K m .41 I T 1 I II: THE BED CLOUD CHIEF. A. O. MOtMllt, Putollahar. RLD CLOUD, .... NEI1RASKA. CURRENT COMMENT. Foun torpedo boat aro to lie sent by Knglnnd to Nova HcotU and tho liarba doe for duty. Tnr. Czar of Hussla linn decided to tnsko Theodosla tho future commercial port of tho Crimea. Sknatou Goiiviax linn lioen chosen chairman of the Democratic Senators in placo of tho Into Senator Hock. .It'ltoic Grxisox, of Krlo, Pa., has do rldcd in a damage suit that common ticket aro not (food on llmitud trains. Tin: Common Council of Chelsea, Mas., has reconsidered iu voto to peti tion tho Legislature to change tho namo of tho town because of Clin expression "dead n Chelsea." Tint directors of tho Chicago Hoard of Trada have adopted a memorial to Con gress asking that tlio t'nlted States steamer Michigan bo replaced 'by a new and sultablo vessel. Juitin: Ntkvvaht, of Haltimoro, Md., ban delivered an opinion In tho rase of Ktovenson Archer, ex-State Treasurer.in which he held that Archer can not bo tried for embezzlement. Hkiiiiln WAnKiioi.it, llaspelmath and T.cuby, officers of tho Herman navy, have been convicted of receiving bribes from contractors and have been sen tenced to terms in prison. Tub famous Ogdcn residence, which escaped from the North side fire, Chica go, in IHT'J, Is to bo torn down to make way for the great Newbury library. The building was u landmark. Ciiaiii.ks KaniioM'H. ox-secretary of tho Hoard of Trade of Chicago, who dis appeared somo time ago, Is at l'ortlaml, Ore. He could not tell how he left Chi cago, his mind being a blank. Tin: race between Kemp and McLean for '.'00 aside mid tho scullitigchumplnii ship of the world took place on the Paramatta rler, near Sydney, N. S. V., Teeontly. It was won easily by Kemp. A roNi'ltACT has been signed between the Gorman Govcrnlncnl and tho Fast African Steamship Company, which will receive 000,000 murks annually for u line of ntcamcrs from Hamburg to Dclagoa bay. Ilo.v. .1. O. Caim.im.k Mas nominated to succeed Senator Heck by the Demo cratic caucus at Frankfort, Ky. All tho candidates withdrew, excepting Carlisle and Lindsay, the Dual ballot resulting as follows: Carlisle, 7'-': Lindsay, iX H. II. M. SiorAiii:, a member of tho broker firm of George K. Slstaro Sons, which recently failed, has been arrested In New York. Klchnrd llerkshere, of Philadelphia, on whose warrant he was arrested, says ho had SII'.'.UOO worth ol bonds which worn embezzled. Tin: steaiiiMiip Werra, of tho North German Lloyd Company, has reached New York, having on board Director Strauss, of Vienna, and his well known orchestra. Then aro forty-six In tho party. A party of friends and admirers, among whom was the Austrian vice consul, went down the bay to meet the party and bid them welcome. 8r.vr.UAl. of tho St. Petersburg news tapera express surprise at the war-like tenor of the sKcch made by Kmperor William at the bano.net at Koenlgsburg, after his pacific speech from the throne at the opening of the Ilolchstag, Tho paper expres especial surprise at the nature of the speech when It la con sidered that hia Majesty la making prep aration to attend tho maneuver of the lluMlaa army at Krasnoo Holo. They declare there Is nothing in tho altuatlon aa far a Russia is concerned to justify tho tone of the speech. An authorized person near President Diaz says that thoso favoring the aboil tlon of the duty on paper used In print ing are bringing a strong pressure to bear on tho Mexican Government, but that tho Government will not accede to total exemption from duty, although It will reduce the tariff. The American, General Sturm, has obtained a conces alon for a paper manufactory, granting free entry to the first material used In manufacture. It Is liollnved that he will Ito obliged to sell paicr at a reduced price. Others are demanding the same privileges accorded him. - -Tub libel suit of SIO.OOO brought by Attorney Albert Knettles. of Minneapo lis, Minn., against the Pioneer Press was thrown out of court by Judge Hicks In favor of the newspaper. The point in question was whether a newspaper bad the right to publish a statement or a question when that statement was libelous In itself, ex en though the pub llcatlon of it was accompanied by no malice. Judge lllcksdcclded that it had tueh right and that the fact