The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 30, 1890, Image 2

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A. O. MOSMIft, Pumiahar.
Am. the window g lass factories in thn
United SUUi an to be but down for
the summer June 34.
Dr. Pamir, Stanley' physician, will
be made an honorary fellow of the Royal
College of Surgeons of Ireland.
Princk Ai.vis of Liechtenstein was
anted in Merlin recently to Madamo
Kaupt, who wag divorced a short time
Ovtn a thousand birds beat them
elves to death in Cedar Rapids, Iowa,
the othor night during a storm. Some
of thcsn.woro very rare specimens.
An insect called the saw fly is ruining
the wheat in various parts of Illinois,
otably in Douglas County. The pest
attacks the root and bore into and up
the stem, bringing decay and doath.
Canadian railroad magnates propose
to ask the next Domlnlan Parliament to
pass an act incorporating the Vancouvor,
Northern & Alaska Kallwny & Naviga
tion Company to build a road from Van
couver to the Alaskan boundary.
Mr. Parxku speaking at a meeting
of Nationalist leaders in London, urged
that the name of every Irishman in Kn
gland lie placed upon tho voting regis
ter in view of the fact that a gonoral
election was posslblo at any moment
Thf. Secretary of the Treasury and the
Secretary of the Interior havo agreed
that all Western lands containing phos
phates shall bo classed as mineral lands
and there will be legislation soon defin
ing such lands In accordance with the
above condition.
Stii.i. another young Kngllshmon
Fred Hoots hailing from Surrey, F.n
gland bus mysteriously disappeared.
lie had beun employed In Montreal ns a
atom keeper with n Mr. Swift, and went
May 3 to seek another situation. Since
then bo has not been neon. Ho left all
bis clothing and effect.
Tnr. House Committee on Commorco
has recommended a fuvorabln report to
be made on the bill amending thn Inter
state Commerce law so as to permit the
railroad companies to give a reduced
rate to veterans attending thn National
encampment, with an amendmont ex
tending the ssjno privileges to veteran
Confederate soldiers.
Kino Leopold of liclglum recently
paid a visit to Miss Dorothy Tnnnant
and heartily congratulated her upon
her approaching marriage to Mr.Hlanley.
The regard and admiration entertained
by King Ieopold for Mr. Stanley aro
of so high an order as to Induce thn
suggestion that his Majesty will lie
present at the marriage In Westminster
A tki.koram has been received In New
York from Henry A. Root, who Is now
in Rutto, Mont., saying that the estate
of his lato uncle, Andrew .1. Davis, hits
been found to be worth 8 1'.', 000, 000. At
first It was only estimated at ?000,000,
but so much cash and flint class com
mercial paper bus been discovered that
twice that sum will be realized. Root
ia one of tho thirteen heirs to tho
Tiik. conferees on tho Senate Anti
Trust bill havo concluded their labors
and will report to their respective houses.
The section Introduced In the House by
Mr. llland, of Missouri, and amended by
the Senate relating to combinations to
prevent competition in thn transporta
tion of persons or property was thn only
polntln dispute. The conferees decided
upon a limitation of thn inhibited combi
nations, making only those Illegal which
raise the rates of transportation "above
what is just and reasonable."
IIitrovo, the Russian Minister to llu
charest, has been summoned to St. Pe
tersburg to receive tho censure of his
Government for the bungling manner
in wnien ne managed the 1'anltxa con
piracy against the life of Prince Ferdi
nand of Uulgarla. When tho plot was
discovered M. IIitrovo was openly ac
cused of having instigated it and the ac
cusation has never been refuted. Tho
ostensible reason for his recall Is to
nable him to exculpate himself from
tho charge of complicity, but bovoml
doubt, so a dispatch states, the 'real
reason Is that he is to lie disciplined for
failing to carry the conspiracy to a suc
cessful issue.
In the Rrltish House of Commons Mr.
Henry II. llowerth, Conservative, asked
whether any thing had been done to re
lieve thn sufferers from tho appalling
famine in the Soudan, According to
reliable advices thn population was
starving and cannibalism was prevalent.
The peoplo wore eating any thing-dogs,
rata, rata and snakes being used for
food. Around Tokar and Kassala hun
dreds ef persons were dying dally from
starvation and in other parts the state
of affairs was even worse, nearly the
whole population having perished. Sir
.lames Ferguson replied that relief had
ecu given in every district that could
be reached by the Government.
