The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 16, 1890, Image 7

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Burning of a Lunittio Asylum Hoar
VnntroaL Cnmuln.
rrlghlful least rifly 1'allaaU
ad fcrtrml .Sun IVrlth Id thr llama
Many l.unstlca l.tra to th
Losoit. 1'oiSTr. Oue.. May . A long
IIbo of f aunt tow cm unit a mass of blad
ing debris Is all that is lift o( tho
Ionguo Point lunatic asylum, wherein
many !oor lunatics lost their lives.
Tho horrlNo lt;ht that wepi witnessed
during the dostruetton of tho building
will never Im forgotten by the st,ctA
tor, though to th lunatl-s It a
time of toipp-mo glee and In their U
llght they dlfcportod themvltcs among
flumes and waved their arms In turbu
lent satisfaction at the ruin that tttt
being wrought. Not until the wall
tumbled otcr their heads were their
uiunlnciil vreams ceased.
There wcp, incarcerated In the asylum
1,300 lunatics for the placo wus mor
like a prison than a hospital, and lat
evening not more than I, UK) had been
accounted for. Hut many had vad
Into Ileitis and wimK and tho tiumtcr
of tho dead Is now a matter of eon
Jetittirtt nud Is not likely to oier ls as
certained, since no other record was
kept than that In tin asylum book and
these were destroyed In tho tire.
Ten miles lxdow Montreal a (mint of
land Juts out Into the rltcr. Hero I the
village of l.ougue 1'oluto und hero was
the famous luuatlc asylum.
Fifteen minutes tieforo noon the cry
of "flro" was given. Tlie lire originated
In a cupboard In the si-cuiid ward of the
tippnr atory and was the work of a
When the firemen nrrlictl the dome of
one tower had just fallen and the flamed
ore burntlng every where. Streams of
water were brought to bear on tin' flamoa
and while they Lvsted sotno good work
wan done, but that was for a very brief
sjmco and then the horror of the alt na
tion was reealed.
An the heat increased statues fell
from their niches to the grown I und then
the Inhabitants prostrated theuiscltoM,
crying aloud that tho saints had do
nortcd them liuticd. Meantime the
lied, furniture and utensils
dcHcrhitiou were belr.c show
tho windows and a stream
uiea inured out of tho eastern wing.
Not a patient was lost.
Among tho women It was different.
The less helpless cases were plans! in
the lower wards and they were removed
without dltllculty, but from the upcr
wards, where the violent patient were
ni-curod, their camo the wildest scream
as they resisted tho nuns, who were be
wocchlug them to make their escape. At
the windows women could be seen peer
ing thsough the bars, grlnnins ami Jali
herlm at the bright flames that went
Ttia Coanty- rMr Mmw Mm 'tie. I al Xae
wlrh. . V, and t.laian lnmalM lr
Ul. .4.
Nuitnirti, X. Y May 9. -Tim Chen
ango poor houvi and Insane asylum, s!
ttt'll miles uorthwest of here, wcrw en
tirely consumed by fire Wednesday
night and thirteen Inmates ponWhcd.
The fire was dlsiMtcrcd alsut eleven
o'clivk In the north lng of the js.r
housebuilding, where the Idiots were
kept. There were no provision for ei
tlugultbllig the t'.amcs. The keeper
and nclghlsirs pate their attention to
getting out the U, pauper and Insane
and let the building burn They were
all rescued, but cleicn Ulota and two
women are missing Mi IsslUs could be
seen slow I v burning. Tho other tlto
are supposed to be covered ujv
Vwwaral nrtlr In IK wla t'hnl.f a4
Hapwrttiee lr I atlagt-ia, H,
Wtsnixi.tus. .Vay 7.-1 uder a drip- '
ping sky, tho mortal remains of James
llurnle tvk, lain a CnlteU Mate s,M.
tor from Kentucky, were borne at t n
o'clock jrtcrday morning trotti the
residence of lieprescnlaljto Itreckin
rUtre. r ' Kentucky, tu the Capitol They
were accompanied by the Nnat" com'
lultteo of arrangements and the hon
orary pall U-ret named by the Ken
tucky delegation,
Arriving at the rat front of the Sen
Ate the Senator and jll leap-r left
their carriages, and terming In two
lines, with Senator Itlarkburn and
Ktarts at the head, thecaskcl was Imrnit
frviui the hear' by a detail of eight of '
iP1 - , , ,,,. .1 ... 1 "' vl wi l'iicv mii .' vei'i" ni mil' 1
The jMHir houe building was ihrM . 1 't t, JA. ,i .. t '
.i. ,., .11. 1 mm, . i the marble rvt. wher It was ilsltixl
!;, In 'nltl !
t irt utt'tf m ntMr hi (rK
t fctxt lti Ulr d .l"Sv li4V't vl
, tfiHft vv) it thuatrrI Uw ls
, jiy weajrr wlir a person fer ,tsli
wu iMti and mrtnn blt I tbl e
rr ot lb tart's r V Onei st iu Mmf
M tatlrsii ef N Uur xtUBWfttt'
titl tin ef tho V Jt ,lr fc Ui
I iaxiN H l,.i ) o I'alj thw
rvtl(trutl d-tj ti hl filTl
IVn lJpvlr W toto thev hfi th
l.iv: In vhvtni( itr et tnolua.s of
kiO !,), in piiar.urf lr User vkvislx..
