The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 28, 1890, Image 3

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1 H
' w iwwmwwwiw i ! ii wwnw i ' -ii '"'tw"''w,"'M"'"'l,"'''''W'ws"w r
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4 Majae tisswral rvwa
f Ik UtMrtatM af
Mill Ml-A artHtaet MUHary
CttlCA'io, March fM. Malar jaeral
Geoff Creek, Unltesl State army. Ml
aomteaad at ta department of th Mta
aourl. 4N at tha tinit Paclfl Hotel
at 7:15 o'clock yesterday morning of
apart dlieaee.
There hal aot been th allghteat
warning that General Crook wit not per
fectly well, tin wu at army head
quarter alt day Thursday, and at
night, at tho hotel, appeared to be in
his utual good health. Ha got up aa
viiual yetrdy morning at ? o'clock.
While dreaaiag he auddealy aald to his
wife: "I can't breathe." Mr. Crook
helped htai to a aofa and a doctor n at
onco aumanoned, but before he could
reach the room tteneral Crook waa dead.
The tlaral haa bee la command of
the Departmrat of the Mlaaoarl for ev
ral year, succeed I eg tor narnt Scbofleld.
Joha at. prakv, preprartof of the Grand
Pacific- Hotel, aa Intimate friend of Gen
eral Crook, made the following stste
tnent: "(leaeral Crook arose shortly
before "o'clock yeaterday morning appar
ently In hla uaiiat health and, In accord
nee with hla custom, began exercising
with the weight and pulleys connected
with an apparatus for the purpeae which
he kept In the room. After eaer
elslag for a few minute he aloppc
and went a ad lay down upon a lounge,
eaylag thai he felt a difficulty in
hreathlag. A few momenta Uter he
called out to hla wife: Oh, Mary, Mary;
I need aome help; I can't get my
breath!' Dr. Ilurlhut, who live near
by waa at once aent for. Ktery thing
that could le done waa done, but he
failed to rally and died at 7:13. Mra.
Crook and her sinter, Mrs. Held, wem
the only member of the family prewnt
at his budsldo when he passed away. He
had no children. I auppoae hla death
resulted from as affection of the heart.
For aome weeka, In fact everatnea hla
last trip to the Northwest, he haa been
complaining of a Iwarlng-down aensatioa
In the neighborhood of the heart."
Oeearat Crook was tiny ana asr old
BapttnibarS Isit II wsa born tiaar Iy.
ton.U.. ami wat araUuiUd tnnn tUm l-'nltfJ
Mates Military Aradomy In lf rromtliat
year until the blnala of ih war lia
aarvel with tha Kourlh Inlanlry In Callfnr.
a la, ltd went Into ilia war a I'ulonrl nt I ha
Thlrtjr.alitli Ohio Infantry. II was wound
Jat lwlaliunt anil waa tirrTrtrt l.'i utf n
aat.Culuntl lor avtvlrea al Antlrtam lie
took part In atirrldan'a Vlimandoah
eauipaltn, and In lva ha was
brrrrtpd Hrladler.(2ensrsl aad Ma)r-Un.
rral, 17. H. A. At tliaaal.ul Jn war ha was
eitniiilaalhrd MontanaM-Onlonrl and aanl
to llolaa, IJalm. whrra ha fniighl Imllana at
InUrrala until IH7I In that yr n wpa arnl
tnaiiu?rra the I ml I an disturbances In tha
Atlinna district. Ilwsent an utllmatuan to
tha onlef to return In their reaaivallnes or
be "wlp4 Irsm tha ( u the earth.? The?
dhirgardeil U demand and ha altsrked
them In the TjMii lisslu, a aironihold
tleamail ItHprrmiable, and entorewd aiitimla.
alna. In H7-T he snbdaed I he turbulent
eiout and Cheyenne, In the itwimira
tie Indian war la whit h Cutter and his men
wrra maacreiL In lw.1 the Chlrlrahuat tin.
wanded hiaenoraellcattantlmi. II marrliad
emllra and captured tun prisoners, com.
pletaly subduing tha rerale Irani. Th
waa hi last lianrtsat Indian eampalsn,
anal (leneral Crook at one s aboal In
aiructlnn the aborlslae in the art ol praee.
tla drove nut Utler unit lataders, pro.
tecteatlbe Indiana In trtuln. tollaliedrvr
tain aliiiieaol the niant and fnlmctraand
ailmultel the ludlana to help lhineivaa.
