ETTTUSa Lijijifri.Tfiji:';i iHBrnf ' l". f -.. te I THE RED CLOUD CHIEF. A. . MCJHjMIR, Puhlleher. BED CLOUD, .... NKHHA8KA OUWrUNT COMMENT. Tm til thousand Irom minora of Hortkera Wisconsin and Michigan havo ergaalaed a aalon. Tart Northern Pacific, railway direct era have ratified tho formal lotto of tho Wlaceaeia Central railroad. DlYKtM haT found that a largo hole i pounded by tho broken machinery in the bottom of the steamship City of Paris. The vessel haa been pumped at ' Taa Garfield Memorial Anoclatlon M neat out a general invitation to nil organised bodlea is the United States to participate in the memorial dedication teflUvelaad, 0., May SO. CoMMiMtoNanKitncitMKR,of th forth west mounted police of Manitoba, hat been accused of brutality, tyranny and eppreetloa In the Canadian Parliament Aa Investigation waa likely. Ik eonaequenco of tho meat famine In Berlin purveyors are urging tholiundos rath to repeal tho law against tho Im portation of foreign meat Tho restau rants havo raised the price of meat SO per oeat In accordance with the vlow expressed by the Imperor of Germany recently a Cabinet order has been Issued forbidding duelling in the army except in cases where a council of men of honor, to Which all the circumstances shall have been referred, shall1 declare that a duel la necessary. EnwAitn Damm, of the United Mates, la making a sensation In llnrlln by an exhibition of a monster balloon for war purposes. The balloon Is vailed tbn Ulamsrck. It la lighted by electricity and M capable of signalling at a tre mendous distance. The machine will. It la Bald, bo adopted In tho (lorman army. A I.ttTTKR received In Winnipeg from Hudson bay, In the Athabasca district, aaya great distress existed among the Indiana afar Leaser Slave lake during the winter, and In some cases the red aklns killed and ate their children and dogs, and all kinds of doniestlo animals were used for food, from thnoffontaof which many Indians died. . M. Jui.ks Simon, ono of the French delegates to the labor conferenco at Berlin, was surprised at tho extent of Bmperor William's knowledge. He said: "The Emperor has greatly changed. He bas been falsely represented to us for aomo months. If the labor conference has no immediate practical result it will be useful In spite of skeptics; It will bo the signal for a now departure. Prince Bismarck Introduced himself aa 'I am lllimsrok.'" . Tim Treasury Department has ren dered a decision on an appeal by John Wanamaker, of Philadelphia, from tho assessment of duty at tho rates of 4ft and SO per cent ad valorem on certain bead ornaments Imported by hltn. The arti cles consisted of squares and strips of cotton net embroidery. The appeal on the articles embroidered with metal thread was allowed and duty fixed at 'JO per cent ad valorem, while the articles embroidered with beads were held to Ito dutlablo at the rate assessed. Tiik House Committee on Indian Af faire haa discussed the question of the disfranchisement of white adopted cltlsena of the Chickasaw Natlun, taking up for consideration Manaur'a Mil recently introduced, which declares veld the disfranchising act of the Chickasaw Legislature, and Repre sentative Mansur, Judge Wilson and Senator Pall, of the Chickasaw Senate, wera before the committee, and Mansur represented the injustice which Is being perpetrated upon worthy cltlsena Thu peasants of the Uovornmont of Klatan, Russia, incensed hv the con tinued floggings to which 'they have beoa Indiscriminately subjected by the district ehlef, Nordevlnoff, re taliated by attacking that official and administering to him a severe whipping with his own Instruments of torture. The police had to res cue Nordevlnoff and were stoned for their pains and driven from the scene, TheCcar waa deeply pained at receiving tho news of tho summary treatment of bis representative. Ik tho Strand, London, the other day Viscount Hlnton, thu son and heir of Karl Panlctt who has msde himself otortout by playing 'the part of olown ta pantomimes, and who haa also under gone imprisonment for robbery, was grinding an organ, accompanied by his wife, when an aristocratic-looking gen tleman approached him and endeavored to persusdo the erratic Viscount to do atat, offering him a clerkship on the Stock Exchange. Tho offer was loudly declined in tho presence of some five hundred people. Hlnton then became wry excited and awom that he would never alter hia course of life