Fy r-vv'r--;- f v i V- . ama Why rVJr f 'JV ffc 'tf $ 'bud h'4 .. c aKnl Prnarfetar. Frt1v,JNa, lift. TIME TABLE. Tim table Wo. H to Wee effect April TTrt.tMO WflSTH VIA llTM"l. Ko l.w, MMmicer to liMtlw leaves olrjrwptMn.ty,, . Ji e.m. No. 1st, frolalrtlolialnm dally " Itfenni. Wo. iu MMMRxcr from ,7 dally ei ceptmiwtay sttp.m. No. 138, f relctit from llastliijrs dally ar rlva ' I0s30im. RaBTVIAWYMORK. Sa. IA. aaMMumr la Mt jikmiib dally leavea I0swa,m. No. KMM(fir to Kansas City (tally 10:33 p.m. Mo. IS iMMemcer from Joseph dal- iramvc .. oiwini, no. m pattsnier irem Kansas wit arrives 7:jea,m. No. It freight dally except Tuesday ar . . rive . 3ilSa.m, No,wrrintaaiiyexeeptnunoay in p.m, wmtmovkd. . No. at passenger to Denver dally leaver . ... 1tV,.m. No. is passenger to Dearer dally leave . .. B;80p,m. No. S msasnsfir from Denver dallr .amyea ... . . iuhb i. m arrive Mo.i:b freight for Denver k-avestfal y except Hunnay 8:00 a.m. no, No o. IM freight f rmi Denver, dally ex eeptRandayarrlAe SiMp, o. in aeenmmnilatlon to Olierlln. m. rant Monday, Wedeniday ami Hattirriay. . A, OONOVKIt. Agent. BAIniATIOAI.ItV XrMKSNKa), (Written for the Cntr.r.) Corns, Ictrao tall yotistithln,' ami I Iioik) you'll read It o'er, Though I may not toll you ntilhln1 Unit ) oil nev er heard before. Tin about a couple Boar mo. nnd I Iiom that you'll hear me, for they nevrr any, , O, dear toot another audi a bore. They have a lovely baby, 'tlsawlusoinn little bairn, They An both nrccrwl that maytm tha Infant U'nt thalm: They endeavor to onnecal II, but I know they strongly fact It, for their aetloni nil revoal It, ns they're wildly at mo aUlrln." Rhe aaya the fault lahlsvn, lie drclarei Hint It l hern, And they both am fltfor prison nn they wllli hot ' anger burn. They stumble, halt and shimmer In their Kng Huh and their grammar-1 could lilt them with a hammer, and I would'nt care a durn. lie calls au onion, layaii, a.id nlw iuivs n biirgu- ler, It Is really my opinion lie Is luittai bad ns hur. They say they've been to callcgc, and have gut a heap of knowledge, luit I think them In their doll.oKu.und to tliviu I will defer.' Tbeywlllmy.loireniuiwlt.and mil ink yen how you air. At their dinner they wllfcliaw" II, ami they say a cheer for chair. If they bavo a bit of learning, It li now iulle pafttdlaonrnlng, and that's all I know concerning Iho educated pair. . , , ., , Kdoah Tiiornb. Lincoln, Neb. Tha Mat Question. The great railroad rato question tbal seems to be agitating tbo pooplo to a groat extent just now Is one that takes a aaiter mind to eolvo. It lookg to an averago mind an if tlio various companies ought o haul freight cheaper, mid still make monoy, but still a man should bo thor oughly acquainted with tho very gi gaatio business before ho can speak intelligently upon tho matter of wheth er tho rnilronds tiro churning too much or too little, therefore we believe Unit tho legislature in fnr better able to eopo with tho subject than the hoard of transportation. Of course the enxt of running n railway, is more in the west where populgtiou is lacking than - In tke east where it is mora densely settled nd for that reason some will say that the rate is nut too high, hut it does look to an inexperienced mind that the rato should not ho fully twice on Ugh as it is between similar points mine oast. Uf course wo nil want rate just ns cheap ns possible mid do Jwliee to tho.se who own the roads, ' aW the Virions companies will do well to heed tho agitutiou going on in the state and alleviate tho hardships as much as they can. The play of "lletscy liobhott" at tho Opera houso, Wednesday evening was a success. Tho piny was light eoatody and calculated to please all. The dramatis fcrson;s was well se lected from our best talent and oseh Individual pari was readsred in a sat isfactory nunner. The following are the aamea of those taking part Armr Higby, Miss Uoatie Lindtey Miss Nellie Adelsheim, Walter Curran, Miss Bess Beynour, Ellis Shirey, Hugh Miner, Miss Loua ilellows, Nisa Minnie MoAvoy, Will Yelser, Ooo. Newhouse, Miss Mollie Ferris, Kylsnd leiaer. The entertainment was for tbo benefit