The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 09, 1890, Image 3

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"Oh, where are you galojf my sweet little
a aid,
Ot. whtre are you golnj r' said h.
" t sm going teat lied wn re mo r
And do not ask qutstioks," tld the.
" 1 would Ilk to go with ren, my sheet little
I would Ilk to fo with you," said he.
" 1 am turr I dsa't aeed you. 1 an act afraid)
! ran (o alt aloe," sU it.
MThsre ere dangers ahead, my twtct llttl
I would Ilk to protect you," Skid be.
I km frarless aad stress, sag Ml M 4t
1 Mtd autyear help," takt she.
' Ton tr burdened with care, my iimI IttUw
l.l mo carry a portion," laid kc.
" My cares at but trivial, and toon tky will
I think you moM kindly," talk she.
"Jf burden ar grievous, my sweet llttl
My tiurdns are rrisvout." tald k.
" I am iurc I ran carry In half," she said,
"fully kail 1 oaaeerry," eed aha,
"I'm unhappy and tooly, my twtrt llttl
Unhappy and los)y," sell k
" I can thter you, and comfort, and willingly
All thrie can I do," kald ah.
" And will you constat! my aasal Utile maid, w.JI you. oti. will your' ald h.
" I cc rtalkly will, and (ball be repeht I
If 'twill tnak you tuor happy, ' talil br.
"You carry your orro and cures, llttl witr,
So lljnlly, to llfUlly," laid La.
" You may bear all of mine, tliry're lb ban
of my life."
" I'll relirv you mott (ladlr." ikld h.
Mr. J. H. Low, la Weslie's Newspaper.
Being; aa Account of the Fall tad
Vcaceanct af Hartaachla, the)
Royal Egyptian,
llv I!. Rtnr.K Hagcahk,
utliur or Kliiii fiolomon'w Mlriee."
' Slta," " AlUn Uiiutertiiaiii,"
Eto., Eto Elu.
Illustrated by NICHOLL, after CATON WOOD-
or ma cnaixo back or marmaciui or vat
(mtrnxu or ciiaiiwios; ami or tiik an
swan or ct.ktii-ATiiA to ycixTt iiru.ii:.
11EHKNT1.V 1 lifted
UJjarlf, and layhig
tho head of Kgypl'e
Queen upon my knee,
atreve to, call mr
back to Ufa. Bow
fair ah Maa)4. evofi In
mtr tlmamy, fear king
balr streaming o'er her
breast) How deadly fair
sou seemed In tlia faint
light this woman tha
atnry of whose beauty
era snarl ealtre 'the
aolid ma of mighty pyramid that
towered over ual Tha heavlneea of her
swoon had emoothod away all Ue felee-
uesa of bor face, and uaught waa left
but tbe stamp dlvmo of wutuan'a rlchrwt
lovallnraa, aoftcacU by shadows of tha night
uiul diRtilflist by tha east of doathllka alewp.
I faicd upon hrr and all my heart went out
to bcr; it accmed that 1 did but lovo bcr
more txvatuo of the dopthof tho treasons
whcrtin I had sunk to rearh bir, and be
cause of thf) terrors wn hail
Ketbvr. Weary and apont with fcrs aod
the panga of gill 1 1, tuy heart sought hrrs
for rct, for now alio alone was loft to inc.
Hhe bad sworn to wed ata also, and with
tho treasure wo bad won we would make
Kg) I strong and free hrr from hrr foes,
and all should yot be well AhlmuMI
have seen tho picture that was to be, how,
and In what place aaw clrruwalano, onoo
again this very woman's head should bo
Ulduponmy knee, pale with that rait of
death I Ah) could 1 have seen I
I chafed her band between my bauds.
bent no and kissed aer on the I, and she
woke. Mho woke with a little aob of fear
aehlver ran down bcr delicate Umbs; and
witb wi4e ayaa aba atared upoa my faoa.
"Almtialboar aheaaJd. "Iailndiae
tbou hait aarea aw from that aorror
baunted placet" And aba threw her arms
about aay neck aa4 drew ma to bcr aad
kissed tarn. "Coaka, leva," aba aald, "let ua
be going I I aa aara atklrat, and ah I
so very weary I Tbe cease, too, they rhafe
my breast I If ever waa wealth so hardly
woat Uosae, let ua be geiag front tbe
aaaaow of this fboeUy spot I etee tbe falat
lights Riaaciag froat the wing of Dawn!
How beautiful they are, and bow aweet bo
behold! Never, la tboae Halls of Kteraal
Xlfat, did I taink te leak uaaa ike alusk of
dawa agalal Abl I caa aee tba tam of
that dead slave yet, wltb tbe Horror bang
log to kls beardleee cbla Rethink thee I
there ae'll sit forever there-wllh the
horror! Come; where may we and water I
I would five an raid for a cop of water!"
"At Ua raaal at tha borders of tba til led
laad below the temala of Horetaau-it la
dose at bead," I aa awe red. "If aay see
us, wa will aay that wa are aUgrkaa who
have teat ear way at eight aatoag the
tesaba. Vail tbyaelf doaely, therefore,
Cleeaatra; aad beware kwttaea aaeteaew
augkt ef theaa geeja abeattbee."