until his father dies. All this time Udy Hlnton was collecting coppers Tiik water which flooded the New York end of the Hudson river tunnel proved very troublesome and every thing that could be thought of waa employed to atop the leaks. Two divers descend ed, and, after spending ronsldersblv time, gave up tho search. They sue reeded, however, la closing one of the doors. Then Engineer Moore used a novel method of finding tho leaks. He eeured a number of water rats and tied long pieces of oakum to their tails, aught In tho middle by a piece of wire. The rats were then forced Into the ealason through the air pumps. The , rataffollewlng the current of air, found the7 leaks, and, passing through the J wtevaaos, left the oakum behind. This , staffed' the Ingress of air to enable tho BSKspiMf to proceed with success. "f NEWS OF THE Gleaned By Telegmpk and MalL .COXCJRKM. TUB enat on the HH dlistrssd to the floats amendments to the hill for a public bulidlnaat Atchison, Kan, snd sited for s confirmee. The Dependent Tension bill was then taken up, the Hut question ti din pvse of being tenstnr I'lumh' amendment st to arrears of pensions, maklnif pension on account of wound nr Injurlrtor disease commence from the death or discharge of the old If r. To an Inquiry Senator Plumb aald that the coat of removing the limitation of srresrs would approximate IMO.rre.OOO. The amendment was finally rejected by n vote of yes to M nay. All other amendment were rejected and the hill ptisod, ayes II, nsys li. Adjourned. ..In the House the conference report upon the Urgency tlcfl clency bill Wa agreed to. After patilnx number of local bill the Homo conldered tbn Army Appropriation bill In Committee of the Whole and when the committee rots the bill pasatd and the House oon ad Journed. Arras dUpostnt; of a few report of com milters and ether business on April I the Senile went Into executive session snd wbtn It door, were reopened ed Journed., ..Ths House, sdnptnd the report of lha Judiciary Committee, railing- for sn Inveitlgttton of ferttln alleged Irregutari. lie In Ilia offliea of United Htstei msrsbst snd the practice In some of the United Mates court. A number of private bills psiaed and the fortm. cation Appropriation bill w considered In Committee of the Whole. When tho Com miltee rote the bill pttttd, tlio the bill pro viding for a tonlogtcsl park In the District of Columbia. The Naval Appropriation bill was reported snd plsctd on the ealtndar, whan the death of Itepresentetlve Wilier, of New York, was aaaoanoed and the lloute adjourned. IK the Senate on ths Id Mr. Rdmund, from the Judiciary Committee, reported hack the Antl-Truit bill la the form of a sub stltutt. He snd seversl other members of the committee tapreurd view on the bill. The conference report on lbs Urgency lfl clency bill waa agreed to, end the Montana election ease wet lakta up. Pending con sldersllon the Senate sdJourned....The lloute psad a large number of bridge and other local bills sod then considered the hill for lbs sdmlMlnn of Idaho until adjourn ment, no Ariel action being reached, Arras routine limine. on thn Id ths Sen ate reaumed the Mutilans election caar, sad after aivcral Senator spoke Ilia matter went over until Monday. The House bill to amend the eentut Isw providing for thn enumeration of I bo Chinese population was tnaen up and after anme debate went over. Adjourned until Baturduy. ..In tholloiisc, Mr. Uwtge (Ms.) presented a petition from the New Kngland Hhoe and Leather Assni-ltlen Ntalntl thn Imposition of a duty on hide. Heveral motion were disposed of and Jwu hill paiaed suiendlng thn articles ot wr In re i aril in trial and punishment by court martial. The Idaho Admllon bill waagln taken up and Mr. I'nrkln (Kan.) conclu led hi romarka In advocacy of It. After a Ioiik debate a vnt-i waa Hnally reached and Micro were IW yens to onn nay, Hie lomnorat withholding tHelr votes. Thn Hpeahnr counted n quorum preennl and the hill wu declared a having passed. The Democrats announced that this would be made a tcit question to tho right of the Speaker to declare quorum present. Adjourned Tub lloute on thn 4th considered prlvn'e pemlon bill that had come over from tho prevlnua Friday. Mr Htone (Mo ) made a vlgoroua protest against extrHVaxaaua In pension matters, and Missra. 1-anc (III.), Chlpman (llloh.), Inlllvcr (lows) and Klower (N. T.) spoke s vlgor.iuily In favor of litter si pemlon. Thu Ave petition hill under consideration then passed. 