The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 30, 1890, Image 11

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Pawaar aa4 raafwalaa la Ik tloaa IM '
Laat liar of IMiat on tha Tariff Hill- j
l ( tha Hill.
Wamiisoton, May iM. The hf la
th House yesterday wa a confuting
if not exciting one. The object of mem
ber on totU side m-cmed to l to out
trio each other In creating noise.
When thn House went into "ommlttea
on tho Tariff hill Mr. llaW, o( New
York, offered an amcndmutit providing
that all article on importation Into the
United Stata.. whether embraced In tho
frvclWtor thirwlv, shall pay no I rut a
rate of duty than may bo Imposed by thn
country ft export on like article ex
ported Irm the I'm ted State.,
Mr. Anderson, of Knna4. opposed thn
atnrttdir.tnt on tho ground that It would
place It In the power of the Canadian
Ifuvcrnment to regulate thn Urllt of tho
United State.
Mr. ltuttorworth, of Ohio, opposed tha
niendment and ald It would wreck tho
Interchange ot coinuusl ties between the
I'nlted Mute tind etery other country .
and would work a great, hardship u-n
tho people. He regretted that there ita
no opportunity to ascertain the consen
aim of opinion on hi own shin of tho
House touching tho bill. (Denei-ratlc
applaiiso. Thn Committed of thn
Whole had proceeded along the line
of the bill for a niimlior of day
and then the gentlemen on the
Committee on Ways and Mean h.d
taken tho floor and held It wlh amend
menta until nearly the lat hur, o that
amendment which other gentlemen
might dclr to aabmll could not have
tho consideration which wa necessary
to determine the concensus of
opinion wa. It wa not I xnl Unit thn
ark of thn Republican covenant wa
committed to a few and ho regretted
that there had not been that conferouew
which would eaablo tueculier to prune
thn bill.
Mr. Wbeelrr, of Alabama, apoaliwt to
thn House in these cloning moment to
adopt tlie amendment pronHid by blm
to gradually reduce duties which wero
In excess of .'it) per cent. Iln said thn
Increase of MO per emit, in the tax on
hops would be norUm Injury to a largn
class of InJuMtriou and Intelligent iter
man population.
During this brief discussion the Ileus
wa in a tnrmoll. The demands of tba
chair for order were unheedist.
In the midst if the confusion thuhmr
nf noon arrived and (In accordance with
the special rule adopted, and without a
vote bring readied on Mr. linker'
amendment,) thn committee arose -and
rortcd the bill to tho House.
Mr. McKiuley demanded the predion
question on the bill and amendments.
The lMnnorir! demanded the your, and
nay and tho prevloua o,uentlow was or
dored yean HI, nay 14.V Mr. Cole
mati, cf Louisiana, and Foathepitono, of
Arkansa. -toted with the I lemooratsi,
mud Mr. AfliimK, of Illinois, and Mr, Hut
terworth declined to tote.
The amotitlmcnt were then read in
detail. The Hmt amendment on which a
ieparatn vote was dom.tndiM twin mm
changiur the phraseology of tho tin
plate clntirw:. It was adopted by thn
narrow margin of l.'.O to UK
The next tote was eijually close, but
thl time tlie llemoeraU were irlorlous,
the amendment living tbo duty of Juln
yarn at tf er cent. lelng -defeated--
yea, 14i; nays. III,
The nmeudment providing that thn
duty on woolen and wrtsl yarns,
xnlued at not more than SO cent er
jsnind, should lm ,x and one-tialf time
the duty imposed on a pound of tin
washed of thn tlrt cIum and n.
ier cent, ad valorem, wa rejectedyeaa
1.17, nays 1i. The bill tor flxea thn
duty at talce thn duty af tlwiiiuwaahod
wool of tai Erstelas and 35 fmr cent,
ad valoreai.
Tho lt-rnbllran wh taJ, with thn
m-mocrau on tho wool and worated
good and yarn amendment were: An
deron of auantaa, Comatock, Ielllter,
Dunnell, IVatheratone, Flick, llrndrr
on of Iowa, Kerr of Iowa. Iaoy, l.lnd,
htruble, Sweney and Taylor f llllnola.
