" ftltt.nn. 'mvmtr -w .. -shVHHwfm H( ny p? k$ 7f cw c a. ca Mere a Uw feat OaTe In Ru Heart, NX, at wait Mature! weraHl (Uu POWDER Ahwolutfy Pur. Tataeowtlcr ntrrr vanta, Maml ol intra IrpMrtliaMl whekaaawMM. nt teaeaaawifal than Urn urtMnao kind aMtanaet toll In ruMMIo with lht muttttudra allow tm thort Wright alma or eituii jmrear. HuM Ml iu rani. MOYAL HAKIMVroWDP.RCU. MWaHatrtet.M.Y.UHv. . CITY CLATTER, 114 fey Sar AtoH Ml", aa fwaawl fr war . Stationery at Deyo'e. Mr. Will I'arkes ia recomiag. Dcyc aella the beat bn;g y aiat ade, Mrs. Abbs Wallace haa retaraed koMe. ' New dry Gooda at the New York store. Mar hart for cheap tiaware. lrieea clear dowa. A aew liae of piotare Moaldiai at F. V. Taylors. Mr. Tail aad aoa, Roy, hare re taraed fraar Iowa. Joha Toailiaeoa breaght the Slarks property oa Moaday. Sweel Orr overalls. All atylea at MeNiU Galaska'e. The Episcopal knreh will aeea give aa eatertaiaaeat. For Mothers Friead skirt waiit eall oa NeNItt Galaaaa. K. W. Fergaaoa ef Ms. Clara waa a eaaaat caller tkis week. If vow waat the beat bey the White r sale by F. V. Taylor. We aieaai baaiaees aad waat be aa der eold K. N, Martin 4 Bon. Fred Sleeper will opea the billiard hall thia week iu the Sleeper balldiag. All the latest atylea aad colore ia drees gooda at KM. Mania Soa'a. Deyoaaysheia already haviac a goad trade oa wall paper. His lew price coaat . Wilhag SBd polite clerks will give Joa tkeir atteatioa aad ear prises. L M. Martia 4 8oa. The Chicago Store geoda have beea Moved iato the rooai ait aorth of Heary Cook's pbarnaey. Aaythtag ia the liae of furaitare earpcU, wiadew shades, etc.. at lowcat pricee at F. V . Taylar'a. Leo. Ilerbarger got badly scalded the other day, aeaie nae aeeideatly spllliag bet water ea hie fare, It yaw are going to bay a ciptl yoawill save aieaey aad get the best by aalliak ta F. V. Taylor. Cettiag Keepa sclliag these lloff aiaa Headache leaders, baaie aee- pie say ihey eaa'l H?a witbeat Ikeea, Dr. tfatrd the Deatist eaa bow be foaad at hie aew deaul parlera over Spakeslelda stere, lied Clead. All work gaaraateed. The aaaaal twa wttatlag of Red Cload lowaahip ecears at the ceart hoase Taesday. April 1, st 'ip. m. Henry Gilhaa, Clerk, lloateaiber that MeNiU 4 Galasba carry the largest beat and also the cheapest liae ef Jeaa, cotteaade aad worsted ' C-T M. R. Rentier sad w.fs kave re taraed frees the saany soatk, hu they here been for Ire weeks. He reports the eaath leertehia. Gee. Clint, the eaady Men, hea added ctgare te hie lae liae of hoaie Made eaadia. H- arill sko add frattaiadaoaeaeaa. See biai. Jest soatk of F. 4 M beak. Mre.J. M.Chafta at Gaido Reek left aa tke I8tk taet far Clsvelaad, Okie, ia napsass ta a tatatraa aewaaiaf thY death af Mr. Taaea H. Bargert a heather lw lew, whe died wa antedate .fie grippe. Freak Tajler tke pwpalar aad erwetie farartara Man haa leaaed the Miller atare raaae. aae-at ia aw vaaam L.H.V. Baih.aaMld wheee he aril Btave kls aaaak the aVst ef the weean Ii is a M.fkwa aad a faad m f ar aw aid rriawsi iHt eateeeaad friead A. 0. Tkaa aaaaiaMwaaa bh aTfBsaalBBaM wi tsglaywa aaaafawa af ikes week aad laid awaawawanwaw. MSM Bwaw)BBaawffawl MfMwwMsww paTaaajaaM aMcalattaw ia tka rwasaas af ske Grae4 Msaiiaa" far TVa Oewat Faasi snnrans WeSeC. I'M B CkM IB aaw Aet Ik air ww ('My. Go and Sec K. A Heady. New baby carriage el F. V. Tay lor'. Latent TaylerV. ttyle in carpel at F. V. Miis Stella Dackcr is hone frMn Lincoln. Ssc our l'J.50 spring jackets.