t&tmtmw Wi8wjstfyj.jw, wpS5TWP'f a.) i- iW"MMMa-.(lfo- w V' - S4 a A, VOtfWAVK'l sat ,( rt,(l fcW V Ml, ska . V L CHANCELLOR SNOW. Ttve Kansas t'nlf-rlt ntli trti Varant t'tialr-Othrr Aili.tnieiit. Lawiii-.m r Kan, April liAftor a threw day' session thu tv,,int of tha Kansas Mate Unlviralty have settled thciicstlon of whoihould I Chancel lor of tho Institution by electing l'rof. . II. ."-now at a salary of JlOonperan- num ffi.ww iom man tnoy offcml Kov it. .nvwnfr. 01 .aiinnuapoiis, .Minn The rcMon lor ini reduction I not known. 1 bo Miloctlun of l'rof. Muiw cltfa universal satlhfactlon hirr, ami un donbtPilty thu auiu firlnur iata throughout the Stato. In the jm-vnt Uto of affalra It U nmlouhtcdly tho very boat thtnjr tliatcan 1 dono for tho unUcrNity. l'rof. Soow will honor thi Inntltutlon In tho ChimcoUor'a ch.ilr a ho ban honored tho rofoMorahlii of natural history. For twcnt'thrT joara l'rof. Snow )na oocujili-d thf cli.Ur of n.Uural nclttico and In thin qnartrr of arontnry'a nork ho has aliown hluiKolf to a thorough, conaolcntloiia and Indofatlirihlo MorStcr. Outaldo of his roguLir dutli-a hf hs iri'ar'l a ratahvuo of our rti0 HfK'oli'H of tho nlnnta of Kana.1 a Hat of Kanaaa blnla of oir UK! K'oli'H, a INt of iinlmala of tho M.ttx, a Hat of tho tlahca of tho SUtO and Hat of tho InaooU 'f KanMs Co'crado and Now Mexico, and has collivtiuns of lncao in mo university mutvum com primtn? U0O,0O(i Hpccltiicna and over 20, la adapted tho new assembly will la ttOO npi-cli's, Thero Is no other Mate In come a legislative lly. If It la re the 1'nlon that couUlns inch a . ii.t ac- Jectcd Uio asacnittly will bo a coiutlW cumulation -tho work of ono mun Tho uent UJy. cnurt) miiaeum collection laalurd at noarlv f l.lMKl.WHi. Tho regents after electing l'mf. .Snow continued tho good work by establish ing a chair of geology and electing S. W. Wlllcaton, of Yale College, n gradu aUt of tho Kansas Agricultural College and formerly it Kansas man. to preside over It at a nalary of SI.. WO a year A choir of mental and moral wionce was also created, but no one has yet lieen chosen to All It l'rof. C, II. Ilunlap w.n elected full prifcasor of Kngllsh literature !er- nr oi r.iigiisn literature tier- rottvw.ia choaptt assistant pro. n geology at a salary of SMMl per ' ' trtido Crottv feasor I annum All tho optional similes ail vised by th professors were adopted uud ordered placed In the curriculum CIVIL. SERVICE REFORM. Ileport iiln Hih-iIxI iiiniiilllrr .if lniiilry a Id tlir I(ir4lliii i.l I hi- l.a, Wa-iiimmiin. April ti- In a report made to tho executlvo rominltteo of ttic National Clvll-ervlco Iteform League, A. i , ... the sp.chl commltt.... appointed to In-, mtlftl lllfit ttia ntmri I liitt i 1 tins ifAawi , . ,, .V .V . "' I appraised at nlmiit SA,wK).ioo were In law details tho Investigation made ,ohlllln tM, llwU,lini hnA ,,, ayndl ani.ng memH.ra of (ougre.a aa to t 10 C4(, u (.nUw, lo . .lini of r dlatribiitlon of patronage, and ay.: "It , t.cn, ..,, .,, .,,.., (lf ,,,..,,.. , 'u. la ntlt nn iillr.r,innl iiMlittiafj, ft. that more than one-third of the entire time of these Congressmen (time which ahould properly m devotid to their l-g-lalatlve dutlea) la ecnaumed In tht dis tributing of ofllcea." The cemmlttce laoulrod Into the us- tent to which thin patronage Interfered with the proper jierfortnanco of legiala-1 tlve duties. It found