The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 09, 1890, Image 4

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J, tl . "4(lWlMr,S'Wi
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Bed Cloud's Great Cash Dry Goods, Boot & Shoe House !
OUR MOTTO. Best Goods, Latest Styles and Lowest Prices. We lead but never follow.
New York Store !
Dry Goods,
New York Store !
New York Store !
New York Store !
New York Store !
New York Store !
New York Store !
Whit. Goods, Laoesand Embroideries
New York Store !
Black aid Colored Cashmere Shawls
New York Store
New York Store 1
Muslins aid 0-4 Shseting.
New York Store.
Buttons all Kladi.
New York Store
Ladles and Childrens Hose.
New York Store
8 Pr. leekferd Soeks 25et.
New York Store
New York Store
Jeans, Shlrtligs and denins.
New York Store
GIotss aid Silk Mitts.
New York Store
Best $1 kid gloves ia tha state.
New York Store
Parasols from 25cta up.
New York Store
Best stock Boots Shoes la the west
New York Store
Ladies aid Oeals Slippers.
New York Store
Beat $1.50 Ladies' shoe ia the U. S
New York Store.
Best stoek of aliases' aad Children's
shoes in the Valley.
New York Store.
A $2.50 Man's shoe for $1.50.
New York Store
Dress Trimmiags of all kinds.
Call and see us and we will do you good.
Chas. Schaffnit,
glugtd ua? f:
. C MMXtBJl, . rswarl.tan
rrlsJsty, alsty w, lttf .
8o far Coag ressiusn Laws has made
an effeient representative and has
Iwkol elosely after th. interests of
his constituency. He is a .new ban
tat he Is learning the ropes wonder
fally well for a man who lm.i only
been in eongrt ss six ssonths. Ho in
doing good work for the distriot.
Btato polltlcrt aru beginning tu warm
up in pretty good hIujio. Thero arc
several candidates out for governor,
among whom are Gov. Thayer, Sotia
tor VanWyoko and Attorney General
Lrese ana other. As fsr as this
paper is concerned wo ithould liku to
accuuv. j aayarBui a wn successor, ami
in tho event that ho fails, our second
chllict) Wuulil Mr. tinim Unlit .in.ui
are of tho people slid thoso arc tho
kind (if IUOU Wutitmt. ' uilnn mm 'hn
will not hobnob to fuonopolius aud cor
poratlou as against tho wholo people.
Wo do not dcsira to cruato disMMiKiuu
but it is tiiuo to object to thu wholo
nalo rush after ariatocrwey by onr rep
lvsontstivo mid public official.
The Farsssrs' Alliaaoe is getting
thoroughly organised, and lfthoy at
tend strictly to tho plans mapped nut
by them for their own advaiiccmunt,
and not sllow sosse of our. snido fabe
Gods, to lead 'thorn astray frourtho
beaten paths, thoy will 'cuie out on
top of the heap. All that, the far
mers need is organisation, and with
careful man igcraerit of tholr farm
they can and will control (ha rest of
Mankind. The trouble is tisunlly
with such organisations, that tley are
to. apt to est aaidse that it is poli
ties they hare to look after to "eradi
cate their troubles, instead of their
, farms and other interests. Let the
farmers thoroughly organise, loop
clear of politics and it will Mot be
long before politicians and political
parties will do their bidding The
, minuto that farmers or tradesmen en
ter into whoelo politics, tha.t min
uto their fate is aealcd. TllK ClIIRV
bis slwsys been for the down trodden
whether he be a farmer or Ulinmr !
any class, not for thu nake of gain or
iaw. wo we no mm but bocauo
they need to bo helped in their strug
gles to down monopolies and those
who were .rn'Mair their life's hinA
out as it were. There are men. even
, la Webster eaaaty today who are try
lag the "wolf in sheeps c'othiag" act
with tha Alliance, all for the sake or
atea. Beware, friends, aad tread
Dtyu will sate you money on
New dry Goods at tho Now York
Latest styles in carpotn at F. V
A now lino of pioturo mouldings at
P. V. Taylors.
Walt 8herwood has niovod into the
J. L. Kale house.
L. H. Deyo has moved into tho Her
A. W Snider property.
Swoot Orr overalls. All stylos at
MoNitt ft Qalusha's
For mothers Friend shirt waist rail
on NoNltt ft (1 slash.
If you want tho boBtbuy the vYhito
for sale by F. V.Taylor.
