The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 23, 1890, Image 7

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S!aajjj(iJs?yKw90W aw-amoas.
1 H" 1 fl -.f Trw '
Maeuit Continue lilt Argumenta-OIII
rlswis and Itoaht.
WAlttMUN, May IV Mr Macuna,
representing, the Farmer.' Alliance eon,.
Honed hW argument tcfore heAy
and Mcitu Committee In forof th
I'lcklrr bill to establish subtrcasurica
for tlio receipt of agricultural product!
and was iiuostluncd by members ot the;
committee r"ipii'ting thu detail and
probable vlfrvt of tho bill.
Mr. Hayim wished to know It oni af
fect wouM not bo U encourage wr i
production. Mr Mucuno replied that ,
It woukA mil, for jus,i as soon as the
farmcrV calling became more profitable
thanoUior' them wsjuld Ik- an Influx o(
turn hito that busir.vss which onld ru
wult hi ii reaction and lltially tho rvstora
tlon of an Mulllbrfntit. To bin mind no
tlxil volutin of crroncy, no matter how
great, would nut t the needs of agri
culture. It warild an elastic tnedlou
Tho farmer wH his crops In tin' fall
when prices were lowest and bought his
ruppllcs lM-hirv hartcst when prices
stero highest. Crops wort- marViUetl In
two or three mouths of th year and
tliU inarkrUr? annually cauied larval
Mrlngoncy la money.
Mr. l'lows-r thM tn plan
would lead to hanking on llto-sti'k,
Iron, It Ail Mill alitor or. Thoy woro
Kuttltiir al:g now In the, latter illnv
tlon at the other inl of tbo ( ultol. In
time tlin r Miplc would have etory thing
"in hook." In the course 1 1 tun years
tho llovornmont would "bo uurlng tho
ehildrea 4iitl tlin women working In the
Hold. "IV e trim ri'inviiyfiir tin fanm'r'i
Ills was tlio matiuf.a'tuti'rS plan. I hey
hlunili icgulato production, raise only
umijrh 'produce le -iiim'I the people's
wantn itntl thereby pi't lnlr prices.
Mr. Ktacuno pr '-1iil to explain tln
proorsa'projiosed btritfiulato tho lsuo of
prisltct certlllcsiU. Mo s.ilil that the.
nnvoHlty lor eitluillttp lniorts t( ngri product i obvious If th
liiaUty of tho -oortltl ;atr wui to 1
ptvifvi'tl. 'rhiortllliul) mouIiI fon
htltwto tho !niiinJi"t ami boot I'urroiirr
Ih ?ho worlJ I'roKihly not ono-half
f tlio S"i,ihki,,k) npproprl.itlon akl
forno put tho tow nini'hliiory In notion! tn niiilt-il, but tho sum nhoul I
ni Imi aliiohiti-ly llcl at a nilnltiiiiTr
us In tlitio It M.011M Imi TiivoiNury to rv
tcml'tho syjitiin to lucliiilo all of tin
tt prtxlui'tit lf labor not iomtiI by
In I'oni'luslini Mr. Mm'iino M tliat
tbo National Alllanro hail not viit nut
a ulii'ln prlutiil illtlon ami that thono
pfltioiiH and ilomamlt now jHiurlnc in
cpiin C'onjfri'nH wrro tho .itit.iiii,ini if
fartnK'i of tlio farnnTH if tho rtel
Si'ito, who oto conxlnci'il that tlny
I'tiow what Uioy wauti'il nml ir'fuln;
X huo It.
Ulovwtnrt Mf M rrrilnl n IUIkaii1
l'riif'r! II)- I'rltwl I'nrllr.
'Ll.iroi n, Neb., May J ft. Abt-t n
i'ar a'o tho rarmiTH .Mllanro at 1-ltn-witrnl,
(asHl4iunty, applbil to tin Ml"
Jiurl I'neU'iifor iM'rmlilon to in't un
4'lorntoron tho riitnp.iny' rl'ht f wav
at that htaUon. Thin th riitiifani ilf
uli'il. 'Vt o Alllatici' itpplbil to til"
Mto ltiitvl -f Trannjiortatlon fii r
1 Inf. Tho board hoanl tho '
4tnl aftr ili'oliilug; amoiii; .!iit
tilings that un t'lo .itor m un
ap)illatu'i nrc's.iry for th Hhlpmmit of
ruln anil Ui.rt tho rantlii of tlin right
to onTtioloTatorH to othor partlo anil a
rofuxal li trrant tlio ritii"it of ti,oit
'niuplaliuntt ai un unjul aM un
nlaomt)i.'nilbirimlnBtlon, onlcrvd tho
'oiiip:iuy'Ui jrrant the (.'omplalnaB'. a
.ito for tut levator.
ThU ortliT lhi rompany rofutui 1
iliy tnl AUornfy.fii'tn'ral !' n
iliml totlio Supri'ini' Court for a wrK of
MtantlatiraM ' roinwl tho i-oinpar; to
ly lli pleri of tho lioaril.
