nff&itwiuarf. xmingfi jawwjwJS 'CWWW' BVWaw'lMWPBJIjlli'tW 4 iftwywwattaMIJaffjetiflvgiflawflBwi wvwe " ' ft 3.J57 srwVaW( THE BETTER WAY. Whoaervei hl country Nil? Not ho who, for atmcf findatorwytaa. Leade fortb herartntst to ta nrc aSray Snort It Um time of turaicll aad uareat, Long year of peace succeed n aad rapbveai There it a fcettc r way. Who tervet hl country tti! Not ho who guide Iter aenatet la debate, Andmaket the law which ar her prop aad UfJ Hot he who wear the poct'a purple vrit AnJ tine her aoagt of lor and grltt and fata; There ta better way. He tenet hit country bett Who Jo.nt the tUe thai lift her nobly eat for speech ha myrla I tonfuet for every day, AnJ eon but on : add taw within the breaat la itrohK-er than tba crevea taw oa aloaat There ta a better way. He terret hU country beat Who I tea pure I Iff, and doolh ruhtcout deed. And watkt ttrtight path, however othtra tray, And leave alt Bona a attarmoel bo,at A ataiakit record whieh all wea may read, Thl la the hatter way. No drop but tervra th atowty llftlnf tide, No dew buthaa aa errand toaome fluwrr, No amalleil ttar but thedt tome helpful ray, And man by man, each giving to alt the rest. Make the orm bulwark of tba country'! powers There la no better way. Butan Coolldjr, In CongreratlonMlai. CLEOPATRA. Beta; an Accaaat f tha Fall aa4 Vengeance of Harmachii, tht Royal Egyptian, AS SET rORTH BY HIS OWN HAND. Ilv 11. Rmnt Hac.oakp, Author nf Klnvl Solumuii'a Mlnea," " Sha,M - Allan Qu.termaln." Eto., Etc., Eto. lUualrated by NICHOLU aftr CATON WOOlv V1LLX and aKBirrKNHAOKH. C1IAITKK XIV. or TTtr VAiL"t wonomr oiakwioxi or the PAS-UNO or IIAHMACIUS IM'I Til rilttl MCK Or CI.KOfATrtAi OVKHTIIIUIW Or IIAIIMACIlia WAS night, au.t 1 ut ii I out! wit liln my chamber, wultlng the moment when, a It wa ugrt'cd, Char, ralon should iiim limn tun to paat dim n """ to Cleopatra. Alone 1 aal, and there before mo tay tho ilugger tluit waa to pierce Iter. laing and keen It vu, ami the linmtio wai lormca or, a aphllis of eoild gold. Alone eat, iiuoallonlntf tho future: but no unatver enmc. At length I looked up, and iMJttoItl I Charmlon stood before) mo Charmlon, no looser gay and bright, but aaloof facoiOiil hullow-cj ed. "Iloynt Harmachl," ho aald, "Cleopatra auminona thro presently, to declare to her tho volcea of tlio atara." Ho tho Hour hod fallen t "It la well. Cbarmloa." I atuwercd. "Ar all thing in order I" "Yea, mjr Lonl; all thing are In order; well primed with nine, I'uulue guard the Kate, tho eunuchs are withdrawn aavaour, tho li'k'louarle aloep, and u I ready Heti uml lilt force tic hid without. Naught ha been neKlei-led. and no lumli akippinif ut tho ahatnblo doore rau b mora tnnovwnt of lu doom than la Queen Cleopatra." 'It it well," I aald 'acain ; "let ut b ro inff." And rlalnif, 1 placed thn darker In the toom of my roto. Takini; a cup nf wlno tlmt atixMi near 1 itrauk deep of It, for food had I aoarco taated all tlmt day "Onownnl," alio aald hurriedly, "for it la Dotjol tlaio! liitlinght-ali. lat nlchtt" and acr boaoni heaved "I drcametl a dream that hauuta no atranuely, and per clmnrfl thou alao dldat dreum n dream. Twaaall a dream and 'tit forKotten ; ia It notao, iuy !nrdl" "Yea, yea," I aald; "nhy troublcat thou taothuaataucb an hour!" "Nay, 1 know not; but tonight, Marma chla, Kato la In labor Of it ifroat. avonl, aud In her painful throe mayhap ahe'll rruth me In bcr i?rlp-inoor theo, or the twain of ua, Harraarhl. And if that tie ao well, I would hear from tho befoni 'tit done, that 'twaa nouuhl but dream, and that dream forgot " "Yea, 'tit all a dream," I aald. Idly; "thou and I, and the aolld earth, and thle heary aiirht ef terror ay. and thle keen. pointed knlfo what are theao but drrama, and with what face a hail the waking come