The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 02, 1890, Image 8

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VIM TariaTvB Wa,
i af taa f rat trait mmm insert
Fort Abstract Co., Tied Cloud,
I. II. FOllT, Mrtnancr.
Ahmtvmtm oi" Title,
FumlBhwl to nil Lnntln in WobRter County, Awunitulv nntl
ON SHOUT Nonoij.
Ilavlnliil teiiyfrojxilciKiiiii)iinty nror.lm id nni'i.f the imut io'uiVto'i if Ab
Mrint b(iki In the ntftti.wK,iirilitecitiiln linn o..r Uvon m lilted
All ordelt filled urumptly fOntdolUr IkiihI llleil
and npiTut nl. Addie i o i-.ill on
li. II. FOIIT MANAriEH, lied Clvuil, Sth.
that attar btfart wart people of tha
Ualtti fitattt ataaioriag More loudly
far -aaaifar woolta clothing, and
'atata; (I'm tna 4at of concram to ad
altwtai free of doty, well when
waill'Ia th alitor? of the world
VOnorarftafnf Rmrrrr'
waalaa foods were cheaper thtn
I11TTIM will Biak( iti mtlhin of l!m !'"il
rn. wnirn wiiii.iiiii'. i
Nfnmitfih. Frirr nti.1
tnlli'.f'i'ri f
' Bn "" W.A?
lia opimorlaiKiw
at art uhuy7 And ir the expert-
lliln in tit t
u ' i
krUutmth HUUmrn nml lltliilitrrt tin' Iki
itt of free wool aid woolen will.
Tnnlo known.
Aa-ll'i kr Ui
Can tm Itxil wth ir MrillKiu .ii'rltr
i thm mtmH mrammra aail MftaiifMlnrnn
htr ItKifhmixH rrinMly known. Mlilitvo
' tlala, drift Idea ot of the baaiaeRa
V twine II wotld'fcdtice their reman
rattta Mkw'ceWfwtflt to here the
aJtatftr wooli of South Aauiica end
laatrtlla daaatd duty free on our
wfctt Md aatibcr jew or two would
ft tkt iudMer? deed Md itean easily
ho killed tt ! yetr or two, how
ehoep weald wool at thea end woolon
Made? Oar Mtaafaotures of woolnn
goods whieh are alaiost wholly sap
plied with hoaie-growi wool duriug
tat aamal, y oar, are entinated by
aatfcjraal tariff abeet the Chicago
Tribaaa at 1487,000,000 aadof im
ported woolen at $49,000,000. nup
pooe wo added 1487,000,000 to our im
arts and got no wool or woolens at
oao? Does tny blockhead flatter him
self that woolen goods would be cheap
Aad if M the Tribune avcru, the
cost of the woolen gooda to-day is in
creased oa every purchase by tho
araoaatef the tariff laid on such goods
that are iaiperted, does ho imagino
fcattaa wooloa ssanufactorers who
akt ataarding to tbeno calculations
of Ut atatistieiaas about eight per
oatta their investment, could they
BMkt a dollar with the duty taken off
aad if way eoald aot, would not every
'aaat woolea aunufaeturer close up?
Theawhara would we bo? Woolen
goads woald to down with a ven
fcgtaiet, waalaa't they?
iaea the tariff was laid on wool
aad woolea goods by the llepublitMn
tatty all wotlta goods have decreased
la ariat frta thirty to Ifty per cent
aaa labor was ohsapsr when the tariff
woatiatoeffeot than now. Then who
has lost by the tariff? Certainly
aaitkor the laborers who make the
goods la this country or tho consum
ers of those goods. Then, why mon
key with tho tariff? Kx.
lattvai'la life,
People fall la many way. In ihwIiicm,
ta Morality, ia religion, InhatiptuMo, nnd
la health. A weak heart is often an un
pospeeteaeaaaeotfallareofllfo. It tlm
aloaa d e aot etteelate ntopntly in the
lug a, there In ehorlaeee of b tluna
ete,; lat tko brain, diailnaa,ii, vaaschp, ete,;
ta . tb etetaeh, wind, pain IndlgMtiun,
etlMsMlls,oto,t la the liver, torpidity,
atajsstlsaaailete. Fain la the left side,
etlaallir aai etasweh, Uoaeaot' by hanrt
bvala. Votall these maladiea Mr. hIIm'
Mewfiasaletthe heart aad leans U the
v. Bow, RoaraaMed and re
I by O.L.Cottlng, treatise frocll
First college boy What aro you
going to go la for wealth or famoV
Second College boy Hotli. 1 am
going to be a ball player.
