The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 09, 1890, Image 2

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A. O. MOtMBR, Publisher.
Tn Dolsgos Day railway to the
Transvaal Republic is open.
Br ' "
A CtncAao syndicate has purchased all
Hit Street railroads of Ban Antonio,
Tax., for 11,600,000.
SfOOTt Indians have been arrested for
starting destructive prairie flros on tho
reservation in South Dakota.
Taa French Ministry has decided to
make retrenchments in tho budget to
the extent of 90,000,000 francs.
Taa Superior Court of Massachusetts
has virtually decided in a test case that
compulsory vaccination Is lawful.
Tme state of siege on the inland
ot Crete has been raised and martial
law abolished. The Christians were
A bu.t. haa been introduced in the
Spanish Cortes to prohibit the working
of boys'under ton and girls under twol vo
and to fix the heurs ot labor for all chil
dren. It is stated that Prince l(lmarck In
tends to make a visit to England and
Scotland during the summer and that
Count Herbert lllsmarck waa also going
for a long stay.
Tan strike of the employes of tho
Greet Southern & Western railroad in
Ireland ended through the efforts of
Archbishop Walsh and Michael Davltt
Both sides are satisfied.
Fjiask Evans, aged thirteen, hasheon
sent to the Chicago county Jail for thirty
days for putting a snake in a boat of
Solomon II. Durham, where It waa found
by and gave Mrs. Durham a severe shock.
Title streets of Hamburg, Germany,
are Infested by night with gangs of rob
bers, whose depredations have made po
stastrisnlsm at late hours extremely un
safe. The police seem to bo powerless
to remedy the evil and the oltlxcna are
bout to take the matter In their own
bands to the extent ot dealing sum
marily without delay.
Harhv Dktihhik, tho world famous
sprint runner, has gone to England to
clalo his share of a large fortune left by
sn uncle in Scotland, who recently died.
Georgo Dethune, his brother, State He
ologlst of Washington, Is also an heir.
Harry saya that after receiving his In
heritance hn will never race again. The
state amounts to 175,000.
Ok the arrival of tho Japanese steamer
In Hong Kong, March Do, from Nagasaki,
the bodies of eight deed Jspsnesowomen
wore discovered In a hole between the
engine room and the hold, having been
suffocated. They had stowed themselves
way with four other women and a male
attendant, being desirous ot leaving the
country and not having official permis
sion. The survivors were Insensible
nd much emaciated.
In the lunatlo asylum at Dundrum, a
village near Dublin, Ireland, the pa
tients became furiously enraged the
other day because their dinner boor was
cut off and threw their dinners at the
heads et their keepers, smashed' the
crockeries snd demolished things in
general The fire department wascalled
out to aid tho authorities, and tho water
being turned on In force the lunatics
were soon drenched Into submission.
Ltrowio Hanskn, native of Ger
any, but an American eltlten by
adoption, recently called at the State
Department and reported that when,
In 1M1, he visited his parents In
the old country hla papers were
Inspected and pronounced regular.
Nome months sgo he decided to sgaln
visit his parents. Upon hla arrival his
papers were demanded and ho waa
warned to leave the country within two
Ltmraas from the late Missionary
McKay give details of the fighting
which resulted In the restoration of
Mwanga, In the first battle the Chris.
Haas were routed and scattered. Later
they were reinforced, numbering 80,000
gvns. They met and defeated the Arabs
on October In a sharp and short con
flict The usurping King fled. Mwanga
is. nominally a Roman Catholic. The
Catholic and Protestants have become
united In amicable relations in view of
their common danger.
William Lamskht, the richest col
ored man in Michigan, committed sui
cide at Detroit, while temporarily In
sane, by hanging himself In his wood
hod. lie waa born In Trenton, N. J
oventy-two years ago and was one of
the foremost conductors of the under
ground railway, and many a slavo he
helped to Canada before the war. In
D, whew John llrown camo to De
troit, Lambert met him and In the eon
ferenee Brown's attack on Harper's
Ferry waa ptaaned and discussed. In
that conference Fred Douglas opposed
Brown's plans, while Jean Uapttste waa
more fiery tiiaa Brown and believed in
blowing p th churches, while Drawn
and Lambert were outspoken against It.
JTmk auMtion of finiMliltl f,iP....
