. ' f ,ftrV" A ' 'Si Brs p t tSL W""- . ! j V. ,VJV n &? Au VI THE RED CIX)UD CHIEF. A. O. HOSMIft, Fulsrlari-. RED CLOUD, .... NEIIRASKA. CURRENT COMMENT. Imrt Held mini with gunnera bare Mat from Germany to zaiuuoar. It to reported that Prince Bismarck smmplalas that he haa beea latrlgued BacAVss of tho embculemeat by the TreaaHrer of the Canton of Tlclno,8wlts viand, all tho Cantonal Ministers hate mlgaed. Mr. William O'Hrikk, the Irish Ma ttoaallat, denies tho report that he la aagaged to be married to Mile. Raffalo Itch, the daughter of a Parisian laan ler. Tin House Committee on Judiciary has ordered Representative Culberson, ef Texas, to report favorably aad with out amendment the Senate bill to pro klblt trusts. Jouk R CowtiRW, said to be the oldest Odd Fellow In the country, died recent ly at Amesbury, Mass., aged eighty-two years. He Joined the ordor in Phlladel phia in 1881. Tmc new fumigating steamer, Louie Paatour, built for the United State ma rine hospital service, ban Iff t Phlladcl phla for tho Delaware breakwater under command of Dr. Orr. This House committee appointed toil investigate charges made against United States marshals in various Southern Statoa met in Washington on the U3d to begin their investigation. Tun leaders of tho Rhenish and West hallan miners In Germany havo adopt ed resolutions denouncing socialism and favoring the formation of a union on a Christian and patrlotlo basis. The commission to select a site for the new post-office in Han Francisco mot recently to consider bids, but not a Ingle bid was rrcolvod, although the amount appropriated for a slto Is 8800,- oa Ik the IlrltUh House of Commons, dur ing a discussion on the labor quostlon, Mr. Bradlaugh made an attack upon Mr. Graham, tho agitator, accusing him ef having Incited the laboring classes to etrlke. Joiiir M. Diiknnam was elected Repro aentative.ln the supplemental election at Providence, R, L This did not change the status In the Legislature, which waa already controlled by tho Democrats. Tmk Reading Railroad Company's fur aaeo at Temple, near Reading, Pa., ban resumed after seven yean' Idleness. It la one of the company's best furnaces. A majority of the company's furnaces re now In operation. Tun executive committee of the Louisville Jockey Club has suspended fitoval, Flnnegan and Ray, tho Jockeys against whom complaint have been made for signing contract! with two or mere stables for next season. The House Commltteo on Commerce has considered the request of tho com mercial travelers that combined railway eystems be authorised to Issue mileage tloketa, The matter was referred to a Mb-oommittee for future consideration. It seems to be the opinion of the cow JlmW that railroads already have the Mthorlly fcP f rant mileage tickets over ther roads. John DnAnxsi, of Pennsylvania, an Austrian detective, ia scouring the coal regions in search of a man named Uorg Zapolskl, for whose apprehension 1,000 marks will be paid. He Is 'wanted at Varano, Austria, on tho charge of mur dering a wealthy German namod Thud, kU wife, two daughters and two scr--vaaU. He escaped to Constantinople and thence to Liverpool, where he took passage for the United States. Tint Senate Comm1. tee on Indian Af fairs haa favorably reported Vest's bill to provide for the compulsory education f Indian children. The bill makes It the duty of the (Secretary of the Interior to establish an Industrial boarding achool la every Indian reservation where the population of adulta exceeds BOO. The provisions pf the bill docs not apply w urn nve civitura tribe nor to the "go Indians of the Indian Tnitory. UNITED STATES MAMMAL WaLKKK eye that the people of Oklahoma are, la view of the absence of municipal law, the moat orderly and well behaved people he ever aaw. lie waa in Okla homa City lust before Captala Couch ailed, and by his order Adams, hla stayer, waa quietly placed upon the train by three or four of hla deputies aad token to Wlohlto. He aaya Adams would have been lyaoked within two hours after Couch's death It he had aot been token exit ef the way, ,'A Conic clerk, who was an employe ef Bmla Pasha while Fmt .. .. Wadelal, has made a sworn deposition before Mason Hey at Cairo that tho re volt of Emln'a forcea waa solely dun to the discovery of Kmln's plana to surren