The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 28, 1890, Image 4

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" . "Ct -'
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''rJr- WTV
' -
' .? vtf wtr iVaY" f' ""- t
::? ni cmr mitn ia I'MtHMi?
H Wi ill JW MMJMtvM . vtWw Hfl eMt
tHm tat It attain to higher
:,r wpinMfwi hm wnywrn ee
1 IHeaea. We ere wlHfcg feat
r NttftetU'etroa'atia 1i(NMfc ft
e teret4 enwantK an tat lot at
j ataeeefttogrttArasJorrtjf of the
iwwkmif fee, the mm
: hiiii wt rotor tht wdatilen off - tht
1 taffeta ewgae ' awl other 'attaaaerltt
j" ofllft,4lVtjittkttfctpwf1t,
eaalive. -.Tfcilw'iU hm atalnalat-
rdtfceaarieato'ttaiMBteteiit fori
' great aeaj jeara, and now, the tootle
ehonlihavea efcenee to help thoa
' tehee. All the try for arottttion
oi eager ii argot by big aonono
lies aatHratia who eiaeet to nag
harreetatthe foot aan'a eiteaee.
At tho fftteat tlat it eattt a aa til
ho om aake to Hto tat heap worn
ni the ho U in tho holo half off tho
tlao. No, giro cheaper anger
cheaper bread -eat cheaper everjthiag
that it abeolatetj nooeaeary for the
welfare of tho hnaaa faailj, aael if
anything is to be taxed np high, pat
tt oa latariee ao that the rieh rata
ean hate a teata of hii owa nedielne.
Tho poor ha? e had eaoagh aad mow
oaght to bo relieved of the burdens
they hayo borao aoloag.
Oa 8aaday afteraooa the fro bell
poaled forth aaalaradariag tho heavy
wiad atom that teat a thrill of terror
to tho hoarta of oar people, the caaae
ofwhiohwaatha baraiig of W.J.
Porry'a ban in tho tonih ward, valaed
at about $50 or $100. The Ire do
partaeat reepoadod proaptly aad
qaeaehed tho Ire. Had It not been
for the proaptaew of tho departaoat
no telling where tho Iro wonld have
ended aa tho wind waa blowing a gale.
In onr alad tho Ir departaoat are
entitled, to big benelt froa onr clti
nana, They have been atrnggling
along for Booths to pay of the team
aaont debt, aad now out oltlieas
oaght to holpthoapayit.
People ahoald bo very earofnl abont
atttiag tal prairie tree. A largo one
wao orient by aoao eat, thrM ailM
in tho oonntry, Tnotday and it took
tho Ire departaoat to anbdne it. The
wind waa blowing froa tho north aad
taafre ttti leaplag onward with
with groat rapidity right towarda the
etty, and had it not been for the
Iro ooapnny no one knowa what daa
ago atgkthave beet done. '
A. B. Floret reporta a freak of
natnroathiifaraiatkeahape of a
little pig born witk iwo tonguea and
no tail. The little i.hap beeoaiag
diignated at saeh a elate of affaire con
elnded to yield ap the ghott aad de
parted heaM,
An old lady, oged 80 yearn, by the
naat or Daratha Vaohil. wai eon
Ignod to the oonnty jail en 8atarday
Mat, aa a oonnty ward. 8ha iaaenl
tared ladV. bnt hat boon thrown in thn
ann att of life, npon thoooldohariUH
of aa nnfaeling world.
Gna aUalt-bong d head of oaivee
froa Henry Manrer laal week wkloh
weto very Ino. Sis ateer calves
weighed 4220 pounds, aad eight
heifer ealvea weighed 5550 pounds.
He paid Hoary $251.47 for then.
Ntxt Tnesday ia oity election nod
it ia to bo hoped that tha people wilt
lay down all prejadicea aad put aoa
iatooftce who will manage the affairs
f the elty In a bnalaeaa like aaaatr.
