The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 09, 1890, Image 5

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When It Rains It Pours. The bottom is
t '
washed out on dry goods.
Prices way down low. All nice clean dry goods. No shelf worn
Old Stock. Now is your time to buy seasonable
goods and save money.
Wc arc selling lots of goods and want to sell more, and by making low prices we expect to
do as we claim. , Wc can save you from 5 to 20 per cent on all bills. Will give
you a few prices on staple goods to meditate on.
., - - - . -L-Li-i lb .m."-' - r ,
"LL" aheatiag 5 eta. Table oil cloth - ct Head wrap from fll.Wln 10
Caabriee ... 5 eta Uood Gingham fwt Sallecaa from 74 In
CeJIee 4 aad Set Silk Gloree from SO cte to 110 cla Dleck hoe from . H to COela
Coat thread 4cta Carpet warp from 20 U 23 8oka 3 pr 25 eta
Geod thread .... licta Lace Curtain, p.r pair 1.-5 l'iwe let a paper
20 yard thirtiag for $1.00 Scrim Curtaia good lljcta Good Craah ft tee
Klbboa, lacea tad ftiej good cheap The beat lia. of Challle aid lre CoraaU 40c la ap
Towla, 4.U geoda yon aver aaw. Aaythlef you waat that mm; eaa
12 doiea battoaa for 4 U Shawl from Mate to lb buy yon eaa get at oar tore.
Moon Block, Red Cloud, Neb.
ht &d loud Ihitf.
Entered at Ik. rnetJOnVa In Ke4 llnncVKeb.,
aa auUI nutter of la arcoad tteu
Atwjwlitwiry fur.
Maml l
manamaee a
raiai anal wa
tea Wall atrart. ..
G. aid Bat H. A. Heady.
New baby carriage a at F. V. Tay
ler'a. 8eaator Nhb waa in the eity tbi
Follow the crowd and go to Mn. F.
Mr. Maud Fulton lua returned
from Holdrege,
For the lateat atylc in dry goode go
to Mr. F. Newhouie.
Rlaek henrietta banl, nilk fringe
at the New York tor.
I). F. I'arknr will bo lmtnothU wcV
from hi trip to the coaat.
I. Friabic addthi name In the (!.
F. W. for IBM. Think,.
Mi Hoo Ktuiglt lrr noil week
for an ritended vinit in lllimn.
arc atxiut
wirin r
eat la Ike wart. Tae atltal"
ta. r
Wi aae aver Itw allien af
WaH raver la eeteel rrata raaa
at ! eta la Ike
al Ceate.
aetata! glvtac away
WI wfATB A atSAimrtrL 14 S
B AT CtatBATLT Beta in
11 "MAaTtCtV Tttatm
Bar waix nxum 1 aw
Tht MrtliiMli.t ponplc
li.tildirif a new barn on I In
The tld .trnlhorid' I In; fircl nf the
week rilint'l tuoul n( lli Hilvancr I
The niee.t line of patlrrn liata aa I
bonnet in the rily at lk New York
Mr. 8. It. Mbiirid ha tuimd brr
millinery good to tli New ork
For the lateit and chcarw.t Waded
wrai and die Rood, call on Mrr.
F. Ncwhowae.
MaMrr l-Uudc hiuiKR wa nine
vear f aire Wrlnc-lay, and bia ta
rrnta (:avr birn a rtxv'ptioii.
Oar black hoac ia the bct fur aec.
women and cLildrnn. Warranted fal
colore at the Nw York Hture.
It ynn are ff'"K ' by n carpel
Ion will af money and get the
eat by calling on F. V, Taylor.
Mr. Milon 'ilon who ha u
M-ri"nly ill i rapidly rritrrin
drr tb"trratwcnt of lr M'tfaneillr
TW V-T,l Nation! !Uik. ('. Wien-
rr and Adam Morhart have laid new
walk in front of tbf ir rt-4vthe bui
new howr.
L. A. Bent of (larfcld i the papa
of a II pound hey. Mm Mr. al-
lirrat U papn of a noy. Tnn Vi
the prpwlatin inerraae.
Peaeratien day ptepara4ia are
tiag fetward and thr will be an
MMprtaU oUerraate of lae day in
Uta cite, in a tl elaborate aana.
Thia ia a it afcowH U . Don't fetwet
; the boy who laid down their litre in
1 reeervatton ol tbc anion.
Jinunie Surk, Kk of A. R. irUrk.
r..i ..r
Dr. Hire and wife are in Derver.
Jno. M. Young ia in the eait bny
ing good.
G1. K. Chaney i in Nuekoll(coitnty
on butinea.
A. Allliiilr mi family mr ping
to llanting to lii'.
