The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 30, 1890, Image 15

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I :
&$ get gbttd ghief.
y. c. MNiri,
frlera)-, Jtmr , lata.
Entered at the. Tout Offer In fori I load, Neb ,
m mall matteeol Ike rrtiJ rU
Atwolutary Pure.
Thl notrdrr aever varies. Marvel ol rare
rtrenptb and wlmleaoineneM. aioee eeotKuaieal
than th ordinary ktuil tid cannot to otd In
romprllon with III multitudes ol low tut short
weignt alum or inritr poortnrm. noM ixii
in ran.
lot Wall tlrtr t, N. Y. Cttv.
Wc nit aar wa alrel eecel ami
gaaraaire purify, Lama at lae
Islg earke al raaar- aae kriaa
arc- In oar ekew wtaelam".
II will aMa k laa lale la grl
aaeaflkaee Rarrlaae4lla Mrl
laalra al Ikr arrecal law prlrr
I. ft acr valaair.
Jael aa we arrellrtre), our arw
ee4a foaatala eirap are all Ikr
Wc kaie ragagrel Mr. Malar)
"Irt'agar al lawa, a Ikaraagklf
raasartrat elragglsi e naetet aa
la ear raaatnally larrcaalag
Latere f gaoe) rlgare will aa
llcr ikal we kavr a raa aiaele
especially far keeping elgara la
genre! eaaellllaa.
Oar aalra ef iMaeilra, Ike arw
wall NaUk, warraal aa la easlag
II la ike kral gaaaa la Ikr aaar
C'aate aaal eee aa, we will
alraae ta fc glslag aa law
lal Wrafkrr.
For coat and renin, atraw hata, un
der wear, hosiery and the beat fitting
clothing on earth and the lowest firi
ces in tho city go to McNitt ami (ia-luiha'a.
Thia is the laal week of the
lie school.
Abo Kalet is now engaged in lae
ing the cents.
Prisbj Hieardaosj has received an
(crease of pension.
The poblie school children tnrned
oat nicely on decoration day.
Children' day will b observed in
thu Congregational church tint Salt
hath and in the M. K. chiirrh one
week from Sunday.
lrof. Goady Rave talk, letting
fall pearla of wisdom on the almost
eihaustless subject "Teachera Aeso
eiation." Ulna Hill Leader.
Are we going to celebrate the 4th
thia tear? It seems aa if Ilcd Cloud
ught to be able to jollify once in a
while. Leu' hare a big time.
If you want weaving done call on
Was. Huffman, Red Ciond or leave
ordera at Caas. Scbaffeit's. All kind
of carpet weaving done on short no
tice. Just received the latest style in
beaded wraps. satiates, white goods.
Swiss embroideries, fonneinga, hair
ernamente, laces and all aorta of trim
mlnge. Mrs. F. Ncwhosse.
O. McCall, 1'etcr Srendsen aad V.
M. Coekrall placed the necessary ektk
els in the Big Injnn'e hands that waa
necessary to carry their anbacripUon
forward and ask the editor happy.
Ited Cloud onht to hate the cerne
iarr fenced n in deeent shape. As
it now stands it is an absolute die
grace to the coasanvnity. The eity
sheeld have control of it and keep it
Paring tha shap refori of tbaadrr
on taat Thursday, one wtrk ag", the
hoaae of Jasats MeNeU ol Oarfed
waa attack hy lightning and hodly
Go and See K. A. Handy.
Mm. It. V. Shiwy is in Denver.
Oon't forget the eircm nct week.
New baby carriages at . V. Taj
New dry Goods at the New York
lr. Penney ha returned home from
Latest styles in carpet n at V, V
Follow the crowd and go to Mrs. F.
A new line of picture moulding at
F. V. Taylors.
K1. Highland and wife wcrw in the
city this week.
For the latest styles in dry goods go
to Mrs. F. Newheuse.
Illack henrietta shawls, silk fringe
at the New York ator.
Sweet Orr overalls. All style at
MeNiU A Galuaha'a.
If yon want the best buy the vVhite
for sale by F. V. Tnylor.
