The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 13, 1890, Image 2

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it '
A. O. HMWH, lumiahf .
A nAM wan aMscovered in tho lottor
tex of the MlllUry Club in Paris re
cently. -
TiraOovernmenUof Germany, Franco,
Xnsste and BwlUerland have signed the
treaty 1st tbe repression at Anarchy.
Tn Kepubliran GongrMiletal Cam.
Mln Committee kaa eleevat Congress
mas BaMen. of New York; chairman.
i X ,
Gleaned By Teleffrapk ud IfftlL
'.'AwnnowJHii.t. of Mew Yerk, kM
alffMC the, Mil maknr f
the aMrif in New York a salaried one.
8m Qboror Run, one' ot the pro
motara of the Cunard linn of stosmsbipe,
died at hla residence on tho Clyde, Scot
land, recently. Ho wm ninety-five
years of age.
Amrani conflict between Arnauts
ai,iefkiubaa UUesnideoe at Pris
una, Maoodonts.Jn which forty Servi
ans were klljod and 200 taken prisoners
by the AmaufcV
A cototr bit four men noar Albu
querque! N. M,, about a month ago.
Throe have snco died of hydrophobia.
The llfo of tbe fourth Is' not rendered
miserable by insurance agents,
.luiHilt, of Chicago, lectured
thn police 'for arresting men on aua
Blelon, holding them for Ion perloda in
"sweat boxes' Ho was unaware of any
law Which authorised such proceedings.
fl-( : :
Au. tho delegates to the anti-slavery
conference, In session in Rrussols, with
iho excentlon of those representing the
United MUtes, have formally adhered
to the. Congo Urlff as defined by tho
At Fwmdcnthsl, Austrian Silesia, 400
atrlklng weavers captured by storm all
the factories running and compelled all
operatives to leave, (lendarnics dis
persed tho mob after a stubborn flght,
in which several were wounded, but tho
intimidated workmen won afraid to re
turn .to work;
Titit Berliner Tageblatt says that
Chancellor Von Caprlvl has sont com
munications to the vsrious Towers of
Kurdpe, Informing them that tho utter
ances ef lrlnco lllsmarck since his re
tlremunt from ofBro concerning affairs
in Germany ar merely expressions ot
the Opinion of a private gcntloman.
M&il'AMmcK has Introduced in tlo
Ren'ath'a bill providing for thn Inspec
tion and storage of grain tor inter-Hut
shipment All railroad companies on
gaged in Inter-State commerce by tho
terms of the bill are required to con
atruct elevators and storehouses for thn
storage of grain along their respective
linos at places to lie designated by a
Tu Prlnco of Naxo-Melnlngen,
brother-in-law of thn Kmperor, who
waa tisitlig at iCoblontaV was takon
auddcaljL ill at his hotel at that place.
Wats the Senate met on Jans I petitions
wi re presented and a number of bills re
ported and placed on (he eslamlsr. Senator
Plumb Introduced a bill, prepared by Mr.
at. Johss, of New York, for the parch of
allver to use as Iswtal money. Tbe confer
cnee report oa the Military Academy bill
was sarited to The conference t-port on
the Army Appropriation bill wst presented
nd the question of the sl of liquor
st the csnteens la Prohibitory States
discussed. It le bids the sste ot liquors to
ealUted men la sued Mates. A number of
Senators fsvoea J the proposition tn msfen It
apply to eMcen ss well ss men. Tbe report
was adopted aad the silver bill discussed
attl atl)ournmsflt....Tlis proceedings of
the llouae were uniataortaat. A number of
bills of a local nature psssea, among mem
theFenatsbllltod.Vtdelh Judlclst dl-trlct
i f the Stale ef Kansas Into two dlvlsloos.
Arran the report of committee In the
Senste on tho "4 thn rmolntlon or Prnatnr
ICdmunda for sa Investigation of tho man.
agement of tho Fish UiuimlMlnner's ofllco
ws the subject of a live y diculon, thorn
being scrlou charge ngalnst thu conduct
ef tho office. The resolution went over nnd
literal tills passed. IMiato on the ("liver
M I waa thea resumed nnd continued, Sen
ators rush snd farwell both add easing the
fenate on the subject.... Tim proceedings In
the House were brief nnd uninteresting, the
contented election cso from Alabama of
MnDuffle aiialnit Turpni uccupylug moat of
the lima.
