'jv . y ;. vs. " .,. 4 t; , 4 h,iT5r."i gntw-r""-"') 'MwwJMof ;yi y . ! r a i . , .. '' 4,'Vt, - Jin ," , "HI" '(H'Viw, UWrwDM- j-4- j43BsiM?!vmmfc , TOft i Kj nVr IjSEW'.W ewmie-WN k ; RURAL RTOBLiyOS. into t'ltwii' it couiimcxici. MlftfMlMcnMlaKltoM Prna 90WUI. Mies Mini Wellt of Lawrence in visiting her lUter Mr. J. II. IV k Arrangements are htm,: aiatio to Itela a liaaiercst eenteat Ih OowIuh .h I'm aoar fatare. Mr. J. Storey of Rivertnn lias ,pur eltased the Cowlea irn ntorc end live now WtxHue a rtiaident of CVwIes. Thi Farmer's AHi.noo held a coua Xeofcrention inV.iwfea on tho 8tl II. l'owor nrvoMeilt of tde auto ellUniiO wee in attentianae. M)m Kip Anderaoaa eoliool it eloaijil in tho Teel district. Slut is now attemlinx onool at Oowlas. CW Puller Iim nnrehased over slaty deed of oattle of e Mr. Wolf liv ing north east of here, Willie Page Undent of Jhe Frank lin Aeademjr la fishing in Cowlea. The protraeted aeetjafe at the M. E. ehnreh ate atlll in pregrees. On laat Tneadaj areaing, n eolorod preaeherof Alma, 74 yean of age preached n good semen nt the M. K. ehnreh to n large andienee. Mr. Crosby who retnraed from tho eaat n ahort tlaoe ago, died at the real denee of 0. K. Pntman on laat Tues day of neuralgia of the heart, and wan bnried Wednesday. Fnneral eerrloea were held at the Cnngregational ehnreh eendneted by Rev. Piatt. K. h. . wneayouM a mlM laxative you should that will art on (he Hver anil Mike bowjea, Hro Viwn. nave awduiM letters aa wall Mthe bowbw. Ilrt-a'i z tabta Ufflr rWa an prepared nttrmr (or u pweae.taMKoa getting uirai, a ttiry nave Mauperl6raM(awwua1s. u, I Uottinu ,, Driiiwi't. AVUID. T he inlneaia has lost Its "Grippe" Z-ZT7-. m -i: . "T ".-T "TT " - T-. . ... Mrs. Jonn Wilson who for some time was net eipeeted to live la alow ly recovering; Mr. Herb MeKIn nas renovod from among M and A. J. Hawley now oo- aaataa nta own piaee. Mr. John Coon la bnilding a now honae. The eehool in the Waggoner district aeema la he doing ninety einee the pit- Jills aat"a tew of the parenta have oan that Mra. Remaberg haa oome tottay. There were six additlono to tho Aah ereek M. K, ehnreh latt Sunday. We did nut learn the name of thoao who Joined, H . IfrMWinr otyour family ahwild hamicn t be trtinuiuly barned or aeaidetl. what liave you in MMtottM to alleviate, the nun until ynu rati i2,:.fti mm?, a dob or iieurs uenaaii i in HiMsiiKaiaH V.0UW aavf a worla el MffcriM and of tent nHMaoiitBiwiNk uoeior mil MRMBAMuallnrMMolthli kind, aa well m uHMiuvn ai bii kiikis. 0, L.tOfTINO, JVONV. Soma farmen have commented out ting Bteiks and getting ready to put ineropa. Jamea Billinga has gone ta work on tha railroad again. Jamea don't like farming. 'Mr. Jamea Jester wears a smile mi his faea and looks happy. It ia a boy of usual Kanaaa weight Jamea Willie haa moved back on hia old plate again. Mr. Warlngton haa rented tho Wood farm for the coming year. .Charley Barrett hai about a thou aand bnihela of oorn to gather yet, TheUterary at Mt Hopr ia atill in itehard Henrv'a wlfe'a aiater died quite audaeuly two week a ago. Court aota in Smith Center, Maroh 24th. J. Williama ia now living on the eld Fiak plater No meetings hereabout. Borne daneea and play parties. 