MmmmmmmM iSCWwo? r f. ?Rtr.,r KK-i.., - - as.--- iW.jiVs 4 St.wV V THE OUOBLYJOCK. At Aferotsford Hir Wsller tst. Hi friends about th board. In easy afUrdinnsrehst, When thus an Kcg.ttalordt . "Talking of troshtet, we are lelJ Kacb. mortal Ukii his t&srr. Now, there sre hrTtl. 1 hoiJ. ft t.tempt irotu thought of vsre." "Not to," Sir Waller ssld, "no hesM That bolt la human breaat. Hut beers apart, tome laaard tuitrt. Borne burden of unrsti." i ril vsnture.' taM mr lorl. Til 04 ) Onsnrck without lit )oke, J One truly cttm an J trr.u.ull mind, Tske that dafl ladd:s, Jock." Hy ibadtd walk of Abbott ford. Mir Waltrr lej thrm (lawn. Cstltd the poor Is! before the lord. Who, lotting htlt-s-crownl ."' You lire la luck, food Jock. I tee, ' Well Jed, tlKhl work to doe " Oo, ny. the mtWs guds to rae. Ad' 1 hae plenty, too." "' Well said, bravo Jock, and now, once mors Of trouble know you aught?" Atonre his face wai "leUlledo'er" With the "pslecsitot thought." Trouble ene uht Wha could ha'e tnsIrT" He shuddered at ho tpoke. " Oo. ay. wi fear Vm tatbll salr. Ye'll mind tha bubblyjock! ' " Tbe bubblyjock 1 What thlnu on carta May that her" says mr lord. And then, amid a roar of lulr'.b. They sec, aero the award, A turkey-cock of atately lie, Klow itruttini; Into tight. I'oor Jock ix-bold with quailing eyet. And quickly takt't to tlltfht. - Ah I" tayt Kir Walter, "It's the ssms With all poor human fJlk : Our trouble differ but in name, Kach ha hit 'bubbls-Jocl " Ktnmt .Hmuller Carter, In HI. Nicholas. CLEOPATRA. Bclif Account of the Fall aat Vengeance of Harmachli, the Royal Egyptian, A8 8ET FORTH BY HIS OWN HAID. llv II. RlllKK Hackaiiii, Author of Klnit Solomon' Mlita " Sim." Allan Qiintnriiialn," Etc., Ettt., Btu. Illuturttad br NICIIOLX. after CATON WOOD VILLB and ORKtrrSirilAOBM. CIIAl'TKII XVII, or Tilt thol'hi.k or t i.koi'atha; or hir OATH TO IIAIIMAOIH, till Or THB TKI.I.IXa 11 T IIAI1MACIII Tl) CI.KOI'ATMA IIV TIIS CIIKTOrTMCTIIKANl'IIE 111 AT LAV lltltKArS "HkH." HAT name night CI co at r it a urn moiird mo to her private chamber. I went, and found her in uili troubled in mind; never lt)fore had I aern her ao deeply moved, Hho wit ulonr, ami, like g"t, sonio trapped Untie, walking to and fro aero the tiiarblo floor, while Er thought chased tbotight across t-" mr mind, each, as clouds scud dingaocr mo see, for a mo ment catmg,j stAlow In bar dorp eye. ' So tltou art ennm, Hunriat'lil," the aitlil, resting for awhile, na sho tiatW my hand. "Counsel hip, fur never did I need counsel more. Oh, what iUv liuro tho Ood meas ured out to uit dsye rtlcss a tho ocean I No ieaeo havo I known from childhood up, and it seem nnno lull I ovcrktiow. Hcarcst by n very little; h.ivo I cticd lhtilngt;cr's point, llurmnchl, when Ihl now trouble, that, llkn u atorm, haKathcicd bonrath tho hnrlron'a rim, burnt sudden o'er inc. hidat mark that tlgrlah fopl Well ahuuM I lov totiuphlin! How ift ho Kkal Ay, like cat ho purriNl, and nil tho tlui hi atrrtched hi ulawa. Dldat mark tho lrttrr, uxf It hat uti ugly look. I know till Antony. When 1 uaa but a child bud. ding Into womanhood, I aawhim; but my eyre wcrorvnru,ulok and I tik hlameaurr, Half Horculr and half fool, with dah of gpnlu volnlng Ills folly through Kally led by those who enter at tho gales of hi voluptuous srnsn; but If crossed, an iron for. True to bis frirnds. If, Indent, ho loves them, and oftentimes fals to hi own Interest. Uonurout, hardy and In adrrrtlty a man of virtue; In prosperity a aot anal a tlavo to women. How deal with aucb a man, whom Fate and Opportunity hare, deplte himself, set on the rret of f irtuna'a wavel Ono day 'twill oVrwbclm him : but Mil that Jay he sweep across tho world and laughs at tboso who drown." "Antony Is but a man," I antwered, "and man with many foea; and, being but a man, ho can be o'erthrown." "Ay, he can bo o'ertlirown ; but he la one af three, llarmachls. Now that Casalua bas gone where all fools go. Itoroe bas thrown 3ut a hydra bead. Cruth one and another hlc in thy far. Thero'a Iatitdua, and with bin that young Uctavlanua, whose .oldeje may et with a smile of triumph