The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 30, 1890, Image 5

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    K 1
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Mow Weeaaetk Vasvy Their OWsprieg
trnm flece t Another.
Oao o( the taunt IntertHting traits
about tho woodcock It the tart of It o
caslonally conveying lu juung through
the air, which U doao by only otto of
two other birds. Tals l no rvcvnt dis
covery. The, fact tu knon as earlr a
the, middle of last century, thuuirh till
bcrt Whl to rightly surmlM that those
obseners wcru mistaken who fancied
tho young Mere, conveyed cither by oi
In the bill. It Is Just .n erroneous,
bom ever, to substltuto tint flaw, m
eorue hart done. Thu truth It that,
when tho parent Mrd Mies to convey
qcr younjr one (rum a plaeo o( danger
toono o( safety, thu tiny thin,: It k'ently
pressed between tke feet and against
tk'fi breait. tho aid erf the bill U'lmr r.
sorted to only when tho burden ha been
hastily taken up. In thlt way thu whnlo
of thu brood l vinit'tlinct rcinowil from
onopartof a wod toanothur when thu
birds havo been much JlMiirNd. On
thla subject thero it an Interfiling nolo
t "Lays of the lVr Forest." hv th
brothers Stuart: "Ono Morning sitting
on a gray atone, I asm a dark c-yo hlh
vat fixed upon mine from tho bod of
pac licfnro me. when suddenly tho
litllit brum head of a younir woodcock
ttoejwd out from the fcathert of tho old
ont-'s brcat. uttering that plaintive cry
for which language hat noslyn. Thcra
wero two more young woodcevki, and to
rvlluc tho anxiety of tho mulrt, I left
her. Near tho jiWco uhero I found her
thorn was a soft, grieii strip, such ss
H'oodcoclct loTe. I had no doubt that
111 family would be tin ro n't day; and
as 1 pasted near I turned uailo to m
what thoy wert doing I'pon a dry bank
half way down the hrm I almost stuta
bled over a bird, which rote at my tt(
and as It darted through the trees 1 saw
that it had temethlng In Its claws, and
at the same, tlmi- I heard tho plnlntlv'o
cry of young woodcocks jutt under Biy
feet. 1 looked don n them wer two;
and I thought a hawk had carried off
tte third, and pcrhapi killed the mother.
This, however, I found on following tho
bird, was tho old woodcock, which, being
ft.ulnsl agalo suddenly, after a low flight
of onlyi fo yards dropped what It was
carrying her own young woodcock."
This trait may bo eonllrtuel by any one,
who will look out tho bird in Its
haunts, and Is nil the morn Iittcrcttlnj;
as It seems to hi an acquired one. Tito
bird It In no way adapted to transport
Its young through the air. Thu (Seutlu
man's M agar Inc.
II Tells What .Waawt Are rosmUi
Aaioag Horl'alled literary Women.
Aa Old Editor. ! wonder If ua
woman evrr liked herown name? When
X was 1b the harnest I used to hare C
read all the manuscript that came to ths
offlc. Mot of our contributors wers
women. Women, I have somctlmos
thought, are naturally Inclined to litera
ture. I never knew rt,e. who didn't
drift Into writing for tl-o press If sh
ad the slightest enro .rsgemeti. And
when they bgln to write rf courso ths
first thing they do lb to :eleet a nom d
plume. These assumed r umea used U
imuMi me and T took s fancy one day U
keep trjck of tlmm for aa year. At
the expiration of thst time I discovered
that the dsm "Mande" led tho list.
Thont wst "Mills,' and then thej
acmpr'1 off int tho realrt of fiction
Ileiilsb," "Mlspah." "flowena," sal
Ihollk'. Vrionslly I found one wh
aum,d c"inmonplaro tag. and )
noticed thai !ueh aftne, s a rule, gen
erally msd her way t the front. I
wonder hatcher became of that long
jwe.ttlon of sorrowful looking creav
urcs w Jio iiH to enmo to irj desk wltfc
great bundles of maniiM-ript and be
seech me to eaamlne it and u It, n
th same tins telling me of tho sick
children at borne who were famishing
for bread, and ho rouMn't get any na
til "this artHe" was printed At Ires.