8u. A eeHiraat eavahlna li very annoy lujt In Mt. MM akUnic MAT vau III amp klnrt nf m irath.ln la Nildea. Kji.ol trmatj daiwM i taliia lliroal mul , an It Mtcupilinaly i1aigproii at lllU XitrnrVoushHrruitwUI rrllwo any onlli mat m onlliiHrv imin, anil uh raaway riMM LafcriorraM thai an lhru MUtinMotfllltaiillie Bruwii im uih uutrkMi MlMtHomiuiproau. A C. 1..uoTTtlin Ihruittls AflQUU. Oaly four weeks till potato plant ing. John IlaHelfotcher took three loads at hogs to Red Cloud Saturday. Jehn raises i goad hoge aad gete a good prUa far thorn. Mr. RohsrU has been moving this week. He will live on what is known antiaKeatdO. " Qaa Drake Mams to be having bad laefc. The fere part af tha wlater he laat tan head of young eattle. Lea t waek aame animal get lata hie ehick eaeeepaad killed SO hena in one tight which makes 35 in all. With all hia had luak ha seems tn get aloai all right luaueialty. " Oar pamta alwaya told ua. "If yea oaa't apeak well of a man apeak not at all," ao we wilt not speak of Gen eral Sanderson. It la aa old eating that "a friend in need it a friend indeed" and ii is a true one, but should we forget thoae frienda when w make merry. Ah, no. Utile elights make deep wounds, Gnx uvhlUHi Arntea ae.lv. Tim beat wk'vele tha world for cuta ruiase, taraa, ulcere, salt rhauas, favar aoree, UttertrbappedluMMw,chilblalM.I oortif; and all skin eruptione, and' piwiiivelv cures, or lift pay required, i it l gaarantead ta tflve nerrVct satis-' fptioe),or money .rafwaeM. PHaat gaemts per boi. for sale by rfemy WILLOW OllSt Will Atlnmnon of Hall ocuaty. huC formorly nf tliia place, ia viaiting hia fnMicr mul fitiiily, Jiim KriiUv tlm Dcmorcst contest Kxiki'ii of hitrotiifuri', came off before ii rrii'Mi !i liiiiiflc. Tlio KJlvor medal wjn imni'ilfd Mint Ktuiun Moushaag. A r:it. innny hrnd of atook are changing hamt imw. Beef eattle Boi.m tn b imi i tin tttiK, A. C Hon wai quiU cick lant wce wllli riii'Hiiiatimii Imi ia better now, I lu m trying tlio itioiibitor plon of liatcliiii fp tlii-4 Niriuir. IhntMiit Oli:iiiy JndUon's Hatur day iTciiiiig. Tlio i utility ufiiivi'iilliiii of the Web atcr onuiity AHiMiiii'1 ni-t at Cowlea, Kihrunry, n tlio cliniil Ikhicc in the fnrcnnoii uml t wu full to overflowing Tlio lad Ion nt ihn ili(Tiroiit Allianco Cliih.i aut n hountlfol dititiorof which nil menibcra wcro invitod to iim take. In tho afternoon the dolcgatca and all tho membera that desired repairod to the Congregation church where they transacted auoh buaineaa aa came be fore the house and wo understand it was a grand auooo, viewed from a social and huainesa aiand point, The following resolution was adopted. In aainuoh aa t'axton A Gallagher havo refused to aoll ceods to Alliance atorca, Resolved that wo buy no gooda or I'axton ft Mallagher nnr from trier ohtnta who handle any of their good 8. This looks liko tho f armor are gotting in oarncHt and arc going to stand to gothor. Wo aro glad to know that tlio farmer have come to tho conetu- eion