Tiik United States Consul at Call so,
Peru, has notified the Stato Department
that the Peruvian (Internment lm
leased to an English syndicate the
famous quicksilver mines of Santa liar
bara. When in active operation those
mines were the most productive in the
world, but they have not been wotked
for moro than half a century. Under
the terms of the lc aw It Is necessary fur
the lessees to form a company In Ku'rnpc
with a capital of a.300,000, and a deposit
as already been m ado as a guarantee
f the performance of tho contract.
The coal lease is for fifty years and the
Government receives as compensation
,115 per cent of the full paid shares of
tat capital of the company.
Oloantd By TelegrapH and Mail.
ROOM stter assembling on ths tfth ths
Naval Appropriation bill wss repnrted In
the Pr-nate sml ths delist on thn Silver bill
continued. fcnalorPolph, ot Oregon, argued
against the free coinage ot sliver snd wss
earne etly opposed by Ids colleague, Senator
Mitchell. Adjourned When the House
met atr. Wilson ( W. Vs.), rlNlnar to a question
of privilege, msde a statement of the esse la
regard to the Campbell affidavit snd letter
that led to the scene In ths House on flstur
day. Ills esplsnstlon wss followed by a
statement from Mr. Hsyne (I'a snd the
troubled waters were calmed. Debute on the
Tariff bill was then resumed. Mr. funaton's
amendment In regard to ths sduilssloa ef
Mexican toad nrea wss re)"ttl snd ths bill
considered until adjournment.
HSSATOS HAxroso Introduced In the fen
steon the 3oth bill for loan on lands. It
provides for the eitsbllahmcnt of a Land
Loan Human In Ilia Trcnatiry tippertiuent
and thu iMue of loans on land to citizen at
two per rent. Intercut under certain condi
tions and restrictions. 'I he Senate then pro
eeeded In consider the bill suhp-cting lin
ported liquors to the prnvlalonsnf the laws
of the several Htate. Senator Vest spoke
against the bill snd Senator Kdmunds In
favor of It. The bill was laid aside snd sfter
the delivery of eulogies upon ths 1st Rep.
reaentetlve Keller, of Pennsylvania, the Hen.
ale adjourned, ...Consideration of ths Tariff
bill was resumed In ths House snd ths ses
sion was a lively one, ths sugar schedule
occupying tnoat of ths time.
In the senate on the tilt the Vlce-Prsaf.
dent presented ths reslgnstlnn of Nergssnt
atAriiia Canada? to talis effect June M.
Ths silver bill waa dlscusisd at some length
snd wss laid aslds and ths bill In relation to
liquor Imported Into Prohibition Htstes
tskea up snd discussed. After sn executive
session ths Aenst adjourned. ...Issmrdlste
ly sfter asssmbllng the Heuss resumed con
sideration of the Tsrlff bill In Committee of
ths Whole. The Houaa was In great con
fusion snd when the hour of noon srrlved
Mr. MeKlnley demsnded ths previous quea.
tlon on the bill and amendments, which de
mand waa ordered by III yeas to MS nays.
The ameadnsnts were then read In detail
snd when they were disposed of Mr. Carlisle
offered a resolution to recommit thn bill to
the Ways snd Mesns Committee with cer
tsla Instructions, which WSS defeated snd
the bill was pessed, yeas, 164; nsys, Hi.
After the nppoliitment of a conference com
mlttee on the Anti-Trust bill ths House nd
In the Semite on the JJd a message was
presented from the President on the subject
bf the uircline from ths Creek Indian of
2S,k seres of land for thu use of the Kami,
miles. Tim credential of Calvin H. llrlrn.
Hcnalnr-elect from Ohio, wcie presented
and lllod. Consideration of the Hllvcr bill
w resumed snd Senator Itsnlel Niltlressetl
the Renntnln fuvorof sllrer currency, when
the Senate ndjiirned..,. A bill wits present
ed In the House to nuicnit (he tVusti act,
prescribing u ienulty upon sny enumerator
who shell receive, or any person who shall
pay, sny feu In addition to thrt compensa
tion allowed by law The Itlvvr snd Harbor
bill wns then considered In Committee ot
thn Whole until adjournment.
Hut little business was transacted by the
Senate on lbs Mil. Senator Faulkner gave
notice ot an amendment to the bill relating
to liquors Imported Into Prohibitory Males,
and the Navel hill waa taken up find srverul
smendnienlH agreed to. Tim Tariff bill was
received from the House end referred. The
Hllver bill was taken up but Isld aside and
Hcnalnr Stanford addressed the Senate In
advocacy of his bill providing for loans by
theOnvernment on agricultural lands. Alter
an esecutlvn session the Senate adjourned,
....Soon after thn reading of the Journal the
House went Into Committee of thu Whole on
the Itlvrr snd Harbor bill. At the evening
session pension bills wviu considered.
