The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 30, 1890, Image 3

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Doet any of.t know of a kmm. t rny
Uf a root solid restoa. 1
vVfcy one vLo mutt labor may not, wbea At
In tt fair fields of port; (Iran!
At J who need comvlala II bi hoe one 4all
r'toru a hand thai It horny with toll.
And try, f rum bit brain, with a tucl pen, U
Whit bo never ran dig (rum the aoitt
tt may be, Indeed, that whr n mutcle and bor.e
With fatigue, are all ach'ag and sore.
Toe litaln, though with khoalrdfs It thick.
With reluctant.) lll yield up ll stole,
Andyelltw ylId-lf tbetrfaturet-etitrra
A o( old ct a touch of ihe roJ
Tbe rock la old lloreb oared forth, frea as J
lit cool stream fcrtM ,ratl ef Odd.
Hut, If from one. youth trala all fallow aa
Anil if only with bone and with brawn
One tolls a tbe ot, tbea 'tit greatly In vsla,
for hit Inle Heel still waita lit dawn.
Anil tat of the man tt bit Intelltcl slrtp
Who but works, slt sad tlumbera away
Tho dayt of hlsyesrsf Its In darknet Biett
Who should walk In the while I. thiol dtp,
'The wind," one nat writ, "It the nature of
man," '
l.lttle worth are one's tsndi and one'a gold
tt toul tnutlbe ttustcd if bra.n muilbe ban
It the man may hot crer aatcld.
The wrallb ot the Indira ran not maVo aaien J
It we tultt all the treaturet that biJe
t.i .. which the hsndt of the mailers
hate peuued
'furohtoie, to Inttruclut and guide.
That man suiely labor with tlilll none the
Who, In if dure, tbe wide, realm turteyt,
Where thought seeks forever all tmndt to lm
J ett
Where the g ot genlut play.
1'hrn thun the drear lowlandt, with fogt titer'
Climb the brig hh sunny highlands ot life.
Whero vait, plrai.tnt protpcclt the fancy aa
chain. And forget. In tbn plrature. th atrlfe.
- J. R Vi alter, M, 11 , In N. Y, Tribune.
Being an Account of the Fall aH
Vengeance ei Harmachi, the
Royal Egyptian,
Hv II. Kiukk IIarrakp,
Author i.f Kliii Solomon' Mlnaa"
'AlUll Qllatnrtitalll,"
Ktu., Eto , Elo.
lUutUatad by NUffOLU after CATON WOO
tiiAin i:it xxiii.
niK run or iiuhmiiii; nrrttn hi
nil aomo while I sat
.Willi I to wed boad, uixl
thu luat lilttrrt-a of
' abiuue aauk tnto mt
aotiL TtiU, then, Mat
tlui tn4l For thia I
aadlxirayeO mynatha,
furllilt I liuil tulil i lie
arvrrt uf tho Vj raitild ,
for this I bail Irmt mt
I'rDwn, my honor, ami,
Mroliticp, my Iioim ot
lllAlllll (klllil itiaM
I to nnotlirr man in the wlilo
worlj to ttictxMl In aornnv ut I was that
ii' will I Hurvlj not oart Vhrrr ahall I
turnt What could I ilnl Ami 'Von thrnnitli
tho ti-ii't of my torn In-art tho blllrr
iilctof jcalouay callnl ulotid Kor I lovl
thla woman, tiinhom I luri k'ln all; anil
alio at tlilt iiuntirnt tho waa Abt I ruultl
not boar to think of It: ami In my uttrt
nitotiy my hourt Uurtt forth In a rhi'rol
ti'.trt aucUaa arc torrllilo to wh-
Tln'n C'harmlon drow near to ur, aunl )
litv that thi, too, wat tveopliiK
"Wiv-p not, llartjlav'hia!1' tbn toblxxl,
.J -e i 3Skm
' F-fl
ktu'clliii; t niy tlctii, "l cnti imt rniluro K
ri thi' wop. Oh' why nouiijaitliou not N
rtir.ll Then lutt tlniu ! n treat un.l
Imppy, and not to now I.lttcn, llarrnachl'
Thou illiltt hoar what that falao ami tlgorlth
woman aahl uvmorrowr alio hainla thro
ovit to tho murderer'"
"It U well," I fc'4ipol.
"Nay, It la not well. Ilarmahlt, kit her
not thlt latt triumph over thr Thou haat
lntt ail tavo life, hut while lift) rrmalri
tmM remain alto, anil with ho(i tho chance
ot vrmtrumfll"
",h"' I aald, alarllna; from my aal. "I
had not thought of that. Ay, the chance ol
vcuifcaucrt It would bti an eft to b
"It would bo awrat, llarmai-hla, ami yet
thl Vrti(ianr it a.iarrotr tltat In faJllnR
oft plenvs him who aitul It. Myself I
know It," anil ehr alphnl "Hut true! to
talk and Krlflf Tlmo will there If for ut
tt-.ii to urievn, If not to talk, In all the
heavy iMtuliiif yrurt Ttiou mtitt fly bev
fr the dawnini; of the Utrbt mutt thou lly
Hi-re I u plan Ti-morroiT, r tbw dawn,
a valley that but yettnrday r4iun from
AlejumlrU bearing fruit ami ttoret aallt
thither eincc acaln, whereof the ("uiilnin It
knottn to me, but to lhf' he It not Vnown
Now, I will Ond time to tfurbnt a HyrUn
Rierrhaat, and floak theo at I i...9ir how,
and furnith thee with a letter to the Cap
tain of b ralley Ho ahall rir theo aaa
ace to Alexandria, for l him thou wlt
r'm but at a merchant ifoiriifun tb butt
rirt of thy trailn Tia llrrnnu who la
I'aptiiiu of tbe (iuard to-nlfbt, at.4 llrrnaut
it friend to Htid the- IVrr lumen lit
wdl ifue aomewhat; or, irffar.iv, he w jj
not cuett;at Uieleatt, the Myrian merrhant
ah!l tafoly pat tbn Une-e. What aaypal
'It la well," I answered wearily", "ItttJo
do 1 reek the Ittue."