Interments la Westminster Abbey baa
aow assumed an aspect which promises
the success of those who have long be
lieved that the nraotiee should cease.
commission haa beea -nnlntad
adder the matter of selecting a special
wLsee for tan mhuI ui f u.i.
jrutshed persons, which shall be under
v. exclusive control oi the abbey, ana
interment therein regarded as con
ferring the same degree ot honor upon
, the memory of the dead as burial in the
; abbey has hitherto done. In addition to
this satiable memorial will lie dep-w-;
Jted la the abbey testifying to the worth
4rf the dsoetaed and Indicating his rest
, Jmf alssa, . The plans of the commission
v a bm son template the ultimate removal
'V'tfjaaaew plsoe of all the bodies now
' Ma-1 Vio M
''jvttlaf la the abbey.
Oleaaed By and Mall.
Am Informs! discussion took place In the
Renal on the JMh to the best method of
touring tlin Mississippi against overflows.
Senator Hlackburn Introduced a bill for the
admission of Arlsona, when Ida I -and for.
fcltuie bill strain csms up snd waa furtlier
discussed. lh fact was soon disclosed that
no quorum was present sndthn Senate ad
Journrd... Tho session of the House was of
little or no Intereat. The conference report
on the bill for a public building at Kremont,
Neb.r(lmltlng the coat lo flO,ow), waa agreed
to. The message of the I'rrsldnnt vetoing
the bill to allow Ogden, Utah, to Increase Ita
Indebtedness was laid before the Homo Tho
remainder of the sitting- ot the House waa la
Committee of the Whole.
Tiia Venal or the Wth had a lengthy
ftqushhln over the Lsnd forfeiture bill snd It
wss flnslly passed. Senator Matt offered a
concurrent reaolutlon, whloh was agreed to,
requesting tho I'realdont to return the
Oklahoma bill for the correction of s clerical
error. Henstor Mol'heraon Introduced a
bill granting a penalon of 17,801 a year
to lbs widow of Uunrral (Jeorga U. Mo
Clellan. The bill to almpllfy the laws
lor the collection of revenues was then
considered until adjournment.... The Howe
concurred In the Senate reaolutlon for the
Irrigation of arid Isnds in ths valley of the
Hlo Grande. After dlspoalng of unimpor
tant bualneas ths House went Into Commit
tee of the Whole on ths bill for theclam'n.
cation of worsted cloths as woolen, which
wsa considered until adjournment.
Is the Senate on ths SOIh Senator Dnlph
reported a oonourrenl reaolutlon requesting
the President to negotiate with (i mat Brit
ain and Mexico for treaty stlpulstlnns to
prevent the entry of L'hlneae from Canada
and Mexico Into ths United Hlstes. The con.
fereace report on ths bill for a publlo build,
leg at Fremont Neb., was agrsed to, snd s
resolution adopted correcting the clerical
error la ths Oklahoma bill. Ths Customs
Adtnlnietrstlva bill was then dsbsted
until adjournment.... Th Mouse further
considered snd Anally passed the
bill for the clsssllcstloa of worsted
goods as woolsas. Mr. McRlaley, from
ths, Committee oa RuUi, reported a
resolatlon for ths linmodlsteeonslderstlon
of the Dependent Tension bill to which the
Morrill Service I'enalon bill may bo offered
as a substitute the previous question to be
considered ordered st four o'clock. Mr. Car
Halo proleited sgslnst the adoption of res
olution of till character which ruahed
through money bllla without debute In Com
mittee of the Whole, especially aa thla bill
Involved an expenditure of Ito.ono.ooa A
long debate followed but the resolution waa
adopted. The bill waa then taken up and
the Morrill bill aubatltuted for the Senate
hill ami paaaed by a vote of ITS to 70 Ad
journed. In Ih Senate on May I Senator Veil, from
the Celccl Committee on Meat Products,
made n lengthy report accompanied with an
explanation recommending four measurea
for tho consideration of tho rtensto,
vis.: Negotiations with Knglsnd to bring
about n modification of existing quaran
tine laws; a National Inspection Isw; to
proh hit a shipping monopoly, and to
prevent discrimination In cattle ship
ments by trunk lines esst from Chlcseo.
The Customs Administrative bill waa
thun considered until sojournment.... In
the House the Senate bill lo protect trade
snd commerce against unlawful restraints
and monopolies was considered In Commit,
teeof the Whole for some tme and pssssd.
