Ii"-" W 1 M NEW YORK STORE ! Red Cloud's Great Cash Dry Goods, Boot & Shoe House! OUR MOTTO. Best Goods, Latest Styles and Lowest Prices. We lead but never follow. New York Store ! Dry Goods. New York Store ! NOTIONS. New York Store ! FINK DRKSS GOODS. New York Store ! 8ATTKKNS. New York Store ! CHALLY AND LAWNS. New York Store ! PRINTS AND GINGHAMS. New York Store ! Whito Goods, Laces and Embroideries New York Store ! Rlack and Colored Cashmere Shawl New York Store 1 muitoNs. New York Store 1 Muslins and IM Sheeting. New York Store. Huttons all Kinds. New York Store Ladies and Children Hobo. New York Store 3 IV. Hookford Socks 25ets. New York Store COR8KTS New York Store Jeans, Shirting and denims. New York Store Gloves and Silk Mitts. New York Store Rest $1 kid gloves in the stats. New York Store Parasols from 25cts up. New York Store Rest stock Roots & Shoes in the west New York Store Ladies and Genta Slippers. New York Store Rest II. DO Ladies' shoe in the U. S New York Store. Rest stock of MisseV and Children's shoes in the Valley. New York Store. A $2.50 Mat's shoe for $1.50. New York Store Dress Trimmings of all kinds. Gall and see us and we will do you good. NEW YORK STOKE. Chas. Schaffnit, o P ., 1,14 . c. iioNMr.it. l'rrlclor. Friday, May Hit, IftftO. wBssssssssaiiisaawawsssssaawssBiassBHSwn. Tho government is now experiment ing with artesian wells, and Tiik Chirk would stiggoHt that -ur poiiple aako an effort to got I'nolo .Sam in Iiut uno down In this eity, or near iere, fori ho purpose or irrigating out lands in dry season. Tho city dads Hlinuld muko uu effort to purify tho city water, thu faeis are thut tho prcaont water is nut just what it should bo for fiuuily iimi and until tho council arranges lu filter It, the rcoplo will not bo ahlo to uno il to any largo extent for family uno. If the eity is going to sell water for family uso it should olcanso il so that tho health of the user would not be jeopardised by its use. Rev. Georgo S, Davis, editor uf thu Nebraska Christian Advooitte, mndo the editor ot this paper a pleasant eall while in this eity this week. Itro Davis is among our warmest friend, and wo wish him an abundanoo of prosperity. His fondest dream, tho establishment of a purely Mcthodistio paocr in Nebraska, hns been fully realiiod in hU Christian Advocato, by his untiring seal in the good cause and he should bo fully rewardcu. Red (.'loud is undo up of onterpriHiug thorough gnlntt men, who aro always ready to take hold of substantial en terprises, yei ihcro scums to bo iwoor three who hhould bo interested, hang. ing back for somo causo. Ninety-niuo of eycrv hundred of our pcoplu aro tor My and everything that will enhance the valuo of property in tho oily and because a few do not feel disposed m woik they should not throw cold water or every ontoipriso that com .in uloug rood, bad, or indifferent. However Red Cloud is on tho high mail to a 'big boom" this summer if there it ro intervening l'rovidence. It is said that Governor Thayer will so iRcrease his call for tho congress ional election as to include thmo con. Ungent cnugrtssmen. Ry so doing il is thought that the manv aspirant for Doraey's shoes in the Thiid district mr bo given contingent places, and that Dnrttey can again be nominated. It a a great scheme and should be osr mo further, and a few contingent gov raors elected. Speaking about con tiRgent congressmen, reminds us of tho May daya of early statehood, when T O. Haws sold pies in the New Ytt poitoicc. Tiik Rkmocrat is fitr Pit 0. Haws for contingent con glMMiiR. Gage County Democrat. Rev. R. M. Hardmiin, u Inrmor edi tor of tho M Union Gaxottc, in fact tho lint iroiriotnr of that paper, and now u Mi'llmd'Ht ininiNlor, lias placed UN under obligation to him for favors. 