The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 18, 1890, Image 4

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    Jndge Hiatt ef Alau, special efeat
for the stasis bareaa is is Ike eltj
lookia ap Mortgage statistics for the
eleventh tleBsas.
Every eitisen ot tyed Cloud should
take an, jfoVt 'to' observe Arbor
bay injjjtf befitting mtaaer, Our
streets shoald all bo set oat with lice
shade trees.
Our old frlead B. T. Keed hat gone
into the newspaper bnsiness at Thar
nan, Colorado, and has iostallod his
daughter as editress, and publisher.
Wo wish him success,
Governor Thayer is said to be a
prominoat candidate for gubernatorial
honors for a third term with fair
chances for success. Till Oiilir
would boiglad to see him there.
When tho ides of November eome
again some of our gooso-neeked poli
ticians will bito the dust, if they e
peot to work tho Alliance in order to
feather their nest by that route.
Henry II. Stone, manager f the
(J. B. & Q. Ry has resigned, his res
ignation to talco effect June 1st, Ho
docs this in ordor to take the presi
dency of the Chicago Telephone Co.
Wo desire that our correspondents
send in tho nows every week. We also
want a good correspondent in every
locality in Webster county. Make
the nows brief and to to tho point.
All correspondents can have station
cry furnished by calling at this office.
Hastings aldermen have parsed an
ordinance repealing the salary grab of
that city, and propose to furnish their
services free to the city. Our alder
men should emulate tho Hastings al
mermen in that respect, They have
also reducei tho salaries of city
officials all around.
Her1. G. W. Hummel has accepted
tho pastorate of the M. E, Church of
Salem, Kane. We can say one thing
for tho church of (hat plaoe, there is
not a moro fervent christian or a bet
tor man living than llev. Geo. W.
Hummel and the churoh has done
well to seouro his servioes.
Hon. Samuel llandall of Pennsyl
vania, one of the oldest of our demo
cratic eongressmen, who has been
sick for several weeks, died last Sun
day evening at his homo in Washing
ton'. He was ono of the stanohest of
protectionist?, and thereforo was out
of lino with his party on that subjoet,
but novcrtholcBs was honored by both
dtftnoorata and republicans.
At the firemen's benelt dinner,
luuch and supper tomorrow, there
will be served ioo cream, cake, etc..
and meals served nt all hours from 11
o'clock in tho forenoon, until lata in
the evening. Tho ladies are deini
their best to make the benelt a food
ono for tho bnys!snd our people should
all turn out and help them. It is
only just that the firo company be re-
cognised. They have done mueh for
Mod Cloud, and now lied Cloud ought
to return the eomplimon.
& U. Crone, for a number of yeara
deputy eounty treasurer under N. II
NcNitt has purohased a half interest
id tto abstracting business with J.
II. JUsiloy and from this on the Irm
irtffe'will be 'Bailey Crone. Mr.
Crone is one. of our beat citiaena and
wc art glad to ace him in business,
Tim ClliEi- wishes the now firm sue
cess. They have moved their of place
business into the office latolyooeupied
by Attorney Barker near MoXitt and
Galusha's store.
Am OM nattier Knur.
Of late TheCiiiei has been called
upon to note the departuro of many
of our peoplo' to that "bourn from
wh'tftioe no traveller returns," but in
this eato'it is not ot tho human family
(hat wo refer lo, but to Dr. Tutley's
parrot whieh hat lived in Bed Cloud
twenty years, prior to its death last
welk. The parrot is suppeetd to
h'avje becji 100 year old and waa
oVaVd by Spaniards many years ago,
anTd in fact when ho cawe to K?1
CloVU he (alked Spanish all together,
bwt as he became Amorioanised he
took tt English and was probably
one ajf Hie most valuable birds of that
kind la America, Dr. Tulleya' valued
the parrot very highly and could not
aj pmfailed upon to part with it for
any sum .of aaaney.
It eaitate if reeaeiabls effort U samU
li rtn a eoagk by Dm umu( ) WaU'a
CoVffhauaOvuaiusipatoueara. TkUmt-
u wiT.iavvnvv mutt , wmwimm
oats no more than aaraawm prataratioM
leftist ape aavlag it, ) y cattlag
De Will's little early risers geHhare.
