M t t J TAKE THE RIQMT ROAD. Oh, many an Intricate turalne AloBit our ill' Journey we meet. Where braablet aad Lnara teaei at, Androuihlt the path for our fret; Bui we Hnit a way oat of our trouble, An J walit with a cttandeni heart. Assured of tweet comfort and bui dance II we lake tb right road at tho trt We've only to watch ttioi around ua. The frlondt and companion! ol youth, Who eagerly aouf ht afttr ev I And turned trom the teachlagt ol truth Wo T0 only to watch aid remember The If mom I bey da ly impart, ' That thcte are the turrsl to triumph Who tax tb right road at the atari. Ah, many and many a failure And many hearl-ach we owe To pitiful error and folll And blunder w made long tgo: And tho way to avoid these dlttatert, To lotteu tho torroaful atnart la to turn from fait llgutt to alluring And tak the right road at tho atari. W may point to tome time tn the future. When we will our footalep mtrtee, And all the dark record of evil With deed wire and holy efface! Hut we'll find It a fatal delusion, And they net the worthier part. "Who begin a they mean to continue. And tak tbo right road at the atari. -N. Y. I.adcer. CLEOPATRA. f !8elag an Account of the Fall aad Vengeance of Harmachia, the Royal Egyptian, JLfl EET rOBTH BY HIS OWN HAND. U y II. Rider Hac.garp, .Author of Klii Solomon' Ml nee," She," " Allmi Quatnrmaln," Etc., Etc., Etc. Illuitreted br IfXCnoXA. after CATOST WOOD VIXXX and OHCtrrEMIAOCtf. CHAPTKtt VIII. .rAntwtt.L or auekemiut to nutmcnt; t'OMIKO Or IIAIIMUIUK TO Jtl.MAMIlllA, MIIOIITATIOS or tiKPA, TIIK I'AMIIIU lir CtXOI'ATNA NOklD A li; AMI Till IIVXII. thiiow or Tit ai.anuTou jiv iiaimaciii IOW tho long day of preparation had paaaed, utitl tho tltuo iTUs ut hund. 1 tvut Initiated, und I nai crowned; to that, although ttlO 111 111- rwm folk knew inn not, or knew mn only ua Priest nf ll, there were In Egypt thuuiaiida aim t heart bowed don n to Tlin hour lovjs wan at hum), mid uiy soul went "K. forth to meet It Kor I longed tn nvreltienw tint foreigner, til art fCgypt f it, to inouut tho thrum) that wn 'tnjr heritage, end cleanso the temple of my Qod. I wtt fain for tho struggle, end 1 never doubled of It end. 1 looked Into tho mirror, mid taw triumph written on mybrowe, Tho future at retched a path of gloryftai uiy feet-ay, glittering with glorerJBTMlihor In tho tun. 1 communed with tny Mother Itlt; I ut within my chamber and took rountel with my heart; I planned new templet; 1 revolved great lawa that I would put forth for my people weal; and In my ear run it tho abouta of ex filiation that atiould greet viclorloua Pha raoh on hit throne. Hut tUll a little while I tarried a Abouthlt, and, having been commanded ao to do, let my hair, that had been shorn, grow again long ami black aa the raven' wing, Instructing mytolf meanwhile In all manly ciercltc and feala of arm. Alto, for a purpoee that ahall be aen, I perfected my aelf in that maglo art of the Egyptian a and the reading of tho atara, in which thing, ladeed, 1 already had great akllL Now, thl waa tho plan that had been built up. My uncle Hepa had, for awhile, left the Temple of On, giving out that hi health had failed him. Thetire he bed Moved down to a houae In Aleuadrla, t gather etrength, aa he IJ, from the breath of the tea, and alto to learn for hlnv aelf the wonder of the great Muwtim and the glory of Cleopatra' Court. There) H waa planned that I ahould join him, for there, at Alexandria, tho egg of tbn plot waa hatching. Accordingly, when at la I the aummona came, all thing belag pre pared, I made mo ready for tho journey -and paaaed Into my father' chamber to re cIto hi bleating ere I went. There eat the old man, a one before be tat whea he rebuked mo bocauafl I went out to alay the 'lloa, bia long white board retting oa lee table of etone and aacred writing In hit hand. VTbcn I came la he nto from hi eat and would have knelt, crying: 'Hail, .Pharaoh I" but I caught him by tho band. "It I not meet, my father," I aald. MIl I meet," he antwered "It i meet that I tuould bow me beforo my Klr.g Hut M It m thou wilt. And to tttoej geett. (tflrmachltl My bloating fro with thee, O ay aon, and may those whom I eerve grant it to mo