The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 18, 1890, Image 2

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' A. C. H01MI. Punllehar.
tin. Knaitk, the Herman Consul at
flatnoa, has been placed upon the retired
Thr lower House of tho Iowa Icgla
laturo haa passed tho Australian ltallot
Reform bill.
'Strikijio workmen worn turbulent at
Vienna recently. Thoy pillaged tho
JowVaad act fin to a wine ahop.
1 :. :t-,
rucM toera are ureini the French
Government tn renew Ita demand for
thej evacuation of Egypt by the llrlah.
Tine lumbermen of Canada have united
In a vlgerowa protest against tho pro
poaed increase of dnty on American
pork. -. .
Hrr OnrmftRWAt.n, Homo correspond
ntof the Frankfort Zeltung. haa been
cxplle"fmivlUly for attacking- the
triple allktnoe.
Tun Canadian Parliament haa rained
therpenaHy for polygamy from two to
five yearn. Thla la aimed at tho Mor
tnona aettllng In Manitoba.
Thr lloaae Committee on Coinage,
Welghta and Mcaatiroa haa ordered a
favorable report on a bill for the reeoln
afeef worn aabaldlary coin.
Mm. Olaimtoss, addressing a number
of dtrprtatrorrawtttie railroad station at
Trlaj recently, tald the Uovernment'a
Irish Land Purchase bill waa In a flahy
condition, judging from the manner of
Ha reception even by the frlenda of tho
Government ( It would be awkward, he
aid, If after the loan bad been mado
the'dehtera should repudiate on the
frotmd that they were forced to borrow.
Rttssiah' authorities acted with con
nlderebks aevority In punishing the dis
orderly aradenta. Fifty-five ut the Agrl
cultural Academy at Moscow were sent
kerne and tmeV were expelled; twenty
were Bent home from the 8t Petersburg
University and two wore expelled from
the Technological Institute; thirteen
went home and two expelled from the
School of. Foreatry. and fifteen aent
homo nnd two expelled from the Veter
inary Hohool at Charkoff.
ftntAfoif Cvi4M haa reported favor
ably from tho Committee on later-State
Commerce the bill to amend auction 12
of the hrter-tstnte Commerce act The
amendments provide that the Commis
sion may-rcqulro the attendance of wit
eaaea and 1e production of documents
front any place In the United Htatee at
ny place of hearing fixed y the Com
rataaloni alan that tho testimony may tie
-taken by deposition upon motion bv any
party to the cee or by order of the
Tw Northern Society of fleorgla haa
adopted a ounatltutlon. Tho objoota
rn ', described as social Intercourse
among Northern men resident In the
rlmith,thedlaeemlnatlonof reliable In
formation, the dlacourageiocnt or conn
terae"tlmV of Inronaldorato action or
peeehea tending to estrange any por
tlena of our country, and the develop
ment of the resonreea of the Houth.
Pleottaatan of polities or religion at any
f thBoceety meeting la pnnlahahle
f ox pulsion.
Tint other day at flalena, 111., a mother
nd daughter aod at the attar together
nnd both took, npontbcmaelvea thevowa
f wedlock,' (he grandmother of the
jenlof bride aetrag m bridesmaid. The
rpartlea, male and feanaM te tan unique
Affair were: YYRUam E. Hammond, of
Xibat)ue, and Mra. Mary .1. Reddlng
ion, f Jo DavkMa Oamnty, and Loula
Hourlntlm, of Warren, and Mlaa R J.
Xeddlngton. The first named lady waa
m the ahady aide of fifty and her daugh
ter waa a comely maiden of twenty.
TirR'appolnttneatof tleneral Mllea to
thelKaJor-Oeaerelahlp the army -vacant
by the 4ca t tJenoral Ueorge
CrooV, was said ti he largely due to the
Influence of the faclfto mast delegation
In Cangaeaai tleaeral Mllea waa an ea
pedal friend of Senator Squire, of Wash
ington, and that statesman made It tils
"business lo tenure tho co-operation of
the entire Pacific coast delegation In
Congrees, In urging upon the lresident
he appointment of Ovnerat Mllea Ken
tor Squire waa obliged to hasten In a
cab Ho Senator Stanford's residence In
order to get that' Senator to sign the pe
tition, just prior to hie departure for his
California home.
Tjk Uouse Commltteo on thetJudlcl
ry haa .completed consideration of the
Toraey, Ilankrwptoy bill Introduced by
ItepwaentoUve K. 11 Taylor, of Ohio),
and ordered It lo be reported favorably.
A nuaaheriatlaraendmeata have been
made, -but thay aro simply eorrertlon
nd phangea.of phraaeologw and 4e net
fleet the prlncaplra of the Mil. Mr.
Culberson, of Texas, will astbvalt a
minority report and urge the aubstltu
tion; aUjOwn till, which ia a abort
aeaure, providing for the discharge
within, six month after bankruptcy of
Myltaakrupt who haa la goad faith a
ignhd to a trustee all of hie twinerty
aoteicntpt under Irtoal law.