In Hire yeara the tnbra 1 1 the Arlsuua dla
trkt became aril supportln!.
Tha Hlatlatlrlan find Tttal AaTrleultnre la
I'nder a rinml All r the World.
Wasiiimith, March 'ii The prrvsll
lag depression In Amarlesn agriculture)
ta treated by the etalUUela J. IL
Dodge, In the March report of tho Ie
pertmuntof Agriculture. The prnelencn
tnf low wrlcft la noted aad a feeling ol
discouragement In rural clrtles through
out tho world I Indicated. It
la, and baa been, ep4ctelly enter
la Ureat ltrltaln, and is the sub
ject of complaint, dlarusston ant
official inte ligation InUermany.France,
Iuly and other cvuntrles. It Is present
in Monarchies and Uepti biles, under dl
Verae circumstance and conotn!a ajrs
tema. Hut it is less severe, hern than la
other count riea. Though tho price of
laapleBtenU. atenalls and fabric are
alt low, tha fartkar Intrrest aocohat It
unreduced and hla mortjraffo harder ba
Tho main cause of low prices I re
ferred to the Ineiorablc lw of supply
and demand. Corn and whrt and other
ataplc are cheap because of 0Tcrpnluc
tioa. Immlgratl6n hss Increased tha
population five millions In t"n year.
Intercontinental areas havo been con
verted Into farm, frro to nativea and
foreigner, opening millions of acres to
cultivation. Rallroid extension hss
atimulateil pniluctlon and oterwhcltued
the Kast with UVstrrn product.
A IMawnt4 Werfdla;.
lluxrttunt:n(i, Ind., March ?i.Mr.
and Mrs. Rudolph rVhroer, residing
three mile wct of here, In Cass town
ahia. celebrated their diamond wedding
anniversary yesterday, in tho presence
ef their children and a host of many
friend. Although quite old. being
ataety-two and nlnetyelgbt year old.
respectively, they are sttll hale and
hearty, and bid fair to live many mora
i CMr tlaas arrsla.
Kaxsab Cjtt, Ma, March 71 Tha
laeanocraU held their city roaveatJea at
Turner Hall yesterday, aad thla ia tha
ticket: Mayor. Meaja la Holsaes: treaa
ii r, William iVake: auditor. W. I.
Neaderahot; police jsdgw. John l
Wheeler; city etie-raey. Jaaae W.
Praher. president ef th rr hen
Marcy K. ttrowa.
t Mai 4 Ctras.
Gkcjcxtiujc, Ml.. March SB. 'Tha
Weak ia the lere at Offal get heyotMl
rvatrol yeaterday aad rapidly widraeaL
About am feet ef levee were earria4
away, Tha watet w eeta a larga
territory aad la waahiaaj away
email haiUlafa. The I-i-411t,
New Orieaa A Taxaa railroad
track I aVerg4 fee a lea dlstaara,
sad Teuetiea ef aa read have lMra
ahandeaeaL The eeacpaay t na!g tha
earg raeiaVc fall road tracht bttwaeaj
Mtasseville aad a e. Vet taveae traefca
em also daaurer- Tha rtrrr
lighUr av Tha eatlaah U na
MM Wsw-t tr ,,,, , WIM.. f t.trfHwML.k.nllWi l-tW. WW. sr-. -. --... , . R I
a a m.. - ". ---- - - - - , , . . --. - - . -- a------------ a --------- MauaMMaMMMtMiv' bsj
Bkbujc, March HI. A saeelal edltleai
ef tha Reich Anielfer aanoancea that
thp Kaiperor ha seat ltlaca ltlsmarek
two reacripla, couched in tha moat ec
dial terms, thanking him for hi past
aervlce and appointing him the DuV
af Iuenburg, Co)oncMlenrl of the
cavalry and field MarshaHieneral.
Count Herbert llUmarck retains thai
offlcc of Minister of Foreign Affair ad
Interim. General Von Caprlvl ha been
apjinted to auceeed lrince !limrvk
a Chancellor and ITesidcnt of tha
IVusalan Ministry.