that my td eye may, Indeeil be aold thee on tho llimoel 1-otig have I aaarchvd, atrtrlng, O Ilarmaohla, tf reail lae future that ahall be, but nan eh t can 1 'earn by all my vriajotn. It it hid from be, and at timet my heart falla me. Hut hear taiat There I danger la thy pata.andlt xmie In tho form of woman I-ong have I kaowa It, and therefore aaat thou been sailed to the wvrahlp of the heavenly 11. rbo biJ her TOtariet put away the thought f woman thl euch time aa the thai! think trail to tlacken the rule. O ay aoa, I areuld thtt ihnu wert not to atretig and fair etronger and fairer, Indeed, than aay man la Egypt, aa a King ahould b" for In that atrength and beauty may lie a cauwt cf ttambllng. Beware, then, of thoee wltcbet t Alexandria, leat. like a worm, totae see - taeta creep Into thy heart a4 rat ha no fear, my father," I rrewalng; -my thought I t ea ear Ulaga than red Up and taUlng eyre." "It ta rood." be aetwerod : "to may M be- ' tall. And now farewell. Waea aeal we I meet, may f. be la that happy boar when, with all the rrfetta of the Upper Iad, I . aatrredown free Aaeatjaamyaaaafe " U fbaraeh on hit throae." He I mbna.-yd bia, and west A!! I little tbocfbl bow w tboaM aatcl agaia. Tana It came about that cexte atoral r,ldo-va tbeXUr, traveling aa a maa 3faAeUtn. And totsch a werecuraxt ebeet we It wa given out tat I waa the ae of the Blga rHeU AhwaaK 1 having been bnwghmpMUe pfaaibaed, aa Uat I had at latt rfaal tao tervio 1 of than, and hoea to to te Aicea rdriatoaeeamy fortune. For, ba It retaeta- " '"" .'if vSfr?' t. iiPti iJMw Yi? i livVf wmim WW K KW."' mi ua I'huriinh kia I . aerexi, I waa by U tae wa) axew ee ute JK 1 'I trap atU ield UW the grasdaaa eftbe I " w wife. A otaaaflaaalK the aVyrct thetetita egwilhlhewiad. reaeijri yr ctty cf Aitaaadria, the city of a thoutand light. Above them ' an towered the white tfitroa, that wonder of the world, from the crvwn whereof a UkU Uko the light of the tun blared out acroat tho Mater of the harbor to guide marinen on their Way a.-roa tho wlnexlark tea. Tbo eel, for it waa night, having been not CAUtioualy tnado faat to the quay, 1 dlacmbarked and atood wondering at the vaat tnaof houaet, and confuted by the clamor of manytcnguet. Kor here all pew Iet tccmr.1 to be gathered together, each tpeaklnj; after the ftablon of hit own land And at I tteod a youig man came and touched tne on the thouider, aaking ue If I wat from AUmthit and named llarmachit I talj, "Yea." Thereon, bending over rue, he whltpored the tecrel patawordtnto mine ear, and, beckoning to two alavet, bade them bring my apparel from the thlp. Thlt they did, fighting their wty thrvuuh the crowd of rtrr who were clamor. Ing for hire. Then I followed him adowu tbo quay, which wat bordered with drinking placet, where all aorta of men worv gathered, tippUiij wine and watching the danciug of Womru, tomo of whora wore but tcantily arrayexl, and tome not arraie.1 at all. And to we weta through tho ltmtlit houtet, tilt at Itat we reached the thorn of the great hurbor, and turneil to the right nlongawUJo way paved with granlto and bordered by ttronr liouact, btvlug clolttert In front of them, the liko of which I had never teen. Turning oiico more to the right, w o came to a quieter portion ol the city, where, atvo for part c of ttrolllhtf revelert, the ttreett em ttllL l'nently my guide halted at a houae built ef white atone. We paed In, and, crvtalng a tmall courtyard, entered a chamber where, there wat a light. And here at laat I found my undo Kept, moat glad to tee me lafo. When 1 had waabed and eaten he told me that all tblugt went well, and that at jet there wat no thought of evil at tba Court. Further, ho tald, It having coma to the cm or tho Queen that the I'rleat of On wa tojuurnlng at Alexandria, the tent for him and cloaely euesttonrd hlm-not a to any plot, for of that aba never thought, but a to tba rumor which had reached her that there waatreaaum hid tn the Ureal 1') ram Id that it by On. Kor, being ever waauf ul, the waa over In wanlof money, and had bethought her of opening tho Pyramid. Hut l.e laughed at her, telling her tho PrauiM waa the burying place of tbo Ditlnn Chufu, end that