KRrnTAirr Pnocroa haa iaaned an
order directing that a record bo fur
nished and kept In the War Dvpartment
cf avorkea, aUclMr uU apecial quail
211" JW'1 habS, etc., of of
Keen of the army below tho rank of
ColewtirtnehuHegthecowditlon of their
onda and pereentage desertions
ahafrdan. Thla novel atop in the way
? rtforrn la baaed on ajko euatom
f .r"n W"' r t keejJng a
,fl,kf?c?.rd of "peclnl attain
anaaMaliluallRoaUonaof each ofllccr.
ItlMaUraid Itoflll w.., i... i,
lau yoara, been seriously felt in the
may araeneret it haa been nccewary to
awiaoeero4jKmtt.Bpcclal sen too1
tor which pvculltf quillflgatloui are re I
Qlaanod By Telegrmph and MalL
Tim entire seadon ol tun Mann to on the 7th
Wss (Involnt to ilntistn on thn llontnlia elno
lion case, nnflnsl srtion IidIiik resuhnl....
When Ihn llou mt Mr. Morrill (Kin.)
iiiovnl liiriMprni thnrulas anil pss(wlih
n utis(ltiitii) tlin Hnntn lN-ienclent IVn
Ion LIU. The stiliatiluta provldu a er
Vlcn renaloti of Pi pr month In soldiais
who Into allalunl llm iir of r.J your
or who urn ilrpenilvnl. Alltir a lunicthr de.
hntnths motion tn niipntil Ihn ruin wa
lost by a votn of 101 yrss lo rt nsjrv, net Ida
nnroissry Iwolhlrl Anion tho hills
risssnt was ono for a iiulillc hullillnx at ea
Ins, Kan., nt a cent of r.&.OOT, and a hill for
two additional land.oniipa In rhraka.
TheKsval Apprnprlstlon bill was then con.
sldtrednnlll siljourntnent.
In lh mmaln on the Mil Mr. Morrill (Kan.)
reported hack Ihe House hill to admit tree
of Only article Intended for the HI. fuil
Kxporlllnti In 1K that tnlictit hn Imported
from Mealeo. The hill wn amended lorvad
"and other American Uepuhlic and the Do.
mlnloa ef Canada." and tho hill pned.
Attar dlapoaltiK of rrso'ullons the Mun
tana ease. ws tki-n up and further
delisted hut laid nldn and thn Antl-TruM
hill tken np and patted a II raiim from th
Judiciary C'ommltiee Thn Ifouwi pMid
several bills of minor Import mice, and a hill
mahlnir an approptlstlon to rover the All
eolt defslrstlon ped. The Naval Appro,
prlstlon hill was then considered In Com
mittee of the Whole until sojournment
TaBHenstaon the Mb psssad the House
hill appropriating I7,i to relmhure mem
teara lor the fllrott defalcation, and then re
siimed the Montana easa. After several
speeche the matter went over. Tat Chi.
neee Knumerstlon bill was Uiaa taken up
and, after aotea talk on the tuh)ert, went over
without action and the eanaU adjourasd....
lo the House the Benata bill, paoed admit
Unit free of amy artlels Intended for th M.
lionls Kaaoaltion In laaa frem Mexico and
other Amertaaa ReiHiMlM and Canada. Tka
ensta kmandmeal to the Oklahoma Tnwa
site hill waa axrted to'ahd the Naval Aparo.
prlstlon bill tbnaldered In Coiniiiltteeof the
Whole until adjournment
Til a day In tna Senate on the 10th waa ec
rupluil almost exeliKlvelyindehateuronfke
Montana election cae....Imme.llalnly ,ftr
prayer the House wsnt Into Onmtnlttae of
thn Whole on the Navnl Appropriation hill.
When the committee ro tliu hill was favor,
ablr reported, and pundlntf further action
the House adjourned.
Ansa rout tin bulnrss on the llth Ihe
"cniile resumed dehsto otitheMontsnaeiise,
hli'hoii'iipll tn'uat of the elon. Ben.
alor llawley reported the llnuxe hill for the
World's rlr itl CIiIchmo with auii-ndnients,
and after sn executlv.t clun the 8-nnle
adjourned until Monday... Thn House took
up tun Vlrirlnla emitest of Waddel sxalnt
W le and after dolmle I he rasa went over.
An evening- nlnti wn liehl tn roiuhler
pciflon mutter, hut tliu atteudanee wnaso
snmll that U wiiscliaractvrlaed a merely a
debstliiK soelcty.
Tiir election at Kansaa City, Mo., on
tho Mth went In favor of the Democrats.
A waterworka isauo waa Involved and
probably had something to do with tho
W. V. WAitnKNdled recently at Wash
ington. Ho. waa a newspaper man and
waa private aecrotary of President John
son. llWAKi-llKtit and Ichasl, tho Insurgent
leaders, and a remnant of their follow
ers have surrendered to Major Wlsaman
in Hast Africa,
MtiNicifAi. elections occurred In Ohio
on the 7th. A light vote waa polled,
showing Democrats gains.
Tho ProiiilorH of tierinany, Austria
and Italy aro expected to meet soon in
Much talk waa created at Washington
tiy Congressman Phelan, of Memphis
Tvan., sondlng a challenge to fight a
duel to Colonel Fleming, of tho Knox
vllle Sentinel, which challcngo Flum
lag declined.
