A"k tm am t - -eg4twfftHyftr)M' c9gWia lXft y.j r 4. ifj '? m CLEOPATRA. '$ - ' dH M ," f tha,FaM Mi Vnctuc f HartMckli, ht Royal EgraJlIa, ' Ag BET FORTH BT HIS OWI HAXD. Uy H. Kinr.K Hacuuki), Auilior or Klntf Solomon' Mlnaa," "Sha," Alti in QuatermaJi, Elo., Eto. Klo., Illustrated br HtCJtOLL, after eATOW W1 rout and MumumAaai. CilAPTKH IX. or tbc cumixo or ciiaiuiiox. au or T vbatm or MT A. AT bbbo night while wa m at supper In lb haaBe,tbcras)smo knock upon tho door. ItWaaoprtieO, and a woman o.l In, wrapped (rum head to foot In a large lark -a'ptoa or cloak In ftiu'U fmhion thai tier face cuuUl not bo clearly ecn. My undo ron, and , ae it uiu p'J iuu wuiuaa C tittered tho accntt Word. iVfav(" "I am come, my father," alio mild In a aweet, clear voice, ''thou vh of a truth it wa not iay toeacapo tho rev 1 ul tho paluc-.. ltut 1 tolil tho ljuccii that tho un and tho riot In tliu street bad made urn side, and atic let lilt) go," "It W well," ho uimnctcd. "Unvall thy self; hero thou art fn," With a llttlo algh o( vrcarinr alio uu clucd tho poplo and let ll allp from her, giving to my sight the facoMtid (unit of that Ixwntpoua girl aha had ateud to fan Claw palra la tho .bar to. For aha wa very (air and pleasant to look upon, nod hef Grecian ioUoh clung sweetly about Tier auppla limb uiu! buililluK' fortiL Her wayward luilr, 'Mowing In a hundred lllllo curl, wa bound with a golden HI lot, and on her foot woro tandala. Iter chcoV blutsl llkn a tower, and her ditrk aof t ayea worn downcast, a though with modesty, bill smiles and dim pirn trembled about Iter ltfa.. My undo frowned when til ryofetliirion her drcsa. 'Why eoniet thou In thin irnrb. Char tntonl" h ukcd, atornlv. "U not tho dre thy mother wont good enough for then I Thl li no lima or pluco for woman' vunltlc. Thou art not hero to conquer, but to obey " "Nay, bo aot wroth, my latTwr," alia an awcrrd, aoftly; "perchitncij thott Vhowcal not that alio whom I aurvo will have noun of our KgyuUiin dm; It I out nf fahlon. To wcur It would hao hevu to murlaua jili-lon atao 1 i-aian In baa4i," Afii) aa aho Kkn 1 mw that all tbo while l.l ifaU'Md mo covertly through tho long lathea which f ringed her mudeat tyea. ,. "Writ, wrll," ho tak), ahartly, flilnf kka kfen clanco iiion her fat-r, ''doubltpaa thou apcakeit truth, Charmiou. Ito ever mind tul of thy oata, girl, and of tho cauo to which thou art aworn. Ilo not light minded, an4 1 charRo thro forget thn beauty with whlchitbau hat bern curl. For mark thou talai Charmlou ; fall ua but on jot ' d venireanco aaall ''fall taro-taa van tnce of maa' and tho vangaanoa of a tkalal To this arni," ho vroa dnued, laahlnr; 1)laclf ta anftjr aa ha went on, till hi great vou rang In the narraw roots, "hat tkoti been bftd;(tothla rn4aaltaou fceea" laatructod andVuK"! wher tbou art, to gala the ear of that wicked wanton whom tbou aoemeat toMrva. Hea taoa forgt t Itaotj aea that Ux luxury of yonder court doea not corrupt thy purity and divert thy aim, Charmloti." And Ua eyra flaabrd and hla amall form aeaned to row till It attained to dignity-Bay, almoat to grandeur. "Chrmlon," bo aala, advano lag toward her with outatretchKd Mager, "I aay to tbea that at Utoca I do not truat tbea. HuttwoalghUgonaldraaa.ed I aaif tbaa aunding In the draaru I taw tbea laugh and lift thy band to heaven, and thoraf rom fell a rain of Blood', tttra thn alpy aaak down on tna land of Kaeai and oavcrad It. T bene ramot bad ream, girl, aad waat la ttameanlugl Naught bare I agalnat thtxi aa yet; but aaarkWt Oa Um awaMtlfcat ! .i!! !' . i jSTi iMMra lNi kaa tm at gtaSaal, I aayVWill I dooat taoaa delicate lUaaa, wblrh IIkmj loveat ao mucato aaaw, la tka klia ad u the jarkal, andtM aoal Wlthla'Miaa ta all lha torture of the Godal Unbutied ahalt thou die, and kodllraa 4M accuraail ahalt thou wajatatxla Aaaratl-(, forever and Ho mii$.m aadlen