I" "8o. now thw fatleaVln my humor, Iloyal Harnaehra. Aa thoa wujeat, wo dream; and while we dream yet can thn Tlalon change. For wonderful are tho fantaalct 5" ii raa awat avaua caaaviow. firaaai, laa tky aarw a ta0 Uy, but rary likatbaraproaaadgwof ua aetclotjdi, balUtaf nowthla thing and bow that, being aow dart aad baary as4 aw alight wft aaicwdor. Tbtrwforw, btforawa rah wBwrrw, iU attttwut la that rUloaaf laal alfht, wawrata'A famadube naif aahaaaam, aa4 thoa awiat awat U Uugh aaoa aiy aaaaaa, a taaa awawaay, ar aaa H, aareaaaace, tt awaVafl aw) ataataa 1 For.naiiamr, arbaai waaa waklaf enaMa, tawaf ajrawf rw MMrett- aad aura waduriaf abaw are tha . Tbaa mix Uxy aw gaaberid Uto alawa ragVaa af Ma aa where a wkatcw ihlag, great aattaaaall-ay, rrea atrwasa, Mifatrtto t aach In Ita own a iblaaww. f iwava lata aad bellt wrtiUa tha Tetab af Tlaaa awawnlil" 9ay.Caraalaa,'!relJ4. 1griralf lawaaaikiwVaei A o'er tat wlaata eochaafw. a aaS4v Vbal vaa laaiy bwart, and thwra'a aa aaX. TJs art ay eoala aod aiy tiaaad; awra I aaa awrwr b to .'tla rrr wail,' ah And acw am froi l-U UtfifwJl9fTRi W L" it b forgot. a I had neter aoen her wear before; twa atddcr abd more fateful than any alaaip tiat criet ran act upon the brow, Vor thouKh, beln blinded by my e-wa filly and tho trouble at tny heart, I knew It tot- with that amllc, for Chartnbn the KxyptUu died the htpplnrat of youth, ted the bo of lore, and burat aaunder tho holy link of duty. With that amlle did the onwratd heraelf to evil, did the renounce ner country and her tkde, and tramp! on ner oath. Ay, that amlle mark the epot where the atreaiu of history chaatced Its courM Kor had 1 never acen It en her face, CK'taiauua hal not letHdden the world abd Kg) pt had new more bcn f rcw and KM at. And jet 'twaa but a woman'a amlle I "Why lookrat thou thua alranRrly, glrlT' 1 atked. "In dreama wo amllc," aha anawrred. "And now 'tit time, follow thou no. He firm and proapct llo) at llarmach a I" And bending forward, ado took my band and klaaed It. Then, With one alranro lixik, ahe turned and led the way dowa the atair thruuk'h tho empty halla. la the chamber thai la called thn Alaba. tcrllall. of which tho roof la upborne by columna of black marble, we atayrd. Kor beyond wat tho private chamber of Cleo patra, even the tame whervlu 1 had awn her eleepluK. "Abide thou hero." ahe aald, "while I tell rtoiatra of thy comlntf," and the kIU1hI from my tide. Kor long I atood, maytiap In all for half an hour, counting tny own heart beat and, a in a ilnam, atrlunK to eallirr up my atreiiKtb lu that which lar lfoie me. At leiiKth came Charmlon back, her brail held low and walking hcavby "Clipatra wait thee," the aald, "paaa on, there la no cuard." "Where do 1 meet thee when what tnuat be dono la donel" I naked, hoaraely. "Thou meeteat me here, and thru to I'aulu. tlo firm and proapcr. Kara tueu well." And ao I went: but at the rurtalu I turuisl auddenl), and there In thotnldalof that lonely lamp lit hall I aaw a at run ire alKht. Far an ay, lu audi a fnhlou that the light atruck full Ukui lnw, uoil Charmlon, herheud thrown back, her while arm out alrrtchcd a though to cUv ami on her Klrllah faio n atamp of auulahed aaalon ao terriblo to bohohl that Indeed lean tint tell it I Kor alio believed that I, whom aim loved, wa paaaliiff to my death, and till" wu her laal farewell to me. Hut of thl matter I knew naught; ao with another tvaaalngpauttof wonder I drew ualdo the ctlrtuina, Rained tho doorway and trf wlthtii ("leopjtra'a chumlwr AihI there, uK)it a ailkeu tMiieh at the fur end of the perfumed thatnlicr, clal lu wonderful w hlto attire, rrate.1 Cleopatra. In her hand Ha a jeweled fan nf otrtrli plume, where with alio (.'cully fanned hertelf, and by her ulo wa her harp of Ii ory, and a