der hla province to the Mahdt. Kroln, according to the clerk'a statement, sent three messengers to the Mahdt offering to aurrender, but they were seised und topped by Kmln's officers. The revolt followed thla discovery. Mason cob alders the statement credible. Mae. Noma Dtao, wife of a hotel keeper at Itobertsdete, near Hunting, ion, W. Va., recently eloped with a ewly-arrlved hoarder named Kmll S. Chareler, a Hungarian, taking her three little children aad MTO of her husband's n aieaey. At Mount Union the husband f verwa.tae aeeiag couple and do. 4 Made the retura of hla money. Ho .!' .toadered 9M of the money la eon- l VI araUoa'tf his wlfe'a liberty, which ho 3'--immi.'VU the elopers and children iir .-. vev .. ... m - .. took a train for the West NEWS OF THE WEEK. CHmm By TltTpM Mail OOKO Amu the oispoiltloa ot tootle business la th annate on th list tanstor Reagan In traduced a hill to rspeal all laws for In re tlrement of army snd nsvy officers from srthre service on psjr. nsr I'lnmti In trodnced a concurrent resolulten directing the Rectetary of Ilia Irwssary to Ineresse the tressury purchase and rolnsfe of silver to ths mulmum amount authorlsod by Isw. The fteasta then took up b llous World's rslr bill which was delisted st laaath, amtaded and psaied by a vote of ss to II. Ad)ournwl,...In the House Mr. Horsey (Nab.) iMrodiiCftd a bill for the coins; of silver to the maximum llowrdtiy Isw. A bill psMed nrnvlrtlnn that soldiers who lost their llrabs durlna tho wsr hull be entitled to recolv sn aetlflclsl limb very three yesrs. The bill to pension ex prisoner or wr ws eslled up whrn Mr. Tarsney (Mo.), who hsd ben a prisoner of war, vigorously opposed the bill. 1 ho mo tion to sespand the ruls snd pass the bill failed and tho House adjourned. Amen dUpoiltiK of unimportant rontlna business In the Hensto on the atd Hrnstor Plumb's renolutlon for the IncrrMo of tho trosmiry purchase and eolnsRa of silver ws prronleil and Henstor KimtU offered sn ail. dltlon to lthst the free colnsaof silver Is essentlsl to a sound financial poller, snd sll laws limiting Its coinage oiisht be rn SesleiL The subjoct went over snd Senator lltchell addressed the eansta In favor of hi proposition for the election of United Htstes Senators by the naonla. Tho Hlstrlct of Co- Inmbls Approprlstlon bill wss psssnd and the Honata adjourned. ...In the llouae the Ways snd Means ommlttre presented a bill for lbs classlicstlon of worated elotba a woolen. The Henste smendments to tho World's rslr bill were concurred In. Tba Legislative Approprlstlon bill was thaneue. sldrred In Committee of the Whole until ad journment. In tba Senate on tba Md a concurrent r-so lutloa was adopted rtqutst'ng th I'rattdenl to enter Into negotiations with Mexico In re. latlon to tha Irrigation of arid lands In the vallayof the Hlo Grande. The eoafnrenca report on tba Oklahoma Territory bill ws greed to. After passing several bills of a local or private character the Land rorfaltura bill wss taken up snd hecsme "unfinished business" and th Henste sdjourned ...Boo after sasemtillng the iloua we.t IntoL'ommltteaof theWboln on the lglslstlvn Appropriation bill and the debate that followed hsd but little refer enee to the bill under consideration. Ad journed. IN the fteaate on the 71th Nona tor Hoar, from the tClectlons Committee, reported a bill to supplement the election Isw of tho United Hiatus, which was plseed on tho eslendsr. rnator I'ugh, In behalf of the minority, dlsaented from th bill In nme vigorous remarka. The bill to tianafer tho revenue cutler eervlce from th Treniury Department to the Navy Department was considered at soma length. The Land Grant bill waa than considered until adjournment... .toon after assembling the llouae went IntoCommltteeof the Whole on th Legislative Appropriation bill. I he elauae In the bill making appropriation for IheClvll-HervloeCoiriMiiaalonelleltedasplcy debate In which theCommlialnn and the la were severely sttscked, and ponding debate on the motion to strike out the appropria tion for the Clvll-Mervlce Commission the llouae adjourned. Hoon after meeting on the 1Mb the Penate took up and pauod the llouae Joint resn'u. tlon appropriating flM,oi)0 to bo mod by the Hecretary of War for the relief of auffercra by the MlaalMlppI flood. Tho Hallroad