THB Senste on the 4th sgread totherrso.
lutlon for sn Inquiry Into the management
of lbs Sum Ootnmlaslonera ofllos. The Kor.
tllteatlona bill was then taken up, dlecuaacd
sad passed, Senator grye offered Joist
rrsolatl'tn to authorise the President to
form alllsnees with foreign countries for the
suppreaalon of the liquor traffic. Referred,
and the aeaaU adjourned. The House
further. wrestled with the Alabama contest
ed atsetlon esse of McPuffle vs. Turpln and
seated MpDanls by a vote of IM t 115. A
eorressloit was ordered In the enrollmeat ot
the Customs Administrative bill and the
House adjeararifc , m .
on alter eseaebllag oa the Mh ike sen
ate renamed debate on the Mlvtf hill, Sea
etor triseoe aad nttsrman addressed the
teliate-ln opposition to free coinage ami
Henstor rtewart favored It. Several ilium
porUpt bills paated and Henutor lllstr In
troduced a bill to, prohibit the eapottitlon
of nleelteila Ikjaors to Africa and tbe Islands
of the., rtidte ocnan. Adjourned,, .'.When
the Iteasf met Wr, MsKlnlejr, from the Com
mlttee on Kajef . reported a nsoliitlun pro
vldlSgfor .Immedhttn conatdersllon of Hie
hllvsr hll, lbs pruvloua question to be or
ilnffd aaSurday at three o'oloek. This
brought on a splrltsl flght, bnt the retolut Ion
was riniiUy adoptad by a Vote of W ynaa to
llrt nay n, eleven Republicans and the Ileum
ersta voting agslnut It a hit vIiik a tendency
to abut wftjdoette and amendments. Tho
llrpublleaa esnsus bill wss then offered a
n aiiballtuto and debate continued Until
adjournment. Thn bill authorise thn pur-
clime of allver nil Ion to the agsregiitn
amount of $l,Mn,ono osch month lit tho mar
ket price, nut uxceudlng II fur .11 n iwth
grulni.forthe payment of which trcHury
nolisaroto be laued which are to bo legal
tender, snd rcdccmsbln In coin.
THB Senate, on the fltb had the Sl.ver till
under ornalderatliia nnd Henstor 1'lumb
apoke at leniith In favor of allver. A me
ssge WSS received from the President In rt
latlon to the landing of sn armed foico at
Cedar Keys, rls., which wss referred. A
revolution was agreed locating tin the See
retsry of lbs Interior for conies of thn cor
respondence on thn aubjnet of Intruder In
the Indian Territory, etc Adjourned.., Toe
liver debate wss returned In the llouao and
continued during the day snd at the evening
BxPXWMKirra with American cotton
la TurkesUa and other Ruasiaa
trans-Caspian nrovlaeea are repettei
eminently suocessfnL
Tine international calW conference,
in session in Psrla, has rejected the
oroeoaal to Increase tho number of
Call aUvwkeii
Tho Oovernor baa issued a -sreclama-Uon
revoking the eaa Issued some
time ago calling a special session of the
r'0"'. '. . .. "".;." -i.i ' Legislature. Tho Uovornor aaya:
ngures cnargea tor as one woru 07 taum 1 A leg( ,, h .,,,, h,th mty
companies. ajfect futum raault a to legUlatlon to he
A PAHTV of drunken Indians are said enacted by the lghlsttire at the promtsrd
in havn murdered Chief Knfflnonr Crit-. special aeeslon to convene on the of
tendon and his asslsUats In tho Upper
(Iroeit river eountry of Wyoming. Crit
tenden was well known In St. Iouls la
connection with tho bulldlnff of the
1 gi
ttsM V Trata la Wertta
and wan la chnrgn or a
survny wheat ho met his
k4 At4.ttiit'ln,1 tt Itin In lnelnH
Jf Inwhleb he was HdlngVHh hm-
JLperpr William on the. 85th unt ai
ichtlme tho Emporor sprained Ails
foot. vatfQQ doctors were summoned to
attend th.jM.M and they advised
that he be isjnedlately removed to I . T "'
Tun second, mass myttng ot Harvard
studenU was a stormy iHe. The com-
mlttee ot lavestlgatlen'BB severely
condemned by several sprafira for de
clining to employ a detective, ut a mo
tion to appoint a committee wuh In
atruetiens to hire a detective was tost.
Tho meeting? then adjourned. It Via
atatod at the meeting that it some dc-'l
clslve aetloa ware not Uken the faculty
would abolish athletics at tho aniver
alty. The result ot the meeting causes
much disappointment to the friends of
Tun Salvation Army is adopting a
bow departure in esubllshlng tabor
bureaus in many dlatrlcU of lundon, at
which no charge for registration la to
lie made. Tho SalvationlsU are also
promoting co-operative workshop and
farms as a means of employing tho
working classes who arc verging on
criminality. With thta view a new
corps, known as tho criminal brigade,
will In future await ouUlde prisons for
discharged prisoners, and offer them n
chance to begin an honest life afresh.
(leneral Itooth has also been instru
ruenUl la establishing a Salvation Navy
in l'arls, working on thu boaU of the
l-lvor Seine.