Tho (jprcmi' Court prantfl th t1
yrilay. fl'hr JrcUlon ! Jutly r
f anliil an ti tiorlnt one, an It tU
tio.tiiion of tho wrr anil jnrtatiki
riwi of nhs- liuanlnf TranaporUtiim
talks I'Uaa of raaes. It also aettlea the
riirbts ilf the p-oplo to crit-t lratirra
at tbo-frmipany's station and to be
estnieil eiial aiilppltjg faelllties wilk aJl
iitJiera. This wat't case on wklrh
mr tatef fully a dozen other caw la
rarkiu uarisof the State dc-ndcd.
Tm Orral
HiMai ( llr H'in Wlaa law
KentiH-kr lrbr,
lAnsTsA r, Ky., May l-V -Th feat
ureAof (tar ntx-nltig day of th spring
ni'otliif a? -the, Lojlsrllle .to-key iTub,
wrrtt twe KTt-ai trtirii, oui" tt-rj iiteij
though sat r:lrub.rly heary l--ttlng.
and the m4. And then the rtentucky
Derby trat run in ihe slowest time on
ri-conl. Tki iirunmt approach to It was
In It! wmeaj I'onatus gallnpisl away
from PrmVo rri'r and the rest In 'i'13.
The Derby Wto the Ihlnl ra'e on th"
programme! aid Klley aun It U-cause he
w a long way lh ! horse startetl
None of the oiker tiro nonld touch him
on that muddy atArk,
Them wer aix tartT. as erj-ctil-Ulloy,
with Cirrlgan' green and whit
f learning frh ud clear, was tho first
to show on the tra-k, with Murphy up,
and was rccelted with tremendoti!
cbrin', meant aa much iir th rider
as Y bors Thwi cam IV.'nr Fonso,
with Otertoti up lu orang and black,
followed In or lee by i'atlsvl. with
Ilritton In th MDorn ftatbte't blc
hpa and whit rap; lltll -Whr, with
Alln up; Roaplr. rMdn fiy Fran
cis; and Oilook. rVln by lrr--ktn-rWr.
Itcber aa4 lobiplrr rw
fiacted with round t applause.
Mailn.' Ikat aw faaa-e.
Crrr or Mriini, May IS. An author
iid fw-r)n near I'rt-sldnt Wat aay
thai tfjpw fatorlnr ll: aiillt en of tb
sluty n pap' UJ ' arlntin
Vnnrln" a tronf pressure to t-ar os
tb liuwrnin'iit, bat Ibat th llorrrr-
avct m not ZtXVlr Ut A UAt eiratt-
t( from 4Bty. Altboofli It arUI n-dACjretJar 5rtstAU.n ti pretest a rwrtf
tk UrifL Tb America, funeral Tm of alsnilar rrfsi. aa4 ak)aj at
htonr, bai AUtncl cwtcsslcaj for rewarlt' oSer. w U rtpin ut
fr Aai-(ar:ory, graatiaf fr ratry i Mar IKrk Ta ferer&iff WImn
to tie Hrt naerlAl 6al In rnAAtafaet- " a yst-aj of !, jUm'J lilt
rw. It la Us-larred that b will U ta rr-rAl i rtat will rnai U
r-blhr4 U aall paavr at a reduce! irW. Vr that jid-w .ui rijat 4cK.b4
lntra arw dranatditf U.a Mica wlti- NUwaI ctfw flir: itroctJrt
trw vxctUi U. . caclA.v
Th Nr.t ntr )Im III Vliwi Ik
llrni..irtWtln nt Mltrr-l'uUry IM
' Trranrj t'rlH.t.
IVahimw, May II In continua
tion of hli rvtnarlt In thf Snto yo
trnUy on lh' Slltrr bill, Senator
Jonev of NiMaila, oppol tli Mp
of r!rnilnij treasury notoi in bnb
lion on the frotiml that whMi thi'V wrrn
rrlriitniil tho monetary I'ltn-nlatlon
i woul.l bo contracted and tho puttliu ol
i btl.lion on tho niarVet would not UiaVo
up U the country for thr lo of money
from circulation. Ilf opnl n
tlri confldenco In tho hontr
of purjowi and coniclentlouMieni f
motive ot tlti prvMm Nvri'tary of thi
Tn'ury, but fld that an none of th
Secrt-tarlei. for tnidro year- pt, had
coinetl a dollar of llvcr more than com
wlled bylaw to do, futurf Secretaries
mli;ht conx'lentloti'ly deem It their
duty to keep In circulation the lo.l
HwMblo amount of tho pr))i,l treas
ury notes, and thus tin I tilted .States
Treasury might, In ol!ivt, lvonie a
purchaslnc atfent fw tho l!ast India
company or tor htndlcates of I'ujrll'h
merchant.s Antltij; bullion cheap In
onler to maVo tbnlr pajmrnis to In
dia Hold, by reason of Its j-rfater
Table, notttbstaTidlnr all tho legis
lation la lt faor, could nmcr tie
cotue the iMtimum inonev tiHllutn of the
world. A pold coin that would represent
an aieraeo day' laUir would bn too
mall for isoivonlent bandlltif Mhrr
was the tnrmcy tnetal lM'ntwiUltctt v Um
mats ef the eoplo and to the variety
and character (if transactions ronnlltut
Ini iIki Interhanife of dally Hie. If
there wore any conceit able necvnsltf
for Hit AeuiiinetUntlou of ltber metal, usW'ell, demonetlio that which
promised tho greater and more steady
yleli? It for uny reason sm'lety should
dro4 thiit one of them should lw di
carded, should It not rather Iw thai onn
wUcli promised the smaller future tteld
than thratvthlch promled the larger?