It I romlitl iat all hwt l'nri
khtntUI I irmorO ot an .lfltu IRh
rin riirtrst ttlsti tlv mltw te
aH"''''' awd dirt'n . l UU ti in
'ivrl "t'f Dfttout i nn n.ll ..
IH V, hImm ,t r"l.-rf , m ill ,
t tuvut,csl Ki.e'i iuul l aivuml il
It I'tiUl iiip"-sl'U lhlh(-t la tfcu !
taruitiut ih,u, rS'lt 1'r ,'tfcii l-u
htvi .04 i on riMstlil lii i nUu
t'sil tlil iTHUCvll It I ! I '
, lirvtlth i4 tlv lb, t u Wtf ivlkl .4
I . u V- .il P '
a .w 1 11.1 , - & W -A
... , ( ' JZL-- X n X s
ST" "-1
stories high and built of wins! The In
sane asylum was ato a wintlen build
ing, two stories high and only separated
from the poor Iioumi by a drlo way
The property was estlmatetl to Ik worth
5'.'A.mW and wus Iusim-1 for f JO inst
Wednesday afteriuHin lW'lxirah Dibble,
a woman In tho idiot ileparttnetit, put
her lighted plo Into her ).ket and
was stnin euveloMs In flamei and later
died from the effects of the bum.
It is supposed that mtnit of the Idiot
got hold of tome matches and In plating
with them m t rtro to tho building and
cuusl the dUaster
The names ot tho Idiots who pertshed
were Sarah Mills Alton, Sarah tial
lagher, Norwich; AluuMa Austin, this
county; Sarah Italtey, Columbus, Laura
tlray, of tireene, Adella llertisllcu ot
Ouclda; l.ucy Warn-n, of Oneida,
An Ilia Atwood, Norwich; DelMirah
Dibble, llalubrldge. Mary O'Danlela,
All the departments In the Institution
wore crowded, and It can well ho
Imagined that the rescue of the pMir
creaturi's, many of them old and very
feeble and othrrs wild with (car and
terror, which added to their insane de
lusions, was by no mentis an easy task.
The keepers and clllens worki-d a
Im'sI they could to carry, dtlw, drag
Mid push the Inmates out, but the
'ames spread so rapidly there was
Mtle time mid the gleat wonder Is
that so many were r"ciletl. There was
little Kyhtem In the conduct of the ef
fort lunate, l'eople went at It haphaz
ard, nriimlled by th cries und moans
of ctcrv ' "" Itimates. Not one of those who , the chaplain h-ji.1
ensl from "irked exp.-cled that s,. many would l-i 1 ''". H'glntiJng. "
of llUlad w". ... . The -ert lees la.
em wing, t A CRoNIN SENSATION. , the remains of t
" Bsnmaaa u nn nutnf liul tit ll
by teteral hundred persons Imfore It
rvmotal to the N-nato chainl-cr
At l'J So rresldenl 1'ro Tern. IngalU
, callisl the Senate to order At 1 1 !k tho
honorary pall twarers on the jwrt ot th
' Srliato were aliliouucisl lit the l'rcl
dent I'rti Tern as follows Messrs Mor
rill, Sherman. Hale, Allison. Mcl'hir
son. Vest, I'ugh and (tbon
I'lte minutes later the tiiPtnliersitf Ihe
House of KeireMntatlte were an
nonnceil and lisik siais to the right and
left ot the chamls'r In the nar of th
. euatirs who stissl to recHto them
' Speaker ltesl was ev)rled to a place at
the right ot President I'm Tern IngalU.
, The ineiiilatr of the House werti fol
I lowed ht thet hle( ,1usiUh and Associate
Justices of the Supremo I ourt. The
I diplomatic corps was rrprvseutisl by Sir
Julian I'auni'efote, the Itrltlsh Minister,
and memlH'ia ot the Chinese, Japalirse
and Itiutillau legations. I'lte minutes
later l'l sldenl Harrison and the mem
Iter of his Cabinet were reci'lted the
assemblage rising Sivietary Noble,
who Is riot In the cttt amt Attorney
Oetleral Miller, who Is III, were the ah
t aentcev
At 1 Os the casket was lrnn Into the
chamlsr through the main door on the
opsslte side from the iimrble nom,
where It had bcoiiljltig. rulUiwIng the
casket came Mrs. tlmslliMi, S-nalor
Heck s daughter, and Major tlntdli',
her husband, and friends of Ihe family
who were Mated at thelett of thecaket,
opp.iste tho I'rt'sldent and hi Cabinet
1 As the procession muted down the aisle
the chaplain read from the burial ser-
I am tint rosurrs-ction
VvtinvxtM t )ou sr a rut wttJk f, ;
dnllsr Cvkl efSs lr lnctas t,rf tx.- .