Ours ia the stock for you to look at
MoNitt AGalusha, The Clothiers.
Do not fail to call and see my stock
of window shades. P. V. Tatloe,
Buy your millinery goods of Mrs
8 It McBrido at the New York Store.
Call and see mo in our now home
in Miller and Cotting block. F V
Don't forget that Taylor has moved
his furniture store to Miller and Cot
ting block.
On last Saturdsy night tho council
granted license to Meyer M. Stern
and Jno. S. Roth rook for the eoming
There's a gentleman in the city
who would start a first class ereamery
provided tho neoeisary help could bo
A. B. Starks was found not guilty
of ono of the charges preferred sgainst
him for selling martgage property. Ho
will be tried oor two other charges.
If you want weaving done call on
Wua. Huffman, Bed Cloud or leave
orders at Cbas. Sohaffait's. All kind
of carpet weaving done on short no
tice. C. Wiener has returned from the
eastern market, and is showing a lar
ger stock and a better olass of clothing
than ovor at prices that cannot but
help to ploasojyou.
The It. & M. will sll tiokots at re
duced rates to Chicago, 8tLouis and
points cast of there Chicago rato
limited ticket tlO.Oft. St Louis lim
ited ticket $1 !.;.'. Donver limited
ticket 10
Taking effect Msroh 27th, thu first
olsss limited rate to Denvor and Col
orado Springs will be 1 7. BO. Pueblo.
110, ticketa to be limited to continu
ous train passsge from date of snlo.
Itermediato points on direct lino to
be no higher. A. Conover Agt.
Wo aroin receipt of csrds announce
lag tho rnarriago of Miss Lcafio
Culbertson, formerly of this city, and
a sister of Mrs, It. II. Fort, to Mr.
George Rogers, at her home in Peru,
Neb, on the 15th. The CitiEr wishes
tho newly marriage eouplo many years
of happiness.
Takt Da Witt's llttlt early riitrs.
- i.
'! atlec.v.rlea.
What Ball and Kdtaea art t tke tlt-
R bona and eUetrlolty, saya tha PUUborR
w, wr franklin Milan, the wall known
paolatlst in nsrvsna tHaaaaee, in to the
nsrvona njraUm ami narva fluid. Auioiik
hia numerous dUeavariaa his ItMtor
all v. uartiua waa undoubtedly tha grant-
ii. it is unanrnaiueu la naMousnesn,
dyanapsla, headache, epllapay, nanralgin,
aaekaaha, malaneholly, alaeiieMnM,
hangs of lit, ate. Pre trial bottle nmy
ba had of o Ij rotting draggist, and nlso
Dr. Mllaa naw baek oa "Maw aad Htartllng
X aala" for tha afflleUd . Evaryoua atienld
raaa win lut.raatinK mitruotlve and fluelT
illaalratad book. a
John Tomlinson, Andrew Kriekaon
and J. L. Springer have made the
editor a pooketbook awell up like a
snake alter swallowing a toad.
mnvkllMa A rale alv.
The beat aa'va in tha world for cuts
uiuwca, Bon, mccra. aait rueum, lover
sores, totter, chapped hands, chilblains.
vwiip, nu rii sain eruptions, and
positively cures, or no pay roquireU.
it is guaranteed to ffivo perfect satis
faction, or maney reminded. Price
M centa per box. For sale by Heury
I have a goad farm of ICO acres
situated five miles south of Rivcrtoo,
whieh I will sell on easy terms.
Plenty of wood and water. Address
Mrh. Briiioet M, Shields.
. '! W.r RUX "' ""r iMinily lioulii liaitiien to
llM f l.ll.,f.lll. I.I. to...... .... -.....,-1..-. .. L .. .. . ..
In tlu
rt't it
..Mi., .iuiiii M-wum, iiwi imi jiui
hum tti mi' likti the ixtlii until you run
hl'iaii? A Imi nt IUW fiortuHii
1 intuit in Umiu HLuiiii. u...i.a ......
wurlilnl fuRirliitf uptt ottriillmoa it doctor bill
iwii miiiv.iiniiiii'ii'iraiinil KIIHI, s wi
ki iniUmniinii ot all Kluila.
