The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 28, 1890, Image 6

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A. C. rtMMIR, Ru-llthor.
J wnniitn
Til Cuban sugar crop thin year Is ox
fcted to be 10 per cent larger than that
I last year.
M. H RimrrTK, the French Ambassador
Id Otranj, will resign at Ihe cloae of
toe labor conference.
A MM. haa been introduced in the
Canadian Parliament to grant local gov
crament to the Northwest Provinces.
Tun follower of Ericlcaon, the prophet
of evil, of Oakland, Cat., are aelllLff
their property at sacrifices, preparing
for the inundation and destruction of
Oakland, Han Francisco, Now York and
Tine charge of drunkenneaa against
Captain Healy, of the revenue cutter
Bear, was withdrawn owing to the lack
of witnesses to substantiate it The ln
vestigatlon into the charge of cruelty
was resumed.
Loxpoh telegrams state that the hoist
ing of the llrltlsh flag on the llrltlsh
ateamer Shire gave rise to the report of
ihe hoisting of the flag In the Shire dis
trict of Seat Africa, whlehexolted Portu
gal ae much lately.
Jacob Rrrrxxn, a farmer of ninety
yearn, Walked twenty miles to the home
of Mrs. Ray, a widow of sixty-five, liv
ing Mar Ritchie, W. Va., proposed mar
riage, was accepted and then walked six
aniWs after a license
Aft ex-officer of the llnlgarlan army
who was arrested for complicity in the
PanlUa conspiracy has made a confession
Implicating many persona A numlicr
of cipher documents belonging to the
conspirators have been discovered.
Tub Finanro Committee of the Senate
has reported - substitute for Sherman's
Anti-Trust bill, which declares as un
lawful and void combinations or trusts
for advancing tbo prlco of any articles
for common use, or to prevent competi
tion in the production or sale of the
A mummcr of workmen who wero hold
ing meetings at Koepontck, Germany,
became excited by the speeches made to
them and acted In a riotous manner.
The gendarmes were culled upon to dis
perse the workmen and while endeavor
ing to do so two of them wero wounded
by the rioters
A hkmcoation representing the letter
carriers of St font and Detroit was
before a aub-rommlttee of the Ilouso
Committee on Post-office and Post'roads,
recently, in support of a bill to Increaso
the pay of carriers of the 11,000 das to
1.2W, and Jo divide the carriers into
four classes Instead of three.
Title cotton crop wits so large and tho
weather so Ann that Texas plant
ers put their timn in cotton patches and
f let tho corn crop, which was tho largest
over raise! in Texas, rot in tho field.
Aaa consequence Texas corn Is all
wanvol-eaten and corn has now to bo Im
ported froM Missouri, Kaunas and Ne
braska. Tiir session of tho first legislative as
sembly of tho State of North Dakota
rame to an end on tho 18th, after 1'JO
daya of tho bitterest wrangling ever en-
gg In by embryo statesmen. From
'1-aJflrit day of tho session until ad
journment Governor Miller and tho
Members of the LegUtMuro were at
Thr Louisiana Sugar Planters' Asso
ciation recently adopted a serins of reso
lutions protesting against a reduction In
the tariff on sugar without a correspond
ing reduction In all other products;
gainst tho duty on sugar bolngckanged
from speclflo to ad valorem, and against
thn standard being raised front in to 1(1
Dutch standard,. color test
JvihirO'Hkirn, of tho Now York Su
prwte Court; has granted leave to thn
Sugar Refineries Company (tho trust) to
declare a dividend of 'J) per cont on
ao,00,000 on condition that the portion
duo on the North River Refining Com
pany's Interest bo deposited with tho
court ponding the final determination of
tho suit agalnsj that com puny by the
Court of Appeals.
With referenco to the shoaling of the
United States vessel Dispatch, it ap
pear that there aro two light houses
ajoar the point where she grounded. It
la supposed tho Dispatch was Win
atoored by range and not by chart and
tho navigation officer mistook one of tho
light houses for tho other. At the tltuv
of the accident tho Dispatch was run
Ming with a full head of steam, and
landed high on tho shoals, and tho wind
was blowing almost a gale at the time.
Thr city of Hluffton, Ala., makes
the gift of 9200,000 to thn Meth
odist Kplacopal Church for tho loca
tion of the educational Institution
known as the University of the South
land. Rev. C L. Mann, who haa it In
charge, aaya 1,600,000 win w expended
ft the main building, which will bo 800
MOe feet and seven stories in height,
with an Inner court 800 feet square.
The Material to be.used la white marble,
Caalte and sand atone. O round will be
oken on April IN
Ix the British House of Commons Mr.