;:!,: I ,. ;.: i
Hon. Thomas M. Havhk, liepubllcan,
declined renomlnatlon for Congress In
tho Pennsylvania Twenty-thlnl district
, A HATiiRlt bellicose Joint resolution
,has been adopted by Congress against
Venezuela. Thu I'mddont Is author
ized to secure indemnity for llU'irc V?
American vessels by force If necessary.
lr.NM0VKit. Democrat, was elected
I (hivornor In tho recent Oregon election.
ft bo rest waa Uken by tho Kepuhllcans.
Hertt.JoiiJt C Tahsnkv, ot Kanaat
City, haa been renomlnaUd for Con-
ress bv tho DemocraU of the Fifth
Missouri dls trlcU
Nbitkkh KWaaaa nor Missouri has a
reprosenUtlvHos the liepubllcan Con
gressional Catnpalgn Executive Com
mittee. Thk Uermani Lutheran Anti-Bennett
Educational lavjr convention was held at
Milwaukee, Wis., on the th. Resolu-
'tlena were adapted denounelng the law.
1 Comomrssuan riPMNORM baa been re
nominated ,iiy the DemocraU of tho
TMrteenUinillnola district.
Th llaitish House of Commons baa
reJecUd'the bill for tho construction of
a tunrel under the llrltlsh channel lie
tweeii'Kngland and France.
SrKAKKti lUan kaa been renominated
by the Kepuhllcans ot tho Maine First
Congressional district
CnANrRi.Miu Capbuvi had a fall fnmt
his horso at llerlln on thn 6th. Wild
rtimors were afloat, but ho was not seri
ously hurt
Tiir President and Mrs. Harrison left
Washington on the nth on the United
States vessel Dispatch for a short season
ot recreation on the Potomac river and
ChoHitponkc bay,
Tiir grand medical prize nttiocttlugcn,
(icrmauy, has boon awnnled to Ur 1).
It, Phillips a medical student from
Leavenworth, Kan,
Eada bridge
Zrkr Huxm.r.Y, chairman of tho SUto
Democratlo Central Committee, was
murdered by his son Fred, agod sixteen,
at Huron, H. D., recently.
DtTHlivo thn progress of a llrotherhood
ball gamn at Cleveland. ., lightning
struck thn pavilion. Three persons
were stunned and a panic, seized thn re
malnded. No one waa seriously hurt
Mll.K from dirty cans prostrated alxty
of a plcnla party recently near Union
City, Mich. AH recovered.
ItK.'iiAiinsoN linos.' r,aw manufactory,
New York City, has boon sold out to a
syndicate for WOO.OOO. The company
takes one-third of thn stock. Thn syn
dicate is headed by Henry Dlsston it Co.,
of Philadelphia.
Tiir planing mill workmen of East
Saginaw, Mich., struck recently for nine
knurs' work. Thn furnlturn workers
worn expected to follow.
Tiik Supremo Court of New York,
general term, has affirmed tho sentence
of ox-fihcrlff Flank.
M. CiilitsTtca, formerly Prime Minister
of Sorvla, la about to bring an action
against his wlfo for divorce. Milan, thn
o'x-KIng of Sorvla, la named as co-respondent.
HtisiNRss failures (Dun's report) for
tin seven days ended ,Iunn ft numbered
'J Including Canada, compared with
V!!M tin previous week and 5Z5 tho cor
responding week of last year.
Two young men working near Ashley
Lake, Utah, named Workman and lllrd,
were drowned tho other day while try
ing to rescue a Mr. Wlmmer who litul
fallen Into a raging stream by the
caving of a lovoo.
Two boys went killed and two men
badly Injured by lightning at tho l'lon
eorcoal abaft near Charleston, W. Va.,
Tiik. prospects for tho coming wool
season throughout Australia aro en
couraging. The pastoral outlook Is ex
cellent, owing to plentiful rains.
Poi.1.10, a Umatilla Indian woman,
was hanjred In Portland, Ore., recently
by United States authorities for tho
murder of an Indian woman on the
Umatilla Indian reservation about a
year ago,
Tiik United SUtes steamer Rush has
sailed from San Francisco for Retiring
acn to watch for Illegal scalers.
Tiik Juim condition of M chlgan
wheat Is reported officially to he 70 per
cent ot a full average a gain of 11 pot
Tiir Southern memorial day wus olr
served at Itultlmoro, Md., on the
nth, graves of Confederate soldiers belnj)
Tiik latuUvllle.t Nnshvllln eastbounO
limited which left Louisville, Ky., on
the llth for Cincinnati was wnmlml just
east of English, Ky. Cjulte a numbei
ot persons were seriously hurt anion;
tlioin bolng Major rjtlvkney and Colonel
ilodgn, of tho army.
Kotm aootlon men wero killed neat
Rockford, III., recently by the derailing
of a train, caused by a broken wheel.