In hla reacrlpu oa accepting Irlnca
lllvmarck' rrtgnatlon, tha Kmperor de
clre that acceding to a request msde
on the 1Mb. Inst., he grant the Prlh.ce
permission to retire, hoping ronfldontly
tbat In the future as In the past, the
fatherland will prom by tho I'rlnce'a
counael. energy and faithful devottoa.
The Kmperor had hoped that the aecea
alty to think of such a separation would
not aristi during hi lifetime, lie
regarded It aa tho moat provl
deatlal dispensation of his time
that he had had the Prince by
hla aide. What the Prince had achieved
for Prussia, and for tteraiany, and for
what he had been to him, his house and
hla predecessors he would ever preserve
la grateful memory. The reavripta
tevai with terms Indicative of anVotlon
and of admiration for the aervlce of
the late Chancellor.
The North Herman Osiette denies that
Prince fllsmsrvk' resignation we con
nected with difference arising between
the Chancellor aad the Kmperor over
tho labor conference. The tlaielle de
clare tht the difference mainly re
fcrrrd to constitutional questions, such
as the limits of ministerial responsible
tty, and tho relations that should eilsl
beta-ecu the President of the Ministry
and hi colleague.
The Catelte ya that Prince lllsmarvk
nuver oppod tho UlMr conference la
the StasUrslh. but that, on thn Cm
trary, It was at hla uggeatlon that thn
Conference was Initiated and that the
Staatarsth's assistance was asked to
cunaldcr tho Ulwr queatlon.
The National (laiette, referring to
Prince HUtuarck's rcnurk to Mgnor
Itoo-srdo. olio of the Italian delegates
ti the latter conference, that tho itatha
of Italy and Germany would 1m Idontl
cal In tlin futum as they had l-een la
tho pant, say that tho oWnstloti uiay
confidently lx applied to thn llerman for
elgn policy generally. The eplntmcut
of ticncral Von Caprlvl to auc
need Prlnco lllsmarvk has notli
Ing of a threatening character. It
call attention to thn fact that the
Duke of Wellington waa a long time
Prime Minister of tlreat HriUln and de
dare that tlerman tleneral appreciate
the blessings of pesre no less thn other
(lerman In responsible position.
Thn Vosslcbe eltung says that the
tension ha been brought to a cllmsi by
the fact that the destinies of Kuroie
havo (won deprived of their ails.
Prince lllsmarck wa a guarantee of
peace. History will preservn the mem
ory of his crvlce In the cause of peao".
Ill auecesaor will Ik eomp'll(d to lin
niedUtely deal with the que-ttoii of a
reduction of the military burden in the
interest of peacn. The nation wt
ncaae tho n-Urtinient of I'rlnro Ills
marck with regret, but without anxlotr,
hoping that hi lift will still bo long
and happy and that ho will Ih able to
follow the development of tho country.
The Nownll. of SU Petersburg, In an
article oa the retirement of Prince llls
marck from thn (lerrnan Chancellorship,
take a pelmlatlo view of the situation
which will result from thn Chsncellor's
resignation, and doclans that the soli
tary support of the edifice of Kuropeaa
peace has crumbled.
aaata Mawley (tltea ri-rwrtas asa
MlaaaltMl Ae-Mtawlall-M.
WAsniNuiow, March XI. When tha
lllalr IMucatlonst bill ws being die
cussetl yesU'rday N-nator Hawley In
a brief peerh opposing the bill read
a table of appropriation to be mde for
the neit ficl tear, showing aa aggre
gate, of rtpendltures of rU,M).ean.
against an estimated revenue of ,
Mu.OOO-maklng a deficit of 73.we,an.