"Kest thou then bore, IlarniacLia, while I
nakn the matter raly aad, Harkia
rhlt, criere not otermucb, there are other
who should ffrWs) more bra? lly than
thou " Atd tbe went, tear tot me alone
with minn aony that rent me like a torV
ure-bial. Mrtbluka, bail It boi rrrn for
that rlert- deaUa of rrnceanre trblcb fmca
tm.e to time flat bo acrutt tay torsiented
mind at the quick llfbtalntr o'er a nldclfht
tej. my rvatoc bal left me la that dark
tour At length I beard her fcvtt? at
tho door, and th entered, brraialaa' bT.
ily, for In her arm the bora a sack of cioUt
Ictf "AH Is well," aaa sa'-d; ber la tb rb
witasparo lioeo, acd trntlag tabirta, atwl
a:lttln?t (.eetiful I tare aero Hreanot
a'.a-s.ard toJtom that a Hyrlaa rnerrfat
roul ias rvanl aa fcaur befemltr
dawn And. tb.Tjjh bit maJ pretertaa of
sleep, methlu'it be eaderatrt, for tm aa
werol, yar.Ur, that If they fct bad te
pavts wor, Aatocy,' fifty Hyrtao taenrbaoU
eilffct go ibnx:;t aVQttbeir lawful Int
craa. Asd mt U tb Witter V tkw Cao-aJt-tVJ
raatt fA fcilUk tie fV7
f,.rtbtl rrrd afcc ta nct-a aota:i
fj, rctatt UaO, at Uwtxbairataraa
tho atrrat quay, and, imireoter, th alVnt
m.tkn ready for sai.lnr 'ow will I wait
hen' w thout while thou dott pnt o.T thr
lueyof t'y terleo and airaj thyelff
run the was ift.ue 1 tore off my rur.
Itrvut yanneut and tpatupiin them atidtrvxl
them on tho ground Then I put ou th
mitlett robe of a merchant, and tund round
nta the tablet, on my feet tho taodal
of UbUiiued bide, and at my walit thektilfe
When it wa done, Caarmlon ruU-reUonc
attain and l.wkol on tun,
"Too much art thou stitllhe lUiyal liar
anachlt," she said "r. It uiutt t
cbaiiftol "
Then abe Uk scissors frvm her tint.
tabie, and blddlnar mo to U sralril, she rut
off my I'M 1, i ippm the htr c.nao to the
head Next she found stains of such aori
aa women use to aaako dark the rjrs and
mtied them cunningly, rubblim the stuff u
my faoeaiiJ hands and on tho white mark
In ray hair whera tto a word ot Urrnnua had
bitten LottieKMm
"Now art tluu fhamrttl aomeuhat for
the worse,," she said, with a
dreary lauRh, "tcarco uiytelf sboutd 1
kaovethce. Hlay, lluro lsouo morolUliiC '
and Fi-liif to at he tt of RaxmenU, aha drew
th no) a lea y Ita of fvUX.
TuVo thou thlt," tho said; 1Ihu wilt
b4T0 heed of It.oner "
i cn not take thy cold, Ctiarrulou '
'Vea.tJkolu It waa Hepa whosrarolt
tome tortlio furtherance of our raute, and
therefore 'tit llllitit; that thou tbotildt
tpendlt. Moroorer, If I watitlt, iknibtlett
Antony, who Is licncefortli tny tusttcr, will
k,M0 mo more; ho much liet.oiden to me,
and this well ho know. There, wastn net
tho previous time In IirkkIIiibo er tho wlf
not yet art thou all a merchant, llur
nuchit," and, without more words, she
'lirutttho plert Into tho leather lu(j that
liuui; acriits my shoulders. Then she made
Ul thn tuik t-onta.iiltig the aparo far
mentt, and so woinan'ythoUKhtfuluat the,
hid therein Mil alabaler jar ot pigment,
wherewith I mlirhl stain uir eouuteuaiuv
ufn'th, and. taklnif tho linlilenvl r'tet of
minu rflleo that I hail cal off, hid them In
the secret vaim-. And ao at Utt alt was
ntado ready.
'It It time that I alimil.l Bui" I ntke.1.
"Not jet awhhe. Ho patient. lUrmai-hlt,
fot but oho little hour morvmutt thou en
luro my pretence, and then, crvliauc,
farewell forever."
I maile a peturo alipilf) Ins that thlt was
nn hour for tharp word.
"Korclvo mo my quick tongue," tho said,
"but from a salt sprint? do bitter water
well. Ho seuletl.llarmaehl; I have heavier
words tosieak to tbo before thou Ktt "
"Hay on," lantwered; "worttt, however
heavy, can ninuit no more"
Hho stood beloro ma with folded hands
md tho lamp light abonitUm her beauto
nit face. Idly I noticed how great wat Itt
pallor and how w Ida and dark worn the
rings about tho deep black ejea Twlco
he lifted her whtln tmH and stron to
tpoak, twice lior volt'e fallett her; and
when at latt It camo 'twat In a hoarse
"Icaunot let thee (w," tho said 'i can
not let then go unwitting of thn truth.
MirwiiirMi, 'tinit whoill.l thirty Due!"
I tprang to my feet, an oath upon my
llpa, but slut caught me by thn hand.
