The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 23, 1890, Image 8

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    - -Sjr
I )
ttat Ublo No. 14 to tnlce effect April 27l, I WO
Ha 1st, pajwcnjrcr to IImIiiiri leave
rauj rrpi nun.inr . ...
hi n.m.
I UK) pin.
b. ix, freight (o llimtlnm ilaiiy "
Ill iiMMiiiRcr from
tlitllr ex
eept Bumlay
5:5.1 p.m.
No, 135, frclRlit from MiuIIiiki dally nr
I0:) p tn.
No. H, pMwnxcr to Ht .towpn dally
la via trvMnHK
No. 40 paMCRRrr to Katmai City rtallv iuim p.m
nn ia pnwcnucr irotii joti pn ton
ly arrive 6i p m.
No. .18 iMMcngcr front Knnsoi City
arrive 7:.T0li,lll
No, till rvllit dally except Tuesday nr
No, aarrclfilit dally rxorit Hominy III p.m.
No. si imnioiiKor to Denver dally
leave 7iW.i.m.
No. M pMvimrr to limner ilnlly
leave , S:&op,ni,
No. 40 puMoiitftr from Hewer dally
No. 1X1 freight 'or neuter leave dul
ly except Hominy
No. freight from Denver, dally ex
rent MiimTuv urrl n
motto wren p ni
No. la iicffiintiiiMlittlnn to Oticrlln-
rani Monday, Wcdciiulny ami Hitturday. .
A, CONOVKK. Aitent.
tiaaalpy anil iHterratlnc llettia Fro
all on r itao CoHiily. m
Wiilliill t'rci'k.
lie turned it double finincritanlt
Attlm sky nnd bandy mimed her,
An when hu utrnek llio earth hkiiIii
llu (I d tlio ('miton i.mur.
It tiveled lilt note, Iflmrked I1I1 ililu,
And ImiIIi IiIm eje lilililn lilnek,
II tiNik itdliii'D-Momilll hiild
Ami laid hln. on hit hack.
And now they've Hied him fnmi ehureli
llu' (dimmed ty brother mid Hitler,
And nil becnum he eonldli'l help hot
D II IliuCiiiilon Litter.
Several of you have lucn tlioro and
can Hftupitlliitti with liiiu.
A look of gloom o'crnprcad tlio fuco
of Monroo Sharp caused by tlio arri
val of tlio eighth consecutive girl.
Never mind partner remember tlio
old tiny in);, "If at firat you don't euc
eeed, etc." The pooplo aro requested
to carotully lay thin item away for
futuro reference as tlio nlianoen are
that in Ichh tliiui two week otno re
cent convert will bo claiming that
Donnia aaid Mary Walker hud twins.
VariotiH people have varioiix ideaa.
A few dayH ago a knot of peoplo wero
diacuaaing tlio liquor 'jucntion ut Inn
vale, All went "merry iih ii marriage
boll" until one progressive oitixoii re
marked that an hia Holution nf the
riroblem, ho would make ilm nalo of
iquor abaoliitoly free, no licotinc, no
tai, nor any such "triiuiuiuti," but the
Imt man that got full hu would hcihI
to the iioiiilouliary for live yearn,
Hcavena! a
Tho lion. ilauieH Vuuuo unco in a
while make a "IiuII'h ojo" allot and
he hit tho mark aiiuaroly when hu
aid "a man uuii get full ouco in a
while and get over It, but u d d
Dcnnia ia allocked to loarn tint
our town board dau't know a d d
thlH by 'til." Such ih fnme. Wu
would liko to insinuate to thn worthy
gentleman who tnado the romnrk tliut
though tho Ignorance of our town
board bo aa donou oh the altades of
night on nil other HubjoctH, yet they
know how to get elected even at suoli
"apirjtcd" clcctiona as wu I ad lam
fall." SabeV
Tho Innvnlo AIHjiiioo ia to be eon
gratulatcd; A whilo ago a rottrcaen
lativo farmer' of 'Inrtvalefiiio peer of
any man in tliotowrmtiip' jia or out of
tho Alliance) applied for' nYi!ii(5nio1r
and waa MjukballcUhowfatut bclrlg
that one of hi nciglilfora wan a mom
bor and an enemy of lumiy tiwaf
poJiticUn, maybe nut cxncJJy a poli
tician eitlicr, but liko UnUi,xW
willin'", in noaonao a fariu'oriappUtdi
--.I ...I... !..... I l...l.l' ..I 'l. ... .