The following I the Utile: Utlmatd
revenuea, ftUi,eo,009: probable pprt
prlstlons, exclusive ofdnScrT-zlr'. fS3,
000,000; rrmncnt appropriations, in
cluding slnVlngfund, itnt.rvua.oao; pcb-
ablideflflcney, Ml,(io0.0i; total, ftii,
OOO.aao, Proxfctl appnpriatlon report
ed to thn Senate aot Included In "prob
able deficiency-,4 direct tsi, IT,9ftgj
!lllr bill, 7,oor,w French p'll
tlon claims, o fr ivpjrti. ll,4X,0oo(
r.aval ship. inrreaJ-- pa
nlons, vs(j,fX, total, fs;-i3,';a). Re
capitulation; lrtbsl(le aprortiations,
tio,Mi,ovo; pruprtsod pproprliir-a,
K.,3,O00; total. !a,S4J,OttO; eaU-aalM
revenue. V-0, 400. "); eirea of ppr
prlations ovf-r retenu-. 17X443, ocl
Tonraa, Kn., March 51. The reao
lotion being circulated among the
Hoard of Trad thmngboat the KUta
aad FamrVAniaac-fsrayis)f CagTre
to admit Met lean -re.whkh are h'-
amoag other, ta the Argentiae retaiaf
aad amettla work. fre ef daty.
were atete-atsst to the Topeka Hesrd
of Trad last alg-L tteverat gaatlaaaea
we at aald that Kaasa did aet waat
aay thlag ef the kiadi that It weel ha
ralae-a ta the lead etw laterasrtj
ef cWalheMtem Kaaaaa, which
were ef lastly greater iasraee thaa
the Argeatiaa aaselur. The reaa-la
Ueaa were theeeepea voted dews.
Tat Have frta.
Tea-rsa, Ktva., March IL Yea set stay
aftraa Mra. CarreiL Mr. Uda, hev
isiee, aavl Mra. Kilaa, were slrtvlag
aewtki a Jack ana -rtreet la a two at I
eJagle rig. wham ea reaching Tenth av
mm tha a-vraw tacdt frifht at a aa
laj ear aad ran away we Teata aveaae.
aad at th eeraer ef MarrVaea etowet
mad a aaie- "tara whh rr Mra.
aRawaj SMRPBj asTsy SVRar war lajsaMWJaW sasWfw'f PtJ Plw
ana aad hrahTff her k-ead tVtghtfanf.
At Vaa mn - v rwaasrat aw
lidesj wit a isalasr wage. af
1aiaa tterw Mra. Kl t a
aMtfatas) aa he bead aad ana had! aa
Men. Caerall aataawl taJsT.
threw Mra. Kliaw
Mrat-v, Mfla, March ft. A (rent Ira
to raglag la the Oerananla astaa aad
hretaa heavy law of preyefty. llva
aalaera, penned la the huraiag mm
have perlahed. Alt effort stay tha
fUmr hate proven anucceraL
At aUut mldalght Ira w a dlcover-4
ta No. 1 haft t third level In the tier
anaala mine. The alarm wa quickly
given to the force of men at wotk In tha
tnlne, but in plt of their effort t
eecape five of the men at work between
the fifth aad Uta level ta the stmt
abaft were cut off. The aaan are Jsruee
Thomas, his son Joaeph Thomas, Hugh
Waller. Jamea Sulllvaa and, William
kUuk, all miner.
The Ire burned fler'4yaadcanfon4
It wsy to thn surface and destroyed tha
shaft house and threatenetl the engine
and boiler house, Tha entire Umbering
ef thn shaft aad rout In that part of
mine will doubllea las dcalrvyed.
A toon a It became known that see .
rral men were la the burning abaft,
aearchlng partle werw organlred and
sent In the mine to rescue tha mlaalng
men or to find their bodlea. Waller
came to tha surfacw oncw and returned
to look for h c-mnlon and there la
no doubt that he suffocated and fell
down the shaft.
The bodies of Thomas and hi son
were found shortly before noon aa tho
fourth level near No. i shaft iVtuld
they have gone twetyate feat fat that
they would have been aaved.
The loa will reach ahoutloa,a.
Vmi rwewist Apeat! - , ta lra
rttaarallae- ts to law Rawlg
llKMt tw, Msri'h Co. (leneral Von Ca
prlvl, commander of the Tenth army
corps, ha tieen p)dnted Chancellor of
the Umpire, to succeed Prince Htsmarek.