ook on tho murdered forma of empty, wortble Iepidua, of Antony, asd at Cleo patra. If I go not to Cllicla, mark thou I Antony will knit up a peace with thaae i'arlhlant, and taking tbo tales thor tell of sin for truth and Indent them la truth la khcro will fall with all bis force ow Kfpt. And how then I'' "Uowtbenl Why, then wi'll drum him sack to Itome " "Ah I Thou aareit so, and iercuaure. llarmachi, hvl 1 not won that trame we played logethrr aomo twelve da) a gone, thou, teing rnaranh, mighut well hare lone this thing, for round thy throne t.ld rVypt would bate gathered. ISut Kgypt .lore not me nor my Greek blood, and but now Uave 1 scatteml that great set of thine, wterrln half the land wat inetbad Will thrto n.ea. then, inie to surrsr at I Were Kjrypt true to me 1 could, indeevl, rvW myown aalmt all the feme that Home may bring ; bu I E.-jpt hates me, a&d bad a llefberulH by the Roman aa the tireek Rtill might I make defects bad 1 tbe got,), for sritn moony ran be UxiaU wherewith to Ut the maw of aasrrenary battle. Hut 1 have none, my treasuries are dry, and tbovgs tbere it wea-th in the load, yet do debt eroVs me. Tbsse wars bare brought me ruin, aad I kxow nti tow to flndatalesU PeirAaac. Ilarmacbta, ttoa wkart, by hereditary rlgbt, Pr. of the Pyramids," aadehe drew near and biokwi me la tbe eyta. perehaace. If long nmi ed rstsor does net lir, tbaa raaet tell a wbere I ran oick the gold to save thy laad f roa rsin act at j self frotn tbe grasp ct A a Vyl Kay, I it set' I thfsfbt awhile, aad then 1 aesweradt Xti t sssve bale wave irae, a4 U 1 LLLLISbK HHRJf BsSMatM't. could show thee traasun sturtsl by the mtthly I'hsraoh of the most far-off ar agalntl the nids of hllieta,)w ta 1 know that thou wouldtt indml make use of lltat wealth to thoe ginxl endl" "Is there, then, a t feature!" she asked, curloutly "Nay, frvt mo not, llarma-hl for of a truth tho very name of gUI at thl time of waat Is like the sight of water In the desert." "I Nllere,H I said, "that there I such a treature, though I in) self have- aexer sera It Hut this I know, that If It still Ho tu tho pine where It was set, lis txvause so heavy :a curt shall rrt upon hlra who wickedly and for selflth ends shall lay haJult therexm that none of thoe I'tursoh to whom tl hath born ihitwn havti dartsl to touch It, whatever their neM " "Mo," aho 4id, "they were cowardly aforetime, or rUe was their need, not ftrmU Wilt thou show me this treasure, then, llartuachltl" "Pervhanoe," I answeretl, "I will show It to the, If It still U there, when thou hat worn that thou wilt ue It to defend IV) pt from this Koto an Antony and for the wel fare of her ln'Op'O,'' "lawearll'" shiald earuetly "Oh, I wrar by every OihI in Khriu that If thou thuel tun thl great treature I will defy Antony and send IeUlu back to Olk'ta with word mure sharp than thno be brvujthl. Ay, I'll do mute, lUrmachl an .ti a may be, 1 will take thee to huabaud before all tho wvirld, unit thou th)elf thalt curry out thy plan and Nut tho llotiuti e;li'olT ' Tlmt aim Hki, gajitiirat me with truth ful, uarnoal r)c I lHlleel her, and fur tho Url time since mr fall w fur a urn iiienl happy, thliikiut; that itll wa not lot tome, and that vtllh tlpatra, whom I loved thu m.ul.y, I might jet wlu my p:ave ami jrwer back "Hwiar it, Cleopatra!" I ald "I twrjr, U-loxedt and thu I aeul my nalh'" And ho ktM1 we on the forehead. And I, too, klcd ber and wo talked of what wo would do when weucra vrd, und how vn ahould overt-Mine the Unman, And thu wa I again Wgulietl, though verily believe that, had it not leen for tliw jealous aiik'er of t'tiartuluti - lilcli, a ahall boseeu, wa over urging her forward to freli deists of shsme I'leoiwtia would have wedded me and broken with tho Ro man. And Indeed, In thu tue, It had been better for hrr and Far Into tho night wo sat, and 1 revealed to her somewhat of I list ancient secret of the mighty treasure) hid beneath the mats of "Hor" waa agreed, ahould wn go on tho morrow, and tho second night from now attempt It earcli Ho, early on the neat day, a lioat wa secretly made ready, and therein did Cleopatra