The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 09, 1890, Image 7

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rwnr Maasnro lntroiitr tnln the nat
Rotating la the Irl lrf fmnMiir.
Wasiusiitox, May . - S-nator Vet
accompanied liU report (rm the Select
Committee on Mr at I'rtslucti yes
terday with an explanation "lit
Mid that tho committee had Investi
gated the. siilijivt very (nlly and had re-porti-d
(our measure for tho consldora
tlon of tho Senate.
The first Hat a concurrent resolution
asking tho President of tint I'tilted
States to inaugurate diplomatic com
apondcnco with tho authorities of tlmat
Britain to bring about a rejioal or mo.ll
ftcatlun of the existing quarantine regu
lation of tho I'nlted Kingdom.
Tho next measure was one providing
for a National Itispi-ctluti law and re
quiring that all llo cattlo should lm in
Hticcted when exported, and alo that
cattlo Intended for ex-sirtatlon or tho
meat of which was intended fnrexporta
tlon, should lm subject to Inspection at
tho places where killed.
Tho third measure was intended to
prohibit the monopoly now practiced as
to the. storage capacity of Mcatushlps
carrying cattle to foreign countries.
Tho evidence has shown ery conclu
alri-ly that in the port of New York tho
prac'tlco had obtained among the steam
ahlp companies belonging to foreign na
lions (them Mng no American lines)
of leasing or contracting sometimes
a single ira-ud, sometime all the e.
tela of tho lino for numlMr of months
in advance, to one person, and the n
ult wait that thn shipper who was not
tho favored contractor had no oppor
tunity of putting his cattlo In the for
rlgn market at all. The agents of thn
steamship lino bad appeared lieforetho
committee and had frankly avowed that
they did not proose to divide the stow
age capacity of any essel between two
or more shipper, and had given a a
reason for It (a reason not satisfactory
to tho contra liter) that when they had
divided up their Mock cajwclty leiwoeu
two or mom persons It rcsiilt.-d In dlftl
cilltloHand squabbles between the em.
ploye of the cattlo owners to the annoy
ancn. and Inconvenience of tho ottlrur
of the vessel,
Tho fourth of the hills reported wan
ono intended to prevent the discrimlua
tlon now existed on all the rail
road belonging to the Trunk Lines Aa
aoclation (and that embraced all the
mads running from Chicago east) under
which no mileage was given to any of
the improved cattlo cars carrying llvo
cattle from thn West to tho Last, Tho
evidence Hhowed that on tho lines west
of Chicago iM-longlng to the Central
Trafllo Association mileage of from one
to Uh cents a mile was given to cattle
carried, whether Improved or unim
proved, that liolongod to private In
dividuals. As between railroad com
panies a custom had obtained and was
generally observed by which a company
using the cars of another corporation
paid a mileage of three-quarters of a
cent each way for the use of the ears.
The evidence allowed that on the line
east (if Chicago the refrigerator cars in
which dressed lccf (dead beef) waa con
veyed received a mileage of three-quarter,
of a cent each way, although they
were hauled back empty, but lin-rovisl
cars In which the llvf cattle were trans
jiortod, on the same roads, received no
mileage at ail since dune, lt.s, by roao
lution of thn Trunk Lines Asrus'latlon.
The judgment of the committee was
that this waa an unjust discrimination
against llvo cattle and the committee
had rcxirtcd a bill amending tho Inter
State Commerce act so as to prohibit
that abuse. Tho bills were submitted
with tho report.
Mr. Vest called the attention of tho
romwdttnes on each side of the rhamtier
whtesi had control of the order of busi
ness of the Senate to the Important- of
thone measure to the cattle Intercast of
tht United States, which was now In a
very depressed condition. Thn select
r-ommltteo wa powerless to luring about
an rarly consideration of those Villa.
Tho natter waa entirely under the con
trol of those two committee and of thn
Senate eventually, and he naked In thn
nam of the cattlo raiser of the coun
try thtt the bill Ik- taken up and oon
aloeimfimt aa early day.
Mr. Piatt aald he regarded the sugges
tion 'aa one of irrvat importance and
whlcb ought to be considered by thn
Hen ate t an early day. He aur! thn
Senator rum Missouri that ao far aa he
waa oranccrned and ao far a he mpre
eaUsi bis friend on hi aide of the
chamber he would do hi best In that
Mr, CuUom, chairman of the Commit
to on Itrtwf-SUte Commerce, reeogniaM
the Importance of the measure reported
anddn-lasad himself anxious to ancuro
their eariy consideration.