hu wan Huiuitiuu. i.viuiimb; UKrti,
am aawo larjfo ajiciacaicH on tlio
oyea of that Alliance, ,, "peaking of
aoalca remind ti, butM'ciiajiaVoM(ud
' totter take a ajoeond 'thought us thn
Inavalo Alliance. didu'ii jaro Mfpeep'l
oa'taat h.CHut.iuat.ttjr and it in a heap
. bigger iMM IbaiiJfciiuJHC , , ,
The annual uii'4jy'ul, (ho VValuul
town board for tho piirpotpjtif.jjiunb
icing aHHURNitientH, hearing eoiniifui'iiW
thereto, etc., ocoiita it thn toitlciu'C
of our town clerk Momiav. Iiiiiv,'iidv
i at !) o'clock u. m. Ye that have ku'kf
to make prepare to make 'em there
'Como early to avoid the rush."
Moreover tho board in apt to adjoin n
p. d. q. aftc tho tresNurur arrives.
Inavale baa ordered an Auotin road
machine on trial. Walnut did the
aane a year ego and is in miek'floih
and aohes til eoiiHcquenuo. ' i
Dennia 1 ains with Niuiirixo mul
Borrow that n tiromiueut citixm of
inavalo clutins that lie (tlio Maid Inu
valiat) waa furiiiahed by "Homebody"
with a gallon jug of wliinkey the day
we tiiedour ru.ul machine with wliioli
to come over and "lobby." Ittuakcn
aa think of iliu Travelling Itiitelimnn
who waa given hia ehuice of sleeping
on the floor or up stair w ili . tint
children and who in the morning af
ter bIxihl' up tlio children roHoutivcly
atroked hit ehiu and romaikeil, "Pv
ahiminy ! dot m," When he hear'n
about tho jug Dnuiia lepents tli
Dutchman' lemurk.
In regard to Uiomi uiaehine Hen
nia ia eiedibly informed that llutiu
township voted a 1 mill levy to dofriy
cxpcnte ni riijoinuig ii.imeiu lur u
ainnlar inniliiiio hold liieip lait fall.
Mrn. l'Vatik Thornton haa taken mi
exeiion tn tfcl'ook, tliir uimM
biotliei (mintl
your eye, I'batliu, fiat,
Chatiin) Mitiui'Stn that in. cast ithU
keeps up that our ivwn.Uiwu bo,uil
purchase n thouiatri mile ticket for
, the lady, A i'. g. u;gcMion and it
ni$ caiefully lai.d nay wrapped in tin
foil to be ready lor use if needed.
nelliiH rck.
Wo aro badly in need of rain in
theno parts.
I think tho Hewn of tho Indian
Creek Tramp, aa mjcii in tho lant
week's C 1 1 1 K K waa rather utile, I think
ho miiHt havo been asleep for tho last,
two months,
Tom snya ho has not had any in it
lens ainen last winter when he was in
need of them.
Van Ilcnaon lud tho misfortuno to
lose two head of fat hogs, whilo driv
ing them to Inavalo last week.
Mrs, and Miss Phillips woro visit
ing at Mr. Metealf'a last Sundry.
Miss. Alico iMctoilr is visiting on
tho creek this week.
Hen Herd is putting in about floven
ty-flvo necrs ot corn this spring, since
ho camo back from tho wcM, lien is a
School commenced in District, No.
:t:tlnnt Monday, with Miss KlUo Smith
u timelier.
Wo notice quito n number of fish
ing parties on tho creek this spring
cspooinlly on Sundays.