It. V. Shirey, preidcnt of the Fimt
National hank in inthceant onhuM-
The nicest line of pattern hata and
bonnets in the eity nl the New York
Call and aee 1L A. Handy for prices
before building aa he will Make It It
your interest.
For the latest and cheapest headed
rajs and dress goods, eall on Mrr.
F. New house.
Anything in tha line of furniture
carpets, window shade, etc., nt lowest
priccaat F. V. Taylor'c.
Our black he ia the best for men,
women snd children. Warranted fast
colors at the New York Store.
If you aro going to buy n carpet
yon will save money and get the
beat by calling on F. V. TayUr.
The imported Alabastin, aold by
Deyo ia the Ineat wall Inish made.
Can be put on wood, atone, or plaster.
Mr. Gu. Latitcrhach and children
of Colby, Kansas, formerly residents
of thin city, am here visiting frienda.
A complete stack of millinery goods
in all the latest styles and lowest pri
ce and Mra 8 H McDridc'c New York
Dcyn is selling more wall paper,
better wall paper, nicer wall paper,
anl cheaper than any Irm in the
Marker A 1'srker han fitted up the
interior of their Mnro in a very nice
manner. This firm is doing a flour
ishing iMiinc.
Call and see Mrs. S. It. Mellride's
millinery stock. All the latcat styles
and novelties in hata and bonnets at
the New York store.
Joe Garhcr' old msre, NelP, one
that hr has had for many years, and
the mother of all his horse died the
dsy at an advanced age.
ItrmemWr that MeNitt A Galnaha
carry the largest beat and also the
cheapest line of Jcnns, eottonade and
worsted panta in the eity.
Baity I'otts of Itating son-in-law
of II. A.Shinkle, died very suddenly at
hi home la, Saturday, leaving a wife
to mourn hi untimely death.
To restore, thicken, and givt yon n
luiuriant growth ef hair, to keep tta
color natural a la youth, end to re
move dandruff, use only Hall's hair
Commenement eiercisc of the Itrd
Cloud public chr)l will be held In
the opera houe, lhi Friday evening,
June n. at which time Wille Other,
John Taller and Alei Ilentlr will
Iter Ham Small the sxtOd divine
will U here on the 1 lth. TiekH. 'J5
rrat at (.'oiling, Deyo and Spoke
leld. He will Ice-lure at the Chris
tian church. Our people thould all
come out and hear him.
Oura ia the stock for you to lock at
NeNIlt A fialuiha, The Clothiers.
Vo not fail to call aaJ see my slock
of window shades. F. V, Taylor.
Mi Sarah Ferry he rettifmsl to
Itcd Cloud after a prolong 4i ojnt.
Buy your milliner; goods of Mr
S H Mcltriue al the New York Store.
U. A, Handy will give you the low
est igure of anyone in town ou lum
ber. McNitt & Galuiha havo filled up
their additional room with a fine Due
of gooda.
The Nebraska and Kshmk Fsnii
Lnan Co. want all the good faint
loans they can get tt
Tho street sprinkler goes the round
again under tne management of the
city clerk. Good.
Loana made at low rates of interest
by the Nebraska A Kaitsaa Farm Loan
Co. Money ready as soon as papers
are aignrd. tf
Deyo is giving away lo ladles sam
plea of hi special odors, we can safely
aay they are the finest perfume we
ever "'smoled "
Featlterly A Aulls are still selling
flncgar and trantular juice. Call and
ace them. Good cider vinegar for '.'5
cents per gallon.
Some snide rope walker held fotth
in the city Tuesday ngiht and hy
tho usual fakea succeeded in gulling
our people out of n few nickels.
Our spring stock of hata aad cap
ia now complete, consisting of every
thing of the late design of nohbv
gooda. McNitt A Oam'siia.
Our l.t0 men'a shoes can't bo beat
in the United States. In butl-m.lsco
or congress. Try a pair, at Chas.
Schaffnit, Nov York Store.
UaWHt's llllla ratly rtMr at lllIU
pllta thai do not grip eu lu
HaaaU,ay lo take, af. Hold Coll
Ilroadnead dress goods in the latest
novelties, nsw and deairable coloring
just reeeUcd. We invite inspection.