Hv an explosion of gasoline at a tire
at Philadelphia eleven firemen were
burned, aomu faulty.
1 June I am advlai-d by emlnunt autboil y
among thn very highlit legal atithorlt of
the Male, that grave reaulia may fo.low the
riaane of lnwa by thn lglalatum In Its
pieertit ccarilllon, and tlmt auch lawa may
m declared void. This opinion Is most
pronounced snd cmtihsilc Another opinion,
equally eminent, la that Hie question Is tor
rounded by very gravn dmibta. The csue
of three opinion la found in the fact that
anveialdlitrttl Inthn etato will be without
rpicitcnlstlon Tin spirit, Intent and pur
poan if theUonitltullon Is that all the people
of the Mate ibsll tm represented. In the
dlalrlct referred In thn people have had no
opportunity to elect their representatives
for thd purpose of all Ing vacsm le, snd
therefore ttiey are deprived of the rlgi.t of
repreientallon from no fiiult of their own.
the difficulty ha arisen from the fuct thnt n
tiumtier of member have been appointed to
lucmtlvo pmlllfiniliilhiio tlnmimt inuntlea,
and other Iimv.i removeii from their oil-
trlvl, which furl illqualllli-i them from
holding aust In thu texlltur. Ihyhitd
not tendered their renlKimllon and llm ex
ecutlvo had no official knowledge of such
viicnnclc nml therefore could not unler
them to he. tilled. Tim itntutu require Hint,
before thciiveitlngof thn lfllallvo
In pvt-lul ncmli.n, thu sc.iiil'Ius IiiII bu
filled by ipfclul eleellon; the loininuml I
Impiirnllve. Then fore, in ordiir to remote
thn difficulty, It would Im ueeemiiry to port-
Stone thn time of thu meeting of the I.ckU
alurii to 11 milmiUiuit ditto arid to order
elect Ion In tlin vm-niit illitrlct, which
might eitciul ttin Ki'ion to miiiummer.
Hither thin to prolong thn agitation of till
pec 1 11 1 flou mill to caun eleitlou to
take place at till time andtoaavn expenn
to the Mute, and In view of the letfll illni
cully, I have decided to reiclml the cull for
Rpeclnl e on. Now, therefore, I, John
M. Thuyer, Oovernor of tht Mute of Ne
l,ra.kit, do hereby Ukuh tlil, my procl nun
tlou, revoking thncnll for n pevlnl mcniIoii
of the Legloliilurn eoiituhied In my proiln
million of dull! tliu Villi ilur of biy, eonveii
lug the l.)liiluie on tlm Mh diiy of Jiuin,
and do hcieoy id cl ue Hint there will liu no
apcvlul (iiiiloti of thn l. Klfilulurc."
fr. Pave, Mian., June f. The Nertk
era Pacific eattbound passeagaf trail
wklch arrived kere last night was
robbed by masked men near Now Salem,
2f. I)., Saturday niffkt
Two miles east ef New Salem and
tweatylve miles west ot Maadaa the
engineer and fireman were surprised by
two masked dips climbing over tha
tender and backed by big revolvers, af
derlng thn train stopped. The com
mand was olieyed.
Express Messenger Angevine, hear
ing shoU tired forward and suspecting
something, hid Woo In money from tho
safe, looked tho small safe, put out tha
llghU and ran back to Now Salem.
Tho mall car was first Uckled by tha
robbers. Only ono mall agont waa in
tho car and ho Immedlatolv obeyed
aeftoawty JaUart-(MBr
LovMvTUJf Ky.. Jaaa.T. TksLsmls-
ville & Nashville sastawsad Hmltod
whlek left here at 3:1 tm. tor Cla
clnnatl was wrecked Just east of En
glish, Ky., ifty miles from here. The
rear sleeper Jumped the track aad went
over a thirty-foot embankment wreck
ing the car. None of the other care
loft the track. Following U a llstef
tho wounded: Mrs. John Johnson,
Memphis, probably faul, cuU and
brulaes on head and body; Mrs. II. C.
Hodge, wife of Colonel Hodge, U. & A.,
Jeffersonvnie, Ind., seriously Injured,,
may die; Colonel It. C Hodge, U. 8. A.,
quartermaster in charge ef the Jeffcr
sonvllle depot bruised and leg sprained;
John Johnson, Memphis, Tenn.,
head cut; Major Stlckney, United SUtes.
orders by turning over tho mall matter, 1 V.n'nc" corP"' "K"J- " n
consisting of forty-Hnn mall pouches , C. Kppcrn. aumiHitendi n of tho
..t 1 1j x. a ..m. ' l.ou svlllo A Nashville Short Lino dl-
iiiu.iniiw.i.. .!,,.. .n-1.,1 ,! .Ib. .em.