Miss Sarah Mctcalf entertained
quite a number of voting folks last
Sunday week, they reported a good
tiino. OlIAMAII.
Jllllaoil. Knil.
Dry, dry, (Mts are drying
turning yellow,
up nnd
(Jliliioh buJ$H are doiuit well.
Homo fanners aro relisting their
corn. It seems tho corn sprouted
and then the wire worm eat it and
killed it, Unless wo have rain soon
thcro will bo no crop at all,
Our population is still increasing.
I. Williams laughs nil over hia luce
botauso tlio first is i boy. Usual
Kansas weight. Mother nnd son aro
doing well.
Charley Davis says it bents all; a
girl again, still ho feels, happy and
sings "We're marching to Zion."
Weighs eight pounds. Father nnd
daughter doing lirst rate.
A dance at Charley llurrctt'n Inst
week. Charley is building u new sta
ble. Sin.
Moru rain needed in this vicinity.
'armors uro well along with their
work, hut crops aro backward owing
to tho seiiHon. I
.Sunday school ut t lie" Dixon, sup
erintendent llnv. ('. .''ciidrich, suppor
ted by Stucker, K. Dixon, MistHoach
and Mrs. llairiw, as ollieurs.
Wo urgnnixciW HmMiy,..fleliool at
No. 7ft ollicora elect, superintendent
II. Webber assisted by U. Ilutton A
l'ioroe and Mrs Webber, pronnhing
in tho morning hv m Uuakcr Sister
Steely at II o.olockCa' ga'od sermon,
in tho afternoon, services by tho
Christian 1'iiiou cliimSliMr tlio llible,
Drciieher's topio -HWords" bfOhriht
tho rule in the eternal Judgment.
I am much plciiwid .with thCtli
last week fur tbo uqiuta, .on prohibi
tion. ,1. (loulds prnver is 'a-,dQiibro
hitter full' of tho UntYyMf fket. "I'lin
vitality that ulI'llnsineMroefd is tho
pur capita ml' uitiaijid'iiuSruulntfon
that thu iucigcaoiufe'i&J4wr: gave tUi
people.., i, ,.,.,, I '" V"
llucked up by gojijl iid jailfePttld
full Icl'uI tender eurronov as tho
Amerlc'nn" Idea 'f'W(anoj',wiljorU.
iionus'to-stunii tia lnirerfr'tfic
Monroe doctriau.-fOiUautaa'aiHl fii
.V47thaaVtrStarii'. . , ..
I ho Harrow escape of MrnU...tiirU
of Hlkhart.luil., froin nMuturuath'
1m WumWrfiUi . Uie Mtjt ihn'Tor WelilV
earn my lieajltroijIiU'il nut gently. I lie
eaiitii vrorne. Ilsil itibWhirinat tlvdVi
nieiit did mu no gixid'wrtM I tried Dr.
Ibln's-Nw llyart. rtnr.e. jvml; Jlrfloiatlv..
Nervine The !lri'(intUit UviJf nU. ird'
1 wnsHHUi MrliiaHr e'lfreff' 'J f'lft mflfc" hM
;Hiat. - 1 1 ..; iu ;,
An Ktehangw i4.ki4Mkiiiginj)ukdHl'v
mug their rutiotnois the "nil time for
I heir hit's and aaysvHf tljey tkavt' Uk
ruin their money tiet-omiw.bvnWork,
nig nun once ny
"' r - .".far'
luiuiuii: iiftoniUihev,
dvn'twatit huehiiatroas. JMMrjbriitb;
ri, j w n nmm ivupi ii hi; finyMiiy y,a
ny nines iuu uskfd loreMr.,uttlQ
Ih the '-Mill. lime, and fa.lvd. mbeu,
niiiM iio -oin nine, ami tailed, mucu,
we would Miv "Us is all right, VfMlout
need it," (lieu at thu mmiiu tiino we
had'ut n nickel tojiu'glo nith our
ring and a lew rusty keys we carry in
our pocket,) and turn umiIo to hide n
tear. No, hiother, Uko our ndvice
and use more tatTy.