Tiik California Prohibition convention
haa nominated General John lildwell
for Governor.
Miss Auxin Hrasi.itt Coni.n, of Au
burn, N. Y daughUir of the lato Thomas
Uould, a noted young society woman, a
graduate of Wells College and a friend
of Mra. Orover Cleveland, has run away
and married Ueorro L. Wlntiir. tine
Tiir Iowa Senate baa refused to dis
turb the Prohibition law, tho license
bills being thrown out
Htontm rUrrt. who, with Maislnl and
Armolllal formed a triumvirate in IMx
when the peopln rose In rebellion and
drove Plaa IX. front Komo and estab
lished a republic, la dead.
Thr Pan-American Congresa ban
adopted a report recommending a cus
tom union under certain restrictions.
Tiikmc was a riot at Valencia, Spain,
on the Mth, canned by tho arrival of the
Carllat leader. Marquis Ccrralbu The
mob nttaokud the Carllat Club and tried
to burn a church and sack the Jeaulu'
College. Several persons wore wounded.
Pup.MliKsr IUkuiso has approved
the Slleott lnflclency Appropriation bill.
Tiik reprimand admlulatered by lien
erul Siholleld to Lleulenant Steele for
striking Private Wild wan rather u tnIM
one, mueli to the disgust of tliu private.
Thr Senate hu continued Lewis A.
Grant to bo Aanlatant Secretary of Wur,
Drlgadlor-tlvneral Nelson A. '.Miliw to
bo Mur-(;en(rrtl, Colonel R II. tirlor
son to bo llrlgadtor-OencMl, Ma or T.
U. Stanton to bo Depiity I'aynuister
tieneral and Frank Ituchannii to bo
marshal for ttto Astern district ol
Tiik election to fM the vacancy
In-UiH Kugllsh Ko4ise of Coinmona for
the Carnarvon district, caused by tho
death of Kdmund Kwetonham, Coiimtv
ative, resulted in the return .it i.i.,v.t
CJoorge, Lllieral.
UlHCKtUlNKtll a.
at:Tnn VVKiNiiAvrr, aged thirty-three
ream, waa found haaglag from a tree at
Lswtadale, Ihu, Uto Ui.r morning.
Sonte time ago he iuteed Uiu Keonomitea
and from that time haabocadcHpoadcnt
hocaaae, acoordlng to the law's of the
aaekHy, he could not marry.
I vlewofUio celehratkia of tho nt
proachtaf birthday of the Ktupcror of
China, the execution of all persons con
demned ta death wltiiln tho Jiaiiteof
tho dowery kiugdoiu ha been post
IKincd tiatil after that happy eent
Tiir Canadiaa Cabinet haa diss ded to
extend tho modus vlvcndl fur the coin
ing Ashing season.
Thr bank of Frt Mortran, Col., has
asslirnrd with UO.OHO llalilliil... n.l
f.'il.lRH) asset.
A cVft4XK struck Iloaaoko, Va., on the
I'th, and tho blast house of the Croaier
furnace wa blown down, killing Fred
Phillips, Nelson Johnon and llenrv
K'nwy. Six other tucu wcrtf Injured.
Tiik Irish mackerel fishermen are
having great success thla sprir.g.
Fouit men were hanged in as many
cities of Pennsylvania on the Otb, three
for murder on account of women and
ono for murder and robbery.
Tiir llrltlsh steamer Majestic, Cap
tain Knell, from Livnrpool. mado tho
quickest maiden passngn from Queens
town to Now York on record, her time
being six daya, ten hours aad thirty
It ia annotuiced that the sentence on
Lieutenant Steele for atrlklng Privato
Doll P. Wlldfa that hn 1 publicly rv
rlmanded and confined to tho limit of
his post for tlireo months.
Mhs. Prmiixam Waiiii, wife of the
ex-broker now In Sing Sing, died re
cently at Stamford, Conn., of Inflamma
tion of the stomach. Hbe waa thirty
live yearn old. She leavea a eon seven
teen years old. Wnrd baa two years
tnoro to wrvo in prison.
Tiir shops of the fowl A Fowler Car
Ilullding Company In llrooklyn, N. V.,
were burned tho other night, Thn loss
was tSOO.OOn.' About 4U0 mun wont
thrown out of work.
Tiik paasengnr steamer A voca was run
down and mink in tho Kngllsh channel
recently by tho steamer North Cumbria,
which was badly diitnagcd, but tn imaged
to reach Dover. No Uvea were lost.
TiuitMit.K la brewing In the cokn re
gions of Pennsylvania that will probably
result In a concerted strike. 0oratora
aro cutting down expenses.
Tiikiik I great stagnation In the
worsted trade at Norrlatown. Leoa
A Sons, of the lfruigeport mllla, Wave
laid off between fiOO and 700 hands la the
last few days.
Tiik Archer Investigating committee
at Haiti more, Mil., ban mado the discov
ery that In addition to the 8i:i:t.000 of
coupon (Kinds which State Treasurer
Archer disposed of for hi own account
over f.(J,(K)U of registered bonds aro
A skmnation baa been created in
Vienna by the discovery that thn enor
mously vnliiublo baton presented to the
fniiioiia Marshal Ititdetsky in IMv haa
been stolen from tho military museum.
