jwfrrrrwai'nn'iww.ji... z U " ' JwM M,VJ- iikmm,. Bi""MJ'W' ''''' ' ii"Tr"riTrTTTr'T i I ' L. Hn r it M I'' ,1 H SWORD'S USES. Sanson to tha Military By Rav. T. DeWltt TaUnage. WkM thi Hwartf Hm Arhleveil la the WerM'a HUtbry-Ths Mission m mm .atleareatWeaoa-Arlltratloa ' Hart to Com. Dr. Talmsgo recently preached the annual sermon to the Thirteenth rojfl- ment at llrooklyn. Ilia subject wan: "The Sword -IU Mission and Its Doom." Tho text, Isaiah xxxlv., A, "My sword shall be bathed tn Heaven." Three hundred and fifty-one times does the Itlblo speak of that sharp, keen, curred, Inexorable weapon, which flashes upon us from the text tho aword. Sometimes tho message Is ap plaudatory, and sometimes damnatory, sometimes as drawn, sometlinos as sheathed. In tho Hlble, tind In much secular literature, the sword represents all javelins, all muskota, all carbines, all fans, all pallco alan. all.UHU axes, all weaponry for physical defense of at tack. It would bo an Interesting thing to give tho history of the plow and fol low Its furrows all town through the ages, from the first crop In Chaldea to the last crop In Minnesota. It would bo interesting to follow tho pen at it lias tracked its way on down through tho literatum of nations, from IU first word in tho first book to tho last wonl some author wrote last night as ho closed his manuscript. It would lie an Interesting thlnir In I'nnnl tlm nilinn of tho hammer from the first nail driven down through all thp mechanism of centuries to tho last stroke in tho car penter's shop yesterday. Hut in this, my annual sermon as ohapla h of the Thirteenth regiment, I propose taking a weapon that has dono a work that neither plow nor pun nor hammer ever accomplished. My thumo Is the sword Its mission and its doom. Tho sword of the text wan lathed In lleavon; that Is, It was a sword of right eousness, as another sword muy be bathed In hell, and tho sword of oruolty and wrong. There Is a great difference between the sword of Wlnklcrold and the sword of Lconlda and tho sword of Benedict Arnold. In our effort to hasten the end of war we have hung the sword with abuses and oxecratlons when It has had a divine mission, when in ninny crises of the world's history It hns swung for liberty and justice, civltlratlon and righteousness and Hod. At the very opening of the Hlble and on the oast side of tho Harden of Kdon God placed a flaming sword to defend the tree of llfo. Of the officer of tho law Ht Paul declares: "Ho bcuroth not the aword( In vain." Through Moses God commanded: "Put every man his aword byhla sldo." David in his prayer aaya: "Gird thy aword upon thy thigh, ) most mighty." One of tho old hattlo shouUof the Old Testament was: "Tho aword of the Lord and of Gideon." Christ la a great exigency said that auoh a wcanoa.waa more Important than a coat, for tie deolarod: "Ho that hath no aword, lot him sell his garment and buy onej" Again Ho declared: "I ome not to send poaco but a sword." Of Christ's second coming It la said: "Out of his mouth went a sharp, two edged sword." Thus, sometimes figura tively, but oftener literally, the divine mission of the aword Is announced. What more consecratod thing In the world than Joshua's sword, or Caleb's aword, or Gideon's sword, or David's aword, or Washington's sword, or Marlon's aword, or Lafayette's sword, or Wellington's aword, or Kosutusko's word, or Garibaldi's sword, or hundreds of thousands of American swords that have again and again been bathed in Heaven. Sworda of that kind have been tho best friends of the human nice. Thoy have slain tyrannies, pried open lungeons and cleared the way for na tions In their march upward. It was hotter for thorn to tako tho sword and be free, than lln under tho oppressor's heel ind auffor. There la something worse than death, and that is llfo If It must cringe and crouch before the wrong. Turn over the leaves of tho world's his tory and And that there has never ltoen a tyranny stopped or a nation Unrated sxcept by tho sword. I am not talking to you about tho way things ought to In, but about the way they have teon. What force drove book the Saracens at Tours, and kept Europe from doing over whelmed by Mohammedanism, and. tubeequently all America given over 10 Mohammedanism? The sword of Charles Martel and bis men. Who can leal enough tn Infinities to tell what was accomplished for the