1)i-prlvalo cal endar was then considered In Committee of the Whole and an evening session held fnr the consideration ol pension bill. ttCKMONAL ANI I'OI.ITIUAU A HtxcNT dispatch from Hi. Peters burg to tho London Dally Telegraph says tho Czar had lcen nttacked by a sudden Illness. Tiik Democrat made gains In tho municipal election at Chicago on tho 1st. The new Hoard of Aldurmnn stands at Democrats to Ml Republicans with two Independent Democrats and ono In dependent Ropubllcsn. Tiik seventy-fifth birthday of Prince lllsmarck waa celebrated with much en thusiasm In (lermsny on the 1st Tiik Democratic ticket ot Milwaukee, Win,, was elected by 6,000 majority on tho 1st Peck, the humorist Is tho new mayor. The Dennett school law had much to do with the turn of tho election. Tiik Csar and Prince lllsmarck havo exchanged friendly letters In which hopes of prolonged peace aro prominent feat urea Tiik Ilrttlsh expedition recently sent out against the Somalia having failed to accomplish Its mission another expe dition has been started from Aden. (.KXKiut. Thomas C Anhkhsoh, a prominent Republican politician, for many years deputy collector of New Or leans (and a memlier of the famous Louisiana returning hoard from 1874 to 1870, died recently, aged seventy. Aihtaiion wss reported spreading In three or four places of the Russian Em pire among the peasantry, notably In Finland and Poland. Tiik llnrlln correspondent of the Lon don Chronicle telegraphed on thn lid that a partially succcNsfol attempt had been made on the life of tho Csar. In the Onturlu Legislature at Toronto, Can., Mr. llraham moved tho passage o( a resolution railing on the Canadian Parliament to take step looking to closer trsue relations with tho United States, Sin Fiiancw Dk Win-ton, president ot the Hrltlsh Etnln Patliu relief com ml t tee, Is Utterly Indlgnsnt at Emln Pasha's course In euterlng tho service of liertnsny and churges Emln with absolute want of gratitude. Dom 1ki)ui was reported unwell Tiik llrstlllan lllshops will shortly is sue a pastoral refusing to consent to the separation of Church and State. Sknsationai. charges of corruption by school hook lobbies havo been made in the Iowa legislature. Rt'saiA haa notified Turkey that It will enforce a first lien on the proposed new Turkish loan In order to secure the arrears of the war Indemnity. Tux House Committee on Naval Af fairs has favorably reported the McAdno bill to prevent the enlistment of aliens In the navy. Tiik bill to give the widow of the late Mejor-lieneral Kllpatrlck 100 per month has been favorable reported to the llouao. MISC-KLUAMtlll'K. Si'KriAi. iNsrrrrviu Davis reports the Chcrokco Strip entirely free of would-be settlors. ltv an explosion of fire damp In a ahsft at Nantlcoke, Pa., the other day, three miner were killed and eight se riously Injured. Tiik Pacific mall steamship China has lowered the record from San Francisco to Hong Kocg toUeuty days. Thb British war ship Bultaa haa cap tured off ZanttUradhow with twelve enslaved Wangamwese porters aboard. Turks, small children of William Drown, living near Huron, 8. D., per ished the other night whllo locked in tholr home by their parents, the house catching fire In some way. In three cases of shoos from George town, Mass., II. O. Pointer, a merchant of Petoskey, Mich., found seven ono pound cartridges of dynamite. They worn frozen and had not thawed out Nix of tho leading white lead monu fscturlng companies of New York Mtato havo consolidated under tho name of tho National lead A. Oil Company. Tho capital of the now company Is SI, 000,000. Tiik strike of tho qusrrymcn at Jollut, III., ended in a victory for the men. Tiik report of a rupturo between Ilul garla and Sorvla is officially declared to bo untrue. Fast day was strictly observed throughout Massachusetts and New Hainpshlro on tho .Id, Tiik treasurer of tho Canton of Tlclno, Nwllzerland, has boon arrested fur em bezzling 1,000,000 francs. Am, tho non-union plumbers of Chi cago Joined the union strikers. Nkws has boon received at Tncoma, Wash., of tho bark Etnbleton, supposed to havo been lost last fall. TllK Horace Greeley homestead at Chappaqtia, N. Y., burned to tho ground recently. All thn hooks, a water color picture of Mrs. Greeley and a bust of Horace Greeley were saved by tho neighbors, Miss Gsbrlolls) Greeley was at church In Plessantvllle at tho tlmo. On