naught knew ho of ita tecreta. Then tho wat angered, and twore thalaoaurvly na tho rultd In Kgypt the would tnar It down, atone by atone, and dlacorar the tccrt'tutltt heart. Again ho laughed, and lu the wonlt of the proverb which they have here at Alexandria, told her thnl "Mountain llvn longer than King," There mi the tmlled nl hit ready anawcr and hit aim go. Alao my uueln Hewt told mo that on tho rtorunv I ahould tee) thlt Clmpatra. Tor it wat her birthday (a, Indeed, It wat alao mine), and, drextinl aa the Holy lata, alio would Miat In ttate f rum her palaco on tho IK'hU to tho Bcrneurh to offer a aav rliho at tho thrlnn of tho falanOod who titt therein. And he tald thereafter that tho fathlou whereby I thould gain entrance to tho himtchold of the Queen ahould bo contrived. Then, being very weary, I went to real; but could tlecp little for I lie ttrangonett of the place, tho noltet tn the ttreatt, and the thought of the morrow. While It waa yet dark, I rote, climbed the etalr to the roof of the boute, and waited. Presently the tuu't raya ahot out like arrowt, and lit Uoatho wnite woiuicr or tne marble l'htrot, wh ro of the light inttantly tank and died, aa though, Indeed, the tua bad hilled It Now the raya fell upon the marble palace of th liochiaa where Cleopatra lay, ami lit them up till they flamed like a jewel tet on the dark, cool botom of the tea. Away the ligbt flew, kitting the Homa'e aacred dome, wherein Alexander aleep, touching the high tope of a thoutead palace and tea. plea; peat the porUeoeeof the greet mu te urn that loomed near at hand, ttrlklug the lofty chrlne where, cerven of Ivory, la the Image of the falte Oo4 Heraplt, and at tatt teeming to lote lltelf la the vaat anal gloomy Necropoll. Then, aa the dawn gathered into day, the great flood ef brlghta overbrimming tho bowl of eight flowed Into the lower laade and ttreeta, and abowrd Alexandria red la the eunrlte aa the aaanlle of a hlng, and haped aa a mantle. Tba Etetlan wind came up from the Bwrth and wept away tba vapor from tho harbor, to that I aaw tbelr blue water rocking a tbouaaad ahlp. I aaw, too, that mighty mole of the U epta (tedium ; 1 aw the hundred of atreeta, the countle boute, the lanumerable wealth and apieador ef Alet aaarla, art Ilk a queen betwixt Mareotl and tba ocean, and dominating both, and I waa nliad with wonder. Thl, then, wa on city la aay heritage of laada aad rlllett Well, it waa worth the grasping. And having tanked my full and fed my heart, aa It were, with tba tight of plcndor, 1 communed with tba Holy Itia and came aowa frota the roof. In the chamber beneath waa key uncle Hepa. 1 told him that I had beea watch ing the tun rite over tba city ef Alci andria. "Hot" he aald, looking at me from beneath "hltthargy eyebrowt;"and what tklnkaet thou of Alexandria?" "I think it It liko tome city of the Oodt," I answered. "Ayl" he replied, fiercely, "arityaf the infernal (lo.lt-a tlnk of corruption, a bub bling well of Iniquity, a home ef falsa faith springing from false heart I I would that notcaaatoteof It werw left upon another tone, and that Ita wealth lay deep beneath yonder waters! 1 wcmld that Ibegul.t were acrracalng acrt Ita tlte. and that the wind, untainted by a Grecian breath, wept thmga Ita ruin from ecraa to Mareotl t O Rnjel laneahta. tet not the luxury aad beeaty of Alexatdrla poiao thy teat; for ia tbelr deadly air Faith perUhee aad Kelp gVva caa bet tpread brr heavenly wiaga. Whea the hour romee for thee to rata, Heramacalral awa tbla arrura4 rite, aad, aa thy father did, set up thy throe tn the wfclta walla efMemfl PorlUlllbMi that for Egypt Aleiaadria I but a epUradM gataef mla.aadwhUo It adore all na tions ef the earth ball march Urough It ta tea atuader ef tba lead, aad all f alee faMbt ahall aeeUa ia Head breed tba overthrew ef Egypt' Oodt." & latadoaoaatwer, for there waa trath la 1M wsrde. Aad yet tn ate the rlty earned jrj fair U look aa. After wa bad eata, myvadatcVd ate It waa aow tlaao to aet rut te view tho anarch ef Ctecaatra, aa he wwat la trraxtpa ta Ut abiee ef Merapta. For altbosgh aae wvaU a, pa till wtth tatwabeareaf thaatkldaf, yt theto aae pie ef AUaaadrta have ao great a loraef