It was absolutely to the welfnrn of
w -1 t thai both stlter and gxild Hhuuld
Vetr. full illlil unlimited U as rnofcey
t.d eitmlty llltested tilth the swer f
legal tender.
In eouiiliiiilou, Mr J unci said "I pre
dict. Mr. I'resldent. that the ri-itr.(tlitn
of slherto Its birthright will mark an
oxvh In the history of this Itejiv.hUc It
will jdaro In circulation an amount of
money rmiimensiirato with our Iticreas.
tiK population It Mill glto auraiicn
to our languishing Industries tit tho
volume of our circulating medium t
not'to continue shrluktiig mid that tho
li'ndency of prices shall no lunger be
iloiwiwanl. It will Increoso tlr ttagea
of lilMiraud the prb es of the pnnlucla
of labor. It ts ill risluco tho jirlco of
bonds and other forms of money futures.
It will lighten, but not Itnultabl.v, thu
burden of mortgages; it will lncroas
largely, though not unjustly, the debl
isiylng and tax paying iwt of tho
snple. It will loosen the grasp of the
crwlltor from the nrck of tln debtor.
Ilv 111" retiioiietliiatlou of llvr, tnounT
will imo to Imi th object of rouinierv
li ml will again becotlio Its bewrflcont In
strument. Actltlty will replare stagna
tion, motemeut wtlt supplant Im-rtU,
conrngn will banish (ear. eimfldent'
will dspi iloubt, hnpt will oiM'rMlo
iletpitr. Tho lilting up of "liter
to its rightful pltce br the side
of gold will set In moiloti all the
1 iti lit energies of the pi It will
lunlsli Intoluutarv Idleness by putting
etery willing man to work It will ro
tlte business and reanimate the heart
and lii)' of the masses I aplta, no
longer fearing a fall In jirlec will turn
Into pro-lnctlte at nues, Tho hoanls of
money lying Idle In the money mult
will (me out to bless and enrich alike
their on hits and the rominuiiltr at
Urge; whllo the millions of dollar now
hitestiil at low Interest In rlltdgiM
aacuritles will seek mop- pnfltihle In
vestment ill the b-isv field f InAoatry
where Uiey will Ih! Utilized In the y.
Kint of Majfes and Ihn cotlsvUetit ills
euilntiiui of comfort and happlneM
.1 1..
j -""'"-"" " "V
ttiei uiin it a hi ai' ifhi fman, iss iot
the I'nltsd States alone hut for cv.
ration, for It la not too much tit aay, Mr,
President, that upon the declstoaof tfctla
aui-ttlon djepd ronsi'ijiii-nrrw nrn
am tn en tons than that of any othrfU
tUn of public jaillcy within th rnrrry
f this generation In broader auo
titan any other question attractlar the
fej.cral attention of mankind It Is a
iUstion of clvlllratlon It emtjmlle
Ih hopes and aspirations of our rae.
Tb act of Ctrtif res hlrh shall happily
aohe it will rontUtnt a dcrw of
(mancipation as teritatile aa any
ctcr fritl rl from thraldom,
lent rnoiv unltersal in Its application
t will pro-'lalrri the Iree-lfin of
th whit rac the world otr. it will
lift the iMiwrsi head of labor, It will
husk Hi thranudy of toll It will nil
gnrato the tr reulsnce a renats
aanee of prospt-rllr wihimt which in
dustry learnlag., Hir-raturti and
art an- but appb- t Si. low,
la fcnsaer totjus-attons Mr Jon said
that if tiiera wis a ffrf coins?" of llrr
he lia.)tTis that la three day th silver
not usl for colnaf would l? worth
t T as oune and that thrw ll would
aiaalrr f4.
IiTaw. May 1.- Mr llnry M.
Stanly, to an lnrrlw regarding tha
(Jerraan la A trie a aald that
he wat wasarled by Knyland" apathy and
pliancy la rrnl to tha o;ratlog b-Ina-
carried on by th Uerrnan. If
Knftanil cnatlnued to twuialn loactlra
tb 0 rm aas BfiotJ cnr paramount
Influence In Africa, folio irx a-lrlra
fire by hiaalt.