A A. Huiniiinr, of Itifrrtnn wa In
tin) city, Wrtlncmlay,
Traiiinianlrr Daticliy and family,
arn mmjii to movo lo McOnik .
Our U the tock for ynn to look at
McNItt ( aludia, The Clolhlera.
Do not fail to call and aeeny aloek
of window abade. F. Y. Tatm.
liny your millinery good of Mr
S K Mellride at the New York Htore.
It. A. Handy will cive jou the low
cat figurei of anyone in tnWn on Innv
Mikpii the Ixuiiufnl burring of ibr
rnllii limiu fly will ! branl in the
A 4'ar lael.
Itainea the furnltnre aan ha jat
ree ived a carload nf Ine fnrnltnr at
very tow prleee.
naWerli aweiae.
Fini' carriage tiainling by J, ('. .My
r. Mr baa don maae rtrrllml
notk for ourritiirn. Try him.
Ilart la 4irt V
Millet, oorghnm and hmem torn
aeed at Ceneeer A IHcaeeneVa in the
nnHh rowm ef the Mew block . 4 4,
W I. Ilalnt hna aided ewwpleU
Una of nndrtakin anode In hie lae
ttock ef faraltnre, the ha will tell nt
reaaewahle price a. 41 If.
riaart ItaaVn rtaarrtt
If )ou want to a aliek flour
(artiNrnt rail on war I'almnf,
rr all kind of flour and ll
cbratt. Hot brand. I
McNittA (ialnihn hare filed np
tbrir additional room with a flne line
of coida.
Mr, Jno. It, Khirry, of Mindrn wa
rimliiig Iter mrvnl in KM t loud
till Will
In a frw iv Miiiri- llir irititillo
will tin miiI dU Mil to an alrrady
bbiding pitblir
An4 The CiilBr atill nrivelh and
ia old a before for $1 per annum,
eaah in adrance.
The Nebrxka and Kanaa Farm
Lnan Co. want all the good farm
loan thej can get. tf
K. A, VanDjkr of Inatalr m in
Kol Cloifl tbi wim! baring Dr. Dmi
rrcll trr4t an afltlrtrfl flngrt.
loan made at low rate of iaUrrtt
br the Nrbratk A Kaia Farm Loan
Co. Money rradv aa oon aa paper
are aignrd, tl
' Dtjo it L'liar away to lad re am
pie of hit afxeial wfer, we rnftl
aey they art the laet perfnmee we
eter "ameJed."
Ftwijef ly A Anllt nrt atill eeUlnfr
einearnr tad traatalaryake. Call aad
tea them. Oead eider viaegae far IS
eeatepcr gallon.
tine eprtag Mock l aate . tape
ta new cewipictc, evneteung f rvrry
thing ef the late deetgne f nM?
feada. Mc.Vtrr A rJAti'vHA.
Oar I1.&0 men ahaae eaa't U Ual
ia the United Pule, la hetln.laee
e naagreae. Try a pair, at Ckte.
Htkafail, Nt Vofk 5t.
riamr aad feeel'
All kiad nf flnar aad feaa at Cwa
over and Dlekerana 't etnre in M
blink. Cell aad tee Ike. 4M.
iHWItt'a IllUa early rtaeea WMt M
for Wa )alatta a4 aiontnah
Hot4 lf IVHOKf.
Nrar fVaal I aa.
I 9 9 claim Im net im wrgrH
ui ef good In the f alley . bat I do
claim that I eaa
the talley .
all ga4
tban any ether lata la the eity
Main the f araitar. men, eaat aide ef
Webeter irri, UM Cland. 44f
A leg aotd My. waeiaeea fn Mr, U,
M, Yanee I am gadag la lea a Med
C1hi4. All pcranae haewlac lhm
elvee tobe Indebted te me pteaaeeall
ad aetlle their aeewaate. AH aa
renal a ami U paid befee Jaae 14,
I. II. WattATR,
aaaHgaW aTal
BWBaaaaaaaaaaaaK wfllBaawff aaaaaaaH
BBaaaaaaaaaaaV aaaaaaaaaaafl
aaH mH1 1
BSaaaaB maaaaaaaaaai '
naH BaH' 1
We arc ready to show
you that we have a Large
Stock of
HtH)ts, Shoes, iMirnishing
(iimmIs, lints and Caps
That our Clothing is guar
anteed of the I K:st make.
That it is of newest designs
That we e it :.t bottom prices, and will
discount all advertised prices on same quality
of goods,
That we make ALL KINDS OF FINE
CLOTHING to order in the building.
That we employ home labor to do it and
satisfaction guaranteed.
Prices Reduced
I liftvo junt nlv4l tint UteatHtylr lit
Beaded wraps. Sateens,
Cliallies, White GcnhIh.