Tbn aawn4ment provMing that on
woolen and wonted good, and all man
iifacturer of wool and aorsU-d, not
otherwif vswldrd for. valued at not
mort thaa thirty cent a asmnd, thrre
hall he Impeaed a duty of three timet
th duty InavMed on a pound of tin
waahed wool f the flrt cl and of 40
percent, adralorem, wa rejeru-l yeaa
14.1, nay 144. Thl leave tbn duty at
twice the duty on unrahed wool and 40
per cent ail valorem.
Thn amendawnt to thn paragraph Im
poalng a duty of &0 percent, ad valorem
vn all manufaetureN of llk, not epsll.
ly provided ftir, providing that all such
Manufacture, of which wool or hair of
tk) camel, goat or other like anlmala
wa a component material, thould le
claaalfled aa maaufaoturea of wool, w a
agreed to yea t.VJ, nay 142.
Tha vinegar amendment adopted In
Committee of the Whole waa agreed to
yeaa 1V4, nay 1.1s.
Thl wa tbn lat amendment and the
ragroaaraent and third reading of the
bill having been ordered, Mr Carlisle,
of Kentucky, oftYnsl the following
ReanlvrH. That lh xnMnt bill t reotn
Mltteit to ! Cotnmlltr on War a. Unt
with Iniifurllon to report the rnr lia'k to
Im lI'Mt at lb rarlft jrvblr dir
mmmlrtl by lubttltol' or nhrrJ I" t
lnr lb rnvrao of tbt (oivrrtirarnl br r
aarlac lbbun1rno( lataliten ll.a r-otl
lar4 f rlorlrg IIh dutlr by lnr-i
rohllltorr rain o( taiallon ojur lwurlx)
The reolution u defratsl, yea.
140; nay, IttO, and tha bill then p-d
by a vol of lrt4yea to 142 nayv M'-sra.
VathrrUae (Ark.) and (olrun (1--)
voting with the Wmn-rtA.
ate sf lb 'rrum.
Sun Yon. May -. J A IL S-IIg.
tnaa. who re pre at the eontrtd of the
M. lioaia t San KranHwo, ute that
tja formal announcement of the te of
tavn eoatrcl of the rod to tha MnU Fa
will jwohably not be made lrfore Mon
lay. Prealdent WnJov, of thn i.
I!a A rtaa Frnci-., oyt that be will
rtlre froaa the pf-tldrwy of lie roal ia
bwat thre mlr. He 1U then ft to
Kurope and ka at prraent no letentioa
of returning to tb rallrovl f.el4. Hit
baa rsrn at(tly enggvl ia the mat
agrmrct of the rV.lrua for ovrr tnty
flvw year, and ay be tallica t U av
ltd to a Icng twTCaV -
ater Wlla' Mill (o Mt IK Raeoal
lrBa l'af ltlalaw Hlxmn i U tha
W.inisnTtsf, Mar 31. The Senata
yesterday afternton took up the bill rr- ;
ferrtsl from the Judiciary Committer.
ub:tlng lmportd liquor to the pro
visions of the law of the several Mate.
Mr. WiUon. of lo. who hd lntr
duced the bill In the first Instance, and
had afterward reported It back, ad '
dressed the Senate In explanation and '
advocacy of it. Mating that It wa mad
neceaaary by the rtvnt dcc.alon of thn '
.Supreme Court on that aubjecu It wa
a r'jin to the xucgeallon contained
In that decision thatCongre tMuld per
til it thn exercise of the restraining
Vower of a Stale, and It wa for tho pur
pose of giving that permission
that the bill had lecn introduced
and rexrted The effis?t of It
would )m to leao each Mate In thn ,
I'nlon to determine for Itself what It
policy sbould U lu regard to tin1 t radio
In Intoxicating UiUorv I'nder that de
cision of the Supreme Court the State of
Iowa could not pre to nt the cltlien of
other Sutev ir tho sublets f Oreat
llrltaln, France or (iermany from aonJ.
ing intoilcating 1 iiors Into ln and
having them told there lu the original
pckngc by agents. At the ptesent
time original package aaloon were Im
Ing organlied III his Stale. The jutek
age might lx a pint or half pint of
whUky or a keg or a Imltle of leer It
wa to pil a atop to such practice and to
rvcognlte In etery State the jmwer to
regulate Its own Internal police that thn
hill was resirtsl.