Ja:k Tht Hipper.
iheexelteinent enuKtd tiy I lilt inhnutRU
uioutter is searerly eipmled ly that. n
doced ti tlie great discovery Jfj l(. JAlli1
- Ilm ItenloralUe Nurrlau It i-J'eViily
euietnerviiiiH irittralion,eliii'nge 'of Wo
iiiii,dnlliuKiituideoiifoiVMi fn Head tlti
leqdoMici.,tit Muex, ncutathi, flnpitit
lion, monthly paid etc Mr.JoKtiWif
ilturfis, of UilMlrtle.MicJv.JTidtuvUJk Xyw
DreeiinlmrK, lud., slid A. W. lln((t(uru, of
Wmister,!)., khj' Ihnl 'ihS i(tlino Kll
hetler Ihso niiylhlngwe eer,Kl,, nllrt
k'itei iiiiittrMil MitiHlneihifiA '4r 'Mrlnal
lieM illustrated IreollKeMUtlvViM "Vd
teio laud Inn) lioltlo ll'' at Cl(, C"l
lugs dtu;Uiis ' ' "V'
t lu I
' llt'iir VI'IihI I ani .
I do nut claim' hi have the largest
Mock el goods in 'the valley, but I do
claim that 1 can sell goods cheaper
than Jny other man in the city.
Haiti" the furniture man, east side of
Webster street, Kcd Cloud. 10-tf
r,",,"'v".i" yvniyiw-vyiiii.ii.iim it i.i.ilnilir.aiid Aenle M. niriNndul IJIljah,.!.
ia. essentially imperial auomirlr.iii h, '"1ri2 iiiedefamlunit; I liaii ner Jir ir.i'at
Mi'4 k.r jii.if., t 'tit'
...... ...w,.la . il..........l l.-..i:.... :. 'einim: wieieni, wiieiein-iieiiiiif ll. Al it
From the HlHrk fill.
Soclul Corretponileiirul
Kli Ciiiki Having promised you a
eominuiiiaation from this "(Jirden of
tho world," I will any 1 am now sat
tied In tins wiuo awako mikI pro
ous city, enjoying my work.
dently tho peoplo have couu hero for
busincsH mainly and the comlcrts ot
life, Tho Hills aro simply treasures
of wealth. Tho well known liourcs
take mine has ycilncd during tho oast
year l,li&,'J77.fili income. '180
stamps are at this mine in operation
day and u'ght. Tho fact is the min
ing business is jitst fairly hugun.
Tho largo Smelting and reduction
work, now in operandi in Deadwuod
by which refractory ores of whatever
grade nro boing moro successfully
worked, is indeid working a new era
in mining bunincs. Hut I must
confine l his letter to Dcadwood, a
city in which u snows unout once a
week, but still having u mild and
miner uciigiitiui climate. J lie peo
plo arv unusually 'intelligent and
shrewd benevolent and kind hearted.
1 have never been moro generously
received nnd never havo scon greater
need of work in my lino than here. I
havo had good success in being fav
ored with good congregations, and
nlso in purchasing church building lots
for $!l(l(l and raising tho money with
in tho church to meet tho full pay
ment. Wo begin r-t ouco tn erect n
church building suitable to this grow
ing city. I can say that religion is
nut below' par. Wo havo besides tho
llaptist, n Congregational, Methodist,
Catholic nnd episcopal churches, all
doing reasonably well. This is a
field where any ouu who desires may
do well. There arc two daily papers
each publishing n weekly nnd I really
believe thcro is room for another.
Thcro is also nu excellent upcniug for'
u goju iivo liomcopntliiu physician
Other businesses nro fairly represen
ted hut not overdone. Two railroads,
tho II. M. and tho V. b & M'. V.
aro building here which i to'ithor
with tho new Lovelopemcnts in min
ing giving thu place n great boom.