A roaUwMt rmgfciHft u vrry nnirarln la nrr-
' sntawjrsssssLSissm
V. IhOOTTIMO 'ltl'
vaiikmi AMembir n. aati.
Whoroaarlr Rev. J. A. Randall the
pastor of the Irat MelbodUt church
did oa thr 301 of Narohdellver a aer
aoHa behalfof theKaialita of Lnbor, it Reaolred, that this
asMably tunder their slneore thanks
for tho able manner in which ha ban
.lied the aabjeet ia behalf of tho
Kaightatf Labor. Reaolved that a
eopy of theto reeolntioae bo pnblith.
ed in tha city papore. Coiminu.
' l I I IMI
, BwvkUti AtMt SJMvt.
'til aoat eave in tha wtrM lor cute
broken, aoroa, Mloara. mU rhoum. fever
torae, totter, chapbtal liaiidt, chiihltJae,
Motttvolv cart, or wo W roonlrod.
JtU jraaraiitead to vo perfect tali
ggiuatoryo,. t Koroafety HonrJ
u . ' MVarwAHke.
draaapaiiafMha oaVi'tt drtto
fha Inatt tvtr shown ia tUi ijuli!
r, ' Wt tavftt yo
;,.;:;-. Marti.AgtV
talf" wHaej,-B. M.
Tmmommm oaf tk oovneoJ-'aM.
afaaia la WYakaaao aaaiataa ' aA 4tva
taenty ttttk't tflee In oontnlloaoo
with Ao Uw at If o'elook a, a., on
Tnoalay, Mafoh JSth, Tho aoaafng
wm oallod to or dor by J. Wanton and
onniotlonO. A. Davie of Potodaa
waa aade ohalrana and J. M. Btooloj
of rloaaaat Hill attretary,
OnaoMon tht roll waa onllti of
tho proelnttt. Theto proton! wort at
Gnldo Rook, J. 8. Straten.
Beaver Creek, Aaoa Dillon.
Stillwater, L. D. Walla.
Oak Crook, John Slapoon.
PleaaaatHIII,J. N.Stooley.
Ela Crook, J. A. Payer.
Potodaa, C. A. Davit.
Lino, W. P. Knohn.
BodClon4,H. A.MtCaae.
Batia, A. N. Alexander,
Glenwood, J. W. Btoaor.
Walnnt Creek, P. Dingoo.
Iaavale, W, P. Boakel.
Catkerton, aboent.
Haraony, A. M. Bowen.
Red Clond City, abeeat.
Oa aotion tho ohairaaa annoiated
W. P, Renkol of Iaavale. John Slat-
ton of Oak Creek aad L. D, Walla of
8tillwator, at a ooaalttoo to rotooa
aeai a batia oa real aetata.
The ooaalttoo on ptntnal, J. 8.
8tratoa of Gnide Rook, J. W. Booaor
of Gleawood, A. U. Aloianbtr of
The aoaalttoe on real oaUtt rat
oaaonded that real aetata in the
oonnty bo aMataed on an average of
$2.50 par aere wbieh waa adopted.
Tho ooaalttoo on poraonal property
recoaaended ratea to ho ohttrrad
y me aevorai aaataaort in aetaaelng
peraoaal property bo at ftllowtwhieli
waa agreed nnon and adapted.
Cattle, $2 to $8. FatoatUa7ftaU
per hnndrtd.
Malta $5 to $40.
Hoga,$l par anadred.
Sheep 20ott It 0tta.
Btaaa ongiaN inalnding btUart,
fair oath valnt.
BUliard.plgton holt or other siai
!ar tabltt fair taah valna.
Fire aad bnrglav proof tafea fair
taah valna.
Carrjagtt aad wagona tf whataotver
kind, $1 it $50.
Watahaa and aImVb ai U nan.
Sawinc or kaittiac atahiaH. il to
Piano forte $10 It $100.
Mtlodtane and trgtaa $5 to $20.
Cora Sola Mr kashtl.
Wheal lotta par bnaatl.
Bailer. 7eu cap hHskal.