'I ho good brother, is nun of tho ohiiroho'H best ministers, and with his experionco in ii pliuting office is able to "point llio way" with greater force than ilinio who have never hooii tin world through a printing nffijo tele scope. Tiik Ciiirir will always it niemlier him wi'h kindness. .flhiMrrliil Ammm'IiiIIoii. Tin" M htlitiMiiil A'UH'hiliim nr I titl Iiik til' Irlrl, t'ollktiieit In llcil ('limit, Miiiiiluy lili'lil, Mity li. ivni. AtvonllitK In tin iiuruin, II Kttell.ot Siitifilor. Hfiirluil tilt. oieitlni( Mr iiixn, iruiii ili rollimlnu' iel. I I'eler 4i in. 'Ilm kciiiioii it a folltmi'it dv an exhortation limit ,Vt V t)iMilti', uf Keitfoitt, Ni'l). At lliorloii. Ili'V. WltJimri. II. .. 1'rcltllMtf l.iilrr, uililtevieiltlio iimmliilli.it tout citeiitli'.t mi invltiiiloiiin llio I'litillj In (jimuthI to tin inev cnl al Ilineu'tvUi'it TltRStlAV MIMIXINll. nlN::tfin. iiL.tlvkntlmi.tl evcn'lni-i rotitliictnt by II II Morrlmm. Al i. in.. V It .loiiei, I'. t: tiHik tliiM'hulr. 'lliiiitllimhiKtrvllm-n of Hie ilUHltt wn lavM-nt : II II Morrloon, KM llariliiiiin, K II l.'iilct,.l I Mi'Wy, .1 Arii.iiiln. M lirMotlr, lllnonniillN, (1 I, iliirlmiik. I: I. Wolf. I, Mo., rliuii. Is. I IMmt.ill, a I. r.iM.'ii ami II II Ktll. VikHIi.ii liirllirru: ltc. II Uunli, llimnrlal iikimiI it Nt'lniiikn, Wiuleyaii llnhcmity, l.lu. ruin, Ned., ami Hry.llW Mnwl.'y til tho Nrl iakn('liyillNilrt. iniUwii itcv. W II Joiii'N, i.rfl.lonl; Hiram I'nril. tlcu .ir-.llenl; II A Kwrll, Mcr(lary, ami It M lUnlmaii, tieieimrr. Iter. IH-MtXIr. ..( lcii'nu,iti'-M'Uli'.lik ..in.r im ''imriM'MT amv." I Im iwiht wai n phhI unu ami Col low eil an liiit'itlK illviniliiii. II.'V. K M lluiilniioi, t.r .'lii'Mer, trail liN ia .oriiii"reN'iiiniuv." Tlilina fullowr.l l.ru eiy ciiiicvt ll'iiilou. ltt.WII Wlntori, uMur l Ihi' Clirliilau rliinvli, imin liiirixlii.ril mill Imliul in lake p.iil In tin. iIIwmkhIoiih. At lii:.k)inni'r n ultoi.'.l I.vIIiim. Cuitl Hint lluirli, "Ibtrk tr Am" wict mnitf, follownl I'vprixi-r liy Hnm. Mo cy unu liiirlniMk. allrr lili'li , K It bnii'tt rvail a mHT mi "nMI-il.-iil l.in." HiiiNiuuu'ry ..tn.i.if .u'M'iit.ol.ui i.l tlielis'lnilnil moiinlnu ut liMtlllcntlm. A N.ivl.ilri.iiiiiitt'rii.ii tho aiuenittii'iil, roil Kli.lliiitolltci'i.riiiiN, l.rn(rni ami Hint were a.iHliiti.l. I i.inniltlee on n'v.liitli.n iiih.iiiIiI Kom, Ii.MimiImhi, J rii.tplii mill M.'Vry, lliixoliuv iiiiik i.nil liuiirilli'tiiin l.y IM HIM, Al rKIINO.iN. I!.'