Tut: Supremo Court of thn United
States has rendered a decision declaring
unconstitutional tho Meat Inspection
law of Minnesota.
TlIK President and his Cabinet have
discussed thn llehrlng sea fisheries case
and decided to ail hero to tho policy of
the past.
Miss Ci.AtiA WAlin, n heiress of De
troit, Mich., was married recently at the
Papal Nunciature at llrussolstoaPrlnco
of tho name of Cuitnay.
KteiiAiti. Vaiix was elected to Con
gress In Randall's place- (the PontTSyt-
vanla Itilrd district) practically unop
posed, lilt Prohibition opHinont re
ceived 47 votes.
It Is officially denied that there aro
any disturbances in (iuatemala. Kvery
thing Is reported In the best condition.
Am. thn Kuropoan nations but Franco
have concluded commercial treaties
with Turkey on thn basis of a fixed tariff.
Piiksiuknt CiAtiriKl.u'H remains havo
been removed to their final resting
place In thn crypt of the monument at
Cleveland, O.
John Hakkii, tho oldest eiamlner of
surveys In the General Land-office at
Washington, Is dead.
Tiik attempt of tho Turkish Govern
moat to install Kahreman Pasha as
(lovernor of Albania at Lalache has been
fiercely resisted by the Albanians, who
attacked the Turkish troops sent to
quell thn disturbance and routed them.
Many of the soldiers were killed.
An addition to section .' ot the Inter
State Commerce act Is eon tatned In a bill
Introduced, by Senator Dawes, which
permits pooling for the purpose of ena
bling rompeting lines to carry a reason
able idiareof competitive traffic,
Govkiinou Silllk, ot Oklahoma, ar
rived at (luthrle on the 33d and mot
with a hearty reception.
Hkv. Naiiiam SrAititiTr, a widely
known and wealthy minister ot the M.
K. Church South, died ) Kansas City,
Mo., recently.
Municipal elections were held
throughout' Virginia on thn 3.M. The
Democrats were successful In Alex
andria, Richmond, Norfolk, Lynchburg,
Danville and Petersburg. The Repub
licans elected their candidate for mayor
in Itoannke. i
Mu. anii Mrs. Ci.v.vixanii have
promised to attend the Texas State fair
at Dallas, in November, if nothing un
foreseen occurs to Interfere.
A majoiiitv ot tho House Judiciary
Committee has agreed upon a favorable
report for Raker' Joint resolution for a
constitutional amendment providing for
fimialo suffrage.
Major William C.sSthv. the well
known farmer and politician ot PetUs
County, Mo., Is dead. In 1874 he was the
People's candidate for Governor, but
was defeated by II. C, Hardin, Demo
crat. i.ovniMiu Ht'Mi'ititr'.Y, of Kansas, re
fused to attend the convention of result
mihsloulsW for an extra session ot the
Legislature to consider the policy of re
pealing the Prohibition law ot tho State
I'l.LiciiKit IIaiiith, of the Harper
publishing 1ioum, New York, U dead,
lie was the youngest of the four brother
who established the business.
Tine ships of the Aaericati aquadron
of evolution when last heard from, May
It were at Algiers, and the officers were
being royally entertained by the French
officers stationed at Algiers. The
squadron waa to proceed soon to
Trir. question of railroad right of way
through .the Cherokee Nation has been
decided by the Supremo Court adversely
to the Cherokees, who claimed that
Congress could give no such permission
without their consent.
A wAiir.iKK feeling Is reported In the
Russian army. The soldiers want to
Ifht something or somebody.
A man named Taylor wasa wit
ness before tho Clayton-llrecklnridge
investigation at Washington. Taylor
claimed to have boon present when the
Plummnrsvlllo ballot box was stolen and
Implicated Oliver llontley and W. P.
Wells as tho actual thieves.
RoBitiNs'circus train has been wrecked
in New Hampshire. The loss Van heavy.
At the Louguo Polnte,Quo.,lnquestthe
nuns produced a list of fifty-six Inmates
who perished In tho Insane asylum fire.
Ciiicauu east bound railroads got Into
a lively war on the -"-d, first-class pas
senger rates to Now York dropping to
LtuiiT.MNO recently struck a crowded
church at St. Mahltin, Hanover. Six
persons wcro killed, four by tho flash
and two crushed in the panic which fol
lowed. In addition twenty were sorl
ously injured, four being permanently
blinded. Tho congregation was on its
knees at tho time praying for a cessation
ot the storm.