MoJIwar Nargeooa Meat.
Ka xTrrr, Mo., May a. The third
annual cunvvnntlon of thn National As
soc.ialloa rT Hallway Surgeons a
arm bird at ilho llll Ojra House.
About IMoftlio leading railway surgeon
of the CJnttall States are in Ui city
in attendaare upon tho convention.
The sea Ion wa opened by a prayer by
Uev. Dr. Vnaaar. of the First lUptist
Church. Mayor tllolmr welcomed the
visitor to lUnaa City.
Carat W a ! rewatana.
WAatiiMiiTwn, Mr X In a tetter to
tbo Speaker olthe'SouM of tirareaent
tlwa the SecrtHary af thn Interior esti
mate that it will t-aaulre VI, .;. 2 an
nnntly to five a arTtw pension to every
urvtvor of tke Ut war not now on tho
roll, M.-17 nanuaatj to lnr--aw the
"aenaiwia of thone nwn the rolia U (M
month and 9.TM.9M ao the aid of
termil aoldlrra; a total aam x
nsUtf of
air Sfc A i ,
XrnAcmc N. Y., May c-NlchUa
H- Douinfor, a wldoljr kwosvn h krp
r, ptopriMar of tho I'nradioe apiary at
Maavollua rail, a tn.aio td tha Metit
odlat Church, an afrrelv rrohlbltlr.a
iat and a nan who on hi tMdae card
an4 in Jala tra mark baa atawiped the
aotto, "In tUA Wo Trust" U rharre-i
witn a arlaou crime upon two Uttl
(Ula in bi employ and ! w at larjn
on a f!Q,M bund, lie cUIks thai be !
a victim of a roap!racr.
Tn Pennsylvania railrowl director
at a meoUn at Fblla4lw!a deelarmj a
Urinals' of I par cest
Hepurt of lh Vlrrl (,--lllr-Tt. M
fnr' 'wtrttlllM lTlivs-siU l.atU
llen Musi sr.lrnrtl Tltsl if t'unirSMS to
l(rlr,- lh aitwatlnn.
NVvsittMinix May 'J,-The rcj-ort of
the special co-jiudtteo of the Smvtn ap
jxvlntiM in May, I ., on the transjxtrta
tlon an! sale of meat prtslucts, was pre
sented to the Senate jesterxlay by t
rhairman, Mr. Vest, "it Is a long "docu
ment, accompanied by a copy of the te
tttiiony taken by the committee in pros
cutlng Its inqutrles at St. Iiuls. Cl.lca
a, ,
i t ii
v !,y
, Messr.
ml I'lrl
',, ' r
go and New York, and Is !gii(d
Win member of the committee,
vest. Coke, rlumb Mander-in
well. The sevt ral legUlatlve measure
pnixs-d by the committee to remedy
the evils of tho tratllc am set forth In
Mr Wat's, statement In the report of tho
Senate -.nvei dtng-s
'1 ho commHti-e snys that when the
examination of the witnesses leg.n In
St. Louis It was evident that conflicting
i.i .. . ...-. . , . .i ,,..
t e n, ,1 ir .. ' i '
1U llie 1 fi tim illiitikl I .ami., 1..H.HI Vkjw
., i.i ., V Ti - .
elation, and that Industrious eflert were
being made tt iirevout the liuiulrles of
the committee f!ectlng Injuriously the
dn-sv-d lof lutetvsts of CbK ago,
Thom was nodlvondly of opinion among
On witnesses as to the fact that the
method of soiling lnef cattle had liecn
entirely revoluttouttetl In thn oast ten
years. The revolution tok the form of
a concentration of the market for cattle
at a few points, with tho controlling
market at Chicago, Thl chsmge. the
committee ay, 1 dun principally to
the fact that a few enterprising ,
men at Chicago am able through their j
enormous capital to centralis" and con I
trol thn buslncM at that point. I ho
dressed leef and canning business la
practically In the hand of fuurettale
llshmeuts In Chicago- Armour X- Co.,
Swift A. Cv, Nelson, Morris A Co. and
Hammond .V Co
Whatever difference
of opinion was cxprctscd as to the exist
ence of a combination U'lween thco
firm not to b d ugatnst each other In
thn purchase of cattle them was no hes
itation on the iart of witnesses, even
when obviously prejudiced In favor ot
tin-packers. In staling that tho control
of tho market was absolutely In thn
grasp of these four houses If they ch(n
to exercise It.
As a result of the Influence of these
house the committee noticed a mlncl
anco on the part of cattle rli'rs anil
commission men to testify to fitot or
opinions whleh might prejudice them In
future transactions.
