The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 25, 1890, Image 4

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Bed Cloud's Great Cash Dry Goods, Boot and Shoe House
OUR MOTTO. Best Goods, Latest Styles and Lowest Prices. We lead but never follow.
New York Store !
Dry Goods.
New York Store !
New York Store !
New York Store !
New York Store !
New York Store !
' Aa ! (T4.
r not
h get hnd hief.
Our text legislature sh.uld pass a
law making il aeoessary in selling
chattel mortgage property that it
bring three fourths of it. value.
There is a great wrong done the peo
ple in this rtgar J. Often a man's
property is bought it under execution
,aad sold for lest thai one-fourth of
Us value. It.ia all wrong and hould
be remedied. The people ought to
hae flooiorighis that oven rich men
are bound to respoct.
& r S!9B5dWS5--9K
(fi$ta bll providing for post ofioes
la ettlea where the postal butaess
amounts t. more than 13,000, which
jraa eoMtived it the mind of oar
Juato? eaaator, has beta reported
from the congressional committee in
the house aad we bavoao doubt will
be uliimatsly pastsed. It iseertairly
thj proper thing to do. If it does
Red Cload will Save apublie building.
Ooed, w. Iwpa It will go through and
our able representative ought to use
hie influence in that direction.
A SJrimt Wswbsj
"The wages el sin is death', says
aa old veteran, but the wages of an old
soldier was only II II per month pay.
able In greenbacks at 40 oents oa tho
dollar with a promise of a service
pension due twelve years after death.
It Join seem a pily that tho old sol
dier who nue the beit days of bis
lifo for thu bonclit of the country at a
very little igure should aow be kept
from receiving their Just dues by
tardy legislation. They have had
a great many promises but very few of
them have been fulllled. The prl
vatea hold the seek while most of the
ofleersdraw immense neasioas, aad
jast why aa ulcer should waive more
thaa a private we are at a loss to know
anless ft was that he had a chanee to
hide from the ballot, while the pri
vates proceed forward aad gate taew
selves ap as a taerllee U save the
aatioa. Sure It la that the private
soldier bore the braat off the hardships
thea. and is .till bearing them, while
atost of the oflfcera are haviag their
pookets liaei with goverameat gold.
It is altogether wrong. Of course
the officers were accessary and aoarly
always did their duty but jaat why
they ar. ..titled u mere money thaa
the privet, leidier ia a atoMem that
ie ? cry puitliag to the average miad .
. '
Hie girl diden't go back on him became
fce aatd D Witt's littt. early slitrt.
Call and see us and
Willow Creek.
Well Mr. Editor as I havo heard
several wishing they could road the
nowa from here no t sond a few items
Two weeks ago thoro wan a Domo
rest enalrit ei nnr mi.lmnl linma
conducted by Miss Bailey tho silver
raeuai was awarao Mora Uodwin.
Kverv one who Imanl line. aA lm
heat any one they ever heard of her
age 8hois ten years a dear littlo
girl and loved by all mho know her.
V A I lllllll ft ..
un weca mine fraior killed Ovo
geesu at ono shut he is only 14 years
Mr. Josoph Brubakor has gono tn
Dakota to work at tho carpenter trade
Mr. Conyne has loon very sick he
is better now.
A very pleasant tlanoo tit Will Urn
bakers last woek.
A. C. Boa isbailding a very aioo
house oa his farm.
Mrs. Jake Laoy has boon very sick
but ua'der the skillful ear of Dr.
Johnson she Is getting better.
Mrs. Wm Co and Mrs. 1 Sailor
were at Blue Hill Monday.
W. K. Thorn shipped a oar load of
Ino cattle to Omaha last Fuday.
The assessor was around last week
calling on the peotdo of Bladen.
Mrs. Nelson of Rluo Hill spent
Thursday with Mrs Hicks prior to hor
departure to her future home in
Floyd Hill Colorado.
A. 1 Johnson purchased from C
K. Hicks a Ine now surrey, and now
drives the finest rig in town.
The egg festival given Thursday
evening by the ladids of the Congre
gational church at thu hnll, was a suo
cess financially.
Mr. Carpenter of Regan Neb. ship
ped in a ear load of four inch sewer
tiling and is putting them in wells
in his vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. Baker, Mrs. D. 1.
Kiumsl Mr. Kershner and Charley
Sprager who united with tho Baptist
church during tho winter were im
mesed last Suadav in Sand Creek,
baout a half mile west or Mr. Pay's
housr. The day wei ino and about
two hundred people witnessed the
ThaO. A. R, Boys will give a
camplre Thursday evening May, 1st,
et evory one come out and have a
ood time. S .
Barkll Aralra Bulve.
The best ea'v. in the world for cuts
bruises, sore, tilers, salt rheum, f.ver
aovws, letter, chapped lunda, chilblains,
corn; and all skin eruption., and
rioailiveW cures, or nn pay required,
t is guaranteed to rHve perfect satis
faction, or maacy refunded. Price
2.1 rents per bos. For sale by Henry
New York Store !
White Goods, Laccaand Embroideries
New York Store !
Blaok and Colored Cashmere Shawl?
New York Store 1
New York Store 1
Muslins and !M Sheeting.
New York Store.
Buttons all Kinds.
New York Store
Ladles and Cbildrons Hose.
Nrheel Hrvort.
April 11th, 1800 thoaohool in Dint.
No. 70 olosod for tho your with a pic
nic dinncr,whioh all present seemed
to onjoy. No. months taught. 7. No.
Pupils enrolled, 28. No. days taught
in thu year, 1118. Average attendance
for tho year Ifi. The following visi
tors were present tho laU day lending
totiheor nnd cnoourugeinont to our
efforts: Mrs. Humnioll, Mr. ami Mrs
Warnoek, Mr. and Mrs. MoVoy, Mrs.
