The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 25, 1890, Image 7

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    v V Wfi
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TkrHralhrr Ha KrUnlr.l lirnrral Trait
-litiluttrlal Outlook l.r.a Kaorallr.
Sr.w Yoiik, April Hi. IlriUtr't
State of Trade, published to-day, will
Ray: Spec al rojKtrt show only a tm-d-era
to movement In general merchandise
at Philadelphia, Now York, ltton and
New Orleans. At St. IaiuI. cold, stormy
weather, with res, iltlng heavy ro.vU.iya
in trlbuury region, have re'tarded the
general trade, and even at I'hlcago ad
verso weather Influence have had the of.
feet on several linen, notably millinery
and clothing. There have been s.ight
trains at Memphis, St. Paul and Omaha,
but at ( inclnnatl and Kansas City tho
alluntlon remaliiH practically " un
changed. TholndiiHtrlal outlook Is less
' farorable. For the seventeen d-iys of
April there were TO slrlke. J5,.M3 s'tru
era and 10,000 employe Idle In oim
quenco reported, us compared with
t strikes and IJ.l'.iJ striker for
the whole of April, 1'.. The
now blockade on the IVltle road In
February decreased net earning. The
train in net on 100 road during that
month was only A per cent-, a against
l. Jht cent. In January over last year,
lor the llrst time In some months the
coal road group showed a gain In net
over the preceding year. Tor two
month the net earning show a gain of percent, over lM for a like period.
There Is no change in the generally
unfavorable position of the Iron
and steel market Judged from the point
of view of tho maker. Steel rails are
Ml cents lower per ton ami nails very
unsettled a to price. HH)rt of wljeut
(and flour a wheal) from both coast In
the United State thl week i(iial2, 1-M,-4J
bushels, ugatnst 1,4 111. W7 bushel In
the like week of lsU. Cv-Hirti from
July 1 to date equal S440.00 against
7I,CW,1'.,0 bushels in the like portion
of lS-si-Mi. The stocks of wheat at
nearly l.OOO points accumulation east
of the Ilocky liuitmta in decreastd
1.2S11.M.1 bushel last week, at
which rate for the next fortnight the
Mocks available on May 1 promise to m
slightly In excess of those held a year
ago. Dry goisls am in better distri
bution at retail anil there 1 some slight
tfaln In the reorder demand. I'rlcoconoos.
slons are still a feature. Acents report
bettor demand for fall dress gols and
Homo gain In the West and South.
Krnturky latfTrooi llnvr a lUttlr With
a llatiit ! ltrirrailia.
I.oi'lfiVM.t.K, Ky April I'.i. A special
from Harlan Court House, say:
A deadly tlirht occurred yesterday
morning at Iv.'o o'clock, seven tiin m.let
east of here, upiuthe Itlack mountains
between a detail of the State troops,
consisting of sixteen privates. Lieu
tenant Milton ami Sergeant I'ulllan. and
about thirty outlaws, who were fortified
in an old barn. Fire of the soldier
were wounded, it Is not known how
many of the outlaws were killed, a
they still have possession of the barn.
Corporal lllanton was sent In after re
inforcements and know but little, a
ho loft immediately alter the firing lie
(ran. Tho troop have the barn sur
rounded, and it will linposs bin for
those on the Inside to make their
cajn'. and the only two roads which
lead from the place of action are cut
off by picket who are Instructed fc
allow no one to pass toward town, as It
wai thought best to keep the new of
the conflict from the oplo about here
until after the reinforcements had
reached tho place.
It Is lielievisl that a severe fight will
take place as soon as the additional
troops reach the place, for the outlaw
are fortllled, well armed with Winches
ter rifle and swear that they w(ll not
aurrender. and the soldiers are deter
mined and want revenge for those who
have been hot down.
The Trr I-"-" Killter I'uuml (Jalltr-Othar
liMllrtmriiM Again! lllm.
Tor-r.KA, Kan.. Aprlrl 10. In the
United States District Court yesterday
mornlnir Judge Foster r barged Uie Jury
in the case of Mown Harmon, editor of
the Lucifer. He Instructed them that
they would have to bring in a verdict of
gulltr, unless they should conclude that
the defendant was Insane, in which
case he would hare Ui l dl-'harged.