rN.lpllaad4.n km of aaa had vmMLltm y 1 W- clear an twforaVTMtrawW daapa heart aad alon Iv than ihia man beniajmiliaalaaicaf bla aerrine and lmp:icity o inlaa, aad bow fleraaif Ike mind wiihlaaiaxaMkaai tjfnn bUahaw Aa for the girL aha ahraak f row hm ttnUad. and. placinR ber aaaia MoNMIrfar bv lranta-srfa.V f, " Jr,3 "Nay, afjeak ant ao.Hy f ait, aha aakt, botwen tteraab; "farwbataiva I doaol Naught knotr 1 of tha rvll wandering nf thy drrama I am no armttoayer that 1 akoald rea.1 drrama. Havo I not carrM tart all thing arrordlaf Utbydeeircl flaralaat been rvaa aaladral at that drel aatkr aad aha trembtati "Mara I not piaytai taa py and told tea alii Hava I not won tbe krart of Uo Queen aa that aba love aaa a a aider, refuting ma notalng, ay, and tha tiearuof tkoao about her f Why dt thou affright aaa tawa wita. thr woaaa ibreaUf Aad aha wept afrrab, looking area mora kaaaUf ul la ton Borrow tkaa aaa waaaefara. "Kaoagh, eaoogh," aaaaawcred; "what 1 have aakl I aava aaxL ft waraad, aad af . iraaiaaraaiaaao aaa ama taw dcaaa. ThUkaat than that wa would fi aar aye nana t aa tfcw Uate af JCcyttl ! aahald thy caJaaaWlawBlMr aa aaaaad waaalag, waag aa wiaaaavoaMa,aaaiiaawiaMtawy ibaAthaaartarfarhartaara. , 'Mathiaaa, aaaat Mayal BwararMthaw ara airaatty aatatad." Taa. rualar I aaa 1 I lUaofairaaaaM: nhaawartla taa nwrmt wMk (aaaatra Urn day whaa 1 atrag-rM nUUw Kabiaa." "Aawsradly," aha aald. wtth assjistaad a aaddra JighUngef thaayaa, itwaafa laat agbt, aad fnUaatly didst tavm mutt. throw ua blank hraia. I saw tha fray. aad, tboatrh I kacw thea aot, graaUy did I Jaarfareaa aobrara. HjI 1 paid him f a my fright, far It waa I who pat it lata tha auad af CVsaaatra to Ud thairaaraastrlk C hiahaad iw, kawiagwt-otkaaart, wmMThadaaUMahoad." Aa4slMsa4 p, sBJatj 'mm at taw , aad taaa -EmvwV ft ta my imeia Maaav " Hat 4 raw aa. Taa tbaa tay uvsMti, aau aa ..Vs. a.W.I i-TTlI - . F&z$&ftr ijjk- aa anaacfhla aad . aa aha baat Therwn her manner rhaaged. Wbofol!ed her hand meekly twfora her and ." "11 l'haraoh hearkn unto In haad ataidi-n. 1 um tho dauithler of I'haraoV uncle, tbo brvthor of hi father, who I now long dead, and therfro In nty vein b1m floiv tho llu) al blood of -4 Alaa I am af the tuU-ol lalth, and hata thaao Urrek, and to eo thro ct upon the throne ha been my dckrvtlhope bow for many year. To thlcnd havo I, Charmlon, bevome aervlng woman to Cleopatra, that I Bibjhl cut a nolcto wherein thou rnuldat Ml thy foot wbefitbo hour cama to climb the throne. AudbohoUlt O rharaoh, tht notch UcuU "Thl, then, la our U't. Itoyal culn Thou mutt gin an entranco to the lloutx hold and learn ll way and acvreU, and, o far a may tw, aubiirn tho vunui-h and capulua, aoraa of whom 1 have nlrrady tempted, Thl dote, and all thtng kvtng pri-vred wltliout, thou mut alay Cleo patra, and, aided by me, with thf-e whom I control, In the tnfulon that thall enuo throw wla tha gate, and, admitting thoae of ur party waa ara In waiting, put aueh of tha troop a remain faithful to tho word and artta the Hruchiuat, Vflileh b Inn dona, thou ahalt within two day hold thl Ookle Aleaaiulrla, At tho aamo time, Ihoao who am aworn to thee In every city in Kgynl ahall rle In arm, and within ten ilaj from the death of Cleopatra thou abalt be rharaoh tntleol. Till l tho oonnf which ha been taken, and thou rvt, Ibiyal couln, that, though jour uncle londcr doth think ao 111 of me, I have learned my vrt ay, and pla)ed lu" "1 hear thw, couln," 1 anwered, marval Inglhut mi )oung a woman, for hc hal but twenty year, could wrar ao bold a plot, for ill Ita origin tho aohemo waa her Hut In thotndaya I llttlo Lurw Charmton. "Ooon, how thru ahall 1 gain entrant to tho la,e of Cltvatrat" "Nay, coiuln, a thing am It I eay Thu: Clropatra lovvth to look uou a man, and give m urdou thy f-xv and form ara fair. Tonlay aim tinted them, and twlcnaho anid hn would ho