"Oh, lie seutod," tho tald-"bo aeale.1
Mid hear me; then, wheu thou hatt beard,
lo unto mo aa thou wilt. IJttenI from
that ot It miiiueut when, lo tho pretenco of
thy unclaHriw, for tho eeon4 time I set
jjea Un thy face, I Uvtxl thee. -bow
to uoh, IllUa canst thou ruaaa I TUlnk ttaam
thlnoown lute for Cleopatra, and double It,
md doublo It again, and, ,rcharn'r, thou
-jiayttcouiatiear tnmy lutrc'a mighty sum
I loved lbos day liy day I lute then wore,
till In thea and forth" aluna I aeemrd to
Iva Hut thou watt cold thou Waat worte
ittanmld; thuudidtt deal with sue not aaa
breathing woman, hut rather as thn It.tiru
:nrnl to an end aa a Ud wherewith t
grave thy fortunoa. And then 1 aaw- yea,
loug hefora thytelf thou kneweti
It thy heart's tide was sotting atrong
lowtartla that ruinous thoro whera
on tiMlay thy life la brokea.
And at latt t-amn that night, thai
dreadful night, when, bid within tho chain
her, 1 aaw then coal my kerchief to Hit
wlndt, and with sweet words t herltb mj
rtonl rival's irifU Then -oh I thouknowetl
in my pain I betrajrM the secret that
Hum wouldtt not see nd thou didsi
make a im!: of me, Harmachltl Ot
thaahatun of it'-thou, In thy fit-dishnrti
Jldtt mako a mock of me I went tltencn,
and within mo worn rltlns all thn torment
which nn tear a woman a heart, for triw I
wat aura that thou dldtt loro Cleopatra
Aj , and ao road waa I, even that night wat
I minded to betray litre; but I tttmighl
not jet, not el; to-morrow he may soften
Dirii rama tho n.orrow, and all waa ready
for tho bursting of thn great plot that should
mako thin I'haraoh. And I, t"o, came
thou dnat remeintx'r and again thou tlKltl
put mo aw.ty when I tj.akn to thro In vtra
blet, as something of llttlo worth, aa a thing
Uo smalt to claim a moment weighty
thought. And, knowing that this waa be.
cnuso though kncveti It not tlxru dldtt
love Cleopatra, whom now thou tnutt
traightway slay, I grew mad, and a wieknj
jurit entered rnto me, rittelng me ut'
.rly, so that no longer was I my-lf. And
n-cauto thou hnUt .ionied me, thlt, to my
dvrrlattlng tluuio and sorrow I dnl'-l
iatte, Into Clrvitra't pretem-n and tft.
ra)'l then and tltoto with thee, and all our
holy tautn, aay leg that 1 had found a writ
ing which thou hndtt let fat and read all
thlt therein '
I rair! and tattllcnt and tadly
tt ma she went on
"Vfhen ahe undersbkal hrw rnat wa
tho p ot, al liw 4o4p Itt nvrtt, CW--patra
wat much trouhlnl, and, at first, th
wtiuid ova fled to Haia pr taken ship and
ran for Cyprus, but I thowed ber that tbe
way wera barred. Thn tha Skid that shm
ouldrun the to he slain, there. In !.
;, and I left ker o laeiletiag, for,
tttbat liour, fain wat I thktttioushnuldttbe
1. am ay, ryrnif I wepioat ray bearttim
I by grave Hut what said 1 auoal vra
gcaerw I an arruw that oft f d on biro
nbolca-oxsitl Hotrat it with me. for t
'wren nf goibg aud thy crnlag iU
hatcbail a derr p!ao Ht.e faaretl tlvst to
tlay tb wcskl but Ka to l-gU a aWeer
Bra of revolt, but stee saw that to btb4
tbea lo ber, and harir.g left eM-n awbl. It
dMb4,loatow lbe farlblesa wrrjVi strfke
tho tmsnlaeot daagar a Ha rtU ad
wither It. Tblt ptn osvra for&t-d, U-ssg
grtnst, aa dare-l Ha doubtful lo,at.d
need I goer. I TVai koowet, lUrmarUa,
bow ah su,, and thus did tt tWt of
letigrat. that 1 Uae4 fail b -, tt.f awn
bead, for r tta r-erow ktew taat I
bad aianed ftr aa-jgit, tiat ea lb
wretcted faulss bad hrrn Uid the bard a
of my betrayal, atid I tad bit mUd
tbacausa wbretaiwaa swora aad girew
Ika scaa 1 Lrrrd to tho art tt waaWva
Ht4 Uiwed Ut lead ttu. ax4 tfcea, aa
I t-cA, I'M mar wnx its,
-l all key s-3 ka to-1. Harak, aa4
the-e tt JatV- cv.a. Im tlLt ttiag
katc4. Haif en CXtttra Vea'a Ut twa
ta, n4 deep la ber beairt b UXboiht
Ur.f U-lg tbew lo wedded bisbavbd Fat
jm aak.a uf l!us La! br tf ber sba SfartJ
jf Htsa if tboaa la l a.t wVsj. si lual
urad, brtkiskutg bee if at wed-i-d
Oae ia avtgit baa tbcai a 4 tar va tVa
the heart of Kcej'1? vtdc Ijvcs h.t tt bM
an) rtoletny And then, ont again there,
trafpedtbeaftdla thy folly tbiidMt be t
traj to her tho vrrt rf the kid J en
f KtMpl, th.ttl. dav thetijjaoder to it
liclittheluturkiut Annmy , and, cf a truth,
al that tluie the pu'pnaed Id luake (Til bet ,
oath and suarry thee. Hut CQ tho wry atera
wbra telllus came for answer tie tent for '
me, and, te.ilng ma all tor my wit, atwi
any. sha holds at price -dentande of rae
my Judgment whether aha aboudde'r An
tony and wit the, or whether she sbmtVl
puUhn thougtt away and coui to Autoig
And t new mark thou a.lmv tin) I, In my
bluer JeaUxiiy, rather thau I wvuM see her
thy wedded wifa and tbett her lot leg
lord. vunteiel hr hht str'lly
that tho ah uid cott.e to Antony,
well knowing, tor 1 had ba.1 tpvvs
with IVlllut that If she came, tint
weak Antony would fad like a ripe fruit al
ber feet, aa tudeod, ha has taliea And l
nlgkthava t thown thre thn Ittue of the
scheme Antony Intra Clrtpaiiw sml IV
atrahtrs An tone, and I hen art robbed,
and matters hae gvno well tr tuo, who ol
all minim on thn caltti t Mvlfhl am tin
wretrhthletl by far For When I saw how
tin heart brwae. but a.iw my heart aeemed
to break with mine, and no l.'nger could I
twarlhobhrxlennf my rtll derdt, but knew
that I mutt tell them and tako illy puutth.