Labouchero moved the abolition of
hereditary representatives in Parlla
Meat (the House of Lords). Democ
racy, he said, was now a reality and
eredlUry peers were fatal and In eter-
aai BtocoMiam u nomocracy. The
Kple would repudiate the idea that
idreda of men were born with the
Privilege of legislating aa a class. The
HeeehedM before It the spectacle of
txeluded from Jockey club and
Bourses being allowed to legislate
National affaire. Mr. Lliwlln
Jose eeeoaded the motion and dlvls
law was taken, resulting in It rejection
fefAfoteefttl tor.
OtoMfjd By TelofTftpfc and ltaH,
In lb Senate en the JUh renator Voorhee
offered a resolution that II Is Iks highest
duty of Cosgreas to lay asM all discussion
aad consldsratlon of mars party latues sad
to Rive prompt snd immediate attention to
measures for the relief of overtaxed farmers
and underpaid laborer, and gave notles
taat he wished to submit remark at
a future lima, Whs lbs Kdne.
llonal hill was taken ap ten,
tor Use 11 spoke la favor of M, sad
Senator Morgan against Tk Urgency Do.
ncieney uiu was inn centierreu nam ad
Joorfiunt,..,Ths baslaes Irsnsscled In the
llous was unimportant n,vrl bills for
palillo bulldlngi and other bill or a locsl
aatur passed. Also a bill creating the off)
ce of assistant general superintendent and
cnier cie oi ta railway mail service. Ad
lours ed.
In the ent on the ISih senator br
msn, from tk rinsne Cominltte,Veporld
a aubstltut for the bill against trusts,
ad lb Urgency Deflrlrncy Mil ws tskea
up, amended snd passed. The lllalr Kdu
rational bill came up ss unfinished
business, and Renator llawley spoke
gainst It while Senators Moody and
Chandler favored It The House Mnd
menu te the Oklahoma bill were
non-concurred In and aeenfernrorderl.
After rushing through many public build
ing bill the Renal adfauraed, . . . At ier dis
posing of petitions, reaolallona and reports
of committee Ik Men, In Committee of
Whole, considered lb Feaslon Appropria
tion bill, debet oa wbleh was coat inued un
lit adJoarasMnt.
IR the Senst oa tk Itth In resnlutlon
formerly off red by Senator Voorhee to
the eaus of arlultarl depression ws
Isken up and that Renator addressed tk
Senate at length on ihe conditio of Ida
country aad th depression la the farming
Interest. Th remedies to be applied ware,
b aald, Rrat, tariff reform j second,
a full aapply of legal leader money j
third, th free colnag of advert
foartn. the suppression, by law, of th
gambliag In futures; fifth, a liberal policy
of pension. The (durational bill then earn
up and Renator Pierce spoke In opposition
aad Renator Kvarts and Call In favor. Tk
bill went over and the Senst soon ad
journed. Tim lions devoted the entire
sitting to debate on the Mndd-C'omiiton con-t-sted
election case from th fifth Maryland
IX th Reaale on Ihe 20th Senator Cncbrell
presented a protest of th Pork I'scknra' As
soelsllon of St Inils saslnit the bill for the
Inspection of meats. Alter disputing of eev
eral private bill the lllalr Kduoatlonal bill
cam up on third reading, and after sevrrsl
atm-ndiuants had been agreed to a vote was
resched and thn bill debated by a vote nf HI
yeas to 7 nsya, 34 Henubllcsns sad SDomo
crala voting for ami IT Kepubllosna ami
20 Dttmocrnte agnlmt It. Senator lllalr n
tcred a motion to reconsider and the Semite
adjourned After passing several public
buildings bill the Hume again taok up thn
Mmld-Coiiiptun rontonti-il ensn from Mary
land and by a strict party vote Mudil, thn
contcatant, was awarded thn oral ami aworn
In. Toe Pension Appropriation bill was
then considered In Committee of thu Wholo
until adournmont
NtiMRHOt's petitions were presented In thn
Senate on lb 21st agnlmt the employment
of aliens on Uovernment works. After sev
eral committees reported the bill to declare
unlawful truate sad combination In r...
slralntot trad was tskrn up and Senator
Sherman spoke In fsvor nf lie paamxe and
atrongly against audi comblnstlons Sana
tor Vest slso addresad the Senate In denun
ciation of trust and characterised the
true! aa an outgrowth of a protective
tariff Other Senators tiok part In the
debate which drifted Into tntlff talk, lb
bill went over. No vote was resetted on
Retistor lllslr's motion to reconsider the
vote on the Kducatlonal bill.... A soon at
the House mat It went Into Committee of
thn Whole on thn IVnalon Appropriation
bill. The debate that followed took m wide
rang and embrncod every plin-n of the pen
sion question. Ihe bill Knslly panne J. At
th evening seialon private ponalon bills
wure cuBSldured and a nutnt er pasavd.
Jay Oout.n and party t making a
trip through Mexico.