Ha aha vailed herself, aae I lifted aer ea
Wa walked elaerly abreagb taa aaad kill
raaae to tbe place where ue aymwsl ef taa
(Jed Horemka. faableaed aa a mighty epklaa
(wheal taa Oraaka eaH Hirmsrkis), aa4
croweed wltk taa reyal erewa at Bgyia,
hwaaaatlaaaaieaty acrwee taa laad, Ua
tyaa aver laad upea taa Beet sTveeaewe
walked taa tret arrew ef taarlaiagaaa
,ulver4 tareagk tha gray air, etrittag
opsa Horemlre'a Uaa ef bely calm- Tbea Ua
.lht gatbered aa4 grew apaa taagieaatlag
kUaaaf tweaty prreaeiee, ami, Uaa m Baa
ute of Ufa la Ueata, raeteat aa Ua aertaleet
tea t ben seed tern aa. Taea from bia aertia
bed Royal Ka roae ap la temp, aad It waa
Aa4 paaalag aha Mmaie el graaita aasl a
i ikatlTT 1H1 m H' kaaaareef
Chute, V the gtaryef the majeety af He
mka,waeweaaaadUa aWpe aadaaava to
Oewataref tbaeaaal There wa wreak;
and awaaaar was Uat raaet aff ksasMy
rater Uaa all Ua eaeieaat wm ef Alat
asdrhv Alee we washed Ua kauy iaat
mdarkme freaa
Beca.ataaiag aaarUa water, aaa af Ua
great esaerald altfgeal fna Clmaajwa
areaataadwU lata taa water, a4 it waa
m r tb" " kwagUI leaasl It k
Uamlra. Thea. aaea kaota, I bfkaa Clee-
a ncALtstib coixoqov;
ffwrP smammmmr wWlV WWwW
TaHV,, BWaw Msw
Bfi4 aWwi, Jr I waa
very weary, wamaivhed bark to tha baa he
of Minor, where our craft wae. And having
at leneth come thither, seelag no one sae
sonic few peatanta goltig out to labor oa the
land, I turned tho a lKW4t In that aama
weld where we bed found aim. end wa
aaanleJ the craft while tbe crew were yet
akeplng Thea, waking them, wa bad
them make alt sail, eej lag that we bad left
the eunuch to eojuara awhile hehlad ua, aa
IB truth we had. He wa sailed, and the
gem, with such of tke ornaments of gold
as wecvuld bring hither, we hid away
Kour days and more we sprnt In coming
to AlriaaUrla, fur tbe wind waa for the
most pertegMleelut; and they were happy
days I At rt. Indeed. Cleonatra waa
aoauewkat ellent and heavy at heart, o
uaat ska aad seen and felt In Ue woma or
the pyramid weighed her down. Hut souu
her lttirrlal spirit awoke aud ahook the
burdro from Iter breett and ahe twvame
teraelf again now gay, now learnel, now
loving and now odd, now queenly and now
altogrther aim pie ever changing aa the
winds of hrarrn, and, aa the hravrn, deep,
brauteoua and unsearchable I
Night after ntaht for those four unhapy
olghts, the Uit happy boura I ever was to
know, wa kkt hand In hand upon tho deck
and hoard the waters lap the veitel'a aide,
and watched tho soft footfall of the mom
as she trod the depths of the Nile. There
we sat aud Ulked of lot, talked of our
marriage and all that we would do. Alto I
drew upplansuf war aud of defense agalntl
tbe Koauaa, which now wn had the means
to carry out; and alio approved ttirm,
sweetly aajttig that what remed gwd to
mo wa good to her. Aud so all too swiftly
ascd thedajs. U those nights upon the
Nile! their memory hauuU me yett Dead
are thuae dear nights, dead ts the moon
that lit them aud lot In the wide salt sea
aro taa Waters which rocked us on their
breett I Kor all thtligs end in darknra and
ahr, and those who sow In folly shall reap
in sorrow. Ah I those ulghta Un tho Nile)
And so, al length, once more we atood
va ithlti the walls of thsl fair )lacon the
Wjchiae, and tho dream waa done.
'VThlthrr beat thou waailereil with Cleo
intra, Uaruachltl" aaked Ohsrmlou of me
when 1 met her by chance on that day of
return. "On some new mission of twtrayall
or was It but a lore Journey "
"1 weut with Cleopatra Upon se'ret bual
boss of the rltate,' I answered, itemty,
"rt thoie who ko sei'relly , go evilly ; and
foul birds lovo to fly at nlghu Not hut what
thou art wise, for scaroo would It beseem
laee, Harmechi, to show thy face la
I heard, end foil my pastlon rlr wlthlu
mo; for ill could 1 Iwar thla fair girl's icorn.
"Ilatt thou never a word without a
ting I" I askeil. "Know, thru, that 1 went
whither thou hadil nrvcr dared to go; to
gather means ti bold Kgypt frum the gratp
of Atttoay."
"Hoi" she answered, looklug up swiftly
"Thou foolish man I Hetter hedsl thou dona
to save thy UW, for Antony will grasp
Krypt In thy despite What ower hast
thwa today In Kgypt I"
la y despite that be may do t but In de
BBfta M Cleopatra that be caa not go," I
"Nay, but with the aid of Cleopatra tie
can and will do it," she answered, with a
bitter smile. "Warn the tjureti sails In
atata ap Cydaus atream slut will aurely
graW,Uia coarse Antony Utaaea to A lei
andrw, oaauajrriag, and yet, llko Uee, a
"Itlsfalael I aay that It la false! Cleo
patra gora not U) Tarsus, and Antony
comes not to Alesandrla, or, If he come,
'twill be to take the chance of war."