It was thought toe Intimation a
to Harmon' sanity a likely to
have an effect In bl favor. Ii. W.
Chamlierlain, of New York, arrived yes
terday morning and will represent Har
mon If any other Indictment Is taken up
against him. Mr. Chaml-erlaln represent
the National Defense Asw-.atlon. or
ganlred to proti-ct men like Harmon, has
Won a contribute to Lucifer and I ald
to bo a firm belt-ever In the free bit"
doctrine. 'Hie Jary came In at three,
o'chi-k with a TcrJwt of guilty There
are four other Indictment pending
against Harmon.
!- laaa-li Tiata-l.
Nr.vr Yomk. April t". - A reception mi
given to Oeneral William Tecumseb
Sheraian al tho I'nl-mi league Hub last
night In bonorn-f the-Uenoral's seventieth
birthday, whw-h h has rsntly ptswl.
4vrr WW represatalTn men were
present nd the n-eeptlon wa one of
tho most brilliant a-cr held In this city,
The n-ceptlon tva-a followed by refrtsb
tnenta and Ohanavtey M. la-pew made a
peeoh to which tieneral Sherman re
plied. Among thoao pretext w-e- Vlre
I'reatdent Morton. S-M-wtarte Pn-etjr,
Kutk and Noblr; rVaators Uilph. Man
ieron. Fierce. Najalre. Hay and
llb.lgett; Congr-nis (irofaaor. Urn
leron. Vandrer a4 plnnJ; Senor
Komero. Mexicaa Mtnltter, ana Mayor
W. 11. draw.
A. Wlsaai raraalla IJka taw Arm
A - la Kuwt.
Atciiisjt, Kan.. Ail Farmers In
ta eattern half of thl coonty rprt
that a sort of wlro worm l doing great
damage to the wheat Tae worm I
a boat an Inch long, of the thlcknett of
Ann aire aai of a dark brown color
Where-fcr It work the wheat aooa
wither. The wora 1 aot rnaCne.1 to
any ose farm or neighborhood. Ixit it all
over the rasters half of the couaty from
aorth to toutn. Whethr It U further
tt or la aar other cossty 1 not
known. It readable clocly the wir
Itia Stflk or rarfittrrs (ltMln ta ft
rreMiftloiu-,tmt a Kiel at l'MU.1.1-l.hU-1(,
,,..? front Ollirr I'lirM.
l'liinntt.iMin, April ltlTh strlka
of a nutntr of Italian street cleaners
for an advance in wage caused two
rot here yesterday
In the morning a mob of about fifty
women, mostly the wive and sweet
heart of the striker. asatilto.l the
non-strikers and. taking their brm
nd scrajor from them, commenced
Uviting them vigorously. The UlKirr
were lioitltig a collfusetl rs'trvat when a
policeman appeansl on the scene and,
by firing his revolver In the air. kept
most of the frlghtenisl women corralled
on the street until the arrival of a
pvtrol wagun. when twelve of them
were taken to the station house and
held in default of T.W bill on tho
charge of tncititig a riot.
At Tenth and Taylor street, later In
the day, a iud of Ital.ans were work
ing quietly, when seventeen women and
one man sw(jmI down upon them, and
It looked for awhile as If the men who
had refused to demand an Increase of
wage would lm aunlhilatisl, the women
sett. ng the cleaning tool of the llor
er and beating them so badly that shel- ,
ter was sought lr tho Sevruteeth street i
station house. A squad of police capt- '
urisl tin" assailant and they weto com
mitted for hearing.
nit: nnr.vno srniKr.
Ciiirvoo, April 1A. Judge Allgeld '
and Tuttle of thoclreult court will Issue
a call for a mass meeting, which It la
thought will lx held within a day or
two, with a view to arbitration of the
difference ltetweeti the striking carpen
ter and the master builder. The strike
I of such serious proortlous that If tho ,
litferences are ,! within week
It is thought that the planing mills and
brick works will have to shut down.
thus throwing out of employment many ,
thousand of nien. I
YisinUy a;p.rontly ili'inonntrAtrtl
MM'yutuI iUftton that tlo MrtVlni; car-
t.ttfd I.H a. .l.t .s. t. tilt. Hi. ..s.a-n.