Piikkiiikxt llAimtsoM gavo f200 to tho
fund for thn relief of tho victim nf tin,
recent terrible flro at Indianapolis, 1ml.
iiik tegistauvo oriuery investigation
at lllsmarck, N. 1)., over tho Lottory
bill ended In a flxtlo,
TlIK Iowa Sonatn haa natuul a Kill
making tho first Monday In (September
labor day.
JliltnK John R. ex-collootor of
the port of San Francisco, is dead.
iikxkkai. von uai'HIVI sucoeed llls
marck as' Chancellor of tho Herman Km
plre. Thr Novostl, of 8t Petorslmrg, pul.
Ilshes another article on tho retirement
of Prince lllsmarck from tho Herman
Chancellorship. The paper take a pes
simistic view of tho situation which will
result from the Chancollor'a resignation,
and declares that the solitary support
of tho edifice of Kuropean peace has
Tiik Arkansas State Democratic con
vention has been sot for June 17 at Lit
tle Rook.
tloVKHNoit Fkiirv, of Washington, has
signed tho Australian Klectlon System
Daniri. M. Fox, ex-mayor of Philadel
phia, Is dead. He was a well known
At the nvont meeting of Conserva
tives In London Lord SnIUbury ridi
culed tho roorta of an curly dissolution
of Parliament
Kind Mai.IKTOA has bv nnwlamatlnn
ttxoluded llawallaua from the Sumoan
Islands. Tho Klmr hud orovloualv U.
sued a proclamation excluding tho
Tiir Italian Socialist Costa haa fled to
America. Tho Chamber bad been dis
cussing thn legality of hta arrest to un
dergo a sentence of three, veara Imnela.'
ontuent for resisting tho police.
MKxr.iiAi. ritAXcis smith, for fifty
year superintendent of the Virginia
Military Institution at Lexington, Va.,
la dead,
Majoh-Ukxrrai. tlRonoR Chook, Com
mander of thn Department of the Mis
souri, died suddenly of heart disease at
tho Urand Pacllo Hotel, Chicago, on the
Jlst aged alxty-oRo.
Thr Lake Shore Company has dis
charged Conductor Houghtallng and En
gineer Mooney for violating the com
pany'a rulea and causing the recent
fatal dlaaater at Ray view.
ihr Newark, the laat of the three
steel cruisers butlt for the Oovernuent
by Cramp Sons, Philadelphia, was
launched on the lath In a blinding snow
Thrrr waa another collapse at the
burned Ilowen-Merrlll building at In
dlaaapolla, lad., on the IVth. There
were alarming report that Many more
live had been lost but only two men
were hurt though Many bad narrow e
Fivr Miner lent their Uvea by a re
cent Ira In the Oermanla Minn at Hur
ley. Wis,
Tmrmr was n severe nowtorm In New
York and New Kngland on the Itth.
Thr Manitoba Legislature ha passed
bill abolishing the right of Roman
Catholic to have separate schools and
compelling all classes to patronise the
public school.
Urxjamix Orrwru r windier, was
lynched at Robinson Station, near Cyn
thlana, Ky., recently.
Anvirr.s from Qnllllmane, East Africa,
are that a Portuguese customs official
and hla escort of Me natlvea have been
massacred near Lake Nyanta. I
Thr great miners' strike in England
ended In n complete victory for the
A riiRimiT train ran Into a rock noar
llagdad. Pa., the other night and the
locomotive and several cars wero thrown
Into the river. Threo trainmen wore
Thr superintendent of the Yellow
atonn National Park haa appeared before
thn Ilouso Appropriation Committee In
advocacy of an appropriation of 1120,000
to improve thn park for 18W.
A ttiNAsenoir fire at Jacksonville,
FIs., recently destroyed two blocks In
La Villa, a suburb, and a boarding house
in the city proper, causing a loss of
nearly 1125,000, largely covered by In
auranco. Four saloonkeeper of Tacoma.
Wash., are negotiating for the control of
all tho saloon licenses in thn town, j
a nnj agroo not wj run ovor twenty piece
and to bo responsible far nil infractions
of tho law.
Many prominent oltlsens of New Or
losn have formed nlesgue to prevent
the extension of thn charter of the
Louisiana Lottery Company.
Tiik lower house of the Iowa Legisla
ture ha passed a resolution in favor of
a harbor at aome point on tho Texaa
Thr Now York Court of Appeals haa
decided adversely to Kemmler, con
demned to suffer death by electricity.
Tiir Su promo Court haa refused to
grant n rehearing in tho case of the
Chicago gas trust Tho effect of tho
decision Is to declare that tho trust la
an Illegal organization.