of the mat tor being privileged exempted tho news Vaper from it. and the paper could not lie compelled to rest Its case on tho truth of tho privileged publication. IXTltuiUB for the succession to Mr. 4'ilftdstono are at the present moment ery active, write Kdmund Yate, Mr. Gladstone waa talcing very little part In the business of the House, and, there fore, it wa necessary that the claim ant for the place should put themselves much In evidence, All that was act tied, ho believed, wa that Lord Gran ville would bo shelved with Mr. (Pad stone and that Karl Snencer would he- come titular, leader of tho party. The ' rivalry Utween Sir William Yemen Harcourt and Mr. Money ha ieen t-un porarlly arranged by Mslgnlng to the member for Derby chargo of the opj.tsi- tlon to the Tithe bill and by giving to member for Newcastle the same funo - tlo with regard to the Land Purchase Mil. - NEWS OF THE WEEK. aiaanad By Telegraph and MalL t'ONcmtm I the f-enntn on tho 12th Peimtor Hoar, from tlm Judiciary Committee, reported back tlm lloimn amcniliift'iit toll.- Henst) Antl-litiit bill with an amendment. The riilu bill flxiritf the times sail placet for IioIiIIiir Kudrrnl Court In Knn was rv pnrti-il Hint passed. The Oliver bill wn then tskrn up met srnnlor Jones, nf .N'evndn, opened thnilebntc In fnvornf his bill, llvforo the conclusion of hi speech the Penalnail-Jourm-il,,,. The House hnd a lively scxilon In Committee of tlm Whole on tint Tiirlff bill, which was still timJer consideration at tlm tlnntof mllntirnuiciit. In Ihn Annate on tb 11th a petition wa presented from I'lillivlclphl builnei men rtoiuin.trstlmr iiualnit tlm Incrratn of duty on ilroM Kood made wholly or pnrlly from wool. Attiir report of cominltlms fenu tor ItnvU, from tlm Pensions Committee, reported Imrk tlm House substitute, for Ilia l))'ii'iiili nt Pension bill, mill imivnl u nim concurrent unit conference, which ws HKircd lo. Tlm Heniitn then re. limed cmmlderstlon of tlm M ver bill and Henntor Jones (Net ) continued his remiirk In fuvorot tlm bill, st the roncbi slou of which rcnuloi Jones (Ark ) inl.re.el the Semite In oppoNltlon, ,, After the ill, position of routine business In tlm lions) debute on tlm Tariff bill win resumed, utid Mr. Iliittcrworlh (Ulilo) created .iiiiiewlnit of a sensation by III peculiar tcimtrks unit vlewHontlm tariff ((notion. Hut little pro. Kre wn made before the lloinm adjourned. Wiikm the Fetiatti met on the lllh senator Wilson (Iowa) rcport'd it bill Irom tlm Jiidl clary Committee miI)i. t Iiik Imported Honor to tlm provlolonn of the law of tlm severs! Mate. Tho bill I Intended to meet tho Into tltcMon of tlm Miprumn Court. After ev. nut Senators had exprensed their views on the subject, tlm reuulnr order ws driusnded, and the Hllvnr bill whs tsken iipund Himator Teller spoke In It favor, fvventl bill, of a local or private nature, pamed and tho Hrn ate adjourned. ...Wlien tlm House met, on motion of Mr. Morrill, of Kan, tlm llmmi InnUted on It Htnendinents to tlm lltipftid. cut Pension bill and asked for a confi retire. The Tar ff bill then emtio upas unfinished btislnttti. and wsa debated until sojourn ment. AITKH the reporting of liltl In the Hon ii tn en tlm 1Mb tlm Silver bill twain cstne up it unfinished business and tfenstor 'lellnr eotitliiuoit hi remark In tor nf tlm frcn enlnnao ef silver. Henstor Cuke nIio spoko In favor of the frea lid unlimited colonics of sl.vrr and sKSlnat thu bill s reported. Tho dvbnto occu pied tho entire siosloii,,, .When the lloio tint Mr. McKlnley, fioui tlm Committee on Utiles, tepoiteil h resolution ptovlillnu for tlmcoii tit ritlon of tlm Tariff bill ench day until Wediies lay noon, In Couiiultteii of the Whole, when tlm bill uml till putidltix aim ml ttienls Klinll be repotted to the llotlxe. 'I III wit iintaKonlred by tlm minority but tlm plevloim iiieKllou srns ordered mid tlm tei-ollttlon adopted. A t'oiltert lien Colli- lilltti II the dependent I'c indou bill wunp pointed, uml ilebuto on I'm Tariff bill ton fliiutd. I'enxon bill Hem (onaldetod nt Ihcctcnliiu hchhIoii. 