lltttn table wherroii vcro fit and iroblnta and a flk of ruby--o.ore. wine. Hlowly 1 drew near thrntiRti Uio aoft dint JlK'ht to whrre in nil her KlowlU beauty lay thn wonder of the world. And, Indeed, never have I aeen her look to fair a the did uion that fatal nlk'ht Couched in her umber cuvhlotie the aoeine.1 to ahluo aautar on thn twilight' glow I'rom her hair and robe camo pcrfuroo, 4Xi tw ma i.irt airr mir. from her lipe fell uiuale, and In her heaven ly eje oil llcbt changed aud gathered a In the muliiou opal' illk And tin taa the woman whum I mut alavl Hlowly I drew near, bowing a 1 came; but aim took no heed, Hhn lay there, and the Jeweled fan floated tJi and fro like the bright wine of aoinn hovering bird. At Icntrlh 1 aUt Wore her, and aha glanced up, tho trkh plumra pretacd agalnat her bnat a though to hide Ita beauty, "Whatl friend, art thou cornel" ahe aald "TUwrll; for I grew lonely here Nay, tl a weary world I Wn know ao many face, and ao few there are whom we hne to ace again. Well, aland not there an muU, but bo eeatrd " And ahe minted with her fan to a cairrn chair that waa juVcd n In h to her feet. Once mora I lowed and took the aeat "I hate olo)cd tho (Ja4'ii a ilealrn," I tald, "and with much care and aklll worknl out the leaaon nf the atara; and here lathe record of my tabor. If the tjuceu pcrslte 1 wlUexjif.und it to her" At.4 1 roa-, in order thai I mlcht paaa nrjnd the ctnjcb and, aa ah" read, atab he.r in the bark "Nay, HarmacbW," the aaU quietly, abd with a alow and lovely amlle. "Hxlc where thou art. and give me tho writing. HyKcraplaJ thy fare la v romeiy forme to Wiah to Inae the Blent nf Itl" Checked In thl my draign, I could da aaui-hlbut hand her tha papynia, thlckibg bimyaelf that a ahe read I would arl auddrnly and plung the dagrr to )ir heart. Hhe look it, and, aa ah did ao, touched Biy haad. Then aha naif prrt-ne to read. Hut no wrrd did ate read, for I aw that awrryea were Hied npBaataovrr the edge ef the aeroll. 'Why faorat thou thy hand with la thy rebel" aaa Baked presently, for, Indeed, I elutcbaithwdaggar'a kUt. "1 thy heart Urrwdr "e.O !," 1 aald. "H haU high " Hhe gar aa antwer, but oaca aaora avadc ta u read, aa4 tha whlla aha waltkd a. I toak eaaaael with asyaelf. Hnm ato-iU I do ta hateful ddl It I taagaiyaelf cpoa her aow aha wvold aaa av aad acreaai aad atruggU. Kay, I aaaet wait a rhaer. Ta aaguriea ar tarvrahW, thwa, Har. aaachur ah aaU at teagth, Utmgh thia ah hae gweawaa at. "Yea, O Oaawa," I aaa wtrad. Tta weti." and W raattb writicgea tba wMarb'A Ta aaia g4 ar bai, I aaa we aaali a!L Vor, weary f waagxtag m -faat w a baTy aaatUr, O Qaaaa." I I had wtabeat U a tow vwaawhat I baa avy farnraat " "Nay, at an, Uaraaarhia, I have waawiad a th way ef atara. Taoe aat pro!; lbattgbfarav; te, abU, bAg wawwi. tawa baa wrtur bweaUy. TVer faew.aayr thoa thy reaav aad well ba jaerry. Vbaaaaall wt nwl4eM U tbaa Bta Ur ar wh eaa dr aa wU-.aaitKwwacrrawiuwly Nty, I bar H: lwUIa." Ad.leaiag foe. i" f;i ..frj i ! , I kJ 1 wart, ah r4 hwrtaU, a4, ba4ag tba haew aaawaaft aav tnta aiaadra ihnrxl. Ttn'ii bar low tvut btVe out In perfivt and trnt awr-et iag And tliua ahe aang: NW hi ta tb ara. aaJ a!M urva t y. And tnutie la eur heattK noaied thirts Lulled I x tha taw Ba WK. UttU at t. And ta wind a Vlaaea la uiy rlao I) hair And thou dldtt rata ea hi aad cad raa Ulf Kafoldrd bv th atarry roba vt atghl Aad thro thy alafttif thrttle.1 a th a'r. Vo'.t ut thn heart dcair aad Ue a de lUht. A'luli, with ttartll kia ariv With alaritt aea lflo, W'e room with ad the auaa Mat teTs With a'.l th aeaa that ger, tvad or U, lUrth. Hr and Ha Wkfil w thoa r rciln( wilt. And thy haattdrifteth oa t.i tn. And oaly Tina ataad tldL ttetwea two abort f tf ati we drift. tktklnd at ihlst b.nott hflon th tide