tbowe a&i idliag Uat had w a4 preeeitUy att ferth by aa aeasa ew'J wa have cneae thrrchtte prrta af the malUtda who were al ready gelHeriag aiotgtt blgbwt) Wbera the ta aiatt rWa M we wat eat to tab oar pier ape a etaed, f aakie4 eg timber, Ua bad kewa baUt at te ttJa f tao great read whwh aiercae Uroagh tie etty, area ta the Caaepac OtU. Far tr U tsy ctcU tad jntx, "aaed a rjrtt te eater, atvl that Jr!y Aad wwh etTMgVt we wa enr way vkrctfh the great rrawde tba terra ai ready gtkeel ta tie ttmu, UH w reacaaw the af UaHtg ef UtttMr, waVb waa reefed i wAh aa aw-atag al rart hung with varlet ckxba. iter ne seated eurteUe u;wn a tench and waltea fer tome hour, watching the multitude prest at, thoutltig, tinging and talking loudly in tutny tongues. At length came soldiers to clear the rvad, clad, after the Kman faahUui, In coate of chain armor After them marched heraldt enjoining ttlenoe (whereat the populate saag and thuted all t more loudly), and crylug Ihtl Clv patra, th Queen, wat romlug Then fol lowed a thousand Ollctaa skirmishers, a ttvund Thraclant, a thvUsand MacssUv niant, and a thoutand Oault, each armed after the fashion of their own country Then paaaed five hundred men ef those who are called the Fenced Horsemen, for both men and hcree werw altogether cor ered with armor. Neat came yeutha and maldrna aumptuously drad and wearing golden crowns, and with them Image s)t KJuIng lay and Night, Morning and N, tbelleavrnt and the Karth. After these came many fair women pouring rfumet on the rvd, and elhera scattering blootu ing fiowvra. Now there rota a great about of "Clecpalret Cieopalre!" and I held my breath and bent forward to tee htr Who itfrl t.t ,.I ..m iVjft ml., .tff tla u-,.- ..,..... .... ,..-. w .. -. a Hut at thtt moment tha rnul'llude tn gathered and thickened In front of wherei I wat thtt I could tm longer clearly ten. Hj lu my eagemett 1 leapt over tho barrier ef the tcaffoldlng, and, balng very atrong, pushed my way through the crowd lilt I reached the foremost rank. And, aa I did so, Nubian alairt armed with thick staves and crowned with ivy leaie ran up, atrik dig the people, Due man umro cpo l!ly, tor ha wat a giant, and, being strong, was Insolent bejimd tnenaure, tiuitiug tho po plo without cauae, aa. Indeed, ia the won I of low persona tet In authority For uU'h to me ttood a woman, an Kgyptlan by her face, bearing a child lu hr armt, whom tho man, teeing thai she wat wrak, atruik en the head with his red ao that aim tell prone, and tha people murmutnl Hut tny bUt ruthad of a tudden through my vnlnt at the tight, and drowned tny reason In my hand I held a tlaff of elite wo.xl from Cyprus, and at the black brute laughed at the tight of the stricken woman and her baba rolling on tho ground, I swung the staff aloft and smote. Ho threndly did I ttrike that the tough tod tptit up4 the gtant'a thout.lort and tho blovl spurted forth, tlalnlng his trailing leavet of ty Then, with a shriek ef pain and fury for thosei who sinlto lovo hot that they bo amllten -did he turn and tpilnrf at met And all the pp)rt round gave back, tava only th woman who could not hse, leaving us twain In a ring, as It were. On hecamn witharuah, and, as ho came, 1 wing now mail, 1 smote him with tny clenched list btwin the eyes, having naught elaa wherewith to anillr, and lm staggered tike an ox beneath the first blow of thn priest'a ate, Thereat the people shouted, for they loie to tee) a Debt, and tho uun wat ktinwu tn thoui at a gladiator vlo torloua In tho garnet, Oatheilng up lilt strength, the knavn came on with an oath, and, whirling hit heavy ataff on hlgh.stiuck at mo In tuch a fashion that, had I not by tilmbleneat avoided tho blow, I had turely leeu tlaln. Hut aa It chauciNt, the staff hit Ux.o the ground, and to heat lly that It flew in fragment!. Thereon again thn multltudo ahoutnl, and the great man, blind with f ury, rushed at tne to tmlla tne down. Hut with aery I sprang atraightat hit throat forhowaa ao heavy a msn that! knew I could ath()tn throw him by trength ay, and gripped It Theiw I clung, though hi flsU battered tne like bludgeout, driving - .JKXiX-a i Vt3ilL iais! Mian mm t ntn roa tmb naat naa it