--K. a. .martin box. lttndolph McNitt and Willie Duck cr aro borne for a short vlait. 11 M. Martia 4 Soa are aew ready to show yoa their spring stock. Howard Daggett will aet throw ap hit present job for yard Matter. Our U the stock for yoa to look st McNitt 4 Gslasha, The Clothiers. Do not fall to eall aad eee aiy steak of window shsdss. F. V. Tat lob. The largest and best selected tloek oi drcis goods ia the city at R. M. Martin 4 8oa'a. The Nebnuka aad Kaaaas Farm Lnan Co. want all ths good fans loin they eaa get . tf A penny aavvd la a peaav earned. You will cam good wages by bayiag yoar palate at leyo s. Anion Decker waa la tke city tkis week, lis haa Jnst reeeatly re taraed from Teres whore he kaa beea lor the for the last foar years. C. I.. Cutting ia ageat for she Catarrho-Rroachial Nedieater. the aew inhaling apperatas for catarrh, cold in the head, etc. Try It. If you want weavmit done eall ea Wm. lluffaaat), Hed Cload or leave order at ('hat. Kohaffail's. All klad of carpet weaving done oa short aa tier. IV Hall's Vegetable Sieilliaa imir Mcnewer anal yoar thia gray lock will thhken ap aad be restored to their youthful color, vigor aad beauty . Owing to nit-knew ami oBtl other elm-en, "An vrniag with art" by the lailici of the CoB rep t ion l cfiureh, hn Itera MftpoBrl until Tuesday, April 1, IH'.tO. C. Wiener has retaraed freai the aaatera Market, aad ia ahawlag a lar ger stock and a better elase ef clethiag taaa ever at pricea that cannot bat kelp to pleaseyou. Marrisd at Red Cload, Marek 24, by Rev. Geo. O. Yeiser, Mr. Tkeaaaa llodgsoa sad Miu Lasllc M. Howe, all of Webster coaaty. Our old friead Charley Buchow was ia the city Thutudsy, rrtHraiag front the fuarral of hi Mother Mrs. DeTatha IViningrr. who died at Blue Hill 8al unlay at the age of 110. Will KMigh saya they had the I aest eara of eattle that waat lata Chicago the day they arrived. Tkey kad offers all along tke liae ta sail thcM before reaching Chiesge. Oscar 1'otter aad Miss Ktiiabeth Aalu. were happily aaltad ia aaarrl age oa Tuesday last, by the Rav. Mr. Kendall. We with theMMeeh happl aess. They will live ia Bladea. If )iu want h firt iltM phate, hair rut or any tiling in tin barber liae call on rYntn A Bsrklcy at the 4lh aenuu lonwirial parlor. All work guarantee! firrttlaM. Give u a rail. The n. 4 M. will -ll ieketa a fa de red ratea to Chicago. 8tlwia wli pointa cnat of there. CkieaM Sait liMited ticket 110.95. 8t Lewse ha itedtuka 111.65. Veavar Basaaa tieket 110 , II. N. .Martia la la Uhieaga asjyiag ieaga wku ni lerce apriag stock, wkiek with th spring goods he bow has aa ksad will far eiceed eay stack ia price, Jtisatity ana uealit, ever shewa ae ere ir the valley. r . r. MeAvoy, Heary Harris, HUI Ksxigh, Joha Ktrect. K. W. Ftgaaaa, aad Dsniel Saider have all added ta the tressary of the great faailly weekly aiaea ear (sat iatae, aad era are therefore living high thia week The Kal--) Hn. al O. W. Barker hate formed a partarrbi and here aftrr the firwi wilt lw Iwiwa a KaUry Bhk. JL Barker Oct, ! a t4latl youag attoraey and uader the aew rttedlttna of a'ffairji will win hUwsy to esas a - e m . ace.i'. scih wo arw ana parity For the cure et swAas, awagbs, aad