"Now, thlnkest tlxm thusl" ahe an
ewered, wtU a little laugh. "Well, If It
please thee, thluk as thou wilt. Within
three days thou ahalt know. 'Tta pretty
to see bow easily thou art fooled, fare
well I Go, dream on lore, for surely tove
la aweet."
And aba went, leaving me angered and
troubled at heart.
That day 1 saw Cleopatra no more, but
oa tho day which followed I taw her Hhe
oa, tbosb ainatk rros taa aitr.!"
waa In a heavy mood, aad had no gee tie
word for we. 1 spake to ber of tbe dafeeee
of KgipU but aae put the matter away.
"Why dost thou wearv met" she aaxl,
with anger; "canst thou not see that lam
lest la trouble I Whew Delllus bath bad
bU aaawer, thea will we speak af theee
"Ay," I aald, "ware Dell I us aaU bad bia
aaawer; aad kaowest thou that aai yaUr
day Charaloe whom about the aalaea
they aama taa 'keeeer cf Ua Queea'e
aecreU'-Cbarmloe did swear that the aa.
awer would bat Oe la peace: 1 odwm la
"Kaagbt kaowa Charm lea ef ay heart,' M
aald Claaaatra. atamatag ber teat la eager,
"aad If ahe talk eo freely Ua girt shall be
eoeurgad from out my court, aa la her de
aert. Thaagtt, la truth, aha added, -ahe
rkkwam ha that saaall bead af
all my privy aauacHtera ar. aad
wit ta aaa H. Kaeweet Uea thai I
have aakl a Bcrtiea ef these geaw tot he nrh
Jews ef Alesaadria, aad at a great ariea,
ay, at are thwiaaad aastartla far each aaa.
Beta few, la truth, for avore they ewuld net
bay aa yet. Twee rare te aaa their ayaa
wfeea they fell cava them Urge aa apple
Uey grew wiU avartra aad wweeW Aad
aaw leave me, Harmarhle. for I am weary.
The m emery ef taat dread abyki U with ma
I hawed aad rv to ga, aad yet
'farwna me, Cleeaatra; 'tie ef ear
"Osr marrlagr I Why, are we act lc4d
already wlP she aaswerad,
"Yea, wit t befetw the world. TVm
dldat pfxeolee."
-Ay, HermarhJe, I aid arvaUea, aad Vc
meerew, eUs 1 kava rid me ef tlOe DtUJee,
I wtU keep my prvetkte aad aaste tbwi CVae.
jatrs's Ixrd bwfsre tha rwrV rVw taat
tho art la thy pier. Art reairvtr
Aad she stretrhMt est tr hac4 fee ma U
kiea, koittg sa ma atrutgw eyas, a
thcegh aha atragesl wHh berattf TVra I
west, hat tta ftsykt putm avtre I strwve te
see Ceopetre aad ron'd acC Tbe Lty
t"lrw. wia with tbe Qeeea," ae said the
usatha, aad ca kklt aatar.
kmwmkkmwaT MnUtmSvM 1?yHkLU
A -c --aBe .a r r'iw'- laPw- - -m Wt s
Oa the morrow the eevrt met la the great
hall cm hour before midday, and thllkrr 1
went with a trembling heart to hear C!o
wire's answer to IWllus end lt hear myself
alto made King cvatvrt othVueaef
IVrypV at waa afwil aad kplradid eeartt
there were rouacaw-re, lerd, cartalaa.
eunui-h and waMhkfl wveten-all save Char
ailea. The hear peaked, but Clccpetre aaa
Cbartahtt came net. At leagth t'harasje
entered gently by a kid entrance and Uvk
hrr place among the waltlag lattice about
the ihroae, Kea aa she dui so she cast a
glance at me, and there wa triumph la ber
ryrs, though over what the triumphed 1
knew ot. IJttle did I guess thsl thehed
hut atw betus:ht abuatkny ram had keeled
the fte of Kgypt
Then presently the frampata blared, amt,
clad in her tvbee of state, the urwus crown
upi ber heed, and on her fereeet, fleshing
tike a star, that greet emerald aceraWus
which she had draggrd frxim dea.1 l'ha
reob'a heart, Cketre, fellewnd by a gll
terlng gnard of Northmen, swept ha klA
dor to her thtvue, Derk waa her lovely
face, aud dark her alumhrvus eyre, and
none might read their HiesaarA though all
that court aearvhad Ihcreia for aatguof
whkt sbouM come, Hhe soated bereelt
slowly aa one who snay not le moxnl, ami
swke te tho Chief of the Heralds lu the
Orwek touguet
"I Kir tho Ambassador ef the liuhle
Antony Welti"
The herald bowed low and tnade assent,
'liTt him coma re and hear cur
answer "
Ttw door were flaag wUo, and, fol
lowetl by his train of knights, ItaUlus, rlat
In hit givldrn armor and hit purpl
rhlamtt, walked with catlike step up the
creat hall, and made ehHsaeca before the
"Molt Itoyal and beauteaua Kgypt,H be
aald, In hit sett tuL-e, "as thou halt gra
ciously been pleased to bid tue,thy srriant, I
am here to take thy answer to tho Irttrr of
the noble Antony the Triumvir, whom In
morrow I tall to snort at Tarsus, In Clllcta
And this will I say, lleyal Xgypt crating
pardon the while lor the tatidnets of my
tieerb bnthlnk thee wll before word
that can not tn unsioken fall from lboe
awtwtllpa. Defy Anloay, aad AaUmy wtll
wrex'k thee. Hut, like thy mother Aphru
illtn, rise glorious on bia elfhl tnm the
Uicra of the Cyprian Wave, and for
wreck he will gUe Ibre all that caa be
dear to womau'a lUiyalty eeilre and
)mpof ola,i'ltlrs aiid the away of men,
ame and wealth and the diadem of rule
made sure, Korwarki Antony holds this
Kaaiern World la the hollow ef his warlik
hand, and at his will king are, and at hla
frown they erase te bo."