that in union ia strength in bus iness an woll aa politics aa the above reaolution waa tho voto of ovor three hundred Allianco men in Webster oounty. I nend thin by request of some of tho mombors. Manitoba. ' . Their mukineaa mlan. Probably no ono thing haa caused such a general revival of trade at Henry Cooks Drug atoro aa tlioir giv ing away to tnier cuatomera or so manyfreo trial bottles ofJ)r. King's Now Discovery for Cnnsiitnntion.Their trade is simply enormous in this very valuablo article from tlm fnct that it always euro and never disappoints. Coughs, Goulds, Asthma, lironchitin Croup and all throat ami lung diseases quickly cured, You can tost it beloro buying by getting a trial bottle free laiga else fl. Kvory bottlo warran ed 3 ... ... 0)0)i. .- SOUTH KM. Farmers busy cutting oorn and totting ready to how oate. stalke Ploaaant Dalo litorary is closed at present for the want of a littlo more vim. Mr. Porter has moved into tho Jno. Osborne homo. Mr. Docker now has full possession of his farm, Undo Peter Marsdon went to town last Monday. Tho rido did him much good. Mr. Stovons now haa a No. 1 organ and u professor to teach t!io little lada how to play. Wo will soon want a anporvisor and what will Lino do. Stiok to tho "yoico of dose pcoblos." A, A. Son. Cuneli. Tlio transition Irom long, linger! tut and painful sioknesa tti robust health marks an epoch in iho life of the indi vidua). Such n remarkable ovotit ia treasured in tlio memory and the xcncy whnroby tho good health haa sen attained is ciatnfullv blessed. Uencu it la that so much is heard in Mainour Kleotrlu Hitters. So nianv Tool they own lliuir restoration to health, tn tho uhu of tho (Ireat Altera tire and Tonic. If you aro troubled with auy dieao of Kidneys, Liver or Stomach, of long or short alanding you will surley flndtdlcf by uao of Klectrio Hitters. Sold at 60o. and $1 nor liottla at Henry Cooks DruRstoro. 3 A laaaeHfol CmiluUn. Ring, hmih, trimt-i, oomblnw. biohoim lit'4-call thi'in what you will they aro (at Incrennhig tlirolhout tlio length anil brwtUlluif this ctmnlry, litiKulatorn do uonnon thvin, mul utvriiaprs attack the in tint atill llicy KiM-m tn llonrlnh. It la Krat ifying, howvver, to note that ther la at IwihI tutu ctimliliiatlon in this euuutry that tn-xtlH with tlm itroval of the pablle, ca lclaity ol farutvta: It ia miuiihmhhI, not of tadlvl-luala, bat of tlm following iaartt of harveating ranch Incut Dtwrlng ltimlcr, Uverliig Light Roaper, Uavrlng Ulaut aiower, and New Dacring wowcr. I ... " For Sale. Ono span of mares, will drive either doublo or single. CIIKAP for cash, 40 head of cattle eoasiatlng of cows, 2 years oldn, yearlinga and calves. M. U. MoNITT. Notice ia hereby given that I will examine nil persona who may desire to offer themselves aa candidatea for teachers of the public schools of this county, at Red Cloud, on the third gaturlay of each month . ' Kva J. Kino, County Sup't cjsa: fry mas? ". V 4WsTav'Ahw . KnrccT ytmswe CURE FOR I A 'A MALAR t t m aaw.lHMwati mm W wf m wawji hmou. MIMm, ruu din. WmejrWLaTatMkjr mmwmwmtnmtt,m a. KBwaat 9ZZXVT$ttiX f?fawaMawaaeak StatM BfiKsuStB .rr- - "" "iwaaw mm iaaA' k.'aT'VTT aarAliiiBBw3ia3 p prices mL CREAM nnwewewawewewF lUsiimrior iixccllciief) iimvri1. 