IN ths Hensl on the M Senator Vaat Intro.
duotdablll smandlng the In ter-Htate Com
merce act so na to bring express comnanlra
under Ita provisions. Mr. Ikilph'a resolution
requesting the 1'resldenl to negotiate with
Ureal llrltaln and Mexico with ths view of
preventing the entry of Ch nese laborers In.
to Ih United Slates waa agreed to. The
iiepenuoni rensinn bin was received
from the House snd referred. Ths Cos.
touts Administrative bill was then dlscusaed
si length and Anally passed. The confer
ence report on theOalahomeTown sites bill
waa agreed to and Ih Senate adjourned....
In ths Houiothfl Copyright bill wsaillsoussed
sll dsy and finally defeated by yeas Wt, nsya
IDl 1'andlug s motion lo reconsider the re
cesa hour arrived. Private pension bllla
were considered at the evening aesslon.
Titr. President on the uh vi,iwl thn
bill for an additional wing to tho public
building at Dallas, Tex., which was to
have cost 100.000. He thouirht the, -it.
proprlatlon extravagant
TlIK Pennsylvania, IWonmeatln ,n.
vention haa been called for Knranton
July 3.
I)K MoHKs. arrested In Parla recently.
Is said to bo Implicated In an Orleanlat
plot and not In an Anarchist uprising.
before the Supreme Court at Washing
ton on tne ist ana on motion of Mr.
Garland waa admitted to practice before
lUBt Douy.
TUK Irish Land Purchas hill uwl
tho House of Commons on ita imubiI
reading by HtS to MB.
TUK lower house of thai New York
Legislature haa passed a bill abolishing
capital punishment by the vote ot 75
TllR IVesldent on the 3d innmnul li
act for a Territorial Government la Ok
lahoma. Another error haa bIbica Imwib
discovered In the act, the date of the
President a proclamation tain ! aa
April I, IKtni, when It should have been
uatvn aa, 1S(W.
Stanlkv will retsln hla American clt
lionahlo. A chaniro inlvhtnoaalhlv vltl.
ato the copyright of his booka In this
Skciiktahv Window utes that hla
silver measure did nut eontiminlatn a
contraction of tho currenoy as had lioen
Daniki.Distin Is tho new assistant
United Sutea treasurer at Chicago.
A hovt containing four men waa rap
sIhhI on tho lake at Newport, Vu, the
other ulght and thrto ot the men were
drowned. They were VA Fuss, clerk at
the Memphreiuagog House, Ned Green
ami Joo llohitatle.
A rioiiT with rifles between union and
noa-union flshernven on the Columbia
river resulted in oao man being killed
and two seriously wounded.
Skvrntkkx iullan labareraatHsjulres'
packing house, at Uostoa, were savagely
attacked by the striker, and several of
them were seriously wounded.
An expedition under Mr. Jackson, an
officer ot the Drltlsh East Africa Com
pany, has arrived at Uganda and con
cluded treaties with Mwanga and other
chiefs, placing Uganda exclusively ua
der llrltish Influence.
Coxm'rrotts on roads centering at In
dlanspolls, fnd., are smarting under
wholesale discharges. Itaeemaaaneak
of a spotter obtained free transportation
from conductors by giving the Masonle
sign of dUtreas. He then reported the
conductors who showed hlui the favor
and they were discharged.
A Insurrection has broken out la
Paraguay. Several persons have beea
killed sud msuy vtounde
Powiikrlt, of the Knights of Labor
is out with his views on the eight-hour
movement He thinks s gooddesl of
the profit-sharing scheme
Tiik body of K. D. Walker, editor of
tho Cosmopolitan Magaslne, New York,
haa been found floating In the Koanoke
river in Virginia with bis hand grasp
ing a fishing rod.
Tiik forebodings concerning labor
demonstrations of the 1st of May were
quite unnecessary. In tho United Htntcs
carpenters struck in a few cities and
poscosble demonstrations took placo,
tho most notable being the ono st Chi
Tiik publlo debt statement showed s
decrease during tho month of April of
A Misi'i.At'Rt) switch at Castrovllle
Col., caused tho wrecking of a freight
train and the death of a fireman. The
englncor stuck to his post anxl was not
Itr an explosion of natural gas In
cracker factory at Fort Wayne, Ind.,
the building was wrecked and ono man
fatally hurt
DmtiNo the labor demonstration at
1'esth, Hungary, on the 1st a riot oc
curred at tho rolling mills. The mob
wss charged by the military and several
persons received bayonet stabs.