thn Hudson River railroad, near Garrison, N. Y., a freight train ran Into a mass of fallen rock before thn flagman had time to give warning. Three train men wnro hurt and tho engine and twelve cars wrecked. It was rumored on the 4th that the O'Shca divorce case, In which Mr. Par noil was co-respondent hod been finally settled. Tiik strike of the coopers of Mlnne nixillH, Minn., has ended In a victory for tho men. Six men havo been killed by oxplo hIoiih of oil gas in a tunnul being bored near Santa Paula, Oil. Hv tho explosion of a boiler at an oil well near Smith's Kerry, Pa., Font M. Dawaon, a workman, wan blown nearly a mile and trifttatitly killed. I.N the famous Cerneau-Scottlsh rlto cami ngalnst the grand lodge of Iowa, fudtfu Preston has overruled a motion ot the defenxo to throw tho matter nut of court on the alleged grounds that the court had no jurisdiction In the matter, tho (Yrnouti-Scoltlth rlto not being an Incorporated body. Tho Cornouus con sider this a decisive victory. Two iitT.MMiKH furins were sold under mortgage In two days by Sheriff John son, of Atlantic County, N. .1. Ono farmer was ho cruzed at losing his homo that ho burned himself In his dwelling. Nkvkhk hurricanes on the Pacific during March caused many disaster on tho ro.iat of the New Hebrides. Several shipH were wrecked at Labour. A venue' grounded at Mnlllcello and live whites and thirty nutUoH were drowned, whllo thirty othera who reached tho nhoro were miisaacred by natives. Mt'rii of Horace Greeley' correspond ence, some of It Invaluable, wiim de stroyed by the recent lire ut tho home stood at Cbappuiun, N. Y. A iikavv wind storm destroyed two churches and other property at Arkan sas City, Ar!., recently u double mis fortuno as tho city was three feet under water. IttmiNi: failures (Dun's report) for the seven days ended April II nututicrcd JOrt, compared with 'ivi tho previous week and 'IM the corresponding week of last year. AtMimONAI. IHMI'ATVIIBe, Cixaiiinu house returns for the week ended April ft showed an average do crease ot l'i.'J compared with tho corre sponding weok of last year. In New York there was a decrease ot 19. 'J. Financial affairs wore reported (rood on the Umdon Stock Kxchange during the week ended April ft. A reduction of tho bank rsto of discount was expected. Prices were firm on tho Continental bourses and tho tonogood. Thu Havana sugar market reported lower prices. Tiiiikk negroes stealing railroad Iron at Irondnlo, Ala., wore recently pur sued by Town Marshal Kngland and hla deputy Fortenlierry. The negroes shot Kngland, probably fatally. Forten herry then ooncd llro and killed the three negroes, lntcnso excitement was caused. Six men were recently beheaded la the Yuitan province of China. They were tho last of tho revoltcr at Kout Solon mine. Tin: powder works at Chester, N Y blew up recently. Two men were killed aud great damage was done to houses In the vicinity. Tin: leaders of tho Frelslnnlge party In Germany have refused to take part lit the movement for tho erection of a monument In honor of Prince lllsmarck. A ll.iiii'mi correspondent aaya that In contrast with lllsiiurok's policy, Km peror William Intends to pave the way to an entente with Franco and thus Iso late Russia. Tho Austrian alliance. It adda, will remain unchanged. Tiik several charges sgatnst Moussa Hey have lieen dropped at Constanti nople, Tho alleged ground for thla action la insufficient evidence. Fiiank Davis, a convict, escaped from tho Minnesota State prison thn other night by prying tho bars ot a hospital window apart and letting himself down. He stole the hospital steward's overcoat A fMi-MT martial haa convened at Fort Porter, N. Y., for the trial of First Lieu tensnt S. Allen Dyer, Twenty-third in fsntry, oa charges of incurring debts which his creditors have been unable to collect and of running away from an irate milk dealer who assaulted him on account of a debt Tiik trust recently founded for the purpose of coat rolling glucoto and etarvh haa purchased tho extcaslve works ot thn Voorhoea Starch Company at Danville, 111. ' Tiik Senate on the ftth dttpeacd ot a large number of unopposed mcatdiivs. A bill was pasted gMng a pcnUn of 100 a month to the widow of Gecral John itartrantt Thn llousu devoted the day principally to tho contldcratloa ot army bills. NEBRASKA STATE NEWS. Tr.f.KORApM operators at Denkleman wear tWOO diamond pins, and as a con sequence robbers