all derangsMeate ti tke saepiretety ercaae, no ether Medieiat Is so red able aa Avar's Cherry Factorial It retievee taa aethasaUe aa4 enataMp tire ev ta ia advaaeed ttawee tf die ease, aad ksa saved iaaaeeaklc Hvae. The f ellawiag Webster aaaaty aaaak crs atuaded the State aaeeeiatiaa) et l.ireela thia week. A. K. Geady. Niae K J. Kiaa. Mrs. A. K. Goady, His. Kakaff ast mm Wfr" ,," "SZTrnT CeMabeii. Misa Heward. Maws aVake laid, aad Misa Wartar. k fnf mf y jfc .,,, . yawr paakat. If yew saw aae. aba n tail prait, aad aserr aw tka peiaa af a awVaawV kTv aawaafawV If fa a dw) awa VTwawawanwaaT aVawaw) llm m kWv W PtwaTwTW Barw VwaahnPaTw aaa mi kaa aataaaw ItMm ant away aTwaj arwaTwajarw avsaawwr w wawl,eMwwtfcafaawwaBweBlej anwt waawawl wawanaawal K A. Naady will gira yaw tke law eat Ifatte af aayeae ia Iowa aa Ism ber. Reaieaiberaar etaekof wall paper ieeeaipltte aew aad freek.1 II. Dire. Raveaa horse aad eattle lead aad all kinds ef tonditiea pewdsr at Deyo's. Satteea were aever so cheap before (neat bargain ia tfcvM. -R, M. M.a tim 4 8om. Call aad aee 11 A. Handy for pries before haildiag a he will Make It to jour latere!. Great bargains in sheeting. 1000 Tarda of sheeting at fl ecnlaH. M. MABTIM l0!t. h. Albright has purchased J . I.. Kaley's retidtn' property He paid 3000 for the ssmv. Go and see Merhart. He ia selling hardware way dowa. The rrieos knocked clear oat of tinware, etc. tf Loans Made at low ratea of interest by the Nebraska 4 Kskaes Fana Loan Ce. Money ready aa booh aa paper are aigard. tf FeaUerly 4 Aults are still selling vinegar mm traalelar jaice. Call and aee theM. (Joed eider vinegsr for -. cents per gsllen. Wieaet the large! dealer ia swath era Nsbraska la clethiag. ia eleeiag eat his wemen's aad ehiidrca's ahaea at leaa thaa east. Faralshcd rooMstolet. la)aire at thie 4ee. Thete rooMS are la good locatioa sad are atee reeMe. Ladiea preferred. Morhart the hardware mbh la ap in arwa and ia aelling hardware at ilaoti cott. He i knocking the holloa oat of price. CoMe at oace. tf Our 1.50 Men's hoe can't b beat ia ths Halted Stale. In butlon.laee or eongre. Trv a pair, at Cha. Kchaffnil, Nee York Sure. Our priag atock of beta aid eat ia now complete, consisting of every thing of the Isle designs of aobbv goods. MoNirr 4 Gam sua. Rev. A. W. Snider delivers his farewell scrMoa aest Kaaday Mem lag. Haoieet: "The future church, what Will it be? All are cordially In viiedte attend. For year spriag alu either tailor ade or ready Made go ta MeNiU 4 Galuska'a. Oa a tatter Made aall they guaraateo a aaviag of frM 5 ta 10 froM say owe It ia the elty . The -ivaroeratio aad repabeieaa eeatral eeMMltteee af the elty have decided te kald a ioiat eeaveatioa for ths eeleetiea ef elty officiate on Hat urday eveaiag, Marek '.'Otk, at H P.M Far correct Itting elotkiag go wkere it ia kept. We are tka aaly Mere haa te haadliag lha abealder pad ded aaite. Tkey are equal ta aa or diaary Ullor Made ealt,-. MrNirr 4 Galusha. Dr. J. W. Meraavilla Mst with ejaila a Mlsfartaae, The ather day while oat oa a proieeeioaai viti tne batcv was avertaraed throw inc hiM aat aad breaking a rib aad af tke beaeeef his ana. If yoa wish to parehsse a skew far year boy a or girls tkat will sued tke wear sad tssr af every dsy arsga,tkat ia Made of honest leather through aad oa commob scat Hess csll et