Mint Forfeiture bill waa then further dnbsted st length. Kuloglea were then delivered upon the lata Kepreavutatlva Gay. of Louisiana, and the Senat adjourned. ...In the llnua a nelltlon wss presented from I'hlsdelpbla business men ssklng the aid of Congress In the promotion of the building of Ameri can ships to Irsde with foreign ports, snd slo one front aierchsnts of New York ask ing forth classification of worsted goodr ai woolens. Mr. Cannon (III ),from th Appro ptlstlons Committee, reported Joint reso lution appropriating 115 ,f 0 for the sufferers by the MTis'SalppI flood, which was lmm. dlslely adopted. The lloixe then furlhrr considered the I.eglalatlve Approprlatlnw bill, Pension bills were consldsted st tee evening session. rsUtNONAI, AND POLITICAL. CArTAlN W. Ij. Count, the Oklahoma chief, died of the wound received in the knee some time alnce whllo ongaged In disputing with a man named Adams over tho possession of a lot noar Okla homa City. Tmk London Dally News believes that the members of the Parnelllte party were totally unaware of Parnell'a land scheme until they heard It announced by htm In the House. Many of Par noil's fol!owora,and particularly Michael Pavltt, are said to heartily disapprove tho plan. Grnrhai. Ilsnif ANttKi, of Mexlce, haa administered a severe defeat to the hostile Yaqul Indiana The Pope I aaid to be Incensed at the Archbishop of Naples aad will have him suspended. It waa rumored that disputes had arlaea la tho French Senate and It waa feared that a collapa of tho Ministry waa not far off. Kmpkkoii William waa cordially re ceived on hi recent visit to Htrasburg. It is uadnrstood'that President Har mon haa determined to appoint exCoa gtvsaman Georgo W. Steele, of ladlana, first Governor of Oklahoma. Tmk President signed the World' Fair bill on tho ttth. P.min Pamiia'h expedition left Zanil bar for tho Interior on the 34th. Ht-.iin Sciiiitki, a Socialist member of tho Herman Reichstag, haa been eon tenced to ntno months' Imprisonment for attacking the Govcrnmont'a labor movement. MINCKtXANaXHa. A cossTHticrioN train on the Alabama Midland railway waa wrecked eighteen tulles south of Montgomery, Ala., re cently. Tea mea were injured, four fatally. TltR little town of ICyU. twt miles south ef Austin. Ti.. kulMM visited by a tornado, No Uvea were loaf. Ftvn Chicago f remea were injured re cently by a fall lag fleer at a Ire at Padgely' Ralooa, 34ft Illinois street Wauxkh's five-story block. 73 to Tt South street, Rochester. N. Y., waa burned recently. Loss, about sWoo.OW. tlronon W. Hamcocr has been aen tenced at Salt Lake City. Utah, to tea year' Imprisonment for killing a nsaa thlrtyt v. o years ego. It waa a Mormoa Church murder. A siosoroLY ia axea haa been perfect ed by the formation of the American Axe A. Tool Company with a capital at 4,000,000. lltlLXllAT. th MleklMja anurdam tai highwayman, waa reported attompUag to starve himself to death. Tub oil Knarry of Mr W. A. Roea A Co., London, waa destroyed by Ire re cently. 1am, aao,e. SAN FMAkTlMCit 1cttrliBi.t m aamatt J shock of earthquake oa the 34th. A Han Avml'htinr, Tec, dispatch re cently stated that Sim larrett and Jerry Teel were lynched for attempting to poison CoWnel John H. Itrooka. For want of eemothing bettor the mob hanged the men oa meat hooka at the butcher shop. J ark Annum was btrrncd to death in her home at llellevlllo, OnL, the other night. Her husband wae also turned, probably fasjally. Foil tlirco 'days continuous rain fell all ovor Toga. River and bayoa were out of their banks. Ilrldges were swept away and traveler delayod. AH stock In tho lowlands and canohrakevt were drowned, hut no loss of llfo wss reported. IhmiNO a fire at tho Unlrom Silk Manufacttirfang Company' work at Cat aaaqtia, Pa., an explosion of vitriol took place. Five men wore killed ! many shockingly injured. Tiik strlkn at Mean' shee factory, Ilrocton, Mutt., Iiiih ended da a com prutnlMO. Tiir. employe f Hum' shoe factory, Lynn, Ma., have all struck lor Itotter wage. Thkiih wss an antl-Hnmltlo riot at Malta, forty-three mile southwest of Cracow, Austria, recently. Many Jewish simps worn sacked. Kloven of tho mob worn killed by troop and many Injured. Tiik comb factory at Shelton, Conn., and tlirco adjoining tonoment have been destroyi-d by fire and