The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 16, 1890, Image 5

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When It Rains It Pours. The bottom is
r .,
washed out on dry goods.
Prices way down low. All nice clean dry goods. No shelf worn
Old Stock. Now is your time to buy seasonable
goods and save money.
Wc arc selling lots of goods and want to sell more, and by making low prices we o.ject to
do as we claim. We can save you from 5 to 20 per cent on all bills. Will give
you a few prices on staple goods to meditate on.
"LL" theeting 5 cU. Table-oil cloth ITU eta Head wrap from l.l0 m 10
Cambrici & eta Good Gingham tele Saltern, fiuni 7 io UOete
Calico ... 4 tad Beta Silk Olorca from 'JO eta to 410 eta lllark koto from . 8 to f.Ocla
Coata thread 4cU Carpet warp from 'JO to J Socka . :i pr 2ft eta
Good thread .... 'Jcta Lace Curtains, jicr pair ll.'Jft Pine Irl a paper
20 yard eMrtiajjpwV 1.00 Scrim Curtain good lljot Good Crash ft rrs
Kibbon, Ucm and fancy gooda cheap The brut Hoc of Challie and Drcse Corset 4 Oris up
Towls, -leU ' gooda ou ever aw, Anything you want that money ran
12 doiea buttona for 4 eU Shawls from Mel to & buy you can get at out eloie,
We are ready to show
you that we have a .Luge
Stock of
Ready Made
Boots, Shoes, burnishing
Goods, I lats and Caps
That our Clothing is guar
anteed of the: Ixrst make,
That it is of newest designs
Moon Block,
Hed Cloud, Neb.
W $"t &ma H,
x. c. nar.B.
Entered at ttr I'oat Office In tl flowl. Neb ,
a mall muttrrot I be muni tU
Ateoluttriy Fur.
Thlapowitcr never varlea. Marvel ol pure
tmiljiaxl whuleanrneness. moce eenonsaieai
Miaalh ocdlnarv Bind awfemiinns twsuM in
camprUon wltii IM oiullltude af Utm lest sImwI
welcnt aluM or iihospkai uiwdnrt. roW aril)
IB con. KOVAL HAKIitiVrtlWItrKCa.
lot Wall street. K.Y.iJttv.
For tha latcat atylca in dry gooda go
to Mra. r". Nawheuse.
Illack Henrietta shawls, silk fringe
at the New York store.
The nicest line of pattern hat and
bonneta in the rlty at the New York
Mra, S. It. Melinite ha moved her
millinery good to the New York
Chairman Wilder of the hoard of
auprviora wae in the rit on bun!
nese Monday.
For the latcat and chcapctt hradrd
F. Newhouec,
rra(a and dicse good
, call
n Mrr.
Go and Set K. A Handy.
New baby carriage at F. V. Taj
Charley Boy a ton and family are
II M Cocbraae ierble to be around
A. Jaltaaattr and fatailt have
BMVtl to MtCook.
Ira 8'ttaer baa goat to the Illack
Hil'.a to att two eoaa'ry.
J W gmiln of Newcastle, Wyo.,
wat ia Kcd Goad on a fliiBg bttslacea
trip laat Friday.
Oar black boat ia the beat for tatn,
women and children. Warranted faat
color at the New Yrk Store.
II yoej are going to bay a carpet
Ioa will eave aionry and get the
eat by eolliag oa P. V. Taylor.
John Ckiaaasaa packed ap kit lit
tie r t, wo ajeaa aaiet boi, aad
akipped to aoat more lucrative cttt
where Melicaa maa atnre waabee like
bailee, allee saaee ehiriee.
Dyspepsia taaaea depraved blood,
wnickia time, affect ertry organ aad
fiacttoo of the body. Aa a remedy
for theae troqblta, nothing caa ap
proach Aytr'a treaparilla. It vital
It lot Mood, ttreagthaae the atom
a aad eormta all diiawdna of tit
It ia a little too dry at present for
farming. The weather clerk will
pleas lake notice.
The people acemto catch on where
to trade. Itoyn' low price have
brought him a big trade Una .Spring.
The atrnophrric change of the
laat few day m enough to rhill the
conscience of even an editor, let alone
the real of matkind.
Frank (Juiglcy haa acrered hia con
nectinn with O Wiener'a Golden
Kalt clothing houio and hat gone to
braking on the II. a )l.