enter, vailed as an Egyptian lady about to make a tillgrlm age to tho Temple of Huremku, And I also, cloaked as a pl!go)m, entered with her, and with u ten of her mot truted terrant hidden as sailors. Hut Charmlou entered not with us. We sailed with a fair wind from the Cauopio mouth of tho Nile; and that night, pushing on with tho moon, we reached Hal at midnight, and there retted for awhile At dawn wn ouro luoro loosed our craft, and all that day tled swiftly till at last, at the third hour from tho sunset, wa came in sight ef thai lights of the fortress which Is called Habyloti Here, on the oppotite batik of tho river, we moored our abip safely iu a bad of reeds Then, on foot and secretly, wa set forth for tho pyramids, which were at a ditunce of nigh u)ii flfty stadia (about sis miles) Cleopatra, I and one trusted eunuch, for the other sonants we left with tha boat. Only for Cleopatra I caught alt ass that was wandering In a tilled field, ami threw a cloak uKu It. Thereon she tat, and I led the a by patha I knew, the eunuch following after ua. And, within little morn than au hour, having gaiucd tbe great causvMay, wo aaw the mighty Pyramid towering up through the moonlit air and auclngueto alienee. On we passed, In utter silence, through the hauntntl city of tho dead, for all around ua etood the solemn tomb, till at length we ollmbed tha rocky bill and tol In tho deep shallow of Khtlfu Khut (tho spleudid Throne of Khufu) "Of truth," whUpered Cleopatra, as he garni up tho daxtllng marble tlope abotn her, rverywhern blazoned o'er with a mill Ion uiystto characters- "of a truth, there were gods ruling In Khem In thoo dsy, and not men. Thl plant Is sad a Death ay, and as mighty ami it fsr from msn Here must wo enlerl" "Nay," I answered, "it la not here, Pats on" I let! the way through a thnutsnd tomb, till wo stood In tbo shadow of Mr (tho Urest), und gated at hi rod, heaven piercing mass. "Is It here thst wo mut enter I" she whispered once, again. "Nay," I answered, "It is not here. Pass on," And we pasted on throuch mai.y more tombs, linUI wn stood In the thsduw of Her, and Cleopatra gaicd asiomahrd at Its pnlUhcd beauty, which for Ibnuiandi of yeare had, nlrht by night, snlrrorM tbe moon, and at the black glnlln of P.thloplan atone that circled Ita base about. Far ef all pyramids this It tha most beautiful. "la It beta that wa must enter I" aba said. I answered Vee, M is here," And wn pae4 round between the temple of the worship of his divine Majenty, Menkara, the OsirLan, and the base of tbe pyramid, till wa came to the north able. Hera la the center is graved the name t.f Phaiaob Menkara, who built the pyramid to he bis tomb, and store.! therein his treasure agaiast tbe needs of Khern. "I f the treat u re still remains," I said to Cleopatra, "as In the days of my grest great grandfatUr, who was priest of this pyramid before me, It remained, 'tis hid dee la tha womb of tha mass I-fore the, Cleopatra; nor ran It be come by without U4I and danger, and terror cf ti.? mind Art toon prepared to enter I 'for thou tLv. aalf mutt enter and judge " "Canst thou not ro with tbeeiinurb, Ur. marhl. and bring the. treure forth I" te tald, for a little her courage began to fail her Nay, O Cleopatra," 1 answered. tnA even for tUe and for the weal of Kgypt ran I do this tbtnr. for of all alum It would be the greatest ale. Itut UM it I iawfal for roe to do. I, a hereditary bolder of th aecret, tntj, vrxi demand, ahow to the raUag mooarrb of Krhm IU p'.are whera tha treasure lies, and show alao tb warning ttat Is wrilten. And if, on seHog and reading, the Pbarah do drsm that Us teed of Khem Is u sore and irait that it Is lawful for him to brave tbe curse r.f tha wed aa4 araw tbe treasure forth. It to well, for on bis had muat reat the weight of VMs dreal deed. Three avonarrhs, so ssy tbe records that I hare read, hsre tbss dsrei to enter la tbe Uoie of aewl. Iter were Use divine Queen lla-ta-su. that ssocmW known to the 0it akvne, Wr d I vice broth er MrahTheperra (Tuxases the Orwell; and the dinae Ml amen (rUavesesfl) Hut of tbeethrBMjetUt, ttene Ut t&et saw dared ti levch, tar, tajgk sor need, it waa net great sawagb to roticrate theaL rVi, fearing lest theevrwf k.