1:1 millions of Iioiiii4 tor inort-tlniii aquarU-rof neciniiry, II M iimmI liy tlio tJnlti'il htHti'H Kiivcriitiit'iit Kti rtomi'il hy iim lnait nrttio Krrnt iinltcrilrii-i tli(i Htroiict, t'liimi, mm nioiti HiMliiiful. Dr. l'rlri Cri-am llnkliiK I'owiIit iloia nut ton tain amonlii, lltnn. or aliitn, Muld only m caim. 1'itiRK iiakinii rowii:u II I. new vomk. :iticAiio. iimiiuih, TIHI St TAMLK. Tlino tulilo No. Iltotiiku vnrct Nov. S3.1, IM9. MOUTH VIA ILUTINim. No i.rj, iNinwiwer lo lliwitinni Iciimh dally i'xci'it nun Iny f.t n.m. No. I.M, fn-lKlit lolliiMlnimlnllv " Imhii. No. 131 t'liftiriiKur from ilitlly vx ouit Htiiiilny Cue; p.tn. No. 135, IroiKlil froiii HuntliiKt iliilly nr rlvu iiiiiii in. KAST VIA U-VMOHK. No. Hi. imticiiKcr to rtt .lotcmi ilaily li'avcn Kills ii.ni, No. 40 puMPtiui'r to Kiinnm city iliillv iut' .iu. No. in luMMiiiKor from JiwiiIi ilnl- lynrrltcK ftiipm. No. 3(1 iianHciiKfr from Kiiikiih City nrrlviH S:3on,m. No, 77 f n'lKlit ilaily i-xi't-tit Tiie-uliiy nr rlvni r-MS.'i.tn, No, 7 frclKlit tliilly oxci'pt Hiinilivy II i i.m, WHAT HOUND. No. .to paiH-iiKor to lifinvur ilaily Icavi'i '.':v,n.m. No. IA iiMicniti'r to IK-nvcr ilaily lenvri n :.V) p. m . No. 40 Mwtenucr from Knmnit city imuy nrrivcn iu:...i. in No, i:ti frMluht 'oriHinver Icuwulat , ly fxcnpt Mniiday No.MI frcluht from Donvor, ilaily ex 0:Uon,tn. (;llli,lil. cent HuniTay arrl.ui No. l iirroiniiUHlnlloii to Oliurlln runt Monday, Wuilontilay and HutuJI.iy. A. CONOVClt. Akvii liKUAIi NOTICK. Indlltrlotrouriiif WVIhIit county Ni'lirmUn. Flrxt National ll.tuk of Ucil Uii,f, Nihniika, llalutllT, Henry Haw, I'rlicllla Rani, K, O. I'arkcr and .tarvU N. Ilurr.licfendituiit. Tueabovo iiatmtt iionifsldi'iit ilofuniUnti Henry liana and I'rHcllla Hans will tnko liotluo that on tlm -lit day ot Folirn ary, H!. tlio Klrt National llntiic ol Kid Cloud, Nchrauku, idulntlll, licii'lu ill'il Hk iki tltlou lu tlio district court or Wcliitcr roiinly, Nelirankti, tlm ohlcct and iraycr of wlilrli Ii to forwihi'M a enrtafu iiiortKaKu exveuted liy tlm defendunta Henry hum ami I'riicllla ll.iiw.lo John MootuNiti the noutli-weHtiiiuirtcrlH) of acctlou tnenty-nw '. tuwuililp ono It) norh rntiKo nlnti (w wit of the i;tli r. M. In Welwler comity, Nt-timum, loMMMiro tho iayinn.t of tho cllit certain itrotnlMory notes of Henry Ha. dated .iiitin in, bun for tho mini of Fifteen doll.tr eacli ami iMiyable January lt Imm, July Ui mi, J any i nt Imw, .inly tut iMfj, January im. muo. July Ut IM, Junuary lHtlmn,.tuly Mt inui uiH.Tllely, with liitcroil on each of until uotcii at ton per cent per minim, utter tlio maturity thereof which Mid notes and niorlKMKu worn he fore tlii-v catno liecatnu due, omkirncil mil utilsuvd to ilnlntllT. Theni in now duo nixm inld mti anil inort tauu the Mini of one liuudrud and twenty i IkIU doUarnrniindefeudAnlllcurRjiHiitoiiilulliiror which mini with ItltereM fiolil thM dato l:ilntllt prayn for a deerce that nald