of tho fire boys and was largely attended by our eit Uses, r (lov. Thayer has revoked his cull for convening the legislature owing to the fact that there would be home qtivst ion aa to the legality of laws passed with out a full membership of both houses, there being Mivcrul vacancies that could not bo filled in time for the be. sioii. The eity board of equalisation ma t tha eonaoil chamber tha fare pait tf tha weik aid rcrcivei eeaiplaiuu I taxpayers on the assessment. It's IwUaffla, RURAL RUMBLINGS. XXWSY MOTtl IT couxsroysxMTi (JstMlpriina' Inlereatlncttema rrom ail m llns of t He County. WninM Creek. Wanted a soakiog rain. Will it ever eono? Tho Allianco at the Hummel sohool houso lies hung out it's bsnncr on the outer wall with tho following roster of officers: Presidsnt, Geo. Hummel; V. !., A. MoCall; Boo., O. MoCall; Kx. Com., 0. MeCsll. A. MoCall, S. Ilea ton. "This is the state of man etc. And when ho thinks good cany soul that his greatness is full suroly ripen ing there oomes a frost a killing frost and nips his root." A hopp look now spreads over tho face of Niok Iilankonbakor. A boy. When told of its arrivul Nick excitedly exclaimed "am I a father or a mothor" and when tho glad nows was imparted to him, ho swelled up bigger than a toad and said, Most any plug can liavo a girl but it takes a man to bavo a boy. Nick win excit ed and got somo what mixod. By tho tinio ho has been a father as many times as Dennis ho will realize the truth of Pauls epistle to liluo Hill, viz: "Ids a nice ding being a fardcr espec ially gedding ub off a epld vlntcrs nido and bouring oud Wfcgorio py moon tide. Ids nleo to dink dot do paby vas going to grow ub mid have do mumps, measles, colera infantum, ohimehauiii und dingi like dot to toko avay a mans' monoy'dot be has laid avay for St. 1'atrieln day," etc. Wo understand that Niok is now gayly singing that swcot old re fain "I'll namo tho boy Dennis or n nano at all." Oliver Downs has been boring around hero of lato for water. Oliver has a new soog that would bring tears to your eyes entitled, "Grandpas just smothers He tiny," Ho sings it to tho familiar t ano ''Backward turn back ward, oh time in your flight make mo a democrat again for tonight. Charlie Hunter is keen to buy oorn now at 22 ets per bushel. In some respects Charlie resembles Josoph that you read about in tho lliblo as in times of plenty ho provides for a fam ine. Don't let Chnrlio know that Donnis says ho rosemblcs Josoph at all as wo don't think ho is very badly stuck on )oe. In fact li" was once heard to remark "Joseph was a chump," Dennis read with interest the reso lution adopted by tbo allianoo that meet in tbo Hummel sehool houso and would offer mi amendment that the committee instructed wait on the Hod Cloud papers also wait on tha Hod C.'oud bunks with tho samo messagu. "Its but a stop from tho sublime to the rediculous." Dennis doesn't like to "peach" or slir up any "tipple" ol discord but it is tho "current" report that there is a ludy on Walnut that has blood in her eye and says that tho next fruit tree agent that strikes her place will bo treated to a "pair" of black eyes and tho watch dog will po instructed to take a "grape yiuo" hold on tho part that geta over thu fct.co last, There is a "struwberry" mnrk or tho moon Dennis called on his old time fiiond, Milt Lester, u low days agoou Alli ance business and was surprised to find him digging a big hole. Neigh bor Olmstcad happened along and Milt confided io us tho fact that it was a fish pond provided ho could get water to fill it and fish lo stock it. Out of tho kindness of our hoarts Den nis and Olmntcad agreod to furnish messing ingredients. Dennis fur Risking tho water and Olmstcad said he could furnish Milt suckers. Don nis has no use for water and Olmslead says he gets more suokera in his net than he oan uso. ws. !, i nayer mot witn quite an accident by tho upturning of a buggy whereby her arm was broken. Our assessor reports that sonio of our people soratohed their heads when they figured what their taxes would be. Just so and one of them at least politely notified Uncle Joe Holcotub a rd his fricud, Dcauis, a year or to ago that if thoy didn't vote for bonds for a new school house they would be "boycotted." Speaking of assessment. It has cone lo light that an assessoi not far from hero "averages" things this way. When he found a man with a bunch of csttle, not exactly up to the mark, say 20 head for instance, he attested ............. 