Tho principal intulry which the com
mltw-o was directed to make was as to
tho existence of a combination "by
mason of which the prices of IxW and
ocoi emtio nave iieon mi controllrsi ami
vfTected a to diminish the pries luld
thn pHHlucer without lessening thn cost
ot meat to the consumer." Thn fact
dovcloM, mime of which are detailed
In the ro-rorL the commltt think,
prove overwhelmingly a combination
auch as I descrllwd In the clause of the
n'solutlou iUoted alMive.
o ii- viniiiniit v tivrin m ai)i'iili'llk
frvnn Mr. Armour's testimony that beef
rattle had liicreasiil mom ranldlr than
ilie committee (lUOte a MaUMIIOIlt
rattle had Increamsl mom rapidly than
M)pulatlou during the last five vears,
from which he argued that the low
price of hi-ef cattle were partly due to
overproduction Thl argument, the
committee atatea, I not warranted by
the facts and the committee has no hes
itation In stating that a combination
exists at Chicago which control tho
market and fixe thn price of betif
Cattle In it own Interest,
The railroad trunk lines, says thn
commit tee. control thn meat tratltc of
the country In thn Interest of the rail
road companies. Comparing the rail
road charges on a ear of wheat and a
oar of dressed leef, tbe committee
show a discrimination In favor of
dressed lieef of al-otitao per rent.
A to thn remedies U relieve the situa
tion tho committee says that Cong.
In the hill recently naaaed by thn Sua
aU on thn subject of trust, baa gonn ao
far aa it power extend. State legisla
tion must supplement that by Congrvs
to punish combines operatlnf wltbla
State llnea, and active, Intelligent of
ficial must bn found to eaforvw tbe lawn
enacted. "If the Federal and Suits
authorities," it continue, "ahall thua
art in concert and thn other legislation
as to unjust dlw-riinlnatlo by railroad
In transporting cattle, Oae removal of
quarantine restriction aa to American
rattle shipped to lireat Hrttaln, and tha
breaking up ot the moavopuly In tbo
steamship carrying trsao f cattle to
fomlgn ptirt h enacted, we have great
confidence In obtaining relief from on
l.tlng evil."
In aoncluslon thecommitaeo aays: "If
the cattle raiser of tbe Unite.! Slates
am only true to themselves th Imrne
aiaie lutum promise ueiiveraaco irom
present Influence. Them r no evcuso
for panic Tho worst featorn of tha cat-
tie trade I the fart that sa many cow
and veals am b-lng thrown utsm the
ton ttie
maraev, ine inuicsuon wing tftsi pro
duners are panlc-strirkrn aad anxious to
malim now without regard to tbo
fotore. There wtm markete.) at
Chicago during the past ysssr i,trt'
SM cartte, of which frt-m ti to Xo
er vnt. wem coos and pr font,
weroralve The rattle raleaf the
Uraltnd Statra should be ami mm tho
moat coTcpetrnt judgwa as to tivsaV own
inannat. atill it they will anrratasug
awotlun irotn thnoe wboar datv It Inj
'W wm -
beii forsnonths to eiamio tti cattle
qnooUon In all lu a.rrt. tboy will
rVmaensaraeUnir tbtr tmediaa ami lm
niuis ouvk ami dU.get.tiv lratasa. for
a lar-rev awvply aad a brighter fotaro,
It laonlv a tiuestloa of time
brief tint a ben tho f-roMeax will bav
that of asipralytng unr own taaamla arkab
brcf wUhfrarl regard VarV-relgn tnarbrla."
IxTaiaaa, Msf t A jivsVlrtlfeoj
Kmin I'naAa ana l-en taxretved si Cairo
giving ht moaons for )a4tilag tt tier
sanevpealltUm with whlrii h is rxrw
mturnlag to taw interior of Afrtosv
Though b fi' rsrl-ty of or plana
tioa of hit rhtaav of plana, tl fr-1v
final rraapn given U LI aet-iitsrs-t-e of
thalWrreaa ot?rr waa Sualf-y'a uaaar-
t-mtali!a imI Itwsesiaaijla wtLrva Is ttilt.
lag his (Ensln) Bank Is lSw rltll r
reedlars aaalaat Tlprasu Tib. aa asalr
aits .li-k lu. ki.1 aa jartt-B atiAi.
sraxrr. Kmla claims tlat he ha tn
tbo victiia of teiarrj-rcntsution it tbo
ami o ual7-
Atlnrt. (lea rat fcoiUfff, 4 Ri
aorton View ntlltlSWU
TorKA, Kan., April t. -.tlorneo.