Slhcrt, Misses Sadie Hsllmen, Laura
Warnoek, Cora MoVcy anil Ncllio Me
Call. Friend?, if you only knew how
much good your presence dour, you
would try mid come oftencr. Your
children aro placed in our caro and
you think that is all that is necessary
Now, wo aro glad that you oan trust
us, but you know it is pleasant to re
oeivo encouragement from an employ
er, for such is our relation we the
servant and you tho employer. Now
does it not seem rcasonablo that you
should coruo to see us? We want
you to come and j our duty to your
ohildren ought to toll you to come. 1
wish to make u comparison. If a far
mer places cattle in tho caro of anoth
er for tho purposo of being herded
for about tour months wo will say, do
you think that during that tiuio ho
will not go to sec them until time to
bring them home? If so you arc mis
taken, yet hern wo havo becu with
you, for seven months, and not one
of you havo come to visit tho school
except tho director, only on the last
day of tho fall term, and again today.
I'arcnlr, wo sppcal to you, is it right?
Wo are glad, very glad, ! havo you
tho last day. hut it is not enough.
Become visitors of the schools and
you will become interested in the
work and we think good will come of
it. But 1 must close us 1 havo al
ready occupied more space thaa I
Mary McInttiii, Teacher.
II jouor iuiv ol )our (amili lioull hapi'n to
) frUhttulh Mininl nr caMM. Hbt hi wu
In lliebouM lo ultomto the i-tln until ytui cun
mvI a
ili)loiiur.' A Ut il lioMt't fknnau
al naiut in (ltn like ttit uouLI m-i m
hlTK ft1
world ol aunrrtns nl ultviitiM u iioolor Mil
ilt liMiiii'iul In i'm tlt hit klinl, m tirll
mi UittMBfttlvn oc Ml klutts.
t', UOmiBU,
i . .
UdkUdU iavlu Uniiuent riiuovr al
hard, soft, or cUoal Inmp rnJ Mem
WhM frtin hom, blood spavins, catbs,
spUaU, wMf, rtnKbonr, Mitt, sprains
ail awolU. thtoat,eniih(, sle, save .V) hy
aieotohe bottle. VvAttsaltil lU mcut
wobtlsrfnl blemUh tnf tfr known
llby L. IlHyo droggUt Ril Cloud
. New York Store
3 I'r. Rockford Sooks 25et.
New York Store
New York Store
Jeans, Shirtings and denims.
New York Store
Gloves and Silk Mitts.
New York Store
Best f 1 kid gloves in the state.
New York Store
Parasols from 25cts up.
we will do
The Huh Bre-oUlyilcsdMo BliUlon,
will mnko the scnon n fnllown: Moudnjo
anil 't'm-adnys nt IiIm ownrr'x stablri four
nnd ono naif milenorth-tntof Hcil Cloud.
VedneHdft)Hat J I l'Hts livt-ry stabln
Thursdays at Kmigh's ranch aU miles
north of Red Cloud.
Fridays and Saturday at Holland
lions llvsry aUble roar of Holland hoa.
Ked Cload.
Wild Dill l n KtrnnKly built young
hora. color bay. rxetllent lrg nnd fat
good bone and pUntv of It, good disposi
tion, and I in fast tn Idoml draft knratt.
He waa Mred by the celebrated Imported
Kan. his nrst osra by imported Robert
Burns who are both prUe wlnuers.
Terms f H to insure fonl to atand up and
auck. Hure foal-getter. Prrsa Hmitr.
All parties desirous of asing.
First -Class Horses
will find it to their advantage by call
ing a
and inspecting his horses before con-1
iraetiag for sertievo elsewhere.
Stallions will stand for services at
the literv bara of J. 0. Ilolcomb, in
rear of llollaad Uoate.
New York Store
Rest stoek Boots & Shoes in the west
New York Store
Ladies aid Gents Slippers.
New York Store
Best 11.50 Ladies' shoe in the U. S
New York Store.
Rest stock of MisseV and Children's
shoes in the Valley.
New York Store.
A $2.60 Ma&'n shoe for $1.50.
New York Store
Dress Trimmings of all kinds.
you good.
I liavt) JiiBt jeceived tho Latent Sty leu in
Beaded wraps, Sateens,
Challies, White Goods,
Wontud GoodH, Shirtinga, lUmburgs, SwiBa EmbroidwrieH,
Torchon Lacos in all qnalitioe and uantiti8, alBo
Novelty Braids, etc. Please call and see me .
at old stand, Red Cloud.
Mrs. F. Newhouse.
Deering Junior
jaumiBT wan wmu. sasta rra am.
sMaaaatmWawmmmmmmmma?7?:.A jm?VVPWsmmmWC
,HMka&MwaBBamdBV LJAsJBmmaamV,kmi
5amaa awBHaaaaaaaaaaasawmaaaaaaaausmm
N urto pulMlli m m& mm omlmmum'.
Asalf toour aeartet areat far lUeetrau.
D. B. Spanogle,
Real Estate
and IoAN Agent
Red Cloud.
Reduced n
Steel Binder
n Laadar ia its Class.
ovraelfM U the he la tho wtM.
OeJeM a4 VmXl leJtorwMHaaorwrtteiUteal
NO OO.. Ohlcasja, IM.
I. W4 r r.trr !! ! Crr II I W rata
.;.I1.7 rtirilufr A nn VI
.ll UVIrr..liUlk.l aa.M laBHa.
ilwhUMH aa4v,aM.altii
cri:,;.,.,liiW - u -.-
i !V ' r - ' eawl'a.
aaBSal at iW ra.a4U m4 VU .(
Waea. eatiiMjiWit
XH minim, auri.4 vl.a ikr
, T lift - t