It la announced that Here Voa
Itoettcher will lirxMme President ef the
Prussian Ministry and that Count Kit
lenburg. tlovernor of Hesse Nss-su, will
utvee-l Von lloittlcher a Imperial Mln
Isler of thn Interior. Count llrrl-ert
lllsmarck, who persists In resigning bis
post of Imperial Foreign Minister, will
be assigned to an ambassadorship.
Minister Hrrfurth and Von Maya
bsth liavn roalgnrd, the latter )eCau
of Prlnco lltamarvk' support sgslnt the
Increase! demand for strstegf llo com
munications. (leneral Von Caprlvl' dutte a Chan
eellor will not, however. Include the dl
rectlonotlhe Foreign Ministry as during
Prince lllsmarck' t hancellorshlp.
It la alated that th F.mmror William
Intimate) his intention to sUlUh th
efflceof President of the Prussian Mln
Istry, which projal Prince lllatuarvk
stoutly oppoae-L The disagreement bo
twren the llinju'ror and the Chancellor
tmcomlng wider the Kaiser askrd for
another Intarvlew at tra o'clwk ia the
evening To this request Prlaoa Ilia'
marck replied that he waa too old a maa
to come at that hour. Mmrtly there
after the Chancellor formally tendered
his resignation.
Prlnco lllsmarck, In hla eoile to tha
Kmperor tendering his resignation,
which nolo covers twenty page, at
leged that old ag and falling health
were hi reason for deslrihg to with
draw from public life.
Tha n-m
ttt Ike lk'ltaMll
A-ram stasiee,, Ind., March ).Atout
one o'clock ycster-ly afiern'Min
wall of th Iteeker bliMjk, adjoining thn
burned ltowenlerrlll building,
erushel down on top uf the ruin of
Monday evening' flm. For a time the
wildcat rumor of dtaeeter were aflst,
aad I fore they were set at rest a lar-r
portion of the clty'a InbablUnU had
thronged Into the adjacent atret and
alleya After full Investigation, how
ever, It was learned that but two men
had bee a hurt, though many had nar
row eacapea. Tbuae lajured were but
allghtly hurl
After the crash Mayor "ulllvaa la
atK-cbd the ruin and rdered that the
front wall of the Ikiwea-Merrtlt build
I Ing be torn down. This wa done and a
I half hour later the tteeker but Id lag, a
' narrow four-story structure, aiptd by
a aollon store, fstl 4wa la a heap.
I Then the flamea broke out again in the
ruin and ap to tea o clock had not bn
wholly eitlngulahed, though a f!orl
of water ha Veen toured Into
the pile of wreckage, Them la,
however, no fear of further low wf p-,
though the three liry sionn frwnt build
ley rvupied by tltvtgr W Mltesa, Arif'
gist, ts regarded a unssfe and th- rw
fear that tha dry gl bouse of II. P,
Waaaoa may lr- tMxumb.
i a? r-
Ntw Vohk, March vt Hnow Ugsn
falling heavily In tht rity aWrutiV)
o'clock yesterday nM-rnleg and fully
anven I be be uf show fell. As a roaae
quenco teanV waa grratly lnp-lL
The malla were 1st la their arrival and
ferry traffic waa hindered U a great de
gree. All wire atnth ae prtbd by
the strrm aad thwra wa aoeriasaaUa
Una aouth of Kltre by th Weetera
L'aloa Coatfraay during the day TL
vwi-ri waa the cam of arollleloa at
the Oread Central depvt ef the New
York Ceatral rwllrr-ad. Kegta Ke, a
wa drawlaf a trala frwan the ae- riag 1
of t-e aepet and waa taking It to tha
yard. It had get (-atatde th 4p-H t
a awitrh wtoa eagtae . ia. tMalag
stawa th aataa track, rrashed late Ne
a aad the trala -f e-akc,, flresaaa
Whitehead aad hank hU lew ret nth
lw the kaea aad he will f-n-heady die,
feha Me(eryt treaaaa taw f
" 'h. Vet awt aaveraJy.