world's good by the sword of Joan of Am? In Decemlier last I looked off and saw In the distance the battleflold of Mara thon,and I asked myself what was It that, an that most tremendous day In history, toppod tho Persian hosts, representing not only Persia but Kgypt and Tripoli nd Afghanistan and ItoloochlsUn and Armenia; a host that bad Asia under foot, and proposed to put Kurope under toot, and it successful In that batth would have submerged by Asiatic bar barism Kuropoaa civilisation and as a consequence, in after tme. Amerlcau .civilisation? The swords of Miltiades and Tbemlstoules -and Artstides. At the waving of these swords tho eleven thousaad lancers of Athens on the rua dashed agaiast the one hundred thousand Insolent toaia'at and trampled them down or pushed then back Into the sea. , Tha sword of that day saved the beat part of the hemispheres, a trinity of koea steel flashing In the two iig nta nn ugnt 01 mo setting sun of barbarism, the light of the rising sun of civilisation. Hall to these three gnat words bathed In Heavent What put an end to Infamous lmU "XIVs plan of universal conquest by which England would have been made tto kneel on tho steps of the Tullerles and tho Anglo-Saxon race would have ibeeo halted and all Europe paralysed',' Tha aword of Marlborough atlllenboliu, Tiaie came when tho Roman war eagles, srkoae beaks had been plunged into the .heart of nations, must be orougt down lfniM tfcetf cyrlee. All other attempts Uaddjsfraccfully (ailed, but the Her mans, the mightiest for brawn and tbrais, undertook tho work, and, uudvr THE God, succoodod. What drovo back tho Roman cavalry till tho horses, wounded, flung their riders and tho last rider per ished, and tho llercynlan forest became tho scone of Rome's humiliation? Tho sword, tho bravo sword, tho triumphant sword of Armlnius. Whlto passing through France last January my nerves tingled with excitement and I rose in thn oar, the better to see tho battlofleld of Chalons, the mounds and breastworks still visible, though nearly AOO years ago thoy wore shoveled up. Hero At til a, the heathen monster, called by nimseir tno "scourge of God, for tho punishment of Christians," his life a massacro of nations, came to Ignomini ous defeat, and he put into one great pilo thn wooden saddles of his cavalry, and tho spoils of thn cities and king doms ho had sacked, and placed on top of this holocaust tho women who bad accompanied him in his devastating march, ordering that tho torch bo put to tho pilo. What power broko that sword, and stayed that rod scourge of cruelty that was rolling ovor Europe? Tho sword of Theodorlo and Aotius. To come down to later ages, all In telligent Englishmen unite with all In telligent Americans In saying that It wus the best' thing thot thn American colonies swung off from tho Government of Great lirltaln. It would bo the worst absurdity of 4,000 years If thlscontlnent should huvo continued In loyalty to a throne on the other sldo of tho sea. No ono would propose a Governor-General for thn United Htates as there Is a Gov ernor-General for Canada. We have had splendid queens In our American capital but WO could lianllv m lirnutrht tn an,,. port a queen on tho other side of the nwuniiii. lovniy ana good as victoria Is. The only use we havo for Earls and Irfinls and Dukes In this country Is to treat them woll whon thoy pass through to their bunting grounds In the far West, or when their fortunes havo failed, reinforce them by matrimonial alliance. Imagine this Nat.on yet a part of English ttossesslonsl The trouble tho mother country has to-day with Ireland would be a paradisaic con dition compared with the trouble she would havo with us. England and tho united States makcsoxcollont neighbors but the two famlles aro too large to live In thn samo house. What a God send that we should have parted, 'nnd parted long ago! Hut I can think of no other way in which wo could have pos sible achieved American Independence. George the Third, the half crazy King, would not lot us go. Lord North, his Prime Minister, would not have let usgo. Genoral Lord Cornwallla would not have lot us go, although after Vorktown he was glad enough to have ns let him go. Lexington, und Hunker Hill, and Mon mouth, and Trenton, and Valley Forge, wow proofs positive that they wero not willing to let us go. Any committee of Americans going