" - "
F.UL'HnIi Mtlftvitl llnlinanl ..... nl
hard, rott, or cailourd lump nd blviu
Uha from horM. liloud Miimi mi.w
splint, awevnry, ringboav, tltlw, irin
all awolUa throat,oough, tic, save $) br
ataofoaabottla. Warraated the uioht
woaderful bltHtih rtira w known.
Id by 1.. I. Dvyo draggist Red Cloml.
k.e -- R a J'.l l at V
I -Anil a
) article the ramosfldaataxtj. I
ffice niOottaS. m LMfhecl?.
Apply at Tut Chief alee for these
useful books.
: Qdopaediar :
Miss Maggie Rccsc has been on
the sick list.
Mrs. Norlhrup, teacher in Dist !0
had quito n timo fighting fire tho oth
er night.
Arbor day was duly observed in
Dist. 00. Kach scholar took n tree
and planted it in tho school lot. Tho
teacher deserves great ercdit for fix
ing tho school houso up in such good
shape. She gavo tho children nn en
tertainment in the ovoning which wns
very ploasing.
II. Francis nnd Nanc Hope tied a
knot with thoir tonguo that they
could not untie with their teeth.
Mr. Dennis O'llaro and Miss Mc-
C'ullcy were united in marriage last
Miss liizio Barrett has bcon home
on a visit the past wcok.
Ank Cotting wlmt Uu Witt' llttlu rnrly
rinors nru.
John Hall now rides around in a
new cart.
Frank McLaughlin spent a eouplo
of day's in Hastings tho foro part of
tho week.
Miss Zellcr returned to her sisters
Mrs D P Kennel one day list week.
Mr Johnson built a salt houso
back of his store ho in expecting a
car load of salt nvery day.
W II Person in again oj tho streets
of Bladen rihaking hands with old ac-
James Burden's pony attached to
a road cart uiado things lively on thu
strcotH last Thursday by running
James Suter's straw stablo w. con
sumod by Oro last Friday, tho work of
Mr. Riznor s two littlo boys plavintr
With matches in tho barn.
Last Saturday wlulo C. F. Kohlcr
was driving in tho country tho kintr
bolt of his buggy broke, whichscarcd
tho team and it ran away. No sen
ous damago was done.
'J hoso who united with tho iinptist
churoh will bo immerse! at Silver
lake next Sunday. S
Sick Headache
18 a complaint from which many suffer
and four tiro entirely free. It cause
Is Indigestion unit n MiickIkIi liver, tlm
euro for which Is readily fouml In tun
tiao of Ayer'a Tills.
" t havti found Mint for slrk hrail.irhe,
ciinxi'd by it ilhorilori'il condition of tint
Moinaeli, Avcr'n 1111 nro tho tinxt rn
ll.thlo ritui'ily."-Sainui'l C. llradlmrn,
VortliliiRton, Miihh.
"AfltT tho uin of Ayer'n Tills for
many years, in my prnt'lleu ami family,
1 am luMlllt il In sn ln that they are nn
'.xcelfent ratlmrtli1 imil liter medicine
SiiMtalnhiK ult thei'lalmi made for them."
W.A. VVratfiill, M. I., V. I'. Austin
& N. W. ltnlhwty i: llurnet. Tcxus.
"Aycr's I'lIU nro tho bent meilirlnn
knnnn tnmo for reculatluu tho botteU,
nml for nil iUkcum caused by n illv
iiritcreil Mtomach and Ihcr. I toilfrrcd
fortixrr thten jeitr from headaclio, in.
illKi'ittlon, nml 'oii!itliiitloti. 1 hail no
nl'iwtlto and miik weak nml nervoiii
most of tho time. Hy usiii) ttireo Imixc
tit Ajer's 1'llts, nml nt the namn tltnn
illetlni? mj self, I witriimiiletrlyeuri'd,"
rlillip MH'kwtHMl.ToiH'kii,
"t vim troubled for years villi ImlU
ce.stlon, coliHtliittloli, nml heitilache. A
few boxes of Aer'e I'llls, lined in tmall
dally doses, rcntoroil mo In health.
They nr prompt uml efluctUt!." W. II.
Btruut, McimMIIc, l'u.
Ayer's Pills,
rasriaan bt
Or. J. O. Ayer ft Co., Lowell, Mass.
i by all PruiiUU ami IVelcrt Id lleJIrtaa.
atiKuiV4a uwk.