I was soft 'hearted and listened m tkeag
appesls, but soon found that I bad mors
manuscript on hand than we had col
umns in the paper. Then I grew hard
hearted. For Instance, I weuld ask onm
"How many children bare joc7' Ifsna
s.IJ mere than two I asked their names.
Then I would ask tke nature ef thii
ditans and she would tell nse. I would
take the story and label it, "ffatlH
measlea." Than nf th neat eprlieint
th saate query Then tLe lstwl,
"Jehnny-th mumps," and then I
would lay the MHS. away la flgeoa
hole and rwaiOoneHy I would lnk theas
orr and wonder how tke invalid crpt
wcroarngresslBg. When I Ml a little
womanish in my nart I wonld neWt
tho "diseas" whleb I thought was tuti
dangwrous and us It And then I uW
to wntnh tb obituary eolusnn. Hut I
nvir saw tke announcement of tht
d'-a'h ef any of the starting owes hcs
names were on tho warchssent in my
yijreon holes.- Chicago Tribune.
Weeratse la Cmrt rases.
Araeaf tke latMt noveltlen In tk
way ef enrd eenee ia a very dainty llttls
M made ( very Inely drssasd Wathsr.
In one comer of tke ease la set a tiny
little sratak, Tbe effect of this la scry
pretty, aad, besides this, tee rwmbina
tlonlsnveryuaefalen. Ladle am often
fit t a great deal af Wvaeleta ukinf
out tbeir waleaaa wkaa aa the atreet
Carrying tkU llttla Umaeieee net in
their card eaaa er aacket-baak ssvwj
tbeas all tkU treabla, aad tke a, too,
whansaklag ealla taey base a little
fftstla resslaaar la UeU bands that
they aiaat aat evsretay their welcome.
Watebja net in tala way U sard caseg
ani paakrtbeaba ara mack bmts popular
than tbe braeekH aratrb attarkmenk
lbs sarelly wan lasawrW free l'aris,
but la nw balaf nsaaafactnrad very
largely la tkls eenntry. Tbe cost of
tbesa ard raasa aad pnekat bocks Is
from e?ea dollars aad fsHf eaaat np-
m. x. nsu aaa s
aa saw let aw aave tea datlara till
ay it waakr asa ebe saak edits.
Xa. I iuv repiiad tag bee waiter.
TUfcfwt aba alkjiaan keslsaalea
"Ta wa't aawwar a raanaikir wbaa
vfeataMwaltlias Wad aba awsaaaf
1 Hrstvsarel :
Those ef our reaicrs who way think
of emigrating to tUo west, or who
woum nap to out or trade for procrtj
in wiai sccnon oi the country, should
address a letUr, with statur to M. U.
Thoinsr, Treasurer of the Yunt Uotrd
of Trade, Yuma, Colorado tor M)t
iiiation. Yuma i.t s jouujj and flour
Uhing county ocat m northeastern
Colorado, and has railroad, church,
school and other advantages equal to
any town lit the west. The editor of
this paper owns suburban property in
Yuuis, and would recommend those
who may liato au otnortuulty to get
hold of real estate tlure at 'a small
COM to till mi. lli l,)n .!. tntlr
I Ins a bright future before it
- "- -w ... -.,. ,,vt, ,,.
.",00(. hvo jitccon, for Cheyenne
Totirnaniciit. will pay IIOc r-er fair
icuvercu ou hxprcss train bclorc
June 17th, on IM, or U. A. M. lu
in Ncbtasks, in light boiet Ship C.
)(. I. to I', rr.HiK'iiMi Chcycrtic,
V joining
a -
I'Htlurr fur lltrc nnd lolls.
NYo hau an cxtctis'nc pasture on
M'cttons j and U in sluut Creek town
nli i p. I'plaud and bottom land, shade
creek runs through it, besides two
i;oud wells with tanks and windmill.