KxniTKU French worklngmen on the
1'laco do la Concorde, Paris, were
charged by a squadron of cavalry on tho
Ist rJeveral worn wounded and many
were arrested.
A huhiik.'ank passed through Dloom
ing Grove, Tex., on tho 1st Many resi
dences and the llaptlst Church were de
molished. Two little girls wero struck by sn ex
press train whllo playing on the rail
road track at Norwood, Ont Ono was
killed snd the other fatally injured.
CitAitLKH F. Wrkiht, who shot and
killed .Sheriff Marshall and Deputy
Thurbor at liensonla, Mich., last Au
gust has boon sentenced to life Impris
onment for tho crime.
Tiik lluptlst and Catholic churches
and tho Catholic parsonago at West
lloylston, Mass., wore burned to tho
ground recently.
Tiikhk was a report that tho Wells
Fnrgo messenger on the Southern Puelllr,
train had been robbed ot SVf.OOO ut
Kuglovlllo, Tex.
Ax Israelite named Solomon tschurged
with robbing tho Hank of llenirul of
Tiik theft ot the Jewels of the Duchess
of Kdlnburgh Is stated to bo an irre
parable Iohs.
Ilv u collision st a railroad crossing at
Limn. ()., recently an engineer and two
tramps were killed.
Tiik Merchants' Dank at Atlantic. N.
J., has suspended.
rAKNKMtiKii tickets from Kansas City
to Nt Louis wero selling us low as la. 50
on tho 'id.
At Chicago Georgo Sloaver is seeking
to establish a common law marriage with
Allco M. Case in order to get a divorce
recorded. This Is tho first Instance
whero a man has sought to establish the
fact of such a marriugo, though soveral
women liavn dono so.
A com ti am a hy of police, accompanied
by a number ot gendarmes, went to the
house of u Husslan Jew In Sofia, llul
garla, to search far seditious documents.
The Jew resisted and procuring a re
volver shot and killed the commltetury.
IltisiNKss falluroa (Dun's rojMirt) for
tho seven days ended May 1 numbered
ill, compared with 'JIM tho previous
week and 'JM tho corresponding week of
last year.
Htiiikks In Chicago planing and iron
mills and reaper works were declared
on the ''d for the eight-hour day. Tho
master carpenters, It was reported, wero
ready to tuuko the concession.
Gilhoa, X. Y., waa ravaged by Are re
eently. Loss, 160,000; Insurance, lie,.
Insprctoh Uviinks, of New York, has
refused to spologlxe to the Woodhull
sisters for disparaging free love state
menu In his book.
Cijcaiiixo house returns for the week
ended Maay 9 ahowed an average In
crease of 61.(1 compared with the corre
sponding week of last year. In New
York the Increase wss sS.0.
Tiik remains of the murdered Dr.
Cronln were laid to rest Anally at Cat
vary cemotery, Chicago, on the 4th.
Tiik net decrease In circulation dur
ing the month of April was S4UV,7'JI.
Uusinkss continued to expand on the
London Stock Exchange during the week
ended May 3. In Paris business was
fstrly sctlve and prices firm. Securities
were strong at Berlin and Frankfort.
Sugar was quiet at Havana.
Mits. tiKNKRAi, Grant declares that
she has never heard ot a proposition to
remove her husband's body from New
York City to Arlington cemetery, Wash
ington. Tiik building operatives ot Ottawa,
Ont, hao obtained a nine-hour day.
A tiiain wont through a burned trestle
on tho Sttckney branch ot tho Great
Northern between Holly and St Francis
sutioss, Minn. No one, fortunately,
waa hurt
About half a million people were
aald to be In Hyde Park, London, on
the 4th, attending the labor demonstra
tion. Tiik session of the Senate on the 3d
was out short by the announcement of
the sudden death ot Senator Deck. The
House passed the Dtplomatlo and Con
sular Appropriation bill.
IT la positively denied that there baa
been any robbery of aa express mes
senger si Kagle Lake, Tex., or any other
Tiik captain and four seamen ot the
Hrlttsh ship Inchcspo Rock, from San
Francisco for Liverpool, were washed
overboard and drowned off the coast of
IVrn recently.
Thk lrvBldeat has nominated David
K. Ilryant as United States Judge tor the
Kaatcru district of Texas.
Tiik llriilsh Kast Africa Company has
abolished slat cry of all kinds.
A siui'i.tankoi's strike has occurred
In the state railway factories In Vienna,
Prague, IVsth and Temesvur.