"And no more have I to sa) tatothatl
thaiik bee for thv (ur'e.y In hearkening
and thlt uiio thing I ala I'rlien by Hi)
great lute, I hate sinned agaiutt tlieo unto
death 1 I have ruined thee, I ham ruined
Khein, nnd myself also hatn I tuluedt l,rt
ilealh row aid me' Hiay Itu'U loe, liar
liia,'hlt' tlta.'.y will I die tiil Ihy sword
ur, atid kit It Ma.lel Hlay thou me, and
fi-i for If thnia'aot mn tied, nn self will I
ure y a) Andsholhtvw hertelt uiihi
her knit', lifting hor fair brett inward
mo, that Itnlghtsmlloher with my dagger
Aud, lu my bi'tor furv, in udet wat I to
ttrike, for aUi call I thought how, when I
waa fallen, this woman, who h.irselt was
mycauotif shame, hl tcourcod me will
her eorn Hut hard It I to slay a fail
woman, aud ecii at I lifted lit v hand t(
strike! reniembi'Md that now twice had till
i4M my life
"Woman I Ituu shsmeleas woman I" I
tald,"atne! I tlay then not I Who am 1,
that 1 should Judgn thy crime, that with
mine own do otrrtop all earthly )udg
went I"
".Slavme, llartnochit'" sltoiniunlt "tls)
moor i slay mjtelf I M) buntrn Nioogrvat
for imi to Veaei U not ao deadly ralm
Cunnnn and slay t"
' Whulwaall that thou dldt say lo Ini
anon, Charmlnn that as 1 had sttitn a
mutt I reap I It la not lawful that thou
thouldtt slay thyseif, II Is not lawful that
l,thitio In sin, should slay the, he
cause through thee I sinned As ! hatl
sowu, Channhin, so mutt I'.'-x also reap
Hatn woman) whotn cruel Jeahmtr hatl
brought all thrtn WiH-son mo andllg)pb
lite-live en, and from) ear to) ear pluck
tho bitter fruit of crime I Haunted Ih)
sleep by vltloiia of thy outraged Oodi, -wlinso
veugeuuee aw alls then ami me In
their dim Auirutil Haunted lie Ihy dajtb)
memories of that man whom thy fierce love
dhl bring to ruin, and by the sight of Khem
a prey to thn lnntlatnOenatraaud aalavr '
to Unman Antony "
"Uh, sMak not thus, llarmachlst More
sharp are thy words than ait) sword, ami
Uttta surely, If morn alowiy, shall they
alay I l.isU-u, llarmactda," and she grajpr,l
oiyndie, "when thou wast great and all
power lay within thy grasp, thou didst re- 1
jeel mn Will rejix t me now thktCleoiNttra
hath ratt thee) from her now that thou art
ir and shamed, and with nn pillow to thy '
hemtl Ktld am I fair, and still I w-nrthip
thenl 11 me fly Willi thee, and makeatime
meut by my life loiig lute. Or, If thlt le
too great a thing toaak, let mnlm hutasth) '
slater and thy servant thy very slate, to
that I may still look upon thy f tee and share
thy trouble and mlnlstrrtn Ihee Ollaruia
rhlt, let inn bill ciime aud I wilt bratoall
thing aadrtidum all things, and naught but
Htalh himself shall t-ar mn from Ihy sHe.
for I do believe that the tnto thtt tank mn
to so low a depth, dragging, mn yet
Uft me loan ejusl height, and tlioo with me."
"Wouldst tenipt mn lo fresh sin, woman I
And dost thou think, Charmlon, that In
Soma hovel where I mutt hkle, I itiutd bear,
day by dit), to liuk Ujh thy fair fae, nnd
serlng, rvnteinle-r, that thoan llpa Itetrayrd
met Not thus easily shall thou atone I Tlilt
e en now I know t Muny and heavy shall
ha Ihy lonely days nfpiaani-et I'errhamti
that hour of vengeance may )et mme, and
i-rc hanm thou shaitllvn lo pity thy rt In '
it. In ttio Court of (Te.wiatra mutt thou
Hill abide, and whllo thou art them, If jet I
hve, 1 wtil from time to timn find meana U
git n tbea tidings. iVrvhance a day may
dawn when oni-a mora I shall r.e. thy
M-rvhw. Mow, imtr thai. In this a vent,
thou wilt not fall mo a snu,d lime "
'I ewrar. Ilarmarhlsl I swear Ma)
everlasting torwenta, t) hldenu In U
drewme.1 mora hhleous rrrn, by far, than
Itftto that Willi g aaa now In. my I'lrtionll
I fall tin! lu trfiti J kI rr tittle; ay, evat
tbiiugh I wall a lifetime, tor thy word'"
"Tlawrjl. ae that thou keep theostb
not twicniuay weU-lray , Igulo work rmt
my fate, abide thou to witrk cut thine I'rr
lllllireftllf iMlrrf ttien&ila ,11 id., mrlrr
mill r la rro tho wet) b" spun Chtrrr.hjn '
who ijhstkr-d rHdtt love me and who, '
pmtniK'xl by that gentle. U t of Ihlne, dldtt
betray ami rtln in, fare, the Wf ill"
Wildly the gfcd upon me h at rrlt.J
out her arms a Oiouglt to ! me; ai.d
then, in tba aaoay af br drtpwlr, rati
bcMf at length arid rrovbl ujevn the
I t'k up Ue aack of rkrfblng and lb
staff and rained tha d'w-r, and, aa I pat.'d
Utrvugh, cite last glanra 1 iat ua fesW
Tbeea sb lay, wltk art oUitkas
Kca wbitc tba bee w but n- b' r a-ea
kalrsUra&lagdinta be asw) br fair
hlaWa U tba dasb
And this I Jefi br, sordid I aoralaateir.y
rew jen vrj . 1 bib . reait mm
' 4 riuao-.
j (m as ((.rrtt'tb I
I m mm
1 taaaa.T atl soYved Vt- ia aVt. .
tftkiejia;iaakia. Altrvetaa
are atada af be.aa tai,, 44 yv. t4,,t mtW
- ... ..