Coi,oiiaih SnilxtiH, Col., baa been ter
rorised by Incendiaries lately. Thn last
places to go wero tho rcsldonco of Mr. I
Reose, tho American Hotel, thn Orand
Avenue Hotel and tho Crystal Pulaca
In many part nf Switzerland tho vil-!
lager aro hastily retreating from thn
valleys to places of safety on higher i
ground, avalanches being Imminent
Husinkss failures (Dun's report) for
tho seven day ended March SO num
bered '.'.Vi, compared with '.'00 thn previ
ous week and t!4U tho corresponding
week of last year. I
Ramikn In Runnels County, Tox., aro
being ravaged by pralrlo fires.
Srvriui. foreign Jew havo been at- ,
rested In Lelpslo, (loruiony, oh the '
charge of treason.
Tiik Senate Committee on Irrigation
recently heard Profs, (lllhortnnd Thorn j
non, of tho topographical survey, upon
tho plan outlined at thn start They
argued thnt to chatigo tho work und pro
ceed with tho survey of i rid land only
would lie very expensive.
Tiik district attorney of Jackson,
Miss., has mudo an affidavit against ex
State Treasurer llemmlngway, charg
ing him with ciubcxzloniont of tho State
funds. Hetnuilngwny was arrested and
gavo 9?.VM)0 bonds.
Tommy Winkman, twolvo years old,
and Itertlo Polhctuu, aged cluven, were
playing marbles ut Juliet HI., when a
disagreement in tho gamo caused tho
Wlnoman boy to draw a pistol andahool
hla little pluymato In tho stomach,
Gkxmiai. RniiMtT C Sciikm.-k, the ex-
Congressman, soldier and diplomatist
died at Washington on the 93d. Ho waa
born nt Franklin, O., October t, 1809.
Ci.KAitixti housn returns for thn week
ended March 'i'i showed an average In
crease of 0,:i compared with tho corre
sponding week of last year. In New
turn iijo increaso was s.o.
It Is rewrted that tho Ciar. who waa
Inclined to show mercy toward Mtno.
'issechtirlkova, haa been Influenced by
the Minister of tho Interior to consent
to her exllo to Siberia. Sho was tho
author of a pamphlet on tho subject of
Siberian prisons, a cony of which waa
smuggled Into tho Cur'a apartments.
It Is announced that tho tunnsgvmcnt
of tbo Wabash Western railroad waa
onco more vested In Jny Oould and that
he had full control of tho properly.
Owning U0,000 shares hlmsolf, and with
tho assistance of Russell Sago's hold-,
Ings ami numerous proxies which he se
cured from 1'uropo, he gained his point I
Till', tlllngunt Point of Rocks, Md , I
was almost swept away by II ro on to
morning of the '.Md.
A UKMiitiCTlVK cyclono passed over
tho village of Kdgatuoor, near Chester,
S. a, on thn 'J.M. Fourteen houses
were blown down and a negro named
James Miller was killed and several
persons seriously Injured.
'1 UK r lacks, father and son, charged at
New York of conspiracy In obtaining a
divorce, wero found guilty by tho jury
with a recommendation to mercy.
Tiir Argentine Republic Ministry and
President havo decided to roduco ex
penses by Rio.000,000 this year and next
and to Introduce many reform.
Thr coasting steamer Ethel Gwen
doline foundered off Scotland, recently.
Seven of her crew were drowned.
Joux Hancock on trial for the alleged
"Church murder" thirty years ago nt
Provo, Utah, has been found gatlty of
murder in the second degree for killing
Mrs. Jones and her son.
Thr Senate on the 2d had a discus
sion on approprlatloaa tor public build
ing tn thn different cltlca brought on by
a bill appropriating t'-00,00e for a Uov
ernment building at San Diego, CaL
The House had a abort and uneventful
session. A bill waa passed repealing
the Timber Culture law.
Hamm, Oaudaur, Teneyek and Hosater
rowed n race on the St Johns river, nt
Mardarln, alx wiles above Jacksonville
Fla. Oaudaur was handicapped threo
boat length on account of his recent
victories, but won tbo race) eaallv-
' Hamm second, Tcncyck third, Homer
frafcrMtsry Aaaeedasens l)ii.
Tb annual Mat convention of th Ken
Fartlsan Prohibitory Amendment fage
will meet ta Lincoln April I and 17, MH
This convention Is called for th purpose of
elect leg oStcer and th sectle commit
tee of the HUM League, aad f oeonldr way
and meane M aecure Ik adoption of thu
pending prohibitory amendment The nom
ination of candldatea for political office
can not even be considered at lb conven
tions and myelin ot tide league. The f I
lowing perenns are entitled to pullrlpate la
the-ron vent Ion: The officers- and esrcutlve
eommltlee of the State lagetho member
of the advltory committee of the State
League for eack county ; t tin officer of each
county and local leagues one additional del
egate for each eountv and local league I on
delegate from each W. C T. Union, L CI O
T. todge, Uml Ribbon or Hluo Klbbon Club,
ami f'omeach church, club, eoclety or or
ganisation favoring the adoption of the Pro.
hlbltory amendment, Messbvrs of the Slnte
league, having paid the Membership fee,
areentltted to aeata In the convention. All
temperance worker are Invited to be pres
ent There will be good speaking snd mualr.