. J Mi.Vry I'mulm'tct llio iloiollmml t riclir. Uov. Ii V ilnmimll wtM Ihi'li lntit. iliuvil. Itrv. Iliili'li, llii.iurlil Ncrnl i.r tln Dili xrilty w.k ui'Vl ImIi.hIui'iiI un.l iiiiiili. nn n.l uir iihiii i in. iimy initiniH ! r. .i "juMirniii' IniN ii.tnlintluiiitl lliiM'.iiillniil irull.si.f iiimII. iMImii, 'I ii isimr tt.ii tollm.nl l.y h iirnllUlil ill.t'iliilnii. Itrt, J Al'li.il'lu lent HKr on "Mtni'litliMtlon" lull of iH'lnts iimi ki.itinii.i.u I.l Hli.l riMila hh on tin. iliHtilntof nri'." It mui MrviU'.u mill HtUlm. v rll t.ilruUICit In intiloki u (lilli iviiiv or until. Ion. I!e, riilll iv.nl juiiht riillUtl"vii,ilty x, ii.liMIUfliO'Mif ll.'' II w.i .li.lll ttllllrn 'iix'r mill I'lli'ltist tin. omiiiih-ikI iMoii ol llio n vH'liitli.n. Ili'in illi'llmi l.v liin.l! V IIuiiiiiii'II ll.iwlo iniMi'lii'il, N V tlillt, P.M. lollmuM nltli tillnl rluiilatloui. UkliHKHlitV I'.'iotli.niiloxoivlM'H liyJ A i Imiiln. llri.ilMvMiK IMItur "Ni hraka A.Uo- .Ml". ' l.llH-olll. KUt llltllNlllrt'il. r.iTnn ulorttliiitloii. Iy Hot AH Kulitrti, w at ivmt inula civ I'lraiant illn-iml.m f... Ii.i, ltv. II I. Itiirl'Miik iuvm'iiIoiI !i iiiH-r on "J'n tnu'UoM'l I'rlMli-u.-itoi iioitlirii ' lloi.O K I'aKu.iri. vitnr ol llio i'oiii:mf1(tltit. Hliliiuvli utlnn liiUmtiui.l mi.l I in licit to aiMtnltliln llioturor ttio uiivlollm:, 'I ho iviimt ol Kri Hiittunk rvulliHil llio i'lIUiuo llio l,iUoiinoil.t'irat iiiH'ttliio of Ilm "now HwolJty," or n-roiul .nlMloii U liotaiinoMlun ofuut liuorrat to niliou it rllrlti-il a Ionic ami llirly ilttcuulnn. I'mxor ly Him. I oiiri"l nml KoMon, artrr ttliirli Itov r'nunU IVal lra.1 :. imm on llio "IMtiilot llioAlimoioriil," AITSRMOON. Itov i:.S Volk roiutuotiM llodt'.otloii.il e eti Ih', Deering Junior Steel Binder THE LWNTEST WEIINT NAOTIOAL UIDER EVER MADE. i-lwaawmSawa, fMS-M&flm . HarCDBfBWVLVil9RBHRBWri't ntBWRHsHHawzf.' "laCaBIHalaawiHHEawlawiH iiiY.iMMwiLu7ztmnHmwzMiarmm:j -ij.1 m. - m. at..iBwliBwaBaBlRlaWlui.."IRWMr. . 2WM I'AIIMi.U C. i'kiV' r IUAII!U H Mrta tutKltr n niak, m tmri; Ii til. kunmli; mipt,ilwtiik;kliiMriOTh. SwiSmfcm. JsiraassffflssaiMfifevitt l- PI 5v tvtcmtiHt rival. IWWMBISSIiiEKR tki Lwlir to lb Class. TheKKKKINn ItlNliKH TWIKnilobr ourselves Is tho brat In theworld. Apply toour ncarct ntrcnt lor Illustrated rtalnn ami rull Information or wrltnUrea tous. WM.DlIRINO CO.. Chloaiv, Ilk Itov. K .1 lllnl roa.l liN i.iur on mlitilmlon of Wonim to tho koiioiiiI iiinforoiii'i.. Tho illv iulon whlrli lulltmrtl hIuommI thut llio i.ulori Hioln fatorortliomlnilltitiii'i. of llio hoiiioii to lliotfoni'n.l iimtori'iiro. Mutcil Hint wo aro In fikior ut tho aituiltDlon of woinon to tho Krnoral conlrri'iiiv. Cmttoil liv it oio of II to I. Hot. I. Motiivm lent ii Mvi on llio llUlrli't Oiiiip lilii'llliH. llu. time or the DUtilit I'amii Mrftlii to rlxoil on tho I'MiiliiK of llio tilth ot Aiitfiiit. Movoil tiukt ttoh.kTo tho H.tiiui uiriiiii:emotit foi iiUHtliiK llio i'viiio, leniliiuu Kait f. Hint lli N.IHIO into, hi tikit yoir, Moi oil Unit ii eominlitoo. u( thu Im iolnlr,l lit int iial.ili.l i.iiiiiiiilll.u r..r ,1... ...mi. ....., it.i. iitMK'lniliin. Holt. Aloxaiulci, llu)vo. .iuno, rut iimi iiiiwn wore ariocitst hi iiio oo niniltoo. lie. I. Morrimin. or lllno Hill. niiolntoi to act im rhorNtrr of llio emtio nioollnr. MommI Hut a I'olilinltliv uf Iliri'O to uis.litOil on worh , to act In conceit ttlih llio iimliluii; oilier. v H.