watch their rooms very closely. A i'Ktiit.K named Comlskl was shot and Instantly killed by somo unknown party tho other night whllo calling on a widow named Reed, who lives on a farm north of Omaha. A farm hand, Tony Frank, who had been courting the widow, has been arrested charged with the crime. Ai.nnirit W. Giikkn, a brakoman on tho Fremont Elkhorn A Missouri Val ley railroad, was killed at Pennington by a train the other day. He was twenty-five years old and had been married about a year. A iiiiiikik on tho Omaha line about six miles from Dakota City, was recently burned by a prairie fire. Tiikkk Is a great demand for flax seed at Columbus this spring to take tho place of corn. Hi:n Davis, a former well known set tlor of Adams County, lost his house and all its contents by tho recent floods in Oregon. Tiik Central Nobrasko Veterans' Asso ciation Is advertising for bids to secure tho location of the fourth annual re union, which will bo held August 'M to 'Jtt. Tiik mad stono owned by a otnrlnary surgeon living at Ong. is said to have performed wonders in tho way of reliev ing peoplo who have been bitten by rabid dogs. Patknth latoly Issued to Nebraska In ventors: Jesse II. lilake, Omaha, mor tising machine; Georgo J. Kellar.Osceola, alarm lock: Millard H. Smith and G. J. Kelly, Stockvllle, mechanism for con verting and transmitting motion from wind mills, etc; John M. Young, Law rence, compound for treating seed. Tiik Statu Hank' ot Pierce has filed articles of incorporation with the Secre tary of State with a capital stock of ,15,000. Pkikii Akkiison, a Louisville con stable, Is under arrost for pounding a man named Norman Into Insensibility with a beer bottle. .Tajiks G. Ackmiman, a prominent business man of Alnsworth, has myste riously disappeared and his friends nro anxiously searching for him. Tiik boys of Gaudy went on the war path one night recently uiuftiiado a raid on tho billiard halls, taking out all thn liquor and pouring out what they could not drink. One proprietor of a "holo in the wall" left for parts unknown before daylight Wiikn the State Hoard of Transporta tion met on tho lid Attorney-General Leone Introduced a resolution that tho present freight rates were unnecessarily high and exorbitant nnd Instructing tho secretaries to prepare a new sched ule of rates for the State, such as they might deem reasonable and Just based on the Iowa rates, and submit to the board for itsconslderatlon. State Treas urer Hill made a few pointed remarks in support of tho resolution and second ed It It was opKsed by Secretary of Slate Cowdry and Auditor Denton. When the resolution was put to a vote Leeso uud 11111 voted for ami Cowdry aud Ronton against. Commissioner Stccn, thn other mombur, was in Wash ington. L. A. MiTciir.1,1. Is tinder arrest at Im perial, charged with selling mortgaged property. J. W. Rantkii. a brakoman of Crete, was run over by the cars at Talmage and died In a few hours. Ho leaves a wife and child. Ciiaiii.ks Riiown, of Carle ton, who married his niece a few weeks ago, bus been arrested on complaint of his wife's father and Is now in tho county Jsll. A son ot James Morris, of Stella, shot at wild geese the other day, hut brought down onoof his father's valuable horses. Tnr. West Point Manufacturing Com pany has decided to establish a new flouring mill, using the old paper mill building for that purpose. New ma chinery wilt Ie put In, requiring tho outlay of MO, 000. MonK wheat has been sown In Lincoln County this spring than was ever boforo plsnted In that section of the State. Tiik contract has been let for building Pierce County's court house. The struc ture will coat 5v!'J,0.0, Dt'ittMti a recent storm Mrs. Fred Muholmiro, living six miles west ot Wlnslde, was struck by lightning, which stripped every shred of clothlng.even her shoes, from her lusly, and burned her terribly, from tho effects ot which she died lie fore, night The house snd con tents were burned, tho father and five children escaping in their night clothes. Tiik nine- ear-old son of tJ. W. Mason, living at Dlller, while recently playing with other children In a slaughter house, fell into a boiling reservoir and was lttorally cooked, dying within a few hours. MAitn.N Hakskk bas been held for trial at llrokon Row for using a pistol to pcrauado Mary Peterson to tusrry hire. Ai'AUfof Sons of Veterans haa been organised at Arcadia. Tiik contest for mayor ot Norfolk