Mr. Sllcu lost her llfo. The Vm was rK),0O0. FlVK sinter named Domlvnroff.com mltted suicide together at Moscow, Rus sia, the other day. The young wosnoa were Nihilist and feared arrest. An explosion of dynamite occurred In the drug Htoro of II. IL Doano, at I Ma van, Wis., recently. Doanw and anotfcur man perished. Cominkl 11. IIkiiiit, a largo cattta owner of Southwest Nw Mexico, haa dld from hydrophobia, tho offecta of a bito from a rabid coyote. PouTUOt'KHRBtSL Vincent am charged with refusing aid to shipwrecked llrltlsh HL'UUWn. Smiiktaiiv WiMtoM haa ordered the return to China of nlnutecn Chinamen now in custody In Washington State. lliiHiMKM failure (Dun's report) for tho seven daya nnded April iM ntitn burod 111, compared with V!I4 tho previous week and 'J III tho correspond ItifT week of last year. ('AfiAiN SriiMiT,' a RusNlan ofllrnr, who sold hi toriH'do pluns to tho tier ntuiis (or 91,000, ha been onlorod to Im Hhot. .Iajiks Fai.lon, a pttglllHt, wuh kleled In a glove light with nnolher pttglllHt named John Murray at tho Hay Statu Athtotlo Club rooms, Huston, tho other night. CoMtXKi, K. W. Davis, first deputy sheriff of Knwx County, N. .!., I miss ing and It I Htatod that hi account am short over 110,000. ' Jay (iout.u I ald to have obtained control of tho Mexican Central. Tiik Rock Island ha arranged for terminal facilities at Denver, Col. Cnxoiu: ba voted ir,0,000 for tho ntlluf of the flood victim of the Lower MlMNlSKlppi, FlitK ut Duluth, Minn., dentroyed 8,000,000 feet of lumber belonging to Payne & Co., at North Pacific. Junction. Tho loss wan estimated at 9100,000s In Burcd for ?;'o,ooo. Twi:i.vk lumrmen whllo crossing the rapid n on Otter river, Mich., In a canon worn caplzod. Ten wnched tho shore, but Charles Sebault and Loul Lccomtrcs wort drowned. Ax KnglUh syndicate has Imught tho Wentorn railway of tho Argentino Re public for 941,000.000. This give tho tioverniiient somo cush. Tiik big bucket hop of tho Dornn Wrlght Comany, New York, ha sua ponded. ADD1TIUNAX DiaPATCMMa. Tamaiiack shaft at the Red Jacket mine. Maniuntto, Mich., waa destroyed by flro reotntly. Two men lost their Uvea and another was seriously burned. A tohx atm and rainstorm passed near Memphis, Tenn., recently. Several house went blown down. TittiRK firemen wero Injured by fall Ing walla in a Jooo flro In the Hochea tor (N. Y.) Wheel Company's works. Thk people of Fulton County, HI., are wildly excited because of tho ravage of alleged mad dog. Many animal have been killed. Tiik King of Dahomey complain of the French attacking him without da clarlng war. Ho says ho will hold the rrcuch merchants in bis power aa hostages. IIOLT.AKD threatens to increaso the duties on American petroleum In retalia tion for the American Increaso on raw tobacco. Tiik World'a Prisons Congresa will open at St. Petersburg Juno IS. The Prlnco of Oldenburg will preside and .100 dclegatea will bo present, reprctent Ing twenty-five Nation. A municipal banquet, excursions, fotes, etc., tiro be ing arranged. Ci.KAtiixi house returns for tho week ended April 'M showed an averagt In crease of 14.3 compared with tho cor responding week of last year. In New York the Increase was S.tf. Tiik noticeable featun In the London money market during the week ended April 'M was the advance In silver. The price rose H cents ptr ouuo. Stocks were firm and advancing. Affair were unsettled on tho llorlin llourtuv At larls and Frankfort money matter were quiet. Tito Havana sugar market was firm. Tiik Senate on thoieth paed the hill for the purchase of a portloa of the Sioux reservation in Dakota. Tho House got through the. comniltttv stage of tho Legislative Appropriation bill. A dreary tltno then followed to obtain a quorum, which wan Anally counted and the previous question ordered. Tiik Provisional Government of ltrai.ll has ordered exemplary prostn:utton of all persons dlsemlnattrg alleged false In formation calculated to bring tho Gov ernment Into dlsrepttto. Tin: municipal elections In Parlaon the 'JTth iasetl off quietly. In the suburb the police destroyed a number of OrleanUt and IktulangUt plscarxl. TMatut wvrv thirty-one feet of water (a the Red river at Arthar City, Tex., oa tho Tia and It wa still rising rapid, ly. The bottom were overflowed aad the cropt were destroyed. NEBRASKA