A nice shower of rain last Monday
made the flowers hsppy.
Mr. W. Kicr, bin puruhiiHod Iho
I ii lie h counter of lleo. ('line.
Sheriff Teel has moved his oiee
from tho jail to tho court house.
A. L. Funk was in Lineoln tbia
week and returned home Monday.
It, M, Martin A Hon have pat a alee
awning in front of thoir dry good em
porium. Oranges and lemons at Cliaes can
dy kitchen. Second door of the F ft
M bank.
Call and soo 11 A. llnndy for prices
before building as ho will msko it to
your intorost.
Anything in the line of furniture
oarpcts, window shades, etc., at lowest
prices at F. V. Taylor's.
Mrs. F. Nowhousc has a crossing
put in from her store to the opposite
hiiIo of tho street for tho convenience
of her customers .
Ncmember that MoNitt ft Galuuba
cirry tho largest best and also the
cheapest line of Jeaas, cottoaado aad
worsted pants ia the oily.
For your spriag suite either tailor
made or ready made go to MeNitt ft
Gaiusha's. On a tailor made suit
they guarantee a saving of from $5 to
ItU from any one fit in the oity.
TciT Ward rays that he expeets
snnn to start a genuine democratic
paper in Ited Cloud. There are not
enough rootrn in tied Cloud just at
present for any more office, but some
capitalist should build some. News
papers aro needed.
Thero sucms to bo quite n growth
of plsnting growing near tho M. K.
churoh that should be grubbed out or
in thcwcct subsequent there will b.
enough or that article to wake
"greens" for tho whole community,
aud some to spare. Solan,
wheu you tft all out of iotU, bilious,
i)ilontie, dponlnt, blood impure
lifer inaotlva, look ot ambitloujtirvd fel-
.ii,; nun vr;iuiBj( RU wrong JUI OOBS
to u ami get a bettl.of Devitt'a Burst
arid. ItU a Mrtactly ratable
nrniuiR nau win nuua joa an mm rrutw
jour strength. Fcrsalnby Cotttat;.
Go to Conovor A Diokerson's for
our four and feed. They keep tho
est. 04t
The peoplo seem to catch on where
to trade. Deyo's low prices have
brought him a big trade this Spring.
A complete st.ek of millinery goods
in all the latest stylos aad lowest pri
ces and Mrs S It MoBrldo'e New York
Doyn is soiling more wall paper,
tlAtft wall halt.. hi... !! ft....
an1 ohcanor than any firm in the
Call and seo Mrs. 8. It. Mollrido's
millinery stock. All tho latest styles
and novelties iu hats and bonnets at
the New York store.
Dr. Hebert Dameroll hns returned
from Kansss City whore ho was In at
teadaaco upoa the annual meeting of
railway surgeons of America.
liowlt Manger, II. D. Hanncy nui
l1. II. Ferry have helped inflate
tho treasury of the Great Family
Weekly elnoe the last public Uion.
Droadhoad dress goods in the latest
novelties, B9W and deairablo ooloringa
imt receded, we invite inspoctiea.
I'leaso eall and examine at the New
lork store.
The Longfellow entertainment giv
en by tho ladica of the Congregational
church last Thursday evoning was a
grand suocoss aad appreciated very
highly by those present.
Just received tho latest styles in
beaded wraps, ssttsons, whito goods,
8wiss embroideries, flounoings, hair
ornaments, laces and all sort, of trim
mings, Mrs. F. Nowhouse.
If you wish to purchss. a shoe for
your boys or girls that will ataad the
wear aad tear of every day arage,ihat
is made of honest leather throughout
and on oommoa seaie iiess eall at
the New York store.
C. Wioaer has. bv orTerinc his
children's and women's shoe at cost
and below that eric, aearlv closed
oat the line, aad is offering rare bar
gains to buyers if in need of nay
shoes. Ilia low prises on men's
goode csa not be beaten.
Low prices will slwsys sell the
Kods. One can see this by going
to Wieners. His stoek of women's
shoes has been reduced to oae third
the site it was a month tgo. Ilia
piles of Clethiag are being lowered
rapidly, aad one can see everywhere
in the largo atore occupied by him,
that he haa sold a great many goods
this season. Good goods at low pri
ces have done the work for, aitu.