Kea estate men havu not timoto even
talk to a man uulcns hu is ''on a deal"
but LjiiUHt not say too muuhelso some
Kcd Cloud agent eouinaud overdo the
profession. J.shull be glad to uuswer
further inquiries concerning mat
ten here, us I am woll. pleiihcd with
my new homo and field of labor. ' Suu
ccsrt.ln.Tnj: Cuu.c And iis readers.
Hcspectfully, A. W. Sniuku."
'i , i i .
MirrltTa Niilt.
I'nilrr nnd liv h hie n( an order of tale f
hyUII. I'm t etc rk nf Hie dltlrli-t eoillltif I lie
efKlilh hidleliil itlttrlet In mid fur Welitter
Cmoily, Neliratka, iihiii h decree In an uitlini
peniimisintTfin, Miieri'iit KialieK i; rane it
ilainilir mid Wllllatn W. rretlnu and Alum M,
rrettmi n t deli-iidiinlt, I nhall oiler lor tale
In Inn hluhett lildder lureath In hand at pulille
endnmirttitrTn uMliu.MMirt li.nitu at
whrr" lliiiMLIi'ilii ut .i(d
lleil L'lniiil III Milil nilitily (Ilia lielnu Ilm pluee
eonri wat imiiieu)
on iii
nil iiav or Juan'.
PmI hiJ ii a . ... ..1
A'." IV. Hi-!r '.it' T'o-HWk 1. M. ut
I Till
If VuVf
nay inn iniiuMim neteruieil
etlatelu lli 'I honest halt ur the tout
MarWr Aiu hn iiwrjimiiiiu trier nl iIhihimiiii
MstiUii.'(eraiiiVlii)4oiitlielist iirthiMiorlhweM
iiiailei'df storlliMt tiilrlv-lnnr I ill'ln loviitlili
V'lf lU;M iiiitin it ,niiine leie J! weti u uie
n iClnJfif Wftislfr unnly, Nri'iiutli. iilteii
w,w )n m ,Sv;'Vi!"!'
i . .. h t 1 111' a J.!l uaatl Ik ..
Wiiws. i ;v 'i,.!.. :. r:;?.1 T'"
MIMS, im llalmih's-AltoVmy.?''
' 'MwfMHf. Hllloi,
joii,i ij or jiuir, .i'.'b., iniio.
ii! lrWtc ji. M. orwl'l ilajr'tlm if.aioitini; ih
KitlU' njil eiUain to will ("inuiilcihln- nt tin
wmjvvniriruer othit iiiiudier n;s ( i inVK
ka.and filii)ilnnli'W.kurtUiii the west iMie
ol s.ild let illiv r-jlileet. ihi'iii'ii eiiiii in tln .nut
"a i nun iirruin:ii'nin n in m'fnyiiiiii. ..iii..
:.ii. -a ; --v..- . .:..-.- .-..-.-.'-:. " -
immni'i-iHii inirvait IM 10'saiii oiiK'k. 1
I'.'iJtll Ull l&o le'l lolhi'MMilhilitliiiii
Mtiwl UMiii WHk rtio ui id Inrl
'.'' '''.UhltHlVi'Hi siAilii.
fivfi'liieir aiWnler of'JKleiMuti i I.. It
fini'Mlktlt.Uii OMiljf. tsiiiM of I he elLlilli
Jjiille nlUlspivl piillidlm ehter istimu, -hiv
ltl'.llk.l. ltHili'iflK ree hi t iiil.ui oenillmi
tliifilii iMjwreln Ilieial'jska1i.iii mul hum
romuim lsiii,iiiliTiid l,l HI.Vinu el al me
di'lrfifcilit I skinil'.Jlkr fm ulle lit inil'lie
ieiiini,ii'i jMtii in naiiii in in i iii;iioivl Mil
derv M ihwir Yum I ii,.,r or in,
nuiil,' li'iikS.',' ,lu, Jtyl. f.liiud In
1111111IV NuAhldt'l' I1!il li.ilil llui i.l
I'lum ulieie
I Bit HM tlwM-nt silt- (-villi 'nit ImMiii.l un
llk'-'lrtii-otmWirtta'ta. I Mflitl !