that In the lait Congress a little more than 10 ir cent of the mrasurca lutro lured pascd Uith " houses. Of the 17,07k meiwtirea Intro duciil, more than tl.ooo never came out of committee and 1,400 of tho rcjaurtitl never reached consideration. ' Tho n elect of ... a . pub, c lulnaa hero how n, tho committee thinks. Is due tn tho spollH system. Tho committee com agenda highly the lnlge bill for tho se lection of fourth class postmaster, by lamination SUPREME COURT EVILS. California Cut t"i Ipc lat llalafa and L'nr)lrllaa; llrrlalmia. Sax FiiAVrisisi. April I'J. A circular conipoilng thi Suprumo Court and. ad lis I to this condition of affairs, then- i an Intolerable delay In obtaining Jnstlre in the onllnary cours of JullcUl prociilurc He declares that if the evlla coniplalriel of are as serious as they are claimed to la', tho only adciiiau- remedy will 11 In a thorough reurgalilrAtlon of the iy stem by an amenilment of tK (Vmstltutlon. I nrrupl AlilpriNrn. MtritiMi, Mlnn. April 13. -The irrand Jury la making Iteitremely warm for Chief Clerk llaney mad ii-n ora duti-n of tho City Council, and it U sild that many Indictments are to follow the revelation It dorcUrW thalftgtod many aldermen had aumo pairmrqU laid In front of their housei frr"; of charvo in conslderatfon that they awarl contracts to tho right lrty Tho Jin der was not made to theai In that bare faced 'way, 'hut thry you4 anil tho Mti-eta In front of the r boUei were pa i il free. Thrrr Mm rnanlfntlf llaraal. I'M vim nr, N J April It Al tha Warren factory, l'blUI)ratinrr. while the wen were running oiT the molten Iron from an Immenso ladlc.wbteh t.l Juat laM-n fHle-L by aome allcffd car-lsaAel it w cpct ant the content fell aa the damp ground, causing a terr Cc ri leilon. Tlie men were thrown In atery dl ret Hon and three of them were fricht- folly burnsl, one fatilly The balUllaf was wit on Are. hut the fames were et- llagulsbed with on'y illffht diwuy. The explosion wta heard hlocVi aaay llla-4Vf a UHOWH it Ut icowtaH- Ft Wor. Tet. Arnl J evening Joaeph Roland. treet akmer, while attempting to en la front of an electric itrtej car, w kaockealdown n4 laiuntly killoi. 'It la claimed by some that he rereie-l aa iletrlc aV k bjrcswalnaj inpU alia tke nlla. wliK-tt arasataai. .fw irowt a-ttlBXOHtof the way, hut tleetricUti aayaucb a tiila was mrsilb!f. Wra. Mary fUr.ery, of NrtB&.-a- Cr.. haa been armUsl tor coaxfticlty l tie iwrder of her buiVaftd. llr r.-rrJ mrasKKsr, ivtcr im, fi aa im aVftca tb crier vcccrri. haa Wen l.aued by tha rallfornla Slala, ,' " T"" '""- .' " '" """ "" " '" ' " " all l4tar. drag ff lata ::;Z;?lVJuZZr.i.-i. liar Aasoolatlon. which contains an ad ' , . Mis:Talisju wto wr a uul iu- ll droaa by ox-Jw4ge lliomas I Humor, I jhE CHEROKEE STRIP. U'iUaara la Uwiul a oaal lahl I .,lwr l""iiiH(Mtl,i I.l k sil hV.ia president. In which fcnataUa that a well, . a,n,r' ,Klrket. U---y.iIi,atU...ii --.intal'- fouiulisl dlaaallnfactlon with the ronj. Ufclef Ma.ea -rrp.rl Mmmc AJ.UIa, -.