-Kil4 fall ptm litem, tbey west bsww ftrrvnig " A iiu she Utougot, tAt at last her saint arrrraate bar far Tse -Crir,- aa kaswa as the UX rira- SV4. I will see with mine aww ere." she sal.l It as wtlV' I answered Then, stoeies hsvlnghrett itedup en a certain spt at the lae of the pyramid to suuenhsl mere than tbe lieighl of a man by iue and the eunuch who w with u, I iUnite, en them and searched for the tecret msrk, tte larger than a leaf. And, with scatte trouble. ((r tho weather and the rubbing of thoaand had worn even the Kthtoptan te, I found It. Having found It, I tas ivrtaln fashion, prrel lherin with all tor Mrrngth. Kten after the lspe el years un mini be ml the stone tt ung fxxiad, bowing a llliie cefiing thrvuh whkh a msn luifht scartviy creep A ll swusg, a mighty bt, uch a I ha,t t.rter he fore for bigne, tor hi turstture wa the meiu re of a hawk, fleer forth and tor a moment hovered oter Clrvpalta, asl then III circle iinl lowly tip and up till at the lal he wa kl In the bright light l ths tan, Hut Ctc'iatnt uttrrl a cry of terror, and the eunuch, who was w.ttchlnic, fell down In fear, 1-elh.Mlnc ll to lt Ihe (ier disn (rlt ot tho pvramhl And 1, ls feattxl, tboutih liaunlil I ld, Pur even now 1 do N'ileto thai ll wa the ilrlt ot Mrnka ra. tho Otlrun, who, taking on him elf thotorm of t tut, riew forth trvmi hi holy Houo Iu warning Awhilit I walteit lul the foul air should clear from the i,ttiv Then I drewtorth the Utui-s and kindled them, and pte, them, tit the liumlwr of thitv, Into the en trance ot the age. Thi done, I went to the trutty eunuch, ami, taVltii; loin aidt, 1 tworo him by the lit lug tplm cf Hun who lret at AUtuthl thai thing which he wa aUtul to ee he thoulit nut feteal This he awore, trembling ore) , f or he wa much afraid Nor, Indeed, did he re tenl them Thl Udngdone, I cliulrtM through th ojh'iiIii. takuiif with mo a colt ot iv( whli h I wound around my middle, and txvknned to Cleoatr4 to come Making ft the skirt of her rol she came, and I drew her through the !w-nliig, ao that at length she slioil (Mdilnd me In the patge which is lined with slab of granite. After hercamothe eunuch, and ho also sUl III tho (usksgr And then, listing taken rvuntel of the plan of Ihe mage that I hal brought with me, and whUh. In sltrns that none but the Initiate,! can read, waa copied from thine aiiclent writ Inga thai had come down to ma through cue and forty generation of my prlece or, thepriotsof thl pyrsmldof Her, and ot Ihe worship uf tbe Temple of the Divine Menka ra, theOalrlan, I Imllhe way llirouah that darkaome p!a-e toward the utlvr si lence of the lomli Oulded by the feeble light olourlalup we ael down I ho leep Incline, gaiplng In the heal and the thick, aUgnated air Presently we had left the region of the tnatoiiry and wero llplnii down a gallery hewn In the living rtk For twenty eies or morn It ran ateeply Than Ita alnpo letteiied, and shortly we found our eltet In a ctmmltrr palnlol white, an tow that 1, Itelng Ull, bsd scarce iisim to aland, but in length four cp and In bieaillh three, and cased throughout villh aculptuiei panels Hern Cleopatra sank tipmi the llooi and restetl aivh le, ovvrconie b) tho heal and tho utter tlarknnss. "HUe, tald, "Hern we must not Im ger, or wo faliiL" rV stio rose, and, pettlue hand In ham! through that chamlteV, we found punches fsco to fai-o with a mighty diir of gianlle, let down from the roof In grooves, And onoe more took oiu I of the plsn, pressed with my fottion a certain stone, and walled Then, etiddmily and aoftly, know not by what means, the mighty mass heat til telf from Its Iml of living rt k Wo peod iM'tieath, and found ourrht-a face to face with a aecend door of Kralilte Again I preed ou a certain it, and of ltelf this door swung wide, and we went through, to find ourselves face to tmf with a thlnl door, yet more mighty than the twain through which we had won our way Following tho rvrct plan, thl di"ir I truek with my fool iikiii a certain spot, and alow ly ll aiik, a