hwl atked whoruthat atroluger might bo found, for hc held that an astrologer who could noil ulgb alay a Nubian gluttlatiir with hi bara hatul Muni liuled bo a maalerof tho Ur, lanawcnsl her that 1 would caun Im.ulry tn ba matin. Ho hearken, llo) al Ilarmachl. At mlilday Cloopatra alecp In her Inner halt that look over tho garden to tho bar bor. At that hour, then, will I meet thco at thn galea of thn Palace, whither itiBin tbou lioldly aaktng for the 1-aJy Cliarmton I will mako apolnimrnl for then with Clatra, o that hn ahall o thee alone, wtimi ho tvakoa, and tho rexl hall U) for thee, Harmachl. Kor much ahe lowa to play with tho mytcrioa of uiaglc, and wholo utghta havo I known her tiul watching tho tur and making a preteuo to read them. And but lately hath h tent away Dlotouridoa, thn I'lumelati, in that, Kir fool 1 ho ventured on m prophecy from ibacnnlunclloti of tbo atara tltal Lalu would defeat Hark Antony. Thereon Cleo M.tradiputchrd to tho llcnrral Alllenu, bidding him avid the leglona ahn hail aent to Hyrlatohelp Antony, to thn army of Caa- lu, whoae vlcuiry, for4K)tb, wa, aroru Ingto llhMtiirlde, written on the atara Hut, aa It chanced, Antony beat Clu drat and llnitu afterward, and o Dloa. coride hath departed, and now ha lecture for hla bread on herb In thn muaeum, ami hate tho namo of atara. Hut hi place I empty, and thou ahall fill It; and then we will work In aecret and In tho shadow of tho aceptcr. Ay, wa will work Ilka thn worm at tho heart of a fruit till tho lima of plucking coiaaa, aad oa thy daggvr'a touch, ttuval mln, taa fabric of thl tlraclau tarona crumh'oa ta aothlngnc, and the wnrat that roltod It burata hi aervlln cor aring, and In tha alght of amplrea, apreada bla royal Wiaga o'er KgypU" I gaaed at lata atraagn girl onoa mora aa taa I tied, aad aaw that hor faca waa lit tip with uch a light aa 1 had Beraraaaa upon tho faca of woman. "Ah!" aroka In my uncla, who waa watching her, "ah I I love to aaa then ao, girl. Thrra la tha Cbarmloa that I hnaw aad I bred up-net tha Court girl, whom I lovo aot, draped In atlka of Coa and fra grant with aaaenca. Iet thy heart harden lathi Mold -ay, atamp It with tha fervkl teal of patriot faith, and thy reward ahall find then. And now raver up that hama le drea of thlna and leava ua, for It grow lata. To-morrow ahall Ifarmachla come, a thou hast aakt. And ao, farewell." Charmlon bowed her bead, and, tarnlag, wrapped ber dark huad peploa around her; then, taking my band, aba touched It with her liaa and without any f urtbar word aha MM. n "A atwugawoaaaal" aallahvaa, whaaaa aad gona; "a moat Strang womaa aad a arrtala." - "MthIgh aiy aacU," 1 eald, "that tbou waat aomewhat harah with ben" "Ay," ha aatwerad, "but not without a causa. Iok thou, Harmachl, beware of tin Charmlon. MBa la too wayward, and, I fear a, asay ha lad away. In truth, alia I very wvaaaat aad, lika a reatlra hore, will uaa tha pata that plaaaaa . llraln he haa, and Ira; and aba krvaa r raua; but I pray that taa causa taoata not 1 . i. Ifiu-a with har aaairr a, for what her heart 1 attaai that will ha do at any rnt will sho aa i. inereiora itid I fright her now, Alio I may; for who ran know but that BM will pa beyond my mr I tell thca that in thl one girl a hand lie all mir live , and If she play us false, what then I Ala and alas I laaiw must usa aarh tuJa a Ual Hut It waa needful; thera wa no other way; and yet 1 miadonbt me. I pray that R stay to well; and st.ll, at time. I fr say aleca Charmlon-sbn is ton fair, aad tha blood of youth run Vt warm In thoaa blue retaa of fear. Oh I wo tn lb raoaa that builds Ha atreagth uaaa a worn. aa'a faith; forwwaea, I aay. ara faithful aalyarhaaathaylava, aad whan tsy lovo rhair fatthlaaaaaa. h-onmaa aheir faltb. 