. ti MiJr mjr h.oiJ (hu uiii wdSmA l. K I'i X U.I.U Mirla rn s:w IVO.r.Ttfi. IK-puly . . i , ,r . . . . . akerlaT'a hIv, ri,l.r utitt by vlitur tf au fyuilaii Ih'iI livl, ll.)vrt,kii(lliilimirl uMiilpl DnI rljjila Jtiillvl) ilUUIvt, wlllilli au4 (or HrtelU ronutv .NrhMtLa, um iclrmf Ut rrlhlrmi '' ,l. v. TiuuVfv.rouhty m"e ii4truvttit,'a to nil illMttrl nmrt. tn tur nt tho rirt !! Imisl luiitk ot UisHIimM aiptlullffamtaalnl . J. IVin mill l ilrfi'itilMilt. I tlitlt otter (oi nuIh al nlllr tvmtu foi fir ,'.iOi hi lun.l to Hi liljrtmt MiKIrr t Hip rt UiKir iif lx tiHiit tittup al Krl I'lMia In Mitl ntunlv. lital lhu: tii place nlwrv IKe Ut Wiin il vW rouit a lirM) on the M r) r-"l. A. k., lata. uiieuvi.vj ni iu rauir J IVnvtiwu Ate. ll ami l, ll ItD In Miillh aiht N lo mi ni MHiin aihi Mourv-a e-litttow t tke rllv e l,el liihl In Wrr,tnHiih Nrtra.a. Ultra miuvr my tuuiU thl rth ilay of Mar a. tu iw. . a. ivu eana. Ily (. C Trl. Hefty tjwauJ UoNcny llAit.lia'e alt)'. ., niHicu is i cr cby given that a picnic will be held. Waller's grovo in Cowlce, Bb. , July 4, 1890. Senator Van yck ,i,l ,illir nnl-,t Mtu,.L.. M44 4y, e faiunincanriiM .nJ2iB!eMWIE.fc la Nock Bitetlirr taKitv ciiL Ducker's Cash Dry ffldDUSB Will tamo si fsTHHtl MlHHghlfr NhIc ef Dry Umm4 fwrflio NEXT TEN DAYS Wc will place our cMIrs alwrk mt cicr $1 0,000 Wortli of Dry Coods they will bring. W nrctl nnd miul hnvr hmhf-, itHd wc are rorrcsl lo l thia In nnivr to ajvt II. Von rim get hII the gotHls u want Hi Prices You Never Heard of Before HhI )ou ihhsI trrltia our iim uilh om hs nnlhlHg else will he art't'plvd. It la 31 CASH WE WANT m Anal must kmtu Hi hhj eosi. C'omv hhiI nvv ua. .mm Marked dwwH hi rHlnwiie nrleee In e ery dewnrlmenl. J. JKral lis rirel WhIIohhI Uune, Red ni: jiiu: iUHklHf. h HweelHl Hale r Watches or hII kind, Ml Ike preenl llnae, pud skHH -'' ' ".fWT-T-. Special Attention to Repairing .BBBBvlaamakv r'JaBaHKlaik aT'iflejaHBTnKf.v m m '.BBavaPBpai3ayBViflHM aa IHBBaaaaaMeBlBTv WnaBBBKaHBIr BaaBmVft SHa ailll' (Guarantee Work Prices I have lust nnvivtHl Bended Avraps, Satetuis, Clmllies, White Goods, AVowtwi Gootln, Shirting, Hamburg, Swiaa Embroideriw, Turrhon Lausin all (itmliti and nnaiititiay. .i Novelty Braids, etc. ai oiu siana, MRS. Goods on the market for what J. DUCKER. Cloud. COKTIWUE Tm Hr nne HaircalHe for writ Sixty Days Bneci tMir aerk sums lei en live prirea. V - JH-I iismssmsmsmsmmc: I CD is I EH I JdL" Reduced tho Ijiti Ktvi ;.. Plea; call and s$c ni ieci uiquq. y F. KEWUOUSE, V- ?r2nn- .JM.t