All other property majrtd U bt
listed at iufrirvalBAlitn;
va aotion taa aaavotary waa oo:e
ad to furaiih tka tMmlm iuih nf
the oonnty a eopy tf tht pratttdinga
ai tnia aeeuag tor iia pntuntion.
Red Clond Cmnr aad Argot, Gnide
Rook Sigaal, Blae Hill Tlaoa aad
Cowlea Herald.
Oa aotion tho aeeting thoa ad
jonrnod. C. A. Da via, Chan.
J. N. Stbilbt, Boo.
, Mr.aad lfra.Ntlaaa and NUiNtlllt
:;sTirtifii,,,M -
Nra. J. Roaaor rttarntl laotThara
day Iroa n tint aeatht visit with
frltnda In Iowa.
L. Boyd haa aovod iota the rooaa
I j tho rear of tho baak bnllding.
, Pavid CarpeaUr aad faaily left
last Tknraday morning for their fa
tare hoae in Niohigan wharo ho will
oagage in bnisaeaa with hia brother
Nr. V. 8. Hall reeeived a very
alee present ia the shape of a ailver
watch It waa presented to hia by
Will Whitton tho Inekoy Louisiana
lottery aaa.
Peter Sailor pnrehaaod tho hontt
vaeated by L. Bold.
Laat Satarday the freight goiag
tan waa delayed for moral heare at
thia oa aeeoaat of gettieg two oart off
the track.
C. P. Kohltr returned laat week
from Oaaha where he had betn nn
The aurveyora for the Kearnoy
llutchinaoa a Half railroad have
btim ia town for aeveral days tatty
run their liao up to the town aad the
Ccvpie nre an pu-i to think they
ave a chance of MtUac the raad.
Mr.. J. Harden aad Nra. L. Boyd
w m bih niu mis vnaay.
Nr. Thorn haa ernaaewtMl ak
front of hto store baUdiag with a
urn swr stag aornt,
Tho vaanc aaranaata of RUJm
are eatlviBs thaaaaoltM UkkM
an roan aart P aanaoaeat aa
r -- ww.
O. K. Iliekn mmk ltk aUw
laat weak. II i ! enfii I ku
bio plaoa ooot of beta waa aeasaaed
.aayaaj mj am worn. nt Bao, att
dwt It im taitlattntea tf a attain
who waa btjawf oora otaaka awdlaa
aha tea got tana awa Mtj paotJo
oaatbaaotaafnl wttklfctlta
tMam g. ,-. -wA ---
wno natrtwiy tataytn. v,,,.
PortholtBtolaoMetoborato hla-
tory of Webttor ooaaty lotting pro
potto, Tho ata tngaged in the
work are ripe in txporitabt and eoao
It nt with ttrong tootiaoniala froa
tht nrtaa aWiwhore. The boot looal
taltatwlllbo oatieted to wrltt on
opttlal tnbjeeta and the hittory will
kitaadt a thartngh eaa oabraeiag
in lit aoopt all art ate froa tho aarll
oHtlaoUlhopfoaont Thia la an
opportune aoaent fur nucli a work
before the laet of the old pioaecni have
paracd away, aad before the
World'aPair nt which the varioat
nUtcn will vie with each other for rep
rcMBtatioa. The work it to bo divid
ed Into three parte. Int. History of
theetatc. 2. An extensive coanty
ftittory. 3. Biographical nketch of
the eonaty.
Tho toadiag lopieo eoverod in tho
ooaaty histories will bo goelogy. soil,
atroaae, alntralt, agritnltnral pro-
prodntto and tUttatitt, settlement of
the eoaatry, hantlag aad other ia
eldeata, blitarde aad other great
storaa, ooaaty organisation, ianor-
teat acta of tho oonnty board, ooaa
ty aoat qaeetioa, pnblie bnildiaga,
oonnty oloers, looal politics, towae,
their origin, growth, business, ia
titatieaa, atoeeittioae, aeeret aoei-
otiee, bankt, Irea, oaleere, iaeorpor-
allot, ote, aiiitary aattere. the G.A.