Flease eall end eiamine at the New
York atore.
For your spring sulu either tailor
made or ready made go to MeNitt A
Galusha'a. On a tailor made suit
they guarantee a aaving of from ' In
$10 from any one fit in the city.
W B Good of Selma, Fresno Co.,
Cat. formerly resident of ltd Cloud,
and wife is in llm city Mr Good
used lo a resident of lirysn, Ohio.
where the editor ol this paper spell! a
portion of his life sticking typo.
If you wish Ut purchase a h o lor
your boys or girls thst will urnl the
wear and tear of every day u'g.,i"t
is made of honest leather thruUK'""'1
and on common sense lies call st
the New York store.
C. Wiener has, hy offering h
children' and women's shoe at eot
and I alow that priee. nearly ehfd
out the line, and is offering rr Ur
gain lo buyers if in need ol sny
shoes. His low priees " turn's
gooda can not be beaten,
"My daughter was greatly uoubltd
with Serofnls, one time, it we
feared she would loe her sight , Ajtr's
aereeparille hss completely rtored
hsr health, aad her eyre rt a well a
ever, with not a trace of srmfuta in
her ysUm."G. King, Kllllnaly,
Save Tour Hair
BY a llmly ur of Al ers lUIr Vlr.
Tltl rttttlw Iim isl a
4pMlri- It a Hi ") cl.rl,
at bailrir, a4 -rrtr lit tnt,
fall, aal mHj t,t tU hair
M I was raf4tr ""1tX lM vl
Est j h4t mini ! ,f t,'
nW ( Ayt't !! Vir xuj
irw tl.W-H ! tV"r
rtAnt m ru?l " M'ltla Ai-Irka,
Caaaaa CVntr. If
nmtmm sf I V sJI sr r to
e iw sl. An 4
walti. an fifth fi4. I
tkn mm Aim's Hair Vie" r
Kair grw
Tne vocal ergaaa are streagtheaeel
kv lk tu af Avtr'a ekrf eLora
Clergynsen, lawyers, singers, actors,
and public speakers find this pr pa ra
tion the meet effeHiva rewe4y for if.
rilalion and weeknae of the throal
and lungs, and for all effeelima the
val organs.
Mr and Mr John FoOf wrr nlloj
TMcfff ad ttroax
If hew saeavwaalf eow t" t
JlTm. Warns, fVrfMtiil, T.
! ar4 Anr IU?r Vl- Urn
ifaatrlr ; l bl It
i MM
- illiSiil mi 4rain tut tJU tait
It Is all I mmU 4rr, -t l-tV-M,
raw!; a artrir u itm '
Mrf a filHt " ) r
to inA lU Wr mf fs
Mr a A tUilf 'T'V I'.
fcUrikl, Mm.
W ttatibe Ajr' Hlr Vx't
-ekl jmn. a4 Wt tkrf it k
iava, ni Ut v '& ( (!
r.4,-iit If J Kf. Iti in
17 tv;, 4 , rikr, u-u
shatterrd. Fortunately none of the J um jVI werk to mnmrm the yruut
Inmate were injured. tare daih of their j.r,gt child.
Mr. Sidney McCague who has just ui. which dk4 utj d4n1r un
taken n pweitien In Cotting's drug Saturday af un of brstn fctrr,. ftUamarfawi 11 ski a? IfSsVala
state received a uUgram Tady' The- funeral occurred Sa4ay kfwrin BVLfl fllll VlafDIa
merwing of Ike aaddee) death of hie! at 2 oelk the sorrvwiew parent lljtfl W lltlll VlfWlf
l.ilu k MJ W lk.a.Ka lk ifHMthl lA thvlt hil nf ti wm
,-- '- "- -7 ' -- - I----.' V-r-" '" .---' I
It v h M-rtMt rr ppr,
prlMlrl) In lKU 11),
V r? I.arx t ,m4 In AU,m4M. '
l II 1U ik t
II All fur Ol.-n lnil aisiM M
AiM liwtn in tml if ,
tV Mtttan i h unk.iH.Mi lhl Or,
T. MU llll t ! OK- M.
iat.l l-e.
ilillfin ei4Uhtl
llr,(tf hl Iv'inhl ! tllrj
A ril UMwhw it
: clUI.IInc r.Juiun -Mr
(Vlf rjr Hit, fll KllhUttli
Vila I
WeHK l iJ tirtfnt thvi tsri llil4,
n'tr ll.rl irHMt
lbs I fch, ( in Uil.i Un.t,
AIM ll(tir f .i. tr.
tn rm llllAri. tbf Ml,
IJke ia.) Aur Mr. .