;. . . ., i .... I i
tlous at their mercy. I he only cartn-n- t
ter at work were m-
atteri'd over the
clty In small groups, ami taken alto
gether they probably numlierod less
than MM). In one building on Twenty
second street, letweeit Uxilnl and
Tnroop, a small groui of non-union
men were at work under tllco protee
t.on. (hi the same building were a
number of union mason, but a soon a
tho executive committee of the mason
heard that their men were working with
non-union carbinier the bricklayer
were onlered ol! the bul tllng, A n in
tier of similar case isx-urred In other
parts of the c.ty.
Airiti in..sir. op . m..xriut, Minxr.
I'ika. N. Y,, Atirll 10. The railroad
men In this city are apprehensive of a j
general strike on Hith the ( entral and
West Shore railroads. It was learned
that the emploves of all classes on this
division hail arrangements made to de
mand an Increase of wages this summer
and tho action of tho company take
the wind out of the men's sails and
ninU.ia Ilium itmililv ltiilli-ttati I. I'lil,
.... .... .. ..i. .'. .. .,.i ,....-.
llli'll nun -!, ui-'.umiki 'i Mint 1111 111 'II I
,...,,. . . I
detained had frequent conferences yea- (
tenlay. Tho trainmen, engli r. and
nninen are reluctant to talk of tihtt 1
i.aiiiiii tiovrvif.M IV r.Mit.tMi.
I.o.Mlv, April 1A. The socletlea
which are affiliated with tho Ixindon
Trades Council have declared them
selves In favor of an eight hour working
day without stipulating the methol to
lie foil on ! to attain It They hava
also decided not to hold a labor demon
stration May 1,
t-Aiioit imriii.r. i Ai'iiitv. April lA --A strike has l)en
Inaugurateil in the large collieries of
(ount Wilcsk. Ihe strikers force-l a
numU-r of men employed In other minet i
to join them. The authorltlea deem tha
situation to menacing that they hat
called out the military.
tiii: iuito siioar.
IIostox. April in, -The building
trades strike still hangs fire. It la said ' "!" with a cousin, and la ttlll thff.
on apparently goml authority that the Mr. Wilkinson, two month agn, criMsaM
bricklayers recently signed an agn-e- b wn to nt MIm Davis and nt
ment with the contractors not to strike "eral wMk with hr slght--lng on
within thne year and that their pay la the rontlaent and hi ult
to lie lncreate-1 ton rnta j-er hour. When he return, they ltrothi4. ,
iMiiaAtfU.l CAtii-r.srr.iis. . Mr Wllklns-m la a bright and prom- Ind.. April IA.-The l'ng young lawyer here, alwul twenty
strike of the carj-nwra In Oil city dght year of agr. Hi Income 1. quit
--..iniiiMiM-xi n -,u h.,.mih,r ah i '!". but . 1 ant a rich man. 'Il.e
- - -.-.. . .....w. ...
' union and some non-union men are out
for eight hours a day and Xi c-rnta pr
Ti Ita-alh Mamlall., April 1A. -Th" House
rommlti'iv on AiiprotiTiatlon tester-lay
adopted resolution to the memory "I
the lata! IN-pre-matl.) Kandall, !
tnltti-'l by Itepteaentallve Mr--Vlnridge,
of Kentucky. Among tho telegrams of
condolence receltM by Mr Kandall
a tho Mlowlng from et-Fresldanl
Cleveland' "Ar-ept rny slneerntynitiathy
In your great aRlietlcn, and ! assured
' that the Asierlctn t"vple will rernem-
. U-r wlih gratitude thudetotlon of yntir
distinguished husband to hi public
.T7. rrV...7T.
Mr.Tiro Ma, April K-lba e,.tw ard
f Chicago A Alton limited train to Hu
Iouls hai a hewl-iw rollltton with a
aett bound frlghl at ZMft - m. nlr.a-
t-n mil ea of, ber war FarWr.
, The engine ani two taster.jjer car
waTecrutheil. The l-agrare and aipre
' rr were tiri-,q4, daagrlt)y in-,
, Juring F.tprastnan i.fT" TtIr Flr
man i.ut Howard, of Mrc'wru, wa VUI1
under the baffgagt car fsral train -
B-M-s were slightly Injitn4. The ua-ca
aa cleared In tea hnura.