And Delltua bowed his head, aud folding
hi handa meekly oa hla breast, awaited
.answer. j - i(
for awhile Cleopatra anserered not, but
sat like the spblui lloremku, dumb and In.
scrutahle, gating with lost eyea down tba
length of that great hall.
Thea, Uke soft musJr.Mr aaswnr aama,
mid trembling I IU)tae4 lerKgy4'a rbjd.
"Kohln Delilus, much have we bethought
us of the mstter of thy message frum great
Antony to our poor lUiyalty of Karpt.
Much have wo bethought ua,and raunsvl
have wa ukea fram Uaararlea of thegjnits,
from tba wlatst ameag aur friends, and
from the Uaahlng ofaur heart, thatver,
I ma a aeatiag htra, haawla av or war gavplo'e
weal Hharp ere the words that thou hatt
brought across the aea ; methlnk tetter bed
they been fitted to the eel sot eume petty,
half-tamed Prince than to those of Kfypt'a
(Juern. Ttierefore have we numtwrml the
legUxie thai wa caa gather, aad thaUMrmaa
and the gallaya wherewith wa mar breast
tha aea, and the moneys whlth shall buy ua
all things wanting to our war. And this
we find, that, though Antony ha ettnt, yet
hath Kgypt naught to fear f rosu tbe strngU
of Antony."
Hhe paused, and a murmur of applause
of her high words ran down the hall.
Only Delllu stretched cut his handa as
though U push them back. Ttiea came Hie
end I
Nob!e Dclliu! Half are we m!ndl
there to bid our tnngue step, and, strong
within our fortresses of ateae and our Mher
fortresses built of the lieartaof Bn, ebWkt
tlia Issue. And yet thus ahalt thou not
go. (iulltles are wn of those charges
agalmt us that have com to our ears ef ne
ttle Antony, and which now be tudntr shouts
In our; nor will we journey Into CilUa to
answer thea."
Hera the murmur aresaanew, while my
tieart beat high la IrWiniih, and In the pause
that followrd DelUua savke oaca mora.
"Then, llojal Kgypt, my word to Antony
Is word of war I"
"Nay," aba answered, "it aball be ena af
peace. Utter. I W e eetd that wa weald net
uome to make aaawer te theaa ihargea, aer
will we. Hut "aadkbekaittedforibeCrat
time "gladly will we come, and that swift
ly, la royal frla4eMp to make kaowa nar
f)lowkhJpef peace apaa the baake af Cyd
I heard, aad waa awwlktoew. fSeaUl
bear aright I Was It Uaa that Ueeaabra
kept hrr eathar hteved heywad the held af
reaaea, I if4 up my vow aad cried I
"U Queen, remember!"
Uke a lhaaeaa she taraed wpoe, mm, wtUh a
Baehlag af tba eyas aad a swift eheawel
bar levaiy head.
"heaca, HUv ' ehe aald , "wae hade laee
break la upoa our owa I MiedUseathy
stars, aad leave mature ef tbe woetd ks Ua
rlra ef the wvrld V
I eank back shamed, aad ae I did a owe
more I saw tha emlle ef triamph ea the far
of Chermtee, followed by what wae ptf
cweaflB. tha ihadawaf day far my Ml
"Ham Uat ran wrawllag haUU,M aald
tMlbaa, aataiiaf at me wit at i waked
agar, Mhah haaa rehafced, great ate
wava,U KgyaV h thaek
heart far theaa gaatla ward
'We aaa aa Uaahe fr
St Hk
aur servant." arena la V
alag beevUy; "i wll Uke
Ua Uaa ef Aaleer ataae. frt
Uy eaawter, aad say la Wm Uat m ha
ready a mtuag wiisma tmr
faskrw la Ua track af thiaev
iaraweilt Uaaa Ur veaeedhtw
wama amall teaea af ear haaaty "
Urtea gad wtUdraw,
whUaUe aeart ataml waHug
wtfw, Aew4 I waMsf WnVwaVatg wvkMmw'I'lwUf Iff
weald yet make geadherarwah
ma Heyal Wawsaa U-era m Ua faeeefKcya.
stat aaaght aha aa4. Only etia f rewaiaf
baarUyhe roae aad, feihvwad by Ua kv4,
laftUeUrtjaeaadaaeiad lake tha AJahmv
tar MaU. Then the enart an he a. aa4 ae
tha ssraa aad asnarkUara weat by Uey
teeead m mm wHh maamery. Ir thgh
aaae knew all my aarrert aer tsvw It sum!
twist mm aa-d Cinaatra. yet were they
salea ef Ua favor skew a ate ay the
(feeee, et4 rbw4 greatly at my fa.1
Hit I Us ae keed ef their aurx'kleg as I
etf dated with stwry Bad tll the weeat
af Hepe stip from teeth my ft,
tvt aa f tttrsraa
Jf wa sUrtiy hMeaa aaUraty bvda
sMbdeat 4 atarr rawatr as ae iegaii tta
coaleeavly, aiaxa -raet wi mtid he ve haea
rvtrretly titvttl4 U tta tkUk-M U
tli lati f ti,f r,tM mi t'
SMmptl, V,e4l4.