though at a word of magic, till It head wa litrel with the Wool ol n'k We cniel and gained another isage which, dtacendlng gently fur a length of fourteen pace, let ti Into a gnal chamber paved with black marble, mure than nine cubits high, by nine cuhll brol, and thirty cubit long In thl itreat inr bin Moor was sunk a greal aarmphatfu of granite, and on Ua lid were gratia) the name and title of Ihe Queen of Menkara In this chamber, too, tha air was more put e, air waa tutirw itirr, lis It tatoetbltbjrl I" gpr4cieohatra sftougti by waat itiraii know not. "la tha treasure here I" gssprd ! pat re "iay,- i answereui "rolliw me And I Im) Ihrt way to a gallery, wt.L-h wcrr.Wr.1 thinugh an opening In the Htr of the treat chamber. It had been cloaetl by a trap I tiMr or stone, uui the door was open Creeping along thl abaft, or paatage, for some leu hm, wo came at length to a well, In depth term cubits. Making fatl one run of the roM that I bod bruuaht about my tly, and tbe olbr to a ring In tbe ruck. I wa imrrd. hoMlngthe lamp In any hand, till I ttl in the last resting pUkce of the divine Menka-ra Tlieo the rope waa drawn up, atol Cleopatra, we! eg matte fast tberelo, waa let down by Ihe eunuch, and 1 rncelved her In my arms. Hut tbe eunuch, sorely against his will, tot he feared to be left alone, 1 .d wall nut return at tbe rnouth of tbs ahafL IVr U was not lawful that be should enter hi titer w wsliL tf SB CDVTISt'ttt TrtAVCLIrsfT'lN tlBIfllA. eat BMIIWwee Wkata Sllllwa AIwmwS tiMtraiMltw, No one ran tburr.ugldy uoilersUnd tb ' meaning cif tbo stnrd "tTtonmuiiy'' who bi not vilte.l Mlberis, smI trtveM for Uui sfur lvur, day after diy, w,k afl weri along Ita itara it,wiriri mavl, Alotg tl.. whole of tho t.ttrta.J from Irkmiuicdla Unrs are marked by woolen t, pAlnt el black nod while, piare,) at every vrrit while at rrrr t""t sUtlon a larr btr ladiratea tbe dlUac fnm lUcbf tiwn My heart sank wheasrer I loekwt at . and aaw IM word Petersburg with tbeasp , (slung number of naogbto under iu Tb few vertte frm stslfcm to sUttoa wte-e bJ entwgh, but wln itraire Vt tbe tis thvw todJd aeparatlag ua frees, peterttntry one almost gsve sp all hope of erer teaii. Kurvfat sgsin. see , in tho depiksof a bsrcra frt, felt so oV Urjr lonely and ctit off froes IU rest f tM rivniied wtvrld as who rrttsilaa M.Wtla Kvery lUs after tbe Ittltotl bcaare mrtankat DMsklte le at IM stations, golsg to sleey at a tuns , no tice. If there were u lra,'atiBf ' themalCKcef tbere writ, at.4 r1t.rt.Uf Ut the daptb cf vnr gWnaj velr.t, Oeri toliebasir after hoMr, dsyafurday wttl notbUf to Unk at but tb lk iui aad eteraaJ piae forests, tAhitg U. tk.aa t-f save fair, ctvOstd Zunt. far a way, fe U which otve fait, wtthakls-lsf c"!! ssUsfartloa, rvery jiagW el ti- ,-U Ur b.i wa W-rttglag u fcr Bvea t wtJ dose act ale fr aJ. thew trawWay tv ftfUrlan ft.fU are t graiui. txt tU trsahsva)arahUa Kfiwsaa, br U bametsa alaias Nvt a bird. s-M aa.s.4,t. " h-rard ta It raat avtsuas. as-l r Ua tu , Uvsee stcs a4 te bt,e rt sKt, tae rt tveee Betwasea aiavvst StreeaUte feui1 rate ta Ce-aU h Las,-, sy at w wTatuT I "At the least NANDUNO A HAT. ttet Vmiu r a Sal S4sm Nst I Mn1! Stnrtw M - Im II A hvvy rniplor. lit a Mtth enite grerf r ure apiared tn the curb tW other morning Uh s Ml trap In hi hstl, rtl w thin the trap ws a gri beaded tlent tf gl Ue, who etl- deatty r'liel thst s rrll Itt hi life watdMwat liAltd 'laelttr sletlrlan had their silent on srretled si orrvsnd threo ds esnitt running tip nd Un Itsrklug snd lrpmg iturvl. sntlvstfor the moiiienl w htn the prisoner tlmuld l turn! ltiet. "IJel out In the tlreef" W.tutel a Svdee, "Olie that rt a bow," 4e,l a ki ttnd "Hold nn till I git mr dwg." pi 11 a Uty ' ay, 1'hK" fernatVtvi a fat man with a otn at bo wtliil tilt wy Into tho crd, "hate ittu ha.l fundi rttriene with ral 'Ihertt't onlv ctne av hsndling 'em lightly !el tun lake the tratv" The Uiy urretidenM ll Uh tt'ff bad tffav'r., and the tat man hsnded hi C-Mip tit utiiiio one and held tho lisp high titer Ihe Irvet Tliert woft li of etrn dtnfs wlien the tpftng door wa nMtetl. tint the f-tt dbln