TiniUll nilBjiatiJ vu ssisB- -ra . -
,C. R. Rrent Cincinnati, contracting
affent of tho Loulavllle & Nashvllltv
wiiwiiii mj inn in-wi tr. .. j I ",, , , , . 11 . t,
found deserted much to their chagrin, railway, injured Internally; Rrent Am.
and mistaking the llretnan for the mes- old, Cincinnati, general agent of the.
..,. np.i.1.1 him .t th nolnt of Iulsvlllo dr. .Nashville, railway, alight
pIsUils to upon the safe. He protested
that hu knew nothing about It and
ber of registered letters were rifled and
then tho two robbers turned thnlr at
tention to the oxpress car. lhls they
Tiik Natioaal Kxecutlvo Silver Com
mittee baa adopted a resolution to thn
vffcot that In case a satisfactory measure
for full restoration of silver to Its former
place as a monoy niuUl lie aot enacted
it will call a Natluualsllverconventlon,
In which the Farmers' Alllsnco and nil
other Industrial organisations will tie
luvlteil to Join with blmcullsU every
vshere with a view to sinking politics
and making the silver question the con
trolling Issue In future earn palgns, par
ticularly In Congressional dlatrlcU ia
the next election and advise thst no
body be supported for Congress or the
lh-esldcBcy who la not in favor ot such
full restoration.
PniKCB IlisuAWK Is exceedingly an-
noyod at tho manifest detormlaatlon
t the German nsldenU of liondoa
tovmakoa demoastratloa la his honor
on tho oecation ot his forthcoming
visit to thu English cuplul, and will
ondeavor to evade a public welcome
t tho hands ot his countrymen If psl
trie. It is understood that a large sum
money has already been subscribed
tiy prominent Herman In lnrndon to de
fray thu expense of whut they Intend
kali be a reception betttlng the ocoo
ion of tho visit of tho master spirit in
tbe creation or the tiurmati Kinpiro, and of i.n), city, Minn.,
it will bo dltllcult for the cx-Cliauccllor ' dent and tlurl'es P. U
tQ Moape an matioa ai uieir nana. 4 . v., secretary
TiiKKK was a bad wreck on the Ohio
River road at Clarlugton, W. Vs., on
the Mh. Nov oral llaltlinoro t Ohio
officials wero Inlurinl, but no ono was
Two hundred and fifty employes of
tho street railroads ot Columbus, O.,
hate struck tor Increased wages.
LvliltAMI CllAltTIIKt!SR, the fSUIOUH
monastery ia tho department of lsere,
fourteen miles from Urenoble, Franco,
has been much damaged by the explo
sion of a quaattty ot dynamite Udlovcd
to have Uen aot by persoas living In
the locality.
JtttmK Rkaoii, of New York, has
signed tho findings la thu Tilden will
cm, declaring thn bequest to tho Til
den trust illegal und void ami giving
Judgment in favor of Colonel lieorge II.
Tilden, the plaintiff.
A si'Kt IAI. from Shawano, Wis., says
that 1,500 Indians with Winchester rltlcs
on thn Menominee reservation tme
driven tho agent off. Trouble was
Tiik onrc-ronowned Crcdlt-Mohlllor
has Ih'oii tlnally illsnolved by tbe courts
ot Phlludelphia.
Sri iiktaiiv iiv Aomri'i ti'iiw lli-nu-
I vlsluil tlio nurscryiueu's convention In
New York Cltv recently. S. M. Kmerv.
wa- eltvtiM presl
rcen, of Ilocht'ster,
Tiir silver market was strong In Lon
don during thn week onded June 7.
Mexican dollars wero Td. American
socurltlea wero Irregular. There was
excitement In copper. In Parla tho
bourse was firm and active. Irlces were
stesdy at llerlln; at Frankfort quiet
ana weak. Mugar waa firm at Havana.
Disohiikm has broken out among the
Somali tribes aad there has been fight
lag and looting ot Meurkaaud and Kls
mayu. Thn SulUn of Kanslbar has sont
relnforeemenU. Tho great trllie ot
Yaos at Kllwa has declared hostllltloa
to all Europeans.
ArTRlt a stormy meeting of the Cen
tral lalior Union at New York the So
cialist tuembora withdrew and an
nounced their Intent. on of forming a
separate organization.
Kxtkksivr smuggling has been going
on for some time by collusion with of
fleers of the toman steamship lino and
parties In New York. Several arrest
have U'en made and startling develop
ments are expected when the receivers
are apprehended.
ri.KAttiMi house returns for tho week
ended June 7 showed an average In
crease of 'J7.0 compared with the corre
sponding vieok ot last year. In New
York the Increase wus US. 7,
Rr.vot.ii aro reported In tho gold
mines ot tho Russian millionaires
Rasllowskl and HartachotT, Siberia,
caused by starvation wages. A troop of
los-Haukx was itoaicu otl uml tso suiht-
Intesdnni't wero killed.