llcutv Hum Im rtHuinil to iviy ar that nald ircm Wen mav bo Mild lo aatlMy ilia (mount found due. Tli.it Ihn dofundanti and ivirh of them Ik ftireclotcd and narrrti or nit equity or redemption or oilier lu UrtMt lu nald innrtUHKiil iireuilMttuud for kiii-Ii otiier nun runner rviter ixiulialilu. relief iw may ho Juit and You nru roimlred to ammer m im'IIIIoii on or heforo Monday tint Tllnhty of Aiull nw. Viuhv National Hank, of Ktsl Cloud, No- Uraiki. Ily Cumi St McNcuy Iti atti. si-i I.HUAI. NOTKllt. lllatrlrt ctiiirt of XVcbiter county, Nehraikn, Tho Hint National hank of I tod Cloud, ,ehnm aa, iiUlutltt, M. John Kjnchcr. Jr., Klrkcndall, Jonc & eo. iiiuem n, muiKei, lNienil.iutN. pio hoojo UNineil non-nwldiut tlefcutlantH .ohliKliRher.lr.,aiid WliillildM. WlumO Mill takonolhpthnton tho VHth dav ot I'lliruury. la i the atmve named lalnil(f tiled iln tititlon In the dUtrlct court of Wetxtercountv. Ne'irav lui iwaluat dufoiuUiiK tho object and intiyei t which la to foiitlniK, a eeitulu iiiiiiu.ii'c hrrelnforo ti-wlt, on the tciti dav or mh vrmtier IHMt, exm'iited hyaald.lolin Klneher.lr. to ono John MiMirunu the north halt liijof the aouthweiituuartcriU) of aectlou (.') towuhiii (Viiiiirlhlnllaiitaiilnec.i) wot of tho oth I'.M, In Mclnter county Nebraiku, to icciiro thni'tt. inrnt ot the M)eir liroinlMiory nolci o( mild KluchertOMild .Mix no for Ihn mini or three dollar each, dated Noeiidnir 10, InsI mid I'.iy utile NoeinlN'r lit l!Vvs. Mitv lt tvi, Notemhar lt liw;i, Slav lit iwn. Nuiembcr lt tui,May lit IWI, Nounilnr Ut, Iku, which .ild norci and tnurlKiUio wcloheliuxilUoiiaioooruu) ot thfiu heeaiim duo, l lidorv'd Itlld aluucd to diiluttlt. There h noiv due Ui a.il.1 iiniei uud iunrlKai;i fnm defendant Klndicr tnnlalit'lll llm hiiio ot lweut)ono lind nUly IHi huiidtedllii doll.ui, which Mint I'Mlntlll m. pru)i lor a decrrw lh.it diWidanti lconiiellciltiiHtvor Indciiiult ol muIi ohv. luenl, that nald vrmlMi may In- Mild uud llio lirtH-etiliithcrcoliitioheit to the a incut o( lalnlin' claim, 1ht each and 'ill ol ilcrni ilanU lt rorwliid and liaruit otall i"iilly ot rcdemullon or other lulcrea In ald imitu.ti:id itretnliiea, and for such other tvlli-l 111 nay l Juki and niulbtble. Yoi are required toamwer until illtloit on or iH'forn MimhIkv. Aurll :ili. iai. r'nmr National )UNK,otKi-.l Cloud, Nel, tuae : MoNaa v. AttVa fur rill. ai i Great Kngllth Remedy. Murrny'a aaolrlo. A Kuaratiteeii curu for nil tier too dlcaM4 nucha wrnK mem oryliM of hrulu Hiwcr listeria headache a)n in Iho tuck nf. vuumutrulloitwakclnllui'a Ivii. corrlnraunHiivvl l.mltude vm lwalweakneMlniiteniyHndi;n. emllina of Htwcrotihn !ciut.h. live tHiranv-lll rllhcl m.a,caii. cl ly ludltcre'lonurou'rexeitlou and which tdtlnmlelv lend lo I'MKMATt'HM IIUI AUr. IkulN ITT MiiivH'anini iw tail or lt Imxe for as on. ttmt ly mall on receipt of i-rlce. Kull iutlcular tn oawphkt, actit irtc to every aillcanl Weinarsiu aix aca to cuienuv caw, t'orevrrv ta order leevivett wo arnd lt tor with awilttm KHarantr loir, fund the utonc) It our ieclBe dM'a not cBtcl atute. AddrvM all coutmunicatioii to ma ote nuuuiuriuri-ra. Tun Mima w mrutct v a. Kiuutiliy m. tarold III Red Uoud by l 1. cl UINU kOo aja'ttl. nSU haatlwn uoiver. at Mturacikut lu it, cure of Uonorrbvra and lllt. I preterit ttaad fttluftlutvvvuim.Dil. tat II to all mCVrtri. 