Aa IfirerUatsUtWr
DraggUte everywhere report thnt l lie
alee of the Reetoratlve Nerviaa n nerve
ratelaaiflieeUeia-"areatonlihiags ex
eeedtagaaytklagthey ever had, while it
gtvee aalveteal aatlafaetlon la headache
aewMsaeee, eleepleMaewi, eeiial debility
baekaebo. poor memory, tta, diiilntai,
ete. Taylor Hroa., of Ilyrna, O.; Aeabery
aararpay, of Battle Creek, Mich.; C. U.
, WoatvottaAQo., a Vert Wayne, Jnd.,
aad haaireia of oihece elate that they
' aevet haailei any aaeiielae whieh eold o
raaMly,ot gave each aatlaf aetioa . Trial
battleo f thUgreat medleiae aad book ou
Hoevaao Diseases, freeatO. L.Cottlngwlio
gearaateee aad reeoaieaende It. a
" Aw Haeeattal Frwisllesi
Cstr of Russia (Just nut of bod)
What haa become of ay undershir?
Valet Please, your najetity, tho
blaeksaiith'a pattiagfrcsh rivets in it.
.,. .
W.D.Sutt,Drugglst, Bipnus, Ind. tos
tifiiw: i'J-fiaa reoommend Electric nitt
ra m tha very best atmttiy. Kvory
batttatald haa given relief in every
ram. One roan took six bottles, and
Wan ourad of Rheumatism of 10 years
ataaihig." Abraham Hart, drugcim
Hallvilla, Ohio. afTirmee: "The beet
aaniagmadicinal have ever handletl
in my 30 years' experience, le Kleo
trio Pittera." Thousands af others
hnva added their testiraaay, so 'that
tha verdict is unanimaus that Electrin
luUorw do euro all dla.ises of the liv
r kidneye nr Mnd. Only half ibdlar.
Hlmtllr at luv.rv !Hk' ilrug''ri, -J
avblelt Biiiivra .Huel Krrnl).
I fool sick at heart" said the ic
jeoted laver as he leaned against tlir
railiag of the steamer.
Tn with you" remarked a fellow
passenger" sn'.y raino in further down"
-oa m.
Anothor wnndorful ilivrovprv Ime
I'een mad and that too by h lidy in
tills nuunty. Disoase fMtened its olu.
lohes ition her and for seven yenrs
ahii withstood it eovereet luU but Iter
ViUl organs worn un.lcrmitiH nml
neath seemed imminent, For three
months she coughed ineewa'tly and
jiiild not si,, aho bought or us
bottle of lh King'a Nfw I)icovcry for
ConeumplioB and was no much ro
1 0Ved ,?", kl,,r. &ni du-a that ahe
lept all night ami with onnbottto lias
bon miraculoosly onred. llor nnmo
li.Tn '-"'.hw Lou. Taua wrlts
U . C llamnuk k Co., of heliy. N. 0
nit frt trial txjltle nt Henry
Oixw Urn Store. 2
1 , - .
J, J. Nye bas'htee wagoaaoathe
.'htrceta for the purpose of aeeoatwo-
h dating his eustomira aad others and
"'Will ho Blessed to do all your work a
all tiaes. Baggagea specialty night
ar day.
tiom on terh rackeaw. fVWi lr IiiiktvI-ik m w- i tn
Mil, fCTUew urrl I, Trine Mil f -in. Im wn,-'
two e& for 00 Ma. V, II. fawn l-.l' 'i li
eyewit. Amrw,
JO. , ITEKETtE, Orawd Baakh, Midi,
0Alwarf mretion IhU r.
ailKtltsrV'N HSMU
fly tlrtuo of tin oriliT ut hhIi IiiiiimI by t.. II.