Tin: text of tho proposed Louisiana
Lottery bill, as laid heforn tho Legis
lature ot that State, makes provisions
for annual payments ot I,ihhj,000 to the
State. "
Tiik Inter-Slate Commerce Commts
nlon hss cxiircHiml an opinion that grain
rates from Texas und Kansas point are
unreasonably high.
Tiik deeds of the cottage ivcuplcd by
the President at Capo May last summer
have Won presented to Mrs. Harrison.
Thn gift Is a handsome one, thu votUge
containing twenty room.
Krnr.NU II. Cowi.ks tm ot the late
l-Mulii towles, iMltor ot the Cleveland,
O., le'oilcr, was shot and seriously
wounded by K. 0. Halts his brotherln
law, at Mnnlro il,, monily. The
trouble gn'w out of fatu ly matters,
Cowles being accused ot misconduct
Tiik ben.-ne on the 7th transacted a
miscellaneous lot of tmslne.s. Tho
House usod tho Silver bill as adopted
br tto caucus yeas, j:u; nay, uu.
Ifight Republicans voted with the
IVinocr.Ms against tho bill and one
Democrat voted with tho Republicans
for the bllL
Tin: black stallion which had been
giving the ranchmen of Northwest Ne
braska no much trouble for a number of
years, was receullr shot und kllltil forty
miles Notitheastof Alliance. Thu ani
mal wns by no means a phantom, and
was thu handsomest piece of horseflesh
on the plains. Ills lull was very heavy
und dragged on tho ground, nnd IiIh
tnnno fell below his knees. Thu old fel
low hud never been branded, .and was
probably twenty years old.
FirrtiKN persons wero killed , and a
large number Injured by the latecyclono
at llrailshaw. It Is estimated that the
loss will reach S'-i&O.OOO. Of the 300
stricken households Ills estimated that
nut ten per cent will be able to erect
roofs over their heads. Aid was bolng
aent from various polnUisutho SUte.
York raised tft.aoo. Mr. Meekerant his
wife, an aged couple, wero sitting In
their house when thn storm came. The
building wns carried 100 fact and pulver
I red, but thn oecup'anU, beyond a few
bruises, wero unhurt
An effort Is being mndo to sell the fa
mous brldgo across tho North Platte ut
Camp Clark to Cheyenne County. It
was bulltdurlag the Jllaok Hills excite
ment In tS7d nnd ia said to hivn paid for
Itself ten times over, thn toll for a single
team being at ono time as high as !.",
while 7.1 cents was required to walk
Tilti assessed valuation of Plattsmouth
Is estimated at a round million.
O.NKof Peter Hank'sehlldren recently
picked up n lino gold watch on the
prairie near Imperial. The case whs
somewhat battered and It had spjtarent
ly lain where It was found several
years, yet when a Jeweler cleaned up
the works and made aomn trifling re
paint It ran as well as It did thn day It
waa lost,
N. I. Haimrs, who has been baling
hay at Ronton, went to (Irand Island
the other night and put up at the Pa
cific Hotel. He forgot to turn off the
gas, nnd when found next morning was
nearly dead. Two doctors, however,
succeeded In saving htm.
Nink people from llartlngton who
started for Wacapona In an omnibus to
hear a prohibition lecture the other
night wem badly injured by the wind
capsizing the" vehicle. Mrs. Hardwctl
was perhaps fatally Injured, and Mrs.
Hunt had un ankle broken.
Tiir Central Nebraska Veteran Asso
ciation will hold Its annual reunion al
Ansley next fall.
Ciiaiii.ks Sktii, while recently driving
ahorse povvcr for a corn shelter, near
Loomla. caught his right hand In the
cogs of the povvor, and It was so badly
cruMicd amputation was necessary.
LiniiTMM) killed tlvo head of stock
belomrlug to Amos Kelser und three 1m.
longing to .1. W. Krwin near Louisville
during a recent storm.
Tow SrAitK, a brakeman, was struck
by the flyer at Oxford the other day and
severely iiijuphi. no naa just re
covered from having, his hand crushed
by the ears and was making his tlrsf
trip when the second accident befell
A SKv town will lie laid out in Buffalo
County, two and a half miles northwest
ot Stanley, nnd will lie christened Am
hurst Joiix Mr nut, a Herman farmer ltvlmr
near Central City, lately concluded to
take a good drink ot brandy, which
proved to Im carbolic acid, and It re
quired the use of a stomach pump to
save his life.
Uiikat preparations are already In
progress for holding a mammoth Fourth
of July celebration in Dodge.