4.J.aToxka.iJx. Dlrr.W. raioi.ai.aaw naweiaawaa X!urTaMe7 vaRHaWaMal C. I.. CoTTISU, ArtKNT. fmhwewewewewernwewewewnwM I'TnwawawawawanwawLc t9ffgKgTiir vr31HWsJar Mile; T. Hayes Patent - Collar ! For Halo by J. O. JlUTLfiltcb t'o., J'tid OIoikI, liiickoyo llillllt'MH HllOp. i.i'.;ai, nutici:. Dliilik't mull of Wclntur county, Nchrakn. I'lntNullomil Mink of lied Cloud, Nchrnika, I'lalnlltl. Ml lamlcr N. I'dinii, Ml. (iUhcrl, Kiverna M. I'.ilsnn, .lolin M. Iliitliiock, Joanna 'lull, Ilcfcn- dants. 'Iho iihovi! cami'il LcuhIt N.rMimn, Ijivnrna M, lliltnii atid.ioniiii.i'ialt noii-ri'-ldont defun iliuiti will hike notice that on tlio 'JIhI day or r'chriiury IMmiliu idalntlll llli'd Its I'ctltloii lu IhoilMiU'tiiiiirt of Wcliitcr county. NchraidtA thtiolijcit uud ini)orot which Ii loforecloMia certain morlKiiU" iixcciitcd hy aald l'Hiiilci!N'.IMi(iuuud IJivcrnaM.I'.dioiito.Johii MiMiro upon lotK iiiimtx'ruil onel, mid two 'i of section tiuiiihertwo) In towinhlp number oih'(i) north in r nuri; iiuinhertwclu li'l writ of the Mil I'. M. In Wcliitcr County, Nchrtukn, to in'ciiro the mj ment of Iho certain romlaory ii'ite!i, eci'titi'd and delivered liy raid l-eanucr N. Mlvii to mid .lohu .Monro for tho mini of 7..v) c:icli,licailMKilHlo tlm Ifth day of April iKh7 mid dun ii'iei'tlcly, May lit lifin, May lut, iNKi. May W.lb'.. May lit ln'JI uud May lit vj. with lutcic.it at l.ipcr cent per annum on each of inld nntoi niter the mime liecomei dun which nald ihiIihuiiiI mortuaKoweiu leforo the 1.UU0 or any o them hccimo duo, nulKUi'd and endoriuMt (oraluu to iilaltitln, 'I hero l now due on said notei and miirtuauii from ilifcinl.ilit U'nmler N, KUmiu lo plalutlir tho in in ot thirty nlnn uud rlncty huiidrcdlliH dnllari. which mm with liilcrcil fruui thli. date plaintiff prays (urn decree that mid Linnilcr N. Kdion Imi re uulreil lo inyor thatiald pretnlien mav be aold to nullify (ho nmoiiul lound duo plaintiff, 1 hat Iho claim or lieu upon and Inturoit In nald urvtn liciof dcfeiidrtiitM I., !. (Illticrt. .lolin H.ltolh lock uud l.'U'riui M, Cdioiiund.ioamiaTnlt il uuy, tlioy or cither of them haxo, Ihj declared Junior and Infurlor to tho Hen ot tiUlntlR'a uiortftKn uud (or micIi other uud furtuer relict ui may ho Jtut und eiuliatde. Vou aro iciinlied to aniwcr tlili itrtltlon on or I cforo xoud.iy iho Ulil dav Af March Imm. I'iiih- Natiii.vai. IIa.nu, of lied I'lomt, Nc- liraiK.t . Ily Casu M MoNctiy, Hi atlornov.i. yn 4 M:UAI IMOTIOti. DUtrlct court of Wclntir county, Nchrtukn. Allmm Utiou, I'liilutllf William N. KIchariNoii. Ullllam N. Illrhardwn in 'Iruitee. Stery A. Miller. Mhcfnetil Miller, Aiiltmnii miller X. Couiiaiiy, Kdwln W. Miller und ihotitiknoVtnhtflrsof IMwIn W. Miller do ce:i.ind, dofcudiiuii. VIicieiiHonthn '.'Mil day of November, W tho iibioo named ptnlntlif filed lu tlm dlntrlct court ot Wahster nullity