ruorarm. my thumbe lata hit throat Kmind aad round wa turned, til I at length hn fiuagktta aelf to tha earth, trusting thus to ahake ne oxT. Hut I held cm fast a w roJIdter aad ever aa th ground, till at last ha grew faint for waat of breath. Thn I, U-lng u permoat, drave my hnra down vm LI cbt, and, aa I lllere, ahould tkut hav alaln him la my rage, bad not my ua la and other there gathered fallen upon me aad dragged me from him. And meanwhile, though I knew It Md, tha chariot wherela ttl the Quct, with elephaott going iKfora and I ton a !! aflr It, had coma even to the apot, and bi-aua of tba tumult had Iwen hallrd, I t.ok. u;s and that lorn, panting, my white garrrf-au tutafd with the LU-d that bad rutted from th" mrath and ti'ttrllt ef the mighty Nubian, I fr.r tba first time taw Ow-patf s fa-u fac. Her chariot wat all of gold, ar.4 drawn by milk while t feed a. Tr-rr!o the tat with two fair gtrt. clad In (Jfwk attire, atendlng enacariUier t Wa faa a lag Ur with gtltteriag fans. There the tat In the arld Id car Oa b r head waa th rwr ericg of It!, th go,dn boret l-twea which retted tM mwin't round disk ar,d tb emblem af Osiris' throne, witl tba utwut twined around. Iteaeath the revering wat tba vulture rap ef gold, the blue eeamel) Wings, ari tba mltur head With gaissy eye, under which Mr loeg, dark trettet owed toward bee fast A boat bar rauai d nark wa a broad Jlar ef gU eta4dd with t9ra'da aad enraL rWsad her arm aad wrist were bracalria ef gidd etsddad with eeaeraAd aad meal, aad la aae head aha bald tb holy eyatlnl ef life era eat Ul faabtaaed ef crystal, aad la tba Mbr tba goUea nd ,f reyalty Hrr breet wa bare, bnt uader waa a garavtat that gilt Ud ll'aa tha aealy ntrertng ef a eaake, ererywUra aewa with g'tvt. Heaeathtbla rasa wa a tklrt ef gti ttnth, half U4 by a acarf af tba brebUmd 3k af C, fa.ittg ia fold evea I It aaavlal tbat, faud with great paarta, adruNt bcrwVU aad Uay fet AU ttl 1 eUtagraed at a gUaea, a H were. Tba 1 lor.rd vy, Ha fanttlat farw wti dsma C-a, ralot Kgypt aad wat AtnxM te gira Avrssiat tba tcwryUf f uut wx'tA. I V-Akol t-ja ti Hwte OracUa f4rra, Urt44 i.la, the faO, rich ).pt. tbe rusd axatrlle aad the ear fasLWad like i'j aWiCt, I taw U- faeeoad. krar, bead aat lr, Uy rvisptd, dark tar fetag ta bty waw thai eptrk4 la tba a, UUt arrVd y bwwaa&d tttg awat lasWa. TVr M bra ata waa ta rratvr af her ttsaarW sbatt. Tbar hi, rat IX wot4rf4 efta, bieMt baa V Cyfria rbrt yea taal Mttatx ta tMtt ai4 bread ea aserat bUt krtnYnyr jsf a night broods ur, tha datert, atd yet at the night to shift, dre atd t-e HWminrd by cleaitis ef sadden apleatWf Un within their atarrr deidhs. All tbo wunders I aaw tiKvl(tt I have amtlt skill U leUieg theta. Hut evea then I knew thtt It waa eel I these chat ma alea that the might of Orepnlre'e beauty lay ttata er wat tl la a glory and a ts.ll. anca cast through th Iteahy rvvittc f rem tba fierce s.ul wtthla. Fr she was a Thing ef flame likn unto whlth no wviwaa hath eier beea aivreter wlUt- Uvra whea she nrwdrd, the fire f her qaWh heart shone through her Hut when she we-Ve, and the llgrtlnlng lept au.tJcnty fren hsr eye, and the ak lade a iuo of her tcch rhlmed upoo her lips, ah lh oh. ftn tell boer Cleovttr aeeateil' For In her utet all the tpleadot Ihtl hate t-Nin gttra to woman for her glery, aad ail thegilut With h man hat drawn trMu lleavva. And with them dwelt eieryetllol that greater sort which fearing nothing ad Making a tuorktit Una, bath tkit aa.t,tea for Ita placa of play, and, tmll.ng, watered the growth of lit dlres with the itch t)d of men. In her hiaaal th retbemt, tv gether faahloulag thai Cln,Mlra whvwt no matt may draw, and jet whom no rhan, hat Ing teen, eter can forget They faahkxmt her graud at theHlMt ef Hternt, hitejr aa Lightning, cruel aa Pradience, yt With a heart, and ohat ahe itfct ta Vntiwit, U to thowuiid when audi anether rwtnratdeursa HI Per a moment I met Oeovlia't eye aa she Idly Ix-nl herastf to Itnd tha Itiluull a CuUae .lirtratthej wei somler nd itlW, though they saw, n(le), I-mV tha bialn led naught Then tliey awoke, and Ihoir tstf idor seemed to chrV the vr of the ae changes when Ilia water la shaken First, there waa