Mrlkarf al Ml
ft!Fr-o.J, Minn.. A.cll 1 Tha
4 result ut th grand Jury't tan wtaVt
.nrtailgatkaQ of tha aidarmni: UaalJ '
, charge ar made ftMtn wfcr-ri lrerh
v&rraaita aj.a Laaaal f&r ta, arta.1 aA ,
lAldTiwn J..h6 T, Mcfiowan aad 'ti
Kr akal-r, cf the I'm wtrd, a4 Oiy
nr!k Char'.e I Har-y. The fbary-t
tre UiUry ,t UrpU-d IfiUry Tha
tlirnsaa ar a-stavf-d bf raltag rttor-ay
foe the ta'Atfr.t) of a tret, -4 th city
elcti: U alleged to hat i(Tr-.i t.t a
i.fa,-:-.-UiMuvillir tarBIy.D.
iTyiiw wi jm aa apc.a.t ;at.g
TM (rift at la tUnsiwit (U rrakwf
a tllltr tlhl-saanatln al ltili.
lstijsjAii IV Ind, April IT. Tha
carpenters' strike is on now In earnest
Tuesday, tho Inauguration day. thrr
were reason tor Iwdlevth; that an
agreement wvuld U sixsllly reached
by which the men would return to work,
but now emplover and employe ar
worViug in dltvMly opplte direction,
and the cetidlttons are fair for a long,
bitter fight The situation I chsnmst by
the meeting the contractor held Tue- j
day night, at which resolution were i
passed ottering s: cents per hour as.
standard price for the Ut w ork niru f nm
now' until Novemlr t nevt and nine,
hour' work, and the same ge until '
April with eight hour' work. No si- '
lion whatever was wld by Ihe contract
or to the journeymen's reUel ttist ; 1
coinmiltee be apdntod to confer will
the union committee- After signing
the agreement the contrsctoi nnsnl
moUslj decided not to take any further
notice of the strike and to not bold
another meeting until April . The
u.rnymcn will not consider the propo
sition of the Uses Tlua) J they
will not aeeept anything less than the
deitund of Januarr -,l
Tim determination to 'fight It out en
thl line It It takes all iimuier'' Is
strong. The men have encourafienient
In their Hand from all erganlied build
ing tra.le In lndlsnaMs and from the
National Federation of There
Is atreadv a fund of !lrt,es en ban J to
su'Hrt the movement, and It was an
nounced that the Federation of Trades
would furnish any amount of financial
backing ncedisl. The organlnsl brick-
lajer of the city ate teady to quit work
" V"" " U l '" ,"1.11''. '' .V''? '
mcnl I mvessary ti strengiuen inn car
nters cause, t'nle the ms show i
a ilsMisttoll to meet the men fairly tl
" "":" """. v" V " ". , ' ,7 .
U l'''''"' '' bricklayer will go
out in a low uaj.
The ivtntractor are coming slowly
over, over twenty-sit hating acceded to
the demand of lh cartenlers, yeer
, .. ., ..
J . ". ,
have given In, but the pressure of work
I so great that It wilt l lmpoilo tor
them to hold out much longer
ai.i. in n. ins. i iiivnis sinri'ii"
Ciiii viio, April 17 The embargo
placed by the striking carpenters mi
i building oeratlous In ( hlcagocontlnues
' etfectlviv The oillclal vein on UUir ei
' tend not only to all of their own craft
but now embrace nearly all trades em
ployed In architectural work
At the closo of work Tuesday even
ing the great majority of the brlcklay
, ers, plasterers, lathers, painters ami
I plumbers were laid of! Indefinitely
There was no mote work
for Ihem to i
In All llti.ii, nt Mlirlr Itftit ii-!i,.t 111,,
.,,,,,, ,,uc,s txijond which they eould
,lt ,, ,,! ,lin aU,nce of the'
carts'titers .
Nothing was doing yesterday
bouse did not oven attempt to start up
Jaffrraow llasla' l)aH(Mer tit ttarrt llra4-
. ....
"I iiiiI .1. Mat.