(cneral U IL Kelloftr lcsb a erlov
view of the decision of the lhltc-l State
Supremo Court on thn original packgs
iiicstlon. He aajk. "I am surprised
nl dlsapsdntrsl at the dtvUlon It
Imply repudlatra, a I Interpret It. tha
declalon of tho L'nlted State Supremo
(ourtof forty year arfo and whlh hat
i"n von law uurinn vaas jwrivM
' r,,v'f ' held that a New Hampshire
I l r iiU not ship Into Vermont, wn
!; . ., ,.,. , . i
U'r-r IO lh" f,l-"l,7 ' Un" ,n
the latter Mate, a barrel of gin itlnr
l"en the law durln that period I he
the tlovrrnuieut n-vvuwu stauip nd fll
the ttie In the original I arml In viola
tion of the law of Vermont.
"It I a tu'tlou and sstbly s dan
gerous a o.t-lston as the fatm u lr-d
N'otl decision of prv-lavry dj. 1
ft-s'l like crlllclstng thn court. It Is not
what thn people ot the State had a rltfhl
l"Mt t the Supmrnntourt of tha
.. . .
rn!tM Statev hopo that tbeto mav
. ,, . ,. . ... ... ,, . ., .,.
' ,. ,'ltlMij,Ug Il1,i 11 III III,' ti-,"l
and thallt Is not as sweeping In Itseltect
as It now looks and I therefore ant
anxious to vi-o the full text The ill
selttlng opinion Is clearer than tho de
cision Itself and I think that tbeJntico
who gave that optnlau held Ibe corn-ct
view of the law and the miction
Tim decision, aa I rvadlt.ts, partv In
this State ma) bring Into thn State from
otfcae Slate lbUor In original package
and can sell the same to a second psrty
without liability to armst under our
Prohibitory law M
"Then, tlcneral. vou think that it af
feet Kansa and that it will make II
poastbla to sell lliUor In original ck
age In thl State?"
"I am sorry to ay IL but I Ixdlnvo It
dors that very thing. I fear that It Is a
thw: " P0' Uul ,,,0.u, VVh'
mill iMir in im iieier aiieiiiiisi hi
prohibit the lnisrtatlou ot liquors Into
this State, for the framers of lb" law
knew that It could not U done un
dcr the statutes of tho Culled State
regulating the traitlc of commerce 1h
twoen the Stale We bnvootil) iiught
to prevent tho aalu of auch l!iiior '1 his
decision aays In substance that we can
I not prevent the sale of suuh liquor a
long a they remain In the unbroken,
1 original packafr."
Tt "n4 ICIorlrieal i:ierlmi In
Tarsi laiUAallaljr ralrne4 Hy a Writ nl
Hataaoa 'nn-WIr Juvtga Watlara
lraalr4 Its Wrli. '
Anit'UK. N V , April rto.-inlge NVal
lace, of the I'nltisl Slate Circuit Court,
( has granted a writ of habeas corpus, re
, luruanie .nine i, in tue case oi hinim
ler, the man condemned to die
b) eec
triclty thl week The ground
fin Ihn
writ I. that the act under which the ox
, iM-utloll wa to take place 1 in violation I
i of thn Constitution
, riu: Jinni. si vrrMisi
N".w Yoiik, April no. -Judge Wallaen
(Sajsthatln granting the ICemmler ba
" ftiriu m in- Uiiiiiiu win liens in
I 'he
counsel nuking the application,
"'at Inasmuch as the ease wssoueol
life and
should I
death the ilUrstlnn Involved
lie liassed lllein bv1 tbe highest
tribunal In the land, I he qui stloti
to tho validity of the delegation of -miser ,
in a sniriii in in ini- nine ami eireoni
stance of the death of a condemned
man was a serious one.
The judge luttliisted thst the restric
tion of tbo lltierty nf the press s also
a question to le eonstderrsl, bill bn did
liot say positively that this was one of
thn reasons for grsntlng the writ The,
question of Ibe cruelty or unusual nat
ureof the punishment would lie conld
ereil by the Supreme Court. '
Tlier wem other question Involved, I
but the judge did not rare to extend tha
Interview, which wa grantoil at a very
late hour.