We want our cormpondcnlatoiend
in the newa ercry wrek it it U 6nl)
a half doieii itema pr week. We
will furruah Ptationary to all
Nu greater triamph in medieine or
ehemiftry haa been recorded than
Hall' hair renewer to revivify and
restore gray hair to the color of youth.
T. C llacker'a new building aril
to Lindaer A Hmilh'a packing houe
i fait nrartOK completion and will
anon be ready for occupancy, New.
eaatlt New.
J. L. Frame haa recently pureheard
a fine well lnuiriK njtchine with whirh
he ran po down uUt thr ItowcU of
the earth at the rale of 500 fret per
every twrnlyrour hour
If on ih to orel(ar ah for
your bnya or girlt that will attnd the
ear and tear of every day o age,that
ia aaad of honrat leather throughout
ltad I. M Yance'a new advertise
mrt't In another column,
.lor Warner haa gone to Omaha,
to art a I' ,S rtit juror.
The Mi(otTicc ha been nlctly de
coralcd by the l M. Warren.
(' C Cot of I'lraaant Hill towmhip
i hiitlding a nire dwelling home.
Our it tho atock for you to look at
McNitt A Galiuha, The Clothier
Do not fall to call and ace my Mock
of window ahadr.- F. V. Tatwh.
liny your millinery gooda of Mr
S It Mcllride at the New York titore
It A. Ilamiy will giie you the low
et flgure of anyone in town on lum
Mr. Fred Winton i In therily !
iling at I'nclo (2orge Winton'a ni.
dence. "
McNitt A Galutha have filled up
their additional room with a fine line
of good.
The Nebrka and Kanaa Farm
I. nan Co. want all lha good farm
Inane they can get If
Loan made at low ralea of interest
by the Nebraska A Kanaa Fsrra Loan
Co. Money reedr as soon as papers
are eignrd, It
fleyo is giving away to lad ra asm
pls of his spf risl odors, we can fly
aay thay are the finest perfnmrs we
evr-r "amoled."
Feauerly A Aultt ar still aiejg
vinegar and traatular juice. Call and
are them. Gaod eider vinegar for 2b
tenia per gallon
Our spring atock of hat aid r-
is now complete, consisting of orry
thing of tn late deaign of tioblv
iroKJa McNitt A GaM'siia.
Our 91 f'J men hir ran't he It a
ia tin I'niltiJ StaU. In hutt'm.tse
or conirrcs Tr a pair, t Chas
Pchsffoit, ,Va Vrk Mfr,
Dr. II A liatrd, the Dsnl'sl ha
rtatH the tu lately vscttid by
ir r.rrign ami win roll lit ro
frsion m the city. II will not go
to Hup' nor
low ought to have area Jailor
ni: (MM t.
Vki.LI. .... .1
andon m, ilea, call at Stt,H r Y Urn, the, ... so
the New Urk .tore. ldooU .hMl(Cf ie ff(1Jf -mH
rrraaMiitrimw ou oil aai n do hiaa np or whether ha woM ,old
a4 fnnid, M B. Kdleatan we!up tbe .triftkUr.
1', -liTl 111. i C """" '' br.teih event propetl. k.r psftnl. ck . '.,,; ,-f iJ .
I Bll I HrL
alvtul twft.iT df her tarmatr, to
t Never bad a preparation a u.r p ;we aarry vu tl. rtmuu
proprialenaa than Aya. hair Vigor, A U lr, M U Htally, W C
s iV ,le '',",0 Ma Utoaae to Joao sa-l A AllsUlar mc a-JM
fettl4 by disease, age, or jflit,t ihnr as.r f the Ire ltv of th
(lbn 3rfiag i.,.rt. rrnrwrd life to; Great Weekly Tbi
, tha aealt., m thai the hair . H, ,, L.ppy lo have the Uji 4tf
ataewaf lU yahf.) f !!, .fcdj a dvoatt u tic , F. W.
a BJMa la ne nailwaia
owe) aonara)e)elaa.
The lime lor the people cf lied
Cloud to act is now, and what aha
nrril Is railroad and manufactories
we have one of the host located elliea
in the gnat weal and would ha great.
ly dcvrlopfd f railroads could be ae
cure), llvd t'loud is hy natural loca
Mon the gte lo tho grt lUpuhliean
Valley and the railroad that have
stoppid at sump of our (Ur rillrs
aro hound lo reach fur the immvntt
traffic that com from this part
of Nebraska, l,et our people he in
earnest now and we will aooit have
Ited Cloud on tha highway lor a gn
eral boom.