DiuiusM, leu of appaliu, that tlr
feel lag, fain tnj, dyipla, blue! dia
order is seaama, Uotohw, pimplea, abatow
llu and moat viaeiat raaalt from aa tm
paraeouditiaawf tba Meed, rarity it
withD.WItt'a NarMpariMa. we tU aad
tecoeamead it, C L Catting .
What are oar psople doing about
railroads? Something ought to be
doa. at oao. to enable Red C.ond to
seoure the Hock Islaad or some other
good railroad, if ever we expeot to
become a great aad flourishing city.
All the telephone that Red Cloud
had haa beoa swooped down upon by
that giaat moaopoly the Bell Tele-
pnoae uo ana taken ia by them as
aa infringment. 8everal of onr bust
aess raea mourn for the little 110
that they pat lato It.
Floyd Reynolds oould net stand it
to be as high up aa a twa story house
aad eoaseqaeaUy took a fall which
jarred him ap badly aad apraiaod his
foot. He was working oa the two
story buildiag'onCodman's ranch when
tan ladder slipped aad threw him to
the groaad a distaaee of 18 feet or
ore. H. waa unit, fortaaat. to es
eape with aaeh alight injuries.
Dell Olmstead, formerly of Her
traad, bat aow of this city bss par
ebased a half interest ia the barber
hop formerly awaed by Veatresa ft
Barkley aad aow the Arm will be
kaowa aa Featresa A Olmstead. The
aew maa la a Irat elasa barber aad
wa wish him aaeeesa ia the enterprise
iney win D. pleased to see all
tneir oia rrieaas aaa aa many new
aa desire to come. Shopoa 4th ave
BBINO da. to the praaeae. ot uric
acid iu lb. bleed, ta meat effectuall?
cured by tb. us. el Aywr smianpa.
rilla. Be aura yoa get Aytr'a aad no
other, aad take tt till tba awleoaou.
acid ta tborougbly aspelM tram tb.
system. Wa cballsaf s aHoattoa to this
( "About two yeara ago, after suffering
for nearly two yeara from rbvumatic
gouL briag abta to walk ouly wit great, aad hartug tried Tarioua
ramadies, lacludiag mineral waters,
without vtUat, 1 aew by aa adrtrtia.
meat ia a Cbicago mbw that a man bad
beta raller! of tbia diatrvaalug com
tlaiat. ahar loac oufferiag, by lakleg
Xyafa esasfaifTM. I tb?a decidel to
Mb) a.trtal of tbla WMdlcine. and took;
it ragutavly for etgbt moatha. and am
pleaaad to stato that It baa alfrctad a
roatplato care. I bavo ainco bad no re
tnra of tho diat."-lr. I:. In lug
Vvdge. ItO Vaat ltb at.. New York.
"Oao year aco 1 waa taken III with
InRawtaatorr rheumatism. U'Ibs wn
lined to ruy noitMi tis nontk. I ram
out of tha aickncM vry much iklillt
tAte.1. with ao appetite, ami uiy ytetn
diaordrrcd ia every way. I mnnuencrd
tulng Ayer'a Baraapartll and hegaa to
Improve at once, gaining Iu atrearth
and toon recu'viing toy usual health.
I cannot say too notch tn praiite of thta
well-known Medlcln.H Mr. L. A.
Stark, Nashua, X. II.
Aw's Sarsipirilli,
r. 4. C Ayar ft Caw, LeweM, Mass.
rrWi;aiatttllei. vrrmaiauav.
The iraportod Alabastin. sold by
Doyo is tho finest wsll finish made.
Can bo put on wood, stono, or plaster.
Voni, Vidi, Vioil This is true of
Hall's hair rcnawor, for it is the great
conqueror of gray or faded hair, mak
ing it look tho same oven eolor of
Faots and Fancies," "Wiso and
Otherwiso" given at the Baptitit
churohTuesday evening May lJJlh, by
Rev. T. S. Leonard of Beatrice.
This lecture is quite different from
"Abracsdabrs," though none the less
interesting. Subject, "The leeturer'a
friend B. F. Taylor," late peat aad
prose writer.
What are the people going to do
about the glorious 4th of July? It is
time that our merchants were talking
ap the matter. Red Cload ought ta
have the grandest celebration of aay
town in the valloy. We ought to be
able to furnish an appropriate eater
tainmont for our patrons oneo a year.
Who will start the ball to rolliag.
Mr. S. II. Iloyd of Omaha, l'resi
dent of the Nehratks Y 1 8 C K un
ion, will be in the oity next Sunday,
the gucat of tho Christian Kndeavor
society of tho Congregational church.