1... ... J him with ten head st a good round price and wade things look better (?) thereby. This is a new "wrinkle" and we look to tho supervisors ta take tho kinks out of it. For further in formation address Dennm. V. 8. That man Olmntcad wMI bear watehing. As we left Lcstcrs ho gave Dennis a dig in tho ribs and said, I am going to load up tho Inavalo Al liance and take it up to Lcntcr ns my share of tho fish pond. JiieUen, Khhsim. Still dry, no rain, yet corn is hold ing on in good shape. Some farmers are plowing up their oats, others are wailing for it to rain. Hot wind, dust and somo dancing mixed in flccms to bo Iho order of tho day and night. Sunday sohool at Mt. Hope overy Sabbath at 10 o'clock a. m. Preaohing by Rev. Geo. Hummoll tho third Sunday in Juno at Mt. Hope at 11 o'clock a. m. All are tnvitcd to attend. Wo aro on tbo ovc "f a decided rev olution in agriculture Tho politi cal factions who had formerly looked upon tho granger solely as a thing to uso when his vote was wauled aro beginning to soo that tho farmo is fast becoming a power in tho land. Tho fact several astuto politicians aro etpouiing tho eauso of tho agrioulturo in tho legislative halls and that tho agricultural portion of tho country will cio long bo recognised in their truo station ns tho rcliablo support of tho nation, but tho question demands attention on tho other sido if farmers are being recognised as tho founda tion oh which rests tho security of our government. Aro they lilting themselves for tlio positions they may bo callod upon to occupy when tho new era dawns? Wo fear not if thoy fail to mako tho most of tho opportu nities they are as a rulo oontont to bo pushed to tho wall and their places usurped by men of push, if not of brains, to ourselves and in ourselves must we look for tho revolution which shall put us on o stronger footing rather than to tho machinations of po litical alliances, is notthogamo worth tho candy. Sil. i t'roas KoMdN. Wo had a nioo littlo rain 'hero tho past woek. II Tonant and wifo woro out from Hod Cloud to visit his fathers, and woro al mooting Sunday. Brother Webber and his assistant both were absont from Sunday sehool. Dceoration day bnssod off very quitoly in tho oountry T believe in tho observance of tho day in memory of tho heroic dcud. But why not the living soldier? Undo Sam should furnish each of them a new suit of blue and to rcoolvo in roturn. Let it bo provided that thoy shall bo on dress parado a couple of days and drill tho new to bo veterans semi-annually as it is many of the old vets look forlorn and forsakon. Come Uncle Sum if you oant afford a ser vice nor dopendant pension by ul means, dcoorato tho living limns with blue and buttons once a year. I would suugest that tho Bid Ciiiks go to making "muoh heap" 1'otlni for the faithful because theirs was the balance wheel that held thcold Union wheels in motion in the dark days. V. D. M. (JMrflclil. Dry weathei and small grain is about all lost some of thu farmers arc ploughing up their oats und plantiug corn. Tho Alliance has over forty mem bers and slid more applications to ho received, Frank Hull says his blacksmith shop hns not leaked this spring, ho does a rushing business in that line. Jo Taylor caught a catfish last week that woighed over 13 pounds. (This is no fish storv.) Whence come those shrieks so wild and shrill, that cuts like blades of stool the air, causing the creeping blood to chill, with a sharp cadenoe of despair Ah I keep still that ia noth ing but Isaac Ulrey practicing ou his violin. The Garfield Allianco last week bought ono ton of flour from tho lliv erton mills at 1.80 per, owl . Francis Houahin commenced his round Tuesday as census taker for this township. Provrssok. CJHltlr KtlT. Would it not be a good idea