M,,u" r- -S N A',f, ,T A Ct'""'
K,,,,,.,:"l -."" r-.rt hat
, .suss vvinnie tiavi. the niuesi daiiguier
of Jefferson Davis, tho late Fresldelil of
tho Southern onfedcrary, I soon to
marry Mr Alli-rt Wilkinson, vt Ibis
jelly, the grandson of Samuel J May,
' tho great abotlllotiitt leader
f Ml Davis mtiin North four year ago
; to visit Dr. Thomas Finery, of D Mf
j arthy A Co., In this city II wa her
' first visit to thl old abolitionist strong-
' bold, and she was quite ailtlout to meet
I the society j-ople of Syracuse. At one ,
of the receptions giten III her honor she .
' was Introduced to Mr Wllkltiaon. Ml I
W'lunln received a
very ki1 n-eeptlon ,
n or, r two hotiaea arm. Mr Wll
i blnson re tan to-1 the eoolneta shown hrr
land gallantly championed bar rauis
The friendship engendrrt-l bloa-
I tomel into love.
Mis Winnlw, later on, want t Kw
1 .
young man motes In the Mtf lot ao-l-ety
here and stand high In the commu
nity. The actual time for the wedding ha
not l"-n ait but It I understwnl that
thr. dat'i will ls In the nrar future. It
I i. .......u i,iii it.... ..-. i. .... ..
remote conniption Utwi en the i:unti
tr, trip and the wedding tou-au.
Ui.,im- iiirihua..
HrwMt-rii.Lli. 111., April IT Tha
tirity fifth annl-rsry of the d-ath of
Abrahtm Uneolnwa i':l' trU-l hrr
jftrday by approprlaUi arrtlf ba-Id
under thr utj-ir" of the Lincoln M-m
,,ri' eatifl. T),ft a par ado y
rant Army m'-n. fvt ol etrant tnd
nth r organliationt thrmsgh tb-prlrl
I1 -',u "' 'b l7 "Oak Iflf. ca-rr..
, lc UrW,, fcf yUti ,M 4w.
unuA b t
. -. . .
Ftcitra-4 Mall Itvlatit as4a. '
I J -a. Cl Aptli I" -Srtr.a tiro
ltwa.n --n rd 4,1k o'olk ;tUr- l
day woralng the t),row;h fglst-r4 J
ma I fMeh orth Htuta Fe wa col
on and all th ttluabl tottur tt4a,
Th- It no rl ut IU tklt aa )t, rf
, do tin postal auth&rite kr. thif
ttoa-y rtlti of the ronta-at u th Vhf,
-l U I lil'it U ! largtt.
MNU4 His rat,
frt-rttijj Ky . Atirll 17 N ar Rva
tlttl! latt aigtt W vi-e, aa 14
arro. wat fHivl wjth It t tJtruat rvU
hi ha4 UHag r.'trly s-t-r-t frjtm hit
Ut r U- m a rit in a ataat a a Aim,.
H Ta ii' hJa . firaat
m '" ;" M. 71a Uf .
M " M J UW4 hit fatW
ta rtn ! laWo.. tain.,
j Orrasra. fat, Atfll K - H, Mr,
, rnUn la ih Jat ;uriay salt
ih td W vmi laittlMt ui tt ra-g.
tilatusa rrtl-aUftg tt lt ;-r,n ttyfaa tt
I AKnrn catUa la
)au Cacadt ftr tati
gg sJB
n Jftfsa. MIvjrM
i ww $U ffl
iVlVaVvw' WJtC x& ' lc"n;r'rr,'""( I
.IwBCsfJ.I Aiw i-'a - -- " ' i
.itr;pr- JSjaAls iL "ffTj "Mf """""""" "' i"S.
f - .WS
xvkmi:nck ok
"Hrllal llrllo" IMUi" "
"Will ,l U II f
" How It jtsir iinllr, tld tiwxelinr I"
" Vrry murli lHrr Iki Ii. a tt eil
fill lrn U.I hllit Im Ii slni'-l III .( Ixl
night rrata, OMIfcll Mint IM-tViHItlUM,, sl.