Irl ami a .si nt, ill tn lr jsH'Vit :
AUllinu WWU.
Oil llsKHsK Jn
0- H,s4h Us sstlSis s4 slt
i,.iio-m. 'r"ii
W t OI IS-SSI IMHs.-111-H'fl
I- H,MSSSllOMf t-0' )
M- ,S,V 11 MIM .'M
s4 ! i iKfii -h tisMt e'i
I ,,ti isMr ,,,i.s ieai ikii
la,s-). liiuik-f
ll,, ,,imi s s4 la s"e
VSf .! 4la slttsll
! lkl.lMK -J .
Ill I'im s I'aterile 1'inn-rinlnsn ! the
enit HosU ir f, WKr 4ti ilr-njf !
ktslf a is- its ( t tlie Hianwla. t
lirets, list 'l nl fit vatlsl. trj
Case, er umeet 'll I nNJisl ttiis
f itlilce lias lii inlsl .M le litt(e
wtai'twl. a,l talltilull) ftlte.l owl lvr
mam tears
la I'ltait'tlVllPlt ileaasean.l irvUte Isinrls and stri tittriatf)
Hue a knr ui l t rf tanlr
tms'i l dim It )u t nt U t nr
tlilrr t II" W t ttt I a lou.l tbMW llirn tH
mat liatrsuina u( lu )oh Hlr.(hanii)li ,
Itrpulile all ,
HtiiaorOaio Cm oTiili, I,.
l,t tvt si 1 I"
frank J ( l.reri oath bt I ha
r partner of the firm ill ' J I Iwuajr '
A Co il.wi.f iHititic'i in li" 1 ll) el lotist. '
, l'. uiVt m.d hlale slelil. and tlist taxi !
r.rmi'llM) tlie sum el os 111 sini ii .
1 no fur ea li si.l i'irl ao ell Ulti I
tlitltull nut Isit-ultsl lir tll use i( llsll
1 sUl III ( ute, I'mM J I DISH
em ru to la-fere me aiul hi.miI In tnv
1 pri-sente,UlisminU it leemlwr A i
in ill A W III r is, ,S..Ui 1 I'sl.M,
Had 1 CaUtrtl Cu? Is UW11 liitci iisil' '
aiut a Is ill us tl) Us,n tlie 41 add Hi.n vi,i
urliuv, .( III" (lem Vim,1 rer tesll j
IimUiisii. Il-e C J I lirsn A l.Ti.)-l.0. ! III j fW. Tsi
yj '' 'n itawtrr.), 1 .'
'AV aU-sr
m:vi:r irw on his ows iiokhk-
A ltiiirt Thai llnnfkr, '.miMWi anil ll'anl
llisn Urtii I'lsioillig In t.aMM tlirxugli
Oulslilr I rlrnils.
i'iik tio. May V Concerning the dls
cotery that llourke, Coughtln and O'.sul
llvan, serving life sentences in lhepnl
tentlary for the mtmler of Dr Cronln
had cured facilities for communicat
ing with the outsliio world, a dlapatch
, from .lollet says:
led until I'M, when
the remains of the doccastsl Senator
were esCortl to the llalllmore A Poto
mac lallway station and were dis
patched on their waj to Islington, Ky
at thrte u'clm'k
I lnn
fliisl Id !( i .1 n.sit. . !... I nli
! ti a krltla Tffli- Halite l.i(ln
Tv t'tl a ft s-r ! a his ti
B flivaM t't fsl l A l e ! I
4M )-' lia-l urn a ! li' l ft t
aiw) eis't"" l,it " IkH i l
).( ,1m aist iilstJn i-f .trfiyc IKiI
an llillliiale (UI lwdt,, (Ml H-
,( Um n,sfctr(,l l"4 artl aj
hKSfi esi !
"M'lir Ami I 'l l' rU
fiol mm, II ! it' lal J"M Ulm
lM.ranl"i.a 4,l 11. si wiV,l m ywu I I nwMi tn !- 1-mI i 11
ll l
"I" e. Nil JmI asM '-
s, I III a llal lit M , ' lM ""
Iim ll mh in..- til ei f e.