Jami'.m Sckcii, ono of tho wealthiest
cattlemen of Southwest Texas, was shot
ami killed by John Tomerlln at Moor
atatlou, three mile south of Sun An
tonio, on tho International & llroat
Northern railway. The dead man was
a brother of President Lincoln's Attor-fiey-tioucrnl.
Di'itiMi the celebration of mass In thn
Cntiioliu Church at llronlKcwlU. Hunga
ry, the edifice caught lire and was
burned to tho ground. Tho congrega
tion became panic stricken and choked
tho exit. Two persons were killed and
several Injured.
Tin: Musonlu grand lndgn of Iowa de
nies that Judge Preston's decision at
Cedar lUplds was in favor of thoCerneau
Jamks Kki.i.y and Michael Feeny,
two convicts at Sing Sing, N. Y., beat
and bound a keeper the other day and
made their csoapo. They were recap
tured several mllea from tho prison by
the guards. (
Kmi'Lovkh of the dree n Point Iron
works, New York, to tho number of
I, (MX) wnlked out tho other day. Tho
firm had n disagreement with the Cen
tral Labor t'nliin
Host. P. W. Davis, a member of tho
Legislature, was cowhided by Kill tor
Harper, of P.lbcrton, (la., recently.
Also, n delegutlou of citUens no titled
Davis to resign his seat and skip, which
he did. D.ivIm and Harper had married
cousins, and grots misconduct on the
part of Davla caused tho com in unity to
litiHiNcss failure (Dun'a report) for
the seven days ended April 10 numliorod
'-V0. The week previous they wore livd,
Tiik reply of Cardinal M.inn u, n
m;litud, to the felicitation on hl Int..
leo from American prelates was a cordial
'.'Xpressiou for the prosperity of the
Cathollo Church In the United States.
Tin; break In Atchafalava levee, two
mllcH south of Slmsport, In Point Coupee
parish, u u reported noo root wide and
seven foot deep. The town of Slmsport
wa about two feet under water.
TllK election at Providence. IL I., fur
Senator ami sU Kepreaentattves favored
tun whole ih'iiiocratlc, ticket ex
cept ono KepreswntutUo by majorities
ranging iroiu im to .'.'. This Insured
tlic election of (lovernnr lUvis nnd thn
Donux.'ratlc irencrnl otllcer In ltjiiJ
coniuiltteo of tho Legislature.
litK stenmor llaiulv llov was wrecked
on tho Saginaw riter. it Last Saginaw,
.Midi., hy the center pier of tho
Flint A Pore M.tritietto briilse. Seven
jierotiH lost their lives. The c.tpuln
and teersuinn wore arretted for crimi
nal ctrolettnessj
Ci.rviitMi lnhito returns for the week
ended Atiril 12 showed an avoniire do.
create of -J V- compared with tho corres
ponding week of last year, In New
York tho decie.tso was ft 7.
1 tho lloiitii on tho l'Jth, tho eon
totted election case Of Waddell vs.
WUe, from Virginia, ' was settled in
favor of Waddell by a party vote.
Tin: New York building strlku ended
tn a coniproiuUc,
John Dii.i.iin, the notisl Irish leader,
haa sailed from New York for Kngland.
SvJtAt'ftK, N. Y 1 patslng tbrotigh
an epidemic of tneasle. Nearly every
phvtlclan in tho cllv hasascoru ul oiuux
jon hand,
In his cottsslon. Inndlcatimr iwa
ntber with himself, I tana Sawielle di-
olsrs's that thu numlcr of his brother
took place in Maine. In a piece of atwdt
near Lchauou, where the body was
found, llu ttutc that the cousplracy
was formed for tho purpose of getting
from his brother au acknowledgment of
a full release of ail claims airalnst lk
estate of their mother.
A OKN'Cllil. strike of nwltchmen kv
curred ou the Milwaukee, Lake Shore
Western rallwar on the l-'th. 1'iuim.
ger trains were lieing hoailed over Xlt
North wentern nud fiotu Applotoa :
Mliwaukrtv. Tbe cause or tho strike
waa a itcjuand lor increased wagca.
Tna." North Herman tinetut devatt
oon!d'ralile apace to the Mnly-Kaln
iitpuic. i no article condemn HRaaley
and highly 'iralses Kmln. In the'atran-'
line Manic-, continues to drmiunc th
tlerman fr. nlU.Ttsl overn'ach.nj VuaJ-
nc iu L.n Atrlca. I
Tiir contest for mayor of Norfolk re
sulted In a tie, each candidate receiving
Ml votes. Tho Council waa attempting
to solve the problem.
It la claimed that samples of good coal
have beon found in llanner County near
Ft ''port.
Hakrv Whoi..kv, nineteen years old,
had both legs cut off by tho cam at Me
Cook tho other tt ght. Ilo, In company
with two other, wore stealing a rldo on
tho baggage, car of a train.
Matthias .Ir.vsv, a farmer, waa re
cently seriously, if not fatally, Injured
by a runaway team at Columbus.