Nch. nu umdavlt an- iiuvcii in uer pctiiiou, ucrciu viiiiiu rortn that tho imimiH and il.ii or plncei iif reildcncn (i(Halil.iiniiowulii)lnoriiald IMwIuW.wlllerde ccaiii f are iinkuow n to tho nlalotlir and tlm old com t did thereupon order itvico to ttcBuul by liiitillciiilouou n.ild unkuow nhelr.i und whercai on tlio '.'tit (lay or I'cliruaiy lutui tlm nald plain till llli'd iiiiiiliiilaMl lor .icnlco by publication on theuhovounuied iionreldent dofendanut. Hie haIiI dcfcndnnln Aiillmau Miller & (kmiany Kdwln W, jilllcr und the unknown heirs of l.dwltl W, MllUirdeceuicd wllliako notice that on Iheailidayof AiiKUl iHK'jthnatovo named jilatntllT filcilhrr pi'tlllon lutmnit all of tho nUno iiiuiicd ilcfcndutiu In the dlittlct court of Wclmter county, Ne liruika, tlm object and pracr of which Ii to I'm i clom a certain inortuaKc co enuil by dcfcnd.iut Mary A. Miller uud Kdwln W. MlllDrilciemeil to tlio plalulltf upon lota olEhllSl.iiiiin I'll.tonlni eUeti(ll)aui twehe i;UuliloeKiulu vSIUl.imiai'ditliiutotliahiwu nun riiv in lieu i iiuiu, teiiMier imiiuy ,e. Iinmka, tonieiiM Itio i.iiiiimiI ot two certal pnuulvory initi'i ilat.'d .inly Mh i;. ono of which ii tor ino Mini ot ono imiuireil and nmltwcnh llvo doll, irn:.Tblo on iim mIi day o utv, Urtt the Iho oilier uf which Ii tor the .iiiiuolnno liiiiiilnil ami llftv dnllari tiayable .... ,.ivii..ij ... mih .r..in.in ur.iruiK lliuira est at 111 per i, I'M p i uiinuiii from tllO lLll llll'tviir. Til. Hi U linur .Ilia . iahl mitoi und mmlKiiL'e tlm .sum or at.il.00 for which nun with lulcreit Irnni thli date pl.iliulfT pin fur u decree that dcfciidanU Iw rciuiro.i to luyorium m.ii.i H'enilttw iiihv iw Flii id iiiurr the amount found duo. I'lilntiff iil.xiprnj ith.M t tie lien t'lntm and In-tfi-ift nldereiid.tiit-tundtiicli or Uirin If any, tin y or any of iiiom ihi upon kiUI prcml'ea Imi lUilarcd Junior. In!ci,.f and iithicipu'iit to tht HeiioflierK.i'd iiiorlRiiKe. nud lr Mich uther .ilnl luillicr tell- I'm m.i) bujint nud eiiullMble. veil utoii'iiiilici tuuiuwcr thin tetfi,Hi on urbclojii Muiiii.i) the.ititiiuyiii unu'li, lue. ,. , .. Alloii I'Ivih, 1'J.ill.llU. II) lui' A McNeil), hoi allonii'). ,ni I.KAI, NDTICK. In tlioillilrJct court of WYtnti-r comity, Nc liimka Hie pint National llvik of ltiil t'lotul Ncbras ka, I'l.ilutlil, . Murhui Alonndir. fiitherlno Alex.u.dcr, lint. I. H.Ali irintiv. Itviinu I Mniili. mr,-ihiuit. tho nlxiio ii.tmnl lion reildeiit defimilauta lUileilMid.Smllliin d tlmrui! I'. iKuli tnua will lake noiico that on the r.lh lUi-of IVbril- nr, ini iiioi'iHiM- o.miicii pminiin niiti iu iie llilonlnllioiltstilcl iiHitt of Welxter county. M'liruikntlioohjeci nixt pni)er or widen I la IniivliMe u cettulu luiirtKax exreutea Ii iuiIoii Alrtaliocr mul (VuTirilim Al..,n.i. lu wile lo .lolin Jltiore iiihiii the Miiithcaet iiinrlrr(MotM-ctliui uumlVi rlctn(ltllown wuii. iiini.in -, ,wii, ..I mirtii ill inuin nunDeff twiholl'ii wot ot I tii i.lii I'. U in vim.. county. Ncbta.ka, to iwiinj Ihe net en prowl. ( uiir in Mini "HiiiHiAH-mnin'r to kihi Jian Mm re iltii April '.iUwn and iMalde Vay ltt