The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 30, 1890, Image 8

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Zht gtd fjontl fjiirf.
. v. iiwmwi:.. . . rrwarit7
I'rltlH) , .UN in.
Knlcml at Uir I'm! Ultlrr In Jtcl I I.mhI, Nt-b.,
ai m.ill mjitlirnl Ihii M-miul
Absolutely Pur.
Hilt imwilrr nrvrr vsrlrs, Martrl ot iim
lrtriKtliiitiit wliilt-nniriir, mnrwrconoiniral
limn tlit tihllimry Mini aiiilcamml tvrsoMln
t-iiiiiwllutl wltlitli-t iniiltltiiilr nf low trt short
X'lK'it liim ir ii(niiinlo iniwiliir). HoMmili
iiiimiii. KUYAI. making i-owiikkco.
lew Wall strcrl. N. V. 'ltr.
WctHlir'i 1'imHrlrt gtl Mellon
try nl- :.!.
WhII lHtrr und Itorrlrr nr
rr were chi-hp hn thvy itrr
mow. W are l.tMIHSU In low
H'f never aarrlflre Ihc ejuitlt
l- of imirii when w' lower the
Main .tfttrnlm nnil t-MHiptior
gum far NMrtlta.
Our Fountain I'en work
We hhvv Ike flnrei eleM-k nf
INHtkfl knltea In Ikr aily unci
we gMnrnntr prlee low nntf
qtmllt)- Ike heal.
Tke rcMMin we are celling m
mnny window ritrinln U he
enuae our prle are m low.
Ilammoek and eroxuet way
coTTi.Xi initi:kh
New baby carnage at F. V. Tay
lor's. Follow the crowd and go to Mr. F.
The young men of the tows arc
about to organize a band.
The board of supcrvUor will Meat
Tuesday, Jane 10th, for equalisation.
Dr. . D. Penney and Mm. Ilaird
started for Chicago Wednesday morn,
(J. It. Chancy won hia auit in the
supreme court for tchcaring In the
I'omeroy case.
Our black hone ia the beat for men,
women and children. Warranted fast
color at the New York Store.
If you are going to buy a carpet
Jnu will mvo nwnry and prt il.c
cal by calling on F. V. Taylor.
A complete alack of millinery good
in all the latest atylc and lowest pri
ce and Mra S It Mcliride'a New York
Dcyn i aclling more wall paper,
better wall paper, nicer wall paper,
ani cheaper than any firm in the
Tun Cinicr i again thankful for
the "awect atrain of muic" that
floated upon the midnight air the
other evening.
Call and aee Mr.. 8. It. Mellridce
millinery atock. All the latest itylea
and novelties in data and bonnet at
the New York alore.
John McCallum, of (tlenwood
township, ia knilding a fine dwelling
one of the nicest in the coanlv. John
i a thrifty and i becoming
Ilrnadnaad drca goods in the latest
novelli, a:w and dreirable coloring
just rcceited. We in rite infraction.
Cloasc rail and examine at the New
York store.
A csng of II. 4 M. cari-rntcr are
here taking down thr II, M. bay
barn that was tuade a acerbity her
year ago whrnlbn road sbipprd large
Untilir of rattle.
C. Wiener r.a. br offering bi
children's and women's shoes at roatim ,n meeting neat SitHy fr
nd belnw that rnee. nearlv closed
out the line, and is offering rare bar
gain to bujers if in need of any
shock. Hi low price on men's
goods can not be beaten.
Slight derangements of the stomach
and boweli may often be correettd by
taking only olc of Ater'a pills.
Tkroaxu not having the pills on hand,
your disoider iarreaet, and a rtala
It of airknr follow t'or sKwsnt
uf tk aail, the skew wm gene," etc.
M'.MftY ftOTl'.ft.
tJ) and See H. A. Handy.
Seward (iarbcr i in Washington.
New dry Hoods at the New York
O 1 Suiith was in the city thi
Latest tylc in cartct at F. V
J. Ii. Miller the harness man.
Moon block.
A I Howard lias been on the sick
list this waxk.
Sec J. Ii. Miller for Harness and
saddlery good.