- a-lataT21itl7 .ll.ad l-Wa .. - .. , .. . ... ,i i. ii., !. . Hir .Vrrf , wt I Ian aavat hr t racln ft i llfaa". aaialaallnaaaiaaf rnaa(a ITara t on of tho lawand w 1th he adtnlnlstrv y . T , A ,npt ' lv, , VMmU, Vm . U any a la lie t?V er lU-.ly for i .U,,h HtJiwli'i r. tlon In thla State prev alia widely, lie rhf.M)lM , j, connects! with tho C.r,a-1. t-to pd. anm lrpt f aaya there la a deplorable uncerlalntra , '". inaian connecii witii tn tM,t,ina':ierrler4.ipwratarra Mxallat ' inwl.it il.n law Is. ow.fur to the want of ",wnln adminlitratlon and a warn -t twUon cirmlMeitnmtmmU r. , aa.. , .... to whit the law la, owing to the want of a, 1tnl (f )U ", - Oil- fio TirtSd!'9 I harmony In tho opinions of tho. luatlcea '..... , . .',., . . ..,. ,.... .t...... WMf W I IITO I Irit NEW REPUULiC. Tlra.lt tia Htf a limatllatlnn ratlarneat Afler that ! Id I Mini aiataa. Ilio in: Jwuiio. March IX The l'n vlstAiat liovernmetit havlnc decreed H the Ifreat popular mcasuros so loii; de manded by the people, the necessity for winch caused tho roudutlon of Noiem it - r svj wx ai x aUdllh Ii of ' slavery Ifotved from the Imperial cov ortimont In IVM. the sotvtration of tv church frm tal', HU'rly of xoohljv. frviHlom of tht jirva. ncciilrltatuui of tho jiubllc con'oterioa, ttituraluatioii of fort'lcncra. ole -i now trjtnjr to aoul the d nicer ami liiotincnliuco atti'itdlni tho adoption of a constitution. In other words, tho tm-n now M tho head of af ftirdos rt to U'(jtn where the I tilted bUttui finished, and so uko adtanlp) of Amertt'an evjarience 1'or ilils re ken thej have nominated a iiuiiiUt of well Vnouti himx'UIisIs to frame a con Mltutton Hblch la to U ireetitivl to the t'onatltiient awnilily, 'I ho work of ret'tsioriii,,' tiitera- all men of twenty one j ears of airu that know how to rvad ami wrlto-U iHdnc pushed rajildly TIik proposed constitution will ! cttento tho press so as to be amply discussed by all. Ily this means tho framer hopo to present one ;ust as much like the Amer ican constitution as Is consistent with tho rharai-tor of the llradllan potds It la iiropvr tltr-n to unbuilt It for adop tion to a dlrct ote of the txiipbv. If It TREASURY RAID. A jrntlratfi r.irnir.l In I'.tlrait S4aay Mlllluna mi trtNimil ( lniHirl ( Harir. I'llll VIU.I l-IIU, April 10 -lie or thlt tuoat gig-Vc rabla ever made on the I'nlted States treasury la that which haa U'en organized by the lmp.irter of hat trimmings, rlhhona, laces, satins, ullks and plushes. If the ayndlrato whloh has the sohomn In charge shall Im suc cessful In lis effort, the (inti-rnnient will pay out of the treasury almut l- issi.ooo orf'.'o.iHHj.wM in refund of duties. .. ,f , :. . i. ;, h "n uwiiin Court gavo a ,U,el "n "L",rl lh,", " ,n U,,'; mens Hldelholt case, where a suit had Id-en brought to mvhhi a refund of eu tomadutlespaidat the rate of .Wpi-riN-nt, which la the rate of duty on all Mil, a, whereas they should have been taxed but '.'O per cent- 'Ihe Supreme Court .111 tires decided In fat or of IIIdolbotT at , the lower rate, and the Secretary of the Treasury accepted this decision as ap pljlnjf to other similar cases that tho department had contested and lost. In I .., If I...I I....... I ...lit I. . ...! .1... .... v, .v...... t.-.-n i,.,,, mil.. 