R. ageaeral aeooaatof eohoola aad
eharehM, tha carte, jadgei, lawyera
and iaportaat trials, aad aaay other
iniae mum w UHnMle tat Mln until ran
nt a, BhyslciM?. a taw STUtrn'm dm
!jre!Baja tatta.inwttja wuhm nni
witnaw nivniif.aitienBiFmt dacwr Mil
v, kivmst,
J. J. Nvo haa three wtjrons an ike
atroete for tho pnrpoaa of aoaaaaa
datlaw hia etuUaara ui atkera !
will be pleaaod to do all yonr work at
aii (lata . Jiaggaga a apooiaity night
or nay.
ApMoatlaai far Mttaaa
Notice ia hereby given that a potl
Hon algaad by thirty or aoat rot'dtat
frat-htldtrt tf tht Irat ward, of tho
elty of Bad Clond, Nebraska, has been
fled with the elty olerk of aaid oity
of Rod Clond, previa: that a lioonse
aay he granted by tho oity eouneil of
aaid elty, to John 8 . Rolhrock, for
tho aala of aall, apiritona aad viaoat
llqaora, oa lot (0), bltek (31), in tko
tali oity or Hat Clond, Nebraska,
That aotion will ho taken oa said
petition by the aayor aad oity ooun
ol oa the 12lh day of April 1800, or
tho Irat atetlag thereafter.
BaUd at Red Clond. Nebraaku.thia
27th day of Naroh, 1800.
L. 11. FunT, City Clerk.
AnpltatUtow Imr LIctBM.
Notice la hereby given that a peti
tioa iliaod by thirty or more reaidoat
free-holdonof the ateoad ward of tha
oity of Rod Cload, Nebraska, haabtta
Had with the City Clerk of aaid oity
of Red Cleat, praying that a lietatt
bt granted by aaid City Cornell of
said ally, It If tytr N. Btere.jor tht
tela of aalt, eplriteaa aad vlaoua llq
aora oa lot twelve (12) block fear (4)
In tha oity of Rtd Cload, Nebraska.
Tkat aetien will bo takea on aaid
petition by the Nayor aad city conn
oil on the 5th day of April 1800. or
tht Irat aeetiag thereafter.
Bated at Rod Clond, Nebraska, this
211 day efNareklaVO.
BRtM w to tat aetata af arte
aeMatao achates if iietsHy
ant aoa oi
nun. aaaarayoafttAyornaadna
ether, an take It till tha naleanaaa
att It tkanathly aaaoUod aoa oka
ojaoa. WacaalltttatttntltatataJa
AkaA tarn mh aa k4 MMi.a
fHZi -L?TTJiL?'"i",,!!
I. be
A nUtJ taw hyu a
touoTM oa iuo, dtatrttaloA
lATerio. hv tj
atctotaa.-ror aMth
an g aagvdLlM, ahgaMf. aajnt
I HOOTMtfc M oowal I
ta tOt) BMMM IVOMa at I
-Mia, gt, V
lylf't Slttuililll
fotatoJt. aaasLii
iibmojih 'mwmmmmwtttwmm
. Ifaw-fwataaolwoawaiBi
mw oa taa
aanaajM i aa
New York
Dealers and Leaders
in L 0 W PRICES !
Staple and Fancy Dry Goods,
Dress Goods and Trimmings,
Fancy Goods, Notions, -
Our stock of Satteens, white Goods, Laces and
Embroidery is complete and can not be
beat in the vallev.
Call and see us. Lowest Prices Guaranteed.
Moon Block.
I have a goad farm of 100 acres
situated Ive miles south pf Rivcrtoo,
whioh I will sell on easy terms.
Plenty of wood and water. Address
' Mas. BaiixinT M. SmnLDt. -
Wanted A good trusty family
hone that a woman oan drive. r.
BnAOtinooK, l'retographer.
aataairr'a balk.