fort rlrrk nt Hid illitilct com I nr tlio ilKhtli
Juillrliil dl'trlct In nml for Wi Inter cnmitr, m
liriKKit, tiHin it ilrcn'o In mi mlliiii k.'IiIIiu
Ihiiieln whi-rt'ln Tim NolniiUa ln ntnl iruH
Coiiiimny In I'lHlnllff uml lr:i Hlccinr it iii urn
ilcri'iiilant 1 nlinll (iftcr far Mil" ut imlillc
eniliie lorcu'ii in nniiu 10 inn imkiiobi mil
der, nt Hi chpI ilunr nt Hid
roiirt limiw In Red (loml. In ilitci
nuitity NebrnKn' It'iit IicIiik tlic iliin- nln-n
mu liwienn vi mu rmirv "in iiuiiicm,; un
1 10 tthay or juh A n, 1 nuo,
nt nlmto'riock ra Hinlollowlnu'ilfMciliicd
iMtatetiiwIti I'our (4) mrcn nil nl tin- xoutlt
Mill of lilixk twnnty ttircc l'.'.i) In Kiiillh nml
M(iiiri)'iiiilillll(int(iilinHmii(il licil CIihiiI ilc
Kt'tlliftl iii JoIIiii llculniiliiH nt tin' 11111(11 rit
cotiicr of wild block twi'iily-tliri'n ("D nixl tun
nlnu thciicii mirth mi IM'iiit Klnrl Iimi bun
ilriol (JOIfn't, llifiirn inn llvn liuii'lrcil uml
nfly(r.V))fi)cl.tlifiHi)iiorlli nun limi'lml luu
lect, llicnriM'iiit nnnbiiiKlri'd iiliu.'t-iilui uml
scH'hllll'lltll1(l'.'.l7-ll)fi"1ll(illl(i (Mil lliui of
mild bliN'k tHcuty thriti Cii), llit'iirc hi mill Miotic
NiililriMtllnutlirvo buiulrril () (ol In tlm
wiul h imit comer of kuiiI bliM'k mi clulitli incli
ne nml ilicnce Went hIoiik cljiblli iiuimu In
iiliiru of licKlnnln. . . . ....
Almiiibdiit nlnn mi iicrci of liiml mljolnltm
nmlillroctly cuit l the iifortinciitlnncd tun I
niul licliiifiiiiiirtliiii of llii! noilb.i'iint iii.irlrr
(if ttio Houtli-wct iinurlT of hitIIimi till i ty-nt x
(.W) towliilil tw.i (J) iinrlh iiiiiko It, wiit of tbn
ilktb inn, uil iIcmtIIk-iI ni lollowH! lii'cliiiiliii:
nt ii 1'nlnt tno IniiKlrt'il niul thirty (zn fret
north of tlit Kotilli went c.iincr nl mild forty
ucrcn niiilsiilit jHilntbcliiK nN tlm noutli cuit
corner of lilockwcnty tliroe.Hiid riiunltut thence
imrtli nlniiR mild Hue of rntld blink twcnijr liiii'c
three huiulred feel. Ilicncoimt oluhty rndt In
t ho hull Mrllmi Hue, thcliro noutli iilotiu' riild
nun "eriion nno iniee iiiiiuircu mei, tiicueo
went to the ilco (if b(i;liinliiif.
Alwi Inti line uml two In block four In the
01 brliml town, now city of lied Clouil.
mo anorn iiencriiiiion inciiiiii'i nun inuiiui
toennvey nil or block tncUe In Mnlili mid
Moore's inlil II Ion to thn city of Itcd 1,'lonil In
Wetntiir county. Nrbroxkii.
tllveniiiiilerinyliiaml tlil 'J ml day of Miiy
A II 1".
V. A.THKf..HbfrllI.
Ilv(l.t). Ti:i'L. lleniilv.
.tno. M, Itiisan, 1'llff ' Atty. ;li r.t
Hlnlcof Nebr.nkal Intlmcoiiiily ciunt of our
Wctmtcr t'ounly ) wild rouiity nr clxtcr.
In tho mutter of tlm rl:ito of OhiNll in IliiKke
Now on tlm tltti (lay of April, t:xi rnum Andrew
o, icruiMlniliiltrM)r, In tbU, mutter iiiiIiiu h
IIiiiiI ncllleiiient end ii(liimiiiri o! iiccouiif. uml
I hut Im bo diwlmrucd fruiii till IriM : jt N there
lorn ordered thnt MHVHtti n:, ut ten o'clock In
tho forenoon, ut my olllcn In lied Cloud lie tlxed
ui tho t lino mid iiluen forvKAtuliiliiu mid allow
liiasiirliiii'roiiiit. Tlm liHnt of iild dereiiied
iindiill iHtioni Inlctcstcd lullilii'stiitii urn le
quired to nier nnd Miowcinno If niicIi iUs
why mild llccniltltM should not bo lllloneil. It Is
Hither ouleted Hint liotlcn he i:len toull er
Kent Inlcreited In Mild elntn by rmnliu: it copy
oftlilHordiirtobii iutillHh-d In tlm lied Cloud
(J li IKK n iiowipniH-r iirluted uml In Kuncrul clr
ciihitlon In xuld county for tlirco siKcoiho
weekn prior to tho tliiy nel fur heurlnu.