A SAH.OK named Jordan, who tried to
Vscrt from a teasel uear lleaufort S,
l, was seised by two man-eating ahsrke
snd torn to pieces before he could be
A party of Wahoo boys played ghost
the other night and frightened lit
tle Nusle Keefer Into unconsciousness,
which has since been followed by a num
ber of severe sinking spells.
Tiik Omaha Dee recently reoclvcd re
ports from correspondents in twenty-five
towns of tho State answering an Inquiry
as to the price at which corn was being
sold at various points In the State be
fore the ten per cent reduction In rail
road rates; tho price a month ago; the
present )r!co; tho proportion ot tho crop
shipped, and tho comparison of tho price
with that of a year ago. The reports
show that most of the corn was sold be
fore tho reduction was made by tho
railroads, and that, with few exceptions,
tho quantity of corn on hand is no greater
than is required for feuding jiurposes.
Tho only advantage, farmers derived was
from tho advance In tho price of pork
and boot.
Piiki'AIIationh are itelng made on a
largo scale for a grand old soldiers' re
union at Plalnvlew July I to ft.
Jamkm Cook, whllo shelling corn at
Julian tho other day got his arm caught
In tho tenth of the machinery and It was
completely torn from the body and
grotind to pieces before thoHhellc rcould
ho stopped. Ills Injuries were thought
to bo fatal.
Tiik three-year-old child of Jacob
Oarhcr, a farmer near Duncan, whllo
lately playing about the house fell from
tho second story into a boiler of hot
water on tho cook stove and was so ter
ribly scalded that death ensued In a few
C. W. WAi.l.iNoroiai, who resides near
North llend, recently discovered a rab
bit about three weeks old enjoying the
companionship of a nest of kittens. The
little fellow was made welcome and took
nourishment from the mother cat tho
same as tho rent of tho fuiully.
Gcoikik Kiimilkv. a prosperous farmer
living near lleatrlce, whs killed by lighte
ning In a Held durlnga recent storm.
N. P.'h tailor shop at Omaha
was badly dumsged by tiro the other
morning, and Draco lost his life in tho
llamas. He attempted to pour gasoline
into a lighted atove, when tho can ex-
C. II. MfCtiNK, night editor of the
Columbus Dully Telegram, was wayluld
and almost beaten to Ut stli the other
night by four young toughs, who hud u
well-laid scheme to seek revenge for an
article which appeared In the paper a
few days previous. Two of them were
William Ilnoviiit.t, a young fannei
near Dakota City, was cutting corn
stalks the other day when his team got
frightened and attempted to run away,
throwing Droyhlll down, ono or tho
knives catching his foot against the
woodwork and al moat severing It
Two attempts wero made the other
day to burn tho Atlantic Hotel nt
Wiik tho family of 'Allien llnupt
man, living eight miles south of Ne
braska City, awoke tho other morning
they found that some time during tint
night tho stable had burned to tho
ground, consuming three fine horses,
two mules, names and a lot of grain.
The origin of the lire wax unknown, but
was lwillevetl to have been caused by
Tiik house, of J. W. Ingslls. near
Long Pine, was struck by lightning dur
ing a recent storm and tine end of tho
structure torn out Tho family wero
in ImhI but were not Injured.
Mr. Hawlkv, of Pierce, ha returned
from Oregon with 11,000 sheep, which
ho will feed in Knox County, and It. A.
Tawney, of tho same place, will feed 'J,
000 head.
Tiik farmers of Marietta, Union and
Pohocco precincts, In Saunders County,
have organised a mutual Insurance com
pany. A Hin Jack rabbit hunt Is being organ
ised at Shiokley In which many ladles
will take part
Tiik McPherasn military reservation
in Lincoln County, which was trans
ferred to the publlo domain throe or four
years ago, will he aurveyed the coming
summer and opened up so It can lie set
tied upon. The reservation contains In
the neighborhood of ten thousand acres
but as the Platte nver runs through it
and part of Its extremity rough, the
available land Is about six thousand
A rAHur.n near Ft I ley, wishing to re
move a largo quantity of potatoes which
he had hurled last fall, set Are to the
atraw covering the vegetables and was
left with two Urns ot baked potatoes on
his hands.
Tiik acreage of wheat oown In Cherry
County thU year Is three or four times
greater than that of any previous yvr.
The good quality and the abundant re
turns from the crop last year Indicates
that that portion of Nebraska will runk
with any of tho wheat producing dis
tricts In the United. Sutea.