Ther It a strvnc comletlon that life
la the ')er4 air aerve an excellent pf.
,iln sulafc-tt ihfttenM stuke
of pthlaltiw In curing It OenertUy,
however It I tellrel that to obtain
lho bnpflts of air a l.viiltj distant
frvtu the vatrnt s home Is lln-ete.
an the uiounlalns by the , at the
Suth or In the North, etc- , a matter
if fact, most patient erw unable to
lease their homes, ( lrete. at alt,
they must I treats! In the Mato In
ehlch they retl.ltv,
Msny yeers agi a physician who hi. I
jnt nearly eighty years In Vermont.
Jer titty ( which he nat In erttte
pratUs told the writer that shortly
t titer ho lvk the prarltee of nteilUMae
he tirttWe don,nl was toM by kit
mr,lloal adler that he was attteked
by consumption He Uoh his hme and
i,mh, an. I (or tlilee nttiiiths snt his
' llm In riding about New UngUnil aad
New WfV lie wmild trciel tar and
near, dally, ex-onllng to hit ln linalKm
At tho end ut the ;etlts ha t lit the. I l.t
lilt hoiiix and rtteesnnal trk and
ontlnutM It almost without lMomi
, lion till nearly eighty year agv. lie
.lM at last, not (mtntiij dUeae, littl at
the "deacon's ni-tnre hty" nlhel,
all at rln-e it hoot any apparekt Ue,
lit minor tortus this oIomUoii of
Ike effe,'ts tit oen lr travel haatnany
tltnea t-eeti Cinflruiel by the repMTl ,(
careful oleror lr II, I ioltHli
(Med New,t ghet a laUahto isutrltiu
lion lii supHrt ot the value of opnalr
travel to cotsuuiitUe. In la his
father had all the Indications ol ron
tuttipttou With a friend hntoik lour
of New Kttflahd In a iMie-hnr ehslMi
The llrsl ill) he tratrlnt twentyilte
tulles, hut Ills eitialislUni ali liactltup
lists was .i irreat that he was urgwl o
return houie to dim Hut he pushed wa,
tttd ewr day litvuglit him Imprnrs-d
health Alter lilt return home he tttk
rrijuUr ojti air eierelse, and dlel .f
, an In. Mn ot the stoniaclt thirty jraie
later al the age of slit, ne One lung
presonlitl nvldertceof ananrlrnt elcatrl
at lit pe, hut both were otherwise
II" ttys that hla fslher litirrle-l his
tsiilsln who died of chlotile phthisis two
vesrs lietiirti his father Of rlfht rhll
. itten, line del al birth, and one al
I eleven All the other arrliM si adult
agw aud uisrited. teieiat ttctrtg ttili
tiling Ot the ninety three direct de
treiulant ot his fattier, Hot one was
phthisical This result was attrlliutod
to tho Journey, itd"meh, ,j tna
follow Ing out-HHr eiervlae, and cateful
regulation ot the health ot hit children
I Itr Ihiw.lltrh thinks thsl many pa
, tlenta die from want of oxn air Ileal
tneiil lie .Ure-'ta aanh of hit phllilslral
j patient to walk dally from thrse to til
tulles noier to stay at home all day
utile a violent storm l rsglng If
1 the westher le ery cild he direct
j them to wear respirator, lie forbids
' atandlng still on the tnet to talk Ut
. friend, lie think that by followlne
(hi plan tlent may Im ruts4 at
home, and while atlll rxtaduetlag their
liutlneaa, till see in eouud sense, lift
. ..... ,... -i. -. ..... .1..... ..,
Iiwi ., in. air w, tmr uik,, i,fii nar iriir
homes, Itefure aw fly to other air hkn
J red nr thoilstcJ of inllr twsy
To thittn unable to walk sufflrleatly
I far U teach the lst air near hum
without eicestlso fatigue, tt I adlla
ble to ue a horse and lnirgT, or a tesifi
ilrlven by the patient, wlilt h I fir tet
Irr The thertftiitit value of a splrllt-l
span of thoroughltrd, ut one able to
manage llmui, Is very great, and thee,
loo, can l m added U the effKls of the
ten air prer ('onsumptltes are imlv
nn of inany rlasseauf pplo wh would
lie thus tMiieflUvl, Detroit (.anrrl.