Mr. Vest aald that a a member of thn
Judiciary Committee he had not IwHin
able to agree with the majority in re.
porting the bill Ix-cause It would sweep
away the eicluslte jurls.cllon of thn
1'iilted State otorlnter. Mate commtsjre.
Tire Supreme Court bad dclded em
phatlcally by a majority of It Justice
tliat alcoholic lluiulant werean arttcln
of Inter-Mate Coiulilt rco and that thn
;iwir to regulate couiuien'e among tha
Mates and with foreign nation was an
exclltslto )Mer testiM lnlottgreiei by
the Constitution The intimation that
Congress might delegate to a Stata
that power was containM In a met
obiter dictum of that decision. He (Mr.
A'enl) couleiuleil that It could not
done Tho Supreme Court had decided
that the Htwer of Congress ot-er Inter
State rommrren was an excltilte p,iwer
and could not Ihi delegatod. If it Could
I Ui delegctid to regard to fle artlrle of
merchandise (alcohol). It could Ihi dob
' gated a to any other article wheat,
corn, rye, oleomargarine, vU Aath
Senate going to make that new de
parture? Wallon a mere dictum of
I tho Supreme Court to down thw
barrier of thn Constitution
Mr Mcl'hernonaskisl Mr Vest wheth
er the right to Import aa article implied
the right to sell It?
Mr Vest replied In tho alllrmatlte,
and (pioted from thn dx'llou of Mr.
Justice Matthews, of the Supreme Court,
III thi case of Want against Maryland
to that ofTeet,
I Mr, Hear argursl in fatorof thn bill.
If the bill were not within the legUla
the power of Congress Oo-ri there wa
no more miserable Nation on the far
t of the earth than the i'tilt'sl State.
1 lie siipposisl that there did not exist a
community anywhere whore the danger
of H)rmitttng the unrestricted alo of
Into eating lbiior was not rcciignWi-d
and guarded against by publb' authority
, Mr Ldmunds remarkel uisin It a a
very curious ami Interesting clieuni
stance that a condition of thing bad
INen rra'-hrsl where, an-tirdlng t tha
debate and according to the Judgment of
, thn Supreme ( ourt, the State bad no
j power to deal with tlm aubject ami Core
i gre had notiwer to deal with It. The
1 r'ult was that thep wa in every man
In one State an Inherent, Individual,
peraonal right to carry Into any State
what that State might eonsldrr in Jurlout
to It nafety, there to oell It, ami that
Congres had no power to stop it and thai
the StaU1 could not aUip It Hnlea (.otr
great gavn them that prnw, It wa
I only neceary U tate atich a pro.
' tlon to ahnw that omi.w here, either la
the Supreme Court or In the Senate,
I there aa a fault in the logic of aorn.
UMJy. lie aiU not lre over lTuaoeJ,
wr put In a Imx, by what thn Surem
Cavurt had aald. It might change It
oaimlon next year ami mj that the ml
ahould l the other way. II did not
feel embarrassed by the fact that th
Supreme Court hail taken th longest
temver taken within a hundred year
In t republic tuwart) the eenlrallia'
tin f pijwer Jtnewhere, either In thn
Supreme Court or In (ongret. Iln did
not believe In the rentraltaatloa of
I ;s)wr, He toileted In lu M-gregatioa
' and aeparatlon In etery n'rieet.
I Sre-aklngof the im;rtatlon of Intoi
' Icatlag ll'iunrs Into a State Mr, Kd-
, mund claimed that on they grit there
they were (whether In thn hand of na-
i tlveaor not) iubjct to State law and
' that waa what the Supreme Court of the
United State would com to wjtbln the
" next twenty year. It might ! that
i that would interfere with the reirnu
of thn I'nlted StaU-a. but the power of
the Tnlled Statei to regulate curw
i metre and levy tai- wa no
j greater within IU J.bern than the
I fiver of thn State to deal with the
pemmwllUe and th conduct of lu
people althln their phere Jloth
tr were tuprrme and eh ta-1 to )
rxertl In luown order Thr(onUtu-
lion had derlarrsi that Congre thoald
, hate the power to regulate romtnerr
among the State and I ft to the SUte
the pnt Udeal with the oVj".U of
cotorr.rrce afUr they got there.
A aieerr J4e.