In l I ii mr ! istll m I (
till. Ut tlmialit 1-aiM ! sls. I
t .,ii a esii V ft. n ) tan s.iti ll'!
list I ll'le tiaii sil twl list Ht
) In mjt si Ue Df IVi l M
-i"lf1le l'wthaem'" I - ! tlle
asaiwtnl'1 r4iwj (in lr-sk ,,-
llli ' i,lailut 1 I .-
(iokUI mi lail. it ti 11 I-. 1.1 iir iwM'H's l li Us I'll '' "J 'u ell. '
Ita Waln lv.-is.l wl
Mi Iss-s, tsifisl t 1 II il aosss
vssiUfllfx w all Is issnUar
(iivm .. n ! MuaaV,
4iM IMI ) (silk ma 1 frMolsl
A a a(ii Iitt4slls4 UwV ' a
,iIh M.fiS-i, w(axt aifm WIM
i siIshU ! atsl, !! winnl al last
ais4sa In issilfcrisU ' ,
si4tii,il ivn l Vsa
i m,iIi ,tmMVs, a-a-nifsaasss,
,l.,f. tll l.W.k(ll, Hllj HS'4s
rss, al (mil i .mi(r, r,
1'v.n- 'sie (tis-iik. il (fssatssA
MllKlf ls Islfs nwsn aa a a
priititw tsMlt arl Mv-, ir
Villi !
Ai a .lkt aM ilrsoxlUisia ar.
Im ist.lls I tl -" to isilasl
afsl ! lnisllJw in stUfl a-l sxlatw
t4 . atttUMblf IrOlalihlf,
l,4ll-l vsslk h)s4Va, nanK !
tilMf .lul MtttnM ifMissj . rssJH'
tu-adf aUassUr-l Wl.- ('uA.tlsal ftaat
llaWI ,UakM II l
anl iilwua Msial
1 aasa.matMaaaataaatTMsWWn
T ? sljrrwTS. rs?-,(.-
f.fcal ftaat
lotiMva r(snt4l aiar
d awlsl al aVafaatal
velopi d them.
The Inhabitants had come from all
jiarla around about, attractM by the
blare, nnd In an hour the llt'lo vlllugn
was one surging mans of shouting, vi'lf
rrating Hoplo recounting the htrongo
Beetles they had beheld.
When tho llremen found they were
Tiowerless to sate the building, they
tiirmd their attention to the Inmates
and burnt In the doors with axea. In
nlde, Chief Itenolt r-ays, It was such a
alght as no Unman ever loforo wit-)
ni'sacd. In one wanl that lie entered
there were twenty-tlte patlenis. and at
hla ajiproach they huddled together like
pack of beasts, entwining their arms
into one mass of humanity, lie M-lied
the ncureat, but, aald he: "I could no
more aeparate the crowd than I could
jiarta of your horae." He tugged at
them until the fire dartrd lnu their
garmenta and enfoldiil them like a
ahrmid of flame, aud then he tacapiil
with hla life.
In another wart three firemen wer
nearly trapped to death. Tliey entered
and tho door, which had a spring lock,
cloaeti behind them. Aa la customary
then) waa no handle on the inside,
dir realaled their aiea and they rushed
to the windows, hut were driven back
by the flamca. Tho chief, auspectlng
Ttia lleimlillrant Vinatly Af l'...n a a.
irr lllll -II Ml) l.a. In ll.f I r I vlnaf
I Mllirr.
I .tlilMnos, May 7 -An effort was
I'lin mall route was Intestlgtteil and , niado bv the Senate lletnibltcan Slltrr
It was found that Tom Hills, a foreman CoiumltUMt to agree, uixin a Sllter h.ll to
I hn n of the
absent, bill the
letters from emit lets and nmllisl them, j ,,, present, together with Senator
The letters said 'answer inclosed to T. Mart, who w lutltid to take part III
Hills, number so and o, will reach me,' t, ri..,.,slliiBV utter a discussion lasl-
"1 lies" letters went 10 anu irom a nan 1
a doen illtferent corn lets, bial chiefly to .K,rt to
Ibiurke, (oilglilln istfl (ISiillltan I liey , .1.1, H).ek
A Vlfsl I'hisinstsm I
j llii- man olio sh-.ld ( llif sir tl . I"
I llllHlll i l I !.. e M ( nt li."ft
j tl"" llll'lll fill I U'llgsKll.l as H tieill'l tl
I 'N tintiii lo'li e iln.ilit IIumIi a 'l .
Visl mortal liss irr 1 tlitil It bs
in ti r ii lilm Hut af kli wli
In l' llsll 1 elievtstef ill i'la lij II "!
ler s hleit 1. Jlilt-r. lb" pillar lone,))
fvr tl.aV liatlfllist ininplallit as Hill a lit
Irter ami ague ilrlillllr ceHt)alui,ll.4 j
. inallitii alul Wnll.r) l.mblr.