-loiwi. Commit t on Mirslil, K.I hiimlall, 0 W Willi mi.l H I, IturlMiik. llliiolllll.iiiiotiM toro.tr next MlnUtor tut AiH'l.tloii, tiy rviiit"t, Commliinioiiiiroi:i.km, iirvlilliii; tlilrr ami wulor of III. in Hill mil I r.i.. I... .Alter JMciiIiim to u loclcil viuuiu. vililivt l'oniilfi.iiloit"Tro n Hr.S K ilrltt. ol HtMlim, imp ntwNi.iiii.it wmiMi'ii Mmim H'iiiuiuiii on lhol.iohltltoiy iin'llou, iliiitltil hy I'iv. t' n U'liteil, lll'tiitltuuit KJ Ilinl, IISMOIVTUIN. .. Wi'.xmir MHiimlHiti on ieM.lulli.ifk tuMnll tho tiillin.ini; iciHirlt IIOMMIKI, M Hut ..,. Mllltll ittir lll.lllkt to our iirctiuiiij; tiner im in luinitl.il iii.iui.ir II. ..lili'li In. Ilk iiii,sI uror IliU iimv'.iIUmi. Ili't'il.c.l cii.t Hint up it'lol.t. In tliu tt't. omy ol tin- Iliiittieinl ncvul ol llio Vli)nli I'nlj oii.lt). nml ib'M.lfior ot tli"Nrimw I IttlttUii AiIkn'hIo," miit iin'iiitHrt of other llltttlctllktlll flUIH'lllM. X Wo ili.iu.hi lirnrlllN n..Rvliiii tho k I ml liettof tin. tliiiuh.iinitfi.i'.vl.tll) llu'ioiniultlit. lot the io)itt in.tiiiir In kkhltli .e ImtolKfii tntoitntiHtl, I. MouiitMiS, I J. I, Mo v, l'oin. J. A.C'IIAI'IX, I After ait.iitlni: tho ithotr. retolutU.nt tho . elation a.ljoiiiiii'.i KiikIUIi .nxin llitlmrtit removex al haul, soft, or cMlomod lump end tiUm Uhrit from hur, WoikI nmviitK, curbs, splinU, reiur, riiittliotio, IUI, niirnln all swollen Ihro.ilMMUKlt, etc, naxo fv bv unofon.bolllo. Warrantotl tho inoi'l woBtlerful liltnilh rntf eier tnown. eldtiy I,. n.lVjo Jrulit ItcJ OihkI New dry Goods at tho New York Store. Latoit styles in carpets at F. V Taylor's. A new line of picture moulding at F. Sr. Taylors. b Sweet Orr overalls, All styles at MoNitt k Galusha'a Try the new drink, I'hospho-liuar ana, at Cnttings Fountain. If you want tho best buy the V lute for sale by F. V. Taylor. Call and see R A. Handy for prions before building as ho will make it to your interest. Anything in tho lino of furniture carpets, window shades, etc. st lowest prices at F. V. Taylor's. The imported , Alabastin, void by Doyo is the finest wall finish made. Can bo put on wood, stono, or platcr. Itcmcmbcr that McNitt & (ialuhha carry the Isrgcit best and also the cheapest line of Jcann, cottonadc and worsted pants iu the eitv. If you want weaving done call on Wm. Huffman, Itcd Cloud or leave orders at Chas. Schaffnit'. All kind of carpet weaving done on short no tice. Just received tho latest styles in beaded wraps, satUcns, white gooJs, Swiss embroideries, flouncing, hair ornaments, laces and all sorts of trim mings. Mrs. F. Xewhouse, For your spriag'saiu either tailor made or ready made go to McNitt & tialusha'a. On a tailor made suit they guarantee a sating of from .'i to 10 front any one tit in the city. g swMHLW d BHrrrV HrrrrhRIrb wi; hv. .HukliiK ii stprrlul Htlv or Watches or Mil klHiU, ut the prfM'Hl tlMir, nml ahull costisiik to OHVr Nnc HnrgHliH for nril Sixty Days ImssmtI eur atatk hn4 Irt Ha glc j we atrlrra. ksiRW'r 411111 Special Attention to Repairing Gti.irantec Work BKlaBBBBBBBBRk Prices Reduced I liavo just rocoivod tho LUt Styles in Beaded wraps, Sateens, Challies, Wliite Goods, Wonted (Joods, .Sliirting, lUmburgs, Swim Emhroiderifi, Torchon Unces in all qualities and quantities also Novelty Braids, etc. Please call and see me , at old stand, Red Cloud JL g Mrs. F. Newhouse. i 4 t" lkiilli)tw'"imy,"' ""V " j, " 'J, "i " ' '" yniwiiiii i. i hi i n Biioinwpiim f wimrr i u mrr- -i"i "ti-t " 4 W.UMM ' jJk & .VW ' .anr -swa vmv A' ,ltii.!l& MtTOfMr'aNEM WBHW. jjt t'.