anger wrtttea In them, ttatt an h notltg, then when aha t'-oked UpkMt the huge bu k of the man w boot I ba.t overcome, and Wjiewr him for the gla.llator, setuvlhlng, rt hanes, thai waa not far flora wonder At lh let at they eoftrned, Ihoiuh, Indeed, Iter fa chstactd not a wit Hut he who wouid lead l'io patia'a tnlnd had liiovl to wstih her eyes, for her rvuiitciiaiico tarlol but a ItMle. Tximlnif, she said some words to her gtlaida. Ttiey caltia for srd and led tnn to her, wlille all thn multitude Wallod slleully to sihi ma slain I atord before her, toy arms foldM en my blraat Oiercomn though I Waa tit the Wonder ef her lotelll,.-, 1 hated t Ml) liearu mis woman ti in) oatevi to riutlie utt self In Ihedreasnf lata tttla uui-r wbe sat iiin my throne, this wanton suusiuler Ing the wealth nf Kgtpt In iharietsaud ifuniea When ale had lm-ke.( in nter I HUH tho head 10 the fiwl ah" ajiakn in a tow full Xiilco and In thn tongue of Khetiit, which aha alonn ha.t loamn,! of all the lg III if, "And Who and what art lUnj, koptUn for Kgjpllan I ao thou art olm dsreat to smite my tlatn when I make prvgteaa Ihiough hit t It) I" ''I aia lUrmachls," I answered, txd.tly "llarmaclita tho aatmloger, aitoptitt ami nl tho High Priest and Hoternor (if AImUiIs, who am come l.llker to ae. h my fuituua I amolo thy slave, O Quean, a cauae for loi fault he struck down thn woman yonder Ask of lli.vse who saw, Itiyal Kgypt ' "Hartiiathlsi'shataidt "the i.aiti hath a lilgheimndand thmi has I a high lisik," And than tpeaVIng tn a soldier who hail seen all. aha bade hint tell her what had MBia tit taat, Thlt ho did truthfully, being friendly dltsed toward me, listraute I had oterwmq the Nubian Therwua l turned and a poke with the girl l-etrlng tbl tan who stwd betid Iter a woman having tilling hair and hy, dark eye, trf tvautiful to ee. Tha gill answered aomrwhat. Then Cleopatra bade them Urlag thn alava to her Ki Ihey led forward th giant Who had found hi breath agata, aad with hiai tha woman whom he bed emit lea down Thou dog I" aba aald. In theaamalew voice; "thou reward I who, being tiring, dldiltmlUidnwn Ihia womaa. and, balag a coward, watt nverthmwanf tblsjeuagman Men, thou, I will tarh thra manner, Hemwforth, whea thou snllasl Wusneu, It hall be with thy left arm. Mn, guard, aeltn thlt black coward aad atlika tff bit right hand " And htrcommaad aivaa, aha aank barb in brr golden rhriol, aad again the riatid gatlired In hr evea. Hut the gaard eeiteiltha giant, aad, aotwltbttaadtg M crtea aad prayer for matey, truck oeT tut btnd wtta a tword uia-a the wood ef tha tH-aaTottllng,and be wat carried away grnea. Ing. Tbea the prneatba aaaved tai agala. Aa It went tha fair woraee with tb faa turned her head, caught my rye, had tail 14 ami nwldad ae though aha rajoarmt, whereat I wondered eoasawhet Tha paiple rbrd elan and made)!, say Ing that I tbnuld aooa f aetlca atrolgy la taa palata Hut aa ea a wa might I and my uacle earapd,ad made inrti back to Ibe buaae Ail lis whlla be raUd tne for my raahnattt but aasa w raane wltbla the (hamhr of tba hoata ha eaa. braced ma ativ rJron greatly, laNnatst with ao IlilJa hurt to tuyselflkad levrr thrown tha glsnt I to ae ooatiecia) Tb VsaMsx aaer!. The vetxwn of tha raUleanaba baa be frerttly mtfla the tbj,t uf tt'fly, ta.!, whlla Ita actfe aa a irsiMtm In Ue gew rally rcfKdd, avua wrltr btva raj davsvl Ut tjta It rffolrt at a drag Hurgaoa I. A. W add el). M II . ht rll t Un araillag bimsalf af bit epav.flajtHU rl to durtrJtMt a !t arifsad wbscb tl wMld aw thtt mueh urrsetalaty atMlad theeriaiit ajuestloa i-t te ffe-t fcf sr prril rearCI ti the aarpeat th Tb ettr1innl geaarali ftutrm a4 rt. lead tha priMU fufmkltUd by Fe1ana, In 1716, thai the retM It s-Hber a oaj t4tiitatlr Itfjf, tutr te tt"a avf He eaa tptvtet. Thl llnsaaaitr may raatll ffivai a tJeralVineatabtlabad tbrotigk frst sa Mbita af tha vean la tba m-tuitt-i tit at. teautted fwm whUh It ataaau wbaa flted with ana tar y aad gasuvt Joissa aad ai aerbad tkrt,ga tba a:iaaaury eaaat If tilt byawtbaaU raa ba vertat by fartbar aapsruaaata. It will g far brwardeeflWdag xtlkaaiaa Inf tatabatiag tba aetata) af tb Tttaaeiatai Y ldfr Tbara are wW4a ht ladla, aad ae the) maJMrti at Aasriae take siaVrr tea, U greaUr afl f the bta wbtivwa ae tti-4r A HiAnn wv4w radiant remarry dit, eirea if her bfrsbaal die bafsr tba tti ay tf rtege. If eba t MfX4 sllwa.waaad ta wawbaitl far tbaraatvf brbfa A a wUa-ar be tsvst gtye ay a-'i tba t?rit fa (k. ai-14 KL mI a.a s.aa a. . .nnr , W-mt ...". ... M"... T-WT jewalry, a-r r tS t-a a kd, aa4 fa ta raataf Mr lif tba bavena U tara f kf avobr la taw' fatally fib l ry bar- aij tai rav.aa a-t Iran i-rri. '1"1', wtt4 As trv lalak It taa avattm ' I Witt. vy uuis W7 r Wty,rJ"es-fya ' rUd atagatta, aa1 jf " -' " .