the New York store. Tahiag effect Mereh 27th, tba fret class liMited rale to Dsaver sad OI erado Hering will be Hi, I'aebU. 19, ticketa U be liMiud to eeaalMs awe Iraia aaeeetra fraas dale of aasat Iteraedlsu peiau ow direct liaa ia aV - aV laV.a . af .ateeha 4 A wa W igwwr. .wf" mm ir WkawMaabatk irseieeJIy aakad, 'Caaet tkaw Mieister ta a salad dis eaatd? he little knew thst Msaaiad weald awe dey be Mees4 with AyerV Baraaparilla . It eteeaeea tke ayeteM. restoree tke physical tnergy, aad elves teas aad streagth to fftj faac lioa aad fscaliy ef tba eyttew. WrtMiMife4 MH4 U(U )rw WM tare a atr4irlM timt wttl art w rW Mvre aS laerr at M a taw ImvwW. Htm --' taaSt IJirf MM w r - i ntM wnftH1 wrt; m w UrMnartliiif !. HlMr kar m MirW awa rrw ). c raw. iMHiKimiiiiii' l-Ovrri'o IX Hnlt J. II. Peak will lam Davie Heart WeKer'e place thia seataa. Mr. aad Mrs. G. W. Welle wka wtaved freM here la fawreae abwt a yeer ae ware ebablag beads witk aid friewde la Cewlre tke fret part f ikieweak. Mr, Jeka retersaa, kas ressfaed kis peaitsaw ae aeetiea fcvCMea sad will leave kere eew. Mr. aad strt. t. A.G4 reH a little aaaaaiar, strt ssarea. is, Graadaia Ward (a aide te be home after ker Ue illaeea at kar daaaiktere Mis. J, A. Mtta, Mr. aad Mrs. I. M. Hteely rrtaraed keeae Uet Friday. Mr. L. K Wriffht ia iMprwtia aWwiy. Ma eapweta t aUrt fr tt aawlb aa aewa aa ke M akle W. W. Fsafc ksa aswead uNJ, a fana wkiek be U aja sriA 1 awaarT wmw Cklasfa aw A l.etwlwa nras. MeNltl 4 Galatha the prpalar aad saeeessfal ap Iowa elethtag am chants with ihr uausl vIm saJ eaertf Shave lestrd the rear red et the Chl cage alote and are ilHug It up with a large line of clothing, hats, cap, trunks and elite, etc, in addition to their immense itel of turnlthisg gwdt, Tliit Irw. sllhough in bul net onlf a few month hare twads a reeotQ for thentielie that (a untu pae I for due Kiting giwrt aad) lood gtKMla, tl reaoh.ibl prices, It la a record that thj may w fee) proud of, tVllh the aeuUttion the new utore mnu; tbey will bate belter faellltlrt (or buinr ami raw handle a much lrtraud moreeileir ie line of rlulblug, ami will there fore he belter aid to pleate tbtlr rut lower. Tlirlr ttlr in the lat few niontba have been lil) atlonUblng and far beyond the mm) aangvtint ea peelation, ablch Jead tbtM to be litve that thry will do a runoh larger huilncM tliit eaon than any houe weal of l.ineoln, One can now enter their tlore, buy their c.lhlng, hat, ear. el., and frM there pt int tfsttkeelelda dry ooda end grocery keasc, bav whet yoa waat eat aad wear aad bo happy, all uadsr ths same reef. If yeu are aelag to buy cloth lag rvMCMber lhslMsNlll4Ualaha a ia thi place logo. Opposite the poat affieo Red Cloud a a Btartr4 Ikli Lit. tn Tliurtday MQtnlug at bout I) o'clock, Miss Lillle l.etton, lb eold eat daughtar al,Mr. Alliton l.eton of thia eily, depart! Ihl life Mia LeUua kad been lek for a langjtrloal and about a fsr sgo br west tt with the hope of beneleial tMulla, but only temporary rellel waa gained and on returning home ahe. wa com pelled to take to her bed, and await patiently for the Harior lo eall her boms. Hhe wa a great favorite with her eoqualntance. end belored and adored by all whoM b came In eon- tact with, Her prematura aeath will be a aad blow to her Mother and rela tive who aii gisally giiavsd at ht dcMite. Tub