(. L ' in m n ii wniiiaii 11 "'miih m . ' zkpiw ft w ' , i?s HiBRiw.ps "-"""'-i.TmljMWW!WWl I 'l-WWW"V ., M ..urMV.tWF, - ' ' WWWBW"WWWWpWWPWWWlWWW tJk ' c,t loml fTjtirft " . 4. IHIftMr.lt, Enleml at ! I'nst Odirr In lt1 tl.nid. .Vk, ss ml! m.itttrof thr s.ti.ii.1 tl i POWDER Absolutely Pur. Tills nowitrr iit-vrr tarira. Martrl of urr tninntii mhI HlinfinitiirM. lmr hihhmiiicuI Hun tlio urtlliiMi) kind ami raiuiol lioll m iiHnprtlnti Willi tli.i iimltllmlr of luw Ir.l nlmrt wclitlit nliiln or ilnniiiii uiHilon. Nililonli In cam. IIOYAI. HAKIM? ItlWDr.KfO. )(U WalHlnt-1. N. V. OIU. TO ABVKHTINKMN. On and after May I, alt advertising in thin paper will be charge for at the rate of 7 pr column per month. Liberal discount to heavy advertisers. These term will be strictly enforced. CITY CLATTER. Htiallrd by Our Aim Mpertrra, lrrarel lor ar Hrara Will paper at Ccttlnfi, New dry Goods at the New York Store. Latest, styles in carpclM at F. V Taylor's. A new line of picture mouldings at F. V. Tajlors. Sweet Orr overalls. All styles at McNitt & Galusha's. For mothers Friend sbirt waist call on NcNitt & flalusha. If you want the best buy the vYbitc for sale by F. V. Taylor. Court commenced here thia week, Judge Gaul in on the bench. Dont forgot the Firemen's benefit nncr and supper tomorrow. ho W. C..T. U. convention held i- this city last werk wis a sueeess. It would not bo a bad thing to commence- agitating a Fourth of July cele brntion. Oranges and lemons at Clines can dy kitchen. Hocond door of the F & Mbank. J. X. Ilickardsand his little daugh ter Florence, were in the city this week. The Hoard (if Kducation should tap the city water works and have a nice lawn grown. Anything in the lino of furniture carpets, window shades, etc, at lowest prices at F. V. Taylor's. We hope that our soldier frieida will make a strenuous effort to have Decoration day duly observed ii lied Cloud. Kcmembcr that McNitt A Galtaka carry the largest best aad also the cheapest line of Jean, cottonade aad worsted pasts in the citv. The cloeutionary entertainment at the Christian charch last Saturday evening was a succcm aad the joaag ladies done well and were highly ap predated. Ah Sam, the Chinese LauBdryasaa has opened a Itandry, two doors north of Tub Ciutr office. He will do Irst class work. He solicit the pat ronage of tie people. 4t The Knighu of hahor ledge of llti Cloud have parsed a ml that no man who is a habitual drunkard er saloon loafer or in aay way aids ar abet saloons can not become a meaner af this local assemblage. A geod idea. J. i. Tait the renewned iecttrer for the A. O. U W. gave one ef his interesting Ulks to the hoys at the Christian charch last Friday evening. He it probably eae of the f nest ora tors in the great west. He will al ways draw a crowded honse whenever be speaks in this city. The entertainment at the opera bouse, on last Saturday evening, en titled "Out in the street," was a grand success, aad each of the ntftiee interested did their farts r.ll. A 'bbbV aJluct andlence grcu4 the neton, aad the catir perfermane wa Undly ap pUj4e4. Mr. Carraa h ta W e- raalate4en the Mere ef thenler- SPLINTERS 'Uatlirt4 l!r kr kll NrftMrr l I. Ii Kalcy 1 in thu cUv. Vo and .See K. A Hamly. Kaw stock tf Wmi:w SfcadM at Ceuisi'a. Jtio. O Yiisrr and wife arc in the city. New baby carriages at F. V. Tay. lor's. Dco will will save ou money on paint, Kcv. H. J. lUndall. was in Lincoln this week. Follow the crowd and go to Mis. F. Nvwhousc's. H. S. Hripgs andFred Huninicll are in Newcastle. Joseph Graves hat received an in orcasc of pension, Deyo htn a tine lino of jointed fili poles and tackle. Col. W'ggln of Garlielil township is on the sick list. Iilack henrirtta shawls, silk fringe at the New York store. You will lose money if you do not buy your wall paper at Deyo'a Lucile