, Vinwnr.n, I'a, May 31.- At meet,
lag nf tba eteentite board of tbn I'ltta
burh Trwle Assembly a r-lBtl'm,
wbirb will ly f-rd-l to )reldeat
llanison. - pxvd. vtkltig for th r
moral from the t-teb of Jbdg Jr-j.b
McKlnnaa, of th L'nlu-l Stales Qrrxlt
Oxsrt. The chArg I that b lpt a
, tl frt of the Ue will -artsg tha
I Jeaete rae fcer lat week. "Fbli U
the rate in which Chaicbr and McKe
I ere fosiad not guilty of th cbxrg f
Ibringiag fofe'gs glaar'arr vit
eon tract to Jaaatvt I'a., So Uka U.
film fit Ulkfa
A AltAw ! Ttl lrrk Mv a
livlaht Nr , tl ta(l,iw t
eae mt I'aaseniviw.
KwsvsCitt. Mo, My. The n.1
Cago A Alton limited lsenfer train
a wrecked at the ti-iurl linj
,-rvsslng, a half mile netlheast o( Shef
field The wrtvk was -amssI by a e4
llslon with the engine of a Mlwri IV
clrt.' freight train.
The freight train, oulhwarl Isuind. '
stopptsl Imfore reaching It, then trtil
again, the engineer bating the right ot
Kye witnesses to the dlter d
that when the ChJi ago ,1 Allen erossl
the lllue bridge U o running at the
rate ot forty miles an hoar and made no
effort to stop, but datliisl through t
full pcJ. The rate mut hate Isw-n
IremendoM as the entire long train wa
i-rrlisl wst etrept the 1'hIIihsHs the
ttssind one (rm the nr lmg strterV
alsiut the mlddln b) the liolght and l
most demolished
Three IV.Uman cars left the trrk,
rtdbst down the embankment U4t ten
(ret, smar-hltig the ear slid furntttire
Thet were pnllisl oter on the lde tintll
all the Car wee clear of the other
track Tlie track waalmdlv torn wp tnd
the freight engine was a pelfisfl wns-
Kliglneer II C Welch of the freight
train and his fireman, w hen lbj was net liable, Jumptsl, there
by sating their lltev the call was
-oiuplt tely wrf'Vsl and In ueb. a
manner that no one Could hate )een In
It and llttsl,
' The frtilll end of the Utller w as broken
In, tho boiler kuoeked off the tun Vs.
'the cab totally wuh-WisI and the atlis
The Pullmans were bottom side and
o badly smaslMsl as to m useless. .M-
, lliiist 1 00 people were III them, bill not
one was killed or etrn dangerouslr In
junsl 'I he most badlv injlirisl were Mr.
A II Iteetes, U'J Monruit street, ( Ml a
go, Injun-d alout the head and limbs
Mr Mr Morris. Milwaukee, M ,
head cut and hnilod, New Ion Fry Kan
sas t tv, Itan , leg broken, ' C. t op
land, t hlcago, I'vtlt hurt aUmt tin
b,ty ami ti'Ks V Vlurpli). 1 1 rook
Held, Mo, hrulM-d,t Hamilton, tatir,
Mo., bmlaesl, A li toss, Chleagii,
brulssl Tom Truv ' bicagu A Alton
engineer, hand mashed
baitla t IUItesa4 Inks Itsxl Xl.rlr s.o
iMas" ww tlir tt riMsa l,l.
I K N1tSCltt. Mo , Mat M The elll
plojes of tho g lit ral olltceo tho Santa
I'o at Top ka are In any thing but
hupp) slate Hi January 1 last, tlirt"
bating ln-en no Increase In paj of i in
plotes for some yearn, simn twenty tlti
to thirty of all the employes ret-elte.)
an adtanee. This increased salarrwal
paid ibrm for the month of January
Febiuary and March, Hut In April
cmne an order from President Mantel
lht the pay rtdl l r'slorN to the
amoiints paid prior to January 1, and
that the oterpay nrolted by employe!
durlngthr. first three months of theyeai
j iedsluclsl from their April salaries. A
j a eonisUefe'o the employes atTn'k
are In tery lianl Hues anl are In Any
thing but a pleasant slat" of mind te
ward the matingemr III of the fos.l.