STATE NEWS. Tub troop at Fort Robinson were re cently ordeaad to be ready to take the field at a moment's notice to intercept the Cheyenne Indiana who meditated loavlng Plae Ridge agency, without permlsskm, to consult with their own Indiana la regard to land. It waa feared the old Indians could not restrain the ?oung buck en route. Chief Tangled fair aad forty-four Indian veero re cently at the Fort and reported them selves In a starving condition. The commanding officer ordered ratlona for them and they wore sent back to the agency. Tiik young Charlton woman who was reported aa having been beaten to death by her brothers near Silver Creek, It ap pear from tho ovldonce before tho cor onor's Jury, committed suloldo by taking poison, which oleara the boys of all sus picion. Tiik commissioner of Cedar Cpaaty havo allowed William Sullivan f58, cost and attorney's fees in tho cele brated Cedar County road case. Tho amount Involved was tho possession of three-quarters of an aero of land, !4 damage to trees nnd 910 a damage to a fence. Suit was commenced in iHH'i for trospasn, a road supervisor having torn down a fence, which ho claimed was an obstruction to a highway. Tho coLs amounted to KJ. Tho parties have expended 91,20 exclusive of their tlmo. Tiikrr ha never boon a brighter pros pect for tho grain crop In tho history of Wayno County than there In thl year. The lato snow and the flno rains havo placed tho soil in excellent condi tion. IlAnnY Mii.i.h and Lew llransnn, of Oothenburg, nearlr lost their lives whllo recently on a Sunday duck hunt ing expedition on the I'lrttto. They bad gonn out on a snnd bar to tho middle of the stream whon tho river rose sudden ly, Nwoeplng them into water over tholr beads. It wa only after a nevcro strug gle that they reached tho hore. Tiik school of th Stnte generally ohtervctl Arbor ilny. Many tree wero planted. Fun: the other night destroyed thn residence nnd entire household furnl titroof Funner Done, living two utile Nottth of Crelghton. Insurance small. Tiik new city administration -of Ne braska City has started out vigorously to enforce tho Slocumh luvv. A iiaii.v belonging to Dennl Fenton, a farmer living near Utterly , wa struck by lightning and burned thn other night. Six head of horses, set of harness, n net of carpenter' tool and about 1,700 bushel of grain were lost. Insurance, 9400. Fkkii Isaac, a bachelor farmer living nine tulle northwest of Liberty, wa recently kicked by a horse and died a few day Inter. Tiik Nebraska Fish Commission's e.ir passed through Fremont the other day loaded with young trout from tho South Hend hatcheries for North Nebraska streams between Fremont and Chadrott. Wti.t.iAM Nkk, a bridge-builder on the Hurllngton & Missouri river road, wa shot und Instantly killed at Crawford the other ntcnlng. Timothy Spring wa charged with tho shooting und I under arrest. Tho uiurderei man emtio front Wisconsin. Imiyh recently playlngunder theAnlon Pacltlo depot at Papllllon found a mall sack which they delivered to the post master, whet broke the staple and found that It hud been thrown off thv night fast mull on Juno'Jj, ISSO. When thrown tho motion of the train probably carried It under the platform and thn agent not ncclng It thought they had forgotten to throw It tiff. It contained no very valu able mall, mostly papers. Wiiilk J. K. Well, of Alexandria, was recently hauling hay a part of the hay rack settled upon a wheel and the fric tion ignited tho load, completely de stroying IL Mr. Wells had hard work to savo the horse. It I expected that the Short Line will lie completed to O'Neill by June IS. Tiik tlrand Army post at Ilurnett will give a picnic July 4, to which all their friends in Madison, Antelope and ad joining counties have been invited. Wiiii.k John Juker was plowing on his farm near llerwyn, Custer Couty, the other day, ho unearthed the akvietons of three grown person, a child and tho kull of a dog. About a mile and a half from the field there la every indication of an old battlefield. Tiir county commissioner of Mc pherson County have requested all cltl tens of thn county to turn out and help build a court house at the recently se lected county seaL Tiik store of James Myers, at Odell, ha ticon closed under mortgage amount ing to 91H.000. A Oh AN it