Aa to anenufaclorlce there is not
eity in Nrhraeka that haa one half
the water rower that IM Cloud baa
ilesidaa the great republican river
e havo numerous rrtk wilh fall
enough U run mill and manufactur
ing Institutions. Now i ibe lima lu
art and art hard, rti mst have on
or more of the great ralloaia that r
headed Ihla way
atoilrooal ! ami
Wbil engaged at building lha aid
iratks fur th new town being laid out
Ii allee eaat of lllua Hill, a Mellon
hand by the name of C. Kaaehka fell
from a pueh car loaded wilh d'rt which
is ralner small and tan be pushd by
hand, the whesls paaafog over on of
his legs, breaking the bone Ulow lh
knee and manglinjt the flsh in an
utfly jsanner, Hastings Kepuhlleaii
Coaaly Alln,y Willroi Uavrs
this wee a for I'aris, Tsits, wher he
aoe lo attend the trial of lb mur
derra of his brother, whuh toak
lre U No Msn's l.snd tr a
year ago. Tb ehanca ar that Jee
tobr.on will streith htaap for hi
prt in lh mardr,
" i iii
Flotd It)f.nM very Mub ea
cited this week at.d tLose wh did
not know what was tie mstler thotgkl
be was fsttibr ! lm f,t, UftalW
gatioa It was learned that k wa
thtdaddi of b'oiUg baby gir
f'jgaraart rartalnly (a trder.
rastatsr iavlltr.
j To tar er.iMs si T '--a U ik
J twt.l4 4 o'tb4t la A st!- t.1
4f (Mts; to4) ta whistU
, st k nt ,aa wfH i , M sJaj-
j sll VTj twitiif v w! r4e4 tn
d.Mflvil (fill r-Hltlt BBtt
tt4 hrp t4f rif. sfU tM llSk
i.ttu , ilw rU onM ImfKl
u UtytUtm v)4t 44; av
vltWl fft t"it yt MllW
ifM.ii Its ,li mUl U k-vt v
Ktrt;, Tovms Vsat..
W lf lWMttlUnt
(! m4 Is (Mil; i,(m t, Mv4
J w4' iU t !, lau . r '.
M arhli. Usi aWav. Bks4CWjt
That vr sell it :.t hotaxn prices and will
Hi I i'
(iiscoum an advertised prices on same tjuaiuy
of goods,
That we make ALL KINDS OF FINE
CLOTH INC to order in the Imilding.
That we employ home labor to do it and
satisfaction guaranteed.
C. WlfiNKlt.
cra.4 IMlTIJa.
A arw Im ssf Hfrt'sartaweli
Mreaa. lsHrtHslnlr Mrattrallra.
Of tall ilisi asasi aaavrata f laataatar
jr at, In aatajajrol Ntf tasror !
weiafcl hatar werN," waa aatlal Iter
Itaef r lMif tat atrr avail arr
wrllilwail arrlatg stair aNaiirm ataiel
Nat w a astir 'smm.
ImIm lriaa fr at ajweirf rr a el. If
assl. M assslf
tarrl aaltrail faaratlHg aaim.
'r arr aalllag kawaaMMla aat)
rraaajMol rncasfsfr lataa a)) ),
Wr bate a aWaMltrl llar af
wrlaafaw aaa1raalrtlr'atl nw
iaM aaraaa far asarolf ataal tmt
aaar rHreaata.
I'laatrr aaala la trral tacitly.
l roar aal Haw eattrwol mH
eiara la aar srrraiHeati aSraasrl
Try liar art aaala ttalrr t1aaaa.
tha liaaraaa.
It la tola f fualha daft It
lha aleak nlllllaMS htHibhig lt
lh Alllan op Thj ff U
the vlly on )slwrdy llh hsjssed
in their hair, una spadr dastllag
hot U thalr psnls, a ah hat aad
rub pipe (of nsellf suj aad ! ta
not bear lhm talk n aaythUg hot
the grlavanca of in f afat,
On would Ihlnk tha' tr wr otf
nalusj to to umthlnK lo etlsnei
lhl wrong, hl the fs at lhat
thsy tr it; ing it play lh "IM 104
lag 1 104" at ) lh ,llln a
Ci hut a lak will has It tha bye
as fhsaa si-Mted A i(.t
uppoflar f lb Alii la at
hyirlte hlah
i i
A aa aldnta thai ajaatlt rlfffog
la aUui li fall apni. wa atiwl twUwi
pride U lha rk aad Iwwly Waaaa
trlnlar wk hat tlitodjr bigaa to
laoa In ar varPsa oaaaw t, Taay
ore jasl aa ara to same wltA lb Ioa.
r lhat hl"oi la lha Htrlag
alata are tor lo (! la two
nsalo A I faa a
b aald vf hlU w I
of loulgoro, Trial
him on any aobj'tt I
4Imh It with too thora:
grl' sssa; I
Ut with sll hi short
I t lo a f talL
tkmiMa, ' o,r tooog aad sett fr(ww4.