1 JJL :
CMtWbaW"' AoLtT jaw' lUT
HB ' 3a
5 1 "'ee J
n Twrs 1 imyj arav
K luwa l l,.Uf Ctttlrtte
nlna IJ,I.
I have kno-M) lor a lmg time, tty a
wrltir In the HrvMrr tiatelle, lka
agricultural t.ietlrt In gnaral, tt not
Invariably, otter Ur hn'T" mwnej tr eat
tie than fi'r hs pteinlwnat. and I hate
totnetlme wondei"d whj the dlt!errne
wt t gftt, and the note I Ihink
aUnil II the tuore I wonder wlal gl
trtton the) hate for urtefintf anv ntort
f..f etttle than for h preml" I
hie jwtt cninullivt te(l Irtdtng
Mate fair premium llttt and I flad
that lour ot thehi o(!er nearly tour ttmat
a niueh 'or ratlle at for hgs, a th
a'etk-v It thlt right? It It Jutllre bt
the t(nn'hfi-lert If 11 It hiIii utn
will !. able to thnw In a Uvgleal wat
wl.V It It that eatlle drtere larger prt
nn 11 nit ihanhtigti but until e tet. totwe
lUor reaoti adtanit-d lhan merely the
fact that all ayr.-nltHf l ti.teilrt do
"""' Ur mioiw for ratlin than for hg pre-
intuHtt I lll ttke Ihe grwtnd that hotft !
hm hatl tkflH. iMUhlli.l II. Ilfl.ilklf t I..K I
to I hi I r wtKlh at .Him parrel wlthealllnln
enilmw ltlt ct our agrlraltwral fttlt
Hut perh.t raltlo ar to" .tr.rfl
I.' I Imagine theft' are oine Jtide
who think , lor I oneo heard a lenitrk
that lndlnall toot h ll wat at a
meeting ot Die Ion a Mat Iht-ttd ot Ag
Itiii'lutn I Mat there oHn of a ctiin
tttllteo aplntfs by the tati llie
llrt'odert .i'ltlolt to Jeient to the
Url our neolt at the annual Slate
fH. and among either things we were
Inttriii'liM to lnltl ow tho U.rd tetalit
lug tor ftlhor to oleeltngl the tamn man
a tuia-rtntendent of the t Inn depart
ment for nholher oai llt we were
told by otto Itf the metn)'f o the
Uiatd inol one of the metlti ol the
preti-nl Imard howeten Hist wo Could
Pol hale the tamn man again at our
hwrlMeitde)t "I Ot, aald hrs he It
Iihi giHd s man not lo U- prtwaoled, and
we will hate to glte him thv etttle thlt
ear" I had neter limited al ll In tho
light ot 'promotion ' lo gt from our
"hog Itoltte to Ihe 'rattle hatn. but
floln the nlmiu tljli-iiii-nt, and ttoiu thn
fact Oiat 111 will larger snioMnt are o(
f,r'd loriattlr than tor hog ptemlunit,
ll doet ltvk at though liiotl fair hian
agert do 1 oiitldet ll promotion and do
beete eatlle mofo arlliir alliV
Ale thero ant mine jmnpla uteis
In cattle talting Ihtn In hug laltlng
I erttlnlj not and fur Ho flume the rat
lie-feeding Indiittrv teten lu Ihe "y-oin
Udl' Matex could not lung tunllr
vllliiii t the hog for III tho last file
year lh re l eareel a rattle feeder In
tlie I nltoil stales hi.r hatanee-tlee
would not altow a lot etupl tor tha
pork pril'ie-d hy hogt gleaning atlef
Ihn rattle 'I'herefore the 1 ttllettirn
lli-lilrhi' are dlrecll) Intrietted Ih
the keeping up arid till! further Im
protlng tho ijiialll of our taltm thai
1 miter U ii much of the prodin a of oar
Ibhaol) Into "meal tor the mtllloaa"
and at the ttmn t.lue putt hai V Upon
Ihn aoll the rli het ol
IK jou think It lot trouble or e
rwnae to et hlhlt twnthsn esltle? If
aoyouarn mlttaVeit 'I he rallr4 tlatit
xtrlaton la the tame, hut when juU ar
rite at your railroad destination JOU
can atonee unload your rattle and walk
them right off tolliMr alalia In the fair
ground, while the wlnii othlhltor hat
to pay w-tgon trantprtatioii lo ant from
the (all ground anil i'rha- wall tm
liourt Iwfuto he cn tenure leimt, and
thero It more hard wink loading and
unloading one ear of hogt Innate ttisn
there It In handling fttn ar u esltle
Nl wo rltlm that In the llim of trouble
and rtrfti" the wne tlnrnld I en
tllliM to tho laiger premlnni
II It tixtk unite brain to bfe.! f.he
ratlin Oitn It dit to litrol f)ntt)tn
inelrlral hlgt, there might l resti.n
for riling f Mle thn pref rt-nee Hut n
man who lit. had i-Uonalm eii,(
i i.,.tinu 1..11. .ill .i.n. tb.i h i.l..