7 ratot Itadaa maa ara git-d; they rtsa mora high aad alak mora low -i hoy r a awi raKWIBI B4 US aea. I r Harmaraia. hewara of tkla rkwain. t. Hkatkaoraaa, aha stay ateatU home; J"1? t"p. auy wrack thaa, aad. Mh Uaaa, ail Ua aaa. af Im r r. with! CaUPTMIX. or ! PAum lira H aaasa as aaaa wtmlM aaat aWy I arrayad sayaasf af k ate aad naaa. laaaaad aa mv haad ea ahaat wktcb wtra hsrtdsi sd Imagaa mt taa Ura,aa4la myWlla Bcnha'a tmMm aad a r-U af panrnw wnttaa tfn WtU afrs'ic a4U aadsltfaa. la my haaf f bold awaad of aktaa. U-ataai taltk ack aa la wtxtal fer nhm u mutmm a aaa aax. ' w h mbw pACvura waa vsa a??f! ; aa vwa P " laaHMH MMM WWtO CwSsn S I hM high rank. giUag by IsmMm that saarais what I bag Wr! sToa' a thai BhUt af haa-d aramw aamaa tram aaa. Aad aa, wxa a MMi shame, for I k-va not auch tay, and hold thHivrnmoo magic In ronlrmpt, I wt f,rth throuth the Itrui'hlum to tho mUc On the lawhla, teing guklnl on my way ay my uaclof-Vpa, Atknigth,aaslngaptbeafeaaa af H;hlnie, wa caavohs tha great aurwle gateway and Ina gataa oT hna atMhla watch I tho guard hjaiMV Aad hwa mi undo left me, brethlng many rjv lor my safety ami tucce. Hut I aJneil withanraty air to the gate, whera 1 wa roughly challrngnd by the tUlilcentflr aad aaknl of my name, Mlowttig and bul oca. 1 gase my name, llarmaohl the atrvdoger, aylng that my lulne w with the lnly Charmlon, the Jue.' lady Thrren the man made aattmuuh to let tue pa In, when a Captain of thn Ouard, a Itoaian namel laulu, rm forward aal fartaarw It. Now, Ma raw! a waa atffp li)ktrd' naaa, W a wxa-aa' fnf af a hand taatnatvk (rim w WbaVhmif. .Nv tbele, he knew m again. "VThr." he cried. In tho titln tongue, t one who came with lilm, "thl I tho follow who wren tle-l )rterly with tho Nubian gladiator, that aame wIhi now howl (or hi lot haud underneath my window Cure on tho black brute I I had a bet on him (or tha gamrtt I hava leketl him agalntt Caiu. ami now he'll lietrr fight again, and I mut loo mv monef , alt thrvugh thU attrolcger What 1 It tluMl iet thou hat tiuslac with the Ijntv Charmkmt Nay, than, that aettlr It, I wilt not let thee through. Krilow, I worthlp the Ia.Ij Charmlon- ay, we all wurhlp her, though ha Kle u mote als than lgh Aud dot thou think that we wilt tuffer ab aktrolov'rr with audi eyr aud urhnt'Urt a tain ta cut In w.ngBut My HahsVu, iol HhBiiit nmin nitvokffp thairyt, fur in tluiu shall not go " ' "Hlr," I aald. humbly and yet with dig nlty, "I pray thai a liircnagq my U' rut to the, l.ady Chatmhui, (or my tiuliic will uol brk delay " Vo tlod'" aliwerel tho (ool, "whom hava we hero that ho cnli not wall I A Caar In dlagular I Ny, te lift l ofl' It thou woulilal not learn how a i'.tr pru-k Irel twhliul " "Nay," put In tho other efflcer, "ho I an aatrologat , n.ake Idas -rahory iajaj o haw abv likh " n "Ah," erleil tha other who had atattrw up, "let him show hi art If hn I a mact clan hn can ps tho gate, I'aulus er no 1'autti." "(light wtlltugl).K irl ' I ansneind, for 1 taw nns uthur. uw.ba nf entorbig "Wilt thou, my jeting aud noble l.ord" and I ajlitrccd hlai whova with I'aulu 'suffer that I lih til tin lhref IVr chains I tuny read what I written there, " "lllght," aal.l llioynuthi "hut I with that the Lady Cliaimlou wa tho orveiv would tart her out of rvniiiletiaui I wr rant me " ltook him by tho hand and gated doep Into hla ejea. "1 ee," I said, "a field of baulo at night, and about ll lotlo tretchid among tbrm I thy body, and a h.teua leara at Ita Wma1. Mutt nolilo lr, thou ahalt die of awonl thru! within a )ear " "Hy lUivhu'' ald tho jouth, turning white to the gill, "thou attau III omen-l sorcerer I" Anil hosiuukuff thortly after want, a It chanced, to meet thl very fate Kor bo waa anl on ,aaiko and slain la Cyprus. l ' Now for thee, great Captain!" I said, speaking to I'aulu, "I will show thee how lwllla those galr without thy lea n ay, and draw tbea through them after ma. ess, aa itwara. iwt It wa when Char mlon tho lookwd upoa nothing U.at aha saw