WlllicHiiuyonielultlKimliironnd flio xcul of
t lis county court of I he ii Id county of Wi-lmtcr
thlt ivtli day of Aiirll, ln.n
tMRAI, l. V. TNIINKRV.l'OUIlly HIiIki.
lutliedlitrlotcoiiit of Webster county, No
Allien (Mlurnhiiin, l.yseiuler W. 'lulleii uml
.ininoi N. Ilronn leoimrtmis ui liuiulium,
le 1 uml romi'iiii) ilnmtlfli,
Cnroll im K. Cl.itk, llufui K. Cli.rk. .M.idlnui
Mt.itcy lllid lit V. 'Ililleyi, TllHlee, lltdcud-
locirollnel' Itufui K, ( l.itk mm
resident drteliilunti.
Von lire burcby iiolllled thnt thorn li now no
lllu In tliu nilli'o ortlm Clei k of llm I Hitrh t Com I
In uml fur Wcbxtrr enmity. Nchriuku, tho
iwllttan of tlinulMiui nnmed i(nntlili cIiiIuiIiik
of tho OotMidnnii iilmvn iiiiiim.iI (ho fmccloHiirn
of u iimrtiiifii ituted Heiitenibcr, lit IHnj, to w.
euro i)ineiitof iromfiory notei in the Hum nt
.m iinidetyCnroltiioK. LlHik uml itiilni K,
Cliirktothoilnlutirfoiii4llnt Hccthuivt, luwu
utiliii iiortlinr rnttitu u, went of Mh P.M.. to
Wvtutur county, Neb, iiiwn which moHt-iici!
theiolsliowiluo StMl with interest, ?:.), tuxei
lift lntrcit jmld on nrlor mortuiiKe, SKi iitlnr
ney'.i feta imvlilid by Mid niortjciue ud coii
You rc nlio tiotlfliHt Hut there U on llle In the
onion of tho clerk uf Mid Gout! tho emu pcl.
tlouniKlId rntum or I. V. Tulle) k tiimtee,
clutinliiitiiitnltiitlho iilulntlin lilt codo-
fuiiiUiin, tlioforecloimrouf utruii d t i;heu
by Mid tMrollne K,Olurk mul Itmui'K. Clark
lo I.. , TiillvyN Iruitet" to cruro int mem ol
itiuiiuii bona In tlw mini ot i.iui titled fcenl
iNt Uii. tiittivortlnrot CIreiico K. llente.iiiH.n
which Ihert! li dun tho nuiiio of S.iiu,ii) with
liiteroit Htm nr cent from Mun li lit tKti; s.iiii
Unit deed conveyi tor tlm nirNiMi uNite it.ited
llm iroH'ily nlMitedemtlhedi S.tld eiontiell
Hon iilHochiliineMua Kltorneji' fin, inothlcd In
Kild bund uml trmt deecHv'.ui for cttciullim nb.
striu1! of title nml coin nt n,U
You am rwiulriii m niiver mid imiwur vild
iietllliui and ciiiietltloiiouoi bctoui Mondiiy
(lie '.ilth d.iy of May Ixu,
DntiM April 7th Ikm.
My ID cvki'iiriilifc, mid ('moot tlHlr Attyi.
, .1 W.Tl l.l.VHTriHtei.
Ity bin Atty. A. W. llrerknuliiKo.
'iholligli Hrd CljJe-dRlo Htnlllon,
will iiiiike the Hcniou m folbim'K! MiiiubtvH
and TuMtluye nt IiIh owiiorV dtnliUt fniir
nun nnn nnii iiuieM inirt lecint nr Hed I'loml,
UViliieHiliixHiit .1 l I'ocH llsny tnlili
'riiiiriuln) nl ltitlgirn rnueli hit inile
north of HctlCloml.
Frldi)t mid Saturday nt lloltntid
Iioiikii llMry oinble renr of Holliind hoime
Hed Cloud.