Aiimy post will bo formed at llayard soon. Thk Ca County fair will beheld Sep tember It to 18. Rkcrxtly b mad dog wa killed at Odell after having bitten a horse and a number of other dog. Mu. Okokok Talhot, a widow fifty years old, recently committed suicide near Nebraska City by hanging berelf. She left a note stating that she was tired of living. Two boy named llruwn and McMul len, while lately herding cattle near Sheldon, ate what they supposed aere artichokes, but which proved to be something of a poisonous nature, result Ing In the death of Hnittn. McMullen received medical assistance and recov ered. Tut: contractor who 111 construct the II. A M. bolt line around the city of tlrand Island have begun work. John Sa.drhson waa shot the other afternoon by 11. McOwea, about two tulles south of Hrokea How, while at tempting to take boss stock under chattel mortgage. McOwea wanted Sanderson not to take the stock, and when he persisted aaot him with a pis tol, the ball taking effect under the left shoulder. Thk body of a woman waa found th other day oa the river beak about eight miles from Dakota City. Tho body had aot beca Ideatiled, but It was supaa4 to be the body of Mra. William Ulcka, who eemsaitted suicide last wlater.by Jump lac la aa air hel la tae rlvat aaeve Jack siBEADY TO STRIKE. CTWoaajo PavskUHr Hmm aaadoyaaj Bxpactaat. MvtkM aad DemonatratlMU la Kw Kagtaad -l'nlt-4 Mateo Ksbtps KniBlayM Aa rapt a Krrftx-tlm-Mora Cra- Urs Orttlag ravarlsk. Chicack, April 2.-One 'thousand packing houso men by a unanimous vote deeded to go out on a strike Thursday unless their request for an eight-hour day should bo compiled with. Tho announcement of tho volo wa fol lowed by deafening cheer. Tho first speaker, John McCullmign, laid that tho packers owned tho labor or, liody and aoul,.8lnce the last strike and that now, when an effort wa being matin to shake off tho colls that bound them, they should tnko advantage of tho opportunity and embrace it quickly. President O'Nell In an Interview ufter the, meeting said tho men hod an or- jcuMiuiuuii ui ,uvu memrier and wero being backed by tho Chicago Personal Right League nnd tho Federation of Liibor. March I they had sent a letter toouiry packer at tho yards asking that a eommlttee bo appointed tu confer with a llko committee from tho union to dis cus tho eight hour day move. Only two howaea responded. All effort made by Congressman Lawler met with no better result Ho had not yet despaired of a hearing and wa atlll endeavoring to arrange one. In any event, Wednesday tho packer would be nerved with a demand for thn dght-hour day and an Increase of -Ji' cent an hour which would lenvo a day' wage less than at present Thursday a strlko would ensue In ull house not making the concession. Kmployrnent ho said, had been very unsteady, there lteing cases where the men did not ob tain sewn month In tho year, tint averaging but S4 a week. President O'Nell nserted that the man who held tlto key to tho situation wa Philip I). Armour. Tho wicker. Including Mr. Armour, argued that un der tho eight hour system they could not compete with Kansas City. Armour, ho contended, did not have to compete with Kansas City, for at that place he hud a virtual monopoly. tiik nkw i:.(ii.a'm STItlKr. Ilooru.v, April 'JN. Tho Cilobe pub lishes an urtleln showing the. Muta tion In New F.nglnmi regarding this labor demonstration to uko plaen May 1. It say that lloston and Worcester will 1m the main battlo ground for this State, in Itoth of which tho contest will bo for a workday of eight hour. The grcuter part of the il.OOO carpenter em ployed In lloston will strlko for eight hour, but they make no demand for tin increase in the nlno hour rato of wage. They bellnvo that a decrease In hour will cause an Increase In wages ac cording to tho law of supply and de mand. The cartonter aro ho well or ganized ull through New England and oven tho Canadian province that there 1 little fear of outalde carpenter com ing hero to take their place. It U said that in Worcester the palntesjatrAimtt er and slater will ask for nlno hour. Not-cross Itro. and Darling Hro. have announced that they will adopt nine hour for May 1 for carpenter and their mill hand and other Indoor workmen. In nine other eltlo in thl Stnte thr carpenter demand a