KBrh khafbia M lh frtU !
IlirU ! t wo tihU)
t lm Ifer frl.U v( riink, ihiw
llii(tll In ttdlutii nr.
lvll unlllKf -NvV)vafVti4 llhit
Uf .S.lli'li l.f (- , lii
Tli rtv !, r-i U lt lll,
h itiravt l ltlll ftk tltl lx,,t
n tiitiani lAnutui l imi
tlui Nlli l.ot li t-(i In Mur,
tdl lifl.l otii ftf n liljli
Alt !,) llllHilcl.iltiHi uMt.,
.Vntttktl.i Mlir,vll) ,,
tli lf t.MitHUa int. Ik lltr,
lltrll ilmnlt i7l (m i(,IMt,
Aty hi-il.r. ! Nll,irt tll
III Iiir4ui) (laUUl (lillnr
It UM ClOI'lt
the memorial verrieei wrte earritd on
uHtn a Urce actio Al on o'clock
the. roeeion, nearly a mile long,
f'irnietl on Ith avenue at I lie Inter
Juucllon of Wehter tlreel headrd hy
Cowle en tn it hand, followed by May
or Mrh, city council, atly official,
41 jnunu IsdU in elarge wagou, Gsr
field post, school chlldtrn, relief ejrp,
and clllaens In wgon, clo The
praceion, went north to Olh avenue,
wett lo Sewarl street, tuulh tn lUvl
Ion lreet and lliencn Id Woodlawn
irineUry where the largn throng wll
neoed the decutstdig of the oldei
grave by the G, A It llsllef Corp,
and little chihlren, with th usual
ceremonle, aflor which the people
returned to the cllj, and InUhed the
daja doing at thr opera houae, where
one of llm hct program that hasevtt
been given for mrmonsl services w
carried out, cunillng of speeches,
aongs by llie lied (.'loud usrlct, reel
tatlon, elj, tio of the featut was
the marehing of ahoul .'10 little bny
dreed up In soldier uniform, who
performed the evolution of the mstrh
in good tjl", with llorsce Spnogle
a eajiUlo, and l!rl I'ond diuminer
liiij Tlii feature di forth front
the IrrnU of the ni aiildler Hish)
token of sp total, al the elo of
which the cuittln f re drawn sid
p ruling llm (ioddc of Liberty,
Ml Gert'e I'ond, In u klilude of
utvlujr, lier l.tiiedlctiou lo the affair,
The (Smlde wstguitded hy 'ildlry
After an appropriate ong hy llieiuar
let the crire wre tlorcd ahd Ihe
Urge crowd c juinrJ
The idea ol the little tuldUr hoy
and the liltl Kill icptnliag the
dale sw original with ho Isdirs of
the VV. It (' and oa erlainly vnef
the very ht fsslurrs lo draw alien
lion. The littl girl wet U harg
of Win, Kamesand drawn to the cas-
tary by hi large team in wagon pre
pared epeellly for the orraiia, It
su innovation of lh rrxular ui
der of thing In ltd Cloud abd f r
sted a gresl dDl f fsvorshle com'
ment. Cpof, ih whole lh eld tl
dlrr and the Ml of ihe W, K. C
did thvaae Ifea grt cdil this yaf
In their herar,ct of Msnal day,
Ti by tho'..! try to u.ak esh s-
crediag )r betlr sad UlUr, eat ty
doInK Ibtlll the r.rhll arotiwnu
of sltittiw in th brsu of the
ruing gvt,ratlon thai ar to do a
Ilk rlt lo th vU soldiers wh
wait iske their pirt In ike cold aad
silent lossti a lh yssra rdl by. It
Is a well dtfid lt iLal la e few
ore year lht Wave lts will sll
hate peaaed ?, nd thtn th duly
of brvfag Memorial day will fall
upon the "oi ad daaghUrs f the
oU sldir t li, aad it hoU be
a pleoaoat dtl; t u, end 1'
nil lb Ihe U tot) f the a-sllU-'
field ahd f lh' wh gave ll lhM
w might ! f lL gielt n'
ttot o the nsrth; Th tl ctlWt
ra ti, lo rents t,M thUg, M
In tfter )tti lk j will IjII ta fi
tA lh 4cm( gfStfrslUfl felly.