Wild Hill W n Klrony-ly ImUt yuuiii:
home, rttlitr hnv. tveltnnl I.m. nml f....l
good lioiin nnd ileiitv of II, muni lUnpotd
uoii, iiuu in in i no i mi uieni u rut l initio
Ho wn nlrwl by tho oclebrnteil Imiiortcd
Knrl. lllu llmt ilimi l,v tmnATt.ul,rl
Hum Who ire. tintli nrlin ultinnra.
'IVriu K t ItiKiiro foul to ntnnd tp nud
mice ouro loni-gctter. vtmtu mmith.
I, W. 1UI.I.K
JTl nmliiliiK hurteou. omcuomMMiio, Vint
KhIIiMihI Itiuik, Kctl Cloud, M'tinutku,
Chronic dlwaieilreHleil hv mull
fij'Swwte ii
pwu ol Ik
Agricultural Depot !
And in'opoEt'H to kpp on linnd nil kinds of
Farm Machinery.
Pckin Plows, corn Plows,
The Dutch Yankee Plow,
Reversible Steel Harrows,
Old Champion Binders & Mowers
The Tublar Smith Wagon,
The Sultan Road carts.
Stalk (Hitters, Etc.
I shall also keep a complete line of machine
oils and machine repairs
1 am located south ot the old butter and egg
store of M, W. Dickcrson on south
Webster street.
Lottery I) It Bioifitii Friliu
til' tiik
State of Zacatecas, Mexico.
A K.Midlnilcdf "tlt.lllstMhiicF'ciired the cuu
ceiiilun fui c t-rrtllUK IhN.
nnd v 111 eteiul Hi IiuiIiu'm lliriuiiilmiit tho
rultedSlutcinnd IlillhhCuluiulilu.
Ilcliiiv will bo fnuud n Hit of tlm rlei which
nlll liodniwnon
MAY 27th, 18UO
At Zacatecas Mexico.
nud continued monthly tticri'ftltcr.
Hio, Olio TlckrUMt ilO; 1llf, i;,
Tvinim tl AnicrliHii CiirrrHiy.
I I'ltlK lit' ..
i t'ttiy.i; ! .,
I IMII.K Ol'...
:i l'ltl.i:iiil'.
-' I'ltlKSOK .
n rui.KSoi'..
10 I'Hl.KStll'.
lo ritiziisiif .
JIM fit I .KS til'.
:iuii citr.i'.s oi'..
uh rnr.r.s or .
StNt.OtiOlH IIMInal
rji.ixi w , , ,,,. , fiii.ioi
lii.noouie..,.. . ;io,io
r.,(iiiiiii iii.i.m
'.Vim urn lo.Mii
I.IKIIItU 111,1411
r.iivro ni.i'ii
vim urn 40,000
IN) mo r.,iMi
Itmuiu . .. . H'.UM
AI'I'UOMMAlltlN I'ltl.KS.
itji ritrKHor jimrc jswim
i.vil'ltr'.rH'iK immv i.vnn
I.VI I'llll'..SOr' , Mum 7'l
U'O 't'ciinliwl I'rlii-H nl., ni urn 4'.M1,vi
CLtIM KATM-tl Tlckrla ISU.(N)
Special JlntcM Arruncd with Aontn.
Ommmmimmmmmmmmmm Ullll I'll) III till'
tilted Ol.lloilllhl llllllill AlllClll'iUI.
Ttio iKDiiiciit id prlei oio Kii.irniibvd by it
nHcliil iIomh ol iie bundled HiuiimiiiI
.VW,ii). with theitiito Kineiiiiucut, uml up.
proud by .loui .VuvIiIku, limcinor
llinw Inn iimler the ivimiiiM Mii-i-nUInn uf
l.lo. Ileiiiilnn Artcnui, wlm li itpimlnieil lv tho
Koiciniueiit in luii'iveiitor.
"I I'KUTII lllill Willi llm vliil.. Ii.,..ill..r t.I I
luivii.ll) cirmidei'i llle ileiHlled. in-uihuj
mu I'ii.iiiii-iii ii nil I'lire. ei inn urtiwini;,
lit iiuimu AiiiKAiiA,liileruiilor."