Whan It. D J.ats Ufi t4 I ud ' Wslur C Jaaaa, lafl laoi friAtf
for hi os w horn In th slat of mvralag f hi ia ltlftlaatl
Washlntfton td (lead lost . af t)rg, wha ha f-oe U wfww wbt
it most e-Nlorpiulog and saUahlaifoftoo Wall la a No. I Vwf aaM
itif Uihsfew yeara lhat lh d will tatkt hi aaorh U tho tfrv
edilnf of this l-r has bad lbs plsas Wl, II li Usaot friooit It)
or of biseeeUistr, o b fthdSltd Cl'd ohrwill alatyo alwww4
him lo U eier; aeh a , id lh l hr'f hi a(v(filff. U a 00
foiodr of 'oif r,bur.iis eatsrprts Ui4 lf tlo4 at hi fwlaio law a
s fur JUd (1od than U said of d thr rf oa t Mtllo 4ww to
suy other w-so thai haa Ils4 asakiag t fetioat, Ttfi Cattf !!
bar, IN wa th f's4r of ihtf'll'a h i hi aw ItMat ee-4 k
Nebraska LosaUr etmpaay, ll H-l hlot aliiMi af Had Cbsw-4 ateaio,
(Voda4 AU rcllr f vorlag mIII. n-w I lh h-l alaS tf WalaoVt
iiltal. assay fr)d I IM ,
. . . I
of faotatoU
alowo taoa at
avrsl not l fish ' atlothaMols) W0
Uf r , UUa aavtral athof
psi'st, ishsk oklih om o lot a
pr l4 aad a 4!rtovco fehtog
wll aratotsota, afdlwre, tn. Mt
will rta)UI aaakt hlo faetoo oalol
... I .m 11-B IJ& & fl All !!
eao i4ar iasr fart'saai la ,,, .; -
hanag him h, Ms; i Jk K.Ur, Ut a aaUr t,t ytor,
h lis Uar .d pro,pr ) vr h-t, tt.4 , ao ,-; af hU
wl.t. II will frf lh trfl he W ha -, I Nwe4le. Wi.. asa.,.
a . m.m . ' .-.--. . w '-' -- w
K991 AT(o Vai7
ttTTIaii aaoilATKCla
jajfni fao4
aajtai B oaa
itfawaw Mia
rowawa. at U
..j r
tb Hs4 fJit'l lstirl Dghl
ssi surysr s-siprr io wauf ,. , , . .. u, . .
? ojj awt" taw iri oaiiwi a- avajajaj of n I i
i ,i.. if ..... j f tbt awl lag
z:v'jlzmiivi'i7'ir:.v:. h.. . .., h. ho.
wafw w-BBjrw -ww Yvw,naaaiBf n
fa 1, th eily will !', lo Mr Joe
rsavoval a aaa wh ohoU iolri
wf fryf lh N'h-ltdigl lt-t Ov4
Ink CMftr wish hia ail th pv
awritf pihU la hi w h In
lha Ui wt aad lb tile b I'm sis la
C Wlsoer U.
,h ha etd a nb a fort) of
b; .wfoifac n. -rr- ;
shiNrso'. al.f, ah ai ,aj,M "' w w V"t !' 4'
sad Uh th,t v aMsly sb.7UMMl.i UtM ,V'
oot Ike lla. J , eff.rlag r,r har UIV . ?? '" toi
y.i. la U..t. If it n4 f o,M'fr,'i.,jLUJkrtiM'
xAuauo.0 Haa La ml - I If M .1 a .. 0 sLsl a
.M. Ilir w at
gaa4a -A sum UUo,
FalWa tha 4 4 kw fcs Ml, r.
H mmm Kitiniflil mi lH I'm Hll in n v"l'lii' in (.ra
tMMJ. . HI