I'aul II. Cravelh, counsel for thn Wett
ln house Klectrlc Company, slated p
Itlvely that that company hail noart In
the proceedings by which the execution
of Kftnmlcr has been deferred.
maroloc at las N. a
rtoot ttlstti
Jewao HI Wlttt t,
Jaraaonvu.i.rt, Kla., April mi. Tbo
to-amer II. at. Ilant, of the Ht Johns
river tine, waa totally destmye.1 by tiro
yesterday rooming at Hemsford land
inf. ItM miles south of Jacksonville,
Thre colorvsl men-Klber Maliory.
waiver; Walter Cilenian. a deck hanu,
and an unknown deck paangr wvro
drowned. Tliem were a dot en othef and cre of twentythmooa
Tbe fire wa caused by tha ramlaoa
neaaof a man who was filling a lawn
,,,, nf"x - -AH on board es-'sj-M
-r-" m.vm ..,
lhrcapUln kept the deckhsnd )mrk i
"' m ''0'"-" w"'" th omni and
,"blldren got Into ),e liat. 1'e.qU
'f'"0 V"" h"r w,, '" "ap- of
ta other pvple on board. Th boat
wat valued at I44.KM, H
IAjioo Wvmaea. I
fsnsTos. Auril tlim ordtr hat boon ,
itsoed by tha f to ton rxdlee tsrd tkal
after May 1 tha solo of IntoikaUnf
llqoors otvr Lars uuM )m up(4. Tata j
orW has ln otrtd for mia Umo, J
but it wa the hope nut only of tbo
poll rottimlMloaera. hut also of Uso '
. .a,..B..W w ,B .HKV m 1B IWI.inBB
hlw ,,. I. t i ,a7z
' .ij .... i. . ... .
I "T7t . l.V--..tlJ!lU . .T
f1 "' .,h 'w M "K tbo
fT1 '" T "Hb k ,
I jwwably tast tboro was no ftrrtba J
aoao saw murxincauow tk Jillr ryoa- i
mlaatoaort bate given moUm v tbo
aaloonaoamora U rsmass tbeir
nrttbln tavasata 4..
KarLTwrR, Ma art , Mlb A-nl at
Tb strasM-v CoDUnoniaL watr. tbo
OM'f- Magnet hi ftrto MaewnwtU otih
ax . .
aw cabgbt n by tbo tUU of
am oil taas' ul in n Ht tv. nA
tboatramer to, A -to fcr i
rwaaft sti.iag br on the awrt sUs'a
amaiobipa and rotting tVsr-HrW Ur
rlsakl-Jg 1 Matett 1t taa aa-
1tJ lia ao- fllfl
rfM tm KHI
aft hilms SJ
s.sun of r-a. l-trrty
j tiarr-uard uaak, sa-4 aaalr I
I forward ad llirtv-sis (m
! Un l of oatr arvr tL ml aft. Tbo
JeotlittooKBrmd It mlias attttfrnt
aaj,! ff mg YiA at
IWafaswa root tW rweeO
br Wfi ai-tdW-alleaa, a tSey a aAt eeava
ttx itltfWMsJ ivrtl f la- ear tt-r U
ealy way to euro iMvtai-aa, and thst It
by (VHttllaUonal retursllrt. lvw.fnr
oaitr h an t9ams otMdltten of Ue wv.
oxi 1 In In; of I bo Kul-tiln t"VUv tVWrtt
this tut irHt Inftantcsl )vu bavearvimMlntf
-in. r imj-rftect t-oartaa, aad vsUrn II t
entirely t kt I km rues i ttm ruit, t.d
uales tlje nlnNUiH cn I- takeu mt
and IM t'jtst tvstorrs) tolls h.vrmsl cik-li
tkw, tMHirlniC will t tfsxrr rt frwvri
bine !- out ot ten t,,utsl tij estlait h,
which t nclhiit lMt an infUincd itiAlliHi
el Um- intHvii surf.
vv n wm fitt-imn v-nsrsr M
co ef Ivstfnest (rusl tv' lUrflil l. ,
J!T " , " " t'l
-r t?ti tor clruit, irrw ;
. . ' J Ctiastv A (.V, ToSL tt
rVld by KriKvUu, .V
IT U t-est iwv loe!ww- a UU moi ler .