re sulted In a tie, each candidate receiving '.MM votes. The Council was attempting to solve the problem. Phamk Ft.r.MiXd, a well-to-do farmer living northeast ot David City, com mltted suicide the other night by shoot Ing himself through the head. Family troubles were the cause, he having ob tained a divorce only last term of court A son of R J. Stafford, of David City, had hla head hlowa oft the other day by the explosion ol a gun, while hla face was alto badly diaRfured. Ahoit three o'clock the other mora lag the stable of Rd. Roberta, one-half mile east of Platte Center, waa struck by lightning and in a few moments waa burned to the ground, together with lU contents twelve head ot calves, TOO bushels ot oats and fifteen tons of hay. No Insurance. Loss, about l.tWO, S. P Lkmthm lost a valuable horse by drowning at Reatrlce the other day and came near losing his own life. He was crossing the river ea the pontuoa bridge when the animal got frightened and jumped Into the riwr with the buggy and occupants. Ox the JTth of March eighteen iachta ef eaew fell at Dakota City. CRITICAL TIMES. Terrlf o Preeaure on the atmbank meata. Taw Peoale of the Lower Mlel4pl Host aba. to Haft riaeesT waive Women aad Children Drowned Live stock Almost ValMltta. VirKsnUBo, Mist, April 7. Tho flood situation is dally growing more serious in tho Steele bayou country. Early Miller, a prominent planter and brother of Attorney-General Miller, has arrived from there on tho steamer Ever green with his family and stock. His plantation, though very high, has gone under. Tho Evergreen reports tho water along the bayou still rising. Cattlo and hogs are offered for sale by tho pcoplo for a song. Much more stock must yet be brought out or clso bo drowned. There is unmistakable distress along Steele's bayou and it would bo cruelty to deny It The Evergreen will return there and the vessel with Captain W. Pough and M. W. Smith on board will follow Wednesday or Thursday. They will bring out all tho people who aro sulTerlng or in danger. Rarges can not Imi taken there and only tho smallest boats are suitable for relief work. Nineteen negroes, the survivors of a largo party of refugees who attempted to escapo from tho overflow down Ilayuo Falayoon a raft arr hod hero on tho Hill City yesterday and reported that twoho women and children wero drowned when tho current dashed tholr tfrazy vessel against a tree, and that they escapod with extreme difficul ty. This Is tho most tragic ovent of tho flood. Tho water In tho inside at Arkansas City Is rising slowly, caused by a crevasse In Roggy bayou levee. At ono o'clock yesterday morning Captain Toll Inger, United States engineer, received a message that Red Fork people had cut tho levee about sixty feet wide and six feet deep. Cnptaln Tolliver and men left for that point nt otico to eloso tho can. HoL'ifV linvou Is In flint n.trt nf tin, country below Arkansas City on tho oilier wuo oi tno river. Tho steamer Pargoud, now under Gov ernment charter, arrived at Rayou Sara yesterday, having on board Captain Klngsmaii, I'nlted States engineer, In charge of that leveo district He has been inspecting tho levee between New Orleans aud that placo. Ho re sir tod tho Point Coupee front In good condition with the exception of tho levee nt Pros ton place, almost opposite Rayou Sura. At that point ho left a largo num ber of sacks anil several thousand feet of lumber and thought there was no Immediate danger. If the people in tho neighborhood and on the 1'also river should rally at onco and use tho mate rial to the In-st advantage. Ill motto was that tho Government was willing to holp tu.Vx ho wero willing to help thomsolven lie Is of the opinion that the situation Is critical and warns the people to look out for much more water. Tho largo dykes or levees, such as Morcansa, Scotts, Waterloo and Grand Ray aro recolvlng his per sonal attention and all that can be done In the way of engineering skill Is being done. At Morganza leee a largo number of men are on constant duty. The earth work Is thoroughly braced with timbers and a pllodrhcr and piles aro kept ready for immediate uso when needed. This great bulwark that guards so many of the alluvial par ishes Is being put to a very mowto test PROMOTIONS. (leneral Mile to Hurei-ed the Late Oeaeral Crook I wis A, (Irani for Assistant Sec retary of War. WasiuxhtoN, April t. Tho President Saturday sent to tho Senate the follow