for tbo censuk enumerators of this coun ty to make a report of the population and amount of propcrlv in their res pective township lo one of the news papers of the county to be compiled ' published, it would make eoiudd- j !Lre. ? ''Iff . I ....v., -....j, " - K", us the bench! of the eenus which u. all piebability we wouM not get it in any other way. H. Ckoxton. NEWCASTLE. Nates front the Tnrt vine Cllr f Maw eaalle, front tke Pen r anr exrre man. PrtiKNii Hohmer: As you teques tod I will writo you from here. Newcastle is a busy flourishing plsco that can't bo lea1, by a town of its siro any where in the west. It hss forty-nino business houses and tho residences I have not counted but both aro in great demand. Quite a number of frame stores are being torn down and bricks will bo built in their place, Tho hills on the east are all bolng graded don n to the level and will soon be in great demand as resi dence lots. This is a regular Sunday sohool town. Sunday is just the same as any other day. I bavo not seen any one around here who was here for their health. Kilpatriek Bros, aro building themselves a resi dence on the hill csst of town that willl cost thorn when furnished no less than six thousand dollars. Oil claims scorn to bo in groat demand. All tho claims within ten miles of town are taken and still thoy go. Large com panies are buying up numerous claims for tho speculation and tha nrlee of them has gone off on a baloon excur sion . Tho big drill ia now down over MO feet and thoy say they an going IJOOO feet but what they strike a flow ing well. U is bolievcd that thoy will strike oil at about 800 foot. Natural gas has been struck at a depth of 480 feet in a way that shows that thero aro vast quantities of that ex tremely valuable articlo hidden down in the depths of the esrth under New castle. At the gas well you can hold a lighted match over the tubo and immediately a bluo blaso about 4 or & inches high will shoot up. At tho ooal mlno overy thintr is on tho boom. Thero aro two tunnels, the Jumbo and tho Antolopo, but at present on ac count of lack of men they are only working ou tho Jumbo. Thero is no sense iu a men saying be ean't got work here as thoro is plenty of work for a thousand or two more and thoy cannot get tho ooal oat fast enough to supply the demand. The mines are both lit by electricity and bavo a largo air engine for csoh mine that furccs the foul air out and tho fresh air in. The ooal that is found in thoao mines is tho finest coal for eoak burning that haa ever boon found is the world. At tho present time thoy aro putting up a large number of ooak lurnsoos which will soon be ready for uso. Tho people around there nave got a wrong idea of this country as mty tninx there Is no water here. Thero is plenty of water and as good water aa thero is any place. Tho water that is used at present comes ten miles, from threo miles above the mines, over tho hills to Nowoastlo KIOO feet below tho starting placo. The mines aro 1200 foot above tho town und only seven aiilcs distant. It is nil an engine oan do to push 8 empty cars to the mines and coming back with six loaded ones they set all breaks and let tho train slide. If you dun t send me that Great Family Weekly them n going to bo trouble around, Can't do without it. As I lit ink this is nearly enough for once and enough to make your tired also 1 will quit. Yours in N, J. K. Kksi.ku. A Marc Clmnet'. I am now agent for It. S. t'calo A Co's. idiuoii of I lie "Knoyclopedia liittaniea,' und cau furnish it at the extremely low price of 1.50 per vol ume in 21 volumes, delivered two each month. Cull and sco it. 0. L. Cot. timi. 3t Pnaturr for Horse nnd C'sHta. Wo bavo an extensive pasture on sections 8 and Oin Walnut Creek town- ship. Upland and bottom land, shado creek runs through it, besides two good well with tanks and windmill. Good corral for taking up stock. Smooth twp wire to pasture. Horses can be left at onr stable and we will deliver them to pasture. For farther particulars enqnire cf J. C. Holcomb A Co., Holland House Li very ' or Frsck Coulson at tha farm. Mrs S 11 McBride haa removed her millinery goods to tha New York Store in the moor Block, where she will be pleased to see all old customers and maay row oaei Her row spring stock is row complete, don't fail to ive her a call. hnv ausd ftev I'e. prices will always sell Low tke goods, une can see tats by going into Wieners. His stoek of women's shoes haa been reduced to one third the sise it was a month igo. j'lia piles of Clotkiag are being loweted rapidly, and ono can see everywhere iu the large store occupied by him, llut ho haa s)d a great many goods this seaxon. 