Iwaskaaa lftaiaiwra.
It i Tiii IUcor, I.a, May -Ta
Stata I fia! a Kir roartii hray',r
day Tb lrientoe mes.e rotrd
leea v)ipr cilosna. peiaHpally
deroVsi to h rtw In ojT.lttf(t v lis
renewal o( t!w Mtary eharw and to
th defaleatloa of TraarT Itsrke e-
rnrlt.r I'arlUutat IK l'alanllf at
Ahl ), r.-Th- lasltlaal !! H'
114. ntinu 1'a , Mvl ThewotV
of attempting to wue the lmprl-nrst
miner, at Ashley was .n,erri.p,M by a
hratrrush of gs at thrre o. lik yes
terdar morning, hut at setrn oclis'K it
was deeniM sto to rt'sumo the efforts.
. . ,, ,...M ...-,..i
..... - ..,.. ,-.., -y.. ,- .
the slope and tHitmencsl wtrk w'n
IIiiimiii iM'tond where thteii men i rtt
found ThrMa, nigUU They .sin l.Ve
through and rushe.1 into theebamls t
l-eyond when-. In the Mintl-darVMcs.
the men sUmblod oter Tti'Wlng 1-tstiev
. ,.i ....v, ,.,,.. ti' I, i,.,
A ,U' 4rv '' l.UrkiHP.1
(Vrpses near the op-UtHg none et tUehl
riVognliabliv I'tirtber along at tallous
,.i ...... ...... f.......i n.iri. ,...,,., u.Iihl
',, , , . , .. ..... .
all more or loss bwrtiist, but nwslot them
con Id not In' n-coillied The sight w as
mi horrible tlil two or ihrce of ll.o
res. nets (alnlisl away
When the news of the lltidtii): of the
IkkIIis iHs-anic no sl aUtui a se-ne cn
snot around the mouth ol th slot
which will netcr U forgotten bv thus
wno wiiarsstii ii. A sirung gnaii ei
. . . . . . - .1 .
men held liacV the wtinicn ho pffil
f..ur.l I....IK I,.,r I'ti. luh.n
forward tnadlt to enter mine
, Half an hour later four men apps'artst
twarlnic a UJv on a stn tcher Tho
wouiea tore away thr '.Uliki't, but olilv
saw tlniViMiiil and clurrl rouiatus
Other tsMlles wero hroight out as fast
as (visible and at H but sit of
those who were It tho mine when lb
cute In isvurrol baJ U'eu found These
bislles wersi ctint-jHl In ambulances to
tindert iking rstm and prrNirstl
biitla" The exxtelnent Ti sdisl etery
par, of the towr., and Ihe Mnois In the
tictnlli ot lb morgue weie completelv
hbs'kisl with )(oplc. many otwhiwtv
came from othr towns
At one o'clock two lliofe Imdlcs hd
m-cu brought 4ut and sesrth for others
was going on The Uty of Mli-haid
llenrv, known to Imi under an Itntnet so
pile of debris, may not lw found fur
net era I days. John Allen the allHt
first ttoss, who Unit the gas Is In
great agony Ills face and bstidi
were but slightly burmst, but he Itftd In
haled fatal Utter damp AatholiT
IVolno and ItolMift W lliilnirts, lk- men
resi'iiisl, are In a critical eondlltan It
Is Metetl they it ill also die
tieneral hHHirlntindent I'lillllps In all
Inti rtlnw said "The men le their
Itte through the negtlgelet rf As Mine lloss Allen who lnsistinl un
relighting Ills lamp III the presence nl
largo tullimes of gas Had he full iletio
ul the met now dead ctitlbl all bntr li II
roti'iiisl allto as then- was a gtsl cur ulr it un l- tliiniii-li Hi cliamlior
s. !.... ti ... I. ..I il.... f. !!.
- "- - " ' " --
the caie In hail taki'n place
Many of the titsttes hate no hitds,
others ari entirely nude and most ot
them are mangled and itlsllgiiretl
At eight o'clis-k lasl etenltig all
Ojiertilloiis at tlio lollies wrte slull
doned 'I here are yet sit kueu III the
fatal chamber
Nl(iis nl Itrscllmi In 1 1. !... Markil In
ttiiosaliis; llnifls I iti in tl.i.i I liUv
llilsliir 1'Mllnrrs,
.Nl it niih. Mar IT II i Hurt A
Co s weekly lot lew of tfnde sj 'Ihe
at k market has riislotl abivsd wntll II
has aliwirl-tl all the lui'lii'T within reu-'h
and now mWih s'glisof rem tlon sp"ar
with a little selling hv fortigii boldera.