across the ocean to see what could have been done would have found no lietter accommodations than London tower. The only way It could have loen done was by the sword, your groat grandfather's sword. Jefferson's pen oould wrto tho Declaration of In dependence, but only Washington's sword could havo achieved It, and the other sword bathed In lleavon. So now the sword has Its uses, al though It Is a sheathed swonl. There Is not an armory in llrooklyn, or New York or Philadelphia, or Chicago, or Charleston, or New Orleans, or any American city that could be spared. Wo havo tn all our American cities a ruffian population who, though thoy are small In numbor, compared with tho good pop ulation, would ugaln and again mako rough nnd stormy times If. buck of our mayors and Common Councils and police, there wero not In the nrmorlim and arsenals some keen steel which If brought Into plav would make quick work with tho mobocraey. There aro In every great community unprincipled men who like a row on a lurgii scale and they heat themselves with sour mash and old rye and other decoctions, en riched with blue vitriol, potash, turpen tine, sugar of lead, sulphuric neld, log wood, strychnine, night shade and other precious Ingredients, and take down a whole glass with a resounding "Ah!" of satisfaction. When they get that stuff In them and the blue v trlol collides with tho potash and thn turpentine with the sulphuric acid the victims are ready for any thing but order and decency and good government. Again and again in our American cities has the necessity of Home Guard been demonstrated. You remember how, when the soldiers were all away to the war In IHM-ili, what conflagrations were kindled In tho streets of New York, and what negroes were hung. Some of you remember the great tiots In Philadelphia at tires, some times kindled just for tho opportunity of uproar and despoliation. In lso hiss at a theater would have resulted In New York City being demolished had It not been for tho eltlien soldiery. He cause of an Inmitt which tho American actor, Edwin Forrest, had received In England from the friends of Mr. Ma eready, tho English, actor, when the latter appeand In New York, In "Mac beth." the distinguished Englishman was hissed and mobbed, thn walls of the city having been placarded with the an nouncement: "Shall Americans or En gllsh rule In this olty?" Streets were tilled with a crowd Insane with passion. The riot act was read, but it only evoked louder yells and heavier volleys of stones, and the whole city was threat ened with violence and assassination. Hut the Seventh regiment, under Gen eral Duryua, marched through llroad sy, li receded bv mountmt tr,vi,n .! . the command: "Fire, Guards! Fire!" tho mob scattered, and New York was saved. What Mould havo become of Chicago two or three years ago, when tho police lay dead tn the streets, had not the sharp command of miliary offi cers been given? Arbitrament will tako the place of war between Nation and Nation and national armlet will disband as a conse quence, and the time will come-God , hasten it-when there will be no need , of an American army or navv. or a Rus- ....... nil.,,, r navy, nut some time after that cities will hate to keep their ar mories and arsenals and well dr lied mllltla. because until the millennial day there willlm populations with whom arbitrament will bo as Impossible as treaty with a cavern of hyenasor JungU of snakes. Tho sooner the sword can go back to the scabbard to stay there the bettor, but until the hilt clang against the ease in that final lodgment, let tho sword be kept free from rust, sharp all along tho edge, and It point like a needle, and the handle polished, not only by thn chamois of the regi mental servant, but by thn hand ol bravo and patriotic officers, always ready to do tholr full duty. Such swords an not bathed In Impetuosity, or bathed in oruolty, or bathed In oppression, ol bathed In outrage, but bathed In Heaven. Ilnforo I speak of the doom of the sword, let me also say that It has alsc dovoloped the grandest natures that the world over saw. It has developed cotir ago that sublime energy of the soul which defies the universe when It feelt Itself to be In the right. It has devel oped a .'tnlf-sacrlflco which repudiate; tho idea that our llfo is worth more than any thing else, when for a principle ll throws that life