I like the Iwk of thlligv llo r sit iliteit tit thediwr. msde s tpring und a ttt, and (or a Unit ltt i ondt wa M-on lilt tup tit the lfp Then he tiintd In lit fst matt rlgh lii)tlMef , he did to there Wat a tell snd a falling b. V of the crowd, the dic r tiahrsl fofaard, snd net I Instant 1 dig, ,'at malt and rl were all lit a heap' In Ihe gutter Onn dig gttl the rat, and J the other t-egtti a five fight, and they circled, away frnnt the il the fat nan got Us bidding a rtilhil ll hat ; In hi hand Ho wa In a hurt) tit gtt, lint lo (ore ho iiiuld Irate a Uty tiUnlott four dog Idle on hi leg and rtvoni mended nitric acid and a hut iker "M) cane'" tiller lil the fst llisll, a lie Itmked almul, bill cane and holder bad gone ' Ua!"' shouted three or four nf the crowd, followed by a general laugh ' lUt job -tun f ret.tidel llm fat matt "'rhero' only 0110 way In handle rats Sttry I can't tm with you atwat, , cut ye tun'" And ho broke lie and tteaiuiM away down tho ait-niirv N V hint I altr.1 In ttxlk aumrkaB, Mr llllhi lis a theory thai hi wife I tmi Indulgent to tramp and tieggar With a dltllly defined ptif"e of leaeli ing her a lcon he dtgttsed httiielt the oilier dsy s sn shaitdonitl ga Uuid, Uddlj rang the lei at hi itwn front dour and Iinulrti1 for Mr Mlllti "Ham toil any u'd rlolhe lit glto a jHir man, iiiiiiu?" he asked In a loud, aggrelv liiileaf(iilly dlsgtiled voice, when the lady presented hrrttf Mr lllllu lihtkeil at tln Bolltxl, grimy dltrepulalilo iMikng olijii't tHifoto hrr with iiiiiin Ititoritt. N bother or not ho klikpoilted tho gclitllliPlK of the melldtralit I hot rortAlnly kliiiwn, but she stitwtireii ' None thai wonld fit you, my giil man My husband I a iniieli tinallei man than sou are " Mm sltiit the ditor In bla tarn, and Mr lllllu inadn hi way back In hi nfllee down town. "Dam It all'" be elactiUinl, a he sneakinl tlirinigb a back alley, "I 111 11 at bate liMikrd a thundering ght bigger than I feel ju now ' Chicago Tfllililiit tas arviwa !') r. One of tho lllott loilewoltht' riniti fll 1 1.0 Houthiluriiitr llt yeti iviwlil l the liool Ing of the Uaioua Ino rii i,r l'I-o i.t Port Wort Iu tshli'li i'ii mi May liiaiol Clowe ttitii tlrfteiidltitfof tlf Itinilllt. "let., ataglaiiiV I the iif, t,( n nllrn ud IB coiiltia-llnu stllh thl Nt)iv, aiet lilt lift eiitroattsn olid ii pirlirntite, at the 'tUeo illtpU In grtal a'tVAIiUfO all tb-li-aonri a of 1 1." "l-li" Mbur Mtal ' The Juttt twelve ninuliit lotto rn m mint rv liiarkublelh the hiatoiv of rlerrlfrtnenl In leia. I'bkli'itth ivVillliet l.t ln v pled and neve towiit an) rlW bate tpr n bp tin iiiilt liriwt raiiwajr ttirn liuto l-n 't-iideI, t- h nrl tl di-tit ' if Iron and e 1 ui.esec-l m.d ttotkul s-l " " """ iHiuffiaw innuair f-a i-aiinaiti ytll !!. ruiirowiia rtJirritiV ll" Mv Hate niailngreally frlutl f ate irtwal lul thirty itita Pur further llf"W.atln a-Hro 11 ll pwl.lock.l'ri-aHtetii lrt north,'!!. The reand boirlt will ..vt tn making ("luraUtin for lle st'lila "sshlfigum Pt It U no lonrr T.fwinrji to take blue Mils n liiuB" Hie (lr til auiliHi t alt' f tJlUe IJvcr Pill are tourblttf Itou tfoigttlhl. Mtaaitos Is n4 m UMh as mui, a fsll f" as Dm average rurvr la.,rt tbtfaal mill. HeJUnre Anh-ii. an a A itfJmtn In 1'la.ya (r ttr fVrtituteptiou Curee wUrs oOasf temeslits f:L Km. TMt OliNCHAL MANKCTIs. " .i no Arti it. : f,pr,f,4 ,ura t i Tt i ItuK'or IM hallta , ll'Ka-;.. o lliva Lnat Wlllil-Ji,. A ia I bani ,,,. ' fin-So i nil -, i ,. , Ulk-.Mti UtLU- '..1, t, ,, I UK IIAT-ll.l.f mill iif;n4f. , ,. , , ( lll...-, ,,.. ... i;ac,i., rbttar ., H4t 1 NMIOIt ,4 S HlVl CAr(I.C.Mf & tlaart lil.r alia . llrartS-IXkrar tlir.rr -ri b riMWNa ., yi k cw llUI-t, I ,- . 4 tAT.a(,i fel. " 1 t ti m 1 M t -U i w '.I a 1t i a l at I l ts ) SI 4 I SI at S I H I l I li i '.3 ., ll IS ! IM 11 AM 1 SI I VI H 3t I M f St l at I at 1 ) i tt m I o at I !it t I t4 tt lU M JM.S ti Mis f m MM w tat BS II 11 tilt I SI I M tt t4 M s let. 11 11 M. ni.kx-t.ia-aiB'trf ,..,. njiii III' .iii, f TTJV. kf jvjtlti, HUM li-it. . n. !,,! tsftafcaf iirrr r., t.t.