Hy vtrluo nl an onlcr ol U lnol Itjr l II.
Fottelorkof tlio dhtrlct rmirt of lliu I'lghlh
judlclwl dlitrirt in ami (or Wrbiler munly. Mt
liiak. iimiii ilecrer) In an acllun tn-ixllnu
thoieln wlivrrln Thu Ntbratka Uaii and t rust
Company la iilalntltand Ira Mtcwr rt al nrn
drrrmlanta 1 Uml( olTr for win at nuMIc
vendue lor caih In band lo IIib hlRticKl bid
der, at Ilia rut oor o( tlio
ronrt Iioum In fed rlund. In Wetwttr
county Nvbraaka' that ucIbm tha Ut Klicr
tha but term or Mid court mi lioldcn,) on
i4ik aF r Arrii a as laao,
at nine o'clock an tha foHowliw drvrltal rtwl
latahMuwlti four () acre off o( tlio aonlh
nd of block twoatgr three (jbi In Hrallh ami
Moore'tMldlllontolhetownol ked Cloud tit
wr1tMlMlelowai Bolnalnj at taa aoutlhweM
corner tdaaJd Work twrnty liirM) fH and nin
nlm tkenre uortli on Lortut strtvl two bun.
dred tmlert, thence ctut Nte Iniattrol and
dred (JOS) feet, tHence etui
arty (ttt) feel, thence north
Mi. theore MMt aaa -
toriH oae nmMmi teai
Hatred nlacly-nlnn and
aweofli tooiha (wt T-Itt f it to
MM Maek tooaty three rati, Uk
mm eMt Mm three haadw d
tome eam line of
thence mth along
I isai tM4 ta the
Hi eaMeernerof .t him koa eighth acn
tM inetjea. tct alotm clxhlh avenue to
erftBia. ....
in arwa im taiiti aujoimna
ine arortweaiiouc. tract
of the flrth.eaat mtarter
of wo tow-toot iiuartcr of aecllon lhlry-lx
ti lion n ranto II, wed or lh
aloiioi lU-Kinnliut
and tnirti ") (t
aeroo and Mid jwinl Iwlaf aio the aouth cad
earner of MorkSwraty thret.andnmnlnKthcm'e
nnrih alone rmll line of oalil block twenty tnrtw
cmnr ik mm rutty
three hundret feet, thenen rait rlabty nMi in
the half weUnn line, thenoc aoulh ahins uld
half octkM ,Um three hundred lect, iKnc
diuhm pox oi aoaiaaieM.
Ahni Iota one aad tww la bk
aad tau la block four la Ihn
artalaal lawn, now It af bed U
The ahoredeoBriatbii I art intra and IntciuU
own, new ur or km uooo.
loconrey uioc notk tweiie la Mulih an.1
Moore'a e-Wlttoe In the city of lied llou.1 In
M eboter toonty. Nebnuka.
Illvrn uadeMOV baud Ihta 1 1 lb ibv i-r Ifarvh
A l lest.
a. A.TKKVlirrll.
tytKO. IKKUUcpiuv.
Jnv M. Waann. lllfn Ally. viM
Hv irllwi of an order uf uln lulled nut lit llir
dUtrkl court of the clabth ludlcUl dMricl, In
and tor Wclwter cornihr Nebraska, neim.aile.
cree loan action jiendlnc, wherein KUrU li
llodf e I. rUlntln ami Jiiih W, Warren el nl
aie Arfi'iiiiaiita, I nh.iil offer lor mIc at imbilc
endiH for cook I'l hand In the bbthcat bldaer al
IIh rl Ooor of Ike court hmiM In Kcl ChHkl in
Mid ttflltly. (Ik it brlnjf I lie idece hei llie
laat term ol Mid court boTdrel ootbeleik
day or Arm a.
lav ilnrrlbctl leal wMIe to a 11 1 The luirlhuast
noaitor of nf aertloa Iwrlirju), la bankl4
too Hi north of ranee ehnen ill )
M. M Weheter UiuM. Nrbraaka,
tlhen under mt kAod thlt k
vteivn im ei mew is
day of JUrck
By (.. Taah llctmty,
Com Mc Mtny, I'UhMM'a Attya.