Ifawdrea lewovewt VI, ties f.m Ik (a
rer Ike Itwtllwllae,
A never-ending prraon of vetlak
paM down the Hue Ht lloeofe to the
I'laon de la Itovotwtlon ei-tfereat I'lara
lotul XV whsriw the ttlsvcll gulllw
line hty loxtti fctd, Thefe were
guillotines, howetrr. In teieral other
part of the clly, and It wa no uneom
mon matter for a erin going m hop
ping la the ruoratrtg Ut meet wltb three
or four proeeealtm of unhappy to lags
tirdlng Ut eirwutltta, A wt.
genlifd bsrwl of furies uually aym.
taNle4 them, ahoutlag and howling a
ivlta aad rrle of "leath"' Vmj la
ItiM pnttasU were made by reetdeata
ktoag tha llnee of rwate wi the gwlll"
tinea, that rnlllepfwrHs ai re Wsyla
alng u avoid lhaetreeia,ea4 that tbla
111 great harm U their titnnm. 'tiff
therefore ptltlowe4 that tta rvUe
KotiU he at teast -ealoaally rheegad,
later oa another reejueet wae made be
the Natl'aal A seem My ewareralag tha
naheallhy -altlow of Ua life 4e la
Kevalutloa, literally steepM la bU4.
which mitvsal a harrlbla aad dangavta
Htraaga, Msreeraa It may aea,
msayi.f these eiwratlwas, ar1etly Uaaa
of lwiwf uat )rwcraaaa, were atteadad
by great awmhera af ee-pareetly retaaet
able aawal,aw4 the Meal tear rntalee4
maay advartseameay a the a feet Uaa)
"rvaad-aa Mree aat ehaira t
wlkaeee Ue gellUHtelag of. nay,
lirtH XVL. e Mava. Ulaa4. ot iaaeeal
of aay cwaplx perava, at a- mweb
aa hntr A MraUmpwrary eagravtaf
repreaeallag tha irtmrmlUm tf Utm
XVI, atwwa ua a eewwd f wll-4eeeae4
peU. wmferlahly eet4 la their
rkalra, plar4 a high aad well Ullt
wrs4ea aa4, aad avt a few f thea
are aslag tk-elf opera glaeeaa. Ikweal le
tUfi-4 when b rer4e that dsriag
the saaasaviree ef tWplMt.tor "oe dateelt
ea beetle." fa fef.t the gy ae-l vt'
atlla aatere f lre I'artatea tM t
ha wbzlly eppvaawer', A euo by t,
w.aa bl)y lelJo.l ytvfU made a
sovtef ft tii th tragVe eveat Urfc
wore prv-;tli; uKvrrisg ftateMsy
INvt Uit c e wiut fryUt
ma4e tv itAVufhf a .w . st t
t.vt f hU rjir "The wrvVe U-
tr 1II i !orwi uty V
ft c,htrtb w(H be .(w.itO(, Ui Ut
aa-" 1U rr.iV 1 U !l wjti, Uw
f4daleaT Uat thr erw tir ,
aestj, wv aa4 lUayavta.'-Jt, V.
A man of TwIgM" lbe rSip wh.i
d.en know whether h irUy -ill r
not Tu
M, JiMeph, ,v, N.tsisot lleg tha
onlvfllytn the t'nloa wbleh hks twl
eparste and distinct p.M.o!M, wtihla
It limits
- The total oruUtlisa of l)rnlai
at lh t. nl lvt , Uvrl There
he4 been leidesthl dnln the pre, less
year, of which l had ! by dfwn
lag from tbe nttlie rtmvi 4 ten by
( ether k.Nfldtalv
, - ISnntkpAsi Warm pIkv4 me toe
I p4iltn In a cream 4, sad pt U tl,e
center ot a platter ltrk wtfh g I
a hot. buttered eup, and bake until lbs
egg I Arm turn Iheiti Owl aw-t tltane
around the me si, tu.l llotskeepng
11 lirgrlt trwe lis the wtwld, te
vr4ltg U statistics lately pabUbe. by
the ItalUn giMernment, s mosr
thestnul standing l the foot of Mount
,1 tn 1 he rlrvemfcten. of tha toslw.
I trunk at tly fwat frowt the gtvua4 I
311 feet
- The festltw )A rabbit Is a strht
, vrgftstiin and will not tow h gfvs tt
an kind, nor a III ), t,u. h trlbls
that ar ltet with gfease ttrvhtl
Ists In (olort.U lake ,! ef his
fsitldlocttnes and protect ttielf trv
fhtm hi by tebhlng lh Uly
' of the lret with a bs-vn rlhd
A entn ouk Mens thtlsttsn
' Aksivlalton rtHntly lnitsl a gewtlo
, intlt Ui deller an ad.lie.s lln did t.i,
and flatter,! hllole t,l be eitde i f,i
Impfettlotl on the eudle-4t lull wa
omewht taken aherk w,eit the ihsU
man al the rto" of hi td.tte., ,iut
the hymn 'Art thoti weary ar thou
laarntd, art thou vhw oppee.l"
The w)( prominent tlMney n
Oarlnnatl It a pwtjllar di Mmenl M
two i the ptiin hke lllrsrU.t
cntJrrahe rumhirhl, ' I drsire tht
, no bt meeting shall l-e held (of mw, for
sueh iHiitis ate Hllllel by lawyers li,
rplile their eliojttenvot wl,ot, f ne
I drstre that no etape worn hi my
family for me, Imt If any member
chtxwe tl do .i the ma thsil la
.charged to hi avoanWM
Tl JOMhg roeh were r.rnlly Sf-.