In bieeitlng llh will deny that It take.
a much hralitt to breed pil hg as It
duet to breed gil tattle and iMlnty
' no one w deny that their plaewim th
j farm la at miortant to Ihe farmer at
1 hlsrkltle, for I will ve-iiluro (ha ar
tlun that Ihele are ten men thkt hata
lift.-! the mortgage frosu th- farm with
hogt to one that paid ll with eatlle
Ask any lrner, money lender or litl
net. loan what It th rrtotl fr'uenl eg
I prettlon from Isrrneft as In when they
ran pay a not in att -.uiit tlmy will
almott unlfraslly Ml yn It Is When
I tell uiy tti ' err atildom. Irt-lotiJ,
'" l"7 !
iMien I st-ll my eallle "
a a 000 ocvicii
llnw tn
Mak. field. s4 riaMs tm I tall.
Where rsib-frte and blaek le.fta
are groan on Itrg aii for rrkl.
ay I'opuUr Utrdeninr lh i'ar
atfl lalr Intuit"! by the ut f ew
thn timptitt form of Ud!lt r frsm
Miutl prtnt th grower from ab
tempting b do rn'Te thn Vp It-
pi tol within ltint by hniUr sav
li.g And this utattly sittwtrt lb
fiurpret' tMf wl In lb bMee gardan.
buveiif. we
pay urt-wbat
gr-tr atuntiou in nniklan aaH
ne.t pri.'r than in the Cabl
If otrr garden ptWh I largn, sua
bvn!t arltea wb stts,g s tlktpl
ttaka 1m ar b
teaitb. arid lie lb
lalUf It tl --.
Ul aa ler
we sway evslae
each fa af
bjb wttUn
two lit tt t
lev tr laiaa.
fastened la
ttake a I aWaar
rb till mt taw
turn All lba pie la.)
rta'ii ratwr
lmtbew n5hl sr,-t
ad baag lbo
ta yovlUi ba
lb iv t tiaJat-v(rtt by Ibaorwy eaas
wbt'b ai aaa Ut b lata tb tbtbe I r'tiii'd t)ly JJtf wit f abtt aoj
sr4 )rbs rl tb f ii gt tt fid s ; bft I In tti it
! tv4 tb 4fhke al lb bta ; fiwa lb aat bl.v(vg at ts4 If
Out tlatesti atWwk a sray t W-a! j lb vat ar. ,lbf v.; Utl t (sit
Uf H.fce-a. tvltabU t a f,ref kaal It l m,r tli iibv a-t
I plant ta a ttuall garAt It s-m.J w
feytbae 4ffl;4avK a-reeyl Ut y tial
j tV fraw may
J ( A, nsf 4
br kwU aleit ft fie
ui tba ttkV abVtt l t
j u UfU tftu af fTvlittim
A Itttkintllea twtt Make a
i aa4
'ft--- titg i- tare it eteitielf l
fo I tittn aid ) 'etvft it heit
1 (vfvp 11 j o,t and ettl lof, H mkt
1 a hetp and g,l he,fe In tme tMt
'of tl.lnoU mere f nitiet of lr
htslge to rtW of knj otbet Vlad of
tin and where Vr;H noil trlltttwed.
Ihe gtte ttltftetlon 'the iklrl oh
lr-on l lire hode tt a y trd fenti
It thai ho(t will Wrffk tender II bt 3td
rt-Ml ptaee I he) ttih attt ltk oJ th I
lr lM !. tttd eiealttllt nttka
t ts IhriMtglt w VMi thev ew'tpo lnb the I
Iteldt o nelghbeet' bV I pretext
this, the tharp tplh) tWtwtt. l frtHW
Ihe lo;v ae p'el agtlntl Ihe btte of
the h'dge ltl Ihlt sw lw.itwedf
and Wttlle tw.l ti wWrkl; riVel ol
and ptth,el attde irt thtt lUiittt coe
ttaitt m tf hfulaett un tbe Prt w( the
oner It nnrvattry to pleieot the h
tr-.w wotkiHg through
Light )ealt tgv, ttt t fMnlflhul.w to
the H.e . .h Atfrl- .UH( t f'lend
r,,uw, allrntlon to the hnlgt aivnd
hiti whteJt- wew lnhWd t
tin.i.lh and t.i !; ol gtpt thai ha hat
fl 4 --'tV !
if t; Si
Jl ".-. "ff w a- a wJt
l ........ . .l). a .. ll
ll M Atllft)Hi TasAVUafkafl iili
Mn I Hint wtui it i.
UfhnUliol In 1W hit hot .l and
aaVod tttc to lte him a hint of titgget
lion lowarl ing th iwttlef I
adtlted hlut tit U Ihe r-Will helge off
tl,.,e to Ihe gtwund testing alwiwpt
Ihlrt) lii'het high. aUittl tit itf eight,
(eel aptrt I hen fatten In these ilt,.a
Ihlt gallanliel batlwl wire, Ike low
ett it lnha tlttnt Ih ground, the tec
ond eight tnchet thai and lha j
third Inoliw IM hrt aUtte Ihe tntln.l, I
at ttniw n In I Ig I. '1 hit wat lo I dun
In I ehiutt j or Mart It and the hogt lel '
.tat mitt! autumn 'Hilt wat done, and
the hedge limit tent tip a rtel IhllVi I
of ahool on Ittth tliet ef the wllwa
rompiriiil) bvklng thent In In Jun
then t. then four liltlt fret high. '
were rui tilt 10 Ihlew and hall feel la .
hrtghl slid lh te lllmmed tip until
th hedge wat elghli-en Inehet .i.