Suie Vrutvr. . ttisl be ns l t
f iutd shei I m hen h (s ot f eftu '
K, l lte;une
ifM,R.i iicai r h,s.
rV iies-tul bus Hr lln O.d.Wii
Vlttli).l Uiso-vrrt pivvvslta ealtngev-sx,u
nl cutsrrb, l' nd iknul ilu
dvc. that lis mnf.'tvirs mw wll it
throuftv tmrnrit vimirr n-'ii- i".4iiif
cl lis ls-ii'ntiner it)hf liiritf) f
clvrn a fir titaL er tnoiiri )mI.I for M w l
lx rrfuuitist otisumi'liea twtiUli )
vmful of the bines. If Ukin U time, is
ali Clitvl l- this o-owdrrfut ute,ticluu
- CnnstllMttiMi er HUV llissds-'he, ue
'r I'l' rvTi IVl.Vl., Iutrly V(r(ulUe Ut,e
a dla
T.tri Is no h'ticr a dream to a man afi't
the nrl time Ms wife n-n.U Mm to Wi
ilruit stem for f,s siJr Trfi IUut
lUiarrr AasvsstsAug lt
Ur A T ru tssisuia,
His-tveslrt, IV llwtCii I wttli
vou to S4HII ni a leepf vtnir AMlilte fel
Malaria, wtiii h I lvrtlt in llie M-(t
i (il .(4oil, I liatlaiiiKa. 1inli, l-.
whUh I cwii not ifi't t.ere rtftrs-n jeais
wo mv inellvrr bal llilnl day chills, ard
ahrr trx tnT H'C it.lir sn.l elbrr mesli
Clues wlMmilt t-rjli-f, a fflcnd Itsxnnmrtidrsl
jour Aullitete slm trlisl It, slnl J,
effeitnt a trroianeut ctit 1il yimis,
J l KiiwtHh, Paslor at rt Cliutrh
, It uusy t all lltht to exrtnil e.lllcr
9 .,M1 lilrti .lul !. it a. .H4 . 1 I . . .
j atlvr ewrtei wrie nalulal laleaiutii
Hliiflismi'ton Itcouhilciov
' Ia.II. II... S.l.J ft.
A Ituniner of on sd) cusUi
ttlnl ''Motliei Krlcitil,' and win
nirts bsvr
wiitild net t-e
vtllbiHit for ItiBliV tone II tost. lift
lissilliHirud It Ul all who e t.i lrtn,
nmtlii-rs It A I'tis.. iiiu(lL, ll---n
Vllle, Als tVrlln Hloitnebt Itrv lo.AlUl.
J la, (la , lor i-aiili-ulars. Ity airdruirlUt
Ta Rnrllth esl'llalUls at tfnl.lilln- un
all iur Industile Iml i'Ur temslu txelUI
Ul. are relilillnir up ll ll,n i Kuf tltb
nuuirs m reiuru Uflil.
I iii Ik-ii rT,e,1 with a nioimolal
tfewtiube and a beav j l-alii III lux liver I
mMi- use of iiffriri,i bhiiIIIs nltunvit
UC until I irsve Hull rsr-iarilU a
I trial, Ihltx iHitlles of
lit ( I tUe lilessum lit isvsiin
lira of w hi. It rve nte is
lit ( I taUe pleasure lit iviminrtillti II a
' ' '"" "l",""r '" oiiM'i ariariiia i
I " """ " ' ?'
Tti st lin Irfna In laWa lVitti as ll,r
J rvmn llie tiaae bill call ber VVMUtafVei.
fit Xerli , will m rwel br Craa-la
Co 1' , l'
, o aui t'lie In W I n or
i-.u. lsle isslit. ln-.ll
I'sua-ta, Mslare
l-'lit f V
" Iwlililns r.liv tile rip wtei
of Kiorls oil clrv-ulars alttuiel each tax
Watts 1 I said to Isiprovn with
. some inrn nerr ytra It
' sillu Jour us!
a t'liaiKO.
Hltrrsttit frnni I uucln, Kire llireaL
i -., .i, i.. ii... . ii....n,i r.
. ,.- , -..'1 ,. ...-. -. w ... -w... .. , , .
r ."
a simple iiut surw reoimiy
ti. I'rlrelL. inls
A-JJ il(f 4a
Mosrr tstk esrepl
up" In a hvtd I tit tat;
tea It Is -thut
a m -
lltvn notualaa a prompt and pnsttlra
rura for sick t-eaalSf-M, WtlitejtM-a, isansil
CUnnltslalntheslio,aai all vee UouW
. Oartor'a iJttio Uror rilla Trytaesa.