'i ",,..1 ,iia lUU w u, h, b ,,., ,.lM, ,mruUoM, i ... which will not It over Sl.ooo.noo. FOUR OOVS" KILLED. Mhochtac ArrMaat r ralllas Niioh u.ij. a I.. sa Vnn firv, Mo , April 10. AIkiui tl.M o'clock jreaterday afternoon three Imva A. I liammon, tho son of an old and rospnctisl cttUnn, VA Soverns and the aon of tho Widow Stone, each about fourteen year old were digging lead ore out of the wall of un old caved In mine, when un Immense slab of rock fell, burying them alive and at the aame time throwing .l' Wright, tatifa U na atilnllinf hit. llia-a iiIj ualnb. i ! al-T niHIIilIMM fill I 1 1 1 "T, av, n uw j 4ff , UtJ n , ,,, ((f , 1 pit W right a arm was broken In smer al plat-en and he rccchud such Internal Inpirlea that he died In two hours. A largo wimU'r of -n-opln flm-keil lo tho Hi'iii' of the dlsast-r, and man) willing hands went to work tn revue th hurled Uiya. After a file hours' battle with the rocks all thre were taken out diaL Niverna' head was crushed Into a iham of front so far as the Downing aduilnts- tratton la conrrni-d In dealing with the Clierukwi Mrlp ijueatlon at lb" coming special s-silon of the Cheroke. Iglsla turn. N'hat is meant by a chang'i of front la not generally undprt'wl, but from what the Informant said It may I" readily lnfrred that Chief layes now flor a an of the Mrlrv It Is known that Chief Mayea has decided to call an oxtra aeam of the Council aljtit May 1 and It Ii ala-j a fa t that ln his tho message nearly cotnplotM. In which a conditional a) Is rrconimcndcl on the ground that the 0iTok'c have la-en harass! and driven from dour to dior by the lnlti-d States (Joii-rnment until thulr condition , l Uirderlng upon joverty A l'X WaalJ, Kaaaaa Citt Ma April in Arrhla McCoy, living at vol. Flora arermi.. yi-iteplay aft rnoin accornpanie.1 his father, a leitnter, to his work neir tha ArVania elevator at Sixteenth anl IdU erty atn-rts. Archli wandirM or? to play and got on to the hint l' track i wbefo an nglno wis irtchlng cra backward and forward. Th frit Inti mation the father ha1 tkat wrmtbiDf hadlfall'n hli aq hh aa agonlrM briak frow the ly ind he hastened to his aide. Tli. J-r little feilo hal gft in the war of a car l!r Uaekesl oato a I tide track and a run ener. loatnr hli ft t the lly anl hli rlflil arm at the ct?w. Hi Injuries will prvva Utah ft Bwatia Mfr. Varxcin, Aptl - A large Lot sra ra cently1.ro8?iit ttftn tt 1buVt of if -rrco to the port of Mast I ran lor iiip Htpnt. W'b't It arsa o-tM-l a ghastly 4ht ai roiJ-iL In tl. la .flet , closely Uigtther si err tha Uallea ,'. sit . j Ve' ? ,aiea. vf s aivl a r re. ,vimi ncumnni M-im Itatd nt ttelr hra4 wera mlfr. Ttei Uailca were ewtla4 aat hal fMelly Lrn la tt cyiv-JltiiM i hct tly rr foftl ltt a Itrtf Ui, Trie lUcg&trr Lal h- t all ijipa-ie-a( th werk of I'aska, k tbas r litri tr&fs-.tcj o &1 JkAfat Um uifalllf:!frii. I Ilia, luaaa anil I I . k,. ... . a..l a.i..aa a..aV . ...... - T' - - - - -- l. - I . . . . 1 .. a. . ni'.i 17 ii. ima irrj iiiai.-iiai viiana;.- i..r swi iuru imajl I laaj HOIST la. I ME FOHQOT TO FLOP. I'nrgrttvJnaaa Thai Hnu w'aaal la a KMaatllllllKI. I'p In tho country llv-vs an eaxcntrle oUt fellow Ho has lived to U alut J slvty-the vrars of ajrv and ha ralel a laimij hi iueruiota aon iiair'i,ii" "' drvn, who mike life a burden to the old man. To add to his troubles bo h two Uitliersonie Minadn-iaw, who trltd to make the wth of life tbortiv Tortucnti-tl day an I night, and of a uenous dssMtlou the old man oncccr tw.ee eude4vnrHl to cwnilt ulcidv but his erTrl ban Ut-n thwartiM by hl hwkHvvl wife 1'luallr the old gentleman Iwanie Hissessel with the Idea that he could th If he only had a pair 'it wing, lie pravi-d fcrtenll) for the coveted attrb butra of the angels, but without avail After thinking the matter over, he Concluded that If be Mould prsa'utc r of large turkey wing and fasti u them to his arms he would l all right A big turkev cobbler was klllid and the wings eeiirvd Our heto aimoutiosl that at btgb niMn on a certain dat he would rt) or sr A low structure of a buildln,- was k.