moat, And a she cama tho t-ffioer and men of the guard madn war for ber bowing, for, as 1 learned aflarwanl, thl girl, nst ta Clavpatra'a ae)f, wielded mora power thaa any on afcrot thj pslara, "What ta thl tumult, rlrBUl" ha aid, speaking to tha OnturK, and mak ing a if sha saw ma nM "kaowrat tbM not that the (Jn sleet at thia liwr, and If bo bo awakened It Is Uoa who must answer for It, atwi that drar lyr' "Nay, l-i," ! tha Out Jrt.o, humbly; butlll thus. Wa hava Ure-iM ha jerked hi tnuauh towara ae -" aiagb-taa nf tha mrt ratllnt vat, I rrava hi par don, af tl rrrj hast nvft, for ha bath bvt Just now, M!y by placisg hla ja clwaa tu tha txus of taa worthy CapUia faulaa, dragged him. tba ald faslus, throagk taa gata Uat faulus swor tha magician sWmU not paaa, My taa toawa. Lady, taa asagViaa aay ha haa hustaeaa witk yaa which grtavaa ma for yatir aahe." Charmlaa turned aad lad at m rarav taaaly, "Ay, I warataf," aba Bi4: "aad aa ha haU-at leaat tha Qitm woaid aaa hi trarmaj hat If ha caa do naaa batter taaa raaaa a aot"- hara aaa east a aiaata af aeara at law aiaalsrtag Kaulaa-'ta faUaar thrawgh tha gataa aagaart,ha whaaea ha ram rauaw aaa. Mr aaaPCIM f OaVO P-Vv Oawaata wWpI sMsVg VOy kaepthy rlataarfawaeavjtst, lthaa, mut aoaarahla faalaa, get taaa athar, aad aatrt tkaa 1 am a had lor al taa galas gtva htm who aaa a haarfag " Aad wlta a aasmly al ef MrsasalJ nad aha laraad aad led laa way, fUiawad atadawaan trf mysalf sad taa armad slarw Wa paaaad ap tha marvU walk whir ma Itrvuga taa grda grtnada, aad la art caulker alia wrtk mar V tat waa, ff Ta BMt part of haatfca aad CV Am, wa-rrearaw taxaa UUar pat ahao4 U A taar fyyal 4 a Cii,g, At Wagia w caiaa Vt a aavtlnt wtttj u4 sad aasaa vry lanvstif si ta . l4t 4 Mraraa Style A art, wbetra wa (wt) auetn gsaM. Li aeada wsy tv tha J.!? (arssstav. CVag U saarUan, wa raxs4 aa vr atMaCa hail arar4 a fata4a avtuy Ranked, aad thw by a W 4ntrmf a swaa.1 fhaavawr. kaawa a tAt AUtmv HaR,avtt latifslt mm. Ita rvf was aaswM by gl aalaasaa .f kaar w-arVi, kJt aU Kb araSkt ffMra aaaaiad artufe aia tmTmTmTmTmTmTmTmTmTmTmTmTmTmTmTmTmTmTalt aSmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmlUN aaanaanammmmmmmmmmmmmmlMiil ltsawnrwmvf and hav etesaaslna at aoiLiudTP haatar, whrwa wem graw Orrvu a. gesd. tl n r w of rWh and nsy huM moaKMht twd the tato ef tWe NtiU f I"'-!,! for the O-rrUt tl.M af (, avt ntwut It were et chat' of Uory axl g-41 At tVolrwy of IklaciiamWrCM'ma tda tho aintsl U !, ba tkJil w itMsl In a.an, tor tha pisv ws mtr ata for two imaurh iV pI wtn drawn wvmt liofvra lb putta. at tha further end "I am teve.1, my lord.M hn M. ph log ry low ami hyly, "tht thou h4V hate met with such affront al th gate( but tho guml tkrtv hm at-4tiwt., and I ha.1 given my rotntv.amj m tt, m er of tho iNtatpany that aou4 hae ie lieHl lu They ara vrr UsUul, ttrean Roman eaVr, who, thmigh they tt erte. know well Uist rtrfjrt 1 thtlf rdav .thing, Hut It i aot aluthr UU f'V U, tugh soldier are spirtltHt,ael na sfter they will fear the. Now, WM thoa Mf wHla I -! into tne,tatias rbawVef, whero ho lnri. Hut aw kav I tiag her to sleep, iM If ! ta aseakeoed I will cattth, (or she waits thy iVtming " Aad without nu wold sha gltdel f rwu lay Me, In a little lime ska teturui-d, aad, rtunlna lomy Me, "V- "WcuMst en tha f atrrt woman In alt lh WiMld asleepl b whiivl 'l h 4i low llwu nic Naj, fear not, whoa aba z& i rifsn him 4M. uat.) aia inm a. wake shn will but laugh, for sho l.le Inn lie kiuw to tiring thrn tnatantly, wnatbsi ho ept or WuVe Hen, lia Ve hrr algaac" K wnMuied uo Itio beautiful chaiaUer, till n ratlin to wtrnta the mmadH al..l Willi drami (nl, and thrae wvulj hata li?i myenliyi but 4Ui?raUa fiuaMsl, ami drawing thn algnet f rom hrr bnamu bald It before their eje fliemoh. luVt itilniM thn writing tlibl I imi the ring, I hey honed, ilioipiiig their wurl pwlnla, aud