rmaut4uiiii, imir iu,im nii.if iiie.Nmtli
MiHWhllilillliwliilltetijiiiJ Ited Uond ili-
til lln-d ut (iiltnwt: lit liliuiirm tit the jOlllll-Vl'it
turner cisam miHMi'iweray.tiWihi.ijJi Hint j.utv
Klhenn'inM.lU uli.Laeilsl strtvl Inu ruin
tl (.i'llee1. tlienre'tvitt'ftvtf llflnlfrtsf ami
Dili (Vil) IrAr, tliriliai iicnrili mf. loiHilhsi,
iiti. iiiiiu'V i'iisiiiiu iiiiiiiui'ii 111
ei.iiitis'viioj.euHimiijiifii iilut t -11I110 and
nhi.i.rii(ntuiTdf)riirtihti nw oi
s.llil likufc iMsniU Uiiisi iJ.II. tlitfnio sniitli ul.iiiLt
hiitil ritsl line linen lunnlri ! i.1tii.lli fm tl...'
south isist roi Hit u. MM! hlnA.ou tVslllh MM'l.
.... u.l tll.t.i... ...... 1. I.. 1. a .!..!.. I. ........ . ...
,,,- mm .,11-HIC t., ail'IlM VIKIIIU ittt'lllie III
liliaitet mA aajBavliilTl 11 it
nuiuv ;i , f ' I it.
et t( Unit aillnliiliu
iielilliiiieti W(
nm uriunnisMiKiuk in 11111 iwiui.nm oMtrr
tn uie sihiiii'Mii( iiniiilrr of iittliin tiiirttstix
i'.vi ioikid ut,i rvittortli iNttk-v lu nsst e. the,
rll.t.t, IMIII W''-, lll-SSI p. IOOK11B Jlt'KUllOlU
at .1 lMilnt tvtiiMiniidrtsI mid tldrty ri ll
Mhlliof UM ll( Wt'tt tiuer of vtlit fniu
itiivi sivldd slnt Willi: alio the iuiiiiIi imi
cornet id l4oekeat ttiW.iul nuiiiliiK litems
, Mruiliiiwililiiv etMld iitiiii) ti.iiss
tliieehiinthtMti'l'l.tlntKV t-att eitjlitt nsl in
theliaM Vrtliili lliu, tln'iitt siiutli lilomx nU
hftlt tr.-iUni lluellut huudivd leel, llieme
ttCsttnnu! il.tro ot Uvthiiilii,:
MhiU'Ii oh tuiik tMi lu I'li.V. lour In the
oilkliml loui,iiiin tit) ot iiisj ttmni,
1' aNnjfditFlliilMiit taelliitts mid liiteliils
(JfOiiu'k all o i.)t-K lilti-' iff Mirith and
Visxi's inl.inion to Hie elt) L lleil t .n. in
yi-nlrisiiin NrtiKisL.t '
A l li
iiittiiuuiiei in) Ii.iiii mis '.-ml il.t) n Miy
' l'l'K.Mi,nil.-''
Jn. m, ititvui. 'itn '.vtiv, ' Si
II) .. I I.I.I, lf.iiU.
ia fn tMiUittt .f MMiianlU lr-mt .ii
Xafntl fftSMawMafM VM B . BBLaa1 karvaaJV
N. ta In . YhIii. nr
''railif atnrlif vlrtanigtniiflrilicutrjilo Utii
.e4bv livtlL.t'oitrleiKolUiedltlllel lourt.of
'ellAtti liiiift'liil )lllilri,' In ' HUM1 ror Welitler
4wjii,,lMnail,N,iiismu.deer'iln an art leu
'i i
Mrs S It Mcllrido hen removed her
millinery goods to thn New York
Storo in tho noon Hlock. whero she
will bo pleased to seo all old customers
and many new onoi Her new spring
stock ia now complete, don't fail to
ivo her a call.