4Ueod goods at low pri ces hv done the work, for niw. ' I nrtck rwU aui now tualinL' brick at my yard cast of Ifed Cloud, any one wanting good briek for foundations or chim neys, will do wtll lo eall on me be fore buying elsewhere. Prices reas onable. FaanK. Plimr. TnnnHnWM nnnnnnnlnnlnnraJmnnnnnnnnnnnB wi: aim: MHklng it Special ftulc or Watches or nil kinds, ut l lie present Unit, nnd ahull Special Attention Repairing Guarantee Work Prices Reduced I liavo juHt reemvod tho Latest Styles iu Beaded wraps, Sateens, Challics, White Goods, Wonted Good, BlurtingH, Hamburgh, Swim Embroideries, Torchon Luoen in all qualitieH and quantities, aIbo ' Novelty Braids, etc. Please call and seeme at old stand, Mrs. a Peering Junior Steel Binder TgCUMTEST WEMHT NMTHML MIKR EVER HARE. MmitktU'Vli . iim .ma mmMMamwWMljMKMW'MW'MMM nmnnmmnvti nm i nuffn-wrjjju , ":.mmiMM;MmmMMmiam t irwvs?' iiu itAiMijT-saBwfnBaBnaaaaBflnnnBBBwnBnBWBStfVManBBK' -.".,.., -.wi- mnjinakitMrzrrm. wAwxurt&irrrrM mfoHiHvm,mmvMibWl,lmnik: mllfil.ilRKtri.iktTml. StM Iftwi tt Hi ltaJaWSte awvtcntal rival. ttWlSMIWEKR tin Uadtr hi lis Glass. ntoDKKRlNO IMXIt:itTWIKma.tohyouralna lath bast la the world. Arlytoourni)ntaavutforIllutrtdCatataanwanitfWlIalmnwiloaorwrttrdtra us. Itch, manno, nrnl Hcratehra on human cm aalmalt oared In thirty minute by Wool furU't tanllary Lotion. Thin uTnr (all. Sold by I.. II. l)vu drutf Klt, itU Claud. IIKKftft UMUH. MaRufseturcd hj Win. ltroadluad & Sons, Janu'stown, NY, for sale at tho New York Store. For mothers Friend shirt waitt call on NoNitt & Galusha. A Car l,Ml. Haines the furniture man hss just received a carload of tine furniture at very low prices. ..... ! UsHlertMklaa. W L Haines hss added a complete line of undcrtakinc goods to his Ine stoek of fnrniture, that he will sell at reasonable prices. -II tf. ailtV Kerie antl l.ltrr I'ill. An iniH)rtant dicTry. Thry net on th Utoj, tlomncb nnd Uwrt though the !. K new uinclml. Thoy illy Mrs btllloune, lAd t.iMr, torpid liter rUMBBdroaWMion, 8v)rndid for men wemea arul children. KraahYH, mitdmt Croat. UOUoordi (or .'. cvuW. Sample frat U. L. t'ottiuu. Hear H'kal Pay. 1 do not claim to have the larccut slack of good in the Taller, bnt 1 do claim that I can cell goods cheaper than ant other man in the city Haines lie furniture man, tut side of VYbtcr street, ltl Cloud. -JtVir 'UMI I 0 ! T Mr. tndrr rU;hi inform u that the u cured ofchroule rtiutijlkii by DcVYltt' tittle early re:. Hold by Cot int. I 0.TIUE TO Otter fine Bargain rr neat Sixty Days Inapeet onr atoek and let m j give yen prlees. ynfimnV to taifis Red Cloud. F. Newhouse: amnv iMhmmK. nnnwaamnnnnnnnnnnnnmi WM, DIMING OO.. OniOnf) IH fwiit, Bitoifc Mt. Twjlty.ii (rhlrago and Kortarteru Kallroad.) Airltt. lravriL lMercrr i:Upn iojoil Atvum. and Frelgnt 3:30 pm 3iupi IIASTIXCiS TO Tl!K KA8T vU Noitucteni runt Arrtet OmUuS.-jrt.'pm, Chlr"7:0tv m.i iicariLDicacn.!l,iMSiiaiiaA ia; ar arnf ra ai naanns J:ai m Omaha St PaolMllwauka KaamUl city, ana an potata NOKTH, KA8T, SOUTH. WKST, Tbuolur line In lutiiiirm 'eink. Iittkota, Hot Sprtiir. Dm hiw-k HIIU. and I IVuInu M)inlD. Ihrujli llhrt ami bifsaxe rbrcknttn Oel unaivuo. lor re, Ham unlet etc, (alt w C, II. lUlCilrTT. Arnt, ItMUaia. St.i II. n. Huar. i; airi-H. tun !. Aceat.t Iii'u. nuiMsir, iuk Itrl.. ClrrM your lwth aad rtrlat yJ ootieu wtia u win ittw eany rii 8od by CuttlaK KtXtre. John Oarber will tale notiee iki onSatnrdar the 7th day of Jane, 18f 1 will sell one WbitcbM Stanag m. cume it yoc do not redeem nTr that daU. Kl. DeW'Ilt' Utile early riet far kk Wialie mud tor M by toWiaf ., It