A new lino of picture mouldings at
i . . i ay tor.
For the latest styles in dry goods go
to Mrs. F. Newhuusc.
Illack henrietta ahawls, silk fringe
at the New York store.
Sweet Orr overall. All st)lrs at
McNilt A Ii abulia's
Try the i.ew drink, I'hospho (iuar
ana, at Cutting Fountain.
if you want tho best buy the S lute
for sale by F. V. Taylor.
Just received .t large invoice of fine
harness dusters and net at J, I.. Mil
lers. The nicest line of pattern hat and
bonnet in the city at the New York
Mrs. H. It. Mollritlc has. moved her
millinery good to the New York
I' V Shea and K J Allen have aJ
ded their names to tho (Ircat Family
Johnny Stahl In one of tho finest
decorated window at bis restaurant
in the city.
John Young i home from the oast
where he lia been for several weeks
on litiiness.
Call and see 11 A. Handy for pries
before building a ho will make it to
your interest.
For the latest and rhrapcit beaded
wrap and dress goods, call on Mrr.
F. Ncwhousc.
Andy Warner has just returned
from Indiana whore he say they
have too much rain.
Come and ac and I will save
you money on all kind of harness
good. J. I. MlM.KH.
Anything in tho lino of furniture
carpel, window shades, etc., at lowest
price at F. V. Taylor's.
The imported (Alabastin, aold by
Deyo ia the finest wall finish made.
Can be put on wood, stone, or plaster.
The pcoplo seem to catch on where
to trade. Hcyo's low price have
brought him a big trade this Spring,
The F. A M. bank folk have their
building finished again and have
moved back into the quarters recently
The people who attended ttyf con
test at Cowlea got caught la "fke rain
Friday night and lad to site ( the
Itemcmbcr that McNilt A (
carry the largest best and also the
cheapest line of Jeans, eoltonade and
worsted panta iu the city.
The Alliance people should do their
level best to have the banrd of trans
portation knocked out. It is a nula
ancc and decidedly no good.
If you want weaving done call on
Wm. Huffman, Kcd Cloud or leave
order at Chaa. Sehaffait'a. All kind
of errpet weaving done on short no
tice. The Ladles Aid society of the M.
K. church will give an ice cream and
strawberry sociable Tuesday evening,
June 3rd. All arc invited.
Just received the latest atylea in
beaded wraps, satttens, white goods,
Swiss embroideries, flnnneings, hair
ornaments, laces and all aorta of trim
ming Mrs. F. Newhousc.
For your spring salts .either tailor
made or ready made go to MeNitt A
fialusha'a. On a tailor made suit
they guarantee a saving of from ! to
910 from any one fit in the city.
If that lady at thn lecture the other
night only knew how nieely Haifa
hair rcnewer would remote dandruff
and improve the hair she would buy a
I'eUr Smith, one of tko good old
Simon puie demotraU, and a const!
reader of the 11 republican paper in
the county (Til a Ciuar) is one of r
best farmer and knowa "good applet"
when hr e them
If ton ih U purchase a shoe for
jour bojs or girls that will stand the
rsr abd t-ar f every day a'agr.tkst
is made of hoaeat lealitrr tknmghoul
and rn common i Ira call at
the New York atore.
The Alliance of IUdCk4 will hU
the purpose of dis"rii: the rrea
cry subject. Ir tber is sny b
thing that would do Ked Cloud and
the farmer adjacent good, II wonld
be a rrcsmery 1U have one.
bTfriHnlt.llsfljWt.irta tf,
rH "" oWw. Ksrlei
will b rMtrd with a ticket Uj Tat.I
Isw't CirfH. wkirt. w.ll .ki.. t vMl
11 J I... K.l I'.... I
tlw4 Jnac KMn. t. W iaa. J
little lteiglu l on tlu ieV lt
Itucillc McKwby i wt iliigrm
I) ill
The Kgilatim will meet ii ovtra
m'.oImii June .'till.
A teal jo rlrvus will bo In Kml
Cloud on tin- UUli
Just received a lot of biigg cuh
iom at J. I., Miller.