'lllKSeiistetiti tholCth furtbrr considered the Slucr bill, llioipiexlloii beluironSi nn'or I'luiuli'it suu'iidiiient that no ftinil iiallubln for tlm pnytneul of tlm ptibllo tlebt xliall be letalued In tlm treasury lit exceotiMino,. l Heii'tlur I'l tub In a iKorntl Hpeech ml' vocatetl tho amendment, and fenalor Slier mail opposed It. Aftt r a loint dlscumlon the bill went over mid the henatit hdjnuructl . After pitssltlK tlteHenilln bill ailthorlllliK the reUl I ut Intuit reiiHit liutll iimtlerthelli tie rcKiimed the Tsrltf bill Hint a lively discus, shin wn kept up during tlm entile sitting. At thecvenliiK hcIoii t'Venty ouu private eliloii bills pmied. 1'KnatlNAt ANIt IMII.ITICAU Tt.vas Prohibitionists have nominated a full State ticket, Majou WissmANN bombarded Until May to and captured tho town. Sknaiiih HltoWN, Georgia's Senator, has failed to appear during this tesslou and It Is generally understood that ho will resign on account of continued ill health. Tho present Governor of Georgia, General John II. Gordon, will, It Is suld. succeed him. Tut: Paruellltes snatched a victory In tho House iif Commons on tho Mth, the second reading of tho Irish Agricultural Laborers' bill being agreed to without a division. Tho Government's usual sun- port was absent when the measure was sprung. Sknatou Wolcott, of Colorado, waa married at HutTalo, N. Y recently to Mrs. F. M. Hass, daughter of tho lato James II. Metcalfe. Tnr. Senate on tho Mth confirmed all tho Oklahoma nominations. lU.v. Sam Small has announced him self as a candidate for the Georgia House from Fulton County. Tub Republican decided not to put up a candidate in Randall' district, leaving the election a walk over for Vaux. Tiikiik waa a small outbreak against the Hrazlllan Provisional Government at Porto Allegro recently. It waa aup pressed after a number of person had been wounded. Tub President has approved the Okla homa Townalto bill. Nklson H. Davis, Hrlgadlor-Goncral United States army, died on the 1Mb. He had just arrived atGovornor' Island. N. Y.,to visit friends, and was apparently In good health. On entering General Tomklna' office he was stricken down by an apoplectic, fit and expired. Ji'Imh: Ditt'MMiiMi, who was succeeded by Judge Gresbam In the United States Circuit Court, died recently at Whoaton, 111., aged eighty years. It- Is said that Henry M. Stanley la engaged to Miss Dorothy Tenuant, a young KtiglWh artist. MiK-:tXANKora. Tin: Kentucky Derby at Louisville on the Hth was won by the Kansas City horse Riley, owned by Corrlgan and rid den by Murphy, defeating the favorite, Robespierre, by nearly two lengths. Ir I reported that Junes Hell, therokee, living near Vlulta, I. T., will 1k tho first ponton to test tho forty-third section of the Oklahoma bill as It applies to Indian Incoming citizen of the United State. KtniiT Inches of snow fell in North Dakota, doing tho wheat crop much good. Tin: suspension of tho extensive brokorago firm of IKtran, Wright Co., of Now York and elsewhere, has boon formally announced. Liabilities to it bucket shop patrons, $100,000; asset, nil. Clinton G, Rr.vNoi.ps, a lawyer, of W Wall street. New York, wa shot and nfortally wounded In hi office by Alphonso J, Stephanie. Reynold wa the lt'L'Ill adviser of StittiliuntiVu ttithr . mid had nlaced certain iiMM.rtv.mt .f t), nwx ot lho ahWlShtni wiul ttM a sNMidthrift. ' Tin: I rUh tenants' defense fend lu reached AMO.ooo and has Uen closed. County Cork people subcrlbcd &',ouj. Tub sentence on Commander Me Calla, of tho Knterprlsc, wa three years' suspension. Tho pecuniary effect wa loss of half pay, or about 81,400 a year. Poiso.nku sausago cattaed the death of Mrs. Clem Killers, of Ivanhoe, O. Two of her children am seriously 111. Tiik casn against .lames Campbell, president of tho Window Glass Cnion, for Importing L'ngllsh workmen In vio lation of the Alien Contract law resulted In an acquittal. Tub Immense flour mill of tho Winona (Minn.) Company wa burned recently. The los was :!:, 000. Tub striking minor at Hllbao, Spain, indulged in another riot on the lBth. C M. Wiiittakbh and J. M. Htublm were crushed to death under a hugo piece of granite near Monrovia, Cab, by tho breaking of a derrick. I'l iik In San Hornanllna, Cab, de stroyed tho West Coast Lumber Com pany's mill and lumber, causing S00.0OO loss. , Tub Typographical Unions of Minne apolis and St. Paul have demanded ten hours' pay for nine hours' work, which has been refused. Castaway II. , a rank outsider, won tho Hrooklyu handicap on tho loth. A cavk In occurred