away, ns much as to say, it is not necessary that I live, but ll Is necessary that righteousness triumph. There are tons of thousands among thn Northern and Southern veterans of our civil war who are t.l per cent, larger and mightier In soul than they would havo been had thoy not during the four years of National agony turned their back on home and fortune and at the front sacri fice all for a principle. It was the sword which on the Northern side de veloped u Grant, a McClellan, a Hooker, u Hancock, a Sherman, a Sheridan, and Admirals Farragut and Porter, and on the Southern side a Lee. n Jackson, a Hill, n Gordon, and tho Johnstons. Al bert Sydney and Joseph E., and Admiral Semmes and many Federals and Confed erates whoso graves in National ceme teries are marked "Unknown," yet who wero Just as self-sacrificing und bravo as any of their Major-Generals, and whose resting places nil up and down tho An droscoggin, the Hudson, the Potomac, tho Mississippi and the Alabama, havo recently been snowed under with whlto flowers, typical of resumption, and strewn with rod tlowers, commomoratlvo cf the carnage through which they passed, and tho blue flowers Illustrative of tho iklcs through which they ascended. Hut the sword In doomed. There is one word that needs to bo written in every throne room, in every war office, In overy navy yanl, In every National council. That word Is Disarmament. Hut no Government can afford to throw its swonl away until all the great Gov ernments have agreed to do the same. Hut until Disarmament and consequent arbitration shall be agreed to by all the great Governments, any single Gov ernment that dismantles Its fortresses and spikes Its guns and breaks lus sword would simply Invite Us own destruction. Suppose before such gon oral agreement England, should throw away her swonl; think you Franco has forgotten Waterloo? Suppoto be fore such general agreement Germany should throw away her swonl how long would Alsace and Lorraine stay as they are? Suppose the Czar of Russia before any such general agreement should throw away his sword all the eagles and vultures and lions of European power would gather for a piece of the Russian bear. Nupposo the United States with out any general agreement of disarma ment should throw away her swonl It would not bo long before the narrows of our harbor would be ablaze with the bunting of foreign navies coming hem to show the folly of the "Monroe Doc trine." Side by side the two movements must go. Complete armament until all agree to disarmament. At the same com mand of "Halt!" all nations halting. At the same command of "Ground arum!" all muskets thumping. At the same command of "llreak ranks!" all armies disbanding. That may be nearer than you think. So wo are glad at the Isalahlc prophe cy that the time Is coming when natlrtn shall not lift up swonl against nation. Indeed, both swonls shall go back Into the scabbard -the swonl bathed In Heaven and the sword bathed In hell. In a war In Spain a soldier went on a skirmishing expedition, and, secluded In a bush, he bad thn opportunity of shooting a soldier of tho other army, who had strolled away from bis tent. He took aim and dropped him. Run ning up to the fallen man, he took bis knapsauk for spoil und a letter dropped out of It, nnd it turned out to 1h a let ter signed by his own father; tn other wonls, he had shot bis brother. If the brotherhood of man be a true doctrine, then he who shoots another man always shoots his own brother. To-night against the sky of the glorious future I see a great blaze. It Is a foundry In full blast. The work men havo stln-od the tints tint 1 the fur naces an seven times heated. The last wagon load of the world's swonls has been hauled Into tho foundry, and they are tumbled Into the furnace, and they begin to glow and redden and melt, anil in hissing and sparkling liquid they roll on down through the crevice of rock un til they fall Into a mold shaped like the Iron foot of a plow. Then the liquid coots off Into a hard metal, and, brought out on an anvil, It Is beaten and pounded and fashioned, stroke after stroke, until that which was a weapon to reap har vests of men, becomes an Implement turning the soil for harvests of corn, the sword having become the plowshare. Officers and comrades of the Thir teenth regiment of State mllltla: After another year of pleasant