I How th" order work I shown In the
rase of seteral employe In the isen
ger department, who had len lerelt
I Ing VUi a month January I their pay
. was Increased toll,. The order rmi
I d them to re tore the ". siirpllis..ii
, ri-eelted out of a salary ilucil to M
month In other woltls, they ri-Celte for the work they did In April,
and will ifetonly tl. for the toll of the
prose nt month Very naturally they
eonsldrr the order a an outrage
A Hanaw (ilf 4'oa4iial I Uik Mit Ilia
Kmwloier -t va.awo ! kls.
Ks CUV, Mo, May J One tuHf
trusted employe ha Joined the tgUm
of fugltlte defaulter and oulrage-1 Ihe
confldenee rt'jKM"-!! in him by alrallng
thousand of dollar of hi employer
money Thl tlmn It I F.lio Allen, lale
confidential rbrk for the Austin rn
pany, an Kngllh Inteatmrnt ro(r tbn
with office In the N-eurlty building at
Sixth arid Wyandotte tri-ta, and th
amount 1 tUu.utio. Although the em
beixlement waa ratrated on Monday,
May I'i. It wa not until the following
Thursday, Maj that Ihedlwjtery
mate, ii that Allen had three entire
day in which to put a whoeotn dis
tance between hlmlf and parutU T
I ateal wat rnot arfutly and 'Ulll-r
I ately planne.) and wa eioeuled with a
I runitiniiriit finish The only thing
that rauae wonderment, ald from th
klllfulne of the roblry llef, waa
that Allen did not take 91 Iftn lnlead
ot Jo.O'lO, for be rould hate obltlried
tho larger turn Jul a rally a the
mailer Hy ronsldrabl man uterlng
be aucsd"! In hating ll money
plareii on dep"lt ubjet U hi chk
Th' rt siifnj It I aald b ml
I y with a woman. Ill wife afel
child are destitute II came from
K'ansa thr-e yar ago
f!hlwa itnrmt,
Ol rnait. Ok , May IX liuternot
Steele aritr-d her yetterday mornltig
on aa extra train at four url-V
Th eotnmlt' of fatbrie cltlier.
faltd t meet the Ihmkm at ArkaA
aa City arel ItturU to the urpri'' ttf
terybo'ly ha entrl the r4tal rity
aloar. The titnrrtmf tA stra! gen
tlemen r'.,rnd in a )")! train V
hant the ctntnlbi Atirt trip uf
twr Louri the cotritnitU IumA at
Ar'ans Ot; arvl ti. ytnf iHimI
U) ttthrte abf-fe tL tU gate tt
(otenVT a Wfllal frstp)'n
it-sal ai.f.
( ivrtv art, May Xt A tnieU frrrn
HamllWa, (i, yv that n-r Me.
Jn4 alnt w.ldrjlhi Jt Mrls.1 kMii(
woman en live Utnl-i train "k.
Ufl flilcagw laat rtnrg td fwj
alet fcr nlt fats-rd tt ttL-f &t
f th rIUfcg of lb- rar t ihr' t-T-lf
i A svnfi a lJL jr v ifltrws
rr-1 tt trJ a tUiyfL itttxtS.
ebt U'V a4 tbe eivaa lwu )t,
.! (,1 itr Sa p. Imi br (s
tlfit V MfeeiKbaU ox br rn.