- tllH k-Ml.lo fbaal WMfcAl- 4vl UH- , i oai a,, i ft I S 1 ran -.., . . a ... aiw vk f tTTtJl 'oetkwMS f t tft-la-ti ll. ti. m,n,n , lHCw t flM. .. 'l-t, fa-J '."s- 1 ., , . ,.. IUJt-a.t(mwliel J-,'t-'sevr .-...a in m I tt v i a M at n i M U et I M I ll a l tt at ir U m t t Kt.f S J ttt I A sirlMt I t a ttt. TV f'or n rtx-4mls. i,nu tvi m I Crrtljvlt .t I. ,. I, , rheumt,ft w tlit.Mte ,h the .,ff'vr tfirfttt cmU?h I with hi .Mti Wdre4 rtt.ivv Iwisir It , If hdd itttefrh w tntt a ttit,ntv tacV it S itt IkI TTe dlhwt (rv.en whieh a tttaa r wmtart tsflrf t-S,t list rtwuai tititi f mUrth I l,l ..n ,t ,t d . the txtt rl not. Mevd' I tttm trlv " !' ivUt etrtifw. lnJiwt, - Uhsv,et,Aj .tn.ritlliH4MV 4rt , nttire, eur t m"re, itd jutt wtU ' a,eer)aet la at tv,t tte.l firra 4 bte tats, tgvl with part, las t tsiparUi Tttett nVt t.'l stfika at the re. t tr v it ttur tt-ewntalitm er iUlh tit tttli 'tt lag tlw rwetnlr- ef fin) Kw)th tht et tit j,,r I4,l tbit rtUil,l, ta t llu.l ivrttrilla lit alet) ttftwe tt III nl kll tnthM llwt b).l ,- m( i nU.t awl tttwnd hte Irtvt Itt Uw t irrtL ether rvmettr In the w -M et .;urrfuU; and jt t. httwt.,i a 4 Wl tft(Ver It tettw-r at ll bt tn. II li-t.-.. to tMiun HtUl e and (tlatul Autent (lout .(,k.rt bitfee l.t l,U lit ISrepett air It it l!w lhI, Me tK .... 111. ' tt ' 1-et-pW l boat tlkoitt eut -oae luaiaw toia it 1 tiKt llettaist aiiHt The frtxlet t .-t tHt - .u l.i iks) litUrn tbtl theiltat k4i l.n!tM.Uil ttltettt that hHttw' hat tievtt aSle trtcnrw In all II Ut atod that .t"Ufb i lktarf h I tttt ia iKa ..iti, ihiii. . ..k... Vriowtt 1t the rniMH-t) ttft,ilj 1 uib. bn i-tiititti,nt diwattd, rrsiMirsM VtnttHtbMal tftofttinont ll;i I Uth ' Cwltt I Hktt Hleft,l,, K,lie,r dHAtli i lijtn the lixt nd mmwi -.!.. Pf hr I ittcm t -.. drtrviiBg U f..ttlidtww 1 nt the dlxA and attnta? tbo tMtlift atreitglh ht hwlMittg up h . nHltHll- and attittlng ntlum lit d .!,, u h k The l'rslrt.f a bate a,t MtKh faltft ln .tt enr-a lite taiMKI . tbt tfwll kHrl llilll.r . ..... . lltat i fll I,i.,(W,( l,if U i.t rl lietttata f J Cntstt it, 1,J.U II t.sld bj DfMeMta, tVl a Si athleto whit "imIisI th ktwtt tp ran Imrtllt l-i c-,'l,t i,t Wt m lb piak of IVIidltixO Unlet llati-tlav f , l'.Wa ll "tUit til tfl atr i n iti bmi uiik, mi ai I At ! . rv. m , ti-.Vl at ikt VI, ( i Htt,I.Ol'lMlt.Ul.,iil ib taut t I tHitlb). IHI if wit J wHiPlilj lake l IVn.i UrtMr ! llU.SItrr r II wttltlrstna Slid ll)tnUle hrr , dltolsleml User, luifllt lief tit.l Sua I hef iNiiiipb'Slnti l and t'J. bef btr-alti tt h,teailtte, her tlfila itwftul. at,.t hef I l'llllr Bttivt All dtiicltU a !. t bittk, tldl t-t d'arfUtt etertUatt with ttHir effrti ertUatt with ttHir fffrtttlttt bfi-wth lt O III fWv I alert h Hen,rs) all.) llwt l ua a Tns pawtihrvkrVa life may he a l.tswly one, but II ha It ivdistoilag tretarew -HuMOaieite a A Jllla n Ik stall tlflettttitlt illtltittit tlut t lntatl-1 llattlita Tl.e n,. tla-t of IM ahlit atol ri III atliHt of Ibe Mea lit nt(ig IJm, t,-n di llo'llki. fo loan) In tH bealtl. All Irwtelee ahotiht bt a a raxMpwnluti, ll'-a tctttr a llltli-fa a lib l tortin td fegnlalra tint alulna. ll it aiMta tanihlt I ix'la hliltfui lhlluia ( , ,uvaln and i balicia ,t letlilt'lalilie, atid a a 'territlw fitii for malarial, flnmat).' st ktde slttttrtilB A "txassa" which Is aotweMhasU -raltlit' Urn ttirtant tallies tat date ft, tlr 14 fiult An.oUsa UltHSf t AWtwrnal "n Bafalr fatal. Tiini" l',nir. l'lMltttMist )ttt,rrtw-l I - ai..i I i... ....ii . I.. .. t atvita ninM diu-aM II) lla tnni-iy Vim thousand nf lotdr ito hl ! t (wi' mtieli1l ojre.1 I aball ! a-la. I l.t (. Intlie nt mv rnntl rt.r a triaii' of totif rrsadrfa tthtl ite tvu,i.iMt,n II llf Mill "tnl inn tbe If nomas and hl rtftti-e wd dlra l-apv1fi,l T A, Hot! M 1$ , 11 Pefl alftwl. rr 'l k Til tltin W hen a i ill jf i-asmall t rt-lft el order" wlw M baa beasi tit all ntgM ttlth ths tat) t lloatoii I otill't Oatltllir ti, pull , J III A T Miiiii.a.iB, Itialvslir, Pa Sm""I I bate Ul ir Anil )! fnf Malalta lf nt.f Ualt l nf a lenliilV and hate fintbdlt tt lt III tvery Ma..vt all lltat )wU l lalin ft ll It not only Hire i blllt and (etf of kilol. lilt It I be IxalHutalli ItiH et- klMtw tt loilld Up llx jtnt b"i lifekra ilnan fltnii aii i -a uw JU'tiaOfitllt tnnit, P U llw.