in initio No. 8 at Ashley, Pa., on tho loth. A number of miner woro entombed with no hopes of their recovery all vo an choko damp ac cumulated. Tub wlfo and daughter of President G. Stanley Hall, of Clark University, were found dead in their bed at Worces ter, Mass., recently, accidentally sulft cated by Illuminating ga Tiiiiki: children playing In an excava tion for a cellar ut Seventh avenuo and Fifteenth street, Hrooklyu, were killed by falling earth recently. Tin: French Hoard of Trade return for April show an Increase In Imports of more than a million dollars and an in crease in exports of more than four millions. Two river driver near Moose river, Maine, were recently killed uml three others were terribly Injured by the ex plosion of a keg of powder In an old cabin iu which they had taken refuse from a storm and built a (Ire, Ili'sisKNs failure (Dun' report) for i tho seven days ended May K numbered 'XVi, compared with UO'.l the previous week ami ','I'J tho corresponding week of last year. Tilt', toport concerning three iictorof tho Nat Goodwin Company being killed In a railroad wreck Iu Montana proved unfounded. A member of the company, Miss May DulTee. had died ami this hail delayed tho company, causing the false report, Tomsk:, In Western Siberia, has been almost destroyed by Hood anil tin. Ct'itA is troubled with drought. Ov tho river Oder, near Ratlsboti, Si lesia, a ferryboat loaded with passen ger wa crossing, when It suddenly cupslrcd and thirty-six of tho Mopln were drowned before nssistanco could reach them. All the passengers were children who were returning home from a confirmation service. Tinti:i: men were drowned near York ville, Pit., while tlshlng from a boat. Hv a collision between a pay-car sicclal ami the rear end of an accom modation train at Tuscola, III., n lady was fatally and other poisons slightly hurt, At.t'iii'.im ljt't.i. President of the Gould ,V Curry mine, wa drowned near San Francisco recently. Tin: union stonemasons and bricklay ers of Jollot, III., have struck for eight hours ami Increased wages. Tnr. Herlln Tagchlntl says It Is a sg nlllcaut fact that visits of foreign news paper writers and other recognized vis itors to Frlederlchsrue have been very frequent of lato. ADDITIONAL DlHPATCIIEii. Ct.BAitiMt house return for tho week ended May 17 showed an average In crease of HU.'J compared with tho corre sponding week of last year. In Now 1 nrk tho Increase waa IMt.0. Moxkv wa plentiful mid discount was li Ml In London during tho week ended May 17. Railway securities were largely dealt in, owing to Parliament allowing companies to split ordinary stock. Tho Continental bourses were reported active, though uneaslnes wa eiprcaved over tho effect of tariff and financial change pending In America. The Havana augar market wa dull and heavy. Tiiiikb hundred Russian Jew tailor of Philadelphia have struck for the recog nition of the Cloakmaker'a Union and for the discharge of American girl. Hv the explosion of one of the boiler of a steamer at Marseille, France, three sailor were killed and four badly in jured. Gluiuik Fhanris Tit a ix, the eccentric, arrived at Now York on tho 1Mb, well ahead of time on hi trip around the world. Jamb Caiiii, father of President Rob ert Carr of tho Weat Yirirlnla Senate. 1 taking stops to liogln milt as one of the heirs of tho A. T. Stewart estate. Ho always knew of hi relationship to Stewart, but did not think there wa any thing in It until lately. Ax anti-Semitic meeting was held at Halle, Germany, at which Deputy Sotn enherg wa tho principal speaker. Riot ing broke out between Socialists and antl-Scmltlc and tho meeting was dis solved by the police. At the next Papal consistory three new Cardinals w ill be created. It i reported that tho Argentine loan will le arranged in Kngland. It I again asserted that J. F. God Jard. third vice-president of the Santa re, ha retired. Maboahrt IsAtiKt.Ui, daughter of Hon. James G. Hlalnc, ww married to Walter Uaiuroach, sob of tho .late mu sician, at Washington on the 17th. Tiioma McChbaxb, consular agent of I tho United State at Portsmouth, Kn gland, ha committed suicide at South Sea castle, near there, by shooting him- sen with a revolver. Tin: Senate en the ITtlt paed a bill appropriating &t00,000 for a statue to General Grant. An