Tiikoihiiik Fiikkman, a prosperous
fsrmer living near Clearwater, haa Wen
missing for several weeks and hi friends
fear that he has committed suicide, a It
Is thought domestic troublu unbalanced
hi mind.
Tiik York County Sunday School As
sociation will hold Its annual meeting at
York. May ii, 't and 34.
John Kysthom, who waa accidentally
shot In the knee, died at hla home
In Stromsburg ten daya after the acci
dent. He was a native ot Sweden and
one of the oldest settlers In the county.
He leaves a wife and four children.
GitAKT was visited by a heavy snow
atorm on the UMh.
Fihr broke out In a large barn of S, D.
Newton, six miles mile east of llarttng
ton, the other night and consumed eight
fine work horses, s Urge quantity ot
hay, harness and a In aUlllon valued
at 11,500, belonging to stock. company;
liMss 4,oo0; Insurance fuoa on th work
horses only. Supposed to be Incendi
ary. The house, granaries and an ad
Jacent barn were barely aaved.
A. T. HosiJtv, living near Dower, In
Jefferson County, last year sowed two
acre of land lo onions, from which he
gathered M0 bushels, which an selling
In the market now for fl.&V per bushel,
making the gross recvlpt of one acre
Maw4dly rails D4 After Matt Es
evtlM at Railway StatJea hi WsSleg
WAsiM.irH'o, Msy 5. Senator James
II. Deck, of Kentucky, dropped dead In
the llaltlmoro t Potomac station at four
o'clock Saturdny afternoon. Ho had
Just arrived on the limited express from
New York and was accompanied by his
daughter, Mrs. Goodloo, wife of Major
Goodloe, of the United States marine
corps, lie got off tho train with tho
rest of the passenger and walked with
his daughter the entire length of tho
platform and throug'i tho gate leading
to the platform riopur. He seemed to
walk with sn effoit and to breathe with
labor. These symptoms were tho usual
accompaniments of exertion with Mm
for some months past
After passing into tho station, the
Senator and daughter were joined by hla
privnto secretary who had brought a
cnrrlagn to tako him home. A fow
words wero exchanged with regard to
tho earn of baggage when the Senator
suddenly turnud pato and with the re
mark: "I feel dlxzy," fell Into the
arms of bis compiin.ons. Thoy could
not support his weight and hn dropped
to tho floor where he swooned away.
Ills daughter was naturally alarmed
and screamed for help. Willing hands
wero numerous, as the station was
crowded nt tho time, and tho limp and
helpless Ixidy was Iwirne Into the office
of tho station master, about twenty
feet awny. Great excitement onsued,
and although it was apparent that the
Senator was dead, half a dozen messen
gers were Immediately dispatched for
physicians, and all tho remedies at hand
were applied, but to no effect Dr.
Chamberlain wss tho first physlclsn to
srrlvo, and he was soon followed by Dr.
Well and others, but there waa nothing
for them to do except to examine tho
body to determine tho cause of death.
James Ilurnle Iters, United Mates Senator,
waa born In Dumfrleshlro, Suotland, rbru.
nry M, prj. He received an academic du
ration in hi native country, and coming lo
tho United HtHte with his parents, aettlnd
In LesliiKton, Kv , and was graduated at the
law school of Trans) Ivanla 1'nlverslty In
that pliico In isiti. Hn then practiced law la
Lexington mid In M4l was elected to Con
gresi, serving four successive terms,
frnin lb', .11, ... ... . ...... .
in in siay, 1711, lie
was appointed iiicinlier of tho com.
mission to defluit thu Virginia end Mnry
land boundary, and In the same year was
lectcd In thu United Males Punate. lie took
Ills sent on May 4, ItT7. snd uni reelected In
IVUaud iikiiIii In iwei tor the term expiring
In March, 1n. liurliu his Concessional
career Mr. Heck bus served on Imnnriini
committee and bus often been prominent
Inliupoitnntdelia . He has been specially
Interested In iiestlons relating loth tarlg
anil tin currency.
a texaIThurricane.
Two Persons Killed and Several Injured Ilv
railing Holloing.
Wills Point, Tex., May 5. A hurrl
?une struck hero at ia:30 o'clock Satur
day and every house In town Is more or
less damaged. Two persons were killed
outright und several Injun-d. The
killed are: Mrs. Dowen, caught under
a falling wall and crushed to death;
a negro girl, fourteen years old,
daughter of Tom Mitchells.