JVaV 'VVf.''H
aVOiw twiuiirr r,f rtirnrTri!
lllllrm ktviwn. whuh viO:l HI-: IiiiMc.mi, '
I'allin In lha .Sloiiiui'li, I'Vti'r nii.l ,kiim, ni.
an iiii Ilia Kliliii-r mul llluil(Vi; tlr lv.l
Timlo kiKrwn. I mi lmti wl'h i.r uiiIhhi rf it.
4VIt' fr th fhnK rrmnlrknn'ui, l--iillilirM!.
tlflfM U1 rrh tnrkkim. HoM hv llriiLMi.l ir M.tit l
Hirrru will make L"iHn .f llu. Im-iI
mall, inaiUffii l 1"I'I. I'rlro ;hi rl. f,i- .Ircl , in
two tcktt t RO ct. U. H. tUmlxi Ul.ui In
paymreL MAirm,
CEO. 0. ITEKETEE, Grand naplda. Mich.
PAIwayi nrt'OOon thl ap.
j'io ron oun cATALoaucno riccb
irnriipous. IND.
Miles T. Hayes
Patent - Collar J
For nalu by J. O. BUTLEIUfc
, Co., Pot I Cloud, Huckuyti
llmut'HH yjiop.
1 ? i,V THK
Litlir;"iiii Suifitii Pttiiti
'' '' OP Til
"- "Stairi tif'.2ilhntmrn. klxinn.
A )titllrn:p tiTraflMllslitliatciwrurcil tlieeou.
L't muni lor ovrnllll 1411s.
1 1 - . i. i
nnd tiltl I'xtend Ut iiurtn',ts llinuulinaU the
liiitcil Mates ami lirltuh ColumlJa,
. - 1 .
Delow tvlrlt'OfotmAitlliv'iif tlio prfet ttlikli
1 , will lntin.vtu 011
MAY 27th, 1800
At Zactcit. Mexico.
and eoiiilBiu d tnnnlil tm reH(A'r' en
35SF' 150,Q00
'J tin!
I) TlrkrMtata AlOt lUlvwa, &
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m Terminal I'rlict of
Cl.rrif AYKftf-A Stekrta.CMr H0.0ll
Spyelnl Ha tea A'rrartgVdojKh' AgBBta
AGENTS WArfTED,L.fe '.fcjfffll
iuiiva atMtaitii minwi. Hiiuruau.
luklMJinrVtol lirliei nro ininr.tuteed liy a
.tai ileinfsH ul flYe Imiidied iliniwuul ttnlUci
,tmi), wKh'thealatn Kuvrilui'nt.' Wftil t-
1'HMIH O) J(-8t,AIfMII;it. Iil)t niOl i
IWattln.-t under the 'iK'tsomd snperttallMnot
IJivtli'tmin ArdMira, ao It atiiviiua iiir th
cuti'ltiliii'lil A llitiirtfiilor. ' "
'tVKttxirr Uuii iillitljc Ut treltutrr ah f
liuiajniri'iiirNiHUaiMWiC.talK. .
IImimimo AHtiula,lmcTVrtor: I
" ' . IMPbnfANT. s-'i -M
liimltt.turt'i inui h ellhur py Nc ,Yoik
Hi H. Kiis..r ttiij irttrr.'Amifmit
nioiify. ,t i)ltiv4luu fui W mule irss
I'mttnat nfitalk.lJTIt'kriii s.ii dirvVl to
m.tiui;t iiietil ttlilU' iwlilli) ilr.iltson Ma oik
Mmitre.l, til. l-n tlilraco m.K mlv or
riiyi Mlit. tVrfiitlli( information imftviU
JUAN PIKDiO), MftimWr,
Zactttecfctt, Maxlaxi.
1 ... . ' "Y VV,7 .ii- iiiisirii, MHiinir
t ia-k mm - -li a m
- -niwn
laMnatavuraiBilaa '
neanl ui. w.t ta
i,iMrfl itl tori
aJa In immaMimim a
'"- ' aHvaxak .