Jamks f'ImiK, formerly of Winona,
UL, wa found dead In bin house about
sixteen miles northeast of Sidney the
other morning. Ilo hnd been living
alono on his claim for about three years,
although haying a wife and six children
at Winona. Tho man bad ovldently
been dead for sorno daya Thuru wa no
sign of violence on the Ixxly, and as t0
and a watch were found In his pockets
there was no ground for supposing that
he was killed for money. Ills horses
were found In the stable with their har
ness on and worn nearly famished for
food and water.
Tiik house of Joseph Fonl, near Itha
ca, was destroyed by lightning thu other
night, but four person asleep in tho
iitilidlng at tho time escaped unhurt,
A of farmers met at Oakland
recently and organized a mutual Aro In
auranco company for Hurt and Cum.
ming Counties.
Tiik State Superintendent of School
haa Issued a circular recommending that
tho tilllcers, teachers and patron of tho
public schools ohiervo Arbor Day, April
-,'-,, by the adornment of school grounds
and that teachers and pupil devote a
portion of tho day to talk and reading
of composition or selections upon tree,
their proper care and uses.
John a Herman farmer,
about twenty-seven years of ago, resid
ing six miles southwest of A voca, com
m tted suicide tho other night by
first hanging himself to his wagon
by a ropo and then shooting him
self through the head with a revolver.
The, only apparent reason for hi action
was that be was afraid ho could not
make n payment on his lund that Is duo
some time In the near future.
A coachman named tlottleib Ilenson i
blew out bis br.tlns in the parlor of
Millionaire .1. N. II. Patrick' house at
Omaha thn other morning In tho pres
ence, of tho servant girl who had refused
his olTer of marriage.
At lllalr the other day Vallle Warner,
a girl sixteen years old, shot herself
through the breast Just below tho heart.
Sho sa'd she had not liecn doing just as
she ought to of lato and wanted to die.
Thn wound was considered fatal.
Hl'iiiiKi.i. is considerably excited over
thn finding of coal at the depth of two
hundred feet
A I.atk tire at Hampton destroyed the
hotel of Thomas Willman and other
business houses, entailing a ,lf ol
about 97,000; Insurance alHiut'W.OOO.
A iikckmt wind storm carried away the
roof of the opera house at Nelson.
A f.m: prairie Are In the reservation,
opposite Niobrara, destroyed- set cral
William Sciiiiaiiku, a fanner living,
ten mile east of Lincoln, was fixing a
pump fifteen feet ImjIow the aurface the
other day when ho wa overcome by
damp nnd fell to the bottom. A neigh
bor named Thews started down to assist
him and was also overcome and fell to
the bottom thirty feet Imlow. Thews
recovered, but Schrader wnsdcod when
taken out.
Pktkh Hknnkiiin, who disappeared
from Seward ten years ago with a lot of
money belonging to other people and
who waa auppoacd to have been mur
dered, has turned up in Seattle, Wash.,
where he is engaged in tho real estate
htmlncsa. The wife and child hn le
scrtcd are now living in Iowa, but In
spite of that fact Hennegin has married
John Skiunim), of Duatln. struck hla
pony over tho head with a rifle, causing
the gun to discharge and Instafltly kill
Ing tho animal.
Ir toxik seventy-five men to savo the
town of Hardy from a conflagration
which was threatened by a recent pral-
tlKCKNTLt four hundred 'wild geese
and ducks were found dead on the banks
of the Platte near Columbus. The only I
theory advanced Is that many farmers '
are dipping their wheat In a solution of
blue vitriol to prevent smut, which
poltons the fowls.
Tiik Indian school at (lenoa, estab
llhcd six year ago. Is' now the third
largest of the ton Indian schools In the S
United State, and the superintendent
t:ys lie will make it rank second within
another year. J
I'ltAHUsCiitPKNiioor. who has been'
away irom uiysse for sixteen years and
was xuppoaed to im dead, has turned up
alive nnd well la time to participate tn
the distribution of his father's estate.
Isv.r Willi .wis, a tramp, recently
lost both feet by being ruu over by a R
A M. freight train at Inavale.
(KotuiR Niciioimix, of South Omaha,
who has had a irreat deal of family ;
irouiiic, recently tnreatcned to Kill bis
son-in-law. John Itrubank, and chased
bis dtughter, Mrs. Itrubank, with a
pitchfork. He was arrested but rr
leated on ball. Soon after the father
and daughter met on the street, when
she drew a revolver and shot hint In the ,
leg ami as he was falling sho placed tho
pistol to his head and pulled the trig
ger, but thn cartridge snapped. Mr. '
Itmbsnk ha been arrested.
TitR Supreme Court of the United
State recently rendered a final dccls- j
loa In the DawMin will case In favor ol
the widow aad heir. This case ha
leon before the court for some year
and baa ben three tlair prior to this
before the Supreme Court of the United
State en Intermediate questions, but .
this la a linal decision and settle the ,
title of the widow and the heir and
those holding under them to ever M
40,000 worth of the moat valuable prop-!
ertv in the cltr of Lincoln,
M. K. Hok. thu druggist of Friend who i
wa supposed to have bcn murdered In
Omaha two year ago. ha turned up In '
Tacoma, Wash, safe and sound. i
leaatkhcd Rfwnea of the tate Pennsylvania
Washington, April II. Congressman
Samuel J. Kendall expired yesterday
morning just aa the bells of a neighbor
ing church were tolling flvo o'clock.