Tho Injured arc: "Jack" Italian!, In
jured Internally, dangerous; son of M.
K. McManus, arm broken In two places;
Mrs. Mitchells, colored, mother of the
girl k lied.
Mrs. Freeman's residence was blown
over, the family getting out Juit In time
to cm-ape the fall. The Methodist
Churoii and public school building wero
completely demolNhed. whllo other
churches wero blown off their founda
tions. A number of stores and resi
dences wore blown down, and nearly all
business houses unroofed and all their
good badly damaged.
Tho hurricane also visited Mesqutte,
Thornton, Terrell and other point la
its trsck, doing great damage.
atsNos) Move Deo,
Kalamaxoo, Mich., May 4. Bishop
Csaper Dorgeas, who wan atrtcken with
paralysis at St. Augustine's deanery last
Sunday night died at 1:10 o'clock thla
morning, aged sixty-two. Bishop Bor
gess was born in Kappenberg, Germany,
in 1834, but camo to this country with
hia parents when quite young. He
received his education for the
priesthood ' In Cincinnati and for
many years waa pastor of
St Pbilomena'a Church in that city. He
was chosen to succeed lllshop Lcfevre,
who died In 1870. Bishop llorgesa, dur
ing his administration, established nine
charities la Detroit In the spring of
1877, knowing that he waa subject to
hrsrt dlscaae, he sent In hla resignation,
and Kev. John Foley, of llaltlmoro, was
chosen to succeed him.
Melting saTwa.
SroKASK Falia Wash., May 4. The
melting of snow in the mountains baa
caused a rapid rise In Cour d'Alene lake
and Spokane river and it tributaries.
Many families have lice a compelled to
move out of their houses on the lowlands.
In thlsclty there Is note drop of water In
the mains and no protection against
fire, the high water having washed away
the mains, which wero laid at the bottom
of tho river. A large force of extra
policemen were on duty all night The
mayor haa advised property owner to
employ watchmen to guard their prop
erly. stsaataasera Die.
Ralkigr, N. C,, May 4. Letter re
ceived by negroe living at Tarhoro
from other negroes who last November
went to Louisiana from Edgecombe
County, this State, y that seventy
eight of the latter have beea drowned or
died there in tho past fortnight, caused
by floods. This will do more than any
thing else to check the exodus.
WAHtX0TOg. MV 4. CunCTPaamM
Sayers, ot Texas, sad Ittand, of Missouri,
have returned to the treasury the drafts
made out In their favor for the money
they lost through tho defalcation of Sll
rott and It 1 understood that other will
follow their example. This action waa
taken on the ground that the lloua
should not have voted to repay It mem
ber for this stolen money. It Is under
suiod that ttee member hold that the
money they were entitled to wo the pro
rata share of what remained la the aafe
and they will not take a sum Ut ;
oi mis amount
flM Strike re Eight Mean a Chlragv-
Usn Wk aa Jala IN
Ciiicaoo, May S. The threatened
strikes In this city, which msy bo said
to hsve begun Thursday, when organ
ized labor took its holiday, wore not
mado apparent till yestorday morning,
when tho men failed to resume work at
many shops. Tho "Black road" In the
vicinity of McCorralck's reaper works
bad much the same appearance ns it had
four years ago. None but strlkerscould
bo seen, and they had entire possession.
Kvcry man, boy and girl employed in
tho mallcuhlo Iron works, corner Twon-ty-slxth
and Rockwell streets, Is out
Tho total number of employes 1 l,f()0.
Among others wero fifty girls employed
as "core makers" In tbo foundry. No
particular reason la assigned by tho
manufacturer for their quitting. A
committee consisting of two men from
each department was appointed to wait
upon the olllclals. but they aeemeddhln
clined to consult their employers.
At tho great McCoruilck reaper 0rk9
about fifty moldert went out but work
progressed as usual.
At tho Chicago car wheel foundry and
the Wells & French car shops every on
of tho 1,000 employes went out and the
shops wero closed. Tho 'J00 blacksmith
wero tho only ones who made known
their demand, which was for eight
hours a day.
From !!,uoO to 4.000 sash, door and blind
men walked out of tho various factories
In the southwest lumber district. The
action was apparently without warning.
Four hundred men in Dcmun &
Hurka's furniture factory struck for
eight hours, and 100 employes of tho
Chicago CotUgo organ factory did the
same for a like cause.