It drtiM wdt To land Wholdea net, Ature, th aty I fair sat cold, Itrlow, lb tntnlac ' Karep o'er th lotra that were ut oil. Hut, O laivet k aa thou tnr. Ah. lonely are thaereaa ), And dcrou th Ors Aad frail the fairy bira that atrait Alxie the ' atlerpl Ah, tod no more at aatl tit oari We drift, or tender frre, Oa you Uratoro the breakera roar, lint, O tie'k thou tu. And rvrr aa thou tahceit t drew near Thru auddan ailror heard our heart that 1-eaU I'or aow there wat aa end ef duuM aad fear. Now paailont mld fur oul and led rar I'fli Ttien admt ithltt thou rar, thy Uv la meet Who, alaklni en thy breaal, Knew haufhl but thrn. And In tho hpr nlhl t kUird the, HeU Ah hxretl l'lMrrn lb lUlllcbt and II. aea. Tho laal et'hoea of her rich tintea fl,ted down the chainlM'r ami alutily dletl iitai but In my heart they rolled on and on I have heard anmng the xomiiu alugir at Abouthla voice more rrfcl than the xolcenf Cleoiulra, but net or h I heard one ao thiltilug or o iivl with pHii a honey indea. And luded 'twaa not the vole alntie; 'twaa tho irfumed ctianilx-r wtierrlu waa art all that could move the aeuaot'tnaa the paatUm nf the thought and word, and the aurliig grace and hivelineaaof that lnot rojal woman who aalitf thrill, Kor, aa aim aang, alinoat did I ocm lothmk that we t . nlti were Indeed floating alone with the nU'ht, uHn thn wide, dark, auiiinier aea And When ahe ccaard to touch the harts and, rUihg, and denty tlretrhed out her arma totd me, and, with thelattlow note of aiiit?)et t)UU el Inw' ui, ii herllp. let fall the Motolrr of her cjea uiu my erea, alinnat did al.o diawiuotoher Hut I rcmemtred, and would not "llt thou, then, no word iJ thank for myoor aliik'ing, llarmachlar' alio aa.d at length. "Yea, O tjiiren," I anawered, wahmg tcry hiw, for my voice wa choked, "nut thy Bonk' are not food for the Bona of men Uihear of a truth thev oteruheim me ' "Na), llartnaoliU; for theo there I no fear," ahe Bald, laughing toflly "arelntf that I know how (ar thy thoughta ainaet frvttJ woman' lrauty and tho common neukne ef thy aea. With cold Iroa we may aafcly toy " - - " I thought within inyaelf that coldeat Iron can he brnucht to whlteat heat If hut the lire be fierce enouvh. Hut I aald tiaiirht, and, though my hand trembled, mice mote I i:rped the dafger'a hill, and, wild with fear at nit own wcakurea, act mje)t to find a incaua to alay her while j rt my acnao re malned. "Come hither, llarmachia," aim went on, In her aofteat voice. "Come, alt by me, ami we will talk together; fori hate much to tell thro." And ahe made placn for In Bl her ido upon the allken eat. And I, thinking that I miirht thn more auiftty atrlke, roannd etai myaelf oiim little May lioin hr, While, flinging lack her heoil, ahe garrd on me with her alum lHrour)e. Now Waa my ocratlou, for hrr while throat and breaat were bare, ami, with a mighty effort, once airaln I llfusl my hand tor.utch thedagcr MIL Hut, mom quit k than thought, alio caUKbl my flngera with her own and gently held tl.oin "Why (Kkrt tlictu bo wildly, liar marble I" alioaal.l. "Art alrkf' ' Ay, alck lndeel," I gM-l. "Then lean thenj lip-in the cuabtona and real thee," aim anewcitd, atlll laddlng my hum), wherefrom the trngth hail fled "The fit will urely . Too long htt thou labored with thy atara How axifl I tho night air that now from )onder monl tieavy with tliebrealh of lulwal Hark to the whlaperof the aea lliig Bfaihat th rocka, that, thcejrh faint It la, yet, U Ing ao Btiung, doth almuat drvtan thulck,.; fallof ondr uiotiulaln I.Ul to I'hlUmiel, how we-t from a full heart of hue ah atnga her meage to her il'arl Hurety 'll a lorety night, and moat beautiful la natire'amuaoung with a hundred tnlnr from wind abd tree and bird and r-a,' wrlbktl lip, and yet ung all to tube I.Ulrn, llariuacblt; awiethlna hat a I pueawJ oonrernlng the- Ttnu. tj, aft of a ru)al rac: o humbia b'.ipl pour le tho entif Udne. Murely auch a abel oild rrlng but from the Un'd of l'rir.