wntel through thn heat) curtain, biolder-ml oer with gold, Into tho retting iilaoe of Oeopatra, ll'aullful ll Was iienmil Imaglulug boaullful with Ktaay colorr, marblaa, wtth gold aad toy, gem and tt.nvrr-all art ca lurtiUh and aU Imury can dream nf were. h-re, Hr" wra plrturr ao roal that turd might hsva javhed the paint! fruits beta m Statue nf womau'a lovrllnass froara Into staaai here worn draft lit flu aoftl llk, hut woven of a wU of gold i bra wata rowiVa and caipau aiuh a I never aaw. Hera lb air was sweet with perfume, while through tha opra window plaraa oama Mm far mur nturnftbaaaa. At tha further end ef Wa rhaaibar, oa a cmrh vf gteamlhg aUb ad hltre by a ht of Mntt use, Cleowatra tay aalerj IVrv Sk y tha fairest thing that msnvrsaw- alrer than a dmam, and all aut bar lowed tha wabef bardark hair Ow while, ounded arm mala a piltow fur hr head nd on hung downward In the ground, Nr kh lip wera parted la a smile, thoalag ha Ivory llneaaf laetht and h i Hubs wera d raped In so thin arnbaof tha silk of s. held a hoa I bar bg a lawaiad aiiwla, bat tha whlla gUam af Resit sMn thrvstf b It. I aloud aslanlshad, sJ, though my thoughts had lillla heal that wsy, tha sight of all ber beauty lm k at Ilka a btw, so thstfur a momanl I lut mintlf a It wera la tha vlslua af Its p'wr, sod at heart wa grbived that I must alay so fair a thing, Turning suddenly from the sight I found Charm wati-blag mm Kk har ak h n waWaWag aatbaagh aha wauld aaarrh a) haart. And. laaVaad. BasnatMag it my thoaghi must hava haaa Wrltuo an mf far ta a laagaaga that aha muIJ fnad, fur aha whlipaied tamyaari "Ay, H ta a any, la It a4 1 Nrmahlaha. lag af lar all a maa, metfclnh laau will need all tby ghostly Iraofta ta aarva thaa to M I f I frowaad, bat hafara t euM frama a aaswer aba trntrhad ma lightly n tha aw elated ta tha Us. A raaaga a4 oa tipa bar her hands wera dat,!, 4 aanat r !, ail nr with u.a hu ut gatbarsw a eioad 4 fear Iter breath rama ulch, ska ralaad ber arms aa tho-ign la ward away a hWw atd tbfa allU a aUi atoan aat ap aad m4 (ha wUaw af hr j Itarh tby wra, dark a Bights but wVn thailcM fwd t-wai if- im bliatvmea aa thakgrvts kl-iaM for the blaallag af taadawa. -tJW-arloal"sta al.J "aMr (a Vm tloul Waa it Ibeaadrraml I drnstt that Jli-drlu wsm I dewlwaaa by in. bU hWwtr liga mpt1 al bla fso, Sw, LatrUg tliriwn hi mif sWut hi (blVt, UM kin sway Tbea I drawd I 4M JW la blwrl sod agnart bn4 ea I tolftit MHnxaaed m a I dbt Abt Why I that man r" wlare. Madam I aaa" tU f4ralnw 'Tntlmt IM magvtaa HttmitiU, Wnnm tJUi-a di.t M ma inU0 ta ib at lb bnir "Ah I tba msgVUa-lkat MamarhU sra nsrtArw tVaglaatl 1 r a tar ma aaw, Ma ta '. Tall m, INr MasrWiaa, aaa thy maailrvr gir Prrth aa aaswvr t thia dream I Ky. harsr atradga a Ulag I slaap, that, wisfWg taa atmd ta a wa af darkaaaa. trghty namaata M ta Ha aiM Wbaaaa, taaa, mm m Imagaa af faa rialag am tha hariaaa a Ua aaal lha, saata aatlmafy apiw tha twwght ar Waa graata Utam awtaag V aiaUi Be MtaCtka fram Mamarya Mtraagtag hmka. ami. am lag ta laaar srvwnda, bs ajwafraat Baa rraaaat wtta laa faatf Ara laay. Una, maaagaraf lU lha aaaii-daaU ad alaap wvathama ataad la t beat, aad tkaa Bpaalt tha a-) thraad af hsmn kteasual Taaa waa VmSmitfl irtl thaw, msrad t.isaj bia mBm4 aaaw waramg srwas waaraaf ta maamarr a mat ta taa. mead ma lata nsVaia, bbmsj aWptaaa Maajsattr aMITI bBBMbBV BBataaat an flBaaaaBMa mA t ftaBBBL&.ati 9rW aw"' V p'swjajannny BsVayfal WW WWwWm I Uy aiara am aaM, ffeaaj mbt . taa) aw. aatltmtaWB)aBaaBmTaw,f thaa ail Uy hrwHrnt taa -la a 4 btr aw J awata aaaaf mtfMy ." 