Uood corral for taking up stock.
Smooth top wire (o pstturo. lloraos
can be left at our stable and we will
deliver thcui to pasture. For further
particulars enquire c f .1. C Holeouib
A. Co , Holland House l.ivcry'or FratA
Coulsun at tbe fartu.
ur S H xclirido has removed her
millinery goods to tho New York
Storo in the Moon Block, where ahc
will be pleased to see all old customers
and many nuw onc Her new spring
Mock is now complete, don't fail to
rivo her a call.
Conic and ftrr Ls.
Low prices will always sell tho
tiodf, tjno can ce this by ROin
into Wieners. His stock of women's
shoes has been reduced to one third
the pud it was a month igo, His
piles of Clothhg sro being lowered
rapidly, and one can see everywhere
in the large store occupied by him,
that he has sold a great many goods
this season, (iood goods at low pri
ces have done the work for hi in
Mrtrk Yuri
I aw now naking brick at my yard
east of Hed Cloud, any on wanting
good briek for foundations or chin
neys, will do wrll to call on tuo "be
fore buying elsewhere. Prices reas
onable. Fnr.nK. I'mmii.
A 'r LonsI.
Haines the furniture man has just
received a carload of fine furniture at
very low prices
I I II 1 M ) I I
V L Haines has added a complete
line of undertaking goods to his Ine
Mock of furniture, thst he will sell at
reasonable prices. 41 tf.
JHtV Srrtr MI l.ltrr IMIIs.
Au liiiKrtant discovery. They act on
the llvri, atomsch snd bowel though the
usrvrs. A nrw principal 1hy aillr
curs bllliouaiiesii, bsd tsste, torpid livsr
piles iind constipation Hplvndid for men
woman and children HinstU.t, mildest
surest. :sido for S3 cent. HampUa
frrs m'J L, Cotting
llmr Hhal I .
I do not alsiiB to hare tho IgTgtst
stock of goods in the taller, bat Ido
claim that 1 can sell goods cheaper
than any other man in the city1
llainea the furniture man, east side of
Vbstrr street, ttjd Cloud. 40 tf
vwllr swdara?.
To water eonsssser at o'clock la ths
morning and 9 o'clock In the evening of
each day (tteedsys sscopted) Ike whistle
at ths water works will be blown as a sig
ns! nit aacb eoaausssrs will be eipscted to
otxsrveseck signal snd posltlvsly snest
not keep water vanning after soeh tine.
Nun-observance of Ihsse inlrt will lapetl
in iw wiiuiii no unpiessaui oat, aad
witltawt farther notice ojKn sstltfsctoty
information ths water will be shot ot.
tc,tfaijy, Tsiowat t. tu.
Mstr CotnuiUtlomr
Tultr 1 ssatr Orslrre.
To V. L. Haines for undertaking
goods. lUmetnber he Lai added a
ict to his large stock of furniture, th
lle. fjpp
Aaring sell My. tusineas to Mr. L
M. Vane I atn going to leave Red
noun, au persons anowiag taeei.
s?!rcs lobe indebted to me plraatcall
and settle their accounts. All ac
counts must be paid btfor Jsm lit.
L. II. Wall ac g.
i i i.
John tiarber will take aiUe that
oa Satariay tbe 7th day af Jaae. 1890
I will Mil ocr Wkitehill S.wl. ....
chine if yoc do sot redeem it More
tnataste. En. Yot-no.
Carriage. !; sad toast pslstisg.
narj wots aava, gramisg. te, ko
oprostu I'ittt i.vrr lard. A
work fwaraatatd.
Maaafaeajrt4 1 Wat. aWdkesd A
rioni, Jaa.eet4a, NY, ImmIim ikt
!rw York gtere.
la mtfkm Fttead skirt waist rail
da NeNiu A Galaaaa.