Substantially the same phenomena hat
been obsertitl 111 wheat and iskm and In
tho market for i-r U prislucts. Kaeh has
at command a limltnl aiuounlof mony
When that supply l abrl'il, whether
by accumulation of sti V rrrtl or by
adtanrlng prlc- a rearllou Is natural
The tendency of prirea durlnr the
past wrek has la'di downward
de HiiimI - cftils on sates her ( only
14,0(J,lsW bushels, corn IS on
aalna of 1'J.ftOH.OOO bushels, while oat
re aleady The trade (M'gtnt l Com-
rehi'tid that Inside of thirty day lin
rmniil sliril will la'irln lo rooie Into '
: , ... - , . . ' ,
the market and while winter hl I
cv-rtaln to l short, th rejsiti from
anrlr.g wheat Slate Indicate yrat In
crease In acreage and . .s.n-llllon.
.... '7 . i.i i
111 rrU Irotn nuett eltle are al-
irvrst uniformly eueotiragirii- Atl'hlla-
llphia In the leather and l-it ad shia
l tlllll "i "1 Bl-a -" aw-ji at i(i --
Ifades there I artll Ity, whit the wiasl
maaufarture I hltidefiNt ij apprehew-
aitaat. awf l.laliaa l.rlf-na atifl a.ttta-.i Vat laaliM I
fr Immwllate want, only Hil l Uu
of H-mUin also. Il.e price Mllwt at
Ik rtnt r.anuel auction here hate a
depicting Influi nr- At (ilafo dry
. 7 a i . -
t,.A. .,!, e,re4 last J'.r. ar.4
pannefits ar fair, but th clothlnr
trail l dull And tho faet
bar .Vsrtng. are l.rg,r thanet.r
hefiw find eiplanatlori In j-sjiatli
rwtitity In th grain and pork marketa
Sl Iwiul Mfirls a gial trad iM iuo-
pile of money etiUal lo th diinsnl.
hll at I'iiuburi-h trad I rath dulli
at Heteland fairly atlt. rwlnr mm
morvtary trncney. at !nki,
only fair, at hi ML Unbred b, r-
cent rain In lb ;orthwet si.t-fn
droqfat bgan U i f-r-i. at Kansaa
rity, I'atber '(ulrt, and at Oiuiki f i'i,
with easy tooy
Hi monetary ltalirn at N Vrie
ha not ben altogether sallifa'tzr;
Th foreign trade of th Jft l Ml
tlfvtory thn ei j cl-1 shoair,
an mcrrna uef last year uf j! vi,V0t
In "ip'irls furhalt of May n? the
Ja.f CL
' Tli basin (altars' rrrrlr)f
tlirmirHrut th ejairy durinr tb patt
arn day nnnbr Jll as ypra. '
with Vft last I'nf ti c"wr-sj.
ting aaa-k if 11 year tb Cjrur sits
Ja4a MM
fw-(ii, May IT if
th tnerhl ti-iAg t( i t av4
hut f tovrt. 4$l at hi iss ateletrn ftrirk last
alfb. vf "IS f Jwlf tiraianwa.'i
was of IV l--est la a" rW
I ,1-tA It Ujwkt u', all tb vrr v.l ig
In tl hatry II a V1' ' !
iU ar.i wHl"4 u i
!. ka rrlr lASfwUir nr WJy
)i4ii'l hi w rUr J'rrv- Ar.i.r
;;lirfl Jvja Hrvikktb V. ko.
Ifesrtf Jn-tgr lrcvaMHUl elfkt;
ytrii.l wv. Wrt'ii vi at 'V
Wissl W4fl Usllrt.
;i,illsM t-si!lU(Kl
n . ot tt retail (t, M its.
dr UisM.1 IVbrsiaty A tl lf 1
Owralttb fc.l Uis'sMtil Itit'nlet J
manufacturer la ttm (-itr v' W l?Wl
Aplslaris'r fr INentrvet 'it,chenw i-.l
rcrtwidis lWi lam isssir.1 tw
,";f $X ;
,u5.r, who urf Wvn rir tit ihrn.
Jh InlUostHf lad itwmfnU Jur IbsUhi-, I i
absoUUly i.-at m. ib- ah-l tb wrilrr Is
rrvfesser tf , Tfcrs-fj and I'rs' et 1
yijh.piu tj, nwfMMit VetK-l IVtls
i ML lti'. n'airwl I sMatvr at tko I t
Ilitst.lUl. hi 1avHs . Itdlle ol IS AtJi'tWai
KsgrSSaViVriUaS JL5T f.'r
vl vMIoH(b IberajwUc i
Mr lii is, Ma, Jan b lV I Utn
r!wrn In staumrtUl t hat
"I I'! I'r Owens KUsllV Halt !.- ;
wu tH, A..e4iicow aftJ .. lo.l t.s.l I..
tt) XU lt th(iost pr.Ul sad e.ll. nt '
(if ail l llItulc lk'.ts I laMUml .