... i7i.r-.i. m
C. U firtTlMl, Ajuturr.
ron "ff " M U
IHLM 'anrPaaaaClJaWfafcaaaaa7
a ritiy.l.a UK . . iti.uioaiVj :w.ihi
J''MI..hiK,A' ,MVaro Ii'. . irt.Mn
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in I'KI.K.IOIV. , liMlitiii .... .Mn3M
M. .O.
aaBBBBBfeaB aB
t (SaiglMi la
aaH atJahlka
HutnUKiiiiATiiirrnvatrfA:. r.s. kx.
.tmliiliii; Kuranxt Utiiss sm JUnl
.tuoiul lUtik. kcl hHlJ. Nl-I't,ll.
t'kutuic UiMUM-atttikksl t aull
Fort Abstract Co., Reel Cloud,
L. II. FORT, Manager.
Ab&toaeto of Title
FurniHlwd to nil Lnndu in Wobster County, Atx-unitely and
liavliiKlMilU;iiyrnr()tvrk'iinilnM)uiity ricoHoaiid onoi-f tlieimt rmnpl-te M-t 't At)
1-tr.Mt Iwxjkt In the Hinif. we KH.irnitit attltfarllnn. Yor laturt tolh itr.l
All iirdein ntl.-.l nrninitlv trond llleil
and nppniveil. Addrrt or rail on
L. II. FOUT MANAfiRR, Med Cloud, Neb.
In the city at prices that all can afford to buy
if in. want of anything in his line.
J. C, Holcomb; Proprietor.
First-clas Turnouts. Everything New, Neat
and clean and in good repair.
Hoarding and Fowling Teams at Reasonable Rates, Only
tho beat liny and grain used at this stable. Giro
him a call. Gates' Old Stand, Red Cloud,
H. V.Siuur.r, I'rea. Hkniiv Cf.ABKE,Vice.PrcB. Jjo. R. Smaar, Caahia
IIowaiu) II. Cathrr, Aaaiatant Caahier
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
CAPITA!,, .- $76,000
Transact a general banking buaincaa, buy and aell county warranta, alic
county, precinct and achool diatrict bonda. Buy and aell foreign ezohang
Jaa. MoNcny. .1. A.Tulloya, K 0. W. Lindacy. II. V. Sbiroy.
..oli).,H. Shiroy. R. F. Highland.
Henry CIraT("r'J?-'yirBr.1
'' T
,.-!. WAKNER.
' Havo land of nlUlndn to nell or trade lor atoek nr tnottgnge. not. Towa
- , , (( ' property to nell or trad.
Farm Loans niadc quick and easy
Office-ovei McFarland's store.
i 1 o i it t,, ,
mm, ( NjEjatf
. .
Lowe than any
City Livery Fe0md Sale Stable
'fc. .;:.'iSlcAVOY & RIPPLE, Props,
First-Mass Rtos and Good Teams.
iBoaixlingby'dny,'ov;1Vck,igqod hay and feed
, tpr teams. ' f come -and see us,
". S. M. SEAL,-'"".!
realkr ik s ,;,r
1 . a . . I. ft
. 'I
Watches, Clocks and: Jewelry.
:... .. .RED1 CLOUD.' NEB;..
If ittng Spectacle's1: and, repairing' ; -specialty
1 1
I !" Tf I ..! 11 ...
;d:,14.' spano1
i-S i .1' ,
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1' ll Tt..-' .taT
RtXt. Estate
, 1
.." n?;: "SM
. I. ,. J A yr.&tv
L vfAIa rUbT
, '
n a 'it v
George Watsons old
stand where we make a
specialty of educating
young horses for track
orroad. Call and see us,
BROS. Prop.
.-j.t.tS t ,.;- ;
yard in the jvorld
14 l-. -r v r 1-4 i rmu'r n I'm I ataa
4Wt.-Jf u tn: ,. Ui. ,. .iUiw
11, UtiUL., rsti .41 at aaaaa.
inai if fc? . , - , -
aa4UMs1 iv.t .1... nw lain b
aa.tuiii.i..fc.4it 1 1 iaji
TIU r...ZR.
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watBMal(tiW w.i,calt a4 Vw I
AM tm aliaiaa
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