acquaintance I hall you with a salutation all made up of good wishes and prayers. Honored with residence In the host city of the best land under the sun, let us dedicate ourselves anew to G.xt and country and home! In the English conflict, called "The War of tho Roses." a white rose was the badge of the House of York, and the red rose the badge of the llouso of taneaster, and with these two colors they opposed each other In battle. To enlist you In the holy war for alt that la good against all that Is wrong, I pin out your heart two badges, the om suggestive of the blood shed for our re demption and tho other ay m hollo of a soul made whlto and clear., the Row of Sharon and the Lily of tho Valley, IV these henceforth our regimental sym-bol--Rie and Lily, Lily and Uw! AGRICULTURAL HINTS. FANCY V. EXPERIENCE. Extract frees a raeer rreperasl ay Me, arc! (Jlbsen for the Uomlnlen ef Cause's Hhnrt-llnrn HrMrt Asteelatloe. Wo all have our fancies as to color In rattle. Some admire a roan, others red. With Hereford breeders red with whit face Is orthodox, and with Angusmea black and all black Is their creed. Color may bo called a fancy; so It is. Ex perience says you may follow your fancy so long as It Is not prejudicial to tho animal. That the Angus and the Devon breed true to color Is certainly not an objection. That tho Ilerofords am bet ter, except for the sake of uniformity, by being so uniformly marked, wn doubt, ns In our boyhood days, In the early fortys, wo woll remember the grays shown by Knight and Heath and Lord Hathcrton. Thnt tho Short-Horn has suffered much from the rod crazo can not bo de nied. Experienco says nothing has done tho breed more barm in these lat ter days than this foolish desire for red. Fortunately wo have escaped this mania In a great measure In Canada, but whore it has bcun carried to tho ex treme, as In Kentucky and tho West, there tho cattle have deteriorated. Their hair Is harsh and wiry, having lost that mossy and beaver-like under coat, such as Is indicative of feeding propensities. It Is admitted on all sides thnt roans aro superior as feeders. Then why does fancy run riot? Lack of uniformity in color? What a fallacy! Experience says it Is better to bo uni formly good, though of vurlous colors, than uniformly bad and all of ono color. The Jersey men toll us tho crazo or fancy for solid colors, black tongue and black switch, nearly destroyed the use ful qualities which first brought tho breed Into prominence. In horns thero is another fancy; some say let us have a good strong horn, as It Is an indication of constitution. The Angus men retort you do not want any. while tho Here ford and thn Ayrshire brooders like a certain shape. Many a good animal havo we seen dis carded at fairs, thrown out for a hoavy horn, perhaps placed behind a light, fleshy ono with adelicatostuer's horn, the other. carrying many pounds morn beef and in the most valuable parts. The head is worth but a few cents on the block, but on thn living animal what an Index to thn value for breeding pur poses! It Is said Mr. Hates fell In love with Ilolvednre on seeing bis head thrust through an open window, and de termined to buy him at any cost. What trn tho fancies? In females the moat common is the objection to a thick or meaty pouch near thn jaws, or what in horses would lie called thn throat-latch. Fancy asks that thoy shall bo well cut up, or In other words, the setting on of tho head must be slight and sltm. Yet experience says that It is an indication of a good feeder rather than a detect, and will never lie found on a thln-fleshod, Ill-thriving boast. The fallacy regarding the heads of bulla Is that generally advocated by young nnd Inexperienced Judges. Ex perience says tho head of the male must bo masculino, approaching coarseness rather than the opposite. It la oven so In tho human race. Where are the pretty men? Whon you find them they are gouorally too Indolent to know bow to amuso themselves. Again, or viewing an animal with an abnormally large brisket bow often wo hear tho remark: "What a great bris ket!" forgetting that It It Is out of pro portion to the loin and ribs It is a detri ment rather than a point of excellence. All parts should bo evenly balanced, and where unu unduly predominates It is not an advantage, and when It occurs In one of those parts of tho animal where tho beef Is