' M w tt 4rtV trw wkit'ty
1 UtU (A ttve Car, 14 w k-d Ut tj
2. ba-S v ttUvt 1 (Au.lhi.hiL
II Ma Asi.Im4 HM Mat a4 alatw
lain Mm Vh !,
The old. ntasty tramp, with a t(
hhldrn bt a fittlT Uarl, ml a lrtHHte-
lr gtrtfer tnillr, I na lenfer clel i
as the ideal lgar of thnw medrrn '
day He Uled riding on car, and many
were the Cfot tin hebtoketn alighting,
he tried the country nagous and In re
tarn fer hit proffered eompnj- teelel
rurfellesi ap (mm the ItofV'whlp. At
a last M-sort he tiok charge of the hV
lorl horse, imnrsl owl l die.' ami I
cMn'pelleit him to carry the tittup
weak, insultot rn oter llm wide J
detNaln aliollisl to the "gypsies "
lnef these ideal Ump tltlte.1 thr I
t b-inlty of SowthHrt. He o nol lne,
but loted o( a wife an I tear rhtldrert
irM ti a siiu aivi o.r rniwM-n
lie. at he ld, dllsvltf (row
a. where he lot M.iMln "tww '
and Cam
UV Whom
mentht H1 thirty dte dy " He M ;
he went ItiOVlalowoa by the way el tit j
mara inn, .tn.i iii iii'n uw
two polil I lirle Sam' sUllel sue
drawn up In line, and the emigrant
had to Cite them tlMl C III pof hAad
U't.oe Ihri were allene,! tepass ' Mr
I our a itamp sfn. wsttally ftnitid en
gatepoat. and ustsl In this way l desig
nate the losii sloplxl for tko winter
III the fiKotl of a farmer nhte.l Webb
with the Intention of Csilltetliof tlit
wild wit Into a Deld of Cowing grain
Kind ttrthtsr tuptdiod lsMrl. no
Ho rtists stores, saw slid ether Ihlnfa
UOf-taty to il "Ideal lumie. For I
oter two month of this winter Mr
' I our" and family drf)sl the wind and
rain and nrter lost an opportwtillj le '
. I"'!' !
Cneof the family w at sent on W( j
fling tour and meeting with tuisll tue j
lis. Hie tltlln Imi; sstd that Ml ,
I owl's" grndpare w re eommc to I
st them, and walitisl sHwn appb to
tii.vlo some pies he get the fruit, bwt
the tlsltor lieter Callie ,
Mr Four" was trry lndilrlei, aiel
III a little oter two mouth, with li j
assarice as be trot, let flte eords ot I
wisl , reirtor ealled on lh- family
tl.i' olhi r day, and insde an eugscr-meitt
Iiimci them ajrlh, but like the . trail I
llo-v -'folde.1 Ui. lr tents ahd l)ililly
slule away " i
Thn nelfhUir J-alheHsl arieiwl Mr
lours' retldi'liee aridtleweil lh de
erti d n-sU Iln.. fsrtner. a h gMl
mi a eakng stole pel mi hi saw
aid I 11 l-ds.l pp.-l If I II 1-. losikf-d
SC1U iollaliaM.ts Sews
WINdft AND KllUlf.
1li Mll I II IIUlisl..l lip
; I'irllr simiii,
'I hre l really a tatt dlfferrnfe, a) '
' though many of il are rather spl te
mistake one for the oilier o t tti
frtHitent either that the UlW in UVr
llieiuseltes for llig. and alliiapt loflt
flight which end in prlpllo.. and
' udderi diiwnfall 'I he Cnar. Upper
air Is Ihe natural Vrhifaf of the wnis
while the at I Its art' naee 11,11 ntomil
they am lemoiiut from lorra flrma yet '
, iheeynriol trained to ube ilrfMM et i
, tlieakuremniil often fall to dlserrn le
j turen tlie height wllllh Ml y ! ol- I
. tain's) by the wliic. without ioii-mii
elTort, and the painful etertiun of th'
.stills Hue aay painful eitltlortt ad
tlw-lly lor
All .fliot, I a WU.
IIhI li4taiu,a i,iH livw t"
A s.l t an UU.f
Tlouble and dls.ohl and palnf ls)o
ll in the toglon mii, to u, uli
but when the wins are 'M'H1 ti
, all higher erow th of which 'li tricl
lii.illori la ly ptral I an i hli n ment ol
thesplrll when the Mliitrs are .liietid.
I and the higher space aru oin-i to iHir
tlsinn, harmoni uis'rl dla-ord, hap
pines ernwils out all remeinbratie ol
trial Till I the leottm of HI l,
rise not on stilt that air limited to'
I earth by matetat things, that ar- uti
certain and unrwlltldn but to rt on i
J wings, a lyefle.l ij faith, ant line
I and courage, arid aaeelni- of spirit
that not only eudureth, but llterYfitnrtb
all llinllatlnna and all oltal a,
V rl lli IWIss thai aft af est! (l
Hi wkst Kst HisilfM ut sst sa
IX )! pii.1 i!4 s. ll. imiw lit!.