Ing nominations: Lewis A. Grsnt of Minnesota, to he Assistant Secretary of War; Rrlgadler-Gnneral Nelson A. Miles, to lie Msjor-Goncrat; Colonel Renjsmln 11. Grlerson, Tenth cavalry, to l itrlg-adlor-Gcncral. The selection of Rrlgadler-Genoral Nelson A. Miles to succeed General Crook, deceased, seems to give general satisfaction 'In army circles. General Miles, who bus Wen In the city several days, was tho recipient of hearty con gratulatlons. In company with Major General Schofleld he called on Secre tary Proctor and thanked him for his promotion. General Lewis A. Grant of Minneap olis, nominated as Assistant Secretary of War, was bred a lawyer, and at the breaking out of the war was a partner In the tlrm of Stoughton -t Grant one of the leading law Arms of Vermont He entered the army as Major of tho Fifth Vermont regiment In Septemler, IMU, rose by regular promotion to tho rank of Hrlgadlor-Gonoral April 27, lS4, and commanded the si-callod "Vermont llrlgado" to the close of the war. This brigade was well known as ono of the host fighting brlgadei of Sedgwick's corps, and General Grant's rec ord of hard service Is second to none. Re received the brevet rank ot Major-Gencral October ta, 1M4, "for gal lant and meritorious service in the pres ent campaign boforo Richmond, Vs., and In the Shenandoah valley." Since the close of the war he has beri active ly and successfully engaged la business, first at iVa Moines, Iowa, aad thea at Minneapolis, where ha removed about all years ago. Ilia appolntmeat waa rwcomanended by the Minnesota Sena tors, by Mr. Harder, the member from Minneapolis, aad by Gevaraor Gear aad others from Iowa. taeU ta I.nviwW- Anrlt A .Th an.tiiB.J I -"-'"'-. -,-.- ....wwv-w in tention of the unemployed wocktagmea of Rome to jola In procession and march through the principal thoroughfare! oa Aprl 13 has greatly disturbed the Gov ernment already harassed by virtual bankruptcy and exasperating foreign complication. Tremler Crltpl hat held several conferences with his colleagues) on the subject and at a result aae ordered that the military suppress the demonstration. The leaders ot the movement are undaunted, however, and declare that they will parade though the entire Italian army oppoae theav THE ANTI.TRUST IILU t-fvUloat ef the adnata MM Reywrtest rrom the JasHWar Committee. Wasiiixotox, April aThe following are the provisions of tho Anti-Trust bill as reported from the Senate Committee on Judiciary: Section 1. Kvery contract, combination la the form of a Iruat or otherwise, or conspir acy In restraint of trade or commerce among th--aversl elate and with foreign nation I declared to be Illegal. Kvery person who shtllmike tnv contract or engage In say inch comhlnatlon nr conspiracy shall be punlshxl by flm- not cxcrrxllng 1640, or by Imprisonment not en-eertlng one yesr, or by both, In the d acrrt on of the court. c. 1 Kvery person whothatl tnonopollto,. combine or consplru with any other person or person to monopolise my pstt of the tisilo or commerce' among' the several State or with foreign nstlons, shall bo deemed gullir ot a tnlslemcaior end on com lotion punished a above slated. he .3. Kvery contract or combination, In. the form of a trust or otherwise or conspir acy In restraint of trade nr commerce In any lerrllorr if the United rMatos or the District . of Columbia, or between any State orfttatcs ' or Tirr toilc or wltn f-iteigu nutiont, I de clared Illegal. Ktery person who shall I tnskn any such contract or intense In any such combination or conspiracy shall b deemed guilty ef a misdemeanor and oa convl Hon pun shed a l-eior- slated. f ctloni I uii'l Klr Hie several Circuit Court ot tbe United Mats Jurisdiction to pM'Vnt and restrain vlo ntions of the act. H'O . Any propeity owned under nnjr contract by nil) o ml nation orpursumt to any tousplisiy,and bcli g thi-siibjut there of mrntl tied In trct'on I of th' act, and lelng In tbe inurs of tritns, orutmn from one Mate to another or to a foreign country,. shall be f rfelted to tbe United state and maybe tetel and condemned by like pro cuss ss tlioss provl-lod bylaw tor the for feiture, srlctire nnd condemnn Ion of prop erty lniioitud Into tbe United elate con trary to Uw. r-cc. 7. Any person who shall be injured In his buslnes or property by any oilier per son or corporation by reason of any thlnaT forbidden or tit clureil In be unlaw fill by this act, may sue thi-rifor In any Circuit