Around tho hedvldo were gathered tho
family, tho physician and Postmaster
General Wanamaker, who had kept a
constant watch over the dying man dur
ing the night A' fow moments before
his death be opened hla eyes, and look
ing tenderly at hia wife, said in a low
tono "mother" a word Instinct with
all tho fondest recollections of their
long and happy married life, and by
which hn always called his wife when
noao but tho family wore near. He looked
Into her eye as If ho wero about to say
Something more, but ho seemed to have
no atrength left and in a few moment
ho had passed away. Death had come
t. ..! .. .1... .1 Tl...
uv L.niiiiiK ui iiiti unnu. liu
watchers saw that all was over and tho
bravo wife and daughter, who had
nursed and cared for him during his
long Illness, could restrain their feel
ing no longer, but gave way to their
grief, while tho physician and Mr. Wan
amaker endeavored to console them a
best they might, though their owngrlef
hardly permitted them to speik.
Mr. Kandall'sdeath had lweti expected
at any time during the past three days
and his family and friends knew that ho
could not last much longer. The phy
sicians had Informed the family that
death might come at most any hour and
Sunday night they told Mrs. Itandall that
his endurance could not prolong his lifo
through another day.
Friday night had I been a bad ono for
tbo sick man and ho had several sinking
spell, from which he rallied, to tho as
tonishment of his physicians. These,
however, left him weaker and when
Saturday morning came it was evident
that his extraordinary vitality had al
most left him. llu rested easily and
comfortably during tliu forepart of the
day and the doctor was encouraged
to hoMi Hint he might live several days
yet Ho took somu nourishment and
dozed off without dltllciilty. Shortly
after three o'clock, however, a marked
change was noticed in his appearance
and ho scVniod almost to sink away.
This spell was worse than any of thn
preceding ones and It was thought that
tho end was at hand. All the members
of the family wero present and
also Dr. Mill Ian, who had attend
ed Mr. Itandall throughout his ill
nets, and who hud grown to have
an Interest in the case almost aa great
as one of thn family. Dr. M. S. Lin
coln, tho consulting physician, and
Postmaster-lieneral Wanamaker were
hastily summoned. They remained
around the bedside expecting each mo
ment would bo the lust until six o'clock,
when he rallied some from tho state of
collapse, m. left him with very little
strength remaining and Dr. Mallan be
came convinced he could hardly live
through the night
Dr. Lincoln left soon after six o'clock,
but other remained with the sick man.
There wa little or no change up to
midnight except that he was steadily
growing weaker. Young Sammy Itan
dall wont to a neighbor's bouse to sleep,
but was hastily summoned about three
o'clock In thu morning, when the doctor
Informed the family that Mr. Kanndall
could not live through tho night. He
was in a state of seinl-unconaclousnesa
most of the time. About :i:U0 o'clock
he bad another sinking spell and after
ward tils mind became more clear and
Mr. llandall's illness dale back about
five year, when Dr. Thomas F. Mallcn,
who ha attended him throughout hi
later lllnes, was called in to treat him
for the gout July :i, almost two years
ago, Mr. Itandall wa suddenly seized
with a violent dlarrhiea and hemorrhage
during the night due to hastily eating
a dish of ten cream and berries during
tho day. This hemorrhage waa ao
severe as to completely prostrate him
and hla life wu tn Imminent dan
ger. Dr. Mallan say that for some
time previous to this, Mr. Itandall had
been troubled with what ho supposed
wero hemorrhoid. The diarrheal at
tack caused thu dleaso to assume an
active form and it waa found that be
was suffering from an extensive and
malignant abscess. This canned serious
hemorrhages which greatly depleted hla
aystem and left him weak and emaci
ated, lie put himself permanently un
der the phyalelan'a earn and Dr. Mallan
attended hint constantly while be wa
In this city, Dr. N. S. Lincoln, a physi
cian of great repute In this city, being
celled Into consultation occasionally.
and was getting on fairly well until latt ' m I'aHad'IrthU Clrrtnntahc and nr
I'ebrtiarv. when he had a sevunt rlmie 1 niMtnlIsm unit MMUndall a leader In tho
iiiirunrj. winn 111 nat a se em rigor, proteelloul.t chil hut In other re.pecis
brought on., by the weather. , he wa. a eeprr.-nlatlv, ol the moat ad
pit, itmiuau raiiieu anil grew stronger
imtriKor vint .iccompanieu ny severe ; Tancn nemicracy, rrom the lM-lide of
aUlominal'palns and thent were symp- "'" ,lvlnmaadiinn the recent eip temrnt
touts of peritonitis. From this time ex- 1 nTr Lh" ;,,0,r,,", 'u,"' " "Pkrr Ued
, ,, ', . . , , '" . I cailio wortlaol oounael snd advice,
haustion began to set in and tho sick , liriheOathof Jutgt Kel ey,s?.n,t Cox
man s course was downward. Scptlca- I nd Htm Ktadall, therciintry ns I -t with
mla was alvi present and a chill and I ,n '! J,,r threnot th oidcat and abiet
severe dlarrhma about two week ago 'r'VL'V.' ,h...U. "" ' .at'P'ataiive
brought the ca.e to a critical, ' ."," KVV.tTu XZXZ
Inwa Kail road lgUlatlen.