-l Whutl gatett thou at tl leaf mark nti nr bretitl Twa pricked there ia hotn.r of 0lrlt, Whom with tle I worship. rVe f, fl me lnre," I arroit.rd, BtrlrUg to na", but all v y atrcngth had goee, "Nay, not yel awhfte. 1)ssi wuuldat n'A leave ate retl Thou tt not leave ;r l llarwiacfaia, baat thou t.vrer loredP "Nay, r.ay, O gu"-n I What have I Ut do with lore! Jt nv ketuet I am faint ff done" "Never to have loved 'tl trage Ver to have known aoir,e wotcab Ie-tr1 heat all la tune U thine ti-trr U have 4jeBtharye at thy adorrtl awlm with pa;ait' tear aa aba if bid trt vvw oao thy breaat I Never lu have Urtd' cevrr to have I t tbyaelf la ibenijebfry of ano her aou) txr to hare )earrnd bow 5atur .an crrerrom rrjr naked kU era a, aad with tb gt.Wa web of Itrve ut twain weave " Henlltyl Why, 'Ha never Ui lre lived, llaraarbl T' Abd rrr a aba Bourns red a be drew aaarer u ae, till atli,witaalog, iwi ifh, h fang whit ana atrji ay a-. abd rsilag ufi avt with tli,. faUoAbi eye, aatll fcr dart, aw awlle, that, bka aa rBiag aVwer, r veabfcl beauty w.tkla baavtty keUecv. Nar aba bct War i'rly totm avd UII avtr tver aow hr ttw4 brtb aUy4 tiBtat Bay hale, Mtr Ur li mi ailael Aad, wa i wt ia that kt, r t-d-tyal BvbV trcaa tLaa tba elrr- ut death, wr fofgvtua twa, ay Krrtl; U,0't.,W4st, Ctry, rrVt4s bS tblag aavBtbat 0ftr rtap4 ia her ana aad eaUaal at lr a4 1 td. Now adgw a," ah rturrl "lZeag aw oa nt f art ta Ukr f thy krre." I UM th drMght, a4 W I araak, aad tUra Um Ut I hw Ut Bt wa I fU aawa tU ttrw h, aad, ttvwgh gy aeaaaa aWJ wee with ava, I aw aAAr tawah ar rw. atskt Ciaiwrtra, haavig nm aw, V "'t nv " aberrlrd, ahVng bV her leaf hair, "I've wh, anj f,rth atake of llgjipt Why, 'twaa a au worth p.tig V lh tM0gser, then, lhM wwiVM f.aie ttain me, tl mr lteil tltal, wh myr ruktiaa a'en p,v are fathered at mj pt irej ,tt atiil anakel N nv, wht bin der me that I aWiid net plunge it to tl heattl I bcrd nd freUy tJntrd to my treal, for fain wat I t.nlle. Hhodrew hrrlf t.itl full ef her ImrerUI brtiiht, ad the Kie-t knife t lUetrxi In her hand, IK watt eame till Ita rdtfee pricVnl ml fleh "Nr, ahe cried ir, and cat! It frvna her, ti Wfll I like ihee, llty 'twere te tlay auch a inanl I glte thr thy life I.Ua on, lott I'haraoUl Lire cit, tvr faiie rttlag, Idattrvl by woman' w,ti Uee, ItarmachU to aditrn m) lr)uih" Then aiht left nift and In my et I oni heard th ohi: of th nlghtlnaale,he mut a , "lit mur ef the e, alul the lnul. of t loo Mtra'a laiuih And a I Bank awat the sound of that low- tanfti atlll followed In Into tho laud of airers and atlll It follewt me through life to death (ill ha I.IMIM tit NIUHT IN urtAzlu. A Cmtntiy Wlian Hie ..Irrleat I'ailh anil allenl Alt' Ate I nImoih, The loliif line ef awet ainvera who half chanted the prie of alienl i.igltV l.a ell deutly hen imbrekeit by any t aittltfo fromlhflwltdatif lllaill for t beret lie "(ulio e cut III and adenl lr" are alt unhlieMn, alldlilgllt lbUtauothe liamefor liotte T1i approat'h of aundiiwn l aiounnne.1 lij lie cUadn, which, after a preliminary rnln tike the wlndmtt of at ! a, sem'a forth Into the air a lontf thrwl aound liaethe wbittieol a liKnnot'ie Krui a.t diirllona tlieatrange tide ahlloka In different ke)a, ec ailing the UMilT tatiiie of Ciatihaui, and wklr th iihUof "Inline'' In ihatraugr' heart, n.o " lifarro," at It I CAiliol In lllaill, la an luuneiite brown t-n tie, about four or file Im he long, with I art" and twantlfull; trntiareni wlna' It files lapidly freni tree to trve, and rarel) utlera Ita iitmiilo dioua nntneii-ept alslindown, on aceAinl of which fai't It hue rrix-d frvrn lb K.edh ihn aptiroprlatn naiunof tba ail o I k rt thnapnreprlatniiaineof tba an cb k rt ..jeea Ho webjerfully rlre I. t. ,e.em ;Triu,,,l,.wV ir. !....'