Court In the United Mate In tbe district where the d frndant resides nr Is found without re aped to the amount In t outrovrrsy, nndt hull recover thrcc'oU damage by him sut. tslned anil tho costs of salt, Including a reasonable attorney fee. K-e. S That the word "person" or "per sons" wherevir ud In this act shiill bo deemed to Include corporation and associ ations cxlr-tlna umii-r and no hnrln-d ly the law of either the I'nltrd Stntre, ttiu luw ot any of tho T rrltt rles, thu laws of uny Statu or tbn law of any foreign country. THE SUBSIDY QUESTION. The House Committer tteport In rorot Nulnldy to American Vessels A Minor ity lleiort Also Submitted. Wamiimiiii.v, April 3. Tho Houso Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries through Chairman Kantihar bas reported a bill to place tho Amer ican marine engaged in foreign trade iiNin an equality with that of other Na tions. Tho principal features of tho bill havo already been given. Tho report accompanying it says: "Tho. ocean trans portation of tho United States averaged 5'.'ti),tX0,(KK) annually for the past ten years. Taking our share ot this trade at 7f per cent wojiavo aq amount of $180, 000,000, to per cent of which is 918,000, 000. Surely It would not lien bad InvcsV- nient for tho Nation to pay out Sls.000, 000 annually to secure an opportunity to earn ami save 5180,000,000. There ant no appropriations made that would pay so well as this would do. Rut If . this Is thought too Iaru'o then make It live per cent. This will be double what1 -- I the bounty bill will call for In ten years , to come. TI stlmate of tho commit tee Is that under the terms of thu bill the payment oa tsiuntles for thu first year would l-efor sailing vessels, 81, lt,8l!s steam vessels. SI.7I.VWJ; total, S.V.r.0,7-11. Thfl'nnnunl Increase would be about .' js-rcent, co that It would bo eight years before the annual bounty would amount to 9ft. 000,000." Representative l-'ithlan submitted the report of the minority. It says: "Every Industry. eory man's business and et cry man's labor will li taxed to sus tain tho subsidy. It will bo creating and fostering a privileged class at tho expense of the whole people. The minority expresses the opinion that bounties will Injure our ahlpping, in terests and Irt-llovo that tho most effect vo way to brlnu alout tho revival of the American shipping industry it for Congress first to place all tho materials that go Into the construction of ships upon the free Hat; aecond, to repeal all laws in restraint of trade, and third, to repeal our restrictive navigation law and permit our merchants to buy their ships where they caa buy them the cheapest and sail them under tho Amer ican flag. Tho minority recommends that the bill tor tho free admission to American registry of ships built abroad lie substituted for tho bill reported by the committee." COMMON MONEY STANDARD. ( The rsn-.traerlean t'un eea Iteeoiumrndt , t'omaunn Mower Statutard. I Wasiuxotom, April lTho Psn- American conferenco has unanimously adopted the following: That an Interna- iiunai American monetary union bo es tablished; that a a basis for this union an international cela or coins bo Issued which shall 1 anlform In weight and fineness and which may be used la all the countries presented la this con ference: that togtvetulleffejltoibia rec ommendation there ahall ateet la Wash ington a roramlsaloa composed of one or more delegates from each nation repre sented in thla conference, which shall consider the quality, the kind of cur reacy the United Statee ahall have and value of the proportion ef the Interna tional silver cola or colas aad their re iatloas to gold; that the President of the Ualted States Invite thla commis sion to eoaveae at Washlagt i la a year's time tar lees after the adjonra teat ef thla coafereace. atllwtmh) Pemeatle. MawACsan. Wlav, AarUsV-Thttlec- tioa la thla city excited more than usual interest because th ae-called Bennett Is enacted by aha LsfUlature. requlrlaf the leaoiilagef English la all schools, private and parochial aa well a public, was made aa Issue. Ths Repub licans defended the law, while tha Dem ocrats were pledged to its Ntril, which waa demanded by the Catholic BUbope and German Lutheran elergy, whe had blttavly draouacod the law. The Democrats elected tftelr eatir , uw. ueorge k. ix for mayor ha, a plurality ovsr Rran KevubUcea. ef ' ' ever n,M. ' Ot - - r r n-lam'r ' "Vvl w ' M K ..v,