-livtisl a a starting ptilnt. When the dav ramo the old man monutisl the bulldlni; and In a htl p"'!-!'!! bade farcuidt to his frlrlnl, as he was going to fl) away He made one tremendous dive Into the air and landisl prune on the ground The fall Injun. I kirn. When ho got well his friends askidi him why he failed to fir "1 forgot to flop," said he, ' when I made lilj leav" Clnolnnatl Times. A VAiimaw Too Nailrs4 trara (114. A rw I en rrvrd of a emaii vv tin llvtsl i tk.u ..ti..i..i .... i.... i. i- . .i. ... rsr to auto thai It a In llm oldtu time .Necidat3lilahy Mieiid,in.tt lliehalf llmlr ull.Ht nui. 1 1. m..rli.lttt due to lulu tioiial lerniiL'tinihla In liin Wivtker "1 I hiildv tiU-lilful. In aat lMIi lug ol the niha rlhahTn auffcrllik w hl h mukea llle s, unil Merth Ihu tlilm-to u many woniru Hut for tl-t aulTrtiM a tie in la HCertAlu relief lr llelee a f.uullle I'ns.ni t,,PU. MJ J" ,hn Iho.o.i 1'ivairipti ti will lxltlvW lureb'iKher willful meiisiruuti .ii. liinUoaua eslh in arli'. Mrak luttV In flu. 1 1, all itnplaitils to vthlrh mi mall) asitu ti urn martjra Ills thu oiil i.ini.iii cun, M-e guurnntiai en iMttierNicr -- a Clrsr thu Hirr, atontmh, Uiwel ami VUillii ajaleni h) using llr Plena a I'alli'la ii.,.,.. ... - ,li, i.w-lr I hatii I'1'" ''f 'lf mOhlte I. ai,H.l l h lip a l MUM ion a dlntl IWtor. 1 llIM(f.w MU, ,,. lt. Udt.M WUl .w a atrange craving for hakisl lMata- Are ,,u Nii.l Ii) liiMtrtata the) healthy" Iha-Ur-"! in'U r itrati'il any l.awrenca- American All Sofia ami I'liiitlllluna i.f 4a Acknuitlisltfii the tAVaiy of IHaletlcr a Stoma, h Hitlers ua a Uicaiia of ciUtl-alliy,' i)swiMa, isinstlpallon malarial and blllnua tnmlifea, iiervuua ill lilllty and klilinn all menla Tim Icarnnl ainl aaonst pitdraaiona, the preaa, Ihn lucrrulillle, inunufu'tirlraT. uirrli-utturnl and nilutiia-ron.iuuulllra hale lortiitUNU. ujirty iwi, Ihvu lurnlauiiia ! . ,."'.r.,4U", "f. '?l,",,Vr, " '.'".''"'if for the mat thirty jeara, Usii furulahltiit until that haa ri-ui hisl utiMlrlily tint it irr jufu rati illiaT ! liriipuriliina. annrdiiV unis -al imml : that thu pillule la UIk 'inlna' I Win ' be iim1 n atrong flbrr la used pat-er can Imi l.i.ilrt Itil.i a .lll.af .i.rwi a.1 li.v,! Ili.t II ran be scarcely acratchcl. Cinsaaanfl nm aajralf I'ara.l. Toma Kntroa I'liaaolnfotui iourreo.1 era that I hale a i-atvn icmisly fur tin atmve natuisl illaaao Ily ta tltlM'ljr liar thouaamta of lioKi-aa rns.4 hale ln wf uiam-iitl) cure) I shall lt gla.1 t w ml li, iHittlra of iui rctueily rnra toauy of iimii rrswlcra s fin liav riinsiimpth'n If Ihry villi Mld Inn tliPlr Pipreaa and jMiat eftlin lul dn-sa l-spHtfiill)( T A hui n. M , ltl I'narl alns-t, lvr York. It di"s not reiurea lecal eiliirutlou In irn into thu Kill 111 law Injllliraa - lU.b.a fV-n Hurt riiu4 tin tut. rr-i ,.,Li,,I,i,..r,,rIJ.iU,7,".?,H,"i hava. at onrai, a lntUnf the lwt fainllr remedy. Hi run of Kica. to rlaae it ai tim vtl-ii mallra or Mllnua. k'nr aala lu inotto of tbe rcoauMlcal aVasaaiakr - Ho Urn I'oaU A wr unlike all otiaer ail la. unlika ail otW ail la. Koarwlar"r Art nrrlally aa On Ihvr art li. a UuUlJvarrills. OfcaHUU tin :rrf i v Tnr cridaotiflM la bualaa trabiavilrai itlltTHj.'Od. Tnr I H norerarAcnt tnakearrtrttlar jor chases of "Tanalll'a l'uavh ft-r lr- aiwy 7Hfc QLNCRALMARKETf. tVAaaAa CfTT, April II CAT7hX. 