Tna conoaii f aomo imst'1 Is so sut-ng
thatthay admlra taolr mlsUsss Uaua
laor Baks um
Ha. Riia,' Worm liaotrayora ne M
new sad uairtast. Vor tolrty joara lUy
havo sloral l)i teat of Ut4T, aosfUssIf targe
solo Is dua to mrlt ralr
iau na urn nia it is uta taaa wbr gnao
slow WlM
epa a wlUi
IL Aualaoo
KiniNinvirf (Vttivbli.jr are titasl lit
jllalas llitirycf MurrUind stl 1st
I nkr'sTfMHiiar llfift I aeals vs ails ill
Tna sou ns4 rasa
l Kaa
a otoitWea
agaiasl too talkie-man
O lVoj.
Wa rvromavnd Taal)rs furwlt' Clgsr
rlv a straafa snaisa-.nrt-hos, in ssoo
wtvt wlnsloahalf svll dastisiartavMt sft
and twavt la aUvt lUn.Ira (lasatta
War a rasa I full It I a y tlssa to
taka tls Mtt mtttii klsglssUa
Wain mirw taika ta '.I iMtlu iatLol
A MM Mb) MafftCf towf
HullTt AWP liuiiii,
A leaotsw aoo Is.
toOrasMa. Rataaa, ls I. Its
1'waa fatSi tain tttilmm irt avt,o
atrjxitaasa. I Sit yin M. fat)
Krslaa at w a,'l la Umi soasmr
rlova aau soto.wo s tata-fiao-
r . riMa. H, tl
. tv rswie , lnttf
tomfatawA TNtWaa a,
I mm
j "J
mini, U- C
, omwwmmjmmj mjmv
t -!? Mr '
aasto latosassoMssa.
TaT" IBV WW xssmw aaaasaaa- ajaaaj
i o.orosaai
attaot Ha tm
J f ttn f 71VT ftit BoHl
I WlnVn Imi fanmTta 1
mm mT,mZm mi SSm
I m ax-t mmmmamm pbjbj w-mmMsfjofJsli mmttttKtL
m. - am-aov. - . -. owa
All (TM. rot
V -r' "". .
".- BlnVwa-r - L', W
- aa-m11 J
I -
'&-uix'mf M.nn
- ... -wvy h laoJ In fill 11
a. BSSSittP?
rf av -
"AH RIU A 11)01. AM TMOVrmiN'H xt.l.T.M
'Wvll, liy tletwge, I tuppse rvny oorM btsrd Ull wf Iotas fvsow'ii eoH.
Yon , It wn lib lht 'ltiontii wa an tatlf tlltr, and eon. a leant
and en roll. II live. I imi tha lahb of sh big titaaa- tbo MUM I
reebnn. Well, whstvavrr ttal tarnal mlt of Mt'n wa tMraly, Ihi. of walk
lag down to tha wataf and dilnklng, like a sautlM rtlttrr tHild, wK 44 Ibav
tvsv) roll ibt bo I tnlnt lo the elbri tM, wtW nut, sltaka blnssalf, luiw aranmt,
wtlk ttowN and taka a it-Ink."
Now, totn folk Jott Hie that roll, ndot tbv fft blllwt and rnwott
patad, thy jvitt 1st II rvin en, until Att lltlng thjr bwow ihr Ka to twin a long, tedkltll oll of llrkiiM. A tw ibsa-'O nf f TUtvoS (Ld4S)
Mndka) I'iarotary, iakn In time, would tfM alt tbs 'Ihfia I ttMa
equal lo It for Itlllttiisness, Impute Htixxl, fWmla, viv C.wvSMinHbiw, wbarbj
I ivally iiolhlitg litem nr Irs than S minis of lb l.tntga, lh 'Mmldav
Mnllral UlH-nVrty bs rvimd IhoiiMindi of rams of IM m-4 falsi nf tsxtlnHia.
Hut It ititHt Ite taken t-rfi-r- the ill It li far altsitrw In ed In bo wW
tlvr. It taken In Umo, and glwn a fair trial, II will , of twnmr n-at4 Bar II
III m rwfnaded.
IVr Wrak Lung, .spilling of Hliv-1, shotftte of Hrlh, rlmMfcUta,
Asthma, Severe (Vnigbt and MihIm-I att.vtloos, ll It an tvswaslf,
Ana m's HtsrsksshV MnitOai. AsstM'ttiion, Msitufastntat, Max mkl
Mala Html. Hufsbs N X,
njarroT-viAi ao
In tsva' KesMr
fslllno Iwl.i IM, rMtVI-M infiMM, att.
M4i,Ml. SSHmWMU tMfHt.t, tn.!. t-MttSl M Ol ( . V. tOO
Ik l.i is. ,Uf.aa( ,4l-. Iit - SaaW Itaaaw-t. aot aaa
al Al4lili llll a fa l IS- iishmN Wssll Im m Saat a ii.s
ii,. iia a.vt iao Owli asnota ea4 M , rabso.