'Ihe lsllr psrl it Awgutl Ihe hog ! '
lurnod In tnt Ihe j aid hat ) iyu
ple.1 by lhener atnee. In drs lh
helge It rtthlvl alttiMlh off l the wiles.
but no farther
iw tnai
In ail of Unite eight )tlt Oa
large or small hat eMt-s ffti
lot, and the fin
wl appalsntlt a.
r llfe-ttmn
main 'pig tight" lor
to t 1 wo wini 11 n tt t
trlmitiod Ivgulsl j let esyesr Hie first
llsne lit Jun n I ihe tMun.) any lima
i(-en Ntfteittiai alld tlartb
'I he hedgn afMUltd s pstlttle lit I gta
Ihe ai.. tanner fiwiW- lie .Ml
It Oft; lo a height ot n ft I.
testing strong stumpa fnr feel htgb sl
10 ten feel ,,.,rl ' theae be tUplrd
, , , ' ... . , ' .
two hrld wlfet. elghlren tvhi t apart.
1 h..-n In tig 1 llhlh ;sr
theiaafler Ilia fnr was hu-rf,if iM
11 It lka; l.l lomln to for IK Indeg
hlte -rllel
There nothing that tor-tt ttttge
and ballot wirn for making a j-ffwly
, . , ... 1 .t.i
safe kltd Infill tiel( I fssne owe that Is
klitiiuley atiieli vt., n. w ..
linns so si long at ll It pn-o-ity ttlend
ed In Wbe thn t'tsgn ishgw di,t
l.wl tin --.-) btlhari) willow 01 Ml-.
flan ersb wilt aeitn Ih pfe ' ,e
1 nw
w-tfet ms; m fste.M o kii alt eat, a. If
SK'tui) whl'k will hold U.i alll
I hi- lri f It b tkrm Biwily In
A Maw I.imo tlewi a
11 ).. I
-- I
Al whtl at( th eHMl rtidrabl
lltue to dl!"- f bugt1' t arswey f
Kiln i"lllii-s may ik lb tilling uf
light hogt Uilf plwCtsbla IbtH tba
fee-ding uf largw sat hetiy oust In
liiinii, tyt a rirttin4snl ot Mb
Ohb I sftaei, tt hatt. plenty of
tol Islgw h"gt ant faTIj nj of tbo
nei-etitr; fel fwi taettwt dg itUlng.
a pigt in not ' rsiti wtwe pieptled fwtl. l h Wps
Itrl.tltidig ol Nlllk lKlt lit tb'Htt $
bato lrbl ratting ll t etifn s4
grass s.i bl It etn n- k piwfluhly
d.. " msny ut lb" ; itled lit
this til.) UMt ittdiU.l. nt f Ib'tw
I any thing thttdi 4 pa) lb fait
er tt It ttunUd tb k nf sly ktM 'lb
way t.antat Is'iner liea b"g tsltlag
() la by Insklag U bi rtk
.n(Mtt of oir at torra a pxttlM" tb
trxntof th pfoSt eMnlsy sft tb )
ffnxbi-t lb Jwrtwd
'l"bsi rwsy t-'( lie Ut , iM sajr
t-.atla-fti frt'lvlt leal l irtbUt ts
lbftl. We bate iowty -t rre a-
tA ewietgb tbtU f N fct ft.t S
team; at needed b st t seuf ti. It
W ft, 'fwetll" at (u-sled t ihta
s tf lb Itesnt'l bs eurK-U ). Irf
, 1t.wbi la dlijelag of bit ift tt a
pW. le last -1 fef fkt I'', )
Vtotk beg. Uf h'Jf la "i lolelllteot
tnt f4ing always la tUnn4. t
tlafvi lUn ft '4 ptl Ut I. ttaiww
fanaw-f la tl;rUg .( f4g -ad
aweiAs, 1; -b 1 1 sit a tawaay
a I ti.f bst tlwtan (-', Vr pn sab
llbunt tt.abol !. lAatt
afa I aatsr fi-d all lbs itvia, lby alll
I. , a . a
Iblak Ue otvb ewn, U w-t ayawst
Urn ywa.g tbo-k wt say kitrt MUr lb
f4grayb b Hrtit t0 titer U t
tall ld. if lw t-tl word I git l-a
all laai'ft. tby lil tk I baa Ktadt
tt t aMfir,. j tttrlil a Wag tal aw
IrvabU Uf sat a fig
I ka' b tavel) tbl aoew aoai
alee H ta Vi geatag sfkM tbsl,
a4 )-y aw fr al, mi bkl-i a
lalg ta'tr U at; Iklsy.! )tb
I a t lfta ,! set ?ttJ I bta
sail ; Itfl JbU. I vi. )! U
ftiv.4aa b.tJt- 'fb ftisvaesot '
att tkal am doy-ervllaf aek gftj fiilg al t,tae.U faf bill.;
J UlsVI tblt WW JtftW1 vtt V.; TklX.
JZ .oa-l-t a Vrk T.2V f 7?utaaTaKl
riti Hv( Iwtaasaa.
TV h- rvf v.l Mih t)hMiti lha fael
IrVM tho arw e"e,t, 1",, ra.
tiMink ihSyamt rlhf ttt Ui . .ar
i' eoiew i i t- j n tikntd
tiantd tonal, and
lk.rt .t l(mteti;r baiirvwi a wXd famtlr
t'l. tS the dlt
, .'wtl.te, eltn-her
l,....-.;i h ii.mI datv (tNttbi
1ert tewwt a ViMott di - to fwl ht t
te ( Inn i;4tF T eatilr w
HtVlr lilM kf wtlKg lie HuU'w laaf oji
iM'llla, IKaoMij tMfewItt t( tn4eirll
btH pitr.Aet a thrf mlkt Itt ttftit
at- it.tflr It mit a4 at wkv ralwln
fwemtiwitm'H I ' ttrgiN ae )t..,y
lay druftftil m ti fe Tt"t.t
e"if ttieit ttral tewl Its vlftwav
htww OWtrf r tef
twt ttfated reitttewt Mw ,koa)
a.l t.llt tatvar Ma v fce n,
lilvty ktgtdttl Jt II I'V (
Mast's twt
Me e"r Oaa llaMr, vdtt It s'-l
( .t Sltki INl t wo t
,rt U l4la (Up t t U I rw.