' . r. Mwawitn. . . epsTe'se
'rrleUtT, Mn) W.'lww.
rim: t t :.:.
llMif tM Siv H to UVo rltwt Al'lll ffl,lns
"I Mil It II lu
N l)-Mriik-l (n Ulnit liMirt
tlatl) riivel Mm tjr m
Jfi. I, frrlitil In IUt(inritll) " I -m
No. m iat nrrt llttu Uolli rl
wt HulfU) 1 - m
No. 1X1, lit lM In hi lUttliKt ttsll) r
lit if .! l w
ciav l v tiitns.
,N 1&, tciirr u jtt Jiitrp UII)
lcaiM lit t.irt
No. s ect t tit Knui rti .111 u a i n
Nl IV vlOlj,rl livin Jmrl-Jl J
Ijr millet IV ji in
No ft vnnil I to hi Kan. nt
anlvr t m ,h
NiS hrulit itall) r trr 1 1 1 ur.!) at
in . j in m,
No, stfieljlit Jll rirr( huiuU) II. .hi,
lj UOIIWi.
No. .ti uiH-iitrl lolVuiri illl
li-ar J,v tin
.No. lv mviij,i l.i IV-nirr dal)
liliri 1 Vi p, in
Ni. Miiitri tioiti IVmri .lull) d i y in
Nil. Xi (Tltl,t UiKhifl I, !
I) rCr(.( miii.U)
No. til trrlflit Iiimii iKmri, lty r-
rl .uinl.i milir. Siitlt
Nil lii XlCOIIItlllalatlllll Ik Otwitln.
iun Xlon,) VViHlriiuUt met si(),ij
V. tMNOVtll, Akvul
An .arroNtstllsliret dlrl.
A ptetly Kinttugton girl rattle
this oft Ilka lunch "Sli silver sieves
of sifted thistle and a sieve of unatf
ltd thistles. 1 am a sifted thistle
sifter and an uusiflnl thistle sifter
with a sieve of sifted thistles and a
iieve of unsifted thistles "
Theaeaads retetned.
las recviit word on heart dlsad, Dr.
Franklin Miles, ths noted srwlalUt, gM
many new aad startling laet Thonsandt
of peote are slowly lsoalne: ihemtelves
weakenlair thslr hearts by the ese ef les
eeffse, tobaeei and sleoliol Ihsee ars
heart whips, causing it to beat rapidly,
thas gradually wearing it oat, prodaslng
shertaessof bresth when sasislslnn.paius
in side sad shouides, Imegr and faint
spstls I'inslly swelling of ths ankles and
soddsn dsath. For wrakvnr.1 and Irltstcd
hssrts the prs's tirthsrs highly ree
eomiurad ths Nw Rsart t'tir dlseutsisd
by l)r Franklin Mils which h (or sslsst
C I. Cutting's.
Crowds of French people arc bctny
swindled by a bogus) "lAngelus" now
eihiblted in llij provinces.
liesss ar ie.
It Is to be najsed that ths barbaraes
baatle has gone for gaud, bat It Is eetlaia
the great dissever of Dr Franklin
Miles baa earns ta stay and alleviate ka
man suffering This wenderf el nerve f aad
and atedieiae ballda en waraoat syslaass
ears Its, spasms, keadaeae, aarvoaa pros
litatioa, dissiness, sisplessaeea, asaatklr
pains, sesaal troebtes, el Rta doka R
Killer of Valparaiso, ladiaaa aad i U
Taj lor of transport ladiaaa gslassi JO
poands a month while laklag it Fiaely
illestraled treatise on "Nervous Jissssesf'
and sample Itetlls of the restarative arv
Ins frs at Catling's who gaarsateea it
Kwn 1'asIIA has started for the
interior oi Africa with COO porters,
Ive Herman officers and a large body
of Nubian soldiers.
DIsslneas, loss of appetite, that tlf
fpslllig, fslliUl.Ms, dswpala, blnod ills
oidt-rs, retains, blotehae, pimples, shslnw
kin and most dlseasse rs salt f mm an las
pare eondll lost of ths blood I'urlfy it
with DsWitt'e tUrsaperllla. s.U aad
recommend It, C 1. (VHtlag
It is rumored that there are serious
dsssensions in the French Ministry,
aad aa early eollaa. of the Csbinet
is feared.
s sasasssssMwssi 9
mitrr tss Tcavrfcer.