Delegates and vMlora to the convention
houidtake receipt for full rsllrosd fare
paid to Lincoln, aa they will be entitled to
return tickets at reduced rates.
O. A. A1KIKSOV, President.
C. A. HunaiMS, Secretary.
Oovr.itxoii Tiiayrh ha addressed a
second letter to tho railroad manager
on tho corn rata question. In this letter
ho reviews the history of the agitation
and declares that the gamblers, specu
lator and dealers in future havo ab
sorbed the ten per cent reduction
granted, had tho farmer have had no
benefit therefrom. He mnkes another
demand for a ten per cent rate per 100
pounds from Nebraska points to Chicago,
and alter contrasting the prosperous
condition of the railway with that of tho
poverty-stricken farmer, ho declares
that tho pcoplo of Nebraska don't
want to fight tho railways. "Hut" ho
adds,, "I warn you against disastrous
consequences to tho roads, if their just
demand am refused, and I say this not
by way of a threat but as a friendly
HiiAMciiKN of tho Farmers' Alliance
are to bo formed In every school district
lit Platte County,
Anotiirii branch of tho Farmers' Alll
enco has been organized in Hurt County
with thirty-six momltors.
Eaiii.y thn other morning u party of
lMys started out from Kearney for a
gooso hunt Ed. Ewlng, n tlfteon-yonr-old
lnd, shot himself accidentally, tear
ing away his juw and ear, canning hi
death In live hour.
Annt;r one thousand representative
farmers of Fillmore County mot at
(cnova tho other day to effect a perma
nent county organisation of a Farmers'
Alliance. Officer wero elected and res
olutions adopted to support no onn who
does not recommend a reduction In
f rolght rates.
Tiik clothing house of E. W. titles, of
Oxford, wns recently destroyed by lire
together with Its contents. Tho loss Is
about 810,000; Insurance, A0fl0.
Nick (liri.mvi.K was recently arrested
near tiruud Island upon the charge of
having mortgaged personal property ho
did not own und nlso mortgaging
property twlco. Ho owned property
valued at $200 and had given chattel
mortgages for about 81,000.
Tiik report of destitution inChcyonno
County are said to bo entirely without
Ar a meeting of the hoard of com
missioners of Hock County the contract
was let for tho building of a .k,000 court
bouse at llasselt
A i Km belonging to a farmer named
Ouslck, living a few tulles west of
Orleans, recently showed signs of
hydrophobia. Tho dog was tied up with
a chain, but got looso and went to a
school house near by und bit four chil
dren, one of the children being tho son
of the owner of the dog. Tho dog then
ran away and bit considerable stock In
thn neighborhood before being killed.
An Inmate of tho Jefferson County
poor house accidentally dropped a letter
which conveyed the Intelligence that ho
bad wealthy relatives living In St Paul,
Minn. Tho latter wero written to and
autllclent money for the man's fu'ure
comfort was sent; alsoT.0 to reimburse
tho county for past expenditures.
Tiik women of Wymoro are protesting
against tho barb wire fences which lino
the streets of that city.
Pktkh IV it. an, a wealthy farmer liv
ing nino mile west of llrady Island,
was run over tho other day by a wagon
heavily loaded with corn and nearly
It Is said that the people of Norden
can 1k seen nltmmt any day loading two
horso wuRons with crowbars, shovels,
spades, old axes and tho necessary Im
plements for mining and prospecting.
a emeriy inuy named .Mrs. iirainam,
residing near Venango, was killed
the other day by a runaway team
of bronchos. Sho was thrown from tho I
wagon, one of her legs passing through
bitween the spring and tbo axlo and
her body tiolng hold head downward
next tho front wheel, In which position
sho was dragged for six miles. Her
body was horribly mangled and was en
tirely stripped of clothing excepting her
Tiik proprietor of a gambling house
at Norfolk refused to cash 1700 worth of
rhlp" which a young man had won
and the matter haa been carried Into
court In a way which will probably bring
out tho name of n number of people
who have been fleeced In the den.
Tiik Prohlhitlonlata of lljtler County
havo raised fVW for campaign expense.
WonKMKN recently let n bucket of dirt
fall on a man in the bottom of an eighty
foot well near Taylor, fatally injuring
At a recent meeting of the Platta
mouth fire department arrangements
were made for tho coming State tourna
ment The date was set for June -Ji, M
and aV Premium aggregating tti.oos
will be offered.
G. J. IIkss, waa recently arrested at
Pepllllon for selling mortgaged property,
on complaint of the
Minnesota Chief
Threshlng MachlneCompnny, and Woad, literate cansclenceleaa foreo a over
over to the dtsUlct court Rati wan txed i anagnslne which may at any Moasent do
attManil tn default of th ansae ho ' stray D. I gave personal knowledgo
was committed. I that within a month post tsrelvo Win
AMxcnxTfireat Auburn tolmf?"