CrIIRr lendera to hsr aaraata relstivrs aad friends, the keartfelt tympslhy ef the people af RsdClsnd, In this thslr greeted hoar of affiietloa. tier irieni. n. r. "poeaei.i, nae realed the eoMModieua tlore room la the Red Cload Naiieaal beak aaewa aa the Chicago Ktere room and will be comfortably located there by the Irst of the week. Mr. 8. It one ef ear leading aierchtnls and It alway foand ia the nrl lank of buin enterprise. Ilia aew iocttiea will give him a big advantage In lUatneee ever kit previoue uartr by tba ec- .(alsitlea of Mem ioom aad a better ckaaee to display his Isiga aad well aeleeted slock of dry giod and af eerie. Tmb Cellar wiehea IiIm aa abwadaaae af prewpetity. Fraak Dlcktreoa, bMhrr of oer ctteewied e(tlia, M , W, Diekettea, who for Many year was a rceldeat f Kd Clot4, died quite teddnly " Taedey evening, as hit heme ia Let" aaee, Kaaaaa, He bad beea ia fail lag health for msay yeara pa He teavt e a wife aad seversl relatives In tkiicity t mnmtn hit prematura de parturs. Tiia Cwr eitnd emdw leas to tb Ureavrd reialrvs asd friead. On Wdnst4sy, Msrrh ilih, Mi Leslie HfU aimed st the nt Nvcaleen yer aad in honor of lU! treat htr nMrr frUnd a;ave her a praaI tarpfl pariy,wbirh was a vrry plesaeat affair Ths ClKr maKratalaiee Mis Mtllt at thie Umc ead with htr m rv terns f ths happy (Kfeeiea. Mh rsswived man tks A fHeadtklp freM rev frieads. waiaYraMs raww. Mar rihUa sale ssili vwtiaae sadly 1 - aslliax fast, We kse s laraa eaffl; HveaVt f mck aad all U4rf The Isdlea era well 3 4 flttr aMajsinj furk lfl sdaaatd witkawr Milllavry and ait4 fur) a aaasasr ef aew aau ;resvay. We bate reeeived aa ttsa 'fweJ'ly ef Mieere fast tU.h kaee tkat wrM f yew to hey. Giebeae weslh 1J4 wa sell fr ealf lHe per yard. We hate a aw l4 4 Ueee' thai will iatef Mi yeW. WUSIHSIM tMHll -f aay hiad el keif whe tcra ek Vcs' c o, V Bureau Paint Shop ! Carraaaw. 4jr ed MaW WMkay wMMavsWi )pVMaTVwp( wm a"Wkw nests iaaaawf Tarw- ah TSSe9mWmmmmmm' 1mmmmmmWmWmmgmgmWmMmWd!MmWm "" wawwwBBai.ta - w -.. jay jripf. n mj. -allwa miafm mrnmi ibi i n.T- MBwaWv WE BOUGHT GOODS CHEAP I This means that we will sell them to our customers at Bargain Prices ! awaWawW . , WW faBaaaaaaVwamLw' You will find iijxm exminin our jitoclc which is lartjsjr than ever that we arc ottering this .spring letter ckkU FOR LESS MONET Than ever he fore. We will not quote you any special prires, hut come and we will m pleased to show you our gcxnls, and will show you how Cheap ClsOTJllNC-a FlJHNLSIIINU G001l8f Boots and Siioks. f Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises. can lc sold if bought cheap. Yours Res)cctfully, c wiener, i RED CLOUD. WYMORE WHYIoIT A. Sell more mmIh (or $1 than any other Iioii! in W;liMter county. BECAUSE HE BUYS irOll CASH ONLY. Note No, H orwk ta rw, trlmnt!iij H - vflUt rtecfvivlr ll Imrtserr gutHii wUtsn - n , WwmI itwmm chAltm wtUtytt So Wwb) tiriiieir. .tr rAi(HU 17 itiaVt dWi n sUtMlarfl ;l H " " M fiksj HuorwkaUsri Hjavlns Yumm aUprsai tstrr imwl Milk -iaas-h frosn And all goads in the I iwn 10 inc Call and tbec OPERA HOUSE r '" w SW THAT MORHART Prices! I 4 M I SI mn u 10 4i " t ", ft 4ft hanvwae line in urooor Aia "Sv aiKwc price's me lx:iorc yoa buy a. mo: HARD ayPaMwewaKwV Jl iiA-fc vtiac 41 4- b, y Waaaf taflaam m, i. JOf4 C. NflBI. Of .. if , ; ivxi .C rfW-J ,A ' . u u s A '