1 svtda U t, hawa saaaw aaiU la tha myssarwa am ara, arVaaw a,aa tAtf Mat rigwif ftaaaad, a Ba wmwawy tUwa wa asa gaaBd taCJaaemaaaf frn-m Oat u Utf-a rater ad tha gateway af an Vriag tvaaa, aa4, hy ag aaat mwt taa oaa aa taad af atarama aaaa at asly ItaaaatV r.aaat ta maaaw af mmt MaN af Tirana bi.uttrtvtacW. TWrfcyCaaVi baatta of IAa) g?taraUaatJnf aayaW a4t aaa stian i-aaaj IM kIHiaaa1 JT Hi. lJ-'tfatF.iT,,Zi.r,!r t P 1 " af . Hl aptrtt af bhau asataaa. tt O (aaaa.at -J" -Jjytyya,y tbiaawbaMt tha hay, tM mwlasn af au 1 auj dr-aaswi ca W a virwrrf fr n.r tarair ima aw ish a.'iM Wtl.xn el eir raki'ag ll, Wkb I a diatm bi.kd Tb4 sUa e gtt 1 la K BVmly wta, aa4 k thtat kia r abral l"y.v' I , aivi W hin W-wa Ib-alVen bats' ttthAtrt ef th? vty taCwav4 i,l thi sawatt -ia thf aktaH Ameall ta v. a aiw a mtghtaw bamtatatw. Whkn(a.e-1 th UW Cat. pa A. trr a at Mt laMm, aad Mm tne, h aM vtt gft bra M M'V-t, Xtlua V raud ta ral k( Mr ten Ul M (mB fr Plat) ft l,'la,vwM la to ,ata.Breahed tM K'ltt' "I Vxf Bf-i jtd 1 1 aU tk Ud. r.tr Ua ift, ktrf It otA, i It Bid (faf tas, ts, ksvl thafi'a, ihgav ml aaa U had a . a U ril, nt It I n wl ta -Jt'Vi Mil uh allag MnaLViklla tUsjMtra fcat Mwh. vl. t tag tkraHW V.-B. ia gat ,, aeaiad Hikm tKa aa l bar w, - nd vai tny (. tk H bar itrtriitt,l hh hf guile's Wnaled rd iii anwin, a rrwr, n ' W-t el n masteUaa, l.r iw rJ..i M t krfalt. a.l ,nt nf Iks uaK kll ul ..it .k. .. f, .Ll ..I. k .uk . . . . I 4l.di-e.iikakwlJ-.-. '"Iaittaieaawsa ,tan.bk liae4 k'Aj. 0 0M-n ' a.-d Chilwte m svl by wllh dnwVistt tja, a. to thAgbt iter s auvae. aiaaia? U twi s4ltBMn"ay niVaJmttW''",d' ai faVUv (, a4 a ed ad U r - tr. V.J-.0! U Kptj ftt, CtH i-itta pl..t rr bs.( te-M-w Brbf--l,aM aM.g ti k V'l. wtibbalf kut)t "tVme, lww w e( tlt Hav IUla V V-t It jl bvA khAI and I am Mtwityiif tlian MrBSa AlrTi44 4 their Uk e Hon! and hmIm I Kl that llll, a h,t hllh-t 4 1 will )m l.'.e i'I lh AtwitttltUfi td lnitigh a IHtla iI-t I VHiiw.M'f taf HtWa i,ifa Wkatianitvait.M lut mi It-lprw tfitkl Itv alU't ( tUnt M ithilr a wvli a tWw ti4t rithf alSait h n Ink a ""ijHrt. with ! Sd ltijHlltt to iv4, m. thylAlty ..ld.li But K-'lk trtlia,M "Nn." i nn.atm, fall trVa aia W aHltVoaaivme Mf ' "Ua t I raiwiv tt,l, ao WUH AurtelitM., if.. , pivi.4tnav'W i,h ta laoe. Qu at Aft UaMafiald I vviraad tkatat-ii'' i Maukt4(V-lgfTlHaid d Ik) wt fMbe, tPirmM. a4 iMka l,r w (Im Ut, whta t all ih kHitt Irt Merlrt thrr i, .t, I. gU "Km sa,' I iH "h i iisis wf a in t taa s mate, hw VVd' " .tad, gMs tth twoin, cV din my "e.t Uh tb rath.ih) fiufwiuixl a tvil Vf gite! It Wititt, and tl,a. a mutlerad, ibatad abtwly lran M wrtiba i Watu ttfllsVe4libod, aadnt Its k.iI- ra-orol nt It ltut i-n acU, and -lAl it o s rri"l ihst rrtwW.I sivd I tml, hlst Tieintkm'rtttltMa.r, rlnda harhaniUiaikHttUuthaiBiMWil Wh; Jiltan I'MKuk that ar aaiU . ri (a do J ha rB ft B fWiln of lia. MvValt,()raaew fk,W,f.d( "tb-dhwul Bat tern aM' A aaa as I aaa ta txM 1 lat SnemM Id warn ta enaa ih iiBaasaia. aaa pivm eaU yl.a4n" grw a aaw rf"t rt'i'i Mtrm, vfi. .,! m niiiamK im irel frthar. till ta a hU staa U tda.'a. .... ..., i b..i. ...,..... I t tbstf gJumeww sigaa. taaa a anatttsgasa M anaaw. taMtvaaiaa, hatrMBl aad bH4 hhaeU.H,laAj.aja.wti. t madaasigfi, and tbd tMi gwhrrf Mhsaasaitea aUwt me, aad aiaJM MtfWly u Iwtea InaaaBnlvra mVt miilaar had my bmb till, sate my taraul .wa iaaihad tWab with Wfaslagaaaaaa, Ob. hrriw?t harrthUt" rid far mlm, hUlnf bt italaasa,eta tha shirt af thaieaa'a garmaai "Nay, anat, MajUtaa, raaaghP aaM bhatlaaani 'Ihmagl vajkatmaaa f wavid my ank Tiapfd aa and alt sraagoas. TMHtfat my ftat my tha bWb wand leppad WtHN nvy M baagh ha-, SSBBV lha two wamaa law ma aava imHw aadgafed ltb .m4W PHI I tw kg In waad and a w)lb fsiaad af taa ba fprwtham "sthgHMeMiUat alihmy piwr a1l" I naked M.Mt humbly . A),lhaf 4 , rtr1"f Mf 44 I Ba (ta Una tvt asiiaaawaa ait Ibm frm tMa 4ff faramid, wwk nawt ad amaaa tataaiymaaa ps.aaaa- Hmt Maa awa Bf a maata at tar aaUf" Vaa.vWaiy Haspil awlnr that tmt narimajiliua maaam 4 I wW sawWtwraeaarliUa,'' "ifaif wh I afraid," b M)r44 "MUIa, da lb, (aUai,'vaa M thiallaiMBibl taya." ' fi itf cvMaffcs wf