exciting day was ' pasted In the House, Mr. Rj mint, of In-1 atana. Introducing a personal matter when the tariff wa undivr consideration and using some strongoxplctlvc. which caused an uproar and led to hi censure before the bar after a vote of CM to 103 had been taken. NEBKASKA STATE NEWS. A?r unknown man about thirty-two year of age, who had lieen vainly look ing for work, recently laid down lieforo an approaching train at Dunbar and ln fore the engine could be stopped ho was killed. Tho coroner decided It to bo a caso of deliberate suicide. AnotTT four o'clock the other afternoon a severe storm of wind and rain visited tho central part of Hurt County, doing considerable damage to bridges, build ings and live-stock. School had not closed at Vnlder school house when the storm came upon them, and It was only a few minutes before the rising water compelled the children to escape to the hill for safety, and shortly after the abandoned school house was washed into Silver creek. Dl'itiMi a heavy storm tho other night August Swcltzer and Herman Hauman took refuge In a vacant house near Crowell. The hoiisu was blown tlown ami Sweitzcr seriously and Hatiiinin slightly Injured. Tiik Farmers' Alliance of McCool Is having the York County record over hauled In order to ascertain the expense of running the county during the last two j ears under tho commissioner system ami the two 3 ears just past under the supervisor system. Damli. Cai:v, u prosperous farmer near Hralnaiit. (iiarrclcd the other day with James Itacidon, a neighbor, over trespassing, and Racldon assaulted the other with a dub. Next morning Casey met Mrs. Itacidon on the road and killed her with throe shots from his revolver. He then surrendered to the authorities. Tin: other morning Fred Williams, u railway switchman, went home at Oma ha slightly intoxicated and was chilled by his wife, lie kissed hi child, went Into the next room and killed himself with a revolver. Tin: Supreme Court has divided tho celebrated Klmwotsl elevator case. About a year ago the Partners' Alliance at Klmwotsl appealed to tho Missouri Paclllc for the right to creel tin elevator on the right of way at that place mid uas refused. It then carried the caso to tho State Hoard of Truimiortiitloti and secured an order on the company to comply with the request. The company refused to obey, and Attorney-t5eiier.il Loose, on behalf of the board and the Alliance, appealed to tho Supreme Court for a writ of mandamus to compel the railroad company to respect the or ders of the hoard. The rotirt granted the writ, thus sustaining the action of the board. Tin: four-year-o'id son of Gilbert Kest lors. of Cordova, was recently watching his mother make soap, and when she went away ho took a saucer, as he hail seen her tlo, and put It in the kettle when his clothe caught lire and he was burned to a crisp before his father could reach him. Mils. Ansa Haii.ak, wife of a well-to-do fanner living in tho northwest part of Dodge County, committed suicide tho other day by jumping Into a well forty -foot deep. She had for some time pre vious shown signs of insanity. I Tin: State Medical toticly, recently in session at I le.it rice, elected tho fol lowing oillcers for tho ensuing yean President. D. A. Wuldon, Ueatrlce; tlr v co-president, Charles Inches Scrlb tier: second vice-president, II, D. Low rey, Lincoln: secretary, W. L. Ilildreth, Lyons; treasurer, W. M. Knapp, Lin coln; corresponding secretary, L. A. Merriam, Omaha. Lincoln was xnlcutcd as tho place of holding the next meet ing. Wiiili: hauling a loud of hogs to town tho othertlay Will Farnsworth, resitting near Sprlngvievr, was struck by light ning and instantly killed. The boll stripped him entirely of hi clothing. A uvitv at Madison was struck by lightning and entirely destroyed the other day. Chop in tho vicinity of Tobias were badly damaged by a late hail storm. Tin: school house at O'Fallon, con taining Mrs. Robinson, the teacher, and seven pupils, was blown over during a recent storm and all tho Inmates wero badly bruised. Win it: the little son of M. A. Kief, living near Rushville. was recently in the act of unharnessing an ox the ani mal was struck and killed by lightning. The hoy was severely shocked, but Is apparently it well as ever. A fAMi' of Son of Veterans