V J I Mitt. I t. fleet fiK ll
t( tka Uited, Saiw f $
IIwki f far tha Uil ilM'a eaft aiwl Ult
ktM t. tit k-Mr,M lit all t"aliat
lni,-i. tt.1 flats ititr sj to.wrr;
wt ti l gSi..a no.U h ht twt
rl A. trt Kk.Na llftlt t.4d
ll tur hiaata A VI tit Ik, H Maaalat
liv,t.i, twedo. Okie.
lUtt I aUrth I ti tt taken, lntealy4
a !tg i!ltl. ka wW.a. utuvet twe
!- f Ibe t. fvw4U-itU feew,
'imn fv r wtti tkAstbi aitirrugfttu,
VI it It eftH fA,.f t v tt4t lk.i ka Is
' "' -. s dt taw e-t ire
latt a Hil. ). k
Mal v It. .tl l ia Una
"U tttwlttota, !.. 1 tt el eowavtevtal
titet iti !, -! ew W
ta Ifwt ti- Im l- tba iilinmatf
l.aiv is k'ltaij ,1.1. ( kn tf.aH UO..I tb
Uw.p.,lwm .ta" Hl If ala ttltat
f(Mw. ha I... p.. l. kl'if iih a
ttrpl el l.-teiet t U.t S ltttel, M
)( W-eftlt w.ilt4l d Ik'a
!.. r lb ( Vlt lw dtwt'W baf
n. kl Itt . It W itbkurfWlWg ,tllii
Saibttef er ,M.w owmi id) afMt,
biwlltlt ai.d b-attaeat -w 4 lw II
J tt -t IK Uet K VeU'.
CaltUg tbe f iu'tt k pet)
Ih V rt pi,iaia
M lef
tba l4ta slaai4
t pUsta.,!, I d IK l-vrfe, t (er
with -huh b ia-llet t-a) k t,U
flail lasatlre ftirxpel fm, ww4 all rwa
dliet w.aka I tbel faixltla iw..f It I
pir-Ma I., k r sfc-l M tK. taste, rktl,
l fdwlMl .tUg , Ike kUweys lit
at.. I U.wtts
It.rtttM it lk h-l rxU! -it tkrfl l
tel) ftn 4b ) tk.M islueiw ll t)M bat
fwtK.l t'dmlis tl.i.lle
II 11 s wl tf?etel hg i nia f kt
Una, tlld net) IMe, ae4 !! r
t,t t rwtMwtlw that all rt slw Haiti
it,t h rowtH Ifcal all rtt slw Haiti"
K, ,i e .bdlai l if A 1 aatwlig,
Hweie, l' .! get a tbt n( his At
,., 4fc., . Ht;i t- HasoaUbty
ttt,Mid la nt
lmitlMt trr. Ilk tbe (taiakiHset,
(till.. . r44 kfatwat
I tllll
la Jow t ef letltftth tit ,aafa
t,t urte I I tllUibMiw wMw V f n w lt
IKn.a dttaty (ItlU ra.ita k kaei l
lml it fa tiititM. ll fat) f.i kat
iM'tllvx, l"tt l s lU la lb wla
If .aitli l lb tUvwerw 1 batw
lfti.) Kaik ti 11, aiMtly aalufaA,
- !! little l'tlavt
., ,f f ., u t Wf ,i.u . fa, - aa) e la la-C e
I .a-la. o,a)law ral) fv ff4et tfa
, W.Iat .hil t..,, !... arslM
I d kwt4t t itlttrfox iwwl b bwl
i .,!.,. P4W a,,,, baa tka
1 1 fsltaer K-.-lsl la g-ttg a bttatj
f ewt 1 lb- -tl
l Ml file.!, bet-' fw kee- btt
' . ,M t f ulteU, aivil wm ka-tw ta4
" )'". '',U." "Vl '"M.". t"f P""!
til tt l ill lUal 1 til kti li t k.
' '
A trl W It t wH aM.titS ,! b
bailpU! l-a a ktMrtt We Im
etletwali U rw.l
tt!Ui at a iiw i,e Sfpaajiti at .1
stiMillia at a til fe SfpaMMbe
' f4-. S'VwfaVt al t dw al IM ikt
" " war. ... t. -r
Wis ! bit btibi U a
SHlIb I mi !! ttUlaawt
SttotaJl i tub bewMtata, fiata
II t il .b- Th I eikaw 1 t!t by
ail U 11 I a'lel Ulli Usee- gflla
A tsstiiM Wktu m vkHts a bk
etnv-At ettit) H g kaa)bi 'tttil "
I unit esa iiw.tjwf t-swllfy Ibata
reeerplett! ih rmti H-trf.i ..
a wftbii
Ilfll I law v Wui My, ls ww.
' Iron
( "taatlti t
A i v fl stemliaie as
gk le ,1g4t
lnrw ft Hl-t by ffey...
Aita f I . a t". e ber I. j,rlt.
It .1 ftwm ii fiaaitttiesta
1, I .M IIAf.O
a.aaw, M4aaaf fatb4
H I II A I .N M .
.Ifiat, teillUti, rH.aa
11 it r 1 hi:n.
IM casfJMai a. aasjitia a. ,
1 '. V.'!? !. -'
rT ew ( TATJsMflf9l WgH SMg BptaW
swmwsW m tt
Ms Pills
W (n 9
Vawag.aota sat
iko.4 i:vtrMrwNr.M;.
Bit. 44 Bam? Itt. !tv I
ts o atflak a.a sbm
Tt p W1 "W
taaaaa Iee fftoawaa
. MBBjtM mmammm
ayr si. p aaa , mgj a awta
.awWaiseskaoy sanausyiwi aatay.f. ay ksawiwjayiS)ey.-ytai
' MPiTSSksfcjkVHi.
ill WSyi'aeakat wt.eVtiaAklSkags