'hlrplaaf ! I I I ' HoMifrHifll Sialllaroaia llmla, nt.ml 10 aU l.avf vtuisiu ,ad .. , , I Ml IM av I IN I - IIM m U m it Jl'ia rj at a I karl frinsj sjn ' f .4 Ha u IM IM I M ri 0ls-ul ., , ., ,,. Wll- Nu I Utl I'slanU, jf ak ., laacjr IIAT-nal HITftX-Owilia riaM.r , LIIKKsrrall a He.s-.v . ,M Macua-iitM .., llxMiMaia -. LAn . ... MtATOM T l;t'tA CAT7tA 'tilrrplaf 1O.11 flsUbalf lt . Hfrraaia IICKI'-raU l aaa ..,. rtt;a-;tk ,,. .. wMKAT-a. i ,-t , .... totx- i w UAtW-.Ha. I atTK-Xtav j aLTTKaV CfMaMrr .,,. Vfca, , ,, CATTt atipjt Mwn Hyra.r,Mka a4 iUrli iHrcr- ratr ii im , tun, aV-WUIa Wal ., WHUT-ls ltw (ia-a t , ... Oit-s I ,, irai t , . CTTKaV-aMr rut. WW llfUM. CTTl.KSmjm a jta. MMs4 a fiaiM , , rt)r4H v aUi ,M WHrir-lsIM , (Oll-Xi I (rTAaw.saae aTVaaVA- Mtf Wlf f (.i,.. 1st I u I v u I a t m 1 K tmm i IM IM at Ml t i t M IM JAB m n it tr i 14 I M II IM IM l ri et tJ M m It 41 M tn tmm rei la w 11 I Mf till. Our tHwrttsta el u thf II US nrj ai. aaa.mf 1 kn Hull a fsawsafarlUa I Jlrrtlsw.t Ititicrt In li afe 4.tn i fTrwt ileal u IT Jtk I h lo lx-o m 1i..i,,i .n.lunl.UllllL.lllnUifnJii mandforitw atirtouhst ni-frl toTfri I ir-roni.r, nwtiv a a 111 pstrinrr am trTva, c a irrUi n kn.-w ef r 1 Ihitanona Ithtfte t, K put a V and a emm uti llwr (- after ieiant ht 'N1 lr ii It wM . that r t laiitii ir -s r'i.l It. HW 1 Tin veiv Cist ilsfMisn d.i c-hI. Ik iiuss 11 itti i ip aim wp. ijik jiirrt- is i .t OUmT Rivsln he lli.)t a,i e i fi . Mmait xirUlra th tvwli A(l It d.a-4 La as If Wtwft UilwM tna-le l-re a !. H i.luril ,-rl writ U e ihlv - ah) .f . r awtn it-t wh.tarc mIiwk ah.1 fvs h X frott an cahasi whilevst to e lf hull rt kuirtiU an luiluotlalu tl Ul -tVivUgt. u Ltrsa. VMIMISD l 'tilt a ivaivU art It I sld iKal lhfvl HMaM'li fothtitif lilllfcl fci-lfl k.l k lu - . k Turar Is mere ("atn h In th aill.. ef the rvutitn than a I ellwr dltrsswa put t rather aiiduit. h .t ! )ra wa aup ptMst u li IimhiiwIMiv rVr a crvt msav tears O.vlxta lirn .h.sM n a l. illakaA. and prsavfilasl hji emtste. aivl itt i atanlljr lailltif to ,i tilth I-! IrswiMtPiit j prvt(Wiksjjl it in trhe K-lrMv hasprviMt I catairh t.l- 4i,st!tUhaa dlAaaa all I thpifcrp rsi i srs tltui-oal ir-raiaj nv I Hall a CWUriM irr. nailufa.-tMiasI lr J I I timer .x t 1 ll lihuv, ! the nh rsi atlutlenalctli n ttiP market ll la taken Inli-rnallJ III dtarafotm lOdrsitx t a ! a taMltut ll aita ihns tU Uan ti.it hWa. and milisnl df fa-p nt tbeatatent I1.e eftrr eup huiHlriil d.4lra ttf ant i-a ll fatla t.i niix rv,l tir t irculara and t.-atl ni'-wtala - J l urstv t,v., T4bs U. i KtlJ ) lruKlaU, I.V . a a llttl.tvsia Ii li-u.UI f. r pvtlJWwtleii alp u-ily Uk Ui.' '. s '""w """ . tk.,rut n.tk 'ii. , A tuMalflts-nt nrn iMl. tn.natist br JliMt . rullrl ll.n jt I lv, vv u , ri . Uian. W Imi mi ikult ci Uu tofrnsi -V II ' "a ll. av Pru In M wvrl'l ltU r lull itlitu .-nl.lv r ni,r ftl.Ali fHft.fta lit.toll , l'U Mlc, a isJlHj lain mimI ivaUlli all 'hoUul thtirVn.inuit ae.l tat ll ! Iiaimst III tt.r of the i Msit lattliPI ll. M-rl,.u nf t .a., nam Jrtniiah M. I(uk atpninl Hriiii ( ArH.silt iirsMt lilkrt..a ltantv ha. isit nt Jelill A Halnf li ... a , al l .' s tul.el, i . Nl r l-m-l It c,u ik-wMi .h..