Notice Is ksreby givea thdt I will
S amine all persons who nsay desire
to offer keraeslves as candidates for
teachers ofta pablie schools nf this
county, at Hed Cloud sa tke third
Hatardsy of acb moatk.
Kva J. Kmu, County Kupt."
Ptiyy t ChlcfA
oMWw to Itan
DdiiWAf to OmahAe
Omaha to ChtwA-yOi
eUfiAAA City to Chloo-,
OtWAhA tA eWUisAM'A,
tsswar A Os Araesw) aessj
. As aoaTea.waei ran Art.
aaMaa. ay
aa wOsaw
afffaV Alffal AlaYaYaTaaBlBl Aaw ffaTAal BwaAfwgaBkaaai
V7 tawO tapawoawff WW ffaf AMfVwaifBffAjw
akaajajab aw
aVaaff? aabAtMafaaaa mm m g.
WWW WaVTJffaW aVtoWw! ffwPPPJ W
e faf?fo -iS
A 7T jf , ,' l, '7 s M1
tftrccr V51'
cunt row 9
' A 79 S
iriMiiipMto it. i.
I mux .n .k . i i i i. i i v, ,..
llnIW SImm cl ll.l. I,
TW-il lH l Ml " Hi I
aariisw . ti. it t. ..
IMttHIMll .IW ! I t t.,, ,
MlllMlM.imll. CtlwHttli
S.4 l. Ml !. I K -V llIM Ml
eajtwM. saim.
Mtv . IT! llltl. trasd ftaatda. abtk
' Al mii. iv tit
R iV.' r If C C s
4. t- 4
IIm ! I
-N... '
fc. M
I I,.M ,. -lV.t m . st , -t. ,,. ,
, . . .a .L m. L.. k. j, l.u k. .M
t,lkt... K. ( fc-tH-..- M
ftSIS. ,,. Mr-I t., , I ,i ,,... ,!
ff. S .11 If , w U ! ! - '
KHx at t. f - ,i-m I, l
.. i e, r.ti, !
treprt I as
aatatM t
e(.-4 ael aa ew4
asMVSfsie wet -
tw - I H Hit
awe twta ss
t . at - s4
tbbesM I t i
tela ew f a
tfca ke ass afb)
sl.Uttsss. t- tV
a)Jf ad sees aeaa)
sae. tae - I 4
. IV J--a fSsM afe-sswewea d wwrdja
' " eTaBwTaYawTalaTaYaBVaaff4W
.! 4tbS eebMM wife 1 1 a ff-w 4 PwAaa M Web
leas !. k-s-a)
, 14 HdUall Avu
Miles T. Mayes'
Putent - Collar !
For Halt! by J. O. HUTI.KK A-
Co., Pi' GiotKi, lliicKtjjfsj
lUliuew nliop.
Lotiffy di l. ItufUU ?ibliet
ur Tti
St0t tf ffcffftcfff. wfjfex
A sjw-Sks'.s 4 raejuiuufces mvr4 V u
crestae f sfili ikls
sad )U ttM tu tuwss taiiM4trtw !
t'em ssetes aw NUUb iv..l4s
atow entVetssa I attM4 h's
MAY 27th, 181M)
M nsauaesd aweiWi tastsarvr
"tKl" 150,0(M)
,?SL !. .
ess TsrsVteeJ rrtss ce
k as
caao MTtSw Ttsbese tta.aa
Hfaaial Rata Arraagad witk AgsaU.
sr ef avstsa. g
C I CwtTttM. AsNMTt,
alaalBBlffffffall EXwk
MaYaYaYffM VH .
awBerwBererB2pTlj -,
st m.aaerJpsMsjB)
av s loTWKWwawwaasw
v a?WMnMaMawMaeskwjBjaMpy
' awaaewaewaewawaaT a TjTJas
... TsVkAkwf
1 KJfiT tival
' Lll' t vaa is
I r-kitM (it asssm i.
ti? UtyL rsaaet
e nth& 'zz
HlllSj III ua -
TMaarswatef jsisae ese
AsaasM mi gee kesass
iwmmmmu ewe saw eiese asisisssiaa.