working day o. ntno hour. In several cities tho plumb ers, bricklayers and mason will demand nlno hours. The quarrymen and grnnlte cutters In Qulncy wilt probably strike, a tho boss es, while willing to grant the nlno hout system, will not agree to tho price pet hour demanded by tint workmen. Strlkei an expected among tho granite cutter in Westerly, R. L; Concord, N. II. , and llallowell, Me. The mechanics at Portsmouth, N. 1 1., and tho carpenter at Portland and LewlstoB. Me., demand nine hour. WILL ACT KIT A ItCltUCTIOX. Chicago, April 3, All idea of a strike by the employes of the United Express Company has been Anally banished. The men met and by unanimous vote decided to accept, for tho present at least, the now reduced acalo of wage announced by tho company to take ef feet May 1. Thl determination waa the result of a thorough dismission ot Vice-President Crosby's communica tion In answer to tho employes' committee that waited upon him April '.'3, In this ho said that tho re duction in salaries wa absolutely neces sary and that the exigencies of the com pany could 19 met In no other way. Cn restrained competition of express com panies necessitated unprofitable con tract with railroad and tho employes had lwen paid regularly when thn stock holders had received nothing. A pledge was given that when tho condition of the com pany would warrant It the sala ries would be restored. llkTUOIT CARrKXTKH MAY STIttKK. IhrrnotT, Mich., April W. Committees from the Ilultdera' Exchange, and tho Ilrotherhood, of Carpenters and Joiner met to consult on the demands ot the carpenter for thirty cent an hoar and eight hour a day. The builder agreed to Increase the wages, but declined to shorten hour. This did not satisfy the carpenters and the conference ended without result Itoth sides seemed de termined. rHUJkliKU'HIA CAUI'KTf ER MAT STRIKE. pHiUMtKLrMU, April 2 A turning of carpenter' delegation Saturday night, representing over halt the car penters of the city, decided to support the demand for 33 cents per hour and eight hour a day. A lstaia Ksbmsb BteBSjevy. Montreal. Can., April 37. The ce of Walton, the express mceagr who stoto as, one from the Pacific Company and was arrested at St Joha, N. K., with part of the stolon money In his jxkeon. has now acqulml new Interest by the arrest of Frank lirady and Aggie Ashton and Leard, a gambler, who accumpanled them. They arrived from Hot Spring, Ark., aad were at onra Ukra iato custody. Brady Is the maa who waa paid . by Waltoa for helping him ve eeraae aad the other member of the party are suepoard to have l Im plicated la making away with the bUnc ef the money, watoa waa never leaad. FIGURES FURNISHED. asattataea Cears4a Impart. Kifwrta aad) ISBBstgratlo. WAsmxfjTOX, April aft, The monthly statement of the bureau of statistics for tho month of March ha been Issued by 8. J. Hrock, the chief of the bureau. It also gives tho balance of export and Import for tho period of three, nlna and twelve month ending, with Marck 31, and furnishes some Interesting fscta. and figures. Our foreign trado for tho month of March show a balanco In oar favor of .4.W,usd, this lteing tho excesa of our exports .of merchandise over our Import. The total export trado for March wa 872,0?,4M, wherea tho last year's March export wero oO,i2o,W4, and tho excess of exports over Import was c, io,wju. i no result ot the favor able business of March shows a contin ued Increase, and the margin in favor of tho present fiscal year la further en larged. The leading article of export con- slHtl.,1 llf Jit! -1) 1...1.... .. ....... .1. .-..-. .,. i.wa. n ut ,'UfckUII, WUrill. ife-'l.lttl.riTi I3.(l,t!iw bushel of corn. worth r. 'M1.4I.V i .! r-i-i 1.....1...1.. .. . wheat, worth W.'.i:w.P:iO:l,I.M,'Jt:harr'h 01 notir, worth w,:nit,'js; other bread stuffs alsittt 51,000,000; cuttle, hog and dairy product to the amount of S10,M 3.t. The balancn of tho exports Is tnado up of various other product manufact ured and unmanufactured. It will bo seen that about two-thirds of our ex ports for thn month of Mind -.ni ,. cotton, corn, wheat and wheat flour, and other breadstuff and meat product. Our export for three months ending" with March 31 amounted to 9-JtM9r),43" and exceeded our imports to tho amount of 9J4,rW,7l8. The excess for tho cor responding period of ljst year waa W,. OSI.Jttl, and the export for nine month ending with March SI worn S)lM3.71S,t.V), and tint Import were 9571,017,084, giv ing us an execs of export of lll.tWl, Wi, while tho export for thn oorrc sHndlng nine month of last year wero f.VcMr(f,Hn:iand tho Imports were 9.