He will spoak in that church both
morning and evoning. and tho day
will be devoted to the consideration
of tho work for and by young people.
All the young people of tho city are
cordially invited to attend.
The city council met taut Wednes
day evening, at which timo thu resig
nation of Aid. Hummel was accepted
and M. W. Diokcrsoo was appointed
to III the vacancy. Aid. Wallace alao
Sreacnted hix rcMgnation. On motion
eff Ward was appointed water com
missioner st a salary of 18 per assBth.
The probsbilities are that Sam Temple
will be arpointcl to III Aid. Wallace's
place on the Soaid. At a previoua
meeting Marjhal Miller waa appointed
street eommissioaer, to set ia eoajaan
tion with the office of marshsl.
We are glad to learn that R. A.
Handy has decided to retain our
yonng friend Arthur I. Howard as
maasger of his lumber aad coal
business in this city. Art ia one of
our model young men and commands
a bucincM for the firm that no other
man could hold, and especially a
stranger. He ir well adapted 'or the
business and keeps a watchful eye on
th. affairs that are to be the moat ia
terest to his employers The eompaay
would have missed it had they seat
kiiu elsewhere and apoiated a aew
mta ia hi utead.
K&tflUh spavtn liniment remove al
hard, toll, or clloa0 Insapi aad blam
Uh front Lori-, blood pviaa, earba.
jillata, wrener. ringbone, tlfl, nraiaa
ail ewoUeo Ihroateoagh, tc ut fin by
waofonbotU Warraatad tha aaeat
woadrrfnl KUanUh nr vr kaowa.
aatdby L. I. Dero druggist Bad Ctawd.
Col. Piekatt af the Gaard at River-
toa waa oa oar streets this week. He
has parehased the Riyertoa Eaterpiiae
aad ehaaged its aame to the Gaard.
It ia a good ehaage for Rivertoa.
For eonect fitting elothing go
where it ia kept. We are tha only
merehaaU haadliag tho shoulder pad
ded aaits. They are equal to aay or
dinary Uilor made suit. McNitt A
Mamma (to her little boy). "Now
Beaaie. if yoa'll bo good aad go to
sleep, mamma 'II give yoa oae of Dr.
Ayer'a aie. sugar-eeetod oathartie
pills, aext time yea aaed medieiae."
Beaaie, amiliag sweetly, dropped off
to aleep at onee.
It rou or any at your family shaatd hapjwn ta
be fria httallr Dunil or eeilaVe), wbat haU yoa
la UMbWM to alleviate Ike rata aatllymteaa
nt a Dhyletaa7 a bna of ieaa's (Wrataa
BaJraafaaad la tinea Hke UU wouM saw a
wwMotaMertaa aadaftoeuaMB a dorsarMll
aaltJuwaamaaTtnettMefiaHkmd, aa wall
taaseaavMlettafaM blade. "T
- C, UCoitiso.
DeWitt's littl. sariy rleara
pUltkatd. aat ariao ar
small, uy tataka, aafe,
area little
maaa aaia
by Cat
Rheumatism is oaased by aa acid ia
the blood; therefore, external treat
meat affords ao permsnent relief. Ta
elimiaate th. paisoa aad make a thor
ough care of the disease, aothiag elee
Is ao effieieat as Ayer's sarsaparilla.
Give it a trial. Price $1. worth5 a
Dewitt's BarsapsiUla wUI reaaw
parlfy tho blood, aradiaala ditoa. aad
maKo digoatioa easy. Wa aaU it O L
Tsake Ysrar SJrslcTa.
To W. L- Halaes for aadertakiag
gaada. Remember ha haa added that
liae to his Urge stock af faraitara.
' W aaa i.
Ctsaaa. yavr braatb aad ragalat. year
bowata with DeWttt'a litlU aaria mtn
aid by Cottiag.
ii i i ass ii i i ii
J. J. Ny. basreo wagaaseathe
stiaeta for th. purpose ef
datiag hia aastemws aad .there aad
will be alaaaed ta do all year work a
all time.. Bafgagoaaaaeisltyalght
ar day.
Mra. Laaadsr rigat tafwrawaa that
tho was evrad oobrawio eaaawJaatiaw by
DoWitt'a little earty rfcwr. BaM by dt
' '-aa""ii
tsia raw awa aavataaaia m awaaaa
w waviBft9 WavwFeAwVwVB w"af VffrTfTs" Wf