ggaaBnT "i jfl ntaH
awaaswtar AJswswawL gaswawaV
swaBT swTswalralBwaBw! 1
gmwr' J wav BmW dmwm
Wc arc ready to show
ymi that wc have a Large
Stock of
Beady Made
Boots, Shoes, Furnishing
Goods, I lats and Cups
That our Clothing is giuir
antccd of the !cst make,
That it is of newest designs
That we sell it ;U UiKom prices, and will
discount all advertised prices on same quality
of goods,
That we make ALL KINDS OF FINE
CLOTHING to order in the building.
That we employ home labor to do it and
satisfaction guaranteed.
C. WlKNEtt,
New York
Keel llatae)' Urral '
IJrv Good.
Hoot iiihI
Shoe Store
Hunt Good,
Latent Styles
Call and ue us,
SfMMM, Hr"l a WKim 19 m
r '
m4 ! tU MM
hftimU U MaS tl
kfMifmf M twi
i Ik lAfc.4 H4 H '
idtM -
mt sail
, ik
tiss ssatp v mwmwt
i it im . t .'4 r at
lL lt-mt 4aaV
m u. wtti im mm Mra
vuUmm wtfc . rw t
nwtw S'iM.1 p l i
rmtftt mmtu tMlteiM Mi Ml
iwlillMlkl l4t(HI
eta a m, im - mtt !
In v vaan. ia
awavTvef wuesw.
t'4 4 i a 4f 4 eai Urn
awl),)HM4,ni Ml mi sMliSJ
a .
aT tM ta i
Luioe aeM a
im iMfMl
We tgat 4H utt tttH PPfiVl WW
aa gtaf
h etat mi Jaaw. a.
1 - - - - - raa
Mrtfc MI twrt a kS ! It
a H -lei 4m (Ma Re
i a, mm fjt " s weat
H tt t tUi wi mm sWe Muf
I'Un e4 m5
vt (Tm J-, Ah aw imam mmti
J,i,ak) , Ki m M W
fiiiiiiM..r) a
Hlir fms, i j
. .iMMMIlr !
4 swt- e ae ifimt sa i
it ( w f ? 'W raw
li MM MM1 kH( M UW
IseeVasasf Jala
MMwVaMi M4 4y,MH M
I. W ! (! WM W
I ttfff M.M ! NW4
4-e(vf t.MiMi
r TUaaeafe aae's
i. Igejfiv
Iwi ewar
e'siesf f T svssaesa.
1 e'eleek train and will he gone
aheai eae week.
frk4 in K4 VwJ n ilwie U-j
rewvemewt. j
gw. 4. C, Area- k C, Lst, Mas.
W tf wTMM4 rvtwr.
Mf, -lh IW'f i.d fr ffi'arskt
lUll h'ittfVlt lll l iKe'
) 14 fut4t vhi" VI -! J
d iWn 4m lh
4 di).( w ?itt iuj. ;
Th-y -w tlfi )jf U hfW J VJM
f hf aj tth s-lf !'. iifffy .
Chas. Sehaff'iiita
New York Storc.
Moin Hlock.
awamwaTaswawawa wawM
(swnw ease Caane
swBawtfaVemWwf wMgas saBaVMsVlBVttsBVjggw) flsaVwW (
sbfitd gwaffaVaswafsw swaawVawl BwswnaTawattste4 Wgfi"rt
naaiMswsanaV. ia1 e agg
-?- 4t.i, .,