Wlut lu bovoiiic of our ! Iu).
list. Aro they in the 'inonun?
Senator Mudcrson i uilc irl
with a wound rvevited in the lato wur.
Corner lot luvo advnevl wondrr
fully since Ksii'A' soil ha beouno o
Abo Kiiley ha been 'intod cen
n ruuuirrUor for the city, Abo will
innli' 4 gihxl out',
Mrs. lliilMnr. who lis U-oii llic
guel of Mr. A I.. Funk lu rrlurunl
to lur hoitii' in O111.O1
Itulurtl lliinlvr, tho affablt trM'l
ing agent for Taylors rirvii called
this week ami gao u a nieo little
T. J, HUnVeiib.tker enlled tin-. i-l
and inflated tho sliceiUu of tho llig
Injun willi tho tJreat Father' coin.
Wo would teM'ofnl c-all the at-
teiilion of the street eoiiiiuisiotier to
the had eouditiou of uiatiy street cro
ing whieh should be loweied.
Tin: Ciii; may lute hd ili.pnl. r
with a few of the rillreiis of Ked Cloud,
but it has never failed to bo for Ked
Cloud first, lat mid all the lime. We
have no Milk when It eome to the
welfaru of the city
Hill Kaine, the street sprinkler Hint
becoming tired of slliuy 1 1 . r t h.i
deciiled to let the people "bito the
dust ' or put ui more money for sprink
ling purpose. The liuiiK men
should not eipecl him to do his work
for nothing. Ho should be paid liber
ally for the work by every biiinen
Iu another column of today paper
will be found tho reitorl of tho l'ir-1
National bank, which speak- for itelf
It haxr rapidly itierrased mi
til they are iu fine sIism The Firt
National is one of the iini louservit
live bniiks in the great wet and will
ulwsy Im found in a sound and ub
M.illtlul rniiilllion.
The Kmpirr Oil and Mining Co.
made up of Ited Cloud elliien havr
located through Frank It. Outup, a
fine claim near Neweaatle, Wyo , that
if oil is di(cnvred, of which thre is
no doubt, will make them rich. A
large number of Ited Cloud people air
interested in tba. place and will no
doubt eome out ahead on on deals.
Till CNIBr hopes that the Kmpirr
comnany will reap a general bonauia
in their deal for aeroinr
THaa WhwWlll lak ikrwa.
Wlllisn, II ftykrr, iSuid" II.Kk,
C. Jackson, Noblo Ssiiford, llrl Cloud,
II. II. Holdndge, Inavale Waltrr S
Noble, Srott, tt;orge W llnllltliel,
FraiirU Hourliin, Abrsin II Kaly, lied
Cloud, Wm. 15. H.vrr, Alpha II,
Fslley, Mlue Hill, Jl,n 0 St..ui,
Illsdni, Oltii Skjrlwr, Olio, John
IVilnirky, llrd Cloud, Henry J. Shrl
don, James Ii. Wolfr, Cowlr, Janir
It, Lain), Negiiuda,
IVaillre la Taapayrr.
Oo Monday, June 'ind. A. I , H'M)
the city council of the cily of Ited
Cloud, Nebr , together with the two
supervisor and assessors of the rily
will convene and sit a a board of
equalisation to eioaliie all assess
ment and to correct any rrrora in
the listing or valuation of property,
and to supply any commissions of the
same. A. S. Mabs. Major
AtUsl T. J, Wari, Cily Clerk.
A I tase Mcsra.
Will Kmigh has tnlfrol hi 1W
trotting horM-, Lycargu, in thr '1 iUt
T(f of I If hrr'-drrs s.- Ut'Oi
rirhur), Aug; 'Zl L)curgu w m.r
of thr fiiit blMi tnlH. tint l in
ll..- tat- of Nlrtka Jii-i be will ask-
frr.f. f..f un"lf lb-il will 4filb
llT ItorMSsw-n of iJk- lt- U'U )f
fairly gft thr- tirf W- w-m11
tst l frcl lit -r that IW'fr lb
a m .rrr thst limrui will w,slr
it in -' ''
Ur willmiiUnwr t ilr
ibr MSWift b-TW fiT a frw wrV b'Wtfrs
and tb? twtrb; wlxi dtsirr ti brs.