Meal latgb Modlrlno, Kar.ON-w.aat! bo I'hias-iono
t tirea wbxro all sta fait. liaHl and arVoi.l sm itto
toata. I .lblrn Uae t wHtettl i.bsrn.ot. Hr tlfWa-Uta,
Hrsassyt af fy I ro,0 waMfO a alMatod
rMtt ssMiiht fa--oia tsisat-vtstmasi
fjnn Hot of riro VasoUro. Canta.
Ono Hot of Va4laoCot.ide- l-o,lu Oo.
On But of aaolloo Cold C'rwam 1 1 ft.
Ooatkoof Vasollno tUsxp... iMt'awU,
Udt MwtAla of TutnayU Vawallna.UCattU,
It t-aahsa wsaeUa u o -Vowiaa la est
f-m fc .seieal I. a-stt eaif aaaavas -W sal
so tt as la roaal amSsas a at
tnwfWS V4 t aooi aaftei ta tss
Vaama fvt-Haro sa as Has lrf lu4
u ana.'. m its t salaJsato
OMks-,1 saia aa4 ant 0-4 V a-at aa fit x -
toaeroaH staaH. aoasa t M af (baa
twai Vaadi tss-of by ail 4eaaeissl a nasi
ovlBlnTBjil BJBJ, vB. JB MBH M B.
DTspepsia is the bane
of invonnsintasnaf allow, lite foe Mo
noao asmmassxtvmrt amsj Pwsoa t
Ms Pills
moso tsastworso am faaaamt. tto aoo
amoowlte anm oawtls oo taoaMooollto
lie anm ajewsla oo) tsoaMoootlso
). cistsan itxooa f oato sad sloo lo
llotofooal. oglaoo-aaaanoa.
bV14 Kvmrjfwhmrn.
MV,44 Mairmr Mow Yaw.
ammmm mm4jnJmBmB mofl nmmmmmlAoVmBmi
fjfl TfWWfBoffV WW vvwfJrVJB?
TrVB SfBlnl ffMil M hlftwH
trVB nmrnofaf BfwHfvMl.
a--...- a.-.. a- - - -
a-iM 4 is-
m at. aooaaaXAVaX
st.i.rr nu
, asa
u r wjj I a-
i aasu
mjt'j J
m na-o
naaar Ut4lt i.aFr(F'w7W-i3 imi um omsxaawa-a
I"."2"ii?5V"l,' il oavi sva IBBBBjKswtva s.t- , t
awaao-TOmaaiaata aw- a.-M .
m av SSw. a A a
fT.y ft,-yt ' ao.a f t"Z
OJ-Oami mwealvw a-aaatax
IBWMfBT4 ! o-ovm-m a a.a
lAaVBnsainl r? ""n "
-.; a fwat .I,
i. r-rt.TTi
t 4WKAaM(
JaXvy t!ttf!ij arr-w ' "L
tjoBBmBBL JjJwt vas-aaJi.
afimn TwTsflMr7 SJrT J Jfl
f aw la-isftoa sans af
vru, t ma. tWtAiHkN mBBMrV,
rtttwtia. It .. Ktal.MMtc rl ok .ttratjasgoj
-4 , 4 KUm VSs..
MM miliaaiil
tr sm i
wwostw jiiimi
t aa fa -a
numu vctatUUIIf
b0O.' lUflTIIUUa
- omi ) t
Mattti sa ssoao
m mi -- aaM
mblM . t-w.w s atf 4itSaa
a iomo tn asaw oa awmaaaa, .
O a
If as eat ao a
mmaWfjamjl flBjB Bt9BB)t1BM 4JBMr tVMBt
oofHtucATio mont
- BP BP Tm wjr-ajnmm-aj ny mnm-mjr
n ytttiXASSuau
I a-rawaw.owswBie'aa
nmnm-BB t-V tloo ty -' r
mmml faoo a-.o tw-i t
htO" a-, . ii" --,
ftrM .wU-w wa laintw xa.
Tawi a- n?lP?
-- r.etfiv aa-antam,
OF -Mltntawsw-!
i, -aeoaa
- , w-- c .
A. K K, O. iata
Wmim marrinm tm amatTMaTa
atsnaii ' ii a
I vfw' MiajT r"yH- X2mJT!i1z!Z
Lsl'P-' "MfwanjOT?vyeT rry r,.,T
iik i iaai ta-t sa
mmi.iM')Wji iismi.iamrTmmis