Tested In I'hlf aio ere.mtlhg otee
xtierttslug to Iniln4 They found
loan; dupes thtoughoul the land I'hol.e
graphs usually eNvitopenled lh fpta.
Slid the (windier then (i(wtendl that
i the applicant wr lowed lteMe, aw4
If rllnd tare forthcoming thy
would g and i-e liiatflel 'I he plsoaf
were held for trial on thafge of tltwdu
Unl uw of Ihw mall
-nAkaaakw,"the atllraior sltyrf of
f.atlvang Ha., rwceelly slllra eae
of the "iara.lhtH thslVd three of It
li-r bitten ofTs a etrtlon of It Jw had
lcn eatan by a atronger kinsman, M
boUs were found la him where he had
l-l'l (he twhall; of a ;)itd of flesh
Imply lrMe hi uptxififftl , o,4
stronger Arkansaw ll that lllr.
tor fHv.l im eanfi olhaf to the rllttil
that ftgula(- the supply to the de.
msml, and thl If II, y wvre U imw
froni lhlr reenllllslln hlits they
woviM aiMtn sliund In ufflrlnt num
bets to pile alllgaUtr four feet 4p all
I over the Hi, Johns rlief notmlry
An fmp.tfiahi ablHlon tit the data
( which the rcwnt dlustUa of the
height to whlvh mio attain I. a
brought out, I repofU! frni IVtlsad
A fwarf ut etorm wa treently eprl
rpre.) al ilia Tellenowk Light rk. sed
I a 'dornlrk" of Itasatt wg,ng it;
two -ow It'll wa thrown up hi the fo
ut tha wait and fell on the r-f of the
HgMV-et,r s husw, 110 fert Uok tbe
tela), breaking a hoi la Ik rif
' 'lb waie were eo high that tit wt
cute down the rhlri?ir of Ut lilr
, luMja )f thi, f siren (a tr rnls sad
tun-l out tltlttugh 0e tuls of the
(llr The rhlmnty Is aNr-it 4 ft
I aUite tea e The spray eetef t ttte
rw ,.( the rhtmney over th tsmv
i whteh I Mfwt alxtii tea ti., an-i
rn In strtstu to tbe iitt.Mo.
Ihe lwacr fkl Sim! Bmhisi Haw
I Ml f Aa.
A fw dj ago the AlUwy iwwraal
ttprlnuH la feo la.lle tha I) ret peaye ef
th first number of the Journal of
Mkib n, jej The y of how- aa
fttatafalag tha nt'tst Imswrtaat aeaewf
that day, waa gttea te a table gttlag
oorw tksa a tlwtn sad a half, let lev
free4 wwakly la this table aaa
found lafwtatbe at the Unk bills
wbUb a paraoa waa likely Ut gad eevtag
his muf Owe af i,m prlwve awrw.
kill 4 Uat tlase wae a bank arrta a
teeUsr, and wae tf taa tleke wee that a
Miaa ailgkt wake up aay awralag eM
lad half tha Mil la hi ymkm eevth.
lea frtws (he fallsre rf the PMie beebe
that bad Iaw4e4 thewi Ageia, a i-n
neat rnaa ewlag 1mm aasrfhar htata
' or etea frna aaxtther part ef thla et,
' tee4d the detaeior t- tell hlwt hirw marh
jdleiMMat tha Wile, abb h wt-ie g at
their faoa valsa la the pi we k eee
frvea, weee ab)arl t la the Uea whare
be waa lad to waa taawt
la tbe (ebb referred be the Mils tA
the baake le aa4 aruead At Way, at
hsea4ta4y, Trwy aad faategherg
ate j'rte4 at mt, hM frvwv fwV-rg,
ltbwa, wyrarese, KwrkeeVer aad fit felt
they were frwea airih bu I per
reat. aNUewwat- Uat la, law Mile e
eee4 Uaaa. The Mile 4 a Ueh al
Catafcdl aad waa at rVsghaewpet are.
ivtd a wth Ut reaU t a 4oMe',
eae at H4a"a at eaata, aad a w
Yeek Vi eeata The Jfew Keglaaf UUi
aeragw4 aet wme-hslf ef I par seat,
dlswwat, hat lha alr f haaka rer
H peeked ee 1U.fcea" U Iwge, i"eaatkTwt
ll fvraUblejr twe, Khete 11 . m, Mw
sahatu fr, end Maine Ire la the
1 1 let la the J-ereei The '.r lstat
Ike Uabs list etf tke Mil Ik
Urge fk4lewwel- IVe key If sale Vltle
Kaerag4 tU I' - dlwa-iat, Vr
i glafa Mfle t, k-vnt, ar4l -! lU-
gl Utl T, kk Mile . bfieWtlp WJ)
I, e4 AUMva bill p. IWJts ikst
ta swrfatly yl hm 4j salgbt bw
worthl tire Mt TV U-Lt
with thw ai t-s Uek Ulie ;
tb r"iiwtwieg vl weth
ilUtg U a tyiUir U ewtw,
ae ttihe ta ' ,U awvkvtk.
ie kWUt, hm ,&tMVf Ur ellrt.
U 'fiiu f1'a ef wltlwat as.f
I i.fl ui UakUtf.-kV.irf.itWf iM.