and a Woman's Relief Corps have liecn mus tered lu at Lyons. Tin: young ladles of Greeley Center ate raising lumls for a public library. A M'miihi of human skeletons have been discovered near Herwyn, Custer County, a short distance from the place where three skeleton were unearthed several weeks ago. The bones aro 'M to be those of white people, and It Is generally believed they were Mormon emigrant who were massacicd by In dians. Six Inches of rain and a foot of hall recently fell, at West Point Hrblges woro washed away, some crops wen en tlrcly destroyed and the mill property was badly damaged. UoiiKon the free wagon bridge across the Platte at Louisville will begin at once. It will probably lie finished in time to have a celebration lu honor of tho event July 4. V.tnniBi'.x fat bogs were stolen from the stock yards ttf John Nle. at Nellgh, the other night I r Is stated that a large numlier of the banks of Ihe State have boon violating j the Mate Hanking law relating to real estatt Inettiint ami rediscounts, and prohibiting the combining of two kinds 1 of baukVng under one capital. Ai.vin MrGt mr, a horse thief, and Frank Hecker, held for highway rob lery, nvently escaped from jail at WU Wr by cutting the bars of thw cage with u saw1. A reward of Jloo Is ottered fur their arrest. W, lM Gori.tt's blacksmith and wagon hops ut. Shelby were nvently destroyed by lire, causing a loss of 5i,000. A iit'ii.niM) at Schuyler filled with ninety tons of lialisl hay burned the other night. l.os, Jtt,ooo. Sit.Vi.u in paying quantities Is de clared to be an assurvd fact in Kea Paha County, another vein of ore having recently been struck. POWDER EXPLODES. Over Thirty Lives Lost at Havana, Cuba. Awful Heath of a Man In (Julrkaand-dreat Ire at Toledo Hallnr Drowned Off Irclaml- Ktc Havana, May Hi. At eleven o'clock Saturday night a fire broke out In Ysasl'ri hardware store. In a short time tho llames reached a barrel of ttowdcr In tho building and a terrific explosion fol lowed, by which tho whole structure was blown to pieces mid many persons were killed. Among the dead are four flro chiefs, Sonors Mussct, Sonsovioch. Oscar Con. 11 I and Fruncesco Ordonez and the Vene-1 xuelan Consul, Semir Francisco Mlvn, who haptmncd to bo iu front of the building at the time of tho explosion. . In addition to the killed over 100 t,or-, sons were Injured. 'I'lie explosion caused tho wildest ex- 1 cltement throughout tho cltv anil thou- ' Hand Hocked to the scene of tho disaster. Tho Governor-General, tho civil Gov ernor and principal authorities of the . city were promptly tin tho ground mid did every thing in their power to aid 1 the Injured and calm the grief-strlc'sen relatives. Several houses adjacent to the wrecked building were damaged by tho explosion. Gangs of men are at work on the debn.s. Many human limbs have been taken from tho ruin. Tho relatives of missing persons supposed to bo in the ruins uro gathered on the spot mid as the holies nrtt brought out tho scenes are most distressing. Tin! conduct of the authorities is the mibjeet of universal prulso. The high est ottlclals have Incurred personal risk In couductlnir the search for the dead, and have offered the use of their own carriages to convey the Injured to the hospitals. Ysasl, the proprietor of the wrecked hardware store, has been arrested. Up to the present time tho number of j the dead is thirty-four. mi vKr n.v Klin:. I SifAvioKiN, Pa., May 10. Tho Nell son shaft Is on lire, having caught from tho burning timbers of tin- breaker, I which was destroyed last Friday night. Ili lower levels are tilled with gas. Twenty-live nuiles at the bottom of the shaft are dead and nineteen m the top levels will probably bo suffocated. At ten p. in. tho tire In thu Neilson shaft hud assumed a serious aspect Tho tire Is known to bo In No. VI vein at it depth of l.'JOO feet, but Its extent can not bo determined, as no one can visit that level and return nllvo. Smoke and foul air wero noticed issuing from tho air source of No. VI level at four p. 111. The nineteen mules were in the ".Ml foot level. The breaker fire destroyed tho boiler and one fan. Yesterday steam facilities were ob tained, and a fan started to ventilate the mine, but failed to drive out the gas In tho upper level. The mine Is making gas fast, and