Ily tlttiieot an order ot unle siml by I.. It.
rori 1'iitk oi mc iixuiil isiiiii or I lie flclilll
liiillclitl dWUlrt In uml (hi Wcliitcr imuitv, ,e
liruskit, iism a dorn'o In ii inllon ih'IuIIiii;
Iheielu wlieri'lii llie Netmiska Umii and irut
t'oiumtity isiilulntliTand Ini hleeKT ft nl me
deremlitiite I kIiiII oiler ror Mile at liutillo
xeiulue lor ith In liiind to ttu lil);liel lild
iter, ut the ent iliHir o( the
coin t house In Kid lUniil, lit Welitrr
eounty Netuaskii'tl at U'lun tho liieo wliete
tho last term or mIiI coiut Mas hoMon.) uu
I Ilk Bay or April A B, laae,
at liliieu'riovK urn the follow lucitescrlbeil
est ute tow ll: Four u hciv on ot the nouili
end of liliH-h twenty Unco I'ii) In Smith uml
MiHiie'iiadilltloutollie until of Itcil Cloud de
svtltied Hstollows: llcKiiudnu at the shuUi-mcM
isirner otnld IiIik'K (wciilvlliico (in unit run
nine thence noi Hi on Ijkiim tit mu loin
dust LWKfet, tlicii(i ciut ilu Ininilrtsl mid
(Hly .ViIret,tlicmv north one liiindretl i)
Irrt, tlirncv 1'ttil onr luunlusl ntiirl) iiIiim nd
it'tcMli tenths it) Mm fpiuHhu casi Hue of
.tlil tihifk twenty thns (il, Uirtuv south 1oiiv
eald east line llirre liiiiiilrcti i.xti) (,v to the
south iutiMriierotNtiihlnekouilKhlli atiti
ie aiul iliem-e il atonic elithth ateuue Ut
olaee of heatiutliiK.
AlloalMxit nine (in acres ot land adjoining
Ami directly eist ot the utoriiiieutlom-ti Iran
tut lielng n isirtloil n( the north-east tii.vtr
ol the i t l. trier of teellou IhlrtN-stx
.y towiKlili two iv i north iwim II, wr.t of the
sixth put, aud ileM'itUHl at InlMHKt Ik'ultuiliu;
at a point two luiudict end tliltly ixxo (!
nortUol tlk Mtiitli west ivruer of sia loit)
acrvs mid Mhl int Ixlnu nl.o the mulli rait
corner oltiiH'k. rut) tlir'e,siidriintilrutlieiHs
nortlt aloltK MM Hue ot Mid Idovk Iwrniy ttire
three bundled tifl.llicnce c.tit Ichtv isks o
tliehult section line, iheucv niith Jilong taid
hnll eelkui lll.e Hurt' hiiiidrnl feet, thotiee
rttuthe ilac of Issilnnliis:
Also lois one .uid two In (tisk four In the
arbtlual limn, imsrill) of thsl l'UhM.
'the Mtsiteitrx'tlnlioii llu'linlcs ,sii. intciuN
tocotney nil ofllivk iweUe In Mnlili ami
MoiMv'tudilltloa tt tho illy , 1,'o.t i loud in
etiler isiuu'o
liiv iiuuder Hi) luiut this litUd.t) ct Nitrvh
A l If.s".
, C A.TK.K'SheriS.
. .... ... .,,V,K0 I I.KU Ueputv.
Jno. U, liaiittu, I'll it's Ally. sU
Ttiikl!a,l the uUm ilurllinl iuuikhi. I.
lieittivis(u:uvJ.'triiiitor OM.Iere until trv
mhtlayoj aay,IMi
lU.ed, KeJ Clwd. April li. Vll. '' Wi
Dealers and Leaders
Staple and Fancy Dry Goods,
Dress Goods and Trimmings,
Fancy Goods, Notions,
Our stock of Satteens, white Goods, Laces and
Embroidery is complete and can not be
beat in the vallcv.
Call and see us. Lowest Prices Guaranteed.
Moon Block.
Thu IliKh llred Clydcmlalo Htallloa,
will inako the Reason aa follow t Mondaja
ami Tueadiiya at liln owner'a aUhlta foar
nml turn naif mile uorth-enst of HulClond.