1 .) eirreit. '
- s. jaJsaaes ,
weevwry aad ratxasb
tsindihoi use ef menrur ta Ike
ef tiMa etbrwtw be vey lajerti
V w ne swi r iaw matrmte
that ikt humsattj I due a e ten W
iuit w of tM ptMtv. "the verMua
fweetieatef tMht t-eiwne r paired hr
, tie nw a, M bwee .iH.tloie ha
riMMe ffM,tel,vtta' e,'fc al a geaeral
, teetlvgitf d'kltltl ! dtstrsa A, eee)
I w!m lu Hrs leet or mtwtt la aay ef
It tfm wU de well to Mt.w It ap with
mwI Ut Hill a njretwttiu fita a'
telWwt alleretlse rvaewt the evil
a, la ef werrwiy aad etker wtleefwl
iwi n t iwespoeeM ef ru-iiy v
' leb iegrrbwtvael ter te sethlag
oi.if.iiM kkwv wtit karat irv
delicate. tb"sl eal) latiriakl, ,.
w eivaww nvvtiin esAirwai, a
Taa thUg w IMwh at atgM wt,(4 aa af
CTSMt tatt dar tf wa ..M eaUea
owwviw, MltwaukeaJrnal
IMMtd Vwwv
KteWsl the r-lr hy !.; k, lewwaa
wkti-.tfw.jrth- tit twUtea ef
OmBtll.m. ewvt.ft tke Malady,
tMy war ewsllj d. w th tieMHe'e
ei.v.,t, lulir,,, t tvtvfUwllf anlMa
twatnt teMMr it tk atwatiwari'maiaiaa, -
IvniVH t lNt lkMaatUw Wf'Kr, 4 V
UsIaallNllwe c akvpAlr U.w,iaekka M
wWnlU h West. tw
IllttrfS sin eell thill t flr
stvUm4,,. ,vl4J.
Tt th tt wsMal.g' aotivaa
rste la tV fbU awwftr' alwei ewwe frea
a4iWt.thiff -ii.r,.t, rlievewr
t'eruw's Utile UtsrlAtU isw tfefawtUka
Ta rsbs ins sj-v"! t. tt etigar
t.,tiM,. i ttf w i4Mk),
Ta t r-'h Uvntvtfv ftwsa fe
l.tlvki,u fv4,i,vt wk aVi
It Is 0- ,l.i.t nUtt Kt I. ita
MlMJliu... .. &.
litwtMW ef Utefe
BHlt tha MelrHwl gsff fwautMwwMh
Hy tup of rlg. U takea 1 1 g nlaaanelt
Hel refreerilng tt Ka laete, gj4 nwwt
BwtlBH rietly aa) iKa KMswrra,
T4raf n4 Hi wale, rleHa InwaTw
UMa4aWlually, kllepell ruUa, kBsV.
sylsaaasxl fevaaBrvigMrwawwKelklJ
ntlsallo. HrruM wf Ilea g lit)
Mly rvMieitf wf Ma tie! as mrsa.
Jiica-l, pleaelng r wa inata ge e
repUtilw lA Ihw Btowtavrli, kmiH gt
Ha !( ktfvl trstlf Isatmaeiae M Hi
wWta leiaaref nails' fram) fjka
naaJlhf hn4 mirtiawla gwewtawVasy
lit knatijf arallawl ejwalmlet) ast
nHl H In bJI tewl Mr thwsW (t
Uet WvajtJ BviewltMr twwMlf Ihvw.
rws,V ITfaaj g M aae fa Mi
tewl tl BsHlU t mil attM.fgwf
gUbv Aur fefUhU ttf agatA wU
may o4 Isart) rt w tViewl will !
rtira ll at4j lay aaw wU
wltaimj tri Uf (w DawW sMtWf
stnjr mUmIuIsV
fit rgewna, fit,
I tumult, 01,
ffrnw, tt
I (Mk Ow41,
I towliMclk.
I tv.a
I imkmMr
ten i asj raVravA-a eet.tH f tea
ear f I raa tar kit MBar mm i
wa i', m r niriwa
rLltH 0 MV tMNIt
ar vwg grg mt A erasj a Mf, f
taa i vr he iAtff 1 1 tjita,
rv,w tasfikvtwv n kvifktiat aaw,
wrrtt gkretatrea H atsat Wuttaiet
hart r, Tata n tt;
, i ,iei wi n,i i , mmmmmmw enw
Oh, 9o TlrtI99
swCJM 9Wf
Ay mnympmrHm
aPaMPamaffVar aw4wwaV a'BBsWT
l, l. O Aycnr m OwV,
gam B mt taa aml Msaaej aw,
Qwav ffwwfllafrw W urn lii 7fc;
U avfAwtvlctat mffmiimm
wwf trwmwawwewaw) twrr garilf
', jrte .iwi.iuw in, i.. w, Mm, -rtiwiii I al
fO VOii fJAIft BT-) sltwmw
Mtatli tawttJawMT'ONM)
i EAsasawwsiamini'm
Csftwaa7? aw-lw ni5aa3
I swsattawtmiiisjskTwaae
I mmmm wsakae aeeW tuiesa - xr -e-w -er-' " -
II r ?.;L
swtaaa e letaa
p l,ttm4,w A , a sw nMi,aieei
- mswK "i'nnia.i.i-iwi