. ...:rt!7,.r ll haataeti finiiol lieveatarj ao lii vary th Ioc.iumtlv.1 whlalle a. todl.llnrui.h tl fre. tltennteof tbecliaila hn aoontr l.tte the cU'arraa" hnraldrd Um nlfht than the ami alnka In a apleiidur Ulidroaluid nf lnltiili north, even try nr Banal niBtnatlteartll, th awiliiaai ttl4tiga4TiratrliJtigefteti rivaled nr rather iirtaad. At liww the un preaeata cta:tly the apir-ine of a glolxMif flre) tll re-t and alnutt trrrlldo lu lla hrililatiCj.U llnhla Utlirt sky with a crimson glory, hrn'iig nut Into maAelou relief Wielrtnr atanit put afalnat llie horiMti, It may lie the war.iirf branrla f theriKVi .ulin or the bing hart a lonfue. hal baica nf the hanaua U4ll)' thrvurb many an iwle.'i.t tint the k; lnloiUrkrt, no mwl twidifht In eritiig a aliaduw) border land, but In a quarter nf ah l'ur day boa Imvmi nlfht, and then theilm for thatlniniigof litet la comet Nut tttsocl aha, Idrtla arw eual ly active, one which the aativa cl lYUque" la n etrulng rather than a nlichlbird, am) uauaily alnga Jutt a the un laallliig, fwiglnblng wllh a very ru bmgnil note, abd lbn rapfitly deadlug an iiavn ia regular chrimiatki lalertala, a ats'ir nf bird OidtWi which ba rather an eitranrdlnary rgetl, ftomotlw. fin far off la heard a 'nini), olful a.d art lathe ttrenie, k the (ry f a human tteiae In diaUrat.Oh Uhfl Oh "I flli'"! fieirie tleindli4g th Jr. In bwig drawn alfl.a or rallter wwiau nf agrrbj. arelwhon latd m riir, ..., arnv wMn ..war,, frthiarltiv'eliirild bi fly to the Mseiiet but tint tior vktina 1 ! a I4rd. rtseoet but !! f vktiat I iwly a I4rd, sal-l t M a hind (if 'tl'ii ker. w tilth aruueee llaelf in Ihl pt.'Utiar faahWfc Utui Wurda SCPIVANTA IN PtHU. A CawtfUy Wkerw Ty WBI A Head Owly WTU all Italy. M'ln a arw trvant la wartr.! tl-tt. pbiyiriirj! iritrurt tier a It tba fail ft. U-M -f U r dct.. im the trtt day That U tb4Mtaptn of all da;, atid tlr'ftrr b wtildortarUy what she did lb'a,i.4t,4 mora. The iintt.Ug after mr arriral at U, )i,U In Caravs I ra.lKl tut a flta tit kill while dftrt)f t Oa r-tr; abtii,tit py,tu lift during (Air tlay a glass id h.1u ws briAijrhl tu at rrrc1s-ly Uttt ar Lvir, wUjlUtrurtWti, abd ailbvagh ttrr aotwa teli titer! Um. thai ll waa ik-4 trald tl,d)l fc'H t'-r t UMralaad, avad ci tibuM bring It jtit lb nv la tM fxll Wf ,"irU) Mju. live f ftl day I rttg fur -jtUl.t, am a rertala ii uit'iiil IbtrtamtfeMi. Tt.ertt avaiag I fang a-: atl ayala aikd M r- b.Jd. riaafiy I went UU tB dialag rem ad (mini lkr half a dw Mftaat "IMa't yM l-r u.f h( riBgr' awaad 1W, a waa tt y.ty TVi why dlda't yv awtr Itf Tb Ury that antwar o aer)ler'B bell bat gtnt tu Market with tfc bagr " -not Tbi ib a waa aovt aara as yt atavu'd cotb la ale dw. -Jfn, M , It la hi rni rati V) aaa we yitf bIL b L I aaewer tb b:i ef ihaaaaU. 4 .JdwK--T.g aUwwwwMa. 4 aiy In4.gatlua. kf at I nv Abd laorlMt aaand U that lvU4 bail wa aaewerad ry tioi w par wn tar avy if M wa a-4 la w J rwaSd rlag bvar wWbvit rN1g a reain, altayeagh lb hoM Wa f a.1 f ' vther fctirrarl -Kawa ("ty Tlav - n aiMa a mm A Frv ;, wu at vw um hU lb c4Vbf a UawwUry avagwtraia, wa abvl u yrtrm lb ml 4 -Mi-a. Jl a" a aawi, aaWrewaiag the UnA. "4 yw agraa Ir. taa Mr at-. are Bfw4&t, far yvir Vd hmba if Aad, afur law ywaag lady bad r4 tu I t- aiaravttive.ll ;, ttratag bv tb bwvVgrwaa, 4tr4 htavatif a Mtr f-rtfaamr at tie a, wlt aat ymt rt ae; ta j daft f YW W-d avf fr atewwrtw by ravagi w, n I" an i air ii , I V1 g f 111, J 'mm avf ba wwary wf fvi. I MCCl.t.LANrOD.H. i Ai I 4tflitkn hi nr ael a ,eV f-r the ue ..f rrt,m Irtirilag Irvr lab'r if thi h t flt-l la .h w tt lht It rrntaln tn. tptif f the wAyina- of the Ut ,f trtlw tMrt(vh 1.mi tr vert etwttttwwt now In ih oil.