CM . X. Tal- Hberlff.
D. B. Spauogle,
RhAL Estate
' -" 4
aaa wfatro obm ai
jueoaueni hmo
Mita om, aoa iwwnpoa
at a tNai in. htiMrea
orlkot Itwi aouth weat
Red Cloinl.
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Boots, Shoes, &c, will be found
in the "Old Chicago Store" in
Bed Cloud Natl bank block.
After March 31.
City Livery, Feed
First-class Bigs
Boarding by day or week, good hay and feed
for teams. Come and see us.
MMaarsror aiL.
Bjfllrli'c annrCerof wlelMiied by tH .
Fll-t rlaitfc aff aikM . .- . .
iiii'.:i ir.....'..,"yi'.T.",p " Ntiiui
(....... ,.,-,,, ... .Ir ,r nrixTrr COUBIV. Ie.
i!X?e,Sfil!l,0iJi ,lw.rr 'JHwl la Mid nm,
bidder, at iheeaM door of Hie cunt Ih"iw at
lied iloml.ln Mil nmidr. dim llnc J3aJ
the l r"",t '"'','"mi
am ar or Am a a. iaaa
at nine p'clork a ni. Ibo (.vising ,ler(bi,
leal estate, llie Mlt of lka..k-!!
lirtilcr ami tbj. (ouili wrat oiaiter of the rwih
t .jiiartrr id frrtHM, tri,V, lo 7wn.hlVoae
lS.,i!,,.n,,,,'lie wvat (4 the Slilh to Mln
e.lerriiilr,hra..H. ' m '"
a i iunUw wr ,u",, u,u L""' ,U' "f ,,w,,
, C A.TKKI,aertt.
fMeaUcNen,, .KUI.lMlir.
Ilalnlln Allurneya. ,.
aMBBirrm balk.
Bplrtaeof anord-riif ak UtMd by u II
ITTirrV -"'" T " r weoaier Uwili.
II. a .Irani am !?', ITU? "!
52. V J".? Aasfcff L,a.,,. Mie m ?3!
at Ike eat kar u. u
aMia eauM,(iliat I'
kMt teno of Mid court
ItlOl BOO af lull AM. l.aa
at aloe aVI jk a ., the raaoaiai aaaLowa
A rttriL MttHojiaaTot
cnurt awnw m kadS
Tlnitoyhmekm the
A. TV at
New York Store.
and Sale Stable
KEUHN, Props,
and Good Teams.
aMKBivami nai.w.
iaafeS1 tirki ' ,nd h? Wohttrr ronnly. N
llOaS'lwSVtt m 'fifm " 'nokaa If Halo.
I Sin ..a I 'J1 M,,V,o"rt al are drfr.i.Uiif
InlSlrfTtiSJlriltf aB "" tnT 'U
l?2?l0? hhr?! or at the et dwr (
conVoor: " " ,tm "'
. ,1-."- f At A a. ittt,
anuttlla?,.2Sitlu'".,'t Tanoiaajrf the
KrVT 2u!,X!Jt OB tee, ItHroaklM
itT Mtiir oooniy. Kebraaba.
YJwnryhaodiaUMth day U March
Ttbbeta avi vJE
'w atMrotj
Sllajilaina aaa.
r&SSkirlPSS - v i-"
M Bar t Astat a an. laaav
.. - - -
im oaaa m
" kt taaaahM. Om... I illati, a
. M oajaar . aMttMaia.aW
A It a " W 0HWBMae M
SSStJlSriSJ efoijitiaaaoiaTl l
ggl'ag.' MM waal h aM eMMty. tat
waav Haafoj ntaMM is- . m eakitf
4'. ,
K W-
S Vjj.A&ghi-
J 3'(V