Dr.sMoixgt. April ia. In tho House
uiiii nrro w i luiiuwv iu compel "
ralroad companies to change the name
of station to conform with the name
of incorporated tow., or village, at the
rniuest of tho llallroad Commlaalon; to
compel railroad companies to connect
crossing lines at statlona by mean of '
witch and "rV to authorlie the f
Commissioner to proserin the form of .
annual report of railroad; to compel J
railroad, o pine crossing, where high- ,
I. III. . 1' ..ll . rr. . ... .
way are located; to compel railroad, to 1
put in private cros.lng.
.liullctie Vowag ,Mia.
EvAxtvu.i.r, Ind., April ta. Last
etenlng Jitteph Taylor, a young man
recently employed In the Kvantville
cotton mill, weal to the mill, accom
panied by sottia friends, to show them
through. It being against the rules
Taylor kivl ono of the fornnut for
permission, which wa rofuscvL He
aent to John O borne, tbo general u
pertntendcat and he also refuted. Tay
lor grew siry angry, wrnt to his home
and returaed In a short time with a re
solver, with which he shot tVbome
twice. Otbome I. in a critical condi
tion. Taylor was arrcJtod.
iMlrienU In the of the l-ate Mamnel t.
Washi.viton, April 14.--Tho expres
sion of regret at Mr. Itandall's death
was universal and sincere. None paid
him higher tributes of admiration and
respect than did his Democratic col
leagues in the House who differed with
him vitally ujonone Important ineasuro
In Congress. Many telegrams and let
tors of condolence havo been received
by thu family. Tbo funeral will tako
place Thursday morning from tho
Metropolitan Presbyterian Church,
which Mr. Itandall joined some two
mouths ago.
Cumuel Jaikson Kaniall was born In
I'hllnJilphla, October 10, IS. Ill fat hrr,
Jilnh ltinlall,wa lawyer of hlxh stand,
lux In that city. Ills mother w Ann Wor
rail, ndsUtfhler rf UeneralJoit-ph Worrall,
a Democratic ludr In tue days of Jvffer
oti. YnutiK It.mda'l reralvrd an academic
...i ...... i. ., .. .ii ,
I , t,. i Mrrhd I'usny, a dsuhter of
I t!nral ..irm WarJ,if Muk hin N. V. Hn
l",r',, ""r ' '" 'hu Cty Council if
lilla'J' Iphla nnd otu term In the ntate hen-
Mt ol IVtin.ylvnnl.
I Sir. Itiiudall a tnrtnbernf the "Klrt
troop I'lilheMiihla envilrr," a voluntary
inlllury company orunnlr.-il In l"l. It was
lien known a ih " Hoi , of I'hlla
delphla," and ncted aliody kiihM tn Ceti
end WaililtiKlon, croMltu the llolawnrn
m llh hi in nnd pxrtlrlpntliiK In the battle on
New Jerey oll. Tne cniuptny wa one of
lha tlrt to tender It seivlcr to thn
lioTrrnment when Kurt rutntcr fell
end wa nttachnl to thn recond
Culled state cavalry, eommunded by
ii'tiurat (Ivors; If. Ihoma. riervrant K J.
fUndall acted at Qu irtortiuuter of tho com
pany and waa speedily promoted to a rank
cnrreapondlng with that of Capisln In Ihn
ri'Kiilar army. When the Cenlederate army
marched north of the I'etomao In June, l'J,
Ctptaln Itnndall hurried lo Hnrrlbur to
make arraiiKumonl lor the nllatiuent of
troop. June4. Captain Itnndall undo an
Important r'cnnnalntice, otpttirlnK a num
ber of (,'otiffdrratr. ItetlrlnK from tii'tlv-
hiirt a the Uonfederute army tmtep'd. Ihn
troop etiifiiKed III a lint klrinlh with the
advancing; force under the command of
tirncrnl J. II. (tordou During the batileof
(rtt)hurr Captain Itandall nrtsd nprnvol
marahul of CoIuiiU'Ih, Itelciaed from duly
after thn rellr men! of the Invading urmlc
he received letter highly complimentary
frnmtSiivi'riiorCiirlln.of IVnunylvniila.lroiu
(eneiiil (.'ailwulliidt-r mid Irom tliu War De
partment, At the convening of the Thirty. eighth
Cnngrn, lierenilicr l.iv.t, Mr. ttamlti'l took
his cst In the Home ol I(ipreent4tiva, a
seat which he held until hi death und Ml oil
with honor and credit He attracted tin ver
nal attention ly hi untiring work upon
com in it tec, a well us I')' hi hnlllancy as a
leader en the tl'ior of the House. In thn
Thlrtv-elghth t'ougrc he erved on tho
ComiiiltiO'Min I'uhllc Ilullding und (iround.