KMtwIlttf ipillr ilwKltul. llo-s itfslrdtl
all W-In )ihi tor 'list l.mlrtif iivsUmiio"
"V.Mt li of Ktaltlu-tit VI.t !,
thitis tor hi I '
' His m) li rref saw Miitrf fttl a
rliaiiK In tuth a m-iVhis lung troili ll
till thinks wn art rt,ln Im mkIHim I
d-i t tike to trll lilm
"Thai's tlcht He's ail ekl ftl.t ten
knew I'm surw visit ie itl-- ill t tl
tl'iw lit Veil li't fl.ll.rl m tislw ll Hi
llli.lli lli. Will )li( "
"NatMrl 1)1 FWiVstlekt MfllialDU
aaaaat - B -
ti.. ( -
a arfaiata at rataaaM. ii-u.! etarveiti e m 4aMf)
fallln I'iIm Ihmat, ai-iMlir.. -t,.fii- U . i.. tiU,il HMt. ItMt,
trtiaiSiitit. InliisKia. Hirilnl, 1 1-I? 11 I'll-1 !'! er.n , rfta . l
In In iim. iWafmaSi e4liwlir lualh --! nivl latte llot, af-l a-rai
al .1. Mlllr
llelf fs .(
lr. Pst-ft- R-ttt4r " " "" . tiHir
! aa-aa-BBaa-B-Ba-BBaa-aaaaB-MBB-aaa-aB-a-B-Ba-aB-Ba-ajaaaB-a-a-
AM I aW al r fl Wai
ILL sgXrjarMMifc.
Mr'lanVinVl!nnBwBV M aBaaWm M. laaaH
&9r vHl a a VTHaaPttavaalalui sW(
1 111 A fill 111 III laallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllH
iv ii niftK ui inucnti iumt tr'rwtm u u niuc.
ImtiKM, DmkiM Mi OfMMitft. Eitirilr titl Tim Pficti.
Fort Worth, Tcxas,May fO,Ooses May 31, '.
m rut fh mum ram in uuium.
aMHTK afCJtaa UIMt)lilaAII,
JM0.r.0R0EN.i9crtUry. ' B, B. r ADD0CK. Prtidnt
COttTflBljll, TMTIOrinIV r4 TUMCTIOM HflOIr-".
SstftmiHf. Ntrst f ittft, Trud Piwtfi, i4 Ui Mill ftbeifttfy.
arta n ittvLi atsavaa iifii,i, aufia rai.
ratat taa) ttf, m. ,mm
HaMt fMia7l UnMrtt.
t'lt4 ttturr aJI la gavllaa. FW-a-aMl A ara-Aa Ut Uaat
Wtata. (.atlitlMtl Uk II with".! tAitll,rt, Jl littjfgUU.
ttaaa aaoa coariaaatastr
aa'(it4,i ,m, uuin, at,
at ISSIKMi.,..,..,
ton fVriNacH.Mii. Jlf0a.aTa
tCIl' rttta tat
faj f (a
raaarai rv
tiik tki.f.imiom:
r-My ai l.iso.,4. soeli alrva-tt atvt It
im l.i ) Vt ! ami tt
ilhlilMt It ! Uv-uhl aliwvl, ai4 t4 im
tlusitfc )M scalit f.w II"
t will tM tija
1t l,',,4ii( l a rrfrarlli4i ef a
VIM) IS)llUi lVlttlM ' MisktsSt t,l
tl lUnmrtv l.i isifmt , herstlnf
t)ilM sivl airtn I v,io H'Wv,
rotilt III IIv-ximikU ! ia.ur aflrr il.ktttf
liavr talli sl.t clUf IimsIMim l.i !
Illnt ami al-slstisvtt at ari 1'()l
vn-) Ii WNiaMlra) to lll a rm
III nisrt . If ImImi In li Stvl illfli
a (sir WUl, i iik.Mi; i. II ill Im
Wi.nui'a in. !. m MtlK'al. Aaviv
t'l.vio lt,M's, No, tU Mala IMtassV
tlultalo, H Y
VMX3 fet an liMsoalit a it
a - aa - a - aa - ia - a - B - ia - aaa - ai V ta lt rata 1)
, - wi. - .,.t dm taai a caiaaum minv.
llrt ll'l"-l lltfl) til I t-ttartil al I
av ..u
a.. ,f ,iiufwia, !
fLa ,u:,IliU. U ll.a.L.1.,
tA ' lNawal4
aafl . lataaTiaali I Tt1a1nr't-j
aVa MataJW an t .,
a.-M-.aa.!' rataaccwraa eiaiava,
li f f w.ta f a-M v a a ai .,, mmw
I a .4. a sai, a. ta...,ia at a a-an-a.