!'' il" l' invtiittjf k'rr' i tkw t t isr
will d will Ut M Mr KlaJk Uwv!
- w -
lU r $..,
. . - - -- .-
,us' , aa-a vrswajaw tijaaa
J'1 "l4 ktr' "VT" T-4
'4 sattaf; fiii. TV. frr U.U,
wu w i. H. Iaiw aVwxiiT eM tVswi.
nr.t-oiiATio n.
Todsy out jntiple hotibl ll lulu
out sml help uim ll o deeorsle the
dek.titeil lierT who gate up tlnlr
lle to defend llu laud of the frrt
Our eiiuin never ought to tirt of
show im; llieir MM'ft to the hnnervl
iliMil ihr moil who hrstrj the hrd
ship of UM l,(llrnehl only to a
down ihelr lie iimiii their rounlr)
altar, a bleeding .trrifit'o l.rt eseb
and eerj oue of u (! tho url
Ing "oldler and the W. II, C to err)
out that pitliftlc of Will Csile
ton , sinl
tnr Ihrm sin lliliilltul a.msr.
Hun lir mr w ours "
and in the )ei to come wo hll not
regivt it
litlhrM l'i.. . til ,44 ol.ll.M m w
K I lll iwil l t',THituvi' Kttl i ii M r
lill I'liHft.lKX Mill Mm rt , ll. (.., tl.i
illl't It.llrj n V.Un, nt i p m, m
l..n,l mom .( M .wmmiI In (titiigr, m.I-Ii.
xhwl In iktifr l I lull l.i Km. I.hI) leu fllli
lrHnlir tlilr. ifnl. Vtl il r .l.lUi.
IIIV. MatfOt tn,. lllllfMt m liw U M t U
ooucr. iiimii. in iiU(. i. m!iI
ill Jtfi Kf I'UKnilM .1 ll pi t !!
til Ml .H.Uh .... . tnlHh-vl "ill tnln It.
tirUMn t k ihimi . .,! (kr4, iI.mmc U ri.,.i, kl. (K Ii I
-flKf rl lw -.IIM1. Ih.H If tl.lnl.ttl.. r4lt
l''iilli in k.n ( twio.. 1 ) Kif,fc, H
ulul lll il.llltl Uir NI,W
Ml ml iin I' Ml 0i'l- !
4 I' ( l..Jiln
Vil Vw t wwii i (Hiitillt
ili nuiM.f.
lid VmI mt li IJttiittttr
HU tlOHftllin n tUril.ll.tnt U tVll4r.
Ilrill.) ,illfUiti
rill ( loOr-t-li) O.iiilrtlf
II) Klllil ( ( irKIMlltl".
l U Ksii.iit )Miril Itiasis.
liiilwli,l ll.f ) ( l.ttimtn,
bo Is It that Is holding llrd Cloud
bark their da; 7 They can be counted
on jour finger ends. Had Cloud I
a unit on all rnlrrprlsss but on or
two bump on a log are alwajs trying
to discourage genuine rnlcrpise foi
fear that the city will grow and their
buslnrsa will br ruihrd TllSt s
bout thr siin of It, Iti-d Clout I
thr brst city in the vsllry and before
another jear with Its rooting enterprl
n will be on a boom, and those fl
lows will bra hollering "W did k"
Some psoplc can never be happy and
see the city grow unless they have the
say so, TlIK Cllltr likes Iu see peo
ple entrrprising and alwajs ready In
help boost along genuine mierpriste
and Kcd Cloud has the people that
ean do it.
-! Mat a WksltMlt gfe
tieMa .