A milium;!, train accident was re
ported east of Ashland, Wis., on tho '.Md.
Twenty lives wero said to bo lost and s
large number injured.
Laiioh riots havo occurred In Raven
na, Italy. Three peasants were killed
and numorous soldiers and peasants
Tiik trial at San Francisco of D. II.
Arnold for the murder of S. W. tlarnoss
last January resulted In acquittal. Tho
murder was tho result of a discovery
that Harness had been writing malic
Ions letters to tho wife of Arnold.
SlXTKKM runaway loaded freight cars,
of tho Italtlmore A Ohio railroad wero
In collision on Hast Pratt street, Haiti
more, Md., with four others attached to
tho engine and the result was a bad
smash. No lives were lost.
A ruMrttmilHK has been effected and
thn striking employes at tho National
tube works at McKeosport, Pu., havo
gone back to work. failures (Dun's report) for
tho seven days ended May 'l numbered
'i'Si, compared with 'il'i thu previous
week and "'JO tho corresponding week of
last year.
Wahamakkr's branch bouse at Her
lin, Ocrmany, has been closed and tho
manager discharged.
FiiKNcit capitalists intend to build a
railroad in thn Congo region.
TititKK ladies wero out in a boat on
Davisvllln pond, near Providence, R. I
when It capsized. Two of them Mrs.
Muuneland Miss Hilling were drowned.
A WATMitiMiUT passed over tho Cim
arron valley eight miles north of King
fisher, Ok., on thn SMl.
Tim: striking miners along the
Youghloghnny river in Pennsylvania
have ugreed to accept one cent per ton
less than the Columbus scale.
Tim; National Rank of Oswego at
Hlnghaiiiton, N. Y., has suspended.
Tiik lowas show signs of yielding to
the offers ot the Commission. Several
luaves and squaws have signed.
Ukv. Stf.i'itr.N M. ItAitm.i r, pastor of
St. Stephen's Itoman Catholic Church at
Chicago, wi) ntjot und mortally wounded
by Patrick Keadv, H blacksmith, who
was insane from liquor.
RrsiNKss was active on thn London
Stock Kxchange during thn week ended
May J4. In Paris business was dull In
the early part, but Improved toward the
end. The Herman tmurses were quiet.
More activity was shown in tho Havana
sugar market.
Quitk an earthquake was felt In thn
Mohawk valley, N. Y., on the morning
of tho .Mh.
Ci.KAniNo house returns for the week
ended May kU showed an average in
crease of 17.1 compared with the corre
sponding week ot last year. In New
York the Increase waa 14. 1.
Rkpohts from the wheat growing
counties of Texas indicate a bad crop.
Srvkmty-skvkm Chinamen were
irowned by the recent wreck of the
ship Oneida In the Pacific. The men
were en route to Alaska to work in the
salmon canneries.
A younii woman recently committed
suicide by leaping from the tower ot
Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris.
Many people attended the celebra
tion at New Tippcrary, Ireland, on the
2Mh despite tho Government's prohibi
tion. A few heads wero bruised before
the assemblage was dispersed.
(iKoiuik FnANi'ts Thai arrived at
Tacotna, Wash., on the 'Jtth, completing
hla journey around tho world In sixty
seven days.
John Uowkx, his wife and daughter
were recently drowned In Wolf river
near Memphis, Tenn., while crossing in
a buggy.
Tint Farrelly building at Morrlstown,
N. Y was burned recently. Loss 9100,-
000; insurance, 570,000.
Two men wero crushed to death under
a house they wero raising at Port Wash
ington, Wis., recently, the supports giv
ing way.
litKttK was a terrlflo rainstorm at
Johnstown, Pa., on tho 'JMh. The Penn-
ay l aula tracks wero covered two fevt
deep with mud.
In the Senate on the 21th the creden
tials of Mr. Carlisle wero presented.
The Naval Appropriation bill was taken
up and considered without action. The
River and Harbor bill was Utforo the
House. A motion to strike out the ap
propriation for tho Hennepin canal wat
Tiik town of Sefron, near Fea. Mo
rocco, has been Inundated. The whole
place was In ruin. Fifty-three Jewt
4nd many Moors perished.
F.VTlir.u Mri.t.Kit. of the Jesuits' mis
sion at Malgore, India, claims to havt
cured several lepers by Count Mat
tli!y' system. A gvntlcmau of Cal
cutta has had similar success.