f I .aa .4. a avs a, fa..,ia at a-an-a.
araa n a area - aaa rn a-
aVal C s-t
r M ivlata w,
m m .j
tk j . A
rm m JByW4jWMwJFn'iWMnYW
. tj-v !. is.l ta ta
a TIM,
twt IVolitl l-stV sSI-jS M t,.
j ( I M H . I
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.R4fti S ?t Tr
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-.ti. n
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f Utttt StylM
IMlOMtti I' I UK.
. ia
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i V ("aw . -
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ai. .k
S, t, t MS
LSaU B at4)!
on which ! wound
Th BtaUl theal ( known
iho woflil founi.
lanaa lll
frt taUil ,u'. tt-
iakaa taSM-w i
, . ii .. .. it t ..II...
. 10 (.'at-Ma-.
(hi Ifcli of VayiallHt-SIMtiW.
Ik.a atia ,.t Vaaalllia I'-nlil I.
f lra,in;tav
tatttti IM'U,
(n .'aer axilla ta)-t-. IllWlt.
(K.C Motuii 4 1'i-siia.U CtwU.
It iMltit mtm ta as 'a' la
Ma MaMsilaJt ' - a.-J at
usM aasa m iai
On M ft tUit tm
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atlkt 4MI-.ta. a-Maa. fa)
ik .'i (a.41 tiasisMs ia ! mm
t-M.I4 lt-M f HI 4vlal ..
.. . i. - - - - - - - ta. as. a-aa.
CUMltNll a.. Ut M It It, I. Y.
Timber Lands
uid coujistoui, wr-,ur..".r.
I rV I tf . I all aw"? M a.l Wa
I- . mm .. .. a. j 'A lfcip
, ,,, , nyif m ai.aa -a ltu
I ,;Ii1hi(, t .aa- tit . . a
l.f -oa.' . , .ail a -r a! f
a, ,. ) 4 '! rA .,..J. taaa.
mm lal la-Si IHOmi aa w i-a
I 4 CO. I
lW af
t-Maa ... nt 1 aa iri.i.f..
ti4 Yti., H
iaa t ,ami . -.., a
, . -
fwia ' ie-."., 41 1
awaagki -, atii
rtfim iH ' .aaaj1
! J "-
a f aaa eaa .aaaa -.aiM-a -ha,.
i. laa j-aia-i. ajW PwaWaa.i - -(;. f
.. aa, i t-vaaraM- f .4.. at
-! ta-.a ta-a-al 'Mlm i awnas- .MtMnf
ato, aarf ) a,.? .. .. iia .. 4i1a.aa4a
' mo m, reiMl at i & ttii S
taaw act ate anatfa a. w
BJarV a-B'aJ ft- W M I IV - iifHMai Kaitw aaagt
1 a4 t-Maaas4-g tiiVat a arsstta aj .. twaaaj-n tA.
aata4a -aMaH t -stiavtj -H -a . tWl- Mty
-sat staaa aWM - ti"fM 04 s mf a
a-ntsva) tVaa I. t-aaf -t fa MI' a, fc WasMja
-tr --4 tVt raa
aa.a4 saw favaa aaa ii i f laa
aa-.- "HV i t la"" 4, a
taiAa e- ! ii a, laiwt.l
aja-rtaat C a . aa
9 J,
f at ta.v ail -
.I a.a '.. nama - sy "
aa latt t.a.rf aaia a-Anaato. aaa, "
aa-a aa Sf . a aaaa uaa aa a-. .aa
a. f , a
I M'
' TV
1 "la
i a
I t,l wi-i-t . ....,4 . iiis-t sai-J
' (MMttil Ht rtaawt ! ,o.ilni.
1U "Of aawit, l tllt S4i
taaartaat t arrtaifata.
aaVaaaa aa taa s aaaa aa aajtiattaa-a'
ati tl t taaa aaa
itx cotarcoa lr. Irelia-l.
xrtxncl if h u ;: JT,tA to fcefSa&i.
I. rvtw W I a aVa-U i
ta.t aaatt a-af aa-aaaa-aia