In the Thlrtv -ninth mi the Committee on
Hanking and Currency, Itrtrenchment and
KxpendltiTict In tho etsto Ddpsrtmi lit and
thn Aiilnatlon of Pre! lent Lincoln, In
thn Korty.ttrat Congrii ho waianieiubrrnf
the Committee on I'llrl tew and Klecllnns,
on Ktpendlturia In thu Treamry Ilcpurt
ment and of thu Joint (.' mmlilee on lie
trmicliuiHi t. In tit fanieti speech on repu
diation Uecainter in. IS17.1. ha esrlalir.eit
amid the plaudit rf an admiring Houae:
"Not only do I helUve that wn st.oulil
pay the ilelit. hut I lllivu what la
1 f vstly morn Importance, that the country
has the ability, ths illpnltlon and thn
rescutcr Mi pay It." In the Kwrty.tccond:
and Korly-thlrd Ciiigrcehemve I on tho
Committer on II inking and Currency. I'oit
eltlvc and l'od.rosd and Itutea, nnd ws
nne of the mel liiltuentl! metntier of tho
minority III triumphant lead rlilp In thn
twoila)' and two night' mulct to prevent
ihn "Force" hill from going to thn fenatx Ir
llm for artlen upon It lin ught him f!ir
Into great promlnenre. When the lleuio.
crala catnii Into power at He) opening of
Congre In llerrinber, IS7-, Mr Itatidtll was
mailn chairman nf thn Committee on Apprn
prlstlon. lleilcvotid h mi If lo the work of
relreiirhmeiilandauccedrd In rutllngilown
the appropriation intny million. Allud
ing to the unit eonni'ctlon hctween rc-
renpliinent and rssumptlon Mr. Itandall
August II, HX lt llirae w rdt "I ho
lleve the real, unliiral, atfe and peruunent
way tn resumption of .,tIi. p tyincnt I In
the reilucllon of the rxpcmllturc of tho
(i tvernnient to what I needed hy an eco
nomical a III InUtrallon. 1 1 11 nm 11 forelght
In luy Judgment caa not Ox llm aaait hour
or day when 4 shall lake pluea."
ItecrnitMrr 4. !:, Mr. Itindall waaelectel
p akirtoflll the vacancy occslonedbv the
dralh nf Michael O. Kerr. With lhe word
during Ihe stormy day of the Hae.llli)en
eltctlon cont-t, Mr. Hsndsll mounted lb
Speaker's chair:
"Wa aland In the pretence of events which
strsln snd last to the last degree our form of
government Hy an unres n vlgllane let
u prevent even the (lights! deparluie from
the Cixit Kill Ion and thn law, forgetting In
the moment ef dintcnlty that wn are adhe
rent of party and only remembering tbt wa
are Amerhan rillsen with a country to
asve." It wa greatly owing to hi hrv
and dctrrmlnetl spirit In advocating uch
sentlnienta that quiet wa retnrol and tho
retiiluof the Kltctnral Comuilitlnn arijul.
lec-Mtln, A lie i'ipreed It In bl vshdlc
toiy at the clie of tnl ConareMt "iho
Itetiiucrallc party yleldni temporary pne-
loiioflh. ad m all il ratio 1 rather than en.
tll upon the people civil war with alt of It
attendant horror."
Mr. Itandall aervrd aa tpekr nf tho
lloue of t:eprrnlatlr.-a until March ,
lSI, having lien ie.e,ied twlee. He con
tinued to n vo hi country Ulllilnlly ant
well, having leen tiertct to Cotigret in-
peaieitiy from th enty llnnrcrsilc dldrlct
uri iBfir rountrr's intrrett at pott
i"i"any oapori ir,ue American ceacres.
ltlPltf at li U.-.ll ,-.- .k
I -" .,......,..,, iiinine
rront rtxim r the irnnnl dory of h
n"dat buuH) on C street in tbi room ho
Trr, wye hit friend whnr?u-dio
.an .VSiftrenl ..Sa'aa, Xr
tiJ by retina lb paper while propped
P ' pillow, lit grew very pals and
,r,,n. ,b" alrkates ro on. bat hi ye
'"wl"e4elaraad Arm to tbo
V.....' ': v.--1-,-
l,mk,, April t3.nrBrT M. SUb1.t
rr.ched Cannes UI.t. II. 7" LZilZ
by sir William McKennotv cbalrmaa ol
he Kajln MM ,; "imM
raUtrjtMg Iho reawoa.
KMitonta. Kaa, April la. A awiadle
in the censua report of Lynn County la
j belag dlclo4.Hl here. The report, have
been doctored ao aa to iactraee the
roanty population and thereby increase
- , w, uw v,ruu,j cif-rm, Tmmf
ttoracy and other officials for the past-
k two year. The county cotnmUsioncra
lav vktlgatiag the record, of the county
clerk have discovered many placea
where additional tgure have been
t added to the origiaa report. Xe one-
has a yet Utsn arrested, although
, natacsot suppol criminal are frvI)r
k meattoaed oa the street. The lnvti
fatloa will be roaUsucd.
iv;-.. .
r ";. t rf" J"