Antl'MoMawlf MeamMlcsMM.
Thn Anti-Monopoly Republicans re
cently met In conference at Lincoln and
were called to order by A ttorney-Oeneral
Lcese, who said that for yoars the Re
publican party of Nebraska has been
controlled by the railroads, and for that
reason the call had been made for this
conference to purge tho Republican
party of railroad domination. Ex
Speaker Harlan was chosen temporary
chairman and appointed committees.
Tho committee on organization reported
for chairman D. M. Nottloton, of Clay
Center, with Messrs. Wolfe, of Ilutler,
and Leyda, of Cass, as secretaries, who
wero declared officers of tho conference.
Tho committee on resolutions reported
thn following:
Itesolvvd, That we reiterate snd cordially
Indorse the fundamental principles of the
Iteptiblienn perty as enunciated by aiicees.
sIvm National Itcpubllceti conventions from
IS.V! In Isv. and wo believe thu Iteptiblienn
Surly cupuhlo of diulliiK with cveiy vital
Is-iin Unit foiiceriiH the welfare, of the
American peoplo wlmncverthu rank and rllo
ot the puity are tintrainincled IntheeierrUu
of their political rlicllts.
Ileso.ved, That we view with alarm the
Intense discontent uniting thu Itepiibllcnna
of the Male, chiefly due to the malicious end
the d itiorsllr.lriK Interference of corpora
tions and ttiulr kltftupt to control ullile
partiiicnlsof our Mate (lovnrnii.ent legls
I tlve, executive ami Jildloihl-und we ear
nestly Mppi-ul to all ttvpublk-nne who desire
lopreaerse our Institutions to rally to the
riisiiieof our Htete Irom corporate uotulna
t on by actively participating In the primary
elections and nominating convention.
Itesolved, That while wn deslru to mcortl
ti railroad corporations their rlghta und
privilege! aa common eirrlers. wu demand
that they ahull go out of polities and sti p
Interference with oiirconventlons and lg s
Inures. Itesolved, That railroad pascs distributed
In this Stale fur political purposes am a
species of bribery pernicious In their liitlu
once and tending to undermine public mor
als, subversive to u free und uiiboiiglit e
preaslon of the will of the people In their
conventions, leght!uturea and Juries, and we
hereby demand thn prohibition of pusses
snd fren transportation In uuy form, under
severu penultles.
Itesolved, That Nebraska hue for years
been subject to exorbitant transportation
rates, discriminating against her products,
thus retarding her development, end wu
condemn the Main Hoard of Transportation
for failing to cierclse the authority vested
In them und by rctualog 10 afford to thn peo
pin the relief they wure pledged to give. We,
therefore, demand that thn l.eitls'nture shall
enact u maximum tin Iff bill covering thn
transportation of our products and principal
Itesolved, That thn National convention of
IHSSplndged llm Kcpiihlloun parly to revis
ion of the tariff mid it reduction of Import
duties, therefore wi, as Itepiibllciins, re
quest our delegutes In Congress touppuso
lie MeKlnley bill In Its present form.
Unsolved, That a committee of fifteen, nve
from each t ougrusslonal dlstrlit, be ap
pointed to draft an address to thn Itepuh.
Means of the Mate embody ng thn resold
tlon adopted by this convention, and said
committee shall urge the Republican Mute
(Jentral Committee to call a rUto conven
tion, to be held not later than Ju y S, for Hie
purpose of nominating n full Mate ticket
under reguhitlina that will give equitable
representation and exclude proxlm And,
In case thu Statu Central Cominltlcii de
clines to fix thu duto of nail! convention us
requested, till exeeutlvo committee to cull
a regular Matt) convention under the regular
After a spirited discussion the resolu
tions wero adopted. Also u resolution
favoring tho iassagn ot a law for tho
Australian system of voting. The ex
ecutive committee from Congressional
districts was named as follows: First
district, H. lloHOWutcr, of Douglas; Cor
bin, of Johnson; Ooodol), of Lancaster;
Hayes, of Cuss, and Smith, of Saunders.
Second district, Keck ly, of York; Hill,
of Ilutler; Klllott, of Harlan; Harlan, af
Frontier, and llcdlund.of Phelps. -Third
district, Sutherland, of Hurt; Marr, of
Dodge; Manning, of Wuyne: Reebe, of
Custer, and Smythe, of Rutfalo.
A rAHMKit named Tucker with his two
children, a girl and a boy, were rowing
on a lake near Stanton the other night
when the boat was overturned and the
three wero drowned.