McKccby is very siok, but hepes ire entertained of her recovery. The nicest lino of pattern hats and bonnets in tho city at the New York store. Mrs. S. II, MuHriile has moved her millinery goods to the New York store. For the latest ami cheapest beaded wrs and diets oods, call on Mrr. F. Newhoute, The Ncbrnska nnd Kansas Farm Lnan Co. want all the good farm lotos they can get. tf F. P. Shields has received most of his goods for his new papr and will issue n paper next week. We have a complete line of base ball goods, hsmmock.1 and croquet set. L. H. IK-yo. The firo alarm tower is up again and tho bell is suspended between earth and heaven as of yore. Our black hose is the best for men, women and children. Warranted fast eolora at the New York Store. Ii you are going to buy a carpet you will save money ami get the best by calling on F. V. Taylor. A. G. Willis, foreman of the round house adds his name to the Gtcat Family Weekly fo'r 1S1W. Thanks. A complete stack of millinery goods in all tho latest styles and lowest pri' ces and Mrs S It Mcltrido's New York Store. 1'mphcnour will plow or cultivate your garden or orchard, plant your trees, Ac, ss good and as cheap as any ene. 38 It Mtl&iuyi halt hire far Mi health ail Mt U ake M&ey, u Hy jnx Wall Paper Wltisw toaias, W, ef hinv LewMtyrieee Tartaiwft. Call and see Mrs. S. It. Mellride's millinery stock. All the latest styles and novelties in hats and bonnets at the New York store. Morhart hss just rcelvcd a ear load of barb wire which ho mill sell for M.-f) per hundied including staplee. Call and e him. Kroadhead dress goods in the lateet novelties, nsw and desirable colorings just receded. We invite inspeetien. Fleetc eall end examine at the New York store. "Thebigingun" is indebted to the qnariet of j oung men whe serenaded him with fide nmio on Wednesdsy evening. May their shadows never grow lets. Come strain. Just received the latctt style in headed wraps, satuens, while goods Swis embroideries, floaaeings, hair ornaeneats, laces and all aorta of trim ming. Mrs. F. Newhoute. J. H. Ilrticltcn, editor of the Sig nal, Fairmont. Neb., ws a pleaeant caller at these headquarters this week. It it relative of oar werthy friend and district elerk, L. II. Fort. A funny saved ii that mack in yoor peekct. If yon caa save the re tail proit, aad mere on the price )f a pair of shoes, it bthooic joa to d aa. Wiener the clnthirr is disposing bf hit entire line of wsmea's atd children shoes at lets than wholesale eot, and will in ibe fatur aet haadl them. WUm oc w. a mtU IttiUt )l 4.i4 k klMi IImI ttl w U Hrt k bMaT M H U !. Wi rt Mn tr iTrf rt trwr lev site kunux. iMtiluttTtliutsn. M Wf X bj Urn t)ui. , i. tTJ. Vtlt n. Maaefare4 b Ws. Breeibead A Sw4t Jaaentevn, NT, fer aeie at the New Yeti Ster j at kinds IBfl. Condition powders of all Pevo's. Ict'.ex rcci price m all pi t .'.. i&f't Sttf aai Exk Stert We are (lie leadri in ll.r wall i per tra lo thi iprinj: 1. 11 Deyo. II. A. llaiiuy will glxe )ou the low est figures of snvouo in town on lutu' bcr. McNitt V (itlutha hau' filled up thrir additional rvotn with a fine llnr of gooitv. Call ami sec K A. Handy furptics. before building as he will nuke it lo your intcrrt. Tea win altt it If ya d:st ttt Cc.Ust'i Wall Fa;r. Ssrisrt. caruiat, ki Ss i artcsithl ths aaUrti ea jrl:ti Mrs, C 11. Serley anil ftimlj e peel to mote lo Omaha ill tfrw weeks where ClisiK'y lu rriuutirruiMr mi tutlon l.ol) tiiaile at low ltle of Intotral by the Nebraska A Ki.3 Ksiui Loan Co. Money reailv soon tui'ds are tlgiud if Feat.icrly V Aulti are still selling vinegar and trantular juice. Call and see them. Good elder vinegar for 'J.'i cents per gallon. Wienei the largest dealer in south crn Nebraska In clothing, is elomng out his w-uicn's and children's shoe at let than col Furnished rooms to let. Inquire si