mi pr.liii His a trrifwfiiletiee i
wlirMeter rle. tuc l-lls .f stools esa .
anj l-iietJl. Oils wilt ttw"o lli UVc II.
plM-fiot ahj thin et the Vid I l.siectrr
ke.ti (iititoi I ritllt U l
tlx-lulls hatv a tlt-.ll cs.rrs-ll, and
Caw Is' is'CmIsW.I to hl d t l sr, alt.t
llrt-iuternl Is 4b.lrr tf.n etr nt ! t-
llelil Tti IUII wi litwHriei -sit)neit ,ntt
ami uetal uVlxI'tj . lil-t-, Mat)sis
lirurnls'l, theilns.m, aklni su.l lut
.llfMAS.4. iH.lia'ftlh.M ill tr.tllJ
---,---... .,.-,.,.--.,, .
riarth, lusl i .! i. tig, tillins
fmal dlsisssr Mtv Afi-iUi..-. . In-
dlst IS. .r l-st ll a'l dcllf IH und lntn.n.i.t. .
Mjntst Io'ih tlirtn er l llitrti him
"ell I'silli-s In iigoalsM thorit shotiM
.l.lis ss lit n m t, r tltuairalflsl t'litstUts
lesliilielilsl UCi ,rs, I'll. e litis, rip, it lOs'h
wit) c it thrill et I'll sisil4 ll..nslH-S
Au.'thrx otHilff lultni ruHi.i. et ll (Jwrst
Is los Cletlit. Ins.. Irs t'tu-tr tisn wtU
iHlte l il,s iliw lo cstkl (rsl I .lll
lmi ir. ms.le a litlli- iliTniit rm Ihe
Hrlil s licit It.cittliVs H..O.I ef all tl.rsn
,tls!UlMs.s are on hot Tri ll.H Of
ll.f. fsti ,S llrttadns), Kt Unas, Ma , ri
llu.wt,.N V
tViiri a (Han gees licmr ) ,re Is
llVl'H L f A lt'lt'tH lu ll.e htWlSA
lUiftsl.) I ..i.i Ur
t.r,.H) lll.Hralik.
Mill tnsit) ns Ihlt-iiCh lit net rr kh.n
I l.f lil It llis ! Iis-l well lln maMj J
it 1 1 ii .ie Irt l tls ltU w.-lal.t t'UtlU 1st ilt-wit I
slid l"l fvet 1 Ih fci-ii.e r.)tilt (
I... r.. u.. I..1..M II. Bn I.. ,ti.t 11m . Ii.m
r..r H. it,, t I .i r. Il.t-t l.te to I to..
Its tl.-ti nd il't ile fei lt.Unrs hlllet-tt.s
VI. ' s.t n Is s kind Ixivi.l is mi. led
wllh it'b.s slot nsii. tti I tOMtiiess tttvts
liess dts'ps rt,' tixlttl. Is m - (
Mitt t.i l.isien wlm "111 IttMS sulri, tl-n
tniii t rri.el ie i( sl l(ti.. Msev I
wlxt I- itg t i(!eft lu at sUIti nl t (,J
hrtillh iiIi.spIivis wrir uile iti ,fli, l.)
ttr lr.'!in.'s ,.f itistress s,h ! feviil im
relipf Ifi-m its I.. Imte VI.I Ixs-.,). s
H l l J .hi llu'l s v,i(HHlia, ah'l
fottliil lnth Hh.l sIhhistIIiIIh Iviu A ni'i.l
In llir wisv ( s. m .el I s iisi,. (t.s i'u.
td of )eur tltaH'sl 1'aae l.o ll.r
Is rttinnien Isl i eW-s Im) l,Tr sea
r.rutl .-tot titit I..I. i w'i m Ui.h.1. '
ll toui. im nani l.i lifts ll-'in
IV-.y the HcrkVlet I'alll.. IK, latult. WI.
soul Aiitas 0. -e?
Heemii t.ihliJ.iih-r Ahtld I t. r
IK,,,,. II... i...... ........ .1
Msiriw. II..1 iti iImi Un
aid ef 1'altli wi.hhI ai llil lt ( tins'
, nid'lui"s -hhi. trii.1. m.,1 ti ss siasisU.
rMe. (i I an unl-lrsstaiit U iiullleiit l'er
Ile thru ret-tiniuir..ltl II to I J llf do '
I uu. Ila I'si'iii tlfrs-t.aial t-v.ii-fa.i r I
MedMii;rr, at tut- I li-.,ii Iwiaii, til-la i t
wlt.uu liflfi "I"! t'l llof alid evr
nf several teafs" slsHilil,' Itissnllv Ins
w te, after feit i of aotrral ti s ilutsli ti
limit a sliijfltt i.isIhI it as -fli'tj o.n-l
III tlrw of tlw-sr fTWsllsli. (Klva, and Its
notlltHirlh'? I,tt llo h stt f r
itilnlne. ,i Hill to t"i ttj-tMtei ajs-ii an t I
ul tiii nt Injurious, v. a can 1) wish tttat
tha)rnl-'r"r's AnlltUIn umkl .'uii"i In',
general iic
' ' -s
Tur man wImi is t.i (,.) Ills aj,-i.i;
sllj masna . a. r f i.i. ul,. i
lliwteu '.,1
Maslwatil, Ilia afa .. rasaais. A. .