.m. .. .., ii ii... ii ., ataaaai ( xiloresl men in tne Mnitn. nnd they aro
JUT .!Ji "U'4 X ,l no doubt hidden away laMenti for
w..y ei,vw wnn.e. .
FLAM iff.
r! Water VVVavnWff
Wichita. Kan., March 04. A prairie
re started Saturday night In the neigh
borhood of the Rollins farm, twelve
mllea northeast of this city, and rapidly
spread before the high wind that wa
blowing froM the southeast Yesterday
morning the fire was beyond control and
wa burning every thing In It path de
aplte the combined effort of all tho
farmers that could be mustered to fight
tho flame.
The grass was about ten Inchea long
and a dry as tinder and burned so rap
idly that tho fight wa confined to sav
ing farm buildings and not attempting
to stay the spread of the flames.
Tho houso of William Ford, situated
about three mile from whore the fire
started, was the first to be burned, and
it, with all the farm buildings, was to
tally destroyed. From thorn the fire
traveled westward, spreading to tho
north and south, and covering, at six
o'clock last evening, a territory of ten
sections. In which every vestige of grass
was destroyed, and four farm house
and the barns, stacks of hay and strsw,
and cribs of corn wero burned.
No lives have been lost and so fsr an
haa been learned no live-stock wa
burned. The country covered by the
fire I thickly settled, and the houses In
the Une were only saved by strenuous
exertions of the farmera who plowed
furrow and threw up the dirt around
the buildings to stop the progress of the
At six o'clock last evening it was esti
mated that not less than 1100,000 loss
had been suffered and the flro was rag
ing with unabated fury and waa being
driven by a wind which waa approach
ing a galo In Intensity. There are many
flno farms to the west of tho line of the
.- ,. ......... h., ..,v va aaw
along tho lino In tho hopoof staying the
forgetful of
in. f..t They itre.k out
n.., i.. xi....u o, ii.-.
nre and much uneasiness la felt over the General rohonck as a five minute de
casualty. Water Is very scarce, and, un- bater. In the five minute discussion In
loss rain comes soon, tho fire will mako Committee of tho Wholo ho was an Intel
a clean sweep to thn Colorado line. All lectual marvel. Tho compactness and
tho live-stock In tho threatened section clearness of his statements, tho fact,
ha been removed from tho path of thn , " argument which ho could marshal
flro and haak tires are being started all ln that brief time, were a constant sur-
...,,,, ..,.,., .muiuii .-, nccoruinir ii win,n admitted to Ihe bar and vetab
very reliable Information just received . Ilahi-d blmnelf in prartu-ent l.iyton, O. He
from Douglas County tho llald Knohhers I member m the t.exltiature In itii.j.
riaTin' tT',!:10 n,l,l,,(,d,,of u,r- wti::tiw::i
rorlsm In that locality. whig to t'onKrc. ., ,hric re-elected.
March 4, John Dal ton nnd John K. servimj from Derembt- r I. isii. till March i,
Plumb, two prominent citizens of Wall ,M, "" wn '"nib rof Important commit-
township. Douglas County, were vl.lted lTi't
by an armed band of men claiming to lie w, isi. h n, commle,loned aa Mmiater to.
Raid Knobbers nnd ordered to leave tho Uracil. In is, with John s. IV ml I, ton. who.
county March 18. Tho Knobbor nerved rrdlted to the Arxentine Republic aa
on each a written notice to leave by tbo ' hSl.m.! m.JRhtf.f.,Jr,,,r of
i... ... i ,, , .. . , ., j, , irieniianip ami cotoinerc" with ihe tiovern
time spcclllcd. threatening the direst ment of that country and one for th free
venguanro In tho event tho order should navigation of ti.o river L 1'lat and Ha
not ho obeyed. It wa dark when the ' l,ro"t rlbutarlcs. They alio negotiated
Knobbers made their call and Dalton irC,?Vwnu-V,hVJVJiVST--fJLlJI'l,fu.'y
... i tn.. i ..ii. anu i arnguay. rlelelt lilo Janeiro on Uclo
and Plumb could not recognise any of brrs. ism. and after hla return to tiuioea
tho band. ; K"gd In the railroad bualnen. tin offered
On tho night of March 7 Samuel hl" rervlcee to thn (lovernment when the
lMiimli. u-li,. IU,,a In l.n ...n,K... I olvll war began and a one of the Hrt
i , ii ii, . .. ""'"""
howl, received n similar visit from thn
Mini nnumurn miu was warned 10 leave
thncountr. As tho raldara wero leavlna
they fired n vollov from their Wlnchoa.