serious evplos'ons will oo-, cur If It reaches tho tire. rii:isiti:n lv tjt iu(txn, Ni:w Yoiiu, May 10. James II. Par cells, night dlip.it her In the New York post-olllce, was killed by the caving in of a well on his place at Woislslde, Long Island. Mr. Paivells was repairing the well, when It partially caved In, bury ing him nearly to the neck. The quick sand continued to run tlown and the ef forts of neighbors to extricate the unfortunate man only Increased bis danger. A ruhltor tune was procured and placed In Mr. Pa reel Is' mouth, so that ho could breathe after the sand had covered his head. After several hours' labor, tho sand was cleared away again, but It was found that Mr. Parcells had been unable to re tain tho tube In his mouth, and had liecn. choked to death. Ho was one of the leading cltlrensof Wmslsldtu He leave a wltlow and six children In comfortable circumstances. TOl Kilt) FIIIM llt'llNKIi OlT. ToLBito, O.. May 10. F.arly in the morning lire broke out on tho third floor of tho Crescent Candy Company's establishment In tho Hlett Itlis'k, Su perior street, which speedily spread to tho wholesale grocery of Wood .t Mutisoy, next door. There wero six hundred latxes of firecrackers and roman candle in the stock of the Crescent Candy Company and the ex plosion caused the llames to spread with great rapidity. All four stories of the candy stow were destroyed anil the wholesale grocery slock Is nearly a total loss. The losses aro: Crescent Candv Company, S.V,00; Mausey, SU,. 7.'.0. N KTi:IVK WltKCK. Jot.n:r, 111., May 10. An extensive wreck was caused on tho Alton about two mile till side ot Wilmington, at Prairie creek. Twenty flat cars loaded with cinders are piled la confusion at the place named, Tho engine Jumped I tho track, tearing up tho rail for a long distance. No one wa reported Injured. HOTEL tirilXKtt. Ari.vXTJP ITV, N. J.. May 19. The Oitkirno Hotel, this city, caught tire and wa partly consumed yesterday morn ing. The hotel was but recently opened for the summer season and is one of tho largcot In the town. There were thirty 1 cuests, but all escaped unharmed. The house will bo Immediately rebuilt S HIIOWXKD. I,iivihiv, May tt. The steamer Har old, bound from Hllbao to Glasgow, ha foundered off the Irish coast Six per sons were drowned. MurIIa( atl. Sax Fkaxch-csv May is, Rogolov. the Alaskan volcano that blazed and smoked for a time about seven year ago, Is again In eruption. February 17 and 2J there were sign of great activ ity, smoke and flame pouring from the crater and rising to a great height. The sky for weeks was clouded with athes, which fell In liberal shower la tho town of Ulutluk, forty-four xnllr away. To those who saw the eruption it seemed that a pillar ot flro and smoke wa fully flltcrn mile high. Usgoslov roue, originally from the ocvta and formed an UlanJ. THE ANARCHISTS. A M j.rnt I M Mad for Tlielr RfUsM Prow I'rUon. CiurAno. May 15. Preparation have been made to attempt to secure tho re lease from the penitentiary of tho con vieted Anarchist. Fielden, Schwab and Neebe. by a method heretofore not hint ed at in tho case. In a short tlmo an application will m mado to Judge Oresbatn for a writ of habeas corpus on the ground that tho prisoners aro de talned without due process of law. No less an authority than General Henja mln F. Hutler says that tho effort will almost beyond doubt lie successful, tho opinion being based on the expression of the United States Supreme Court in the proceedings heretofore brought Imi fore that lxsly. "lien" Hutler I a regu larly retained associate counselor In tho case. The Anarchists' lawyers say that tho writ of habeas corpus will lie asked for on the ground that after the sentence of death was passed upon tho condemned Anarchists and Neelaj wa doomed to spend fifteen years in the peniten tiary, the caso was appettled to tho Supreme Court, where the finding of the lower court, with the sentence of death for Spies, Parsons, l.lngg, Fischer, Kngol, Schwab and Fielden, wasalllrmed. Tho ptlsoners wer? not taken before the Mipromo Court to hear the a (Urination of their sentence and their lawyers were not even notified to bo present Tho claim Is mado that this N a breach of their constitutional rights and that tho Constitution even goes so far as to say that a sentence