He all know lle iiu.,UUi.ii liut loan j
fitiit-raMls weaMarl U not Oh M'l . m I
that iH.ti their arr I sl the) ti u, hat a In -i,
nidnler that ItiVlsIMn fiat nl l. ff-lfr
lllsli Uislaria lliej sho-iM ImV an ai,.,a
sj'Jtv Of ll-sl'tlrr s I'liXHas li II. Hers b
.S'cloiilV Is a iftslll sal-isltl aifs i.l
evrj fnrm 1 msUilal illusir tml ll rral
Irales 11 1 rr liillilHsll,!, v,tiHI..l.ttij -. .
la, i.etiHiihcss an.) r Irf-ii.sUsiu. '
A (oanr-SI'f t ilealrra l eisla II
I ' ""' "'' lb llitiatlii tut t. Ui,i
sirii ram t asliUYVna ftrtX
Al.wsi an(d harshtwirratlv pill Tl-r
first iWak )us k aififtl.fc tmsta jow 1.1.
tl-slytl (arler's jlt,e Ut.t Pills lfilal
UieUvwrUaitd Mia )uu w.l f,ca(t
' am mis a alllkr far tlelr
I ft i.ret.sU. Un ,f . i,( (,f i las . k
men l,ta 4Ullkr far tllr
snail; wer.i witha wtll
r;!.r;.w "J"' "li't "J- ,"1,'ll
" HefmlwloiaftnaaUi.Ji 7k
rt.1(,r ju, tthAi 4f, alwa aaf .4
I (
Frw t,a iw tl.)r wIM t wtiind t
tf Blir er I !) Ihllitl Is Willi Uu.
AUI.iaoh Uiot-e
w. .,., vuh , Ma,, rvp
I Hill Hair abd !;, su.
1'"r" ''" l"l"i'b'va rtaa tV.a M
watrb i th .awat(pr' k ra2lx ti.a(
Um Ullf-wCw(U;
I'" atr of M-mousiM, sas j
fMt.rVXZsVT;: '
Tar Uott wl,o rcrrle.) a -eir i-t (
i-ai.wa jnii rij. aii,. (hat M l.l la
" w 1W
'Mfstbf lft;fl ( srvrUf
., . ttr tiin.viU
Ctra wiranXf it-o,n fil r.
, i.t'1 tl'UtuTlltfJt ,OM '
J'U(U mrAi,utl la.)' rvuk '
Orrti r fli v llMrad
."ttt V, fe.e:it w.w wAa tr
W nt (itf r,jtt ije
Jtjacobs on
am a laeiaa m
i will aeoaa easitr.
tWWaifc. a.iiAsrKt
-?. at AAA! a. A,
, KaaVraai
77 .
4 aV S k 1
AT mwmw
-&. irSJ .KiJs
" "I 3i Mi uUtl'ffrr:
' i 1 Kit rn r 12.
SW.IJW " r -r- i i .A -v MaiaTi - mat
"Tlirr a frofr who Ilv.! In k p(ff.
Ile raiifc-hl mli a cs.ld Ibsl b onbl lies' itng
rrViy. tint-'ttuiiate Hairarblaiv I In what a d plltit m mM hvsi
And i 'I ht mliti-rlone nai one thai often befall iletsl Manv a enew iav(sil
tdi- amoiif lbo who blon to lit "iioh homo U nllilj tl4 Vy "
III tb liea.1," or (Ml th lllll(( Of llll
"crttakir e ai nut wi lh! any irtnnty siioii dVrsl but wV
to knew that alt human alncria in)' kep their br. ilrar and Ibloau U lnt
by tliit'lt n (if lU HC-' t aUllh llenifdy and lt I'Urtw. (lolleat M4W1
l)k.titcry, tith of wliUli ate dd by ittii(jlil.
Ill tageS t alattli Itrlnrsty cill the wo raa of Islarih In lr. 1 1 a.!, Hat
mallet of bow Imij; iiaiitllii, wbll" for all laiynifTl, bfiawhUI, ihr-Hl ! IM
ITifllrtos, lr I'le ire's tlnblen M.tlU-sl M.titrj U p.ts'llity nor-nnaM. ll
rut IIia wotsl lltifrlilig soi-b and bulbil lip tl.e flrati and tlrtU'H ef '-
ho bate Iwcn .IikI b) w iHnB- dUsaiei. ll ll aral4 l.i Wl,.dl nf mil
In all dliewsr fur wlibh ll l fesMininrmleit, II lakru In Hum i gltau fll
Ulal, fl iw.oy akl fo H will Im isfuiel.d.