Mouiic-uiijHiitj U I'osts livery ntable
'I' ut i:miKhV rniieh h miles
norm in iieiM lllllll.
FrldilV unit Hut nnlnvM ttnlla.l
hounalitury Htahlorearof Holland honna
nru iiiuilll.
Wild Hill is n NtronRly built young
Itorae, color hay, excellent lega and feet
kuuu uouo nuu tintr or It, good diapoal
Hon, nml is in fact an ideal draft home.
Ill, VI1S Itlrilil I.V l.n M.iII.m,a.I Im....!..!
"" " ""V IVI.UI.IB1 lUlUUIIN
hurl, hie ll rut dam by IraporUd Robart
Hums who tru hath nriaa lnn
Turtim H to Insure foul to atand ap and
"i"'l. nuru loni-KCuer, rBTBB HMITIt.
All parties desirous of aiing
Fi kst-Clas Horses
will find it to their atlrantage by eall-
ami iBUictini: hia horses before eaa-
Iracting for services Hsewhere.
Stallions will stand for services at
the livrrv barn of J, 0. Holeoatb, ia
rear of Holland lloaie.
momatk nenrioB.
8l.stii4 il)ntk(liillieootiiitjr txMirt ul our
V eltsior t'ismir I mI4 euuuly of Webster.
In llie matter uf Die retato u( CltrlaluM awkke
NuwiHt the lllli il.ivof Airtl. Iaraau lulnv
. IWrv ailmliitstrator. In UtUitualtcr lmyta a
niutlsrttletiieiit ! itllouanre at armuut. U4
uiai nr uitciiniviM irom ait tniM; II I Mere rxiirel that Slue Mn !. at tea n'rkvfc la
the MreiuHiti. at m tvlke In Ke4 1'UmhI Bled
Astlieiiiiieiiii iiUiw ror rxsmlnln ana ailom
Inx Mirli hihsmiiiI. lneliriri4 M4i Ueceasetl
aiitn)lt'rwMisliitrrfi'ilulhle4al are re
liilred Id aprAr nu.t Ih ruw If such eilsta
Mlir Mttit aittuiuts itiNii.l HAt fee aMoaed. It ta
uilliermUruit tlul iUK-liesitealaall lT
miis ttiteir.trti tn viia euie l) eausina a ear
ur this Ulster to ty iubhlirt In the Rett tiotftt
filler utlrirliitrsi mh ta ceeeal elr
rtiutliHi In Mtl.t iiiini) tm tartv aiwvsaah
wrew prior to the ilsv mi diraaaiitta'.
Willi my official .ttnaittfeaast ta aral al
Iba rouaty i-onrt it- ia romity o WeUtar
laU i:ta lay of Airll. Iaa '
lBAtj l.V.TniaKiv,Caty Jwafe.
Isa laYTIleaaVBaaaariswU aaBBBBawaaVSPlcBaBMZT. .
We litvo jiir4t ivcfivcd our lar-n stock of Spring Go:
We elln nislimi iiiaclo plov shoe for l.'J.r, hwt ovui
wejiu oni oi licil l loud lor tho moiioy
We have also aludioi lino donmil.abutton slio.', also in gnat for $1 75 Krcry
pair wrtantcd. For cluldren'.s slioi-.i mu have tho .standard brandu
the Littlo (itaiit and !so tho Wnvorly aohool slioo. Thcso
ero tho best in tha world. Kxaininc our stock
beforo purchasing clcotrhcrc.
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Boots, Shoes, &c, will be found
in the "Old Chicago Store" in
Red Cloud Xat'l bank block.
Alter March 31.
-. n. nAtur.1, c ti CKO.VK.
Abstractors. Heal Estate
and Farm Loau Agents.
Red Cloud, Nkhrasra.
Abfltrauto of titlo fumisluHl ncouratly and promntlv
V bTbT IS a 1 1 ia
D. B. Spnnosrlu,
Rkal Estatk
Red Cloud.
m. .
Store !
r . ,A',.v
New York Store.
....,,.. umumcxu flU,UIIU IKUHI niucl
MWiii,iri,vlll 4iwa
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tt.wr luntnhiia
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lH W tt-. .! m-mt
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