In lake fin tin
MIIIrmi Hia4iki,
iImii.kkmiIi t ll- ,ia
fartly VUU tM frftlr tUft!.
anil, assalsMrf f s.aa, aa'aa
rll. turn- iv wn wwmm iiaii
mImswIisw, MIM fa4 l
aii . a r i
( as s I It
aatr.iasi fsll'l
'MMMllun. Mlli
. . r
V up to the skv. As tho heat Ucame t was loun.l mat lotu 11 Us. a lonman , CoiumltU'e to agree, upon 1
V4 more lulense they would gmsp tho bars " '" 0,llVl" ""-' ,or, t1'" uWT ' ''" r"lM,r,'M u' 0 ,'ft,,u,''
and remain tl.en, until tho flames en- tract, was the mall carrier lleosiktho ,Mri.en m-ml-n wepi u
show that these worthies hate powerful
' friends outside aud that money and In-
1 lluenci, re not lacking Mr Hills waa'
'incontinently bounced and will neter
see the Inside of the Illinois State i'etll- j
tentlary uga'n us a fop'iuan
j "tmoot theli iters from Martin llourke
' to a fellow coutlct suggests that If h '
can le nutted from his present location
nearly three hoars, divldi'l to re
Cam Us to bo held nniir day
the bill roimrlod b) Senator
Jones from the I'lnatico Comnillti e aoiiie
weeks ago with amendment.
lino of the amendments m.orl
strikes out the protlslon lu the report's!
bill tliat the notes luil tor the pur
chasii of bullion, when rideemed, shall
Imi caiiCflled and Instril'ts the S'i
tarv of th Treasury lo reissue them,
with the provision that the amount out
In the cooper shop to a place l..Ide his j .tarnllllg shall not at alir time Ian In ri.
al they couiil lit tilings to sun tneni-1 r,.,, f ,,,p sttl,int paid out for the
aolves. and says: 'iKin't tou think Mar-, i)Uiut, ili.IH.tts.
rett will dolt for J-Vr You tackle him.'
Attorney I'orP'st, who repp'senls th
nrlwtners, when striken to alut th"
matter aco(Tc4 at the Idea that thept
1 waa a plot on hand by means of which
1 the ( pinln prisoners hojMd to ewape.
, lie declared that If the penitentiary
, diair wep op'n-d they would 'not walk
out, la-cause he had told them, and they
j firmly Iwlleved, that they would bo
' granted a new trial on their appeal to
iltM iiir,.ttM (.urf ishlh will ajin lim
The," ;. "
rnnarwl ef nanalar Maa.
As f si--lstll.4; i.iln.l.Utwe -el J
Irr'iil.l stm ceiiifl d.iw 11 at tlieaoiie lilne
U. s(roi( ilia llurlilit'li l'iee I'm
To iira a els.n t'Ulh It l l iinvi
sary to (.suit It to t'" rK lt m-e.ii !!
,futsnr s.insll'hsl ii Itirrs i( an) a. lit
! Ilf.liliafj Ijpen le'Hif II II seruris) f
M-nriiteiiie In UtMSllale It ten ale tl 1
1 1. i i in n Mslaila, a m vriili lnl fi tr m
ll ltsis.ralli, one s.lee( Mlislln,lf K' I
! Ant tli.te ll 't- 1 ( il the l o at
ps ni lo liee tills MI yi I Hi" liiMii. M.e
i wlllHiIlt ilHat Pr A 1 Hlalliliticr i
I Ills ll'itrl 'a , M ll.d II by Ulsil tut I
- ,,,'U . .. .
Wilts a lir-krr bra all hit mnj lie '
iW.lliltiir, hul ill.fti It dn , ilrsi)
rafT, you ilo wiru!iM ainlx"ri I'll
ill ll t real niliiU It ! fall to rite tnr
I'lilalne III iikII sUerm w(ri'fi Mau
little (lira are tacrlAitsl hf MU, U
Tnr It vtually tijir tt,liif fti frl sl,m I
arnanuliet lilt ta l tl,a (llriWlll. I
llsliti Itftiiirr
Mill I slAllMII Vs
I, M.ll ,
awl tnti.
llHi i
It !
!)isi (ii unit i
i t-i-i ii- ir i
Ic44li4ll ll s4 i a
II I su lhhHMt-1
I l,l, I kl (. S,
- "l''M l'l tmltaSs I aratsl lu Iku,
saa . a.l
"..' e"TI'tsaMi
,, f" ,,M, a
J. I. 01SE T. M. CO.
a is 1 1
t aiat it
aWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWal '
Tartlrlniif I'nrumnntama) I wti.W.tef
ttltd llalr a Henry n( h I,tji. ami 'I at
Pike liaill.asta III if Cur lb M- Inlunta
Another amendment Is the addition
of the tilth section of the bill adopted
by the House caucus, which prmldit
t..m !.. M..l. Mil. II.M VM.A... Jit
.... urn ...,.-..... -..-. ......,, ... Mi,T . n,.M, ,1
aiMiut aetrniy iiiiiiiiiiis iii iisiui muni- i dlrts n at a low rtrar
now held for the nilempttotiof National . at at a Uiiii
bank notes.
liisl the
la ttatliad
ir.av la aia
Item HaatintL
nilU ssa T'S'll '- ?
fPi'1Ri " rwtMi Tftas t
aw am, .--o i tlllt-sl t
rt ta -., --s
i V
lt;e Ms I at
to ti. rata.
r of
tiieir peril, aent aid to U.eother-idoaBd . Senator Pvk lay In state at the K,utl..
the men wer carried down on ladder. I n Presbyterian Church all 7 f-ertftj
DoiMora Houniue and Haralet aero imirnlm- and thousands of j-mt.le Iske4
carrietl from the building unconscious,
and whateter must la said of th" man
agement aa a whole. Indltlduala eaer
riaci. every tiwcr to lessen the calamity
they bad neglected to atert.