diawa aad laa stUiata ma4 aairaktMtwlbys was at ba4- I idam firwa4a4 ptawd m an- said.tafnl),H(',',k ihawsadlAtla! empty aw( i aaa Maa, -aa taaa ha(t kn Ud tUBt BtBath m la lay misajj-' 1 bam far a ttaWsparw waa , Mhla lha two a lamn ga4 Haagda a half fa tslttt&a twt. , -j ' fnnrtaxaV, th f HawV ll Bad f um, a4 aa farm H lasts Vad I' (arm af a saawii awdgb aa it hpaairUagaw mppi ap-faiauigbV BM ataman AtU B.3aH llwuiilsNsr " TkH I efa) wHU ieelbtal 'Bkaii, I JM.;a tbaa, aaaa) Aadar'aawlariadiM 7Bay, trnil fes I U .. .... L . i .? part t wn urta atf a , UtMIWMlf Ur MfWtBta abapa . n;l 4'aas. tha u-ra ikva aWvt hi fsea. and l fcia Mm a toalaw-rt bV4y ftRra) a byefd wn.d A" .nt ba -(. lta i -) mt wsal X4 M WffA f iar4 a- U lb tra axemaa aa lia (WMk, d Utaw I aaw Ctat .' br y fwaall MKt4 la Wrx ir haa ar akiis her ayai aa aUs, a4 taa gawk waa saakwg a aaa haaaa. -Maar aha taapasl "pmwl waat Mt a pBwmi W my 9VwlBm mwp mMmr mmPBaPs Wa'wwW mT 7l "I am IM vaV aattaaamwr. magixaa. arrraat' tshat taa fawa w," aav nrrad. k4fVig. Waa rWm wmt was tha )' mU4 T ' " mmrflB afMMMa) 1-wTv f Oaf wmwawBa mr W -wy mmB""mw mjlmmmg TUa CUaOaa raaaami HUk.tm f rvw U0 fma, fm WMB, haa,' fern law i Aaw Mammae r aW,aaM. ,,; atrathl fear 4,t,u It IW d(t aaagM aat Wwat ihaat . - hyrw bhahy Btaiaaa.ag waa, w aad akat aJ aawaa t w( AA Ww Aaa M at4BtWiBilBna afavf mymfmaa "It g- wtVT faavMBt), fn nttf f' -a wmt, Mmw 'haaa aa fgaja.M t (.&. j m l4WaWBJnwMBtBB. j.' I ' Tie 7-""t-"1 Bar4ataf ia imS W MtB (baUa. aaaa) taw yaar BtBd fafjaw MmV taVamf BjsjauB. r, IrnaW m ayarsar ki aaat trafgSbtg 4aC Purify , Your Blood ti.f iimim a.akaapaait a4 IIWHMMKVrt fcwt im t- .. t f m ala M ! mawiaa taeMMt m M Ma a(ro'i4ati imiumI IMI'ilMiliilieil I rti,aaaj lwtiM4Mil taiK k.l . kiaaat um ttf si Ma m 4Mt ti aaanav Hood's SarMpaHIUi .l rwa r a-wwMW (UllI'mVMKIII wtK f II 1.1' f ! V - sm a th Hma aaa r IMMlll I.44M4 IM IIMk l tl MtM.i4MM.VA W.tl t.li, nvl 4ui4l BOHawV 444t lo. PuHflot tho Blood lt - I MnkiMlr ra V tta f Ut t I i t, kVl I ! t lttt M-t " .. -. t.Vxi. af tln.1-1 travvt a 4 m. !- M4 n a, (k ntu. no i,.r.ii awa.. aa am aa HOOd 80rMD0flll4l (Vt irsaiatna-araMM 100 DaMmrw On 9f flHlMIli,, TA3ELIM rilPAIATrOU tu i tpU b i'ma' wana aoiBiamt fwvtf wall Ik- flitli lM imam fkM rVH af I'lira Vaaaltwa... . M OairaV . IIm rh ( VasUratjaauak. ltmalasa.allMUrc h.if la,lf,ta. ,IHw, thva t!kar,f Va)lna (t.ys, .HCValaV 1Kb HnWa af IVavaAV Vfci thiaa.U Cwsfa, It s Beta tut, aaiia ta MraMMaa" I as turn ta ri t SMaaa aaM fm a la nWaal maiaaaa a anal .A A. .kT! .. m T-- At. ' " irW t" """71 ""f !' nw rtrtMitaita aaa jtixnta t -at,. ZTmmTt 4aiiaHta maataatawa mm rs . ekMSLf! fls i aJi ,- nwfieientwiiiasnw wammavamjl aww ! swmw Ms jh4ji auaa, aajaaa taaaV Srav wa?ie eaaaa farm "'..",..wl'l W. MAM KM A fJOkH gkm No CktmUmt larnahi a aaa a ji 'laa. I waamyfjnwa'eam V w amwmBeTmmj lWtMW' aataUl BBaat aVmaBBBBi-aBaB aaaTtaTBBial wwJa1 PTW WT-gawaj W 4mamMaa awmyV wmaWJamw-attB lanwml sai yjaaaaamjan Jk.fML JawHl aaTamaal MsmmTfj VaWlpWiwJw BILE BEAN8 twMasf.aasTfai vm Baa-wtMaav aa- fkaf saslfca a-ata aaaaa. aB) M sngm araar-aaTa aaf aaBBVaTaTI AwnaMn. aHh -taaaka- BVat aBMBaTBfaai st amaaw rf aamawaay smaiawTB mw aavmjamp mww "sssTmwa If IMMIilstl T, V, ta. m n msraaa HlVVIlwtml aaaaiaaaalBBW aiwm M asawm'saw saaaaa amaam sd mJP-Xfcam Mm If You Havo Ms Pills 0OU MVMHrWMKMJL miidBmaanaaajmaBmiBiiima's, aai i iiiaaaaTBfaaaaaai'aiaai PLANTER. . aBBBBBBaVaBBBBBBBBBB I wTTOUOLAal ;8HOEtrwMiw gyaiemmaiattrW ail r!.Br:M.1! f wiw i I I a r' -"T'TT-TTir'rVTS aT-BBWMaNI aBBBC ,11 law aa aaa mneasa2 WilmaOBwOXIall IllllfsaUam BUgauBHia i ism if iiJS'flaaiaWM immi'aiamaali',JJa,i',aJ j'i I inaf I taljmmmmBmmmmmmmmmmmml imMA hmOa ItTtfSmSiBBr&A mMr ,t,,,"Bbbt,Wb"w BFyrr??rB?MT r fgL-MJ WMZLM 1 jL-Tamat-J- I-Z---,atf K jLajgTTmraugrAtfTfT-i-'rrramaaB' mia.smaaw'a-" ai-w-aa