CcinlttuiiiTs miiitt Im) cither by New York
Dnitt. I.xpienor luvlteieil l cttcr. .iueilriin
iiiouey, otlcetlimi o uUi undo by I pivn
t'ompHlilt'i or ImiiKi. :ltrU,l lent illicit In
miumi: mem Ml Ibopildtiy dmltnui Niuik
Mouiioil, m I'.uil i IiIchkii. Nii.rriitnlirii or
ell) ol Momci). I orluither luforiiiiitioiiiiildieii
ivoiitoctiH, Moxlco.
IU O li III vn un! rr.
ul milttoikm In tti
curvof (loiicrrliiv mid
lllrvl. 1 n-ciltw. nd
feci .ite In iiixMunitnd.
lui It to l rnffrtrt.
t.j.sTOM.K, a.a..
DfCtHr, IH.
holJ y iirunUtv
0. li, COTTIXO, AllKNT.
vn r.w
i..ia vv.fc ir il.
im4.. WMnr'nili..',
IlikUii, k4 tw .i.m,
will. I.T..I .! . .. , !
M1.IVm til lr.l f
ta. lf.lM. )H bH U. .Ma
IVr, Mln l.i v- U.n
..imiu iwm llaux h..M
lr. tFMM ..m... . il
A. Ik. M.lj.k. .M A-W - All lb m &
ftA.V tk.l m li hM 14, ILvm. L. Ur..
NtniM Wm tliipvmiHrt, - if..
'tJL', " i f '""' ..i
?mi -.M wi r w
im aiaa..wi
'..ta, tft
l ,,.,1,1, K
IUMi tav.
ri to u4Tiuv
H naMMin.
BBJ rl..itiW
fVAk. PBW flCk
i 'Jfc HBaL.
' wWuJtv,BBr?!'
V V' r . BBKtt J
t'rf''w p.vt . '9BBM J
Miles T. Hayes
Patent - Collar !
For wilo by J. O. BUTLER fc
Co., Petl Cloud, Buckeye
Harness nhop.
Ail particn dctiroun of
First -Class Hoksks
r,on hat j: 8,
will timl it to their advantage by call
i ig oa
' and iinjrctirii; hit horact before co-
! irartinu forervicc Hueakere.
Stallions will aland for servieee el
Vie livery barn of J, C llolrcatb, ia
i ear of lUtlUml Itousr.
In the city at prices that all can afford to buy
if in want of, anytbi-ig in his line.
Opioito Flmt Nationnl Hank, Hed Cloud.
Bbbw 'lEaVe
lalalaaw. ifHvS).
. C, Holcomij, Proprietor.
First-clas? Turnouts. Everything New, Neat
and clean and in good repair.
Boarding and Feeding Teams at Reasonable Kates, Only
the liest hay and grain used at this stable. Give
him a eall. Gates' Old Stand, Red Cloud,
It. V.SitlRKY, ren. IlKNttY C!.AitKKlVicc!,K0. J no. R. iSninr.r, Cashloi
HoVAni II. Catiiek, Aasistant Cafihior
Red Cloud, Nebraska. ' -
CAPITAL, - $75,000
Trannact a general banking busineaa, buy and soil county warrants, aide
county, precinct and Mchoot dintrict bonds. Buy and ocll forciga exchange
Jas. McNcny. ,T. A.TullcyH,
uonii n. oniroy.
Henry Clarke,
Rkstaurant and Lunch Rooms.
Oysters and Ice Cream in Season.
Meals & Lunches
We make fresh everyday Ladyflngere, Jelly Rolls, Dough
nute, Cookies, Bread, Cakes, Pies Bens, Etc.
Boarding and lodging by day or week.
JOS; Herburgeb, Prop,
HiYu lixndnof all kind to Ml nrtrnde lor atock or mortgage note. Town
property to nell or trade.
Farm Loans made quick and easy
Office ovci McFarland's store.
IP 1 IB 1
Lower than any yard in the world
City Ltvery, Feed and Sale Stable
McAVOY & KEUHN. Proos.
First-class Rigs
Boarding by day or week, good hay and feed
for teams. Come and see us,
S. M.
Watches, Clocks and Jewelry.
Fitting Spectacle and repairing a spccialt)W
George Watsons old
v stand where we make a
specialty of educating
young horses for track
orroad. Call and see (is.
BROS. Prop.
O. W. Linrleey."s It. V. 8hlreyJ
n. '. lllghUnd.
A. .1. Kcnnoy.
and Good Teams.