of death rendered In the absence of the prisoners U not duo process of law. General Hutler writes under date of Mav 10: "After giving Mitllclont examination to the record in the erne of Fielden, 1 have come fully t the conclusion that such action is errt neous In that It was an attempt to take his Hfo without cfuo process of law. I therefore advlso very strongly your tak ing a writ of error to have such pro cedure corrected by tho judgment of tho Supreme Court of tlm United States, if any technical objections are made, to tho Circuit Court, for a writ of habeas corpus for Fitdden, because under that writ the facts, as well as the law, can be discussed and forms are of no conse quence when they stand in the way of the duo course of justice. Of course, the decisions of thes questions will re Ucvn any of his follows who are suller Ing from the same errots If tit elded as I believe they must be, save tho men whose lives have liecn taken without duo process of law." KANSAS JUDICIAL DISTRICTS. Tho State lllvblril Into Two llUtrlrta-l'ro vision r Nriislnr rinniti' Hill. WaiiimitoN, May H. Tho .Senate has passed Mr. Plumb's bill to fix tho time and places for holding Federal Courts In tho district of Kansas. It divides the State Into two districts, to be known as the First and Second division ttf tho district of Kansas. Tho Second division will Include tho Counties of Sedgwick, Cowley, Hutler, Harvey, MePhonon. tlice. f.llsworth, Hartott, Rush, Ness, Lane, Scott, Wichita. Greeley, Hamilton, Kear ney, Finney. Garfield, Hodgninn, Pawnee, Stafford. Reno, Kingman, Pratt, Kiowa, Kdvvmds, Ford. Gray, Haskell, Grant. Stanton. Morton, Stevens, Sew anl, Meade, Clark, Comanche. Harper. Harbor and Sumner, and a term of the Circuit and District Courts shall be hold at Wichita on the first Monday of September of each year. The remaining counties embraced In the district are to constitute tho First division and tho terms of the C.rcult and District Courts are to 1st held at tho time and place now prescribed by law. Tho fourth and last sts-tlon of the bill provides that all civil sulta and pro ceeding now pending in the Circuit or District Courts of the district of Kan sas and which would, If Instituted, after the passage of this act lie required to ho brought In the Second division of district may bo transferred by consent of all parties to tho Second division of the district and there be disposed of In the same manner and with like effect as If they had been there Instituted; and all process writ and recognizance relating to such suits and prtx-eedlngs so transferred are to be considered a belonging to the term of the Court in the Second division of the district in the same manner and with like effect a If they had Wen Issued or taken in reference thereto orlalnally. THE PICKLER BILL. Th rarmrr' Alltanrr llrard on ttohalf nt Mnb-lreadirlf ttaaril Mapl I'rml iirt. WtsinxoTov, May II. A delegation representing tho Farmers' Alliance ap peared lioforo the Ways and Means Com mittee to sdto-ate the paag of tho Plckler bill to create sub-treasuries in d fferont parts of the country for the re ception of staple crops produced by farmers. The spokesman wa C. W. Macune, chairman of the legislative committee ot the Alliance and editor ol the National Economist He said ihey did not ask the enactment ot any unconstitutional measure, but aa the great debtor class, aa the men who had gone out In the West after the war and laid the soil under contribution with borrowed money, they protested against the contraction of the currency at atlme when their debt became due and asked that the condition be restored to what they were when the money wa bor rowed. They asked justice, pure and simple. Kawla aaxl laraer. Ioxnoir, May 14. A dispatch to the Time 'from Vienna toy that the re moval of Prince HUmarck decided the Ctar to reverse hi policy of an alliance with France and to revert to the policy of forming an alliance with Germany. Ill Ciar. it U aw r ted, aly dis trusted the stability of ihe trench re public, but it wa ImposaihU for hint to agren with Germany while lllamarck a in office. It l thought prohabl that the meeting ef the Cur and the Kaiser at Kreaeaa will remit ia a roaapaot waitb will altogether changw the frouplnf of the Eurefeea Power. , 's,1 ft I . BKjSW,s nt-'--"