-i- ' J aaisagffnaattjageftttf tJUaaknairfr'.gf tUf, ptd ftt. g a aeabaW atxerrw af IrrWaatt' Hy I taa ttVrUl itrv,4 tf bV ' aveaial )evfta-14 - -Ah, DU a taVaad I iawi tj, trt saw -avwaa i wao trx 1'ikia Mr ettwtvh aa.t dtgeatlv errant ware ta ernrvate aute ef ifl.vtdrr atd tit titer and ttl . tiy4 at t ( thai sd ta peaert to llx snexl drsl, tlwtrtH, which woatt alwtvs t at in .tii,"e t di tl.'a 1 aurtrir.1 llvmi twral .UW.it stnt toy wb.de aittent Iwamn t4fr.l. rWk trwlavfetndltdnlcraiitaia HI ativxi,,a weiw rvmmoa, aa W liratwal akin ervip ttant, aad no w,Mtn tanrrl lrta ta sralwaMi of aur set as I it si I n aa,Wf IrralKient u( st1l ph,at-lana and alto Utnl a wiwb adtllad sarsrrlita tlh ril tti Vaatsppatenl relief bwl laaled any hAtltS Uvaim wtMs. I rvlwtaalli cw iHttM to try HttU s rurprMi t- et d.v ivettn-e. iwelt waa strvge tKn jr ether and I felt a warntlfa U.tNuV mi wvii ttem le(.Mw had Kalat4l Irwnist Ut tie I txwan U ltvvi t hat rxtlr ltv ilholU,andew lay tnetlt taardtsnlKl, iV twela tegttWr, and y dtctl sa an.v aa II eter wt My hewlt.V v. ether HiwWm ht twit as. I aa Wtlrt th.tt hate ttt for tea yeats ,t f ld, Mt .-., ;t c Wataa ts thara)et titwtty IKu f ef iay twd la-Uta" la titvr ad rfmtuatli ertvrs ritl-Mt 1tg bsiilnl etf lhat.als fer III Hir-aH W A wa wh.t ha ptactlrtxl nedtcla fee yvars. oufht I knew l llos tutai, ltwi what he sa)s Toiiwv tt , Ja lat kltaiss F J Cattat A .. hat bo-tt In the re'el pia. U Tl ittftlllftA f.ir UiAat at trls Sta.t a,1. sat that In att my pf .ti.- and raiM"" ImID never stvw prtreilii that I tavwa.1 'tes,'rHe With tnlH taltdaitl swo teas as I cu llall's I'aUirh tNtre. ,hulMl uitl by )tnt Hate m.iU,( llagttxl Ittsnt linwa and Its er7etlt W wtttnWrfal, aad would aay III u. lu). that I hate )ttJ find a caof t'aUrrh that It wtWaM hett'Via M Ibey w twild take It ay'Vtirdlng tdln tlraaa Yours lllll), t. I. OoMW,ht I, OrU.-, IiiMxmiHll ht We wilt give tt fr attt ael tVtlaith that caa not ! tnol with Hall's I'atarih t (w laketi lnteiiU P J t'inatt A ts Prep , Tv4do O, ltd.1 by t(ufUts tNo a Tne tjerryut timidity et bride end fitiMMt e M r.l raplsles, slin it a i.aluialtur titttia.tiMg ivarttea to ha a shrinking manner lullltiuxw Atuell.ae. a l'MMrl a at4r ra4, TwvnP,oivia Pinaaetaforwi tarrti era ll. at I liatwa alllt lotnedir tr t) eh-ltu tiantol ttisevaaa ly (ta tllr) ttM tlKHlaanda ol hiWfa ! hat ! 1 Uialii-ntli vifvl I ahall m (la.t to il low l)llle nf wtf r,tvrtr loa'tl' fl )twil J rr-!-r Who faat tviaUmpllo If mj will t soi ute u.eir etitreaa ant lt i d I M , aioa l po.tr Hll T A hat a, M I Pearl street Nw Wrk. Hl'ttntsa ar mhert ful the slalemeat that a Ursna imHttei ' $-- liter ' aia roltf to lit diaa Kowa-laya P?tt Mirrttr a Wr mnvtat l.er rntly and th drvgg ttl said ) dldlt t hate at.) (If lu a it orin llvatrtiyers, tml wlen I saldlwnaldn I tat any iillter, It said htt wnwtd get aotti.t ti a lew i))s. and It ttdl I kiH lariat lr Ilull'a Wnrtit lealrw)e wilt do, arol will luil gtv my t hlMmt an) ollrt-r. dra, It, JiUir, Mta., l,d( s IVmt itnasfha It Is tti say a man Is "I tlitittl to tt Uald When a aan ta tavvx ImiiImU It la quit against hla lrilaatlf lioatunTrabts'rlpt - a No s.)ar has ret txieei llrillatl a rtUfh aa iMilitna' F.ltollW Hwp Ihi snaikfl It id IllilUUotia I In laiaful thai li4 ara sk-1 wm.ii 'J H I stilus, niiia.Uli.hia a.d New Votk, It ttainpnl lt vvvry bar UlMt miatutis thatawliertla fnr nl4-ra si In atlUy tBiaJI butlMsaa - X Plfl In' a, Mtasn urgatlva tvawadlaa ara fast g-.i way to tha p-ettli aellow aad 1.1IUI sta tl I il.