Officer for th Knaulng Tear Huffalo.
N. V., the Neat fksrei of Meeting.
Kaxsa Citv, Mo., May a. The rail
way surgeons In convention hero yester
day elected tho following officers:
resident Dr. Warren II. Outten of
St Louis, Mo.; first vice-president Dr.
S. S. Thorno of Toledo, O.; second
vlco-presldent. Dr. .1. J. Buckley ot
Helena. Mont; third vice-president, Dr.
G. B. Conn of Concord, N. II.; fourth
vice-president Dr. It. S. Toombs oi
Jackson, MIhs.; fifth vlco-presldent, Dr.
J.Galbreathof Omaha, Neb.; sixth vice
president, Dr. N.J. Pettiohnof Kaunas
City, Mo.; seventh vice-president, Dr.
William II. KUIutt of Savi nnah, Ga.
Corresponding secretary. Dr. A. G.
Gumaer, of Buffalo. N. Y.
Recording secretary, Dr. K. B. Lewi,
of Kansas City, Mo.
Assistant recording secretary, Dr. C.
B. Powell, ot Davcntiort, Iowa.
Treasurer, Dr. R. Harvey Kecd, ot
Executive committee, Dr. C. K. Cole,
ot Helena, Mont; Dr. A. A. Ames, of St
Paul, Minn.; Dr. B. F. Wilson, of Slater.
Mo.; Dr. J. F. Dinnen, of Fort Wayne,
lnd.; Dr. D. J. Holland, of Atchison,
Tho placo of meeting for the Hrst
week in May, 1MM, was named at Buffa
lo. N. Y.
Slitvea Conat I the Indictment Against
the Topeka Kdllor.
Topkra, Kan.. May a. The indict
ment found by the recent United States
grand Jury against Major J. K. Hudson,
editor of tbo Capital, was mado public
yesterday afternoon.
There are sixteen counts In the Indict
ment, which charges Major Hudson with
knowingly, wilfully and unlawfully de
manding, receiving and embeullng
moneys from the registry of the United
States Circuit Court contrary to th stat
utes made and In auch cases provide!.
Each of the sixteen counts covers
separate charge tn a separate publication
fee snd Is described In detail, bat each
charges the same general, offense. The
mount Msjor Hudson Is charged with
embeullng is 1159, covering a period ol
two yesrs.
On account of the persons! controversy
between Judge Foster snd Msjor Hud
son, the Judge msde an order yesterday
transferring the case to the United
States Circuit Court snd Judge Caldwell
will fix the ball;
striking MrH HaasW KaW Tvwabt la m
MMafactwtaf Twaw
Paris. May S. A dispatch from Tour
eolng, an exenslve manufacturing town
in the department of tho north, states
that serious trouble has broken out
there. The hands employed In twenty
six mills at that place went oa strike
yesterday morning and great crowd of
men gathered about tho streets to
discuss their grievance. The crowd
was augmented by a body of 5,000 strik
er from Boubalx, another luanufactur
Ing town a abort distance from Tour
rolng, who marched in a mas into tho
latter place, and soon all hands began
to show an ugly feeling, which cul
mlnated In serious rioting. Military re
laforcetnenta were summoned to aid
the authorities la restoring order. At
8:30 o'clock 80,000 striker wer
parading the atreeU ef Toureotng, com.
mittlag many excesses. The cavalry
disponed all group. Twenty penona
hare been arrested.
Bartkioxa, May 8,-Tb striker wersv
vary riotous threwghout yeektrday aad
greatly obatmcted business. Th guard
having failed to quell the disorder. A
state of disorder ha been declared. At
ten o'clock last night the striker eetflro
to a hut la the street The guard
charged upon the mob and drove Um
way, wounding several.
b Sa
Fosrr LRAVXXwoarra. sT. v.. .
Upon the atthorityef the VcreUryot
Wsr General Mvrritt has lamed an order
direct! an increase of the nrweens
strength ot the company ef Indian
ssenu at Ion Beno, I. T.. t ISS. The
compsay I to be recruited on the term
whleh govern enlistment In the Indian
scout rompaale as new rgaslssd. and
be given a like organlsaUe to that et a
cavalry troop la the matter of aea-com-ml4one4
officer, with th sddlUon. it
srr. ot two Interpreter, prefer
sbly ladloas. The company of scouts
at iort KlMotv Tm-. I to be conJoU
tated with the comfaay at no.
u .
fi"jt ,!