of the least value, ns In the brisket, it Is still more objectionable. Experience says a long, prominent brisket adds to the weight of low-priced lieef, whereas a broad, deep chest Indi cates a strongly-constituted, vigorous animal. Thn shoulder, though one of the most Important parts of tho animal, Is not often troubled with the fancy peculiarities, though no doubt many of us have heard thn remark: "What a great front, as wide as a barn." If we examine this wonder closely we shall seo a wide, prominent, rough shoulder, looking as if It had boon stuck on after ward by a very poor workman. Experi ence points out that on standing In front of the animal the shoulder point should be completely covered by the neck vein, gradually swelling out like bows of a ship, without any protuber ance or hollows until It Is sunk or grad ually absorbed by the chest, chine and ribs, so that tno eyo can not detect where the one ends or the other logins. The shoulder Itself should be smooth, equally eo orod with flesh, not put on la rolls as so often seen. It is truo that from thn neck and shoulders do not come the choicest cuts, but every butcher knows that thero la a lot of difference between the quality of meat In tho fore quarter, tbo rough, plain shouldor yielding but little except boiling pieces; whereas most can be out into roasts from a smooth, evenly fleshed one. Hreedera' Gazette, Tying Cattle. Aa Eastern farmer sends to Farm aad Home tits way of tying cattle, which Is herewith Illustrated. It la simple and HOW TO Tilt CATTI.K. afe and is done in lca time than It takes to tell It. The Illustration awaka for Itself and needs no further explanation. It should bo known that when men tell ot milk that la aa rich aa casein, they mean that It will make a large amount of curd; rich la a commercial view, but not rich aallk IW all that, jt W HWftrwtw , A GOOD HOOOIrT.rt' Great f snaertaaee of Tablet Cat f the Calebs. 1 make a brooder f a plain box three feet square and tea laches high, open at the top. Over the top I tack a cover of galvanized Iron allowing tho iron to ex tend half an inch over tho aides all around. This carries off all smoke aad fumes from the lamp. I next make a floor of matched boards woll seasoned, llefore placing this I tack on the under aide exactly In tho center a piece of tin ten inches square, with half-Inch wash ers between the tin and floor. This leaves a space of half an inch above and below, and prevents tho tin from heat ing tho floor too much In the oentor. I now tack a strip of one-Inch lath all around the box over tho galvanized Iron and saw out a half-Inch of the center of each sldo strip to admit fresh air and then nail on tho floor. For thn upper half I maxo another box eight Inches high and exactly tbrco foot square. For tho sides I use two eight-inch side lights and for tho back and front a plain hoanl eight Inches high with one and one-half inch strip of flno wire gauo inserted noar tho top. Thlsgivcspiire.fresh air without causing a draft on the chicks. Tbo front is arranged to slide in and out for a door. A (ll)Ol llltOOllKIL The top Is made of well-matched boards and fastened on with binges, for con venlonco In cleaning. Fasten tho upper half firmly to tho lower and In sert fotir one-Inch tin pipes in tho floor. Saw out an eight-Inch square In each end of the lower box and hang a door for tbo lamp. Horo a one and ono half Inch hole In each side for tho smoke to escape, and your broodor Is complete. I use four of these In my brooder rooms, and place thn ducks and chick ens In them when flrst takon from tho machine. I have novor lost ono from ' crowding or overheat. I feed thorn on shallow, wooden trays, removing tho trays at night. After four days 1 place a platform sixteen by two feet In front of the Hue of brooders. This platform has a board twelve Inches wide across the back and both ends, and Is nmn In front. It has six logs, and is divided with four slides. Really, It Is a table ' dlviiieu in tour parts and railed around. I alido back tho door of each brooder, and place food, water and coarse sand on the platform outside. Tho chicks soon learn to run in and out, and thrive and grow wonderfully. I havo one brood of ono hundred and fifty-live now In two of these brooders, and have only lest two since they wero batched. I havo Pekln ducks thut were started In them, and they