Ctfamia. L T Maerh M. Woed tra
la a ra-redtwdla Oil city that H V
dter were eaad urn the Mvward,
eight aaltea vst ttt (athr It U
rppirmm taat ia eun wtu w
aurthwerd t-da aad that
wh waa la a pmlUtm h
ffaiag . aa . 'trw-leeaaricaf
ivaeHrta ad tu a" Tad eweSravsv
Utm srf -e-eia aaaasd a tt rlUa rwst
hi caUta' , Mew aa-atel S
npw m asMMt flw
wfc at u
asaat a aslia eita aSl t a waft a l
- aaw"
VVawttstt Wtsaw
hi M -,
A long-hsirrd, ethereal leaking yeung
man who g every Indlcatlwn l lig
a crank ef some rt, cam Into a tVindt
vuasle store and aald to the cUta In
There's little pie. of mulc I wt
that t can't rrmetubrr the mwi of, but
It goes UVe this.'
" 1 rad ta 1.U 1.1 la aa a a a
Tr t..
"I don't Vnoa what )U mean, st?,"
said tlieilerk, ss he Nmt a sranbtng
and pitying itiimm thn young iuii who
teat the air with ote vn fthkrf, -.tile
he wrtit on
"Trs la U! ta ta la ts W tu le 11 )
"I don't tindersUnd, sir "
Isjh l Well Uaten uoe until lle
ton KHoiUer br el It. Vou nUt he
It. It like thlt. Tr la lei ta ta 1
, Is! tra I loo tr 1 te h ha h ha
I 11-
nv up a-dt-e tr -' There, no, did
,.,u Vetch oa i.tthat?'
' N.v, I dldh t"
"Well, that a queer Msy I t dUn'l
J gi ju,i rterttt, tmt I know lhl the
, nrl of It Is. 'Ira la la la! lati' tta ta ta
, it. ti You ot anv thlka like
'I don't know If we U0
"Well, now, suplng )ou hum iner a
tew id your latest aotig-s and Me l get at
It that way "
'lhe clerk, aot having len paid to
make an Idiot of htmaelt, declined loan
gage In the "tra la" lulnrsa and the
would-be ruatomar gi oututurrtturlng
"Tralal Tr la la' Ttalcet II h
bat IIU-ic' up-Utrel 'IralrlaJ
U" Is-trolt Fr Prm
Itel TtM4 With Ik niflWtac,
Mlaa Twrntylrht (coil) I had a
atratige dream thn other nlt-ht, Mr !"
PeySler, I dresmed nl think ' tht
jou and I wr nsrf led hd on our wed
ding tour. You di-n't Wm how tvat It
seemed. Did lull dream thn aaltte
thing, lou?
He (firmly)-No, Ml Twenty eight,
I did not. In (s-l, I bsteti l bad the
nlKhtiuare now for a itt many )er
Nmier-llle Journal
Rasrare af oiet . a tr raiatrtta rtaat
tv)it M,
aa merotiry will surely datter th ae f
atnell aud ivmlet-l) derange ft elude
lem when entt-riaf It tliri"tH th" t'itv.u
a u r (.. Huh aiUUw km 1.1 toner ts
uaMles-toil pcr-.l1tl.MIUMM iMHiUbie
phYci2-. n tlxidsritaa-e II..) will ile Is ten
fold U the pil )eu iwu tlcrte t rm thr
Hall's talarrh I ore. msuutartuiwd lif ' 4
t'tx'iiej l"j , 1'Vdnlii, t , (iHiUll.d tHt n-eei
iurv. and Is taken litt Uf ai I arUdl
In it) Uu tlwf tdool ani aiuoous snrf .
urtrm ajale-ti In M)ln- Hall' t atari h
I'urelnsurnand v-tllMrsTiiulon, It Utaai
li.U-ruaJl) , ami mad lu Toledo, Ohln, hi
tl Clreney AT t"
rVU by llrucgtata, price TV per txdttav
Tarss sre rnanj1 men who roMr1 Ahts
Ih tl tUtst and tfieit ru West to V.K
IllbabatliUin shmh
Twe sal l-ara4 '
blirti Ih, erupt)ii aud shin dlar-a rl
rvrrj nainn and nature, Is I if Pierre
lloldrn Medical l)xi' A .-MinlMif
(tusranti'4 frnm a r-ntbt intt
Miuae warrattl It t-rAt or CVle, lif
uioiifj rc(un'Wl
tinnlf .Nlltrh)HlrrrciTUi.