WonUnl (iixxU, Mlilrtlnirw, lUtulHirK", Hwlnn Kntlirltvrltrft
Tomlinii Uim in all jiulltli aim! ijttAiititliw. !
Novelty Braids, etc. Please call and see me
at old stand, Red Cloud.
BIBS. F. ISkwiiouse.
'I '
1 T,a
Drann Jumm 8teel Bwoer
IM UaflTBT fWff naWlwMi awtattt IMi MM
aWMB raaaaaaaaaaaaamwaBBBBBBBBBBBaar BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBwfaBBwKafaBwaV afl
- - ww TW.afraTAw-AT7V -mk. tjaaifaAa4ajBaa-awmmBmjmaiwaaaaa
wV atm LvVwfV W IwVHl a"flwi
Ta lae resale af Bed f
Ha? ina parcbaeed ta laxineaa f
Mr. I.. M Wallace I wiah la aaacmeee
ta the aeaale af He4 CUwd law)
we haadle aa eUfaal tnaelatl t4
ae erjthlag petiaialaf ta the braalry
liaeae, tVfamag at ar
aagMjuaati Bamal AbI
w aWBB'"awmBmB vwmaa maj
m. uite ae a eaat
1. M VAxaTwiJtweff
a dMBataaataT
aaflaw? Ta arleaaJcflMea
la reply ta etteai IcMalrf
C. II. Saltn wl.aeeuaay, laaw,
aaaaBBl' la mfl gmmMmt
vwaw, a aw mjmwptja,
km 9. immm.
atMBHwaBBatMB atiaaaa WwnWWaaaaWha'aMMaleaaMiaj.aeM ,
We eeaiUed ta etace ia tt ba4 U
aaataai Mr. Oea, taaeet tad wife,
firaarty Nice lefle CalWrlewa were
ra the eity, the entente af It Fael.
Swhibt t'Uytnr the o
rM nf a barn and wa tmiaaW nani
Iaualtrt bandlrd which mtt-d hi ab
baaaa. lie ia in a trry arrwaa nm.
ditiaa llawrrer. iH. Moranritle
" think that he will rreettt,
A o(lwakJ akVH
mam tmi tw 1 iuf 1
H m 4 rrU 1 iih
I ta av4;4-' A
4 nV ts. Uwt hW
rnmut tg Ut at
1 ikix
tsttAa U ikWi
ir9iti rv aarr iaiiaa
i4 aa abandaace af Aeh la hie
waiere hu (wring,, atill they are the
Bwflj,a4 "J" aTan ww awJavtl Pa BVVwaTwaBwviwa
leiiar, oMeiaeatty there will he
needy a I thing at thr A ait tale
aat aarltee 4eiria ataaM'
a I m mr &
lag, the gr tut are free, eaa
aaa ieceream (aeaieaael at
ratea every act tat aaieaj ;
c. u eatri(rat iaiay Oaeel ag.
ataa aaa ja awM ? !
L a aaki Bha aaU art m U aM
t'tWl aa m1 m Mat a an i. nM V a
aaaa laW eva mttmmtm IM
fmtfm. IMM mmt ua. i .
ha wnT T m i fr - itm'F r,tfyi
4 c m m
If ya waat aeetinf vm call a
Wat. Hafaae, IU4 Uvad ae bate
ardera at ihae, ihai eit'e AH kind
rf earpet ae?(kg d'ae n thet a
W. D Vtfttt wtu ae lvm
F.aajlew-1, CkMtjt, eyljx that he
tvaajfaaili are teveMfiag Maely, fa
ahe aaaa he renew hla afweaae
aV Oreet aaaily Weekly. That eae
HAvat it eiea la (hUea,
V ea4 X vw 4 4. r at .
C!L Sj.iiwarV eawSaS
Awe m. iM. m abate X,
! Wim. . nW MaaS
mm W Mm mmmI aiMi. a
MM MMf laa mm h r-
item aa4aMl . kJdmt
awaawf ej awwj aaajaea,
4ii ).
wn .
aa .
IwaAaaiy af,
1 lw'a
a ma
pjwfi.ta"- - mm
Ilaea4' MNriav. ,
MiiMtllMMiaiiit.i ;
It r - S Wh aM kMlnm'M.
a ? MM4 a 4 H 7va,X
w.av ipau.aMi.aj,
A ak a.
i mi av.
irMf a. ( af ham MeMitwir a.
imiiMM rMNaH.ijia
MniMi -OMiiina
( W IM IIIN, BUttf
WaWaayfF tm Maw VeMea aflawV
Maaanat aei'fjBwroAt "ir
iBaai&uw wj;
Teaw ,f1rnrt,, lfcJur1.r ftV tWp- 11Mi
i-ai"'WaVi t'