One of the tertiary nuns, Slater Marie,
lay alck In the Infirmary on the fifth
floor, and to her rescue came three
otliera. They selred thi-lr companion
and (sire her in a blanket to the aulr
caae, but they wer met by a heet of
fame and all tTlahed. Their names
wop-: Sisters Marie, DemerUK t.HUrt
and I.umlene.
None of the dea.1 sisters was over
twenty years ot age. and all came from
jiarishi a l-elow Quele,
Iter Tho death roll It now esti
mated at fifty, although many mere art
nlaalnf but are ezrasffsl tn turn up. It
U feared that seven tertiary nuns have
keen burne.1 to death, aa three more are
wlaalng. They wepi Bot. however, a--n
'Hm Jonet bill d I P-c la the ScrUr
the Treasury to purchase monthly at
bullion to the value of H.Wai.OOO, ihe .
antra m atnient thep-of to l
re4e-mabln In lawful money Two I
of f ha nieriilxTt ot the commit ,
j tee felt yrilnrdar that they roul 'I
I.iaIJIiitos, Ky . May V,- The lody of not unjtisllfti-dly glte their awp-
port to the measure, although they j
were willing to have tb mat
ter go to the caueiis lor Its declalon, j
One of them. It Is aald, will pprt It.
In eaan It Is at'trnnl br th olh r lit-
The (.ongrestlonal delts-1 pUbcan Hen a tors, but the other was I
to the church, follow e4 ' not P' to gu even ao far II dealfea ,
, afa(sa4ytta t.tatMiiaat
' m. a lsii a a .. lU j a . i.iia
rrwsf Wf Wmm w' w a-'sew asm awiai-i-t
a. a br.vWta, I ( Ht ff I'm Vaa)r. 10 Catstw)
s "let I!-1 y. hia t.T .a 10 i;i
Itvta ol Vaawllna IVI . 14 Cu
nil HI tstts. aitMi.asM ii a ',
are lelia. e. I,;- (a.aj doara ot
imi.iiii.iii i . . a. .j 1'.u... i,j,i I.... is.
Tli Uws rteal mht U fafaM rstr. (..(, ' j ? ? WV-A '""'
U n.a Ufa till Uuiai,.i,.UsM ? Ot-I aVHUatuf l'oaM t C.U,
II taa masa astatt a aa -a-aa la ft
Iss aa a.f tl esft 't (aasw asaa fl
r 1 M it slal wttafa A ft-al
a.ii trf as sa.-at s.m m lt
ttwaa wlsiiuk"laf.i)l! t I'wi,. It bl,' far
HnaiT Ulkt, r4 -aloatllf t taWst
lad) rflaa "(. P.tUVs'fti lilttk.
at the faci of the aeail. A I tweiva
o'clock the funeral aer vices were held
In the church
gallon marched
by the K
of thl Court of Apt-Als, Stale .Senator Mitchell, of Oregon, tlaUi,
omciais, memiiers oi tne i-enngin , in p-jerrlng ui tbe jirieej a-mpto-bsr,
city sgHclals and the I'ilnton I ml-. that while peronally he was In
('hamhr of fimmep'v The srtlcet fttorof th fr coinage of tlltef, I, a
llieved the measure (the bullion ft
dcmptlon ilatiae hating l-rn iilllUl
to lie free from any vicious prlt-iple,
Tat usAartaaar'a
fatrU trr1u la
amis l-a
v. it a hi: it
BrRklist Coca
t W..t w tttBnf
It l m4m40t
No i'hrmicnl
lw4 ssta4f4, k 0
aWf 4aasa PPtea0 aW At ta Vaaaa f
( -.. it
aMJ f-4 ts WiaWnWtat
aasilaaatm.svV m-m kaM fm
a4 -a,ira-jirf )H j 4
f is v4 M -)s at
ftM hf !) ! f W
a., a . aj .. - aLL
as twawat awasaawaaM aaw.
vaa at laiw ta at
iaisia i-iil a !
aa. Ataaasa) W4aavtttf, l4
aatli, jat
sraaaaiXT I
ii lata )
at V
nyta t4 t9 -saiMS st
(a fsawaaaat
- ' fit. sHpaa
t .ritT'U.
Centucky leglslatur. ndgea ( time to consider the situation
Court of Appeals, Stale' .Senator Mitchell, of Oregon,
(AMI r.
ItAMAa Hit
ti.nis into )
and on that. If adrrt.vM, ald will-
mately lead Ui fp-e rolnage In this
Senator Teller agr-l.