-' of lwttti,et iren A twtn gt-f In and talk to bit iHtehtne and after a white the tipowrttrr gre In n I the mtehlne UIV t U her - An KncHthretlgbHttt Ulhei the foil "ting a IrerttanHkOnt' "A ldt tthe t.tketrwt 11 rxrad for glttt wktM Ike Utreh tt, no etnalng wl faahUHt again. It U.M In the M n t) -Vtnlh lle.rgla .rt-'f btl" a ftile that Hnltet'! A ttne la reted lpj rUlccr, -htt eath fr a abate while a (,idetit ) ten ernt ll a haiv and nten get Cfedtl It ! t,he t t thtt rate -lleaniH,,! in .n l!lhemt laie ly thai 1V W,iritiMt hor-ie bl Jntl lren thtpiM trtwn that rantit u Uerwtany and llelglwlw to tn ae,t In the- tMf. lure of tawtaire. ,i-l thai ueb thlpnienla weft' a rectitar thing. Although I'umiM IIchI It but ntitetj mile and nenlj lif,d, It I well app.h'd xllli r4llMt.l thl )Hietw Irorl in lit etr e.e we-on one thu trt mile. It t td. wtthiwtt en'lng It Utrder arvl nttboot "niltrirf " XV hen a l.y Utlag In linle enl t.i Irfimlort for diior. he pdtliet fH atklng hint Iti rtiitte 'h a dltUn" lki Kkknf It,"" anwtl Iho l H , ' I bapHn tt tiate tnlbef ptllrnt In the BolithWwt. and otll Ikwt Vll) ln Mid with wne atwne " Mne of the bl aliikttlnf ieirtbrt In l)il euiiti) ot rt lh" ltiVt n lain i fMtiml tu ni near ihr iuirinuVi. .tAUip, fbleh otttei lD ar III ChaMlatt. Vre and I tlaeli ewwll, l.eotglt till ItaVer laitt lit It in tudi't hmiictiim UVe. ike liH't nl wild fowl, nl li'li'.U u tlmlMif, the aUkl of large and inll caiiie In gfrat prtdaaion 'I he bile lliwtteataldet fe t'lellf gtHIH)l tilh'k blMlhgt allualnl on ltd ,.itb of tb rttattalott aiwl betrfr It) r. of Ihii tftii, There ate fof born tor the uw of (he I'r.tldent fMill llm-e (m) ld gl) llnnttf Dm liajt t iiiloit Jotiii and be l nf remarkably g Utlo nalare i! etttottiely fond of atltig ua fr..., ,!( Itartl aoti a hand 'l"be t herwVee Indian an iwgiil4 nation with chief m 11 rllt.l I) the people. i'glltttl lly In l tilalieb'. and a Jodli'Ufj iiialiiUlm a hlilelttd itiie .lii-i In a ieny llttite't. and twti inlniea r high arhiK.K which et,tl foO,l) raxth ttie) ih bate an orplian t I an Intaiix atiluni and a peftllntitfar i 'I'hetw are nnw Rio (iHtldlnga and (iHitlern fiMtltia along llie linn of llm.N'e ,VV tntjal dot. t.. l,r n.e of tht. , , h 4f t, 4A , , iwLk..i.Mii.h. ...! eugi..u. ., , , , , . r ... !Mel.n - fl id a .lew III tbiirti, and they ate Hlistllule' t ( t),t. taliuMi 'I hey bale tt reet-d it , eael l-f the Mien lblmlti. aided by tlio rtlrwl alii t'ttalb) t.tflndlu Nar.t. rlilll HCUI'CUT KOR AUTMomrv. A Italy ttbl.l, I be lt.tlll,Hl fa.Bie lino la lbs llti mm-t U l'r-U, ( ,No that Inttrtirllon In eltln (tin, th" air trial II nut I' In order In ug ' gntt Dial gi.. lnt lu 1'gln I by teacher, parent and all -ron, ron inte.t with the litllin nf ihlMlen and )tmlb p"rllenll) In'tileatln,. ih dnly nf iwpt fornno In public utti i until pnittnl utiwt.tlhy wllh at et detent falf pUy In tte Jvitfmenl of hf rhat4t"r and riw-ttf iabeofflelat The tldllig aUttnittalbtti nf wt j llikal f"tt l iMgr. -b-'.ivl I..I.II nf h'ddlng up tillll-il iipiritnl lit lb" ' IfiMal con Irinfialion nf elery ll; a not imt; in In ttit-lr itHir rillr, j but iiiiwirlby f twrwinal !. i. man In aahibgbitt ttly In high .) laeieiiift frwoi thl futli wlfrhrg lit I ;hararu.r and rri-lwet hj )oiraala i.l I grl InflireiMW wUly read, M tlM tj nirji n. .,i,ij iwni rrf,,-ni.sw f.f i the asms kind tm a a deadly ...1 i.,.l. m ... o 11 i ' by inefi wlm irtll fnt a ff rifm f I ((Milisl Intuit (If rtr l.e wu In I for tut-1 dirult thlt rrbibt wvt4e( for what Itl worth htil (J. MtwbUf" hii-i brwef dfcv I'.tffy Wight' Aiii-flt( ly ut glr rtada ib now. ' (I-r aad It la alhertt lw,.ible u, mt ntlon tha nam of aa tiiilaol tUit f In a oroi t ,f switrt