AM It. tsdtslsli! '" I-! " .s')r nol
'lo tilur I the flrtt tp, rrhp
a preliminary and rudimentary lag of I
life, but to iterom a enthlrg far
more, and It I only that faith and t-it
ag which ran overeom- whkh 'an .
tranaiuuU- stilt Into wing that 1 th '
attprem shUtwrtifWt of llfr btUm
"IM you m th laat lamlaattirft'
aid a Senator Ut a ralber rapl-l n. i
Well, er no I dHa'l t i,l; p I
it I laid down my haft-1, a It -( " ,
Washma-tou 'ot,
C'AIIIJl'-ttilet.'s-a I A w I rt
tl,!. !,' llMO I Hi m I rl I
atlt II I) '
. II'HJ J.-M . rlMil kf f 1 s u I i'l '
IIUt- I M4 M Mti
. I aaft si tl
run- sj , f, t
(lal- a i rs.
, air- a i ;i,at
ri;t a r'i.i, i-1 w im I
; a at t
H 4 T-- ltU4 ia iw i
rTtr.a W, rfUM); ! '
riti rsii . e,'
lsjltt t l I
H 1 SI f
I li , a
T l't'l,
( irrM. ifii,"o
t ) i im i ia
rr,a rk0 i s i v,
iin.r rm u, .tc , t
rin rt-', i ! ( i
IlirU- lH t4t wr
riaa n i tu tttt
iy h . r " t
ayr.- . i !'
in K-tr7 Mi
iaa. tl w if vi
I riir;(
rtTTtr--vi j.t nf im i n
M'l !''- IU i
MM' leitoist. i m v-
rwi a. wt , m
"rit-t t si -,
tl , ) tl M
tiat i .
! I i a
crti.-- n
A. J J "t
tr ttiaa..
r t7Tt-T s Ut j kit. Ik a t
' ll" -sul tuvi I tl m J
f f a. rt lIVM4 , I t - av I i n m f i
( ta t l l m aiv
f)7t- mtru .! try
M nrX-ritvo ft m i
' i U ' f II m "
--'ml y yiyKm am.aW aTaw A
riflalmrd lh Chief Juilbe, ms.ii -i..ig a t-si,!, whU wtlklngibiwn INntV
Atrtmc whli a ftlrn.l, "Uhal an eifriUnt Judge ok.) h ldy wh hf
rli.lllte tar (ntigbl the iltCM vf b ( tiirf JuttKr Hew many n.n mtgM
lrt-rle tti li a rompllmnit a lite bot ihy not prftlur rvbtit of
the rl.alliK Ihe ilhr t t talon o highly, and wd eld slu" lbif lime, bg
functional lrrrgitlarttl and wraVnes jv.-ut,r lo tl.rlr 'tw iwtt Iba
bbsimef yiiiilb may l inlet! by lb use el a rmslt avkh.,g., o V
without an eouaj lr Pln Ftoilie Pivtvilptbut ll U lb mily mIUin
for womii gaartaterd I i aalitfattUa, u .trry cat, ef nwiny rfwii.i.
lUad patulrtl gitataiitee en lw.tle.w rHr
4 aa lattcwrallag loalc, H Impstyu itrmgO, j V, ,,, p,m, )'
itnworkfd, woniMiiit," "ro.,.w,- .ubltiiaUsI, i.UIIr. dfa
tnakir, rainitivase. hi girl," iNHiirb r, iiurilnf nietbaia. ml rhlay
woinii grtirrally, Dr I'lntV Fatmlu FrTsvflptUn l ih gtUt Mfttr
Inain, Itlug iliie.ilr,i at alt p-Mlilig loftlUl ami lnri lonU, eg
tteugtb.gltrr. It ptooipll, rtltrt liaiut( li.dlfr'lMK blivalto wb bvb,
iiritom pMMiratbm, ilrbtllly and tlreplrinrt, h U rtivfully rtaiMifilsl by
an rti-erlnirvtl and tlllltul pbyilrlan, and lpll ,i weotan't dllr! nfgvHV
ration Pui'l) trgr table and jsrfivily brmb In any ondllhot f llv tyvlrtw.