In the flame and the titter prefer rtot
living out their name at tip-sent.
Among the patlenu who perishes! was
Sitter Inalc. a nun of th Sacred
Heart convent at Sault au HerolleL
tsw aa4 been un4er treatment In tha
MyluBi fot aome montha.
Kaws-r WlasTataa-aa.
NATCaWJ, Mia., May 7. A arr
wiad atorm paaaol over thl aectlnn that
unroofesl two building here the Fostr
Ilouass ac4 larmocrat
aft-rsi the Methudlit Church
were conducted by Itev, Y, V lltrt
JetU The pn"esalon was then formed
for the cemetery. It was headed by a
military land. The hears? at escort"!
by pall b-arer fnm l-xln?ton Tlia
aervlfe at th cemetery wera very
brief. I
- - j rwl4 A1IIUf,
ltrcns, May Tb HHrha Antelger,
announcing th (tovernment s ntealJn
to IntpsliK a bill fi lfrrks. th C eM
artillery by venty Wttr.t ard tl
army crps by tprclat trrjis, say thi
state ot thltigs a motif Oanntuy't w-gi,
Uirt ds not admit ot erntiaaarst of
the prearnt ayttm rdf which th
artillery strength It maintained at tta
ripen of th Infantry It I, there
fore, necraaary U fit anew tfc -ffwi
...., . .. .- .. --. ...-., ., vn-rs vi i.,,, i ws .-s . . ffw .--
L'nl led State Marthal. Horace .Sf.l.( ,,1 tt Infantry cat ta ietm aa-4
oi tiaiacoma. i aiie-i ciaw aiwisr; vattm fp.ntia-ra.
AJala) .tT Itae. I -'-""'"- -'
Utmx, May -Th llerall't tfsdal
say that In Vantrfirt M , a yosint
mm, Percv Illrh. of VntrTrt. wat
oSce-and daav Mriving In cainy llh a Ml Mavja,
urcb In Vldalla, " (rwm Prankfort, t whoai ha vu,
' flhlaknaaa lafa
Wasmaoiov, May Tije President
hat aent tn lb Snat th following
nomination ot oKcm of the new Ter
rllory of Oklahoma
(Jeorge W Steel, of In-Hana Ooven'
or; Rol-rl Martin, of Oklahoma, SVcrw-'
tary. uprem Ciur.t ofSerlalt Kdwarvi
B. C.reen, of Illinois. Chief Justlc;
Abraham J Say, of Missouri, a4 John
O lark, of Vseontn. Aw-t Jaa-
. tloet, Warren jv I.tarty. of Virginia,1
jutt acroa the river Two VuIUing la msn-i.
vsroora oi erecucm at iiarrtstoe, twenty- f0rt ut
Ta Tasl 4 -a" AwH.M.
HtiiiMorc MA, May ; apl K.
Kk. irwarr f th Pearl of Pekla"
rVtnptty, ha fctir.-d tn rf
Pny that Bnls- a mt It ;. !'-
Ma on ton. a. r)lf'-l 4Ut-r k will
H s-laltas that t Saaiv
tlvl.l.sll' tlsalt
sllta enat
in,s-4..v .i. Iwt t -i
ft;. h
IU1'-t t
t, n-f. I. fit, (' at
I sat;
111 Ml -I V.ii.ji)
cm i.ti-r-Mii (.
rMiisrt .
f im
t hi If I - llllll
llU,tt 1ll
ni.t r-i tt isMit
tiiii e-v4..
iiriT-t ira-f
ttitt i
Olll-tn I
felt.. n
HI f tfc .'.;
c.t7i r.Mjf .
iiitii.rwtiif j. ta.iif
mi r f-ri i i
Hill K-(HH MI
WMiutT - ) r-f
lotra- . )
Is tail
rmwriait 14 l a l isass ! tat
la sa .s,sai at ia ti-"a aais"a-i
xisl t)aa W al As a f t-t
ii4iM,-iii.iiMi titssiMi Un sf avaa
as' liar's. u-"4 tt a(l ftr-tU t u sAa
a fat. I).. Wtia lata a. sataaaw asaawwrt
CtNlsttWl Utt U. M ttH It, I. f . i
4 e atatatr
si laN, Lmi TwMis
Hn na iii.iii taw taw
tsaaa St.' t I saw
iita . aasMiav
Mrt esM
rtaa ta-t tt'tt . ,s
M il MffaBI'waaaC'
i m UiPBHU
, .r, m I, hhth
a " ) TH
tl w vt 'Hl
rH IVKnaWawill
H 1 aasBsWaaWaaWatl
I to. I i .
ti m it y
" ' TM KAaXl
H m v
m !s. Vaawwa-lawsWs-.
l a i m
I n m t sHamwanwBWK r
t Vt t ut SCtL
I w m I tawwjaw-
I is. tt at
Hl M j
ts w
ra e
11 O
tl vi tl ,"r.rawU:
ATI ill PW " w a
VI AMI Ll iieJuiHauMJn ij unaw
0 1 MULE, I ifsatota&B
Mat w nll I 1M p,dffd
atsaa H-HOartaiai
tsifn. Ii .1 ltss
s.1 . fi assist,
., HI'S
v . Mrimi
m u
W'ww ttat
i Ctt, 'g
. a A ft a.Ts isw sss swa.siant
" - - -s - - - CsS.
al '" a atsa re)
V-w. irn
am bwj.