( um HiUct tMI b dura imt trlit H 1.. ..iHm Yi'ftkifa llanll.i i 1'lir li roof of thpt4lllls In llralM elll ll'.lC ! wi-arvti a-lli ve In is hot r haw not tri,l iilaht lliura ,ar )UU ivsat III h a lmr of tltHMiWrf".'i a Antlibite (i.r Matslia alid luslixd ( Ii tint it, .iii l.i tl.i-lnic aii.iii mnr" fnei il l.irr lsl'Hls. r la a wre.l i-i niAlath n I 1 Ihe trull ial l'n I m ImwIalHi til alio i. I s)i Uii iinthUm N I Miiiner.ial I so of a man Mtmwas rufl of a fi itj I JUT old sof nil Ida 1't.' hi HuU'a lUra.i t I'alllU, alait ala.ll ll.al II i'uihI of il)lt !, Which il- trw faln-il to alirni Jo Mpli l Al.dlvwa, Vltchiul I , II K.)airtlra the ) icf vile la flll will i . i-p tmrncu . sit w I talle-r intlaliurrh IMilsal.r Cot'lilia, KartaVtiaaa Kifa 111 aUIcJib rrlletf.,1 ,y Umjitii a I Tamars aiaipie ahd effr'ia innwili r IvalUiawr art.fl-aa for plirtaH Aaaat ala I. ... It la ainUiake uni) that lalnfatla tl k . ii tf.ajutl ami He unjmt lli Ultt al Ha) a ha an UltliC'IU - I'luV, lr Jim are llr.l lViiir Ihe larveoM faah l"ti..l irrlplhif llla,lr Cartel UUk Uier Kills wil U Ml'i'KillifnM A man I Uu4 ever U.I . IImi pill ailr If) lli.ai. a A l'Ttt"l hrtH lrj.t.T Ulla alisnit a awn'HJ I I ssp I f)lli(ll l-illll hall 10 Until- t. Illhghlinliiii llfiuhl'r I ,. i, if Hall i Wurm ltnif I lLa,l t.l .., ,l..,v..l ..11 .an im,..hI,ii i!.: v''' :. 'T".. : v-'V-ri :: ... aetni kind f wurm Mnlu in rKi. I'lU) at" lit , aafe ai.il )t n si" '' '- Hlafiiawii HrUl... ..... .... . . HIM lim.'y "f llofalmiwl ar..J Tar e Is tha cry of thouMnda vary print . For that Tired Fatllng Ayerts8artaporilla snd rsswvur IlMltb sad Vigor. It UmVfm m Wftk mronf PmpArfid by Dr. J. O. Aytr J. C.f Lowall, 111 7 HiitVe- m K.ss1M Wnijs I"" fta ft ! Us) , t.w tmt nm$tm4 BILE BEANS rsaiMaixtarii wm I IU IVav n m am.1 vaaaa TMMal laa, II aa k KIHB.IMn r it u rva-iaaa "--"waw ! afaaai.aM 4 9 UtttH ifH m V lavaai, at a. DUCIIU1TI0U tIMII, t BIStll nnLumn i torn uumi mi i'crHiaNUy fj ! . fai f " TklmmTMiimlU.Z, M . COHKUGATBO I HON J -f .. Nrnif -vrf a.., .vw anrV- IwuHtrwitv I an. I JrJ flMIMa)lwlur. IBS 4li Hall' mo- a i-PaVM aria mm wa If iv a ,iii-i-.r.:it; MXlffl 4taijat 3i jaaaaaaai aV aal -"-.. a a rBVaV IUa k ! I aat M aaaal H A aaaaaaaaT i. -a& isi'---w?.fcrjUs AAn4rkia rsVlHat tttt . Av 1S ItiUfia-a IW ai AnklH Ituav valla Ua lalax Ml fatMil lan aiiwaa Ml" i iimhsi . h-M aiHVI tut i lN tKM mim aikaait li., U rvuf4t- tal-t till H, t HI VI, II an) aa -a aaiat lr. I'ierce'i ricaaanl I'urcstUr ceotU In arllon, draining ami ij:ulsilii(r the lij.nt ehle It wttti agMii 'lli at (villi)' aftlrul, or ilHvtifl lliaitl -idUf In tlia 4 iloae, r.iisr a a lllH pill hnlUtt, irat4 ailt tn tVa .tullll tlie, mils one ii) 1'aiiel itsrai Ml th, Ciiua MWk .4.ifh, lllla lleadvrlie, 'olllllMUeii, litdtpi iIIimi, HltliHia AlUk, aiw all iUraMmMl rf Ihe .lier Jslninali ainl llotsrU, I'ut up In till", liMilWa)lti ill ha-fif aUais tleh and -lhe lUIng (nllvlf riftM. ! Hptl. lthn itlsW luibaiKo In lli )iUni, iH i, of osni-taiMi tmbl b) dnn;iu, at Ti ul a UL a v. A -av a H I mmm r'or "itHt-dewn, ibblllfalnl ml ulrfwoikrsl Wfiiorn. Ill I'lpfC'! f' voille l'icrl4.ii Ii the wt of all fr.loistllr tollUa, ll ll a l.4Hlt P" rlfle fin all lima itile Wrajkoeswra ami llar eriillal In iViaWhJ a lanwrrfill, groefal a wall nlflnS ionle ami nili. ll ltnatt vtnf ami trni-rtli lo ll wlmlt) itHma. it Pw, inwrnv ut IY41a4l ll.tU N) I w U In tl" ll'A It KiiMn iM tWril tutl lAtAMAit laaaMMI!. I - I, I " ' L,,,,,,!.,. ' W-il III.., ..)