Dr. llriiioty, M imU, fc at ugiits
Ntrrl i ta p'orrsmmecsa h tted tt
tlmwealhrr It iut J1 W re.ved sub
ei t and Ilabl4 to laiif. ,V . Hi-e)ut--
Tata lance f scrofula her that ha
m-i(dnl rrr faat uiolr the lrv(HHl r.f
lluli'a eVtraeiwrilla, alter fcil etber treat
........ lt ,..!.. ,. ...... ..u ..... 1 .U.
I mM ..f m .' ..I ,li M..II .
! rltl cure, I.
In ( uf white and Wukb
lT,r-i llaeil Ibe brat ww.ll
disease It tu foc-i lef I be Ut
elite to tlie ndUk rettf 4n J ., af
V.t Mtmnt t't'SMHt, ItJ,
vTauva thetrlrl msiage ts a gual
hwMi I, rue, with rnvrletf, Utaab bt
Ail.dlordetren-d hr a l4IV ttf
tha tfU-m ran be i-Hteal try l W
iruw Mf iiiia, ma mum, ansuttg or ii
svoUort UW'ndlt.g '
lUrirh, TO lis.
CniTt f byte, lls-tlllt
rtnlng-Rahfter t t.
aae. hat fait
Aatai. s' R.l."Ta.llJ'a Pw h"Og.
I p9n4 4 tt.aelil.M'rrsV wf
t-44 Ot ;-.4i Oil (Mtt-t e. a r-iM
-a(a la I Ik- rt, Mat m U II b -,
net lfv Hh a-w -4 a r ji ' H w4 M
tax) s-tro..f.r ra
H.U 7tsr.'t'fP-4s-t.
, . OrtmrnllGVS'f
I fflhfi alii etrlcte I jt HjI, s-tt
rSi 1IMVSA f ft, i- l'HUJtul Sf
ijmili f-r uu.(Jif-ini.
fa wa R- "waawa a ) M.
J--. tJMr r.-atinn,, aefitse
-j - iwif, aaTTfatw
ratX gi aaet aa -
i T r i am 1 -Wawaaw
irat - Maa. a aa eesas,
V. It, ti -
at saw seat a
a ! awaa sMtsaf ,
aataa ,
saaav aaa-raff jt.
,- i lie nlgaVS.
swas-lawwa aB7
' -nhi.twhy ar if j rniu atmaumi n mi
f.Aln.9fc I
l vaB 1 - a, a v w li-. L--H
' 'MB HffBBJv.1
r.nrnJi.. .-
ww i- i a LBfrr- - w- abpm
n -v
5T aSt, p,v"r,
.4Cp hat told as th late ef a
aVesit atel fall gay, aatteg lo hlalf
rarer, ami I aen hstowa child la aae4
weary t he lh eMlael i " leaisat Vat t4 a atttak tay fVe , ar9aff
ewald kn Vea aaty aa aa, A a, an altag a g I tHeaar, Maf ffeal
tatravagaally ymm but Mil (I dont tweaa Ja la tafar V toMNM Ml
) he M tii ly aad film, ht tliMaaeK ail llisf are tleggtaii, Va hi ),
Vednt and "ewt ef -" grnttaily. For ladlge(a), Rtll iwiaaa aad) aj
drrsvhgvtnent of th rMoaish, Uvet and ReK tnj, tie' Ud4 s-lsa-I
ike-over y t ait wnesj-wled M'-4y Ceelatn tee atdwt l laehttate i aw sww
or sugar to lrtwtit m Wtngw th -tlgeHU sar. It vlea ate I
and rurea 4epl, bletr he, iptbr,s,
Iom affecthms aa rtfifrs, lllv)4l
It suifiior altrraliv iret-trs.
Woatfv't luirtataur Maaanat
mreet, MuffaJa, N, V.
atasrvwaja sir tttaStMl
fallu I-, -w4e
t-a-jHHV -tMi.
a-ii 4iVNt i4 -
krvwHi -afep-air l -i
f-w nf ta- aH'
Itm-i mi . !-,
Ms sslM. e-4atav ttaMa-sesfv a, M !) -, a i
w.t-d Yaw irall re e- ae. ht f- b---ms la
" e4tMti ! ana e rUWM twaw
mm I
SlMMf e
IM t H
ma rn a sves !, - in
atwea easea al f i
I cm- M a (Vw a(HlMesb
ssaws. m swwM- a
at CmmjiV Mnkvli.