JoftKi'ti FitAZcn, editor of the Fair
mount Chronicle, mot with a aerlous
and perhaps fatal accident the other
afternoon. While attempting to break
a fractious young home he was thrown
from tho buggy, Sustaining a severe con
cussion ot the brsia. The attending
physlclaa considered his condition very
Ah express train ran Into a switch en
gine at North Platte theother day. Wil
liam Coleman, an engineer, was killed,
nd Fireman Sawder aud an engineer
named Irwin ladly Injured. Many can
were damaged. The collision was the
result ot carelessness ou the part of a
ardman In turning a switch.
finally satisfied tho robbers.
Then the train backed to New Salem
and finally came east The express
messenger remained Incognito and got
on the train as It left Now Salem.
The passengers wero not touched.
Ono put his head out of tho window
during tho delay, but was told togot his
head back and a bullet whizzed past his
head as a reminder that orders had bet
ter bo obeyed.
A taisso of men with tho sheriff,
mounted and nruicd, left Mnndun on a
Hja-clal train for tho scene of the rob
Tho robbers connHilled L'nglncof
Kllmartln to break In thn door of tho
postal car. Only two masked men wero
seen nt any ono time, and suspicions
are rife that only two wore engaged in
thn work.
Agreement llescbeil and Nearly 400,000
Acre of Lund Open for frtllrmeiit.
Sap ami Fox Am'acy, IJ ''-. June a
Tho Sacs and Foxes havo come to an
agreement with the Indian Commission
and the articles will be put In formol
shape to-day, and as there Is no objec
tion from nny of thn trlbo or the Com
uilsslonerM, there is no doubt but that In
a few months thn tiovernmentwlll havo
3II.V000 acres of fertile soil ready for
whlto settlers.
The agreement was finished late Sat
urday evening, after a whole day of con
ference between tho Commissioners and
thn Council.
In tho morning Chief Keokuk an
nounced that tho Council was willing
that the Oovcrniuent should pay thn
'Indians 5401,700, provided they would
lie allowed o aelert, Und. they
should choose. The proposition of the
Commissioners thnt 94WV.000 nhould bo
paid It the Indians should taku their
allotments south of tho Dorr Fork and
400,000 If they wanted the whole reser
vation to pick from. It cm bo thus
seen that thn only material dllfnrencn
between the Commission and the Coun
cil was regarding tho location of tho
severalty lands.
Chief Keokuk In arguing the point
culled attention to the fact that thn
Council had made all thn concessions
thus far, and In justice tho Commis
sioners should make at least one. Tho
judgment of the Council, ho said, was
that If the Government wanted to civil
Ire the Indian as rapidly as poslble It
should offer them inducements to scat
ter out rather than go Into ono commu
nity to themselves.
"Here are men," said Iho chief with
pride pointing to the councillors, "they
aro not boys. They make you meet
ttoys at other places, tint these men in
front of you know the Government's
wishes and policy, and they want to
promote the effort of the Government to
teach the Indian to work and do like
white men. They think it would bo
tnst for the Indfans to lo near neigh
bors to white men."
This speech had the desired effect and
the Commission agreed to give NSS.OOO
and let the allotments bo Uken any
The atw,000 acres of tand which the
Government has obtained for settle
ment Is already Ising made the subject
of prospecting tours by largo numbers
of eager whites,
cuts and bruises; George Riggers, brake
man, slightly bruised; Joseph liiack
woll, Suffolk, Va., porter of Wagner car,,
cheek Injured.
RoftFOMi, 111., June 7. The North
western passenger train from Free port
which reaches Chicago at two o'clock
Jumped thn track two mlleswest of hero
at eleven o'clock on account of a broken,
A gang of section men wero working'
about 'J00 feet front tho point where tho
englnn left tho track and before they
could gut away tha train had toppled on
Tho entire train was wrecked and tho
engineer and four section men wero
killed outright and the fireman, two
section men and some of the passoBgnri
were injured.
orririAi.s wiiKar.i.
ltu.riMottK, Md., Juno 7. A telegram
received at the offices of the llaltlmoro
.t Ohio railroad states that engino
No. 177 and private car No. 70a
wero wrecked nbout twenty-live miles
south of llenwood, on tho Ohio River
railroad last night. The car rolled over
tho trestlework und Injured the follow
ing In addition to those already pub
lished: Mr. Hunter, bruised chest and
i head Injured: C. I Williams, superin
tendent of t'liio uiver runroau, namy
bruised about the body, and two colored
porters, slightly Injured. Tho Injured
wem taken to the McCluru House,
Wheeling, on a special train. Tho enr
was badly damaged.