( , jlU., ls(, f Woailit irs.tai Mimiii MM'iiifia, r-f s.aa)
t CrCiS
tgf Aflfttal
s vS
Ileal. !, ratr4 tab.
va lUUilm, iKllitta llt,s.v (V4Ulv M4isbH, mit-s Al(
IWassasli 1. 1 Ik. l a.4 I ;! M
lUsil I.Mialt Mlblii
Iilli-s where all s falls
lasle I llllUn laka II
Tun's Pills
Twaiweawlaiakwvaaa 4 (wato
I bans )! ) latalisM Im
awlMlawi Ihsa , Ih ll U
lata llsa wf fawwMa.
Tire PTMrnv
B WaMaWBVAaHirat BaVflal AM
mhmimiII, Till1 I4 nil "
aWa.alataaa4ls4. ata,Ma. '
14 EvMPirwkr.
OflUv. 44 Murray M.. 1'atrk.
wilWitte!?, mi, Mn . im
WrVHMWf yOU Vlttt
th nofM in town,
1 lnx for alralrf
tO IMnal jraHil
Mouro tho Claoo,
wtvorovor foil nl.
That hold tho Noll
on which lo wound
Tho Braid that lo known
tho world mtmH4
ROQP WniC fii Wa;
Uy Aay
aavar aaatr a
4a 7a. aaara
tamsAn 1 1. I ai a ir aiaaj aw-,
an lii i ats f.s.M. aaavsaaaw diaaa.1
aa-aaa a anw M.
NIKDLff ft. tlr.ttzszzz?
fmm r-m a-s mm,?-.
I fT tr"?! -- rivUstaw;
.V 'T -,-.
iSsmaaWrTFTasrTJaaaa . a aaaaaaaaa ra falllwirtaiscaaHBBBVAlL'l
laB"rnT 'Jfa(aaaAls3Saaa I aa. a. , F sBBBBBaaaatK L I
frSiSiVsTsSsSr56 E-iJFmjJi--.
M.aVWfVi Ilf CTMC UllilSlI Ma'Mt aj if a -Mfarff . l- larraM
I auaa aw atava Viva a-f CsaHf, raWallt Waal Iff r wman .-i I- " 1
aaii.msaibna)lM(i! Aius tiMreu km.imi I MAM bMMm aMflTTaaal
I asOMliasaaslw.rv.. aalwin !s.W s-i-f - VWfWWiS arVH WWWIfVavA
u mi mwm-r M mm 9t2kM.t WW Ik tv,tsjM f Aalft ft
I mWm ' WwF -W sVV W9 t.s- 4.aatawS.Aki atVf aM4 Mf4 f
rninV"'w"-r MIH
swa fi 1 ..-( ttmmmm
imtrl L MIMIM lTJal
Tirria. OMio'.dJpaVB
a- wajavsw 'v w a" v m aaav aaaaaa
as. at -.
L. ..AU3'
-' t J'
y j '
C'nhllll rnf lb atisif Msl
Dr Piorce's Pellets
if km rmtmrAnt.ut
rMrr.vri.r M4nm.mmm
UwnMii M a UVM PMal.
I- Itoi i.n .. tN4al
Mia tlai, Vf 4
lfss)ritnfsirs Iff I'hisUUM.
I'tcsaaol ,i. al,U V ll.a
llloml t, l!t(a,
Jama't t' Vii!N.
stMf I MA A AAsaft
faUr'rflRalia -
Wit b,Uto IliL
M lmmkkilmm
laaw IMMS at Ww VwsP
I " B4Mf N aX3 K
s a mm t w .
- Hf .ass.a-ta-sa
" ! f rf P '
4m f aftV
W " W l',"w P ' aawpaaaam WaaafaaBa
M fsV aa - aM
4'ita i
s a.s
mff IMtlaattawaw
t MaMf f O0
l $ r
a- -a p4 mv wm a
hi ad v-Zmjmm
a M ilwliA tat , rimaaa. a.
I WWIWOd TtWTt, covt ,
aajtaAABlaBI lllf.uls ....... a. . .
mtnt atn.t
saaav I sa
(iwioo )j-aM
aa n.l ! ia.M a4 a.a
( vsta0 Mtt t
rtisit 1 irf
41. (s).M
ra-s (nl ! s.aari Lmm Hhu
. I k4tt awaaWW aa. . m, aaa.
A. H . 0.
u wot wartiM in wmttB
1 an.aa aswaw aw4 w aaat aaa
WtKiWW '" rMtfflA
A 4m 4mYM0. WA1 sbat
ATAftJI fM i
sv aiaaii B w ,.-....,.
iff I fill lata I t; "' '"V"t "Mtl
O W WW BWO V MP aasaawaalai mjt.4 Lla liwAV aasaV aL.i
iiraat w TsfrV,r;aireiei