A a toothing and alfvaglbralag awrila, ' Fiette l'vrl(.Hoi. li nil.
ijualrsl ami U iitlubte lii alUng and tulwlulng icryttii rtrltaMltir, trrllabll
It, rtbuutleii prottialbui h;(r(a, -in and olbrf dlilrtswtKg, (ivfvtma
ayiiiptoim. ititumeuly allcivdaril u-.ii luiill"lil tnd tirgxtfK; Htr ll
lleliliN. ivfrihlif lrp nd ivltovrt hidiltl autut) ami )wmlriry
l.pitlir va,. ttosie iiraiai Maee'ii iHimi fr.W(.
' " I Haw
XiTaVV PftMly
mIW IkauisaU avA
. ,.Irw , ... m V!'-t -( mmmfww f ItJWSBJ g-T S wlW4Jl
In lake 4t ltM, awaya) a,i,a atsass lv, M, Waataia
MIIUw M4ak, twawtlawH!. IwlgvawioH, ill AM ha, a4 ai
iWtWiHsiU ui Ik ali-e. a't lw ft .! l 4t-
lyiMiw mwriiV Mill
I l . o 'l.l 1, iMMMrtl!
jj Ih i . li,J ii I,m e- enr'i
ll h iii.iw.,. KWi,
SHOE rn KliVaaa,
A A xmu
I ) , f !,
. ! v 4
.i i - ,.s. KoMOMtto. Me
.VMuTVi?' .. -
"Oh, 8o Tired!"
Hi cry
of thouMnda
vry tpfinff.
Tor that Tlrwd rtwllnff
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
and rcovr
tlwalth and VIor,
It MakM
th WmiIi Strong,
PrwpartMl by
Dr. J. C. Ayer A Oo.,
lJW4yll, MaM,
nr -.
., . ,... ... -j
i -, m .
I wv !, w ItaM l
I k0 St III,, l M
l.fiii -
a i ,
aawBaaawaasjaaWsaP ' ' - sw
, tt !, .- wiawal
i trv, a . r, .
iMlMaira., iHulMiaMMJaaOTrtM
III- "I" iw9m0mmt imm1 '!
a --,. a.rsvHwaaVaavaaml
, tttmfmim,m
MwoiHMt iihfMowi
mom . m a ,ii m
)M.Myi.Mlv,M,ii Mmw,' ,!
.- irvn w i intimia,
4JBT asawV ' rt w twawg
' V. ,aBif V .ataMaV I
tfrm n:u ... t. s.h w.i a a. -IBaTVBaaaTi a av
fWs- f kf.aj . axast I H I LII I al a srwstl,ai fcjjay
BitwMia, a 4).. Hdaaittaa. atataa, mm ...
VimU.Ii m ftrfntly H4flMst,
- I laa 1 1 a IL a - .
tiannn e-n
1S4 trt
H OMtM,.
mv( miIms a ii mti I aa aw
uoui ai.u rii. irtv
W, IIAKI'.U t Wtft
WsIkI Cocoa l
t aM owat
lll l-lwU,
Aii f V.'iMrnaf
k4 a -m. ta
l , - at !
I t t ! is, 4 ft
tM, t4 w asi, a mi
,, tl ss,, s,
MMh., ! ' H.
I r.. kl Ukaa
M 4l" f
I fcaf Casteaagli
i ww asavawsayjwrt
AXt 44 MVtV
m m aWataatfit al
aw'-iit -.
a tr t !
SI4.IM -tll sM-l,
-. 4M.i aVM, fittaxpik
. fii. r A fW a
What J Whf an him
" He Pays the Freigtit'
AT A mil rU ss $- ? i n rii ?KfV)7wJ3
"M ilBfllT AlBafi " r" V ''
1 iw aswxap wwaw o . pv
L".'12i.V"l' at" f"'
at fr , lr .,-.,
ar m
a-i .tt vwiiri
artaa atM
rewox a w raw
M A .! yw tm n , tor
' !
v-" tm- Ti-a
rr iseiuM a
.,,m4 m a, a I
a)nMiaas .. na a . a
a- f" ' ' &" It aia I
JJ M-Jj StJU, " "-
HAttlvatft I'- ee "
S!--" "
ax, ra, ax u. laTVsa.
Mto vm.i t
fvavt avaartaai t utaarf
a i as aa sjaaa
ft a Fa AIVak I (oo'l..,,,,,.,,,!,,..
a -4wwaaWalaaAf
xwfc'fs aja-wj(!aiejs 7-m&is.j&3?ii