!. A44, wnui BUltai, rau, utb. W. IIAKIJI M t.' raklaslto wrxnr No t'hrtnicatM mwA b ,.. u Sm isj Aaw m H 4 issl f I Mtw4 HaWaaV. Stasf 4 W ss-aVwt ff . alfl 4 .. I 94 sW MpH4W wasa a4 vf tf)f ' MitWN W. BAIBB 00- DwtW. Ma a iVe ! ae ii laM. Iui TiMii ATMkSTIO . laalil i fl a. I. H NriM ai aa A.. a. - Wi imCH rv I mi a f. 4 M - aMMi v TBI Itlllir fM Itllft AMtlf,fC M. TMbuM4.t. 7 -. . r w . jhim mm - I,w,',4,Wr' a aa U araii Tala mm MaWla1a- l lmarmmm, Maaa. DETECTIVES Haari -i., ... Im-mmmtmt laaMr4aw l.a..,.i..a-. . ...-..- . aateMMaaaaaaaaaiaa aaaaTMaafl aaaSaTalaaTi " 1 -" -a I. - .-m, .-.mw WIN rAaM )li, 1 4. ,a aanaai la.a 4. . a-aaW aa, IImm, 4a-ta .ntiiajlui.aa DITCHTC f tmmKmmdrrx. I fl I sWfl 111 i fr"fWW '' W W W W mJW W W "F H4 Mmmmmmm-tm. ft mun W 7 " aaa ax an aaa -,CRh smmui irsff wMriw tf,f ia ' a4 aaa , I - MMAlHi, tOavavav aVJ .VM ilat aai ma m. - mi , 7 l1 r--a- ! "traaflbrt-44 a a awaati mm) iaau aaw aa syaaaTI aStaaaaaaaa9 ' III II IB ' LataaaaaaTlaaaaaai tw.u. .u...t,. .a iaiiaia fmlMMM4iut iaV ltfii-i&mt .u"lS-"i WW 0WW mmmlmVaZmm&mlmmmWmmwmmmBmWmF .j1 ' M ! laMsv 44 a aay immmmmWmmLr 1 1 1 aaai F -PH ST aMp m m aUal. g aTaTaTaTaTaTft .aaTaTaTaaaTaTaaaaTaTaaaaaT IV ,. .,... M W aVraT ISjatraSfyhsT--. NAVE YOU ?R IICC , I iii'Mll a - . w iMaM aaVaaTaaaaaaaa a M aaaMaaaaVa. -"' " iftWaj.VrV' mjmsmt SII IaRVT Wswpyi ra - Jtaw4.t f 't . I aa tn K fa t ! A4t'r, ba -' ) Mtlvt -- Wif , Mi, -. 4 , I t l4llM. I al H IUa !, MW ftlia.'1 IVIIrti are iusfve4tl. faif ! Ul. pM-tntr rilffl kiv of t'liwaafH, lisii4. Iedl(tliih. Idntlr. Aa hrl l.rfs.ild pS4fllel llfhllllj amt ;U.ae i h a It ll f4fs lull) liiiJaiKli l H r 'tMt h)tlrlai ami i4Hn si'tmsS itrlt tr elf siilll-i, ISfsIr if4at4a and iin1li hanl In aor ieil.tai of lb lln ll I ! ims ( lniW4 fix wi,n, aaibt , durirlit. aaaiaV aMHlllte (aaiaatc f -lafitln Ha , f rat Of pfW (91 Mil frfW.Vat, ' t . -.. .- I .. ...i...l . . I eta guaranty ria iwm i.fn-a.a w t a till.ra-t.ff ami fatlift rvsttjr rni4 hi I fnf inan-r ta, Hum ill " MeMf Mi'ri, Afe Mmfii, I'M-piUt-Ha, Xu. M Mat Htll at, Huffll I, S. V. av. Id.141 Wt avaa, A w I is-tvaaii. f H asHS l arl 1. 4)1,1,1, aft -U I' f Hum . .M, 1 M mB.miwmJWKM i Ii ivamH S00.000iPS iaaaatft aat Al I kaaaaaaaaXaa.aa am MaW aTal .saw aaaaM b"B aaW aa41 aaTM aaM AaTa HlliUBI LHIIUS ii MAiryroi MrttfAtttw ii ftvuiiiMrff wjtffviififf Xn'Kct 9tnm4i ttitfa 0 JONflX TM ICAIU $00 IIIIMAstTN . t-4 f tti 1-4 - .. - . - . - . . - ... ... T " I I y ,l(H, I a awia Ttijta. if,Tji, , j I ar ) 4vim mm aaaaw aa I ....... fl" . I " - r t Ml HI 11 .lfl.1 I I i IMK'BMtMBaMEwJsajaBMaW I DKIlsallWliwlaMaWMa, mVvl I M "" -" W"!- I aar-aaal rntfrm mimh tawJiami: f ) I av a-aa) fawaaav v m MaU i umIM ava A I ... si, faasa, a ilia ayAiM'i .. ..-. NffR . I HIIMri r.r'j" ? ' va a..ia Jr ma S, I IV ! Hikii ...ou. k aW ll arfv l.mftt,t m t.y r.f-Ja .k laflaal f a Slav IS 4ii, WU.M, M-a. ar aa n4 i . Wviff atfft. -4i.t sta fr.l 4-ra eai T - ,. s aw- I f T I A. H mt, kU, 1407. --- li T w " p M aj w ap . TamrSMSrtM aa Biriaftfta A SSW J BBw M BBHBJi I -- aaat.awa IkaJ aaaaa. Mm-m MttjaM jawaj ap. at- aaa. aaaaiaaL. i- -t t -aVu 3 Mfiawiais!!!,!!., ,aMaa . t ..wvtti,.;,,,,.,...!,- K jgij.. w.. i,m...iiM..,.i.,.,aliiifaarN, ,ivini.iii a'S'isii'iii)iiiii)jiifilif)1iiiiii''W'S'iiMii n mans eif 'l-