- -"t r-rrt ttateja t hiiihi
tVw" sails s Arts saw. m ss si IsiilsVeas
$099tWMLWM M VffataW rWaVsV
-iraamrf sisat wna Hs isaw issaisMs aw
swesasre awemsass ase jss issii, sessneg
fin raVas WaN artsses ekfaZweie
MaaawsNt Aavaa.s. tssssnaasf.
JssssssaaasM sssaa a tmm H )
sseeaw. apsswss ajiiSiiiajesase, aaAswaa
(eaassw issssslaft,asss) mUmSSTZ
aaaTTKMVJ aHPaSawsXeiaaawa
aaweaaawsawaw eawawj aajswat
ort Abstract
i, 'H. rvinr, naaagsr.
KurnlrJlutl lt nil Uiu.f, in WMor County, Artiumtnly aintl
on Hiiour
llK! Ks.l,t sM siils In ivunlt
ll'l U In S ili
i in in sti !
All usWs tU4 i-nwtlti
1 r. TAYLO',
In the city at price thnt all can affoitl to buy
if in want of any tin ik in ins line.
, . Mouomii, Proprietor.
l;irst-clas4 Turnouts. Everything New, Neat
and clean and in good repair,
Honnlliifr tun, KciiIIiil' 'IVjuiih itt lli'Aiwiutlli lUti. Only
tin liitv niiti Kr(sV unh itt ttilstaUliln, (ilvn
him it .nil, (tM Old Htmt.l, U CI-mmI.
II. V H.iiait, lra llaaav Ci Aaaa,l...'ise, Jan. K. raiair, CaskU
HowAStt II. Catmsb, Asslstsat Caaaler j
Transact general hanking haslasas,
iransast general ntaklag nnlaas. aw ai
county, iteeinet end sehovl district Wade,
Jas. McNsnj. J A, Tails ts,
oka K. Hlilre,
Hears (Harks, A. J
Have lands of all alaJs u, l h Irsds fin sbwt saw.tgegs a-taaf Taw '
flnsMf o stt te4 ,
Farm Iniiih made quick and cany
Oflice ovei McraHand'j. store.
II 2 W Ifi 1 W
Lower than any yard in the world
City Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
FirMt-;lu8H RigH
Ho.-inlinn 'y ':,y or wcck. Kol liny and feed1
for teams. Come ami sec us,
iHuuia io
Watches, Clock
Fitting Spectacle, and
D. B. Spanoglc,
Rkal Estate
ajud Loam Aget
Red Cloud.
Qi.f Hed Cloud.
TtM t aM ssm M im mtW s f An Vsm fSIVt t i4MIS.
msmi 4.llf Sm4 SW4
I, II. FONT Mas una, H.J VUU, Nsb,
(ieorie Watsons old where we make a
specialty of educating
young horses for track
orrond. Call and sec us.
IIHOS. Prop.
- 76,000
Vay aad aU sennit wartawl. atat
ill fete
ay aadMll fsMlga tikaf
0. W. A, V, Mirer.
K. r. Illgklaad.
'' -? yv,yf!fsy t g"s ay
und GinmI Tcama.!
and Jewelry!
repairing a specialty
. sar.i t$4 gjwav
I t
A -
a Wffav
"1 , .
Vm; :-.. fwhtfraiot
. r ,,,.,, , , lftf M.,
"' l.Sk m,m, r.
i Hi v r., it
0 a mm m- a w mt m
trmt, .. Sssae
lw) law
DsVMt'e irt Mily rssare. Beat
I mi mm A S a...i. mmm ir'mmm Mm
at see aseaasas aal awai
daaas as ...
teal bf CWtita;.
aa)eaaes..kJ iv'seia.
l1" rtV.
olaffffaYaf tABfaffaffaaffawf f eTgaaw.