-r's l,liUa Ia piu, If yoa y Ihsaa, Uf) wllUwiUlnt,) plawtayva. k - a Wet a Frettlbltlttalti lb t.wii W itiaM t In water a eat ba paJal wisea.-Iliag hamtoa lltubllcai. Tnt Team "IMara's JawAial fWaas'1 a-1 dlrtaily on th eegaat at tba tabs. ltey hat an ratranrtfinari srTt la all disorder of Ibelhrtaat. w Tn avaragw wallr batta a tray, ttt Ute (carder gaa.rallr gnd Mm piayjag taa dssata lllag haiawte ltle Vmr fVMe sad Hreklii with HtW't Mmey nf thrd and Tar llka'a 1 uelijtw l Drtr Caa ia aae oilauWa Ir I a .try flrtag laded xao wba t hat a a bad H aad avt bate tba laiaeata -ajraevat UavaM .Ttvtl, wbn wish l I hemtd buy Caitr' J Fatty piu ia a vUf, eely a1ja) traeaa Mi mih nil aaayalia tritst etdUf bmd I the fllr)' paaiatx avwl tvf aatabwatpt af atsrurt - Ftth. m I rfaratte r l"aaa Radawataat FMlHs H Tliea. Hartlatd. Ct f I) H hat March April May OriMttsataaaalaaaaaMsartrr rat4 lnw taa l-a. a-n aita las il ttas sys ttil lasawsa. It sm4 la a t$ mt aae ti.f IU ihiw i a li, as4 last a,a tMs ftsa it tat af a t want asttasa Netiaaax rsma ( taHl ataatat a-i -if ta.4 awt ta t-tt, S 0wm4 tsaw a ta t ! a raamaa, i smvm a antabtewf st laat, fw It lata ktaaittaal aa, 'arsasiasH a i taatta was aary t- t ttf.it aa tasa - aataeiinax ii tr It t aarsasattr I ta ISsaMKln. II ta , H,f r aaat 14 taaa-iif ftaa I aaaa staaa s at slaaw ra grux. ri as -ai ! e Mrfaet,jtaaa.a t a a. a w a Hood's 8artaparilla a4 aA arajawaaa. Hi f C I. la-aew a Cf, Liaaaat ktaas 100 WMxt VviMPf lii nuK mi tr-n mmm atai Tutt's Pills VarltaiL HioxOatii. thmmtii. FrnjuLcSivuiS aCxUiii CMC f Naaaa, aa aa eat aaara ant a 1 1 1 oaoao aaadka immmif. 9f i IOUI MtMXMUVJUU CATARRH Ityt um m OtUitlfjai atf Ms-t etaawalt,!. - - r atextaa xaflV'YxaMBMxlL. iw - wa-wtaxaawaaaaa OX ID llaVJOVM Hotti lha metrwwl arwTreatilU rfa) H v ni t nf Kiga U Uk en i ll it laa-wa aiu ivfteahlngM thU, aiwloctd renUjr yet indtr tin trie KMne;, titer an Ihtwele, rleaitaeo Iha era. trm rlTcctuallr, IUU CJ.K lwMttl t.Ai au.l few eivl VMraaKaMlHai rtwttltiwlliHt. Hi rtiit rat t'bje U lr mil- trri.jf of Ha Via. I ova? mt iliiceal, 4ewlttt .i K I git.f ajtv ccjtlalda Is) tha iinvarl, tYtj, h Ita ncllon a ut I ttul- rwiterVUlUlhl rllerlt, tre-rvl .oy fttiai ilia nwa4 Iteallhjr ami ajtrreaUa aMrwHaavao, lit utany eirellenl rtiabo tieM twrtnl it lit at) ll Ita to ir.U k Ihe mo! taMittlar rnte.y Inown. hrnip nf Klgo U for aal In fAi nil 1 1 Ullle.f all Wa.lng(frug. uiita. Any refUMd tlrugut bt may Hoi lie a It on Kaiwl will ,. etna t tnviojit)y Htr mmy nna wh. Ultra In If It t Hoq ncvei, au- eulxllliilrs auromt m srnur ca. ragaotav. f i, " -"- ' '-rni'iniiHli n t.naa, a gai,.,, flltOX tlXft Chmhiic Couon NOV! re II a 4 a ti aaar tatt tan taa Mr,.. ps.. immmflt a,.aytaa, at. raaaiir. a )& fi ll IMS H Mtlallts SCOTTS Fmulsioh trf lnrw 4 l.ltrr INI m4 MVt-)Ht-MITg ng Istsaaat at ll a alavai a Maaaatt ttltO Pa tai iaa H a4Mi4 Oat a aadaal )! Scntt't FntiliiM ITa aes a lasliaitasa, M b gaaaaxaai .itt.i., Mtiattol. ..iiiiikm i, J UttalSyJN .S'taartjfs?- ta raw trwasv a teo I vwwatt UUUn PUPAMTIMjL Oodileaa?INMVaaUM , , MOaeAj. Owe faa d VaaaalaoOaaaaiaf lt,t OU. (turn iao rf VaeaJlae C4deaa-.l iha. a ar at a tVaaaaaaa aa ts v ta rTasH tat t ar sa aaa t ewrt aaa-nawwe, a a m kaMaaawa) aoawat a aw af a gawa art jtw seaaatataat a la asjae bawat ad aV, t faat taatlin itead be H a I Ml , ia)! HitoVwal t Wt) Iwawl M) Si f THIS It TMI OlsAtl C 1 J GO- "WrMseTWrwC vUffwi vlaaTC WWwW ! WW fl WflMVl IV MNM THdJ lrl tJrMH ttrPfW lft WVefda anwrlMlolf the CMPrCic 4 miMcbTt KW Ml H ItOlfS FUWEW! mXJBEk. a aay waa saaaataaa J ( a ta aatlW at lata aarfavtt ea fe It wi taaai a a-o-jv-iioii iggjnjpwyrjE; W aW 'awaWt BwfJHP xatwia t as as at M aataiaaaas a at BBTWtxaxrxaar KJ aaeaecrr,i paaeritgtt iftiesti ajaeSM.f .aaaa eiaaaiaa- mm-t SMaaWat k ( i4 iwS iMms7ii 13 e" fr ej t- a4 m S-, aw at K&&aSiHS,,m,: IP7 aia. aaT'JVW, !a?ft vaaadaaaeaaaaaayMwaaa bTNkV1 ih JBtVj aaasa tntt s aaat iWla. a -wra-tt-a 3 T aaaawBBBBn BpOJBaaapaaaBBBBw a 'i 9W aHavaa awiw Bt-alxV rcuurr m aTMLiVCStaV unwmm laTiBe. 1 w at T J Wlt'JJl "taTjb-, iafaxftd I' --, Wjsmnr i ; Tinimliyin iaf s itltfra " it tvwaWailfWr -uM-wudmMit&sw ihttiwrwtf'T''"JM"M''"w ...i in ii aaiyaww A A.'. &f i , hsim