John McOhiiik was recently arrrested
at Nebraska City and held on suspicion
of being wanted In Cook County. 111.,
for murder. Ho answers the description
perfectly of a man who murdered bis
sweetheart elovon years ago, and for
whom there ia a reward of M00.
John Ci.aiik, who was bitten by a fe
rocious dog at Niobrara some weeks ago,
died tho other day from hydrophobia.
DtmiNo a thunderstorm the other
evening, Mrs. John Larkonskl, wife of a
llohemtan farmer, living three miles
north of Snyder, In Dodge County, was
instantly killed by lightning while
standing In the doorway. She leaves a
husband and four small ;hlldrcn.
A wr.Ai.Tiir bachelor farmer named
Arendt Arvndts, who lived near Cort
land, was recently found hanging dead
It) his own barn, and It was evident that
death was intentional. The cause of
the suicide was an unfortunate love af
fair. Daniki. rtii.ur.KT, who had just com
pleted a term In tho penitentiary, was
arrested at Albion recently for mortgag
ing property be did not own and taken
to Logan County for trial.
A wiiuax named Myers, living three
miles south of Weeping Water, recently
heaved a stono through tho window ot a
passing Missouri Pacific train. Hatred
of the company for building Its track
through her farm waa the Inspiration of
the deed.
Tur State Dental Association, recently
In seaslon at Omaha, elected the follow
ing officers; President, W. W. Vance,
Kearney; vice-president, W. II. Stryker,
Restricts recording secretary, I. W.
Funek. Deatrlce; corresponding secre
tary, A. W. Nanon, Omaha; treasurer,
11. T. King, Fremont; member ot the
board of censors, S. R. Patted, Omaha.
Tiik latest phase of the Nebraska
cattle quarantine against New Mexico
is that (Sotvrnor Thayer has sent com
missioners to Investigate the real state
of atfalrs. In the meantime large
bunches ot cattle from New Mexico aro
held up In transit awaiting the solution
of the matter.
Drill mi the two days' mad dog scare
at ISrand Island about one hundred and
fifty cau'nes went sacrificed.
t)'u Itli-iiAUH, member of the firm of
Orr ,t Hlchaid. banker at Hays Center,
committed suicide In hU room in the
Iturllnirton ,1- Missouri eating house at
McCook the other morning by taking
four ounce of laudanum.
Sttd Aooldsnt to a Lttk Boatlnir
rtre and a Dyawanlta Rt Usslesi Fellow a
Lightning rtath-fUllrosit Wreck ta
Kaaaej ratal fir la
Fam, Rivr.n, Mass., May 20.-At
Watuppa lake about 12:ir o'clock yes
terday afternoon a party of twelve per
sons, comprising Samuel Wlttles and
wife, Henry, Samuel, Jr., and Willie
Wittiest Lavlna. John, Willie and Fred
erick Ibtckloy, Edwin and Wlllio Turner
and fleorge Hammer hired a boat and
went rowing. There was a strong wind
blowing and tho water was rough.
Tho boat Into which the party em
barked was a common thirteen-foot flat
bottomed ono and thn seating capacity
was eight. The pleasure seekers finally
were seen trying to work their way to
ward shore Just north of tho pumping
station. This was difllcult work, as the
water was rough, thu wind strong und
the rowers Inoxtiorlenced.
When the lioat load of pleasure seek
ers was within twenty feet of tho shorn
ono of tho children rocked thn ImisU
Tho men cautioned thn child to remain
quiet, but it was unmindful or this ad
vice and suddenly tho boat cspslied.
Heartrending cries wero hoard by Fire
man liullock of tho pumping station
and James Lafferty, but they wero un
able to render assistance.
Kdwln Turner was tho only ono in the
party who could swim well. He grasped
John liuukloy by thu waist and although
Ruckley was a heavy man ho succeeded
In bringing him ashore.
In tho meantime tho women were
struggling in thn water. Three or four
parties on shore told them to cling to
tho boat, but their falling strength was
unequal to tho task and women and
children sank out of sight. Two of the
others bud struck out for the shore and
succeeded in reaching It In an exhausted
Tho following wero drowned, their
bodies being recovered later: Samuel
Wittles, aK,.,l ,(); Mrs. Wlttles, aged 4.i;
Henry Wlttles, aged 10; Samuel Wlttles
Jr., aged I'.'; Lavlna Ruckley, aged :;
Fred Ruckley, aged !l; Willie Ruckley,
nged 8; Wlllio Turner, aged u.