MmmmmmamW I
Hot ton Vounv Men I'erUti tly the rapJa
Ina; ir n h-IImmi.
tiosToN, Juno 0. Atmut six o'clock
yesterday morning a party of elK'ht
young men started for a llshlng excur
sion In a sailboat When thny wayo
about ono mile fromTliompeon's Island,
In Dorchester bay, the lioat n.vs struck
by a siiuall and capsized. All but one
were swimmers, but Instead of trying to
swim ashore tlsfj tried to climb lato
the boat whloh was so heav 11 y ballasted
that tholr weight would force her be
neath the surface, leaving them strug
gling In tho water, in this manner the
strength of the men were exhausted and
they sank oao by one until but one was
The drowned were: Lawrence Mo
Tlernan, aged "J 4 years, and John Sulli
van, aged 'Ji, living in Charlestons; Al
bert Lowtiart -A of lloston; James
Husband, 17, Thomas Troy, IS, and Jo
soph Tufts. IS, of South Huston, and
Edgar Matoncy, aged IS, of Dorchcttor.
McTlernan left a wife and child; the
others were unmarried.
Three tror llangest
LlMicx, Tex., June s, -Three no
grws, Tom Mills, Fletcher HoUea and
Henry Hidden, were hanged herefor the
muider of James McGregor, a white
man, at Atlanta, Tex., December T, last
McGregor had just settled In Cast
County and let people know that he had
money. He drank freely with the three
negroes and they enticed him ta the
edge of town, w
his head ope- with a car coupling. The
tody was robbed andcarr ed a mile from
town AmPle ft by the roadstde, where It
was found. All of the condemned men
confessed their guilt and died repenting.
Conf-Mlnn of the Alabama) Unite
finally Made Public.
RtnvtiNoiiAM. Ala., June 0. The writ
ten "";fr"MrjjrrrTrt ."'""!V2
tdrTCTis wife and child KMlrul'rer, wi
never be published in book form, as
was expected. Last nli;ht a representa
tive of tho Press News Association
learned the contents of the confession
land tho following details of tha crltno
which clear up some of Its mysteries
are made public for tho tlrst time.
Hawes states In a confession that ho did
not contemplate tho murders until tho
Friday night heforu they worn com
mitted. It was then his vvifo re
fused to leave the city as she had
promised to do, and tho plan
putting her out of tho way
good was oulckly decided upon.
teetlves have been hunting In vain for
the conveyance llawos wus supposed to
havo used to remove her boJy to tho
lakn and his confession clears up that
part of the mystery. Ills wife and child
were Induced to drink some liquor until
both wero Intoxicated and then under
some pretext they were Uken to tho
lake and murdered on tho banks and
thrown in. They wero not killed
at the house, aa has always been
supposed. Ho says a negro wom
an, Fannlo Uryant, who waa con
victed aa an accomplice, assisted him
from tho beginning to tho end and when
tbe bloody work was finished they swore
a terrible oath never to betray each
other. If arrested they swore ,to dlo
without betraying each other's secret
Tho confession admits that Fanny Ury
ant told the truth In her tentlmony that
Hawes took little May from her house
Monday night May would havo boon
murdered on Saturday night, but they
could not Induce her to drink liquor and
another plan hail to he adopted to get.
rid ot her. In concluding tho confes
sion Hawes wroto that ho fully de
served the fate In store for htm and ho
wanted no ono to din (or his crime.
1lrvr Vioina Men IVrUh.
Aitt.KV Lam:, Utah, June 7. Tho
sotl of this valley when water-soaked ls
very treocherou. Yesterday Mr. Wlm
mer was riding along tho hank of'
a swollen stream when the ground.
txjing shake! underneath, gaflway.
and tho man and horso wrrv washed
Into the ravine,' To yosiBjtven.
Workmen and Rlrd, 'tried to rescue
Wlmmer and both were drowned. Mr.
Wlmmer was rescued, hut not anal ke
was mo nearly gone that his recovery is
considered doubtful.
. f'
The Uh JUWaet .
Rut'ssRtA, June '.The Duke of Or
leans, who wan relcaaed from' the Clair
vaux prison In Franca Tuesday aightand
conducted to tho Swiss frontier, has ar
rived In this city. II was met at thw
rallway sutjoa by oao ot the royal car
r. ages and conveyed totho palace, where
he took breakfast with Riag Leopold.
Storm I Wew Terk.
Nxw YoitK, Juno 7 Terrific thuaJcr
storms r,fd Thursday night tilllong
after day break and ssvm ,t have bo n
vidrsnrcad. la and abasittheelty v
t eral buildings -vera struck and'horned.
houses unrooted and fences aad tra
laid prostrate.
I At Elmlra the most terrific thunder
J ruUVTV ,11111 ,u 1H17 l M . ... -OTk.. t . -..
here. Tom Mills bno . torn ot lcar.p!l!fl,ra"2Sl ST
m anii' . Vrl oS w--y
i tlnf and hurried.
At Wavcrly there was a etoSdDarsx y
and the trveU and many cellars were
i Ccoled, doing much damaire, Tho Erie
I tracks wero alio covered for a Use.
bv J s I
j,jlyA.wutfiMhiW icMwur