-.40,-3i'J,W. showing an excess of export of only $.n:t.5l8,uo3. This show a most favorable result la a gain of tho excess of exstrt over Im port during the lust nlno mouth over tho excess of thy corresponding period of last year of S78,3.',3,otl.l. These are tho result of the throe-quarter of thr present fiscal year und Indicate a very healthy and most favorable condition of trade when tint balnnco I In our favor of nearly 91 PJ.OOO.OOO. During the month of March tho immi gration to this country has been !I5,7.V), a compared with Uli.tnet for tho month of March, lHSti. During the nlnemontha th Immigration ha U-en 'J.V4,40:i, a compared with 'J.V.,707 for tho corre sponding period of last year. KANSAS PRECAUTIONS. Whet th Llva-Ntork Mattery Heart! Iro poaea la th Way of guarantiee. Toi'ska, Kan., April !M. Thn Kansas Live-Stock Sanitary Commission, which ha liven In session here for tho purpose of framing more stringent rule and regulation than have heretofore been In force, ha agreed upon an order tin un- 1 der which cattle fron 'Ate K.storn Stati must lt hold nlnct"nay at Kun City at the expense of thn owner, and until they shall receive a bill of health signed by tho State Veterinarian of Kansas. This applies to all cattlo shipped Into Kaunas from that portion of Xew York lying south of the north line of Connecticut all of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, IMs trlct of Columbia, Vliginla, West Vir ginia and the Dominion of Canada. Cattle from other district may enter tho State proidcd tho shipper SMtrsfie the inspector that they, are healthy and have not been exposed toanycontagloua or infectious disease. All cattle coming Into tho State from or through the Kan sas City stock yards must havo a penult from thn State inspector. Cattle from, the south line of Kaasas that havo been kept since December I west of tho eaat line of the Indian Territory, and north, of the 30th parallel or the north lati tude, or west of the 21 at meridlae, of longitude west from Washington and north of the 84th parallel of north lati tude, may be admitted to the Stoto upon proof of health by affidavit of disinter ested parties. The penalty for the vio lation of these rules Is not less than 910 nor more than 93,00. ISMAROK ON SOCIALISM. II May Tet Caesa Tmabla la Uartaaay-Xo. rr at May llay. Loxnn, April 3l. The Herald pub lishes the report of an Interview had by one of It representative with Prince ltlsmarck. Tho ex-Cltancellor aald ho would not if It wero in his power, In terfere with tho workingmen In any way on May day, nor would ho dis play any anxiety, which only increase, the aggressiveness of thn agitator. Socialism, ho said, would yet cause. trouble In ficrntany, and tho man who would yield to that element to prevent a manifestation was a coward. It wa. sometimes an act of benevolence to shed the blood of the riotous In defense of the law-abiding. May day waa aot a. dangerous enemy, and the naming of it. for aa assault ought not to be dreaded. It would only bo a sham fight like tho battles of tho Salvation army. Washixotvix, April .Tbere are nineteen Chinamen now In custody In. tho State of Washlngtcn who came iato the country In violation of the Chinese Exclusion act It is supposed that they camo acruss the HrltUh border, but Sec retary Wlndoea has decided to aeadf them back to China direct aad at 1 rigwt With a Barglar. CiHLuroniK, Ma, April aa. At PaV tontburg, Davie County, a burglar wee had broken into the store ot T. C Uraa ley JkCo. wa confronted by TUtoa rfcr-es-ley, who sleep la the store, aad whe opened Are on him but missed klm. Th two then grappled and in the struggle Iteaaley received a shot ia the left wrist whea the burglar made far the deer, reechlag which he fired agala hutmlssrd his mark, ttaaaley fln4 agate aad thea pursued hU maa takt the street aad gava him a last shot a he dlsepfvared, bat it t aot t.uf nt he hit him. There U a clew to the Braadjrsi'sWVBti.y. 4 ix i , " "t I'.IY j , . PXpW.. V. A 9 F TA ii