Manskm-.mi, ()., May -'(. A heavy rain
storm passed over this (Richland County)
Snturdu.y night, accompanied by light
ning and thunder. During tho storm
lightning struck tho John C. Sarlc
block in Lucih, six miles east of this
city. The block was occupied by a hard
ware and general merchandise store and
was entirely consumed, together with
two dwellings adjoining. There wns nc
fire apparatus in tho village and the
eltlrens turned out with buckets, but
could do nothing.
While the peoplo wero removing tho
goods from tho store about fifty pound i
of dynamite exploded with disastrous
cITccL Tho bodies of John Smith and
Jeremiah Jones were horribly mangled
nnd mutilated beyond recognition and
ubout twenty-live persons In all were
more or less Injun-d. Tho killed are:
John Smith, aged fifty-four, leaves wife
and family, and Jeremluh Jones, aged
fifty, leaves wife ami family.
The seriously Injured are: J. O. Joso
phun, bad cut on forehead, hand and
legs; F. Russell, cut over left
eye; John tiallagher, leg severely
bruised by falllnir from a ladder; F. My
ers, badly hurt, struck by flying bricks.
Of the remaining persons injured none
uro considered serious.
The report of the explosion was heard
five tulles and thn shock was so great
that nearly all the windows In the vil
lage were broken. Tho tire department
of this city was called upon for assist
ance and the fire apparatus was put on a
special train, but before they could
start word reached them that the flrr
was under control. Rain camn down In
torrents, which put the fire out, other
wise half tho town would have been In
Paola, Kan., May 'Jd. Kaglnec!
James Caskey and Fireman Major W.
Downes, of thn Kansas City A Pacilc
railroad, who were fatally hurt at Rangot
awttch, six miles south of hen, yester
day morning at throe o'clock In a wreck,
were brought hero and died In the after
Tho wreck was caused by a Up or
silver on a rail that throw the engine off
tho track and ran the frolght train Into
a coal car and othor cars on tbo switch.
The amash-up was terrible, eight
loaded and one empty cars being de
stroyed. The rate of speed must have
been above twenty-five mile an hour,
and when tho engine struck the coal
car It plunged overandcomplotely turned
Caskey waa married and Downes was
single. They lived at Parsons; each
was about twenty-five years old.
Lincoln, Neb., May art. A portion of
Robanan's big block burned last even
ing. Tho fire originated in a hay loft.
Tho loss Is estimated at 930,000; Insured.
Two firemen, Frank St rat ton and Clar
ence Protieman, lost their lives. They
were In the second story ot the livery
stable when tho third floor fell upon
them and burled them In the ruins.
Stratum was married last Wednesday
to Miss Kmma Maggard.
The Kdea Muses, the Western News
paper Dnlon and a number of other
enterprises wero located in the building,
but that portion did not suffer much
Ciiicauo, May 30. Ry the explosion
of a blast furnace at the Illinois steel
works on South Ashland avenue five
workmen were horribly burned and
crushed. August Mullehonffcr can not
recover. The others, Michael Qulnlan,
Henry Ayers. John Rrunsly and Michael
Flttroooro, wero seriously Injured.
Waa My Tate.
Nirw lUvnjr, Conn , May 1.V The
Yale-Atlanta boat race was won by Yale
by one length after an exr.Ung finish.
Yale's time w SO minute and K sec
onds, and Atlanta's gainst and 41
Tfce naatresna Coart sat the Calteel Mate Re
rates t) Interfere ta the Maraerer'a
Washinotos;. May 24. The Supremo
Court of tbo United States yesterday
denied tho application for a writ of
error in thn case of Kemmler, tinder
aentence of death by electricity. Tho
opinion was by Chief Justice Fuller.
Tho opinion first recites the preced
ing In the lower courts leading up to
tho bringing of tho case to this court,
and says that It Is urged in Kemmler's
behalf that the Fourteenth amendment
is a prohibition on tbo State of Im
position of cruel and unusual punish
ment, this being included in tho
term "duo process of law." The origin
of the phrase "cruel and unusual jiuu
ishment" was In the English act of set
tlement in liMM and meant that barbar
ous methods of punishment should not
bo inflicted. It meant that a man
should not be sentenced to death by
torture, but did not mean that thn death
penalty itself wns cruel. Tho Court ot
Appeals held that the punishment in
flicted on Kemmler was unusual, but
that there was no evidence to show that
It was cruel. Tho Legislature of New
York had the facts bearing upon this
question and thn court must presume
that thu Legislature bad devised a
punishment It thought less cruel than
tho former mode. That decision was
not against any spoclal privilege set up
by tbo prisoner and was so plainly right
that the co urt would not bo justified In
overruling it- The Fourteenth amend
ment did nut materially chango tho
whole theory of the Government. Citi
zens still remain citizens, both of tho
State and of tho United States. Tho
only change In that amendment fur
nished an additional guarantee against,
encroachment by tho Stato upon tho
fundamendnl rights of tho citizens. Tho
privileges and Immunities of citizens ot
the United States am protected by
them. Those aro tho privileges arising
out of the essential nature and charac
ter of the National (iovornment.