ir ri., i-., .,..v-n,i-l t.an,. Hr IN I., Niocttiber lil, iasM,attilMar lt. IS. r prcun'ij niurniuiiii uoir. ana tnortaTMrr were riHlnrMHl at-d aili;nil by ild Mrane to the pi.linu 1 here i now dco uion nald notra and MarUace iiom iieienuaoi urtin Aiovniuicr lo ptalaUR ine imnix inui)-ne ami -jn iiiii'.irrilllu aril Ian. which mm with Inteioil fmi'i dit. i4min. nu via"1" .i.iivv mat pni.i naiKiil Alei" muter lc te.pi ih to pa), o; that aati premlc uur bo icM t" allity the tarn, lint the llco ilillntcr'ilot lute and KatJX nud l.txuite r, ,141 liu.let, or rllltee ot litem It atii fie) or cltter ot ttutu he tx ite cLxiiil Jm.Ior, liil-'ilor und ubcu'Ut 'o tb iicn ot ine i itiHiiu tiuuira:i mm tor turh oilier relief ft iA) txs lu.lninl eiuiuM(i. ott are rcimml tonninvrthu tvtltli cai or K-tirt ion I q- the Tth Ujr ol April KM. lur l"inT Na.tiox.u, lUsiK of Itctt tlwnl. k nyev A McSrurttaattn, ni'L'iuiiii. EMORY 'Ma sst a? wmmrmm Fort Abstract Co., Red Cloud, L, H. FORT, Manser. tJ. Altra.ct of Tiile, FurniHht'd to nil LnndH in Webetor County. AucuiaMy ami ON 8HOJIT NOrit K. NavliiK Ii;h1 ttn year oHirlnc In rfwnly rrfenl ami in.n ( l!i tnit r 1 1 i- -i f A' tr.irt btjoki In the tUb-.Mr KUATMAm Mtl(altfn. Yu ' wir. fU it' l Alt orUt'ts Hllfil iiMinptly IO,orwiil.ir latfui I'.lt.l F. V. TAYLOR, KKKI'.H Till: FINKHT I-lNK OF Furniture In the city at prices that all can afford to buy if in want of anything in his line. Opposite First National Bank, Real Gkmel. LIVERY, FEED, and SALE STABLE. 1 'JKB nSaHaBBBBBBBnVaV GILBERT -HOLLAND H LIVERY AND FEED STADLE ! J. C, Holcomb, Proprietor, First-clas Turnouts. Everything New, Neat and clean and in good repair, Boarding and Feeding Teams at Reasonable Rates. Only the beat hay and grain used at this stable. Gire him a call. Gates' Old Stand, Red Cloud, CITY BAKERY Restaurant and Lunch Rooms. n Oysters and Ice Cream in Season. Meals & Lunches- We make fresh everyday Ladyflngers, Jelly Rolls, Dough- , nuts, Cookies, Bread, Cakes, Pies Bans, Etc & K-ifilirnr nnrl IaImmm U... . 1. h JOS. IlERBURGEB, Prop. J. C. WARNER. DEAL ESTATE AGENT Hate landa of all ktada lo sail or traaa rlsr" " Farm Loans made quick and easy Office ovei McFarland's store. THETRADJERS LUMBER CO. WrtiT Bavaa J : -WILL as Jaaa m m POSITIVELY Lower than any yard in the world IL Vflumr Pm UMnn.vu.i)-. a .. . .' "ir FIRST NATIONAL- BANK va wiwuui CAPITAL, TraaaMtaMneralkaakiaaraa.a7a4 soil toa.u wananla, aha eaty,prooetaa.Mkaal4iMriaikMia. Bay aa all foreifta oafcajip dimotom: w$ JaMoNtaf. J. A.Tallaja, JaaaRtkitaj. I vaewvv, Jewelry.W RED CLOUD, NEB., Call and ee me, we will do ypi GaO, ami niinirtvi. Aiiarpw iir rni nn L. II. FORT Manaumi, Hrd :.... S.K George Watsons old stand where we make a specialty of educating young horses for track orroad. Call and see ns, BROS. Prop. foe aleak or awrtffafro notao. Town fl wwm araw. MAKE m M& HOWAnB 9. niTBIS. ai- . lUIU. ",& anwwmuwkm, Jfl - a7COOO f 4 O. W. Llajtajy. . T. 8biiai . V. IllgUaai. T m, BMnaJBJ. assas-sapjf I. SEAL, Maxaani X r. If K . i:f wiM h i '& .WA,W.' ' ,a-. nv m t , .' -4 !'4a s A o kv -