now (April '.'v) weigh ten pounds per pair and only seven woeks old. The glass at the sides gives abundance of light, and thcchlcks are not exposed to sudden changes of tem perature. Farm and Fireside. DAIRY DOTS. Tbo following Items are takon from the Kansas Farmer: Tiik prayer of every dairyman should bo: "Ob! Lord, deliver me from the folly and certain punishment of being stingy to my own cows." Somk people think that cheese is sim ply cheese and make no distinction, and because skim chips "lay bard In tho stomach" thoy can not eat cheese. OrrKX after a farmer provides himself with cows, best for the business, ami pro vides tho best milk-producing food, his cows are rulnod by improper milking. SaRNCK bos demonstrated that a cow's teats possess the sense of feeling, that tbey aro not made of rubber, and these facts should be remembered by tho strong-handed, hurried milker. Tiik Hritlsh Hoard of Agriculture offi cially announces the prevalence of foot and mouth dlseaso among tho cattle of Schleswig-Holsteln. As a consequence cattle from that country ant rigidly ex cluded from entering tbo Kingdom. O.NK llt'.MlllKIl IMtl.l.Alts' worth of cheese takes from the farm less than one-seventh the fertility taken by uno hundred dollars' worth of grain, while one hundred dollars' worth of butter If tho skim milk be fed on the farm takes nothing from the soil. Fai.i.-mauk butter Is always preferred to that made in summer liecauso the weather being cool the milk Is kept at the proper temperature to raise tho cream in the best condition, making butter of great solidity, and the grasses that start atlor tbo fall rains give It a line flavor. UnIom fuller. All writers on onion growing advo cate very early seeding, plenty of man ure, and that the land should have bee a thoroughly cultivated two or three pre vious years to eradicate weeds aad their seeds. In 1SS says a writer tn the Country Gentleman, I violated all theso conditions and all other prerequi sites I ever road of by sowing an eighth ot aa acre on sod ground on the 14th of May, and produced a crop moat remark able for site of tubers and quantity. Some weighed over a pound each; the variety Ro4 Wethersflela. The plat was In the corner of a pasture fleld which had not been plowed In twenty years. It was a sandy loam, rich, of course, but ao manure was added. The wvll-harroweU sod furnished what onions required a mellow, shallow seed bed with firmness beneath. Not a scullion grew. In re gard to weed seeds, a stiff sod Is freer from them than land which has- Urn recently cultivated. I planted on such as tho latter In 1W with poor results. I shall sow on sod again this season, about tho middle of May, when the ground will bo warm enough to ger minate tha seed aad give tt a start at once. Itregwrd this a ot more Impor tancs than early sowing. Almost aay thing will do best planted when condi tions are right ta start It quick aad ush it ahead. hfY i r - ar jr akuEE!ifJyy' MOvlI LAHOr FOR SETTLERS. Thej lwa InsHaiM Due Tkeu Laasoar Twe Meatfresl Theeoaasi Acres to Mm Oeeasst ta RettlssMat. OcTMnix, Ok., May Ml After tha Iowa Council had adjourned Monday afternoon the lowaa were feasted aad at 7:80 o'clock agala entered tho Council with the Commission at tho little white church. An hour'a talk was Indulged ia by both sides. Chief Tohoe spoke at aomo length, aaylng that tho white brethren sent here by the groat father dm oeen nonest with him and his tribe and that thoy woro now about to slga the contract providing for their allot ment. Ho said he and hla people would rather novor have a patent for their lands in severalty, but would leave It absolutely In care of tho Government, for his people, ho said, were unable to cope with the wily whites and It was necessary that they be protected ia some way. Chairman Jerome and Judge Wilson explained several Important points to tho satisfaction of tho Indians, after which Chief Tohec said: "I am ready now to sign tho paper." Then the blind chief placed his sig nature by murk to tho contract, signing three copies ono to go to ho Interior Department and one each to the Com mission and to the tribe. Tohee was followed by Ms wife. Mag glo Toheo, and then Ju turn camo Charley Tohee, son of the chief; Emma Tohoo, nloco of tho chief, Dave Tohee, brother of tho chief, and tho Indian policemen, Oarre Squirrel, Susan Squir