The Court quotes tho opinion In tho
11 urt ado cuso on tho meaning of tho
phrase, due process of law. The chango
In form of death was within the legiti
mate sphere of tho legislative power of
tho Stato. The Legislature of tho Stato
of Nuw York determined that It did not
Inflict cruel and unusual punishment
and Its courts have sustained that de
termination. This court can not seo
that tho prisoner has been deprived of
due procees of law. In order to reverso
tho Judgment this court should bo coin
js'lled to hold that tho Court of Appeal
had committed an error so gross as u
deprive the prisoner of hlsconst.tuiional
rights. Tbo Court has no hesitation In
believing it can not do this.
Terma My Which the rrisee Balers lh
Atchlsoa Nretem.
IIosto.v, May 34. A circular has been
Issued by Oeorgo C. Msgoun, chairman
of the Atchison, Topuka as Santa r
Kallroad Company, formally announcin
to stockholders tho acquirement of thw
Ht. Louis & Sun I- ranclsco road.
Tho circular opens by congratulating
tho stockholders upon tho adjustment
of the funded debt, the aversion of fore
closure and tho placing of tho concern
uon a sound basis.
The geography of the jiropertlcs Is
detailed ami it tabulated statement
shows the railway segments that make
the l,:t.'0 miles of the St. Louis t San
Francisco eystem. Tho advantage of
this combination, as to the far south
west traffic, is dwelt upon and a tabu
lated statement from thn railroad
manuals shows the capitalization and
stock status. It Is stated that tho
financial and physical condition of the
St I,ouls it San Francisco property aro
good, tbo company having a surplus of
available and cash resources over itt
floating indebtedness and the tracks,
equipment, etc., are in condition fop
economical operation.
The circular closes thus: "In the pur
chase concluded tho first preferred
stock is not disturbed, and to holders of
preferred stock aro given one and three
eighths shares Atchison Company's
stock for ono share of St Louis San
Francisco Railway Company, and to
holders of common stock three-quarters,
of one share of Atchison stock for ono
share of St Louis & San Francisco Rail
way Company. Your company has Is
sued 937,000,000 par value new stock out
ot which, when all stock shall have been
changed. 930,000,000 par will have tteen
delivered for the St I.oula .1 San
Francisco Railway Company stock and
its equipments, leaving 6714, h J., par
value, new Atchison stock In your corn
pany's treasury. Comparison of the
capital stock of your company Is as fol
lows: Capital stock before present, ac
quisition, 97:1,000,000; after all exchange
are made for new acquisition, 9101. 3M,
1M. Miles of road: He fore present ac
qulalUon. ?,115-15; aftssr all exchange
are made for now acquisition. S.0M.37.
Capital stock per mile; Isefore, 910,
S40.S9; after all exchange's are made.
9ll.3tMl.34. Increase per mile ot road,
974. 4 V
Ta right (Iraasaawfisra.
St. Pktkmiitru, May 34. The Gov
ernment is about sending a large, de
tachment ot the army ta destroy tho
grasshoppers now ravaging trans-Cau-caals,
and covering with their depreda
tions an area of thousands of squar
miles. The residents ot the rat aged
districts fear a repetition of thn fearful
famine of 1S7V. At present trior Is
hardly a green thing left, and the peo
ple are dazed, at the frightful prospect
before them.
Aa tataattaal ratal.
Jacksonville. Fla., May 34. A mo
tion was made In the I'altcsl States
Court by the counsel for Gregg, defend
ant In the Marlon County election
frauds case, to quash the Indictment an
the ground that the adjourned term ot
the court from the regular term la De
cember did not have any legal stato
and that therefore Its action was nnll
and void. Without spectlcally sustain
ing or denying the (notion JuJge
Swayne Mid tret the point was a wtj
I Important one, and that he would retaamja
serve his ruling thereon until clrculrjf
I Judge should sit with hint oa the bs-aca
neat December