- a Miisjk .. Kit- fa a lirf. b,H aivf e liea. prine In I- lllfat-taelNlMfS, lb;Wn CoUllel. III H.' rfai-nm l.-a vrttfrely tie.nt "t rlo-Uiltallttn Irs'tit vtblf ll 1 'iftle Iff tllfe long t-ata, bate f'H ), fr fltnn xaln fe "tefaj rtta-ttth and bay B-il 4jM Dr fo a irmHnt. lfcea ilftilirtw, t nbiiili'itsii, kf Wnrs apstldb inai l-n bit grip he will not do llm. b ban Itl.akllg wtN Ht,lll ueu M O Pita;i., fitt .Vwrfa 'ft, will s set hy C'saria A t 'U , Pblltvla Pa to a i." in IS- I' It f I (.), iil(t 1-al.t, ertt rwlst ut at IKhMNt '.Utrb jiva Mti V l vl oelt ou drt-VIad atJftl , las It U s rsiy trt J il.w irt,ii I'ayrar wit s lit Ull .r, itit 111 tM aiwat Bts lu nt -- lu-alM I rsirbr "HJ.' BIS Hill T'ai f Mbt. ly fclfiwn a ait wltnllabla frtoe ' fat ilffrtfhlll 1 1 M-.a !,! ,,-jn. b IM IfViihUa A'W ,Vf N l-.(ii Tn gret wuiUftf IMdey letlee J.a.; n-nUm al'f-Mt.1 atfl iilf fnwai af Um at itttitr IUlbt.fUM Fr t !'. Mat "n'lrtl ley ( Mef fjlli fj.a nil. I Tiftf bi m iA)Hf ftl,M ts laylMae. h'r al) f Ilia prt.twrl Jy dl rw lliw Oldr rewtpitl iim a IK! .S sreiMt h-st. tn atxia, itl. tt.ts rofuuik.,,, t.,1 -r.M Hia-tti r f t ImI -lat. pat, k i - I A I tft saw! -W Ua-i lid wf y. j-t b (-'- " , ifr fiii a is vf tw i i I W 9J WW W ) -. a! ta-vO." fUt4 MI ika u.i-lr Lrfa -t O . It., I. D taavtJiM-f a vl 4e P ralw a 4 -t.ff .ftWa J, ,J (yrtfc t ' twka) BBMiywr a lava. aH. J")., a A I; la, t asrVaf'ttiMit.nitU a Da e t iU-fa-vatawJ aiw) 7 f t n, I . t--At.fM lifn.A- aWi(e. a ft jiwr Jv ate tra at aeytt rif -aU '-a-g PMairvfai ltA Tima tw ui. tin 'fa.ttu. tn-r' ' 5 JACOBS OU CUKr.i 1'l.HMANr.Nri.y tPRAINt Anal TIIAIHt. AtwUle ... II MlgMr W Ut. n ..a 'vsMt , i. Met, aM& Umn f .t.ia . g nke rXfW IM.' , 1 .By,.., B.I Mat .cwi .! etrW wi Im bm naviiff aarf.s i w4 f tl aa lala., SaN t Tt tea a IHt af M I li"4 f a vt ! .nav, aa.t f't.BTf til 41) 3 tit t. ft I ti-at aavaae i ,j.i M .- lj BtisWft fva.a) w . - .,---.-, If ff If N - t atv tt'l raw (aaaiii a sou Ha ca. &$Rjl OaNtt KaXjOVtt Isnll) M tWlhtwl lul rewnlle ' Ht tl nf Klj;s Is taken) ll w teaisu ami fvfreartlitkt In Ida taste, an( ! (rttlljvlrt.nitttttUte Kbtneta. .Iter ni IViwels, elesvisea lhss leiatfeWluallr, wUjwU, teel achat aixl fevera itiUureanaMltMhl riMtlatloit, Hy run nt Vf k tKa mitr rsmve.tjr nf lie IM aver lft. tlufa. (.vIcAtlrtaf n S laataltntf ie reta1ila Ilia titinacS, rfonibt (g) iu action ami trnlr IviietV'UllnIha rirevts, tfvfvrrs nnW frttui llw rnt IteaUhjr ami agrvewbla tilttlancesv lis mans; atrvllent iiHtlilU cits, metiil ll In all ami hsva mala H Uve tif( titit)r rme Inows), bt tup of r'lga Is for aata In WJes amlUUiiilealir all letvllnt lntfa gliu Any refUttt ilrtiggwl ! ritaf ttn lis re It nn haml will ssa rttta ll iit'inptl fir aujr wK withes Im try L lha h tfi anyanlwiltnie, MuromI rt$ srnvr nt n Ha.v, ru. iMttnif, r. . t st twe. fr rX SCOTTS mt astsa Ce Usee aaeaiiaa a Utssa aw ) as atwa-ai a aaiataaea caiieraa awiae H fata ettat.las, A MSItluaiM , raeaucaa it twavesv. mm iaa itHsa leaa awe) laasiaa wa leaaasestt aeant, net a aawwad atwataat a eaaa)h last Bwiaja ptmtm asitsm, ae eaiwa) ea-M'a wtaee aesat Mtas weaia amtnaj tae teta aeeasa, swan g asasenwiMiPM ax4 1 For Fifty Yrp itt Undtirtl al(04NHiwe Mil Tonic, AycrtSartaparllla liatat HO tKUtil pHnjr Masilclua. hrwMirwl Irjr Dr. J. O. Aft m OwVa leOWwil, SkMSL Ts fte ws..tat.i Wsatete ja fBtaa Saae ate aasw ee teats rsstawa, 9mnm BILE BEAN8 MllwlJUt7Sffin ine i av Tint's Pills westeewe) laaw ) heaje teeat 190 esse waaaee) ateej eseai fiiok HtVwlaflfa Py taaaaiA, fatHt, Ilwaayf BWawiawe, BitUaa Call. U aUrU, U, fwit'e ruse sstwelssee eewalaa hshll asf Saalr SSSBW few) atsfSsslSSM, WtSajaBBW . eejej aslaag fjaaelTiialBBi. Mel EwwwTTWllswsTwe yoiTwCiN piano. Hie MM sjajtet tsass m 5i TVjCklarVawJU' ww. i. umm awsteeaaataa. tSEfssas waaaa awl I ., a Baaa aa aa, ttM a HnSiss w- Virr: xzsrsux" mM af. aiZHTiE "-r.w f- ari ----- t-v---w s rw aawwsaeewejBa ;S Chlldrtn V4kMa,9sV salWsSfa) hT Enjoy II. EMULSION staaC: i j i Hh