Jtmnr aU'f "Ithttlt healing Ibe 'ptl. frttdy balIlM r, H ), (. i4l'il erfi m a lfrre llv' w; than by iht if fftmn iniUwtm i.t la Ut I Fw"i tit a glbii tilag t p in feprttlWe (lMnhlp Jtb tlila t.ntrtdpl fitf piiblUf tt,l n-l ifttl.iirf In UtTil klrooat;? If It I- ,ld that Iberf I tfibrb t tWf I t.l feellfag. wa repi that $!. p-hw 'ir (it yi,l lif I lafget; h- f ttll of tbl baMl nf IMlfflwdftal ( ) ttMbarlUMw iw!guinl TVe(tafc4 ut tnt v-wl j ! .a re ka-pl tlof ptMl (lf by Ik tirivlUlrignaaa Ut fb Iht Are ut fttlhg laiavtlts. atiy M(ifthl Ja"- by t Bli-d by lb .dMtcl )." wltfc bide r fvlr V lt 1V wurtt ui It I lil t. yetrat tbl vaMt Ut ewal fh higher t' ar ffu-a lbe woat taUl, lv,UfC avi' I Bad " J- lb tb)r 4allag tlh V4- v"Ur ar.J rebtUtUw lt m fgla at at tha b-glanlag, a w 'klij t4tr M hiils'wHy, with fctty !- lU ,M 4,Btli datllag wU W 'tawaebar -Me I. tb e.1 btv. ' ' '! " t Mtau 'AvyUK, MMna ar im-, 7V dillagHlA4 )Hf ry vaa a rve itt IbtM ltyaff Ut vf lit. at lb ( tlrd l -l -i th-ta. wa (.1 et"! tai lb'" b. llMu trlt,w,Ug bit t wllh a raw- amr t.f (V grtiMt ava um th a UitU4 wllJai ft "My ,"" U Li wife. Mfly a , h irt 1 t W.r, atl I fww lar "I aon ralfcar if (rib'tarly k gtgad b. Alrlra. V ralUl, wbat abvrity MrW yea Mai talliag iw lUary, lb aaurn ttt lb artke " ar eit lag enf" ab laair!. "aUdrtt tK nrbr M lte lit- iki, titt-t, "t aty. AlM'a. ftowjE ' VT 'a T ikBaaaa JawwaMn xw waaaaaaaaw aawQBwrV V ' fcammmmmmmmmmV. lrJSaWaaWawM CIX'IO IC.VJOVl lUdh tha nttrMi anTrvenlu wtwMi Hvftiji nf Klgale taken t ll Ufleavaaul attifrrrblngt.t U.aUafe, anilaVwf fnilljrvel.retindlyoHtKKl.laeygk ler am lhiwla. eawiar Uwgvg. UntefTevlnallT, !iirU rv,l, b4 arKe ami fwvec aiiUiirrrMM4 e,,n.ilt!oit. Hvriiii of lVi la U tmly tetnettjr f lie Vtaxl aff aa, iue.l, ira ilng; In th taatw tut4 rrptaM In li MotHBch, temip I) ita .ll.n an-l Irulr UneA,!! Inrta elliwl. p(Tiafvt imU fitun the ttvoaH healthy aivl agreabl tilrlaca. It iwiitjr etcrlleni riiliiie maa, tii'int it In all ami tiat t.!a & lit inn i,jmlar twinetl Imnwa. ht nii nf r"lh U ft.t aal In Wg anil l U'lllr be all le,tlngirti( gliu Atijr rvIiitM ilrucgU h may tto hate ll on fiatwl will hu cure ll tiitmit f.f any nn ha) (aiir III try L kt mil aA4 any tuUtiiulrv, MUMMM Fti atffftVr- CO. lt-Kllf iurur,if, e u I ai i i. SCOTT DOIt OURS CONSUMPTIOH In ItS rifarl !. gtt aw Mb !, March. April, May atr tha Months ( whan th niood hottltl b rannvatwal with Ayer'sSarsaparllla ml tha iywtwM fortlM. for tltw CMall4tw Of VaM4MM. frwpeirw4 y Ot. J Oe Aytr 4 O LoWU, MaVM. ajaatavf latai faahalaha ah aaaaBaal I f lnELIIR M"IMlTiflfm I fiwafataeaa B we nen iht oy t" I Ua f avt awat ftw ; IM f m( .ata aratuwef Oita rVi i A I'ur VaawHia. t Caatj. CM K't ef Vaale.'aABaaVsf la.taCfcB. Um W ui Vaaatiaa 044 Orw! tla, f f ' vf VMlitt hVoiav, . , Cf la, Oa rVddi aat 1'a.U VaaawaVa.ll Cawlav If r) - I awraW as f fas b etl bt B' t a' M by a ia r'.ftaal . A aaawg fwbi at Wff , wff S tol mMlii e ! tf iwa u ii ttin t w w h, tiw4MBa n-i t , 4 m v a wf aw " mm ti f' f-tft, t ! ad flaw ' ltU at -dt-f a I I b . a eMi,tai lawmi ut i a l HNwaVHgil a w ) w tw W Te Ma r .t , ) Wsasaavaat fi aw j. intmtw MaWa M aVa4 m mm4 Mfltfl BILE BEAN8 ttaaaraia aawawtawa., Utx lui eiMafawatnM aat BMBV t re staav H waa bwssm KI-WrKJawTaaXan aaaaaaM aWakMaW1 akat aaaaaaaVaagBh " ' " wr w , 2K9U(.MtMf JUrUmUikmJLmU 5 2f"73CLsis?.sSaBt w""?gewgwa' awaw awawaw Tott'sPills -abhaaahaaaSBaBaaBaaati BBaaBaft Baaaaaaa)aaaaaaWBaaaBaaBBaaaaaBBaaa2Biak aa6aabaw aBsaaZaaM Maaaaaawiiae IMFafJbTDIOTIOOl waagi MisLo mvKUtwukUK. EMULS10H G&pes&MB (I I l ih F'Al draaac" Aaa! mm mp a that y var banaae i cf t r.4hr .V.gv'Trtt'. b, aw ..'ifteArf,-.! i. """ -v 1w4 ea et rLBBlL fwJPawww; t ..iah4jaajiBBaMaaaaaaiBajjaajJiiB -rr"kMXk!kbP. :"k'&& r yb,-