I ! tt's a.
. . T.
A "?.
itia tsia t a.
Atfai kaajaaaat
Mil IHrWJIw .saesMttaiaa
w f aatwr' m at v tas i
..'liea IMse !
t i ft v tm saa
raaMfitai ti at .,.
ASt S S44. 4S4.t lS th SJ
wp4 t--ss-sss s lis 9ssa
I M li "ea-ftai lltsas'im. W
aaa lasts, s t i fj , t
t - .bnUii. '
fa t., is,fcss tMHkSS ls-
aiatasi"!. i
t ? s. sss s a. KS.Ms4va ,14-m.. m ) Mtaat
. If
r Miay
aaaWaaiam. ft A'
.aas .. test si i.s.m . e.:W Vm. I aW aa aa aa W
. .. hm a 4 in ' - j .. a . I ' e
s It .
as i-o," . ta - ist f t f
pw tt h sattt atait. tiMtti
On th ay frin rrnk
WlatrtMct tl t ptfi
lht aollcA dlauat on the IsoalttiUe, , that a ai-anal r-rurri Th jotji 1
Xaw OTlcant m. Teia raUrols wera I ladr tsca3vt evgs4 aal. drawing a r-i tr - II s-laltas that h. Baatw i ionic
ewranltUly wrek4. The tirm trtv-'( ,f,j,,f) erl Jo g thr- ahou al k.r rial J will aaant Ui .,. n TT t.A, .r si is, iIsmi
tl t., ui,...i iv. .oriknil III. i, r ,.l .V- .V,.. .,.U . VI Ut tlllts-t Wta slrvaT --a t-aVl 11 (JCH. fl".li-)l Wit"..
"s u-m ..- . ,.--..- iwawu .- -. w ..- .-.-.-J -. -, -f ... ' ..IIIIK.JJL.1
. .. .-ll 14 .,.-, l.4---- r ' --
bt moflta, passing tArwdgb tae "pp i isr uraciitc sn .r r asu ulnar w Ml T-si I tt
Ut anl thnetrh tb has of hit ht-a4. Va r-r-lvJ a.lUr a.evta. Tk ! r.a vn
at-arly catering th Wain tn lu ar. raUr"4 rtwtany It egivlUg f Ttitf st
I t at
I aa
it a
Ui northeast. It
failed th largest trt In Ju uvr'a, A
asfstvy rtvla fell j-at after th ttornv
MAAtsl over. The rain of the past fa
ay hare prr ventl th river fa tal-
Th girl then i4 aAla at clot raa(v J wUfe ttl ..un,, Myti a.'i UU ?' 17' --
Tha &ab U U a trtul tvniltf fi-M- Ctty rxl fcV( rM .. 'A
1 1
! w
n w
1 w
i rr
t s
I tw
i M
I s'J'.
arts ltIKttsia.aii
a.t-ta i trtt.aiU,t.wstssa7a
IjaBfl lM, aarf i " ' t ta
yu siaAtf r j; - -- -.
OH! ttlifftB BUaVJaV aa) AVsa-w i..i.iT In i.satB
-- n..a.s.ii, Va S awa aw aw. L r-ia"" n .M.miltwM.l r
anwf rm fanvaat m II lllllFII itit mw'i. - . tlaiaeti
fiisavrrata'aa; uuncila - "-'
W TM. fW IJM U. raAOL ra. f fillllf I'Ttlir.r.l
atttiat ..ntiwaa , awnwaiM l eri li
( e .a,iss.MSi
l aataw
mm. a-li'ta
anlaet ) asa
a aaasyiasi ttwra a4.M
Ua ", assi. tat
II A aa tav . awts, Ata
V taat taeta eaaa
v m k. o.
las.s 7-i-l.t( a twtas!
aiss aa,isa
- , i. . aasJaTav. . twtix aassaa tsvaa m m taw aatwaaWaw
aa CBawA .aaa Awa aw awaw aaw-a - - - a. -- - - - -
! I
.anallM LmiJMMiiijiijijiM1 "' mmn ' " """" '" '"" w"" Wl " '" w MWaslwattvssiaj r.lri,.tss.lHi a at,;.ji ,.,r.i Wss--UWs-isa,As)AJ. w .UVatstniaW.sV,', m. rV-lWfcwwiaa"M
Ywn.aviaji,iaii,iisi mtytitw'tivryiH)iit" "rswn ii'(sH i WftmmiH
tw; ..-w.i? 'wr .,j?'railn