Iwv wVetr ell falle,
a, a wiwns saaa ti
Tutt's Pills
tti--4-t Pmib (rUf
Ftftraad An$fWini
Colic iOlovf AtUckM.
a f
mmj MvmSSbruteuu,
tCtef T AMf rOH PAtilUT
W sflsaVV R99VV s7ffv W RvV
Tlf trnMf th-t mi
t,aA ". svsaaan faSae
ae, a wai-rer.
I .-4 tMn.u) &&, Immw gr I
mil' i nJ 'MfmmimMtiLL ' '
,.. - - H -ft jya,phiaVatsVsayi
rV RaL aaaB M aVat
eT avlra'V?'Waf,RF fwlP VSaVf ii!itrr
thm ttftAMMI rfl aawwtt, ' I PlllIHWTiTV?5
aWa kajaa-A A0 aMMB I laTa,flaa,aklB 1 Tf!Er aaBL9
i ii -f, B ----K--KwHfP-P-ww-ir
- - I . - a . , F ftf SaisV f tSMsi "wee wan ViajwaxB-wa-B-B-p
tt aM-l
eVvv TslFWaPlT W VVlPPVVsl
tsnr - , Mw
: 'pp
iJUfuVJMkK -- st t, 1 ,e',s-jTjinswa--M (
iTaWWav1f-sjsalij i J!r.,.rm lQPLx-Ay.lf- ,f
A AAfM,4JA al
aH W aWS-Sa'aBsWPM 1
tout whlh, free evefre)sw,
' My father. )! , wa a I
and 4vll." Nl dar V va t M
ami all hb at aVahn rtsv
tHe , Natltaga atal Taavar. tta-) af
Aaotatv, MaaaNetartra,
B tXVtttefG
vtV9kl ? sPal, sMM wl C4f HMaa aa--Hfv4
M-aw, ert'e s a
f-t4 -S ( a I , at '
rrt-l,Hirtir.HillMi vte
!. !-- ale-i f wm
4 lrwO-4v a4 ti sVtias. i
t-Mr t - TVtjatawt al
m m
-ujh --. as
a aan awet
I. a ihb . - -i
-wvtftal tlnaaaitu w ea
Mna - a. - l.t k.-i-
'Uesr( ael itmtMm U she
hwki eia, ftf
iMawaiiiiakiiaitn rr- atriia nT ri aii
ir a-i e
aTlVai. 1
MF wsjssiawj swsassw araa rw sBaf -ssajsr pawg
m ran w r- , V
(H(ln M
J. atw, l.--,.
l4'- ". . I t tAH -
. .
, f.Mf (4 t M
if rJM, ,- f. -
t, i-..
frai rfnfH(vrf af - -
1 1 am I.IWM a Mftm
"attfVWaw JP
fCPf 4hayj-M
.,- ejirtai 1 1 ia &&
-sfiiMg-tsi Wrsitasjits
-ta swftn-f-rti-iiaws-ii aha- .iet-a
-.--. --- i--.-.,- -----r -n'7,riri mn at am i
sl i MaayPa My 4sfMaaMtMi te4
fwl-3B-f a4S
- a aaa
jjj4aRMI jy A-PT silFhssissWaaTl
i TxaMrrwmmmmrmmmm
ewas, - - m as. rasv wa
-Bsjnr , mimMsmiimmmmMitianittmymiiiliiii'm
V Wdew 'V M tvwfttM ssMMjNwsHIk
t -,
MsVVMtj vVgwaw a-a-waagwa OTV aM (IWIai
w4Mjt-tT wswjavlrv sj-a-e-,e 'a-W'Met-fJa-sais
a. -i rt an aa-aa-a eeusjae ssf3K
.i.'.i. ' luliniiaiia -w iii
&V,I,. W
to jV. . i.
' A ,S5
J.L, ' ff?,.'
fc. '. , ." -W
. ' vtkiKni jM
,i r
(,V ';