. m , . .. ,
terrifies and rovohers. In tho morning
n number of bullet holes were found In
tho logs of the building. Had thn houso
been an ordinary frame bulldlnir tho
bullets would hutu made a pepjier box
of the front wall.
The next outrngn committed by tho
Knobbers wns tho burning of tho house
belonging to William Murray, near
RlppO Hall. Murray had recently
bought tho place, but had only moved I
one load of goods into
It ilouso and ,
goods wero burned.
Dalton and tho two Plumb are still
at home, and say they mean to stay and
take tho consequence of disobeying tbo
orders of tho Hnobbcr. They
all men of good nerve, and
will bo ready to give tho Knob
bers a warm receeptlon should the
latter return to execute tho threat
ened vengeance. Tho wholo .affair Is
cresting quite a sensation In Douglaa
County, and more troublo I appro
headed. Tho llald Knobbers were very
strong In Douglas County when tho
reign of terror reached Its climax, near
Chadwlck, in thn Edens-Greon massacre,
but tbo organisation every body sup
posed had been disbanded long ago.
Drop In I'rnmUenoualy t'pua
t'liernkee ami Choctaw.
Koiit Smith. Ark.. Manli "4. In the
. .... .. ...... ... , -... ., .. ., ,
past few months great nlimtmrs of white j
.. miu Imvn m.ivivl int.. ikn ("lip.,lci,n
and Chocuw Nations and settled on I ri!,,h!,ld ihV'llJirt. 'rV.nrSnVie?1':;
... , , ., oeipnia and the xiiuier convention at
land belonging to tbo Indians. Manyof, ritutms. r. lie wa re rb-cted tuCoa
tho whites recently onlercd off thr grr in extend in iw. when In opponent
Cherokco Strlo tutu W I tied iho armv of i
Cantaln W. I. Tavlor. of Van Ruren.
atatcs that in his ludement not lea
. than .00 families han In the lat sixty
days left Crawford, Logan and Sebastian
' Counties, this State, and settled in tbo
Cherokee and Choctaw Nations, and
there is at present a train tt wagons
almost continually going Into the Indian
These people believe It Is only a ques
tion of time when all the surplus land
belonging to tho lnd hta In the Terri
tory will be bought by Iho Government
and thrown open to settlement Hence
their desire to bo first on the field.
Chief May, of the Cherokee, and
the Governor of the Choctaw Nation
have called the attention of the Interior
Department to tho fact of the Invasion,
but no attention haa been paid to their
rom plaints nor ha any effort been Made
to remove the intruders.
A HMakM MagaetsM.
Cahxisijc. Pa., March 21. The aeaslon
of the Ceatral Pennsylvania conference
! tan ivatrai rrnnsyivanta eonrvrenco
! MrlBUl Cfcurek o In !
was given a surprise, by a statement
made by Rev. G. W, Gray who, when
tho eauso ef freedmen and Southern
edoeatlon waa under discussion said:
t The Nation stands over Utsgreatfl-
j mtrptmcj WfetCfe MOf MTtOk.
T Not RaMhrv. fnrlttetM east Me4eM
?" Wttfes-tKrtfli t
flaw UWt
Wasmixoton, March 34. General Rob
ert CummlngsSchenck, ex-Congressman,
soldier and diplomat and leader In pub
lic affair a generation or more ago, died
at Ive o'clock last evening of pneumo
nia at hi residence on Massachusetts
avenue, just off Thomas circle, It wa
not until yesterday that It waa known
that he was seriously 111, but when hi
menus heard of It, they prepared for
the worst because of his advanced age.
General Schenck, had been ailing for
about two weeks, but attached very lit
tle Importanco to hi complaint Last.
week bo waa out calling with I. II.
Warder, formorly of Ohio, but for several
year a well-known resident of this city,
and seemed In hi usual health, save for a.
light bronchial cough. It was not un
til Tuesday that It was thought neces
sary to call In a physician. Dr. 11. C.
Yarrow was sent for and found tho Gen
eral suffering from capillary bronchitis.
Within twenty-four hours limited pneu
monln of tho right lung set In and later
the left lung also became Involved and
Dr. Yarrow called Dr. O'Reilly Into con
ultatlon. General Schenck wa a familiar figure
at Republican gathorlng in Washing
ton from 1875, when he camo hero to
live, but he took no active part in pol
itic. HI life had been several times
despaired of In the last decade, but hla.
hardy constitution and strong will,
pulled him through.
Secretary lllalne wa much attached!
to the General and sent an nWU.,n
j noku to him Saturday when ho heard of r
hlrlllnes. In his book Mr. lllalnn tuva.
tho dead man a warm compliment:
"No man in Congress during tho pres
ent generation." ho savs. "haa rlvllrf
. are .--,., . j wy
Prl" " delight to his hearers."
Robert dimming schenck was horn In.
Franklin, ., October 4, is , wa graduated
i,inu.i. n.aH b,,i.iu.i i.. ....... m.. '..