Tills Week Ml John ,M, VuiHig ft"
turtied from thr ( wberr be gr
rhscl a in am moth lirk nf drj girl
for the firm of l, M, Young A Co,, of
till -ity , who hsw 1 -l-.j to nfi tip
a first rl whirr dry g'nls and
li'ilioll bvUM- In this ell) Thr tl Ml
si nld bslid ill thr liitirt o
bsve drf-del, and wr think wis I), In
I'trstr s stlioltxlr rtUbtlblMri,t in
tb- illy (rd Cboid by h-rstl'Mi I
psriiruUrlj dptd for lb" wb..r
bnlnr nd wi boj tbsl thr fiftn
will f grestly frwsrd"! for tlnir en
t'fpriM' Thry .fdsby g, ul
of thr rtlall hti'llo- sod tnlr kIx
n-ly tijtn tlif wbol'r plsn Tbr
Urgr rrim in ibo (m bbil ,'! 11
h hm Mturrl and will trtwAihA
for lli: fcfil iituiliirMt of I.VI.'WMI
ltl of gi which t J.r-r sii
Thm JU-J i'iwt'l put uu W'lrillti
lr N' Mbf f rity Im thr vslfVy rt
lMift f witrr wjfV trrt rr !
trie lii'bt ),i.rff htu,'i, ,U'l iuU'
ufsft.rfKf, 44 rut lll Cbrvl llrrb
fvr Itol ITisis.1
WJssaswi Bmi rra'iaawwMwai.
wr. ittw, i
In onfof iwily with -, ikw fw
rral fibrT' f wklrb is jily kU
in k'rtiVf by Ibis pw'if-lr, f, A. n .
Maisk, lsV' ff llsa ty f )U4
' Wv4, d ffjot tbtt lb IwiUm
i ' a ty k tkajr swvsral'
t-tt4 of U,ais f. d'crslffth day
(May 3Vtb, Wl) fcti 12 'Uk to
. .a m v -
A. ..... .J .lit. iL .1.1... i J...
" - ..,-- -, T
i "er ew1 iwiw wi war sww a wimawawt w wb w)-w
I asf ntlasw lla r.a.aa .A ... aa,l ,!
... U'ltass. Mv tad iLls 'ih
tttllilUfirft 1 IA 7-F IL ... ""V 99 l- .!. -
j.,,iu., !.
k ' J' ' M
, - J--
J T; J Wap, City Cl
tla Ms I it
:U I
1 4t i ' " in&ii.V
iamw wmw
That we sell it ;.t Irottom prices, ami will
discount all advertised prices on same quality
of tjoods,
That we make ALL KINDS OF FINE
CLOTHING to order in the building.
That we employ home labor to do it and
satisfaction guaranteed.
ateewwrt ! !.
The 0x-r Hunt" w prft(tj
ir.irsll ll wlh nK slid
riublrm ireil lit th tibflirr of
Mriimrlsl srrtirrs oftbrdiail hrfis
who gf up llu'lr lhr for tbrlr rtnin
If) The ( I' Udlrs s.d Osr
firld I'ost did tbr dioslng jolhtl)
III H WS )r(-lltlful ll K. A
llaadsll .r.fie tbo rfltiMti, tll
by Ilr Tj,;t,srl nd In bl usmsI smsii
nrl gate ibr atidlntrx gf srfih,
lrarlng difrellj mm thr ofrasUw,
Tits- Itrd Cloud .iUlttdld lherNtr
nobly In the singing Ml lg' !
idl l lb organ Mf 'I, W. Kfslght
of Ifiststo f-ikf to thr s-Un- In ir
gsrd to mrloii slid M,'i w
li. fi.f ibr W II C It WM MU 4
the Ul inrrtlng of the kltt-l
In Id In IU-1 flood, tbrr- bUg fill
It hntolrrl ""d jrfrM if
To show thr nWv af advfftU
lag la Ik. Ureal Famllf Weekly we
Ussr1l Ik following edtsMlfttassat
in fr last !
"Wantad a lrg '(WMlilj sf slw
at this r,A4
lltintr the pJ' bad fairly ba
frvblishrd ti It Ik'asands A rswdef
Iks wsatktf elsrk, saw tk netirw end
gtt on of tk Ut rein "f tke
season M',fl AdvtMIs In Tna
Cmtr, KtirjUdj rssds ll.