this office. These rooeis are In good location and are nice rooms. Ladies picferred. Our fl..'0 men's shoes can't bobcat in tin I'nlted State. In hutl'iu.tacc or congress, Try a pair, at Chat, Sehaffnil, Nov York t:re. All humors of the scalp, tetter sores, and dandruff cured, and falling hair checked, hence, baldness prevented by using Hall's vegetable Sicilian hair renewcr. Harry Market!, of Lincoln, former ly of this place, was in lied Cloud this week. Humor ha it that in the dim future Harry will carry off one of our prominent young ladies. Tyndall Curran, Hob and i See ley and Miss Campbell entertained tho audience at the Christian church on Saturday evening, in a pleasant manner with tome fine violin mutlo. .Ktthctlo concert, this delightful entertainment, will bo. presented by the M, K, church choir, April 'Jfi, at the Methodist church. Kvety one should heir thii delightful entcrttln nicnt. For correct litting clothing go where it is kept, Wo are the only merchants handling the shoulder pad. ded suits, They aie cual to any or dinary tailor made suit, McNitt A Uai.Usiia. If jou with to purchase a shoe for your bos or girls that will stand th wear and toar of every day nrgc,thl i made of honett Ualbtr throughou and on common ilea eall ! the New York store. A. G. Diehl ha been appointed to a position In the U, H. mail service a route agont. Ilia rente will be from Nebraska City to Cheyenne. Mr. I). haa lived to Nebraska quit a nnmbr of years and we are pleaaew to hr of hi aneeess. ''After a varic4 eiperirace with many toe ailed cathartic remedies. I am convinced that Ayer'a pills give the moat satisfactory raanlt. I rely exclusively on the ptllt for tot tur of liver and stomach complaint," John II. Hell, Hlr., Abileaee, Texas. Scrofula is transmitted from parent to child, and thu becomr a family iabenuue for generationt. It is, thereferr, the duly of every scrofulous pron to cleanse his Mood br a thoroagh and pertitUat courn; of Ayer'a Hartaptrill. lllaglft 41t't lc iiw l.irtjl U J D Will' litUe tt1y sixrs. S I I MK.W..1 Paint Shop ! Carriage, sign aad hon peialiag. MM mm tnian, grinm. t, hhon epposiu Halt' Lnmhtr Yard. All werk gitaraftteH JOHN C MVKKt Hotel for Kent. I hayc a giod hotel In Ktd CIod for ret en reokl trm. I'titly farnished and near ktilMN, Call o or addrrt C If. I'&tur, 1U4 H;. For Sale. Blt la(7 Tal&t f!r thlBMsy at C-stt- OoU.. Wy..i4U eicfer uUg.i, " "' r tne elUwo,4dreMWrK.Jhrf tbil'"' "' Clead, Stlt tf. '"' U9"' kuJ ,., jlM WM's rfnfU. iMUf stv qw jmu ten wstn D Witt's iit.JkUnU UtA rffcfrU f4f, im U ay ! .m a spevisl meeting oi llie .lajtin Icemetery burial tunl hrjd at the all cemetery, April T It w trolve I thai At a spettsl mocimi; of the Maitm Tiirtdt), April 2. be appointed At bcr il) for jlrsning the cemeUrj gtvutnU tnd plti.tmg shrub and 8swrr theieln All UUcreiU.I ate te urtrd to meet at th remrler) t I o'clock J It SrNn Chiu. .'no, Kahmr, See'u 31lAT:cC?T Mh; ln I )im eur ldl r,ofc-l. f ) Mm' (smiIi tt e-uituniiltou ei n Jo ll, 1 l.l iriutxlj ( ,o.lhrl) r.)Uln iomlnl lhnuK-ti; U.ff.t,iij, ;ol Mtrlrllt jouVo.i. lliit tUlniirht lo t a fuel- If j K i.oi. ji i Jon outrir an liijw.tlrr' It l tola I'J Ullllhc. (til), Ml .S II MvUilite Its ipimivrtl hrr milliiterv goods lo I he New York Store in the ioon Hlfk where he will be ple(sl Ui eo t old eonloiin-t slid Iii4ii) new one 1 1 c-t new pniig toek l IIMH CK'lllplele. J. Ml (nil lo VI e In i v.ll Ihs Cli hciic Teaar III lltn ri.uni,t' i. mi ,i jnudi uiS) l k li IiiihmiiiI iI(sm; , but ; ni know. It.sl Hi. I'rnkit Hlr.' N.. lirsrt eui rntftlnlj It ), trn Ihouftsiiilt ainieloit ltli tMo. liMrl li lt tr oMItc Dru,'i;lU lio eliulr ll(Trvl un uiAiiy euloiu -ri)lirrp lraV l; lilld? of ll ttt John Whim o( KiiIIiUIiibo ln, , tjt "I lift n'l.t MHirli n( lf Mitr i tiilt mill lis rlrl ttiMu h'tHKl ifHiti I soltl Minis lo on or lli leilli; ftnt Htal orHrer It tl.l lilm a h r m ,ul ofgiKHl " olil niol kusianlrtl I.; I, iiiltltig, Our spring utoek of hat a.nl cap is now complete, confuting of rerj thing of the late design of nobbv goodt.