"." -'"" "iw wiiii niomaevor-
llrigadlor.ti.'nitrala sppolntiMl by President
j, hla eommi.aion b.-arlng the datjL
-T i. ism. lie wasaiiaeliedln tliumllltil
I department of Waanlnglon and on June
i !,,T.,M' '" '.' .r"',rM' with a regiment!
i" iaioiigeinet;onrciipriica ul Vienna. but
aurprlned by a marked bti,ty mi
fon-rd to ri-treut. on iik-iiIiik rclnfon-e-
i " iiectiunxeii front
wild the enem r.
tired. Ilia brlguili. formixl purt of (iencral
IUiilelTl-r'illviil(ii ut tin-llrit null lluu
luitllo ami wa on the point of i-ruliig tbo
atonn brlilun to make ai-runi thn orruttatloii
"' 1"' Pleau when the arrival ol ('ontcd.
"!!'.'. ,'1'Mro"'""" ,."r1,,,''..,'' .'' V1
;,Vnerel fl lmsrere..".a
wna ordered to the Mieiinnilouh Valley with
the force that waa cut to oppomt Ut-nrritl
!""'" .".".J ,. ... ..."' V , V" .', ,,,r-r:
II. Mllroy Imlinil a sharp and brilliant en-
,,,,vi. ,i,i., i, .,i uv iritri in iiviivrHi iiooen
KMKemenI with the enemy at McDowell. At
Cnma Keys be Id the Ohio troop In a charge
on the right aad tnalutalned the around that
i hn won until he waa orders! to rllra. na.
,,,1 .tnlin CI rnmnil fthn lnfti..l ki
with the command ol a dlvlalon. At the aee
ond battle of Hall Hun hn led the flrst dlvl
alon of (lennrnl rrans Slgtl'a corps, lie waa.
wounded In that anion by a uiuikel ball,
whlrbahattered hit right arm. Incapacitat
ing him for active aervlrc till December IS,
IHS7, when' he took command nf the middle
department and Klabth orp at lliltlmore,
having been promoted Ma) r-Generat on
tcptoiuuer is. Alter performing effective
service In the Mcltyaburgciuipalgn he re-alviii-t
hi couimliilon on December s, twis,.
In order to take bl place In the llouee of
Keprt tentative in which he aerred aa
eiialriuaiiof ttie Committee on Military Al
far. He waa ievlertetl In l"4 and wa
ptscedat tti head or thn me rnmmlttee.
where ho procured the ttabllhmrnt of Ihe
National Military ami Navnl Aiylum. In iwU
be wn prealtlent of Ihe i oar I of vlnllora to
Hie state Military Academy and was
on of the i-oiiiniJien of Conurei on the
iimw in r liiniiMKirn ra uiii4 (t'tl SI VI IflV
death of l'reld -nt Lincoln, aervlna aUo on
tbe Coiiimllter (ill Itetrencllllient. In Iwlrt he
"n", siisniiegnam.aerv ng a
cha rtnin of Ihe Commlliri' of H'ny and
Minn and of th Onlinnce Ounmlttee. Oa
Dvit-iiibcr 1. 1, In, rerolvnl the appoint
menlot Mlalcter to final llrltaln. In 11
hewn one if Ihe "Alabama" Cotiunlxlna.
He rmlunril hi pnt In It74 In contequenc
of the fiilluir of ihe Kmm Hlver Mine Com
pany. In wnlrh bo had hlmelf fo
lic, choaen dlrretor and returned the praf
tic of law In Waahlngton.
MolaHer' Ktownty Hill.
Washixotox, March Ut. Senator la
galls by request Introduced a bill to give
every soldier or sailor who nerved ninety
day or longer In the late war a bounty
of f3o n year for every year'a service De
part of a year. It tho soldier Is dead
the money Is to go, ln the order named,
to hla widow, minor children, father or
ether. In rase a soldier or sailor waa
discharged for disability he 1 to ho paid
the bounty for the fall term ef hla en
listment Any soldier who served aa a
substitute for pay la excluded from tho
benefit of the MIL
Gnrxxnujc. Ml., March 34. Tho
tepko, w ,, wted iMl ,..
I iug to o, breok.rcaptin Hetnwr
raised the telephone up against a part
and talked to Greenville. aald hot
ends of the broken levee were now o
cure and that two pile driver wore in
position and tho tret pile waa drive
yvHrterday afteraeoav Two aaoro ptlo
dHvera will ho ready for work thU
nsornkag, and work will Wgin In enrne.
The- have a large sjntattty of piling at
tho I
wn no more reaoy so no miieo n.
BwakisabMtnMfMtwtsW. Thoesr
win e ciesHM tn n few day.
lent! I'
1 I ,J "
." . T
t. rt ,,v,T
I '.ill
J it -L 'fa