- -
Msirr ihmmtr,
I aw fr-jw enl far It J4 I'sele A
(,Vs. sdilion of tk "Hwtjilvfdl, and can fernlsb it ai tka
walrsmelr low Mi" '" ' M'
ua in 1 t Uu, 4ile4 iWrvsMw.aj
' " -'"I """' .-- .-
mnntk Call aad saw tl C. U. Or
Twer, will ke n...lUgf lk
" .I'J. m Im ik s.iwalialwtf al
iUm uuiiiiiiiil
llannr futMan, Ori Z
it Sj ktkf WjrW sr) tk
tl ff lk fmiy A mm Wa
dating k swai'awis s4 aas s-4
will U r-lcs"4 dwali )ar wwra a O
all lisna Hsgza nigklO
or d
Y-ti ent tm fUikiay
wksr M ' ! Wr ,f lsa Mils
s4 n ar ls-a Mils
tMrrkaata!l tk sn-va)4f w4
I JJ ..!.. 7.. a,- . .1.14-..
- . . . . -' if. t.-"
'tSlCWI Ila.i'if ftLial lAil. swellf JIIII
, ,, ,..--. . ,- ,TT, ,. , , .
(SrWrllS Wfirf KlU WrW faawW
aajsW; . tfV-, . 4arwsw a -
MrsAa a.4aa, .;, a 14
We arc rc.nly to show
you that vc have a Large
Stock of
Hearty Made
Boots, Shoes, lrurni5hing
CkmkIs, 1 lats and Caps
That c)iir Clothing is guar
antee I of the I make,
'I'hat it is of newest (lcniins
aannnawwannnnnnajajpsjsmBs ajssmj.
t mkt fti fcw III
i. ii r)
W,t4l. N4Mi CI
iiiw hsm a
i ? f Ito. wfcrgaJgB
mchSisj iMwts. airMii rwaM rf
Uaiatif 4 Wl'Hass rissifaw4 ,
-' 4iiass, i wwaw sae
4h sJ
I 14
r t
-v 4 Hm
k4IUai H4 ! Il
sbt'tkiUMWiwH te4 mmm waw
mi Im
I !) asfJ
l ! ,1 I mt
, IU iVrtf
slSlll VMw4l
aw r m M
ill s-, as la , JMNs
itrwwf a ! MaswAr aWewsa
I Ui tff H wwm aja
m-ft, StMSWS. wswss a t
rUlil, awrf aswaa w, iwsWa,
i .. ,tmtmtt . I ww
ln IHW W
. m UWA.
4m taw
r WlWiMlaM at SkWfBWSW
I taass, la SWM Maawtf rfwaw BWWWJ
ia ia tares? a4 sawwi m
tMbawSf asf JMp, A
h i ". M f ai4
iris r saiaws a wit
aMr WISS tmttmt 4 InS S
a- la ww i stji al ww i a M Jpw i
JtmtA Mtjnraww. wawawwM
Waajfa s aslisaawlltiaanM
a sns -.a sH aa saw
US Wm llial iSia a S laM
lilisa aawW asf aww4 Sw
l lass. ;
iimiish ravit, rwwwsrt'saaTrw
" He Pays the Fraight
iaw awwan awaa
t r m4 m Yrf
m MiW ss lw witaww W if
XMs mi mn laastt im) M
ihiiImMi i tsssaw lM lift I
W awawatsw
it wbtS
u JTj3s3
., ItM.
STANLEY t&iwtzs
' a lilf if if Uf 1 N ..-... st l .
rw sswswifi swsNkjWf u t A,n p, a
L"-,)',i uaffit -.,
m m m im. ) w. jTiw.
- trtHsiii w awawarvwn, eK a.
.- ..
I;:.! w 7 ri.KIV,XV77;sfffi4
- r' gAtT MA laTa! rM.wsM aav
afgvwavw -ww nn awww mmm
m1mw S WmM. WllSi'ln a
F r r '" ! r m t
vsnA wlaai
tftwwwtw i
tjgr w rtr w w ww m aww
wa a tm Wi . i l;aH tsaan.W
' m Aaaa. A. 1
" mm " J aSr,n.f ..,
ewaws www aa a , , t -
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