-.Mi Nur A (!,.i M, . If jou wan! a first ea shave, hair cut or ait) thing in the barber Hue eall on llsrkloy .V Centre SttU, faction guaranteed, iine u a eall Shop on 4lh Avenue, For jour spring suit elllier tailor made or ready made go lo McNitt A Galusha', On tailor in ado suit they guarantee ittlng of from .i i 110 from ny one fit in the city. htn' L'trrt ail Uvir TWU. An iniorlAUI illo-iiy, ll. rt on llin lisri, slomaeli atl l.ol thbli Dm iirrti. A in 'rlnrl.( Tlilj cor lillliiiiiup, Imil ttr, loiplil lli pllr ftrul rou.tl.tlou HplniUM for oin wiiiiinu atiJ eliiltlrrit timalU!, hiIIiImI hiI ;tO ilof (or 1A rnl. Hftiiii (m at ' I, l.'ottlntf Mis lira Ltle, daughter of th estimable manager of I lie II M. eating house, hamlsoml) enlcrlalntd by r young friends on Tuesday, The following guests were present .Stl son Green, John Cm, Wl'lie HamUrt Willi Cm, l'ay MrNltl, Ham Coi, Hen McFarlaud. Ferry Mcllrldr, Jo llumrn), Johnnie Iludd.Carl Martin, Archie Willi, I'lurtne Solid;, Ksn ni Kullck, Maude Itudd, Jertni Hudd, Sd Sllf rs, Vnc Fare, Nell Mtrtln, Cltrt Hummtl, Nell Nhtr man, Grace Cromwell, Ilctl Kngttrt and Nellie Clark. A rxilniul imiiUih ) mm mnWt lS l l -un l llr u-fti urn in ni kli4 A r )-' I- wil( tt Ii tit nrl tXamtf ' Oit il,rvt t) linjr, il U uwkn!; dii'n. t lliit wll.( otm Kelt ttU ,4 4 , Ortlf f (-iti ntup tll fUl ; vftih) nxisli. aiol lltU im4f u ihi tmr ium IJ llllrllill xr ll,l l)flU lOti rf rvail l Mil 1 llwiwm f-ftt U. L (ITISollrut'll Wsbsttt enuntyW, 0 T. II held convention in lted ('load, April 'J 10. Mrs. Ilrskefitld, J.raJdnt, and Mrs, HiKheock, state prrtldtnt, wa present during the euntentfon rd spoke l"th tvning Nrurru tow nd romr.Uj pIter wrr r pissanl'd nd great unanimity prtvailtd. )U port show an incrratt In nxtubfrthlp haptnnUndcut of ihi variovt br anehet of wik, tlII; rtUatltc, edticatloa! and Iau'rctt mtdal con Ust wadr ncoerglng rtprrls of work Uing done. JUvi. lUndall and Wlnur of IU4 Clottd and HurnUrg rif Kamaa rt prtt, (lev Starr Urg ,pvk Unm ip4,rtfc, strong words in favor of K ttf prohibitl'o, 4thtlty rt fori f pr. hlbition In Kaait t falhr fait. The ronvrati'fl pna'J roltlc ro$ly t'juhmfax tt fit ; Urn high or towtadsaraettl; faic-tlt th frppsJ t)ittiiioI ass sad t tiit. Th altedjt d Ut4ftt un the part t-f iL itav of KH Cloud wtt Mr j gfrtd. "Ki jtmr .l A jv l1 ' lists mUii, svJ irtt . (m-A," ' U BOUGHT GOODS CHEAP I Tlais means that c v. til vr thnn to our v usioiucrs at Bargain Prices ! Kit- You will fnul upon o uuining our Mock which is lartr thancvor that we arc oficrinu .i i i this . spring lu'ttcr gootls FOR LESS MONET Than ever hefore. We will not tjuolc you any sptciul prices, hut come and we will he pic:. .set I to show you our ioojs, and will show you how Cheap CLOTHING. I KN I.SIIINU (iOODS. uoots am) siiok.s, Hats and Cais, Trunks and Valiskh can he sold, if bought cheap. Yours Respectfully, c. WIKNKU, RED CLOUD. WYMORE WHYISIT A. Sell more goodB for 81 than any other house in Webster county. BECAUSE HE BUYS V0II CASH ONLY. Note Prices! No. Hcttok ntovrj lUi lrtf4, trltnwliifls) " M M with rlw?rvulr '.' htint'tr tfiKMun ntovn ji "., WwkI frmiui vhtiUtx wrlnsrr No f wrh iKillirr, copier li.l(if 17 ,urt (Huh jimm nUnrlAnl gl OlMM M HbM m sv;k 4 tinr matiun) fork atrii I m , f,lrJ (rvjsrti him rk Hfior)!ftrifl 8v 1k F?ftc iUp!rin tjr siriiil Milk ss.ijji h from Anil all k'xxls in the harAwarc line in propor tion to the alxvc prices Call and &c me Mom you buy A. MOKHART, QPRA I lOUSli HARDWARE THAT MORHART in 4 SO I'J WO n no ftO t 10 90 4ft M SO to 1(01 'K' I $ i3 WWl"J