rel, John Abrockanle, MaryAhrockanle, Nellie Green, Albert lily, Julia Ely and Naw A. Tawny. Thla, with tho live members who bail previously signed Jefferson Whlto Cloud, Kerwin Murray. Victor Dupree, Etla Keelbolt and Lva Whlto made a total of eighteen signers, representing thirty-six of the tribe. Five mora sign ers wero then required. Atelovon oclook yesterday morning Old Moses, Luclmla Moses, Willio Dole, Joslo Dole, Tom Darlen, Cutherlno Da rlen, Mary Squirrel, Widow Tohee. mother of tho chief, Mary Tohee, David Squirrel and Ellen White Cloud, Chlof Whlto Cloud's squaw, all put tholr names to tho document, making it a good majority or tbo tribe. Tbo Iowa reservation Is rondy for the Presldent'a proclamation and the ratification of thn contract by Congress oMuln tho sauio for settlement by the whites. The Iowa reservation contains 218,418 acres of land. Tbo number of acres re quired to supply the tribe tinder tha conditions of the present contract will be about fl.soo acres or n ghtv acres per capita for eighty-five Indians, thus leav ing UJl.ttlS acres for tho whlto man. FARMERS' REVIEW. Winter Wht Condition lc lining Uriiiiaht In Nt-brasha. Chicaoi), May Uti Tho Farmers' Re view says: Relativo to winter wheat, our Illinois corrosponJonts continue to report the condition declining. Many aro the complaints of chess and cheat, and several correspondents report dam- v ago by Hessian fly. Indiana averages show a slight improvement In conditloa alnco our last report. In Ohio tho con dition has not changed materially duiy lng tho past two weeks. In Missouri the weather in portions of thn State; haa been faorab1o; considerable Im provement has taken place In theso lo calities. Wheat is heading Irregularly, however, and thero aro complaints of chess. Kentucky reports of tho condi tion show n decline of Several points. In Kansas wheat has licnn Injured con siderably by drought, and In a few coun ties by ball and Hessian fly. The average condition tn that Stato la ap parently ten per cent lower than It was two weeks sgo. Nebraska still suffers from drought MURPEHOUS GREASER. AMestcwn Kills Twit Amrrlrsns-l'aplurrO nit I'hslnwl l th rimir. Al.m;qur.fiQt;K, N. M., May 'JS Sun day afternoon at six o'clock at Tondrn lirothers' vineyard, near Los Lunas, thero was a horse race and the brothers being large manufacturers of wine, It was as free aa water and some of the men liocamo boisterously drunk. Vln cento Artl,7o provoked a fuss with two Americans named Conway and Little. Artlgo pulled his revolver and com menced firing. Tho elder Conway fell dead at the first shot and the brother then retired from the scene badly and probably fatally wounded through the breast. A Mexican named Demetrlo Hal I egos was shot In on) of his legs. Clements Sllva, a deputy sheriff, onlered Artlgo to surrender, but he aimed at tho deputy and would have shot, when two women jumped In front of him, Im ploring him to desist. He was arretted, taken to Los Lunas and chained to the floor ot the jail. After MuisUrem Awtrli. Sax Fiiascmcm, May 2S Official bows of the murder of Attorney Henry Hardle by hostile Indians near Tomb atone, Ariz., has been received at army headquarters, and General Miles has Issued orders to pursuo the Indians and to use the same tactics as wen used la the pursuit of Goronlmo. That will place troops at Lowell, Grant and Huachuca, A. T., and Fort llayard. N. M., who will close in on them. The hostile band consist of Kid and his parly, who were sentenced to ten yrars In tha military prison, but after serving a few years were pardoned by President Cleve land aad returned to their reservation. The civil authorities then tried then ' and sentenced them to bo hanged. While being taken to Yuma pentta tlary they murdered the sheriff and es caped to Mexico. suiiiImm laMeitr. ClTUS. III., May . The wife of A derman Sam Swart, ot Pbilo, near here, has brcorue violently Insane over religion. For some time she has been a constant attendant at the meetings of the Pentecost band, and Sunday night, while at the Methodist Church at that place, she suddenly arose and. holding her labe aloft, said she Intended offer ing It as a sacrifice for the alas of that church. Several persons Interfered aad prevented her from carrying out her la trattoa. An efort U being made ta eampal the IVnuvost people W leava, tawa. '.fl n 'i a i :fi t vn